#&.  ‛  let’s show them our hearts,and then show them theirs.︐  ›   godric.
mercyburned · 9 months
tags 4 / ?
✦ this is our world now and i think we can do better. || finn collins
✦ i will avenge my ghosts with every breath i take. || clare cousland ✦ the juxtaposition of chaos and fury. || margo hawke ✦ with fire in her wings she dares the stars to fade. || sahar alami ✦ am i not allowed to have regrets? || jowan ✦ you can fascinate a mage with mac n cheese. || angus hawke ✦ you can't just hope for the best. you have to try. || nelaros ✦ she's a butterfly with bullet holes. || thea carlisle
✦ defender of the earth. || rose tyler ✦ let's show them our hearts. and then show them theirs. || godric ✦ golden child; lion boy; show me what it's like to conquer. || garrett alden ✦ once upon a time people were talking to graves. || judy alvarez ✦ it's a danger pretty here in night city. || val skinner ✦ wake up samurai! we've got a city to burn. || victoria iordanescu
0 notes
mercyburned-aa · 10 months
&.  ‛  i could write it better than you ever felt it.︐  ›   threads. &.  ‛  call me,beep me,if you wanna reach me.︐  ›   txt. &.  ‛  this is our world now and i think we can do better.︐  ›   finn collins. &.  ‛  blackbird singing in the dead of night !︐  ›   maya vie. &.  ‛  let’s show them our hearts,and then show them theirs.︐  ›   godric. &.  ‛  golden child,lion boy,show me what it’s like to conquer.︐  ›   garrett alden.
&. ‛ since when is justice happy ?︐ › anders. &. ‛ i will avenge my ghosts with every breath i take.︐ › clare cousland. &. ‛ with fire in her wings she dares the stars to fade.︐ › sahar alami. &. ‛ i am the juxtaposition of chaos and fury.︐ › margo hawke. &. ‛ her voice left a flavor of honey and gunpowder on the air.︐ › leanne trevelyan. &. ‛ am i not allowed to have regrets ?︐ › jowan.
0 notes
weelittleweasley · 3 years
technicolor (f.w.)
prompt request by anon: it is said that when you meet your soulmate, you will know because the world that you knew in black and white would turn technicolor. during a harmless game of spin the bottle, you didn’t expect your soulmate to be revealed to you.
warnings: drinking, mentions of eating, mild language
pairing: fred weasley x fem! gryffindor reader
word count: 5.3k
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The power of true love was life altering in your world. Literally. The world was painted in shades of blacks, whites, and grays. It always was for those who hadn’t met their true love, their soulmate, their one and only. It was said on the occasion that you had kissed your soulmate, the world before you would erupt into vibrant color. People spent their whole lives, searching for the person who brought color to them. 
Living in a dull, colorless world was mundane to say the least, but it was all you knew. The idea of living in a world of color was an exciting thought to say the least, but in a way it scared you. Suddenly the world as you knew it changing abruptly before your eyes because you had met someone that destiny created for you? It was a scary thought. But in your head, you had nothing to worry about. You didn’t plan on meeting your soulmate any time soon. 
Or so you thought.
Laying upside down on the common room couch, you flipped through the pages of a Quibbler, not really paying attention to the words on the page. You looked on either side of you, Katie painting her nails on your left and Alicia on the right making light chatter with Angelina. Needless to say, the four of you were bored out of your skull. It was a quiet Friday night, nothing happening in the common room. No parties, no quidditch match, no nothing. 
With a groan, you pull yourself up from your inverted position and speak, “So are we all just going to sit around here like a bunch of bums and wait for something exciting to happen?”
Katie sighs, “That’s even if something exciting happens.” She blows on her nails, shaking her hands back and forth to expedite the drying process. “Does anyone have any ideas?”
The two of you look to Alicia and Angelina who just shrug as you throw your head back in annoyance. “Well, someone think of something because I refuse to let a perfectly good Friday night go to waste,” you flop the Quibbler on the table in front of you and hold your arms across your chest. “What can we do to entertain ourselves?”
Alicia stands up and starts pacing, trying to think of something. “We could...sneak some food out from the kitchens? Convince a house elf to sneak us some sweets from dinner two nights ago. Those biscuits were so good,” she thinks out loud.
Katie groans, “The thought of food makes me sick. I ate so much at dinner tonight after Ron challenged me to see how many dinner rolls I could fit into my mouth.”
The thought of Katie with bread rolls in her mouth makes the group chuckle. “Okay, so food is out of the picture,” Alicia speaks with a soft smile. “What about a movie? I can see if Hermione would let me borrow her projector and we could watch one of those movies I have tucked away in my trunk,” she suggests, surveying the group’s reaction.
Angelina makes a sour face. “We had a movie marathon last week, I’d like to do something different,” she tells Alicia who rolls her eyes.
Alicia huffs, plopping herself back onto the couch. “Well, then I’m out of ideas, so you come up with something, Johnson.”
The group sits in a bored silence for a few moments before Angie breaks the silence. “Should I go bother Fred and George? Surely they’ll find something to do. They always make things interesting,” she speaks, raising her brows, gaging her audience’s reaction.
Katie rolls her eyes, “Merlin, Angie, if you want an excuse to see your darling Georgie, you can just say so.” You laugh at her comment and give Katie a teasing high five as Alicia giggles along. Angelina rolls her eyes and leans back on the couch. Angelina and George had been dating ever since sixth year when they kissed after their first date and they had seen the world in color, confirming their soulmate status. Katie mockingly starts teasing Angie now, “Meh, meh, I’m Angie, I love George, I see the world in color. Meh, meh, my sweater is green and not black like you guys see it, blah, blah,” making you cackle, throwing your head back in laughter, clutching your stomach.
You lean into Katie as you laugh, making her laugh harder as Angelina stands up, “Oh, piss off you two! I can’t help it that he’s my soulmate and I found him so early!”
“We’re just teasing you, Angie,” you wipe the tears of laughter from your eyes. “Go on, go fetch the twins. I’m sure they’ll think of something to do. Tell ‘em to bring Jordan with them if he’s around. Lee is always a good time.” Alicia nods in agreement.
With a small smile, Angelina darts off up the stairs to the boys’ dormitory. Alicia shakes her head, “That girl is whipped for the Weasley. I can’t believe she found her soulmate already. We’re not even eighteen yet.”
It was true. It wasn’t unheard of people finding their soulmates at a young age, but it surely wasn’t common. Most people were friends or knew their soulmates for a while before they were aware that they were in fact soulmates. For example, your parents both went to Hogwarts and we friends for years. It wasn’t until after four years after graduation that they realized they were soulmates. You smiled to yourself at the thought of your parents. You wished that you could have a soulmate story like theirs.
Katie folds her arms across her chest, “Quite frankly I hope I don’t meet my soulmate anytime soon. I feel like after you meet your soulmate, you’re expected to drop everything and be with them. But you have your whole lives ahead of you to spend time with each other. I’d rather be single and have fun and live my life in black and white for a while before seeing color with a soulmate.”
In a way you did agree with Katie. Most people who met their soulmate at a young age tended to drop everything in order to be there for their soulmate. Coordinating their lives and schedules to their soulmates, moving cities for them, planning their days around the other. It just seemed so intense. You were seventeen, you couldn’t drop everything right now for another person. 
Moments later, Angelina happily came down the stairs with a large smile on her face as George, Fred, and Lee all trailed behind her. “The entertainment has arrived, ladies,” George speaks with a big beaming smile on his face as you teasingly rolled your eyes.
You sit up and speak, “What entertainment did you bring, Georgie?”
He places a hand over his heart, pretending to be offended at your comment. “Are we not enough for you, (Y/N)? Is our presence not enough?” George mockingly stumbles back. “Freddie, I feel faint! Catch me!”
Dramatically, Fred scoops up his twin brother as George pretends to faint. “Merlin’s beard, (Y/N), look at what you’ve done!” he mockingly screeches as you roll your eyes and giggle. Katie huffs a here we go as she leans back into the couch. The twins always put on a show when they were around you guys. You never minded it; they were quite funny when they wanted to be. “Quick, Lee, we need to revive him!”
Lee, now in on the joke, runs over to the coffee table and clear it quickly. “Bring him here!” he exclaims as Fred lays a fake limp George on the table as you laugh and Alicia scoffs.
“Good Godric, you three are a bunch of idiots,” she huffs with a smile on her face. No matter how much she hated to admit it, this was much better than sitting around and doing nothing.
Fred speaks, “Alright, Lee, give me the reviving potion,” sticking out his hand.
Even more dramatic than before, Lee pulls out a large bottle of fire whiskey from his satchel as he improvises an operatic song as he places it in Fred’s hands. Lee opens George mouth as Fred uncorks the bottle and pours a glug into George’s mouth. George swallows it and dramatically inhales. “I’ve been revived!” he exclaims as the boys cheer.
Katie perks up at the sight of fire whiskey. “Where in the hell did you get a bottle of that?” she sits up and grabs the bottle from Fred’s hands. Lee pulls out a few cups from his satchel and places them on the table, Katie immediately pouring everyone a glass of fire whiskey. 
Fred smiles, “It’s our emergency bottle. In case situations like this happen.”
Folding her arms across her chest, Alicia speaks up, “And exactly how many emergency bottles do you boys have?”
The trio looks at each other before sighing and speaking as a chorus, “Four.”
“Uh huh, that’s what I thought,” she laughs before taking a cup of fire whiskey from Katie, Katie then handing you one. “Well, it’s better than nothing I guess.”
You look at the whiskey in your cup before sighing and taking a sip, the liquid burning your throat, but warming your chest up in all the right ways. A familiar sensation. You hum in contentment. “Better than nothing is damn right,” you smile as the twins chuckle. “What were you lot doing upstairs?”
Lee takes a seat in the chair across from the couch, “Same thing as you gals. Bored out of our skulls. However, these two numbskulls were trying to conjure up a plan to go pull a prank on Filch.” George snickers as Lee flicks the back of his head, earning a small ow. “Good thing you all were bored too otherwise I would have been dragged into that mess.”
Fred scoffs, “Oh please, you wish you could pull off a prank at the caliber that Georgie and I do. Isn’t that right, brother?” He turns to George who is already cuddled up next to Angelina on the love seat, arm wrapped around her shoulders, pulling her close next to him. Fred rolls his eyes and makes a gagging sound. “You two make me sick.”
George just pulls Angie closer to his side as Angie blushes a deep crimson. “You’re just jealous, Freddie. I’ve got a hot girlfriend and I can see the world in color, making it quite obvious that you, dear brother, are green with envy.” Angie rolls her eyes, but still places a soft kiss to George’s cheek.
Fred shakes his head, “He’s gone soft, Lee. We’ve lost one of our bravest soldiers.” 
