#//** i have no idea if this makes any sense
If anyone has a video of Jeff doing max’ part in the npmd medley, specifically the part where he makes the crowd repeat after him and then at the end the crowd like screams “IIIM NOT A LOOOSERRR” I would absolutely love you for decades if you could reblog with the video or some sort of of sharing it
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mint-flavoredd · 1 year
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Dave Strider: Play as Sayaka Miki! (click for better quality!) I threatened you all I would draw it. Even though she works a lot more with Karkat in terms of her story and morals or whatever, both she and Dave are knights with swords. And I wanted to see Dave blue.
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star08114 · 1 year
Why do people think Luke is stupid or like unaware of his actions and their consequences?😭😭
Like he was, for the lack of better word, groomed into this position by the titan itself when he was emotionally vulnerable teen, left with a possible disability(depending on where you think the scar is) that is not easy to get used to. And with all those factors, he still needed to be convinced for at least a year to do his bidding, which shows his hesitation in all of this and how he still understood that the titan is not the ally he introduces himself as. Also, along the series, we see him have doubts about this and disobey direct orders so Percy&Co can escape.
He obviously realizes that the titan is not right and even is downright cruel in his methods, but honestly I think him and the demigods who joined the army without persuasion were driven up to a wall and were desperate to make a change, even if they realized the Titans were the Gods but in different font. Won't be the first time something like this happened.
Plus, I genuinely think Luke was aware of the fact that he was gonna lose this war. One way or another. But the titans kept the Gods on their toes, and they were all aware of that. As much I love the army, mostly powerless teens and young adults won't pose a threat or even be a mild inconvenience for the Gods. They can just easily strike them down, send monster to chomp on them etc.
And like the 'did you love me?' scene is like Luke acknowledging those consequences. He knows that Annabeth might have lost all love and respect for him and he is ready to accept that, but is relieved when she tells him she still sees him as a brother and loved him.
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bberry005 · 1 year
Having some thoughts about Kit and Airk being Blood of the Six so I'm just going to dump them all here really quick.
It's apparent that the Gales were at Tir Asleen for two reason: one, to capture Elora Danan, and two, to potentially kidnap someone with the Blood of the Six so that the Crone could use them. They couldn't get to Elora, especially because she was so well hidden at the time. So they did the next best thing: they took one of Bavmorda's grandchildren and took them to the Immemorial City to become radicalized into essentially becoming the next Queen Bavmorda.
I honestly agree with the idea that Kit is likely going to sacrifice herself and take Airk's place. First, there's the more clear pieces: the tapestry in episode 4 and the fact that Kit generally expresses more cruelty than Airk does.
However, Kit was clearly shaken by what happened in Nockmaar. Not only did the tapestry freak her out, what Boorman said to her did to. When Kit continues to express that she's willing to kill Graydon even with the cure in sight, Boorman says "I just think that Bavmorda would be really proud of her granddaughter right now". Kit most certainly does not want to become Bavmorda, so it follows that no matter what, she wouldn't serve the Crone.
The thing is though, through episode 5 especially, we see how devoted Kit can be towards the people she cares for. We only saw Kit and Airk interact briefly, but Kit is shaken when he's kidnapped. It's shown that they care about each other a lot and were likely each other's only ally and support for a long time. If Kit takes Airk's place, it's because there's no other option in which Airk doesn't get hurt.
Of course, there's the slim chance that Elora defeats the Crone without anyone getting hurt/sacrificed/potentially even dying in the process, but that feels unlikely to me. But factoring that in, Kit would only give herself up to the Crone if she thought Elora wouldn't be able to win in that fight. At the start of the show, that would happen in a heartbeat, but we've seen Kit start to trust in Elora and her abilities more.
And a bit of an aside, if Kit were to give herself up to the Crone, we all know that our girl is not going down without a fight. And we all know that no one in their little crew is going to let her give herself up that easily.
