#//And/or after he's managed to lure the other in close one way or another to go for that lethal bite
dutybcrne · 10 months
Things that make me smile: Characters with sharp teeth actually using them in combat.
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little-diable · 22 days
The Right Stuff - Hangman/Jake Seresin (smut)
I had this idea on my flight back home, so I simply needed to write it. It’s super self indulgent, but I ain’t sorry. Please like and reblog if you enjoyed reading this, your comments keep us writers motivated! Enjoy my loves. xxx
Summary: The reader meets Jake on her flight back home, a man she's instantly drawn to. Over the course of their flight both seem to be getting tangled in the clear attraction they feel for one another. An attraction they give in to on their following date.
Or: The first time (y/n) lets a man touch her on a first date while feeling like she has met the one she wants to spend forever with.
Warnings: 18+, smut, piv, car smut, somewhat public, teasing, slight choking, dom!Jake, strangers to lovers
Pairing: Jake Seresin x fem!reader (3.5k words)
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Music rang in her ears, guiding (y/n) as she squeezed past people while trying to bite down her exhaustion. Airports had never been her favourite spot, too many people, too many noises – a mixture she tried to run from at any given chance. Her eyes flickered down to her phone, opening her boarding pass again to double check the number of her gate before she allowed herself to find an empty bench near the boarding era. 
For a moment, her eyes fluttered close as she deeply exhaled. Soon she’d be back home, allowing herself to relax while processing the past few days of her trip. As much as she loved travelling, she loved coming home even more, fully focused on her time to wind down. 
After a few more deep breaths, (y/n)’s eyes fluttered open again to take in her surroundings and the people who sat on the other benches. Within seconds, her gaze was drawn to a man who was approaching the sitting area. Even though he wore sunglasses, (y/n) could instantly tell that he was handsome, more interesting than all the other people she had looked at so far. The man sat down two benches from her, looking down on his phone while she tried to find something else to focus on. 
But no matter how hard she tried, her eyes were drawn back to him every now and then. There was something to him that seemed to pull her in, perhaps it was the way he sat all too straight or the way his jaw muscles kept ticking whenever he looked up from his phone to study those who walked past him. Whatever it was, (y/n) couldn’t find it in herself to stop looking at him. 
Only as the boarding process finally started did she manage to get a grip, turning her back to the handsome man while she made her way to the plane. She couldn’t help but silently hope that he’d sit close to her, giving her the chance to solve the mysterious aura he exuded – a good way to pass the upcoming hours of her flight. 
With a sigh, she plopped down in the middle seat while fumbling with her bag, knowing that she’d most likely have to stand up again to let somebody pass. She kept her eyes focused on her phone, at least until a slightly raspy voice caught her attention with a simple, “Excuse me?” 
Heat shot through her as she stared up at the handsome man from earlier. She didn’t say a word as she stood up to let him pass, trying to stop her heartbeat from spiralling. The expensive scent of his cologne instantly wrapped itself around her as if it was trying to lure her closer. (Y/n) allowed herself to look up at him for a moment, catching his gaze with a soft smile before averting her eyes again. 
She needed to find something else to focus on rather quickly before she’d make a fool of herself, fighting against the need to look at him to get lost in the bright eyes that were now exposed, perfectly matching his blonde hair. With trembling fingers she pulled her book from her bag, letting it rest on her lap while she put her phone away. 
“Are you enjoying the book?” His voice caught her by surprise, drawing (y/n)’s gaze back to him. A soft smile was playing on his lips, he let go of a chuckle as he showed her the cover of the book he was holding, “The Right Stuff” – the same book she was currently reading. 
“I do, even though I didn’t really expect to like it.” (Y/n) silently thanked her lucky stars for this very moment, proud of herself for keeping her voice low, not carrying any trembling syllables. “ It’s not your first time reading it, is it?” She pointed to the worn out pages, telling her that he – or the person who had owned the book before him – must have read the book quite a few times. 
“I think the first time I read it I was still a kid, so, yeah, it’s been through some stuff with me.” The laugh clawing through him had an addicting effect to it, letting one claw through (y/n) herself. She felt his curious gaze wander over her features before he reached his hand out  for her to shake, “I’m Jake.”
His hand felt warm against hers as (y/n) shook it while replying with her name. She prayed that the heat wandering up her neck wouldn’t embarrass her, not making it too obvious to him. It felt as if fate was treating her today, giving her a chance to learn more about the man who had managed to catch her attention from the first moment she had looked at him. 
“Are you flying back home?” Their books were long forgotten as Jake angled his body closer to her, not sparing the safety instructions any of his attention. She tried not to focus on whatever was dangling from his neck, hidden beneath the white shirt he wore, small details her mind was hyperfocusing on, trying to burn everything about him into her mind. 
“I am, I was visiting a friend for the past week. What about you?” The plane began to move, but (y/n) tried not to pay her uneasiness any attention, she felt strangely safe around Jake, trusting whatever it was that made her feel so comfortable. 
“Somewhat, I’m stationed there, but home’s Texas.” She had been trying to pinpoint his southern drawl for the past minutes, wondering about his backstory and whatever he’d want to tell her about himself. It certainly fit, adding to the many questions she wanted to ask, set on uncovering any and every secret Jake carried with himself. 
“Stationed? Are you in the army?” Curiosity spurred her on, something that seemed to amuse Jake as he sank further into the seat. With one hand he tugged on the band around his neck, exposing dog tags to (y/n)’s wandering eyes. Before she could stop her hand from moving, her fingers were reaching for the tags, stroking along the cold material. 
“I’m a naval aviator.” It was a simple reply, and yet (y/n) could instantly tell that this was more than just a job to him. Pride simmered in his eyes, stretching across his handsome features as he watched her study his tags before letting them drop back against his broad chest. 
“Well, I guess I’m in good hands now that we’re in the air, huh?” She kept her voice low, letting another laugh claw out of Jake who shot her a wink while nodding his head.
“I’ll keep you safe, darlin’.”
“You should absolutely come by, they’ll all love you.” Jake had just told her about the Hard Deck and his colleagues coming together there most nights. Hours had passed since they had boarded and yet it felt like she and Jake had known each other for much longer, instantly clicking as they shared more and more about themselves. 
“Maybe I will, that sounds like fun.” Her mouth was about to start hurting from all the smiling she had done, unable to let go of the happiness simmering inside of her. It was cheesy almost, too perfect and yet Jake had easily managed to pull her into his trap, forming a bond miles and miles up in the air where he felt more at ease than with his feet planted on solid ground. 
She was about to reply, wanting to ask another question about his job and the missions he probably wasn’t allowed to talk about when the plane started shaking. No matter how often she found herself in a plane to move from one spot to the other, turbulences had never been her friend, drawing a shaky exhale from her.
(Y/n) could feel Jake’s eyes on her, studying her for a moment while the pilot spoke barely coherent sentences that warned the passengers of the stronger turbulence. Another shake made her hand dart out to grasp the arm rest while trying to stay somewhat calm and collected.  And only as Jake placed his hand on top of hers to loosen her grip and interlace their fingers did she allow herself to look up at him again. 
“I promised I’ll keep you safe, didn’t I? It’ll be over soon.” He whispered his words as he studied her with concern swimming in his pupils.
This was a side of himself he was a stranger to, Jake had no problem chatting up pretty women, he was used to taking them to his or their place for a few hours he’d easily forget about the second he was up in the air, but something about (y/n) was different. Sure, he’d like to ask her out and perhaps even explore her bedroom, but this wouldn’t be a one time thing, at least not if he had a say in it. 
“Tell me more about your colleagues.” (Y/n) was grateful for any distraction as the plane kept shaking. Jake’s thumb ran over the back of her hand, managing to feel her more and more at ease. He started speaking, rambling about those he secretly admired and cherished, even though he’d never say that out loud to them, at least not in moments where their life wasn’t on the line and close to ending. 
Seconds turned into minutes, and even though (y/n) tried her hardest to intently listen to his stories, she struggled to catch up. Her mind was too occupied with everything she had learned about Jake while she wondered how she could keep him close, given he wanted to keep her around just as much.
But perhaps fate was feeling generous today, not running out on (y/n) just yet. 
Two days had passed since (y/n) had crossed paths with Jake, the man she had fallen for over the course of a handful of hours. After parting ways at the airport – with a tight hug that had lasted long enough to make others believe they were reuniting after months apart – they had begun texting almost immediately, making plans for a date Jake had asked her out on before they had gotten off the plane with their fingers still interlaced. 
A date that was just about to happen. A date (y/n) felt overly torn about, not used to feeling so excited and yet nervous over a date. Would they feel the same pull they had felt days ago? Would they still be as excited about being around one another while learning more and more about the one they strangely enough wanted to keep around? 
She had begged him for something lowkey, not caring about where he’d take her, just fully set on getting glimpses into Jake’s life. Her attention was drawn towards her door as the sound of the ringing bell filled her apartment. With shaking legs, (y/n) walked closer, opening it to let her eyes settle on Jake's handsome features.
“Hi, darlin’.” (Y/n) was pulled in for a hug, allowing her to inhale his comforting scent. She clung to him for a moment before peeling herself out of his grasp, scared that she may be unable to let go should he keep her close a second longer. Her smile grew wider at the flowers he gently pushed her way, “Here, thought you may enjoy them since you had these on your bookmark.”
“You’re sweet, thank you so much. Come on in.” She opened the door wider for Jake to step in, leaving him alone for a second while searching for the right vase. Moments later, (y/n) had her arm hooked through his, letting him guide her to his car. With his hand placed on her thigh, Jake drove them away from her home, sporting a smile as bright as the one she couldn’t bite down. 
“So, did you tell your friends about being asked out by a hot Navy guy?” His smile had turned into a cocky grin, remembering the mention of her closest friends and how they were set on finding (y/n) the right guy. Her tongue kissed her teeth as she shook her head at him, set on cutting right through the cocky facade he seemed to sport around most people. 
“Did you tell your admirable teammates about finally asking a woman out on a date? Oh wait, you don’t want them to know you actually like them, huh.” A laugh ripped through Jake who silently thanked whoever was listening for sending this fitting match his way. He squeezed her thigh harder at her teasing, showing off his perfectly white teeth while he studied her for a second too long. “Eyes on the road, lieutenant, can’t have you fucking up our date before I got a kiss, I need something actually worth mentioning to tell my friends about.” 
“Oh, you’re working hard today, spitfire. Don’t you worry, darlin’, you’ll have enough to tell them about.” With a wink thrown her way, his eyes flickered back to the road that was taking them straight to the beach (y/n) could already spot.
Excitement simmered inside of her as she realised that Jake must have remembered her comments about wishing for some more free time she could spend at the beach. Even though she lived so very close, she rarely found the time to come down here, adding another special touch to this very date.
He held the door open for her, letting his hand settle on the small of her back to guide her towards the beach. With their shoes carried in their hands, both found themselves walking along the endless seeming beach, getting lost in deep conversations they normally wouldn’t give in to on a first date. Yet this felt like anything but a first date, it felt like they had been doing this for weeks, months even, feeling all too comfortable with the other person. 
