#&&. | tangled the series. | theories.
lamestlynn · 11 months
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colour wheel challenge thing.
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nerdasaurus1200 · 4 months
Rapunzel: Varian? Varian!
Lance: Where is that little guy?
Cassandra: *whistles for him*
Eugene: Cass we’re looking for Varian, not a dog.
Varian: You whistled?
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animagicsalina · 1 year
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Chapter Eight - “The Water Kingdom Trial” (Part 4/4)
And I’m back with the last part of this chapter! I’m ngl it’s been a rough semester with all my classes and losing my Apple Pencil and such. But I hope y’all’s like dis 👉🏼
Also I have no idea whether to do a filler chapter (which I’ve written a while ago) or go straight to the Air Kingdom (which I have not fully fleshed out yet)
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eclipseofthemoonsmood · 10 months
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So rewatching last episode of Tangled The Series, I was studying all the people in this last frame- and i gotta say. I found something a bit strange. But it wasn't who i saw. It's what.
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Here, we can see Attila, holding a cake.
In the shape of a key.
As we know, Chris Sonnenburg, was pretty rude to Varian fans online for a while. " They're aren't focusing on the right things." He kept saying. What if he meant the little things like this? And if he did, what does this mean? Could this little key mean something deeper for the show? If you look closely, it almost looks like the top of the key is in the shape of a crown. But it could just be pixelated. Will we ever know for sure? Is this key a metaphorical key for the show? Meaning that the show is a key to a new realm of possibilities? Or am I just crazy. Tell me your theories! And if anyone knows anything about this interesting easter egg, I'd love to hear about it. Also yes, I was listening to Kronos Unveiled from The Incredibles while writing this.
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rhmis-user-2020 · 18 days
My theory as to why Andrew has long hair
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Well, my theory about it is that Andrew used too many shampoos and/or conditioners. Because of this, his hair is probably long and presumably got Eugene and Lance amazed and their mouths wide open at the thought of seeing Andrew keeping his hair tied in a bun because he has long hair.
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birb-tangleblog · 10 months
Pardon me if I'm stating the obvious, or if this has been discussed before, but I've been thinking about the S2 finale and Cass taking the moonstone again, and I really like the idea that maybe the moonstone responds to will?
I remember when Destinies Collide aired, there was a lot of speculation about how Cass was able to grab it- she reached for it w/ her withered arm so she wasn't harmed, Rapunzel was nearby so its defenses were down, etc.- but the more I think about it, the more I like the idea that the moonstone simply responds to intention.
The moonstone blew Edmund's arm off b/c he wanted to destroy it, the black rock cage around it dissolved b/c Rapunzel reached for it, and Cass was able to seize it because she wanted to make her own destiny. (Maybe you could get spicy and headcanon that the moonstone's cage wasn't even responding to Rapunzel, if she still had any doubts at that point- perhaps it was reacting to Cass' presence?)
It solves the big question mark of why the Brotherhood would devote themselves to guarding a magical item that needs no protection, and why Edmund feared it could be used for evil in the wrong hands. Maybe past DK kings and queens were even able to use the moonstone to build and protect their kingdom, and that's why the DK grew around it.
I feel like the show had the bones for themes of destiny and free will vs. determinism (see: "Crossing the Line" lyrics). The moonstone allowing anyone w/ the capacity to wield it while Rapunzel is imbued with the sundrop from birth seems fitting. And it's true that anyone who sings the incantation can also use the sundrop flower- but as far as we know, the power itself can't be bonded with in the same way, only passed down and inherited.
It parallels Cass and Raps' circumstances- Rapunzel being born into royalty, with her powers, at the center of a prophecy, while Cass has to makes her own way even before she takes the stone.
And I like that as far as AUs go, any character with strong enough motivation and willpower could take the moonstone instead. It jives with how in moon!AUs, the character who takes it often has something they want to make right or something they desperately want to change about their life.
Again, might be too obvious, but I think it's a more interesting/compelling explanation or theory than Cass stealing the moonstone b/c of a window of opportunity or a fluke/loophole.
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I am currently showing my friend Tangled the series, and he is currently subscribed to Moon!Varian
Like we JUST finished season 2, and like, he’s still freaking out about the reverse incantation and how when Rapunzel first sang it her hair was black with blue/teal streaks, like Varians hair.
It’s really funny watching my friend speed run what I went through watching the show when it came it! XD
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uraniumwriting · 6 months
Who are they
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[image ID: an individual icon from The Mermaid's Tongue screenshot. The person the icon represents appears to have gray-ish blue skin and teal, straight hair. They appear to be wearing a pink crop top and purple pants]
I remember seeing someone point out this icon in the Airlock screenshot on The Mermaid's Tongue Steam Page, and I think it's interesting that the icon was in the corner. Are they something who is assisting the investigation? Are they in the room and it's being indicated by the icon for some reason?
I could see this person potentially being an ally (maybe a comms person? We did see speakers in the demo after all), maybe not a hint system but maybe instead someone who you have to use to gain insight on certain clues and suspect whereabouts. Not sure which of the outlines we've seen so far that they would match, but I think they're neat.
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jey-draws · 5 months
i have been attracted by your tangled fanart like the rat that i am :)))
some other people seem to be disappointed by your blog name not matching your art style, but i think the irony of it is fantastic and glorious~
also: how colors????? how do that???? how convert normal colors to pop like that?????? my friend your art is most excellent
I've been meaning to watch the series ever since everyone went nuts over 'ready as I'll ever be' and then again over 'nothing left to lose' because artists went crazy over it! There were so many animatics if I remember correct. I was not expecting to enjoy it that much though and I certainly wasn't expecting to be so drawn to anyone in the series!!!
