#// o boi xD
wombywoo · 1 year
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some baby arthur doodles~ 🤠
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juls-art · 6 months
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(Dimension20)Lou's hand motions for Counterspell are just so CORRECT, and perfect i HAD to redraw Anotos doin' em! --   Kofi | Patreon    
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krysmcscience · 1 month
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I will be the first to admit I'm not the best at drawing animal or furry characters, but I wanted to get something scribbled down in my Non-Goof style, anyway. Plus, I've been enjoying the many reference pages folks were posting of their own designs for the Lamb and Narinder, so, uh. Here's mine, I guess! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
do not comment on how long narinder's tail is or i swear to the lamb i will make it even longer next time >:]
#fanart#cult of the lamb#cotl#cotl lamb#cotl narinder#narilamb#tagging the ship because Your Honor They're Married#teeny tiny lamb and big boi narinder is my weakness leave me alone DX#i gave narinder a stupidly long tail because my own cat has a stupidly long tail and i make fun of him for it all the time#this is important to me for A Reason - which is that i enjoy adding even more reasons for people to make fun of narinder#he is my special boi and my poor little meow meow and thus i must violently shake him like he's the world's shittiest maraca#why else would i give him a long majestic cloak but then just have him wear a stupid turtleneck tunic under it and no fukken pants#there is no way that asshole has any sense of fashion - he has been out of touch with it and reality for at least one (1) millennium#anyway narinder's cloak can definitely be pulled closed to look like his standard in-game attire#also shh the lamb has plenty of wool to cover them and thus doesn't need any Censor Leaves#do NOT cite them for public indecency because that is racial discrimination against sheep and thus It Is W R O N G#btw i know i draw the lamb kinda cutesy-feminine but i promise you their gender is an eldritch void#VOID I SAY#what's in their pants? a knife#the time knife specifically (that's the eldritch part)#it might look like narinder has yaoi hands here but that's just because he's Bein' Spooky#i swear i headcanon him with normal size hands XD#also i finally drew scars on his wrists!!! i DO headcanon him with those but i try to keep designs simple in my Goofs Style lmao#once again i should be asleep
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rencoons-trashcan · 4 months
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I'm late as always but still wanted to do something for Valentine's day (⁠人⁠ ⁠•͈⁠ᴗ⁠•͈⁠)
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zu-is-here · 2 years
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yuriyuruandyuraart · 1 year
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Dancing with the devil...
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@estelletheskeleton forgot to add this here but here you go >:Dc
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goldenteaset · 1 month
"I finally did it," mutters your F/O as they take a screenshot of you, the latest party member in their favorite RPG. Maybe there are tears in their eyes, or they're celebrating inwardly. "You're finally here...all that grinding was worth it. You're going to be my MVP.”
Maybe they go a step further and get you all the outfits--DLC, in-game, a bonus from a cafe collaboration, what have you. They unlock all your cutscenes, max out your Love Level if the RPG has dating mechanics, or just look at your various animations or poses any chance they get.
One thing's for sure: in their heart, you're the Hero more than the actual protagonist!
(An optional, slightly darker addition under the cut.
Tags: dubcon in a meta way)
The catch? You weren't part of the RPG at first. Whether through a spell, app, or something else entirely, your F/O "ported" you in for their own ends.
Was it out of petty spite? Lust? A desire to immortalize you through unconventional means? Either way, despite being the strongest and most well-dressed member of the party as you face down boss after boss, you wouldn't be trapped here if not for your F/O's love.
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effervescentdragon · 1 year
Charlos + teammate rivalry but is omegaverse.
"He's just an omega," his father had said. "How good can he be, really?"
Carlos said nothing, only nodded as his father went into another monologue about what it takes to be a champion. About the drive and the yearning and the focus needed. About how only an alpha, and perhaps an occasional beta, has what it takes.
He didn't dare ask But what about Lewis, then? What about the most successful driver in history? He is an omega, isn't he, and he beat Fernando and he beat Sebastian and he even beat Michael. What about Lewis?