“Seems like a storm’s brewing out there.” Jake was sitting next to her, feet buried in the warm sand. (Y/n) had her head resting on his shoulder, following his gaze towards the darkening horizon. The wind began to pick up, dancing through her hair – a silent warning that they should find their way back home, Mother Nature’s own way of setting an end to their date. But neither Jake nor (y/n) dared to move, watching the clouds move closer as they kept sitting next to one another. 
Only as the first raindrops fell did Jake rise to his feet, pulling (y/n) back up with his hands finding hers. The moment had something awfully cheesy to it, something he’d tease others for if they ever told him about it, but today he didn’t find it in himself to care. Jake and (y/n) held eye contact as he wiped some rain drops from her cheeks, letting his fingers rest on her warm skin while dipping his head down to kiss her.
Her fingers fisted the fabric of his shirt, not daring to break away from the man who kissed her breathless. His tongue begged for entrance, unable to bite down their groans the second their tongues met, deepening their kiss all while the rain soaked through their clothes. Two strangers who have managed to fall in love over the short span of just three days; two strangers who’d prefer to spend their last seconds on this earth together should the world end any moment now. 
Thunder roared through the afternoon, breaking them apart to guide them back to his car. Rain pitter-pattered against the windshield, allowing them to get lost in another kiss while nature gifted them worthwhile moments hidden from curious eyes. 
“We have to stop before I end up fucking you in the backseat, darlin’.” His almost pained words left her chuckling against his lips. 
“What if I want you to fuck me there? You promised me good stuff I can tell my friends about.” The groan that followed her teasing words vibrated on her lips. Jake kissed her again before a simple, rasped out “Then move your pretty ass” left him. 
She was sitting on his lap, fumbling with his belt while thanking her past self for settling on a dress for their date. Jake’s strong fingers dug into her thighs as he kissed his way down her neck, leaving marks she’d struggle to cover up tomorrow morning, souvenirs as he’d call them, marks to remind her that from today on she was his, his only. 
“I need you to be sure about this.” His hand found her throat, fingers settling on her jaw to keep her eyes focused on his. There was something dark swimming in Jake's eyes, something that told her she’d struggle to put whatever was about to happen into words later on tonight. Her fingers grasped his cock, pulling him from his underwear while parting her lips to speak. 
“Let’s take this as another test to see how perfect of a match we are, lieutenant.” (Y/n)’s smirk turned into an open mouthed o-shape the second his fingers found her clothed heat, rubbing her pulsing bundle through the thin material of her already damp panties. She felt trapped, in the best way possible, getting lost in all things Jake Seresin, even though she was the one straddling him, keeping the tall man buried beneath her. 
An avalanche of lust rolled upon them both as she spread her saliva on his cock, pumping him while he kept touching her, drawing sinful sounds out of them both. She let him fumble with his trousers to pull a condom free, allowing her to roll it down his cock while he pushed her panties to the side, exposing her aching heat to his bright eyes.
“Fuck, we’ll do this the right way the second I get you home, you deserve to be fucked on a comfortable bed.” The heated kiss she pressed against his lips successfully managed to shut Jake up, drowning out their sounds.
She sank down on his cock with her eyes squeezed shut and her fingernails clawed into the spot where his neck met his muscular shoulder. Neither of them wanted to waste any time, settling on a rhythm that worked for them perfectly, letting his hips meet hers. 
“Shit, you’re a sight for sore eyes, darlin’. Look how perfectly you fuck yourself on my cock.” Her walls fluttered around his cock, movements getting faster to feel Jake at any given chance, high on the feeling of having him buried so deep inside of her.
(Y/n)’s eyes couldn’t help but marvel at Jake, taking in the freckles on his cheeks, the piercingly bright colour of his lust-blown pupils, a godlike feature. Her fingers tugged on his tags, reminded of their run in days ago – oh, how much she’d like to tease her past self about this very moment, knowing that Jake Seresin was about to flip her life around from today on. 
“Jake, touch me, please.” His raspy chuckles filled the car, followed by her moans the second he rubbed her bundle of nerves. She was trembling on top of him, knowing that her high was close – just as close as Jake’s whose grip on her grew tighter with every passing moment. 
“Will you cum for me, baby?” One of his hands kept stabilising her, the other found her throat again, keeping an almost possessive grip that had (y/n) seeing stars. Incoherent, moaned words left her, ringing in Jake's ears while she could only get lost in his guiding eyes. Bright like the northern stars, a guiding light in darkening times she’d look for from now on. 
(Y/n) came with a gasp, a sound Jake’s lips swallowed with the kiss he needed to chase. His hips jerked up again, burying himself inside of her for one last time before he came too. She clung to him with heavy breaths, head resting on his shoulder, focusing on the feeling of his hand stroking up and down her back. 
“Can we do that again soon?” (Y/n) mumbled her question with hot cheeks, grateful that the falling rain was still hugging them with its cosy embrace. Jake tugged on her neck, forcing her to look at him again, gaze instantly drawn to his wide smirk. 
“We can do that daily, for the rest of our lives, darlin’.”
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starry-crossing-zone · 6 months
General Storyteller - Rex
Summary: After the Battle of Kamino, Rex finds you surrounded by clone cadets. Length: 1.4k Warnings: Post-Battle; Lots of Teasing; Rex's Flirting is Improving
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The battle of Kamino had yielded heavy and unfortunate losses, but the Republic managed to repel the Separatists in the end. Rex, after promoting Echo and Fives to ARC Troopers, sought out the generals. He walked over to where Jesse and Hardcase were relaxing, assuming they would have an idea.
“Has anyone seen the generals?” Rex asked, resting his bucket against his hip.
“General Skywalker’s at the south end of the city, but I have a feeling that you’re not asking about him,” Jesse quipped, causing Rex to narrow his eyes. “She’s with Kix in the infirmary.”
“You know how she always turns into a mother hen after battle,” Hardcase reminded his captain, leaning back against the wall. He elbowed Jesse with a mischievous grin. “She’s probably giving shinies heart attacks.”
“Well, if she can make our esteemed captain blush, what hope do the shinies have, Hardcase?”
Rex, tuning out the rest of their conversation, turned and made his way to the infirmary. Due to the overflow from battle, it had expanded into the mess hall. But Rex assumed that a Jedi would be easy to spot among the clones and Kaminoans. But when he didn’t spot you, Rex made his way over to Kix, who was setting another trooper’s ankle.
“Kix, have you seen the general?”
“She’s in the other room,” Kix stated, pointing to his right. “You won’t be able to miss her.”
Rex raised an eyebrow, but continued on his way. Stepping into one of the wings of the infirmary, Rex paused when he spotted exactly what Kix was talking about. You sat at the end of the room, smiling and talking with all of the young clone cadets gathered around you.
“And then the bridge started to collapse,” you retold dramatically as you carefully bandaged up a cadet’s wrist. “The Separatists planted detonators along the bridge and lured us onto it. And the tactical droid tried to blow us all up.”
“How did you escape?” one of the cadets asked, sitting on the edge of his seat.
“Well, we started running. Anakin and I pushed your brothers to safety with the Force because all of you and all of your brothers in every corner of this galaxy are important to us.”
You gently poked one of the cadets on the tip of his nose to emphasize your point. He blushed bright red, reminding you of another clone, and looked down at his feet bashfully while one of his brothers grabbed his shoulders from behind.
“And no good leader and certainly no good Jedi would say otherwise,” you added, looking out around at the clone cadets. 
Rex was quite sure that the meaning behind your story was not part of the approved Kaminoan curriculum, but he couldn’t help but smile at his younger brothers’ reactions to your story. You smiled and finished up with bandaging a cadet’s wrist before continuing with the story.
“But then we had to run to safety ourselves. Now, Anakin was lucky enough that he was standing close to the edge. So, he escaped easily. But I wasn’t so lucky because a lingering detonator went off right behind me, causing me to lose my balance.”
“What happened next?” a cadet gasped.
“Shhh!” one of the other cadets shushed his brother.
“I’m getting to it,” you promised them with a chuckle. “As I was saying, your brother, Captain Rex, grabbed a long gun—right out of Mule’s hands, mind you—and shot a cable at me.”
“Did he hit you?” one of the cadets asked quickly.
“Do you think I’d miss, Cadet?” Rex called out teasingly.
“Captain Rex!” the cadets called turning around to see him walking towards them.
They all jumped to their feet and stood at attention. Rex stopped in front of the crowd of his young brothers and dismissed them, urging them to sit down again. He turned to you as the cadets got settled again. And even though Rex felt a familiar heat start to climb up his neck, he moved to take a seat on one of the beds. Clearing his throat as you offered him a soft smile, he nodded.
“You were saying, General.”
“Right, Captain,” you mused before turning back to his brothers. “No, Captain Rex didn’t hit me with the cable. It landed in front of me and I held onto it as the bridge tumbled down. And with some help from some of your other brothers, he pulled me up to safety.”
“Captain Rex saved your life?”
“Yes, he did,” you stated without hesitation.
“To be fair, you’ve saved mine a number of times, General,” Rex spoke up, causing you to smile.
“Yes, shall I tell all of you one of those stories next?”
The cadets cheered but Rex got back to his feet and motioned towards the door. You nodded and slowly stood up, causing the cadets to sigh and whine. Giving them a kind smile, you kneeled down so that you were eye level with all of them again.
“I must go back to being a general. But you should try and find General Kenobi, for he’s an even better story teller than me. But which battalion is the best in the GAR again?”
“The 501st!”
“And don’t you forget it,” Rex added, causing his younger brothers to grin.
Bidding the cadets goodbye, you stood up and walked with Rex out of the infirmary. The two of you moved in silence for a moment before Rex turned to you with a soft look.
“You survived the battle alright, General?”
“I should be asking you that question, Rex. This is your home. All of your homes.” You sighed and added quietly, “I’m sorry we didn’t defend it better.”  
“Kamino was always a target to the Seppies,” Rex stated, turning to look forward again. “But thank you, General.” Clearing his throat a bit, Rex turned forward once again. “And thank you for looking after the cadets. They were bred for war, but they were never trained for it to happen in their own home.”
“Of course,” you returned, nodding politely. “I have a soft spot for children. I believe my master’s habits rubbed off on me.”
“It’s not a bad habit to have.”
“Well, and clone cadets are adorable. In a way, the clones and the Jedi have a lot in common. We were raised communally as well. It’s a setup most citizens find unnatural, almost.”
“Well, your people can move things with their minds. My brothers and I all share the same face. They might not be far off,” Rex quipped, causing you to chuckle.
Stepping into the lift together, you stood side by side as you made your way back to the upper floors of the facility. No doubt that Shaak Ti and Obi-Wan were looking for the two of you. Placing your hands on your hips and turned to Rex with a mischievous smile.
“What were you like as a cadet, Rex?”
“Top of my class, of course.”
“Of course,” you agreed teasingly, causing Rex to tilt his chin up. “But don’t tell me that you were always this stoic and brooding.”
“Brooding?” Rex repeated, earning a laugh in return.
“Come on, Rex. You must have broken a few rules in your time on Kamino.”
“I would assume as many as you did when you were a padawan, General.”
