#// in this universe gabriel is alive and well thank you very much
storiesfabled · 1 month
@empathichearts asked: “POV: I’m breaking into your apartment.”
"It isn't breaking in when you're let inside, Mares," Carlos said with a soft laugh as she stepped aside for her to make her way inside. "You know you're always welcome here, Marina. I'll make you a spare key the next time I go to the store. What're you doing here anyway? Dad go on another one of his tangents at home?"
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moondancer35 · 11 months
Soooo I watched the Miraculous movie.
I have some thoughts.
(Spoilers under the cut)
First, my pros:
1) The animation. Oh my god the animation. It felt too good to be true in all honesty. It took me a minute to get used to it, but once I did, I was in love.
2) The character designs of Adrien, Marinette, and Gabriel are all BEAUTIFUL and so are their hero counterparts. Plagg and Tikki are also adorable and I love them.
3) Ladybug’s yo-yo is gorgeous. All of the gold detail work makes it look so much more alive and charming. I fell in love with the promo featuring it the second it came up on my feed.
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LIKE LOOK AT IT ITS GORGEOUS WHAT EVEN?? If they ever make a display yo-yo that looks like that I’d lose my everloving mind. I love the yo-yo :)
4) Canon footage of Gabriel actually caring about Adrien’s well being??? No way!!! When we saw that hug, me and my friend freaked the fuck out because Gabe was actually being a good dad?? But seriously, the Gabe rewrite was very necessary in my opinion. He shows real, genuine remorse for his actions for one of, if not the first time in the entire cinematic universe and having him regret what he did in the movie was very, very needed. Especially with the shorter run time.
5) Fu is a weirdo and I am living for it. The way he chases Marinette through the street after she saves him is hilarious to me. He was an absolute delight to watch and he managed to make me laugh more than once.
6) The sparring scene on the rooftop? Best scene in the entire movie and I will fight someone if they try to argue with me. You can practically taste LB/CN’s chemistry as the scene unfolds. The way they’re fighting against one another yet still working together?? Ugh. Brilliant.
7) The instrumentation was amazing. All the little motifs and parts tying the music to one another? Absolutely brilliant. I wasn’t a huge fan of the singing, nothing against Lou and SQVARE, it was just jarring to hear the Marinette voice drop. Thank god Bryce didn’t do the vocals for Adrien though I would have cried.
Now, it’s time for my issues (oh boy)
1) The entire movie felt rushed, ESPECIALLY the second act. They should have just committed to 2 hours in my opinion. Just 20 more minutes would have helped IMMENSELY with the pacing.
2) The character designs, overall, were quite jarring. Especially for background/minor characters. Something was always off. There are a few of the design choices that became sort of running jokes with my watch party. (Alya’s eyebrows, Gabriel’s chin and his long hair.)
3) A couple of the character rewrites were great. Some of them? Not so much. My specific gripes are as follows… Marinette falling for Adrien because he helped her up and called her weird. Same goes for Ladybug reluctantly helping Chat up during the fight. They could have done so much more with both of those scenes but they had to be rushed because of the cut run time. Also they butchered Plagg’s character and I am NOT here for it.
4) Most of this movie felt like a montage. It kinda was since they were trying to fit the entirety of the Gabriel arc into an hour and 40 minutes. I keep saying this, but they needed that extra 20 minutes in all reality.
5) I love the fact that the movie belongs to LadyNoir, we needed some good LadyNoir content because we get none in the show. What I don’t love, however, is that Adrien and Marinette didn’t really have any screen time at all. Just showing them interacting a little more would have been nice.
6) They cut The Wall Between Us. This is just a personal bias. I’ve been in love with this song for literal years. I’ve learned how to sing it in French simply because it brought me so much joy. I’m so upset they cut it but I don’t fault them for it. (At least it’s still on Spotify 😭)
Final thoughts:
This requires a bit of a storytime. My sister isn’t that into Miraculous. She watched the movie with me (and one of our friends) last night and she overall liked the movie. She brought up a good point about it though. “I feel like you have to know the show to see the movie but if you’ve seen the show it’s a little underwhelming because you expect it to be a certain way and it’s not.”
I fully agree with this sentiment. The first time Adrien’s name is even said is around 30~ minutes into the movie and that’s not really good storytelling for people who haven’t seen the show. Don’t get me wrong, I absolutely adored the movie, I can tell it’s going to be a comfort film for me. There were just a LOT of plot issues, story inconsistencies, and overall just weak writing. But that’s okay! The plot is really simple compared to the show and that’s also okay! My gripes with the movie are just because I want the best for these silly little animated superheroes.
Overall, this movie will always be a 10/10 in my heart, it makes me so freaking happy that the movie finally released, but if I’m being fully objective it’s gotta be a 7/10. The pacing issues and some of the awful characterization really drags the movie down, but that’s just my opinion.
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adastrafanfic · 1 year
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Ad Astra News - 7/2 - 7/8
State of the Archive
Okay, so listen up. This is important.A lot of people coming to Ad Astra have never been a part of the Ad Astra community back when we were still running on eFiction. They're new authors from AO3, especially, who are used to a certain kind of culture and looking for alternatives to AO3; that culture is often far more passive in its consumption and less interactive in general. While AO3 is an incredible resource, it's not really a fan community. That's not meant as a disparagement; AO3 serves its intended purpose (maybe even too well) of being a place where everyone can safely archive stories. It is not, though, a social platform, nor was it meant to be.
Ad Astra is, by contrast, a community. When you're over here archiving your stories frantically, distressed by what's happening with OTW, you're stepping foot into a place with a very long history that has been kept alive by a relatively small number of people who love it. Who have paid for its survival for years, even when we were broke and literally scraping change together from the core community to keep afloat. Even when we were quiet. Even when we lost two of our own to death by illness. And even when it felt hopeless. We have been, for almost fifteen years, a circle of people -- sometimes larger, sometimes smaller, sometimes just a few die-hards -- telling each other stories and celebrating each others stories around a campfire. This is what you're coming into. So I need you, the new people, to understand that you aren't owed this space. We invite you (general you) into it, and we will gladly -- joyfully -- fold you into our community, but you aren't entitled to this. If you want it to survive, if you want the efforts of those of us who have poured incredible hours of time and money and effort into this just so we could offer it to you for free to continue, then do your part to keep it alive. Celebrate your fellow authors. Write comments. Write recs. Talk on the forums, join a rewatch, host a rewatch. Join the weekly challenge. Get involved. (And, you know, follow my tagging rules and stop trying to sneak around them. LOL! I see you. If it's not useful for universal search filtering, it doesn't belong on the archive and I will cull it with glee. XD) Any fan community starts and ends with its people, not with its platform. I know you like the platform. Now come and celebrate the people, and let us celebrate you, too. Thanks.
Weekly Challenge #10
For this challenge, you get to take a look at a 'turn right' AU. Or left. Or backwards. Pick a canon moment or a moment in the lives of a character, one of your OCs or even just in the universe and explore, in 100 to 700 words, what might have happened if it played out differently. If a different person stepped in front of the disruptor fire. Or if someone had a nightmare and backed out of that assignment. The sky's the limit; interpret however liberally or strictly as you like!
If you post it to the archive, add it to the Weekly Challenges collection with the tag Weekly Challenge: One Reality Over and post a link here in this thread so we can go see!
Challenge ends at 11:59PM Eastern on Friday, July 14th!
Also, a special shout-out to Beatrice_Otter, who was a total MVP this week by compiling about 90% of our Stories Archived section for me while I kept settling in to my new job. For real, she was amazing and thank you so, so much for the help, Beatrice.
Stories Archived
Star Trek: Discovery
by lah_mrh A Light in the Darkness - T - Michael Burnham, Saru, Philippa Georgiou Know You Better Now - T - Ash Tyler/Christopher Pike Yours If You Want It - T - Ash Tyler | Voq/Christopher Pike
by nonelvis It's All We Know Now to Never Go Back - Explicit - Gabriel Lorca/River Song The Winter Festival - G - Gabriel Lorca/Katrina Cornwell War Games - T - Gabriel Lorca/Ash Tyler A Quiet Empire - T - Gabriel Lorca/Michael Burnham
by Pixie Fear of Falling - M - Gabriel Lorca/Katrina Cornwell Soldier or Musician - G - Hugh Culber/Paul Stamets, Sylvia Tilly I can feel the flames on my skin - T - Gabriel Lorca/Katrina Cornwell Dracarys - G - Katrina Cornwell/Phillipa Georgiou
Star Trek: Strange New Worlds
by lah_mrh Waiting It Out - G - Christopher Pike & Una Chin-Riley | Number One by StarryEyes2000 Extra Scenes, Codas, and Other Stuff (SNW Season 2) - T - Ensemble Cast Captain Honorary Dad - T - Christopher Pike, Ensemble Cast
Star Trek: The Original Series
by IDICdreads What If We Could - G - Spock/Christine Chapel There is no pain. - T - Spock, James T. Kirk, Leonard "Bones" McCoy Oh, the places you'll boldly go! - G - Ensemble Cast
by jamaharon Please - Explicit - Spock/James T. Kirk Mating Season (So to Speak) - T - Spock/James T. Kirk Hot Springs - T - Spock/James T. Kirk Care - G - Spock/James T. Kirk Leaving the Table - G - James T. Kirk/Leonard "Bones" McCoy
by lah_mrh Tea and Sympathy - G - James T. Kirk & Spock
by SLWalker Cinderella in a Party Dress - Teen - Leonard "Bones" McCoy/Montgomery "Scotty" Scott Echoes, Silence, Patience and Grace - M - Montgomery Scott (Mirror)
Star Trek: Alternate Original Series
by daraoakwise If Only In My Dreams - T - Leonard "Bones" McCoy (AOS)/Montgomery "Scotty" Scott (AOS)
by StarryEyes2000 Dating Advice - T - Leonard "Bones" McCoy (AOS), James T. Kirk (AOS), Spock (AOS)
Star Trek: The Next Generation
by baktag To Boldly Go - T - Data & Guinan
by intothisshadow [Graphics] Star Trek TNG Wallpapers - G - Beverly Crusher, Deanna Troi
by jamaharon Earl Grey, Hot - G - Jean-Luc Picard/William Riker Death Letter Blues - G - Jean-Luc Picard/William Riker Wild, Wild Young Men - T - Worf/William Riker Odysseus to Telemachus - M - Thomas Riker & Kyle Riker Cat Puberty - G - Data, Geordi La Forge, William Riker Mood Indigo - G - Deanna Troi/William Riker Conjoined - T - Deanna Troi/William Riker, Thomas Riker/Worf Parallels - G - Guinan, Ro Laren Live - M - Deanna Troi/William Riker Phantom Pain - T - Deanna Troi/William Riker A Bridge of Brass - T - Thomas Riker & William Riker Haptics - G - Data/Geordi La Forge Changes - M - William Riker/Data Starlines - E - Jean-Luc Picard/William Riker Noli Me Tangere // Touch Me Not - M - Deanna Troi/William Riker The Enterprise Gets a Sex Change - T - Ensemble Worf's Warlike Battle of the Arms - T - William Riker/Worf Five Times Riker Staked His Claim + One Time Worf Staked His Instead - Unrated - Deanna Troi/William Riker/Worf Five Times Riker Didn't Want to Have Sex + One Time He Didn't Have To - E - Deanna Troi/William Riker Absent in the Spring - T - Jean-Luc Picard/William Riker
by kimaracretak the tidings from our fading sun made me wiser - T - Deanna Troi/Ro Laren
by Pixie Lefler's Law 17 - T - Robin Lefler/Sito Jaxa
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
by jamaharon Just Doing His Job - G - Elim Garak/Julian Bashir
by kimaracretak the sky stirred - T - Winn Adami
by LordRobertBruceScott Star Beagle Adventures Episode 1: The Eye of the Beholder - Teen - Pel, original characters
by Pixie Meet Cute - G - Elim Garak/Morn
By sixbeforelunch Soldiers Were Children Once - T - Quark
Star Trek: Voyager
by nostalgia Where No One Can Hear You Scream - Mature - Kathryn Janeway/Chakotay
by Pixie Morale - G - Tuvok, Tom Paris Kindred - G - Kathryn Janeway & Tuvok, Kathryn Janeway/Tuvok,
Star Trek: Picard
by jamaharon The Drowned Girl - G - Deanna Troi/William Riker Head Like a Haunted House - T - Jack Crusher/Borg Queen Safe and Sound - G - Geordi La Forge, William Riker Nothing Heavier - T - Jean-Luc Picard/William Riker/Deanna Troi Boys Don't Cry - G - Deanna Troi/William Riker
Star Trek: Prodigy
by Pixie Limitless - G - Kathryn Janeway, Tuvok, Gwyndala, Jack Crusher
Expanded Universes
by DavidFalkayn Bellerophon: Into the Unknown - Mature - Ensemble Cast Opening Moves - Mature - Multiple Relationships The Big Dance - M - Ensemble Cast
by Gibraltar The Plebe - NR - Liana Ramirez
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welcometololaland · 2 years
Lola, I just finished Love Game (again) and I have a question!
At first Carlos is so against the idea of buying property in New York and canceling all these viewings and staying at the hotel but at some point he does get an apartment (obv).
What made him get an apartment (tk, duh! 😉), when did he get it?! What’s it look like??? 😂
I wanna know all the things!!! (Could live in the Love Game world forever ❤️)
Yes, you're right. Chapter 2 Carlos is very against the idea of permanency in NYC. You'll recall that he was never actually the one who had the idea/made the decision to move - that was a joint Tío Fernando and Gabriel Reyes call, and Carlos went along with it because he trusted their judgement. However, he never felt that he would be at home in the city, and I think he always had in the back of his head that he would be returning to Austin in the next few years (I think he was praying that Tío Fernando would change his mind) so he never put down roots.
The apartment he has in Brooklyn is a rental - he doesn't own it, and even though I never wrote this, I believe that Carlos and TK lived there until the academy was built (TK moved in with Carlos six months or so after the end of Love Game, but they went for dinner with Grace and Judd once a week - gotta make time for surrogate Mom and Dad). Once they had the facilities to train in Austin and Judd agreed to move back, they gave notice on the apartment and moved to the loft. I think that (post Match Point) once they adopt again, they'll move into a bigger place, but Carlos will never sell the loft because it has so much sentimental value.
As to what the apartment looked like - I could draw it I guess? I did that once for another one of my fics and then my beautiful friend @stardisnightarchive fixed it for me 😂 But in short - I think it's a double floor apartment in an older building (boujee but Carlos is pretty well off due to his success), two bedrooms, high ceilings, white walls, floorboards, a fair bit of natural light from the windows on one side.
The ground floor has an open plan kitchen (with wrap around stone benches) and living area, plus a small bathroom room off to the side and a study nook. Then, there are stairs leading up to the second floor with a carpeted hall and 2 bedrooms, the master has a walk in robe and the big ensuite bathroom with the bathtub, rainfall shower head and the infamous mirror 😏
Also, Carlos has a few indoor plants but struggles to keep them alive with all his travel, so he's constantly buying new ones because he refuses to have fake plants in the house.
Thank you for indulging me!!!
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leatafandom · 10 months
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Well... it's still my birthday somewhere and I finished it! As a gift to myself and anyone who enjoys my Monster Eater Verse, a new part of Kali's Collection is done and up on my Ao3! I do have a little clipping below for your reading pleasure. Please be sure to read the tags listed below chompers. Thank you for the birthday wishes and all the love this verse has gotten since it's beginning. <3
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Kali's Grand Experiment: Anthesteria
Ship(s): Sam Winchester/Gabriel, Non-Romantic Kali/Hecate
Warnings: Gore, Blood, Sexual Violence, Horror Themes, Blood Drinking, Unsafe Sex, Violent Sex
Rated: Explicit
Characters: Hecate, Themis/Justitia, Dionysus, Kali, Sam, Gabriel
Tags: Mythology References, Alternate Universe - Dark, Pagan Festivals, Stanford Student Sam Winchester, Alternate Universe - College/University, Dark Sam Winchester, Witch Sam Winchester, Fallen Angel Gabriel, Gabriel is Loki, Blood and Gore, Sexual Humor, Open Relationships, Established Relationship, Blood and Violence, Blood Drinking, Blood Kink Magic, Blood As Lube, Biting, Eating Each Other, Unsafe Sex, Blow Jobs, Public Sex, Voyeurism, Lesbian Sex, Vaginal Fingering, Vaginal Sex, Sex Toys, Strap-On, Rituals, Drunk Sex, Masochism, Sadism, Schemes and secrets, There Be Plot, Dead Dove: Do Not Eat
Word Count: 8,557
Author Notes: I really wanna take a second to just appreciate you all and for all the love this series has gotten, it really does mean so much to me. I really didn’t think anyone would enjoy this verse when I started posting it. The past few months I’ve been jumping around the timeline and developing some arcs, plot points, and world-building for this verse, but I missed it. Particularly Kali’s Grand Experiment. I really, really wanted more Kali. So because it's my birthday and this is my favorite verse, have some more Cannibal Sam and Loki. I hope you all enjoy my gift to myself and you. It is filled with bits of world-building, powers that will be obtained in upcoming parts, and plots that'll be coming as soon as I finish writing it out. Just keep in mind Kali’s Grand Experiment is closer to Old Secrets, in the timeline, than it is to Hunger Games.
As always, please read the tags; I tried very hard to be accurate. This series features a lot of blood, unsafe sex, and eating people alive. It's just how they roll here.
Summary: There has always been one party that Sam has avoided since meeting Loki, Anthesteria. Despite Loki’s friendship with Dionysus, the two hadn’t returned to the three-day festival since Sam had first attended two years ago. However, this year he would be the Boy King and Kali had plans to be sure that he found it enjoyable. 
Dionysus had recreated his city and decorated it tenfold to honor the old festival, always hosting the three-day event without fail each year. It was the celebration everyone in the upper classes of the supernatural world looked forward to. Perhaps the only being on the guest list, not excited to attend, was Loki's abomination. The holiday had left a sour taste in Sam's mouth, ever since the illegal tribunal had caused both him and Loki to miss the first two days of Anthesteria. This year, Kali and Dionysus had been persistent in getting the pair to attend again, promising the twosome a better experience than the monster eater's first pagan celebration. 
Sam was still skeptical as he packed his own food and drinks to bring to the celebration in their kitchen, unsure if he was happy about the fact that the festival occurred during one of his breaks. The brunette looked over the stacks of containers and jugs and sighed, waving a hand to store them in one of Loki's storage dimensions. 
"Three days surrounded by food I can't eat and them." 
"Don't be such a sour apple!" 
Sam rolled his eyes at the huffing call from the adjoining room. 
"You keep it up, and we're gonna get a hurricane in the house again." The blonde huffed as he rounded the corner into the kitchen from the living room. "Besides, it's not like anything is gonna happen. Themis is presiding and Dino said only Hecate was coming, and she seemed…" Loki's voice trailed off, toying with his lips as the deity searched for a word that wouldn't irritate the already agitated soul.
Sam rose a brow at his pause. "She seemed like, what, Loki?" His voice rang with his heated curiosity. 
Loki's wandering eyes found Sam's again, waving a hand dismissively. "It'll be gravy. Just don't eat anyone." 
Sam groaned, closing his eyes and hanging his head. He shook it, leaning for a moment on the island between them. "Three days," he grumbled, combing his hand back through his hair and straightening his back. 
"We'll have fun." Loki chuckled, bending over the island Sam had been leaning on. "When have you ever been bored with me, my dark cherry?" The deity asked in a jovial sing-song voice, hips swaying from side to side as he bent himself over the marble top, already dressed for the Greco-Roman party. 
Sam tilted his head to the side, a crooked smile hanging on his lips as he looked over the blonde's gold-trimmed toga. 
"Very true," he hummed, his gaze sliding over Loki's toothy grin. 
Continue reading, Kali's Grand Experiment: Anthesteria, here on my Ao3.
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prnanayarquah · 5 months
GAMLS institutes maiden awards for medical laboratory students at UCC 56th graduation ceremony
New Post has been published on https://plugzafrica.com/gamls-institutes-maiden-awards-for-medical-laboratory-students-at-ucc-56th-graduation-ceremony/
GAMLS institutes maiden awards for medical laboratory students at UCC 56th graduation ceremony
The Ghana Association of Medical Laboratory Scientists (GAMLS) has instituted its maiden awards scheme to reward outstanding students at the Medical Laboratory Department of the University of Cape Coast (UCC).