Carlos had heard what Lewis said to Charles in Bahrain. "You've got it, kid." He saw the pride on Lewis' face and heard the satisfaction in his voice. Oh, he'd congratulated Carlos on his P2, too, of course he did, but there was no doubt in who was Lewis' favourite for the win.
He thinks he should resent Charles much more than he does. (He doesn't dare think about how little he truly resents him.) Sometimes he thinks it's Charles' pheromones messing with his head, because why would he not be angry more often otherwise? Why would every one of Charles' heartbreaks feel like his own heart was breaking, if it wasn't because of Charles manipulating his instincts? Why would he even care at all about his direct competitor, about the only competitor that matters - the one driving the same car as him, his fucking teammate - if it wasn't Charles influencing him?
He doesn't want to think about the answer. He isn't ready to think about it, and he doesn't think he ever will be.
Charles is an omega, and Carlos is an alpha, and Charles is beating Carlos in every single way. And it would be easier, wouldn't it, to say it was a fluke. To blame Carlos' performance, or lack thereof, on Charles and his wiles. Because Charles has wiles, and he has them in spades.
He just isn't using them.
Oh, sure. He'll step in when the briefings get too heated, the alphas too rowdy and too strong-headed to cede to one another. He'll let out a whimper and his scent would sour. Carlos thought that Charles did it on purpose and out of selfish reasons, but he's had to admit to himself that he was only half right. Charles did do it on purpose, but he only did it when the situation looked like ot was going to escalate into something dangerous.
He never told his father about that.
Being in close proximity to Charles meant that Carlos had a front row seat to see how Charles acts at all times, and not just in front of the cameras. He was prepared for a repeat of the situations he was in before. He was prepared for the omega to use his vulnerability to shift the tide of the garages and the management to his side, regardless of the factual results. He was prepared for whining, and for special treatment, and for disgust he would be able to openly show this time, because Charles was older, and he wasn't Carlos' friend, and they weren't close.
The biggest surprise was that he really should have known better. If he'd stopped to think about everything he knew about Charles from his own observations, he would have known better.
Charles was just Charles.
He was shy, and he wss determined, and he was passionate, and he was vulnerable, and he was a demon on track. He drove like it was more important to him than breathing, and there was no sign of deception in his face or in his scent when he came out of the car after another botched session on track and hugged his mechanics and told them it was going to be okay. That they would get it right next time. That they will come back stronger.
Charles believed in Ferrari in a way that Carlos wasn't sure he could ever do, and he was sincere about it, and the adoration that the team had for him would hurt more, if Carlos didn't adore him a little bit, too.
"We have a problem," Silvia said, her face serious. "Charles' supressants aren't working properly. His heat is going to hit a week earlier than we thought, and if he doesn't ride it out properly, he won't be able to drive the next race."
"What's the problem?" Caco asked. "There is - his alpha -"
"I don't have an alpha," Charles said calmly. "The person I usually - he won't be able to help me."
Carlos stayed silent, observing. Charles looked calm, for all intents and purposes, but Carlos saw how wild his eyes were. How full of heartbreak they seemed when he continued.
"You'll have to get Robert in to drive my car," he said, and his voice was flat and emotionless. "Or Gio. Whoever you think best."
They all knew this race was important. They all knew that if Charles lost this race, he may lose his place in the championship. That would mean that Carlos would move up into his place. It made no difference to the team standing, but it would make all the difference to the drivers.
Charles wouldn't look at him. He hasn't looked directly into Carlos' eyes for two days. Carlos would bet that that was probably when he realised what would happen.
As the room settled into a debate aboht whether someone else could take the place of Charles' - of the alpha Charles usually went to, and Charles vehemently refused to even ponder the possibility, Carlos thought about many things.
He thought about Charles' trust issues and the way he used to flinch away from Carlos in the beginning. How he still stayed away from most of the unknown alphas in the team, and alphas he didn't know on the grid. He thought about other omegas, and how they had the right by rules to demand the services of their alpha teammates. He thought about how Charles never relied on his biology to beat his teammates, and how he beat both Seb and him on pure skill and a little bit of luck alone. He thought about moving up a place in the championship because of his teammate's biology.
Most of all, though, Carlos though about Charles' resigned, heartbroken eyes when he said Someone else will have to drive my car. How he looked like he was expecting, if not that exactly, then something like that to happen.