“My master was on the Jedi High Council, so I had an image to uphold.” After a moment, you added with a grin, “But also more time unsupervised. And, well, Anakin was a poor influence on me.” Your smile softened as you turned back to Rex. “Perhaps I’ll tell you some of those stories one day, Captain.”
“I look forward to it, General.”
Stepping off the elevator together, you and Rex shared a smile before Commander Cody called out to the two of you. Rex winced when he spotted Cody’s knowing look and you pulled on a more professional expression in the presence of the marshal commander.
“General Kenobi requested your assistance with moving some of the larger pieces of debris,” Cody told you. “He’s in the eastern part of the city.”
“Thank you, Commander Cody, I will go meet him.” Nodding to Cody, you turned to Rex, who returned your burning gaze. “I’ll see you later, Captain.”
And with that, you walked down the hall and away from them. You couldn’t help but glance over your shoulder at Rex. Staring after you until your figure disappeared around the corner, Rex ignored Cody’s stare and smirk. Rolling his eyes, Rex brushed past his brother.
“I didn’t interrupt anything, did I?” Cody called after him, causing Rex to wince.
“Stow it, Cody.”
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lymtw · 4 months
What does toji gets love boners over :3
Toji gets love boners because of you so often that every once in a while, he feels foolish for realizing that he is tethered to your happiness. His body reacts to your laughter, your smiles, your kind gleaming eyes in a similar manner to when you're intimately touching him or when he is touching you.
Toji only finds it embarrassing in the beginning, when it's first happening. His pretty girl is curled up on the couch, reading a book. There are no easily spotted turn ons in this scene. Not unless it's Toji doing the spotting. He will find too many things that get him hard at this simple sight. Just in the way you hold the book, he already feels his stomach start to stir. Your hands are clasped around the spine and covers, your knuckles protruding in the form your hands take. Your pretty, unpainted nails reflect as the light hanging from the ceiling casts light on them. As you turn the page to your book, your index finger and thumb pinch the page. Your fingers look so delicate, and he knows it to be true because even when he holds your hand, he can't squeeze too hard when he laces his fingers between yours, because he'll crush them. You look content, and part of it bothers him. He's not jealous of the book bringing you this state of serenity, but he does wish you were looking at him with that much focus instead. You would see the things you make him feel. The way his body reacts to you, and how even when you are in an idle state, you manage to make him desire you.
Toji doesn't feel as embarrassed when you indulge his desires that are brought on by you. Immediately after you fulfill his needs, he's grateful to have gone through another one of those humbling experiences that happen because he is so attracted to you. You're soft to the touch, you sound pretty, and you touch him in a way that shows that you enjoy having him so close to you.
Another one of his triggers for his love induced hard ons comes in the form of making you laugh uncontrollably. Sometimes it's flattery, like him telling you you look nice when you're on a date. The humor slightly outweighs the charm when he tries to compare you to things he thinks you might find pretty. He'll say, "you look pretty, doll. Like..." and then he can't find anything good enough to compare you to for a good ten seconds or so. "...that red flower over there," he finally says once he finds something. The gap of silence as he searched made you laugh, and the turning of his head as he scanned the area only added onto it. After a few seconds, he notices you're not walking next to him anymore and looks behind him to see that you're keened over, laughing. He walks back to you, a grin gracing his lips as he stands in front of you. Your cheeks are pink and your eyes are glossy with tears of joy welling in them. You mention that your stomach hurts through high pitched laughter, luring a chuckle from Toji. You try to compose yourself, standing up straight while taking relaxing breaths but as soon as you look up at Toji, you're wheezing again. He can't explain the feeling that formed within him at the sight. It was happiness with a tinge of something else. There he was trying to be romantic, and failing so hard that you had a fit of laughter instead of swooning at his words. He found himself swooning over you instead. He felt a sense of relief when he realized that even if he couldn't make your heart flutter romantically on purpose, he could always make you laugh, and for him that was just as good because watching you laugh was such a turn on for him.
Another thing that gets Toji going in a loving way is when you're in the same room but aren't next to each other, and you make eye contact with him from wherever you are. You smile at him, kindly, warmly, lovingly, and yet it goes straight to his crotch. It's the way you look at him, so longingly when you're merely across the room. All you have to do is walk a few feet and you'll be together again, but it feels like you're miles apart. You play eye contact tag as you get separate tasks done, and Toji always beats you, being the last one to look away. His gaze bores into the back of your head when you don't spare him anymore attention, and it always makes you turn around when you feel it like some sixth sense. You smile, happily losing focus on whatever you're working on to look at your handsome distraction sprawled out on the couch. He looks at you with a sly smirk. He knows what he's doing, but what you're doing is worse. Smiling so pretty at him like that, knowing he can't be next to you for at least another twenty minutes. He tries to entice you by looking you up and down while playing with the hem of his shirt. Your willpower starts crumbling when he's like this so you quickly turn around with wide eyes. He grins before letting out a sigh of impatience. The tent in his pants is unbearable, and god he wishes he had the same level of restraint as you, but he doesn't, so he stands from where he is, and he personally lets you know how much he wants you.
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aklaustaleteller · 5 months
On One Condition
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Klaus feels bad for messing up Y/n's exam preparation schedule, so he asks her what it is that he can do to 'earn her forgiveness'. Yet somehow, he manages to put up a condition when she asks him to help her with an art project...
Warnings - none, really. Word Count - 1.4k
So, I was rewriting an old fic when I decided to write a little backstory, i.e. this fic, and I hope you guys like it! I'll be posting part two within the next two days so yay!
Update: You can now read part two here!
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She was something else, a feisty one who liked a good chase. And Klaus should've noted that from miles away. But he was too deep in now, and he wasn't going to back down until he had her.
He was waiting outside the school to catch Stefan, have a chat with him and warn him against trying to harm him because telling him off meant telling off the entire group, and Klaus found that lovely.
And he had just caught sight of Stefan when he saw her behind him, her hair bun not so tight as hair stands fell out and framed her face. She was walking with another girl who seemed to be trying profusely to convince Y/n of something -- probably a party if Klaus were to guess but he felt himself tuning in when she walked in a closer range to him.
"I really cannot do it, Vicki. Please try to understand that I'm myself giving exams right now," he heard her say, and then saw as she put her hand on her shoulders. There was softness in her voice that he'd never wished previously to be directed at him.
Bringing her in for a hug, Y/n explained herself again, as if she felt bad for denying whatever it was that Vicky wanted. "I would've helped you out had I not missed out on my preparation earlier. I’ve quite literally been studying the night before for each exam." She smiled, with what emotion Klaus couldn't quite see, but he found it beautiful, nonetheless.
"Why don't you ask Elena? I'm sure that way you'll bump into Jeremy a couple times as well," Y/n grinned, passing the squinting brunette a quick wink before turning back towards the exit with a sigh of relief.
Though it only took a couple steps for her to bump into Klaus, not so accidently. She'd seen him the moment she'd gotten out of the gates, and the fact that she had to pass him in order to reach her car only made her feel... more positive, let’s say.
She hadn't gone out of her way to slam into him, but he had. And the only other thing she has to blame is her spiteful walk that led the one library book she'd borrowed to topple out of her grip.
"Klaus, back off," she gritted, quickly picking up her book and moving once he did.
"It's not my fault, you know, that you bumped into me," Klaus said with a lure in his voice that suggested he just wanted to rile her up. "I'd apologize to me," he shrugged, a lopsided grin pulling up on his face when he noticed her turning.
"I'd tell you to go fuck yourself but that'd be a cruel and unusual punishment," she bit back, pressing her key to unlock the car.
"Please, save your breath. You'd probably need it to blow up your next date," Klaus teased, remembering the night Klaus had crashed her date and scared off the guy by doing nothing, really.
Sighing, Y/n gripped the steering wheel of her car and closed her eyes for a second. "Say something else and this book will become a lethal weapon," her voice was agitated as she warned him, and when he truly backed away with a proud grin on his face, she finally pulled back and drove home, daring to spare him a glance in her rear-view mirrors, an angry blush creeping up her neck when she caught his eyes.
Once she reached home, she didn't bother to lay out her clothes before jumping into her shower. Still, she buttoned up a loose striped cotton shirt and pulled her underwear up her legs. It didn't take her long to just decide on a pair of pyjama shorts.
After a good bowl of salad for lunch, she brought out her schoolwork to just do it on the porch considering the nice weather. But of course, that was a mistake because soon into her immersive study session, she was disturbed by loud clashing noises coming from the house across hers, Elena's house.
Taking a deep breath, she was just getting up when she caught sight of Damon and Stefan inside the house, speeding towards each other. It was purely for the dramatics, she was sure, considering the fact they wouldn't kill each other, they simply didn't have it in them.
She just felt sorry for Elena's dishes, maybe some of her furniture as well.
Twisting the knob she had just pushed the door in to go back inside the house when she heard a voice behind her. "Too noisy, aren't they?"
"You already messed up my preparation schedule once, Klaus. Do not dare to do it again," she said calmly, though her grip on the knob was probably tighter than normal.
With that, she decided to cross the line and enter her home. Then she turned around to face him, but he didn't seem to be in the mood to mess with her either.
"I came here to apologise, and perhaps, make up for the troubles I've caused you," he admitted, looking at her with such sincere eyes that she could've given in right then.
"And how do you plan on doing that? Plus, if this is a joke, I still have that book with me."
"You tell me what it is that will earn me your forgiveness," he said dramatically, making her look down to hide something from him, maybe a smile.
Opening the door wider, she looked at him and then hesitated a little. "Don't make me regret this," she said. "Come in, please."
Klaus was caught a bit off guard but managed to get inside, his eyes wandering right away to take in her house.
"I'm not sure how to word this really, so I'm just going to say it." Taking a breath, she sat on one of the dining table chairs and urged for him to do so too, getting a little flustered when he took the one right by her side and shifted so that he was turned towards her.
"What is it, love?"
"This might be a little ridiculous for you but it's very serious for me," she told him while maintaining eye contact to make sure he understood the situation.
Klaus simply nodded for her to go on, now leaning forward with his elbows on his knees and his face in his hands.
"I know you paint, quite impressively, might I add but that's not the point here," she quickly shut the topic before Klaus could tease her.
"The point is, I have this art project that I said yes to under pressure because my favourite teacher asked me to. But were you to see even my handwriting, you'd know I'm no good at it. The most I can draw is a stick figure and even that's wonky sometimes," she admitted bashfully.
"I used to have a friend who'd do it for me, but she left town last year and now... I don't really have anyone who would," she let out a breath at that, her eyes closed in anticipation of his answer.
"So, you wish for me to help you out with this said art project?"
Sitting stiffly, she nodded.
"Okay then. I'll do it... but what is it?"
"Oh great!" She cheered; happiness evident on her face. "It's supposed to be this super zoomed in image of either a grapefruit, or a pomegranate."
Klaus leaned back in his chair then, sighing as he considered it. "I will do it on one condition," he proposed.
"And that is?"
"You will stay with me in my studio when I'm painting it," he shrugged, as if it wasn't so much a big deal.
"But were you not doing this for my forgiveness?" She narrowed her eyes, but when he began to get off the chair, she struggled for some answer to come out of her mouth before he could leave.
