#& unfaeyh
odisn · 4 years
                           @unfaeyh    /    p.
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feygana2 · 4 years
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❛   𝐒𝐏𝐄𝐀𝐊𝐈𝐍𝐆  𝐀𝐒  𝐎𝐍𝐄  𝐖𝐇𝐎  𝐇𝐀𝐒  𝐅𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐄𝐍   from the very pinnacle of comfort, it seems to me that poverty is an eyeglass through which one may see his true friends.   ❜   /  @unfaeyh​    /     sc.
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lumenari-moved · 4 years
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𝐈𝐍𝐁𝐎𝐗   ⇢   @unfaeyh​
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ❛ your protection is based on the fact that people are scared of you. ❜ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
   That was so... simpleminded it was nearly enough to put her to sleep. Who were these people he even referred to? Most of HUMANITY didn’t even know she existed — sure, some of them might fear the concept of the Devil, of Hell, and everything in between. But that didn’t protect her at all. If he meant demons, well... some of them probably were. But all of them were too WEAK to lay a hand on her, even if they joined forces.
   “I think my protection is based on the fact that I’m a god,” she responded, quirking a brow. “I don’t need anything else.”
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withinycu-arch · 4 years
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The Sword and the Stone Starter Meme | accepting
"Knowledge, wisdom, thats the real power." // for tailtiu @unfaeyh​
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“And is that what you have come here seeking, Prince Nuada?” She and her sister were understandably wary of Balor’s children. True they were just as much children of Danu as they and all the other gods of the Keltoi. But the court of Avalon had always favored the more subtle arts. 
They were not conquerors, the island was populated by scholarly minded Druids. Ambrosius Aurelius and his short dynasty had been the only time they had meddled directly in human affairs. And all they had to show for that were Ambrosius Aurelius’ body preserved by the cauldron of Annwn and Arthur Pendraig serving as their reluctant champion. 
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seasreign · 4 years
                                                    &   * º.゜   starter  call   :   @unfaeyh​​  .
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 ❝          i  don’t  claim  to  know  everything  about  your  ways      .          ❞                      he  leans  over  his  thighs      ,      elbows  propped  comfortably  over  his  knees      ,      lips  pursed      .      on  the  seat  right  next  to  him      ,      so  close  that  it  touches  his  side      ,      is  his  trident      .      his  has  his  head  lifted  to  look  the  light-haired  man  in  the  eyes      .                    ❝            but  i  do  claim  to  know  the  difficulty  of  managing  more  than  one      …      people      .      i  won’t  be  written  off  like  some  stranger      .      i’m  not  here  to  give  you  trouble      .      unless  that’s  what  you  want      .          ❞
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goldenornstein · 4 years
"No grave can hold my body down."
Sentence starters || ACCEPTING.
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“As it should be.”
So much to be done. No time for such a thing as death. 
Buried and forsaken, as though the Earth would ever want Nuada back in such a manner. Ornstein did wonder what these humans were thinking, what sort of delusion plagued them — as to harbour the certainty that their feeble weapons could kill the divine. 
And yet…. he was one himself, wasn’t he? A human. No. Not really. Only half. Less even than that. His humanity died day by day, poisoned by the resolve to end this war. 
“Well, nap time is over,” he dared to jest, offering a hand to Nuada, as well as a candid smile. Such sympathy could’ve seemed out of place, even eerie, given the long trail of corpses and carnage left in his wake.
To give life, and take it away… such was his own heritage.
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wcrstarter · 4 years
@unfaeyh​//ᴛᴀʀᴏᴛ ꜱᴛᴀʀᴛᴇʀ-ᴋɴɪɢʜᴛ ᴏꜰ ᴠᴇꜱꜱᴇʟꜱ
One of the benefits of immortality was being granted witness to historic events. Sonja remembered the war between the Bethmoora Clan and humans, and the Golden Army. The tale had quickly become legend, but she knew that the Elves were as real as any of the vampires in the Castle Corvinus coven. They had not joined either side, too occupied at the time in their own war against the Children of William. A shame, the golden army might have helped cut down the wolves and the deathdealer army would have easily defeated much of the human armies.
Perhaps then both vampires, lycans, the elves, and supernaturals alike wouldn’t be forced to live in hiding or underground as humans spread faster than the scourge of William ever had.
