#& that it probably means dawn instead of red moon
comicaurora · 2 years
Y’know, I never really got constellations. Like sure, the myths are fun and the night sky is amazing to behold, but like, they don’t actually look like what they’re supposed to be. It just feels like: look up at the sky, see those three stars there? You can draw this weird box around it and it looks like a man! And it doesn’t, it’s just a stupid box or line of stars that don’t look anything like anything. And it isn’t even that the shapes of the constellations themselves are asspulls, it’s how arbitrary they are. There are stars Everywhere in the night sky, why is this star part of dragon or virgo or whatever but not this one? I could just look to the sky, trace some random points and go “hey look it’s the constellation sixtyninus” and it probably would look More like what I said it would look like then the weird ass boxes and sticks that are supposed to be fish and scorpions and waterboys and bears.
Constellations make more sense when you start thinking about them on the timescale of multiple years instead of on a single night stargazing.
The sky changes. This is the number one thing everybody knows about the sky. The sun moves through it, making everything bright and warm. When the sun isn't there, things are dark and cold, but there are stars - untold billions of tiny lights, fading in and out as the sun leaves and returns. There's the moon, moving and changing every night but reliably visible, sometimes even faintly during the day. There are bright stars that move, where the other stars don't.
That is a lot of stuff for the pattern-recognition brain to think about.
It doesn't initially look like the stars move. That is, they move through the night at the same rate the sun does - tracing great circles - but they don't move relative to each other, except for the unusually bright wandering stars that seem to be doing their own thing.
Except over the course of a week, or a month, the stars have moved. Some that used to be visible have set. Some new ones have risen. Why is that?
The moon moves quickly and predictably. The wandering stars move slowly, and some of them are more predictable than others. On rare occasions a star will fall, but these events are unpredictable. The "fixed stars" don't move, except that which stars you can see change during the course of the year.
What does it mean, that different stars dominate the night sky at different times of year? Why does one star's heliacal rising herald the coming of rains? Why does a red star shine before the cold sets in?
It's very important to know when the cold is coming. Maybe it's a good idea to pay attention to some of those stars.
What's the easiest way to keep track of which stars are which? Some are brighter than others, a handful are reddish - but ultimately one star is much like any other, a shimmering pinprick of light. How do you keep track of which stars herald the cold, the rains, the harvest?
You find patterns.
At the height of summer, in the pre-dawn hours, we begin to see a cluster of seven stars that sits behind a large V-shaped pattern that centers on a single red star. If we envision the V as horns and the red star as a blazing eye, we find the Bull of Heaven. If we follow the bull's gaze as the days grow shorter and the nights grow colder, we see another figure slowly emerging from below the horizon. We find the rough shape of a man, one arm raised high over his head, three stars shining at his waist. Perhaps we imagine this man to be a hunter. Perhaps he is hunting the bull, turned back in furious challenge. Perhaps he is hunting the clustered stars on its shoulder. Perhaps we envision the seven stars as sisters, running from the hunter as they arc across the night sky. Perhaps we notice that, where our grandmothers described seven stars, we can see only six. Perhaps we wonder where the seventh sister went.
As the year turns on, the seven stars disappear. The bull fades in the light of sunset. The hunter gets closer to the sun. And far behind him, on the opposite side of the sky, another red star rises as the hunter falls, the heart of a hook-shaped silhouette flanked by two grasping claws. Perhaps we envision this ominous shape as a scorpion, chasing the Hunter from the skies. It sits high in the sky as the warm spring rains turn to burning, arid nights; perhaps we feel justified in imagining it as a dangerous desert creature.
In the north sits a star that does not move, and circling it as its guardian, two rectangular arrangements with long, trailing tails, one large and one small. It is good to know how to find your way, and these patterns can steer you north on moonless nights. Perhaps you see the trailing stars as hunters in pursuit of enormous prey. Perhaps it appears to you as a celestial plough, slowly churning the skies, never touching the earth. You note the resemblance between the large and the small pattern and wonder if they are mother and child. You wonder about a lot of things when you're alone in the dark.
But are you alone? When you look up, it is difficult to feel that way. The stars are the same ones your ancestors walked under, and you think of them and their stories as you trace the patterns they once guided your eyes through. Perhaps you imagine them, gone but not forgotten, warming themself at a stellar campfire in the high, infinite halls of your gods.
And because of them, you know when the rains will come.
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torgawl · 5 months
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continuing my crepus posting, can we just talk about his delusion for a second? because even dottore thought it was unique. dottore was surprised for seeing someone wielding a delusion, sure, i assume it's not everyday you see that especially in that situation. that's normal, but saying specifically that it piqued his interest, calling it "perfect and utterly peerless", encouraging diluc to grow stronger and saying "i can see a bright future ahead of you"? a bit weird. so this got me thinking, what if this delusion is different than other delusions?
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as we can see from the webtoon panel of crepus wielding it, there's two things about the delusion that we haven't seen associated to any others so far: chains and what seems like an alchemy circle. this delusion doesn't just hold elemental power, it can create something (or transform/manifest the power into something physical). we read somewhere someone referring to the delusion fire as "black flames" so probably the chains are embued in that power but the chains themselves don't look like fire. another curious detail about crepus' delusion is the way it interacts with ursa the drake, besides being the only thing able to drive the dragon away, it changed its eye colour from yellow to red! when the delusion finally backfired onto crepus, we can see that the air and diluc's hands after touching his father seem to fill with black dust. and maybe this is nothing, i mean, fire burns and what is burnt generally releases ashes but dust can also be tracked down to alchemy, more specifically the art of khemia (an advanced form of alchemy that sustained the underground kingdom of khaenri'ah). and do you know what's also different in crepus' delusion specifically? the symbol that appears on the orb.
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unlike other delusions, it isn't the fatui symbol (or the elemental symbol, like the one visions have) but instead a big circle with a small circle inside it. that's literally the symbol that appears in alchemy tables!!! if you look at it attentively, it looks like a big circle was parted into three and they go around it like orbits. and is it a coincidence that three is a constant number appearing in genshin, including associated to three beings that are always drawn with similar symbols everywhere across the game, three moon sisters - a representation of the moon?
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because there's other instances of circles within a circle drawn in the game. it reminds me of an eclipse like the one shown in abyssal moon spire (easily connected to the eclipse dynasty of khaenri'ah where the crimson moon was replaced by a black sun), the moon depicted in tsurumi island (that from what i understand got its hole after kapatcir descended) and the crimson moon that became an eye in perinheri (book about the crimson dynasty in khaenri'ah - the one that preceded the eclipse dynasty). khaenri'ah and alchemy possibly being tied to crepus' delusion doesn't sound so crazy anymore, right?
the insistence that crepus was a "mere businessman" by eroch and that being the reason they couldn't let the people know he saved everyone from ursa the drake (which led to diluc's resignation) also sounds like the perfect little detail to throw for some sort of plot-twist. yes, this is mostly my wishful thinking but also, what if crepus really wasn't just a business man? diluc got his "red dead of night" outfit from his father who had a ceremonial uniform tailored for diluc in advance and diluc modified it for battle. maybe that's where the resemblances with the fatui come from, as a way to go unnoticed or mix in during his time hunting the fatui. at least it's easy to discard it as something deeper that way. but i don't think it's such a crazy idea anymore to think of something crazier when we consider the ragnvindr's connections to the hexenzirkel (the teapots and diluc's jacket patterns being the same as the ones in the hexenzirkel cutscenes) and the fact kaeya was left purposefully at dawn's winery. again, maybe it could just be because the ragnvindr are a prestiged family but also, what if there's something else here? is it that impossible?
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big-nerd-boi · 4 months
Kill the crown/ jttw headcanons!
Foreword: this takes place in my universe— Au— storyline whatever thing! Which is inspired by/ a sequel ( highly debatable lmao) to journey to the west! So enjoy with that!
( also I’m not finished with the books so some information maaaaybe wrong until I yknow- finish ALL FOUR VERY LONG BOOKS)
Demon run kingdoms are uncommon, but not unheard of. Most humans will casually just avoid those kingdoms even if it causes travel delays. The Kingdom of The Eastern Sun & The Crescent Moon Kingdom are the two most well known examples of an openly demonic kingdom and civilization.
The Kingdom of The Eastern Sun ( KES) is rather welcoming to human visitors, a few even being permanent residents under the Emperor’s watchful eye. Since humans are rare, they aren’t a primary food source in the kingdom compared to animals like pigs. ( it’s said that pork is surprisingly close to human, just sweeter!)
The sister kingdom, Crescent Moon Kingdom… is not so kind to human travelers.
All the spiritual primates are born from rocks. Of course the type of rock is variant from monkey to monkey, but they all go under the label of stone monkey.
Heng, the immortal baboon was “hatched” from a stone smoothed from centuries under a waterfall.
Min-Yáng, the celestial gibbon ( she prefers this to “long armed gibbon”) was hatched from limestone at the break of dawn, the auspicious light hitting her stone-egg just right after years of her stone sitting a top a hill in the middle of a field.
The six eared macaque, Luhan broke free from his mountain-rock egg during an eclipse, the sun blacked out from the sky and the world hushed. Climbing down the mountain was easy, so was finding shelter.
Luhan has narcissism.
Fun fact! Narcissism is caused by trauma!
Sun Wukong, the most infamous stone monkey of all: was born from the same rock that his home was made from, the same type that lush green forests fill, and fertile soil lays on: basalt. Filled with holes, but basalt.
Heng is the oldest stone monkey, and tries his best to act like he is very mature.
Luhan makes that very difficult.
Luhan is the youngest stone monkey.
Yue (Min-Yáng’s second eldest daughter) is a half demon. Along with all her siblings. This means that instead of having a diet like a monkey like the other primates— she and her siblings all have a demonic diet.
Yue has never eaten a human, instead eating pork or venison.
Luhan and Wukong are the only two spiritual primates who have eaten human.
Heng cannot eat meat, his stomach only able to handle vegetarian foods. ( Geladas are strictly vegetarian monkeys).
During his time in the furnace and mountain, Wukong was “purified” from eating human— allowing him to preform magic that he couldn’t otherwise do.
Luhan was purified from eating humans and cannibalism after he was brought back from the dead.
Tripitaka for my own sake is named Tang Sanzang.
He is 18 when he starts the ✨journey to the west✨
He is 32 when the journey ends.
He is a very stressed man.
Wukong told him about the three ( now two) other primates and he fainted.
The idea of more monkeys like Wukong was just too much for him, especially after just dealing with Luhan beating and robbing him.
Luhan adores theater in any form. He loves preforming, telling stories and the attention of an adoring crowd. Whether villain or hero, even the love interest- he could play any role and enjoy it; drawing the crowd in.
Guanyin is a surprisingly good mentor despite technically kidnapping Red-son and that bear demon allllll the way back. / lh
Guanyin is above gender concepts, especially when she can change into literally any form: man, woman, child, probably animal. Whatever form helps a person learn the dharma, the bodhisattva will take that form.
Heng loves insects, especially beetles. He’s the kind of baboon who will pick up a random bug and show it off to his family and tell them fun facts about said bug.
Li —Yue’s youngest brother— finds this cool as heck. Like all four year olds.
Yue prefers learning about plants.
Bojing, the emperor of the Kingdom of The Eastern Sun, hates bugs. He’d much rather his brother in law keep those nasty creatures out of his palace walls.
Min-Yáng deals with spiders if they somehow make it into their room.
Red son is actually surprisingly calm, enjoying his time with Guanyin as his teacher. He even keeps his bracelets on, as a reminder of where he had started.
He still visits his parents when he can, mostly his mother.
If a Buddha is killed, they have the choice to go to nirvana or reincarnate. At the expense of having to reach enlightenment again… which can take lifetimes.
And let’s end it on that note!
A very non-ominous note, of course. I’ll be sure to drop more proper lore soon!
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azems-familiar · 5 months
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Lelesu Lesu
Nicknames: Lele (but only if you're Corrain or Hythlodaeus)
Age: 27 during Endwalker
Birthday: uhhhhhh. 32nd sun of the first astral moon? i think? i'd have to open the game to check tbh
Race: Dunefolk Lalafell
Gender: cis female, though she's not particularly fussed about gender and wouldn't really argue being gendered other ways
Orientation: some flavor of greyromantic, exclusively attracted to men when she is, some flavor of ace spectrum, sex-favorable
Profession: Warrior of Light, Scion of the Seventh Dawn responsible for Ishgard (quietly), and on the rare occasion, guest instructor for the Temple Knights
Physical Aspects
Hair: long, black, kinky curls, with a light green dye in the ends
Eyes: dark purple. the right one used to be paler and now is solid silver from scarring
Skin: dark brown with warm undertones
Tattoos/Scars: some various minor scarring across her body, a large scar across her chest/abdomen; small thin scar across her right cheek/lips; scarring around her right eye. dragon tattoo along the left side of her face
Parents: her biological parents are Ul'dahn merchant-nobles who own a mine of some kind in Thanalan. she's never been close with them and no longer particularly considers them her parents; instead, the closest thing she has to a father-figure is Edmont de Fortemps, who she has been very close with since early HW but especially once Haurchefant died
Siblings: Artoirel de Fortemps, via swearing brotherhood, which means that by technicality Emmanellain is also her brother. she's not as close with him as she is with Artoirel but she does care for both of them quite a bit. in universes where they're both there, she also considers Corrain to be her little brother and will sometimes refer to him as such
Grandparents: not really relevant
Others: her partners are Aymeric, Hythlodaeus, and Emet-Selch - post-EW she and Aymeric get engaged, and she has some kind of nebulous queerplatonic Thing going on with Hyth and Emet that is not fully defined.