“Piss off,” Angie speaks up, defending her boyfriend as Freddie chuckles, lips turning into a gorgeous smile. “Now that we’ve all got our drinks, let’s really get the party started...” she wiggles her eyebrows. “Katie Bell, truth or dare.”
Katie groans and sips her fire whiskey before deciding what she wants to do. As she ponders, you see Fred scoot over to you as you giggle, him dragging his bum on the floor, making his way to you. Fred smiles up at you, “This seat taken?” he refers to the spot on the floor right in front of your legs.
You shake your head with a smile, “It’s got your name written all over it, Weasley.”
Fred gives you a cheeky grin, “Brilliant.”
He turns around and leans his back up against your legs and rests one of his arms on your knees. You and Fred were close friends. In fifth year when Angelina confessed to you that she had a crush on George, you started spending more time with the twins and developed a close relationship with them and Lee. You, in particular, got along with Fred like a house on fire. The two of you loved to crack jokes on the sidelines, teasing George and Angie, giggling and stealing little glances here and there.
Angelina always told you that you and Fred would make a cute couple. She insisted she saw the way that Fred looked at you, but you always brushed it off as if it were nothing. You and Fred were friends, nothing more, nothing less. A partnership would just totally ruin the vibe between the two of you. There was no point to it. Even though you may have always admired Fred’s looks from a far and his charming personality, you had finally convinced yourself that you and Fred Weasley were platonic.
As Fred leaned up against your legs, sipping on his whiskey, your eyes found Angie’s as she lifted her brows, looking at you knowingly, sending you a look that said Oh? You rolled your eyes and shook your head, responding with your eyes, No way. She just shrugged and sipped her fire whiskey nonchalantly as if to say Whatever you say...You just brushed it off and leaned back as Katie challenged Lee to a dare.
The night progressed and the drinking continued and the bottle got less and less full. Soon enough, the common room was full of your tipsy giggles as the lot of you cracked jokes with each other. You hugged your sides as you cackled as Fred did a spot on impression of Draco Malfoy as he mimicked him walking through the halls, yelling “Potter!” every now and then. Of course, the humor was amplified by the liquor in your hands, but it still was hilarious. The whole group was in a fit of giggles as Lee quite literally fell to the floor from laughter too hard.
Alicia laid her head in your lap as she laughed, wiping tears from her eyes as you all recovered from laughter. “Fred, that was brilliant. You’ll have to show Harry tomorrow morning,” she tells him as Fred plops down next to you on the couch, stealing Katie’s spot as she was now sat on the floor next to Lee. 
Fred chuckles and rests his arm around the back of the couch, gently hovering behind you as you suddenly become very aware of his presence. You spot Angelina out of your periphery vision as she smirks to herself before leaning over and whispering something in George’s ear, making George look at you with a devilish smirk on his lips. Your gaze towards them hardens as you mouth, Knock it off. George just smiles and sips his drink quietly, pretending to mind his own business. 
You turn to Fred and give him a soft smile as he drops his left eye in a wink, making your heart skip a beat. “Easy, Weasley,” you say in a cautious tone as he lifts his arms in defense. You shake your head and lean back into the couch, bumping into his arm that is draped across the back of the couch. Neither of you bother moving. 
Alicia rises from your lap and reaches for the fire whiskey bottle, but groans in defeat when she realizes it’s empty. “Bloody hell,” she groans. She looks to Lee and begs, “Is it appropriate to call this an emergency and you can grab another one of your emergency fire whiskeys?”
Lee laughs, “I regret to inform you we have a one emergency bottle a night policy.” Alicia groans and flops back onto the couch. Suddenly, a light bulb goes off in Lee’s mind, making his eyes grow wide and a little smile dance on his lips. “However,” he wiggles his brows and surveys the group. “Now that we’ve got an empty bottle, I think we all know where we can take this party...”
Looking up from her cup, Katie says, “Where are we taking the party? Are we going to bed?” she asks with sadness in her voice. “But the night is so young!”
Shaking his head, Lee looks at Katie. “Are you daft, Bell?” he asks as she rolls her eyes, sipping her whiskey. “I meant we could play a cheeky game of spin the bottle,” Lee suggests.
Alicia huffs, “Really, Jordan? What are we? Fourth years?”
“Oh, come on, Spinnet, it’s just to add a little spice to the mix,” Lee shimmies his shoulders making you laugh. “Besides, it gives you an excuse to have the privilege of planting a sloppy one on me.”
Alicia fake gags. “I’d rather spend a whole day with Professor Snape,” she spits as Lee laughs.
George speaks up now, “Angie and I will sit this one out, but we will watch the show.” He pulls Angie impossibly closer to him as she cuddles into his chest. “For obvious reasons,” he smirks. Fred boos his brother and throws his now empty cup of fire whiskey at him. “What? I am not kissing someone other than my literal soulmate,” he rationalizes. “Besides, you’ve got five players. That’s enough. That is, if everyone is comfortable playing.”
The group all looks at each other, gaging everyone’s feelings of playing a cheeky game. You had to admit you’d rather not play a game as childish as spin the bottle, but for a weird reason, you were keen on playing at least one round. As you looked around, it seemed like everyone was on board to play. 
Your eyes meet Fred’s for a moment as he looks at you, his eyes darting from your eyes to your lips for a split second, hoping you wouldn’t catch him. You quickly turn away, trying to hide the heat on your cheeks. “I don’t see the harm in one game,” you shrug as you see Fred smile from the corner of your eye. Lee claps his hands cheering as Alicia and Katie agree.
Fred speaks up, “Well, I can’t let Lee be the only bloke having all the fun, now can I?” 
Everyone is on board with the game as Lee cheers, “Alright! Five for five!” He places the empty bottle of fire whiskey on its side in order to spin it. “Everyone knows the rules. You spin and kiss whomever it lands on, no matter who it is. I’m looking at you, Weasley. If you land on me, I expect the best snog of my life,” he teases as you all laugh wildly. “Whomever the bottle lands on gets the next spin. All good?” Everyone nods. Lee smiles, “Groovy. Welp, youngest goes first. Bell, you’re up.”
Katie giggles, “Put on your chapstick, you lucky sons of bitches.” Alicia laughs as Katie reaches and spins the bottle. The bottle does a series of spins, turning clockwise as she anticipates who she’ll be planting a kiss on. She nervously dances back and forth as you watch her with a small smile on your face.
Slowly the bottle stops spinning to land gently on Fred. Your heart stops for a second and your mouth runs dry. You blink a few times and swallow hard. The group all claps their hands and laughs as Katie rolls her eyes. You on the other couldn’t help but have a tight feeling in your chest. You force a smile on your face before you look at Angelina quickly. She raises her brows, monitoring your reaction as you just shake your head, letting her know you were fine.
Katie scoots over to Fred as Fred leans down. “Get ready for your mind to be blown,” Fred jokes as Katie slaps his arm.
You watch very intently as Fred ducks his head down to connect his lips with Katie. You stop breathing for a moment as you watch Fred kiss one of your closest friends. Your palms start sweating and you pull yourself away from looking at them kiss. Lee and Alicia oooh and giggle as you look at Angie, eyes screaming at her, Okay maybe I’m not fine. 
She gives you a nervous smile and mouths, “It’s just a silly game.”
You nod your head and shake it off. It was a silly game. That’s all. A stupid, silly, childish game. It meant nothing. You knew Katie didn’t like Fred like that. She had fancied Adrian Pucey for a few months now. This kiss meant literally nothing.
It felt like the kiss had lasted for hours when it was a brief five seconds. Katie pulls away from the kiss and returns to her position on the floor. Fred just smirks and leans back in his seat, dragging his thumb across his bottom lip. You watch as he does so, the small gesture being surprisingly attractive to you as you gulp. But you quickly turn around so Fred doesn’t catch you watching.
Katie laughs, “Eh, you’re nothing to ride home about, Freddie. Hate to break it to you.”
Fred shrugs, “It’s alright, Bell. The first stage of grieving is denial. You’ll eventually accept that that kiss was the best one of your life.”
Lee cackles as Fred joins him in his laugher before leaning over and spinning the bottle for himself. The bottle spins round and round and round as you watch it, the bottle hypnotizing you. You secretly wished that the bottle would land on you, wanting to be able to kiss Fred Weasley and getting the confirmation that you didn’t like Fred in that way. But honestly, you just hoped it was anyone but Katie or Alicia. 
The bottle slowly stopped spinning as it gently landed on Lee, making the group erupt in laughter. Lee’s lips drew up in a devilish smile as he rubbed his hands together, “Here I come, big boy!” he exclaims, making you laugh even harder.
Fred laughs and sits up in his seat. “Give it to me, Jordan,” he challenges.
Lee springs to his feet and grabs Fred’s face with both hands, squeezing his cheeks together before smashing his lips on Fred’s. Fred is laughing as Lee kisses him roughly, rocking him back and forth. George is absolutely dying of laughter, falling into his chair as the rest of the group squeals. 
Alicia grabs onto your arms, squeezing you as she laughs, you doing the same. The kiss happens for a while as you cackle, “Good Godric, come up for some air why don’t you?”
With a smack, Lee pulls off of Fred as Fred falls back in his seat. Fred’s eyes are wide as Lee wipes his lips. “And that,” Lee points to Fred, “is how you kiss someone. Not that pathetic thing you gave Katie.”
The group comes down from laughing at Lee spins the bottle for himself. The cycle repeats for a while. Lee kisses Alicia, Alicia kisses you, you kiss Katie, Katie kisses Lee, and then the bottle spins again. Lee spins and the bottle gently lands on you as you giggle. “I’m expecting excellence, Lee Jordan,” you eye him as he laughs. “Not going to lie, Alicia might give you a run for your money.”
Lee rolls his eyes, “In her dreams.”
You giggle before the two of you close the gap between you two, kissing each other. The kiss is honestly not bad. Lee’s lips tasted of the fire whiskey along with vanilla and sugar. The kiss was gentle, but not bad at all. Your friends around you all cheer and oooh at you two in typical fashion as you both smile into the kiss. You pull away and Lee sends you a wink. “The reviews are in,” you speak. “Not bad, Jordan. Not bad at all. Actually, pretty damned good!”
Lee pumps his arm. “Hah! Take that, Spinnet!”
“Alright, my turn to spin,” you giggle and excitedly spin the bottle.
The bottle spins and spins and spins as everyone waits in anxious anticipation. Who could it be? Slowly, the bottle stops spinning and lands on the person right next to you, Mr. Fred Weasley.
Your heart stops as your mouth goes dry. Everyone immediately erupts into cheers, specifically George who springs onto his feet. “Oh, I’ve been waiting for this one!” he cheers as you gulp.
Kissing Fred Weasley? Maybe this game was a mistake. 
