#// i just want to keep genshin things away from non genshin stuff
deificdeceit-a2 · 1 year
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I'm tired and diving to bed. But I have mad a new account for which I'll make a new promo for soon enough. Same url right here. Carrd is only active for a hub blog atm but has rules and stuff on it. Muse bios to come soon. I'll be working on it slowly over the next week or two and will slowly get to following people as well.
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hello i'd like to get a matchup for genshin and bsd!
some facts abt my appearance lol: im 4'9 (i am fr), kind of chubby, brown, dark brown hair. also. i am small lesbian. and im an istj.
in terms of personality, im naturally quiet lol i can't help it. even when im around ppl i like, im still on the listeners side. my jokes are mean so im kind of afraid to joke around unless ik they can argue back jokingly.
i like helping ppl out, actually. i like feeling appreciated by others. tbh, it's why im aiming to become a nurse if i pass the exams. if i don't, i still want something along those lines.
likes : coffee, any hot drink, reading (currently pride and prejudice. yes this is a book rec), ghost hunting videos, history docs, romance but with awkward fmcs. and... pink.
dislikes : cluttered spaces, crowded and noisy places, non specific instructions, and not submitting stuff on time bc its embarrassing
this is all i can think of 😭 thank you! stay hydrated 🚰
Hi! I've been wanting to read Pride and Prejudice for so long and I finally managed to get a copy the other day! Thank you for your request! Sorry it took a while. I hope you like your matchups!
In Genshin Impact, I match you with...
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You and Beidou are the femme fatale power couple. People respect you both more than fear you, but they certainly do their best to not get on your bad sides.
If you’re on her crew, there will never be issues with non-specific instructions. Beidou has had years of practice and is very good at giving clear directions.
She knows what she wants and how to get it done efficiently and properly. Usually, she gives you tasks like cleaning the ship. It usually gets pretty cluttered after parties or shopping trips.
Getting you to organise everything is a good way of making sure the ship doesn't stay cluttered.
The Crux can get a bit loud sometimes but Beidou knows all the best places to get away from the noise.
During parties, she likes to sneak off with you to get away from the noise for a bit. She likes the peace that comes with relaxing with you, the faint noise of her crew in the distance.
In Bungo Stray Dogs, I match you with...
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Another femme fatale power couple! You and Akiko are the pairing that scares everyone you come across to some extent.
Since you’re a people pleaser, you may take the role of assuring people that Akiko won’t harm them…well, hopefully she won’t…
Akiko is a reasonably organised person. Due to her medical background/profession, she tends to keep things neat and tidy so she knows exactly where everything is.
She appreciates your quiet nature. The other members of the Armed Detective Agency can get very boisterous sometimes so you’re a nice change of pace.
She seems like the kind of person who would enjoy watching ghost hunting videos. She doesn’t really take a lot of time to relax but she finds those sorts of videos entertaining.
Loves coffee dates with you! She knows some really good cafes around town and she’s got your order memorised so she’ll always pick something up for you if she’s just passing by.
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shintorikhazumi · 2 years
How To Grow A Family Tree|Chapter 1: Plant A Little Seed Called Love
A/N: Ooh~ My second genshin fic. Please don’t sue me for the bad writing ;-; I just wanna brainrot, yknow? 
I must be an idiot for writing a new fic. I’ll get back to Teyvat sad girls in a bit.
AU where almost everyone’s family who passed in canon is alive. Except Sara’s biological fam. Sorry bby. Oh and maybe Ei’s parents cause who are they. Basically Sara meets the (future) in-laws. Kinda mixed modern fantasy (because they keep their non human traits) stuff ig.
This one’ll be eimikosara yeet~
~Shintori Khazumi
 Chapter 1: Plant A Little Seed Called Love
Sara had never known love.
No, not when she’d been orphaned at an age where she barely remembered a thing. Not when she’d been taken in, only to be constantly shut out of a ‘family’ that could not make it any clearer that they wanted nothing to do with her unless it was to turn her into their profit-earning horse.
When she’d been given a name, she almost thought she’d know love; but even that was a misconception on her part.
Sara did not know love. Not when her father seemed to take pleasure in the constant ‘discipline’ he dished out on her: small slaps on the wrists, kneeling for hours on grainy sand from sunrise ‘til nightfall, shoveling snow, chopping wood, learning all forms of martial arts for hours on end before coming home to study until her candles were all out of wax, leading to her sleeping on the thin mat with equally thin blankets keeping her alive throughout the night.
No, she knew not love. Not when her brothers had spared her no moment of attention, affection, or siblingship. Not when Masahito forbade her from ever using the dojo while he was around and never speaking a word to her ever. Not when Kamaji hadn’t even invited her to his own wedding. Sara was fifteen, for crying out loud, and they had been living in the same house at the time!
(She remembered sobbing silently to herself as she spent the night of the supposed reception alone, poring over high school examination results that her father deemed not good enough and were up for review.)
She knew not love when she noticed them walking in on one of her ‘penalty sessions’ with her father, and felt her heart shatter into shards that tore at her from within when they turned a blind eye and walked away, closing the door behind them.
 Kujou Sara had not known love.
At least not until she’d been adopted into her best friend’s home at seventeen, Ayaka no longer being able to stomach the stories Sara would unwittingly share when she was too tired out to evade Ayaka’s very leading line of questions from time to time. That and Ayaka had caught Sara in a nightmare once, and from what Yoimiya had later told her, the little heiress had turned restless for many a night thinking about Sara’s predicament. She had searched countless ways and tried numerous methods of convincing until her parents finally saw for themselves and agreed that it was too dangerous for Sara to be left in that house.
The Kamisato family had always been disgusted by the Kujous, so much so that they had initially not wanted Ayaka anywhere near the youngest daughter of the clan, even shunning Sara from their door the first time Ayaka had invited her over despite being known as a welcoming and nonjudgmental family.
It could have been an overreaction, but it was just that difficult to give Kujou Takayuki and any of his kin the benefit of the doubt.
But then Ayaka begged and pleaded, and a toothy-grinned Yoimiya tried to bribe them with custom fireworks, and surprisingly, even Thoma quietly requested Ayato and the Kamisato parents to give Sara a chance to just come in, sit with them and… be.
 They should have not been able to trust a Kujou.
But Kujou Sara… she was sweet, and lovely, and an awkward, clumsy little thing. She was overly courteous, spoke stiffly like a soldier, but was clearly very kind. Earnest and genuine, Ayaka knew her parents had fallen in love (if Sara eating at their house three times a week despite the Kujou clan’s known strictness was any indicator. Ayaka did not know how her parents got permission to whisk Sara away, though she was glad they did).
So when Sara showed up at their doorstep at half-past three in the morning, battered and bruised, the skin over her eye bloodied shut; when they had discovered the surprising treasure that was Sara’s heritage, cruelly marred, tattered, and tainted- Ayaka and Miss Kamisato had shed tears at the state of her supposedly majestic wings- the family knew enough was enough.
It took all of Thoma’s power to rip the sword out of Ayato’s clenched hands before the men of the house rushed for the police station to have the Kujou’s apprehended and possibly sentenced to long, long years in hell.
 Her adoption was surprisingly quick, and without much problem, possibly due to the large influence of the Kamisatos in general.
A few hiccups were met on the road, but then… finally, then. Sara knew love.
She knew love the moment she woke up past her usual hellish five-AM wake up call to her new sister who greeted her good morning from the opposite end of their now-shared room, who brushed her crazy morning bedhead before handing her a fluffy pair of slippers, gently taking her by the hand and leading her down the stairs for breakfast.
Kamisato Kayo had once more cried for the child Sara could not be as she tried to tell the girl that it was okay for her to eat at the table with everyone, at the same time, just as they always did when Sara came over for dinners. No, she did not have to ‘serve’ them their meals and wait for them to finish first. No, she was not ‘unworthy’ of seating at the ‘master’s table’.
She tried not to let the young tengu see her tears when she’d been told that her favorite breakfast food was onigiri, and nothing could compare. Well, because she had nothing to compare it to.
Thoma and Kayo had prepared her so many items that morning that Ayaka had complained for Sara that she would get bloated if they kept piling more food onto the overwhelmed girl’s plate.
Yes. Sara knew love when breakfast was mixed with warm miso soup and a mother’s affection.
Sara knew love when each time she’d have to head out to anywhere with Ayaka or Thoma, someone would bid her farewell by the door. When it was Mrs. Kami- her mother (Sara had to get used to that), she’d always be sent off with a lingering hug and a kiss to the forehead for safety.
She always did feel the effect was true, believing it even more every time she was able to return to that warmth unscathed.
 Sara knew love when she finally returned to school and heard no whispers nor rumors about her despite the obvious public trial her formed adoptive father had for more crimes than the ones committed against her.
Maybe it was because someone had kept people’s mouths shut around her, or everything was simply drowned out by the sunshine of Yoimiya’s presence as she tackled her and welcomed her back before taking her to morning archery practice.
 Sara knew love when she finally mustered up the courage to befriend the clever Miss Kuki from her class after much encouragement from Yoimiya and Ayaka. Sara had grown up with an appreciation for dioramas, and how perfect the world in them seemed to be compared to her own shabby and grey one.
When Miss Kuki had brought one such well-crafted piece for a school event, Sara had yearned to befriend her and have her teach a thing or two.
With time and much-needed help, Sara managed to strike up a conversation with the shorter girl, who, by their next meeting, had given Sara a package the size of a shoebox.
Upon opening it, Sara had bolted toward the restrooms, gift caught by the giver, and worry on all her friends’ faces. They had given chase and found her crying in a stall, muttering apologies and thank you’s.
“M-m-my s-sincerest apologies, Miss K-Kuki… I was just a little… overwhelmed.”
Her friends collectively heaved sighs of relief as they waited for her to calm down before returning to the classroom to appreciate the gorgeous diorama of one beautiful crow in the prettiest Sakura garden Sara had never visited. (Shinobu claimed it existed and would take her there someday if she wanted.)
 Sara knew love when she came home and shakily showed her new parents her imperfect test results: a ninety-eight, and got the firmest hug and many, many kisses on the head for it. She was called brilliant, a good child.
“Thank you for working so hard, Sara. We love you.”
Sara cried for the love she got to know.
 A/N: There will be chapter 2 because SARA WILL HAVE A BIG BIG FAMILY, JUST WATCH ME. YES. I’M BITTER ABOUT KAMAJI. NO LOOK, I’M ALL FOR KUJOU SIBLING FLUFF AND SOLIDARITY, and I was super hopeful during Ei’s story quest when we met kamaji. But the times he talked about the “Kujou family” he only kept mentioning his dad or masahito, and never Sara. Like…??? Hello? :<
I’ll probably make a sweeter Kujou fam story in the future.
Ciao for now~
~Shintori Khazumi
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sunflowerfilledsky · 2 years
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Requests:open, we are kind of slow
Hello darlings! This blog is run by two people in case one of us decides that one wants to go offline, one of us handles the smutty writing while the other does anything non smut related, we collaborate on all of it to a point (talking things over is in relation to non smutty writing, I keep Ghost away from that shit) if you can’t tell this blog does have mature content but each work no matter how small is tagged with warnings + notes. minors please don’t interact with the smutty stuff.
Alistair does most of the notes and extra bits because Ghost is in school, there’s not really any defining things that separate us but send asks addressing the owner you want to talk with. Our writing is collaborative (as mentioned above) apart from smut so you don’t need to address anything when sending writing requests.
