#/ thanks for the starter ! :D
countarganan · 2 years
❝ don’t be so hard on yourself, healing isn’t linear. ❞ ((from Izzy, to Count Arganan))
A sigh left Arganan at the mention of that last part, but he did his best to offer her a light smile.
"Thanks. But why can't healing be a bit easier than, well, what it usually is!?"
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vuulpecula · 4 months
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✖ new starter call ! open to any & all !                ✖ comment for side-blogs, specifics, or if you would like multiple !
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purple-steven · 4 months
*A person with wings flew past the libarys windows fast. Red, blue and yellow feathers similar to a parrots speckled his wings as he lands looking around. A pair of flying goggles covering his eye's. His brown hair messy from the wind.*
He heard a muffled WOOSH of sorts, looking outside his window to determine what it was. He did see the flurry of feathers and was intrigued, as well as a new person to say hi to! He left the library, wandering over to the person, waving.
Heya!! Are you alright??
//@grian-rp closed rp!
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it is slime time my dudes
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He likes to have his fun. At least when Queen Slime isn't looking
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outoftheirdifferences · 7 months
@spirits-of-nature16 liked (x) for guest muse Margo!
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"...And I think. That's. Everything!"
The girl grunted as she tried to force the last few items into her already-bulging backpack. Maybe she was over-prepared, the brunette was aware; but all the same. For her very first official AVL mission? Even if she was just tagging along with Gru and Lucy, even if her role was just to find a safe corner and provide support for them by hacking into the security system of the lair they were infiltrating?
Margo wanted to make sure that she had all she needed.
Finally forcing the zip to close over the last few supplies she'd just purchased, the bespectacled girl let out a breath of satisfaction, slung the heavy bag over her shoulder--
And almost clobbered the girl who was exiting the shop behind her with it. Margo's hand flew to her mouth with a gasp.
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"Oh, I'm so sorry--! Are you alright?"
As much as she was sure that Gru, in this position, would have just laughed and moved on... Margo didn't have it in herself not to care about the fellow kid who she'd almost knocked down.
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talesofourworlds · 8 months
@mistralxsoul continued from here!
Today was, decidedly, a little bit strange. And even that felt like it was putting it mildly, Guy thought.
His travels had brought him to a city called Zaphias for the time being. It was a much needed break, considering everything he'd been helping to achieve back home. Finally putting a stop of Van's plans and concluding everything at the Absorption Gate hadn't been an easy task, after all. Even without that, he'd been kept plenty busy in Grand Chokmah in the immediate aftermath. Whether that be with walking Emperor Peony's rappigs or settling into his own life, it had been a busy time for Guy. Fortunately, the Emperor had understood his need for a break. Much the same as his friends would have, he imagined.
So far, the stay had been pleasant! Zaphis itself was a nice enough city, or at least was presenting itself to be. In some ways it reminded him of Baticul. That likely had to do with the way the city was structured, Guy concluded. Nobility higher up in the city and the rest of the citizenry further down. In turn, the similarities had reminded him of Luke.
Oh, Luke... he hoped his friend was doing okay now that he had a chance to try and figure out what to do with his life. Knowing his friend, though, that wouldn't be an easy task. So, Guy shook his head and decided to go about his day. Luke wouldn't want Guy to dwell on wondering what he was doing with himself, Guy decided.
Ever since he'd arrived in the city, though, people he had taken the time to talk to had kept mistaking him for someone else. Someone called Flynn, he'd gathered pretty quickly. First it had been some of the knights he'd seen, then just regular citizens. Each calling him that name. One particular man who'd had a dog with him had greeted Guy like they were old friends before realizing the mistake. He hadn't really understood it, but politely cleared up the confusion before the man and his dog were on their way again. Apparently the two had had somewhere they needed to be outside the city.
Still. To repeatedly get mistaken for someone? Strange...
"Whoever this 'Flynn' is must be pretty well liked," Guy concluded as he continued to walk. It was still bizarre, but he could brush it off. Still, as he started to make his way down one particular street, his mind wandered. People kept mistaking him for someone who, he imagined, must have looked remarkably similar to him. Back home, given everything that had happened before he'd decided to take his trip, there would have been an easy explanation. But surely that couldn't be the case here... right?