The maiden awards were implemented at the UCC’s 56th Graduation Ceremony held on Thursday, January 25th, 2024 at the University campus.
Dr. Nelson Ekow Kumah, the Central Region Chairman of the GAMLS revealed to journalists that, the award was instituted to honour some of their cherished senior members who have contributed immensely to the growth of the association.
According to him at the regional level, they decided to award MLS. Charles Ampiah and also named the Best Microbiology Student award after him. “Again, the Best Haematology Student award was named after Dr. Mrs. Comfort Nyameba Opoku who is also a retiree. We also have Best Chemical Pathology Student being named after MLS Edward Nii Laryea Odamtten who was the immediate past Central Regional Laboratory Scientist”, he hinted.
Further, he narrated that Best Histopathology Student was named after MLS Fred Dzomeku a retiree of Accra. Best graduating Student in Health Law and Ethics has been instituted in the name of “one of our revered Professors, Prof. Samuel Essien- Baidoo”, Dr. Nelson explained.
Joel Karikari won the Best Microbiology and Histopathology awards while Gabriel Kotan was adjudged the overall Best Student of the College of Health and Allied Sciences of UCC with a CGPA of 3.93. He won the Chemical Pathology Award and the Haematology Award including other several awards.
“The leadership of the association congratulates all awardees and is very grateful to UCC, the Dean of Allied Health and also Prof. Ephraim, Head Of Department for the Medical Laboratory Sciences. Grateful to the leadership of the Association; the National Executive Officers, the National Executive Council, and our President Dr Abu Abudu Rahmani for instituting and sponsoring the awards”, Dr Nelson stated.
One of the awards was posthumously named after Mr. Edward Nii Laryea Odamteng(late). The wife of the deceased Mrs. Elizabeth Odamtten who spoke to the media said “I thank you all very much for all that you’ve done for him. Even though not alive, you’ve still recommended that he should be named after an award. This is a testament that good works pays and we’re highly grateful to the GAMLS for the honour done him”, an elated Mrs. Laryea Odamtten shared.
She however cautioned that those doing well within medical laboratory practice should be rewarded by the association while alive and not when they are dead.
Dr. Comfort Nyameba Opoku who now works for the African Centre for Disease Control and also has an award in her name also spoke to a journalist expressing her amazement at the honour done to her especially when she left the teaching profession long ago.
“I’m overwhelmed and surprised that for the past 10 years, I’ve left the teaching service at UCC and to be called upon that an award has been instituted in my name… I know is the Lord’s doing. The Lord ordained that that’s why it came at a time I least expected it”, an overjoyed Dr. Comfort Poku narrated.
She expressed her happiness and extended her warmest regards to the Almighty God, the GAMLS, both at the National and Central Regional Level, UCC, and the Laboratory School for instituting the Best Haematology Student Award in her name.
The former Head Of Laboratory at Cape Coast Teaching Hospital (CCTH) and the Regional Laboratory Head, MLS Charles Ampiah, now a retiree was also awarded for his eminence contributions towards laboratory practice.
Speaking to journalists after the awards, MLS. Ampiah expressed his happiness for the recognition by the Association “while I’m alive and not wait for me to die before they honour me. I’m so grateful for the honour bestowed on me and I appreciate whatever they’ve done for me”, he stated.
With over 31 years of laboratory work, the former Regional Head of the Laboratory recounted that he is very grateful for the impact made over the years especially those he was able to develop to take up positions within the laboratory “That alone gives me joy and grateful to God”, he emphasized.
Mr. Ampiah however cautioned that brain drain is now affecting the Medical Laboratory Scientists and he would encourage the government to improve their conditions of services as done to most workers within the health services.
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trashyeggroll · 2 years
More Gabrielle Content Please
under the cut: anon giving me what for about the lack of Gabrielle content in all the good!! And I'll tell ya what, well deserved, because I was thinking the same thing, but trying to pretend like it wasn't happening, sigh
Thanks so much for this read!! Lots of good stuff: More about Eve's inherited rites from Gabrielle, even more Gabrielle parenting, Gabrielle dealing more directly with the consequences of Livia's face traipsing all over the city... love 'em!
Hello, I hope you don't mind some Anonymous posting using this link on your page, this request is just too long for an Ask. I know ALL THE GOOD is mainly about Varia and Eve with a side of Xena because they're the most up front personalities and main characters to the story, but would it be possible you think in a coming chapter to work in some Gabrielle content? It's feeling very much like the show in the early years where she was ignored in the name of Xena. Xena is the lead between them I get it, but Gabrielle is still suppose to be an important person to the journey. They're in an Amazonian heavy city yet because of the physical challenges of the gauntlet Xena is getting spotlight time with Varia. Because Eve is her daughter and they have conflict about her actions it's mainly been Xena with Eve, but the thing is Gabrielle is meant to be her other mother also and yet we've gotten no real content with them. Eve is supposedly the next in line to lead Gabrielle's clan because she gave Eve her right of cast but Eve isn't really talking to Gabrielle about what that means and if she wants to pass it on to someone else because she doesn't want to lead she just wants to help people via her new religion.
The blonde kid Varia saw thanks to Aphrodite is totally their kid we know and because Callisto is also blonde most might connect that to her instead of Gabrielle. Gabrielle just feels kind of shafted right now and I understand she's busy trying to lead a city and stop fights from becoming wars, but I really just want to see her and Eve take a moment to walk down the city streets and talk. Let Gabrielle tease her over how she's trying to essentially date her mother because while most see Xena as a blood thirsty ex-warlord she's actually not that alone...let Gabrielle mention the alternate universe the Fates showed Xena where Lycius was alive and Xena was the good guy who knew still how to fight, assuming Xena told her about this! That's kind of Varia - well meaning and tactically smart (still learning here also though so not on Xena's level even when Xena was younger) but violence does follow her; unlike Xena though she's better at controlling it...plus you know there's the black hair and great body elements ha.
Nodding back to season two in this way could be fun because no one knows of this part of the saga except Gabrielle. People have mentioned Callisto in the tags I noticed, if Eve asked about her how does that make Gabrielle feel and has Gabrielle's opinion on her changed any since she saw the real her sans Xena's cruelty changing her? Does Gabrielle forgive Callisto any or still feel her actions are on her especially with regards to Copernicus? I think that was her husband's name but honestly I'm not sure as we did not take that relationship seriously in the fandom! Sorry guy, you were nice but not the one for her even if she only dated men. Callisto examinations understandably mainly run through Xena because she is the flip side to her and the representation of all the harm Xena did when evil but she also effected Gabrielle and how does Gabrielle feel about that? How would Callisto?! She essentially did to Gabrielle what Xena did to her and she doesn't seem sorry for it outwardly; instead of keeping her vengeance to destroying Xena she did hurt some innocent people not always in the name of that goal.
Back to Eve though, the show said Gabrielle had the job as the other parent but we've never seen it. It's always Xena warning Eve of Rome when she was Livia and people saying how she's Xena's and Callisto's daughter but rarely does Gabrielle get recognized; yeah they didn't raise her so there's sadly no memories Gabrielle can really bring up to say "when you were little", maybe she has one but it's the ONLY one given again the short time together, but she has a chance to help guide her now. I just feel for poor Gabrielle because people say she's the second parent but no one seems to respect her much on that front and instead it's constantly Xena and Callisto getting invoked when Eve/Livia is mentioned even though neither had anything to do with the fact that cruelty arguably came straight from Rome. Yes you can say she may have a genetic talent for it given her DNA but Rome is good at teaching violence to those whom they want to have it and Ares screwing with her also sure didn't help I'm sure! I would just like to send you this to express a request for more love for Gabrielle in coming chapters of your awesome story because it feels like she's in the shadows again and she deserves more front and center time given their surroundings especially I feel!
Gabrielle is an Amazonian queen and the head of the queens it sounds in this story and the Amazons hate Xena and Livia so I'm kind of surprised Gabrielle hasn't broke up more fights involving people with them or explained how that's not who they're now. If someone from Rome sees Eve and whispers "Livia?!" how does she use her bardic skills to calm the fear in her child like she would try to balance her wife when people said she was just evil still and refused to let her help until it was almost too late? Can she calm Eve when she's blinded by anger the same way she miraculously calmed Xena when Xena wanted to kill the The Horde people simply because of history between them and they handed her one of her rare losses; does she accept her solution to fix the bigger problem leaves Eve angry like Xena was and she'll just wait until she's ready to talk to her again like Xena eventually did post "The Price"? I realize now I could have done an Ask to say MORE GABRIELLE IN ALL THE GOOD PLEASE, but this explains a little more why I feel the need to send that so again hopefully you won't mind this. 😁
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ravennm84 · 4 years
Marinette Family Court Reveal
After the overwhelming resonse I received from Marinette Family Court Circus, how could I not write a sequel? This story focuses more on what was going on with the class and what they’re seeing on the news. There will be some salt coming, so have a glass of water on hand. Anyways, Warm-Fuzzies and please enjoy!!
The class was in a state of shock. In the span of 24 hours, there was so much joy and tragedy. Gathered at Alya’s apartment, they watched TVi news as Hawkmoth and Mayura were unmasked as Gabriel Agreste and his assistant, Nathalie. The class was in an uproar for a while, wondering if Adrien had been involved.
Lila shed tears, real ones, at the loss of her modeling job and the chance to keep Adrien as a trophy boyfriend. Now, he was useless to her. Anything to do with him would be toxic to her reputation, her only chance was to use her tears and claim that she’d had no idea that he was involved in such things. That he must have been trying to use her to get close to her mother to have international backing. Luckily, her classmates were such sheep that no one questioned what she said. They just comforted her, even ignoring the announcement of Adrien being exonerated of any charges, beyond a reasonable doubt, a few hours later.
The following day in class, Mme. Bustier came in and announced that not only had Adrien been pulled out of school for his own safety, but Marinette would not be attending for a while. “I’m afraid that she was in a terrible accident and has been put in the hospital.”
“How bad?” Alya asked, standing from her chair.
“She’s alive, but I’m afraid that her parents and grandmother were killed in a fatal car accident.”
From there, gossip flew all around the room. How bad had it been? How hurt was Marinette? Do you think the accident was Marinette’s fault?
They weren’t sure who asked that question, but it brought up other things. How she’d been acting strange the past few months. The way she’d distanced herself from everyone in class. How she’d been bullying Lila when she thought no one was looking. Always calling Lila a liar even though she had no proof. It was clear to everyone that she was a troubled girl, but the idea that she’d caused the accident and killed her parents and grandmother? That didn’t seem like the girl they knew.
Still, they weren’t sure. So, no one really reached out to her in the hospital. No one called or went to visit to see if she was alright. Except Lila, she put the fear of her bully aside and went to check on her, only to call Alya crying an hour later.
“I don’t understand why she hates me so much.” Lila sobbed on Alya’s couch and the spectacled girl rubbed her friend’s back. “All I did was tell her that I was worried about her, but she yelled at me and told me to get out of the room. But I can’t blame her. I think she’s just scared.”
“Of course she’s scared, she just lost her family-”
“No, she killed her family!” Lila stressed, looking freaked out. “She admitted it to me, like she didn’t think anyone would believe me! She said she distracted her father while he was driving and caused the crash since they were starting to get wise to how she really is, and that her grandmother was just ‘collateral damage’. I didn’t think anyone could be so cruel!”
Alya was in shock. She hadn’t thought that Marinette, someone she used to think of as a friend, would ever do something like that. Especially to her own family. But… Lila had never lied to her, why would she start now? “Do the police know about this?”
Lila shook her head. “I’m not sure. But I do know that she’s talking to a lawyer, she’s probably going to get her inheritance and disappear before anyone figures out what she’s done.”
“Don’t worry, girl. I won’t let her get away with this.”
“What are you going to do?” Lila asked, her voice trembling.
“Whatever I need to do to get justice for Tom and Sabine.”
To say that the reaction Alya got from the Paris Police Department when told them that she had a source that Marinette had killed her family in order to collect her inheritance and disappear… it hadn’t been well received. Officer Roger came to the interrogation room personally, seeing as how she was in his daughter’s class, as Alya sat with her extremely angry parents.
“Do you want to explain why you just tried to file a false police report?” Officer Roger asked her.
“It’s not false! I have a source.”
“And who might that be?”
She hesitated at that, Lila had begged her to keep her name out of it. “I’m not really comfortable saying.” 
“Then how exactly did this source of yours, gain this information?”
Thinking it over for a moment, she decided that was okay. “It was someone that visited Marinette, she admitted to my source that she purposefully distracted her father while he was driving and caused the crash.” When Officer Roger looked even angrier, she knew that must have been right and he didn’t want to admit that he’d been wrong.
At least…
“Mlle. Cesaire, as this has been made public knowledge, allow me to tell you exactly how wrong your source is. Firstly, Tom Dupain was not driving the car, Gina Dupain was driving. As for Marinette causing the accident, that’s also untrue. Street cameras confirm that four university students ran a red light and struck their car. The driver of the other car even confessed to having been drinking and causing the accident.”
Alya was in shock. Tom hadn’t been driving and Marinette hadn’t caused the accident… that would mean…
“Hate to break it to you Mlle. Cesaire, but whoever your source is has lied to you and caused you to be charged with filing a false police report.”
All the way home, Alya’s parents were scolding her for even thinking that Marinette could do such a thing. “She has always been such a good friend to you, and don’t think we don’t know about all the times you had Marinette watch Ella and Etta while you went off on dates with Nino. I bet you never even offered to pay her for babysitting the girls, did you?” Her father snapped as he parked the car outside their apartment building.
“And what about all the dresses and handmade gifts she gave you, some for no reason at all. Did you ever even thank her for those? And still, you accuse her of killing her entire family and almost getting herself killed for money? Why would you ever believe that?”
Seeing no reason to keep it to herself anymore, she told them. She told them how Marinette seemed to change when her new friend, Lila, came to school. How she had been calling her a liar just because she was jealous about the glamorous life she lived, the celebrities she knew, and her crush on Adrien. How she kept on accusing Lila of lying and faking injuries, even to the point of hurting her when Marinette threw a napkin at her and strained her sprained wrist. And then, when Marinette had been expelled, how she had accused Lila of being behind the whole thing.
When she was finished explaining, she thought for sure that she’d convinced her parents. Then she saw the looks on their faces.
“Alya, at any point, did you ever look up any of Lila’s claims?” Her mother asked in a slow, even voice.
“Now you sound like Marinette!”
“You do not talk to your mother like that!” Her father snapped before taking a deep breath to steady himself. Even without Hawkmoth around, it was difficult for people to express themselves as they used to. “Alya, I want you to take out your phone and look up any articles that have to do with Jagged Stone and Lila Rossi.”
Realizing how upset her parents were, she did what her father told her, knowing that she would find the proof in a couple minutes and they would see that Marinette…
Her phone read 1 result found: the Ladyblog.
Confused, she looked up any connection between Lila and Bruce Wayne. She said that she was practically a member of the family and that she and Damien Wayne were…
1 result found: the Ladyblog
Her hands were beginning to shake as she did her search for Lila and Tony Stark, that had to be true! She had talked about meeting him over video chat in class and how they’d talked about…
1 result found: the Ladyblog
Search after search, it was all the same. Lila and Clara Nightingale, Lila and Prince Ali, Lila and XY, Lila and the Avengers, Lila and Ladybug: 1 result found: the Ladyblog.
“I-I don’t understand?”
“Did you, at any time, check your sources before posting them?” Her mother asked, but Alya didn’t answer. She’d thought that Lila’s word had been enough, but… “This Lila girl has been lying to you, and apparently she’s been bullying someone who you used to think was a real friend. You should be ashamed of yourself.”
And she really was. She’d turned on Marinette, accusing her of being a jealous bully that had killed her own family, all on the word of a liar. So when her parents grounded her and told her that she was to shut down the Ladyblog, she didn’t argue. The blog was so full of lies that she would never be able to use it as a credible source for work experience in the future, if she even had a future in journalism anymore.
The next day at school, Alya could barely lift her eyes to meet anyone around her. Her mother said that she should be ashamed, and she was. She was ashamed, mortified, depressed, and all together hating herself after spending the entire night thinking of all the cruel and terrible things she had said to and about her former friend. She wasn’t going to delude herself thinking that she and Marinette could ever be friends again, she didn’t deserve her after throwing her aside for a bunch of fake stories and glittery lies.
But there was still one thing she could do. It wouldn’t make things right but it would probably be something Marinette would have done if she could have. So Alya got to class early and connected her laptop to the overhead projector. When everyone, barring Adrien and Marinette got to class. She got down to business.
“Everyone, I’ve got something very important to tell you, it has to do with Marinette.” She could already hear the murmurs around the classroom, Lila must have messaged them the lies while she’d been at the police station. “I want to start by saying that we have been misinformed. After speaking with the police and doing a ton of research, I can say with close to 100% certainty that Marinette never bullied Lila and that Lila has been lying to us since she got here.”
Before Lila could say anything, Alya brought up her first powerpoint slide. “I did a search last night on all the connections that Lila’s told us about with Jagged Stone, Clara Nightingale, Bruce Wayne, Tony Stark, Prince Ali, and many others; and they all came up the same thing” The slide showed a screen shots of her searches, showing the only result being the Ladyblog. 
“Lila also told me the other day, how she went to visit Marinette and she confessed that she distracted her father while he was driving to cause the accident and kill her family so she could collect her inheritance.” Alya switched slides to the news article on the accident. “Yet the police report, traffic cameras, and witnesses all claim that to be false. Marinette’s grandmother was driving. The other driver admitted to running the light and causing the accident. And seeing as Marinette has never hid her dislike of Lila, it’s highly doubtful that she would even let Lila into her hospital room, let alone tell her something like that.”
The class had been staring at the slides in a state of shock until Alya finished speaking. Then all of them were whipping out their phones to do their own searches. Lila looked to be in a state of panic, unsure if she could bring anyone back to her side after showing all this evidence and everyone suddenly looking things up themselves.
“Oh, and Lila,” Alya said in a slightly sweet voice that made the italian glare. “So you know, my parents grounded me when the police charged me for filing a false police report after what you told me. They also decided to call the embassy to talk to your mother directly. I hope you at least get into as much trouble as you tried to do to Marinette.”
The girl didn’t want to stick around to find out, she was about to run out of the class but Mme. Bustier entered a second later and told everyone to take their seats. Lila tried to get herself excused multiple times, but the teacher just said “I understand that you must be upset by everything that has happened, but please know that you don’t have to leave the room to cry. This is a safe place again, and we are here for you.”
Before Lila’s 4th attempt to be excused, M. Damocles’ assistant knocked on the door and said that Lila was required in the office. The girl shot Alya an if-I-could-kill-you-now-I-would look before gathering her things and stomping out of the classroom. Alya hoped that she would never see the girl again. 
Then just before lunch, Markov came on and alerted everyone that the news was talking about Marinette. Mme. Bustier turned the projector back on and plugged Markov in. Sure enough, there was Marinette, looking much worse for wear. She was in a wheelchair with her right leg and arm in casts. They could see cuts healing on her exposed skin and she was much more pale than the last time they saw her. But what really caught the class’ attention, was what the bar read at the bottom of the screen. “Custody battle between Stark, Wayne, and Stone”.
The camera switched from Marinette to Jagged Stone. “Tom and Sabine were like family to me, some of the most rock’n’roll folks I’ve ever met. When I got the call saying that they were gone and Marinette had no one else, all I could think about was being there for the rockin’ little lady. She is the kindest, smartest, and most talented girl I’ve ever met. Whatever it takes, I’m going to do what I can to help her.”
Then the camera went to Tony Stark. “Tom Dupain and Sabine Cheng were the kind of people others should strive to be; they stood up for what was right and let you know if you were wrong. I was on the receiving end of their lectures more than once, and they’re probably one of the reasons why I put on the suit over and over again. They helped make me a better man… and now they’re gone. I can never repay them for how they helped me, the least I can do is try to give their daughter a safe environment to heal.”