Owner #1: Alistair is an adult and uses she/him
Owner #2: Ghost is a minor and uses they/them (ghost is a name to stay anonymous so if you know either of us don’t use their name preferably)
-we both really like ghosts and have a funky connection to them, Ghost just couldn’t think of a better anonymous name and I choose to chill with my irl name.
-Alistair uses only masculine terms, don’t come with the She/her cant = masculine terms bullshit
Writing overview
We write for x reader, Alastair’s amab stuff will probably be really rusty though. As far as smut goes she’s cool with writing it. We can both write fluff and angst. Smut is purely Alistair. We won’t do character x character unless it’s poly with the reader, sorry!
Genshin Impact, Alter Ego, The Sandman, Arcane
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bunny-rambles · 1 year
i... well, still not go on tumblr a lot ahah. life is getting busier by the day and will be for a very long while sigh but yeah. i'm not dead and since i am gonna leave town for a lil while (going to freeze myself over at a friend's house in the mountains lmao) i just wanted to make a quick check up message. i hope you're feeling good (how's the christmas season going? yesterday i spent one hour trying to not kill myself while decorating the tree)
also the scaracat piece was really cute, so thank you. distractions are always welcome in stressful times, and scara is my favourite distraction.
speaking of scara i, well, am feeling feelings recently. (one of my best friends would say "emozioni sono state emozionate" which literally means "emotions have been emotioned", to mantain that funny out of grammar tone)
me talking about scara seriously would be very long tho bc how can it not be, so instead i'll be leaving you with a funny list of scara fun facts courtesy of the italian fandom. idk how much this can be funny to a non italian but if i can get a smile out of you, that's fine to me: <3
- "wanderer" has been translated in the newly upcoming italian version! specifically, it has been translated as "vagabondo", which has been found hilarious by everyone as a famous italian songs with the same title quotes "i, a wanderer, with no money in my pockets, but at least there's God above me". not only am i the one that's gonna end up pennyless by his arrival, but it's so funny given scara's quite turbulent past with gods lol
- speaking of wanderer, his clothes' palette matches perfectly that of the famous italian soccer team of naples. this has led to everyone making memes of scara with naples' scarves and shirts and even soccer themed rooms and the meme that scaramouche was the new member of naples got so out of hand that some non genshin players actually started believing naples had gotten a new soccer player. scara has since been nominated an honorary napolitan by the community, which is even more hilarious bc the stereotypical napolitan is the farthest thing away from scara you could possibly think about
- less than a funny fact and more than, well, a curiosity? scara's burst in the italian translation has been written off as "fantasticherie burrascose", which is an extremely fancy use of words to say "stormy fantasies". i cannot possibly convey how funny it sounds to me personally but i find the actual meaning to be actually quite fitting to scara as a character
with this i really have to go ahah. this hair are not gonna wash themselves
i wish you a good week bunny, ti voglio bene!
- 🍓
P.S. just realised the "gl" in "voglio" is the same there is in "tartaglia" (they're pronounced the same bc italian has consistent pronounciation unlike english lol) which is very nice bc i indeed want tartaglia. like, a lot
P.P.S. good luck with the scara pulls! for what concerns myself i'll keep fingers crossed not only to get him, but hopefully with cons too? meager hopes but hopes are what keeps us living ig
I kept this ask back from being answered because I thought it was the last I was going to receive for quite a while - but it’s selfish to not even give you a response. I’ll really miss you if you end up too busy, but I suppose that’s just life.
The seasons over, but I had a nice christmas surprisingly (even though it’s probably my least favourite holiday). Feeling good though overall? Hm. Well, things are stressful at the moment, it’s constantly up and down but I can say with confidence even though it’s like this, I’m doing good overall. So there’s no need to worry :) (putting up trees is a nightmare omg pls I feel ur struggle)
I completely forgot I even said to go check that out- but I’m really happy you liked it and glad that it helped. I’ve written some more stuff in the mean time, I’m not going to ask you to read them this time, they’re just there if you want to
emotions have been emotioned, I need to start using that one because that’s exactly how to describe what’s happened for my feelings over the little guy. Like. Wow. That’s the perfect phrase. 10/10 fr !
you can come into my inbox any time you like and please don’t be afraid to send stuff in even if I don’t reply to the first one (I promise I’ll get there, slowly but surely, you’re never ever a bother - you’re actually a highlight of being on tumblr) so if you wanna blurt all ur scara brainrot out, I’m always here
(all of these got a chuckle/giggle out of me, so it was more than a smile <33)
- the amount of irony pls lmfao, although it is actually accurate with nahida looking over him now. Speaking of penniless, this mf drained me of my entire storage of primos (still, got his c1 but man he didn’t make it easy at all)
- the fact that non genshin players started thinking scara was a new player, knowing absolutely nothing about his personality and who he is in the game - AND he’s an honorary player? i did see a few memes of him with a football under his foot (or next to it) when his redesign was first released, and they did the same thing with heizou so who knows, maybe heizou is also an honorary football member somewhere. (but if they were to ever go against each other, my money would be on scara)
- stormy fantasies huh. well. ahem. isn’t being stepped on one of the biggest fantasies the scara nation has?/hj. no but you’re right, I can’t explain it but it is very fitting for him, I’m just not smart enough to go into depth about it ;;;
ti voglio bene dearest fragola, I miss you in my inbox and hope you come back at some point, and I hope you got scara !! he’s a very fun character, just a little fragile (although if you have a healer or a shield character, this shouldn’t be that much of a problem)
0 notes
rin-itoshi · 3 years
kisses . genshin impact (pt. 2)
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> summary: places the genshin boys kiss you other than the lips (ft. bennett, chongyun, razor, xiao, xingqiu, zhongli)
> content: fluff , gn!reader , ooc(?idk)
here’s part one!
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where: your palm!
why: this man does not know how to stfu, so when you have to forcefully shush him, your palm is the best spot for his lips to kiss.
“It’s awfully quiet today,” you murmured as you turned on your heels, hearing the whirlwind of a boy coming your way. He nearly tumbled—so close to crashing at your feet but fortunately caught himself before he could hit the ground. He stood up straight, dusting his clothes with a breathy laugh before yelping out a pained, “Ow!”
“What happened?” You ask as you reach out to cup his face, checking his head and skin for any injuries.
The male chuckled with a closed eyed smile, “I got hit by a rock!” His voice echoed within the city, making you slightly cringe when your ears ached. He was quick to go off on a tangent, babbling about some nonsense that made you even more confused than before.
“Bennett,” you call out to grasp his attention. The moment he turned your way, you slapped a hand over his mouth with an amused smile. “I know you’re excited and want to talk, but we should move away from the Knights of Favonius headquarters before Captain Kaeya kills us.”
He kissed your palm gently, eliciting a ticklish sensation in your hand that made you pull away. Before you could do anything about his sneaky kisses, he grabbed your hand and began dragging you away, talking about some adventure team he was putting together.
where: your shoulders!
why: he likes the smoothness of your shoulder when he lays down behind you and can rest easily without being judged.
The bedroom door creaked open to reveal the blue haired male who stood in the doorway with a pensive look on his face. Upon seeing you lying in your shared bed, he exhaled deeply and you could practically see relief wash over is features. “[y/n],” he breathed out as he shuffled into the room, scurrying over the bed to climb onto the silk sheets and lay himself in the spot behind you.
He wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling your body into his chest as gently as possible. As hesitant as he was, he was way too tired to be reluctant about holding you even thought you clearly felt the same need for touch as him. “’m so tired.”
After a long day of training, he was exhausted and was in desperate need of your touch in order to replenish the energy he had depleted earlier that day. It was only much better now that you were both living together and were able to cuddle as much as needed after work.
“Welcome home, my love.”
He buried his face in the crook of your neck, doing his absolute best to push away the strong emotions that burned inside of his heart. He refused to flare-up in front of you ever again, but with you unknowingly doing things to stir him up, he was always struggling to keep calm.
Peppering kisses along your shoulders, you felt a shiver run down your spine at the cold sensation of his lips on your skin. It was a blissful feeling, warming up your heart with love despite how cold his body truly was. Too beautiful.
where: your eyelids!
why: this one may sound weird but he just gets curious when he keeps watch and tends to do it without a thought.
Razor stood tall at the peak of the mountain that you both temporarily resided on. His chin was held high, chest puffed out with a sense of responsibility flowing through his veins at the thought of watching over you while you slept to keep you out of harms way. It wasn’t necessarily a demanding duty but for you, it meant a thousand times more than it usually would have.
The boy approached your sleeping body. You were rested on the ground under his jacket that barely shielded you from the cold weather tonight presented to you both. He gently tugged his jacket further up your body, covering your arm that had been slightly exposed.
You were cute like this, sleeping so peacefully with so much trust in the guy who could barely communicate yet you loved him so much. It was amazing.
Subconsciously, he bent down and placed a chaste kiss on your eyelid. You stirred in your sleep, forcing him to jolt away in surprise before settling when you murmured something sleepily, smiled and then relaxed. Your behavior was new to him and yet, it brought so many different feelings into his heart. Unknowing to you, he smiled genuinely and patted your head gently.
“You rest. I keep watch.”
where: your forehead!
why: he just thinks it is less embarrassing than trying to kiss you on the lips openly + less chances of him getting denied the kiss.
His expression was rather dark as you stood in front of one another. It looked like he was thinking deeply about something but you brushed it off, assuming it was just his way of sulking since you two were about to split for the night.
“I packed you some Almond Tofu, so you can eat some on your way back. I also got you a jacket to wear since it might be a little cold in the evening. I know you don’t sleep and stuff, so I just wanted to make sure you were okay.” Your rambling about his well-being wasn’t new to him, which is why he didn’t interrupt you. He watched with the same dark expression that seemed scary but if you looked closely, you would see just how soft those eyes had become after spending so much time with a “mere human” like you.
Grasping you by the back of you head, he pulled you forward and leaned in briskly, kissing your forehead softly before pulling away and turning around. You barely had a second to recover as he adjusted his mask on his face and disappeared from your sight, muttering nothing but a simple, “be careful.”
You smiled at the tingling sensation on you skin, knowing he had only escaped to avoid feeling any type of emotion after kissing you so brazenly. As mean as Xiao seemed, he really was a simpleton with you.
where: the back of your hand!
why: do i have to explain?
“Xingqiu, where are we going?” You asked with a tired smile on your lips as you allowed yourself to be dragged along this upward slope with no set destination in mind. The boy simply laughed, pulling you faster until you were nearly tripping over your own feet. By the time you had planned to complain once more, he came to an abrupt stop and you almost bumped into his body if it wasn’t for your quick senses. “Where are we?”
“Take a look, my liege. Quite fascinating, is it not?” He said as he took a seat on the branch perched on the top of the hill, big enough for the two of them to sit on. You plopped beside him, admiring the sun that was beginning to set while Xingqiu opened a book to the page he had left off on.
“My life seems fulfilled when I am sat here with a book in my hands and you by my side. Don’t you agree?” HIs words were sincere, surprisingly void of that mischievous tone he usually had these days.
“I’m not particularly fond of books like you, but I am extremely fond of you. So, yes, I do agree.” You said with a cheesy smile, leaning in his direction. The boy abruptly stood up, and you rose an eyebrow in confusion.