All too suddenly, Guy became aware of what sounded like a scuffle. The familiar sounds of someone in armor was among the mix. Guy figured it was one of the knights he'd run into earlier that day, and from the sound of it he thought maybe they had it handled. He could help, but as he started to turn his head to see just what was happening, it happened. A yelp first, then a sudden weight crashing into him.
The knight in question, a blond man with his hair styled in an oddly familiar way, had gotten knocked right into Guy. The additional weight of his armor added to the force to the collision made it, in a word, memorable. Guy's own yelp mingled with the knight's as he fell to the ground with the armored man on top of him, and for a few long moments he took in the pain. Not the worst thing he'd ever endured, Guy knew, but it still hadn't been pleasant to get knocked into.
Fortunately, the knight's apology reached him as he found himself being helped to sit up.
"Don't worry about it," Guy told him. "I'm just as much to blame since I wasn't paying attention." Then, he got a good look at the knight in question.
For a heartbeat, Guy was stunned into silence. It almost was like looking in a mirror when he really took in Flynn's features. From the way Flynn's hair was styled to his eye color, they looked eerily similar.
A replica...?
No... no, that couldn't be the case, Guy reasoned with himself. The more he looked, the more he noticed differences. Flynn seemed a little more youthful in his facial structure. His eyes were a slightly different shade of blue. His voice, too, Guy realized as he was asked if he was okay, was different.
Van hadn't replicated him. He couldn't have. Guy knew there was a possibility of everyone having a sort of twin in the world somewhere, but he never thought he'd actually be seeing living proof of that.
"Oh, yeah," Guy finally answered, giving his head a small shake. "I'm okay. A little sore, but I think I can manage. This is hardly the worst thing that could've happened." A light laugh punctuated the thought. Getting knocked over and having a man in armor fall on top of him certainly wasn't as bad as the pain he'd endured when the curse slot seal had been at its worst, after all.
He looked past Flynn for just a moment, noting the fallen dagger and the nick on Flynn's cheek.
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"What about the guy you were after? Is it really all right to let him get away?" If he could, he wanted to help. It was the least Guy could do after what had just happened.
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doodlejoltik · 2 months
A little bit more than a sentence, but:
The Pokeball he’s holding isn't the original. He'd had to break that well-loved possession in two, and recapture Decidueye in this modern device. It's a distant echo of its predecessor, wooden grooves and clunky iron replaced by smooth metal and near imperceptible seams. The weight of it is all wrong. But it's still his partner, and that's what matters. (The two broken halves sit in his satchel, too, carried on his person at all times. It's yet another thing he can't bring himself to let go of.)
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wildskissed · 10 months
open to: m/f/nb suggested connection: literally anybody
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She wishes she wasn't this EXCITABLE.
Unfortunately, from the moment they stepped foot into Baldur's Gate, Eve's been almost visibly shaking with glee. Everywhere she looks, there's a vendor, or someone selling a paper with current events, or someone calling out about one thing or another. The hustle and bustle is more than that in the forest, and while she's used to busy things, this takes it a step further.
❝There's so many wonderful things here!❞ Eve exclaims, taking a breath to try to calm herself, but perhaps it's time another side of her comes out. ❝I do think that there's more than one thing for everyone I can get if I play my cards right with the bartering today. What can I get YOU?❞
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heirofhermes · 10 months
@lcbcshcart liked this for a starter
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"Mr. Reinhart?" Sebastián greeted, poking his head through the door with a cup of coffee in his hand. It wasn't every day that he visited the FBI, but it always seemed to be memorable... Perhaps today wouldn't be the exception.
"I'm Sebastián Atehortúa, the Skadden lawyer who first came across the russian mob involvement with our mayor... I was told to come find you."
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itsagentzero · 8 months
@magneticrage liked this for a starter
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"Yeah, I'm a mutant," he stated simply in response to the other. Granted, the more accurate answer would be to say he was the clone of a mutant, but he doubted his company would care too much for technicalities.
"The real question, though, is why do you know that? And even more importantly, why would you care?"
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tierra-paldeana · 8 months
starter for @laprimera
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☠🌏– The Ground type trainer stared at her computer screen in silence, with it only being interrupted by the tapping sounds of her gloved fingers on the keyboard and her ocassional turns to scribble something on the slim stack of documents beside her. Thankfully this wouldn't take too long and he'd have a few hours to herself after this.