Abilities: the red mage and sage skill trees, a solid grasp on conjury and some basic white mage skills (which she no longer uses), some of the early marauder skills. formal manners - she was raised among nobility - and some business management skills (Ul'dahn). basic needlework skills, a necessity for adventurers, and a solid grasp on survival skills
Hobbies: reading everything about magic she can get her hands on. swimming - she didn't have much opportunity to in Ul'dah and now takes every chance she can get. post-endwalker she's taken to trying to find a way to bring creation magicks properly back into the current-day star - yes, this is a hobby for her. possibly fishing? (these are still in development. partly because she is very duty-focused and has kept quiet about her hobbies.)
Most positive trait: her determination and dedication to her duty. between this and her kindness, which together alongside her love for Etheirys and its people are what keep her on the heroic path, even when she wants to falter.
Worst negative trait: probably a tossup between her tendency to wallow in guilt/failure and how she handles grief, which is poorly - she also has some struggles with anger that tend to get very out of hand when she's dealing with loss, which is what led her to pursuing a revenge quest against Thordan VII
Colors: reds, purples, blues
Smells: fresh bread, petrichor, pine trees, leather oil
Textures: anything soft and fuzzy, feathers, sand (both wet and dry; yes she loves the beach. yes she's a little insane)
Drinks: hot chocolate (though it reminds her of Haurchefant every time she drinks it now), coffee, chai
Other Details
Smokes: no.
Drinks: yes, on occasion, though she rarely goes beyond tipsy, and then only in the company of those she trusts absolutely
Drugs: nope
Mount Issuance: prior to endwalker, she basically exclusively used the black chocobo Hauchefant gave her, which also happens to be the chocobo she learned to ride on. post-endwalker, however, she usually flies around on Argos, though she'll use her chocobo when it's....uh, not necessarily appropriate to be riding around on a glowy golden dog from thirteen thousand years ago that can fly
Been Arrested: does being almost-deported in Sharlayan count? and there was the bloody banquet....
tagged by @gatheredfates (sort of) thank you! this was very fun, though it took me many days to do, oops.
tagging: @sunderedazem @akirakirxaa @designsdefiance @sae-mian and honestly idk who else of my mutuals/followers have or haven't done this yet, so if you haven't and see this and want to, feel free to tag me for it! i love seeing everyone's ocs
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rinwellisathing · 5 months
It's a Thankless Job: Part 3
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It was almost dawn by the time Sentry was headed home and the realization that he was about to be in quite a bit of trouble was just starting to hit. He picked up his pace as he dashed through the park, the full moon slowly beginning to fade as the sky lit up. He cursed under his breath and looked nervously back and forth, wondering if cutting through the trees might be quicker. It was worth a shot, so he left the path and darted into the small pocket of forest that sprawled through the park. The path was laden with roots and fallen branches and he could hear the fading sounds of night birds and nocturnal animals as he picked through the underbrush, cursing the booze headache and the fact that his vision was blurring. He almost didn't see the massive creature laying beneath the trees as he nearly stumbled over it. “Shit! Okay...now I know I drank too much...” He stumbled backwards slightly, looking down at the body of a massive bear, its fur matted with blood, its breathing heavy and labored. “Okay...um...” he looked the creature over. On the one hand, bears could kill you. No amount of cuddly fur or adorable dopey face could make that fact less true. On the other hand, it was seriously injured, there was a bad gash in its side...plus, bears weren't a thing one usually saw in a city park, for all Sentry knew this thing escaped from a zoo or that pop up circus that sometimes performed around here. “Okay, big guy, you're lucky I really like animals...” He sighed, kneeling shakily beside the creature and resting his hands against the wound. The bear gave a warning groan and clacked its teeth, but Sentry didn't withdraw. “I'm trying to help you, dumbass. If you bite me, it won't work and then we're both screwed...so...y'know...” He muttered as his hands began to glow with radiant energy. The wound on the bear's side began to stitch itself back together, blood replenishing, muscle and flesh knitting back into place.
The bear groaned again and its body began to glow brightly. Sentry's eyes widened and he fell backwards, cursing as he landed painfully on his ass. His eyes widened when in the bear's place lay a muscular elf, taller than Sentry by maybe even a full foot or more. His brown hair hung loose down his shoulders and his body was almost fully naked, scars intricately patterning his flesh, most prominently across one side of his face. “Um....wow...” Sentry coughed, looking away, his face bright red and his eyes wide. “Er...I've heard of this in like...some weird folk-indie rock hybrid songs, but um....wow...” The elf looked a bit embarrassed as he stood, reaching down to help Sentry to his feet. “My apologies...It appears I was less than careful while I was out and about last night...Thank you for your help.” Sentry took the man's hand and clambered to his feet, taking a moment to steady himself. “Yeah...no problem...this isn't a drunk hallucination then? You seriously were just a bear and when I healed you, you turned into...into a hunk?” It was the elf's turn to blush a bit at the terminology. “I was, indeed, the bear you helped. Yes.” He replied. Sentry nodded, slowly removing his wool coat and holding it out to the man. “Here, it looks like you could probably use this more than me.” He tried to avoid staring at the man's muscular chest, or worse yet, the massive bulge beneath the simple white underwear. “Thank you...” He held the coat up a moment, realizing his powerful arms likely wouldn't even fit the sleeves, and instead, tied it around his waist. “I should get home before I scare any early morning joggers.” “Here, I'll walk with you.” Sentry offered. “I mean, wouldn't want you ending up hurt again, after all.” The elf nodded his head. “I'm grateful for your help, then...?” “Oh. Sentry. Sentry Ojeda.” The tiefling smiled. “Don't think I caught your name either though, bear guy.” “Halsin Silverbough.” The man replied. “My home isn't far, thankfully. I live above my veterinary clinic at the edge of the park near the lower city.” “Oh, the one with the ducks on the banisters?” Sentry couldn't help but laugh. “I passed that earlier. Cute touch there.”
“Thank you, I carved them myself.” Halsin beamed as he walked by Sentry's side. The two talked a bit more about the veterinary clinic, about Halsin's work there and what sort of animals his patients were. Sentry did his best to skirt around answering any questions about his own work, the most he shared was 'modeling' and 'sometimes my friends and I do podcasts...' Halsin didn't push further, however, and Sentry was grateful for that. It wasn't often his comfort mattered to someone.
Finally, the two arrived at the clinic, stopping a moment, Halsin stepped into a less visible spot on the wrap around porch and undid the tied sleeves of the coat, handing it back to Sentry. “Thank you again, let me know if any blood or dirt got on it, just send me your dry cleaning bill.” “Nah, don't worry about it. The way I've been skulking about last night, any stain could've just as easily been my fault.” The tiefling waved it off. “Nice meeting you, Doctor Silverbough.” “Please, just Halsin is fine.” The elf assured him as he produced a key from a small, simple flower
pot beside the door and unlocked it. “And thank you again, Sentry.” ----
Sentry finished his journey home and scrambled up the wall of the manor and into his bedroom window, touching down on the floor with a sigh of relief. Assignments for the day had not been handed out yet and he might even still have time to eat some breakfast before beginning his day. He started towards his closet to get changed, yelping in shock as he noticed he wasn't alone in his now very well organized room. “Good morning, my malevolent master! Since you are my charge after your dear brother's passing, I took the liberty of sprucing up your living quarters. I hope you'll find my improvements to your liking.” Fel grinned, bowing deeply, a label maker in his hand, which Sentry noticed he'd been using on the various drawers of art supplies at his desk.
“Um....great...yeah...thanks, Fel...” Sentry scratched the back of his neck nervously. “Look, you didn't tell Sarevok I was out last night, did you?” The little fiend crossed the room and patted Sentry's hand gently. “My putrid princeling, we all mourn in our own way. Your brother was a great man, a visionary! It only makes sense you would need to...ahem...blow off a little steam, shall we say? Engage in some bloodshed? To cope with his passing.” The butler gave a knowing, understanding smile. “Besides, it is as I told Master Gary when he first came here. Sarevok may be our deadly don, our cartilaginous capo, but you are Chosen. Father's very own flesh.”
“And that wasn't the case when I was sixteen?” Sentry quirked a brow, folding his arms across his chest. “You were still a child, young master. Now you are a strapping young man and in the absence of your dear, departed elder brother, you are your father's truest remaining heir.” Fel gazed up at Sentry with an almost fatherly sense of pride and took his hand, guiding him towards the door. “Now, why don't you head down to the kitchen and have some breakfast. We can't slay on an empty stomach, now, can we?” Sentry stifled a laugh. “Yeah, that has a completely different meaning than you think it does, Fel. But still, you're right.” And with that, Sentry made his way down the hall and to the grand staircase, heading towards the kitchen. The light was on and Orin was already sitting at the small round table in the center, pouring food into a bowl of milk from a cereal box with a grinning black goat on the front proclaiming 'Wouldst Thou Like To Live Deliciously?' as it held a spoon over a bowl of sugary chocolate cereal. The box was labeled 'Phillip O's: Part of a Balanced Breakfast'.
“Hey Orin. Sleep okay?” Sentry asked as he opened one of the cupboards and pulled out a box of toaster pastries. “I dreamed of slaughter and blood.” She grinned as she ate a spoonful of cereal.
“Good, good. Sounds like some great inspiration for a painting.” He nodded as he bit into his breakfast, leaning back against the counter. He watched as Tomi, Jackal, and Gabraela filed in to find something to eat. “Good morning, little siblings!” Tomi chirped, opening the fridge and pulling a smoothie that was right off some influencer's page from inside before joining Orin at the table, fixing her voluminous silk and maribou robe so she could sit in her chair properly, the rich red material cascading over the sides. “Oi, shithead, why are you still dressed for the funeral?” Jackal barked at Sentry as he shoved past him to grab a toaster pastry from the same cupboard. “Slept in your clothes, did you?” “Nope. Some of us don't need sleep...or even meditation. Spooky, isn't it?” Sentry smirked, sticking out his tongue. “You actually do need sleep, kid. One cannot live on red bull and spite alone. Believe me, I've tried.” Gabraela interjected hollowly as she peeled a banana and started up the coffee maker. “Right, I'll take that under advisement.” Sentry rolled his eyes. He took another bite of his toaster pastry and then looked around, mildly uncomfortable. “What? Why are you all staring at me?” “Well, dearest little brother, Sarevok is still out finishing some things regarding Gary's death, the legal rigmarole and all that...So as our dear departed big brother would have done in such a situation, you're in charge of doling out today's responsibilities.” Tomi explained patiently. Even the way she ate was unsettlingly perfect, not a smudge left on her lips or a drop on her robe. “Huh..Okay....let's see then...Orin! Deliveries. Fel has a list of customers with hits out on them, so you'll get to try out those cool new knives. Fun!” Sentry grinned. Orin's face lit up in a manic smirk as she poured herself another bowl of cereal. “Thank you, Slaughter-kin! I'll need extra energy for all the stabbing!” “Jackal, protection collection. Huh...hey, that rhymes. Anyway, lower city docks. And please, for once try and vary your kills on the ones marked for elimination. Your MO is sloppy and the cover ups are getting to be a headache....and that's a thing Gary said before he died, so don't try to argue.” Sentry glared at Jackal, pointing a finger accusingly. The drow grumbled and turned to storm out of the room muttering to himself.
“Okay...Tomi, you're still on the press circuit about the family's recent tragedy and then tonight you have a client in the upper city. Dinner and a show. This one isn't marked for dispatch, though, so you've got to just grin and bear it if he's a pain. Sorry.” Sentry winced. “Oh don't worry, I can make my own fun off the clock.” The pretty elf winked. “Besides, this client is valuable for our image. I know exactly what to do.” “Good, good. Okay, Gabraela, that leaves you on check ins and tying up loose ends. Today you're paying a visit to some of the gambling rackets, mostly the fights, so that should be right up your alley.” The young tiefling concluded.
The older tiefling nodded, tossing her banana peel in the garbage and quietly leaving the room. “Huh...efficient as always...Well, that wasn't so hard. And as for me? I've got content creation in the morning and back to back clients all afternoon. I'll probably stop by Loviatar's Love as well, just to utilize our space there.” Sentry thought outloud as he crossed the room. “Well, see you two later!”
The room at Sharess' Caress was currently set up to look like a locker room. Sentry wasn't sure how Wysp managed to make the sets look so good in a relatively small space, but somehow he always managed it. The tall, lean muscled drow was currently setting a stack of fluffy white towels on the edge of a bench, another one wrapped around his waist. He pulled one from the pile and tossed it to Sentry. “Wow, I really can't wait to relive high-school for today's set.” Sentry gave a sarcastic little grin as he popped the button open on his black tripp pants and unzipped them, carefully stepping out of them to avoid the purple plaid straps just waiting to trip him. “Still better than homeschool in Menzoberranzan.” Wysp shrugged as he looked at his feet and groaned, picking up the fluffy orange cat that had, again, wandered into the set and carrying him back to an out of sight corner of the room to his cat bed. “I swear, Malta...” He muttered under his breath. The cat gave an indignant yowl in response. “There's food in your bowl! The one that is directly beside you!” The cat made a noise that sounded vaguely like a grumpy old man complaining and finally laid down.
“Okay, so to recap: I'm changing and you walk in on me, then standard bullying kink, humiliation, exhibitionism, spanking, tail pulling?” Sentry ticked off the list of content tags they'd discussed. “Yup, that's the plan. And of course, some exclusive snaps available signed for the highest bidder.” Wysp added, nodding towards a more old fashioned instant camera, the sort that spat the photo out directly. “Nice. Those should sell pretty well.” Sentry grinned as he secured his towel around his waist. “Hey, do we wanna spray eachother with some water for a sort of sweaty look? I mean, far be it for me to try to insert real life logic into porn, but like...we're supposed to have just worked out or played a sport, right?” “'Played a sport'?” Wysp repeated, snorting with laughter, his violet eyes dancing with mirth. “Please, Sentry, do try not to be EVERY goth kid stereotype known to society.” “Oh, like you're some big jock yourself.” Sentry rolled his eyes, giving his friend a playful shove. “I've actually got some trophies in tennis and volleyball under my belt, unfortunately I earned them back in The Underdark so the name on them isn't right...” The drow sighed. “Oh well. Such is life!”