Bending his body slightly, he held out his hand to you until you placed yours on top of his. Once you did so, he pressed his lips to the back of your hand and flashed you an easy smile. “With this, I owe my life to you, my liege. A vow much greater than marriage.”
where: your lips!
why: I legit couldn’t think of a non-lips spot so i gave up. mans just likes the way your lips taste like his favorite wine. two good things.
He admired his cup with bright eyes, absolute taken with the way it tasted on his tongue and hadn’t changed in all these years. It was a beautiful emotion that was a mixture of happiness and nostalgia, plus a bit of romance considering he was here with the one he loved.
“What do you think?” Zhongli asked, eyes full of curiosity as he turned in your direction. You hadn’t said anything all night and he assumed you weren’t enjoying the wine he had presented to you so happily.
On contrary, it was way too good to be wasted, so you chose to drink it slowly in order to savor the beautiful taste that somehow reminded you of Zhongli himself. Maybe it was because he talked about this wine too much.
“It tastes good,” you murmur, leaning into his side to gain a bit of warmth from the male who shared the emotion, leaning into your touch.
You glanced up at him, smiling softly when you already saw his eyes on you. “Stop staring so impolitely. Where are your manners?” You asked jokingly, giggling softly when Zhongli looked down and chuckled.
Leaning in, he cupped your cheek and smashed your lips together. He could taste the Osmanthus wine on you and it nearly made him melt into the kiss that he had long suppressed.
When he pulled away, a small smile settled into his lips, satisfaction in his eyes. “Osmanthus wine tastes the same as I remember.”
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a/n: finally, I finished it. im going to bed now uhhdhfjf (idk if i’ll ever do other characters but we’ll see)
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axther · 3 years
a variation in love, minor
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dainsleif and aether x reader hc, with seperate yandere headcanons.
This is the first of several dating/yandere hc duos, none of which are ship and should all be nonbinary/non-gender specific.
Tags: @reddriot, @patt-writes-stuff
Dainsleif is quite mysterious in term of his s/o
He loves them to bits, but he’s terrified of getting them involved with his...other life.
He’d die for them!!!
And I think he’d spoil them, just a bit
He kisses the top of his s/o’s head and holds them close
Gives really good hugs!! Weirdly enough
His arms are strong but they’re strong to hold his s/o
He’s content when his s/o is around
He’s used to the push and pull of the abyss, of fighting for something he isn’t entirely sure he believes in.
But his s/o gives him a welcome relief.
I feel like he’d consider his s/o to be almost therapeutic
Of course, you’re not his therapist
But it helps him regain his humanity, his loving sense of self.
When he sees you it reminds him that he can die, and that he needs to live as much as he can before you die as well.
He wants to see you grow old, and part of him regrets not being able to grow old with you.
Yandere HC
Dainsleif is a bit of the stalker type.
He’s quiet and he’s fast and he loves his s/o.
How else would he use it?
He doesn’t peep on them in more private moments, but he always wants to make sure that they are out of harm’s way.
If anyone dares to hurt them, then they are in for a world of fear and intimidation.
He’d never hurt his own darling, though.
As much as he might threaten and hurt others, his darling is the most important person anywhere, ever.
He loves to watch his darling sleep.
They’re so gentle and sweet, even when resting, and he loves just how cute they are.
He sighs a lot around you as a yandere
He worries so much about how he’s going to protect you from how cruel the world is
He’d never tell his Traveller about his s/o.
He’d get jealous!!
Dainsleif would never tell his s/o what to do, but the last thing he wants is for the Traveller to fall for his cute s/o too!!!
Sometimes, in the late nights after long days, he gets in bed with his s/o
Just to feel what it’d be like in a world where they love him back
He’d rip the world apart for them, and at the rate Genshin is going, he just might have to.
Aether is so sweet!!
He might be the Traveller but he makes sure to bring his s/o as much as he can, unless they want to stay home.
Then he visits as much as he can: daily, every 12 hours, every 6 hours, hourly, minutely, secondly…
He doesn’t talk a lot, but Paimon does spill a lot of his romance secrets if you press even a little bit.
Yes, he does swat her. Yes, she does it anyway.
There are many times where he’ll simply sit in a chair close to where you are, put his palm in his hand, and watch you with a cute, small grin on his face.
He brings you all sorts of weird little trinkets from his adventures. Do you need an Ominous Mask? No. Do you love Aether and understand he’s trying to be nice? Yes.
Accept the mask.
Sometimes he’ll give you huge chunks of what you can only assume are raw gems. How he got them, you have no clue, but he’ll have a handful and he’ll just shake his hand at you like No-Face until you take them.
You’ll write him some notes of things you found out, and when you do, he’s ecstatic.
He reads them out to all his adventuring friends and that’s how level up material works
Literally, everyone in Tevyat knows you two are a thing, so it’s just him making a point to tell people (not necessarily in words, though) that he loves his s/o.
He thinks super highly of his s/o, and sometimes brags to the wrong people that his s/o can beat them up!!
He’s excited for you to meet his sister
Though on a sad note, with every moment his sister is further away, he goes and talks to you about all the good memories he had with her.
He cries freely with you, and it’s something he needs with all the pressure on his shoulder
Surefast way to his heart: don’t make him run your errands
Yandere HC
Aether is clingy.
He needs to make sure that you’re okay.
He needs to make sure that you’re not going to leave.
Aether cannot let you out of his sight.
You will join him on his adventures. You will live with him.
He is scared to make the same mistake with you that he did with Lumine, whatever it may be
Strangely enough, he’s able to separate the idea of you from the idea of his sister, despite all his worried about the same fate happening.
He wouldn’t kiss his sister, after all.
And he wouldn’t take his sister’s belongings.
Which, in fact, he does with you.
He takes all sorts of stuff. Trinkets, blankets, the more personal things…
And he keeps them in his bottomless pockets.
He’s got sticky fingers!! Seriously!
He melts if you play with his hair.
Like...well, I think you can think of what kind of melt.
He’s absolutely enamoured; the definition of puppy love.
And that puppy love never goes away. It never fades...ever. He’s been alive for too long, and no one makes him feel this way.
Sometimes, there are nights where you wake up feeling watched. And when you look around, all you see are two, brilliant golden dots in your closet.
You don’t know what they are...but they feel so familiar.
Why are they so familiar?
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yandere-daydreams · 3 years
Title: Frigid.
Pairing: Yandere!Rosaria/Reader (Genshin Impact).
Word Count: 2.5k.
TW: Fem!Reader, Modern AU, Non-Con, Semi-Public Sex, Drug Use, Toxic Relationships, Victim-Blaming, Implied Past Assult, Dissociation.
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Touching Rosaria was like touching ice.
Or, like having ice touch you, at least. She didn’t like it when you touched her – if she did, she wouldn’t have her hand clamped around your wrist, right now, there wouldn’t be a chill washing over your skin, inching towards your chest, making your heart beat a little faster every time the threat of frostbite began to seem more like a strong possibility than a distant fantasy. It was jarring, really, compared to the heat of the bodies around you, dancing and moving and sweltering, despite how crowded the club felt, despite how much you wished they would stop. You’d been the one who wanted to come, you were the one who usually liked this kind of thing, but suddenly, the music was too loud, everyone was too close, you could still feel your last drink burning at the back of your throat. It was all too much. It was all too hot.
Except Rosaria, of course. Never Rosaria.
You couldn’t remember the last time you’d felt warm, around her.
She was sticking close to the walls, thankfully. You were glad you’d chosen a smaller club, easier for Rosaria to navigate as she dragged you across the cramped space. It was too dark to see where she was going, darker than it usually was, but you didn’t mind letting her pull you along. You were used to it, the graceless way she pushed through couples and groups and inebriated patrons, the quiet apologies you let out as you followed her, how easy your own feet were to trip over as the bright, flashing lights and the sour flavor coating your tongue made it more and more difficult to think. It was almost a relief when she found what she was looking for – the side exit, the one you liked to use whenever you got too overwhelmed. It was sweet that she’d thought to use it tonight, too, even if you couldn’t remember telling her about your little escape route.
The alleyway it opened into was narrow, just as dark and just as stifling as the club, but the music wasn’t as loud, the air wasn’t as choking, and more importantly, you were able to collapse into Rosaria, burying your head in your chest as she caught you by the shoulders, begrudgingly accepting your clumsy affection. She didn’t like being touched, but you really liked touching her. It made sense that she’d make an exception for you, in the moment, at least. She always made an exception for you.
“Rosey,” You started, slurring the nickname into something near-incomprehensible. There was a tap to your shoulder, a row of blunt nails skirting across bare skin. In the back of your mind, you wondered if she was mad at you. “I can’t… It’s too warm, Rosey. My head hurts.”
“Obviously.” Her tone was lighter than it usually was, more playful. Not quite patient, not yet, but more sympathetic than she usually bothered to be. Like she was talking to a child, rather than a friend. Like the two of you hadn’t already done this a hundred times. “You overdid it, princess. You’re drunk.”
You shook your head, absent-mindedly. You didn’t feel drunk. You felt… dizzy. Out of it. Disoriented in such a way that meant trying to find out why you were struggling to keep your balance only made you more likely to fall. “You had more than I did,” You mumbled, because it was true. You knew how Rosaria could be. You’d wanted to be good, tonight, even if she claimed to be content nursing her third glass of wine. “’s not fair. I’m don’t even feel that—”
“You’re always so careless, too,” She said, cutting you off. Speaking over you, like you’d never said anything at all. Her grip tightened, and you backed away, pressing yourself against the nearest wall. Rosaria didn’t let go. “Drinking so much, staying out so late… It’s a miracle you haven’t learned your lesson, yet. I’m a little surprised no one’s ever taken advantage of you.”
Your heart dropped in your chest. The wall was unpainted, uneven, bare cement and little else. It hurt to touch, to lean against, especially with Rosaria resting her weight on you. It hurt to move, when you finally thought to fidget. “You're being mean,” You whispered, and her hand fell to your hip. Your dress was too thin, too tight. It felt like you were bleeding out in a snowbank. “Would someone really do that?”
“I would.” She was too close. She was too cold. You didn’t find the constant chill comforting, anymore. “In a heartbeat. Especially after you start acting like such a fucking tease.”
You wanted to go home. There was something pounding in the back of your skull, now, throbbing, blocking out whatever Rosaria might’ve said, making it impossible to process anything but the black dots fraying at the edges of your vision and Rosaria’s lips, chapped and painted red and on your neck, the corner of your jaw, only lingering for a moment before her teeth dug into your jugular and you screamed, the shrill sound immediately cut short by a palm against your mouth, keeping you quiet despite the little whimpers you let out as she pulled back, allowing something warm to run over your skin and pool near your collarbone. In the back of your mind, you wondered if it would get on your dress, if it would leave a stain. You wondered if she would apologize, when it did.
“Spoiled little brat,” She growled, nearly under her breath. Her grip loosened, Rosaria shifting, but any reprieve was short-lived, quickly replaced by two fingers pressed into your tongue and a row of nails clawing at your waist, pulling at your skirt, leaving you to gag and whimper as ice-cold fingertips dug into your thigh, cold enough to leave you trembling. She wasn’t holding you, not really, not tightly enough to call it restraint, but your body felt weak, your legs were shaking, and you couldn’t imagine trying to run. You couldn’t imagine trying to stand. You were almost thankful for the knee she forced between your thighs, for the trace of stability she thought to offer. You wanted to be thankful. You were trying to be thankful. “No talking, alright? I need you to keep quiet. Can you do that for me?”
