#// but you know it'd be fun to just do something dumb and silly here
one day i should do a great ape event for trunks
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hg-aneh · 1 year
Hi! I absolutely love all of your art and I’ve been fallowing you for awhile! There’s been some rumors that you ship Muriel x crowley?? Which I guess is an odd paring but nothing terrible wrong with, I was just curious if you do ship them.
Thank you for all your wonderful art <3
okay, i want to preface this by saying that I've already been harassed over this to the point of being called a lowkey pedophile and having every little move of mine scrutinized and misconstrued to sickening extents (this harassment spilled over to my partner too, and it was horrible)
so all anyone would do by doing this again would be repeating history, among other things that have to do with fucking up my already frail mental state
onto the meat
yes, I ship it
no, I do not see Muriel as a child, kid, teenager, or anything of the sort and I find it personally distasteful to think of doing so because infantilizing autistic traits rubs me the wrong way (p e r s o n a l l y)
you can do it if you want to, I have worse things to worry about than a random person on the internet thinking something of a fictional character, just don't try to push your headcanon onto me just because you perceive it that way or because it's a popular dynamic that you find fun
adding onto this, i want to add that i will never and i mean fucking NEVER post anything related to that ship outside of the very specific private Xitter account i created for it
(and my personal facebook, on a friends only setting)
any Muriel & Crowley content outside of that account is all platonic and bla bla you get the gist. I can separate things, what a talent.
Now, I'm being overly paranoid and explaining myself to exhaustion over this for a very good reason and it's because last time someone found out about it ((yes we're going full circle to the beginning of this little bible)) they treated it as some sort of GOTCHA moment about me being a pedo ((and if you didn't know this already: I fucking despise children with my whole being, I'd rather be forcefed alligator shit for my whole life than be with one of those creatures for a single day))
It got to the point of that person making extremely hurtful videos about me and their little friend group comprised of goober eating toddlers joining in on the "Hater" train or whatever the hell that new cultural trend is called, as well
It was hell, that whole experience fucked me up BAD and i feel silly for saying this but it was genuinely traumatic! So- I apologize if I'm sounding confrontational here, anon, but like, this is the type of thing you have to do to keep yourself safe now, it's gone to that point and I'm in hysterics now because what the fuck
Lastly, I'd like to say this one other thing
Muriel is played by an adult actress, they are canonically the same age as Aziraphale and Crowley and are also an eldritch creature just like them
The fact that they're nice and bubbly and happen to have autistic traits doesn't suddenly make them a fetus. I have friends with the same personality type as them and I feel like it'd be dumb to treat them like zygotes knowing they're adults with body hair and debt
Again, if you see them as one, I'm literally no one to judge, I'm 1.49, you're better off taking judgement from a stupid lone penguin in the saharan desert.
But don't fuck with others for thinking otherwise, it's not a moral issue to disagree with a headcanon, please. 🥲
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davycoquette · 2 months
Thank you for the tag, @drchenquill!
1. Is writing a hobby or way of life?
I always call it a hobby, but almost always prefixed with some form of, "greatest," "most important," or "favorite." I think way of life fits a helluva lot better. I've been writing since I can remember.
2. A journal full of writing notes or a clean, completed manuscript?
The journal one. I have like 900 I'm actively writing in at this very moment.
3. Who (or what) is your writing inspiration?
Cormac McCarthy. The love I have for my shitty characters. The agonizing unignorable need to put words on paper or screen.
4.Which is worse: someone you "idolize" reading your first draft or listening to you sing?
The singing one. I am not ashamed of my writing, but I have been taught to be ashamed of my singing lmfao. Which is weird and dumb because singing isn't something I go around telling people I can do decently - I don't tell people, "Oh, I sing," or, "I'm a singer." So, I have nothing to prove on that front, yet... I don't think I could make a peep of noise if someone said, "Sing me a song." Meanwhile, even when my writing's not at it's best, I'm like, "Yeah, I'm a writer. Here's some shit I wrote that isn't good. Sometimes I write good stuff, though."
5. Has writing from someone else's POV ever changed your own perspective?
I mean... in the literal sense, sure. A story looks different from the eyes of a character. By the same token, it helps me "understand" when people make choices I've not personally made. I think, for this reason, it's important to write about characters with different belief systems than we have - to write about them as sympathetic people with complex emotions. Not just to villainize or cathartically punish them, but to explore why people do the things they do and what life events might drive them in that direction. But cathartic character murder has its time and place, and who am I suggest what others write? Y'all do y'all.
6. Tumblr, AO3, LiveJournal, or FFN?
I have not used LiveJournal since I was a teen - is it still a thing people use??? That sounds nostalgic and fun. Not sure what FFN is; something to do with fanfiction? I only write original fiction, so that rules it out if so. AO3 is very cool, but the interface isn't my favorite. Also fanfic-heavy, so I never know if I've got a place there. Tumblr always freaked me right the fuck out, but the Writeblr community has proven to be my favorite writing community I've discovered online. And in a very short timespan, I might add!
7. AO3 wordcount, and are you satisfied with it?
I do not use AO3 but wordcounts can never be high enough 😎
8. What movie/book/fic gripped you irrevocably?
Probably too many to count. Little House on the Prairie A Separate Peace The Road Fight Club (recently rewatching this was humbling because it showed me how much of my writerly personality seems to be inspired by the way it rearranged my brain chemicals) Bullet Train (I fucken love this movie) Lawn Dogs Box of Moonlight Harold and Maude (book & movie) Pride and Prejudice (book & movie)
9. What’s the highest compliment you’ve ever been given, and have you been given it?
I've received some absolute banger compliments, and I don't want to dismiss any in favor of others. My favorite compliments are often ...questions? Just things that let me know people really did read, absorb, and are interested in things I wrote. Also, my love language is when people think about me of their own volition. So, any time people come to me apropos of nothing or say "this reminds me of you/your characters/your writing, I giggle and kick my feet and do a lil' happy dance.
10. What defines your writing style?
Gritty, casual. If it was art, it'd be the kind with the sketchlines still visible. Deep, silly. Visceral, I hope.
Taglist and blank template under the cut!
1. Is writing a hobby or way of life?
2. A journal full of writing notes or a clean, completed manuscript?
3. Who (or what) is your writing inspiration?
4.Which is worse: someone you "idolize" reading your first draft or listening to you sing?
5. Has writing from someone else's POV ever changed your own perspective?
6. Tumblr, AO3, LiveJournal, or FFN?
7. AO3 wordcount, and are you satisfied with it?
8. What movie/book/fic gripped you irrevocably?
9. What’s the highest compliment you’ve ever been given, and have you been given it?
10. What defines your writing style?
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sushisocks · 1 year
One thing abt Sean that I really like is that he never really teases Arthur for being stupid. The only time I've seen him do it, has been when Arthur starts it by calling Sean stupid and Sean being like "well youd know, wouldnt you" -- not even denying it but grabbing at the chance to enjoy some banter.
I think it probably has a lot to do with the fact that Sean doesn't think Arthur is dumb. It'd be a bit "throwing stones in glass houses" to call a man who reads and writes unintelligent, when you can't read and write, and that ability is seen as a hallmark for intelligence by most of your contemporaries.
It's just a nice difference from a fair amount of other people in the gang. Arthur's teased for his intelligence a lot, whether warranted or not, but Sean, who is seen picking on the rest of the gang a fair amount, doesn't really bring up this as a thing with Arthur.
Instead, what Sean harps on, is Arthur having English heritage -- which arguably isn't even true. More importantly, it's something Arthur doesn't really care about, beyond being annoyed by Sean's insistence on bringing it up as often as he does. Which means it's a safe topic! Sean can tease Arthur about this and be sure it won't be taken harsher than what it is; light hearted.
I feel like that's the case with a majority of Sean's interactions in camp. He's trying to bring some light-heartedness and fun in, and he does that in the way he knows best, while toeing the line as best he can. I have thoughts in this regard because you do see him stepping back when he realizes he might have overstepped (like with Javier), as well as show some genuine disapproval in other interactions (usually when related back to his own heritage and home; failing to connect with Molly due to class differences, for example, or getting mad about how Colm's name is pronounced).
I think about how many camp interactions he has with Kieran a lot; they have a fair amount, and you can actually learn a fair amount about Kieran from Sean asking questions. The way their relationship evolves from Sean headbutting Kieran while drunk, to genuinely listening to him talk about his life and about Colm, is very interesting to me. Sean very clearly wants a connection; in the same way he very clearly wants a connection with Molly.
But it's not just about how he clearly wants to connect with anything and anyone who reminds him of home. It's also about how he interacts with everyone else in the gang. It's about a majority of his teasing usually not actually being that offensive. It's about Dutch yelling at Sean when he's not being the silly goofy camp clown.
I think I lost the plot at some point in here but I wanna end this with saying that I think Sean clearly is cast as this role in the gang that he has to navigate as best he can, and he's barely allowed to be seen beyond that role if you don't pay him attention. But he clearly cares, a lot, and it shows in how he chooses to fill that role. And I think it's a little sad that he's often reduced to the silly clown or stupid bully that he's expected to be, because I think there's more to his character worthy of exploration and discussion.