“Dang, I learn something new about you every day.” Sentry whistled as he sat down on the bench, raising up his phone to snap a quick selfie. Post from XxPreciousLittleBhaalBabexX: Filming today! New video for next week's release, increase your subscription to Unholy Assassin Tier today and be one of the first to view!
Wysp looked at his own phone and chuckled. “Ow, the edge. I love your gimmick, don't get me wrong, but the whole Bhaalist thing just screams Hot Topic Goth.” Sentry shrugged, a knowing little smile crossing his face. “Yup, that's me. But I certainly do commit to the bit. Besides, you've got that whole new age dude thing going with the Elistraaee worship.” Wysp sighed, rolling his eyes. “Except I DO actually worship her.” “Right, yeah...heh...That's...that's fair.” Sentry gave a somewhat awkward grin, realizing it was probably best to drop the subject, after all, it was true, everyone who followed his work thought the Bhaalist thing was a gimmick, and that was good. He had found the best way to avoid detection was to be loud and proud about it, when you did that everyone just chalked you up as some edgelord playing a part to look cool online. It had served him well in many ways, from the times his clients turned up dead and people immediately wrote Sentry off as simple proof that 'real' Bhaalists were offended by the client's fetishization of their religion. No one ever suspected him. “Sorry, I didn't mean to insult your goddess.” “You didn't. But I appreciate the apology all the same.” Wysp smiled softly. “Now we should get to work, after all, we both have a lot ahead of us today.” The drow moved to turn on the camera and start recording.
Sentry's phone lay forgotten outside of the shot, at this point resting with his pants near the cat bed. Malta's wide green eyes fixed on the screen as it lit up and the phone gave a notification buzz, the words on the screen reading 'New Subscriber: HandofTyranny
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actually no I'm not done I'm so sorry
there ARE robots in Skyrim and Elder Scrolls lore. they typcially look like this
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these guys were made by the Dwarves, or rather, Dwemer, who were elves, and they were around from the Dawn Era (which is basically the youngest point in time and includes when the world was created, which is it's own can of worms), the Merethic Era, and finally the First Era, where they disappeared in 1E 700. and I mean literally disappeared. one second they were there and the next second they weren't. just poof. gone. There is exactly one Dwemer left (though whether he's still alive in the current Era is unknown because he resided on Vvardenfel, which is an island that's part of Morrowind and also home of the largest volcano in Tamriel (or possibly the world, I don't remember) known as Red Mountain, which erupted because Vivec is an asshole who kept a meteor suspended over his city, and when he disappeared (or was abducted by Daedra, I can't remember which happened) his already waning power (which was waning because the Heart of Lorkhan (who is one of the oldest gods and also the two moons are parts from his corpse, don't worry about it it's fine and normal) disappeared, the meteor started falling at the same force and speed it was at when it was falling when Vivec caught it and suspended it (instead of just destroying it) and it's force destroyed the Vivec City (yes it's named after Vivec the mangod) and caused Red Mountain to erupt and absolutely FUCKED Vvardenfel six ways from Sunday and mainland Morrowind is still suffering from the aftermath of it. back to the point, the last living Dwemer is possibly dead. rest in peace, Yagrum Bagarn, you were a real one). The cause of what made them disappear is still heavily up for debate in universe (I think most people have an accepted explanation irl) and is one of the greatest mysteries in the world. what is known is that Kagrenac, who was the Chief Tonal Architec, whatever that means, made 3 tools, Sunder, Keening, and Wraithguard, which he attempted to use them to manipulate the Heart of Lorkhan, and it either went really well or really badly, but from the perspective of everyone else there to witness the event, he and all the other Dwemer disappeared. there was also a lot of other stuff going on at the same time, and it's likely what he did caused a Dragon Break, which is basically when time does a fucky-wucky and can make it seem or even outright cause multiple, often contradictory things to happen all at once. long story short, Dwemer gone, and all that's left is the stuff they made. There doesn't seem to be any automatons on the same level of sapience or even intelligence as any of the bots from SAMS. There's still a lot about it that just isn't fully understood though, so who knows.
this is an incredibly bastardized summery of the Dwemer so I probably got a lot of shit wrong, but there it is.
Lots of lore 2
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awaytobeunshaken · 1 year
Angstpril 2023 - Day 17: Running Away
Luc ran. Toward the ocean, past the docks, down to the cliffside below the lighthouse. He still felt far too exposed beneath the two moons, Catha still nearly full, and Ruidus hanging eerie and unmoving just above the western horizon.
He had hoped to hide in the crowd, but there was no crowd, the handful of folks still out after dark hurrying to put themselves back indoors. The quay side was much the same, but thankfully a bit darker, and he felt safe taking a moment there to catch his breath. Not too much of a moment, though, and he was soon scurrying past the buildings of the Open Quay, trusting the darkness and his size and his general ability to stay hidden to counteract the speed at which he was moving.
Luc had known something was wrong when he woke, when he saw the beam of red stretching from Ruidus past the horizon. It was only confirmed by the way the moon stayed uncomfortably bright and still throughout the day. “What’s happening?” he’d asked his mother, but she had no answer beyond telling him solstices were odd things.
For all the things she’d done in her own life, for all the things she’d taught him, she had a weird protectiveness in certain areas. He’d only learned a few years ago about the time she’d spent as a goblin, and then only after the first time he’d run away, certain that it was just a thing people did sometimes, left their families to go adventuring for a few years. Even then, it had taken Luc’s father prodding her into it before she admitted the truth, shakily and without meeting Luc’s eyes.
He tried not to press her for information after that, instead asking innocuous-seeming questions of his father or one of their friends, piecing together what he could from snippets of conversation or doodles or notes or various items she kept around the house. But this was different. This felt big. So he asked.
“Don’t you have the Sending Stone to Uncle Caleb? This is magic stuff, right? He probably knows.”
“It is magic stuff,” she confirmed. “Magic stuff that he’s very busy with. I don’t want to interrupt him. I’m sure you can ask him about it next time he visits, though.”
Luc fought to keep his sigh to himself; he wasn’t a baby, he was almost thirteen. And he was skilled enough by now in picking up on things that were being kept from him that it was immediately clear that she had used the stone, and had learned something she didn’t want to tell him.
Another thing Uncle Caleb had taught him, besides a handful of cantrips, was how to wake up whenever he needed to. So once it was late enough that Luc’s parents were both surely asleep, he crept out of his room, found the Sending Stone tucked away with the rest of his mothers gadgets, and slipped away. He waited until he was well past the furthest outskirts of Nicodranas, until the eastern sky was just starting to warm with dawn, before pulling the stone from his pocket and trying to activate it.
It remained cold; Luc had used the stone with permission before, knew how it worked, knew that if it didn’t turn on at all it meant someone had used it in the past day. So it didn’t mean something was wrong, necessarily, but it proved that she had tried to talk to Uncle Caleb, and had lied to him about it, and that meant that something was wrong. It had to be.
Luc made his way back from the shore, into the trees, where he could find a place to hide himself beneath the fallen leaves and branches. He should have a couple of hours before the sun was fully risen, before they would start looking for him; he could let himself sleep until then.
Upon waking, Luc continued westward along the coast, bare feet in the lap of the waves upon the sand so any tracks would wash away. He tried the stone every few hours, until finally, well after sunset, it grew warm in his hand. “Uncle Caleb, it’s Luc.” Damn. Twenty-five words, he shouldn’t have wasted one on ‘uncle’. Well, he couldn’t change it now. “Mom said you were busy with the solstice stuff, but the moon is weird and magic is acting weird and I—” He would have kept talking, no longer caring about the word limit of the spell, but that limit coincided with a horrible pain in his head, and it was almost like the red moon was laughing at him as he blacked out.
He coughed a little, choking on the potion that had been poured down his throat, before finally opening his eyes. “Mom! Dad?”
His father was kneeling beside him. “Luc, what do you think you were doing? These are dangerous times.”
Luc looked back over toward his mother, eyes turned down in concern, the empty potion bottle still clutched in her fist. “How in the hells would I know that? She keeps telling me everything’s fine!” He scoops up the sending stone, still lying in the sand where it had spilled from his grip as he passed out. “But it’s not! And you know it’s not! Because you’ve been trying to use this, too. And he wouldn’t just not answer!”
“No.” Veth’s voice is quiet, quieter than he’s ever heard her since he was small. “He wouldn’t.”
“Then I’m right. He’s hurt, or, or…” Luc’s mind wouldn’t let him finish the thought. “And you’re just sitting here, letting it happen. How can you just do nothing?”
“Because sometimes there’s nothing to do, as hard as that is to accept.” She gathers Luc into her arms, and he’s not quite bigger than her yet, so he lets her, and Yeza holds them both close, and they just stay like that for a while. “Caleb’s far away from here, on another continent. Even with magic working like it should, it would take time to arrange transport. The way things are, it could take months, and I still wouldn’t know where to find him exactly. But if magic has been acting strangely, it might be affecting the stone, too. At least, I have to hope that’s all it is.”
It would make sense; and if the stone couldn’t send its message to begin with, that would explain why it backfired. It didn’t explain all of Luc’s concerns, however. “You could have told me that. I would have understood. I’m not a little kid anymore.”
“No, you’re not. But you used to be, and you went through a lot more than a child that age should have to. Maybe I’ve been trying to make up for that. But you’re right. Sometimes not knowing hurts more.” And she holds Luc close for just a moment longer, and gives Yeza’s hand a squeeze, and together they stand and begin the long walk back home.
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alinacapellabooks · 22 days
if you had to rename all your ocs, what are their new names and why?
Thanks for the ask! If I hadn’t gone with names stemming from classical Japanese literature for Kunio and his grandfather, Ryunosuke, (Kunio’s name comes from Kunio Yanagita, and Ryunosuke’s name came from Ryunosuke Akutagawa) I would’ve gone with Tsubasa for Kunio—It literally means wings, which I think fits his tengu theme.
As for Nathaniel, I’d probably choose another angelic name. Nathaniel already has two angelic names (Nathaniel means ‘gift of god’, and his middle name, Azrael, comes from the angel of death), so if I couldn’t have either of those, I’d choose two different angelic names. I did consider Raphael as a first name, but I ended up giving that to one of my other OCs.
If I hadn’t chosen Ariel for, well, Ariel, I would’ve either chosen Selene, or another moon of Uranus for Ariel. The reason I specifically chose a moon of Uranus for Ariel’s name is because Ariel gets her powers from Phoebe, the titan of prophecy and intellect, and Uranus is the father of the titans. If I couldn’t have Ariel, I’d choose Titania instead
As for Solana, I would likely have either gone with Scarlet or Dawn. Her magical girl name is Red Sun, and Solana means sunshine, so I’d choose something else pertaining to that.
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plant-akki · 2 years
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緋月 / " Red Moon "
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sunkissedpages · 3 years
instead of you [part seventeen]
pairing: [best friend’s brother] tom holland x college!reader
summary: you didn’t expect to spend your summer pretending to be your best friend’s girlfriend- then again, you didn’t expect to fall for your best friend’s brother, either.
warnings: swearing, mentions of alcohol +sex
word count: 1.5k
series masterlist
The flight from Naples to Tokyo took fourteen hours, not including the two and a half hour layover in Istanbul, meaning you had sixteen and a half hours to sit in awkward tension-filled silence next to Sam. The tension was one-sided, of course, but it was still agonizing to endure.
You had been able to push your anxiety aside during your last day in Italy because it had been so busy. There had been a power outage in the middle of the night, causing everyone to oversleep and miss the ferry for one of your tours that morning. It had been a scramble to get back on schedule and do as much as possible with the time you had left. The boys had been hungover and their parents were tired of wrangling them. You had dozens of photos on your camera roll of Sam and Harry bickering when they were supposed to be posing for a nice picture, and even more of Tom flicking them off. 
But now you were stuck alone with your thoughts, unable to use distraction as a means to escape. You tried reading your book, but found yourself unable to concentrate on the words on the page. After staring at the same paragraph for over fifteen minutes Sam noticed and asked if you were okay and you finally decided to call it quits. 
You almost wished the Hollands hadn’t scheduled in a day and a half to adjust to the time zone change. You’d rather exhaust yourself with the nonstop tourist bullshit than have to cope with the reality that you had gotten off to thoughts about your best friend’s brother. Not to mention living with the secret that the same best friend’s brother had kissed you not long before that. 
If Sam noticed anything was off, he didn’t mention it. He probably chalked it up to lack of sleep, or perhaps was too tired himself to care. 
“Which one of us do you think will be randomly selected in customs today?” Harry asked, stretching his arms above his head. 
You were standing in the aisle waiting to deplane, placing bets on who’d get searched by border agents this time. Somehow each time you traveled to a new place one of you was always chosen to get pat down or have your carry-on searched. Tom had yet to be the lucky winner, and you suspected it had something to do with his celebrity status. 
“Y/n,” Tom answered easily. “She has the U.S. passport.”
You rolled your eyes. “Like England has a squeaky clean record with Japan.”
“At least we didn’t-”
“Bro, you can’t say the b word on a plane,” Harry interrupted.
“Even when the plane’s on the ground?”
Sam shrugged. “Better safe than sorry.”