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animangalover-writes · 8 months
Why are half of my comfort characters assholes who just want to be loved deep down, while the other half are extremely loving and empathetic characters who see the good in everyone?
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toffeebrew · 9 months
Ep 109 of riptide has been driving me insane. So now you're subjected to my incoherent ramblings 😈.
Y'know one of my favorite headcanons is that the albatrio sleep in the same cot sometimes. Just to feel their heartbeat, to hear them breathe, to know they're alive and okay. Especially after super traumatic/near-death events (i.e ep 98).
So just imagine, chip just... can't get tired. Maybe they try, someone offers chip reluctantly accepts to sleep together. But all they can feel is his cold dead skin. His lack of heartbeat. His chest won't rise or fall. The overwhelming smell of death and blood. And chip just can not sleep. No matter how hard he tries. He can tell this isn't comfortable for anyone. He can tell by the way they look at him anytime they're near him. The way they can't seem to get stop shifting and moving. It just isn't the same. Something that used to bring them so much comfort is stripped away. And there's nothing anyone can do about it.
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lepetitfruit · 10 months
I keep thinking about a post I saw a while ago, asking people to reblog with something that felt religious to them. People answered as people do - the sun on my skin, hugging my friends, the first warm day of spring. It's was so very lovely, but I couldn't quite bring myself to answer - the concept of something feeling religious is just.... so loaded to me. How do I seperate something feeling religious, and religion? Is hope religious? Is hate? How do I know what religious feels like when I never understand the meaning of religion? The sun on my skin feels like home. Hugging my friends feels like breathing in after being underwater. The first warm day of spring feel like relief, like anticipation. Are these religious experiences? What does that feel like? How do you know?
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On the topic of if Danny had children:
I like to think that if Danny had children they'd either be really human-like ghosts or really ghostly humans. If Danny had a child with a human I feel like they'd be liminal, but with basic ghost powers to add on to it. Possibly, over time and exposure to ectoplasm, they could develop a core to gain a ghost-mode.
A similar thing would be true if he had a kid with a ghost except for they'd have no blood really just ectoplasm, but the kid would be almost able to pass as a human or liminal if it weren't for the constant glowing and floating.
A third option, would be that his kids would just be born halfas, but they wouldn't be the true balance between life and death they'd probably be more like Vlad and be born with a bad case of ecto-acne or jaundice. They'd have a ghost-mode, but they'd be more ecto-contaminated humans than actual halfas or they'd be more like Dani where they're slightly more ghostly than human.
Then of course there's also the option that his kids are complete abominations because of his screwed up genetics.
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poppiesandpromises · 2 years
So do you think self taught writers aren’t really writers because there is no education behind there words but only creativity and uniqueness?
Writer to writer
Absolutely not. They *are* writers. Anyone who writes is a writer. I think a lot of self-taught writers are beautifully gifted and talented. One can be taught to hone their craft, to perfect grammar and spelling and punctuation, but raw talent and ideas and imagination are things with which I think one is born. Like anything else, the more you practice the better you get, but that has no bearing on one's classification.
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solarflare-s · 2 years
okay so im thinking about 1899 and the logistics of writing historical science fiction or however you would describe that genre. for pretty much the entire show i happily accepted that it was set in some version of 1899. obviously the technology involved in the simulation didn't exist but it's sci-fi so who cares? it's an alternate reality. there is something else going on, but like, duh.
until the plane. in episode 7 we see elliots memory sanctuary bunker thing and we see a bunch of little toys in cubbies, including a toy plane
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now, im no history buff, but to the best of my knowledge, the first plane was flown in the first few years of the 20th century and it certainly didn't look like this one. ive done exactly 0 research on this, but i would assume that nothing else would have existed in 1899 that this toy could have been based on. THIS is the first thing that made me genuinely go "wait, what?" because it made no sense! all the technology in the show, and this 1 second shot of a toy plane was the thing that made me doubt the year it supposedly takes place in.
i just think it's really neat to see what people are willing to suspend disbelief over and how the writers trust the audience to pick up on the rules of this reality enough to notice a bit of foreshadowing!