You stare at the bottle, and then to Angie who wears the biggest grin on her face, and then back at the bottle and finally to Fred. His eyes stare back at you as you gulp. A smirk dances on Fred’s lips as you suck in a breath. The whole group stares at the pair of you, silent, waiting for something to happen. 
The tension between you and Fred was so thick you could cut it with a knife. “Cat got your tongue, (Y/L/N)?” Fred teases you as he scoots a little closer to you. You suck in a shaky breath as he chuckles lowly.
You snap yourself out of this anxious gaze and speak, confidence now coursing through your veins. You were going to kiss your best friend and it was happening now. “Make your move, Weasley,” you challenge with flirtation laced in your voice.
Fred smiles, “No need to tell me twice,” he lowly whispers.
Immediately, Fred cups your cheek and brings your lips to his. Your lips connect and the whole group loudly cheers and screams. You hear Lee scream, “Oh shit! Oh shit! Oh shit!” 
But you couldn’t care what was happening. You were kissing Fred. Your heart was beating a mile a minute. Fred’s lips were soft, but demanding as they pressed firmly onto yours. His lips tasted of sweet cinnamon and spice; his lips were like a personal drug that you couldn’t get enough of. You pressed your lips harder against his as you both sucked in a breath, your hand resting on his forearm. His lips moved gently against yours as you both enjoyed this kiss too much for a friendly game of spin the bottle. 
You opened up your mouth enough for Fred to slide his tongue in, massaging his with yours as you moan just loudly enough for Fred to hear, making him smile into your kiss. As the group watched you two softly snog, they only cheer louder. You were too involved in relishing in the way Fred’s lips felt pressed against yours to care about how your friends were reacting.
The kiss was everything you wanted a first kiss with someone to be. It was gentle, but didn’t lack in passionate or desire. His lips moved in sync with yours as you followed his lead, his tongue dancing with yours. It was exactly how you imagined kissing Fred Weasley.
You are pulled from your thoughts when George cries out, “For Merlin’s sake Freddie, don’t eat the poor girl!”
Gently, you break the kiss as Fred’s lips follow yours for a moment, not wanting the kiss to end just yet. The two of you keep your eyes closed, relishing in the moment that you two shared.
Lee laughs, “Is it just me or is it hot in here?”
You giggle and gently pry your eyes open. But that’s when you gasp.
You look at Fred who sits in front of you in full color. His bright red hair contrasting against the light blue thermal shirt he wears. His brown eyes stare at you just as much in shock. 
It happened.
“Merlin’s beard...” you whisper.
The room fall silent as your friends stare at the two of you in confusion, wondering what could have possibly happened that made the two of you stare at each other in shock.
“Is it...” you start.
“Yeah,” Fred answers. He lets out a light laugh. “Yeah, it is.”
You let out a light laugh with him and slowly, look around the room taking in your surroundings, the whole common room in beautiful colors of maroon and gold. Color dances everywhere as you let out an amazed chuckle. 
Looking at Angie with amazement, she suddenly realizes exactly what’s going on. A smile erupts on her face as she lets out a sigh. “Good Godric,” she breathes. She looks at George. “It happened.”
The entire group registers what is happening as they stare at the two of you in awe as you two take in your surroundings gentle. “Oh shit,” Lee breathes out with a smile. “That’s bloody brilliant...”
You look back at Fred who just wears a gentle smile on his face as you look deeply into his chocolate brown eyes that swim with amazement and adoration. You could look into those eyes forever. And lucky for you, that’s what you were going to do. 
Breaking the silence, Angelina says, “We’ll leave you two to it then. Guys...”
Your friends all start to leave the common room, running up the stairs to the dormitories, definitely to chat about what just happened.
You are now left with Fred in the common room, sitting on the couch together, staring at each other in technicolor. “Hi, Freddie,” you breathe out with a smile.
Fred smiles, “Hi, (Y/N),” he reciprocates. The two of you just take the other one in for a few moments as you gulp. What were you supposed to say? What were you supposed to do? Merlin’s sake, this was supposed to be a cheeky game of spin the bottle and all of a sudden. “We’re soulmates,” Fred speaks plainly.
“I guess so,” you laugh. You gently bite your lip. “I never thought it would be you, Fred.”
He inhales a long breath. “I had a feeling,” Fred admits as you teasingly smack his arm. “I’m glad I was right,” he confesses as you blush. “You have the most beautiful eyes I’ve ever seen. With and without color,” he tells you. “I didn’t think that you could get more gorgeous, but color has proved me wrong.”
You shake your head, “Freddie...” you trail off, blushing wildly, crimson appearing on your cheeks for the first time. Fred takes your hand in his and gently rubs his thumb over your knuckles. You give into his touch, nothing feeling more right. “I’m so glad it’s you.”
Fred lifts your hand up to his lips and presses a kiss to your knuckles. “We’re soulmates,” he repeats himself as you nod. “Wow...so, we get to spend forever with each other, huh? You’re going to get really tired of me, aren’t you?” he jokes as you laugh.
“I could never grow tired of you,” you confess, squeezing his hand. You run your hand through his red hair. The signature of the Weasleys that you could finally see now. “I do have to say though,” you start. “I was not expecting your hair to be this red.”
Fred laughs, “Get used to it, darling. You’ll be staring at it for the rest of your life. Not to mention, the Weasley genetics are strong. Sorry to say that if we decide to have kids, they’ll end up like this.”
You roll your eyes, “Let’s not get ahead of ourselves, Freddie.” He smiles and sends you a wink. “So,” you breathe out. “What do we do now?”
He inhales deeply and sighs. “Well,” he starts. “I think we ought to tell people, specifically our parents,” he says as you nod. “But other than that, we do what we want.” You gaze into Fred’s eyes and smile. “(Y/N), we have the rest of our lives together. There’s no rush. We can go at our own pace. We don’t have to pay attention to what people say we should be doing. I’m just happy that we’ve found each other that way we can start forever now.”
Your heart fills with joy and adoration at his words. You had always worried that you wouldn’t love soulmate, nevertheless like them, but loving Fred Weasley was going to be the easiest task of your life. Living your forever in color together.
“Sounds good to me, Weasley,” you smile.
Fred leans in and closes the gap between you two, kissing you again sweetly like he had done minutes ago for the first time. His lips are even gentler than before on yours as you smile into the kiss. Fred pull away and smiles, “Reckon we go upstairs and get the teasing out of the way from the lot?”
You take a moment. “Let’s wait a little while. We have forever for them to tease us. We’ll only have this moment for a short time.”
He shakes his head. “Merlin, you’re perfect.”
And there the two of you laid in each other’s arms, taking in the new colorful world before you, souls now connected forever. And you wouldn’t have it any other way.
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5thmarauderwrites · 4 years
The Thin Line Between Loathe and Desire — James Potter x Reader [Part I] | Request.
Requests are: OPEN.
Requested by Anonymous: “Could you do a James x gryffindor reader where they have a sort of rivalry because she keeps going around to ruin the marauders pranks since she doesn’t believe in Slytherins being ‘evil’. 💖💖 “.
Pairing: James Potter x Fem!Gryffindor Reader.
Word Count: 4,9K
Warnings: Just cursing.
A/N: i LOVE a good enemies to lovers trope and i REALLY got carried away with this request lol i’m still finishing up the next part but since it took me a while to write this and the nonnie who requested it is basically waiting forever now, i decided to release the first part nonethless. hope you all enjoy it! :)
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A delicious and inviting smell of food was coming from the Great Hall as the four Marauders crossed the main hallway of the castle in the direction of the door on the right side of the Entrance Hall, which guarded the stone steps that descended deep into the dungeons, where their destination, the Slytherin Dungeon, laid. The sun had already set and the thousands of corridors that made up the imposing fortress of Hogwarts were now empty and silent as the students lodged inside their own Common Rooms, resting from the exhausting day of classes and not so patiently waiting for the last and welcomed meal before they could tug themselves into their comfortable beds.
“The feast is starting soon,” Remus nagged as the boys tiptoed their way down the stone steps, feeling the air get a little chillier the deeper they went. As much as Remus loved his friends and not-so-secretly enjoyed playing harmless pranks in the other students, he couldn’t deny that James was taking things way too far this time.
“Yes, Moony, that’s exactly why we’re heading down into their nest right now!” The boy with untidy black hair that stuck up at the back retorted with an extremely pleased smile. “We’ll caught the snakes off guard by surprising them whilst they’re leaving their hole and L/N won’t be there to ruin our prank this time.”
“And here we go! Took you long enough to bring the name of your lover into our conversation Prongs,” Sirius teased with a lopsided grin as he eyed the darkness ahead of them. Remus and Peter both barked a laugh at Sirius’ words.
“Sod off, would ya Pads?” James growled, narrowing his eyes as he glared in Sirius’ direction. “It’s not my bloody fault that this – this – annoying, pretentious human being keeps ruining our fun repeatedly!”
“Oh mate, she doesn’t ruin my fun, quite the opposite actually,” Sirius grinned as he winged a brow at his best friend. “It’s extremely amusing to watch you two together.”
“I’ll have to agree with Padfoot,” Remus said as he shoved his hands into the pockets of his trousers and shrugged lightly, a playful smile playing across his lips.
James pursed his lips and chose to ignore his best friends as the boys arrived at the end of the long staircase, facing a vast and gloomy stone corridor hedged with detailed stoned pillars and armours ahead of them. He despised Y/N L/N with all the strength he could muster, ever since she ruined what was supposed to be the Marauders’ most epic prank on their first year at Hogwarts. Just the mere thought of the y/h/c girl made his blood boil inside his veins and his heart pick up its beating pace. How could a smart, daring and sassy Gryffindor like herself stand up for Slytherins with such enthusiasm to the point of fighting with her own housemates? James could never understand how Y/N could possibly reckon that “not all Slytherins are evil” when the majority of you-know-who’s followers emerged – and keep emerging – from this very house. The boy had spent countless nights thinking about it, but that was something he would never admit aloud.
“Mate, are you listening?” Sirius’ hand rested on James’ shoulder as the latter blinked repeatedly, trying to focus on his surroundings as he was slowly snapping out of his thoughts.
“Yeah,” James mumbled, realising they were now standing in front of the blank stone wall that led to the Slytherin Common Room. “Where’s the bucket? Wormy, do you have it?” He asked with a firmly and more confident tone of voice.
“I do, Prongs!” Peter smirked mischievously whilst lifting a bucket filled with a silver, enchanted paint that shone alluringly despite of the dim light.
James and Sirius’ features lightened up at the sight, a feeling of pure excitement washing over their bodies as their minds anticipated in a very vivid picture what was about to come. Remus, however, wasn’t as nearly as pleased and happy as his friends; his face held a deep frown and the disapproval was crystal clear in his eyes as he shook his head negatively, severely glaring at his three best friends.
