#// people... you can send questions anytime you want. No need to wait for a 'go' signal every mod post. That's literally why I got anon up.
ddejavvu · 11 months
Hey Mei 🫶
Here’s my idea - BAU!wife who yells at Hotch when he yells at their team members because she’s a protective momma bear. And hotch secretly loves it because his wife yelling gets him all hot and bothered.
Love you 🫶 and your writing thank you 🧡
Perhaps it's an unwise idea to pick a fight with your surly husband, especially because he doubles as your surly boss. But Spencer hadn't even been that late, and you know he only walked in late because he takes public transportation, and he couldn't control that the bus was late. And, Aaron's only in such a sour mood because Jack had given him typical teenage attitude before school this morning. So really, Spencer didn't deserve the near-shouted lecture he'd gotten.
You march over to the young doctor's desk, happy that his aversion to touch applies to people he's not familiar with. He leans into your stomach when you pull his head to rest on it, albeit stiffly, and you call after your husband with narrowed, fierce eyes.
"Aaron, come back here right now and apologize." You demand, and the already icy mood in the office shifts a few degrees colder. Aaron stops on the stairs and by the tightness of his shoulders he's composing himself, then he turns on his heel and raises a thick brow at you.
"He didn't deserve that," You scold him, keeping Spencer's head cradled to your stomach as you stroke down his back, "He's a baby."
Aaron rolls his eyes, "He is not a baby, Y/N. He's a grown man with a government job, and I expect him to show up to it on time."
"He does! He's early every single other day," You remind him, "But the bus came late today! How was he supposed to get here? Uber? You know he doesn't know how to download new apps! Let alone link his bank account to pay the guy. He was seven minutes late, for fuck's sake, just leave him alone!"
Aaron looks like he wants to snap. You've gnashed your teeth at him, and he's lived the life of a fighting dog thus far, so you know you're treading in dangerous waters. But after a rather intense stare down in which you feel Spencer's face heating up through the fabric of your shirt, your husband swallows his pride and mutters, "I expect you in my office within five minutes, Y/N."
Spencer mumbles some feeble protest on your behalf but you pat his back to shush him, letting go so that he can straighten up again.
"Don't worry," You send him a warm smile, "I can handle him. Call me if you ever need a ride again, okay? We can come pick you up."
"Okay." He nods, but it's most likely only to deter you from pampering him with any more motherly affection, as he looks like he's going to wilt from it, "Thanks, Y/N."
"Anytime," You squeeze his shoulder, passing your concerned teammates unbothered smiles as you make your way to Aaron's office.
He's only recently sat down when you arrive, but you notice that he's conveniently sitting so that the desk blocks your view of his lower half. You stand at attention in front of his desk, playing coy like you don't know what's coming next.
"Do you enjoy questioning my authority in front of my team?" He asks you, voice carefully even and tight.
"I enjoy doing anything that makes your dick twitch, Aaron." You announce, your tone deceptively casual for the filth you're spewing, "Did you haul me in here to fuck me over the desk? The blinds are still open, don't you think that's a little distasteful?"
Your attitude only makes him more uncomfortably aroused, and he regrets getting his suits tailored so precisely, as his pants have little give. He leans forwards across his desk, dark eyes boring into yours.
"No. I hauled you in here to tell you that I'm going to fuck you over the desk. But not yet. You're asking for it now, so I'm not giving it to you. Maybe if you'd been a little more polite, I'd have given you what you wanted. But now you're going to wait, because you decided to bicker with me over the rules of this office. Rules that I set, because I am in charge of keeping this team on track."
The harsh tone of his voice makes your stomach twist, and you're feeling your heartbeat in two places. You stand there, saliva slowly accumulating on your tongue, until he raises a brow at you, unimpressed.
"Don't do that again. Am I clear?"
"Yes, sir." You lay on the formality hot and heavy, practically purring it and watching as he shifts slightly in his seat, "I'll be waiting, whenever you decide you can't take it anymore."
"Careful." He snaps, eyes ablaze at your implication that he'll be the one to break, "Don't dig yourself any deeper. Dismissed."
You turn to leave with a satisfied smirk on your face, and perhaps you exaggerate bending over to pick up a stray paperclip that you notice on the floor by his door.
"Here," You pad back across the room to hand it to him, not missing the way that he's tense all over, "See you in twenty, Hotchner."
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erwinsvow · 6 months
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you’re made of tougher stuff than rafe had realized.
he pampers you, of course, gives you the full princess treatment, even though you get all shy about it, trying to refuse him—which never works. he thinks you deserve it, because you deserve everything that he can give you, but he’s really trying to butter you up, get you ready for when you find out what kind of shit he’s really been up to. 
you’ve made a habit out of not questioning anything rafe says, following his instructions without a second guess. your boyfriend is overpoweringly dominant—it’s easy to do as he says and a part of you is convinced that you prefer it this way. you feel your shyness melt away when you’re with him, your real self bubbling to the surface, more sure of yourself now because rafe is sure of you. 
you don’t realize when it’s happened—only that it has. hand in hand with becoming more confident like rafe, because of rafe, you start being a little more observant.
rafe usually sends you away—gently murmuring in your ear to go get him another drink, or go say hi to someone for him, while he’s trying to conduct business. he sells coke only when you’re out of eyeshot or back at tannyhill waiting for him—he doesn’t need you knowing the details of what he’s doing to make money. the crap with the pogues is put on hold anytime you’re around since he knows your bleeding heart will only feel bad for them. more than that, rafe doesn’t need those idiots earning your sympathy and making him seem like the bad guy. he likes you as you are, all your emotions just for him. 
he thinks this is the way it needs to be to keep you with him, but you start to surprise him.
you come back with a beer for rafe and another lemonade seltzer for yourself, handing it to rafe with a smile and settling on his lap. people at the party might look at the two of you weirdly, but you don’t care anymore, even though the thought of something like that used to make you cry. you lock eyes with rafe, a hand resting on his shoulder while his own hands wrap around your waist.
“that guy over there told me to ask you if you had any coke on you,” you say, taking a sip of your drink and making yourself comfortable against rafe. he freezes for a second, tenses under your touch.
“he said that?” rafe shrugs, fist clenching around the beer bottle. “don’t know why he’d ask that.” you respond with a matching shrug.
“i don’t know. but he’s been talking to those two all night, i bet they’ll buy from you too.” he tries not to act surprised with your words—so comfortably talking about who he could sell drugs to tonight, like you’re discussing what you want for dessert. 
“yeah, kid?”
“mm-hmm. he seemed real nervous. you could probably upcharge, doubt he’d notice.” you take another sip of your drink, swinging your legs. “can we get ice cream on the way home?” rafe presses a wet kiss to your cheek, making you squirm and giggle. he gets up, setting you down on the couch. 
“yeah. let me go take care of business first.”
“okay. charge him double. then i can get a large.” 
“sure thing. you’re the boss.”
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kneelingshadowsalome · 10 months
What would König do/be like when Engel is on her period?
König doesn’t know much about periods, he never had proper sex education in school. You could show him an old ad about menstrual products where the blood is somehow blue, and he’d buy it and simply think it’s some girl thing.
So when your period arrives, the first thing he notices is that you’re not that willing to have sex with him. Or you downright refuse to have sex with him. The sentence ‘It’s that time of the month’ repeats in his head until he connects the dots and realizes that this is it. This is it now, he’s sharing his life with a fertile female and now it’s that time of the month. Right!
He would still try to coax you to have some soft, gentle sex because hey, he’s not afraid of blood. He knifes people every month, sometimes every week; blood is spilled, that’s his specialty. But if you’re grumpy and in pain, dismiss him and tell him to get you a heated water bottle instead or grab some pads from the store, his brain stops working for a moment.
Wait – so he’s needed in some other way here?
König to the rescue, then, but he won’t send you a picture from the pad aisle of the store with a question “What pussy size do you wear”, no, he’s not that easy going. He grabs one of each, and comes home with a plastic bag full of different products and asks if these will do. Then he gets you painkillers and a heater and a glass of water and chocolate and delivers them to you like a steadfast soldier.