“Whatever,” Tom continued. “It’s definitely going to be y/n.”
“Would you mind stepping out of line, ma’am?” 
You sighed, not even bothering to look back at the boys. You already knew they were grinning like idiots and you didn’t want to give them the satisfaction. The agent ushered you to the side behind a glass partition, but not before you heard another agent repeat the same question to one of the Hollands. You smiled to yourself, happy not to be the only one singled out.
Behind the privacy screen another agent greeted you and asked you to take your sweatshirt off, explaining that it was too baggy and needed to be checked. You saw other people in baggy clothes who weren’t getting pulled out of line, but assumed they didn’t have the red flag of “U.S. Citizen” printed on their identification that would be cause for any additional suspicion. You complied with the agent’s request and pulled your sweatshirt off for them to further inspect.
You were glad you’d worn a sports bra underneath your sweatshirt because you usually didn’t wear anything underneath them. As soon as your head was out of the pullover you immediately met by Tom’s polite smile. 
He averted his eyes as soon as he saw you, pausing his conversation with the official to mumble a quiet ‘sorry’ to you as he was shown to the spot next to yours. 
You zoned out as they spoke, only aware of him again when he started unbuckling his belt. You caught his eye this time. 
“Forgot to take it off,” he explained.
“Sweatshirt’s too loose.”
You both faced forward as the customs officials proceeded through the motions. You were stuck standing there half-naked with your arms wrapped around your chest self-consciously while an agent pat Tom’s legs down. 
“Dad said we can meet them at baggage claim,” Tom said after a few moments of silence between the two of you. “They went on without us.”
“Okay,” you squeaked back in response. 
You knew it wouldn’t take long, but it still made you nervous to be alone with Tom. Sam was like a safety blanket, or a buffer between you and him and without him you were afraid it would be painfully awkward. 
The woman handed you your sweatshirt back and you had to wait for Tom outside of the screening area. He joined you a minute or so later.
“They find any dirt on you?” you asked from where you were leaning against the wall across from the exit. 
“Nope, you?”
“Yeah, actually I’m in custody right now. Can’t believe you missed the handcuffs.”
“Man, what’d they get you for?” 
“Identity theft,” you sighed. 
“Damn, that’s a bummer,” Tom replied, false sympathy rolling off his words. 
He cocked his head in the direction the rest of his family had went, indicating that you should get going, and held out a hand to pull you upright. You took it hesitantly and let him help you. 
“I was actually hoping you could bail me out?” you went on, continuing with the bit. 
Tom made a sound through his teeth and grimaced. “I’m kinda broke right now.”
“Aren’t you an actor?”
“Sorry, but I think you have me confused with someone else.”
“No, you’re definitely the guy!”
“You’re thinking of Tom Hiddleston,” he insisted.
“Remember that IOU you gave me? I’m cashing it in now.”
“That’s not how it works!” 
You laughed. “No, but if I ever actually get arrested I’m using my IOU to get you to bail me out of jail.”
“I don’t think that a kiss and getting bailed out of prison are comparable, but I didn’t put any conditions on that postcard, did I?”
“Nope!” You smiled happily.
“Well that’s on me, so...”
You took the shuttle together to the other side of the airport where the rest of the Hollands were waiting and finally found them with all of your luggage at the furthest carousel from the entrance. 
“It’s about time!” Harry yelled over the crowd as soon as he saw you. 
Sam grinned when he saw you and you couldn’t help but grin back. He wrapped an arm around you instinctively and you relaxed into his shoulder, relieved to be with him again. It hadn’t dawned on you until that moment just how attached you were, but you didn’t have time to dwell on it because the other Hollands were all looking at you expectantly.
“Did everything go okay?” Nikki asked. 
Tom nodded. “They made y/n strip, but it was uneventful otherwise.”
You pursed your lips, cheeks burning. “It was just my sweatshirt!” you hissed to Sam. 
“Yeah, but you never wear anything under your sweatshirts!” Sam hissed back.
“I had a bra on this time.”
“Oh, so it was just another night at the bar for you?” You wrestled yourself out of Sam’s grasp at that and glared. “Am I wrong?”
Sam’s dad cut in before you could respond. He had a habit of calling “family meetings” in the middle of public spaces to finalize plans and get everybody on the same page, which was always an experience. 
“Alright, gather up, gang!” he said, beckoning you all closer. “So we’ll be staying at... this hotel,” he explained and turned his phone around to show you the name of it. “And the thing is, we have two rooms to share between the six of us. One for your mother and I, and another for you four.”
“What?” Sam asked. “You’re going to make us stay with them?”
“I thought we were getting three rooms like every other time,” Tom chimed in.
“We were meant to, but I made a mistake when booking it,” Dom clarified.
“The entire website was in Japanese, Sam. I don’t know Japanese!”
“Dad, Google has a translate webpage option!” Harry groaned.
“Well no one told me that while I was booking this entire trip by myself!”
You traded a look with Tom, who looked just as panicked as you felt. But it would only be for a week. You would find a way to manage. You didn’t really have any other option.
“I’m sure it’ll be fun,” Sam tried, forcing a smile.
“That’s the spirit!” Dom cheered. “We’ll make it work.”
sorry she’s short this week :( but lmk what you think i always appreciate feedback!!
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angelicyoongie · 4 years
the crimson shell (llll)
— pairing: jungkook x f!reader — genre: mermaid au, yandere au — w.c: 4.6k — warnings: explicit sexual content! heavy dub-con touching/intercourse, forced breeding, oviposition, mentions of death/violence, general yandere themes — notes: ah, here we finally are, the last part/finale to the story! please keep the warnings in mind, and don’t read this chapter if you’re uncomfortable with anything stated above!
Part I / II / III / IIII
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You’re not sure how long you’ve been here. After the second week of just blankly staring at the never changing cave walls surrounding you, you figured there was no point in keeping track of it. What good does it do you anyway? It’s not like counting the days will miraculously get you out of here. While you might not know the number, you do know that it’s been far too many. Your skin has grown pale and gaunt from the lack of sunshine and warmth you’re so used to, and the diet of raw fish hasn’t exactly been very kind to you. The cave is tall enough for you to stand up in comfortably, so at least your circulation isn’t completely shot, but you honestly lack the energy to stay on your feet for too long. Escaping, even just back up to the island, is your only chance at survival. You don’t think you’re going to last very long down here. It’s already gotten to the point where you’ve begun looking forward to Jungkook’s short daily visits, even just the sight of something almost human enough to keep you sane.
You let out a heavy sigh, the noise echoing around the cave as you lean back against the stone wall. Over the last couple of days, the creature has begun to bring you little treasures alongside with your food. You’re not exactly sure why, but it’s nice to have something to do – even if it’s just tracing the patterns on the lockets and pendants over and over. You run your fingers over the small pile of golden jewelry by your side, trying your best to keep your thoughts away from the people it must have belonged to. Jimin might have managed to get away, but you doubt the rest of them did. Two of the pendants in your pile belonged to the crew Jimin brought with him, and you suspect that if you give Jungkook a few more days, he’ll bring you the remaining three. As if you summoned him with your straying thoughts, a small splash in the water alerts you of the creature’s arrival. You turn your head just in time to see Jungkook hoisting himself up on the ledge, another fish and a new pendant dropped at your feet. You silently scoot closer to the edge, offering up your hand to the creature’s expectant red eyes. Jungkook nuzzles into your hand with a happy thrill, rubbing his cheek along your palm. You suppress a shudder at the sound, ignoring the soft skin underneath your fingertips as you stare at the headless fish at your feet. Sometimes you wish you could share the same fate as your food.
You let Jungkook cuddle your hand for as long as he wants, knowing that denying him will only make things worse for yourself. If you look past the sharp claws and teeth, Jungkook is hardly anything more than an oversized puppy. He seems to crave constant affection and confirmation that he’s done good when he brings you food or treasures. You think you might would have found it sweet if it wasn’t for the fact that he’s keeping you trapped here – and that he’s a monster. There’s nothing sweet or innocent about the creature in front of you. You let out a small breath of relief as Jungkook drops your hand, but he doesn’t immediately sink back down in the water as he normally does. You watch in confusion as he pushes the fish closer, the gold chain around it rattling as it drags against the stone. You hesitantly pick it up, praying that Jungkook isn’t going to stay here and watch you eat it. The raw fish already makes you nauseous, and there’s no way you’ll be able to stomach eating it with an audience. Especially one that likes to punish you when you do something he doesn’t like. Call you crazy, but you don’t think gagging at the food he brings you will make him very happy.
You slowly unwrap the chain, putting the fish back down to turn over the locket in your hands. You suck in a harsh breath at the familiar design at the front, the intricate carved flowers making bile rise in your throat. You had this made for Jimin years ago, back when you were still best friends.  You two stayed friendly even after you started drifting apart, but you figured he would’ve gotten rid of the locket by now. You can’t believe he kept it all this time. That he still wore it. Your hands shake as you gently pull on the clasp on the side, a strained sound leaving your lips as you flip it open. A picture of you and Jimin smiles back at you, your faces bright and carefree. Jimin has an arm slung around your shoulders, his eyes closed into little crescent moons from how hard he’s grinning at the camera. The pure happiness in the photo makes your heart clench. Despite knowing Jimin was the one who lead you here, you find yourself desperately missing him for a split second before you can catch yourself. God, maybe if you accepted that marriage proposal from the baker’s sleazy son last year you would’ve at least been safe. Home.
You’re yanked out of your thoughts as Jungkook tugs you closer to the ledge, a clawed hand quickly snatching the locket out of your grasp. He lets out a series of chirping noises as his red eyes drag from the locket to you, and Jungkook taps your smiling face in the photo before he does the same to your leg. You stare in bewilderment as the creature drops the locket back in your hands, his lips stretched into a nightmarish version of a smile before he lowers himself down in the water. You swear your heart stops the moment you see the rows of teeth lining his mouth, and it refuses to work again until Jungkook is fully submerged and swimming away. You hastily scoot back from the edge, the locket clutched tightly in your hand. A bitter smile graces your lips as it dawns on you that you’ve figured out how Jimin traded your life for his. The picture. While you can’t be sure of exactly how he managed to communicate with Jungkook, you’re sure that being stranded here for six months must’ve been more than enough time to figure out a way to converse without using actual words. With Jimin as living proof in front of him, the creature must’ve understood that it meant that you were real too. And that if he had managed to get Jimin, then there would be a way to get to you. It was probably easier for Jimin to trade your life for his when he had something tangible to show Jungkook, when he had proof in his hands that you were out there too. A part of you hopes that maybe Jimin tried to convince Jungkook to change his mind, to take someone else instead, but you have a feeling that even if he did, the creature wouldn’t have budged. From the time you’ve spent on the island it has become very clear that Jungkook is stubborn and used to getting what he wants – but you suppose that’s only natural for a creature like him. How can something tell you no when it has already been eaten?
Of course, Jimin had no way to be sure that you would set sail for Jungkook’s island. But, while there was no guarantee you would risk travelling that far, your old friend knew how desperate you were for money, and the lengths you were willing to go to keep your family afloat. You suppose he knew how easy it would be to trick you as long as there was a bit of gold involved, and Jimin was dripping in it when he came back. You just hope he at least had the decency to spare your family a gold ring or two after you left, considering he sacrificed you to go free. You toss the locket aside, not really caring where it ends up as long as it’s far away from you. You force yourself to take a few deep breaths, trying your best to quell the anger burning through your veins. Being mad at Jimin won’t do you any good while you’re stuck down here, so you allow yourself to whisper out a string of curses at the man before you lock away the heavy feeling of betrayal deep into your chest. Seeing Jimin’s smiling face has reignited your dwindling spirit, and you decide that you will get out of here, even if it is just to hunt Jimin down.
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The next time Jungkook comes back to visit you, there are no more treasures. Instead, your eyes widen in surprise as the creature gently places a familiar shell and pearl down by your feet, next to your twitching meal. You’re certain you left them near your bonfire higher up on the beach, but judging by the scratches and roughed up skin on Jungkook’s arms, it seems like the creature probably dragged himself all the way up there to get them. You feel your throat run dry at the thought, at the fact that you weren’t even as safe on land as you had first believed. If Jungkook was willing to bring himself up on land to get them, then you’re sure they must mean something important. It can’t be a coincidence that both the shell and the pearl have the same deep red colour as Jungkook’s tail and eyes, and come to think of it, didn’t your luck begin to turn after you picked up it that evening before you left?
Jungkook lets out a chirp as you pick up the shell, the creature leaning forward to rub his head against the back of your occupied hand. You eye him warily as your mind races through what has happened ever since you left home. You really, truly, hope that you’re wrong, but based on how everything started after you picked up the shell and how the creature acts – how he provides for you, how offended he acts when you push him away and how affectionate he is, you fear you might have accidentally accepted a courting offer. You’ve seen similar patterns in animals before, and while you’re not entirely sure what Jungkook really is, you think it’s safe to assume that the same thing might apply for him too. What you can’t really wrap your mind around is why he waited so long. It took weeks before you left after Jimin returned, and you were down by the beach every night. The unexplainable fear you felt was probably something deep inside of you that recognized that you were being watched by a predator – by him – but you didn’t know enough to connect the dots. Jungkook had many chances to grab you, but he didn’t. Not until you accepted his shell. Convenience maybe? That this whole trade was easier if he made you come to him? Or maybe some weird kind of custom his kind has? He is half human, after all. But you can’t be sure. If anything, Jimin could’ve at least had the decency to teach you how to converse with him if he was going to throw you to the sharks, or rather, Jungkook. Either way, you’re sure Jungkook would’ve eventually found a way to get to you even if you didn’t leave on that boat.