"Okay, okay! I will!" She agreed immediately, sitting back down in defeat when he remained standing, a smile on his face.
"I'll go now." He said, walking backwards towards the door and he could see the uncertainty in her eyes. He could've teased her about it but decided against it.
"Come by my house tomorrow, around three or four… your wish," he said before turning to open the door.
He turned back to see her reaction and a smile crept up on his mouth when he saw her smiling back at him.
"I will," she told him while waving him goodbye, stopping just before he sped off with his dead heart beating a mile an hour. 
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megamindsecretlair · 2 months
I See Red
Pairing: Black Noir x Black!Fem!reader/plus size reader
Warnings: 18+ only. MINORS DNI. You are in charge of your own reading experience. Primal dom Black Noir, Dark elements. Cursing, PIV, SMUT, fingering (fem receiving), bratty reader. Black Noir and reader is aroused by hunting/being hunted. Sorry if I missed others. No spoilers for Season 4.
Summary: You filled in for your friend, working as a server during a party featuring Vought leadership and Supes. All night, you've been playing with Black Noir. Who's hunting who when you lure him out into the garden maze? 
AO3 Link
Word count: 2,664k
A/N: WHEW, sometimes when the feral hounds get to howling, I must answer that call. My fam was in rare form tonight so I'll take it as my sign to chill out lol. Toss a coin to your blogger by leaving a comment, reblog, or unhinged ask.
Taglist: @chaos-4baby @00aijia00 @amethyst09 @ciaqui @we-outsiiiide @browngirldominion @iv0rysoap @thecookiebratz @harmshake @judymfmoody @multiversefanfics @tvchi @twocentuar @umber-cinders @planetblaque
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God, your feet hurt. You had been working the party all night, working hard to keep Supe’s drowning in liquor and drugs and the Vought leadership blissfully in lust chasing after them. This was your last fucking party. Your friend could keep this gig. You didn’t need money that badly.
You’ll miss exploring rich mansions, though. This was the closest you’d ever get to knowing how the other half lived. They took all of this acreage for granted. It was an everyday sight to them. They looked at the lush gardens and intricate pathways and saw the money they hemorrhaged trying to keep it afloat. To impress other rich pricks who had too much money and time on their hands. You’d love to have their problems. 
You snagged a glass of champagne from the kitchen, intending to take your break out in the gardens in the back of the mansion. The lighting was softer out here, muted in such a way to give it a hazy, dreamlike look. 
The gardens out here boasted rich purples, bright pinks, and summery oranges. There were still some people out here, giggling and glasses clinking somewhere in the distance. The air was chilly, near frigid, but felt amazing on your overheated skin. 
The soft, shimmery cherry red dress you wore tickled your thick thighs as you took off your heels and padded down the stone steps towards the maze. You discarded your empty glass on the pillar at the bottom of the steps. The maze had instantly grabbed your attention as you received the “don’t fuck up” talk from the manager, Elliot. He was an ass, thought himself more important than God, but all you did was tune him out as you looked towards the maze.
You took the last step and then hopped quickly onto the grassy knoll, the ground too cold for your aching feet. You sighed as your toes squished in the grass, a light mist making your feet wet. But that was okay. The dew added to the atmosphere and if you closed your eyes, you’d swear that you stepped into another world.
The maze loomed above you, hedges taller than ten feet. Perhaps bigger. You looked behind you to check for anyone nearby. Your eyes snagged on Black Noir standing outside the doors you just exited. 
Your heart skipped a beat, drinking him in. He was so mysterious. But with an obvious, dangerous swagger like he could snap your neck in half and then carry about his day like it didn’t faze him. All night, you felt like he was watching you. All night, you dodged from room to room just to see what he’d do.
He’d stalk from room to room right after you. Sometimes you let him catch you. He’d sidle up next to you and tilt his head, never saying anything. It was his whole thing. But you wondered what his voice sounded like. Or what he looked like. He could be horrendous underneath the stretch of black across his face. 
No one with that much presence could be ugly right? You blamed your mask kink as you waited for Black Noir to zero in on you before taking off into the maze. You turned and turned, scurrying down pathways whether they lead somewhere or not. You weren’t sure how big the maze was, but that made it more exciting.
Clouds of breath escaped you as your imagination took off. You knew Black Noir was behind you somewhere. When would he catch you? What would you let him do if he did? 
You ducked down a few more pathways, nothing but the stars and moon to guide you overhead. This was nuts. This was one of the wildest things you’d ever done. But when would you ever get the chance to do this? Since this was the last party you covered for your friend, you intended to go out with a bang. 
You giggled to yourself at your wild thoughts before covering your mouth with your hand. This was a supe you were up against. You weren’t quite sure about his powers and that only added to the thrill. 
Did your red dress give you away? A twig snapped behind you and you whirled around, expecting to see Black Noir. There was nothing. Nothing but hedges surrounding you. The light hoot of an owl. A breeze ruffled your flyaway hairs, a sheen of sweat settling between your breasts and on the back of your legs. 
A rustling noise made you duck down a nearby pathway, spurned to fleeing at the prospect of being hunted by Black Noir. He was usually quiet as a church mouse. Were these sounds due to natural critters in the maze? Or was Black Noir playing with you? 
Your thighs tingled and your pussy throbbed. You thought you took enough turns, you were completely lost. You weren’t sure how he could find you in this. You controlled your breathing, stepped quietly, and you kept your eyes pricked for any sign of movement. 
You turned down one final path that led to the middle of the maze. Set in a wide square, the middle had a few benches and a fountain. There was a statue in the middle of the fountain, a young naked maiden pouring water from a giant pot in her hands. Her hair flowed down the middle of her back, inlaid with stone flowers. 
Shit like this was wasted on the rich. You could spend eternity here just cataloging all of the details on the statue. Was it Greek inspired? You stepped closer, momentarily forgetting that you were trying to entice Black Noir. 
Remembering that, you inched closer to the entrance. You looked both ways and then turned to the fountain. The water trickled and the breeze turned biting. 
You sighed. Maybe he wasn’t interested. Maybe he was tired of the chase. Maybe you played hard to get for one minute too long and Black Noir found someone more willing. You pouted and gave one final look at the fountain.
The cool smell of leather wafted to your nose as a gloved hand clamped down over your mouth. You tried screaming, but it was muffled by his hand. You struggled, fighting, clawing to get free but the solid mountain behind you was unforgiving. 
You looked up and back, into the visor of Black Noir. You still struggled, more excited than scared this time. Black Noir wrapped a large arm around your middle and yanked you from the ground. Your feet kicked, trying to connect with his legs but he was an expert. He held you far enough away where you couldn’t touch him.
Black Noir suddenly let you go. You dropped to your feet with a huff before turning around and backing away from him. Black Noir tilted his head and stalked forward. 
“Found me,” you said and smiled, holding up a hand to ward him off. 
Black Noir nodded.
“I was hoping you would,” you said. You felt silly, like you were talking to yourself. But Black Noir tilted his head again, like he was questioning your statement. You bit your lip, not answering him. 
You really wanted to hear his voice. But then again, half the fun would be gone. Once you knew who was underneath, it’d ruin the mystery and the intrigue. You backed away all the way to the fountain. The edge of the fountain hit the back of your thighs and you stopped. No more room. 
Not unless you wanted to try running around him. You looked past him and Black Noir stepped into your line of sight. You giggled. “Not gonna let me get away again?” You asked.
Black Noir shook his head. 
“How will you get me to stay?” You asked.
Black Noir cracked his neck, rolling it, before stepping to the side in a wide stance, somehow making himself look bigger. More intimidating. Your heartbeat was loud in your ears, thumping harshly in your veins. 
You feinted to the left and Black Noir jerked to the side. You giggled, doing the same thing on your right and Black Noir cut off your escape. You grinned as you pretended to run to the right, turning at the last minute, and dodging Noir’s outstretched hands. You did it! You were free!
That feeling was short-lived as Noir scooped you up by your middle, lifting you and walking backwards until you were right back where you started. He dropped you at the edge of the fountain, grabbing a fistful of hair and yanked you back.
The moan escaped you way too fast. You wanted to be coy. Wanted to drag this out and be a smoking hot target. Instead, you were just too damn needy. 
Noir put his face close to yours. Not a word. He nudged your exposed neck with his nose while his free hand ghosted across your chest. You stuck your boobs out, wanting him to do more than this. 
He ignored you, moving his hand to grab a handful of your tummy and squeeze. You moaned again, rubbing your backside against his front. 
Noir moved his hand to lift up your dress, cupping your mound and squeezing. “Fuck!” You moaned out. No mercy. He squeezed to the point of pain, savoring your cries, before rubbing your pussy over your panties. 
“More, more, please,” you cried out. 
Noir pushed your panties down your legs, only giving you enough slack on your hair to let you kick them off. Your skin was on fire. Blood boiling. Pussy throbbing. 
Noir pushed you forward and the palms of your hands stung from the rough stone of the fountain. Your breaths came out in shuddering waves as you were bent over the railing. Noir kept his hold on your hair while you heard his zipper ripping through the night air. 
Noir breathed harshly. A sound! It should not thrill you this much to get a hint of a sound out of him, but fuck. This was going to fuel your fantasies for months. Possibly even years. 
Noir gasped as he removed his glove. You couldn’t see his hand. It was too dark. But you did feel as he moved his fingers through your dripping folds. You moaned, legs giving out. Noir pulled your hair until you stood up straighter and you cried out. 
He wasn’t pulling hard enough to do any real damage. Just a little sting. Just enough force to show you that he was in control. 
Noir continued to play with your pussy, rubbing his fingers around your clit and inside your entrance. You leaked all over him, creating a neat little river that began to leak down your legs. 
Noir pulled your hair. “Oh god, feels so good. So good. So damn good,” you chattered, not sure what you were saying and not truly giving a fuck. This was the most fun you’d ever had during sex. You wished that you could freeze this moment. Or expand it, stretch time as long as you need to in order to experience this for as long as possible. 
You were racing towards an orgasm in no time, screaming into the night like a wild banshee. Who cared who was around at the moment? They were all getting their rocks off, it was only fitting that you did as well. 
Noir continued to finger you, continued pumping his long, thick fingers inside and drawing out another orgasm. 
“Please, please,” you whimpered, not sure what you were begging for. Each orgasm was too quick, too short. Not enough, not nearly enough. You rubbed onto Noir like a purring cat, rubbed your ass against his armor clad groin. 
Another harsh gasp from him. He pushed you forward until you were fully bent over the fountain. He grabbed your hip and pulled you against him. He worked his pants down low enough, slapping a big dick against your wet pussy.
The wet slapping sounds were loud. You had so much slick dripping out of you. He rubbed his dick back and forth, getting the tip wet with your juices. “Fuck me, fuck me,” you begged. Enough with the teasing. You felt ready to jump out of your skin. You were needy. And feral. 
Noir’s hold on your hair tightened as he slapped your ass hard enough to make you hiss with pain. You shook with raw need, pussy clenching around open air. He smacked you again for good measure and you moaned, sticking your ass out.
