#// hope y'all enjoy!
Dead Boy Detectives Victor AU Chapter 3!
If the last two chapters were brutal beyond compare, gunshots and hellfire and all that, this one is about a sapling. And about how in order to let new trees grow, sometimes you need a forest fire.
Also- yes, you do see that relationship tag change. :)
There is a way to cushion the blow as it falls. A way to catch the knife on its way down and make it into a slightly shallower wound, less likely to slice down to bone marrow.
So Edwin sits down on the stool next to Monty, takes a deep breath, and says, "I do not want your only experience with sex to be being fucked for money,” and it’s blunt, but they are reaching these final halcyon days before everything goes wrong. Why not embrace them? “And if these attempts at rebellion fail-” Edwin swallows, and he thinks of Charles, and Charles’ sofa, and the light that entered his veins the first time he kissed Charles.
And so he says, “This life does not have to be torture,” Edwin says, “Or, at least, we do not need to add to the torture by punishing ourselves."
And the look in Monty’s eyes is something that Edwin might have once classified as hero worship before he himself wiped such a possibility away. Now, he guesses he would call it something between awe and affection, the place where realized impossibility sits.
“If we only get one night together without the Capitolites there,” Monty says, and he’s braver than Edwin to suggest: “Then we should ask Charles.”
@anything-thats-rock-and-roll @icecreambrownies @anonymousbooknerd-universe @magpiemarten @mj-irvine-selby
@hartigays @tragedy-machine @just-existing-as-you-do-blog @orpheusetude
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11hearstrings · 11 days
wip wednesday
sharing a long-ish snippet from my 9-1-1 pornstudio!au fic (rest is under the read more) it's not fully edited but I guess that's fine considering the wip of it all. it's also angsty and not very smutty, much like the rest of the fic, and very Tommy focused ...much like the rest of the fic
I'm tagging people who liked my post about beta-reading on the off chance y'all are interested, ofc feel free to ignore (tho likes and reblogs are appreciated as always)
@thedyingwriter @lissa612 @mattdoestevan @tommy-kinard-buckley @bangpop91
Tommy could easily describe the roiling in his gut as anxiety, but he bumped up against the dishonesty of it. The studio’s comprehensive insurance covered therapy sessions as well as sexual health screenings, and only a few weeks after he’d first joined, in those early, emptier days, Bobby had let the team know they’d all be covered. Chim revealed their boss had been the first to offer up a chunk of his salary to make it happen. Tommy clapped Bobby on the shoulder, filled out the forms, went home and downed his nightly whiskey (splash of cold root beer, no ice) and had a nightmare so intense he’d woken up crying.
He’d had blood drawn more times in his life than he could count, but something about the nightmare had been different, he hadn’t wanted to be there. Well, he never wanted to be anywhere most of the time, but could usually square it – make some internal karmic trade off, ground himself with the deep seated knowledge that had been more apparent than ever since he’d joined the 118: there were far worse places to be.
Here in this nightmare, something deep and primal told him he wasn’t safe. It wasn’t a feeling he was used to. The nurse was inexperienced, fumbling, going from vein to vein, and he felt himself hold back a disbelieving laugh. Didn’t they know all he needed was a finger prick? Then the roiling began, as did the questions: why didn’t they know? Were they sure he was their patient? Did he need to be here? Why was he here? Why couldn’t he talk? Why was this happening to him? He struggled and screamed, saw himself from above, strapped to a gurney in a sterile room not unlike a terrible medical set he’d filmed in about six, maybe seven, years back, alongside a no-nonsense brunette with a burgeoning coke problem and a patchy tattoo on the left hip. He hadn’t wanted to be there either. Was he still in that room?
Then his brain kicked in, said they know, they know you filmed with the sniffling brunette, you need to be here, you can’t talk because you’re dreaming, this is happening in your dream, you’ve had blood drawn more times than you can count. You’re Tommy Kinard. That was your life. You’re Tommy Kinard and this is your dream. That was your dream and now this is your life. He wakes. His cheeks are wet, his breaths are tight, and his jaw aches from clenching, but he wakes.