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osleeplessflowero · 2 months
my interpretations of different AU skeletons(for the Neighborhood AU)🌺✨
Your typical lazy guy and cool uncle that lets you get away with stuff and can randomly infodump about the wonders of space when possible. The most chill and comforting guy you could know. Pretty close to canon but just Slightly fanon. No, he doesn't know about Resets. He DOES know the Timeline theory exists as there are other versions of him literally walking around, but he has no clue about time suddenly stopping and restarting. That's something only Frisk and Flowey know of.
The coolest dude ever!!! A well mannered man skilled in combat training and happens to like a lot of action movies, especially ones like Batman or Deadpool for the more brutal themes and humor. (He watches them with various others.) He genuinely wants to see the good in people, and believes in being kind until proven he should think otherwise. He doesn't hate puns, he just hates when they're basic! When there's more thought put in, that's when he enjoys them, even cracking a few of his own. His favorite color is green.
Another case of "cool uncle that lets you get away with shit", though in this case it'd be more like
"yo red I got in a fight"
"..did you win?"
"good. 's all i care about."
He works on a lot of old junk to try and fix it up, it's a fun hobby for him. He's also in a band! Pretty skilled with the electric guitar. He's a bit more reserved when you first meet him but when he gets comfortable he'll warm right up to you. He even gets a bit more confident. Though he does have his moments where confidence seeps through anyway, like when he's performing.
Edge is the embodiment of Sass. If he has something to say he WILL say it. He's a bit cold to anyone upon first meeting them, kinda like a cat. But once he grows to appreciate one's presence he's a lot softer towards them, more welcoming. Especially when they understand him. He's also very stylish! Has a lot of cool name brands in his closet (that he'll share with you if you're nice enough/can fit the stuff). Also absolutely adores cats, Doomfanger is his number one though. Always and forever. He can also play the piano!
The most energetic guy in the group, and also the one that works out the most. You need him, he's there right away. He's very optimistic about things, and like classic Papyrus, wants to see the good in everyone around him. A walking green flag, one of the most trustworthy characters here alongside Papyrus. He's also kinda like a single father when he has to take care of Blueberry so that's a thing- it's kinda a mix of a sibling dynamic and a parent-child dynamic between the two. Is a coffee addict, just like Black. Take it away from him.
One of the more chill and mellow characters, usually found high. But he's fun to be around when he isn't high as well, and can usually get along with people. He and Rus often get into chaotic shenanigans together, staying up late to do dumb stuff. You could probably see them building a tower of cards on top of Red's head while he's sleeping or something. His hoodies usually smell like honey, he has a bunch of them that look exactly the same like he's straight out of Charlie Brown. That isn't to say he doesn't have other outfits, though. He likes to write his own stories.
Officer, it's this one, this one's the overworker!!! He's the wine aunt of the group. Has an addiction to coffee he shares with Blue, and also likes to indulge in different kinds of wine from time to time. He and Edge have similar fashion tastes, only he likes to go for shades of purple where Edge prefers Red. He often has to be forced to rest due to wanting to work on projects overnight. LOOOOVES to gossip about workplace drama and other things, and will be very happy to tell you about anything.
Get this man some sleep he is TIRED!! But yet he refuses to get rest until someone makes him. Rus is an artist, often doing commissions and working on silly projects with Stretch. He's probably one of the quicker ones to befriend you, and once he does his usual quiet demeanor fades away. Likes to lean on people he likes a lot as long as they don't mind it. He has some tattoos drawn onto his arms. They're just made with marker though, so he can change them anytime he feels like it.
Mars is one of the more reserved members of the group, he often instigates fights with Red because he thinks his reactions are funny. Will tell people like it is, and doesn't hold back either. If he doesn't like someone, he'd exchange very few words with them. But if he does like someone, he'll be more open to talk with them and slowly grow more and more comfortable. Yes he has the pet bird here too, it's in every timeline. He's still taking the time to adapt to a peaceful timeline where nothing's wrong. Has memory problems, and keeps a notepad in his pocket to remember everything crucial. Sometimes he has to be reminded to eat, because he forgets. Will appreciate anyone being patient with him. He can be a liiiittle bit of an asshole sometimes but we still love him.
Another guy that absolutely loves gossip, often talking about it with Black. He can be a little loud sometimes without meaning to be, due to his hearing struggles. Got his teeth and eyes fixed a few months after living in the universe, has a little gap between his front teeth. He loooves making sweaters for everybody, and acts a lot like a Mom friend. After taking classes he became one of the better cooks of the group!
I have a more detailed post about this guy already so if you want elaboration go there, but i can describe him in two words:
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northwest-cryptid · 10 months
Local amnesiac clockman in dystopian city gets hired/abducted by the 12 complete messes based on literature, the lamest badass in the setting and his funny amnesiac daughter. Gets told to give therapy to said messes by looking for branches in ruined scp facilities while occasionally incurring on the wrath of capitalism and the little prince for some reason.
Said total messes are:
Straight up the korean poet Yi Sang because his most known poem had a character named "I"
Autism filled woman who is technically the actual boss of everyone
Woman don quixote
Fucked up japanese artist except her art is violence
Autistic french man with gap moe
Sheltered chinese man with the most fucked up family ever
A brit with a bat named revenge
Fish bisexual obsessed with murdering a metaphorical whale
Mommy Russian with only food and no hindsight in her head
Closeted young man with a fuckload of trauma involving ableist cultists
Straight up fucking Odysseus but in woman
And our ptsd riddled cockroach: Greg
See on one hand I genuinely appreciate the attempt here.
On the other hand this is extremely fandomized and I can't really learn anything from it as a result, especially considering that this covered stuff I already sorta know from just having played through the first major part of the game before having issues with it but more specifically from the fact that it's on the website for the game.
I need to reiterate my first bit here, I genuinely appreciate the attempt and I do not seek to belittle or insult the sender or anyone in question for attempting to enlighten me on the game but hear me out if you will...
All the information provided can be obtained from the website for the game or the first 10 minutes of the game; however it is only partially factual.
I am interested in Limbus Company, the game; not "Limbus Company The Abridged Version As Seen by the Fandom." When people go on and on about character analysis and plot depth and why it's so cool and interesting and deep and fun I want to jump in and engage with them on the narrative and such, but I can't because I'm not: A. Financially well off to Gacha for shit. B. Good enough at the game to get very far. And as a website that talks a lot about accessibility in games I feel like if anyone is going to shoot me down with a "git gud" it'd be kinda dumb, like sir/ma'am/individual of non-specific gender identity; you are on the "games should let you experience the story even if you're bad" website, please sit down.
I was honestly kind of hopeful that I would get some serious answers; and while some people have given me more serious answers than others; a lot of what I get is either specifically the start of the game which ignores/overlooks/doesn't mention the folks Dante is having an encounter with at the start, the fact they can use their clock head powers to turn back time and revive the sinners; or even the fact that they have no idea why any of it can happen. Like no one has even mentioned the whole star thing? I think it was a star? Something like that, anyways that thing was pretty cool and no one talks about it.
What I do often hear is how cooky and ku-ray-zee the main cast of silly little guys is; which I feel massively takes away from who they actually are.
"And our ptsd riddled cockroach: Greg" Alright since I've actually played through the first bit of the game so I know just enough about Gregor's story, why do we summarize a man who literally was a child experiment; who was betrayed by the only parental figure he knew; who was made to kill and murder without understanding of it literally like drugged or some shit to think he was just cutting apples; and who's body literally mutates into a cockroach down to just "lol he's a silly little guy with ptsd" ptsd from what exactly? Oh you mean the fucking Smoke Wars? One of the if not the biggest event in the PM Universe?
Like okay I understand I said "hey maybe don't send me entire documentary style paragraphs of text because my ADHD brain will not let me read them" and that's true, but I also really don't vibe with this whole concept of "this person doesn't know the characters at all so I'm going to call one bisexual, I'm going to call one a mommy, I'm going to call one a ptsd riddled cockroach named greg lol" Like I don't know how much of this is fandom and how much of this is real anymore. I know that some characters in PM's universe ARE LGBT so the idea of one of the Sinners maybe being Bisexual isn't too far fetched, but is that completely fandom interpretation or is it real? I sure as hell don't know when characters like Gregor who have deeper meaningful stories that tie into the world as a whole are boiled down to a one line joke about, I guess his name being Greg?
Like again I have nothing against the person who sent this or anything, I'm sure you meant well and I'm glad you're excited enough about the game that you reached out to me; that's all great and such, but I can't help but need to point out that you're talking to someone who knows almost nothing, but not nothing; about this game
and you're choosing to represent it in such a way that might be factual or might be fandomized and I can't tell the difference when the things I know are fandomized are present or when it mostly consists of jokes.
"Local amnesiac clockman in dystopian city gets hired/abducted by the 12 complete messes based on literature, the lamest badass in the setting and his funny amnesiac daughter."