Doesn’t understand you want cuddles and his body heat and some of those silly, adorable things he says, until you ask him to kindly come to the bed and hug you. And even then, König thinks you want him to be naked because cuddling usually happens after sex! He’s simply like a dog who’s been conditioned to not wear clothes when pressed against you.
So you roll your eyes when he comes to the bed, naked as can be, all his goodies hanging out and a stupid little grin on his face. He may forget his socks on sometimes because he’s so eager to get next to you so he can suffocate you with his bear hugs. Good luck trying to ignore the swelling, throbbing erection in your back as he pulls you into a cuddle...
And lord have mercy if he reads somewhere that sex can alleviate period pain. Starts to take it as the gospel truth that it *does* work anytime, anywhere, with all women, and so he tries to offer his dick as some kind of medicine for your cramps. Then sulks if you say it’s not that simple :(
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grandlinedreams · 10 months
Ok I loved the whole reader is Kid’s/Killer’s sister. And I can just imagine her and Kid not getting along, and when the heart pirates and kid pirates run into each other, reader and Kid are like two cats fighting. Then Killer picks reader up under her arms like a kitten, and hands her to Law, all like, “this is yours”.
Could you make this happen please? 😭😭
I told myself I wouldn’t send anymore requests till they went down a bit more, but this scenario wouldn’t leave my head, and I wanted to see it come to life with your words. Asdfghjkl I’m sorry 😅
LMAO YES i loved writing it 🥺 but also don't apologize bb, I got you!!
[Heads up!: semi/non-canon compliant (idk either around Sabaody or in the 2 year ts), established relationship, sibling antics (Reader and Kid), cursing, silliness]
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You love your brother, you swear that you do. You've stuck with him through thick and thin and at the end of the day, woe to anyone who tries to hurt him while you're around.
That being said, however, that doesn't necessarily mean that you like your brother or his general attitude towards anyone that isn't part of his crew.
Part of you gets it, truly ㅡ there's been plenty of skepticism and mockery when it comes to Kid and his goal in life. Finding the One Piece is a pretty lofty ambition, but you have no doubts your brother has the determination it takes. He's hostile because of it though, less keen on asking questions and more on the offensive ㅡ and his attitude towards Law's crew is no different.
Perhaps it's made worse, actually, for the fact that you're currently in a relationship with Law. Something your brother knows, and hates. Which is why you've found yourself, predictably, in another argument with him.
Anger boils in your veins as you raise your voice to match Kid's. "Stop treating me like I'm an idiot! I'm a grown adult!"
"Then act like it, damn it!" Your brother snaps back. "I don't have time to babysit you anyways!"
"Nobody asked you to, youㅡ" You yelp as hands hook under yours, your feet leaving the ground as you're lifted up. You know who it is, the only one besides Kid who'd dare to lift you like this in the first place. "Killer, put me down. Now."
The masked pirate ignores your demand, unbothered by the way you squirm in his hold before he sets you down in front of the Law and a handful of his crew, who've been watching this shitshow go down silently.
"This one is all yours," Killer tells Law, hand on your head and ignoring the way you swat at his touch, eyes narrowed and teeth gritted in annoyance. "For now."
"You can't just hand me off like I'm a package," you grumble, "are you that desperate to get rid of me? I didn't even do anything wrong!"
"Not getting rid of you," Killer cuts in, "just giving you some time away from Kid. I think you both need it."
Ever the voice of reason against his captain, Killer has a point ㅡ you could do with a couple weeks (or more) away from your brother and his crew, and who better to hand you off to?
You're sure Kid could think of better (or worse) people to leave you with, but all he does is scowl, silented by the firm steer of Killer back the way they'd come.
You watch your brother and his crew retreat, the scene not unfamiliar even as you sigh and pinch the bridge of your nose. "How mad do you think they'd be if I stayed with you permanently?"
You don't raise your voice and it's not quite an intentional needle to Kid, but he still comes to a halt and glares at you over his shoulder. "I heard that," he snaps, "don't even think about it!"
You adopt a face of innocence that lasts just long enough for your brother to turn back around, then glance at Law, who tilts his head. "The offer does stand," he says, even though there's a teasing gleam to his eyes that you grin at.
"I don't think I'll be truly leaving my crew anytime soon," you say as Law's own crew heads back towards the Polar Tang, and you wait until they've gone to snag your fingers in the front of Law's shirt, tugging playfully. "But I could be convinced to stay a little longer."
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elixirfromthestars · 2 months
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I miss interacting with fellow writers and readers, so I decided to host my own little writing challenge ♡ Between juggling grad school prep and an internship, I wanted to do something to keep me connected to this lovely community, so welcome everyone to my cozy little cafe :) 
The writing challenge starts today and closes on September 29th (National Coffee Day). I will be reading + reblogging every fic. The masterlist will be posted at the end. (if you see this anytime later or can’t make the deadline do not fret, if anything below inspires you, you are welcome to write and tag me and I will add your submission to the masterlist♡)
Below are the rules, prompts, and guidelines ♡
who you can write for: all marvel characters are welcome / any fictional sebastian stan or chris evans characters are welcome too (any characters they’ve portrayed based on real life people will not be accepted though!!) (please keep it to x reader fics only!!)
some general guidelines: Below I’ve provided a number of different prompts and songs for inspiration ♡ Anyone can use them and mix and match however you’d like!! If you use any please let me know somewhere in the post! If none of them below inspire you, to stay within theme please include either a cafe or coffee somewhere in the fic :) 18+ fics are welcome, just please add warnings! Any length of fics are welcome, but if it’s over 500 words please add the “keep reading” option. If you write something as part of a bigger series please write your submission as a standalone ♡
˖°.₊˚☕⊹♡ This is a sweet and cozy little cafe, but of course, there is always a possibility of rain. If anything below inspires an angsty fic, then by all means go ahead and write it! Your submission does not have to include fluff! 
what is not accepted: no dark fics, anything involving minors, incest, rape, noncon/dubcon 
how to enter: please tag me and use #elixirscafe when you post ♡ i’ll leave a like to let you know I saw it and reblog it once I read it :) if i haven’t responded to your post send me an inbox or dm please and thank you! 
Happy writing! My inbox is always open for any questions or comments!! ♡  
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What table are you sitting at? 
♡ Coffeeshop AU 
♡ Soulmate AU 
♡ Bakery AU 
♡ Regency Era AU 
♡ Western AU
♡ Neighbor AU 
♡ Pen Pal AU
♡ Small Town AU 
♡ Royal AU
♡ College AU
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Would you like a sweet treat?
🍩 ༄ؘ “No, I’m not letting you go. It’s too early to get out of bed.” 
🍰 ༄ؘ Saying I love you for the first time.
🍪 ༄ؘ “ Would it be alright if I borrowed your sweater? It smells like you.” 
🍫 ༄ؘ  “ You...you learned how to cook my favorite meal?”
🧁 ༄ؘ “ I’m not going to get sick, you baby. Just let me hold you.” 
🥧 ༄ؘ  “ What else do I need when I have my whole world in my arms?”
🍮 ༄ؘ “ I’m only doing it because you’re cute.” 
🥯 ༄ؘ “ Could you hold my hand?” 
🥞 ༄ؘ “ I’ve seen the way you look at me when you think I don’t notice.” 
🍞 ༄ؘ “ I like hearing your heart beating when I put my head on your chest.” 
🍯  ༄ؘ “ Why don’t you tell me what I can do to make your day better?” 
🥐 ༄ؘ “ I’ve tried to forbid myself from falling in love, but now I can’t help it.”
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Do you like the music in the cafe? Which song should I play next?