That, Tommy reminds himself, is anxiety. This feeling (the racing thoughts, the pressure headache, the sweat, the twitching), the way he’d felt when he got a text asking him to come in late, could be neatly described as one of the consequences of his actions.
He’d swaggered up to the table, announced to his coworkers that he’d be leaving with a man, and hadn’t stuck around to clarify. It was pretty clear that this was new territory, this wasn’t having his blood drawn, it wasn’t quick bumps in dressing rooms before shoots started, or even half lasered off tattoos – the optimistic choice to follow best practice if you want to go into adult films and the harsh reality of needing the money before your 3rd session. None of those tired old stories that had Tommy steeping in malaise. No, this was absolute insanity. This was driving into work, shooting pickups, and leaving as quickly as he could – standard practice, except that now everyone in the building may or may not know he wasn’t straight.
That nightmare, that twisted psychophysiological mess of meanings and questions and emotions that had no tangible place, fit the bill for anxiety – an internal feeling that could only be ended by a complete change of mental state and a metaphysical lurch from one reality to another. Like a death. 
This feeling could be ended with a few stern, but carefully considered words, and a stronger will to face contradictions. It could also, Tommy thought darkly, narrowly swerving a produce delivery truck, be ended by death.
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tytarax · 2 months
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Taglist (If you want to be tagged in a specific fanfic or character, select "Other")
One Shots
Fluff Smut Angst Yandere No romance
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Duke Dogstorm (Inuarashi)
The Duke's wife (part 1)
The Duke's wife (part 2)
The Duke's wife (final part)
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kyluxtrashpit · 1 year
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And this week’s chapter of Under Construction comes with an absolutely GORGEOUS art piece I commissioned from @klodwig, which is just stunning and a perfect representation of the scene it shows. I also highly recommend full sizing to see it in its full glory. Check out the context of it in chapter 2 here:
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firstkanaphans · 7 months
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Chapter 2 is now up! 💛
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aqua-ginger · 5 months
New Gothcleats >:3
Everything is going absolutely great. Scary is coasting through the rest of her senior year, and she has all of the time in the world to chill with her boyfriend. One Issue? No one really knows they're dating. This would be fine, cause she can totally be low key, if people weren't flirting with him right in front of her. She's might lose it-
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davepeta-strijon · 1 month
the space time rifts aren't very accurate, are they? volo could throw a fit, honestly, over how much they've messed up. six people. what the hell, god. why them. this story isn't just about that, though. this is the story of the six of them. a girl sent into hisui far before her time. a man taken mistakenly and given a child - and a fuck ton of weasels. a boy turned girl, and later a historian fighting to repair what she and her sibling messed up. a boy crushing on another, and later a historian fighting to keep history from being messed up in the first place. a woman exceptional at pokemon battling, sent to collect all pokemon - but not the one you're thinking of. a man who fights god and champion and boyfriend to get back to his brother - and loses his memory for it. nothing can go wrong, right? (hint: it's volo. of course it can.)
finally finished the first chapter :)
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ingo-ingoing-ingone · 8 months
Just wanted to let you know that I am on schedule to post the next ABYS chapter on the one year anniversary of the first chapter, and the two year anniversary of the release of PLA.
It'll even feature PLA characters this year!
See you on January 28th!
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dee-in-the-box · 9 months
so. thought a little too hard about my headcanons for Dsaf 3. and now i'm a bit sad. so now y'all get some!
Jack listening to Henry's tapes and getting about...five more reasons to want to tear that man to shreds. at lest three of them involved Dave. the other two involve Dee and himself.