“Do you really think this is necessary?” The brown-haired boy asked, trying to dissolve the boys from their terrible idea one last time.
“Seriously, Moony? This is our best prank yet, we’re making history here!” Sirius exclaimed with a scolding tone, bouncing his hands in the air.
“History?” Remus asked incredulously, winging his eyebrows whilst his eyes widened. “How is writing ‘Death Eater Wannabe’ in people’s foreheads history?”
“We won’t be writing it Moony, we’ll be painting it,” Peter mockingly corrected him, a lopsided grin on his lips.
“Indeed, Wormy!” James wrapped Peter’s shoulders with his arm. “Besides, their faces will be painted with the Gryffindor colours first; the phrase that shows their true selves will only appear if they try to wash the scarlet and gold away.” He shrugged, a proud grin on.
“Sure, because a Slytherin would definitely wear their rival house colours with pride,” Remus scoffed, rolling his eyes. “It’s only obvious that they’ll try and wash it immediately!”
“Now that is not our fault, is it?” Sirius barked a laugh, earning a glare from Remus. “Lighten up a bit, would ya Moony? The paint will only last three days, the snakes will be fine.”
“Pad’s right! It’s just a fun, harmless prank; you don’t have to go full L/N on us, alright?” James grinned as he pushed his glasses higher up the bridge of his nose, shrugging lightly in the process.
“Mate, that’s the second time you talk about her in less than ten minutes, are you really sure you loathe the girl at all?” Sirius teased, squeezing James’ shoulder playfully and wiggling his brows.
“Fuck off, Padfoot!” James hissed as he shoved Sirius’ hand off his shoulder. “Let’s put our plan in motion.”
Sirius nodded, a glint of teasing still in his eyes as he stared at James with a playful defiance. After a while, he turned his attention to Peter. “Did you manage to squeeze their password from that twat Slytherin that was in detention with you yesterday?”
“I did!” Peter answered proudly and gave the raven-haired boy a small nod, clearly satisfied with himself. “I just had to brag about Gryffindor having the most creative and unobvious passwords and he quickly told me theirs and rambled about Slytherin’s cunningness.”
“Wicked, Wormy!” James bumped his fist against Peter’s shoulder in a congratulatory way, a wide smile on his face. “Very good! I think you should do the honours.” He added, winking mischievously and pointing to the stone bricks in front of them.
Peter grinned and straightened his robes as he solemnly stood in front of the wall, clearing his throat in the process. “Pure-blood” He said and a stone door concealed in the wall slid open, revealing a long passage that led to the Slytherin Common Room.
The boys hurried to carefully shut the door close before any Slytherin student could notice them lurking. From the quick glance they took around before that, they felt the room held quite a cold atmosphere, with all the flickering green lights coming from the greenish lamps that hung on chains.
“That’s quite a scary place,” Peter said weakly as a terrified frown took over his features. He was clutched at the back of Sirius’ robes.
“That’s just a Common Room, Wormtail,” Sirius said, shaking his robes so the boy would let go of it.
“A Death Eaters’ Common Room,” James shrugged, scrunching his face.
“Godric, you three are unbelievable,” Remus shook his head as he lowered it down a bit, massaging the bridge of his nose with his fingers and closing his eyes for a slight moment.
Smirking, James flickered his wand at the bucket filled with enchanted paint that Peter had put down on the floor. “Wingardium Leviosa!” The bucket flew graciously above their heads and stopped itself carefully right upon the Slytherin Common Room door. James’ devilish grin grew wider as he eyed his doing proudly.
“Come on! Let’s hide behind that pillar,” the Gryffindor Quidditch captain nodded to a carved stone pillar on their left that provided a wide viewing from the entrance of the Slytherin Common Room.
The other three Marauders signalled their agreement by nodding at him and quickly ran into hiding. James soon followed them, his wand still carefully pointed to the paint bucket. The boys – except from Remus – leaned forward expectantly, eagerly watching the door and waiting for their first victim to cross the portal.
“And,” Sirius sang, glancing at his watch whilst bouncing on his toes. “Any minute now.”
When the door swung open and the four boys eyed the little Slytherin crowd ready to make their way out, James promptly straightened himself up, waiting for them to cross the doorstep before he could turn the bucket upside-down and, therefore, maximize the casualties. At the perfect moment, the boy with hazel eyes and unruly black hair lowered his wand as quickly as he could; ready to watch the Slytherins being bathed in the magical paint. That, however, didn’t happen. The bucket stood still, floating above the door as the students passed by below it, marching in the direction of the Great Hall.
“What’s going on? Why isn’t the bucket moving?” Sirius frowned.
“I don’t know!” James answered exasperatedly, wielding his wand to the bucket and mumbling each and every spell he could possibly think of, but nothing seemed to work.
Remus did his best to suppress a laughter as James, Sirius and Peter hopelessly watched the last Slytherin student crossing the portal, closing the door behind him and waiting until it disappeared into the wall to walk away. Like the others that passed through the doorstep before him, he didn’t seem to have noticed the suspicious bucket that floated above his head.
“What the bloody hell happened?” James asked incredulously at no one in particular, coming off from behind the pillar and stopping underneath the bucket, angrily glancing at it.
Before anyone could say anything, a wicked cackle echoed through the now empty dungeon corridor and the bucket turned upside down, spilling its entire content on James, who unsuccessfully tried to shield himself with his arms.
A loud, amused laughter grabbed the attention of the Marauders as Y/N L/N emerged from behind an armour. “Nice job Peeves!” The girl exclaimed at the school poltergeist, her arms crossed across her chest whilst she leaned against the wall.
“Always a pleasure to ruin Potter’s day, L/N!” Peeves bowed theatrically, his wicked, dark eyes twinkling and his wide mouth curling up into an evil smirk.
The initial shock wearing off, Sirius barked a laugh as the poltergeist flew off the dungeons and sang cursing verses to James in the process. James glared at the raven-haired boy before turning his attention to Y/N, his fists clenched and his body – covered in the glowy enchanted paint that was slowly turning scarlet and gold – trembling with anger.
“You!” James hissed, narrowing his eyes at the y/h/c girl as he slowly started to walk in her direction.
“Me!” She teased with a grin, tilting her head back in a defiant gesture and winging her eyebrows.
“What in the bloody hell are you doing here, L/N?” He spat, getting closer to her.
“What do you think? Stopping another one of your stupid, reckless actions,” the girl retorted, pursing her lips and clenching her fists as she met James halfway.
The two stared intensely and angrily into the other’s eyes, noses and bodies almost touching as their features and shoulders tensed up with the proximity. Their fists tightened their grips as Y/N’s perfume invaded James’ nostrils and the smell of his shampoo and shaving lotion flooded her sense of smell. James could feel her hot breath dancing across the skin of his face, making it tingle and flooding him with its warmth as he did his best not to break eye contact and, therefore, lose their little battle for dominance.
“Oh, the sexual tension!” Sirius exclaimed after a while of steamy silence and James and Y/N could hear the satisfied grin in his voice. “That’s hot!”
“Sod off, Black!” The girl hit back in an outraged tone, still not backing away from James and his intense stare.
“Excuse you? Now you’ve wounded me!” The boy answered, theatrically leading his hand to his heart.
Y/N and James ignored Sirius as they seemed to be lost in each other, fuming with what they’d describe as mutually rooted, profound loathing.
“How did you know about this?” The hazel-eyed boy asked, breathing heavily. James could feel the air becoming heavier and harder to be inhaled.
“How could I not? Your big ego and self-gloating aren’t exactly discreet, you arrogant twat,” Y/N frowned deeply.
“I am an arrogant twat? I?” He cried out, getting closer to Y/N, his nose brushing against hers.
The girl jumped slightly with his sudden move but quickly recomposed herself, making sure he wouldn’t notice it. “Well, obviously.”
“I’m not the one walking around thinking that I’m so much better than everyone else, sweetheart,” he spat in response.
“Do I think I’m better than everyone else? No. Do I think I’m better than you? Definitely,” the Gryffindor girl took another step toward him, and now not only their noses were brushing against the other, but their bodies were almost glued together. James felt a tingling sensation on the back of his neck.
“Are you two going to kiss?” Peter asked confusedly, blinking repeatedly as he looked back and forth between Y/N and James.
“NO!” The two rivals groaned in unison, turning their heads in Peter’s direction at the same time and unwillingly backing away from each other.
“It definitely seemed like you would though,” Remus smirked, amused, as he tilted his head.
“Oh, fuck you, Remus John! I’m way out of this daft dimbo’s league,” Y/N rolled her eyes at her sandy-haired friend.
“I’m the one way out of your league, L/N!” James frowned, poking his tongue slightly into his cheek, clearly offended.
Y/N glared at James from head to toe with complete disdain. “I suggest you go clean yourself up, Potter. Or maybe not, if you don’t want to have Death Eater Wannabe written on your forehead,” the girl laughed before turning on her heels and walk up the corridor in the direction of the staircase, leaving a huffing James behind.
“That girl is a fucking genius,” Sirius said nonchalantly as he eyed the y/h/c Gryffindor climbing up the steps.
“Genius? She’s a nosy know-it-all who thinks she’s above everyone else!” James spat in response.
“Oh come on, Prongs! Even you have to admit that your girlfriend was bloody brilliant using Peeves to prank you with your own prank,” he grinned lopsidedly.
James in fact agreed with Sirius, but he would never admit that. “She’s not my fucking girlfriend, would you stop with that?” he gritted, clenching his jaw.
 James massaged his forehead with one of his hands, rubbing the place where the phrase Peeves Rocks was written in shimmery gold, mentally thanking the damn poltergeist for having changed his original spell a bit, as he laid in his bed. He much rather having this written down than Death Eater Wannabe, that was for sure. Actually, he preferred to have succeeded with his plan and having his forehead clean and normal, but thanks to L/N that wasn’t possible. Once again, strong emotions took him by assault as the girl crossed his mind for the hundredth time in the past hour.
“I can’t believe her, seriously. Did you see the satisfied smirk she had on her face when Peeves dropped the paint on me? She’s so bloody infuriating!” James frowned, steading himself on his elbows so he could glance at his friends, who had been chatting about something he wasn’t paying attention to.
The boys rolled their eyes, immediately knowing that that would be a very long rant. “And here we go again,” Remus groaned, covering his face with his pillow.
“Who does she think she is? She’s no queen of the enchanted land of Hogwarts,” James pursed his lips as he went on.
“Bloody hell Prongs, just ask the girl out so you can both relieve that sexual tension that has been tormenting you two for years now and move the fuck on,” Sirius grinned, as amusedly as he always did when teasing his friend about the topic in discussion.
James aimed for Sirius’ face and threw his pillow with all the strength he could muster, but the grey-eyed Black boy dodged it easily. “Fuck you.”