Right. Obviously. Rosaria was so smart. She always knew what to do, so she must’ve been right, and she was so kind, too, letting her fingers slip out of your mouth as soon as you offered her the small, eager nod she was looking for. You were glad she was wearing leather, a jacket a size too big and pants that clung to her like a second skin – it gave you something tangible to hold onto, something to hide your face in, even if you hated the texture, the sound, the way it felt under you as she cupped your pussy and some thin piece of fabric tore, forcing you to shy into her just a little more. You almost asked why. If she didn't like your dress, she could’ve just told you. If she didn’t like you, she could’ve said so in a way that didn’t make you feel so…
So bad.
“You said you were hot.��� Rosaria was talking before you could, though, explaining herself. Why was she allowed to talk? Part of you wavered, flickered, realized that she wasn’t being fair, that she wasn’t being nice, but Rosaria was good at this kind of thing. She must’ve known something you didn’t. That’d make sense. She knew a lot of stuff, compared to the handful of foggy ideas that separated your mind from total oblivion. “I’m just helping you out. You’re not stupid enough to turn down help, are you?”
You shook your head. You weren’t, even if she chuckled at your meek response, even if you couldn’t see how grinding her hand into your cunt could help you feel anything but hot, like you’d been in the sun for an hour too long. Like you were being burnt alive, and Rosaria was the one stoking the flames.
Your thoughts were spinning, now, twisting, spiraling, the need to shut your eyes and make it stop almost overshadowing the slick building up between your legs, that awful, sticky feeling that made you squirm, holding Rosaria tighter and attempting to weakly push her away at the same time. The embarrassment was palpable, that nagging sense of shame, only made worse by Rosaria’s huff of a laugh, by the lingering sensation of her teeth ghosting over your skin and the way you jolted into her, anything intelligent you might’ve said replaced by a small, submissive whimper. It was embarrassing. You wanted it to stop. You wanted her to stop.
But, she didn’t. She wouldn't. You couldn't force her to.
You couldn’t even bring yourself to ask.
It didn’t feel good. It didn’t feel like much of anything, honestly, as her fingers slipped below the black lace of your panties, as she toyed with your clit and drank in those pathetic sounds you might’ve thought someone else was making, if your own voice hadn’t been so recognizable. Your body was too numb, your nerves already too burnt, Rosaria’s chest too cold where it pressed against yours, like your life depended on little more than ice and sleet. It didn’t feel good, but your face must’ve been flushed, your pupils blown out, your scrunched expression littered with hints that you were in anything but agony. Rosaria sounded smug. She wouldn’t sound like that, not unless you gave her a reason to. She wouldn’t do that to you, not unless she thought you deserved it.
“For fuck’s sake,” She drawled, slowly, like she didn’t have anywhere better to be. She didn’t have anywhere better to be. She wouldn’t have bothered to spend time with you, otherwise. “You’re already so damn wet. If I’d known you’d be this needy, I wouldn't have bothered with the fucking pills.”
You opened your mouth, but you were barely able to get out a strangled cry before something was inside of you, your panties pushed to the side and two long fingers scissoring you open, too quickly, too suddenly, too violently. It was like she’d broken a dam, like some necessary barrier had been crossed and crushed, like everything you’d lacked, earlier, everything your mind had been merciful enough to block out came flooding in for the first time. There was the sting, tight and tearing and impatient, but there was pleasure, too, something beyond awareness, something beyond discomfort. It was a fire, smoldering and invasive, and you didn’t like it. You didn’t like the way your hips bucked to meet her hand, or the new weight behind your eyes, or her smirk, her smile, her self-satisfied sneer. You didn’t like that she was happy. You didn’t like that you were in pain, and she was happy. If you were being honest with yourself, you might’ve been able to admit you didn’t like Rosaria at all, right now.
“S-Stop, Rosey, it hurts—” She had a pattern, now, a tangible pace, a vengeance you wished you'd never provoked. She must’ve hated you. She must’ve. You couldn’t think of another reason she’d curl her fingers like that, another reason she’d abuse every sensitive spot that made you whine and tremble and tense-up, another reason she’d be so mean, especially to you, especially now, especially here. It wouldn’t even matter if you made noise, if you cried out, if you screamed. It couldn’t be louder than your rapid heartbeat, your racing pulse, the wet clicks that only got worse as Rosaria slipped a third finger in and left you to clench around her, too humiliated to care about the slight pain. “Please, I don’t wanna—”
“What did I say about talking?” She was being cold again, ruthless, but it was a playful sort of cruelness, her tone just lilted enough to make you feel guilty for trying to convince yourself she was such a monster. “You don’t want to what? Sit pretty and let me do all the work? Stand there and cum?” There was a laugh, a flick of her wrist, and the heel of her hand came up to grind against your clit. Instantly, you wished you’d never said anything at all. “Do it. Make yourself useful, for once. Cum.”
You didn’t want to. You really, really, really didn’t want to, but there was nothing you could do to stave it off, to get away from it, to keep your knees from buckling or your body from going rigid or Rosaria from kissing you, stifling the breathy moan that threatened to spill out between choked sobs and quiet pleas for her to stop. At least she was gentle about it, as gentle as she could be, pointed canines barely cutting at your lips, a cloud of lingering cigarette smoke barely choking you, her touch barely forceful enough to bruise, as she cupped your cheek with her free hand, tilting your head back and encouraging you to lean into the gesture.
It was almost sweet, how she lingered, how she didn’t pull away until after the aftershocks had faded, until you’d stopped trying to resist, until you were too tired to do anything but collapse into her when she let you go, catching you the moment you threatened to fold into yourself. It was a small mercy. You didn’t want to spend the rest of the night on the ground, sobbing yourself to sleep in some dark, claustrophobic alley. You didn’t want to do that. You didn’t want to be here.
You just wanted to be with Rosaria. You just wanted to be anywhere else, with her.
“Rosey,” you tried, testing the waters. You tried to blink, to stand up on your own, but your eyelids felt heavy, you felt heavy. Rosaria only hummed, in response, snaking an arm around your waist. Already, you were struggling to remember why you couldn’t stand. You were struggling to remember why it hurt so much, when you tried to. “I… I’m not having fun, anymore. Can we go home?”
“You’re lucky I like you, princess.” You were. She was such a good friend, and she always came out drinking with you, and she always took care of you the day afterward, too, when you were sore and hungover and, more often than not, too bruised and battered to get out of bed. Even if the kiss she pressed into the top of your head made you shiver, even if the ghost of her icy breath made your skin crawl, even if a part of you was still begging to keep her at a distance, you were lucky to have her. You were thankful you had her, thankful enough to ignore how low her hands dipped as she held you up, thankful enough to stop yourself from thinking about the slick dripping down your thighs, and the cut on the side of your neck, and the chalk coating your tongue, tasteless and unremarkable, but not completely unfamiliar.
Thankful enough to look up at her and smile, as she finally sapped away the last of your warmth.
“Let’s go home.”
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barbatos-devotee · 3 years
I Like You, Idiot!
Genshin x Oblivious!Reader
Character: Xiao
Gender: Female
A/N: Ok but imagine,,,, Tsundere Xiao,,,,,, and that is basically the summary of this one. Kind of. You’re a part of the Traveler’s Party in this one! Imagine you have whatever Vision you wanna have, and whatever weapon!
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You sat on a stool in Liyue Harbor, happily taking a sip of your tea. Xiao sat next to you, the two of you waiting for Traveller to return from doing their commission. They were currently running around the city, doing whatever non-fighting commissions they had to take care of while the party was here. They also took QiQi with them, because the little zombie child clung to the Traveller like an older sibling. So that just left you and Xiao. You took another sip of your tea and sighed, before placing the cup down on the table in front of you.
“This is nice. So, Xiao, what do you think we’ll get to do next? I mean, after that whole fight with Osial (The big water snake thing in Act 3, I looked up the name guys don’t worry I gotchu) and Zhongli.. I’m sort of curious as to what crazy adventures they have next for us!” You giggled, twirling a strand of hair around your finger. (I want you guys to pretend you have long hair; at least in terms of side bangs at least. If you want your hair to be shorter or longer in the back, that’s fine, but in the front you have two long strands of hair, any texture you please) Xiao turned to stare at you, the usual uncaring expression on his face.
“I’m just hoping it’s not as dangerous as this one. I can hold myself in a battle pretty well, but the Traveller is still just getting a hang of their powers, and one slip-up could easily be their downfall. And you... you need to be more careful, if you were to get hurt that would be a liability to the team.” The adeptus snapped out, and you laughed to yourself, completely missing his underlying point. It sounded like a straightforward message to you, and you smiled at Xiao.
“Yeah yeah, I understand. Don’t worry! I’ll try my best not to get in you guys’ way, I may not be the best with my (weapon) and (element) Vision, but I was good enough to get on the team, yeah?” Xiao huffed, before turning back around and crossing his arms. He knew that you had missed his point entirely, and he grumbled about it to himself. Now he was going to have to try a different tactic.
The trip to Guili Plains from Liyue took about half a week, since it was a very long way. Traveller helped halve the trip to the time it was by taking the party through various shortcuts they knew of. During the trip, Traveller talked with Xiao a lot, and the adeptus responded in his own usual way. Somehow, you took this as them flirting, and your eyes would sparkle with excitement at the prospect. You decided that you would do your best to support them however you could, completely unaware of their true plans. On the trip, Traveller and Xiao had actually been discussing how best to help him confess to you, because Traveller had figured it out a while ago. How they did that, Xiao didn’t know, but he wouldn’t pass up on an opportunity to get you to notice. Unfortunately, they did not know that this was having an opposite effect on you.
After a harrowing fight with a ruin guard, one that Xiao managed to almost kill immediately, he rushed over to you, who had just barely escaped getting clipped by an aimed rocket. Traveller brought QiQi over, who immediately began her healing process for you. Xiao, however, was upset. And that visibly showed, but as anger.
“You idiot! You need to be more careful, why did you think it was a good idea to use (elemental skill)?! You know that one takes too long to charge, and the guard was already aiming for you!” You looked down, a frown on your face.
“I’m sorry! I thought I could-”
“You thought you could, but you didn’t! What if it hit closer to you?! You could have died-!” Everyone went silent at Xiao’s outburst, all shocked at the way his voice cracked. You looked up to him, eyes wide, but he turned around before you could see his face, and he huffed, disappearing into green Anemo particles. (Yknow, like Venti did at the beginning of the game! I have no idea if he can actually do this but it’d be cool if he could) The rest of you looked at each other, before Traveller stood.
“I’ll go check on him, QiQi, you stay here and make sure she’s healed.” They stated, before taking off in the direction that Xiao disappeared in. Now it was just you and the little zombie girl. The both of you were silent, until the child spoke up.
“You’re all healed now... please be more careful next time... Xiao would hate to see you hurt like this again...” You frowned, crossing your arms and looking away from QiQi.
“Why would he even care? He likes the traveller, not me.” QiQi stared at you, silent. After a couple of moments, she slowly shook her head. You blinked, before tilting your head in confusion.
“He.. doesn’t like the Traveller?” Another head shake, “no”. Your eyes widened, and you put a hand to your chin. Then you reached over and hugged the zombie child.
“I have to think about this one, thanks QiQi. For the healing too.”