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carriesthewind · 2 years
One the worst things about "problematic" being applied to a piece of media rather than to specific issues within or around a piece of media (e.g. "Harry Potter is problematic" vs. "the depiction of the goblins in Harry Potter is problematic" or "because of what JKR is doing with her platform, financially supporting Harry Potter is problematic) is that all media has elements or context that are problematic. There is no such thing as a piece of media that everyone will agree was produced and consumed in a perfectly morally pure way. And the moment a piece of media becomes complex enough to be open to multiple interpretations, there will be ways to interpret it as problematic. I always go back to my favorite book in these discussions, The Left Hand of Darkness, by Ursula K. Le Guin. If you haven't read it, among other things, the book depicts a genderless society; but Le Guin defaults to masculine pronouns for the genderless characters, a decision she later wrote about regretting and being due to her own cultural biases. This is one of many flaws in the book that prevent it from being, in my opinion, successful in its attempt to imagine a genderless society. However, it also is precisely these flaws that elevate the book, because the book is also about how part of what makes us human is that we are bound by our cultures, our biases, the things that form our identity; and that this is not necessarily good or bad; and that we can (and should!) struggle against our harmful biases, but we can never fully free ourselves from, or even see, all of what has been culturally ingrained in us. And so the book both fails and succeeds not despite, but because, of its "problematic" elements. And it is a touchstone of all attempts to label any media as a whole as "problematic" - what does this label mean? How do we apply it to a work as a whole? And if we could produce something so sterile and uncomplicated, untouched by culture or human thought to be universally deemed "unproblematic" - is that something we would wish to consume as art? And if we did so - once our complicated human minds touched it, would the act of consumption itself not stain its purity.
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stonyponyofficial · 1 year
toki a :3
!!!! :3 toki a toki a!!!!!!! mi lukin e sitelen jan Jema! mi wile lape taso mi jo e musi suli!
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m1dnight-m3mories · 1 year
do you have friends who are into the outsiders and when you refer to two-bit as “two” they dont know who he is because i do and it makes me sad.
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the thing about jarchie is that archie thinks he’s just a supporting player in jughead’s life, someone who’ll be there to watch jughead and cheer him on when he become a famous writer. but to jughead, archie is the MAIN character; he’s the inspiration behind everything jughead writes.
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@rekapitulacija replied to your post “Some thoughts on the nature of time The nature of time and space -- as I understand it -- has many paradoxes. They are...”
Go home, Frank - you're drunk
To be clear about the framing here, the dynamic observer is moving through all of the inertial frames (the stationary reference frames), and they are all uniform. This resolves the paradox.
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cannotfly · 7 months
@hauntthumans's tsahi duncan sent: ❛  i  know  things  were  bad ,    but  now  they’re  okay .   ❜
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comforting words do not echo the same uttered from her lips. lips of a liar. lips of a deceiving woman. perhaps, the judge would consider her in the same vein if he ever did find out. both of them whispering to other men behind their husband's backs. exchanging kisses with those they do not share the same surname of. hiding caresses behind turned backs. they are the same in many ways --- she and miss duncan, but the thought of it repulses her and she sets her water down. even a flavorless substance would upset her body after that revelation.
❝ well, i'm glad they're alright for you. that's the one thing i've been worried about. ❞ mostly, she's worried about this exact situation: being at the same party as art's ex-wife. there is a different glow in her cheeks now, johanna notices. she doesn't care. her hatred for a woman who tormented art the way she did runs as deep as the blood in her veins. ❝ i best be on my way now. i'm sure you of all people wouldn't want to bump into her ex-husband's new wife --- ❞ she can finally say wife ❝ --- at a gala! ❞
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