Sirius barked a laugh and soon, Remus and Peter joined him, all of them teasing their hazel-eyed friend. James flashed his middle finger at the three boys, an annoyed frown on his face.
“She’s extremely nice, you know,” Remus said nonchalantly as he crossed his arms behind his head. “And quite similar to you.”
“Not to mention she’s bloody hot,” Sirius shrugged, winging his brows.
“Why don’t you date her then?” James asked grumpily.
“Oh I’ve tried mate, but sadly, that girl never fell for my charm,” Sirius answered thoughtfully. “Besides, I would never go for my brother’s girl.” He added with an innocent smile and a wink as he climbed off his bed and hurried to the bathroom door.
James quickly followed his steps but Sirius was faster, getting inside the bathroom and locking its door before the hazel-eyed boy could catch him.
“I swear to Godric that the next time you imply I’m interested in her in the slightest I’ll bloody hex you, Padfoot!” James shouted, smashing one of his hands rather strongly against the wooden door.
“Well, truth hurts, doesn’t it Prongs?” Sirius’ muffled voice teased him from behind the door.
“Padfoot, I’m warning you…” James bumped the door once again amidst the loud sound of laughter coming not only from Sirius but from Remus and Peter as well.
“You’re late, Mr Potter!” Flitwick scolded a breathlessly James as the boy opened the door of the Charms classroom after clearly running through the hallways trying to make it to class in time.
“Sorry, Professor,” the boy answered, glancing around and noticing that the only available seat was next do Y/N L/N. He immediately rolled his eyes.
“Come along,” Flitwick motioned for James to come in. “We're experimenting with Nonverbal Spells today, we've already divided into pairs – you can sit next to Miss L/N and work with her.”
Knowing it was pointless to argue with the Professor, James nodded and dragged himself with a shuffling gait to the table he was assigned to, not bothering to hide his unpleasantness.
“Hi, Potter!” The girl teased, a wry smile on her lips, as James seated next to her. “Glad to see you’re feeling well! Heard you got a nasty food poisoning that took you off classes for the past three days.”
James’ face was immediately taken over by a profoundly annoyed frown, Y/N knew very well that she was the reason he had been unable to attend classes. “The only poisoning thing in this castle is you, darling.”
Y/N laughed and faked a pout at him before turning her attention back to Flitwick, who was explaining how the pairing would work in this specific lesson.
“For today’s lesson we’ll be using the Mending Charm!” Flitwick exclaimed excitedly. “This charm, as you know, repairs broken objects. You have a shrunken desk in front of you with four broken legs. Each one of you will be responsible to mend two of them and you’ll compete against your own pair. Let’s begin!”
The class hurriedly started to work on their legs, everyone eager to be the first to succeed. Y/N straightened herself in her seat and graciously grabbed her wand from the table.
“This is going to be a piece of cake!” She said cheerfully, purposefully wanting to annoy James.
“You think you can beat me, L/N?” The boy quirked a brow.
“I don’t think I can, I know so,” Y/N gave him a skewed smile.
James huffed in response whilst rolling his eyes. There was no way he was going to let her win.
Non-verbal spells were very difficult and required a good deal of practice, concentration and mental discipline, which made performing them successfully particularly even more difficult for teenagers. The entire class was noticeably having a hard time; even Lily Evans, who were one of the brightest students from their year, was looking like she was constipated due to the amount of effort she was putting into her attempts.
“You alright there, Potter?” Y/N asked sarcastically when she noticed a swelled vein popping on his forehead as he tried for the umpteenth time to repair the legs of the shrunken desk.
“Would you mind your own business? At least I’m trying to do something here, unlike you,” James hissed in response. “Have you given up already?”
Y/N just smiled wryly at him and turned her head to the little desk, flickering her wand. The two broken legs on her end clicked together and half of the desk was standing again, two of its legs perfectly fine.
“Look, everyone! Miss L/N successfully performed the first non-verbal spell in the class! Well done, Y/N!” Flitwick clapped his little hands excitedly.
“You were saying?” Y/N teased James with a triumphant look on her face.
“You obviously cheated!” The hazel-eyed boy spat in annoyance.
“Excuse you? It’s called talent; I don’t need to cheat to beat you!” She retorted, offended.
“Yeah, right! You used some non-verbal spell that we weren’t supposed to just so mine wouldn’t work, admit it!”
“Oh, sod off Potter! Stop being a sore loser!”
“Here we go again,” Marlene McKinnon sighed from her seat, rolling her eyes like the rest of the students.
Y/N and James engaged on a fiery argument for the short rest of the class, much to the amusement of Sirius and to the dismay of Flitwick and the majority of their classmates. The two Gryffindors seemingly missed the ring of the bell that announced the end of the class and also the students leaving the classroom one by one, as once again they were too wrapped on each other to be aware of their surroundings.
“Should we tell them the class is over?” Peter asked Flitwick unsurely, as they eyed Y/N and James from the Professor’s desk, Sirius and Remus with them.
Flitwick sighed, shaking his head in defeat. “No, let them be,” he answered, starting to walk away from the classroom and motioning for the boys to follow him.
The full moon wasn’t gentle in the slightest with Remus. He had a particularly rougher time last night and his whole body ached with deep, fresh scars. Clotted blood covered the scratches and cuts as he laid on a bed in the hospital wing. Madam Pomfrey had cleaned his scars and applied a potion to help with the pain and the healing process but the boy was still suffering nonetheless.
“How is he?” Y/N stormed in, asking no one in particular as she clutched into a piece of the bed curtains, frowning worriedly.
“Hey, Y/N/N. I’m ok,” Remus answered weakly with a smile on his face, trying to sit up.
“No, no, no! Stay still!” The Gryffindor girl hurried to stop him. “Godric, I was so worried! I was waiting for Sirius’ note to know if you were okay but it never came.”
“Sorry about that, he had a rough night and we couldn’t leave his side. This full moon was particularly hard on him,” Sirius apologized, rubbing her back gently as he tried to comfort her.
“Wait, does she know about Moony’s condition?” James scrunched his nose incredulously.
“Of course I do, you twat. He’s one of my closest friends,” Y/N glared at James with despise.
“Please, would you two behave yourselves and try not to fight this time? Your arguments are more painful than all of these scars combined,” Remus joked, groaning in pain as he tried to switch his position.
“Oh, come on, Moony! They’re quite fun to watch,” Sirius grinned lopsidedly, offering his hand to Remus so he could help him.
“I do agree myself,” Peter laughed, mockingly shrugging his shoulders and pouting.
Y/N rolled her eyes and waited until the boys were chatting distractedly before walking over to James, who stood a little further to them. She had a thoughtful expression and her brows were furrowed as she approached him, fiddling with her fingers furiously. James had been studying her every move curiously and noticed Y/N was uncommonly anxious, finding it strange that the overly confident girl was displaying such an unusual behaviour. The boy with unruly black hair widened his hazel eyes in shock when she suddenly leaned in the direction of his face, his figure becoming painfully aware of their proximity. An involuntary electrical current awakened his now tensed body whilst a lump started to take form in his throat, but James brushed the odd feeling with a quick shake of his head.
“What? I’m not going to bite you,” she grimaced impatiently at the flustered boy.
“Well, you leaned in out of the blue, I’m sorry if I was surprised!” He retorted with embarrassment, rubbing the back of his neck and hoping that the heat he felt on his cheeks didn’t mean he was blushing.
Y/N furrowed her brows at his response, but her features slowly relaxed and a playful smile took over her lips as his words sank in. “James Potter, did you think I was going to kiss you?” She quirked her brows amusedly as she teased him, crossing her arms across her chest. “Not even in your wildest dreams, sweetheart.”
“As if I would ever dream about you,” he huffed, rolling his eyes. “What do you want?” He asked in a cold and harsh tone of voice.
“We need to talk,” she said, once again looking anxious. Y/N grabbed his arm and dragged him to a distant bed, closing the curtains that surrounded it and turning around to face a very confused James.
“Have you ever heard of the Wolfsbane Potion?” Y/N almost spat the words as she fiddled with her fingers, gazing at the floor.
“Wolf what?” James frowned in confusion, tilting his head a little.
“Why doesn’t it surprise me?” Y/N rolled her eyes, the confidence seemingly returning to her snarky self. “The Wolfsbane Potion, it’s a relatively newly formulated potion that relieves, but does not cure, the symptoms of lycanthropy.” She explained, this time staring into James’ eyes.
“Meaning?” James shrugged crankily, crossing his arms across his chest. He had no idea what she meant discussing potions with him after a long and tiring full moon. Maybe this was a prank of some sort?
“Godric, are you really that daft?” She grimaced incredulously. “Meaning that the transformation wouldn’t be as nearly as painful for Remus as it currently is. This potion will allow him to hold on to his mental faculties after becoming Moony.”
“Hold on, are you telling me that Moony would be a werewolf but still think and behave like himself? That would be awesome! I didn’t know that it was possible!” James’ features lightened up. “He would finally stop beating himself up for things he can’t control.”
“Exactly!” She smirked, nodding excitedly. “He deserves that more than anyone I could ever think of.”
“For once I agree with you, L/N,” James winged his eyebrows, a lopsided grin on. “How do we brew this?”
“I’m sorry, we?” Y/N frowned, the smile slowly fading from her lips. “This potion could be extremely dangerous if incorrectly concocted so, I’m sorry, but your average Potions skills aren’t fit for this task.”
“Average?” The boy huffed, displeased. “And I suppose yours are?” He asked with despise.
“Precisely,” Y/N shrugged, the ends of her lips curling up in a wry smile. “I received an Exceeds Expectations in my O.W.L.s.”
“Oh, yeah, because you’re so much better than the rest of us plain mortals,” James sneered in a mean tone of voice, his face completely disgusted. “Tell me, is this potion even real or did you just thought it would be fun to prank me by using one of the people I care about the most to humiliate me?”
Y/N frowned in shock as her mouth fell open and James felt bad almost immediately, noticing the hurt clear in her y/e/c eyes. “Do you think I’d ever toy with Remus’ life like that? He is my best friend too you egocentric – arrogant twat!” She spat, pursing her lips and clenching her fists with a slow, disbelieving head shake.
“Look, I‘m- I’m sorry ok? I know you wouldn’t,” he heaved a sigh, massaging his forehead as he let his head fall into his hand. “How can I help?” He added after a few minutes of silence, shoving his hands into his pockets and staring into Y/N’s eyes.
“I’ll accept your apology, only because I’ll need you to help Remus,” Y/N said, lifting her chin up as she glared displeased at James. “First, we’ll have to enter the restricted section of the library.”
James nodded thoughtfully as the two of them unsurely eyed the other.