You’re shaken out of your thoughts when the feeling of soft skin leaves the back of your hand. The clicks falling from Jungkook’s lips are uncharacteristically soft as he pulls himself up on the ledge, those deep red eyes trained on yours as he tugs you closer. It only takes one hard yank before you find yourself caged in underneath Jungkook’s arms again, legs on either side of his waist. Your pulse quickens as you’re reminded of what happened the last time – you’re not exactly eager to pass out again from being smothered by his weight.  
You feel like you shouldn’t be surprised that Jungkook manages to carry his entire weight on one arm, while the other begins to roam across your body. After all, he did drag himself up on land and back, and the part you had on top of you last time was hardly anything. The weight of his entire tail must be extremely heavy out of water. You know the creature doesn’t like it when you don’t pay him attention, so you let your eyes rest on his collarbones, watching as a few drops of water run down his skin. Keeping eye contact is too intimidating, those deep red irises makes it feel like you’re staring right into the depths of hell.
You dig your fingers into your thighs as Jungkook’s hand dips under the torn fabric of your shirt, the unusual texture of the web between his fingers making you squirm uncomfortably as it drags over your skin. You’re very aware of the sharp claws hovering above your delicate stomach as he explores, but at least the creature knows to not let them touch. Jungkook’s hand trails over your sides, your stomach, all the way up to the underside of your breasts. You swallow thickly as a knuckle brushes against the soft flesh, Jungkook’s motion suddenly stilling at the contact. You’ve always managed to push him off before he’s gone any further, but you can feel the shift in the creature’s mood today. You know he’s not going to take no for an answer. But, that still didn’t prepare you for the sudden gush of wind brushing across your exposed chest, your shirt split clean in two with the help of Jungkook’s claws. Before you can scramble to cover up, Jungkook lets out an excited chirp, his hand quickly moving back to your chest. Your mind goes blank as he places his palm over one of your breasts, experimentally squeezing and massaging it as he watches you curiously. You grit your teeth as Jungkook plays with it, ignoring the little tingle of heat in your stomach whenever he does something your traitorous body likes.  
You try to convince yourself that Jungkook is probably just excited to see parts of a human body he hasn’t seen before, that he doesn’t really know what he’s doing. Your breath hitches as the webbed texture between Jungkook’s fingers glide over your nipples, a soft moan falling from your lips before you can stop yourself. The noise only seems to spur him on more, Jungkook repeating the motion to hear the sound again. A harsh squeeze on your breast forces out another moan, your hands flying to Jungkook’s chest. Your fingers twitch against his skin, your head telling you to push him away, while the building heat in your stomach and the growing wetness between your legs wants him close to finish what he’s started. You settle for digging your hands into his skin, grounding yourself in his body, knowing that pushing him away won’t do you any good. Jungkook lets out a happy thrill at your touch, lowering himself closer to your body as his hand moves from one breast to the other. You can feel his eyes burning into your skin, your body growing warmer and warmer under his intense gaze. There’s too many sensations at once – cold water dripping against your overheating skin, Jungkook’s long hair tickling your face, the soft and rough skin of his hand squeezing and moving across your flesh. Your eyes glide shut before you can stop yourself, forgetting your own rule of never letting Jungkook out of your sight. It’s just .. too much. Your body doesn’t know whether to hate the attention or love it, your chest tight with disgust while your stomach swirls with pleasure. At least with your eyes shut, and as long as your hands stay on his chest, he feels human. Human enough to make this whole thing a little less horrible.
Your legs tense as you feel more of Jungkook’s weight against your body, his hips pressing down more firmly against yours. You don’t pay it too much attention at first, too occupied by the hand on your chest. At least, that’s until you feel his hips begin to slowly move back and fourth, grinding against your clothed core. Your eyes fly open at the sudden friction, head spinning as your walls clench with need. You’re sure the flimsy material of your trousers must be soaked by now, and the realization that this creature is the reason behind it makes your cheeks flush red with mortification. You stifle a gasp as Jungkook pinches your sensitive nipple between two fingers, another happy thrill filling the cave as he rolls his hips harder against your mound. You can feel the heat in your lower stomach building rapidly, the coil almost ready to snap when Jungkook suddenly stills. You push down the needy whine in your throat as Jungkook removes his hand from your body, the creature pulling himself up further on the ledge.
Your confusion dies as your eyes travel down a little further past his hips, the arousal you felt quickly washed away by terror as you notice a slit in his tail, and something extending out of it. You nearly choke on your own spit as it finally clicks, trying your best to scramble out from beneath Jungkook’s hold as his cock becomes fully unsheathed. Jungkook lets out a series of low, warning clicks at your struggle, his clawed fingers digging into your shoulders as his arms keeps you caged you in. You look down in horror as you feel him resume his grinding against your clothed sex. It’s nothing like you’ve ever seen before. His cock is slightly tapered at the tip, growing thicker down against the base. What you thought was just some misplaced curiosity is obviously more than that, because now, there’s no doubt in your mind that Jungkook’s plan is to fuck you. You ignore the pain as sharp claws dig into your skin, trying your best to twist out of his hold. Logically you know there’s no place for you to run to down here, and that was probably what he wanted all along. Still, your heart hammers painfully against your chest, urging you to at least try.
You don’t succeed in doing much more than twisting yourself over on your stomach, fingers clawing at the stone in an attempt to pull yourself away. You barely have time to process the hiss leaving Jungkook’s throat before the remaining fabric of your trousers are sliced clean in two, leaving you completely bare. The next roll of his hips sends his cock rubbing over your ass, your body trembling at the wetness that seems to be coating it. The scales on his hips are rough and sharp as they drag over your soft skin, and you don’t doubt they'll feel like tiny little razors if you move against them wrong. You’re still trying to drag yourself away when Jungkook’s arms comes under your body, one wrapping underneath your arm to hold the opposite shoulder, and the other curling around your stomach. The creature lets out another hiss at your squirming, pulling your flush against his chest. You can feel his heartbeat against your back, the steady rhythm such a contrast to the wild beat of your own as he once again moves against your body. The new position sends his cock gliding between your legs, the shaft rubbing along your folds and coating it with the same slick fluid you felt on your skin. You dig your fingers into the stone floor, but your body is locked up tight against Jungkook. There’s nowhere for you to go.
Jungkook lets out another warning noise before he rolls his hips forward again, the tapered tip of his cock catching on your entrance. You let out a strangled moan as Jungkook’s cock sinks into your heat, your walls stretching around him as he pushes in deeper. Your arousal from earlier combined with the wetness around the creature’s cock makes the slide painless aside from the uncomfortable burn of being filled too much, too fast. Jungkook’s excited thrill at finally being buried inside your heat rings in your ear from the close proximity, his tongue dipping out to flick across the sheen of sweat at your nape. The creature begins pulling his hips back, not giving you any time to adjust before he snaps them forward. You let out a choked moan as he fills you up again, vision growing hazy as he sets a brutal pace from the get go. You can feel the harsh slap of his hips against your ass with every thrust, Jungkook letting out a pleased hiss as he continues to slam into you. You can feel the tapered length twitching and pulsing inside of you as he moves, more wetness seeping out of his cock to mix with your own. Every thrust leaves you gasping for breath, and the hold Jungkook has around your body feels like you’re wrapped up in steel. You have no choice but to lay there and take it, but as the creature’s cock nudges over your sweet spot repeatedly, you realize to your own horror that you like it.
Lost in a daze of arousal and fear, you don’t even realize the creature has been moving the both of you backwards until you’re suddenly plunged into the cold water. You let out a startled gasp as Jungkook’s length disappears from your heat, and you thread the water forcefully to keep your head above the ripples as you try to figure out where the creature went. You feel his hands before you see him, claws wrapping around your waist as Jungkook pushes you against the ledge. You let out a pained groan as your back collides with the stone, your hands scrambling up to grip the edge of it. You freeze as Jungkook’s head slowly emerges from the water, those deep red eyes looking hungrier and wilder than you’ve ever seen before. It only takes a moment before you feel the creature’s chest pressed against yours, his cock slipping in even easier with the new position. It doesn’t take many thrusts before you’re forced to wrap your legs around his waist to keep yourself afloat, your arms shaking with the effort of keeping your head over water. Your fingers slip a little against the wet stone, your eyes widening as you seem to sink even further down on Jungkook’s cock. You’ve never been so full before, almost delirious as he picks up his pace. Jungkook’s hands are relentless as they glide over your skin, pinching and rubbing every part of your body.
“F-fuck,” You moan as your clit rubs against his tail, the roughness of the scales making a bolt of arousal shoot through your body. You don’t even realize your hips are moving against his as the tightness in your gut grows, the pressure building more and more until it suddenly unravels, waves of pleasure ripping through your body and making you see stars as you come on Jungkook’s cock. The creature lets out something close to a growl as your walls clamp down around him, and he fucks you straight through your orgasm and into oversensitivity with an animalistic pace. You whine as Jungkook’s cock begin to swell, grow, his hands stilling on your hips to pull you flush against him as he comes. He lets out a pleased chirp as the burning hot come floods your insides, a broken moan escaping your lips as Jungkook slows down the harsh pace. It’s done, you think, relieved. He’ll probably leave you alone now. So it confuses you when Jungkook’s eyes slide shut, soft clicks leaving his lips as he pushes you even harder against the stone behind you. He’s still working his hips in and out of your heat, and you realize that even though he just came, his cock is still hard and growing, still stretching your walls.
Your eyes nearly bulge out of your head as you feel something moving up Jungkook’s cock, a firm but soft sphere spurting from the tip and into you. It takes a second for your hazy mind to connect the dots, and you realize a little too late that the creature is laying eggs. Inside of you. Jungkook is breeding you. You desperately try to push against his chest as you feel the second egg travel up his cock, but Jungkook only tugs you closer, tucking his face into the crook of your neck as his chest rumbles. You stifle back a moan as the second egg joins the first, the foreign texture brushing along your sensitive walls. The creature purrs as he released another spurt of eggs, slowly grinding his cock back and fourth as he breeds you. You cling on to the ledge behind you, disgust and pleasure wracking through your body as another egg joins the rest. A deeper click, something almost close to a groan, falls from Jungkook’s lips as he forces the last egg into your tight heat. Your eyes nearly roll back as you feel his cock nudge against your cervix; Jungkook’s slow pace fucking the eggs around inside of you. If you thought you felt full before, it’s nothing compared to being stuffed to the brim with Jungkook’s thick cock, eggs and come.
You can feel Jungkook’s breath ghost across your exposed wet skin, the harsh puffs of air sending chills down your back. Your hands finally slip from the ledge, too exhausted to keep you up anymore. Before you can wrap your shaking arms around Jungkook’s shoulders, the creature suddenly detangles you from his body, quickly hoisting you back up on the ledge. You let out shaky moan Jungkook’s cock once again slips from your heat, your body feeling surprisingly empty despite the eggs still resting inside of you.
“Shit,” You hiss as you strain to push yourself up on your elbows, gliding a hand down to your stomach. You can feel them inside of you when you press down, little bumps gliding around under your fingertips. Panic builds under your skin – you have to get them out. There has to be a reason you’ve never heard of creatures like Jungkook before. You doubt you're compatible to carry his eggs, and you don’t even know what will happen once they begin to grow. And even if you were, it’s not like you want them. Just as your hand is about to slip down to your slick folds, Jungkook hoists himself up from the water, once again covering your body. He snatches your hand away with a series of threatening clicks, barring his sharp teeth as he lies down on top of you. You twist your head with a fearful whimper as Jungkook pushes your hand into his hair instead, the weight of his body not totally crushing, but still enough to make you feel lightheaded.
You squeeze down around the eggs without meaning do, bile rising in your throat as they catch on your entrance, too big to push out without any help. Your eyes land on the crimson shell and pearl pushed over to the side of the cave. Your chest feels tight as it dawns on you that while the shell were likely a courting offer; the pearl must’ve been a mating offer. And you had accepted both. Your eyes begin to sting as you feel Jungkook’s chest rumble against yours, the pleased purrs making you feel sick. You hesitantly shift your gaze back to him, curling your fingers painfully tight into the wet locks underneath your palm as you find those deep red eyes already staring back at you. A twisted rendition of a smile blooms on his face, the rows of sharp teeth glistening as he looks down at you. The message in his gaze is clear – you’re keeping the eggs.
And there’s no way he’s letting you go.
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a/n: oh boy. hopefully only those of you that were okay with the warnings made it this far. because i know i’ll get questions: jk fertilized his own eggs when he bred y/n, and y/n will basically serve as an incubator (poor girl lmao) for a while. she’ll push the eggs out eventually and then the eggs will hatch on their own. and no – i have no plans of doing jk’s pov any time soon, and it’s up to you to imagine y/n’s fate. anyway!! i hope you uhh, enjoyed this! and thank you for all the love and support for this mini series, it means a lot to me!  as always, see you all soon and stay safe! and in case you enjoy my stories and want to buy me a coffee, you can do so here! 💖
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hops-hunny · 3 years
Pride Lost, Feelings Found
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Pairing: Neville Longbottom x Reader
Pronouns: They/Them
Word Count: 2.2k
Request: @summerstardust  “Could you do a Neville with a gender neutral reader. It can fluff/smut/bit of both 🤷, whatever you want. With the prompts: 4. "You think she looks at me? Am I invisible?”, 12. "I’ve always liked you, you’ve just never noticed.” and 17. "Make me fall in love with you.”
Maybe where Neville is secretly crushing on the reader from afar and the reader is told, in some way, about this and he just runs away from the scene. Then the reader follows and finds him and tells him that they want to get to know him.
Don’t feel pressured to use this idea, though. I am just feeling a bit angsty at the moment. Thank you! :)”
Summary: It all crumbles down before Neville’s eyes, but it’s replaced with something he’d never expect.