Finally, the camera came to Bruce Wayne and his sons. “I know the pain of losing one's parents when you’re young, it’s not something I would wish on anyone. But I had a support system when I was young, one of those people was Gina Dupain, a wonderful woman that forced me to see that there was still good in the world. She passed that goodness and strength to Tom Dupain and was lucky enough to find a good woman like Sabine. The fact that they are gone from the world… all I could think when I heard of their passing was how dark the world would become without the three of them. But there is also so much goodness in their daughter, Marinette. If I can have the opportunity; I just hope that I can do for Marinette, what Gina did for me.”
When the camera switched again, it came to Nadja Chamack, who looked a little teary eyed. “This story has been admittedly difficult for me to remain objective, as I know… knew the family personally. I do agree with Jagged Stone, Tony Stark, and Bruce Wayne in saying that Tom, Sabine, and Gina were wonderful people and it is a great loss that they are no longer with us. TVi news will continue to follow this story as it develops. Back to you, Alec.”
Mme. Bustier’s class watched the news in total shock. They’d had no idea that Marinette knew Tony Stark and Bruce Wayne, but how could they have forgotten that she knew Jagged Stone and Nadja Chamack. Hell, Alya had even watched Manon with her more than once. 
All the things Lila had promised them, Marinette probably could have done and more. She could have introduced Kitty Section and Nino to Jagged Stone and given them an in to the music industry. Computer programming and robotics for Max, there was no one better known in the industry than Tony Stark. Business and charities, an introduction to Bruce Wayne could have done wonders for Chloe, Sabrina, and Mylene. If Alya had even asked while they were still friends, Marinette may have asked Nadja if they were offering any internships at TVi for her. And even if her former friend didn’t have any obvious contacts in sports for Kim, or art for Alix and Nathaniel; with the way her name was getting out there with her fashion designs, she’d have probably made connections within the next few years.
A look around the room told Alya that the class was thinking the same thing. If they had just listened to their friend, instead of calling her jealous. If they had looked into a single thing Lila said instead of blindly following her. If they had even just gone to visit Marinette in the hospital rather than leave her alone during the hardest time of her life… No, they had no right to ask anything of her and all of them knew it.
Later that day, just before school let out for the day, Markov alerted everyone that Marinette was leaving the courthouse and the little robot was reconnected to the projector. What they saw was Marinette giving a small smile, her lawyer looking relieved, and the three men smiling fondly at the teenage girl. When the reporters started firing questions at them they were silenced when Marinette raised her good arm and motioned for everyone to calm down before pointing to Nadja.
“Has the judge come to a decision on the subject of custody?” Nadja asked, pointing her microphone at Marinette. Only to be answered by her lawyer, the bar listed his name as M. Contere.
“Mlle. Dupain-Cheng and I have presented a proposal to the judge, it has yet to be finalized but I will say that it holds potential.”
Marinette pointed to another reporter, who had been politely raising his hand. “Mssrs. Stone, Stark, and Wayne seem to be in high spirits, does this indicate that the final decision will allow for all parties to have interactions with Mlle. Dupain-Cheng?”
M. Contere kept a straight, professional face, but everyone could see the happy crinkle at the corner of his eyes. “Although I cannot, at this time, comment on the specifics of the proposal, I will say that it is in the best interests of my client.”
Marinette chose a young girl who looked a bit overwhelmed but smiled gratefully. “This question is directed to Mssrs. Stone, Stark, and Wayne. What kind of accommodations are you planning on making if receiving custody?”
The three men shared a look before smiling at the young reporter. 
“Anything Marinette will need to heal and make a future for herself,” Bruce Wayne began.
“And probably a bunch of things she’ll say she doesn’t need, but will end up giving her anyway, since she deserves everything.” Tony Stark smiled down at her, earning a you-better-not look from Marinette, and caused a few reporters to chuckle.
“All of us here see this rockin’ little lady as family, these custody hearings will make it official. I can say with great certainty that, no matter what the judge decides, myself and these two men will do everything in our power to help her in any way we can.” Jagged said, as he placed a gentle hand on top of Marinette’s head.
M. Contere pointed at a different reporter this time, and was visibly surprised by the question. “There has been a rumor going around that Marinette purposefully caused the accident to collect her inheritance, any comment?”
The three powerful men that were standing behind Marinette became visibly upset and Marinette began to cry. Before Jagged Stone, Tony Stark, or Bruce Wayne could advance on the reporter to demand where he had heard such a claim, their lead lawyers stepped forward. The intimidating force that the three of them exuded was enough that all of the reporters took a few steps back.
“That question is a blatant falsehood that was founded by rumor, not facts,” stated the Stone lawyer in a cold voice as he stared down the reporter who asked the question.
The Wayne lawyer continued, speaking clearly so no one would mishear or misquote what was said. “As stated in the police report and other sources, the accident was caused when a group of university students failed to yield at a red light and struck the Dupain-Chengs’ vehicle. The driver has already pleaded guilty to charges of DUI, three counts of vehicular manslaughter, and vehicular assault.” 
The camera panned over to Tony Stark’s lawyer, as he finished speaking quietly to the three men before turning back to the camera. “These comments have also come to the attention of the Paris Police Department, as someone attempted to file a false police report on the matter. After a brief discussion with Mssrs. Stone, Wayne, and Stark, they have agreed to work together, along with the PPD, to find the source of these rumors and see the individual brought up on charges of slander, harassment, and defamation of character; among other charges.”
“No more questions,” M. Contere said as he and the other lawyers escorted their clients away from the courthouse. The reporters tried to ask more questions, but were met with icy looks and ‘no comment”.
Alya couldn’t help but smile at that. After school, when Officer Roger came to pick up Sabrina, she would tell him exactly who her source was. She would tell who her “source” had been and all the things she’d said about Marinette since she’d started attending school. She would show him all the recordings on her blog before it was shut down and send him video copies of Lila’s interviews as evidence. If she was lucky, Lila would also be charged for slandering Jagged Stone, Tony Stark, and Bruce Wayne; as well as Marinette.
Again, Alya knew that this wouldn’t fix her friendship with Marinette, but it was also the right thing to do. And for the first time in a long time, she was going to be on the side of good.
@whydoexamsexist  @geekydragonyt  @thornalchemist23
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artzychic27 · 3 years
An akuma with reality powers, The Artist Family and the canon Art kids (maybe the other classmates too) meet each other
Their reaction? Chaos?
Another day, another Akuma for the Malevolent Miraculous team
This one is named Alterna, and they’re a scientist who got Akumatized because their alternate universe theory was rejected
They have the power to open portals to other dimensions
While fighting, Alterna grabbed Black Widower’s whip and used it to ensnare the team before flinging them into a portal
Once they land, they find themselves... In Paris? Only, something feels off, very off...
Since there doesn’t seem to be any danger, they detransform
They look around while getting weird looks from people. (Imagine the ‘Going into town’ scene form the Addams Family 2019 movie)
Nathaniel Artist: Everyone’s dressed so... Conformist. *Sees a magazine with Adrien on the cover* And what happened to Adrien’s new look?
Rose Artist: Is this one of the universes where his dad is a jerk?
Alix Artist scares off a few people by throwing a brick through a few car windows.
Marc Artist: Alix, don’t be rude. Let the others have their turns.
Manon approaches Marinette Artist and asks why she’s wearing dark colors
Marinette Artist: Manon, you know I despise all colors.
A few more minutes of walking, and they see Marinette Dupain-Cheng running to school
Marinette Artist: *Checks her watch* School has begun three minutes ago. She’s not very punctual, is she?
The Artist Family follow her to the alternate DuPont to see what’s going on, then they bump into Mme. Bustier, who was making her way to the teachers lounge.
Mme. Bustier: Marinette? But I just... I saw you, all of you in the classroom. And Marc, shouldn’t you also be in class?
The Artists rush to their respective classrooms and find their alternate sleeves, much to their shock
Nathaniel Kurtzberg: ... What the fuck?!
Nathaniel Artist: I could ask the same about your outfit. Must you insult my eyes with such a color combination?
Chloé: Ha! You just got burned by yourself, tomato head!
Marinette Artist: At least he doesn’t go out looking like a clown gave him a makeover.
Chloé: I’m telling daddy!
Marinette Artist: Yes, let your father get involved with petty teenage drama. That will get him more votes in the upcoming election. Now silence.
Marinette Dupain-Cheng: ... Thank you, me?
They explain what happened, (Leaving out the part about them being superheroes because this universe’s Lila will no doubt run her big mouth to Hawkmoth who they’re sure she’s working for), and the art club is not sure how to react
Alix Kudbel: So we’re basically the Addams Family?
Lila: Oh! You know, my great great grandfather actually inspired Chauncey Addams to create the Addams Family!
While the class eats it up, the art club and Artists just glare at her
Marinette Addams: It’s Charles Addams, idiot.
Lila: Oh, you guys hate me too? *Cue bitch crying*
Juleka Artist: *Waves a skull in front of Lila* Luxor, nexor, burst and burn!
Lila: What’s she doing?
Juleka Artist: Just a curse that will make your pants burst into flames every time you lie.
Lili: *Whining* Why are you all trying to hurt me?! I never lie! *Her pants bursts into flames and she runs out of the school before she’s left in only her underwear*
Alya: *To her Marinette* My sincerest apologies.
Suddenly, screams are heard, followed by Mme. Mendelive and her students running past the classroom. Marc Anciel and Artist walk into the classroom while being trailed by a clutter of spiders
Marc Artist: Well that was quite rude, wouldn’t you say?
Marc Anciel: In their defense, spiders are a little... Horripilante.
Nathaniel Artist just stands there, trying very hard not to kiss the alternate version of his boyfriend and wondering why his alternate self isn’t going kissing his Marc madly with passion
The Artists explain to the Art Club during lunch about their situation and tell them that they’re Miraculous holders in their world, much to Marinette’s shock since she’s never heard of the Malevolent Miraculous
The art club let their alternate selves stay with them until they can figure out a way to get back, but Nathaniel and Marc Artist insist that they stay together
Alix Kudbel and Artist volunteer to let them stay with them. (Cuz they ship ‘em!)
Marinette A is stunned to see her alternate parents, and when they welcome her with open arms since her own parents were always so distant.
Even when she shows her dark nature, they still treat her like family. She tries very hard not to show any emotion
When they’re alone, Tikki and Screech reveal themselves. Tikki explains that there are alternate realities with different Kwamis with similar powers to the Kwamis they’ve alternate versions of. Screech is her alternate self
Marinette A questions why Marinette DC’s Ladybug suit is so skintight and insists that she change her suit which Marinette DC doesn’t mind doing
Marinette A tells Marinette DC about her boyfriend, Damian, confusing DC a bit. What about Adrien?
Marinette A: Adrien wasn’t able to satisfy my needs. Yes, he’s quite attractive, but I needed someone who could keep up with me, worship me, be my love servant and follow me into the underworld.
Marinette DC: ... So who’s this Damian?
Nathaniel K insists that Nathaniel A spend some time away from his Marc so they can talk without them making out every five minutes
Nathaniel A: How is it that you have not gouged out your own eyes?! Your Marc is miles away from you, and you believe you have the right to live?!
Nathaniel K: ... We call each other.
Nathaniel K is starting to regret letting his alternate self live with him since he keeps starting fires! He had to hide all of the matches and anything flammable. And if that’s not bad, Chompp keep chewing on his sketchbooks
Once all of the fire causes were hidden, they bonded over their love for painting and sketching
Nathaniel K: So, your paintings are actually cursed?
Nathaniel A: Very much. One caused the mayor to stumble down the stairs and stay in intensive care.
Nathaniel K: *Thinking of all the ways he could torture Chloé and Lila with his art* ... Teach me.
Marc Anciel is trying not to scream every time one of Marc Artist’s spiders crawl on him, not wanting to seem rude
Marc Anciel: *Shudders* Oh, and that’s a black widow in my hair.
Marc Artist: They’re my favorite. It’s why I chose the name Black Widower.
To release some of the tension, Marc Anciel suggests they read each other’s writing... He will not be sleeping for a while after reading Marc’s Artist’s stories. He asks why his alternate self wrote eulogies for his Nathaniel
Marc Artist: I want others to know of the love we shared together before he’s put to rest. And who better to write my love’s eulogy than the one who knows him best? The one who has loved him, tangoed with him, stabbed his heart.
Marc Andiel ignores the last part and actually considers writing Nathaniel’s eulogy.
Alix K and Alix A are having an awesome time together
Alix A and Duuo throw grenades which Alix K dodges while skating until Alim tells them to do this away from the museum
They outrun the police, prank Kim by putting itching powder in the pool, and watch their Marcs and Nathaniels make out
It’s all fun and well until Alix A meets this universe’ Jalil. Her Jalil sold her out since there was a reward to turn her in, forcing her to run from the authorities and she’s never forgiven him
Jalil K assures her that he’d never do that and reminds her that family always comes first. Alix A is resisting the urge to cry and instead lights a firecracker in his jacket
Juleka A CANNOT stop staring at her alternate self’s Luka. She can actually see his face and body. And he can talk!
Luka: Hey, are Marinette and I a... Thing where you’re from?
Juleka A: She has two hands. Soon to be three when she takes Damian’s in marriage when they’re of age.
Juleka C and A bond over their love for the macabre and witch culture. She even teaches her a few spells to use against Chloé and Lila if she ever shows her face again
They work! Chloé broke out into a terrible rash, and all of Lila’s pants are on fire
Rabbid also may or may not have chewed up the rest of Lila’s clothes, forcing her to spend all of her money on new clothes
Rose A tries to get used to her alternate self’s love of bright colors and Disney movies, but it’s a struggle. So, she exposes her to the darker side of Disney.
Rose L is horrified but also a little excited.
They do a dark Disney marathon and watch all of the movies Disney tried to hide from audiences.
Rose A even changes up Rose L’s look so she looks like a badass punk Princess, which gives Juleka C a slight nosebleed
Rose L is still her bubbly self, but now also has a love for the darker things in life
The Artists stay in this universe for three more days, starting another goth trend in the alternate Paris by giving Adrien a makeover, introducing Marinette to Damian via pen pal program, teaching Nathaniel and Juleka how to curse their enemies, setting Lila’s clothes on fire a couple more times, introducing Marc to a more gothic style of or writing & Rose to a punk style of clothing, and teaching Alix all of the stunts she’s never even thought of doing that involve explosives
They also have a little fun with Nino and help him pursue his dream of traumatizing Gabriel Agreste
This involves chloroform, a coffin, and a walkee talkee. Gabriel is forced to listen to Nino’s voice for 12 whole hours, telling him to be a better dad to Adrien, fire Lila, and to give him $1000 dollars
Gabriel gives Adrien more freedom, fires Lila and burns all of the magazines with her face and name in them, and gives Nino $1000 dollars. Then he passes out
Nino: *Hugging the Artists* I... I love you guys so much. I don’t ever want you to leave. You have made me the happiest man alive!
Then Alterna shows up
Adrien: Hey!
Nino: I’m just kidding... Not.
The Artists and Marinette transform. The Malevolent Miraculous team are shocked to see Chat Noir but are even more shocked when they immediately recognize him as Adrien
They’re able to defeat the Akuma even though Lila (Who’s being a brat because she got fired) keeps interfering by whining about her broken leg, this time in a skirt. (Loophole) And she keeps trying to snatch their Miraculous whenever she gets close to them
Jaws: *Uses power to make his teeth sharper* Keep crying and I’ll give you a real broken leg. *Lila shuts up and lets them work*
They defeat Alterna, and Ladybug and Nocturna use the Miracle/Malevolent cure to remove all of the portals opened by the Akuma and put people back in their respective dimensions
They start to disappear and head back to their dimension as the Bats and Ladybugs swarm around them
Nino: NO! TAKE ME WITH YOU! *They disappear* DAMNIT!
Alya: You have them. *Points to the Art Club*
Nino: Can they murder Gabriel or frame him for a crime?
Juleka: We can try. There’s six of us, one of him. Nathaniel and I now know how to curse people.
Nino: I’m in!
Alya: And while you go ruin Gabriel’s life, I’m gonna go kill Lila.
Back in the Artist’s Dimension!
Juleka Artist: Are we back? Is this our dimension?
Nino: Oh, thank God you’re back! Gabriel was starting to gain consciousness again and Adrien is becoming suspicious. I think he knows I’m keeping him in my basement.
Marinette Artist: *Sighs* Yep. This is our place.
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judyhopps934-mt-zd · 4 years
Thoughts on Miraculous New York: United Heroez
Warning: Spoilers! I am back! Also, this is my 700th post, so yay!
The new intro is so cool! I stan! Will it be the same for the Miraculous World Specials (ie. Shanghai)??
Mr. Pigeon? Akumatized for the 51st tims?!?!?!?! I thought he moved on from pigeons and went with rats?!?! (Timetagger anyone????)
The Spacesuits! So cool! (By the way, its the purple potion).
Ladybug and Chat Noir are very autonomous, trust connected from their bond, and super efficient! (You will see where this comes into play later on.) Ladybug could have not gotten a better partner than Chat and she says this herself.
The rose scene after defeating Mr. Pigeon! I loved it so much and its better than expected!
Oh Marinette, didn't you say you have moved on from Adrien? I think her heart has yet to catch up with her brain, which takes time. Time will tell...
Tikki is visibly annoyed with Marinette saying she will move on and yet act like she still has a crush on Adrien. First of all, that is the fandom's mood. Second of all, be patient. Time will tell...
The sock puppet film was adorable. And apparently famous in NY amongst the Queens students (thank you Zag for including another NYC borough!)
Miss Bustier is pregnant?!?!? Wait...IS SHE IS MARRIED?!?!?!? Whether she is married or is seeing someone, this is still shocking (unless her prefix in the French version is Mrs.)
Poor Mrs. Mendeleiev. The class was less than satisfied with her being their chaperone. I know she is not the fun teacher, but she still has feelings and I know she is a nice person. People tend to judge and despise teachers based on them being fun or not, which is unfair. But karma comes after the class since throughout the trip, she becomes the teacher they think she is. What? She could have been fun.
Lila was not welcome in New York to begin with. At least she won't be causing any problems on the trip (though I wish she went to Antarctica).
Marinette has done more for Adrien in this episode than in all three seasons when she promised him that she will find a way to convince Gabriel to go to New York. I guess her deciding that he is "just a friend" has allowed her to do more for him than beforehand.
But she still collects pictures of him, so we will keep quotations on "friend". Or we need to give her a break (Alya I am looking at you). We'll see as we go on.
I am happy Nathalie is alive, though I am not happy with the fact that she showed Gabriel the Eagle Talon Miraculous. And he plans to go to New York. And that this is the only reason he lets Adrien go to NY.
Speaking of which, the Miracu-class showed up to his place, with Marinette being the spokesperson to yell at Gabriel Agreste's freaking face. Good for you Marinette for fighting against Gabriel. Though you did not have to put up a long fight, which while shocking, is also worrisome.
Adrien was understandably sad to not be able to go to NY. Kagami seems happy about it though. Maybe too happy...
Yes, I know that Kagami and Adrien are potentially dating (Battle of the Miraculous ending anyone? *sobs in Adrienette stan*), but it still pains my Adrienette stan heart though when she kissed him.
Of course Chat Noir will be sad to see Ladybug go. But she brings this cute cat buzzer and seeing him play with the buzzer was adorable. Ladynoir anyone?
Adrien is stuck with this dilemma: NY or Ladybug? Poor sunshine boy was shocked to hear this news. He initially chose Ladybug and wanted to stay and alert Ladybug about the new situation, but Plagg was like "FREEDOM! GO AFTER IT! BESIDES, YOU CAN USE YOUR SPACESUIT TO RETURN TO PARIS IN THE EVENT OF AN AKUMA!" Seemed like a good plan...initially. (Plagg, I am after you...sorta).
Of course Marinette will miss the bus, but Luka?!?! They either trying to remind me of Miracle Queen or Luka is superhuman for being able to show up to her place and peddle so fast that they caught up with the bus. Pains my Adrienette heart once again to see her kiss him, but he does have a point about her needing some clarity in NY.
Then we have the plane scene. Poor Marinette was panicking over sitting next to Adrien (really now universe?!). There was more to the scene: from the AC trouble to the seat reclining at the wrong time to Adrien placing the luggage in the compartment (not in that order exactly). It was somewhat cringeworthy then seeing that Marinette went to swap seats with Mrs. Mendeleive (though she only did it when Alix whined).