Dee first coming out of her box in The Flipside looking like the Puppet, but then shifting into looking like herself again when she sees Jack. and then shifting into the Puppet again when the fight starts. just. my Dee shapeshifting headcanon <3 (basically, after she died, Dee could shift her ghostly appearance into being either the Puppet or a ghostly version of herself)
Jack looking at Blackjack and just seeing a younger version of himself, frozen in time. this young man in his early twenties, his whole life ahead of him, who had all of that ripped away from him cruelly. his sister. his brother. himself. all by the same man. reduced to a snarling ball of rage, who wants nothing more than to rip Henry to shreds where he stands. the only reason he hasn't done so is because he's been convinced that doing so won't truly set him free. when Fredbear told Jack that, despite the souls desiring vengeance, killing their killer would not set them free, Blackjack took that to mean that it wouldn't set him free either. he's been stewing in his rage and grief for decades, neither feeling ever subsiding in that time. if anything, his rage has only increased. he lost everything because of Henry. why wouldn't he be angry? and so, if everyone else must move on, and leave him there to guard Henry and make sure he doesn't cause any problems, alone, then he will.
Jack finally helping to set him free, looking his younger self in the eyes and saying maybe that means that killing Henry is the one thing that will set him free. and even if it isn't...well, he needs to be dealt with, anyway. what if he gets out and causes problems again? just...Jack looking at Blackjack and feeling both like he's looking at a window into the past, yet also like he's looking at a different person entirely. because he and Blackjack are separate people, technically. but it's also him looking at himself.
Jack holding Dave's hand as they confront Henry, and squeezing it a little bit reassuringly. Dave tightening his grip as he gets more stressed.
Peter's death in the Henry fight being the thing that makes Jack say that their anger pushes them harder, and Dee's death leading to the line "We're gonna fuckin' FLAY you alive, Henry!" from Jack...like. just imagine how enraged he probably sounded, seeing Dee go down again. do you think it reminded him of the day she died? the day he went back to the diner to find her and bring her home, only for him to keep calling out for her and looking for her as the horror dawned on him that he couldn't find her? do you think that's what was running through his mind?
Jack and Dave reaching the end, and jack admitting that he can't go with them. Blackjack interjecting that...there is something they can try. no guarantee that it'll work, but it's worth a shot. Blackjack can try to fuse back together with him; not necessarily the same thing as shoving someone's soul back into their body, which is a big no no, apparently, but maybe a piece of him will break off, and it'll become Jack's soul. maybe them fusing will trick the universe into thinking Jack has a soul. who knows, but hopefully it'll work. and it does. Jack, by some miracle, gets his own soul out of this in a way that'll allow Blackjack to still exist. he also gets Free Afterlife Top Surgery™, because at this point he deserves it. he's been through so much shit.
at the end of the fire, Jack just looks at Dave and Blackjack and says "Come on, guys. Let's go home."
i just. aaaaaaAAAAAAAAA-
also, some Afterlife headcanons for y'all:
Peter: "Jackie, with all due respect, you have the weirdest taste in men." Jack just hanging out with Dave in the corner: "Peter, wtf-"
Steven just immediately laid down on the floor of the Afterlife and slept for a while. he was. So Fucking Tired.
Jack: "Okay, therapy circle time-" Dave: "Absolutely not, we don't have time to unpack all that." Jack: "Dave, we have nothing BUT time to unpack all of that-"
Peter and Caroline reunion <3
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starfolk7 · 5 months
Rating: Mature
Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Category: Gen
Fandom: ULTRAKILL (Video Game)
Character: V1 (ULTRAKILL)
Additional Tags: Other characters are alluded to but not here, 7-S Shenanigans, Heavy introspection, They/Them Pronouns for V1 (ULTRAKILL), Written Pre-Fraud and Treachery, V1 wonders what this is all about while vacuuming up limbs it's fine
Hell didn't afford a lot of time to think. Not when there was fuel to gather. But armed with a vacuum and a washer, V1 had all the time in the world.