With the traveller, they’d found Xiao, about a mile away from where they fought the Ruin Guard, sitting on top of a broken pillar.
“She doesn’t understand.., why doesn’t she understand? You’re at least as strong as me, so you won’t get hurt as easily, QiQi is a zombie so she can’t die a second time... why can’t she understand that she’s just a mortal? Why... why won’t she understand that I can’t lose her?!” The adeptus exclaimed, slamming his fist into the pillar he sat upon. It cracked slightly, and small pieces of debris fell from it. The traveller moved closer, worry in their eyes.
“I’m sure she knows this as well as we do Xiao. But she’s trying her best, so she can be as good as us. I’m sure she must feel inferior...”
“But she shouldn’t-!”
“But what if she does?!” Traveller interrupted Xiao’s shout with one of their own. The two now locked eyes, burning emotions visible in both of their orbs. Traveller continued to speak.
“You said it yourself, she’s not as strong as we are. But I’m sure she wants to be. She wants to keep up with us or she’ll feel left behind.” The blonde smiled sadly, seeming to remember something.
“I know how that feels, my sibling was always the better one of us. I always felt as though I wouldn’t be as good as them, even if we were practically equal in power. And I’m always worried for them. If I lost my power when I first came here, did they? Are they in danger? Are they dead? I don’t know, and I intend to find out, whatever it takes. But I do know how she feels, Xiao. So.. go talk to her.” Xiao blinked, and moved a hand up to his face, to scrub away the redness and tears from earlier.
“Thanks..” He muttered, before vanishing again. Traveller sighed, their mood immediately shifting from one of sadness to one of annoyance. They wished that they could teleport as easily as this adeptus bastard, now they had to walk-
Back with QiQi, you sat in the grass, picking flowers with her as you waited for Xiao and the traveller to return. It had been a while, and you hoped that they were both okay. You got your answer when Xiao materialised in front of you, startling you and causing you to drop the flowers you’d been collecting.
“Woah! Where’d you-?”
“QiQi, can you go meet traveller? They’re about a mile that way.” The little zombie child nodded, before taking off towards the direction of her sibling-figure. Now that left just you and Xiao, and the two of you sat in silence for a couple moments. Then, the adeptus spoke up.
“I am....sorry for yelling at you like that. You got hurt because I couldn’t protect you, and that upset me, and I... I lost my temper. So... I apologise.” Xiao didn’t meet your eyes as he said this, instead pointedly looking at the ground near your leg, since you still sat in the grass. You looked up at him, searching his face for... you didn’t know what you were looking for.
“It’s okay. I’m sorry too, I should’ve been more careful. I know I’m not as strong as you, or the traveller. I got ahead of myself..” Xiao shook his head, going over to you and kneeling down. His hands grasped yours, holding them close to him. He held you tightly, afraid to let go, like he would lose you if he let go.
“No, no.. it’s.. you may not be as strong as us, but you’re strong enough! And you can get even stronger! You’ve.... you’re strong enough already to be on this adventure with us, and I.. I’m glad you are. I wouldn’t know what to do without you here. I just.... ugh, this is so dumb..” Xiao cursed under his breath, looking away before looking you dead in your eyes.
“I really like you, you idiot. So, please, stop being such a dummy and go out with me? I swear I’ll protect you even better this time.” Your eyes widened, and your mouth stood agape. What? Xiao liked... you??? Not Traveller? I mean, QiQi had hinted towards as much, but you didn’t actually think.... You could feel your face heating up as you blushed, and the only sounds that came from your mouth were stutters. Xiao shook his head, chuckling to himself.
“You don’t have to answer right now. I just.. I needed to tell you.” He the stood up, pulling you with him. By then, QiQi and Traveller had returned, and you were still at a loss for words.
“Okay guys! Let’s keep going! I know a Fatui skirmisher that needs to be beaten into a pulp!” Traveller exclaimed, and then the four of you were off. You were left to think about Xiao’s words, your face flushing every time you did. You were still in shock that the adeptus liked you, of all people. How do you process this?
How would you respond?
A/N: Omg this one was unnecessarily hard to write, and I got caught up in holiday stuff... anyways, happy 2021 everybody!
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oceanid-writes · 3 years
Hi! Could I get a MHA matchup? Nsfw is fine.
I’m an ISTJ, 8w9, Gemini. I’m often described as coming off as being mean/rude and being energetic/loud. I’m not a shy person at all and I’m very blunt about certain things. I’m not the type of person to let stuff fly. In public places / situations I’m usually an observant person. I mostly like to draw and play Genshin Impact. Like I said before I’m described as coming off as mean/rude but it is almost always unintentional and I usually can’t tell when I am being rude. I’m horrible at comforting people especially when they’re crying. I view myself as being a loud, always joking person who is also observant and an eavesdropper. I usually don’t cry in front of other people or talk about crying unless it is brought up in conversation. I have short (above brow) hair, blue eyes, freckles, pale skin, and sharp features (sharp jawline, sharp nose, long skinny fingers/hands, etc.)
Hmm... this was a tough one, I had a few in mind, but I am going to go with Dabi.
Yandere Boku No Hero Academia Matchup
Warnings: Yandere behaviour, abuse, mentions of non-con, stalking, dark themes.
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You first meet him accidentally, or maybe not. It’s like you can’t remember the first time you’ve seen him, but his eyes just so familiar. In general, who you are won’t matter, because whether you’re a hero or a villain or a civilian he wants you all the same. Dabi is an extremely carnal yandere, and recognizes that he feels lust and desire towards you, but coming from a broken home, he won’t be able to really understand the concept of love. Every yandere’s emotions and reactions do not stem from a place of loving you (really, if someone loved you they would not isolate and control you) but instead obsession. Is it possible for a part of Dabi to have fallen in love with you? Possibly, but he’s very very twisted inside and that feeling of love becomes something worse. 
Dabi will stalk you to no end before making his move. He might mess with you a little, steal some of your things, but most of all he’ll want you to know something is off. You will certainly think you’re paranoid, with the feeling of being watched everytime you go outside, or find things re-arranged in your home, but you won’t be able to pin it down. You will know someone is watching you, but you won’t know how to look for them.
Now, what makes Dabi go through all this trouble? It’s likely that during your first encounter with him, you did something that interested him. Dabi’s just about seen it all, so it has to have been something big, but after you entice time, he begins to generally become fascinated with everything about you. He finds it interesting to learn someone, to trace what they like and what they do and how they feel until he wants to own you. You’re so human, so loud, you laugh and you talk and he wants all of that to belong to him.
Once you’re locked away in some basement or league hideout, he will get a little rough with you. He needs to be able to touch you, and maybe converse, and if he can’t interract with you in this friendlier way, he will become very unpleasant very quickly. Dabi does not care whatsoever if he hurts his darling. If you don’t have a life threatening injury, you’re fine. So be prepared to be burned, scarred, and have stuff thrown at you when you disrespect him in any way. He will touch you wherever he wants regardless of if you are playing nice or not, because in his eyes you belong to him and you do what he says.
If you want to keep that pretty neck of yours unscarred, you better do what he tells you to.
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carminite-wyrm · 3 years
A Genshin Impact Hermitcraft AU Idea, God Help Me
Last year, on September 28, a particular gacha rpg game was released and I, occasionally regrettably, fell straight into playing it. In honour of the fact that this will mean I have lasted nearly a whole year (I got the game a week after bc uni) determinedly not spending any money on Genshin whilst also trying to roll good characters…here’s a bunch of Hermitcraft Genshin AU ideas that I initially came up with at roughly 2.40 am.
The general idea of this AU is that the Hermits end up in a new world that has Genshin-esque mechanics, on top of the usual Minecraft shenanigans. So, Visions and stuff. Also, we’re gonna just…briefly ignore the actual Genshin lore in regards to how Visions and Gnosises (Gnoses?) come about, for this one.
Post-S8, the Hermits are travelling to a new world, ready for another season.
The moment they arrive, it is clear to them all that…something is different. Something is vastly different with this world, for all that it appears much like the previous servers that they have lived in and travelled to. There is something of a…presence to it, in a sense.
When the Something Different doesn’t appear immediately, being the demigods/almost-deities that they are, they go about their days, setting up starter bases, gathering the basic resources and tools, the usual beginnings.
Things change when Doc wakes up one morning after a hard day at work building a new redstone machine, to find a small glowing chess piece lying next to his head, crackling with an ethereal purple light
Upon picking it up, he feels a burst of energy, almost like that one time in the previous world where he and Ren built a lightning-summoning tower
However, the changes it has wrought become apparent later that day when Scar comes out of nowhere with the recording of a creeper’s tell-tale hiss and explosion, and Doc sends him flying backwards with a startled blast of lightning
At first, they chalk it up to ‘Something Funky With Doc’s Current Project’, but after some tests, some experimentation to confirm if it was a one-off reaction…they end up confirming that they may have found out what the Weird Thing about this season’s world is
The duo go to Xisuma with their findings, and, to their collective surprise, X can’t find anything blatantly broken in the server’s code, but he does find a few interesting lines within.
By all appearances, this is not a glitch, but simply an intended feature of the server
Seven lucky hermits, designated as Archons in the server code, will receive a Gnosis, an artefact of elemental power that the server can assign, given to the ‘player who best suits the element’
The server notes speak of how the power granted (and represented through the chess-piece-shaped item) will grant the receiver the capability to shape the land around them
By random chance, other players on the server will also be gifted a Vision, a somewhat lesser artefact that will still grant them a form of elemental power
Given that the Hermits are practically gods in their own right, considering they are already capable of shaping the worlds they arrive in as they see fit…are more curious than worried, at this point
They agree to keep an eye out, to see how chaotic the sudden acquisition of elemental powers will turn out
The next person to receive a Gnosis is Grian, who delights in the bursts of wind he can use to buffer his flight, gliding across the server with naught but the turquoise magic the server has seen fit to grant him
After that, most of the Hermits soon receives some sort of Elemental power from the server
A Summary of Who Gets What (That I can think of so far):
Doc: [Electro Archon]
Can summon lightning, without need for a trident, a thunderstorm, or a machine that can generate an ongoing thunderstorm for as long as its activated
Can also generate an Electro shield, though it does require his active concentration to maintain for longer than a few seconds. This shield appears like a charged creeper’s aura, except purple
Capable of generating a thunderstorm at will, but rarely does it on account of mob spawning dangers
Has found that by channelling a low level of Electro energy, he can in fact power redstone machines just by tapping them/being in close proximity to them
This has proven to both be a blessing and a curse, considering that on occasion, when startled, he has short-circuited some of his machines
Grian: [Anemo Archon]
Generally, uses his powers as a free rocket boost for flying around the server
Upon finding out that he can use the Anemo energy to create pockets of energy that can boost flight, he takes to leaving them all over the server, in convenient locations to make flight that much more efficient
Yes, he absolutely sets up a fancy elytra course that makes use of his flight-boosters to send players rocketing around a course at breakneck paces (poor Scar experiences many instances of kinetic energy)
Bdubs: [Geo Archon]
Suddenly, making mountains and other works of major terraforming is a lot easier
Certainly, he still prefers to sculpt them and detail them by hand, but bringing the basic shape of the mountain forth by brandishing the power of Geo is something that he can do with ease, in this world
A new shop pops up in the shopping district rather quickly after this realisation: Bdub’s Landshaping Service, Now offering quick terraforming at a budget price! (it is, in fact, a service that makes him quite the amount of money)
And when he wants to sleep, without the other hermits breaking his bed? A glowing shield of steadfast golden magic takes care of that.