Note to self: DO NOT SIT NEXT TO MR. DAMOCLES IN AN EIGHT HOUR FLIGHT. He is not very conscious about personal space as he took over Marinette's seat when he was asleep and woke Marinette up. And sleeping with a bucket of popcorn? Really?
If anyone has ever been on a plane, turbulence is common, and Marinette's experience with the Bathroom is very relatable. That's why I only go in an emergency.
Adrienette watching a sunrise! (Or sunset? They are not too clear on this, especially since they arrive at the hotel at night, but everyone was asleep on the plane). And get this: Adrien complimenting Marinette and hugging her tightly! (Just a friend now, huh sunshine boy?)
Alya and Nino are a mood when they say that they love their friends, but they wish that they could express their love to each other (Operation: New York).
Alya, did you really have to tell Marinette that NY is the city of love? Thank you for making her feel even nervous.
TechnoPirate and the United Heroez everyone! (By the way, Alya needs a chill pill because she was WAY too excited to be rescued by the United Heroez. And the Owl Mr. Damocles? Really?!)
Note to everyone who does not live in NYC: no, there is not a superhero for every job.
Ladybug and Chat Noir are exceptional superheroes, but Marinette and Adrien cannot open or walk through automatic doors, which is funny and kind of sad. Peoples, your saviors of Paris.
Sabrina has her own story peoples! She is given her own love interest from Astoria! I love them! And how he invited her to the rooftop party.
Alya, do you really have to tease her and Marinette at once. "Maybe you will make a "friend""
Aeon, I agree: Marinette and Adrien are made for each other. But you sound like Master Fu in Stoneheart. Are you secretly Master Fu???
The feeling is mutual Chloé. Marinette and Alya do not want to be your roommate as much as you don't want them to be yours. And I know you do not want to be there in the first place (my city is beautiful btw).But I am happy you did not rat them out for going to the rooftop party.
When they hid from Mrs. Mendeleive, Marinette and Adrien ended up in Jess(Sparrow) and Aeon(Uncanny Valley)'s room.
Magic hotdogs!
Remember the Hotdog Scene I posted over a week ago? That really was Adrienette and it was better than before, with them floating up and dancing to the song from Despair Bear! Yes! Best scene so far!
Doorman! I want him to be my college professor!
Okay, I know I am desperate to see Marinette and Adrien get together, but really Alya, Nino, Jess, and Aeon? Put them in DANGER?!?!? I cannot.
So Marinette and Adrien are put in danger and actual danger. Danger: Jess and Aeon simulating a dangerous situation. Actual Danger: Hawkmoth in New York having akumatized TechnoPirate and make him break into the museum to get the Eagle Talon. Oof.
Then where my Ladynoir heart wears off: Ladybug and Chat Noir seeing each other in NYC to save their civilian selves. They have seen Paris being destroyed by a sentimonster, with Chat supposed to be there and call Ladybug.
Uncanny Valley and Sparrow see Ladybug and Chat Noir in action and decide to be like them because they do not have that same freedom. Look, I feel them, but I still think they should have called for the United Heroez. Plus, cool transformations!
Remember the whole thing about "autonomous, trust formed by their bond, and super-efficiency"? Yeah, that was Sparrow saying that. But Ladybug and Chat Noir are now currently lacking the last two because of the whole "Chat you are supposed to be in Paris" ordeal. Well, you are generally right Sparrow, but now they have their own issues.
Of course, the new lack of trust (and Ladybug making her anger verbal) has affected their ability to fight TechnoPirate inefficient. So much Chat cannot defend himself and while trying to free himself...
HE CATACLYSMED UNCANNY VALLEY!!! This took a dark turn as this is the first time he cataclysmed a "person" (though she is an android, but still a person by standards. I mean Majestia was understandably very upset and I get it).
Majestia punching TechnoPirate into multiple NY buildings: woah.
Ladybug manages to fix everything, but two problems arise:
1. Knightowl wanted to take away their Miraculous and reveal their secret identities. They are now somewhat fugitives in their eyes for almost killing Uncanny Valley.
2. We see the limitations of Miraculous Ladybug. While Ladybug repaired NY, she was unable to repair Paris and the damage caused by the Robostus sentimonster. Which not only indicates that the Miraculous Ladybug cure only repairs the damage created by a specific villan, but that they have to be present. Here, there were too late.
Here is where my Ladynoir heart shatters: 1. Marinette sobs over how she was unable to repair Paris and felt horrible about how she failed them, and 2. Adrien renounced Plagg because of what happened to Uncanny Valley AND for disappointing Ladybug. Then, he runs off and Marinette sobs over losing Chat Noir. It was very sad that I wanted to cry.
I know this part is still very sad, but can I say that Tikki and Plagg are cute together in Marinette's purse? Poor timing? Moving on.
Aeon and Jess are disciplined by Majestia and Knightowl for disobeying their orders and for straying from their mission: protect the French class.
Are Majestia and Knightowl together in their civilian life? And Aeon and Jess are sisters?!?! I stan.
Here's the thing: I like how the special stayed true to this part of the Miraculous Comics. There, we find that Knightowl is a woman (which you can find out from this scene or at the end). And i just stan her relationship with Majestia.
Also, how dare the writers forget the Miraculous Comics! Sure, they might be different entities, but still: how dare they let the United Heroez forget about the power of the Miraculous Cure! I know that Chat Noir should be more careful about his cataclysm and Majestia has a right to be upset, but still: they had a deadly plan set in the comics to defeat a villan and called on Ladybug to cure the millions of dollars in damage. But hey, to each their own.
Also, somewhat unrelated, but Julerose appeared in the beginning and I am here for it!
Gabriel kidnapped TechnoPirate and akumatized him again while giving him the Eagle claw jewel to liberate people from their fears or other factors. Oof.
The kwami for the Eagle Miraculous is relatable. We would all wish we had our previous owner and fear about our power going into evil hands, right?
Now back to Adrien and Marinette, my heart breaks to see Adrien having to go back to Paris because Gabriel delcares NY as "too dangerous". YOU ARE THE FREAKING DANGER THOUGH! YOU MADE TECHNOPIRATE DANGEROUS AND RELEASED HIM FROM DANGER!
Marinette decides to go after him, but falls over from the bike she borrowed due to the rainwater as she begs him to stay.
And peoples, the moment we waited for three seasons (sorta): Marinette finally utters the words "I love you" when referring to Adrien. Too bad he got too far for him to hear her.
Also, who was going to get her off the road when she broke down? Is that her form of closure?
The United Heroez are now under the Liberty Eagle Miraculous' influence, which made them go haywire. Huh. So Jess and Aeon now have to save them with the help of the French Superheroes!
So Aeon was able to uncover that TechnoPirate is akumatized and using a Miraculous through her scanners. I stan her!
Also, she was able to recognize Marinette is Ladybug and Adrien is Chat Noir. And we have a reason to explain why everyone is blind: there is a quantum mechanism in the suits that makes them unrecognizable when compared to their civilian form in the eyes of humans. She can only figure out their identities since she is an AI android. So our theory about everyone having a reason to be blind is correct AND we can cut everyone else some slack. Please.
Marinette confessed that she needs Chat Noir. This was what we wanted to hear after all that has happened: what she said in the beginning, but now in the most genuine form. I have no words other than that this is heartwarming and heartbreaking.
Adrien was worried over Ladybug's disappointment, but Uncanny Valley is amazing in the sense that she recorded Marinette's genuine words, which inspired him to come back.
Plagg, you literally make light of everything. He literally made faces in front of Uncanny Valley because she can't see him. I can't.
Ladybug and Chat Noir's reunion healed and broke me. It was so emotional as Ladybug expresses how worried she was and how she missed him and Chat explaining while admitting his mistakes.
Time to take down TechnoPirate while using Doorman's powers to take the Eagle Talon and freeing everyone. The fight scenes are epic per usual, this one especially.
TechnoPirate counting down the time was alarming, but also funny as he makes light of it.
Hawkmoth, you would have been to blame for the World War III because of your ultimatum, not Ladybug and Chat Noir.
They missed the countdown, but Majestia stops the rocket and sends it to the sun. What the hell?! What if the sun exploded?!?!?!?! (I dunno? It was an atomic bomb for starters?)
So TechnoPirate is defeated and the United Heroez apologize for misjudging our Parisian superheroes and decide to no longer treat their children like kids.
So Paris for the first time in forever needs to undergo actual reconstruction, but Nadja is somewhat forgiving as she mentions that they needed to help the United Heroez and save NYC, where Hawkmoth also was. Hope there are no hard feelings?
Marinette had the idea of having the banner saying hello to Adrien, which he watched on the plane. So nice of Marinette the class to do such a nice thing for him.
Chloé, we might have somewhat forgotten that whole Miracle Queen stunt, but I am glad to see you enjoyed NY even if you will not admit it.
There are more Miraculous around the world. At the end, we need to fear Hawkmoth. Also, there are more Miraculous guardians and I am glad to see Jess convince one of the Guardians to create a new team of next generation superheroes
Overall, the New York special did not disappoint. We got Adrienette and Ladynoir (even if we know that Lukanette and Adrigami are also a potential reality, though good news for the shippers). We also saw the New York superheroes. Though there are some points that really surprised me (ie. The Ladynoir trust fight and Uncanny Valley dying temporarily and Paris being destroyed), I enjoyed watching the special.
I am worried about the Love Square, especially with Marinette though, but that is for another post. To sum up, we know what happens in NY stays in NY, but since the season 4 synopsis mentions Marinette struggling to find time to tell Adrien her feelings, I think that the Love Square is not 100% dead, but I am not too sure. Oh well, let's leave that for tomorrow.
I stayed up for another hour or so, so I will sign off. In the meantime, go ahead and watch it on an Instagram Page or on Disney Channel or wherever you can watch the special because I will tell you this: you will not regret it! (I watched it twice and will watch it again tomorrow!)
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Rating: G
Summary: When Marinette has to cook for her family reunion, Adrien offers to help. Only one problem: he has no idea how to cook. With Plagg's help, Adrien proposes a Disney-inspired solution that will either keep him from making a fool of himself, or backfire terribly. (Spoiler alert: it backfires terribly.) A university-aged Adrinette reveal fic.
Word Count: 6437
“Plagg, what am I going to do?  I don’t know how to cook!”  Adrien pulled at his hair as he paced circles around his apartment.
Plagg, meanwhile, lazily hovered with his paws crossed behind his head.  “Maybe you should’ve thought about that before you tried to swoop in like some kind of superhero.”
“I am a superhero.”  Not that it mattered, because his superpower was destruction. Maybe his Lady would’ve been able to help Marinette cook dinner for her family reunion, but Adrien was … well.  Even though the cat miraculous didn’t actually make him more disaster prone, he had enough bad luck in the kitchen on his own.  He’d survived on spaghetti and takeout since moving into his own apartment this semester.
“Why don’t you just tell her you can’t do it?  Something came up.  You fell headfirst into a pool of cream cheese.  You got zapped by an akuma and all your hair fell out.”
“That hasn’t happened in at least a month.  Besides, I can’t flake out on Marinette.  She needs me.”  He stood up straighter.
“What she needs is someone who won’t turn soup into an explosive.  What about your friend Alya?  Isn’t her mom some kind of chef?”
“She’s out of town for Christmas.  Nino too, or I’d ask him to help me.”  Did he know anyone else who could teach him how to cook in one night?  Kagami was back in Japan, Chloe wouldn’t touch an oven to save her life, Luka was on tour with XY… Ladybug was pretty much his only friend still in town.  She would probably be willing to teach him, but on their last patrol she’d mentioned she’d be busy the next few days with her own plans.
“You need to get some more friends, kid.”
“It’s kind of late for that,” Adrien murmured.  Too many people in his classes were more interested in the Gabriel name than in him.  Besides, he might not have made a lot of new friends, but he’d gotten much closer to Marinette and his old friends now that he had more control over his schedule.  
“Well, as your very first and best friend—”
“Chloe was technically my first friend.”
Plagg glared.  “As your first and best friend, I will help you for the low low price of two wheels of Camembert.”
Adrien stopped pacing.  He only realized he’d ended up in the bathroom when he caught a glimpse of his reflection.
“Wait.  You know how to cook?”
Plagg scoffed.  “I’ve been alive since the dawn of time.  I’ve picked up a thing or two.”
Adrien raised an eyebrow.  “You also thought that my blender was a jet tub for kwamis.”
“Okay, so you humans have invented some fancy new gadgets since I was last out, big deal.  I still know more about cooking than you.”
Unfortunately, he was probably right.
“Alright.  Deal.”  Adrien held out a finger, and he and Plagg shook on it.
“Alright, loverboy, let’s get cooking.”
“No, not like that!  What are you trying to do, knock someone out with that thing?”
“At least I wouldn’t do it with the smell!”  Adrien instinctively waved the frying pan in front of his nose, and the burned remnants of roux glopped out onto the tile.
“Coward.  It’ll taste good once you put it all together.”
Adrien wasn’t convinced.  But then again, he hadn’t followed Plagg’s instructions exactly.  Plagg never gave him quite enough time to pour the ingredients in the pan or measure the spices with the little spoons.  
“I wish you’d be able to help me while I’m there.”  Adrien sighed.  “I’m going to forget all of this as soon as I leave.”
“You can’t be good at everything, I guess.”  Plagg shrugged.  “You can still always call your girlfriend and say you gave up.”
“She’s a good friend.  We’ve been over this.”  He’d promised not to call Marinette ‘just a friend’ on the grounds that she deserved better than that.  But she still wasn’t his girlfriend.  Which was fine, so why did his stomach sink slightly?  Probably just nervousness about the task ahead of him.  
“And I’m not giving up.  What if you just … hid in my hair and whispered advice?”
Plagg tapped his chin.  “Maybe if you wear a hat …” A grin suddenly split his tiny face.  “Hey, what if you wore that ug—uh, that beret Ladybug gave you?  You know, from your fan club?”
“Great idea!”  Adrien bolted out of the bathroom and towards his closet.  He wore the hat every once in a while—its ridiculous energy was too good to leave hidden like it had been in lycée.  He made a special point of wearing it to every meeting with his dad, though he did feel a little bit nervous of wearing it around Marinette.  She was in their university’s design program; she’d probably think it was tacky.
Oh well.  He’d probably been tackier around her before.
“You sure you’ll fit in here?”  Adrien squinted at the underside of the beret before pulling it over his hair.
“Looks cozy enough to me.”  Plagg slipped under, and Adrien felt him shuffle around. Unfortunately, his voice was too muffled for Adrien to make out after that.
“Blegh.”  The kwami scrambled back out and scraped his tongue with his paws.  “Your hair tastes like shampoo.  I can’t talk without getting a mouthful of it.”
“Guess that isn’t going to work …” He pursed his lips as he adjusted the beret.  “It’s too bad real life isn’t like Ratatouille. You could just tug on my hair and do all the cooking for me.”
Unless …?
“Oh no, don’t give me that look.”  Plagg crossed his arms.  “That’s just a movie.  Though it would be nice to show you what it feels like to get dragged around for a change …”
“It’s worth a shot, isn’t it?”  Adrien didn’t really think it would work either, but Plagg was magic.  
“Fine.  But I’m upping my price to three wheels.”
Plagg slipped back under the beret, and Adrien felt a tugging sensation on his scalp.  But nothing seemed to happen.
“Guess that was a pretty dumb idea,” he admitted sheepishly.
Then green light crackled from his ring.  
His arms flung into the air.
“Ack!  Plagg, did you do that?”  
Adrien heard a muffled cackle from under the hat.  Then his legs started walking towards the refrigerator.
“Okay, so this is … working?  This is working!”
Plagg missed a few times before guiding his hand to pull open the fridge.  Of course, his next step was to reach for a wedge of Camembert and hold it up to his head.
“The sweet taste of victory,” Plagg said while popping out to swallow the wedge whole.
“More like the rotten taste of old cheese.”
But Adrien still grinned.  However Plagg had pulled off his puppeteer trick, Adrien wasn’t going to make a fool of himself tomorrow.
“Adrien!”  Marinette threw her arms around him as soon as she opened the door.  “Thank goodness you’re here. My parents just called and they got a last-minute order and—eep!”  She sprung back, her eyes wide as she stared at his beret.
“Come on, it’s not that bad.”  He rubbed the back of his neck, trying not to feel embarrassed.  Marinette wouldn’t judge him based on what he wore.  “It was an old gift.  I like that it drives my father crazy.”
Plus, Ladybug had hand-delivered it, but she probably didn’t care about that.
“W-well then, it’s perfect.”  She grinned too wide.  “I just don’t think I’ve ever seen you in a hat before.”
“You’ve definitely—”
“Anyway, no time for that!  There’s only five hours before Uncle Wang gets here. Nonna is already at my parent’s, and my other grandma and grandpa are coming for the first time since Mom moved here.  Not to mention fourteen of my cousins I’ve never met and their parents!”  Marinette rushed towards the small kitchen, which was already full of steaming pots and used pans. She threw on her pink oven mitts and pulled a tray of golden-brown pastries out of the oven.
Adrien swallowed.  Marinette’s kitchen might look like a war zone, but she clearly knew what she was doing.  What if he just got in the way?
“How did you end up in charge of the food?”  he asked while throwing on a mint-green apron from inside the pantry door.  Her great-uncle was a world-class chef, and her parents owned a bakery.  Her grandpa Rolland had even taught mice how to bake.  
“I’m not in charge.  I just need to help a little since Uncle Wang is running late, and the reunion starts tonight, and Grandpa won’t bake anything in bulk because ‘that’s not how it’s done’’—she used a gruff imitation of his voice—“and my parents have so much bakery work to do. I’m just trying to do what I can.”
She sighed as she stirred a pot of wonton soup.  “Unfortunately, I can’t do a lot.”
“What are you talking about?  It looks like you could feed an army with all this.”  
He carefully dodged Marinette as she scrambled in a drawer for a fork.  She tested the rice noodles boiling behind the soup, then grimaced and slumped against the counter, fork nearly slipping from her fingers. Her hair was falling out of her bun, and flour smudged her pink apron, contrasting with the splatters of dark sauce.
“I hope so.  There’s just … so much to live up to, you know?  Everyone on both sides of my family cooks.  And now I have to merge styles from two different cultures in a way that will please everyone …”
Her gaze swept across the counter, where dumplings and quiches, brothy soups and thin crêpes—even ratatouille, ironically—lay in various stages of completion. The savory and sweet fragrances somehow melded together in harmony.
“I know I can’t understand how hard that must be. About trying to bridge two different sides of your family, I mean.  But you’re amazing, Marinette.” He stepped closer to her and brushed a streak of flour off of her cheek. “You’ve already worked so hard on all this; I can’t see how anyone wouldn’t love it.  May I?”
He gestured to a spoon sitting in one of the soups, and she nodded.  He raised it to his lips and sipped the tangy broth.  A bit of crunchy bamboo shoot added texture to the savory liquid.  He didn’t want to eat too much—it was for her family, not him—but if it weren’t for that, he could’ve downed the whole bowl.  He could practically taste the love and care she’d put into it.
“See? Amazing.”  He grinned.  “Just like the rest of the food we’re going to make.”
At least, the food she made would be amazing.  He just hoped that what he made with Plagg’s help would be edible.  And not offend her family.
Her lips parted before curving into a smile.  “Right.  Thank you, Adrien.”
She paused, staring for a moment, until one of the shallow pots started bubbling over.
“Ack!  The filling!”
She rushed to switch off the burner and remove the lid before sighing loudly.  “I think it’s still alright.  Now I just need to fold this into the dough …”
“Can I help with that?”  he asked, feeling like a rock in the middle of a river as Marinette flowed between the cooking stations around him.
“Huh?  Oh—um, why don’t you work on filling the crêpes instead?  This baozi is a Chinese dish, and it’s my first time making it by myself.  Not that I don’t appreciate the offer!  You were so sweet to come at all, and—”
“Marinette.”  He squeezed her shoulder gently, wishing he could relieve some ot the tension there.  “I’ll do the crêpes.” 
She let out a breath.  “Thanks.  I was going to do a pear-hazelnut filling, if you’re okay with that?  The pears are in the bottom right drawer of the fridge, and the hazelnuts are on the middle shelf in the panty.  All the spices are up there.”  She pointed to the cabinet above the sink.