˖°.₊˚☕⊹♡ Feel free to use the lyrics below, the entire feel of the song, or any other lyrics in the song! The playlist is below in case you want to go through and listen to the songs while you write ♡
Apple Cider “ And I don’t even like you that much. Wait, I do, fuck. Call me at midnight. Let’s give this a try.” Beabadoobee
Apple Juice “ Don’t let goodbyes come too easy. Love me, just let me know that you need me.” Jessie Reyez
Apple Pie “I found you under an April sky, and you feel like city life, apple pie baked just right. Home is wherever you are tonight.” Lizzy McAlpine
August “ And I can see us twisted in bedsheets. August slipped away like a bottle of wine.’Cause you were never mine.” Taylor Swift
Bubble Gum “ Sorry I didn’t kiss you, but it’s obvious I wanted to.” Clairo
Caramel “ Love like a landslide, I kiss you goodnight. It used to be easy.” 5SOS
Cardigan “And when I felt like I was an old cardigan, under someone's bed. You put me on and said I was your favorite.” Taylor Swift
Chai Tea “ I love sippin’ chai tea, with you across from me. I love hearing your voice, talkin ‘bout nothing.” Audrey
Champagne Problems “ You had a speech, you’re speechless. Love slipped beyond your reaches, and I couldn’t give a reason.” Taylor Swift
Chocolate “ I need more time off with you to turn you on. And I want to wake up without the alarm. A thousand eyes on me constantly, but I just want you.” Ziggy Alberts
Cinnamon “ It’s a slow cinnamon summer. Your spell is pulling me under. Rowing in a wooded hollow. Showing me the moves to follow.” Jome
Coffee Breath “ Make me fantasize,'bout you baby. And you smell so sweet, like fresh-picked daisies.” Sofia Mills 
Coffee Cup “ So we’re swapping our cups, and after a while, we’re swapping a glance. And I can think nothing better than starting the year with a drop of romance.” Anthony Lazaro
Espresso “ Now he’s thinkin’ ‘bout me every night, oh. Is it that sweet? I guess so. Say you can’t sleep, baby, I know. That’s that me espresso.” Sabrina Carpenter
Grapejuice “ I was on my way to buy some flowers for you. Thought that we could hide away in a corner of the heath. There’s never been someone who’s so perfect for me.” Harry Styles
Honey + Tea “Girls like flowers, clever poetry. That old adage doesn't work on me, but conversation and a cup of tea. Boy, you had me at philosophy.” Mōzi
Milk & Honey “ So come meet me in the garden, where the angels sing. We’re mixing up milk and honey, soft lips divine. Slow cherry and lay me down, oh, she’s coming to set me free.” Jessarae
Pancakes for Dinner “ I’ll try to hide the way I feel, but I’ll just wanna shout. What do I have to lose right now?” Lizzy McAlpine
Thin Mints “ If you let me lova ya like I wanna, write you all the poems like Whitman. You can take my Thin Mints, if you let me love ya like I wanna.” Evan Crommett
Too Sweet “ I think I’ll take my whiskey neat. My coffee black and my bed at three. You’re too sweet for me.” Hozier
playlist for the songs above can be found here: 🧸
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to my lovely mutuals, please don’t feel pressured to participate or share, just thought I’d share this with you all ♡  
@peteyprecious616 ♡ @malum-forev ♡ @rosepetalsinwinter ♡ @inkedreverie ♡ @nickfowlerrr ♡ @missraion ♡ @pocolottie​ ♡ @sweetiebarnes ♡
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tokyo-daaaamn-ji-gang · 4 months
Can you do kisaki x not really smart in the character book he hates dumb people I think it'll be nice if he got one as a partner and she asks him the most obvious questions like she'll just text in the middle of the night he'll be annoyed but still tell her the answer I would really love this I think it's cute🤧
Yeah I think it would be potentially good for him as well, like it would help him to see that more than just book smarts matter in a person. So here's what I got for Kisaki x not really smart reader who asks him for help a lot (the reader also kinda ended up being Koko's sister)
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The first time he saw you at the office he was very confused, wanting to know who you were and why you were sitting in Koko's chair. He immediately fixes his glasses and questions you, finding out that you're Koko's sister and you're working on a project which you want your brother's help on. Since Koko was in meeting, Kisaki helped you out instead, assuming it would make you leave faster. Unfortunately for him, this was just the start of his problems.
He convinces himself that he only gave you his phone number to get you to leave but deep down he knows it's a lie.
He sighs so often when you're around, you just seem to ask the strangest and most obvious questions. 
Despite that he's actually very fond of you, he can't figure out why though and it bothers him. He also very much acts like he isn't, hopes these feelings will go away but they just keep getting stronger instead.
Complains to anyone about how "annoying" Koko's sister is. He just won't stop talking about you and if he talks for long enough then a lot of the complaints are about you distracting him from work.
Secretly likes you relying on him for help, it makes him feel needed.
He often purposely waits for your late evening texts, sometimes even purposely staying up for them.
Thinks all the emojis and little things you send after to thank him are ridiculous (he still finds himself softly smiling at the hearts though before frowning again).
Basically decides to help you out with your work one day (he just wants to spend more time with you)
His heart beats faster anytime you smile at him, especially after he's just helped you with something. 
You actually make him start to see things differently and change his perspective on people. 
Hanma finds this whole situation hilarious and teases Kisaki over his "little crush" often.
He finds himself daydreaming about you often 
One time you drop your pen and as Kisaki goes to pick it up, you do too. The two of you accidentally touch hands and Kisaki nearly forgets how to breathe.
Sometimes you bring him little treats as a thanks, he always scoffs at them but still eats them.
And finally, he does eventually confess you. He blurts out if you would like to go on a date him after you ask him a question. You agree happily (Koko isn't so thrilled when he finds out later though).
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countrymusiclover · 3 months
17 - We'll Be Bonnie and Cylde
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Part 18
It's About Time
Tags just ask - @lover-of-books-and-tea @bvbwestfall @bubble-bluee @liesanddreams @bethanymccauley @skeletonontheroad @ashsallyblue2 @kmc1989 @tallrock35 @herondale-lightworm
Flipping on the camping lamp light I plopped down in one of the camping chairs that we had put underneath the old fold out bed. I had slipped on a dark red jacket still wearing the clothes I wore to the hospital. I knew I shouldn’t have ran but I couldn’t face my parents. “What am I gonna do - what am I gonna do?”
Running my hands through my hair I couldn’t imagine being pregnant at 17 years old. And the father had just recently turned the same age as me. I had no clue what his reaction would be. “Y/n!” Lifting my head upward at the familiar voice.
“Georgie.” I gulped watching the cabin door creak opened with a flashlight pointing light in my face.
He lowered the light down to the ground. “I’m lucky I was right that you came here.”
“Good for you, I’m safe so you can leave now.” I sniped at him wanting him to leave me alone hoping he would go away.
Georgie sent me a weak smile. He knew something was up with his best friend so he crossed the room sitting on the edge of the fold out beside the camping chair she was sitting in. “Did I do something wrong. I had Memaw drive me to your house and she said you were freaked out about something.”
“You didn't do anything wrong. I just - needed a break from people for a while. But seriously you don't have anything to worry about-” I bolted up to stand as fast as I could, grabbing the trash can that we had in the corner puking up whatever was in my stomach.
Georgie gasped running over to grab my hair out of my face until I had finished. “Y/n! Here I've got you.”
“Wonder what made me sick - thanks for the help though.” I wiped my mouth seeing he wasn't going anywhere anytime soon. “Georgie, please go.”
His brown eyes focused on my gaze. “I'm not gonna leave you here if you're not feeling good.”
He cut me off sending me puppy dog eyes. “Y/n, please just tell me what is going on with you, cause clearly you aren't feeling right.”
“I'm pregnant, Georgie!” I blurted out throwing my hands up into the air not having the heart to wait and hear him asking me the same question over and over.
He opened his mouth to say something but nearly froze. “You are - are you sure?”
“I took one at the hospital too and it was positive.” Reaching inside my jacket I handed him the one Ashley had given me when they visited me after school.
He eyed the pregnancy test. “I don't believe this.”
“Neither do I.”
My best friend looked at me asking a question I hadn’t even thought of yet. “Are you thinkin’ of keepin’ it?”