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Dead Boy Detectives Victor AU Amnesia Sequel Chapter 3 (Living Girl Detectives, or Don't Say I Didn't Warn You)
So, uh, welcome to the entry with the most brutal cliffhanger in the entire series! You will want to murder me by the end! On the bright side, y'all get Niko and Crystal trying to solve what the fuck happened while Edwin is going through it (with a little dash of Monty going through it as well, for spice)- as well as Edwin&Jenny, Edwin&Niko, and Edwin&Crystal friendships even as Edwin's world is ending!
Just like how Crystal hasn't stopped checking in with Maren while in Thirteen, Niko has not stopped talking with Monty. After things shatter between the boys, she slides him her soup at lunch, just as she slides books to Edwin, comfort on both ends.
The animals in Ten starved less than the people did. Niko is familiar with how a person looks when they’re breaking.
She remembers helping rescue Edwin and Charles from Teeth Face and Esther Finch. She didn't do much of the actual 'saving' there. She didn't do any saving while the rest of her family was taking down Esther Finch and the President- she was too busy surviving.
Once again, Niko can't save Edwin, Charles, or Monty from themselves.
But maybe she can find out what broke them. Maybe she can find a way to stitch them back together.
Niko Sasaki isn't brave. She isn't a Victor. She isn't hardened. She hasn't proven herself.
But she is kind, and she can stitch a jacket as well as she can a dead body, and she will not let her friends swallow themselves whole.
So she's going to figure out what's happening with Edwin. She's going to figure out what broke.
If Edwin has stopped telling mystery stories, Niko will become a detective.
@deadboy-edwin @anything-thats-rock-and-roll @icecreambrownies @anonymousbooknerd-universe @magpiemarten
@hartigays @tragedy-machine @just-existing-as-you-do-blog @orpheusetude @mj-irvine-selby
@pappelsiin @itsbitmxdinhere @rexrevri @sweet-like-h0ney-lavender @saffirez
@the-ipre @sunnylemonss @days-light @agentearthling @helltechnicality
@tiredghostby @sethlost @catboy-cabin @secretlyafiveheadeddragon @vyther15
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telekineticseance · 1 year
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pairing: matt stone x f! assistant reader
summary: date night!
genre: fluff
word count: 2615
cw: legal age gap
author's note: matt pov matt pov matt pov matt pov matt pov matt pov
this is part eight to a series if you haven't read the first part check it out here: "CIRCUMSTANCES"
“How long has it been going on?” Trey asked me, a disappointing tone in his voice as he sat at his desk in front of me, his head in his hands. I straightened my position in the chair in front of him, “Since Casa Bonita…”
“So not too long, you can stop it now. Cut it before it explodes.” He says looking up at me, he looks like he hasn’t slept in weeks and the patch of hair at the top of his head is flared out in every direction it can go. “What if I don’t want to?”
His eyes widened at my statement and he moved his chair closer to the desk, sitting up more, “What do you mean you don’t want to Matt? If people find out, at the office alone, not only is it a fucking nightmare with HR, it also puts both of us at risk. For fucks sake dude she’s 25!” I let out a sigh, he was right, it was dangerous, and I knew it. She knew it too. I looked down at my hands, picking at the nail on my index finger, not sure what to say in the moment.
Trey watched before he sighed, getting up from his desk, “Look man. I’m just looking out for you.” I nodded, I knew. We looked out for each other, that was our thing. “I know you are your own person..but is this really a good idea?” I thought for a moment, just a moment. “She’s…I don’t know.”
It’s true. I didn’t know. I knew it was wrong. Everything about it. But it felt…right? “Well you need to know. You know I have your back, you’re my best friend and if you choose this, I’ll support it.” I nodded at him, and looked up from my hands to see him standing next to me, putting a hand on my shoulder.