“Sounds perfect,” he said with the fake confidence he usually saved for his modeling jobs.
Before he could ask for a recipe, she went back to work, leaving him to his own devices in front of a stack of unfilled crêpes.  A mixture of the rich smells and his own nerves started to turn his stomach.
“Are you ready, Plagg?”  he whispered, adjusting his beret.
In response, his scalp twinged, and then his hand rose and formed a thumbs-up.
“Well, here we go.”  He cracked his knuckles.  
He rinsed out a pan that it looked like Marinette had previously used for some kind of stir fry.  That wouldn’t be a problem, would it?  It looked like every other pan in the apartment was in use already.  
Marinette didn’t stop to correct him.  Then again, she seemed to be in ten places at once, adding spices and stirring and adjusting dials and rummaging through cupboards, all in between filling her baozi.  Watching her work was so mesmerizing it was almost too easy to ignore his own job.
Until Plagg started tugging his hair again, anyway.
This is going to be weird, he thought while Plagg directed his hands to chop the pears.  He was pretty sure he could’ve done that himself—he didn’t want his kwami chopping off one of his fingers.  But resisting at this point would just increase his chances of accidentally getting stabbed.
Besides, Plagg was fast. He diced the five pears in the time it probably would’ve taken Adrien to cut up one.  Granted, he also left a juicy mess on the counter, but it sounded like they were on too much of a deadline to worry about that.
Plagg tossed them into the pan, cores and all.  Adrien frowned at that.
“I hope you know what you’re doing,” he muttered.
“What?”  Marinette asked from where she was stretching out dough.
“Um, nothing!  I just, uh, talk to myself while I cook.”
“Oh, me too.  I was just trying not to do it in front of you.  You know, in case I sounded crazy.”  She laughed, seeming to release a little bit of tension. “I think I picked it up from my mom.  She always says the steps out loud as she does them so she doesn’t forget which one she’s on.”
He smiled at the image of her doing this with Mrs. Cheng.  “Did you cook with your mom a lot?”
“I don’t think I’d say a lot.  I was pretty busy in lycée, and I didn’t appreciate her culture as much as I do now.  I wish I would’ve learned more.”
“It looks like you learned a lot if you can put all this together.”
She brushed a strand of hair behind her ear.  “Thanks.  That means a lot.”
He retrieved the hazelnuts and tossed them into the pan.  She still had her back to him, the baozi taking up most of her attention.  Should he ask her to check his work so far?  Plagg didn’t hesitate to nab some spices from the high cabinet and start sprinkling them into the pan.
“Wait—not that one!” he hissed, trying to drop the shaker that read chili powder before Plagg could add it.
“Adrien?  Is something wrong?”
He spun, quickly shoving the container behind his back.  “No!  Everything’s just peachy—er, pear-y.”
She giggled at his joke, even though it had to be one of his lamest puns yet.
“Okay, but you can let me know if you need help.  Sorry I just kind of threw you into this.”  Her arm gently brushed his as she dialed back the heat on the noodles.  “Um—is there a reason you’re holding chili powder?” 
“I was just moving it so I could reach the, uh…”
Plagg helpfully directed his arm towards a different spice.
“... garlic salt?”
Marinette blinked, and he hastily shoved the garlic salt back, selecting cinnamon instead.  He should’ve known that trusting the kwami who liked eating rotten cheese would be a mistake.
“You’re so funny, Adrien.”  She laughed again.  “But, um, you might want to double check your pears.  I think some of those still have the cores in them.”
His face flushed.  Thanks a lot, Plagg.
He picked out the cores with a pair of tongs, hoping that his kwami wouldn’t try to take over again.  Adrien might be bad at cooking, but at least he wasn’t going to try and poison Marinette’s family.
Unfortunately, he didn’t have much idea of what to do next.  He’d turned the burner on high, and the pears were starting to sizzle.  How did nuts cook?  That didn’t make a lot of sense to him.  He probably needed something liquidy to go with them, right?
Aaaand the pears already smelled like they were burning.  He quickly flipped back the knob while he searched for something to turn into a sauce.  Milk?  That would make it nice and creamy, right?
He grabbed the half-gallon from the fridge and splashed a bit into the pan.  Drops splattered the counter, and he winced.
That was when Plagg again decided to take over.  Adrien grit his teeth as he selected the block of muenster from the cheese drawer.  That definitely didn’t belong in the crêpe filling, but Adrien couldn’t get him to stop without making a scene in front of Marinette.  Who would then wonder why he was yelling at himself, and either think he was insane or find out his secret identity.  Both of which would be unacceptable.
He growled, hoping Plagg would get the message.  If he did, he didn’t show it.  At least Marinette didn’t hear over her own soft humming.
The sliced cheese went into the pan, plopping wetly in the milk.  Maybe the finished product would surprise him, and cheese and pears would create a tasty sweet-savory combo, and Marinette would be super impressed by his originality, and she’d invite him over to cook with him again, and they’d make a cute romantic dinner together …
He banished that daydream before he could think too much of it.
By that point Plagg was using his arm to whisk the milk and melting cheese together.  The pears and hazelnuts had settled to the bottom of the pan.  He frowned as the whisk failed to unstick them.
“This isn’t working,” he said under his breath.  “We might need to start over.”
He swore he could hear Plagg’s irritated sigh.  But the kwami jerked the pan up, taking it towards the sink.
“Hey, what are you—Plagg!”  he shouted before he could stop himself.
Plagg dropped the pan in the sink, spraying hot milk-cheese-pear slime all over the backsplash.  And all over Adrien’s apron.  
And, most importantly, all over his face.
“Adrien!”  Marinette dropped her unfinished dumpling back on the counter.  Filling spilled out as she rushed to his side.  “Are you okay?  What happened?”
He hurriedly tried to splash cold water on his face, but spilled it more down his shirt than anything.  She offered him a damp hand towel, which was much more helpful.
“I’m so sorry.”  His face still burned, but not from the hot food.
“It’s okay!  Accidents happen—trust me, I would know.”  She smiled before her eyes widened.  “Oh no, your beret!”
“What?”  He slapped his hands to his head, prompting a tiny yelp from Plagg.  So he was still there.  Under his hat.  Which was still on his head. Phew.
“It’s got milk on it.” Marinette reached up like she intended to take it off.
“No!”  he shouted, and she stepped back, startled.
“S-sorry!  I just thought I’d help you clean it off, since it seems so, um, important to you.”
“I like it with the milk on it.  It adds, uh, character?”
He heard Plagg snicker from beneath the beret.
“Are you sure you’re okay?”  she asked.  “If you need to take a break, or, um, get a new shirt … n-not that I want you to take off your shirt!  Uh—forget I said that.”
She shook her head, and more strands fell out of her bun.
He frowned down at his shirt.  Unfortunately, the splatter had made it under his apron, and his shirt was pretty gross.  He even felt a slimy pear sliding down under his collar.
“I’m okay,” he said.  “Finishing all the food for your reunion is more important.”
“No, don’t worry.  I can handle it.  Just having you here to keep me from freaking out has helped more than you know.”
She took the towel back from him with a smile.  Frankly, he was still surprised she wasn’t angry with him.  He’d come to help, and all he’d done so far was waste her time.
“I’m really not bothering you?”  he asked, rubbing the back of his neck.  Bad idea.  His hands were still a bit wet and sticky.
“You could never bother me, Adrien.”  Her cheeks pinked before she turned back to fiddle with the soup.  
“Really?  I thought …”  He bit his lip, remembering how many times he’d startled Marinette before.  How many times he’d seemed to make her uncomfortable, or awkward, or … he wasn’t really sure what.  There had always been something keeping them apart, no matter how close they became.
Maybe it’s just your little crush, Plagg would’ve teased.  Thankfully, he wasn’t going to talk while trapped under the beret.
“Thought what?”  she asked once she’d added some seasonings to the soup.  
“I thought I’d be your last pick for cooking help,” he said, which wasn’t quite a lie.  “I didn’t want to tell you, but I … well, I don’t really know what I’m doing.”
Best to just admit it now, rather than after he’d ruined her family reunion.  
Marinette blinked before covering her mouth.  “I’m so sorry.  I should’ve known you probably never cooked at your house.  And here I am just asking you to throw together a crêpe filling!”
“It’s okay!  I’m the one who’s sorry.  I should’ve told you, I just … I wanted to impress you.”
Maybe he shouldn’t have admitted that much.  He was sure he heard Plagg laughing from under his hat.
“You … wanted to impress … me?”  She pointed to herself, as if there was anyone else in the kitchen he might have been talking about.
“Is that really so surprising?”
“Uh—yeah, actually.” Marinette stared at him like he’d grown a second head.  Plagg hadn’t peeked out, had he?  “I might be able to cook, but you’re good at everything.  Fencing, basketball, Mandarin—which took me ages to get halfway decent at—not to mention you’re drop-dead gorgeous—”
His heart stopped.  Her eyes nearly bulged out of her head.  
“I mean—you’re a model; of course you’re gorgeous!  It’s literally your job.  I bet people call you gorgeous all the time.” 
“Not when I’m covered in slimy food, though.”  He grinned.  She thought he was drop-dead gorgeous!  Maybe he hadn’t made too much of a mess after all.
“Well—you would be a lot more gorgeous if you took off that stupid beret!”  She pointed at his head.
“W-what?”  He pulled it down over his ears.  “This is my emotional support beret.  I can’t take it off or I’ll cry.”
“Why did you have to pick that one, though?  It’s so—I don’t know!” She gestured vaguely.  “It looks like a fourteen-year-old made it!”
He pouted at her.  “Hey, be nice.  It was probably fashionable in Brazil at the time.”
It did look pretty silly, but that was its appeal.  Fashion-savvy Marinette probably wouldn’t understand that.
“R-right.  In Brazil.”  She shook her head.  “Why do you like it though?”
He blushed.  Aside from spitting in the face of the Gabriel brand, it also reminded him of the day Ladybug had appeared in his room.  That serendipitous event had never happened before or since.
“How embarrassing does it sound if I say my old crush delivered it to me?”
“Your—your crush?”  She blinked.  “But then—you had a crush on Ladybug?”
The soup started bubbling again, but she made no move to quiet it.
“Of course I have a crush on Ladybug.  I’m pretty sure all of Paris has a crush on—wait, how did you know Ladybug was the one to deliver it?”
Marinette’s face went pale.  “I—um, well, I … I think the soup is burning!”
She rushed to stir it again, but Adrien caught her hand.
“Wait, Marinette, please.”  His heart beat faster.  He’d never told anyone about Ladybug’s visit.  She hadn’t been surprised when he mentioned Brazil, either.
But what could he say?  Come out and ask her if she was Ladybug?  That would be too good to be true, right?  Marinette couldn’t be Ladybug; he’d seen them together once.  But he’d pulled crazy stunts to protect his identity too.
She bit her lip, but didn’t pull her hand from his.  
“I can’t answer that question, Adrien.”
It wasn’t a confirmation.  But it wasn’t a denial either.
It had been five years.  Five years, and he still didn’t know who his partner was.  If she was here, in front of him, after all this time …
… he’d still respect her choice not to tell him.  As much as it hurt, he’d do it.
“Alright.”  He sighed.  “I get it.”
An uncomfortable silence pushed between them, punctured only by the bubbling soup and beeping oven.  The first batch of Marinette’s baozi was done; she removed them without speaking.
Why couldn’t they go back to five minutes ago, when she’d called him gorgeous?  He was already thrilled to hear Marinette say that.  But if she was his Lady too?  He’d melt just like that cheese in the pan.
It was going to drive him crazy if he thought about it too long.  He turned on the faucet, hoping that the loud water would drown out his thoughts as he did the dishes.  At least that was one task he could accomplish without ruining any more of Marinette’s food.
“I’m sorry,” she murmured, barely audible over the running tap.
“What for?”  He was the one pushing the boundaries between them.  If she was even Ladybug at all.  Maybe he’d managed to misinterpret everything, but he couldn’t see how.
“For not being honest with you.  I wish I could, I swear.”  Her hands squeezed her dough, and it oozed out between her fingers.
“I’m sure you have your reasons,” he said with resignation.  Ladybug was the Guardian.  She couldn’t risk revealing her identity.  Even if it felt unfair, he should be used to it by now.
But before, you didn’t think Ladybug was one of your best friends.
Even more than that, if he was honest with himself.  He’d wanted to be closer to Marinette for a  long time now.  What if he was just deluding himself with wishful thinking?
“I wish I didn’t, sometimes,” she murmured.
He switched off the faucet and turned to face her.  Maybe some things needed to stay secret, but not everything.
“Marinette?”  He swallowed.
She looked up from where she’d been absently rolling the dough again.  So much for not wasting her time.
He didn’t expect to confess to her while standing in her kitchen, with Plagg hiding under his old beret, with his clothes covered in the ruined crêpe filling.  But it was important, and if he could finally admit it to himself, the least he could do was admit it to her.
“I don’t just have a crush on Ladybug.”
“You—you don’t?”  
Was it just his imagination, or did she deflate a little?
“She’s still very important to me.  I know she always will be.  But I’ve come to realize how important you are to me, too.”  He watched her face as he spoke, but her wide eyes were impossible to read.  Hopefully he wasn’t ruining everything with what he was about to say.
“I like you, Marinette.  As more than a friend.  And I would never want to make you uncomfortable.  All I’ve ever wanted is to be closer to you.”
For a moment, her face didn’t change.  She just stood there, staring blankly, like someone had pressed a pause button.  He would’ve thought Bunnyx had stopped time to reset his screw-up if it weren’t for the soup continuing to boil over.
“Marinette?”  he prodded, his stomach beginning to bubble as nervously as that soup.  
She jumped.  “Yes, I—comfort you me make—yike lou—”
A stream of incoherent noises followed that.  Oh no, he’d broken her!  Why couldn’t Plagg have taken over and stopped him from talking?  
“—ugh!  I thought I dopped stewing this years ago!”  She dropped her burning face into her hands.
Adrien reached out to touch her shoulder and then thought better of it.  His arm fell limply to his side.
“I’m so sorry.  You can just forget I said anything.  I’ll—I’ll let you finish up the food and get out of your way—”
“No!”  She waved her hands, startling him so bad he stepped back—and slipped in a puddle of spilled dishwater.
“Adrien!”  She caught the front of his apron as he fell, but that just meant she was pulled down on top of him.
He yelped as his head cracked against the linoleum.  At least she landed on his chest, his arms cradling her.
“Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry—AAAAAH!”
“What, what!?”  He sat up as she scrambled off of him.
That was when he caught sight of the striped beret lying in the puddle next to him.
Oh no.
Plagg laughed nervously from where he was tangled in Adrien’s hair.  “Hey, Pigtails.”
“Chat?”  Marinette smacked her hands to her cheeks.  “You’re—you’re Chat Noir?” 
“Surprise!”  Plagg wasn’t in Adrien’s line of sight, but he could hear the grin in his kwami’s voice.
“Where’s Bunnyx when you need her?”  Adrien groaned.  Not only was his confession a total bust, but he also ended up giving away his most important secret.
And he still didn’t know for sure that she was Ladybug.
“You’re Chat Noir.”  Marinette plopped down into the puddle beside him.  “Adrien is Chat Noir.”
“Yeah, yeah, we got that,” Plagg said.  “Are you gonna put the poor kid out of his misery or not?”
“Huh?”  She blinked.
“He’s in love with you.  Hopelessly, stupidly in love with you.  He loves you almost as much as I love cheese.”
That was a pretty big point in favor of Marinette being Ladybug. He guessed he should count himself lucky, but that also meant he’d just slipped and fallen in dirty dishwater in front of not only Marinette, but Ladybug.
He closed his eyes.  “Plagg, please let me die in peace.”  
“... Adrien?”
He felt her breath fan over his face, and his eyes back snapped open.
Her gray-blue eyes were hovering right above him.  Well, he had said he wanted to be closer to her.
“Please don’t die,” she said softly.  Her hand came up to cradle the side of his face—or maybe she was just trying to make sure he hadn’t bruised himself. “I l-love you too.”
Every one of his brain cells fizzled out.  She.  Loved him?
“I think I am dead.”  He smiled, reaching his arms around her.  “I’m pretty sure I just went to heaven.”
Her face flushed.  “You’re always going to be that cheesy, aren’t you?”
“Are you really surprised, Princess?”
“No.”  She leaned in, brushing her nose against his.  “I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
“Ew, gross.”  Plagg gagged.  “This isn’t the kind of cheese I signed up for.”
“You’re the one who said she should put me out of my misery.”
“Yeah, well I think you both need to put this food out of its misery.  The soup’s burning.”
Marinette sprung up, eyes wide.  “Oh no!  We still have to get everything ready!  And the crêpe filling isn’t done and I haven’t finished the baozi—” 
“It’s okay!  We can still get it all done … somehow.”  Adrien winced as he stood up.  Now they were both covered in a mix of dishwater and crêpe filling.  “Just keep Plagg away from it all.  He’s the reason I ruined the pears.  Oh, and he’s the reason I was wearing that beret, too.”
She went back to work as if nothing had changed between them.  It was honestly kind of amazing how quickly she had the noodles and soup under control, like she hadn’t just been freaking out moments before.  
“He’s got as awful taste in fashion as he does in food?”  she asked.
“No—well, probably, but that’s not important.  The beret was to hide him so he could help me cook.  Like in Ratatouille.”
She blinked.  “That works?”
“It would work better if my kwami knew how to cook, but yeah.”
“Hmm …”  She tapped her lips—lips he would hopefully be able to kiss once all this was taken care of, he thought with a giddy grin—before snapping her fingers.  “That’s it!  I can’t believe I didn’t think of it before!”
“What’s it?  Wait—Marinette, where are you going?”
“You’ll see!”  She winked before disappearing behind her bedroom door.
He gave the soup a careful stir while waiting for her to come back.
“You’re welcome.”  Plagg crossed his arms and smirked irritatingly.
“For what?” Adrien scowled.  “All you did was give away my identity and embarrass me in front of the love of my life!”
“Love of your life?”  Marinette appeared behind him.
He nearly knocked over the pot of soup.  It was what he deserved for startling her so much back in lycée, he guessed.
Plagg snickered.  “Bold words coming from the guy who called her a good friend earlier.”
“She is a good friend!  And the love of my life!  She’s Ladybug, Plagg!”
He pointed to the giant red-and-black egg in Marinette’s arms.  The Miracle Box.  She was Ladybug!
“You didn’t know that when you said it five seconds ago,” Plagg pointed out.
“Yeah, well—I guessed it,” he huffed.  
It had been the only answer that made sense.  And it was true.  Hopefully he could blame the tears pricking his eyes on the onion in the soup.  If not, though, crying over his amazing partner (who loved him!) was probably still the least embarrassing thing he’d done today.
Tikki poked her head out of a cookie jar.  By now he’d been startled so many times that her presence hardly registered.
“Don’t worry, Adrien.  Marinette has said way more embarrassing stuff than that.”
“Which we won’t repeat in front of him,” Marinette said dangerously.
His head was still spinning from all the revelations.  Of course, he wasn’t too surprised—who else but Marinette was amazing enough to be Ladybug?—but it was still a lot to take in at once.
“While I definitely want to hear about that later, what’s the Miracle Box out for?  Is there a kwami of cooking?  Or do you think Sass could give us a Second Chance on all this mess?”  he asked, trying to bring his focus back to the problem at hand.
“What you said about Plagg gave me an idea.”  She punched in a code on the spots, and the egg cracked open to reveal the miraculouses.  “He might not know how to cook, but I’m sure some of the other kwamis do.  And if not, I’m sure they can follow directions.”
“Great idea, Marinette!”  Tikki clapped.  “Wayzz and Pollen are pretty good at cooking, from what I remember.  Orikko is too, but you shouldn’t cook chicken in front of him.”
“Makes sense.”  Adrien nodded before turning to Marinette.  “You think they’ll be enough to make up for how badly I messed up?”
“Of course they will.  We’re Ladybug and Chat Noir; there’s no mess we can’t fix.”  She smiled as she equipped the bracelet and hair comb, then passed the Miracle Box to him.  “Have Tikki help you pick out a few more kwamis.  Together we’ll get this done in time. I know it.”
Relief washed over him, and he smiled back.