“I’m sorry, I’ll behave,” you whimpered.
Noir continued with coating his dick in your juices before finally breaching your entrance. He stopped short of entering you fully, waiting. For what you weren’t sure. You pushed against him with a deep groan, pushed your ass backwards in an attempt to slip him inside. 
It wasn’t until you stopped, until you grew still enough, that Noir slammed inside in one savage thrust. “Oh god!” You screamed, legs shaking on his dick. He was so big, a delicious stretch spearing you. 
He drew back until just the tip was inside and then slammed back in. He continued this savage push and pull, driving you insane. You couldn’t pay attention to the rhythm he tried to set. It only felt like not enough. 
You tried to slam him back faster, trying to get that lethal recoil going. Noir stopped and yanked your head back far enough to earn him a cry. You bit your lip and looked at him with a sweet smile. 
“Okay, okay, I’ll behave,” you said. 
Noir hovered over your back, using his size to cage you in. He nudged your neck with his nose, shuddering breaths quiet in your ear. You moaned as he slid back in, increasing his strokes, hitting a spot deep inside.
“Don’t stop! Don’t stop! That’s my spot! Right there!” You moaned and cried. He hit a spot so deep you started to see stars. 
Noir obliged you, hitting that spot over and over until you were an incoherent mess, dribbling, and mumbling as a powerful orgasm ripped through you. The edges of your vision turned blurry, as you surrendered to the ecstasy. 
As you came down, Noir’s hold didn’t lessen as he snapped his hips against yours. Soft, panting grunts in your ear that made your pussy clench onto him tighter, hold him in deeper. He let out a muffled groan and finally spilled himself inside you.
His hot, pulsing cum squelched as it mixed with your own essence. He continued snapping his hips like he couldn’t help it. Like he couldn’t stop. You gripped onto his warm thigh, throwing that ass right back on him so you could milk him for every drop. 
Your panting breaths were louder than his as he softened. He pulled out and adjusted himself. You remained faced forward to allow him time to zip himself back up. When you heard the zipper go back up, you dared a glance behind you.
He was right back to the stoic, monolith of a man as he stared in your direction. “Fuck, that was amazing,” you giggled, feeling drunk just off the strength of his fucking. You had enough moonlight to spot your red lace panties on the ground.
Noir was faster, snatching it before your fingers could close around the cloth. You grinned at Noir as he put a finger against his mask and tucked your panties into his pocket. 
“You really gonna leave me here like this?” You asked. 
Noir nodded slowly. “Asshole,” you smirked. 
You walked around him and Noir followed the movement, twisting his body all the way around. You backed away, heading for the entrance. You were thoroughly tired, legs aching, but still, you found that you wanted more. The night was still young-ish.
You blew a kiss at Noir. “Catch me if you can,” you sang as you danced out of the maze, picking up speed when you heard Noir scramble after you.
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There will be more! The Secret Black Noir Files
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evilkennedy · 1 year
you're as beautiful as the day i lost you
leon kennedy x reader
warnings: none! this is a lot shorter than I would've liked it to be but I hope y'all enjoy anyway
word count: 1k
summary: you died in raccoon city, or at least that is what leon thought. re4 leon. gender neutral reader, mostly in leon's pov, childhood best friends
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Leon felt like he was seeing a ghost, he’d stopped everything he’d been doing, which was certainly a risk in this village but he couldn’t bring himself to care– Not when you were standing in front of him, flashbacks of that night in Raccoon City attacked his senses, the smell of blood permeated his nose, flashes of light and fire overwhelmed his vision, the sight of your eyes being the only thing that was enough to soothe him; the same eyes that visited him both during his nightmares and his dreams. His eyebrows were furrowed in confusion and it appeared that you were just as stunned as he was, not expecting to see him after six years… Six years that you’d been presumed dead by him. His blue eyes never leave your face, swimming with an unreadable emotion as he collected himself, you must have been doing the same as you lowered your gun before holstering it and taking a few tentative steps toward him.
He couldn’t bring himself to move yet, only mirroring you as he lowered his gun, holstering it as well. The two of you had taken out the Ganados together as though it had been muscle memory despite the years that passed, neither of you having the time to react to the other’s presence until now. You were the first to speak, he watched as you opened and closed your mouth a few times, trembling as you stepped closer once more, tears pooling in your beautiful eyes. He ached to pull you close, to wipe those tears away, but he stood, statuesque as he waited, your voice meeting his ears for the first time in way too long and suddenly he wondered if this was another dream or some cruel side effect of whatever was happening within his body at the moment, another vision or a mirage that tempted him into danger or into the sea like a siren would lure a sailor to their death. 
“It’s been so long, I– Leon, I’m so sorry.” Once he actually began to comprehend what you were saying, your words began spilling out, jumbling together as you stuttered over them in an attempt to explain yourself, Leon didn’t understand how you could be here, how you weren’t six feet under somewhere within the wreckage of what remained of Raccoon City but as his eyes watched your lips move and your chest rise and fall rapidly, he knew this couldn’t have been a dream.
“They– I had to stay dead, I would’ve come to find you, believe me, but they– they told me that you had to think I was dead or else they’d kill you and I couldn’t have that on my conscience. I tried these past six years to find a way to let you know, but they watched me, they didn’t care that we knew each other before or that you were the only person I had–” He was listening, clinging onto every word and he knew that you meant what you were telling him. He was angry, but he could never place that anger on you, not when you were standing here, looking so vulnerable as you poured your heart out to him, tears falling down your cheeks against your will.
He cut you off as he finally moved from the spot where he'd been standing frozen, closing the gap between the two of you easily as his eyes scanned your face, searching for any injuries. He noted the new scars and the way you’d aged slightly, but one thing he was sure of is that you were still you. The same you that used to call him “Lee” and came to his police academy graduation when his parents couldn’t, the same you that had always said it would be the two of you against the rest of the world, and especially the same you that he’d managed to fall in love with. He placed a shaking hand against your cheek and you gasped in response, closing your eyes against the touch. You’d expected him to be angry, not that it had been your choice to leave him in the first place, but you thought it would be easier to deal with than sadness or disappointment, whatever this was, it was much better. Still, you felt as though you didn’t deserve his gentle touch as he wiped a few of your tears away, looking at you for a moment in an attempt to collect his thoughts before speaking.
“You’re as beautiful as the day I lost you.” Leon wasn’t sure what he’d been expecting to come out of his mouth, but as you relaxed into his palm, eyebrows furrowing as you kept your eyes closed, lip quivering as a few more tears fell from your lashes, he knew that it was exactly what he needed to say. 
After another moment of hesitation, scared of everything that had been left unsaid, Leon pulled you into an embrace, needing to feel you breathing against him. He rested his nose at the crown of your head, breathing in a scent that he’d previously forgotten, overwhelmed with the need to cry himself now. He refused to do so, instead only pulling you tighter to himself as he whispered your name over and over like a mantra– a prayer. He wasn’t a religious man by any means but he thanked whatever might have been out there that brought you back to him. He had every intention never to let you go again.
He swayed the two of you gently as he rested the back of his hand at the nape of your neck, grabbing at the hair that rested there, feeling grounded as his senses were overwhelmed by you completely. He knew that there was a long way to go, there was a mission to be completed and Ashley still needed to be brought home alive, but with you by his side, he knew that everything would be okay. And he’d do everything in his power to ensure it stayed that way.
a/n: hi!! i hope you enjoyed :) feel free to leave comments to let me know what you think and my requests are open for more leon x reader prompts <3
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ihavemanyhusbands · 5 months
Revenge is a Dish Best Served Bloody
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Also on AO3
Mini-series masterlist
Pairing: Cooper Howard/The Ghoul x Fem!Bounty Hunter!Reader
WC: 2.3k words
Series Summary: Hunting down your father’s killer – a powerful raider by the name of Axl – you end up being saved from a bad situation by none other than a ghoul. After finding out you have goals in common, you form an uneasy alliance with him, but things get much, much more complicated than that.
Warnings: MINORS DNI, THIS FIC IS 18+, Dead dove: do not eat, canon typical violence, the ghoul being the ghoul, swearing, drug mentions/use (chems), enemies to lovers, eventual smut, blood/gore mentions, sorta dom/sub dynamics, some mentions of cannibalism, angst, some whump, aaaand for now that’s all i can think of but lmk if another tag is needed.
A/N: This is my very first time writing for Cooper Howard/The Ghoul, so I’m still trying to learn how he talks/carries himself. Excited to be writing this little mini series though! :) hope you like <3
Blood flowed relentlessly toward your head, making the upside-down world blur into a vivid amalgamation of color. The raiders' laughter sounded more like the barking of jackals, coming from all around you, disorienting you further.
As you fought to stay conscious, your muscles strained against the ropes that held you up, the rough material biting into your skin. Your head was hovering just a few inches away from the surface of murky, radioactive water. You could feel more than see something lurking in its depths, hungry, waiting for the right time to strike.
And you? You were the bait to lure it out.
Where had it all gone wrong, exactly?
Well, perhaps it had started with you being so overly confident. Sure, you had learned more than a few dirty tricks in your years as a bounty hunter – having to keep yourself both fed and alive while you completed your actual mission – but that didn’t mean you could fight off a large group of brawny, ruthless raiders all by yourself.
At the very least, you’d managed to kill one of them and injure another with your crossbow before you were rewarded with a strike across your face. Bright white stars ignited in your vision as you were quickly subdued and strung upside down from the rusted arm of a broken crane.
The worst part was, you’d barely had time to ask any of the questions you’d wanted to ask. You supposed you’d never been a great interrogator, anyway, but that was something to concern yourself with another time; If there even was another time.
“Come on, where’s the fucking gulper? We don’t have all fucking day here,” one of the raiders, a big-headed bald man, gruffed.
Another one of them, scrawnier and rat-like, let out an amused grunt. “Heh, should’ve just chopped her up and sold her as dog meat.”
“Still time for that, if it doesn’t come,” the bald one said. “Think we should lower her more? If her head’s underwater, she’ll thrash around and maybe get the gulper's attention.”
At this, panic flared within you once more. You tried moving your wrists, legs kicking more and more urgently. The raiders laughed again at your rendition of the gallowdance. Your head felt like it was on fire, dangerously nearing an explosion.
Distantly, you heard the creak of metal as the rope that held you aloft was adjusted. Your body jerked as it began to descend, the crown of your head now submerged. Your mind raced as you tried to find ways to save yourself, but it was getting harder and harder to think. You wanted to scream, but you were only able to make a weak, gurgling sound.
There was a loud splash, entirely too close for comfort. Jeering from the raiders as they prepared for a gruesome show. You began to accept your fate, dismay over your failure to complete your life’s mission greater than your fear of death.
But suddenly, you heard various gunshots in rapid succession. It’s a fucking ghoul! somebody shouted frantically. The confused screams of the raiders followed along with some answering shots. The heavy thump of bodies collapsing, one by one.
It was silent for a moment, except for a breeze settling the dust and your heartbeat pounding in your head like a drum. Then there was the soft clink of spurs as someone approached you, an old pair of cowboy boots appearing in your vision.