“Are you mad?” I asked him and he let out a laugh, “I’m mad you didn’t tell me. You know I suspected something when you disappeared for almost an hour at the restaurant.” I nodded and looked down once more, recalling the night we had in the office. “Yeah that was um..not supposed to happen?”
“What do you mean not supposed to happen?” Trey asked, he grabbed a chair and pulled it over, sitting next to me. “Well we kissed last week. And I tried to act like it never happened..” He let out a wince but motioned for me to keep going, “And then she called me out for it at the restaurant because she was pissed at me and then we just kinda….” I trailed off, not really wanting to go into detail.
His eyes widened and he sat back in his chair, “Oh..okay but you didn’t even tell me about the kiss?” I paused for a minute, he was right. I didn’t. “Like I said..It wasn’t supposed to happen, it just did. It was an accident. Kind of.”
“Kind of? What do you mean kind of?” I took a deep breath, pinching my nose with my fingers, he was asking too many questions. “We were looking over some paperwork and then I just leaned in and kissed her. Like I said, it was kind of an accident.”
“Doesn’t sound like an accident.”
“I said kind of!” I argued back, rolling my eyes and Trey laughed in response. I started to laugh along with him, it felt nice to laugh about the situation. I mean it wasn’t funny, but everything around it had been so serious and Trey hadn’t really talked to me much since he spotted us leaving the bathroom on the plane. Once the laughter died out, Trey got up from his chair, “Alright we gotta get to the writer’s room.”
I nodded, getting up from my chair before we both walked out of Trey’s office and walked across the studio to the writer’s room where the other’s were starting to pile in and sit at their usual spots. When everyone settled down, we started doing the usual drill, shooting out ideas to see which ones would stick and which ones wouldn’t. Usually I would be on top of the game but today I just sat back, listening, tapping my fingers on the desk while my thoughts were elsewhere. Thinking about the weekend, the past week, thinking about her. My leg bounced up and down as I continued tapping my fingers on the table, staring at the white board behind Trey.
“What do you think Matt?” Anne’s voice broke me away from the board and I looked at her, “I’m sorry?” Trey was the first to speak up, pulling the others away from their confusion, “We were just talking about the possibility of having an episode where Cartman moves back home from the hot dog.” I nodded, readjusting myself in my seat, “Yeah sounds great.”
They went back to the white board as Trey was drawing and writing things down and I sunk back into my thoughts. I looked out the window at the view of the cubicles and saw her walking around, socializing with the others. She was laughing at what some others were saying and I couldn’t help but grin and look back down at my lap. Jesus Christ.
“I have to go to the bathroom, I'll be back,” I excused myself before rising from my chair, and walking out of the room. A few people greeted me when they saw me walk out before I started making my way to the bathrooms, making eye contact with Y/N on the way giving her a small grin. She grinned back before excusing herself from the conversation and following me behind. I walked into the bathroom and she showed up a few moments after.
“Hey,” I greeted, smiling at her softly. She greeted me back, looking up at me and I took a deep breath. “I want to get dinner..with you.”
“Matt, we get dinner together all the time. Practically every night. We kind of have to with our job.” She said while giggling slightly, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. I nodded, she was right. “I know but I mean like…dinner. Just us. Someplace nice. We dress up. Maybe you can wear that red dress again.” I suggested, while chuckling slightly, taking her hand in mine.
She blushed slightly and nodded, “Okay when?” She asked, looking down at our hands. “Hm..tonight? The Little Door?” I suggested the European restaurant as it was one of the more finer dining places in the area. Her eyes widened, “Oh we don’t have to go to a place like that. I’m fine with something smaller. MUCH much smaller.”
I shook my head in response, “No I want this to be nice. Just the two of us with a nice candlelit dinner. Bottle of wine. The works.” She rolled her eyes while playfully letting out a scoff before nodding, “Fine I’ll go.” I smiled down before giving her a quick kiss and pulling away, “I’ll pick you up at 7:30.” I pulled away from her and walked out the bathroom before walking back to the writer’s room trying to hide the grin on my face before Trey noticed and rolled his eyes, turning back around to continue writing the plot for the next episode on the board behind him.