“As you wish, My Lady.”
“You’re sure I won’t be intruding?”  Adrien asked as they pulled up to her parents’ bakery.
“Of course not.  There’s no way my family would leave out my boyfriend.”  She shifted her tupperware to her other arm and reached up to adjust his (newly cleaned) beret.  “Even if he has terrible fashion sense.”
“It’s a Marinette original!  There’s nothing more fashionable than that!”
“An original from when I was fourteen!”  she pouted.
“It’s too late, Bugaboo. I’m never taking it off.”  He kissed her forehead.
“I’ll make you a new one.  Anything would be better than mixing lacy hearts and stripes.”
“I guess that’s fair.  But I’ll still treasure this one forever.”
She rolled her eyes affectionately as she pushed open the bakery door.
Not long after, Adrien, Marinette, and her family were settled around the dining room table, a feast of French and Chinese cuisine in front of them. The two sides of her family mingled, mixing as seamlessly as the dishes.  Rolland was deep in conversation with Wang about traditional cooking techniques in France versus China.  Gina (who’d insisted he just call ‘Grandma’) was regaling two of Marinette’s cousins with tales from her travels.  More of her younger cousins ran around the table, barefoot soles slapping against the hardwood floor, their hands occasionally reaching up to snag a dumpling or croissant.  It was a tight fit, but Adrien didn’t mind.  He was thrilled to be included at all.
While they ate dinner, he kept catching her looking at the hat.  But every time she did, he’d make eye contact with her, and then she’d blush and smile bright enough that it was worth every glare.
“So, what are you up to these days, son?”  Tom asked over his bowl of wonton soup.
Son.  Already, Marinette’s parents felt more like family than his own.  He would love to be part of her family for as long as she would let him.
Hopefully forever.
“Oh, not much.”  He put an arm around Marinette.  “Just learning how to cook from your amazing daughter.”
He winked, and she blushed again.  Red was her color in and out of the suit, it seemed.
“He needs all the help he can get.  You should’ve seen what he almost put in the crêpes today.”
Tom laughed.  “Well, it looks like it all turned out perfect.  Thanks for your help, both of you.”
Under the table, Adrien and Marinette shared a fistbump.  This wasn’t the first adventure they tackled together, and it wouldn’t be the last.
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knightofthecourt · 4 years
Love Bites - Chapter 8
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Belatrice Gray was a TA at Belgrave University, working hard to stay on top of her marking and trying not to flunk her own studies, when a night out with her bff Randall and his roommates, changed everything.
Hamish Duke x OC fiction with fluff, romance and angst. OC description has been left out to allow for reader personalisation!
“Stupid, stupid, STUPID.” The vending machine shook as Bela whacked the side of it, earning her a dirty look from a young, blonde woman sitting at the table across from her in the student lounge. 
She gave the machine another thump and her packet of Cheetos fell forward a fraction of an inch, and then stopped. Bela didn’t know whether to laugh, cry, or give the irritating box a good solid kick. 
“Wow, nothing gets a woman going like a faulty vending machine.” Randall joked as he joined his friend in front of the infernal device. “Don’t worry Bels, I’ve got you covered.”
He reached into his satchel and pulled out a Twix. As Bela took it with a small ‘thanks’, her eyes were suspiciously glassy. Randall grimaced, “Bad day?”
“Bad month.” Bela replied. 
“Still on for our epic film night?”  
Bela nodded. “When have I ever said no to The Princess Bride? We can grab snacks on the way to mine.”
As they walked Bela felt herself relax slightly, letting Randall’s easy chatter drown out the sounds of the students around them. 
“We thought we’d celebrate the end of finals but Jack was busy with Alyssa again, like always - must be a Tuesday, right? I wanted to go to B&C but Lil insisted on going to that new bar down the road, the one with all the bikers-” 
Bela nodded in sympathy, unwrapping her Twix. 
“And then we got SO drunk, Hamis-” Randall broke off suddenly.    
Bela looked at him. “You can say his name, Randall.” 
“I didn’t want to upset you.”
“Who’s upset?” Her eyes flashed. “It’s totally normal to sleep with someone who ditches you in their apartment and then ignores you for three weeks straight. The kids call it being ‘ghosted’ Randall, and it’s a normal part of the college experience.” 
Catching the look on her friend’s face she forced her expression into something she hoped resembled a smile. “Really,” she insisted, “I’m over it.” 
“Yes, of course you are - I’m totally convinced.” 
Bela had been trying her hardest to avoid drawing her friend into her little pity party over Hamish. She’d had her feelings hurt before by a guy - by a dozen guys, but this time it stung more than she wanted to admit. When Bela had woken alone in Hamish’s apartment with sore legs, a sore neck and, well, sore all over, she had been surprised. A few days and three unreturned texts later she’d been worried. After Randall had awkwardly confirmed over coffee, that Hamish was in fact, alive, she had been furious. 
Despite hitting all of the usual heartbreak remedies - romcom binges, a rather satisfying round of axe throwing at the hipster place round the corner, and just plain, wallowing - Bela’s feelings were as raw as they had been weeks ago. As much as she wanted to, she just wasn’t moving on. 
She’d quickly realised that talking to Randall was off the cards. He was her friend, but he was also Hamish’s friend. When she attempted to casually bring up the situation, his insistence that it was just a difficult and complicated situation (which he couldn’t explain to her), just made her feel worse. Besides, it wasn’t fair for her to put him in the middle of what was quickly turning into a bizarre and deeply depressing, failed romantic conquest.  
The final straw had been last Monday. She’d been walking home from class, distracted by the thought of another late night grading papers, when she rounded a corner and almost ran head-first into him. The countless nights spent imagining what she'd do if she saw Hamish did little to prepare her. There was no apology, no awkward exchange or attempt to excuse his abrupt absence from her life, Hamish had just turned on his heels and walked off in the opposite direction, leaving Bela, and a very confused Randall and Lilith in his wake. 
Once they’d all recovered from the moment, Lilith and Randall had offered to help carry the papers back to her apartment, but Bela politely and firmly refused. 
Instead she walked the 15 minute journey home, closed her front door on the outside world and then, after setting the papers neatly on her coffee table, burst into tears. 
“Bels,” said Randall, pulling her out of her thoughts. 
“I don’t think you’re fine.” He reached over and prised the mangled chocolate bar from her fist. “Blade and Chalice?” He suggested.    
“Yes, please,” Bela said with a weak smile. 
- - - - - 
“You’re gone and I gotta stay high, all the time, to keep you off my mind, ooOo-hoo, ooOoo-hoo.” Gabrielle warbled from a stage in the corner of the packed bar. 
“You didn’t tell me it was karaoke night.” Bela rolled her eyes as the brunette milked the spotlight for all she could. 
“She sounds like an angel.” Randall slurred, pouring himself another beer. 
Bela squinted at him. “Do you have a crush on Gabrielle?”
“Pffft,” Randall blinked a few times, trying to focus on the stage, “She does sing it well though…” 
“Right, I’m cutting you off.” 
“Nooooo, hells bells-ha! Bels. Get it?” 
“Yes,” Bela sighed, “I get it.”
Randall frowned. “But you’re not laughing.” 
“That’s because it wasn’t funny.” 
Randall grabbed his chest. “You wound me Bela. And to think I thought of you as my friend.” 
“A real friend would get us a refill from the bar.” Bela shook the empty pitcher. 
As Randall stumbled across the room she looked around. The Blade and Chalice was packed with students, regulars and - was that? Yep - even a few professors. They’d managed to snag a table by the door when they got there but as the hours ticked on the place had quickly filled up and was now almost uncomfortably busy. The promise of cheap beer and bad karaoke clearly drew a big crowd and though it wasn’t Bela’s usual idea of a good night, she couldn’t deny that sitting here with her friend, downing drinks and mocking the performances was actually proving to be a pretty decent distraction. 
“I have a surprise for you.”
“Is it more beer?” 
Randall placed the pitcher on the table between them. “No, well yes. But also I signed us up for a song.” 
“Oh great, so we can be the drunk idiots everyone’s making fun of?” 
“C’mon Bels, it’s just a bit of fun. Let’s do something funnnnnnn, for once in our lives! No one cares, they’re all at least five beers deep anyway.”  
Bela huffed. He had a point.
“Fine, but I’m not singing a ballad.” 
Randall did a happy dance and dragged Bella up to the stage. As the first chords of Now or Never by Halsey began, Bela grimaced. 
“You’ve got to be kidding me, Randall.” 
“Big smile doll, it’s showtime!” He launched into the first verse. “I don’t wanna fight right now. Know you always right. Know I need you round with me, but nobody waitin’ round with me.” 
Bela groaned as he smiled in encouragement. “Been through the ups, yeah the ups and the downs with me. Got a whole lot of love, but you don’t wanna spread it round with me.”
“Let’s take it to the chorus!” Randall shouted into the mic. Bela smiled at her friend, he was clearly having the time of his life.     
Randall’s voice joined hers as they sang together, “Baby gon’ love me now, now, now, now, now or never. I want you to hold me down, down, down, down, down forever.” Randall shook his hips, eliciting a chorus of cheers and whistles from the crowd. 
Bela giggled, for the first time in ages she was actually kind of enjoying herself. The beer gave her a fuzzy, comfortably numb feeling and as she watched Randall crooning into his mic, dancing provocatively in front of the crowd she couldn’t help but grin. When he noticed her smiling he grabbed her hand and twirled her round. They finished their song with a flourish and made their way off the stage. 
As they stepped down Gabrielle approached Randall. “Nice dance moves,” She said, leaning close to him and batting her long lashes. “Want to buy me a drink?”.   
He looked at her like a deer caught in headlights for a second and then remembered why he was in the bar in the first place. “Uh, I’m hanging with my bestie tonight.” 
Bela rolled her eyes and leaned over to him. “Are you crazy? Go have fun - I’m fine!” 
“No, I’m not leaving you alone”. 
“Don’t be an idiot. Tonight was awesome, consider me cheered up! Now go.” She gave him a gentle shove in Gabrielle’s direction. He flashed her a hasty thumbs up and mouthed wish me luck, before following her to the bar.
Bela smiled to herself, Gabrielle was going to eat that boy  alive. 
She was making her way back to the table to grab her bag when she bumped into someone coming from the direction of the bar. 
Lilith swore loudly as the glasses she was holding splashed over, catching the front of her jeans. “Seriously? I just got these, watch where you’re going, you drunk- oh. Shit. Hi”. Lilith looked up, her anger fizzling when she recognised Bela.  
Oh God, Bela thought, if Lilith was here did that mean…?
As if she could read her mind, Lilith raised the glasses. “Uh…I’m just here for a nightcap.” 
Bela eyed the drinks - a beer and a scotch. “Both of those for you?” 
“Yep. What? Now only men can be alcoholics?” 
Bela felt the effects of the beer evaporating quickly, along with her good mood. She didn’t really want to spoil her first good night in ages and the last thing she wanted right now was to start an argument with Hamish’s aggressively possessive bff. “Ok, sure. Have fun.” 
Bela grabbed her bag and coat and headed towards the door, just as the bell above it chimed. 
She noticed Hamish before he saw her. He was wrapped in a thick coat, buttoned up against the cold, distracted by the phone in his hand. Lilith shoved past her, approaching him quickly.
“Haim, sorry I didn’t realise - Randall said they were going to be at-”
He looked up to the sound of her voice, in confusion, before his eyes slid over past her shoulder and locked with Bela’s. 
Bela watched in shock as he snarled - actually snarled - at Lilith and then turned and walked straight out of the bar. 
Lilith huffed and slammed her drinks down on the closest table. “Really! Again?”
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s1i9d · 4 years
The Ultimate “Adrien is a Sentimonster” Collection
This might sound crazy, but it’s a definite theory and has backing from the show itself. It explains a lot of unresolved questions, and there’s foreshadowing for the show.
(NOTE: This post was last updated on 30th October 2021, the day of the US premiere of 412 “Crocoduel”. Edits with more information may be subject to be added or rectified based on new evidence in-show episodes/specials released.)
In “Feast”, Master Fu made his own Sentimonster for his reasons, and caused the destruction of the Temple of the Monks. He detransformed and ran with the last copy of the Grimoir and the last box of Mirauculous.
Fu safely jumped over the canyon and Feast fell into the lava, thought to be dead. Master Fu picked up all the Miraculous in the snow, but the Butterly Miraculous, Peacock Miraculous, and the Grimoir. All fell down into the canyon below.
Many and many after the events, Gabriel and Emilie travelled to Tibet. They found the two Miraculous and the book. Before the events of “Origins”, Emilie used the Peacock Miraculous for something, and died/fell into a coma, setting off the stack of dominos to fall into place for the current show: Gabriel becomes Hawkmoth, Fu needs allies, Marinette and Adrien are given their Miraculous. But the question still remains, what did Emilie use the Peacock Miraculous for? And why did she use it even though there was no need for a villain or a hero of the Miraculous?
Why did Emilie use the Peacock Miraculous? 
The main theory is Gabriel and Emilie wanted a child, but they couldn’t have one. Either due to their biological make, or they had a child, but he ended up dying. In their anguish, they made another child to replace him. It may seem to be a genie trickery wish, since 
Why is the Peacock Miraculous damaged? How do you damage a Miraculous?
The creation of Feast is what broke the Peacock Miraculous. A Sentimonster existing beyond the time the Holder is transformed and stayed for too long, and the Amok doesn’t return back or de-evilised exerts too much pressure on the Miraculous itself. That initial Sentimonster creation caused Emilie to fall sick and eventually become her current state.
Gabriel is overprotective of Adrien. 
The main relationship between Gabriel and Adrien has always been seen as problematic: a “single” father constantly neglects his son of any familial love and affection, even prohibiting him from going to school and outside his usual full schedule for friends outings because he’s overprotective of him.
Now the surface level explanation is that Gabriel is protective of Adrien because he lost Emilie. Why would he be overprotective of Adrien if “Feast” confirms Emilie is harmed by the Peacock Miraculous? I don’t see Adrien going, “Dusuu, transforme moi!” (”Dusuu, spread my feathers” for you English dub viewers.)
We know an Amok and Akuma can remain active even after the Holder has detransformed, and Sentimonsters can be Akumatised.
“Feast” proves it with the Peacock Miraculous, and “Startrain” has proved the same for Hawkmoth. This is something very specific to the Butterfly and Peacock Miraculous, since Ladybug’s Lucky Charm (“Oblivio”) disappears when she detransforms.
We see that Feast can be Akumatised, so it makes it possible since Chat Noir/Adrien was also Akumatised seven episodes later in the production order. So there isn’t some kind of Akuma block when Hawkmoth would try to Akumatise Adrien.
Adrien is perfect.
This is something absolutely hammered in the show. Adrien is so perfect and nice, it feels almost inhumane how such a person can exist. We see the show from Marinette’s perspective, but Marinette hasn’t seen the scenes we see with Gabriel being Hawkmoth or even Adrien’s rare physical interactions with people when she’s not present at the same time.
“It is dangerous to misuse the Miraculous.”
This is a repeated statement. Hawkmoth and Mayura both misuse their respective Miraculous; they misuse it for evil and villainous deeds rather than the intentional heroic purpose.
Adrien is allergic to feathers.
Do I need to explain?
Ties into the Season 2 plants for Adrien’s death.
Quite a few episodes in Season 2 foreshadowed Adrien’s death. In “Frozer”, Ladybug tell Chat, 
“I can’t imagine a life without the boy I love.”
In “Catalyst (Heroes’ Day - Part 1)”, Chat Noir fake dies in Volpina’s illusion. There’s more, but this isn’t the “Dead Adrien” post.
These plants (film terminology for pieces set in place. Think of it as a Chekhov’s Gun or something that foreshadows an event.) set up in Season 2 fit together with Sentimonster Adrien since he’s not ‘alive’, but he is living. Tomoe could have more information on this than she’s shown to know.
Gabriel’s affiliations with Tomoe Tsurugi (Kagami’s mother)
Tomoe and Gabriel are quite close, to an extent where Kagami is the only real person Gabriel will let Adrien talk to generally. Like in “Animaestro” or “Backwarder”, where they are intentionally spending time with one another.
In “Feast”, we get a brief glimpse of Tomoe when the news reporter talks about the Order of the Guardians’ temple. Suspiciously placed between people extremely related to the Miraculous.
Nathalie’s sickness is happening so fast.
Nathalie and Emilie are confirmed to have the same sickness, but Nathalie’s health is deteriorating quite rapidly. Quickly becoming deadly and affecting her day to day activities. (”Feast” and “Ladybug” both show her illness causes ‘disruptions’ to plans scheduled.) 
One more piece of evidence is the theory of Emilie’s illness being slower than Nathalie’s. The effect of Fu’s Sentimonster affecting Emilie, but Fu’s Sentimonster and Adrien both affect the Miraculous, damaging it further. This makes her state worsen.
Hawkmoth/Gabriel has never said explicitly that he will wish his wife back to life/consciousness.
He has said in the opening minutes of “Chat Blanc”:
“Emilie, I miss you every moment. But one day, I will get the Miraculous of Ladybug and Cat Noir, repair the mistakes of the past, and make sure you return to us.”
It’s even shown in “Party Crasher”, right after he hangs up on Nathalie to harvest the butterflies.
“Emilie, we miss you so much. But you'll be back with us very soon. Thanks to my akumas, it's only a matter of time before I take control of their Miraculous. Merging them will grant me absolute power to reshape reality, and finally reverse our past mistake.”
In “Catalyst (Heroes’ Day - Part 1)”, Nathalie and Gabriel spoke in front of the outside Emilie statue.
“You made a promise to your wife. You’ve risked so much for the chance to bring her back.”
And even though it isn’t as explicit as the previous two, it proves Emilie knew she was dying/losing consciousness. So she had some agency over what happened to her, so she knew she was dying and made Gabriel promise to bring her back.
This means Hawkmoth’s wish could be to make Adrien a real boy (a la Pinocchio).
Bugette Sentimonster (”Ladybug”)
It’s quite random how Bugette has her own consciousness when Ladybug gives her Amoked object back. The show has done many random things (Space Dumpsters, Car Hologram Gabriel, Mayor Lamp), but it seems very intentional that Bugette had her own consciousness. All of these objects were mentioned in passing, and that was it. Bugette was talked about after the episode, and it emotionally affected both Chat and Ladybug. She was spoken about more than just a moment.
This is the first and only time we’ve seen something like this happen at the moment (hiatus between S3 and S4), and the additional information the Peacock Holder can intentionally alter the physical design of the Sentimonster. Usually, Sentimonster are affiliated with another character or their reason for Akumatisation. 
In “Miraculer”, August creates a lollipop Sentimonster because of his craving for lollipops. Even in “Reflekdoll”, Juleka creates a Doll Sentimonster because of her affiliations with fashion and standing out. Feast itself even had the symbol of the Order of the Guardians on its face. Hawkmoth has his Butterfly Sentimonster with him.
On top of all this information, Adrien was the one who was most anguished about Bugette’s death. Ladybug was upset as well, but Chat was in (or at least) showing more pain than her.
We have no concrete exposition on Adrien’s childhood.
This is very similar to a very specific Steven Universe reveal about Steven’s mother. There was a character she deeply trusted who wasn’t allowed to reveal the information, and therefore we had no exact backstory to the character until after the information was revealed.
Adrien is in a very similar position, where we have no backstory on him. There are no baby pictures of him, he doesn’t talk about being a kid, and the class didn’t even know him until he came to school. Kim (out of all people) even confirms this in “Félix” where he says, 
“Truth is, we’ve only known him since he came back after the summer.”
This is the biggest evidence of it being Genie wish, where they wanted a child, but it was a teenager and they couldn’t alter it because their form would be permanent. 
There are only a few canon things we have a grasp on Adrien’s past: Chloé, a drawing from “The Collector”, and Adrien’s childhood in “Wishmaker”.
Chloe has always been the only friend from Adrien’s past. She never says anything explicitly and concrete about their relationship in the past, or even talking about their exact age of when Adrien and her first became friends. She only says things like, “Oh, Adrikins! You’ve always been like that.” It’s never something huge about, “Oh, Adrien! Remember when you ________ when we were ______ years old?” No. It’s always relating to Adrien’s actions instead of his past.