“I'm not sure yet. I mean we're only 17. What are we gonna do with raising a baby at our age.”
Georgie sat back down on the bed running his fingers through his curls trying to think this situation through. “If you keep it we um - could get married.”
“Or run away and not tell my parents.”
He sent me a half glare. “But the baby is gonna be their grandkid and we're gonna need free babysitters.”
“So you want to keep it?”
He shrugged his shoulders in response. “Possibly. I mean I really like you and everything. But it's your decision since you'll be carrying it.”
“Right now I just want to stay here and try not to think about it. Uh - can you stay with me tonight?” I sat down hugging my knees to my chest with my hair falling in front of my eyes.
Georgie didn't waste a second scooting over next to me on the bed, wrapping his arms around my body. “I ain’t going anywhere unless you tell me to.” Laying my head in the crook of his neck I wasn't as afraid as I was originally, but I certainly wasn't ready to face my parents and tell them.
The next two days we stayed in the cabin with what little food and water we had stored there but now we were out of supplies and our plan was to leave Medford and live on the edge of Texas away from our families. Climbing in the passenger seat of his vehicle we drove for a few good minutes of silence until he reached across the consul intertwining my hand with his free one. “Are you sure we can't just get married and tell our parents?”
“I'm likely to be disowned and you’ll definitely be shot with a shotgun by my daddy. I'd rather not face those odds.”
Georgie’s face turned almost ghost white. “I might like Dalton from Roadhouse but I don't entirely want to be like him if I'm risking getting shot at.”
“Okay then we're in agreement. We're running and being like Bonnie and Cylde.”
He added in. “Just minus the bank robberies. Oh we could change our names to them if you wanted.”
“Let’s just get our road supplies first. Then we can think about name changes.” He parked the vehicle and we got out walking inside the grocery store. Georgie went to grab some road snacks and I was in charge of getting some drinks. Carrying some Dr. Pepper underneath my arm till something caught my eye.
Pausing in my steps I found some video camera film left on the shelf for a very low price making an idea form inside my head. “Did you get'em. Oh sweet, we can record our travels with these.” Georgie came up behind me noticing the video tapes.
“Actually what do you think about tapping our pregnancy story instead. That way when the baby is older we can show him or her how she was born.”
Georgie shrugged his shoulders, making me chuckle. “Plus how dumb her parents were to get pregnant at 17 years old.” We ended up buying the tapes and everything we needed. Georgie parked the car behind the garage knowing there was an old video camera set stored away in boxes.
“What are you two doing?” Whipping my head around I took my attention away from my boyfriend rummaging around in the box.
“Connie.” I screamed not expecting to see her.
Georgie cheered, nearly dropping the camera standing on a stool, turning around to see she was standing by the side of the car. “H-hey Memaw.”
“What the hell are y’all doing here with the car all packed up with drinks and snacks.”
I attempted the best lie I could. “We’re spending some time at the old cabin we found.”
“And definitely not planning to run away cause she’s pregnant.” Georgie jumped down off the stool with the box of camera stuff inside of it.
I facepalmed myself hearing the words come from his mouth making it far too obvious. “Georgie!”
“Garage now both of you.” Connie declared to us and we followed her order and she shut the door quickly behind her, throwing her arms up in the air at us. “What were you two thinking? You are far too young to run away, especially when you’re going to be teen parents.”
I ran my hands through my hair, feeling a nervous tightness inside my chest. “Listen, the reason we were going to run away is because I’m terrified of what my parents will think or what they’ll do to Georgie.”
“Her dad owns like five guns. I mean it’s Texas so what should I expect? But I don’t really want to get shot for this.” Georgie stands by my side shaking in the boots and jeans he was wearing.
His grandmother ran a hand down her face. “Look they probably won’t like Georgie for a little while but I found a way to love my grandchildren that his dumbass father gave my daughter.”
“What are you saying?” Georgie asked, still confused and I sent her the same expression.
Connie takes hold of my hands sending both of us a half smile and I knew that she would be there for us throughout this difficult situation. “Babies have a magical power over people. They will come around eventually and if they don’t I’ll be here for you two until they do.” Georgie smiled down at me, lucky that we had another person on our team.
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reticent-writer · 1 year
Reaction of Sanemi, Tengen, Rengoku (Separated) to S/What's Their Grandfather Spanking Their Father Why They Were Being Rude To Them. In the Case of the three the S/o is their Paternal Grandfather and Beat up Their Father until Leaving them injured because they were being rude To their children. Like I'd love to see their reaction to their grandfather spoiling and defending them.
An: for some fathers I go with their occupation from other fics.
Mitsuri's ff is a Baker.
Giyuu and Rengoku's is a retired hashira.
Shinobu's is a doctor.
Obanai, muichirou, sanemi and tengen are people from their past.
sorry for the wait
Demon slayer masterlist
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Your dad was living with you and Sanemi after he had a bad accident and hurt his hip
The same way you treat sanemi as a son he treats him as and grandson (genya too)
your dad spoils him rotten
"Really Sanemi?" you slapped the back of his neck as the two of you walked into the house from a long day of training new slayers.
"I didn't do anything wrong." He argued trying to speed walk away from you. You wouldn't let him go.
"You were supposed to train the lower ranks not send them to the hospital."
"That doesn't mean you can- OW." You yelped as a hard object collided with the back of your head. You whipped your head around to see your dad struggling to bend down to get his geta.
"Don't punish him for doing his job, boy."
"You didn't see those poor slayers, broken limps, puffy faces. It was overkill."
He ignored you and instead went to coddle Sanemi. (I imagine sanemi looking back at you with a smug face)
"Dad, he can ju-"
"Are you a hashira?" he interrupted, raising a hand to slap your shoulder since he can't reach your head due to his hip. He's old so his hit don't do much.
"...Dad... stop..."
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your father wanted to visit for a weekend and he's a fickle old man and favors Tengen over u
in his eyes he can do no wrong and tengen know it
anytime your father comes for a visit he makes trouble for you but now that everyone is older hopefully he grew out of that
You decided to make your father's favorite dish while he chatted with tengen and his wives.
"so what brings you here this time pops." Your dad hates that name but because Tengen used it he's fine with it.
"Do I need an explanation to visit?" He chuckled.
"Of course not, our house is always open to you." Hina smiled as she helped you set the table and serve drinks.
"Y/n when is dinner ready, I'm getting hungry." Tengen very flamboyantly and not like a child at all complained.
"Soon... I would've been done if I had help tho." You muttered the last part.
"I heard that." Tengen said.
"What'd he say."
"Just a smartass comment. pops I think he need to be taught a lesson."
You stopped cooking and faced them.
"Really Tengen. You are not a child anymore, deal with your own problems."
He was about to when your dad stopped him and threw his geta right at your forehead.
Guess he never grew out of it.
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It came as a shock to see your dad talking to shinjuro over a glass of sake
You haven't heard from him since you a little before you retired
You honestly thought he kicked the bucket
"It's rude to stare Y/n" Your dad said, pausing the conversation with shinjuro.
"Sorry sir, I just didn't expect you to be here."
He was about to respond when Kyojuro came from behind you.
"Ah, kyo you've gotten so big. All that training I've heard you've been doing really shows. I hope y/n hasn't given you a hard time when you go on missions together."
'crap I didn't tell him I retired.' you thought as you gave kyo a pointed look to not say anything but he is very oblivious.
"Y/n retired when I became hashira."
(cue a comedically slow head turn towards you)
"Your so young why retire?" He questioned as he placed his hand on your shoulders. You honestly couldn't tell if he was mad or not.
"I got hurt and couldn't fight anymore. I'm sorry for not telling you."
"All the training that we did and 1 fight was enough to take you out? Really y/n."
The night he gave you a real injury.
An: Botanical Garden coming soon
Stay tuned
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emsprovisions · 1 year
Panic Attacks and Comfort
Inspired by prompts on this post here.
Word count: 591
“Oh, no.” 