The clock reads 7:30 when I pull up to her apartment and climb out of my car. I walk up the stairs to the next floor, lightly knocking on the door. “Hold on!” I smile, waiting patiently with my hands behind my back. I heard the sound of the door unlocking before it opened revealing Y/N in the dress. The same red dress she had worn just a few nights ago that drove me insane. “Hey,” I greeted, holding my hand out for her. “Hi,” She responded, looking into my eyes as she placed her hand into mine. She locked the door behind her as we walked down the hall, “You look beautiful.”
She looked down at the ground, a blush rising to her cheeks before looking back at me. “Thanks. You look really nice. I like the facial hair you’re growing in.” I smiled back, stroking the growing beard on my face with my hand, “You think so? I’ve seen some discourse about it on social media so I’ve thought about shaving it again.”
She shook her head as we walked, reaching my car in the parking lot. “Don’t. It fits your face.” I nodded, opening the door for her, “Beard stays then.” She got in the car before I closed the door and walked to the driver’s side, getting in.
“I didn’t know you did social media.” She spoke and I shook my head while chuckling, “I don’t. I just look myself up sometimes to see what’s the discussion. Saw some accounts on Twitter arguing over my beard.” She giggled at my statement before I started the car and drove to the restaurant. I rested my hand on her lower thigh as I drove and she placed her hand on top of mine, stroking her thumb on the top of my hand in the process. I glanced over as the music played quietly in the background, the street lights shining on her face as I drove.
We arrived at the restaurant close to 8, which was good because that’s when I made the reservations. I shut off the car before getting up and walking over to her side, opening the door. I shut the door behind her before we walked into the restaurant. I watched her eyes light up from the scene in front of us, the tables were clothed with candles on them, and plants along the walls, and between every few tables there would be a light pole that helped illuminate the room. It was one of those higher end places I hardly saw myself entering, but I wanted to this time.
“I had reservations for Stone.” I told the hostess at the counter and she grinned at us before leading us to our seats in a more secluded area of the restaurant. We sat down and started looking over the menu. “Matt, these prices are insane. I mean $45 minimum per person? What were you thinking?” I looked up, with a small grin on my face, “I told you I wanted to take you somewhere nice.” She looked around before back at the menu. I rested my elbow on the table and set my head in my hand as I looked at her from across the table. “Blink.” She told me and I chuckled before looking away, blinking in the process. The server came over and took our wine and food order before walking away with the menus in hand. I looked over at Y/N again and saw her watch the fire flicker in the candle in between us. “I know I’ve already said it but you really do look beautiful tonight.” She glanced up and looked up at me, blushing as she looked.
I watched her face as if I were in a trance. Every time she walked into a room I felt myself fight back a smile. I found myself fighting the urge to kiss her on multiple occasions, including when I helped fix up her hand after she cut herself on a coffee cup. And I found myself biting my tongue to keep my mouth shut and saying something stupid or at the wrong time.
We held eye contact for a minute before she spoke up again, “How often do you come here?’ I shrugged while looking at her, “I don’t really. I’ve been here for a few business meetings but that’s it.” She looked at me, almost shocked before she nodded, “I thought you would be going out on more dates.”
I shrugged once more in response, “I’m busy. Always working lately with the new season and new specials along with the restaurant and now Trey wants to make another movie. Plus another South Park game..” I took a deep breath, “But you know all of that don’t you?”
She nods, “Well I am the one who helps you with your paperwork.” I chuckled back before taking her hand in mine, “I don’t wanna talk about work though. I wanna talk about you. I mean I know stuff about you but there’s stuff I don’t know as well. Like before you came to work for the studio, what did you want to do?”