You tried craning your neck to get a better view of your supposed savior. You could barely see his face, the sun haloing his head like a saint’s. But there are no angels in the wasteland, you thought deliriously, only roaming devils searching for carrion to pick on.
His voice was low and raspy, with a southern drawl that was almost soothing, in a strange way. “Well, well… Ain’tcha just the prettiest hunk of meat I ever did see?”
A shuddery gasp escaped your throat as you felt the rope loosen a little more, fully submerging your head. Your eyes rolled into the back of your skull as you were swallowed by darkness, immediately unconscious.
“See that there?” your father whispered, pointing up at a cluster of stars. “That’s the big dipper. And just below its tail is the little dipper. Do you see ‘em?”
You nodded, awed by the simple, ephemeral beauty of a still night sky. Your father’s soothing presence, his patient teachings, the world not so horrible when seen through his eyes.
“Like us,” you said with a smile. “Always together.”
His smile was sad then. You couldn’t remember it being that way, but memories tended to warp over time, didn’t they?
“Yes, sweetie. Always together,” he said, trying to sound as promising as possible. “But if we ever separated, for whatever reason, remember that you can look up at the sky at night, and you will always find us there.”
You woke up sputtering, thinking you were still underwater. Your stomach lurched violently and your body twisted onto your hands and knees, retching. Spewing bile as yellow as the RadAway you found yourself hooked onto. Panting with both exertion and disorientation, searing pain lancing through your skull.
It was close to sunset, the sky beginning to burn orange and gold, the atmosphere cooler. You were still at the quarry where you’d first encountered the raiders, but you were a safe distance away from the water.
You could smell and hear a small campfire nearby. Felt a presence behind you, a heavy gaze fixed on you.
“You must be all kinds of stupid, huh? Chargin’ into that battlefield of your own makin’, not even a hint of backup around to help.” The ghoul shook his head with amusement. “Then again, you must’ve been lookin’ for a guaranteed death… So which is it, suicidal or stupid?”
You spat on the dirt and roughly wiped your mouth with the back of your hand, glaring at him. If you knew one thing, it was to avoid ghouls as best as you could. Coming across one from time to time was inevitable, but you’d never in your wildest dreams thought you’d be saved by one. Or that you would still be in one piece in his presence.
At least he wasn’t worse for wear, and nowhere near feral. He was missing his nose, as all ghouls did, and his skin was leathery and burnt. His features were skeletal, shadowed under the wide brim of his hat. Otherwise… he wasn’t unbearable to look at.
“No? Y’ain’t gonna tell me?” he said, the curiosity in your stare not unnoticed by him. His eyes roamed over you in return. “Gotta be honest, I was real tempted to take a bite earlier, but I never really took a liking to dog meat.”
He chuckled and your frown only deepened, hatred and rage alight in your eyes. You tried to scoot further away, but it was then you noticed a rope was tied around one of your ankles, the other end of it under the ghoul’s boot.
“What do you want with me, ghoul?” You croaked, your throat scratchy and raw from the stomach acid.
“Well, that ain’t very grateful of you, sweetheart. I saved your skin back there,” he clicked his tongue in disappointment, unholstering his pistol. “I could’ve been just as unmerciful as those raiders, if not more.”
You swallowed hard at the imagery, but you didn’t let your dread show. “And why weren’t you?”
He leaned forward, barrel lazily pointed at you. His eyes narrowed expectantly, and you realized he truly wanted to hear some gratitude from you before continuing.
Stubbornly, you clenched your jaw shut and continued to glare. He looked off into the horizon, noticing how quickly the light was waning.
“Think you’d fare any better when the fiends come out to play? Or some super mutant?” He mused, his tone bored. “I ain’t got a whole lot of time here.”
After the day you had, you didn’t really want to take those chances.
The words crawled up your throat like a second wave of acid, scalding your tongue as you uttered them. “Thank you… for saving me.”
“Now there’s a well mannered girl. Knew you had it in ya,” he said with a roguish grin. “Y’know that means you owe me one, don’tcha?”
You dipped your chin in confirmation, hating that you couldn’t argue with him on that one. Not many — if anyone at all — were spared the wasteland, so this was not something to be taken lightly. Especially not while already being tied to him, with virtually zero chances of escaping alive.
“But I ain’t gonna cash in that favor now, so don’t worry your pretty lil head ‘bout it,” he continued, but you didn’t feel at all eased by that statement. “I do wanna know somethin’ though… just what on earth possessed you to follow those men?”
You blinked at him in both surprise and confusion. How did he know that?
“See, I’d been trailing that group of shitheads for a few days. Was after that big headed fella, the leader, Tiberius,” He waved his gun around dismissively, like that part of the story was irrelevant. “But then, I noticed they had another shadow behind them — A quiet lil mousey jus’ like yourself.”
You shrugged one shoulder, unsure of how much truth you should actually give him. “I was looking for some information.”
“What’s that?” He spoke up, cupping his hand over his ear. “What you mumblin’ for? C’mere so I can hear you better.”
With that, he stood up, yanking the rope with more force than was necessary. Your back hit the ground, dust and rocks scraping your skin as you were pulled towards his feet. Trying to stop yourself with your hands only ripped up your palms, so you went slack on the last tug towards him.
He tilted his head to one side as he observed you, a flash of teeth that showed his continued amusement.
“Much better. Now what was that you were sayin’, darlin’?”
You bared your teeth in return, internally fuming. “I said I was looking for some goddamn information.”
He gave you a mocking pout. “Aw, sweetheart… fella wasn’t as forthcomin’ as ya thought, was he?”
“Fuck you,” you spat before you could stop yourself.
“There’ll be time enough for that,” he chuckled, settling his boot on your hipbone. “But first, what kind of information were you tryin’a get?”
“Why do you care? The fuck’s it to you?”
The barrel of his gun was pointed at you once more in warning, right between your eyes. His boot pressed down on your hip until you squeaked, knowing it would bruise.
“His brother… Axl,” you panted, gripping his boot in a futile attempt to get it off you. “I need to - I need to find him.”
He let out a long, low whistle. “Axl, huh? Now I know you really got a death wish, and you’re just stupid to boot.”
“You wouldn’t get it, ghoul,” you said through gritted teeth. “I don’t expect you to know anything about losing someone you love.”
He tensed then, hand trembling for just the briefest second. His features hardened, chapped lips thinning into a flat, angry line.
He lifted his boot only to land a harsh kick to your ribs, knocking the breath out of your lungs. Again, you felt like hurling, coughing violently instead.
“Oh, I know a whole lot more than you think, smoothie,” he said, going silent for a moment as he seemed to think. “Why you lookin’ for Axl? I can jus’ take care of you right ‘ere if you want to die so badly.”
“I’m going to kill him, with my own fucking hands,” you growled, too spent to beat around the bush any longer. “He-he killed my father last year.”
The briefest moment of stunned silence before the ghoul burst out laughing.
“Ain’t that somethin’. You? Takin’ out the big bad raider all by yourself? Now I’ve heard it all,” he shook his head once again. “You’re a spunky little gal, I’ll give ya that much.”
“It’s the law of the wasteland,” you said. “He owes me.”
He crouched next to you, his interest fully piqued. One side of his mouth was pulled up in a sly grin, his gaze held by yours.
“Tell ya what, I myself got some business to attend to with our dear friend Axl, and I just so happen to know where the fucker likes to hide out,” he said, enjoying the sparkle igniting in your eye — that thirst for revenge, for blood.
“Please,” was the only thing you could say, breathless, gripping his tattered coat. “I’ll do anything.”
“Anything, huh?” His tongue ran over his teeth pensively. “Well, seeing as you owe me a favor, I was just gonna take you along with me. Easier that way for you to repay me.”
You propped yourself up on your elbows, not wanting to stay on the ground. Your heads were much closer, but you tried your hardest not to let it get to you.
“What business do you have with him?” You asked warily.
“That ain’t none of your concern, darlin’,” he said, removing the rope from around your ankle to bind your wrists together. “Trust me or not, y’ain’t got no choice but to come with me. Now get up, gotta find ourselves a place to hole up in for the night.”
Painstakingly, you stood up, grunting with both pain and the exhaustion that suddenly crashed into you. As soon as you were on your feet, he tugged you forward, not waiting a moment longer before starting to walk.
“If things go tits up, well… Least I got myself a little snack for the road,” he said over his shoulder with a wink.
“I thought you said you didn’t eat dog meat.”
“Heh, well, you’re starting to prove to be a little more useful than that. But we’ll see about the taste.”
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roger-that-cap · 1 year
seven summers
bradley bradshaw x fem! reader
this my first fic in what feels like a century for a completely different fandom. i have been gathering up the courage to do this again, and i've been sitting on this for about two months now. take it easy on me y'all i feel like a sixty year old veteran re-enlisting right now and i have NO idea how to reload my weapon
warnings: absolutely none! well theyre a little sad for a minute but nothing that tumblr can't handle
word count: 5.9k
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Loud spaces weren’t really in your list of favorite places. You could tolerate bars more than you could do clubs, though, and your best friend took that into consideration when she planned the night out for you two. The music was loud and the people were starting to get rowdy, but at least no one was grinding on you or begging for a dance. That was always when you would wrap it up for the night, shaking your head at even thinking that it was a good idea. 
“Thank you,” you told the bartender, an exceptionally gorgeous older woman who always seemed to have a meddling look on her face. Her hair was lightly waved around her face as she looked you up and down for a second. You thought she was going to say something, but she just nodded at you once with a small smile before you turned away again, facing the crowd of people you were about to delve back into. You were just leaving the bar top with a soda (you were the DD, as always) when you tripped over someone else’s huge shoe. 
“Oh, shit,” a manly voice said as you tripped, and hands caught your arm before you fell over all the way. You looked up and saw a blond man in an achingly familiar navy uniform looking down at you, and your eyes narrowed as his eyes grew wide. “I’m sorry.” 
His uniform nearly brought you to a scene of painful flashbacks. You knew you were bound to run into attractive men in uniforms so close to a base, but there was an air about this man that made you feel like you were almost running right through the mist, right through the shadow of a man that you once knew, and a man that wore that very same uniform as he walked away. 
You loved Alexandra, your friend you met through other friends. The only downside was that she was in the Navy, and that meant that you were almost always surrounded with memories of your ex boyfriend when you were with her. Him and that stupid uniform that stole him away. 
“No worries,” you said after a few seconds, smiling at him. “It’s crowded here.” 
“Oh, nice tattoo,” he said, and your hand immediately went to your collarbone, where the one tattoo you had rested. It was a nicely done tattoo of a honeybee, a mark of your past. Something you probably should have gotten removed, but every time you tried to convince yourself, you gave another reason to not get it removed. Deep down, you knew why you couldn’t go through with it.
“Thank you, I got it a while ago.” That was all you could say as memories flashed in your mind, but you managed to smile. 
“You look really familiar,” he said, and you noticed that he also had an air of confidence to him as well as familiarity. He was an attractive man, almost too perfect. And he had a smile that you knew lured girls in far too often to be completely innocent. 