Gus bolted from his seat and ran out the door, abandoning his satchel and notebook on his desk, a blue cloud swirled around him.
Matt recognized that blue cloud. His heart clenched as he raised his hand.
“You may go after him, Mr. Tholomule,” Mrs. Jenkinmeyer nodded approvingly, not even letting Matt ask his question. He thanked her before shoving books into his backpack and grabbing Gus’s satchel and his things before heading out the door. 
Everyone in school knew about Gus’s capabilities. It was hard not to after he put an illusion on the entire school last year. Although none of his magical outbursts had been quite so bad since, the stress of end-of-year finals, championship playoffs, and all the popularity that came with being Augustus Porter was enough to send anyone into a spiral.
Matt found him in a nearby janitor’s closet. 
Gus’s eyes glowed blue as he hugged his knees tight, tears streaming down his face. The closet was dark and quiet, probably why he’d chosen it. The blue light that engulfed him was small, much smaller than usual. His feet peaked out from the bottom, eaten up by the darkness of the janitor’s closet. 
He startled at Matt’s light touch on his shoulder as he crouched down beside him.
"It's alright, just breathe, okay?" Matt said, voice much softer and more gentle than usual. Gus just sniffled, shutting his eyes and hugging his knees tighter to his chest. 
Matt knew about the breathing technique. Gus had taught it to him a long time ago when he’d had his own panic attacks after the whole Belos and Collector thing. He counted out the breaths with Gus, lifting his fingers and folding them back down in rhythm with his words. 
Gus finally calmed down enough for the blue orb surrounding him to dissipate and his eyes to go back to their usual dark grey. 
“You okay now?” Matt asked, brows still furrowed with concern. 
Gus met his eyes, large and wet with sadness. “C-can you...hold me for a while?" 
Their friendship was complicated. Matt knew he had feelings for Gus that he wasn’t ready to work out yet, and it was hard to tell whether Gus had the same feelings for him or not. But he looked so sad and stressed out, and they’d hugged and held hands plenty of times. Who was Matt Tholomule to deny his best friend in need. 
"Of course,” he said, dropping their bags and sitting down firmly beside Gus. The younger witch folded into his arms, tucking his head into Matt’s shoulder, his arms still firmly wrapped around his own torso. Matt rubbed soothing circles into his back because it was something Steve did to him when he was really upset. Gus’s hair smelled good. And it was so quiet in this closet that he could have fallen asleep and pretended that he and Gus were the only two people in the world. 
They stayed like that for a long time, well past the school bell’s screams and the shuffling of feet and the muffled chatter of Hexside students. They waited for the noise to subside and for it to be quiet again, just them two again, cocooned in their own little world that existed solely within the expanse of each other’s arms.
“Thanks, Matty,” Gus breathed after a while.
“Anytime, squirt. I know you just wanted to cut class and get me alone in a closet, huh?”
At that, Gus laughed, and Matt’s whole heart clenched as he smiled.
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staraxiaa · 3 months
I just read Sunflower and i kid you not, i directly send a 3 minutes long voice mess to my boyfriend. This was genius. Incredible. I love you. Please teach me. Please be happy. You deserve the world. My head is going to ne filled with this.
responding to all your comments that you've left here below - thank you, you are so kind. this is really long. sorry for the yapping.
firstly, oh my god. the one you left on sunflower LMAOO i laughed out loud bc i never imagined someone would like my work so much, that they'd contemplate printing it! i'm glad you enjoyed the way i wrote the reader - i wasn't sure how to characterize her at first, but she grew on me so much. i'm honored. hopefully one day i will be able to write longer-length fics with the same depth that i did for this one!
also thank you and sorry in advance i need to rant about my fics/concepts - im going to dump them all here, since you asked about them! i don't have anything other than what's on my profile right now, but i hope these suffice. if you have any more questions about anything feel free to ask anytime :). barring outright spoilers, i'm happy to answer anything! some of my in-progress works are on my masterlist ( only titles / pairings, nothing else ). they will be posted to tumblr eventually, and i think they will be long enough to also be posted to ao3! however, i've only started working on these fics recently (read: after july 1st, when i made this blog) so they probably won't be posted for a while, unless i sink into a sunflower-level brainrot again. but! soon! these will likely be in x reader format. here's a tentative list, i won't go too much into detail ( i really want to. i want to do it so bad. but i won't bc spoilers!! )
porcelain, shouto todoroki x actress! reader. - but this will deal with very dark themes (eating disorder, suicidal ideation, sexual violence, child abuse, and anything similar associated with the acting/idol industry) that a lot of people will likely find uncomfortable. will also take me a significant amount of time to write due to the research i need to do to give these themes (hopefully) justice.
pirate! katsuki bakugo x siren! reader. - i came up with the concept this morning. it needs to marinate for a bit. but the vision is there!! pure self indulgence fic!! i thought of it and i was like WAIT i am a GENIUS and ive also been listening to the song that inspired it on loop so. mild darker themes but nothing like porcelain lol
sukuna x kitsune! reader - honestly i just really like kitsune mythology and whenever i think of this i want to stick my fist in my mouth and scream because im like the POTENTIAL. i also really like aus about fantasy historical times (im a diehard historical xianxia cdrama enjoyer. they are terrible. i eat every single one of them up.) will also deal with dark themes, considering the status of the world/women during those times.
i do have a tentative x oc in the works - vampire hunter! character x vampire. not sure abt the pairing, but it's bnha. i can tell you that this will be an au, like i take liberties with the entire universe and rewrite it style, with an entirely new plot set after the entire anime. (afo wins. i think.) this will hopefully be a chaptered work, which also means it will take me a significant amount of time to write. i like to have a clear vision + most chapters prewritten for anything longer than a one shot before i post bc all of my past projects have been abandoned lol. theyre getting reworked into some of these fics tho!
finally, onto this ask: i actually showed your message to my parents after squealing over it lol thank you. i'm honored you liked my fic so much that you shared it with your loved ones. i am also glad that your head will be filled with this - that's exactly how i felt writing it! nothing else. just ideas bouncing around the rest of my horrifically empty head.
you also mentioned being taught by me how to write twice - i don't think i'm qualified for a teacher. i'm not even an english major :^). i just enjoyed english classes in hs, and write in my spare time. (im actually studying computer engineering and my friends think its really funny bc like lol an engineer?? a coder?? who writes?? i am simply Special)
however, i think i can say this! write for yourself, write whatever you want to write. my first works were published on wattpad back when i was 13. that account has since been deleted, and i cringe really hard when i think back to that time, but i think that without it, without the love that those few interactions gave me, and towards my confidence to post, my writing would not be at all what it is today. it doesn't matter if what you write is bad, or not at all on par with what you'd like - writing, to me, is a journey that you build up every step of the way. you will improve in anything if you pour enough love into it, i think.
( ok unrelated interlude sorry i feel like a wizened sage i should really take my own advice and focus up on school LOL. sorry if this is also like,, condescending at all?? in any way?? i promise i don't mean it in that way )
with regards on how specifically to improve at writing: idk, i'm not that much of an established writer myself. i'm definitely not as good compared to some authors whose works i've read, though i'd like to get someday! firstly, i think reading anything you can is important. the books i usually read are of the fantasy/action/romance types, and i am a serial reader of fanfiction myself. read as much as you can, whatever you'd like. note the authors that say something that sticks with you, cut up the emotions of their characters into a million pieces, hold them within your heart. i am the writer i am today, only because of the thousands of authors who came before me, because i carry snippets of them that i admired, i thought were particularly amazing, and tried to make it into my own. i think i said this in a response to someone else: it's amazing to see how different authors interpret a character and make it into their own, taking little snippets from a fandom, tweaking it just a bit to add their own.