She stopped in her tracks and looked around the empty office. That sound was... eerily familiar.
Just as quick as she had thought that, she felt her bangs moving a little like a Pokémon hiding in a bush. And, wouldn't you know it...
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''Oh. Hey there lil' guy.'' She sighed and a gentle hand went to pet the crystal Pokémon. Though its presence here meant that either her boss was around or absent. Why else would it seek to nestle itself on her own hair of all things? She paused her work to stand up and go looking for the chairwoman in the direction of her office.
''Hey boss, one of your lil' babies got stranded'', she laughed, letting the Pokémon hide in her bangs for the time being.
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   “ ❛ Enlighten me, what's your name? ❜ ” // From;; EPIC: THE MUSICAL — ACT ONE [ From Alastor | @perditicn ]
This curiosity turned game always held high stakes of being caught. And today, the seraphim’s luck seemed to have run out. Lucid’s sinner disguise, a mishmash of different demons he had seen, including an imp tail, gave up his true identity. Even if he had managed to get away from the majority of the Sinners without raising alarm or incident, all it took was one to notice the “wardrobe malfunction.”
And now, here they stood in a seemingly empty street, a red clad Sinner facing down a much smaller blue angel. There was no use in hiding his true appearance, the disguise having full worn off. Lucid’s wings quivered against his back, face half ducked into the tall collar of his jacket.
“L…Lucid. Lucid Eveningstar, sir.”
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showduo · 1 year
from starter prompts | ❝ you can’t leave me here ! ❞ | @fruitjam ( 1 / 2 )
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         " but you said you'll be brave for me today. " he pouts, " i'm just going to check the next hotel room nearby, that's all ! you stay here in case we pick something up from the emf readers. " jinhae crouches down a little, placing his hand on the other's shoulder. " you can do it, i believe in you. if something happens, just shout ! i'll come running over . . okay ? " he says, giving his companion another pat on the shoulder, holding onto his vlogging camera with the other hand. " i'll be in the room beside this one. "
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decepticon-no-more · 1 year
Not All Scars Heal Easily
Blaze had been driving through the deserts of this weird planet for days without end. He was tired. Exhausted in fact. Over the short period of time he had been on this rock since he crashed, He had seen the creatures that called this world home. "Humans" As they called themselves. He had avoided them as much as possible. And tried to blend in using his vehical form to some success. There was a much larger problem with this world however. Decepticons. And many of them at that. He had seen them, And their great warship. He did not want his former brethren and comrades to find out that there was a deserter here now. So he stayed away from all cybertronians too whenever he came across them. ------- After hours of driving through the dusty plains. Blaze finally spotted something that might be worth checking out. On the cliffside high above in the far distance. He spotted something that looked like a strange structure. Curiosity got the better of the flame trooper. Causing him to drive up the hill to investigate. Upon arrival. Blaze transformed in to his normal form and approached what he had seen. He was a skinny mech. around 15 ft tall. Black in color with purple optics. Before him was a pile of rocks that was not naturally made. Someone seemed to have built it. Unknown to him, This was the memorial shrine of the fallen autobot Cliffjumper. As he kneeled down to get a closer look. He did not notice that he was not alone here. @twcwheeler
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lucidrims · 1 year
꒰ ͜͡➸ starter for @suchaehwas ; sc
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     " wait -- why did you call me over here again ? you said you wanted help - but, with what exactly ? "
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outoftheirdifferences · 4 months
@chopperpirate liked (x) for a guest muse Lilo starter. (still accepting!)
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"Are you another alien?"
Small child tilted her head. Honestly at this point nothing would surprise Lilo; she'd lived with Stitch and 'Uncle' Jumba and 'Auntie' Pleakley for almost two years now, the bizarre for anyone else was the everyday for her. So seeing this new unusual being around while she was on the beach?
She would take it pretty well in stride. As such, she quickly returned to rummaging in her duffle bag.
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"You can help me feed Pudge the Fish if you want. It is sandwich day, after all."
Not just anyone would get an invitation to help with such an important job. But if this was another new visitor to earth, it was only right for her to involve them, wasn't it?
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