As for my blog title I agree! I love irony so it's definitely a keeper!
Coincidently I've had another ask regarding colour recently so I've just posted that one and it includes all my colour tips so far, and I'll also link it here for convenience! But in terms of converting base colours to make them pop, you may only be interested in this one post out of the bunch!
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bee-snail · 1 year
I've been rewatching TTS episodes (the youtube Disney Channel finally released all s1 episodes in my country!) and I realized that in Painter's Block, Xavier explains that Demanitus captured evil spirits and kept them prisoner in the hidden mountain chamber that holds the Demanitus Device.
We see this scene:
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Sugracha's spirit was released after the "block" in the middle of this screenshot was broken. We see that there's more "blocks" beside it, so this combined with Xavier's explanation leads me to believe there's more spirits (people?) like Sugracha and Tromus kept prisoner inside them, and the fact all of them most likely have Zhan Tiri's crest on them implies to me that there are way, more followers of Zhan Tiri than we saw in the show.
Sugracha and Tromus may have been only two of her Disciples, the only ones who previously followed Demanitus.
I wonder how many Disciples he locked inside that chamber...
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lordquiver · 6 months
Is Zhan Tiri technically non-binary (or just queer in general)? Because in Xavier's legend he refers to Zhan Tiri as 'he' (if I remember correctly) but then every other time we've seen them, they've been referred to as 'she' and 'her' and presents femininely (aside from demon mode on the final battle).
I guess it doesn't matter because they're a demon but anyway.
Also I am aware this is most likely just inconsistent writing but it's fun to speculate.
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nerdasaurus1200 · 18 days
Rapunzel: Get this thing out of my throne room.
Cassandra: No.
Rapunzel: Yes.
Cassandra: No.
Rapunzel: Yes!
Cassandra: Raps I have two sisters, I can do this all day long
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animagicsalina · 1 year
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I have returned, if briefly! Over the winter break, I managed to get these pages done for y’all. There’s still one more part to this chapter but I have started classes once more and will be very busy. No, I have not canceled this project. :)
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indigaygo · 2 years
Reasons I think Varian Was Meant To Be The Moonstone
Okay, so I am a heavy reacher when it comes to tangled and I am also a firm believer that Varian was originally meant to be the moonstone but they changed it to Cassandra because either they wanted some massive plot twist or they thought Varian being a villain 3 times was too much. I think personally Varian would have been the better moonstone holder, nothing against Cass I just think he would have made a better villain.
Warning, this will be long. I apologise for any mistakes.
1- Cassandra's villain arc makes absolutely no sense.
Not only was this sudden change out of the blue with zero build up to it besides from Adira, but overall it isn't her personality at all. The whole "Gothel preferred you as a daughter" feels like a very rushed plot point just to give Cass some edge and a reason to hate Rapunzel. She was there, she knows about what Gothel was like and the things Rapunzel went through and she barely knew her in the first place.
2- Varian is the only one with abnormal hair colour.
Okay this one I REALLY looked into. If you go through the tangled series, there is not a single person who has any strange hair colours. And this one is explained in two sections. First half being about genetics and parents. Only 4 people in the show have their parents shown. Rapunzel, Eugene, Varian and Cassandra.
Cassandra shares the same hair colour and eye colour as mother Gothel. Eugene shares the same hair colour and eye colour as both of his parents. Now Rapunzel is when things get interesting. Rapunzel has the natural hair colour of her mother, but only when she isn't effected by the sundrop. The sundrop is what changed her hair colour.
Now for my explanation. Varian, is the only one, who doesn't follow this pattern. His father had black hair and via a canonical portrait, his mother was ginger.
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So where did the teal hair come from? Now I hear you yelling "But Indi!! He could have had an alchemical accident or added it in himself!!" But is that true?
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Because looks like he was born with it. And if Varian followed the pattern of the others with their parents, that hair stripe would be ginger. We've seen Quirin front and back and no where does he have that same stripe, likewise his mother doesn't show on either.
Cassandra's hair only TURNED teal after using the moonstone. However, Rapunzel, who would have genetically been born brunette, was born blonde because she was afflicted by the sundrop before she was born. And where did Varian's father come from? That's right, reason number 3.
3- Quirin and the brotherhood.
We know now that Quirin is a part of the brotherhood. All 3 of them have affiliations to the moonstone. Quirin was around when the blast from it had happened. The moonstone and the sundrop share something in common. Once they touch your insides, like the sundrop being drank by Arianna, and like Cassandra put the moonstone in her chest. Once touched internally, you are officially effected by it's power. Quirin was extremely close when the blast happened, there was no way he didn't get any injuries from it, which would have been a part of him to then pass down to his son. While Gothel, had no affiliations with the moonstone in the slightest.
There is more I could go off of but those reasons are more to do with my personal opinions about the lore and how the story should have gone while these ones are facts.
But yes I am very, very annoyed at the fact they didn't end up using Varian as the moonstone when the potential he could have had story wise would have been so insanely interesting rather than just sticking him with the Saporian's only to get betrayed in one single episode. Varian had such lackluster lore for such an important, repeated character in the series and then Disney denied us VAT7K.
Yes I am very mad about this.
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whosbex · 1 year
Hi weird theory I've had for a while...
Theory is: Hector and Adira are Angry's (Kira) biological parents. If you need persuading here is my proof
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Cuase like,...I can't be the only one who felt SERIOUS sexual tension between Hactor and Adira in the great tree episode,right?
NOT TO MENTION, Angry has the perfect split between their personalities. Now that might be a personal opinion but like...
Change my mind.
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romancemedia · 2 years
Eugene frees the Brotherhood from the Mindtrap’s control
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