read for your own enjoyment, write for your own enjoyment, practice with a drabble a day or anytime, anything that you want. love the process and every step of it. be like me, and think of a comment at 11pm while watching your cdramas because one reader told asked you if you really liked to make them suffer. think of a concept because you tell them that you'd like to write fluff one day, and fixate on this so strongly that you think of nothing else for a full 48 hours, even when you are sleeping, so much that you wake up, have an idea click together, hop over to your laptop at 8am in the morning on 5 hours of sleep after you sleep at 3 (because you're grinding) and start the grind anew. or, ruminate on your ideas! let them sit, let them simmer, plan it out as slowly as you'd like. it can take you months, years - lord knows. i have a concept i've been sitting on for the better part of minimum five years? i say this, because once an idea clicks for me, the flow of it feels natural. i grin whenever i think of something really stupid to put in, a sentence that feels just perfect, a reference that 90% of my readers will probably miss.
when i decided to start this blog, it was because i was like: it'd be really cool if i went viral! and also because i wanted to share my work, to motivate myself into writing. i write because i am delighted when anyone chooses to interact with my posts, to like my writing. but i also write - and i think this is really important - solely for myself. yes, it's astounding to see the numbers go up, and i've honestly obsessed over the notifications for like hours now im ngl. but i write works for me, in a way that i know i will love; that will have me rereading over and over going oh my god i love ME. i write for those moments i will read back upon and grin quietly to myself at my own self-supposed literary genius.
tl;dr, write for yourself, and write something you know you will love.
if you have specific questions, i would be happy to answer them. to the best of my ability. i write entirely based off of vibes. i am also not sure if you asked that as like an unserious thing but i still tried my best either way.
sorry if this took too long / if any of it is unreadable / stated a bit? weirdly? tried my best :^)). also apologies for the yapping, it is also a disease, and like with my brainrot, i fear it is terminal
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dadzawa004 · 1 year
{I dunno if this needs a trigger warning but there stuff abt being ashamed of Littlespace}
I has question!
Is yous dms open? (It ok if not)
I don hav a cg nd m scared to tell my partners when i small..but i wanna get more comfortable wif my littlespace so maybe i can tell them.
They knows i small sometimes already, but i don tell them when i am. I usually am small at night when they asleep too so i end up being alone..
I feels like i shouldn't be little, especially wif everything going on wif us right now. But it not my choice sometimes. It jus happens an i feel like a bother :(
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(don't mind the silly images, we like to send them on random posts<3) → response(s) below!
one, yes! Dms are always open! We are normally busy so we can't always get to our dms, but we try to get to them when we aren't busy. 🖤
Secondly, it's okay to be scared to tell people things that are personal to you. Especially to a close person like a partner or family member. Please remember that you, yourself is your main priority first. I know that it may be off topic, or something that isn't too related to the topic— but it can be! Just as everything else that involves you. So if you're not yet comfortable yet or just settling in with your littlespace, then you can tell them. (Of course you can tell them anytime you'd like! That isn't for me to decide). However if you are a little nervous about telling them, it's important to take baby steps. If they already know, (which is what I'm assuming that they are aware you are a little) which is a huge step! The huge step is telling them, but I promise it gets easier when they realize what's going on 🖤
Also, please know that you deserve to regress. And you deserve to be happy and cope however you like to. No matter how much is going on with your life, and you feel the need to take a break, or distance yourself from your little space for a certain amount of time; please know that your Littlespace will still be there waiting for you. It's not going anywhere if you don't want it to. You aren't bothering anyone. I promise you. If there is anyone, wether that be a friend, family member, partner, anyone— who says anything negative about your regression, that shows you that person isn't worth your time. It's your coping mechanism, not there's. If they don't want people to criticize however they cope, then they shouldn't do it to yours.
You deserve to feel little, no matter the situation 🖤 you aren't alone, and I promise it will be okay. It's not a smooth road unfortunately— but once you are over the rocks in the road, everything should be okay. I hope your partner understands as well, I wish you the best ok? Take your time, and remember to take deep breaths ★
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“I have so many stories to tell of Freddie
“I have so many stories to tell of Freddie.  His generosity, of course.  He was responsible for so many  memorable trips I made to see Queen play live.  Some say it’s easy to be generous when you have a lot of money.  What is not easy, is being thoughtful when you’re so well known and have so many calls on your door.  That’s something you can only get by experience. So, here are my experiences when I’ve had the deepest reasons to be grateful for Freddie’s thoughtfulness.  In 1978, I was still working at Maunkberry’s and we were faced with a new club opening in competition; The Embassy in Bond Street. The night in question was the opening night of this new club and although I had of course been invited, I was desperate to go along to sum up the competition. I was getting ready in the afternoon when I had a sudden premonition, the sort that leaves you cold like you’ve been touched by some freezing cold force. I instantly thought of my mother at home in Stoke Newington and immediately telephoned my sister at work and asked her to go home at once. 
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As I was finishing off at home before leaving for this grand opening, I had a telephone call from my nephew, my sister’s child: “Uncle Trevor, Uncle Trevor, I can’t wake granny!”I told the child gently to go next door and wait with the lady there until my sister, his mother, came over. I knew it then. My mother was dead. I raced across London and after arranging for the doctor to come, the undertaker to call and remove my mother’s body, I hurried back to Bond Street and somehow got through the evening. Nightclub work is notoriously social and being social when your heart is so heavy was no easy task. I must have told some people about my loss my cousin Rudi for one and people were very kind. By the end of the evening I was back at Maunkberry’s thinking out how to put into action some urgent changes which I knew we would have to make after seeing how successful the Embassy Club was going to be. There was a ‘phone call. It was Freddie: “I’ve heard, dear. You’re not to go back to your place. Come here. Come and stay here. At least for tonight. The car’s waiting for you outside.” It was a life-saver, the ultimate gesture of sympathy and affection when I needed it most. I really loved my mother and felt very alone now that she had gone. That night, Freddie put his arm round me and said: “Don’t worry, dear. I’m your mother now.” From then on, whenever he called he would say: “Hello, dear. Mother here.” From that day, he always had me over to the house on Christmas day and every year arranged a little party to celebrate my birthday with a few close friends. Until he died. Then there was another time I contracted a very ugly case of food poisoning.  I was talking to Freddie on the phone and mentioned it, he told me to stay put, he was sending his doctor straight away and that no expense would be spared to get me well again .  He even ordered food, drinks and supplies to be sent to my flat immediately.  In just a few hours, my whole house was loaded with enough stuff to feed a third world country.  It even happened after he passed away.  I got into some rather deep financial trouble. Jim Hutton found me, somehow he had heard of my situation and pressed a checque into my hand and said, ‘Freddie would never have had you sleep on the street.’  I said, ‘Thank you Jim!’  He Jabbed his fingers skyward and said, ‘Don’t thank me, thank Freddie!’ I thank you Freddie not only for that but for having had the privilege of pressing your doorbell anytime I wanted or needed a dear friend or someone to listen or just anything I needed, thank you! Words can never express how much I miss him!” Trevor Clarke, Close friend of Freddie’s These stories of Freddie’s beautiful heart, his generosity are so beautifu
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olivieblake · 2 years
Hi Olivie!!!
I’m here to give you some praise on TAP!!! This will (hopefully) be spoiler free but I feel like I can’t fully make that promise so if anyone out there who hasn’t read it yet sees this who hasn’t read it yet, you might just want to skip this just to be safe.
First of all, I loved being back in this world with these characters, I keep telling people it felt like coming back home in a way.
This book was SO funny I laughed out loud several times and that was one of my favorite parts about the book. Of course I loved hearing from the love of my life Parisa again (also can we talk about the audiobook narrator for her??? The casting is perfect like she sounds exactly how I imagined and even gets like the mannerisms I imagine Parisa having it’s just the best). Speaking of Parisa though, can I just say how fascinating I still find Dalton and mind!Dalton. To me Dalton is actually the most intriguing and interesting character every time we go inside his mind and see mind!Dalton I get so invested. There’s just so many layers to his character and I just want to don’t them all out. I also just live for the dynamic Parisa and mind!Dalton have-it’s just so sexy.