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rainandhotchocolate · 4 years
Blackout - Part 6
A/N Part 666666 sorry that these aren’t super long, but consistency over long right??? idk anyway this one is a bit nicer, promise ;) love ya’ll xx enjoy!
Y/N took a deep breath as Lily pushed open the door to her cottage. She had remembered the area as they walked through, having taken the train instead of apparating. Y/N knew Lily was anxious to get back to James as he’d apparently been in a bad fight but appreciated being able to go outside and get a feel for the countryside again. It had begun to snow, and Godric’s hollow was covered in a light dusting of white, not yet destroyed by footprints and muggle snow clearer driving through the streets.
She could remember most of it, bits and piece of the area felt new, but she felt comfortable here, at home. There was a part of the area that made her feel a bit sad too, but she couldn’t figure out why.
“Come on, you’ll freeze outside. And Turpin will kill me if you get an infection one day out of hospital.” Lily smiled at her, holding the door open for her.
Y/N smiled back and lugged her small bag through the doorway. She’d just packed what Sirius had brought for her, unsure if she needed anything else, not quite sure what clothes she wanted or needed. She was welcomed to the Potter’s house by a blast of warm air, forcing her to drop the bag and shuck off her coat to place on the coatrack by the doorway.
“Come on, I’ve got James cooking a roast – don’t worry I did all the marinating earlier,” Lily winked at Y/N and walked passed her, picking up the bag before Y/N could and heading into the living room. Y/N followed close behind her, opening and closing her fists slowly.
She was greeted by a loud yell that made her jump.
“Welcome home!” a group of people were grinning up at her, a large banner over the fireplace that kept changing from ‘Welcome home’ to ‘We missed you’, and glasses of what looked like firewhiskey sitting on the coffee table.
“After the welcome home party, that is,” Lily staying by her side, grinning widely but gripping tightly on her hand all the same. “Is this ok?” She whispered softly as people began moving towards her.
“Yes, thank you.” Y/N gripped Lily’s hand in return, turning to face Marlene and Mary who ran in to give her a tight hug.
Music was blaring loudly, something that Sirius and Remus seemed to know off by heart as they sang loudly on top of the couch as Lily yelled at them to clean up after themselves or they’ll be dead by tomorrow morning.
Y/N had found herself sidling to the corner momentarily, after saying hello to Frank and Alice who showed off their wedding rings in earnest happiness. Y/N didn’t want to tell them that it made her feel awful, so she smiled and hugged and slipped into the corner by the window when they went to get another drink.
“You feeling alright?” James nudged her shoulder, making her jump.
“Yeah, sorry, just a bit overwhelmed you know.” Y/N plastered on a smile but James rolled his eyes.
“It must feel really shit.”
“I mean-“
“Nah, don’t worry I won’t be offended,” James winked at her, leaning against the window as well, “But in all seriousness, you don’t need to fake it. I mean to anyone, but definitely not to me. I mean at a bare minimum I’m going to be much more offended if I have to deal with that pathetic simle all night.”
Y/N snorted, shaking her head at him.
“I’m so sorry it’s inconvenienced you.”
“It’s ok, I’m sure you’ll make it up to me eventually.” James nodded solemnly, “Perhaps by talking to Sirius?”
“I don’t know what to say to him,” Y/N dropped her head to her glass, wincing as she sipped down some firewhiskey. “I just… I just feel like I’m letting him down.”
“Well maybe –“
“Please don’t say it’s a remnant of what I felt for him.” Y/N shot him a look and he raised his hands in defeat.
“Ok ok, I just… look feelings or not, you guys got along so well. I honestly think he would be helpful at the moment, even if it’s just as a friend.” James’s gaze went to Sirius who was fake air guitaring as Remus played the drums beside him. Peter was cheering them along from the carpet, grinning stupidly. Y/N bit her lip.
“I just can’t stop thinking of him as Sirius Black, you know? High school prankster and playboy.”
“Bit over the top,” James snorted, “I think he dated three women.”
“Oh you know what I mean,” Y/N breathed out a laugh. “It just feels like he’s met me, but I haven’t, you know? Well that doesn’t really make sense, but like I don’t know. People keep forgetting that I can’t just pick up where we might have left off, even if I want to.”
James nodded his head slowly, not looking at her.
“I get that. And will keep it mind, even spread the word if you want.”
“Might not be a bad idea.”
James gave her shoulder a squeeze and slid off the wall, walking over to where Lily was swaying to the music, grabbing her hand to spin her in a quick circle. She laughed loudly, face illuminated. Y/N wondered if she had looked like that with Sirius, remembering the photo of the two of them dancing that Sirius had kept.
The next morning Y/N was curled into a ball in the guest room, her whole body aching. She couldn’t remember exactly what had happened the rest of the night, except for blurred moments of dancing and roast chicken and potatoes. She willed herself to open her eyes and kick off the covers, pulling herself out of bed. There was a strong smell of bacon wafting up the stairs towards her room and she smiled, letting it lead her down towards the kitchen and into a chair in the dining room.
“Good morning,” Sirius beamed at her, flipping a pancake in one pan whilst bacon cooked in the other. “Now I know you’re a little fuzzy on the details, but I’m about to prepare for you the greatest meal of your life.”
“You seem very sure of yourself.” Y/N smiled back at him, rubbing her eyes. The nice thing about being hungover was her body had seemed to ignore the partial panic that went through her, her heart rate keeping steady as she leant over the table.
“Look memory charms, smemory farms – your taste buds will never be the same.” Sirius pulled out some pancakes and placed them on the plate in front of her, then stacked bacon, maple syrup, and blueberries in a giant swirl across the plate. “There you go, I would say enjoy but I know you will.”
Y/N laughed, picking up the cutlery beside her and digging in.
“Holy Merlin.” She moaned, “It’s everything I could dream of. Salty, sweet, stupidly decadent for breakfast.”
“What can I say, I’m a genius with food.”
“I didn’t know you could cook!” Y/N continued to cut up the pancakes and eat, savouring each bite. Sirius sat down in front of her, serving himself and shrugging.
“My parents didn’t always… feed me, so I learnt how to cook when they were all asleep.”
Y/N paused at that, pancake and bacon bits still in her mouth as she looked up at him, shocked.
“Wha-,” She swallowed and tried again, “What?”
“Oh, right. Sorry, that was probably a bit too much information.” Sirius grimaced, scratching the back of his head, “I promise that’s not what I led with on our first date.”
“No, I just, they didn’t fucking feed you? Why the hell not?”
“They didn’t always agree with my values, or well actually, I never agreed with theirs.”
“That’s fucking despicable.”
Sirius barked a laugh, throwing his head back. It made Y/N want to smile.
“That’s what you said the first time I told you.”
“At least I’m consistent,” Y/N put her cutlery down. “is it… is it weird? Having to retell me things?”
“I mean yes, and no.” Sirius mumbled, his mouth full of food. “Well it’s weird yes, but at least I can not make the same mistakes I did the first time around.”
He grinned at her and she couldn’t help but to smile back at him. 
“So you made mistakes huh?” 
“Ahh a few, I won’t bother reminding you of them I think.”
“Well now that’s unfair! You know everything about me, it’s like you have a secret playbook.”
“No no no, it was unfair before, I had many more faults. This way you just see the sparkly version.” 
James pushed open the door to the kitchen, finding the two of them grinning to each other over the dining table. 
“Who’s sparkly?”
“Sirius apparently,” Y/N leant back in her chair, eyeing Sirius carefully. “I’ll find them you know.”
“Find what?”
“Alllll your faults,” Y/N grinned cheekily at him.
“I’m sure you will.”
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grace-writes-shit · 5 years
In Your Hands (Draco Malfoy X Reader)
Request: Yayyy Potter fan~!!! I was wondering if you could do a Reader x Draco where the reader is super super super shy and soft and just a pure ball of innocence and purity (Like ya wanna hug them cause they so smol and pure) and many love the reader but their heart is set on their lovable boyfriend Draco??? Just pure pure fluff :3 thank you 💞💞💞
Words: 1048
Characters/Pairings: Draco x Reader, Fred Weasley, George Weasley
Warnings: Fluff, my man.
A/N: I’m sorry for my long absence. I’ve been going throw some stuff and writing honestly just seemed like the hardest thing to bring myself to do. But I’m working on bringing myself back and will try to fill the requests I still have. Thank you for your patience. 
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The small figure of the Ravenclaw moved swiftly through the crowded hallways, classes were over and they had a date with their recently obtained boyfriend after. They smiled to themselves at the thought of the blonde Slytherin.
Draco Malfoy never seemed like the type to give a shy Ravenclaw any attention, especially a half-blood as they were. But after being paired up in potions, both of which excelled at, Draco was singing a different tune.
That is to say when they were alone. No one knew of their recent admission of feelings nor the fact they were even friends. It wasn’t as if Draco wanted to hide the fact that they were together, but he didn’t want word getting back to his father. 
No doubt the elder Malfoy would force them apart, breaking both the teenagers’ hearts. And (Y/N) was content with the secret courtship, as long as they had him in the night, then they could wait until they graduated. Then, they’d run away from the Malfoys and live together in a cottage in the country. 
Lost in thought, (Y/N) didn’t see the tall figures coming toward her until she ran into one. With a squeak and a deep blush, the Ravenclaw jumped back and apologized.
“I-I’m-I’m so sor, sorry!” Their head was bowed so all they saw were two pairs of tattered trainers. 
“Hey, (Y/N), it’s no problem!” The voice of Fred Weasley sounded above her, to the right.
“Yeah, we know we’re so magnetic that you couldn’t help but bump into us!” George was on the left.
Looking up, (Y/N) saw the two with charming grins on their faces, hands in their pockets with their sleeves rolled up. Truly an attractive sight. If her face wasn’t red before, it certainly was now.
These two were very popular. So popular that (Y/N) didn’t even know that the two knew their name. They were just a reclusive Ravenclaw after all. They always had people around them so it wasn’t surprising that they had a crowd of friends behind them. 
“U-Um….” (Y/N) didn’t know what to say. Having this many eyes on them sent their blood rushing to their face and the breath to leave their lungs. Their words stuck in their throat.
“We’re all going down to Hogsmeade, want to join us?” Fred asked with a grin.
“We’ll even treat you to a butterbeer! Sounds fun, yeah?” George added. 
How do you say no? They can’t say they have a date already; they’d ask with who. And they can’t say no because they have to study, that would make them look like a stiff. And just saying no would be rude in general. Oh, Godric. Since when was there such a lack of oxygen in the castle? 
“Don’t you Weasleys have anything better to do?” The voice behind them sent their heart soaring. Draco! They schooled their features but couldn’t quite hide the glimmer in their eyes. 
“What was that, Malfoy?” Fred glared over (Y/N)’s head at the younger boy. 