Kind of not really. Like I'm not even going to get into the fact that technically speaking Dante is a Clock Person not necessarily confirmed Clock Man. I AM however going to get into the fact that they come to Dante's rescue(?) during what is essentially an execution; Dante is going to die and these 12 sinners jump in to fight for them for seemingly some reason we don't get to know yet. Hired is a much better word than abducted in this sense. Don't even get me started on "the lamest badass" because like, that entirely ignores the fact you're talking about who I can only assume is Vergilius AKA The Red Gaze, which is sorta huge considering what we've seen of Color Fixers, and you know; the entirety of the Comic/Light Novel Leviathan released prior to the game. What would a color fixer be doing with the sinners? What is his connection with Dante? Even having read Leviathan these sorts of questions are interesting and they create interest as someone who wants to question and explore the setting and it's themes.
AND I'M SORRY BUT "HIS DAUGHTER"??? Has that been confirmed because I highly doubt that unless there's some dialogue somewhere in the game that shows he adopted her or something, I mean yea he clearly cares about the orphans, but like I don't recall him ever adopting her and if he did I can't tell if you're telling me a fact or a fandom here because of everything else you've stated.
Are you beginning to see the problem here?
I literally have to wave off everything you just told me as no more than "lol silly jokes man lol" and I don't mean to be some asshole about it either but this isn't really going to help anyone get into a game or a story or anything because I don't really KNOW anything about it.
Again I'm not mad, I'm not trying to be rude; I've got nothing against Alex or anything! I appreciate someone taking the time out of their day to send me this but it ultimately doesn't tell me anything I'm just as much in the dark as I was.
This is specifically why it's so hard for me to interact with a lot of larger communities, a lot of the information I want is factual, from the source material; but I'm perhaps not skilled enough at the games to obtain it myself, so I turn to the community for information since people tend to enjoy talking about the things they like, and instead of getting actual information I get in-jokes I don't yet have context for, and fandomization that isn't actually true to the source material.
I understand I may come off a little harsh here, so for that I do apologize if I've come across rude. That being said, please do try to refrain from sending people who know next to nothing about your interests, a ton of fandomized in-jokes they won't understand, it feeds into the misinformation loop. Can you imagine if I went around telling everyone that Charon was Vergil's daughter when in reality he treats her as "something of a daughter" according to the publicly editable and horrible "fandom wiki" which is the only place that I could find information about it.
Tumblr media
This isn't the same thing as say a biological daughter, or even an adoptive one. Which could be an interesting plot dynamic. I mean do you guys remember what happened last time a Color Fixer had a kid? Or rather I should say, last time a Color Fixer WAS GOING to have a kid? That was kind of a big deal. It's not really a shocker to learn that the guy who really likes orphans would be nice to the child.
anyways sorry for the lengthy explanation of "this isn't really what I'm looking for" but I've literally spoke on this whole "fandomization of characters bothers me a lot" topic before several times for literally this exact reason.
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hyperionshipping · 2 years
A/N: Ohohhoheheh. Back to my roots. Wrote this out on tumblr and not docs. Silly little thing and.... maybe me committing to something. Or not. Totally not. Gotcha!
"Is it really that gay to think and want a dream about a co-worker? Just like, one dream. Everyone thinks it." Elias looks up from his paperwork, eyes flicking to Angela. Her lips curl in what must be a knowing smile, but Elias looks back down to the papers, frowning to himself as he moves two to a new pile. "And, anyway. I'm so... unfulfilled." he laughed at his own choice of words.
"Sweetie, do you hear yourself?"
"No wonder Cam needed these sorted... this is from 2005." he mumbled. "What, Ange?"
"I know you heard me," she crossed her arms. "Come on, who is this mystery man?"
Elias sucked in a breath, exhaling through his teeth. "No one here," he lied, stretching in his seat. "Well, no one here here. It's someone who runs the museum."
"Do you hear yourself?" she repeated. "You didn't even try with that."
"I am not telling you!" Elias looked at her, shaking his head for emphasis.
"Is it Booth?" There's playfulness in Angela's voice. She knows it not. She would know. But watching Elias's face was fun for her.
"BOOTH!?" Elias yelled, blinking at her. "Booth? Really? Him? No! No way!"
Angela was giggling. "Well, you're awfully defensive."
"No! It is not Booth! Plus he has a crush on someone else." Elias immediately regretted the words, backing up to correct himself, saying that he himself did not have a crush.
"Now you gotta say." Angela sat down, looking at Elias. "This is getting hotter by the minute!"
"Oh my god don't say it like that!" Elias felt his cheeks start to burn from embarrassment. "This is-- you're harassing me. I'll report this."
"I'll stop if you tell me who."
"Angela, please!"
"I can keep guessing, sweetie. There aren't that many eligible bachlors," she looked at Elias once more, eyeing him. "And even less that I think are you're type."
"Wh-huh? You can't tell "my type" from looking at me!" Angela quirked a brow, and Elias sunk back into his seat a little. "Okay. Maybe you can."
"So, should I start listing my guesses or--"
"Hodgins," Elias muttered sinking further into the chair. He hoped Angela would drop it now. He felt like he was caught in the middle of a great big lie.
"Who?" Angela laughed. "I didn't hear you."
"Hodgins..." Elias still mumbled, wishing he could disappear in that moment. "It's Hodgins. I've..." he trailed off, not wanting to talk more.
"Hodgins?" Angela practically yelled it, and Elias tried to shush her. "I knew it! How long?" Elias shook his head, refusing to answer her.
As if Elias's day could get any worse, Hodgins himself walked in, a file in his hands.
"Oh you're kidding me," Elias hissed.
"How long?" Hodgins asked, looking to Angela. "I heard my name. I mean, it took a minute to get these for you Angela, I didn't think it was that long."
"Oh, that wasn't about you. Well, it was," Angela had a smile on her face Elias hated and he was glaring at her. Hodgins looked to Elias who immediately tried to look like he wasn't about to murder Angela.
"Right." Hodgins exhaled, going to explain something Dr. Brennan had found on the latest victim, handing Angela the file. "Is there something I'm missing?"
Elias jumped to talk. "Angela was telling me about a really dumb thing and I said it reminded me of you. And we were joking how long it'd take you to do something similar."
Hodgins gave Elias a confused look, and looked to Angela who, was trying hard to not laugh. She mouthed to Hodgins they'd talk later as Elias shot her a glance swiping his finger over his neck.
Hodgins left the room, with more questions on his mind.
"You cannot tell him!" Elias cried out. "Angela, please. Please. I don't wanna ruin anything."
"He'll find out eventually, Elias. I've seen you staring."
"Okay! Lying! But that's later. Please, Angela. Hodgins is a good friend. I don't wanna ruin anything with him." Elias looked at her, eyes pleading with her. "If I lost my friendship with him because he didn't feel the same, or, it made him feel weird, anything like that I wouldn't know what to do."
"Alright, fine. Okay. I won't tell him. But he's gonna learn on his own sweetie. You don't hide it that well."
"I just... I can't tell him now Ange. Thank you."
"You're welcome. I need to go digitize these..." she flipped the file open quickly. "Oh! It's a bit of a tattoo. This'll be fun. Bye, bye, Elias."
"Bye." Elias inhaled deeply, and once Angela left, he yelled into his hands. He was so utterly fucked.
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m0e-ru · 2 years
HI dumb silly liveblog im putting into tumblr post format from a year ago. P4GA vol 4 drama cd "Boo ~ I bear a grudge on you ~" featuring !!! the investigation team +marie horror summer school trip adventures. dojima and adachi at the pub. naoto getting scared to death again.
i am not fluent in JP and i just did this for fun the best i can i hope you can comprehend it at least. here's where i listened to it !!! please listen to it it has all the audio cues and context and it's part of the experience !! it's really fun
September 27, 2021
10:17 PM
synopsis: the IT is trying out summer activities with marie :)
the track: /kids screaming yelling/ /adachi at the pub/ /kids screaming and yelling/
10:18 PM
i mean it also did say 'a test of courage' so i get why'd they be scaring each other but why does golden always love to pick on naoto
10:21 PM
narukami going 'yosuke....goochab (good job)' was cute actually
10:30 PM
from what i can comprehend so far, the IT's on summer break and want more stuff to do and decide to have this 'test of courage' by hanging around yasogami in the middle of the night with marie
they all pull straws and walk around in pairs depending who they pull and theyre narukami and marie, yosuke and rise, kanji and yukiko, then teddie and chie
10:30 PM
i dont wanna rewind rn but yosukes like 'haha im with risette im gonna scare her in revenge (of something, i couldnt catch it)' but shes being a girlboss and sharing her own horror story of something that happened in a film set and yosuke's like '(we are walking in the dark hallways of this school) ths is fine im a brave boy totally haha'
10:32 PM
their segment ended off with 'aww senpai but it's toootally real !!' and wind wooshing and thumping noises scare yosuke and rise's just 'oh thats just the windows. haha hanamura-senpai's a scaredy cat' and all he could do was laugh nervously
10:32 PM
oh tebbi footsteps
10:34 PM
oh he uses watashi?my little mascot bear i never noticed from all the third person or this is a golden thing
10:36 PM
i... couldnt understand what happened. teddie's paired with chie but he was busy scaring each other like 'wh...what if this happens' and chie's like 'omgg!!!stop!!!!' then something scared the two but all i could understand were zipper sounds and punching
10:53 PM
okok so it's dojima and adachi at the pub with dojima already a bit woozy and adachi sober for the sake of keeping his boss in check and we get some mamasan interaction!! (mama-san is what you call the lady bartender at the pub)
anywho, dojima's complaining about naoto being 'prodigy detective' and 'the kubo kid' and almost smacking the soul out of adachi's body while adachi responds like a good subordinate listening to his boss' drunken complaining
it's concerning to know that he made his own cup (mug?) overflow with adachi's concerning 'dojimasan--stop, stop!' and even reminding him about...nanako
keeping him together with the thought of his daughter and hes like 'nanako....' while adachi gets a call about how dojima's doing and while acting in disbelief that his boss going off again when accused and he gets hung up on and he just finds dojima asleep and. yeah.