"I'll do it."
All the noise in the room quieted, and all eyes turned to him. Carlos only cared aboout one pair of eyes - green, and surprised, and beautiful.
"If you will have me, of course. I will help you through your heat, Charles."
Carlos could feel Caco move beside him, and he knew what he was thinking. That Carlos was a fool, that this was his chance, that he didn't owe anyone - not Charles, not Ferrari, not anyone - anything.
Carlos didn't care about any of that. All that he cared about was the way Charles looked at him. Scared. Disbelieving. Hopeful.
"Are you sure?" Charles asked softly.
Carlos looked at him, really looked at him, and willed Charles to believe him.
"I'm sure."
When Charles smiled, his dimples showing on his pink cheeks, Carlos felt like he'd done the right thing for the first time in a long, long time. When he nodded, Carlos felt like he was on top of the world, and like nothing in the world could beat that feeling. It felt like a victory.
(Carlos was wrong. He only realised he was wrong when he got to kiss Charles for the first time. That was what victory actually felt like.)
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blackjackkent · 4 months
OK, time for another boss battle report, Cazador Szarr edition. This one got pretty elaborate. XD
Opening state of play:
Enemy list is Cazador plus two ghasts (labeled "Fallen Gur Hunter," upsettingly), four werewolves, a skeleton named "Chatterteeth," and six bats. The bats have one hit point each but I'm making no assumptions at this point.
Cazador starts out with seven stacks of a buff called "Ritual Sources" - corresponding to the seven spawn currently being held in magical fields around the arena - which gives him 70 temp HP, 7m extra movement speed, and extra necrotic damage. He also gets an individual unique buff for three of the spawn (For "Yousen", he gets an extra 2-16 hitpoint regain every turn, for "Violet" he gets a +5 to AC, and for Astarion himself, he gets an extra bonus action.)
All of this also means we are shorthanded by one person because Astarion is currently being used as a power socket. (On the bright side, despite the cutscene, he still has all his armor and stuff on, so maybe we can get him back into the fight and let him get the killing blow.)
Cazador can apparently use Call Lightning for ten turns without using a spell slot, with which he immediately beats the shit out of Jaheira on his first turn.
He can turn into vampire mist and run around the arena which makes him immune to non-magical damage. "This status is removed by sunlight," says the description of the form. Well, this at least is good news, because guess what Jaheira has:
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The spawns themselves all have a "sacrificial lamb" condition which states: "If Cazador draws power from all the spawns bound this way three times, he will ascend." So we're on something of a time limit.
By the way Cazador has 270 hit points, including the 70 temp HP he's getting from the spawns. O.O;
We do get a bit of a hint to kick things off.
"Those runes," Karlach says. "Cazzy's using them to suck the power right out of those poor fuckers."
"If we can reach the glowing sigils, maybe we can redirect that power from him to us," says Hector.
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First of all, I love that Karlach calls him "Cazzy". Second, I can't imagine Hector is much more thrilled about taking that power for himself, even temporarily, than he is about Cazador getting it, but desperate times call for desperate measures.
I think our top priority here is as follows:
a) Get everyone onto one of those sigils (ideally Astarion's? maybe we can get him back into the fight?) to start disrupting Cazador's power sources. b) Get Daylight cast on as much of the arena as possible. c) ????? we'll figure it out from there.
Let's go.
Combat report:
Getting Karlach onto one of the sigils on her first turn passed one of the "Ritual Sources" buffs from Cazador onto her, so that seems like a good start. The problem here, though, is that stepping back OFF the sigil immediately gives the buff back to Cazador. So the utility here seems a bit limited since most of our squad is kinda up close and personal.
Not entirely clear on whether I am supposed to be trying to kill the non-Astarion spawn, although that does seem like it would certainly remove the buff more permanently. They're basically resistant to everything so it doesn't seem like a GREAT use of our time, but options feel really limited.
The ghasts are surprisingly annoying as they all run straight at Hector and cast Stench to make him nauseous, meaning he can't take actions. He's so powerful tho that he kills one of the werewolves with bonus actions alone.