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Sonja knew exactly who the elf prince standing before her was, even if they’d never been formally introduced before. Why he was here, she couldn’t guess. Still she stood her ground calmly at the coven gates, she’d defend her home and coven from anyone that could prove a threat--even if she did privately agree with much of Nuada’s thoughts on humanity.
“Prince Nuada...what brings you to Castle Corvinus? Should we expect a declaration of war, or a guest from you?”
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marakama · 4 years
Ankur cannot remember when he began walking and he is scarcely aware of how far he has travelled, his head too like honey- heavy and sticky and obfuscating- for him to realize how deeply he has wandered (and how easily). Thick as it is, the strange forest seems to part before him, inviting him further and further into its almost familiar embrace. The looming branches above him twisted like those of sacred figs, tendrils of fog weaving through night air, the eyes of something ancient watching wherever moonlight breaks through leaves; even the eerie whispers around him sound like the murmuring of yakshas. He is a stranger here, certainly, but for the moment, he forgets how far he is from home. 
He also cannot remember finding the pond, and does not register the wet mud he kneels in as he lowers himself before it, transfixed by its perfectly still water, dark despite the moonlight in this small clearing. Something within it calls to him, the faint glow of his own eyes in the night blinking back at him, almost beckoning too. Slow, outstretched fingers reach forward and hover over the pond, its surface rippling softly in anticipation of--
He tenses, head snapping back to attention, eyes narrowing as he carefully scans his surroundings, unsure of what he heard. The dense trees around him mean he is unable to see much either, and a wave of cold floods through him as he becomes aware of his surroundings, of how decidedly alien this forest is to him. The water before him suddenly looks cruel in its beauty, its call more like the overwhelming urge to jump at a cliff’s edge than the alluring scent of ripe fruit. Something like disgust (or perhaps fear) rises in his stomach, and he stands slowly, fingers curled like claws as he turns to look behind him. Something-- no, someone is nearby, he’s sure, and watching him. He relaxes slightly; a person, magical or not, is decidedly less frightening than whatever ancient magic called him into this forest. And his experience calms him too-- for what entities take human form, except to speak, to appease human fears? The west might be different in that too, but he decides to take the risk.
“I am not your enemy,” he tries in careful English (he is in Europe, he remembers hazily-- somewhere in the Isles), tone meaasured and calm. He shows his open palms, head swaying slightly side to side. “You can show yourself, I will not try to harm you.”
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vulpesse-arc · 4 years
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DIR EN GREY starters !  ✿  accepting. @unfaeyh​  has whispered:   ❝ I am alone. ❞
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A SPECTRUM OF RED PIGMENTS, with neither blacks or whites in the extremities: her mother tongue does not speak in kindness as much as it does not speak in hatred, for it is a language birthed and then sired by all those emotions in-between that burn bright and devour everything. This is why Ahri is genuinely foreign to the raw concept of compassion and is, instead, solely capable of feigning it through gentle touches and honeyed nothings   ───   His words, however, do not fall ‘pon deafened ears and thus incite her to emphasize with him, with the perennial cold within his ribcage, with the awareness of being vacant and fragmentary and thoroughly LOVELESS. If they are both victims to LONELINESS, then would it be really that wrong to outstretch her hand towards him  ? 
   ❝  Neither the first or the last, solitude is a curse that was bestowed ‘pon many of us.  ❞   Her voice is dulcet, mayhap even more than she has originally intended  ;  tentative steps forward are thus leisurely taken whilst her nine fur-coated appendages remain dull and motionless, partially recoiled all around her petite silhouette.   ❝  If you’d like, you could remain here for a while.  ❞   
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gloryshound-archive · 4 years
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@unfaeyh​   prompted   ❛   do you understand what it means to be human.  ❜  + liz
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                      𝐈𝐍𝐍𝐔𝐑𝐄𝐃  𝐓𝐎  𝐅𝐄𝐀𝐑  ,  in  the  way  that  resignation  has  colored  her  bones  like  dull  myrrh  ,  the  way  that  she  knows  she  will ignite  again.  the  way  she  knows  the  sun  will  rise  again  in  the  east.   she  understands  he  is  dangerous  ,  the  way  she  understands  all  things  can  be  if  given  incentive.  and  hasn’t  he  been  handed  a  reason  ,  some  righteous  cause  on  a  platter  ?   hasn’t  he  earned  his  revenge  ?  she  thinks  about  that  a  lot  ,  the  meaning  of  right  and  the  meaning  of  just  ,  she  thinks  about  herself  locked  up  tight  behind  white  walls  and  the  snap  of  rubber  bands.   she  thinks  ,  looking  at  the  anger  in  his  eyes  ,  the  tightly  coiled  leash  of  his  rage  that  mad  dogs  have  their  reasons  too.  YOU  KEEP  USING  THAT  WORD  :    i  don’t  think  it  means  what  you  think  it  means  ,  and  her  lips  kip upward  ,  lopsided  and  imperfect  ,  so  very  human.    “   yeah.  i  do.  but  somehow  i  feel  like  our  definitions  differ.  “  mind  trails  over  red  and  blue  ,  the  two  men  of  her  life  and  she  wonders  how  surprised  people  would  be  to  find  that  of  the  three  she  feels  the  least  human.   