look, i also forget adachi and dojima's dynamic whether adachi's genuine or not, dojima is right to be grateful for his company woww a pair of besties if i see one
10:54 PM
im only halfway through this disc and i havent even heard marie for the second time but i know she screams
10:55 PM
omg it's kanji and yukiko ohhh she sounds so excited like 'ohh creepy dark hallways this is so fun dont u think so my dear kouhai'
10:55 PM
'whether it'd be a monster or a Shadow i'll fight it' hi kanji
11:00 PM
ohh my vocab is failing me but some lovey dovey dialogue is going down and kanji's misunderstanding it but yukiko's like 'i love.,.,.,.,scary things (I THINK)'
they enter a room and yukiko's like 🗿 and kanji's like 'senpai¿?' and yukiko's like 'ok yeah whatever——OH PIANO' and she plays a few keys sounding creepy something something midnight something something
kanji keeps talking and yukiko just slams on the piano and goes 'kanji.....kanji....!' and she laughs over some pun i couldnt understand
11:04 PM
ok yukiko keeps laughing over the piano and banging on the keys and kanji's 'what if satonaka senpai and the others hear this' and yukiko goes all monotone again like 'you hear that' it;s footsteps
and she slides open the door and kanji's like 'wtf amagi senpai' and she sprints out and he chases after her 'SENPAI????'
11:06 PM
omg,.,.., mari,.,...,.,.,.,narukami asks 'are you scared?' and she's like 'whats a scared?' like her usual genuine unknowingness
11:09 PM
ohh thats so cute narukami's like 'watch this' and in yosuke and rise pov does yosuke get a call from him and rise's like 'yusenpai???!!!' as usual but all he does is breathe into the phone all creepily and while theyre distracted marie sneaks up on them and goes 'boo' and the two lose their minds screaming jskdfasfgwyefgasf
11:10 PM
narukami: so how was it, marie?
marie: it was...fun
narukami: right?
11:11 PM
11:16 PM
from what i can understand it's like chie hid into teddie's costume along with him and hes just having a hard time moving around. hes the only one who can see though and these two are a bunch of scaredy cats (bears) where teddie's like 'theres a-a-a g-g-g-guy'
11:19 PM
before marie finishes her creepy chant, chie loses it and starts kicking and punching inside the costume screaming, but once she unzips it shes like 'YOU GUYS?????'
then narukami's like 'do you hear the other disembodied voice next to you' and teddie's just Dead and while chie's apologizing hes like 'ahh..sharing chie-chan's warmth was such an experience.,.,. i thought i could see the light (from almost dying??????)'
11:22 PM
it's kanji trying to look for yukiko like 'amagi senpaaaaai where are youuuuuu' and marie tries to scare him and he's like 'oaugh. u n senpai tryin to scare me?' and marie's like 'aw geez, old timer' 'im NOT old'
11:22 PM
seven more minutes to this
11:28 PM
kanji goes 'so have you seen amagi senpai?' and narukami immediately tells everyone else 'new goal (idk what the initial one was) let's look for amagi' and oHHHH marie
shes running with the IT and shes like 'im making a memory...my heart feels....' AND THE V ROOM MUSIC BOX STARTS PLAYING AND SHE STARTS MAKING A POEM ON THE SPOT OHHH,.,.,I LOVE HERSO MUCHH
something something kami, shinigami, any god out there, heart something something "forever dreamer" AAAUAUGHGHGHGHG....
and narukami's talking about yukiko totally unrelated to marie, to which she snaps back into reality tsundere screaming 'NOOO NAAHH I WASNT WRITING ANYTHING NOO STUPIDIDIOTIHATEYOU'
11:32 PM
ohh wait they split up lmao so marie's alone and she just heard narukami in her head. anyway theres no one around and she heard something and shes like 'ANYONE?? DOES ANYONE HEAR ME??' and it cuts to narukami, who kanji followed, finding yukiko and hearing marie yelling
theres a weak exhale, as if the person's dead, and kanji's like 'naoto¿??'
11:35 PM
back to adachi in the pub getting a call about naoto and hes like 'yeah yeah yup yup i got it' ending the call he does his usual 'everything's such a pain' then dojima's heard snoring. adachi asks for beer and ponzu and mamasan talks up and goes 'oh it's all a pain, you say. but it's not like you hate it all either, do you?' FUCK OFF
11:38 PM
golden loves bullying naoto huh like the golden anime christmas special wasnt enough
11:43 PM
anyway, new scene where the IT apologize to naoto and they go on a fit with stuff like 'why are you here??? you couldve damaged schoool property????youre all idiots!!!' and something about being at yasogami because of uhh,., adachi?
WAIT SO 'shin-chan' FROM THE FIRST CALL WAS REAL??? SHIROGANEKUN.,.,.,,.,.,.brb strangling adachi for a bit
then a loony cartoon sfx and we're into naoto's pov flashback where they kept running into the IT and accidentally scaring each other starting from yukiko banging on the piano and laughing, being the first one to scare chie and teddie,
and ultimately running away to be where marie is after they split up to find yukiko. from how naoto perceived it, she recites her poem rather,.,.,.,ghoulishly and finally they drop dead on the spot, which was the thump marie heard
11:46 PM
loony cartoon sfx plays again and the flashback is over and rise's like 'aww but all that matters is that youre fine!' and naoto's still in a daze back to yelling 'NO, SCHOOL IS A PLACE TO STUDY AND YOURE ALL MORONS' and the fun time montage plays and fin
11:51 PM
ok thats it for my sucky tl liveblog oh wait heres the thing https://youtu.be/PasKTZtKx
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theevilmrdork · 2 years
Do you think that rayman would get refurbished game like Spyro and crash bandicoot?
as good as that sounds good on paper... no, and i also kinda hope not (at least not if it's Ubisoft doing it). here's my thoughts on why:
our most recent Rayman game was Rayman Mini in 2019, which was an Apple-only mobile game that basically recycled Rayman Legends' graphics into an... auto runner i think? something like that. Fiesta Run, which came out before Mini, is essentially the same thing.
Mr. Dark - bad guy of the first game and a gba game - has been reduced to a reference and a guy who inexplicably has his own mode in Rayman Mini
in general our most recent Rayman games aside from Mini and Fiesta Run were Rayman Origins and Rayman Legends, the former of the two having basically been a half-assed attempt at soft-rebooting the series' plot and direction.
this is very unfortunate because as much as i like Origins and Legends for their beautiful area designs and fun music i don't suuuuuper like the thought of Rayman continuing in that direction bjhbghjf- i like Rayman 2's vibes (and Rayman 3 by extension but i hate the writing i've seen so far) a lot more than what Origins and Legends did.
i'd take 3D over the weird speedrun-y two-health-only side scrolling ANY day
they wrote a story for Origins and cut it. great sign for how much they care about the plot.
Origins dumbed down all the supporting characters (minus Polokus, Betilla, and the Magician) into skins that are functionally the same as just playing as Rayman and then cut everyone else. ...aaand then Legends literally just decided to cut Betilla out of the picture entirely so it's Rayman and a bunch of recolors. GREAT sign for how much they care about the plot!!!!!
they then reused the guy who we don't actually fucking know is the Magician from Rayman 1 because the story was cut by copypasting him five times in Legends. we don't know why this happened. at all. not even a silly made-up explanation. i guess he kidnappecd some teensies for no reason. GREAT SIGN FOR HOW MUCH THEY CARE ABOUT THE PLO-
the Rabbids are from Rayman and had two games. Ubisoft then proceeded to shunt Rayman side for a throwaway antagonistic force and made him DLC instead of proper content. they do not care about him.
there are SO many good crossover options for him?????? off the top of my head K/irby and C/uphead would be really fun to cross with the Glade. but they won't go with any of them and wanna cross him over with HIS OWN FRANCHISE
so no, and even if they did it'd probably be plastic and sanitized and only barely hit the same vibes because Ubisoft decided to throw away all the NPCs and story elements that made the world interesting. it's literally what they did with the Rayman cartoon, except at least there were new side characters
...the answer would change a lot if they handed Rayman off to someone else though
i mean fuck, the series has a lot of potential considering how much stuff me and my friend have thought of, written, and drawn just by rewriting the plot a little for dark magician au
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ihatebnha · 3 years
Ok just read your himbo Shinsou and I love it!!!!!!!!! And it honestly feels pretty in character (imo, bare in mind haven't watched past S2 but have read A LOT of Shinsou fic). It makes sense he'd spend his highschool years so focused on becoming a hero to prove he isn't a villain that dating just kinda fell by the wayside! And in turn he has just become oblivious to how to handle romantic attention or what to do with his own romantic feelings.