Gem: [Dendro Archon]
The patch of the server that Gem has claimed for herself quickly springs to life as plants of all varieties grow to surprising proportions, energised by the power that she now can radiate
The effect is most notable in and around her home, of course, but wherever she travels, the plants grow more vibrantly for days afterwards
Adding a forest of birch around her house takes little more than a thought, a fact she uses to prank some of her friends, those who in the last world were rather vocal about their dislike of non-stripped birch
Another power Gem finds herself with is the ability to summon vines even without a surface for them to initially grow upon, and thus it is not uncommon to see Gem building or resting in a hammock of woven vines
Cub: [Cryo] (cannot make up my mind if I think he’d be Archon material or not)
Gathering powdered snow has never been easier, as instead of waiting for a storm to form and last longer than it takes a Hermit to get into the nearest bed, he can simply clap his hands together and a lump of snow shoots out from just above his shoulder.
It does hurt, getting hit by the sudden snow barrage that Cub is now capable of, but except for the occasional snowball fight, his newfound snow-creation ability is used for making increasingly more insane mob farms and snowy building decoration
False: [Pyro]
The magic her Pyro Vision grants her doesn’t become apparent, not for a while, until she visits the Nether for the first time in this world
A mis-swing in a bastion, and suddenly a horde of piglins and hoglins are chasing after her, and there isn’t enough time to pillar away.
She readies her sword and shield, ready to fight, and suddenly her blade crackles to life with bright flames, unlike the fire aspect enchantment in that it actually is on fire.
Every attack she lands, whilst her sword is alight, seems to invigorate her, return strength and stamina that was lost when she had first tried to flee the enraged inhabitants of the bastion
The admin is one of the few to not receive a Vision or a Gnosis
Quietly, he does admit to being relieved, considering his powers as an admin are already much greater than that of the other Hermits, for all that they are still his equals
And then, one day, whilst X is placing his diamonds to sign up to one of Grian’s newest competitions, he feels a rush of foreign magic, so unlike the familiar ordered pulses of server code
The blast of wind that comes with a swing of his sword, much later whilst he is mob-farming, is greatly surprising, if not unexpected.
The funny thing about all these new powers, granted by the server itself in the form of artefacts that can easily sit in one’s palm, is that for all they are miraculous on their own, the natural capabilities of the Hermits are already enough to rival them
In the hands of an ordinary person, an ordinary player, the powers from this world would bring them close to the near-omnipotence of Creative, could even be the driving force of server-wide conflict.
Powers such as these, while they can build great things, can so easily be used to destroy, to cause war and destruction, and in other realities, they have.
Perhaps whatever trick of fate that caused the server to be capable of granting these powers hoped to create that conflict, to see what would happen when only a few of their number were gifted such strengths.
Later, when the initial surprise and rush to test out the limits of the server’s granted magics dies down, Zedaph approaches Xisuma, one of the few to not possess an artefact of elemental magic, with an observation
Zedaph notes that, from his studies of the Hermits’ new powers, almost all of them are oriented vastly towards combat, whether they be summonable blades of frost, elemental shields, or even the ability to soothe aches and hurts
And even though the Hermits have all found ways to make those powers work in the ways that they wish them to, it does not take away from the fact that the likeliest original purpose of this server’s magic was for fighting
Any other server, any other group, Zedaph quietly says, and there would more than likely have been bloodshed, given the inequality in the range of power granted
At the end of the day however, unexpected gifts of power or not, the Hermits, at their core, are a group that creates and innovates, a band of friends that shape entire worlds with naught but their own ideas and willpower, and regardless of what powers they now possess in this particular realm, that will not change.
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unnaturaleye · 2 years
heyyy don’t worry, life gets busy! Hahahaha the whole world of anime bamboozles me anyway because there’s so much going on and so much content to keep up with!!
for seventeen would recommend: Rock with you & Crush from their latest album Attacca. GAM3 BO1 & Anyone from their album Your Choice. Left & Right and also Kidult from Heng:gareae.
for got7: just right (this one is olddd from their first album I think like 7 years ago sjsjs), not by the moon, you calling my name, poison, breath I’ll shut up now! All of them have solo songs too and they’re all honesty amazing in my very biased opinion <3 would recommend Slow Mo from Bambam’s last album, and literally everything Jay B and Yugyeom have released 💀 okay I’ll shut up now fr about them
i loved Coco!!! And yes I would consider those movies! I haven’t seen Encanto yet though. I am honestly struggling to remember the last non/animated movie I watched lmao I think it was Don’t Look Up on Netflix (something about the end of the world and how a meteor was gonna hit earth). Rn I’m watching a crime documentary on Netflix while I’ll finish today probably and I’m slowlyyyy watching Naruto and Hometown Cha Cha (romantic kdrama) so I kinda flip flop between them depending on how I’m feeling.
Nooo I totally get that!!! I like listening to podcasts or video essays when I’m doing other things or just put on a really familiar tv show I’ve watched before to have in the background so I’m not sitting in complete silence lool
Omg…relatable! Nowadays because of the pandemic, I really just work from home, read in my spare time, bake stuff and also rot away online 🤝
YOU KNOW I actually played genshin impact for a while on my phone in my downtime but I stopped playing because some of the challenges were too hard and my party was not strong enough skdbdjsjdw and honestly I just really enjoyed running around and unlocking the teleport waypoints and collecting fruit 💀💀💀 omg who does your party consist of? I usually kept Bennett (my beloved), Kaeya (also my beloved, my son), Lisa & Noelle because they were my strongest and I covered a good range of elements with them - Monbebe Valentine 💕
ohhhhh these r some lovely songs god damn! i really liked rock with you, anyone, not by the moon and you calling my name... straight up saved them ehehe
also i appreciate the passion for sharing your fav song! so thank u -w-
what crime documentary? :o i love that stuff
rotting away online is actually peak human experience akdhjskadhkj good for us (?) B)
omg starting genshin was so fun... the casual exploration was probably the most joyful thing ever ! and i can sorta relate to not having strong enough parties. my characters are just ok.. i don't care. they can get the job done and that's it and i'm happy with it askjdhaskjd
i don't really have a specific party anymore (mainly because i make very disfunctional parties with a bunch of characters who i want to get friendship levels up with)
buuut my 2 main damage dealers are kaeya and ningguan! i love them both to death, i've put the most effort into them, they're my pride and joy and i'm simping for them. hard.
then my best pyro support is xiangling (my baby daughter)
another great support but also a healer - bennet (my baby son)
epic anemo god - venti (absolute creature i adore him)
main geo support - albedo (stole all of my money i hate him)
so yeah i guess my "ideal" team would have kaeya, ningguan, venti and somebody else depending on the situation :p
(back in the days when i didn't spend much primogems my main team was kaeya, amber (replaced by xiangling once i got her), lisa and traveler (replaced by ningguan once i got into liyue lol))
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xsparklingravenx · 3 years
Title: breathtaking
Fandom: Genshin Impact
Characters: Albedo, Klee
Rating: G
Word Count: 2,275
Summary: The times that Klee and Albedo tell each other to breathe.
The paintbrush dashed across the canvas, and in turn, something true came to life.
On the grassy plains of Mondstadt’s surrounding areas, a boy stood silent, a palette of colour in one hand, the brush in the other. Gently, he curved those colours across the blank sheet, splashes of blue and green and brown, the boars that roamed the plains recreated in paint and chalk outlines.
These boars were unremarkable, but that in itself was what made them noteworthy. Such a contradiction shouldn’t have made sense, but to the boy, it was perfect enough to immortalise. Hilichurls and Abyss Mages took to these lands like they were their own, but still the boars persisted, living free and unafraid. At any moment, they could be hunted, for sport or for food, and yet the few before him had survived their entire lives out in an unforgiving world.
Now they lived immortal in his image. Caught up in his work, he paid no attention to the passing of time around him, how the sun crossed the sky, how the wind danced across his skin, the Anemo Archon’s quiet blessing. Another brushstroke here and there brought his vision closer to completion. The boars continued to graze. The grass was emerald green, and if he mixed his colours just right, then maybe—
A distant explosion had him pausing. The boy turned his head, a single strand of pale hair falling into his eyes as he searched for the source. Somewhere over the hills, it seemed, far enough from him that he needn’t pay it any mind. Were the Knights of Favonius out exterminating vermin today? He wondered, idly, if Sucrose was with them, though he didn’t identify any sort of Anemo traces in the air from this far away. Another boom in the air, and he cast the thought aside, returning his attention to his art.
Life stilled around him once more. That was it. The boars carried on quietly. The colours melded together. Three boars, quiet, content, living beings, born from the soil and destined to return to it. They breathed, interacted with the elements, survived—
An explosion shook the air, so close that it rattled his canvas. The boy stopped still, a frown on his face, because he was certain he knew that sound. And he knew that intensity.
And he knew that brand of giggling.
He opened his mouth to shout, to cry, wait—but he was a fraction too late. The sight before him erupted into fire and chaos as an explosion roared and took out every single sign of life in front of him. The grass flamed, the boars that had survived their entire lives out on the plain now little more than charred carcasses before him. He stared at the carnage in front of him, the canvas still depicting his quiet moment from moments before, wordless at the sight.
And then, from the smoke and disaster, a tiny figure came sprinting out, arms at her side, eyes wide. She skidded to a stop before the boy, planting her hands on her hips, looking immensely pleased with herself. “Albedo! Did you see Jumpty Dumpty! It went boom!”
Albedo looked beyond her, to where the grass was still burning, smoke rising up into the sky. “Klee…? Why did it have to be here?”
He knew better than to question her intentions, because her intentions were always cause the biggest explosion possible. She beamed at him, and then, spotting his canvas, she bolted up to it. “Oh! Oh! Were you drawing again? It looks really good!”
“I was…up until you decided to blow my subjects up, yes.” Albedo looked between the smoking grass, the charred meat that was cooking in the fire, and his art, which was miraculously unscathed. “How did you…why were you…where’s Jean?”
Klee giggled. “Master Jean is busy today, so she let me go exploring! I wanted to try out some of my treasures, but Kaeya says that ‘explosion inside city wall, grounded be thy woe’, so here I am!”
She admired his painting as he looked down at his colours and wondered if he should add the fires to his painting. It was hardly an interesting specimen to recreate.
“They look really cool, Albedo is so good at making pictures!” Klee sat on the ground in front of it and watched the flames rise. “I didn’t know you’d be here, I just got lucky! I haven’t seen you in a while…you’re always so busy, but now we can hang out, right? Maybe we can play with my treasures?”
Playing with her treasures was a shortcut to a fiery doom, but he couldn’t deny that her words instilled a sense of guilt in him. So caught up in his alchemic studies as of late, all his time had been spent with Timaeus and Sucrose. He’d been hanging up his do not disturb sign constantly, and Klee had been all but left to her own (chaotic) devices. “Sorry, Klee. I didn’t realise you wanted my attention. Seeing as the boars are all…well, halfway to becoming a sticky honey roast, I suppose I can spare some time to play with you. Not that it was exactly how I saw my day going.”
“Oh! Oh! Can we find a cooking pot? Can you make Woodland Dream? I love when you cook, Albedo! It’s just like when you do your alchemy stuff, like, you go poof and then…bam! You make something new!”