I just also loved learning more about the other characters too! I can’t say you made me LOVE Callum or anything- if you remember from my previous asks and praise he has always been my least favorite and he terrifies me (which is still true) -but I can definitely appreciate his character more after this one which I was not expecting but was a nice surprise! Also okay it might just be me but I loved learning more about Atlas/Ezra. I actually kept texting my friend that I crackshipped them so hard hahah like I wasn’t expecting anything out of it but that betrayal trope and the chemistry hit hahah and I could see them being together back in the day. Idk I just vibed with it. ALSO DUH LIBBY’S CORRUPTION! One of my favorite parts. I definitely can’t wait to see how it also plays out in book 3 (okay spoiler but my nicolibby heart screamed when she said “time to torch this outcome and let the fucker burn”, tbh I think Nico will be very proud of her but that’s to be determined).
Okay then ships which I know you probably hate people commenting on at this point but I just need to include it, however I’m lleaving it at the end here so you can skip it if you wish. I loved all the nicolibby crumbs like seeing them missing their other half and how especially Nico couldn’t survive without her and how not only did Nico want nothing else but to find a way to get her back in this book Libby also knew it would be Nico searching for her and ugh I just love them so so so much. Also S/O to Reina for being a secret nicolibby shipper too because she gave us yet another banger quote about them <3 will always be thankful to my girl Reina. Anytime I found a little crumb of theirs I would send it to my friend (who got an ARC) and just scream about it to her-it made reading it so fun. They mean the world to me and I can’t wait to see even more of them in TAC and my heart and soul prays it’s them in the end. But also Novacaine!!! My other loves. Seeing them both lowkey distraught and vengeful towards the other was AMAZING and so angsty. Like I said I love a good betrayal trope and they have an AMAZING one. There’s a page specifically (328) where my Novacaine heart was literally screaming. They just have such a fascinating dynamic and I’m obsessed. Like they might be toxic af but they are SO FUN and why need healthy in fiction anyway???
Anyway just wanted to say I had fun and can’t wait for Jan 2024 (or you know can wait because I’m terrified but you know same thing).
One of these days I’ll actually be able to write a short message (I hope). But I recently finished “The Lovers Grim” so I’ll be hitting up your inbox with more praise soon. Currently doing my AWYITE reread with it’s release and crying! Also currently reading Clara and the Devil and loving it! I can’t believe I only have one more book of yours left to read this year. So bittersweet but I already know I’ll be rereading a bunch of them all the time. ❤️❤️❤️
two things I’m not sure people always grasp about this series are that 1) it’s not taking itself as seriously as some people think it is (I compare it to reality tv for a reason, and I genuinely hope people have the same kind of fun with it that I have with pulpy, addictive media) and 2) there’s technically no such thing as crackshipping, because every relationship that occurs on the page is meaningful and the subject of intense complexity by its mentally ill creator (<3). I have thought a disturbing amount about what exists between every single character on the page, and I do think a wide variety of love stories are being told at the same time. atlas and ezra are a genuinely complicated pairing—it’s the relationship that set this entire plot in motion. this book IS the relationships. all of which is to say: get funky my friend it’s all there for you to play with, as a treat
and also 🥰 thank you for taking the time to share your love of these books with me!
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pony-central · 1 year
Sick PonyCentral's Interview
Interviewer - Boyfriend
9:10 AM
Boyfriend: Hmm. Who's Subject 326788? 🤨
Secretary: Sick PonyCentral. Why do you wanna talk to her?
Boyfriend: I only wanna ask her some questions.
Secretary: Well, she's in the waiting room, if you wanna say "Hello" to her.
Boyfriend: Send her in.
Secretary: OK. 😊
Sick PonyCentral is seen playing with her Nintendo Switch.
Secretary: Miss Sick PonyCentral?
Sick PonyCentral: Hmm?
Secretary: Mr Boyfriend wants to see you for a moment. He wishes to interview you for a bit.
Sick PonyCentral: Oh. I see. I'll be there. 😔
Secretary: Great!
9:15 AM
Boyfriend: *humming*
The door swings open.
Boyfriend: Oh. Sick PonyCentral, hello. Please, take a seat.
Sick PonyCentral: OK.
She sits down on the swivel chair, and spins on it.
Boyfriend: Stop that, please.
Sick PonyCentral stops spinning.
Boyfriend: Now, then. Subject 326788, do you know why you're here with me today?
Sick PonyCentral: Yes. I am. 😔
Boyfriend: I'm not mad at you, Sick PonyCentral. I just wanna ask you some simple questions. This is an interview, not an intervention.
Sick PonyCentral: OK. I can do that.
Boyfriend: Perfect! Thank you for understanding.
Boyfriend goes through his paperwork and pulls out a worksheet. It contains some questions for Sick PonyCentral to answer. He gets out his ballpoint pen.
Sick PonyCentral: *nervous voice* Are you gonna start? 😟
Boyfriend: Oh, yeah. So, tell me about yourself. I'm interested to know your story.
Sick PonyCentral: Uh, OK then. My name is Sick PonyCentral. I am a young woman who has a boyfriend named Sick Patrick.
Boyfriend: Interesting. *he writes this down* So, are you fluent in any languages? 🤨
Sick PonyCentral: Well, I'm mostly an English speaker. I do know a tiny bit of Welsh, but not a lot of Welsh. And, I'm not the best at French or Spanish. Man, Spanish class was ruthless when I was in high school. *laughs*
Boyfriend writes the notes down.
Boyfriend: Any pet peeves?
Sick PonyCentral: Pet peeves? Oh! Purity Senpai! That's my biggest pet peeve. Oh, and people dressing animals up in tight outfits. That's another pet peeve.
Boyfriend: What would you die for? And, what would you kill for?
Sick PonyCentral: I'd rather not answer those questions.
Boyfriend: OK then. Uh, how did your parents come up with the name "Sick PonyCentral"?
Sick PonyCentral: Oh, my parents died when I was little. They just came up with it.
Boyfriend: OK, then. So what about your income?
Sick PonyCentral: I'd rather not say. I don't exactly remember how much money I have.
Boyfriend: OK. So uh... Tell me about your high school life. How did high school go? 🤨
Sick PonyCentral: Oh... Yeah... High school. 😔
Sick PonyCentral looked down at the floor and hid her face in her hooves. Boyfriend looked at her with concern on his face.
Boyfriend: Are you... Crying? 😟
Sick PonyCentral: *sniffling* No! 😢
Boyfriend: Hey, pal. It's OK. *walks up to her* Shh... Don't cry, please.
Sick PonyCentral: *cries* I'm sorry, but anytime someone brings high school up, I just break down! 😫😭
Sick PonyCentral rested her head in her arms, as she started crying. Boyfriend got worried about her.
Boyfriend: Hey, now. There's no need to cry, Sick PonyCentral. I'm here now. *hugs her* Everything's gonna be OK. Now, can you be a big girl and stop crying for a few seconds? 😟
Sick PonyCentral: *sniffling* OK.
Boyfriend: Thanks. *he hugs her and sits back down, taking notes*
Sick PonyCentral reaches for the tissues and wipes the mascara off her face.
Sick PonyCentral: OK. I'll tell you. Back in high school, there was this guy named Purity Senpai. I'm sure you've heard of him.
Boyfriend: Yeah, I have.
Sick PonyCentral: After school I walked behind the school building, and he bullied the shit out of me! 😫
Sick PonyCentral starts crying again, as Boyfriend got more worried.
Boyfriend: Oh, dear! Sick PonyCentral, please don't get all worked up again! I feel bad for you. Please tell me what he did to you! 😟
Sick PonyCentral: He... *sobbing* He pinned me against the wall, verbally abused me, and called me the worst nickname ever! I felt so embarrassed! 😫😭
Sick PonyCentral started crying louder, as Boyfriend dropped his clipboard and ran up to her, hugging her. She hugged him back, sobbing hysterically, and getting mascara on the back of his shirt.
Sick PonyCentral: Oh, God. I'm sorry about that.
Boyfriend: It's OK, Sick PonyCentral. It'll wash out. Now, tell me the nickname he gave you, without crying.