Warnings: angst but it turns to fluff!!
A/N: Ok ok, if you want a part 2 with what happens after reader says that? Lmk and I’ll probably write it! I’m so sorry this took so long esp for one of my favorite readers. I hope you enjoy <3
4. "You think she looks at me? Am I invisible?” 
12. "I’ve always liked you, you’ve just never noticed.” 
17. "Make me fall in love with you.”
Sometimes Neville wish he had never noticed (Y/n). But when you shine as bright as they did, how couldn't you notice? They bewitching, enchanting everyone around them with a simple smile, him included. However when miracles as amazing as (Y/n) come to be, so does a lot of attention. He adored everything about them, the way they always smeared their ink on their scroll when they wrote, how they’d walk into class every morning with that same sleepy expression, even down to the way they’d always have to pull their socks up because they got the wrong size and they’d fall down. They was his dream partner. But sadly, that’s the thing about dream lovers, they’re meant to stay dreams.
From as long as Neville could remember, he had been on the bottom of the social ladder. Hell, when your familiar (who is also a toad) causes a wild goose chase during your first years at a new school, it’s really not hard to understand why. If it had been someone else instead of him, he would've made fun of them too. He was a loser and no one would ever let him forget. Not his friends, not Malfoy, not anyone. But they did. In all his years at Hogwarts, (Y/n) had never made him feel like a loser. Every interaction the two of them had made him feel normal, like himself.
Granted every interaction they had was small. Accidentally bumping into them in the halls, a tight lip smile when eye contact was made. One time he thought (Y/n) was waving to him but was in fact waving to their friend behind him but luckily they hadn't seen (Malfoy definitely did..). Out of all the people who could have noticed the way he looked at them or the way his cheeks would turn red when they'd pass him it had to be Malloy. That was awful for a multitude of reasons. One being that for some reason, (L/n) and Malfoy were the best of friends. Everyday he wished that it was him who got sat next to them in potions instead of that weasel of a boy. The second reason being that despite knowing how Neville felt for them, he still had yet to do anything with the information. To most people, they’d be relieved if Malfoy found out one of their most personal pieces of information and had yet to do anything but, Neville knew better. Draco was a vile creature and if he hadn’t teased him about it yet, that surely meant something even greater was coming. Something truly awful and devastating. 
The first week after Malfoy found out had Neville staying up to the break of dawn, stirring around restlessly at the thought of what he’d do. Would he spill something on him when he was set to have a class with them, tape a note to the back of his shirt with the information on it, or worse...no, no. Not even Malfoy was cruel enough to do that! If anything, if he was going to tell (Y/n) he’d probably do it when Neville wasn’t around so they could come up to him and reject him at random. Although it was sad, what got Neville to sleep at night was imagining that they already knew. That (Y/n) was more than aware and it was only a matter of time till they’d reject him and his life would go back to normal without any pesky thoughts of how beautiful he found them to be.
Seamus’s words went in one of Neville’s ears and right back out of the other, sounding like white noise to the boy. He couldn’t listen to whatever idiotic thing he was going on about. How could he when (Y/n) was a few feet away, looking just as gorgeous as they usually did? It was hard not to focus on them, the way their pretty lips would curl into a smile, giggling at something one of their friends had said. He felt a smile grace his own lips at the sight, letting out a noise of protest as Ron chucked a cushion at his head.
“Are you even, listening Longbottom?” he heard him ask, still not ripping his eyes away from the (y/h/h) across the hall.
“You think they look at me? Am I invisible?” he asked in a hushed tone, as if he was to speak any louder, they would somehow hear them despite them being so far away. Seamus let out a loud snort, beginning to cackle as he slapped the boy on the back a bit too hard.
“Fat chance, Longbottom! You think (L/n) would notice you? They wouldn’t even notice me, and that’s saying something!” Seamus wheezed out. Neville shot him a pointed glare, fuming from the boy’s words. He shoved him off the couch, rolling his eyes.
“It’s not that people don’t notice you Seamus….it’s that they do for all the wrong reasons.” Dean pointed out, causing the other 3 to laugh, growing louder as Seamus failed to push himself off the ground. 
“Oh don’t worry, Longbottom. (L/n) will be sure to notice you soon enough.” he froze at the sound of the cold voice, turning around to look at the platinum blonde prince himself. Draco stood their, smirking. Crabbe and Goyle tried to nod along when in reality, they had no idea what their leader was going on about. Neville gulped, standing up to face him completely.
“W-what do you mean?” he asked him, wiping his sweaty palms on his pants. Draco simply shrugged, beginning to walk in the opposite direction. He turned around briefly looking the boy up and down.
“Means exactly what I said. Nothing more, nothing less. Well as much as I’d love to stay around and lose brain cells with you idiots, I’ve got better things to attend to.” and with that he left.
“Don’t worry, Nev. Draco is always just talk, I’m sure nothing will come of it.” Harry said, offering the boy a reassuring smile. Although Neville knew he meant well, he couldn’t stop the sinking, tight feeling in his chest. Draco had yet to do something so he had no reason to feel this way, but it was just a hunch that the worst was yet to come.
Even hours later, as Neville lay in his bed that night, all he could think about were the words that echoed throughout his head over and over.
“Oh don’t worry, Longbottom. (L/n) will be sure to notice you soon enough.”
He didn’t know if he was grateful for how vague that was or if it was the bane of his days. Draco could’ve meant anything by that, all he knew is whatever it meant the intent behind his words were less than kind. He turned again, sighing as he looked out the window. There was a full moon tonight, a beautiful silver halo of light dancing its way around it. 
“Merlin, save me please.” he pleaded quietly, to no one in particular. Every bit of hope, every positive thought laced in his words. Although he prepared for the worse to happen, he had a sliver of hope that it wouldn’t. That tomorrow he’d wake up and his day would be as mundane as usual, just the way he’d like it. And if he was lucky (Y/n) would give him a small smile in the hall.
Neville’s small sliver of hope had grown into an entire cake. Looking back on earlier in the week, he was worried for absolutely nothing! Malfoy once again was all bark and no bite which for once, he was glad for! He let out a sigh of content as he made his way from the library, heading in the direction of the main corridor. He saw Seamus give him an uncharacteristically serious look from the small crowd that was gathered around something. As he grew closer, in the middle of the circle he saw Draco stood on a crate as (Y/n) sat next to him, listening as he read something from a paper. 
“Nev, you might wanna...might wanna leave.” Seamus whispered to him. However, he looked as people stared at him, some giggling while some look sympathetic.
“Why? What’s going o-”
“Here’s another one I found in his bin! ‘Dear (Y/n), although I’ll never give you this letter, I can’t help but write about how amazing you are! When I saw you help that injured bird the other day, I wanted nothing more than to help you tend to it. I find it funny how even when you’re sad, you manage to brighten up my day.’ God how dorky is this loser? I can’t believe he fancies you so much (Y/n)!” Draco howled in laughter, a few others joining him. Neville found himself at the forefront of the circle, frozen in his spot. That was his letter! He had started writing them as a way of coping with his feelings, knowing that the person he fancied would always be out of reach of him. “Anything to say for yourself, Longbottom?”
Neville felt tears well in his eyes, the warmth of them mixing with the heat of his red flushed face. “I...I..” he looked at (Y/n) who look like they had something to say however, he didn’t wanna stick around to hear it. Without another word, he ran off, tears streaming down his face as soon as he was far enough from anyone. In his time of despair, he ran to his only place of comfort. The one place that he wasn’t Neville, the loser who just had his feelings ripped from safe keeping in front of half the students in his year. The place where he was just Neville.
He took in a deep breath of the familiar muggy air of the greenhouse, relaxing slightly as he took a seat on the ground. “God I’m so stupid!” he wailed, tears flowing down his face. His crying grew harder, harsh hiccups shaking and jolting his body as he screamed into his knees. He knew there was a matter of time before (Y/n) was to find out, he just didn’t know it’d be like this. If this was just the pain from them learning about his feelings, he didn’t wanna know how bad he’d be wounded when they came to reject him. Neville’s head jolted up at the sound of soft footsteps making their way over to him. He noticed the familiar pair of black shoes, turning his head as they kneeled down in front of him.
“I thought you may be here! You always seemed so passionate about plants during herbology so I thought it wouldn’t hurt to check here first.” (Y/n) said, placing a hand on the boy’s knee. He looked down at where they connected, feeling his face flush slightly from the contact. “You know, your friends care about you a lot. After you ran off, Ginny came up and socked Draco straight in the face. It was quite a sight really.” they let out a soft giggle at the memory. “Hermione went in to drag her off but when she saw how smug Draco looked, she couldn’t help but to join in. While they did that, your other friends set off looking for you and I did too.”
“Why?” he asked, catching their attention. The (y/h/h) gave him a confused look, tilting their head to the side. “Why did you come looking for me? Don’t you hate me now? Gross, stupid Longbottom having a crush on Hogwart’s sweetheart. How pathetic, huh?” he sniffled, ripping his eyes away from them. He knew if he was to continue to look, a completely new set of tears would be triggered.
“Why wouldn’t I? I couldn’t live with myself if I didn’t! Although I don’t know much about you, I do know you’re a kind individual and you didn’t deserve what Draco did to you.” they said in a soft tone, moving into the spot next to Neville. They sat in silence for a moment before (Y/n) cleared their throat, looking over at him once more. “How long?”
“I mean, how long have you liked me for? I wasn’t even aware until today.” they queried curiously.
“I’ve always liked you, you’ve just never noticed. I don’t blame you for not noticing though, we’re from two different worlds. You’ve got everyone in hogwarts begging for a moment of your time and you hang out with some of the most elite and prestigious people in the castle.” he sniffled some, wiping his nose on his sleeve as he set his hand down on the cold cement ground. “It was stupid of me to let my feelings last for so long.”
“Why was it stupid?” they asked, scooting closer to him. Neville turned to look at them, losing his breath at their closeness.
“Because you don’t feel the same..not that I expected you to. You didn’t even know I existed until today.” he let out a huff of air. (Y/n) bit the inside of their cheek before placing their hand on top of Neville’s, tangling their fingers together.
“You’re right, I don’t feel the same,” they started, tightening their grip as the boy began to get up. “But that doesn’t mean I never will. Let’s get to know each other a bit more.” they leaned in closer, the feeling of both of their breath being exchanged like whispers amongst their lips. 
“Make me fall in love with you.”
TAGSLIST:@vayeya11 @pink-hufflepuff  @clancyscookies @beewitchedlou​ 
@nevillelongbottomsgirlfriend​ @redpanda-poetry​ @vibingaesthetically​
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missymurphy1985 · 3 years
Nobody's Perfect (part4)
Warning - angst / pregnancy? / Smut
Taglist Taglist @queenshelby @margoo0 @being-worthy @peakyscillian @ntmynouis @janelongxox @elenavampire21 @noctvrnalmoth @ysmmsy @cloudofdisney @lauren-raines-x
"What do you mean it's split??" You looked at him, hoping against hope he was joking.
"What else could I possibly mean y/n?!" You pushed past him into the bathroom to see for yourself. Sure enough, there it was. Burst at the top, how neither of you had felt it you didn't know.
"Listen y/n..."
"Shut up. I'll take care of it, okay." He nodded. You binned it, and moved back past him to put your jeans back on.
"You okay?" He asked, his face still pale.
"Cillian.. stop panicking okay? I'll go to the pharmacy and get the morning after pill. It'll be like nothing happened. I wish nothing HAD happened."
He pulled his own jeans back on and sat on the same chair you'd just ridden him on, head back, hands on his face.
"You mean that?" He asked, bringing his elbows onto his knees and clasping his hands together, looking at you now, leaning against the counter.
"Yes. No... God I don't know.. you.. you fucking hurt me Cillian..." Tears back in your eyes, you sniffed lightly. "I made it to 27 before I had a one night stand, I was rather proud of myself. Then you came along."
"I'm not proud of what I did okay?" He stood and wrapped his arms round you. "I was married for 12 years until about 18 months ago."
"You were?" He pulled away and sat back on the chair.
"We had been trying for a baby for 3 years. Nothing. Then she got pregnant. I was over the moon, went to all the scans, the blood tests, helped her through the morning sickness.. held her hand when our daughter was born.. the works. A father, at last.. then my world came crashing down around me."
You sat opposite him and took his hand.
Cillian's flashback
Bunch of flowers in one hand and a small teddy bear in the other, Cillian approached his front door smiling. He'd finished his theatre run of Ballyturk a few days earlier than expected and was surprising his wife and new baby. Unlocking the front door, he stepped quietly inside and moved into the kitchen. The house was strangely quiet - her car was on the drive, so she must've been home? Checking his watch, 2pm - Niamh's nap time, she was probably resting herself.
Creeping up the stairs so as not to disturb them, he peered into his daughters nursery and smiled at the small 3 month old bundle sleeping soundly. He was desperate to pick her up but settled for a gentle kiss on the top of her head instead. Placing the teddy at the bottom of her cot, he heard a noise from the main bedroom.
Making his way down the landing, he went to open his and Liane's bedroom door before freezing.
"Fuck... Yes..." That wasn't Liane...
"Harder!!" That was...
"You gonna come for me Liane?" His mind was whirring at 100 miles per hour. He took a deep breath to calm himself down.
Pushing the door open, in his best poker face possible, he stood watching as his best friend, the best man at his wedding, was pounding into his wife.
"You gonna come or what, Liane?" His voice pierced the room, making Liane and Mark freeze and spin around, covering themselves and staring at Cillian, who simply walked out of the room and went downstairs.
He sat at the dining table, head in his hands, refusing to let the tears fall. Liane and Mark came downstairs and cautiously approached him.