Her enthusiasm might have been infectious to someone else, but fortunately, Albedo had been blessed with the ability to remain calm and casual-minded in her presence. “Considering we have plenty of fresh meat right here, Woodland Dream seems like a waste.”
“But if you make that, then I can go and get all the fishes with Jumpty Dumpty! We can play, and then we can eat! And then you can draw. Maybe you can draw me?”
She hopped up as Albedo considered her request. He hardly ever used his skills to paint that which did not pique his interest in the realm of alchemy, but she’d asked so earnestly. Would it be so wasteful to dedicate a couple of hours to produce happiness?
He looked down. The fire was beginning to die away now behind Klee, the grass singed and blackened. She adjusted her backpack, and he said, “Yes?”
“You should breathe,” she said, smiling impossibly wide. “Come on, let’s go! We’ve got fishes to get!”
And then she was gone, dashing off across the plains, and he realised that she was right. In his pursuit of life, in his creation of art, he had not taken a single breath in. He closed his eyes and did as she asked, allowing himself the mimicry of human necessity. Nobody noticed, except her, and she didn’t question it.
In the distance, she turned and shouted, “Albedo! I’m gonna leave you behind if you don’t hurry!”
Packing up his art supplies, he chased after her, thoughts of eruptions in the back of his mind. It was going to be a long day, keeping her from wanton destruction, but at least she’d be happy—and he couldn’t deny that a day spent with her wouldn’t brighten his spirits regardless.
The outskirts of Dragonspine mountain were bitterly cold, the water close to freezing entirely, and yet the moment Klee went beneath the surface, Albedo didn’t hesitate to dive beneath.
It wasn’t supposed to be serious. He’d asked the traveller and her floating companion for assistance in collecting Starsilver for an alchemical recipe, and yet Lumine had shown up on the mountain side with Klee in tow, claiming that she’d been with her when he’d sent word to Mondstadt that he wished for her help, and that she refused to stay behind.
“It’ll be fine!” Paimon had declared in Lumine’s lieu. “Paimon thinks that even if things go bang, at least it’ll be nice and warm!”
“And we can always cook you over one of her open flames if things start looking dire,” Lumine added, looking a little smug.
Klee had been giggling then, but that had been before they’d run into the Lawachurl, before the lumbering beast had picked her up in its great hands and thrown her through the air. Her scream still rang out in his ears. Life born from soil was so fragile, and that was what he’d thought when he’d watched, helpless, as she hit the water and sank beneath it.
He had not thought through his plan, he’d just acted, tossing aside his sword and abandoning the traveller to the battle. The cold had not been a factor in his mind. The fight was forgotten. Miss Alice’s words echoed in his skull, treat her like a real younger sister!
Elder brothers protected their siblings. The traveller had told him stories of her own brother, how she would do anything to find him. She’d also mentioned the Fatui Harbinger who would do anything for the sake of his baby brother, and he knew of Diluc’s loyalty to his own non-blood sibling, how the rift between him and Kaeya had not prevented him from coming to his aid before. Albedo was not related to Klee, but she was his sister nonetheless, and that meant he had to save her.
The water was akin to ice, but his body withstood it, powered by something more than adrenaline. His eyes stung, but there she was, floating lifelessly, a small body so still, and something surged in his chest, emotion that he did not often feel, emotion that overtook his thoughts, his logic.
He wrapped his arms around her, pulling her close to his chest, and oh, she was still a child, still so tiny, with so much power but as fragile as every other being. He thought of the boars she’d taken the lives of that day before his canvas, how she’d ended their existence with the childish joy of an exploded bomb, and he thought of the Lawachurl and its base desire to attack. They were not the same, yet they were; life was inexplicably difficult to understand.
He broke the surface, not choking or hacking, but that was normal for him. Klee did not move. There were no coughs, no groans, no cracking open of her eyes. She was limp in his arms, drenched through and frozen in his arms.
“Klee!” Albedo shouted, the roar of the Lawachurl’s fierce battle with Lumine nearly sweeping away his voice. He kicked his legs to keep them afloat, but he was losing his strength fast, the cold sweeping it away. “Wake up!”
Still, she didn’t move. She hung there in his grasp, and it was then that he realised that she wasn’t breathing. Fear gripped his heart as he dragged her through the water to the snowy bank. He had to hope that Lumine could hold it off without him. He had to hope that there was still enough of Klee left in her body for him to save.
Pushing back his shivers, he laid her on the snow and tipped her head back. Acting on instinct more than thought, he pressed the heel of his hand to her chest, one hand instead of two, not wanting to hurt her with his actions, but wanting to keep her with him through any means necessary.
Usually, he brought things to life through the act of creation, through alchemy, through his paintbrush and his clever mind. This was different. Klee was already living, he just had to keep her that way, and in his experience, keeping something alive was almost always more difficult than giving it a pulse. Practicality and alchemic practices went hand-in-hand, and yet here he was, doubting himself.
He pressed down. One compression. Two. Three. Keeping track of the time between them as Lumine shouted behind him, as the Anemo Archon’s winds whipped across his skin, as the unforgiving bitterness of Dragonspine bit deep into his bones of chalk. Albedo thought of blooming flowers, of exploding bombs, and he thought of Miss Alice and his own chest splintered beneath the pressure.
“Breathe, Klee!” he cried. “Breathe!”
And she did. She choked. Water expelled itself from her lungs as Albedo sat back to give her space. He heard the thump of the Lawachurl hitting the ground behind him, and, trusting Lumine to finish it off, he gave Klee all his attention.
As her breathing calmed, he asked, “Are you okay? Klee, speak to me.”
“Too much water…” she whispered, reaching out her arms to him. “I was scared…”
He knelt in front of her and answered her request silently, pulling her close to his chest as she buried her head into his. Alive. She was still frozen but she was alive.
“Your catalyst,” he said. “Your Vision. Use it.”
Between them, Pyro erupted, warmth in a different sense than her usual explosions. It swept through him and her both, and into his chest, she said, “You rescued me, Albedo…”
“Of course I did.”
And as she wrapped her tiny arms back around him, she said, “Breathe too, please?”
He closed his eyes and did. In and out in time with her, soil and chalk. The oxygen did nothing for him, but it did everything for her, so he followed her lead, this girl full of energy and life, his family until the end.
“Woodland Dream when we get back,” he said. “I promise.”
She held onto him tight, and he listened to her breaths, the cold forgotten, the fear draining away.
He could breathe for her as much as she needed him to.
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azakanas · 3 years
I. Affiliation
This is an Independent Canon divergent Yone rp blog. I have no ties with Riot Games, nor do I claim ownership of the character or game. I simply role play the character I have grown to love and adore for so long. The only things I own on this blog are art I may or may not post unless stated otherwise.
This is my take on Yone. Keep in mind, he can and will hurt your muse if provoked, I won't dull that down. I do not condone his acts. Do not confuse mun with muse. If he is not your cup of tea the unfollow/block button is at the top.
II. Basic Rules
NO GODMODDING! That one is pretty self explanatory and obvious. Just don’t do it. It isn’t fun for anyone.
Tag your content, as i tag mine! ESPECIALLY NSFW!
Don’t send hate/anon hate. You’re just wasting your own time and i simply just ignore and block anyways ^^
Racist, Transphobic, Homphobic, etc. muns are NOT welcome here.
Please cut your posts!
Yes, I interact with OCS but I will not follow everyone.
THIS BLOG IS 18+ meaning no minors. Sorry but I am an adult and at times I do rp and reblog adult content. I also do not want to babysit anyone.
Turning asks into threads are highly encouraged! You don't have to ask!
I have dyslexia and bad anxiety that sometimes trouble reading and understanding and this may come out in my role playing. I try to catch my mistakes before I complete a response but I’m not perfect.
III. Replies
Replies can take a long time as Tumblr is not my main focus. A nudge or poke about our rp is a-ok! I’m so scatterbrained. However, nagging will earn you a block if my warning is ignored.
I usually try to respond to my threads equally, but if I am enjoying a role play thread a lot more I may prioritize it. Do not come at me complaining, I will get to your response when I get time.
Remember, Role Play is a hobby.
IV. Interactions
I am non-selective, this means I interact with anyone and everyone this includes Ocs, & other fandoms. However if your oc has no bio or is just a “big tiddy anime cat girl” I may not interact.
The fandoms I refuse to interact with and block are; mha, homestuck, genshin impact, killing stalking, ybc, mcyt, & danganronpa.
Respect this or leave, experience with those rpcs have made me very uncomfortable. If you like it that is okay, just keep it away from me :)
V. Shipping
I’m a complete shipping whore! Feel free to hit up Yone I ship him with pretty much anything! I love the idea of crack and new ships too. The only things I won’t ship with Yone are underage muses. Gross.
My Yone is bi!
If you're one of those Yasuo/Yone shippers please leave because that's fucking disgusting, please seek help. They are brothers. And I have a zero tolerance policy for it. Those who come to me and try to validate fucking incest get blocked on sight <3
VI. Verses
Be sure to request which Yone you would like or else it default to main! Below are the other verses I have for Yone;
VII. Tags
For aesthetic reasons in my tags of posts I have special tags from Yone’s actual quotes with special text. More tags can be added any time!
ᴅᴏɴ ᴏɴ ᴛʜᴇ ꜱᴜᴄᴄᴜʙɪ'ꜱ ᴍᴀꜱᴋ. ( nsfw )
NSFW is welcomed, this can include sexual themes, gore and violence which all will be appropriately tagged. Any smut I might write will be under a read more. Yone will not just jump into sex with you, that’s where ship chemistry comes into play. I will NOT engage in any sexual stuff with muns & muses -18.
Other nsfw regarding violence, Yone can and will hurt you if you provoke him. You have been warned. More in depth violence can be role played upon request, tagged appropriately. I will not control or kill off your muse without permission. I ask you do the same.
Why haven’t you responded to our thread?
Many reasons could be why, I am getting to yours, I am simply busy, or i could have dropped it if it was no fun or you gave me nothing to work with. I rarely drop threads though.
Why did you block me?
You might have broken my rules, could have been nagging me about responses constantly when i gave you reason, you attacking my friends, anon hate or just being a dick in general. I get enough salt from playing LOL alone.
Do you use icons?
Yes, all credited on my credits page! You do not have to use icons.
Am I allowed to add social medias you link?
Hell yeah, I’m always looking to make new friends.
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Jan. 1st, 2021
100 Days of Productivity Challenge Day 27/100
Good morning! I tried doing my first weekly spread today and there were a lot of hiccups. My boxes aren’t aligned well and my handwriting is a bit wonky. I’ll have to remember to use a ruler next time and maybe a pencil.
I’m gonna pause this challenge, since I’ll be having surgery soon. There’s a few bujo posts scheduled to go up at that time that I’m excited to share. I’ll probably stick to bujo posts until the 2nd semester kicks off on the 17th. By then I should have had enough time to (hopefully) recover and can start posting academic stuff again. Winter break is pretty much going to be me chilling and catching up on things I enjoy that I couldn’t do too much during the semester. I might post some info on what I’ll be taking the next semester but that’ll be near the end of the winter break.
My cats were really on edge today for some reason and have been going at each other non-stop. Nothing’s changed recently, so I have no idea what’s got them riled up like this. They usually get along pretty well with the occasional spat here and there.