“You heard me. Back off, (Y/N) and I have a project for Potions to work on. And I’m not going to fail because of some red-headed pricks.” Draco laid a hand on (Y/N)’s shoulder in a possessive way but was rather gentle. 
“As if someone like them would want to hang out with a prat like you!” George crossed his arms and widened his stance. It seemed like things were about to get ugly. 
“W-wait.” Their voice was just above a whisper, but they managed to get the three boys’ attention. “I-I prom-promised Draco I’d help tonight.”
The twins deflated and looked at each other before shrugging. 
“Well, if you ever change your mind, you know where our common room is,” They said together.
“They won’t,” Draco mumbled as they walked away. (Y/N) sighed and grabbed his hand, after making sure no one was around.
“Come on, Draco.”
After the incident, Draco led them to an empty classroom. Well empty of desks and chairs, but was filled with floating candles, cushions and blankets. The entire room was cozy as a fire crackled in the fireplace. Small snacks and fruit were spread out on a tray in front of the cushions.
Draco had them sit amongst the cushions, with them in between his legs. Their back rested against his chest as he ran his fingers through their hair. Their face was crimson as he whispered in their ear. 
He didn’t want to let them go. He never had anyone who showed him so much affection and love like they did. He wanted to show them how much he appreciated them choosing him. No one ever chose him. At least, just for the sake of him. Either people avoided him for who they thought he was, or they befriended him for the power of his parents. It was never just Draco. 
In their time, they spoke of nothing and everything, of time and space, and of music and magic. Together, they dined on strawberries and butterbeer, letting the alcohol warm their veins, along with their complete adoration for the other. 
(Y/N) was comfortable here. In Draco’s arms. Upon first meeting Draco, they didn’t know what to make of him. They, of course, were terrified of meeting someone new. Let alone someone with such a shady family reputation.
But (Y/N)’s mother always told her to never judge a book by its cover. And they are so glad that they didn’t. Draco was sweet and considerate. Always taking care to not pressure the nervous Ravenclaw. Even when they first met, he was nice. As nice as he could be in the eye of the public. So, he basically ignored them, while slowly falling in love with his Potions partner. 
His grip tightened around their waist, his forehead dropping to their shoulder. “Draco? Are you alright?” (Y/N) inquired, bringing up a hand to run through his hair. He caught the appendage and laced his fingers with theirs. Looking up, he locked eyes with his partner and kissed the back of their hand. Their face was red with hot embarrassment. 
“I love you.” He pressed another kiss to the inside of their wrist. Then their palm. A kiss of adoration and desire and one to symbolize that his heart is in their hands.
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bffhreprise · 3 years
Best Friend For Hire, Entry 388
 Landing in the Slayer wing of the airport, I was scared.  Until my information was delivered, there was always a chance the Slayer’s mind might wander into mine, killing me for the warning I was carrying.  Between him and my masters, my loyalty should have been him, but Ai and Mai were the ones I was born to serve.  My family had directly served theirs for hundreds of years, and I wouldn’t betray them by keeping them in the dark.
 I had researched the best way to reach Somerset Estate, but I still hesitated now that the time had come.  My English was poor.  If I arrived at the wrong destination, reaching the correct one could become problematic.  As I stepped out of the airport, I reached for the knife behind my back as the door to a limousine opened.  When I saw the calf-length auburn hair of the woman stepping out of the driver’s door, I bowed instantly, trying to make sense of the clothes she wore.
 Speaking in Japanese, a woman’s voice I didn’t recognize said, “Ito-san, Somerset-sama sent this limousine for you.  You can call me Mila, no honorifics necessary.  I already know you well and will see to your luggage.”
 I looked up in surprise, but I remembered the rumors about James Somerset, the man who had won the heart of Alma Pendreigh.  Nodding to this Mila, I entered the vehicle.  Once seated, I told her “You speak Japanese very well.”
 Her smile was visible in the rearview mirror as she thanked me.  “My mother, Aaliyah Sypher, taught me.” she explained.
 I did my best not to shudder, recognizing the name of the assassin.  Aaliyah was many things, but her proficiency at killing was what my family feared the most.  In all of our research, we had found not one survivor from a contract she had taken.  There wasn’t a plan in place to try stopping her.  Drache-sama had declared such a defense impossible herself, so we were honor bound to heed her order to ignore this weakness in the family’s defense.
 After several blocks of silence, I asked “How do you know of me?”
 She smiled again as she said, “Ai and Mai have talked about you numerous times, but Mother also shares information.  I was aware that you’d be coming before you even purchased tickets last night and prepared a room for your stay.”
 I couldn’t ignore that she knew when I had purchased my plane tickets, but how could she have known I’d come before even I had decided?  If the assassin was truly her mother, Mila was likely to be a very dangerous person.  “Please pardon my rudeness in asking, but why do you appear as Alma-sama?” I questioned, unable to escape the fear of her form.
 She still smiled, completely unshaken.  “My master chose my form before he and Alma were even dating.  He hadn’t meant to make me so similar to her, but the questionnaire he completed led to the similarity.  You see, I am not a biological lifeform.  This is just one of numerous bodies I control.  Not only do I act as the sole maid in Somerset Estate, but I am the chauffeur, sous chef, educational instructor, confidant, security, aid for everyone, and friend of everyone at the estate.  While we’re chatting, I’m also communicating with more people than you’d likely guess.”
 I vaguely remembered that Duncan-sama had mentioned an extremely advanced artificial intelligence being at Somerset Estate, but I hadn’t been prepared for this.  I spent much of the remaining trip in silence, trying to wrap my head around the idea that such technology existed in the world without my family being aware.
 When we arrived, I found the grand mansion fitting for someone of James Somerset’s position.  The design was certainly based on an English country house, which probably pleased Alma-sama greatly.  I had been initially surprised when the two chose this as their primary residence rather than her family’s estate, but this was also the corporate office of James’ business.
 Mila guided me inside, insisting that she would take care of my luggage.  My father would be shocked to learn that Aaliyah’s own… daughter… had carried my luggage.  Before we even finished crossing the long hallway, my masters came running toward us, embracing me before I could even bow properly.
 “Ahmya!” exclaimed one of them.
 “Why are you here?” questioned the other.
 “Mila wouldn’t tell us.” accused the first, glaring at MIla.  Surprisingly, there was no actual anger in her look.  She seemed almost… playful.
 “We should speak in private.” I replied, never quite knowing what to do when these two embraced me.  They had always treated me more familiarly than they should, considering my station.
 Both of them rolled their eyes as the second one said, “As you wish, but Mila will hear everything anyway.  Our husband insisted on letting her spy on us.”
 Smiling yet again, Mila informed them “Honestly, my sensors are sharp enough to have heard everything in your wing even after you had disabled my access.  I did ignore what was said to respect your wishes.”
 Waving her hand at Mila, the first of the twins told me “See what we have to deal with?”
 Again, I was struck with how she didn’t actually seem angry.
 When we were finally alone, deep in what they had explained to be their wing of the mansion, I explained the situation in Japan.  Godric Slayer had revoked Alma-sama’s authority over their family and appeared to be preparing for the Drache family to be replaced entirely.  The twins took the news better than I had expected, but one of them quickly asked Mila to show them specifics of what was happening.  To my surprise, what I had thought was a mirror on the wall illuminated, bringing up information as requested.  T/hey were even able to receive live feeds from the family’s security system.
 “H-How is this possible?” I asked nervously.  This was a serious breach in our security.  The twins didn’t even have to enter a code.
 One of them smirked as she said, “Mila has access to everything.  There’s no keeping her out.  We had tried for a while, but even Alma can’t compete with Mila.”
 “We need to go tell Alma.” stated the other twin, busily typing on their phone.
 “Alma isn’t currently in the country.” stated MIla, her voice coming from the walls.
 “What!?” exclaimed both of them at once.
 “Where is she?” asked the one with the phone.
 “I am not at liberty to say.” replied Mila.
 The twins groaned and motioned for me to follow them as they ran.
 On the way, one of them asked “Will James see us?”
 “Yes, he has a few minutes to spare at the moment.” came Mila’s voice, keeping pace with us from the mansion’s walls.
 The mansion was every bit as enormous as I had expected, so our trip took a while even at a jog.  The twins, thankfully, kept their pace slow enough for me to keep up.  Eventually, we arrived at a door where Mila stood, already waiting for us.  At our approach, she opened it.
 “James, where’s Alma!?” demanded the twins in unison as soon as they were inside.
 The office was large and decorated with fine furniture that looked like a collection of antiques to my eyes.  One wall was covered in books, a chandelier hung from a high ceiling, and a couple chairs sat by a low table next to a fire.  The man at the desk was dressed in a fine suit, typing at a computer that seemed to be built into the desk.
 He took a moment to finish typing something, his fingers moving far faster than my eyes could follow, before looking up to say, “In England at the moment.  You’ve apparently been informed about the current restructuring in Japan.”
 I wasn’t terribly surprised that Mila had informed him.  Of course, the rumors I had heard about him would suggest that James might have known already.  He was said to be incredibly well-informed.
 “When will she be back?  We have information for her.” stated one of the twins with a tone of urgency.
 “She’s already read your email, and I’m sure you’ve seen her reply.  She knows.  She knows what Godric is doing, why he is doing it, and even a guess at how things will play out.  Relax.  She’s taking losses, but things will be fine.” he told them without even a hint of concern.  Then he surprised me by saying, “Ahmya, Mila has prepared a room for you in the employee wing.  Feel free to make yourself at home, since you’ll be here for some time.”
 I bowed low, shocked that he had bothered to address me, especially in Japanese.  “Your graciousness is appreciated. Somerset-sama.” I replied respectfully.  A blast of energy shot out of him, forming into spells that I had no hope of following.  I took a moment to realize that my weapons were leaving my body, but I didn’t dare try to stop them.  Before a man like James Somerset, I had no power.
 “James!  What are you doing?” demanded the second twin on my behalf.
 “I don’t want any blood in her room.  Mila’s relieving her luggage of the other toys for now.” he replied, still sounding perfectly calm.  He knew.  Somehow, he already knew.  “She’ll also be keeping her under constant supervision until you two have talked her around.”
 I cringed as the twins whirled to stare at me.
 “Why?” asked the first twin, her voice sounding angry, angry and just a little sad.
 “You wouldn’t really, would you?” questioned her sister with a frown.
 I didn’t want to answer, but I was speaking before I could stop my mouth.  Ai and Mai were my masters.  “I have no place in our family now.  Please, let me have an honorable death.”
 Instead of yelling at me or ordering me to stand down, they embraced me again, squeezing me with their inhuman strength.
 James, who had resumed typing, said, “Ahmya, I’m certain you know of me.  That being the case, I’m sure you heard that Death herself appeared as my second during my last fight for Alma’s hand.  I’ll be asking her not to take you no matter your actions.  If you die without my permission, you’ll roam the world forever as a ghost, completely unredeemable for all eternity.”