Like I can just see his internal thought process as he watches you walking with your group of friends 'she cool. And I wanna hang out with her. But how do? Oh! That guy mentioned protein powder?!?!? I do use that, I guess that'll work.' walks up to guy and begins convo 'wow......this dude is way too into protein powder. Like unhealthy obsession. The things we do for people we lov- NO! Not love! Cause that'd be weird. I just think she's cool. And fun. And like the most perfect person ever..........fuck............I should probably say something about protein powder again before he thinks I'm stupid..........' he's not loving having to talk to gym bro all the time but like you said, it just gets him into your group enough to hang out with you sometimes so it'll work.
And it'd be funny if when he asked you out you were just like, i kinda thought we were dating anyway......ya know buying my drinks, giving me your jacket, making me walk on the opposite side of the sidewalk away from the road etc.
He'll just be like.....oh yea. That was 100% intentional. Not me not knowing how to articulate my feelings and so just doing everything but telling you how I feel! Not at all!
Also, it'd be hilarious if gym bro's girlfriend totally saw how Shinsou felt about you and would purposefully set up things and then say her and her boyfriend had to leave so you and Shinsou could hang out.
Hope you don't mind me rambling. I just really liked your writing!!!!!!!!!
(himbo!shinso piece here!) (@velvetyfleur asked to be credited for the idea of himbo shinso) 
Awww, hehe, thank you so much!!! I don’t mind your rambling at all, and in fact it makes me really happy and appreciative since i was actually afraid of it being a little... ooc.  
Shinso is so smart and suave, so i feel like himbo-ness is the sorta... the complimentary (?) opposite of that, if you know what I mean (where it’s a good au but not unseeable)... as just like you say, it makes sense for him to be the type to not really pay attention to anything except his goals... 
BUT YES about his internal thought process leading up to it... it’s funny bc i definitely imagine that at first, all he cares about is you, so he’d definitely willing to do silly stuff to become your friend, even if that means talking about dumb things to boys he doesnt know. it’s like a lightbulb goes off in his head when he realizes... i use protein powder... they like protein powder... they’re friends with y/n.... Inch Resting. 
IT’S ALSO so sweet to me that you bring up the gym bro gf setting you and him up, bc i def feel like the girls would all know about your crush on him, too... like, after he joins the group, when its game night and the boys are all in the one room and the girls in the next, everyone’s talking abt him trying to fluster and tease you to admit that you like him, too. plus he’s so hot they like admiring him too LOOOL... 
(shinso over in the guys room like:  i wonder if y/n is having fun rn...)(and yea he creams them all at mario cart)
but EHNIWHEY,,, thank you SO MUCH again, legend!! it means a lot to me that you like my writing😢 
(you should def catch up with mha tho so you can see shinso is season 5!!! you can do a little craft while watching or something, but i promise it’s worth it🥰🥰)
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brilliantpride · 3 years
"Yakoyan! Happy birthday!" It's Ritsu, of course it is, and they've got cupcakes in hand. One each for Yako and her squad (Kama and Connla included). But more importantly, Ritsu also has Kariya and Lancelot in tow. "Guess what! We all worked together to make somethin' for you. Kariya, the honours!"
The honours are Kariya presenting Yako a. . . well, it's just a small box. There's some spellcraft on it, over top of a puzzle lock. "It's. Eh. Sorry, I don't know if this is silly or not," it was Ritsu's leading, mostly. "It's a treasure hunt. In. . . well, you'll figure it out, I guess." It's in the artifact storage (which is actually a pretty big place, magecraft-expanded) and involving quests in other strange under-used places in Chaldea. The box, once unlocked, contains a map and some (admittedly rather silly) riddles for clues. Lancelot made obstacles! And got a cooler sheath for Calesvol as the treasure at the end, alongside Ritsu's gift of sandals compatible with Yako's weird foxfeet.
"Yo~ho, it's Ritsu!" Heyyy, cupcake time! She swings the tray over to a clear surface—not easy to find in Casa del Yako, but she manages, sitting it on top of a seventeenth-century side table—and invites the gang inside. "Ignore Kama, they're being weird today," she shrugs (to an annoyed grunt from the other side of the room), kicking aside strewn books and tossing laundry into a corner pile. Sheesh, when's the last time she cleaned up around here? Her mom would be so pissed...
Heh? Why's Kariya here? Yako tilts her head, trying to remember... Wait, she got something for him on his birthday, didn't she? It was kind of a one-off, just thought it'd be nice, she didn't expect to get anything back... Well, she's pleased as punch nonetheless! Yako beams, tail-tip twitching excitedly as she eyes the puzzle box. Ohoho, her favorite, a challenge! She's already fiddling away at the inlaid curses while they're talking. Oops, she shouldn't do this now. Maybe later. Ohh, but she just can't put it down! She's too excited! It reminds her of trying to get past Caster's traps...
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"Thanks, guys, this rules!" Yako gives Kariya a friendly punch on the shoulder and high-fives Ritsu. (And stares at Lancelot for a half-beat before deciding a big ol' smile is probably the best option there.) "You should come with me! I bet it's more fun than whatever dumb training you have to do, right? Uh, you can come too, Kariya, but you're kinda wimpy, so if there's monsters n' stuff it could get sketchy... but if you wanna come, I'll protect you!" she declares, pumping a fist against her chest.
...The tantalizing challenge of the puzzle box is too strong to ignore... Its allure overpowering, Yako's already trying to fiddle with it again as she talks. If this goes here, that clicks there, and that lever appears, but this spell resets it all... But if she uses this spell here, what if she cuts a hole, no, that won't work, what if she thwacks it a bit... She's completely absorbed!
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kimnamjooonz · 5 years
Blank Space - Chapter 15
New Romantics
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Songs Used In This Chapter:
New Romantics - Taylor Swift
I Want To Break Free - Queen
Good Old Fashioned Lover Boy - Queen
Fat Bottomed Girls - Queen
'We are bored, we are so tired of everything, we wait for trains that just aren't coming. We show off or different scarlet letters, trust me, mine is better. We are young, but we're one the way to ruin, we play dumb but we know exactly what we're doing. We cry tears of mascara in the bathroom, honey, life is just a classroom.''
Los Angeles
Morgan's time in L.A went in a completely unexpected way as what she had imagined but for the better, and she was thrilled about it.
She and Taylor were on the terrace of a trendy coffee shop informing everything that had happened to an astounded Lucas.
''There was no audition. They literally went ahead and offered me the role. One of the casting directors basically begged me to do it.''
''And did you accept it?'' Lucas asked with eyes wide open.
''Of course! This is my dream come true, Lucas!''
He looked confused for a moment as he had no idea what dream role Morgan had got. And only God knew how many dream roles Morgan had.
''And may I know that dream role of yours you just got?''
''I can’t say it out loud.''
Lucas almost laughed. He knew it was not Morgan's fault. She was probably told not to say a word to any living soul. He wondered if she was cast to Game of Thrones or Marvel. Those guys were known to be secretive as hell. Or maybe she had landed a role in Star Wars or the DCEU.
''Who are you playing? Lord Voldemort? I swear that if you have Sebastian Stan as co star again, my head is going to snap in half.''
''Ha, ha, very funny'' she said with sarcasm. ''But I admit it'd be fun to play Voldemort. Okay, I can't say it out loud but I'm going to write it down.''
She grabbed a napkin and a pen that she had in her purse and started writing something. Taylor rolled her eyes at how silly Morgan could be.
''Here it is'' she handed the napkin to Lucas who read it, his face slowly turning from sarcasm to amazement.
''Oh. My. God. No wonder they are secretive.''
''Destroy the evidence.'' Morgan insisted, making Taylor laugh at how extra she was.
Lucas tore the napkin in little pieces.
''How did you got that role without even auditioning?''
''I don't really know.'' she was genuinely honest about that. ''But I'm not complaining. Well, we have two days for us in L.A. We have to do something.''
''First of all, there's something else...'' Taylor started and Morgan's spirits fell.
Maybe Sebastian was in L.A and she had to meet him for something she didn't know, completely ruining the 'let's be apart from each other challenge' Morgan had invented without his knowledge. And make him wonder where she was and what she was doing was giving results.
''If Damien wants to send Sebastian and I to go to Disneyland to kiss with fireworks at the background, he can save it because I'm not going to do it.''