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feygana2 · 4 years
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“  𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐓𝐇𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐓 𝐎𝐅 𝐈𝐑𝐎𝐍 𝐁𝐀𝐑𝐒 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐈𝐌𝐌𝐎𝐋𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍  do not hurt me so ;    it is that i will die being painted by the stain of hatred as something that i am not.      a lack of liberty and the most basic commodities of respect:  that is the greatest pain a prisoner may have.   ”  
@unfaeyh​ liked for a starter.
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celticmagicks · 4 years
"Think im owed a happy day. Just one."
“i can relate to that.” she nods along. “want to make a club? the give us a happy day club?”
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@unfaeyh / inbox clear out
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bgdnw-a · 4 years
𝚂𝚃𝙰𝚁𝚃𝙴𝚁 : —           with : @unfaeyh
                                                                                         FINGERS TAP A FAMILIAR       tune   on   the   surface    before   him  ,     impatience   clear   in   the   way   he   moves  ,    never   was   he   good   at   waiting  ,     preferring   action   over   all  .               ❝    this   part   is   shit  .  ❞
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naturma · 4 years
Im currently revamping my kushiel blog into a low activity multi. Idk how many of you will recognize these names, but heres who'll be on it:
Rhuunkyr, oc (xaith)
Vaethys, oc (xaith)
Solas, canon divergent (dreadgod)
Talos, tes (mantling)
Ulvanna, my db, tes (shezzarin)
Kushiel, book of enoch (punishyr)
Nuada, dc (unfaeyh)
Cadmus, oc (felsun)
Moraiwe, oc (no prev blog)
Tehru, oc (no prev blog)
THE URL IS @pooratlas
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goldenornstein · 4 years
"There is a part of me thats unfamiliar to myself... and i keep finding myself there."
Sentence Starters || accepting.
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“I find myself having the same experience — a predicament, perhaps — again and again,” he admitted without missing a beat. Nor lowering his guard.
Unlike the golden Prince’s countenance, of Elven upbringing, his own appearance barely betrayed any inhuman traits. Only the harmonious symmetry of his features, the bright red of his hair, could ever seem somewhat off to a most keen observer. 
However, there was no hiding the exuberant strength of his spirit — not to a creature of a similar ilk.
“Yet we are alive, aren’t we?” A simple truth, as well as the greatest of complexities. “Life is dynamic… always, until death takes its place.”
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chayos · 4 years
temp pinned post [ ... ]
Hello all !! I am sura [ genderfluid (she / they) , 22 , us central time ] . enter , loki of asgard . I will be taking influences from my own shit , thor , thor 2 , & thor : dark world . HEAVY MYTH INFLUENCES . light comic influences .
Notes :
Loki is masc leaning intersex
The whole fem loki thing ?? A ploy to manipulate & torment the people of asgard . he's not fem leaning or genderfluid . just a shapeshifting , deceptive ass .
no children of loki, ocs or canons , will be recognized w / o heavy plotting .
I think how Loki's been fetishized is beyond gross . keep it & ooc thirst away from me
Loki is a god above all else . He can be summoned . He is worshipped . He has human followers . Use this as you will .
Loki is grey moral at best . No justifying his actions here pls i beg of you . Especially if we are talking comics .
Im also on @unfaeyh , @postmort , @gaiama .
More tba .
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