She thought for a moment, “I wanted to be a writer. Maybe work in the writer’s room with everyone but I settled for the assistant gig, hoping for the ability to move up but I grew attached to this position.”
“What made you attached?” I asked, hiding the smirk from my face. She rolled her eyes playfully, “Watching you and Trey stress every week was definitely something that made me change my mind. Plus I like making sure you stay on track.” I let out a soft chuckle, looking down at the table, “You do do that don’t you?” She giggled and nodded/
“Why South Park though? You could’ve picked a different show to potentially write for.” She paused for a minute, “No reason. Thought it was funny.” She said, pulling her hand away from mine and taking a sip from the water in front of her. I raised an eyebrow and opened my mouth to talk before the server brought the food and wine and placed it in front of us. We both thanked the server before they walked away and we started to eat the food in front of us.
We finished our food and continued to sit at the table until the server asked us to leave because they were about to close. I apologized and we left with our hands enlaced in one another before we got into the car. “So about the thing earlier where you pulled away when I asked you about why you wanted to work for the show?” She giggled slightly, looking down, “Don’t laugh.” I raised an eyebrow and looked out of the corner of my eye as I drove on the road, “Okay I won’t laugh.”
“I mean I wasn’t lying. It is funny and I did enjoy it. But I may or may not have partially agreed to my position because I had a thing for you.” My eyes widened as I turned and looked, “Oh so you had a mission?”
She started to laugh, covering her mouth with her hand as she did, “No I didn’t have a mission Matthew. But I did have a crush on you.” I chuckled slightly and nodded, “Well that’s good to know. I hope I’m to your expectations?”
She nodded, “Even more.” I grinned as we arrived at her apartment and I walked her to her door. “Did you want to come in?” She asked, unlocking the door and turning to look at me. I hesitated for a minute before shaking my head, “I think I’m going to be a gentleman tonight.” I said softly, moving a strand of hair from her face, caressing her cheek. She grinned and nodded before I leaned down, placing a gentle kiss on her lips.
“Goodnight Y/N.” I mumbled against her lips. She gave me another soft kiss before responding, “Goodnight Matt. I’ll see you tomorrow?” I nodded my head before she walked in shutting the door behind her. I leaned against the door with my back towards it and let out a sigh.
She had a crush on me.
updated a/n: next part!
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sunlightandorchids · 2 months
My first entry for @bottom-scar-week, Day 1 (In Love/Lovingly)!
On days when Scar doubts himself, Grian shows him how loved he really is.
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gelatinous-globster · 28 days
Part 5 of "The Even Newer Nega-Globby" is up on ao3!
"Vicissitudes of a Walk in the Park" is 10.8k, longest installment yet. All the main characters are together again! This one definitely took the longest to write
@drama-glob @enbydemirainbowbigfoot
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indigo-corvus · 1 year
In honor of the Banana Splits' 55th anniversary, may I Humbly present...
Banana Splits Headcanons!
⭐ 🍌 🐶 🍌 🦁 🍌 🐵 🍌 🐘 🍌 ⭐
(These HC apply to all versions of the Splits, unless otherwise specified)
- Helps Snorky groom/dry himself after baths
- Will wake up in the middle of the night to record drum riffs he dreams up
- Is the kind of roomie that leaves dishes piled in the sink forever
-Has big Chad energy
- Is prone to use jazz lingo ("Cats and Kittens, Groovy, Hot, Wild, Man, etc)
- Gets on all fours when he wants to move quickly or is really excited
- Occasionally gets the Zoomies
- A sensitive, whimsical, dreamer type
- A poetic lyricist (structures songs similar to Sean Lennon)
- Kinda Gender Non-Conforming, Possibly Gender fluid. (Magic Machine flash)
- Doesn't get angry often, but will explode when upset.
- Loves taking walks in the park to observe the nature and flowers.
- Is fluent in ASL
- Social Media Microinfluencer (Jellystone!)