Karlach meanwhile gets surrounded by all five bats and bit a whole bunch and Jaheira gets downed by the second round of Call Lightning. This is off to a great start.
The one spore zombie that was still following Jaheira around from the fight earlier misses every single one of its attacks in this fight, bless its heart.
Hector manages to take out all the ghasts by turn three but is now the only good guy conscious on the field as Karlach has gotten bitten into unconsciousness. More bats have spawned at the start of the round. Cazador has managed to avoid starting his turn in the Daylight spell repeatedly so he has not yet taken any damage from it yet. All the bats have now come over to surround Hector instead. This is going terribly.
DISCOVERY: When Jaheira's spore zombie kills something (in this case, a bat) it turns into a new friendly spore zombie! That's nice! Everything else, however, is terrible.
At this point, Cazador ascends. All of the spawns, including Astarion, explode into a giant pile of wet meat. Astarion's personal quest is marked complete. I sigh, very heavily, and reload. Yeesh.
Attempt 2!
I feel like there's a trick here that I'm missing, but the second pass does start off much more optimistically; Hector and Karlach are able to take out all three ghouls immediately and Jaheira gets Daylight up again.
Once again Jaheira gets wrecked at the top of the second round when Cazador gets his next turn. She really is squishy as fuck and I am not sure why I suck so badly at playing her. :( I love you, Jaheira, I'm sorry I keep getting you killed.
Eventually I got frustrated and sent Hector over to just whale on Cazador, and he's such a battering ram that he did manage to get him all the way down to 100HP. However, it was on turn 3 and so Cazador promptly got up afterwards and turned everyone into marinara sauce.
Realistically, Hector and Karlach are powerful enough between them that I'm pretty sure we can cheese this fight but just going straight to Cazador on turn 1 and beating the shit out of him; however, I would kind of like to figure out how to do this fight the "correct" way. Reload.
Attempt 3!
New strategy - what if we ignore all the enemies and just run all three of us onto three of the sigils immediately? (Specifically, the three sigils for the spawn that are giving him extra buffs. Unfortunately, they're of course the ones furthest away from us but we have dash actions for a reason.)
With this in mind, backing up an extra save and doing some pre-work. Jaheira gets the Misty Step amulet back, ritually casts Longstrider on everyone which will give them extra movement speed until long rest, and precasts Conjure Elemental, Conjure Woodland Being to get more bodies on the field, and Heroes Feast too, why not (immunity to the Stench poison for one thing), then casts Protection from Energy on herself to help offset the fucking Call Lightning that's wrecking us right out of the gate.
While I'm doing this, @ryssabrin comes in clutch with some advice in the replies in my previous post, pointing out that we can use the Help action on Astarion to pull him out of the ritual and back into the fight. "cazador will focus fire on him but he won't do the ritual." This is HUGE because that three-turn limit was what was really fucking things up.
So that's our new priority. Jaheira and Karlach go to stand on two of the sigils, and Hector books it towards Astarion to free him. Ryssabrin also pointed out the utility of Sanctuary in this case - presumably to put on Astarion if Cazzy is gonna focus fire him - so I have Hector load that up too, and cast Protection from Evil and Good on himself.
Heroes Feast is fun. It also gives us a big hamper of camp supplies in addition to all the buffs. Please fill in your own joke:
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Mad prep, let's go:
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OK let's give this another try. I'm not scared, what are you talking about.
In addition to all the buffs, we also luck out here somewhat in that on this run, all three of the team get top initiative (second only to Cazador himself). Jaheira's concentration on Protection from Energy gets broken INSTANTLY but she does take less damage than she did previously.
Jaheira misty steps onto Yousen's sigil, stealing Cazador's per-turn heal and one of his ritual stacks (and casts Daylight). Karlach goes to Violet's sigil and steals Cazador's extra AC and another ritual stack (and rages for extra DR). Hector as planned beelines straight for Astarion, Help-actions him into the fight, casts Sanctuary on him, and barrels towards one of the other sigils. Cazador is now down to four buff stacks and no special buffs, and cannot ascend. QUICKSAVE.