Sick PonyCentral: I can't tell anyone even WITHOUT crying! It's so painful to go through! 😭😫😭
Boyfriend: *holds her hooves* Please? 🥺
Sick PonyCentral: I can try.
Sick PonyCentral sniffled as she sat back down.
Sick PonyCentral: He... He... HE! 😫
Boyfriend: He what?
Sick PonyCentral: *bursts into tears again* HE CALLED ME SICKLY KAYLEIGH! 😭 😭 😭
Sick PonyCentral wasn't able to stop the tears this time. It wasn't her fault, she's just a sensitive girl.
Boyfriend: Aww, there there, Sick PonyCentral. Thanks for telling me about this.
Sick PonyCentral is still crying.
Boyfriend: You're free to go.
Sick PonyCentral: *while crying* Thanks, Boyfriend...
Sick PonyCentral left the room in tears. She sat down with a lollipop and ate it.
Secretary: So how did the interview go - Oh. Oh dear. What's the matter? 😟
Sick PonyCentral hugged her while crying.
Secretary: Shh... It's OK now. Let's get you home.
Sick PonyCentral: OK.
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kiscon · 2 years
KiScon 2022 Progress Report #8, Schedule and Mods
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Dear K/S friends,
Autumnal greetings from the headquarters of con farr! KiScon is only 18 days and several hours away.
1. KiScon 2022 Program / Schedule: Call for Mods/Presenters
We are happy to present to you the schedule for download as pdf file. It is still subject to change (though we really try to avoid any further moving about of panels), and you can see that there are many panels still waiting to be adopted by a willing presenter or mod. One of KiScon's strengths has always been the amazing creative and intellectual force of its attendees; this is what guarantees a weekend filled with inspired and inspiring discussions, new insights, a fascinating exchange of headcanons and interpretations, and of course the spawning of countless plot bunnies. All panels will be held via Zoom, and there is not much technical knowledge needed to take part or present one. We will happily help with all technical and logistical questions!
If you would like to present or mod a panel (some topics might lend themselves more to a presentation followed by discussion, others might be more suited to an interactive approach with audience participation from the start – that is up to you!), please let us know soon: larissa @ kiscon . org.
2. Upcoming KiScon Office Hours:
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For all your questions regarding KiScon – be it about Registration or Conline, Discord or Zoom, or anything else that you would like us to explain or help you with.
Our wonderful StarshipLillian will sit in our virtual office during these time slots and happily welcome visitors. Pop in spontaneously by joining this Zoom room and say hello.
Of course you can also ask us All The Things during Pub Night events, or anytime via email (starshiplillian @ kiscon . org, 1lostone @ kiscon .  org, larissa @ kiscon . org) or message on Discord or Facebook, but these office hours are an additional opportunity to ask or tell us anything you'd like to.
3. Program Booklet:
If you have a dealer membership and want us to feature your fannish business or projects in our con book (program booklet), please send us a short text with all your info and important links (e.g. to your portfolio or Etsy etc.) as soon as possible (= ideally, NOW): larissa @ kiscon . org
4. Upcoming deadline: Cake Contest (1 November)
A beautiful K/S-themed cake has long been a staple of KiScon throughout the years. We would like to carry on with this tradition even in the digital setting and invite everyone to take part in our cake contest. While we won't be able to taste the sweet creations, we'll be able to enjoy them in a visual way. Be it a big cake with buttercream drawings, or adorned with marzipan figures or peens, be it a K/S action figure variation of the infamous Barbie cake, or be it cake's little cousin, the cupcake, go wild and surprise us!
We will present the creations in a virtual gallery (photos, but also recipes/explanations of symbolism etc. if you would like to include them) and KiScon attendees will vote for their favourites. Photo toppers are allowed, but we ask you not to use other people's fanart without asking the artist first. You can create your K/S (cup)cake anytime before the con, but we need to have your recipe/photos submission no later than November 1st, 2022. Get in touch with us at cakecontest @ kiscon . org.
5. Scholarships:
With great joy and gratitude we are able to announce that we have 7 scholarships waiting for K/S fans who would like to attend KiScon for free. Three generous members would love to send you or your friend to the con! No questions asked, no eligibility checks or similar – if you want to attend KiScon or know someone who'd love to join us but financial considerations are holding you back, then get in touch with us please: larissa @ kiscon . org 
6. Where to find KiScon information & announcements: Official website KiScon Discord server Tumblr blog Twitter Conline Facebook Group Dreamwidth Past newsletters: KiScon Announcement (February 2022) Progress Report #1 (March 2022) Progress Report #2 (May 2022) Progress Report #3 (June 2022) Progress Report #4 (July 2022) Progress Report #5 incl. Program Survey (September 2022) Progress Report #6 (October 1st, 2022) Progress Report #7 (October 11th, 2022) Yours in K/S,
T’Lara on behalf of the KiScon concom
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scienceoftheidiot · 2 years
Here you go @magipies ! Second round of the asks !!! Thank you again I'm having lots of fun replying to those 😁
🍷 Do you drink and write?
I don't think I've done this ever. I very, extremely rarely drink if I'm alone - I did a couple of times when I lived alone, but now if you see me mentioning I'm drunk I probably shared a drink with my husband or family. And I kind of rarely write when I'm not alone so, here you go.
🌞 Do you have a preferred time of day to write?
When I can. Could be anytime. I'm just constantly thinking about the stuff I'm writing about so...
🎯 Have any of your readers accurately guessed major plot points? Care to share which?
... no. Lol. Mostly when people make predictions (which I love !!! It's really not often.) they tend to be off. It's not that I try to surprise, it's just that I think I tend to think weirdly? But like. Most of the time my predictions when I read are off too, so lol I think I'm just weird 🤣
❌ What’s a trope you will never write?
I'm more than sure you won't ever see any noncon from me. In fact anything too rough smut wise neither, I think. Other than that there's SO MANY tropes I don't know that I can't tell, you know ?
Oh yeah, thinking about it. No omegaverse from me. Really not my thing at all. Nope. Thanks.
💖 What made you start writing?
I don't remember a time when I didn't write. My parents got me an old as balls electric typewriter when I was in middle school (that's why my typing is so weird and loud. The keys were stuck. Gotta be STRONG.). Anyway if we're talking fics, same, but actually writing and posting a fic I think it was a cliffhanger at the end of a certain season of a certain show, that made me just insane enough to write (in English, too, because I used to hate my french style)(I've retroactively posted it to AO3 so yeah it's there but I mean I haven't read it again so I wouldn't say to try).
👀 Tell me about an up and coming wip please!
Uhhh I have nothing up and coming because they're all long fics 😅😅
Ok let's talk about that one I shared parts with you, right ? 😏
So when I finished writing Everyone learns faster on fire I thought I wouldn't go back to it.
And I didn't. BUT. I figured I wanted to rewrite it, because something sat wrong with me ; namely, that the army would keep Roy. So I. Had to start a new WIP that branched from there and... Went totally off, but in a very fun way. And now it's 33K, because the plot points fell down like dominos once I had Roy forcibly dismissed 😅 it's also less centered on Roy (and Riza) learning to adapt - since I got the other fic, been there, done that, let's say - but more on their relationship and on going forward, finding/keeping new plans going, etc.
And forward they go. And fast. Rebecca is going to go insane I think.
I've just added a Team Mustang (well. Finished team Mustang 😬🙃) scene and it was a blast to write. I can't wait to be able to bring them all together again for a very interesting plot point 😏 I also got Ed coming at one point, but not immediately.
This is half and half plot/slice of life fic, with LOTS of angst (say hi to Riza's separation anxiety)(and Roy's... I mean he's not much better than her) but also fluff. So much fluff. And smut. I'll have to plan how to post it when it's done, because this fic will be explicit but it's not like, a smut fic. It just happens. So it needs brainstorming. But it's not for now, because I'm. Actually far from the end. 🥲
Here you go, feel free to ask more questions about it if you want ! 😁
Send me some emoji asks ? (Or reblog and get one from me 👀)
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