- Is an artist (Jellystone!)
- Uses texts, Emojis, Signs, and white boards to talk occasionally, but all the other band members can understand him no problem.
- Actually a little vain (Jellystone!)
-Takes forever to groom self. He has a certain way he washes, brushes, and dries his hair. He uses multiple products in his mane.
- Loves to join in on Bingo's pranks on Fleegle
- Loves his large muzzle and nose. He thinks it makes his profile very distinguished.
- Wears colored prescription sunglasses
- Is the most athletic member of the group (OG)
- Uses rollers and a bonnet at night
- Big himbo energy
- Usually the last person to get the joke
- Loves being the one to answer the door
- ADHD like a MF
- Will occasionally do dog stuff, like bark at stuff he hears outside and chase small animals
- Hates baths, but never wants to get out once he's in there
- Closest with Drooper
- Has other members pick him up to appear taller and more threatening (Jellystone!)
- Has Big Golden Retriever Energy (OG)
- Always the one to get hurt in slapstick gag stuff (Jellystone!)
- Easily embarrassed, gets tomato red in an instant
- Helps create a lot of the bridges of their songs
- Never not working on Splits' club business.
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wxnheart · 1 year
𝐀𝐦ā𝐫𝐞 𝐃𝐢𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐬 (𝐯.𝟏) - 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐄𝐦𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐨𝐫 𝐨𝐟 𝐌𝐚𝐧𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐝
note: upon request, this is the first version (draft really) of Amāre Divinitatus. for some background information, here goes! hope y'all enjoy it!
It seemed a lifetime ago when He told you that you were destined to be. And you believed it. Amidst the bloodied dead, memories you can scarcely recall, you believed it. Because that's all you could believe.
It had hit you with a horrible ferocity the lengths he went to... obtain you. The thousands of lives it cost. The many who grieved. Worlds destroyed. Cultures lost. Resources, expendable resources. And your family. Your poor family... All for you. All so he could have you. For the glory of mankind, yes?
And all you can do, stuck on the precipe of humanity and divinity, is smile. A beautiful, beatific, broken smile. For the glory of mankind, yes?
You are smothered in luxury. You are bathed in blessedness. You are suffocating in love. And He thinks not of your discomfort humbleness, He merely smothers you with more. You are the Open Secret. You are the Treasure. The Council, His sons, and Malcador himself wouldn't even dare to question Him when it came to you. He's killed for less. You know because you've seen it. The Emperor protects, after all...
You want to escape. You so desperately want space. But He doesn't relent. Why would he? Everywhere He went, there you were. Every thought, every emotion, and every movement, you knew He knew. It wasn't long before you found yourself a prisoner trapped in your own body. And he continued to smother you in blessed love.
How funny, then, that the only respite you had came at the hands of the Lupercal himself. It was wrong you thought as you reclined against the softest of pillows. His most efficient warriors are stationed not too far away from you. And for once, you cared not. For once, you tasted freedom...
For once, you weren't a prisoner of your own body. For once, you could feel and think freely. For once your smile, beautiful, broken, and beatific was no longer. And you cried a cry full of desperation and pain for memories you could scarcely recall. For the glory of mankind, yes?
You cried until you couldn't cry anymore and all that was left was a husk. You saw little of Him since this war began but His presence was felt everywhere.
You saw little of Him and enveloped yourself in freedom until, expectedly, you were seized by the Emperor's finest.
You were seized and made to traverse the deepest recesses of the Imperial Palace. And you did so, hysterically. But it was futile. With every step you took, you felt yourself being suffocated in His blessed love. With every step you took, your freedom faded and you became listless once more. And you smile.
You stand before Him, blinded by gilded glory, haunted by memories you can scarcely recall and you remember that you two were destined to be. And you smile beautifully. Beatifically. Brokenly.
You stand before Him, blinded by gilded glory, and He smothers you in blessed love. For the glory of mankind, yes?
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