 I hurried to keep up after they barely allowed me time to turn around.  They were holding me once again.
 “James is spooky sometimes anymore.” stated one of the twins.
 The other simply nodded.
 The first one looked at me as she said, “Ahmya, James wasn’t lying.  Don’t you dare try anything.”
 “We’ll speak to our husband.  He might convince James to…” started the second one.
 “To not stop you from reaching the afterlife.” finished the first, shivering as she spoke.
 “I would never risk harming you or your position here.” I assured them, disappointed with how my voice shook.  James-sama’s words were echoing in my mind.  Death herself listened to him.  Still, I felt torn.  Godric would find out I came here.  He might not kill me while I was under the protection of James-sama and Alma-sama, but…  Tears came to my eyes.  At very least, I would be cast out of the family, a dishonored wretch unfit to serve the twins.  What was going to become of me?
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mercyburned-aa · 3 years
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and all the companions (minus ryker and ruvhen because i can only fit 10 at a time)
dagna - 4′6
sigrun - 4′7
leske - 4′9
faryn durik - 5′1
nelaros - 5′6
jowan - 5′8
aveline vallen - 5′11
rhys - 6′0
anders - 6′3
godric gryffindor - 6′4
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mercyburned-aa · 3 years
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anyway it’s been a long long time since i posted about this but,  the reason godric never marries is because he’s in a long-term relationship with a girl named izza who lives literally on another continent and is shamelessly based on / inspired by isa.bela from dr.agon age.  it’s pretty much an open relationship and they’re both in agreement on and comfortable with that  --  but after helena and rowena both die and after salazar leaves,  he’s really just .... not interested in pursuing anything more with anyone.  he and helga might slip into something or they might not tbh,  but by that point in his life,  he’s lost enough that marriage just isn’t a priority,  and he’d rather focus on the school and take care of what he’s already got.
if he ever did marry,  it would be to izza.  but after everything at the castle,  marriage is so low on the list of things he cares about that it’s basically not on the list at all.  he has other,  bigger concerns.
i also write him as infertile,  which is why he hasn’t got any heirs by blood,  although he did name one of his students as a successor.  however,  godric’s also not the type to sit there and write down any accounts of his life,  so the name / line has long since been lost to history.
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mercyburned-aa · 3 years
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@lcgacyofages​  ー  headcanon meme.
☺ - Something that makes your muse happy (Margo) 
clothes that dried out in the sun and when you put them on they’re still warm.  when her dog comes to cuddle on the sofa or on the bed.  chilly fall nights and bonfires.
❤ - What does your muse look forward to in their soulmate? (Godric (DA))
kindness,  strength,  self-reliance,  decisiveness,  leadership,  sense of humor,  an open mind,  being willing to admit having been wrong.
❥ - How often/easily does your muse get heartbroken? (Aveline)
not very often.  aveline doesn’t fall in love very easily and can go years in between relationships without even noticing how much time has passed,  if she’s got enough other things important to her to keep her busy. 
ツ - Can your muse speak any other language other than their main one? (Clare)
yes and no.  fluently,  she only speaks english / common.  during her tenure as warden-commander,  however,  she’s devoted a LOT of time and effort into learning about dwarven culture / history / society,  and also building a close working / political relationship with king bhelen and the assembly.  as such has a strong command of dwarven phrases and historical terms,  as well as some understanding of the written language.  however,  as the dwarven language isn’t spoken even by dwarves,  she cannot claim that either. 
she only knows a few elven words,  but that’s about it.  as nearly all orlesians also speak common,  she’s.... frankly never bothered to learn more than a few orlesian phrases.  the same applies to the first warden in weisshaupt,  although since the wardens all communicate in common anyway,  and because she’s almost never actually in weisshaupt,  there’s been no real motivation for her to learn any ander beyond ‘hello,  my name is clare,  i’m a grey warden’,  ‘where is there a toilet?’,  and ‘how much does this cost?’
✍ - Can your muse write? How well? (Dagna)
dagna is not a creative writer.  she just isn’t.  her strength lies in scientific writing,  in which case she’s very clear and precise,  and she has a particular talent for taking complex issues or concepts and translating them into layman’s terms.
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mercyburned-aa · 4 years
some worldbuilding stuff for godric’s dragon age verse,  which is in the process of being converted to his main verse :
he was born in 8:97 blessed ( meaning he is 33 when the blight begins )  with magic and it showed very early,  but his family managed to keep it secret.  meaning,  he’s an apostate.
that did not even remotely stop kid godric from wanting to learn how to fight with a sword as well.  he learned from his older brother,  tillian,  who was born without magic.
as he got older,  his skill with both magic and weaponry became significant.  godric is a powerful mage,  but might actually be a better swordsman.  his sword is made of enchanted silver,  though it looks like any other greatsword.  
( at some point after the blight,  he does get his name etched into it. ) 
godric’s family lived in a blip on the map about halfway in between ostagar and lothering itself,  called hangratún.
his mother died in childbirth,  bringing his younger sister maeja into the world.  the two youngest of the family,  godric and maeja were very always very close.  when godric was fourteen and maeja was twelve,  their father was killed by bandits on the road back from lothering.  tilian was away serving in king maric’s army,  leaving godric to take care of himself and his sister. 
he began competing in tourneys and other combat-games for money.  soon,  everyone began to realize that although quite young,  his skill was unquestionable.  this and various contracts with mercenary companies were how godric supported himself and his family for the next few years,  until he decided that he needed something a little more reliable.
godric joined cailan’s army at that point - something he’d once said he’d never do,  but there weren’t a lot of better options out there.  he advanced quickly within the ranks,  and was given his own group of soldiers to lead into battle at ostagar. 
obviously,  nothing could have saved the king’s army at ostagar once loghain betrayed them.  only one of his soldiers survived the slaughter and together they escaped the carnage.  he saw the soldier home,  and told maeja to go stay with their cousins in denerim,  but godric could not resettle anywhere himself. 
directionless and not quite knowing what to do with himself at that point,  godric sought out the blackstone irregulars to start another contract with them,  because at least it was familiar work and something he could do with his hands.  instead,  he found the warden,  and joined them to help fight the blight.
tillian died at ostagar.
godric is not available during da2 as he stays in ferelden after the blight and does not flee to kirkwall.  he either re-joins the army under anora / alistair,  or decides to join the wardens.  if he chooses the wardens,  he survives the joining and serves under the new commander.  if he re-joins the army,  he’s once again given a group of soldiers to lead,  and he’s a bit of a mother hen about them,  given what happened at ostagar.  
godric is once again available as a companion during the events of inquisition,  having been given leave either by the commander or by the fereldan monarchy to go investigate and lend his aid if he can.  he can be recruited in redcliffe and would likely do most of his work with the troops,  given his past experiences,  if he’s not brought along for adventures.
some important notes : 
it’s entirely possible for your muse to go the entire span of dao-dai without figuring out or being told that godric has magical talent,  especially if they are not a mage themselves.  he’s careful who he uses it around,  and he’s so damn good with a sword that no one really tends to question it anyway.  it is not information he volunteers very readily,  and he’s content to just let people assume wrong.
he’s extremely intelligent . . . when he cares to be.  he SURE DOES seem to know a lot about magical objects / theory for a random soldier,  though . . .    ( this might be the only clue your muse will ever get ! ) 
as in all other verses,  godric is dyslexic and infertile.
he’s particularly vested in mage rights / mage issues as he is one himself.  that...also said,  he’s obviously against the idea of circles and templars,  though he also recognizes that his skills with conventional weaponry afford him a massive amount of privilege that many other mages don’t have.
he will leave the party in dao if the warden sides against the mages.  hands down.  no second chances,  don’t call him later.  new phone,  who dis ? 
godric is available as a romance option to female wardens / inquisitors / companions,  given views on mage rights and personality etc line up.
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mercyburned-aa · 3 years
working on my tagslist on my lunch so dropping these for easy grabbins lmao.
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mercyburned-aa · 3 years
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for garrett, 
GARRETT + HELGA REINCARNATION.  they just vibe so well and have both a healthy way of supporting each other but also respecting that sometimes you need space to deal with shit,  instead of having someone on you all the time.  garrett feels comfortable around helga by default,  maybe even moreso than the others,  especially considering how things ended with them. 
otherwise,  i like him with ALICIA or KATIE,  as far as canon characters go !   as for ships i’d be interested in,  i liked him + margaery and would be down to start that back up.  garrett is surprisingly flexible with his ships  --  the only real type of person he won’t ever go for  ( aside from your generic asshat )  is someone who belongs on r/iamverysmart.
for godric, 
it sort of depends on the verse.
GODRIC + HELGA.  pretty much my default ship for him !  i just.  i really like it ?  godric finds peace around helga and a reprieve from everything going on in his life.  they have a healthy,  respectful,  playful dynamic with each other and their affection is very genuine.  
in asoiaf verse,  i pretty much only ship him with KARSI.  he’s 33 at the beginning of the series,  so waaaay too old to ship with most of the main characters who are underage if not only barely past it.  also he’s in ridiculously love with karsi.  he saw her for five seconds and wanted to propose on the spot.
in dragon age verse,  i like him with CASSANDRA or possibly ISABELA since he would vibe equally well with both of them imo.  
as for ships i’m interested in for him,  i am only really writing him on discord right now although that might change ??  idk.  either way,  godric is difficult to ship in general,  but his type is “badass sword / knife women who could kick his ass” and also “looks like a cinnamon roll but could kill you.”
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mercyburned-aa · 4 years
so I think Godric’s going to be changed to being based out of dragon age (since I write there more than asoiaf) bc....yeah. I’ve been writing/developing him since 2009/2010, he is my oc at this point.
Anyway. Plot with him for DA 👀
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mercyburned-aa · 4 years
&.  ‛  i could write it better than you ever felt it.︐  ›   threads. &.  ‛  call me,beep me,if you wanna reach me.︐  ›   txt. &.  ‛  chancellor of the earth.︐  ›   wells jaha. &.  ‛  this is our world now and i think we can do better.︐  ›   finn collins. &.  ‛  blackbird singing in the dead of night !︐  ›   maya vie. &.  ‛  i bear it so they don’t have to.︐  ›   clarke griffin. &.  ‛  let’s show them our hearts,and then show them theirs.︐  ›   godric. &.  ‛  golden child,lion boy,show me what it’s like to conquer.︐  ›   garrett alden. &.  ‛  open up my eager eyes,’cause i’m mr. brightside.︐  ›   george weasley. &.  ‛  teenage girls are going to save the world.︐  ›   hannah abbott. &.  ‛  ...like ghosts in the snow.︐  ›   theodore nott.
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