“I’m kinda new to the area,” you said, shrugging your shoulders. “Maybe we’ve run into each other at the grocery store or something? Or if you’re a frequent flier at the hospital.” That happened a lot. People you had never had as your own patients would sometimes recognize you, especially if they were often there. 
“Yeah, maybe.” He looked you up and down one more time, almost like he was genuinely trying to figure out what his own mind was trying to remind him, before he nodded his head at you with a small smirk and a toothpick between his lips and left just as quickly as he came. And then your friend was taking his place, jabbering on about something as you tried to clear your own head. 
You never wanted to be one of those people that lived in the past, and for the most part, you weren’t. You lived in the moment. You loved to make new memories, find new things to do, and meet new people. You loved meeting new people. However, the problem with meeting new people, especially men, was that there was that one guy from that one specific relationship that you had gotten yourself in that made it feel like everything was all for nothing. 
Bradley Bradshaw. 
You didn’t even know exactly what it was. You had been in plenty of summer flings that were passionate and fun, but you got over them easily enough. You had met so many people, loved and lost, and they all stuck with you in different ways that all felt sweet in one way or another. But Bradley? There was something about him that stayed with you in a different way. The thought of him kept a lingering taste of something distinct on your tongue. 
In a way, he was the biggest waste of time you had ever spent your life on. There were two years that you shared being officially together, but it felt like forever. You should have known he was trouble the second you saw that military-grade mustache, and the confident walk he always had. You should’ve known he would cause you some pain the second his eyes and his smile proved to be a deadly combo. You poured so much love into that man in a short time in the grand scheme of things, and looking back, it was as much of a waste as it was a privilege. 
For a while, you prayed for his return. He had broken your heart right before he left for his deployment, but that didn’t mean that you wanted anything to happen to him. You prayed for a while for him to come back safely and then come right back to you, and then that progressed into you praying to never see him again. You wished for his safety, you always would, but you never wanted to hear anything about him ever again unless it was saying that he landed safely back on US soil. After that, you wanted his name to be gone with the wind and buried with the dust of time. 
Either way, he was in your thoughts forever and always, regardless of how many summers passed or how many people there were after him, how many you had met to pass the time. And as you stood in the middle of the bar with Alexandra, you were frozen in shock as you realized that you probably manifested the very fighter pilot in front of you.  
He had seen you first. He was surrounded by attractive people in uniforms that you knew had to be his friends, and when you caught the eyes of the very blond man that you fell over before pointing at you with the angle of his head, your jaw dropped a bit. The man from earlier looked at you and slapped Bradley on his back, giving a blinding smirk before saying something to him that you couldn’t hear. 
You were sure you looked silly standing there, freezing up the second you recognized him with a pool stick in your hand. You felt all the tension in your body work together to keep you as straight as a board. You blinked when your friend nudged you, completely oblivious to the mini panic attack you were about to have, and you swallowed and looked away like it didn’t nearly hurt you to stop looking at him. 
You felt like you were drowning. 
“You’re not tapping out or anything, right?” Alexandra asked, narrowing her eyes at you. “We’ve barely been here an hour, and you already have that uncomfortable look on your face.” 
“What look?” You managed to murmur, completely aware that he was still looking at you. His gaze felt as familiar as it had back then.
“The one where you’re looking for escape routes,” she teased, even though she was starting to look concerned. “You do it all the time. Hey, are you okay?” 
“Yeah!” You said, way too loud to be normal. “I’m good.”
You prayed he didn’t approach you. He had plenty of distractions on his side of the room, lots of friends to talk to even though it was obvious they were trying to get him to go over to you. You were hoping that he would never come up to you or look your way again, but you were sick to your stomach when you realized that him walking away would mean he didn’t care nearly as much as you did. 
You closed your eyes for a moment as you tried to understand that none of what you were seeing was a dream. 
“Hi!” A woman’s voice from behind you said, and you turned around. You saw a woman in uniform smiling politely at both you and Alex, and you assumed that she knew her, but then her attention was on you. “I’m sorry, I just had to come over and say I love your dress.” 
You were a simple creature, and one of your fatal flaws was that you were exceptionally friendly. That easily, the tension left your body as you spoke to the woman. You smiled kindly at her. “Thank you! I got it at a thrift store, but you can check the back to see where it’s from if you want!” She grinned at you, and then you saw her eyes wander to your hand. 
“Oh, your ring is pretty, too!” The woman said. “When’s the wedding?” She joked, and you laughed. You wanted a big wedding, back then. Back when you could see the groom in your head, imagine the words he would say, and even imagine your first name combined with his last: Bradshaw. But that was nothing now. 
“Thank you! You’re so sweet. It’s from my mom though, she gave it to me a few years ago.” She gave it to you, her big, shiny ring that her first husband had bought her just as a gift. Instead of pawning it, you begged her to have it. It had no sentimental value to you at all. It kind of looked like an engagement ring, but you couldn’t bring yourself to take it off. It warded off men for the most part, and it was a piece of her. 
“Aw, that’s so sweet. I’m Nat! Most people around here call me Phoenix.” 
You grinned at her and shook her hand before telling her your name, and you knew right then that you liked her. She was extroverted, but very polite. Just your type of person. 
“It’s nice to meet you.” 
“You too!” She smiled at you before she continued her walk to the bar, and you didn’t think anything else of the nice girl in uniform.
The next few minutes went without any issues at all, and you felt like you could ignore the situation at hand and have a good rest of the night with Alex before it was time for you guys to head home. 
You weren’t hearing his voice. You just weren’t. You made your next shot in the game and ignored him. 
You could feel him get closer to you, so close you could smell his cologne. Your eyes watered when you realized it was the very scent you picked out for him all those years ago. He still wore it. 
You heard a very manly throat clear from beside you, and you realized that he wasn’t going to give it up. “Hi,” he tried again, and you breathed through your nose and finally turned around, looking face to chest at him before you looked up. 
He was smiling down at you. He was smiling down at you as if nothing had happened, and no time had passed. You smiled back at first like muscle memory, but then your face dropped to a frown almost immediately. His smile fell, too. He nodded at your friend in acknowledgement, but she was too busy eyeing him up and trying to decide if he was a threat to you or the night to know that he was being friendly. 
“Bradshaw,” you said, and his frown got deeper when he realized you called him by his last name. He hated that. You weren’t in the Navy and you had been together, you and he always insisted you reserved the rights to using his real name. Not his call sign, not his last name, but the one his parents had given him. “It’s been a while.” 
“Bradley,” he corrected gently, almost like he thought you genuinely forgot, or like you threw out his first name from your personal dictionary. As if you could ever forget a detail about him. That was the blessing and the curse that he left you with. “You look-” he stopped talking for a moment, and you could have sworn that you saw an ocean of fondness in his pretty eyes that shouldn’t have still been there. “You’re still so beautiful.” 
Your words felt caught in your throat. You wanted to tell him that his tan made him look beautiful. You wanted to say that he had filled out so nicely, and that his scars still fit his face perfectly. You remembered kissing them while laying in the summer sun and you remembered kissing them under the tiny Christmas tree you guys had bought together and plugged in. You were both so broke it only had about ten ornaments on it, but that never mattered. Never to the two of you. “You… still have that mustache.” 
“You always liked it,” he said, a small smile coming back into his expression, but you didn’t give one back. 
“So you’ve kept it growing in hopes to run into me?” 
“Maybe I have,” he answered, and you blinked at him. He had always had a flirty personality. 
You just blinked. “Uh, yeah. That’s nice.” Was it? It was opening every old wound you had ever had. Every wound that was partially healed by another person’s fleeting kisses was being torn right back open by one sighting of Bradley Bradshaw. 
“It’s- it’s amazing to see you, how have you been?” 
You were becoming more and more confused. How in the hell was he being so chipper? Maybe chipper wasn’t the word, he was being polite. Or, maybe it was that he wasn’t falling apart like you were. How? How was he managing politeness when you were hardly breathing? The thought that he would walk away from the conversation like it never happened made you irritable and defensive at the same time. “Why do you care?” 
His brows furrowed, and he was looking at you as if you were saying all the wrong things. “Because I care how you’ve been.” 
He took a look at your friend, who was still staring him down. “Uh, can we talk for a second?” He asked, and you pursed your lips together. 
“No, she’s good right here,” Alexandra said, and you gave her a small smile. 
“No, it’s okay, he’s fine. He’s big, but he’s harmless.” You saw his chest puff up in just the slightest at the mention of his physique, and you rolled your eyes. “We can step outside, but I’m not going home with you.” 
“Okay!” He said, a little too loud for the setting, and you fought back a smile at how excited he was just to talk. You squashed the fondness down. “Okay, uh, come with me.” 
The second your foot hit the gravel outside, his fingers were touching yours. The touch was innocent, but you still yanked your hand away. He backed away understandingly. “Force of habit, sorry.” 
And it was. You remembered his little quirks. You were always pretty independent, and he had always been touchy and protective, so the compromise back then was that he would lay off while you were inside of a building, but he would hold your hand and guide you all he wanted to the second you walked outside. 
“I- uh, I wanted to talk about us.” 
“The past?” You said, crossing your arms. 
“We’ve known each other for a long time,” he said slowly, like he was just then realizing he was treading on very thin ice. 
“We knew each other,” you corrected, fully aware of your friend piecing the situation together by the expression on her face, and you gave her a look that held promises of filling her in. 
“Don’t be like that,” he said, coming a little closer, and you felt your eyes burn when you smelled his familiar scent even more. Your tradition of buying men cologne that matched their personalities had died after Bradley. It was something you didn’t really understand why you did it yourself, but it was fun, and Bradley loved it. He was the fourth guy you had done it with, and he was the last. It just didn’t feel right with anyone else, and it was simply something else you kissed goodbye when you and Bradley went your separate ways. 
“I’m not being any certain way.” 
“I would definitely say that we know each other,” he said, a short chuckle dying on his lips, and you could hear the hurt in his voice.  “We were together nearly every day for two years. We’d sit on the river and on the beach and talk about everything for hours. We road-tripped cross-country. I remember everything you ever told me back home, and I remember the last summer we had together like it was yesterday.” 
You looked back up at him with eyes that you knew had to be full of sadness. “That was four summers ago.” 
You saw it set in with him how much time really had gone by. You watched his eyes widen and his lips poke outwards as he breathed out. “Wow.” 
Had time really not passed for him as slowly as it did to you? 
All you could do was swallow and turn your head away from the breeze. “Yeah.” 
“Do you have a boyfriend now?” 
Part of you was so thrown by his question and his lack of tact, especially because he had been such a good flirt back then. Maybe time had changed him. “I’m married.” 
Immediately, he shook his head with a small smile. “You’re not.” 
You narrowed your eyes at him, even though you were enjoying the back and forth. It felt so familiar. “How would you know that?” 
“That was the first thing I checked before I came over,” he admitted, and you cocked your head at him. “I looked at your finger and saw the ring before you even noticed me. And then I asked Phoenix to go over to you and make sure it was what I thought it was, and I was right.” 
You gasped. You should have known that that stupid nickname was a damn callsign, the glaring beacon of a person that meant that they were a pilot. And pilots were… they were hard to love. 