I wanted to try out that game that everyone’s been talking about, ‘Genshin Impact’, but it took forever to download on my laptop...T-T. I was really excited to explore all afternoon and evening but guess I’ll have to wait an hour or two for the game to download. I could probably get it on my phone quicker but I don’t really like gaming on my phone all that much. Since it was gonna take a while, I took a shower to pass the time. I already shower before bed but having a second or third shower during the day can be pretty soothing.
The game finally downloaded! It was pretty fun. The controls are a bit weird using a controller but nothing too bad. I think I just need to tweak the controller sensitivity a bit. I played about 2 hours which was about enough time to get a the hang of things. Next time I play it’ll probably be an hour max. With these types of games I like to go one region or big quest at a time.
For dinner I decided to try and make some ‘fancy’ ramen out of a pack of instant ramen. I topped it with a runny boiled egg, spinach, a breaded chicken cutlet, broccoli, cherry tomatoes, green onion and sriracha. It was delicious! It didn’t even take that much effort to make. The chicken and broccoli were baked together, the noodles, eggs, spinach and egg were boiled together (I used a strainer to keep them separate) and everything else just needed to be cut up or was ready to use like the sriracha. All I had to wash in the end was a small pot, a cutting board, a knife and a sheet pan. I’d expected something like this to take a lot more effort but luckily it’s easy to make and has so many yummy veggies! My face is gonna swell like crazy from the sodium though (even with only using half the seasoning packet).
To finish off my day, I caught up on ‘Bob’s Burgers’. I hadn’t seen the 11th season yet so I got through that. I did the rest of my IPL treatment while watching the episodes.
My goal for the day was to do a weekly spread in my bujo, disinfect the cat litter box and finish up yesterday’s IPL.
Here's a quick rundown of my day.
Woke up at 9:30 AM
Made my sibling breakfast
Disinfected the litter box
Wiped down my desk
Worked on my bujo
Cleaned up my desk
Played some ‘Genshin Impact’
Made dinner
Continued yesterday’s IPL, caught up on ‘Bob’s Burgers’ episodes
Washed a load of laundry
Put away laundry
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lori-hime · 4 years
I haven't written much about what I've been up to lately, so here's some word salad updates~ 🥗
NijiGaku Anime
So I started watching the new LL. I hadn't been keeping up with SIFAS' story, but I did read some of it when it first came out. I gotta say, I'm really enjoying all of the changes they decided to make for the anime version of the story, to both the characters and story. It's starting to feel like something coherent. The story in the game was ok, but the main thing that interested me was the interactions with Muse and Aqours, overshadowing the actual "plot" and even Nijigasaki themselves. But the anime really made me interested and excited about the story and characters again. I would be a little annoyed about the personality and dynamic changes, but honestly, I'm used to it by now. LL always ends up doing this sort of thing, and the personalities only seem to become solidified after the anime airs.
A little disappointed in Kasumi's change in some vague ways I don't really feel like describing, but honestly it balances out because Ayumu is fantastic now (previously one of my least cared for of the group.) Yu's personality is surprisingly super gay fun and I'm really excited for her and Ayumu's dynamic in particular. They're so cute. Seriously feel like I'm gonna ship them hard.
I also really like Rina's initial personality in this. Not only is she bad at expressing emotions through her face, but she also seems bad at expressing them through words too. I feel like this is gonna be much more interesting than her already being cutesy and genki like in the promo stuff and SIFAS.
When Karin was first shown, I had mixed feelings. At first I was like oh god I'm gay and she's beautiful. But the whole sexuality flaunting thing kind of put me off for several reasons I don't really wanna get into explaining. I really didn't know how to feel. I started liking her a little more during SIFAS, when she competed against Muse in DDR and lost... started feeling like I was getting a glimpse of her real personality without the whole sexy idol persona. Although not much has happened in the anime with her yet, she's giving me Nozomi vibes and I love it. I actually think if I had gone into this without previous knowledge of the characters, I'd be betting she'd become my fave for sure.
My list has gone from Kasumi > Rina > Kanata / Emma > Karin > Ai > Setsuna > Ayumu > Shizuku to Yuu > Ayumu > Kasumi / Karin > Rina > Kanata / Emma > Ai > Setsuna > Shizuku
Still biased a bit towards characters that have shown up more in the first two eps, so it'll undoubtedly change. But It's really interesting how much the characters I already felt I had good placements for changed so much.
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Edit for episode 3, because I didn't post this fast enough. Student council speedrun was fantastic. Yu continues to be incredibly gay. I wonder how this episode will affect the ships people will gravitate towards. LL has always been a fairly monoship fandom, heavily gravitating towards specific pairs. Of course that's largely the fault of canon itself, often pushing and developing single ships. Well, I suppose we saw a big change with Aqours, though, especially with season two. But even then, the ships tended to stay at least between girls of the same year (aside from my rarepair, shout-out to YohaRiko.) Now, I wonder. From the very beginning, before Yu even had a name, it felt like they were really pushing the shippy stuff @ the viewer. I wonder if that’s still gonna be the angle. I'm not entirely sure how I feel about it yet. I really want to see more YuAyu rather than YuSetsu, but I can't really be mad at more gay content unless they try to make it a DEEP story and then fail to resolve it but haha they'd NEVER do that, I'm sure!!
As for the others... I'm guessing they're gonna push RinAi, KarinEmma, YuuKasu, and maybe YuuShizu? My original guesses were that AiKarin would be a thing, evoking NozoEli v3. But I guess that'd be too predictable a third time. KarinEmma sounds like it could be cute and sweet, RinAi feels like it has adorable potential, and YuKasu vs. YuAyu sounds like it could have some good comedic rival-y potential, given they don't make Kasumi super serious about it and make it really angsty. Not that a cute idol show would ever do such a thing haha!!!!!
Higurashi Gou
Also started Higurashi. I doubt many people know this, but I used to be a major Higurashi fan before I got into Touhou. It was my main "fandom" I guess, even though there wasn't really that much of a fandom to interact with comparatively. Anyway, despite that, I didn't think I'd get into this remake super hard... but I'm really loving it so far. The art style is really pretty and eye candy, and it turns out it's a direct continuation of the story rather than a remake. Very excited to see where it's going, and also to see a lot of my baby Rena again.
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An interesting difference to me as I'm rewatching are my feelings for Keiichi. While I don't hate him, over the years I've really grown tired of the generic male leads (especially in harem anime) like him. Of course, he's definitely not AS generic as they come, or maybe perhaps that's just my bias from when I used to really like him. The me back then found him unique enough to stand beside the girls. Nowadays, I definitely can't say the same. At least he doesn't grate on my nerves as much as most other harem anime protags do, however. I feel like despite lacking the quirks that make the girls so likeable and unique, he still has something going for him... perhaps the fact he's framed as inherently different from everyone else, because he comes from the city, and the way he acts a bit more realistically to the scary things that are happening. Although those things are obviously explained away later, at least for now I still accept him for what he is, old bias or not.
Genshin Impact
Been playing Genshin Impact religiously and loved every second of it. Though I've caught up with the main story content, so sadly it's slowed down. I'd never heard of this game before it came out, so I was absolutely wowed that such a game was f2p. I've heard a lot of people criticizing it because they added gacha in at the last minute, and I definitely understand being annoyed through the pov of someone who was anticipating it. But part of me is still really thankful that the game is free at all. I suppose that full but paid 60 dollar game would still be a better experience, but because of my non-existent budget situation, I may not have ended up playing it at all.
Aside from the arguably shitty monetization practices, however, the game is fantastic. It really is as similar to BoTW as people have mentioned, and I really appreciate that. BoTW, from a gameplay standpoint, is absolutely my favorite game. It's exactly what I want from any given game. So I really appreciated this. The story and characters of Genshin are also really interesting. I really like Qiqi, Venti, Fischl, and Xingqiu, among others. I spent a while rerolling for Qiqi or Venti 5*s, and eventually got an account with Qiqi. Venti on the other hand I've been trying to roll for but sadly haven't gotten. I have 1 roll left before the banner ends, so hopefully.. My friends whaled him for me. I swear I tried to stop them! I owe them my soul...
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HoloLive, Pikamee & Vtubing
I briefly started getting into HoloLive a little while ago. After the Aloe stuff, I started worrying a bit about how the company handles these situations as well as the girls' freedoms and how much of their donation money they actually get.. (I made a post about it a while back.) After a while my worries died down a bit, but then came back full force with the Coco and Haachama situation. After that and one too many uncomfortable sexual jokes, I decided to just distance myself from HL. It's a shame, because I really enjoyed their personalities, but it was making me feel uncomfortable more often than not.
I told myself it’s fine, I’ve got Pikamee if I ever feel like watching vtubers again. And then like a week later... Well, it’s not really something I wanna talk about here, but she made some posts on twitter that made me too uncomfortable to continue watching her either.
On a much lighter note... A friend of mine showed us how to use prprlive and facerig to use the Touhou CB Live2D models, and Asa and I played around with Mokou, Kaguya, and Lyrica’s. It was quite fun, and I do look forward to using the Kaguya one for private streams on one of my servers. I’ve actually always wanted to try out vtubing stuff myself, but not really publicly. Of course, the costs for getting a model drawn and made specifically for me are too much for something I’m not really committing to, so this is perfect. I’m excited~
Touhou Cannonball & Kagura Thoughts
It’s been a long time since I talked about Touhou CB on my blog, and I’m pretty sure I left things on a pretty bad note. Mainly dissatisfied with Mokou’s portrayal for pretty shallow reasons on my part, despite they game having just started and having a lot of room to grow. And grow it did. While I quit pretty early in because of that, Asa decided to take over my account. She realized that it was pretty easy to upgrade any given character you had to a 5* without having to rely much on the gacha. She ended up playing a lot with the goal of upgrading everyone we had. I came back to it around July and actually had a lot of fun with it. The cast had gotten much bigger and we really enjoyed playing on multiplayer. It wasn't the best game ever from a gameplay standpoint, but it definitely had it's charm. The announcement of its death, although unsurprising, came at the worst time. Asa and I actually cried a little when we saw the announcement, ngl. The game had such good, wholesome, Touhouy vibes to it. Nonetheless, we made the most out of the last month or so after the announcement. We played a LOT of multiplayer and had a lot of really cute and good interactions with other players. Near the end, we realized that Lyrica was the only character from the normal banner we were missing, so we grinded like crazy (mostly Asa) to try to get her... we ended up getting a number of 5*s but none Lyrica... she eluded us to the very end. It was quite sad, but how hard we worked for it still felt satisfying somehow. We were able to max out our multiplayer level and complete a ton of goals we wouldn’t have otherwise.
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So after this bittersweet experience with Touhou gacha, and all the scummy things I've been hearing about Lost Word, I've been thinking like... I'm done with Touhou gacha, at least for now. Don't wanna hear anything else about it for a good while. And then the 25th anniversary hits and they announce Kagura. Ugh. Please, give me a break. Needless to say, I'm gonna have to give it a try. Touhou is my life, I love rhythm games, I love Touhou music, and I love character collecting games. And I've been waiting for something to replace SIF gameplay in my heart for a long time. I'd banked my hopes on SIFAS but it's really barely a rhythm game so.... at least now that I've gone through CB's death and seen how cruddy LW is, I'll have lower standards and not get my hopes up too high.
If you got this far, thanks for reading my rambles and have a good day~
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