"You were away filming for almost 2 years solid... I just... I didn't mean for it to happen..." Liane spoke.
"I haven't filmed a fucking thing for 9 months Liane. But it's good to know exactly how long you've been fucking my wife, Mark." He didn't look at either of them. His calmness was almost scaring Liane.
"Cillian I'm sorry man..." Mark broke the silence.
"Shut the fuck up. You've been fucking my wife for the best part of 3 years and you think you have a right to fucking speak to me? You were my best friend! I introduced you to your fucking wife! You have kids! WE have a child, Liane!" His voice was getting louder, he had to bite his fist to stop himself as the sudden realisation dawned on him. His eyes flashed red, unable to fully process it.
"Is she mine? Liane, is she mine?!" Her silence spoke volumes. Cillian dropped to his knees, the shock taking his legs from under him. He felt like a truck had hit him at full speed, knocking the wind out of him. Mark moved to pick him up, before being violently shoved across the room and slammed into the wall. Liane rushed upstairs to soothe Niamh who was now wide awake and screaming.
"You're lucky I haven't wiped the fucking floor with your face, you slimy bastard..." He gripped Mark's shirt so tight he couldn't feel his fingers, before slamming him back against the wall and storming out the house.
Flashback over
"I went back to Cork. Called my Dad on the way there to let him know I was staying for a few days. DNA test was done. Mark was Niamh's father."
"Cill... I'm so sorry, I had no idea.."
"No one knew. We kept it quiet. No one knew. Just divorced and she moved on. Haven't seen her since."
You truly didn't know what to say. The man in front of you was a shell of the one you knew before.
"Cillian Murphy, the 'golden balls of fucking Hollywood' - couldn't even keep his own fucking wife satisfied enough not to fuck his best friend. Couldn't father a child himself, after years of trying. Wouldn't worry too much about that morning after pill, probably not capable of knocking you up anyway."
"So after that, I refused to let anyone else in. Yeah, I fucked around - made sure it was with people I trusted to keep quiet and not run to the papers with it. Co-stars who needed a quick fling. Makeup artists and crew members that no one would believe anyway. It was working just fine, until.."
"Until what?"
"Until you, y/n. No one else managed to get under my skin the way you have. No one else wanted more from me - but you did. So I did what I had to do to make you hate me. I needed you to NOT want me.."
"How's that working for you?" You couldn't help but chuckle, and it made him smile.
"Yeah.. not going to plan anymore. Fuck, I'm sorry.. I am.. I didn't set out to hurt you, I was protecting myself. Selfish right?"
"Yes, but I understand. How about we start again? Forget what's happened, a fresh start?"
"I'd really like that y/n. I'm not an asshole.. just stupid."
"I'll agree with you on that. Come here." You lifted him to his feet and wrapped your arms around him. You held each other for a few minutes, before he leaned back and stroked your hair.
"What are you doing to me, huh?"
"Giving you a chance at being happy - you're allowed to be happy, Cillian. Not all women are out to break your heart. Don't let past relationships define future ones. I'm a fucking sweetheart!" You grinned and he laughed again. You could lose yourself hearing that laugh.
"You're certainly something." he nudged your nose with his.
"I have a request..."
"Name it."
"I don't want anyone knowing what happened between us.. it's private.. and this is my first real role, my turn to be selfish but kinda looks bad.." He nodded.
"Deal. So do I still get to kiss you?"
"Touch you?"
"Maybe." He leaned down and whispered in your ear.
"Fuck you?" You gasped as his lips brushed your neck.
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myelocin · 4 years
of stars & skies | bokuto k.
Synopsis: Things sort of fall out of plan.
Genre: smut, fluff | WC: 1400+
Characters: Bokuto Koutarou
A/N: this is a commissioned piece by @hvnlydmn​
i love you more - son of cloud
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If someone were to ask Bokuto Koutarou to summarize the things he feels about you, at best he’d answer with just a grin.
A grin, for now, because in the moment his thoughts are anything but coherent. He can faintly recall that it’s only sometime between four or five in the morning, and the both of you really should be asleep but that’s far from the case.
Still, it’s the feel of your fingers clawing at his thighs that make him grin. Head thrown back, groan hoarse and throat scratched, he parts his legs further apart.
It’s a nice sight, he thinks. 5ams and the dim light just barely starting to peek through from the blinds. Your hair, messy and sticking out in more places in one beneath him and the marks on his thighs in the exact shape of your fingernails painted red and angry. Bokuto knows by now that he really should be saying something before he busts a fucking nut right then and there, but you do the thing and swallow—again, and his head blanks.
You smirk; your jaw’s been aching for a while now, the skin on your knees not doing any better. When you inhale, you’re a little more careful than usual, trying to regain control.
Bokuto just arrived home from a game overseas a little over two hours ago, and you had planned for him to catch up on sleep before doing anything else—truly, but five steps through the door his tongue was shoved down your throat and his hands were behind you unclasping your bra and plans went to shit.
He groans again, hands tightening around your hair as he pushes his cock in deeper, profanities spilling from his lips. Beneath your fingers his thigh trembles, and when his grip relaxes, you take it as an opportunity to ease off of his cock, eyes locked on him.
He leans back, one elbow bent to support his weight as the other runs over the deep flush of his face at the sight of you. Bokuto had always been thick, and he’s always been more than aware of that, so it just does something to him to see you taking him whole despite looking so perfectly wrecked.
His cock twitches on your hand, and you smirk.
“Fucker,” he groans, eyes never leaving your form as you poke your tongue out and lean forward, swiping at the slick that’s gathered at the tip of his cock.
“Good fucking girl,” you hear him moan, the vibration of his voice doing its job in sending a shiver that shot through your body and right to your core.
And even though sex with Bokuto plays out like it’s some kind of routine, it’s little moments that differ from yesterday and today that makes things worth it. Much like him, you can never really get enough. The weight of his cock on your tongue is familiar, but the way his jaw tenses just a little different in today than last week’s makes your heart leap. Half lidded eyes that glimmer different every single time show you all the shades of the moon when it hangs like gold in the sky stare at you like you are the world itself, and even though your slick’s dripping down your thighs, all the feelings of love still beats in your chest.
Bokuto peers at you, words caught in his throat before he count think to say them, moans half groaned out, your name repeated like a prayer in pants.
He feels you swallow around his cock and he stills. By now he already knows that all it would probably take for him to cum was a couple more licks to his slit, and he should be focusing on that, but the dawn chooses the exact same moment to break through the sky.
Then it’s soft orange and pale yellow, filtered through the blinds. Spilling on the floor, climbing up the walls, and illuminating your eyes that stare at him.
You recognize the look too, and the timing of your lover’s sentimentality should be comedic if anything, but when his shoulders soften and you feel him pull you up and away from him, seating you on his lap, your brain blanks.
Love, like a wordless exchange in the mornings, because even if the dawn has broken through the black of the sky, you choose to let the silence linger just for a little while longer. Bokuto holds you by the waist, lifting you up and over his cock before he eases himself in with a low groan. Eyes locked towards you, from your end you see the colors of the stars while he’s awestruck, gazing at the sky.
He’s panting, and you’re shaking—a newfound presence that’s always blended itself in the atmosphere of the room even when you’re fucking enveloping the two of you like a warm blanket on a cold day.
“I love you,” he says, the truth in his words finally breaking past its earlier barriers.
“I love you, I love you, I fucking love you,” Bokuto whispers, the tone of his voice half a moan and a confession, bottom lip in between his teeth as he thrusts up, and pulls your waist down to meet him halfway simultaneously.
And you feel it.
The kind of love that’s always found you ever since you met him.  
Because love—the kind that’s raw and real and present, flows better through feelings instead of words. Though when he thinks of it, he had never been exactly the type to have been much for words, so he supposes the sentiment remains.
He likes to think that love—his sort of love—has a habit of being uncovered in the mornings. Mornings like 5ams right before the dawn breaks and the world stirs. The frost from last night’s chilly air still on the windowpanes and the sun just barely waking. A world that thrives in progress and motion, the days starting with the intention to be lived before it ends. The forgiving kind of sun during sunrise, because it feels more warm than scathing on his skin.
Bokuto likes to memorize everything about you under a light like this.
He knows he’ll see all the shades of blue when you open your eyes, but for now it’s the hue of the skin on your eyelids and blush of your cheeks that he sees. Bokuto chokes out another confession that reaches you, his fingers digging deeper into the skin of your waist, his breaths labored and roughed, perfectly matching yours.  
Another inbetween makes itself known, coming as the thought that mornings have always been your sort of thing. It’s always been funny how little epiphanies of just how in love he is with you choose to unravel in moments like these, but it fits.
The sound of your voice—his name on your lips, moaned, and huffed out in short breaths fits. If you lean forward and press your chest against his, which he knows you only do when you’re getting close and wanting to bury your face somewhere—fits.
(Like a puzzle piece that clicks in place, it fits.)
Love fits, and nestles in the cracks and corners of his life, and he’s only felt fulfillment since.
You feel his hips stutter, his grip tightening even more before he slams you to him once, twice, as he buries himself to the hilt and cums.
Bokuto feels you shaking, in a way he knows is good against him, so he laughs. And he’s quiet with his words as he sounds out the vowels of your name. Hands, gentle in the way it holds you—cradles you to him, because love is like that too.
As much as it bursts and makes him feel like he’s racing through a highway, blind and breathless, and euphoric—it’s also just holding you close to him at daybreak. You allow the silence to resettle, your hands reaching forward to cup his face as you open your eyes and look at the colors of the stars again, and Bokuto’s smiling.
(You are too.)
He sniffles, as do you.
Love hangs like the vines of a plant that resurfaces into the earth again and again despite the rough hands that time never ceases to bring.
“Hey,” you whisper, your forehead pressed against his, the smell of home and him a familiar one to you.
(I love you.)
And he knows you mean to say that, so he closes your eyes and leans in to your touch, because he’s safe, and here, and home.
(The way his thumbs rub circles on the skin of your waist tells you that he means to say I love you too.)
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skiyoosmi · 4 years
– caramel frappucino ch. 27
marga’s notes. AHHH hello my loveliest readers; i cannot believe we have finally reached this end (well, not really the last chap ‘cause we still have two epilogue-like chaps coming up but yeah)… i hope you enjoy this part!! PLUS LISTEN TO THE SONGS CAUSE AHHHHH THE. MOOD. FITS.
on the train ride home by the paper kites | quiet eyes by axel flóvent
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 “Do I look okay?” you asked, head turning to your cousin who was casually lounging around your room. For the umpteenth time of the day, Tetsurou released an exasperated sigh, looking away from the game he was playing on his mobile phone and glaring at you while lying on your neatly-folded bed.
“That’s what you’ve been asking for the past hour and I keep telling you yes,” he grumbled as he adjusted his body so he now laid on his stomach, continuing to scroll through his phone and at the same time, muttering some stuff about how he hopes you miss the fireworks show. Seconds later, he let out a loud yelp as he felt something hit him right on the back of his head. He scowled in your direction upon noticing the missing pink hairbrush that was previously in your hand, now on the floor.
“You brought me into this situation so don’t curse on me now. This… is your ship sailing,” you gestured to your face that was fancily styled for the night out. You only rolled your eyes when he childishly stuck his tongue out as a reply, going back to fixing whatever still needs to be fixed.
A few more minutes of doing unnecessary things passed before a knock resonated through your apartment’s front door. Tetsurou immediately jumped up from his position on your bed, giggling when he passed by your form before skipping his way downstairs to open the door for your guest.
To say that your heart was beating loud is an understatement – hell, you could almost swear it’s about to burst out of your chest from its pounding. Stop sweating, doofus! You’ll ruin your makeup, you silently screamed at yourself, feeling the dampness slowly beginning to form around your forehead and neck out of extreme anxiety.
“Y/N! Get your butt downstairs. Your date’s already here,” the teasing and boisterous voice of your cousin echoed throughout the apartment, followed by another giggle after a few seconds, probably because Sakusa replied to his rather embarassing comment. Despite not seeing the two, you felt your face flush; it wasn’t like you’re denying that it was a date… it was just unusual to hear especially when your date was someone like Sakusa.
After gathering enough nerves to face them, you took a deep breath and looked at your vanity mirror for the last time, hands smoothing down your red floral yukata for any crease that formed. Soon, you found yourself bashfully standing in front of the two tall men as Sakusa’s eyes shamelessly scanned your figure. Although he himself was wearing a simple navy yukata, you couldn’t fathom what he was thinking seeing as his face was adorned with his usual mask that was, for some reason, black this time.
“You look nice,” he nodded at your direction while you smiled, returning the compliment you have surprisingly received from him; you knew that your face was red as hell right now based on how your cousin was biting his lips to keep himself from laughing.
“Now, go! Enjoy yourselves and remember to make the wish,” he winked, pushing you both out of the door with his hands on your lower backs. You both gave him a glare that he only ignored, waving goodbye as you went on your way.
“I hope he understood what I said about making the wish though.”
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“I’m sorry, he really didn’t mean to,” you profusely bowed your head at the man almost twice your age who was glowering at your companion who, in return, remained unbothered. On the ends of the said man’s feet were his spilled strawberry and milk kakigōri which Sakusa, coming from the old man’s words, knocked over when he bumped into him while walking beside the food stalls.
“Young miss, instead of apologizing when it’s not your fault, you should teach your companion how to be respectful to his elders,” he shook his head from side to side in a mocking disappointment, as if to annoy Sakusa further.