In “The Collector”, when Gabriel is destroying random objects in his office to trick LB and CN into thinking he was angry and got Akumatised by ‘Hawkmoth’, he looks inside a cupboard and takes a framed picture of Adrien’s stick figure drawing with him holding his mother and his father’s hands. This shows he made a drawing, but there’s no real explanation for what age he was. He could have made that when he was figuring out how to be a human, or even when he was recently young. It doesn’t give us exact age or even any kind of concrete information on him and his past. But this can be tied together that it is original Adrien’s drawing (the one that died then came back to life) and then Gabriel keeps it as a memory of them.
This is further confirmed in “Wishmaker”, where Adrien says he doesn’t remember his childhood dreams. And when he does get hit by Wishmaker’s power, his dream as a child was “to be what [his] parents wants [him] to be.” The direct line of action referencing his birth, and being controlled by his parents, who were his creators.
To have an Sentimonster or an Akumatised person, an object must be Akumatised or Amoked. So what would the Amoked object be?
Let’s revisit “Félix” for a hot second: Félix and Amilie’s main aim in the episode are to retrieve the Graham de Vanily rings. Gabriel is very adamant to give them back to Amilie, even refusing her fully. Félix ends up stealing one of the rings from his hand, which Gabriel is noticeably furious at him for doing so. 
The episode puts an obviously huge focus on the importance of the rings, but explains nothing but hopes for their return in upcoming episodes. These rings are important to Gabriel, possibly his connection to Emilie, but it could also be one (or both) of the rings are the Amoked object for Sentimonster Adrien.
There’s no other explaination for why else they are important, with the other theory of the rings being Miraculous. It makes sense, but doubtful since Master Fu had all but two of the Miraculous, and Gabriel didn’t go to Tibet to retrieve the other Miraculous from Tibet.
One scene followed up on this was the ending sequence in “Mega Leech”, where Gabriel and Adrien start to have a heated discussion before Gabriel sends Adrien to his room. As Adrien walks up the stairs, Gabriel twists his ring on his finger. Again, we have no idea what this could mean, and we have no idea what the rings actually are.
The big question is “was it both the rings, or just one?” The answer can be yes or no. In 412 “Crocoduel,” where one object can be akumatised, but if broken in half as it is akumatised, it must be repaired back before it can be freed of the butterfly.
And that’s all the information we have as of now. It could be that these plants are meant for something adjacent to this, but the evidence currently is overwhelming.
TL:DR - Adrien is a Sentimonster because he’s perfect. Emilie wanted a kid. Fu messed up. Gabriel is crazy. Chloé don’t care about no exposition beside hers. Nathalie is a sick, dying woman and murdered Adrien’s cousin. Félix and/or Gabriel hold Adrien’s lifeline. 
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chocoluckchipz · 4 years
A Bride for the Prince - 22
A03 ~ < Previous 
The warmth of a mid-spring sunray glided up his cheek, travelled along the curve of his nose and zeroed in on an eye. Grumbling, Adrien buried his face deeper into the crook of his wife’s neck and sighed with satisfaction.  
“Getting tired?” Marinette asked, reaching up to gently caress his cheek. “Should we head back?”
“Not yet,” Adrien leaned into the touch, whimpering as soon as Marinette withdrew her hand.
“Okay, but we should head back soon. It’s almost dinnertime.”
He hummed and pulled Marinette closer, if that was even possible, seeing as Adrien was already tightly wrapped around her from behind on a random garden bench. Seven months into their marriage but he still couldn't believe how lucky he was to have Marinette as his wife. She’d made him the happiest man alive in every sense of that word, and Adrien wasted no time in proving his affections back to her. It had become, in a sense, an essential part of his life, and judging from Marinette’s smile, she enjoyed his attention.
In a moment, she turned her sight back to the book in her hands and continued to read. “So long as men can breathe or eyes can see, so long lives this, and this gives life to thee.”*
The last two lines Adrien whispered along with her, pressing the kiss to her neck at the end. “I love you. Have I told you that yet today?”
“Only a million times.” Marinette laughed, putting the book down and patting her lap. “Come here.”
Adrien barely kept his balance as he disentangled himself from behind Marinette and laid down on a bench, nestling his head onto her lap. He weaved his arms around her waist, a content sigh slipping his smiling lips.
“Are you sure you don’t have any feline ancestors?” Marinette giggled, burying her fingers in his hair, letting them run through the blond strands, lightly massaging his scalp and scratching behind the ears, just the way he liked it.
“Nope. I’m just a simple man with simple needs, and your attention is one of them. Don’t know if I’ll survive without this now. You’ve got me addicted.”
“Dork,” she chuckled, continuing her ministrations.
Adrien closed eyes, purring in satisfaction. If there was a paradise somewhere in this universe, for him this was it: a lazy late afternoon in the garden, sun warming his body, a cool breeze blowing by; cuddles with his wife, her fingers doing their magic, every touch sending pleasurable tingles down his skin; and his face pressed against her growing belly.
“How are the things with that proposal to change the law we’ve talked about? The one that’ll allow Alya to become the Royal Messenger?”
“All done,” Adrien hummed. “I’ll present it to Father once he’s back and has had a chance to rest.”
“I really hope he approves it,” Marinette said, running her hands down his back, kneading lightly at spots she knew Adrien loved. “You worked so hard on it, and if it goes through, this would change Alya’s life.”
Adrien turned his head to look at Marinette and grinned. “You know what else will soon change Alya’s life?”
Marinette stared at him for a moment in silence, her eyebrows slowly knitting into a frown, before her eyes blew wide. “No!”
Adrien grinned wider.
“Oh, my gosh! He’s finally going to do this?”
“He didn’t want to ask her before he had a home for them, but as of last week, Nino’s a proud owner of a lovely cottage on the town’s outskirts. Great place for them to start off. But don’t tell her yet. It’s supposed to be a secret.”
“And how do you suppose I keep something like this a secret from her?”
Adrien chuckled, turning back to press his nose to their unborn baby in Marinette’s belly. “You’ve fooled a king and his whole court once into thinking you were someone you weren’t for a month. You absolutely can keep this a secret for a few days—” He froze, his breath hitching, eyes wide, his hand shooting to his nose. “Did you feel it?”
“I did.” Marinette brushed his hair away from his forehead. “Have been feeling for the last few weeks. I told you, didn’t I?”
“Yes, but that’s a first for me,” Adrien said, barely breathing, his fingers dancing around Marinette’s belly as he nuzzled it harder. “Come one, kitten. One more time. For Daddy. Just one more kick or I’ll think it was just a dream.”
She couldn't hold back the giggles. “The kicks are getting stronger and more frequent with every day, so I’m sure you’ll feel plenty of them from now on.”
The sounds of approaching steps startled them both. Adrien groaned, tightening his grip on Marinette. “I don’t want to go yet.”
Marinette chuckled, bumping his nose with her finger. “You know you’re such a child sometimes.”
“All the time, if you ask me,” Nino said, coming closer. “An overgrown child, obsessed with his wife.”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” Adrien pressed himself closer to Marinette, snuggling up to her with a goofy smile on his lips. “No one here is obsessed with anyone.”
“Says the man who’s still laying on his wife’s lap when he has somewhere else to be,” Nino retorted.
“He’s got you there, Your Highness,” Marinette teased, giving Adrien’s back a gentle pat.
“Dinnertime isn’t here yet,” Adrien whined, tightening his hold on Marinette. “Go away.”
“But your father is, and he asked both of you to join him for dinner.”
Adrien looked at Nino. “Father’s back? He wasn't supposed to return until tomorrow evening. Did something happen?”
“You’ll have to ask him that yourself.” Nino shrugged. “I was just given an order to invite you two to dine with him.”
Adrien looked at Marinette. She shrugged her shoulders, his worry mirroring in her eyes. “I guess we’d better head back then.”
Reluctantly, Adrien let Marinette go and stood up. He fixed his clothes back in place and held out his hand for Marinette. “Shall we, my Lady?”
She took his hand and walked with him back to the castle, only to be mercilessly stolen away by Alya at the very end.
“I apologize, Your Highness,” Alya said, not the slightest hint of regret in her voice, as she took Marinette away. “But you’ll have to let her go. She needs to change into a more appropriate gown for the dinner with the King. This one is all scrunched up in front. What did you do, Marinette?”
“He used her lap as a pillow,” Nino added the fuel to the fire that was his girlfriend.
Alya’s smirk widened. “I know you two can’t keep your hands off each other, but could you not create more work for me while you’re at it?”
Adrien coughed to cover the fact his cheeks were turning red, Marinette’s face beside him flaming crimson. Nino hissed something in retort, but Adrien didn’t catch what he’d said.
“We should go prepare for dinner,” Adrien spoke. “Wouldn't be polite to make Father wait after a long journey.”
“Absolutely,” Marinette added, her voice trembling. “And I am kind of hungry already, so dinner it is. Let’s go prepare.”
Alya chuckled. “You’re always hungry these days, Marinette. It’s like you’re eating for four people, not two. It’s a miracle you’re still just as tiny as before, even with your baby bump.”
He should’ve left. They were a little late already. However, an opportunity to praise his wife was the only thing that Adrien couldn’t walk away from. So, he reached for Marinette’s hand and placed a kiss atop of her knuckles. “She didbecome four times as beautiful, though. Wouldn’t you say so?”
“Absolutely.” Alya nodded. “Pregnancy looks good on our future Queen.”
“Why ‘future’?” Adrien gave his wife that goofy, love-sick smile that seemed to have permanently settled on his face around Marinette. “She’s my queen already.”
Her cheeks pretty pink, Marinette shushed them. “Didn't we have dinner to go to?”
“Yes. Right. Dinner.” Adrien nodded and with a few final words, departed to prepare, leaving Marinette and Alya alone to do the same.
It didn't take them long. Half an hour later, Adrien picked up Marinette from her room and they headed to the dining hall together. Gabriel was already at the table, looking over some letters when they came in. Adrien greeted him with a head bow, Marinette with a curtsy.
“You’re back early?” Adrien asked once the food was served. “Did something happen?”
“No.” Gabriel shook his head. “I just finished everything I had to do earlier.”
“Does it mean the project is going well?”
Gabriel nodded. “Marinette’s parents are doing better than expected at overseeing it.”
Marinette perked at the mention. “How are they managing?”
“They sent you a letter. I’ll have it delivered to your room after dinner, but everything is going great. The orphanages are open and running.”
“Any results yet?” Adrien asked. “Concerning the street crime?”
“Yes,” Gabriel replied a bit hesitantly. “But we’ll need at least a year to see if getting orphans off the streets will be worth it in the long run. As much as I agree with Marinette on this, other nobles wouldn’t want to invest in anything without a confirmed return.”
“I agree,” Marinette added. “As much as I’m excited for this to get implemented across the kingdom, we need concrete results to convince the nobles first. Without their support, this will never work. Thank you for trying it out, though. I’m honoured you even considered this.”
A hint of a smile zoomed across Gabriel’s lips as he acknowledged Marinette’s words with a nod. “No need to thank me. You proposed an excellent solution for the issue we’ve been struggling to resolve for some time. It’d be foolish to pass on that.”
Adrien couldn't hold back a smile. A born leader who grew up as a commoner, Marinette saw a side of issues that Gabriel, Adrien, and all of their noble advisors failed to account for, and for someone who wanted to make their kingdom the best it could be, that was priceless. Marinette was proving herself to be a great asset to their kingdom, and slowly his father was starting to understand that, listening more and more to her ideas and opinions. Now, he was even implementing some of them. Soon, Adrien was afraid Marinette would have his father wrapped all around her finger just like his mother had.
He didn’t mind that in the slightest.
“We’re lucky to have her.” Adrien grinned at his wife. “She brought a new vision to the team, one both of us lack.”
“Can’t argue with that.” Gabriel nodded. “But enough about politics. I’m too tired for that now.” Shifting his sight to Marinette, he asked, “How is my grandchild doing?”
“Strong and healthy.” Marinette smiled. “Or at least that's what the physician tells me. All I know is that the baby started to kick up a storm in there.”
“I even felt it today,” Adrien added with pride. “A strong kick to my nose.”
Gabriel quirked an eyebrow, but seemingly decided against asking.
They spent the rest of the dinner in an easy-flowing conversation, after which Gabriel retreated to his quarters. Marinette tagged along with Alya for an evening stroll while Adrien and Nino headed to the sparring court to get some exercise before bedtime.  
The evening flew by. Adrien bid goodnight to his companion and headed to his quarters, eager to finally spend some time with Marinette interruption-free. He wasn’t needy or clingy, and he certainly knew how to share, but stealing some privacy for themselves was becoming more and more challenging during the day. The only time they were truly alone with each other being the evenings and nights. That was something he couldn’t nor was willing to give up. Mostly because he wasn’t sure he’d be able to fall asleep anymore without Marinette by his side. He’d miss her warmth, her scent, her arms around him, the softness of her skin, her frequent turning and shifting as she’d try to find a comfortable position with her belly growing—
Adrien grunted, quickening his steps. Now that he’d felt their baby move for the first time, he’d spend the whole night with his hands on Marinette, trying to catch it again. Unless… she wanted him to use his hands for different activities which he’d gladly oblige to because this was Marinette, the most amazing, beautiful woman in the world, and he got those butterflies stirring in the pit of his stomach just from thinking about her.
When he’d gotten there, she wasn’t in the room yet, which was a bit unusual because Marinette’s bedroom had never really turned into anything more than her wardrobe and “getting ready” space, both of them preferring his bedroom to spend their free time in. When Adrien came back from his bath, Marinette was still absent. This time, however, sounds of laughter seeped into the room from behind the door that led to Marinette’s bedroom. He didn’t even notice how he’d gotten to the door and knocked.
The voices inside ceased, Alya opening the door a moment later. “Can’t wait to get your hands on her?”
He nervously chuckled.
“Just a few more minutes. Don’t worry, no one will steal her away from you,” Alya said, keeping the door mostly closed.
“I just wanted—”
“The wait would be worth it, Adrien,” Alya ignored his attempts to speak up. “Believe me, you’ll love it. She designed it herself, and the tailor has finally finished it.”
Adrien frowned in confusion. “Designed what?”
“You’ll see.” Alya’s smirk turned mischievous. She glanced behind herself and grinned. “And she’s done. Enjoy!”
Stepping away, Alya opened the door fully, revealing Marinette in a light-pink, flowy nightgown he’d never seen before in the centre of the room. Adrien forgot how to breathe. The gown was beyond gorgeous and made Marinette look incredible. The fabric cascaded down to the very floor, soft folds framing her baby bump. It showed just enough of the cleavage—that, mind him, got bigger with the pregnancy and he absolutely loved it—to intrigue and tease but not to expose too much. The shoulder stripes were made of the same ribbon that served as a belt just under her bosom. Her hair down, a light blush on her cheeks, Marinette looked more beautiful than an Aphrodite herself. Stunning, he’d say. It did things to him he’d rather not have witnesses to.
As if reading his mind, Alya scurried away. She said something before disappearing, but it was lost on Adrien as he stood frozen in his place, gawking at his wife.
“Cat got your tongue?” Marinette teased.
“No. Yes. I… I came— You weren’t in the room, so I thought I’d come here.”
Marinette gave him an apologetic smile. “Sorry. It took a bit longer than I thought to read the letter from Papa and Maman.”
“Oh? What’s the news?”
“Pretty much the same things your father told us over dinner.” Marinette shrugged and looked at him with a mischievous smirk on her lips. “But do you really want to discuss the economy and internal affairs now?”
The sultriness of her voice, the look in her eyes, that mastery of her body language… Adrien swallowed, his stomach tightening with desire. “No. Not really.”
“Good,” Marinette said, slowly walking around the room putting out candles that lightened the space. “Because I was trying really hard to make myself look irresistible tonight.”
“Is that so?” He could hardly stand in his place. Why was he still standing in his place when he could go sweep his wife into his arms?
With the light of the last candle out, moonlight engulfed the room, making Marinette look almost ethereal as she slowly walked toward Adrien, her lips curved into a mischievous smirk. “Did I succeed?”
He took her in his arms as soon as he could reach her. Leaning close, Adrien whispered with a breathy voice, “Absolutely. I'm stunned speechless.”
“A new nightgown is all it takes to render you speechless, my Prince?” she teased, a light blush on her cheeks betraying her still-even-after-all-this-time-there shyness. Because no matter how much of a tease she’d become—which Adrien absolutely loved—underneath it all, this breathtaking woman was still his precious, sweet Marinette who blushed at the simplest of touches.  Tilting her head to the side, she let a smile tug at the corners of her lips. “What will become of you when I pull out my other, more sensual nightgown?”
Adrien swallowed. “There are more—gowns? Like—like this one?”
“A couple. I ordered a few to get me through the pregnancy.”
“And are they all as gorgeous?”
“This one is the simplest of them.”
Adrien tried to stay as calm as possible because the fire in his stomach was raging by now. He ran his fingers over the satin straps and grazed them over the fabric edge atop her breasts. “You designed it yourself?”
“I did.”
“You should do it more often.”
“You think so?”
He cupped her face, bringing her in for a lingering kiss. “What do you think? By wearing just one outfit you made me fall in love with you all over again.”
“Is that even possible?” Marinette giggled.
“I know. I’m shocked myself,” Adrien chuckled. “But I’m willing to prove the sincerity of my words to you if you wish.”
“How can I refuse?”
With a swift movement, Adrien gathered her up in his arms bridal style. Just like that first night after their wedding. Just like every night after that. Marinette smiled and wrapped her arms around his neck, laying her head on his shoulder. Holding her tightly in his arms, Adrien walked back to his bedroom and gently laid his wife on their bed. Propped on his elbows, he hovered over her.
She smiled back at him, reaching out to tug him closer. “I love you, my Prince,” she spoke, words slipping lovingly from her lips.
“And I love you, my Princess,” he whispered, leaning into her touch before closing the distance between them.
* William Shakespeare, Sonnet 18.
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spnsmile · 4 years
#StayAtHOmeChallenge Monday- MOTEL tehehe
Thank you for hosting this! @pray4jensen​ @helianthus21​ @bend-me-shape-me​
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Have some domestic fluff! Rated M for fun part.
It starts when they both stand side by side to another world-ending showdown. Dean couldn’t make out of things anymore, so he pulls Cas into another goodbye hug and makes out with his best friend.
Dean didn’t think much of it, it felt so easy, it felt so right when he gets lost in the embrace, Cas whispering little  ‘don’t go’  and ‘ I will go with you’  and it’s pure heartache for Dean since he didn’t want to leave, he wants to stay, But he has to save the world. Cas holds on him tight because Dean may not mean anything to the world, but Dean is sure for this angel he is everything.
He wasn’t thinking of anything else save how he loves this dorky angel soldier who’s still there beside him in the end, not leaving but always fulfilling his promise that he would be there watching Dean till the end like one of those romantic stories of till death do us part.
It dawns on Dean that it’s there, it’s happening, they are parting, and it crushed his heart, made him hesitate to lose his life because he wants to live more, wants to share more with this upset angel who only wants nothing but Dean.
They make out. Kiss each other breathless as Cas quickly hangs on tight when Dean moves their lips together feeling like his heart would burst and Dean thinks he wants to stay alive for this.  He kisses Cas, no  Cas kisses him,  it doesn’t matter who’s leading who, Sam was there only giving a satisfied huff of fucking finally, as the two parted with sparks in their eyes, moistened lips still asking for more.
All this in front of Chuck.
They face him like one of those avengers assemble a team with new determination, especially Dean thinking if possible, and he didn’t want to die here. He holds Castiel’s hand tight, giving him the solid belief he can do anything with the angel beside him, stands side by side with Sam, the world behind them.
Chuck stares from the angel to the hunter. Dean sees it, a flash of something uncertain, so like rubbing salt on the wound, he told Chuck can kill them over again. Still, he will never take this away from them (raises their intertwined hands) says it like a delusional lover in front of the angel’s father. The father is adamant about separating his angel prince from the pauper.
An abrupt halt of the world crumbling and a declaration of change in his plan to not end the universe when he realized what he is missing in the world is just a teensy bit of love.
Loved saved the world.
Which leaves Dean Winchester a bundle of excited nerves and embarrassment now that everyone knows his exclusive relationship, there’s no stopping now. Three weeks later they get invited to Garth’s house again for a small celebration as the world lives a little longer oblivious to a near demise. The world moves on.