''It's not that but it's admirable how fast you thought about Sebastian Stan.'' Taylor teased and Morgan rolled her eyes.
''Very funny. I'm used to his plots to get us together so nothing surprises me anymore.''
''Whatever'' Taylor rolled her eyes this time. ''It's not that what I wanted to tell you. IMG Models called me this morning.''
Morgan's face lit up.
''Please tell me that they want me to cover British Vogue.''
''Yes, they called me while you were in Toronto. I think I forgot to call you after everything that's happened.'' Morgan's face was really ridiculous at that moment. ''They want you to cover the January 2019 edition and they want you to be an snow angel or an snow queen for the photoshoot.'' Morgan looked elated, even though that wasn't what Taylor wanted to say to her. ''But... why they called was because apparently Victoria's Secret has been hearing your fans demands and now they want you to walk in the show.''
''WHAT?'' shouted Lucas, almost chocking with his coffee.
''Are they on drugs?'' asked Morgan. ''They are really going downhill if the want to hire an actress that doesn't know anything about walking on the runway, only for views.'' Morgan rolled her eyes, not taking the Victoria's Secret proposal really seriously.
''Well, they have Kendall Jenner who has less facial expressions than a rock. Without counting that you, me and Sebastian Stan in The Winter Soldier movie have better walks than her'' said Lucas with all honesty.
''And that's correct'' said Taylor who seemed to want Morgan to walk in that show. ''You should totally do this''
But Morgan had already taken a decision.
''No.'' she simply said.
''WHAT'' Lucas shouted again.
''Morgan, please'' begged Taylor.
''No. I don't want to. I'll have to work out and go on a diet and believe me, I don't want to do that.'' she bit the croissant that she was eating that was delicious. The thought of not eating them for a while made her heart ache. ''They should hire a real model instead of me. They are hundreds of them lining up to be the next Victoria's Secret angel.''
''PLEASE, MORGAN!'' shouted Lucas and Taylor at the same time.
''You can be the next Angel. Alessandra Ambrosio retired. Adriana Lima is retiring this year. Only Candice is left from the good old days. You can be the next iconic Angel because you have charisma, elegance and fierceness.'' said Lucas.
Morgan still looked impassive, eating her croissant with all the calm in the world.
''No.'' she simply said. ''Being a Victoria's Secret Angel was never among my dreams. But... maybe I'll do it next year, if I want and if they have Taylor Swift performing at the show.''
Taylor was desperate.
''I'm sure that if you say yes they'll get you Taylor Swift, the fantasy bra, the Swarowsky outfit, a crown, you opening and closing... anything you want. Morgan, please, just imagine Sebastian's reaction''.
Morgan almost choked with the croissant.
''And now I'm even more convinced that I shouldn't do this. You're dead wrong if you think I'm doing something only to please Sebastian.''
In a very bad temper, she stood up and left.
Annoyed, she walked towards the coffee shop's bar only to find non other than Chris Evans there. It was almost funny.
''How little is the world'' he mumbled when he saw her.
''In L.A do you find random celebrities in coffee shops?'' she asked with her eyebrows raised. ''Because in New York I haven't met any in a normal environment. Well, maybe Sebastian. But... I don't really want to mention Sebastian'' she sat beside him.
''Yes. You meet random celebrities in the streets here. Once I met James Franco in the bathroom of a McDonalds. But in my case I just left Dodger for a grooming at the vet in the front.'' he pointed to a vet shop at the front of the cafe. ''I'm just waiting for him and then I found you. And how are you? What are you doing in L.A?''
''I got offered a project. I can't tell you about it if I don't want to be fired from it''
''I know all about secret projects. You're talking to Captain America.'' Chris doubted if he should ask the next question but he did it anyway. ''And... how is Sebastian?''
Morgan just shrugged her shoulders.
''It's been messy, I'm not going to lie.'' she could talk to Chris with honesty as he knew that there was funny business between she and Sebastian. ''I'm sure for him this is pretty confusing to. I think I've messed up his world.''
''You totally did. And not only his world but the whole world''
Morgan had to admit that he was right. And she actually liked that. She was only scared that the whole fame think could backfire someday.
''Victoria's Secret contacted me to walk in their show'' she suddenly said.
Chris muttered a small 'wow'.
''And... what did you say?''
''No. I don't think I'd be any good. Not this year, at least. If they ask me again next year, which I doubt, maybe I'll think about it.''
''I think you'd be good. I watched that show a couple of years ago and the models were beautiful but the lacked charisma, something that you have in great quantities. And I think you'd enjoy it.''
''Really?'' Morgan was intrigued why Chris thought that she'd liked to walk around in underwear and a pair of wings.
''Yeah. People looking at you, the camera fixed on you, the flashes, the felling like you own the world... yeah, I associate these kind of stuff with you.''
''So, you're saying that I like attention?'' she asked with raised eyebrows but not at all offended.
''Yes. But you're not desperate for it. You like getting the attention you deserve. That's why you turned Victoria's Secret down. Because you think that a real model should have been called instead of you.''
''How are you so good at reading people?'' she asked. ''Do you have a superpower? Dammit.''
Chris laughed, with his typical movement of placing his hand on his chest that she had seen so many times before, in her fangirl days.
''No, but you're easy to read. Just like Sebastian. You two are soulmates, I'm not joking.''
Morgan rolled her eyes.
''I bet you are, Evans''
Chris was about to laugh when an alarm on his phone sounded.
''Gosh, I have to pick Dodger up. Will you come with me? Then we can just walk around, have some fun. What do you say?''
Morgan liked the idea but she was totally sure that they were going to be pictured together and dating rumous would fly. And she wasn't interested in being romantically linked with Chris Evans even though she knew it was inevitable if she wanted to spend some time with the guy.
And it was all fun and games to hide from Sebastian but being romantically linked to someone else wasn't the best idea. She wasn't interested in making Sebastian jealous as she knew that it was a stupid move.
Her brain was working at full speed and she almost jumped when she got the solution. She slowly caressed the chain of the necklace Sebastian had given to her. She always wore it under her shirt but this time she took it out to make visible to everyone to see.
It was inevitable that there were going to be pictures of her with Chris but she also wanted to send a message to Sebastian. Something like 'Hey, I'm wearing your necklace in public. You're the only one that I want.' She just hoped that Sebastian got the hint. If he didn't, he was an idiot.
''Let's go. To be honest, I don't really want to spend my evening with my team trying to talk me into walking at that goddamned fashion show. And I also want to meet Dodger.''
Chris opened the door for her and together they stepped outside.
New York
Sebastian was spending his evening
 with Florence and for once, it was actually being kind of fun. It was as if the absence of Morgan from New York had lifted a weight from his shoulders.
For Florence, it was as if the sun was shining again, without the stormy presence of that woman. She was praying that somehow Morgan fell in love with Los Angeles and decided to stay there forever. However, she still had some more months in New York, at least until she finished filming with Sebastian.
''I can't cook, so we should ask for take out.'' said Sebastian, who was rumbling into the almost empty cupboards of his kitchen. He seemed to only have bread, that looked as it was there since his Gossip Girl days, and a almost empty pot of Nutella. Classy.
''Chinese?'' she proposed.
''I was thinking about Italian.''
As none of them could agree in what to eat, they ended up eating some fast food from McDonalds.
For some reason that Sebastian didn't know, Morgan was back into his head. He was wondering what was she doing in L.A and even considering calling her. That was probably useless because she was not going to answer.
They were watching some random movie and that was the only thing that was interrupting the silence. However, none of them were very into the movie.
Sebastian was thinking about Morgan and Florence was glancing around Sebastian's living room with her eyes fixed on a picture of him sandwiched between Nicole Kidman and Morgan Llewellyn in the last Toronto Film Festival.
''Do you want tea? That's something I have and I know how to prepare''
Florence appreciated the enthusiasm with he was saying those words.
''Do you have honey? Or milk?''
The smile on Sebastian's face fell.
''Well... no... but I can do a quick shopping at the shop across the road.'' he kept fumbling in the cupboards. ''Hell, I don't even have sugar...just, please give me five minutes.''' and he left the apartment running.
Once Sebastian left, Florence was free to fulfill her own curiosity. She grabbed her phone and searched for Morgan's Instagram account. It wasn't as if she cared about her life but she needed to know to what extent she publicly cared about Sebastian.
It seemed that nothing at all. She scrolled throughout her feed only to find selfies, photoshoots and pictures with her famous friends. She had even cropped out Sebastian from almost all of the pictures taken in Toronto, except the one with him and Nicole Kidman, the same one that Sebastian had hung on his wall.
She couldn't resist talking a look at her tagged pictures and she didn't know how she ended up at the Morgan Llewellyn Updates account.
The first update was about Morgan being considered for the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show. What did the Victoria's Secret executives had in their minds at considering Morgan? Did they want to turn it into the Morgan Llewellyn Fashion Show? They basically wanted to sell their souls to the devil (Morgan) for views.
But Morgan had rejected the offer with the excuse of having 'scheduling conflicts'. However, she had left the door opened for next year. So, if the show's rating flopped, Morgan was still there.