“Are you implying that I am disrespectful?” Sakusa countered, hands clenching a little bit as he tried to calm himself down. He doesn’t need a nameless man almost ruining both of your nights right now. Still, his pride didn’t let him let this one go; he couldn’t give this man the satisfaction when he clearly knows to himself that he didn’t bump into him a while ago. If anything, it was the older man who purposely bump into the two of you – probably cause you kind of looked a little too beautiful tonight.
Sure, he won’t deny that he found you pretty right from the moment he met you, one of the main reasons he decided to keep on talking to you and befriending you instead of loathing you for spilling the caramel frappucino on him. For some reason however, the way you styled yourself tonight made you even more gorgeous in his eyes, if that was still possible.
“Just drop it, ‘Omi,” you harshly whispered, fingers grabbing a fold of his yukata and tugging on it to stop him from engaging into an unnecessary fight. In addition to that, you were pretty sure the fireworks show will go off any moment now; you had to find yourselves a decent place where you can watch the much-anticipated event or else you will seriously sulk into a corner until next year’s festival.
“Apologize,” the man ordered but to no avail, Sakusa still stood his ground; even going as far as grabbing your hands with his and pulling you into the opposite direction. From behind you, you could hear a noise of protest and a ‘you little s–‘ before it was cut off. He kept on pulling you despite your arguments about how he should’ve just lowered his pride and said he’s sorry.
“Why would I say sorry when I didn’t do anything? It’s clear as a day that he’s just trying to prolong the conversation so he could take more look of you.”
“W-what…” you stuttered, not really being able to understand what he was trying to say. As if he was able to read your mind, he let out a frustrated sigh after removing his black mask.
“He had this disgusting look that screams he wants to take you out despite him being older by so much. I’m saying it’s because you look too pretty tonight,” the last sentence he told you immediately caused your face to flush a deep red; you were just so thankful it was nighttime or else you wouldn’t be able to live off the embarrassment of being so flustered from a simple compliment.
A few seconds later, it dawned upon you that he brought you to a rather secluded place by the top of the small hill where you still had a good view of what was about to come. Observing the area, you began to think Sakusa also watches the yearly event, judging by how he knew that this kind of secret place existed. People usually crowded by the bridge since it has the widest space and the clearest view which also meant that on this hill, you two were alone together.
He then took out a large piece of clothing that he laid on the ground, sitting cross-legged and patting the space next to him as he gestured for you to sit as well. Following his request, you gently sat down and looked ahead the reflection of the moon by the river.
“Are you feeling alright these days?” you only hummed in reply, too entranced by the night’s beauty. Ten minutes from now, the fireworks will make it even more beautiful.
“I’ve never pestered you about your… situation with Iwaizumi-san, but I felt like I needed to ask how you are,” he explained upon catching your eyes that were filled with wonder and curiosity due to his sudden question. Your mouth formed a small ‘o’ before giving him a small smile.
“I’m really okay, don’t worry. I just feel guilty sometimes, you know? In my mind, there are just some thoughts that pass by… things like I wish I’ve known so I didn’t hurt him that long,” you let out a quiet sigh, folding your arms over your knee and placing your chin on it. The quiet cricket of the night bugs adding more solemnity in the air as you both talked.
“Do you wish to go back to that time? And maybe be in a relationship with him?” you immediately shook your head ‘no.’
“No, no… not that kind of regret. I wouldn’t have agreed to be in a relationship either way. I was too young and too dumb; I know it won’t work out between us. I mean… I just get that feeling that we won’t.”
“Then why do you feel sad?” you mulled over his question, trying to form the right words that will truly explain how you really felt with everything that has happened.
“It’s something like… I wish I’d known so I could’ve rejected him right away? Is that cruel? I mean, maybe if I did that, we wouldn’t have gone through such pain for such a long time, get rid of the false hopes we had for each other. Hell, I don’t even remember anymore what it feels like to be really happy without thinking of such thoughts,” you sadly chuckled before shrugging and leaning back as you saw the people from faraway beginning to take their phones out, signaling that the fireworks show was almost beginning.
You felt Sakusa scoot closer to you; something you didn’t expect since you knew he never liked getting close to another person. You were sure as hell by now that all throughout the night, he was acting really weird; something different compared to his usual demeanor – not that it freaked you out though. If anything, you liked his slight clinginess too much… but you didn’t need him being weirded out so you opted to not saying anything.
“Is that your wish?” he quietly asked, making you jump out of surprise for his sudden closeness. His nimble fingers were on your chin, turning your head so you could look at his eyes that screamed a thousand feelings.
“W-what?” you breathed out, internally cursing because you didn’t even know how many times you’ve stuttered tonight.
“I’ve read somewhere that if you make a wish and… give the person beside you a kiss, it will come true so I’m asking you, is that your wish? To be truly happy,” he whispered, eyes flickering from your eyes to your lips. If this was any other person, you were pretty sure you would’ve slapped the wits out of him due to his statement’s ridiculousness but for some reason, you couldn’t move away from him.
“I… I think so,” you meekly nodded, gulping as he seemed to have no plan on moving at all. You think you can hear the fireworks crackling as it began to light up the sky, booming over the night sky as it tried to get your attention 
“I’ll try my best to make you happy then.”
… but the feeling of soft lips crashing into yours as soon as he said what he wanted to say was enough to leave you distracted. It wasn’t like anything you have imagined before; this – this was full of love, magic and adoration, something you have missed when you often wondered what it felt like to have a kiss. Heartbeats powering the sound of the explosions and sparks as he intertwined his fingers into yours, panting for breath when he released himself from you.
“Y-you.... kissed me... you hate germs... and I missed the fireworks,” you mumbled, feeling rather lightheaded from kissing him too long. He lightly chuckled, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear, leaning over to give you another peck.
“I think we can let those slide just this once.”
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le0watch · 3 years
"the moon is beautiful tonight."
it was said so quietly, langa almost thinks he hadn't actually heard it. he glances to his side, where reki is sitting, his knees hugged to his chest. his cheeks are a deep red, spreading over and across his nose. the moon's light shines brightly, highlighting his face just enough for langa to see the curves of his cheeks, the freckles peppering his skin, the honey amber of his eyes. he's not looking at langa, but at the moon instead, its perfect sphere reflected against the soft candlelight of his gaze.
he's beautiful, stars surrounding the moon's reflection, making his eyes look like a bit of the night sky captured in his skull. langa could get lost staring into them, to forever drift through the stars and galaxies in his amber orbs. a few strands of his fiery hair frames his face, bringing ever more of langa's attention to his gorgeous eyes.
langa can't stop the breath from being caught in his chest. at the way reki blushes so adorably. by why is he blushing? he normally only does following a stream of compliments that langa had released, or due to the brushing of their hands. maybe if due to his gorgeous eyes catching langa's watching him, a softness at their edges.
but none of that had happened. they've sat here together, under the night's sky for about an hour now. it had started off with langa pointing out some of the constellations he knew, followed with reki asking for the stories behind each. and because of the interest langa had taken in them when he'd been younger, he happily obliged, retelling each of the stories he knew behind the shapes of the stars.
his favorite is o'rion. langa likes to imagine that instead of the ancient hero, carved into his place among the stars, that it was reki, instead, forever shining like the sun he is.
he hadn't even been looking at the moon. but now, after reki choked out that sentence, his gaze drifts to it, finding it to be large and full, bright against the black backdrop of the sleeping sky.
he has to agree that it is, in fact, beautiful.
but that still doesn't explain the feather light flush covering reki's cheeks and nose.
a cat with a pure coat of silver fur approaches them, tail held high, curved at its tip. its eyes are an unearthly green, watching the two boys curiously.
"it is," he replied, softly, not wanting to break the state of their quiet comfort. the still of the night they had melded into.
somehow, he thinks, he must have answered wrong. because of smiling back at him, reki frowns, his eyes dropping, chin burying itself in the fabric of his sweater's sleeves. langa frowns, too, guilt rising in the pit of his stomach over a mistake he doesn't understand.
"reki, i-"
"tell me more about the stars, langa," reki said, interrupting him. langa stops, mouth still half way open to form his apology, eyes blinking slowly, like a confused owl. reki looks at him, now, with a bright smile that langa knows is forced. what had he done? he'd messed up again, and he doesn't even know how. and now, reki isn't going to explain why, not now, and langa knows he shouldn't press.
so, he tells him more about the stars. he traces the constellations with his fingetip, and he doesn't comment on how he feels reki's gaze on the side of his face the rest of the time theyre there, laying in the grass, skateboards abandoned nearby.
the silver light cat trots away, tail lowered.
langa later tells joe about the confounding experience. the morning sun's fresh rays of light pours in through the windows, gleaming off of the slicked counter and tabletops. joe pauses in the cleaning of the glass he'd been focused on, eyes darting to langa's face.
"he said what to you, word by word?" joe asked, somehow serious of the smallest of a thing. what does it matter what reki had said? langa did something wrong, making those bright honey amber eyes dull to a brown pebble. he just needs to know what he did, so he knows how he can fix it.
"'the moon is beautiful tonight'," langa repeated, recalling each word easily. he remembers anything and everything reki ever says to him, filing each phrase and thing that leaves his lips in sections of his heart. especially the things that matter most- like the time he'd admitted to wanting to skate with langa forever, the day after that and the day after that!
joe's eyes widen, but his lips quirk upwards into a light smile. he chuckles softly, setting the cup he'd been cleaning aside, with the rest of the drinking cups.
"langa, that phrase holds meaning in our language," joe informs him, and langa's heart skips a beat. oh, no, what if it was something important, and langa had just brushed over it like it was no big deal? what if he'd offended reki, and there was no way of returning the honey he loved to those amber orbs he adored?
"what? what does it mean?" langa asks quickly, desperatly. he needs to make it up to reki as soon as possible, so joe needs to hurry up and tell him already!
another chuckle, and joe leans back against the wall across from the counter, large arms crossed over his even larger chest. "i told kaoru that very phrase, before we were together," he said, instead of answering langa straight on. langa's eyebrows furrow with his confusion and impatience, and he wants to demand that joe just tell him already. but joe is hokding a hand up, probably to calm him. "i told him this phrase on the night we got together. so that he would finally know. i couldn't tell him outright, so saying that instead helped me tremoundously. now, as you know, we're together, because he understood."
his eyes had gone soft as he spoke, remembering the night that he and cherry finally became official. it had been a pretty night, with them standing together a tad off from the rest of the ground, joe's jacket draped over cherry's shoulder. the moon hadn't been to remarkable that night- a small sliver, more dark than actual light. langa recalls just hearing the whisper of joe's words brushing through the air, against his ears.
"the moon is beautiful tonight," joe told cherry, his voice low like it had been a secret. langa's head tilted in confusion when cherry's eyes widened with surprise and disbelief, glazing over with something like admiration. reki beside him had gasped, hands coming up to cover his mouth at the scene, a light pink flushing his face. langa's confusion had only grown, furthered by the rolling of miya's eyes and shadow's blanching noise.
cherry had, surprisingly, pressed closer to, even if a tad begrudgingly. "i'm glad that you do," cherry had finally responded, and didn't sound like he was hissing through the cracks of his teeth anymore.
and then, just like that, they'd been official, and everyone cheered for them, leaving langa behind in his utter confusion.
now, it's dawning on him, and his mouth drops open, heart skipping another beat. he could feel his cheeks heating up, like he was outside in the summer's heat instead of inside in joe's a/c cooled restaurant. joe smiled at him as his eyes went back to his face, nodding a little, confirming langa's suspicions.
langa ran from the building as soon as he knows for sure, needing to find reki right then.
he doesn't find reki until later that day, as the sun sets and the moon is peeking over the horizon. reki is at the skatepark, alone, sitting on top of his board and idly scooting himself side to side. the last of the sun's light catches around him like a halo, making him the sole originator of all sunlight for a moment or two, before it fades, leaving him in shadow.
but langa can still reki's beautiful face, honey amber eyes looking at the cracks in the ground, tracing them almost like they are the constellations fallen to earth. he can't stop himself from smiling, at the freckled face, the lightly tanned skin, the fire red hair and amber eyes.
he makes his way to where he sits, and plops down on his own board beside him. reki jumps a little, not noticing his arrival until he's directly beside him, their bent knees brushing in the middle. the moon is slowly rising, a sliver of it sliced off. but it is still large, still bright and beautiful. like the boy he loves sitting beside him.
"hi, reki," he said in greeting, offering a small smile and wave.
reki flushes a little, already, waving back, shy. "hey, langa," he replied, and looks back up at the star dotted sky, capturing some of it in his eyes once more. if reki's eyes were the universe, langa wouldn't be surprised in the slightest. "wanna tell me about more of the constellations?"
langa hums, a light, song like note. he scoots ever closer to reki, the edges of their boards bumping, their thighs meeting. the flush on reki's face darkens, and his gaze flickers at their connected legs. "maybe in a minute," langa said, and brings their shoulders together. reki goes completely still, knees locking him in place. he leans closer, wetting his lips only a tad nervously. he's waited for so long to say this, and now he could communicate it in the way reki would prefer. he tilts his head towards the dark sky, towards the moon, now halfway high. "don't you think the moon is beautiful tonight?"
it must be the way he says it, because reki's honey amber eyes dart to his, and his flush deepens even further at how close their faces are. langa is now completely invading reki's space, their noses inches apart, their breaths mingling in the cool night air.
wide honey amber eyes stare into his own, searching, and he smiles warmly, nodding, a minute thing.
reki's lips part, his gaze drifting to langa's mouth. langa makes sure to lean in closer, slower now, however, to allow reki time to pull away. he doesn't. instead, he leans closer, their noses bumping, brushing against one another intimately.
"me too," reki whispered. his words are nearly stolen by the breeze, but langa catches them, bottles them into a small jar and stores it away to keep forever.
finally, their lips meet, warm and soft and chaste, with only the moon watching.
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