"YOU ARE GOING TO SUFFER FOR EVERYTHING YOU DID TO ME!" Astarion bellows, and then I have him stand absolutely still and not do anything, because he can't be targeted by attacks in Sanctuary but only while he doesn't attack anything. I like to think he is debuffing Cazador with the pure power of his ANGRY GLARE, though.
Jaheira once again gets fucking trounced immediately but at least her unconscious body is on top of the sigil so it's still debuffing Cazador.
Round 2 - Cazador's out of mist form and I could keep Hector on the sigil removing the extra stack from him - but realistically the dangerous ones were the two that Jaheira and Karlach are on. Hector is best served barreling straight at Cazador and battering ram smacking the shit out of him. So that is what he does. For a total of [does quick math] 183 DAMAGE! :D Cazador lost Call Lightning concentration too. Big moves from Team Juggernaut and this is all looking much more manageable. (For insult to injury he still had enough movement left to go and stand on the nearby sigil again too. XD )
Karlach hurled two separate health potions at Jaheira, using up both of her actions, and neither of them did anything useful for some reason. Very annoying. So now I just sit here while the 513451345 enemies on the field take their turns and hope for the best.
Time for some roleplay choices. Cazador is down to 65 HP and still prone, which means Astarion can get a sneak atack on him. So I make the executive decision to SCREW SANCTUARY because Astarion needs this killing blow.
Jaheira dies. Again. And, again, from a story perspective, we are pretending this didn't happen. XD
Round 3 - Cazador once again mists up, so I spend Hector and Karlach's turns taking out some of the adds. Astarion tries to take a stab at the mist form just to see if it works. It doesn't.
Round 4 - Hector flattens Cazador down to 13HP and positions himself to give Astarion sneak attack. Karlach stares menacingly at everyone...
And Astarion gets the killing blow.
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And then we killed the 113451324 bats that had spawned during this whole process. Victory!
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cryptidcryptic · 3 months
The camp when the ascending hits
Gale :one shudders to imagine what inhuman thoughts lie behind that mask
Gale :what dreams of chronic and sustained cruelty…
*Inside the mind of the Ascended vampire king:
✨10 hour AA x consort amv✨
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slashingdisneypasta · 2 months
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ambalambs · 24 days
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End of Endwalker pics u3u/ @shu-shus
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mitamicah · 10 months
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10/13 Käärijä stickers 👠💄✨
The most selfindulgent piece of this entire project x'D
I found this store full of just käärijä green things and so I decided to just draw Jere wear all of it at the same time x'D (except I didn't find a way to incorporate the dancer shirt so almost all :'D xD). It turned out working way too well not to make a sticker out of it so I'm sorry :'D
Alternative version (without the shirt) below the line :3
⬅️Previous Entry ➡️Concept sketch (specifically this one) ➡️➡️Concept sketches (rest)
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coffinhugger · 8 months
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@leadxxr from x
"That's right." Declan's voice is low, husky, and broken up by his soft pants and quiet grunts of effort.
"My good boy; so fucking precious." One arm is a diagonal bar up Dwight's chest, his hand gripping the smaller man's shoulder and keeping him pinned to Declan's chest so the showboat can purr in Dwight's ear. "My good, precious boy."
Declan's other hand is still, fingers wrapped around the base of Dwight's cock. He's not stroking, not yet. Moments like this when he can bask in pleasure and see Dwight without the weight of their situation on his shoulders are meant to be savored. Drawn out. His thumb is a lazy pressure running along Dwight's sweat slick skin, at odds with the pace of his hips snapping into the leader and the small squeezes he gives every time he's fully sheathed.
Dwight is better than Declan thought he would be. Perfectly tight and hot and willing. Even if they weren't trapped in the Fog, this is a boy Declan would seek out again. And again. He growls and sucks a mark into the bend of Dwight's neck, careful not to do more than scrape his canines against the soft skin. It's as addictive as any drug Declan left behind in the real world when the Entity took him.
He pulls his mouth away only long enough to growl, "I'm never letting you go. You're mine, Dwight. My good, perfect Dwight."
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faceless-dude · 3 months
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When your whole one and only training arc is about phantom pains in jewel region
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