Florence looked at the next update and almost dropped her phone to the floor. There she was, as beautiful as always, rocking a chill and simple outfit with high heels and walking round the streets of Los Angeles with no other than Chris Evans and his dog.
Florence wanted to sing and dance. She could swear that a victory song was playing in her head.
She was crossing fingers for Evans and Llewellyn to fall in love, get married and live happily ever after in his big Los Angeles home with her cat and his dog. They for sure made a beautiful couple.
But deep inside she knew that this was never going to happen. Morgan Llewellyn seemed to like ruining people's lives and she had many months ahead of filming with Sebastian. And the whole world was rooting for them to be together. And Morgan liked to please her people.
''Why do you look so happy?'' Sebastian asked when he got back with the groceries.
''Found some good news. You'll like them too.''
She handed Sebastian the phone with a big smile on her face.
It took Sebastian a couple of seconds to recognize the people on the picture, but when he did he felt a ugly sensation in his stomach, something that felt like a pang in his chest and for a moment he felt as if he was breathing shattered glass.
So Morgan and Chris, eh?
He just wanted to fly right then to L.A and interrupt this whole sham or at least call Chris to stop doing whatever he was doing with Morgan. But then he noted something he hadn't before. He zoomed on the picture and could clearly see the star necklace he had given to Morgan hanging from her neck.
He stated laughing, leaving Florence utterly confused. But Sebastian was just admiring Morgan and being thankful to Lucas Williams.
Morgan knew what she was doing. Yes, she was having fun with Evans but at the end of the day, she was wearing his necklace in public, and she knew perfectly well that it was going to mean a lot to Sebastian. It wasn't a coincidence. Maybe to the general public it was a little detail about Morgan Llewellyn having a necklace. For Sebastian the gesture shouted 'Hey, I'm with Evans now but, it doesn't mean anything.'' Or that was what he hoped.
''You minx'' he mumbled looking at the picture. ''I know exactly what you're doing and I love you for that''
''Excuse me?''
Sebastian had absolutely forgotten about Florence's presence.
''Ummm... this doesn't mean anything. It's just a bet between Morgan and I about who gets to sleep with Evans first''
He felt that somehow he was making things worse.
''It's just a joke'' he explained. ''We all know that Morgan is going to get it first.'' he prayed, with all his heart, to be wrong with his statement.
''So you want to sleep with Chris Evans?''
''Who doesn't...''
Sebastian was just absentmindedly answering because all his attention was on the comments of the picture.
He could read stuff like 'Chris and Morgan outsold.', 'I'm all about MorganStan but Chris and Morgan are also hot as hell', 'Chris, I love you but I need you to get away like right now', 'Chris Evans, stop making holes in my ship!', 'If Seb and Morgan become another case of Kate and Leo and they never date and she marries Evans instead I'm flying myself off a cliff' (same, girl, same, Sebastian thought), 'Why is everyone blaming Chris Evans for wanting to sink the MorganStan ship when Florence is literally right there', there was even a reply to that comment that went by the very harsh words of: 'Because Chris Evans is actually relevant.'
Those people were nuts but Sebastian found himself agreeing with many of them.
''So are you going to say something?'' Florence demanded.
''Don't worry, it's just a joke between actors, nothing serious, I was juts me... WHAT THE HELL''
''What now?''
But Sebastian wasn't listening anymore. If he though he had never worn that necklace in public... well, he was wrong. he was just finding out that he had let everyone see it at a Comic Con in Houston, not long ago. And someone else had noticed and posted his picture next to Morgan's with the caption 'If this is the same necklace I'm fainting.'
And people had got on board with it. 'Morgan and Seb wearing matching jewellery, I'm living for it.' and 'This reminds me of Taylor Swift and Harry Styles paper airplane necklace situation in 2013 and I'm having an stroke right now.'
Yeah, and he was too living for it. He sent a text to Morgan saying 'I got your message.' And for the first time in days Morgan replied with a simple winking emoji.
Los Angeles
Morgan and Chris had made it to his beautiful house without any inconvenience apart from a couple of paparazzis. She knew that the pictures were all over the Internet, thanks to Sebastian's message. She was happy that everything had worked out in the end.
''What do you want to eat?'' he asked her.
''If you're ordering food, always Italian.''
''I was planning to cook, but I guess I can make pasta.''
So he could cook too. And Chris Evans was right there demonstrating how much better than Sebastian he was. And Morgan was cursing herself because instead of choosing Chris, who was a dreamboat, she wanted Sebastian, who probably couldn't place a bowl of instant soup into the microwave.
''And I guess I'd sit there and watch because I can't cook.''
''I imagined that for some reason.'' he looked at her with a mischievous smile and she looked back at him with raised eyebrows. ''What I mean is that... I've been working with Sebastian for almost ten years and you're very similar to him. What is more, I've never meet anyone as similar to him as you are.''
''Really?'' Morgan looked at him with a confused expression.
''Yeah. I've seen that face before, believe me.''
It was not the first time that she heard that comparison. Taylor said it all the time (and she didn't see their similarities under a positive light) and even Damien Chazelle had mentioned it.
''Whatever you say'' she rolled her eyes playfully sat in the counter, facing Chris, who was taking the ingredients for the pasta from the cupboards. ''Let me put some music, please, to motivate you, so you can make a good pasta.''
''Believe me, Llewellyn. My pasta is the best.''
''We'll see.''
Queen was playing around the house and both of them were moving to the music. Chris almost burned himself for being way too into the song.
It was so incredibly domestic that Morgan was quite confused. They were dancing in the kitchen while he cooked (like in that awesome scene between Harry Osborn and Mary Jane Watson in Spiderman 3) and she could even see Dodger running in the backyard.
Morgan knew that she could have all of that if she wanted, with very little effort. But that was the thing, she didn't want to. She wanted the angry dumpster prince that couldn't cook to save his life, couldn't put his life together and had the special ability of making very dumb decisions.
Maybe it was because behind her beauty, talent and glamour, she was exactly the same. A hot mess.
Domestically numb? Check.
Didn't have a life plan apart from acting, being famous, popular and pretty? Double check.
Made stupid ass decisions that made no absolute sense? Triple check.
For a moment she was so caught in her own thoughts that she didn't notice that Chris was talking to her, thankfully about something that wasn't related to Sebastian in any way.
The day went by in a pretty easy going mood. Chris not only made really awesome pasta but he could also bake. He was a real life Prince Charming. And somehow Morgan still craved for Sebastian sassy remarks while eating pizza under a tree in a park wearing their expensive clothes. Why would she want that, it was a mystery. If Chris Evans couldn't take Sebastian out of her mind, she doubted that she could get over him someday.
They spent a very nice evening, talking about everything and everyone, eating cake and even playing with Dodger. It was perfect.
As the evening was turning into the night, they comfortably settled in Chris's comfortable sitting room, eating popcorn and watching Leonardo DiCaprio movies, with Dodger in the middle of them.
At some point while watching Titanic, that both of them had watched countless of times, they went back to the Sebastian topic. It had started with Chris commenting a funny anecdote on the set of The First Avenger.
''...I swear that he's the sweetest person on earth but that doesn't make him perfect'' said Chris. ''No one is, that's the truth. Sometimes he make that choices that leave anyone around him, speechless. Me included. Like dating that Florence girl for example... it's just... stupid. They have nothing in common. She's supposed of nice and everything but...' it seemed like Chris disagreed with Florence being nice. '...she's one of those persons that wants every person in the world to be nice to them, when we all know that life's not like that. She's the kind of person that complains to the manager when the Starbucks barista doesn't have pumpkin spice to her latte and ruining the poor kid's day''
Morgan wasn't even trying to hide her satisfaction. She had thought that Florence was a goody two shoes local like her sister in law Lila but no, she was one of those annoying persons who couldn't let other people live. No wonder Sebastian's fans disliked her, even though they didn't know what Chris had just told her. For now. She was going to find a way for them to know. Not directly, of course.
Yes, Morgan could be devious, selfish, a drama queen and even a snake, but she tried to treat people with kindness.
''That is... yikes.'' Morgan looked outraged and Chris smiled.
''Yeah. I met her twice and I didn't like her. And judging by your face, she's not your favourite person in the world and I sort of know the reason why.''
She didn't need to explain anything to Chris. She knew that he knew.
''Oh God, this is so messed up.'' he said. ''With this material I can write a romcom and you and Seb can act in it. Let's sum this up: you've loved him for five years without knowing him, then you meet him and you dislike him, then you love him again but this time you love the real person, but he has a girlfriend who you discovered just now that she's kind of asshat, and now, apparently he's in love with you too and if you two get together, the media storm may damage your careers. It's a mess.''
''When you say it like that, it sounds like chaos. Why is this happening? I don't understand.''
''Because both of you are chaotic. You are... well, you. And Sebastian relationship history is pitiful. If you two get together there will be even greater chaos or you two will finally settle down with each other. I'm quite inclined for the second option. I think you two are soulmates.''
That was the moment Dodger chose to get tired of the conversation and left the coach, leaving Chris and Morgan alone. If he could talk he would have cursed them.