Jody and Cas are talking at the veranda, leaving Dean with Donna and Garth who are very curious of his new status while Sam grimaces at things he didn’t want to see, but Dean is more aggressive because heck—who here thinks it’s not making him nervous about being with Cas?
“I mean, you think it’s easy to ask Cas just to fuck?”
Donna laughs the loudest while Garth snickers and steals a look over Sam who shakes his head, but Dean is serious. Sure, they did pretty raucous stuff on the first week. Broke Dean’s bed the second with Sam threatening them not to use any table whatsoever because he’s no fun like that, so much fun with Cas that Dean starts dreading something he would never tell a soul.
“Hey, Cas,” Garth says when the angel sat on the armchair where Dean sits and the hunter is overcome with the impulse to wrap his arms around Cas’ waist but is not going to spend the next hours getting teased by Donna over being the clingy boyfriend.
“Don’t be like me Dean, the old me.” Donna says with a roll of her eyes, “Gettin laid didn’t make a difference to Doug who can only see as far as his nose. Good thing you both are handsome, wonder if a spot would open?”
Jody says something about not over her coffee and everyone burst out laughing. Thank god Garth starts asking Sam about his love life now that things have settled and Eileen’s name is in the air. Dean laughs and teases his brother with everyone but there is a bubble of fear forming at the pit of his stomach.
He looks at Castiel still perched on the armchair with that cute curl at the corner of his lips while he listens to Garth’s family stories. So pink and full, he can press a smile and heaven would open again for Dean. He can only think of kissing Cas. Can only think of Cas naked on his bed, Cas inside his shower and just Cas curled next to him be it in the Dean Cave or the Impala. Really, there’s not a moment where he doesn’t look at Cas without thinking of all other naughty things with the angel but it’s been a month and Dean’s expiration date for happiness is fast approaching. He tells himself it’s not true, not gonna happen, Castiel  won’t get tired of him—  and he knows it’s ugly and it’s him but he wants Cas—let hell burn him again for lusting but Cas will get him back.
It’s called trust.
He looks down Cas’ hand just there pressed on his lap. Dean should hold it, should grab on and pull Cas into a kiss but it’s catching to him now, the expiration together with the expectation so he doesn’t. He sits there staring on his knees and Cas looks at him from his peripheral, they both smile and even though Dean didn’t mean it, he looks away far too quickly,  blushing.
He knows Cas noticed because the angel shifted on his seat towards Dean, but Garth’s voice pulled their attention back when he happily calls his twins who were watching them from the stairs.
Dean’s mouth falls open because he’s told Cas about it, waited to get home in the Bunker just to tell Castiel he’s got a baby named after him. He’s not sure if it meant anything to Cas, because yeah most of his brothers and sisters even the prophets have names all over the world—how many Michaels and Gabriels and Judes and Luke do you know—? But when the toddlers come bouncing in with their little legs now walking, the introduction was made. Dean fixes his eyes on Castiel looking at Castiel and it’s weird how the eye contact matches—something that looked deep and profound or Cas the angel is playing them.
Silence falls, then Castiel splits into a smile all sunny and gummy it reaches his eyes with corners crinkling. Baby Castiel runs to Dean who catches him around the middle and makes him sit on his lap.
Dean laughs at Cas’ surprised look
“Did the weird trench coat man scare you?” Dean asks the boy who turned to hide his head on his shoulder. He exchanges look with Cas who tilts his head looking confused.
“It’s probably because he can’t get your scent, Cas. Being an angel and all that.” Sam says to which Garth nods. Sam the toddler is also perched on Sam’s other lap.
“Yes, the twins kind of imprinted on you both since you last visited, so they’re fond of you.” Garth explains, “Don’t worry, imprinting is nothing permanent.”
“What the hell does that mean, eh, Cas?” Dean says.
“Well—” Castiel frowns because Dean isn’t talking to him but the baby. Dean throws him a playful look then to Cas the toddler, whom Castiel is now staring at with an odd transfixed expression.
Garth gets up to help Bessie in the kitchen and it’s a whirl of baby talks and Jodie and Donna taking the twins with them, leaving Cas and Dean (Sam evaporates the moment he realized he’s being left behind). Except nothing happens because Castiel looks preoccupied and for the first time Dean halts his overactive hand from touching him places—cause geez they’re in a house that lives on scents.
“It’s a long ride back home,” he says suggestively, eyebrows quirking “we’ll stop at a motel—”
“I’m getting my own room,” Cas says dismissively, not leaving any explanation when he stands up because Garth is calling from the dining room about dinner. “Let’s go—”
Dean is too dumbstruck but he finds his voice—
“Room, my own. Mine.”
Castiel frowns. “Because I can. You can get your own room too—but I’ll get a separate room if there’s a vacancy.”
“B-but  why ?” Dean stands up in disbelief. He knows it’s weird and there are many things he wants to say as support evidence to that but nothing comes out in words.
Castiel blinks. “Why is it so strange to you, Dean?”
Maybe because they’ve been sleeping together? Couple? Boyfriends? Dunno, name it! Dean thinks he said it but no, he only stares and stares and maybe thinks the expiration date is closer than he thinks.
The drive is quiet, even Sam notices it. Dean only glares from the mirrors on sides and rearview to the angel who only squints back at him acting innocent but soon starts giving him a scowl. Sam doesn’t get between them anymore. Sam is sensible like that. He can get between them if it’s about a hunt where sides need to be patched, stowaway the craps, but beyond work, the boundaries of people in relationship—Sam knows it’s not his call unless an initiative to reach out is made.
They find a motel—Dean slams the door close, let Sam take care of the room assignment then gave Dean his keys. There’s so much vacant room, it’s not right. He lifts his eyes behind Sam but Cas is not there. He sets his jaws to  kill.
“What are you so mad about?” Sam says sounding exasperated. “Is it because Cas wants to get his own room?” there’s a raise of eyebrows from Samwitch that Dean can’t return without exploding.
“So he really got his room?” he snaps.
“Paid for it, even. 208.” Sam says, “Stop being a bitch, Dean. So, your boyfriend wants to be independent. What are you getting your hackles up for? He’s making choices and it’s not bad choices, but he’s getting there.”
“Yeah, getting his own room from me is really boyfriend’s stuff.” Dean turns walking to the number Sam gave him, “Might as well told me to touch my own dick.”
“You’re getting annoying, Dean. So what if Cas took Garth’s words seriously—”
Dean snaps from reverie. Garth? What Garth? “What are you talking about?”
“I knew it, you weren’t listening and he’s right opposite you!”
Dean makes a face. “You know who was sitting beside me with thighs right next to my elbow like a good steak, right?”
So yeah, maybe he was too busy looking at Cas’ lips, his jaw too sharp he wants to nibble at, that fucking high cheekbone he wants to do bad things with— then glorious thighs—
Sam makes a grunting noise and turns to a door, expression disgusted. Dean finds their room next to each other which was rare, but he was still waiting for Sam to answer.
“What did Garth say?”
“Garth was talking about dividing stuff in the house, chores, finances, you know, the happy life. But he takes measures he doesn’t forget how to make Bessie feel special. They’re both great at parenthood, but he says you still shouldn’t forget to make special stuff for each other like paying for extra dates, unexpected out of towns for recreational things, putting extra effort in making her coffee—or just surprising her with paying the bills when it’s her turn, well, those. Comes with a happy marriage, you don’t forget making each other feel special.”
“Huh…so Cas wanting his own space, his own room is supposed to be in favour of me?” Dean says flatly
Sam rolls his eyes, “Oh,  work with me, Dean.”
With that, he pulls enters his room and shuts the door, leaving Dean staring at the brotherless space and boyfriendless front of his room. Grunting again, he enters his own room.
It’s only after his shower that it struck Dean the possibility of him staring at a  special date right in the face. It all clicked on him. He just had a shower and is thinking of a miserable night alone when he remembers Castiel hasn’t even checked on him not once, and Cas doesn’t do that. Cas has obsessions with Dean’s health and even when they fight, Castiel will come back to check on Dean like it’s his personal business.
Dean has no problem being Castiel’s personal business.
It all came together like that. What Sam said, it’s a connection to Garth’s domesticity and making another feel special.
Fuck…Did Cas…?
The idea has Dean pressing his knuckle on his lips.
It gets him giddy. He quickly gets dressed. He wants to jump out of his room and knocks on Cas’ door, because he knows Castiel is waiting—then he remembers that maybe Cas is still fixing stuff? What do angels know about making special dates and in less than fan hour no less?
So Dean calms down, tells himself to not blow this for Cas. He sits at the edge of his bed, not touching anything. He fixes his eyes on the door, waiting like how a lioness waits for its prey. Leaning on his elbow, he listens to the sound of his watch ticking by, listens to his breath slow down even the tapping of his foot ceases.
Cas is making something special for him.  His angel wants to make him feel special like— Dean swallows, heart pounding. There’s a dizzying buzz on his ears, an unsteady hummin on his chest and just…
Fifteen minutes, twenty. This is worse than waiting for Apocalypse. He gives it another ten minutes… he’s out the door in two.
He leaves the room in a blur, searches for that door, finds it, didn’t kick it but he knocks. No answer. He tries again but on the third try, he’s got a pin on his fingers and picking the lock. He opens the door, heart pounding like he’s doing something inappropriate. Yes, guilty as charged, but turns the lights and lo—there right there is a red queen-sized bed just for him and Cas.
Dean’s eyes widen—so there’s a very good AC in the room, two large pillows for couples and ahh—there are even two white bathrobes, but there’s no Cas.
Blinking to himself, he checks the bathroom, finds no one there. He hopes Cas didn’t bother with flowers and wine, sheesh. His grin spreads wide. Dean undresses quickly and pulls on the white bathrobe. He throws himself in the middle of the bed, hissing at the mess and trying to smoothen the sheets before plopping in the middle.
So what if he’s going to be part of the surprise?
The bed is directly in front of the door. Dean tries to arrange himself, trying to look sexy and all that because he can. Starts with raising one knee, his other leg splayed open, shifts so he is half sitting with the bathrobe exposing his neck because his neck is godly. He shifts his butt again trying to ordinate the damn vibrating muscles until he finds himself propped up on the head board, legs crossed with slit open in between for good measure.
What Dean didn’t expect is waiting for another twenty minutes then…well, he dozes off, blesses him.
The next thing he is aware of is the sound of door opening and closing. He lifts his head up in automatic response, looking for any sign of demons or intruders after his life but in the bright light of the room, he finds himself staring at the blurry figure of the angel in the trench coat.
Dean smiles.
Castiel doesn’t answer. The lights are on and despite being a little groggy Dean can see the angel is more than shock, he is breathing hard like he ran a marathon, his lips are parted open and there’s a flicker of fear mixed with relief behind his eyes. Dean quickly sits up, sensing trouble—
“Cas, what—”
Castiel charges forward and trench coat fills his vision. Castiel knelt on the bed, arms full of Dean. Head on the angel’s chest where he can hear the pounding of Cas’ heart. Cas sticks his face on Dean’s neck with a shudder.
“Hey, hey—” Deans says a little perturbed, pulling away from the angel’s clutches, “What happened?” This is not going great.
 “You weren’t in your room.” He mumbles, nose pressed on the hollow between his shoulder and neck, “I went… I knocked. I called Sam, he said you were upset. I thought you went away but your car is outside and I….”
Dean takes a deep sigh. His confusion gets forgotten when he sees Castiel’s knees perfectly in between his legs. He holds on Castiel’s waist, smiling a little.
“I’ve been here waiting for you. Where’d you go?”
Castiel mutters something about pizza and sure enough, there are two boxes on the table for him plus six cans. Cas thought of this a lot.
Dean eases the angel from his shoulders then flips him down the bed in one swoop. Castiel gets flat on his back while Dean props his body on an angle facing the angel on his side with a look of interest on his face.
“Mmm… I heard you were planning on a slumber party.”
“Dinner date?”
“We had dinner at Garth’s house.” Cas frowns so adorably even with a straight face Dean can’t help teasing him.
“Fine, sex date?” at close proximity, Dean winks. “Did I blow it?”
Castiel’s face flushes.
From where he lies with the light just above the hunter’s shoulder, Dean can see how Cas’ whole face turns every spot of red from his neck up to his hairline. He can hear the angel’s heartbeat
Dean reaches a finger and places it on Cas’ chest. The little jolt from the touch makes Dean smile and he presses down a little so half his body is almost on top of his partner.
“Who’s surprised now?” Dean wiggles eyebrows at the angel before completely straddling him.
Castiel hitches a breath, hands holding Dean’s thighs for support.  Dean watches as the blue eyes follow the trail of Dean’s shoulder now exposed from the sliding bathrobe and fuck Dean thinks he must’ve looked like a pornstar.
But Cas stares back at him in the eyes all in control of his desire.
“You were… here. How did you know?”
“Know what? Cas, as long as we have this thing between us, I’ll crawl to any hole just to sleep with you.”
“I thought you’re gone,” Castiel repeats but there’s no reason to be sad, he doesn’t let go of Dean’s hips.
Dean grins lowering himself on top of the angel, so Castiel’s whole body stiffens, beneath too, with Dean carefully putting his elbows on Cas’ chest. They stare at each other, Dean finding the right space between Cas’ legs and yes, he finds himself hard. Cas is still on his coat, well dressed and well, this is fantasy porn, he thinks.
“You’re sneaking around, huh?”
“I’m not.”
“Buying pizza’s, stuff… I thought you were upset.”
Dean hums. He can read more from Castiel’s eyes.
“I thought you… went to a bar…”
“Ah, you thought  I was sneaking around.”
“I thought I had to eat pizza alone.”
Dean grins.
“I wouldn’t dream of leaving you, Cas. I’m yours.”
Castiel doesn’t answer, but he nods his head vigorously. Doing so, the angel lets his eyes wander to the crack between Dean’s chest, then up to Dean’s lips. Cas wets his lips.
Dean knows they both just want to get on it. In answer to that he wants to do it too, he rolls his hips. Castiel gasps and clutches on his waist. “Dean…”
Dean’s face softens. Cas is staring at him too, well, on his lips and his face and its visible Cas wants him. How can he ever think the spark would fly out of this relationship?
“You want to prepare a special date for me?” he touches Cas’ cheeks, and he is very gentle. He is trying to control himself not to dive in and kiss Cas like how he should be doing five minutes ago, but he also needs this out. “You want us to date, Cas? Like a normal couple?”
Castiel bites his bottom lips and nods once. “I just want to take care of you.”
“Aw, my baby is so sweet. Sorry to blow this, but you take care of me, Cas.” Dean says quietly, lowering his lips so he can feel the hot breath of the angel next to his, “You’re always there.”
“But I don’t take care of you like how they do it. The married couple.” Cas says. Dean can’t fight the spreading grin on his face. He buries his head on his arms, feeling the butterflies swirl inside his stomach.
“Messaged received.”
Cas doesn’t think they’re boyfriends. He thinks they’re married. Wants to take care of Dean too. Dean’s heart swells. His whole face reddens and when he kisses Cas it’s more than lust, it’s more than wanting. When he lets the robe off his shoulder with frantic kisses still on his angel, he thinks how Cas wants to make him happy. He ruts on Cas’ thighs. He thinks of Cas wishing to stay with him forever. And he gets off on that. Accidentally. Without anything but Cas' kneading his ass. He comes on Cas’ thighs. He knows Cas was surprised. They’re only just beginning. Fuck, Cas is still on his dress when Dean comes, and it's dizzying. Cas catches him, and Dean can't apologize because Cas is kissing him roughly with tongues licking inside his open mouth while he breathes, taking him and he lets him.
His quick release is a little embarrassing, but Dean supposes, it’s the thought that counts.
Then Cas is on top of him with blazing blue eyes, bedsheet crumple around them, Cas clothes sliding down the floor where Dean has forgotten the bathrobe and everything else is a blur.
End. Ao3 Link 
@verobatto-angelxhunter​ better late than...uhm xD
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npckingmo · 3 years
Stringing some Gay Little Thoughts together bc I am. obSESSED.
-Rowena is Queen of Hell. It's very pagan and celtic inspired. The Hunt is HERS. Courts of demons, considered Seelie and Unseelie and unconforming, have new rules--they cannot lie, but they can use creative wordplay, etc etc
-Sam comes into herself. She uses she/her pronouns. She's known that she is a trans woman since Standford, but never came out until the end of the series. She mostly stays the same, but grows out her hair, wears hair clips, has a few long skirts...but she's just. Sam. Sam as she's always been but happier, lighter, more understanding of herself.
-dean and cas get married first, and sam and Eileen do soon after. Both weddings are BONKERS. Sam has already come out by the time she gets married, and she wears the dress and Eileen wears the suit
-dean is an amab trans masc person. He's pretty unsure of where he lands on the gender spectrum, but he's so, SO happy to be married to cas.
-dean is bi and trans. Both things take a long, hard journey for him to come to terms with. It's a painful uphill battle for a while--cas and sam help him out SO much during this.
-Gender talks--sam coming out Officially to dean--sexuality talks--Cas' gender being specifically A Gay Man--dean and cas sharing a Moment in which dean gets to see Cas' True Form--dean slowly coming to terms with being bi--dean self destructing throughout this process--Cas and Dean having to work out many of their issues during a case--fighting and arguing but loving each other too--dealing with ptsd in a non-stop domestic atmosphere--dean having More Gender Talks as this progresses--dean melting down trying to Understand his gender problems--cas reassuring him and sam being a supportive sister and Eileen knocking sense into him when it's needed--Rowena offers a threesome with Sam and Eileen and EILEEN ACCEPTS--
-so: dean saves cas from the Empty. Begs Jack for help? Amara? Bela? Things to consider. Dean accepts and returns Cas' love for him.
-dean and cas get married. Two part episode. It's sweet and wonderful and it's HOME, all the people they love coming and more than a few hunters as well.
-its during/just before this that Sam has the idea to open up the bunker to all the hunters and hunter-adjected people, giving them the men of letters resources and starting to network
-sam takes eileens last name when they get married. A shapeshifter tries to crash the party (which is. A Mistake.)
-chuck has been supressing sam's power--once he's gone, sam Has her powers back.
-in THIS AU, the demon blooded kids come back. Maybe jack brings them back as they were?????? And sam, older and calmer now, helps them. ??? How would I do that. I want it so bad. I need to figure out a way to make this happen
-charlie is still alive thanks! Ellen and Jo get brought back. Jo gets a girlfriend. Jody is married with her lesbian wife. Kaia and Claire ARE hunters, but not full time. They are in LOVE.
-the Network starts. The Network being between hunters, men of letters (which works like how Charlie and Bobby did it--more than aware of the hunter like and the supernatural, but aren't willing to/are unable to hunt Directly), and compassionate monsters (vamps that control themselves, werewolves that do the same, witches and psychics and others too. Some shapeshifters, not many but a few.)
-Gabriel is still alive. So is Adam. Gabe--idk how he comes back. Maybe he shunted himself in a tiny little micro-universe and has just stuck there. They save Adam tho, and he's a WILDLY different person with MANY issues to work out.
-Adam plotline! They have to help him cope with being in the cage for so long, and learn how to have a little brother. He hangs out with Garths family most of the time tho. He gets along okay with Jack, though at first becomes EASILY annoyed by him bc he's So Positive and Adam is....not.
-sam has to come to terms with being Out and trans femme and nb. And, more overtly, her own internalized Monsterousness. She starts to accept herself more, and through this finally, FINALLY comes to terms with her powers being an inherent part of her--that her powers aren't EVIL, not on their own. That it's what SHE decides to do with them that matters. (Good is not a thing you are. It's a thing you DO.)
-cas finally gets Ruby out. HOW??
-sam learns Gaelic to help with her spells. She's getting stronger by the day, and she has a garden for spellcraft at the bunker that cas helps tend to. Cas also has a garden at home full of herbs for dean's cooking. He also has his own beehive
-sam does every kind of spellcraft, and soon is making her own. Sigils and chants, intensive rituals, blood magic, hexes and curses, hex bags of her own, belladonna next to an ulna, sparrow bones next to myrrh
I am. Thinking! Idk I'm blending a thousand good ideas together into a. Concoction. I might write snippets of this but who knows! I'm just gay and trans and want better for all of us
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