''I'm going to get us more popcorn.''
While he was gone she had enough time to think about all the information Chris had given her. Her mind was already making plans. For a moment she had forgotten that she was relaxing on Chris Evans's wonderful sofa. It was like a dream.
''Earth to Morgan'' he suddenly said. ''I know you have a lot of information inside that head of yours but... calm down for a moment.'' he placed the popcorn bowl on her lap, leaving his hand resting on her arm. Morgan hadn't miss that detail, let alone when he placed his whole arm softy around her shoulders.
After an exhausting week, full of emotional turmoil and running away from the person she wanted the most to be near, she found herself craving this touch.
Yeah, it wasn't Sebastian (and to be honest, nothing compared to him) but... it was the best option after him, at least for the moment. Damn it, it was Chris Evans, prince charming in person, gorgeous and sexy as hell... but he also deserved better. He deserved someone with their head in its right place and that certainly wasn't Morgan.
''Are you up for a little distraction?'' he asked, with a cheeky smile but also blushing intensely.
Of course she was. Who wouldn't. But she needed to state the rules clearly before. Not for her sake but for his.
''I am. But only as a distraction.'' he smiled sadly at her words, perfectly understanding what she was trying to say. ''You don't deserve me, Chris. That's the sad truth. You deserve better than me. Someone who's not in love with your co-star, for example.''
With all the tenderness in the world, he traced her cheekbone with her thumb.
''You deserve the world. But... you don't want what you deserve. I don't know what will happen in the future with you and Seb, I totally understand that your heart is with him, and it will be there for a long time. I won't try to convince you otherwise. I'm just offering a distraction and some fun. Everyone needs it from time to time.''
His playful smile was really something else. And not even in her wildest dreams she had imagined that Chris Evans was, someday, going to offer himself so openly to her. She'd better take that goddamn chance.
New York
The day after the Chris Evans-Morgan storm, Sebastian was in a coffee shop, drinking a latte and reading the last number of Vogue, the one that Morgan had covered. A very old Taylor Swift song was playing in the background, back from the days when that girl sang country music. Wow, the past was weird. Back then hardly anyone knew him (people confused him with Chace all of the time), Marvel wasn't even a thing, Chris Evans was the last failed Human Torch, Morgan Llewellyn was a teenager who wanted to act, was stuck on a farm somewhere in Wales with another name and Taylor Swift sang country music.
Now the world was a crazy place. He was famous (even more than Chace), Marvel was the biggest franchise in the world, Chris Evans was Captain America and also a superstar, Morgan Llewellyn was everywhere, from covering Vogue to being the face of Chanel, and she was also getting a mysterious acting project. And she had shaken his world so hard that he doubted that he could ever be who he was before meeting her. And Taylor Swift sang pop.
He kept passing the pages of Vogue and reading some parts of Morgan's interview, the most interesting bits and the parts that he didn't know. And whoever that had shot the pictures had done a damn good job highlighting Morgan's spectacular eyes. Now every time he closed his eyes he had those purple-blue eyes engraved in his brain.
''Earth to Sebastian!'' it was his friend Charlie, the person he was waiting for and the only one of his friends who had agreed to meet him. Toby and Chace were working in some project he didn't know about, Will was tired of him after his latest Morgan related tantrum, Joe was in England having his superstar moment, Anthony was filming something somewhere and Chris was roaming the streets of L.A with Morgan Llewellyn.
''Sorry, I was... distracted.'' he didn't have enough time to push the magazine away from him.
''I can see that. She's pretty... distracting.''
''Wait, how do you know about Morgan? You've never met her.''
Charlie looked at him as if he was a five year old.
''Because, the only thing that everyone's talking about lately is her. Chace is his fan, Joe is about to tattoo her name on his forehead, Toby can't care less about you two and Will thinks that she's a life ruiner. Florence probably agrees with him.''
Sebastian knew all of that already. And, surprisingly, he didn't care about what his friends thought of Morgan.
''Who cares. She's just my co-star. Like any other co-star I had before.''
He didn't believe that himself and he knew that Charlie was not going to believe him.
''Wrong. You didn't fall in love with Margot Robbie or Nicole Kidman. Well, maybe with Chris Evans but... who wouldn't, man. That guy's a dreamboat.''
''I'm not in love with Morgan''
''And that is... wrong. Again.'' Sebastian blushed but didn't say anything. ''By the way, Toby texted me asking where we were. He says he has important news..''
''Wasn't he in Brooklyn auditioning to some mysterious project?''
''Ask him yourself...'' before he could say anything else, Toby was crossing the coffee shop, looking happy and full of life.
He was glowing for some reason Sebastian didn't know. And he was more surprised when he grabbed the Vogue magazine, that was still on the table, and kissed Morgan's picture.
''What the hell does this mean?'' Sebastian took the magazine from Toby's hands and looked at him with an angry frown.
''That your girl got me a role in a TV show''.
''What?'' Sebastian and Charlie asked at the same time.
They were both intrigued as to how Morgan had helped Toby and since when she cared about his acting career.
''Let me start... yesterday Morgan liked one of my pictures in Instagram because she follows me.'' he looked too cocky about that fact for someone that two days earlier wasn't very enthusiastic about her. ''So, today I showed up to the audition, I said my name and the Casting Director immediately asked me if I knew Morgan because she was liking my stuff on Insta. I said yes and they gave me the role, without having to do anything.''
That story didn't make any sense. The only thing Sebastian could recollect was that Toby had got the role only because she had met Morgan once.
''So you got the role only because you have met Morgan once and she follows you on Instagram?'' Sebastian questioned him and Toby just smiled, not ashamed at all. ''Nice display of your talent there. You could totally suck but they didn't care as long as you keep Morgan's follow.''
''Hey, I don't suck! And I'm also not a superstar like you are. I don't have Damien Chazelle offering me roles while I'm in the bathroom at the airport! If I can get roles thanks to Morgan, I'm going to do it.''
''Okay, that makes you a fame leech.''
Nor Charlie or Toby knew why Sebastian looked so mad.
''Stop, okay?'' Toby looked at him with a hard expression. ''No one is taking advantage of your girl. You can tell her what I did, if you want. She probably won't mind.''
''She's not my girl'' he groaned. ''And of course I'm going to tell her.''
Toby rolled her eyes and decided to change the topic.
''Have any of you heard about Joe lately?''
''Isn't he in London?'' asked Sebastian, who had been way too focused on himself and Morgan to care about his friend's whereabouts.
''Yes. Now he's hanging out with Rami Malek, who'll probably win an Oscar before you, Seb'' Charlie teased him. ''I think he changed us for Malek and some guys named Ben and Gwil or whatever is pronounced.''
''He'll be back when the buzz over his movie dies. And Malek may win an Oscar but at least I wasn't in Twilight like he was.''
''You're a pain in the ass today, Sebastian.'' Toby threw a napkin at Sebastian's face. ''I get that you're a bit cranky because your great friend Chris is probably having a very good time with Morgan right now. Or at least he had it last night, I'm sure of it.''
Charlie almost chocked with the muffin he was eating and Sebastian got so red that it looked as if he was going to catch fire at any moment.
''And I'm sure that what you just said didn't happen''.
Los Angeles.
Lucas and Morgan were eating some pizza in a simple Pizza Hut somewhere in L.A alone. This was not a conversation that they wanted to have in front of Taylor.
''Now, tell me because I swear I'm dying of the intrigue... did you slept with him or not?''
It wasn't hard to Lucas to draw that conclusion. Morgan had came back to the hotel at ten in the morning making a stupid excuse of staying at Chris's watching Titanic. Taylor believed her but Lucas didn't.
''Of course I did.'' she didn't even blush with that revelation. ''He was offering himself and I just said yes.''
''Just that? Are you two dating or something?''
''Of course not. He knows that... we're not for each other. He deserves better. At least someone who's not in love with Sebastian Stan. It was just a fun night, nothing else.''
Lucas was surprised that Morgan was speaking with such lightness. She had slept with bloody Captain America and she was acting like it was not a big deal at all.
''I'm tempted not to throw my diet coke at your face, Morgan. How can you? He's literally the perfect man, a hopeless romantic, a beauty, a generous, good man... and you're going to give him up for... what? Sebastian Stan? Who's not even single? Whose mind is literally a mess? Oh, please God, no. Tell me you're not doing this.''
''It seems like...I am.. Chris deserves better. I'm the worst thing that can happen to him at this point and he knows it. He really likes me as a friend but as a girlfriend he'd get tired of me in two months and I can't blame him. Sometimes I'm tired of myself too, believe me.''
Morgan looked sad for a couple of seconds but regained her composure.
''So, do you think that it will be different with Sebastian?''
''Who knows... but I'm beautiful trash and he's beautiful trash so... we kind of match. But now you have to help me investigate something that Chris told me about Florence.''
Lucas winced. That couldn't be good news.
''What are you planning to do now?''
''I'm going to tell the truth to the world.''
Lucas didn't know what Morgan really wanted but he was sure it was nothing good.
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