“I knew that if I came over to you, there would be no way I could hold my tongue from trying to win you back, so I had to make sure you weren’t married first, at least. But I’m not even sure that would’ve stopped me,” he muttered under his breath, and you rolled your eyes. 
You were still a little bitter over him sending one of his friends to talk to you, and how well he knew you. He knew you never would have responded to a random man the same way you did Phoenix. “How do you know I don’t have a boyfriend?”
“I’m praying.” And then he sighed. “I don’t have anyone either.” 
You would have laughed in his face if you weren’t so gutted. “I find that hard to believe.”
“What do you mean?”
“Considering you broke it off so you could run around and meet other girls, I would be very shocked if you didn’t have one with a ring on her finger by now.” 
His eyes widened to a size that was almost comical. “What?” 
You rolled your eyes at him. “Before you deployed. You know, when you broke up with me so that you could go talk freely with other women.” 
His facial expression was so shocked that you almost bought it. He looked genuinely thrown in a loop by your words. “I didn’t break up with you to meet other people, Bee.” 
You nearly caught whiplash at hearing your old nickname pouring like straight up honey from his mouth. No one called you that in a long time, mostly because ‘Bee’ was reserved for Bradley after a day he met you in freshman year of college, and you did an entire presentation on conservation of bees with passion that none of the other students had in their slideshows. It was what had drawn him to you in the first place.
 “That’s what it felt like.” It still felt like that, four years later. 
“No, no,” he said, shaking his head slowly. You hated how handsome he looked even when he was confused.  But he had no right to look confused. “That’s not what happened at all.” 
Your tone said it all for you as you crossed your arms. “Um, that’s what I remember, Bradshaw.” 
He ignored what you called him, but you saw it in his eyes that it still bothered him. “I cut it off because I felt awful that you were going to be forced to wait for me,” he said, taking a step closer, and you saw his sad brown eyes begging you to listen. “We were still so young, you were even younger than me. It wasn’t fair for me to ask you to keep waiting for me, especially because I kept going on dangerous deployments.” 
His words were bouncing around in your head. You calculated what he was saying, narrowing your eyes and trying to make sense of how it was changing your entire perspective of what happened, second by second. 
“Are you fucking stupid?” You blurted, but he wasn’t surprised. In fact, he looked relieved. You never really made a habit of swearing, not even while arguing, but when you rarely let a word slip, it meant that you cared a lot. 
Bradley wasn’t quite sure which way you cared and if it was in a good way or a bad way, but he was determined to change the passion to a way that would benefit the both of you. 
“If you want me to be,” he rasped, and you narrowed your eyes at him. 
“Did you just say you didn’t want me to wait for you?” 
He blinked. “Yeah. You were what, twenty three? Your whole life was ahead of you. It wasn’t fair for you to have to wait for me to come home when you… you’re full of so much life. You had just gotten your dream job at the hospital, and you were so happy. If you were to stick it out with me gone, you would just have to decide between your job and me anyway when I got home. I ended up getting stationed somewhere else not too long after I came back home, just like I knew I would.” 
“Bradley, I told you I wanted to travel, anyway. That job was not my forever job.” 
“I was prepared to wait for- for forever.” It was his turn to look shocked. “I really would have, Bradley. You just never even gave me the chance to. You pulled the rug out underneath me. You didn’t even ask me.” 
He ran a hand over his face as the weight of the decision he made for the both of you settled heavy on his chest. “Oh, god.” 
“I assumed you were deploying and you wanted to meet new people. I mean, I know that a lot of… you guys are cheaters. The stereotypes are true a lot of the time. I just figured you were sparing me from the cheating and cutting it off before it could get to that point.” 
“Oh, god, no.” He shook his head. “You- thought I was cheating on you?” 
“Well- what else was I supposed to think?” 
“I would never,” he said, using his hands to make a broad “no” gesture. “You’ve always been it for me, ever since we met. There couldn’t have been anyone else, and there hasn’t been this whole time.” 
You tried to mask the way you were falling into a puddle at his feet. “You’re so dumb.” 
“Is it dumb of me to think you’ll hear me out a little more?” 
You rolled your eyes at him, but your skin felt like it was on fire being so close to him again. “You’re plenty dumb, Rooster.” 
“You never called me Rooster.” 
“Well, I don’t know Bradley anymore.” 
“I- why are you saying that?” He asked, and his face grew even more distraught. “You do know me. Nothing’s changed. Nothing is different at all besides the time. I still- there’s nothing that has changed about the way I feel for you.” 
“What do you want me to say?” You couldn’t confess your love to him again. You loved him, a part of you always would, but you couldn’t handle him coming out of the blue and telling you everything you had secretly been wishing he would say to you for years. He was coming in like a dream. It was far too good to be true. “We got lost in translation four years ago and there's nothing we can do about it. Unless you and your pilot friends have been smart enough to build a time machine.” 
“I would build a thousand time machines if it meant that I could change what I did, I was stupid. I was so stupid.” He stepped closer. “But I never stopped loving you. Not even once.” 
A tear ran down your face, and that’s when you knew it was time to go find Alexandra again. “I-I gotta go, Bradley.” Before you could even turn around all the way, he took you by your hips and turned you back around, both pairs of your eyes wide mirrors of the other. 
“I have been haunted by the thought of you for four years now,” he said, voice as soft and gentle as the breeze, but the grip he had on your hips was so desperate it almost made you sob. “I haven’t even- I’ve tried, but there hasn’t been anyone else. Not emotionally. Not even close, Bee.” 
You couldn’t say the exact same. You tried and succeeded for a time, but they were never complete fixes. Just when you thought you were happy with someone else and free of the clutches of Bradley Bradshaw, he snuck right back. He ripped that rug out from under you every time without fail without even being present. That was your problem with each “relationship”, you were looking for a remedy and closure for a relationship that the next person had no idea about and no obligation to make better. 
But you had definitely been haunted by the lack of Bradley Bradshaw. He was there all the time with you in your mind, whether you wanted him or not. 
“This,” you said, shaking your head, and judging by the look on his face, he knew he was losing you. “This is a lot.” 
“Wait, don’t walk away. I just got you back.” 
“I’m not back, Bradley.” 
“You’re back in front of me,” he said, and you stopped turning away from him. “That’s all I could ask for. Even if you want nothing else to do with me ever again, I just want to stand here and look at you for one more minute. Please.” 
You put your hands over your face the second you felt your eyes start to burn and overflow with tears. You could feel his energy before you even felt his true touch, and the second you felt his arms around you, you broke down. 
“I thought- I thought you were so nervous a few days before you left because you were going to propose to me.” 
You couldn’t believe the words that were leaving your mouth. You had been so humiliated about jumping to conclusions that you hadn’t even told Alexandra about that part. You never planned on telling anyone that was the reason why you were so hurt, especially not the man who caused you all that pain. It had been sitting heavy on your chest, the humiliation and the sadness alike, for all four summers. You never planned on letting it loose. 
But you had already said it. 
“You boys get married so fast, and honestly, I was ready. I thought you were nervous because you were going to ask me to marry you, not because you were breaking up with me.”
“It gutted me so bad when you broke it off. I thought it was going to be the opposite- I thought we were going to start our lives together and then you just…” you looked down at the ground as you tried to swallow back down the memory, even though everything was coming back so strong. “It was gone, that fast. And I realized I loved you a lot more than you ever loved me, obviously.” 
“That's not even close to being true,” he said, shaking his head rapidly. “You can ask any of the guys I shipped out with. I was fucking miserable the whole time. And I know you don’t know the new guys I’m with, but this new squad even knows that there’s nobody else. You’re the one that got away.” 
“You let me go,” you corrected, and he smiled sadly. 
“Because I loved you.” 
“That’s so fucking dumb,” you said, but you couldn’t stop yourself from getting closer to him. “That’s for fairytales, stupid.”
You felt yourself leaning into him, and he was letting you. His body language was inviting you in. You could see it in his eyes and you could feel his hands trembling as he moved them from your waist to hover over your back, like he was ready to pull you into him the second you gave in. You knew it was only a matter of time before you did give in, and the longer you felt his hands hover over you like you were stained glass, the more you craved his familiar, burning touch. You felt the pull to him like you were magnets. Like he was the sun and you were Icarus. You were the moth to his enticing flame, but he had always seen you as a butterfly. You were terrified to get burned for the second time, and fall from grace all over again. 
“That one pilot said he recognized me,” you blurted, and you felt his eyes on you even though you couldn’t look at him. “I’ve never met him before, have I?” You might have. You used to know a lot of his old friends. He shook his head. “How did he know me?” 
Without hesitation, his answer came. “I have pictures of you in my cockpit.” 
That was what threw you.  “What?”
“Most pilots keep photos of important people in their cockpit. It reminds them to fly safer. In the worst cases, it’s so that they can see a glimpse of family before they go down.” 
Your heart was soaring so high that it was breaking with the pressure of it. “You have a picture of me in there?” 
He had absolutely no shame about it as he nodded his head firmly. “Yeah, I have pictures of you. In my cockpit and in my locker.” Were you his screensaver, too? You didn’t know. 
But you were in his locker. It made your heart flutter and it sent you right back to highschool. “More than one?” 
“I have so many that my squad recognized you without me even saying anything. Hangman was the one who told me you were here.” 
He kicked the rocks underneath his foot, and then he was squinting back down at you. “You thought- you thought I was going to ask you to marry me?” 
Just like that, your soaring, cracking heart plummeted again. “You don’t have to rub it in, Bradley.” 
“No, it’s not that at all. I just- you would’ve said yes?” 
“Of course I would have said yes, stupid.” You ignored how his eyes lit up and turned your body away with crossed arms. He was always so expressive, even when he didn’t want to be. “But that was a long time ago.” 
“Not too long,” he rushed, and you shook your head. 
You fought the urge to roll your eyes, especially because it was mostly to get the tears away. “It was a while ago, Bradley.” 
“There’s no amount of time apart that would make me not want to be with you, Bee.” 
Your head swiveled to him upon hearing your nickname from him again. “It- it doesn’t just work like that, dude.” 
“Why not?” 
“We were stupid back then. We lived off of blind faith and a whole lot of hopes. It doesn’t work that way anymore.”
“We make our own rules, that’s the glory of being adults.” He took your hands and you faced him, and the hope in his expression nearly floored you. “Who said we can’t pick up where we left off?” 
You scoffed, even though you weren’t even close to laughing. “You’re crazy.” 
“Crazy about you, but you’ve always known that,” he said with a smile. “You’ve always known how to work with it, too.” 
For a moment, you felt a glimmer of hope and you felt the whisper of a smile come onto your face. And then you crashed again, and he must have seen it all over your face because his own smile went away and was replaced by concern. Before he could even ask what happened that fast, you threw your face into his chest and wrapped your arms around him. 
He held you back just as quickly, and you knew he had been waiting for you. He smelled like home and he even felt like it, and when you opened your eyes all you could see was that stupid, loud Hawaiian print. 
“I-if we do this again you- I can’t handle it if you leave me again. I couldn’t take it. Please, Bradley.” 
“Don’t you even worry about that,” he said firmly, holding you so close that it felt like the two of you were physically molding together. “If you give me the chance, I want a shot at forever.” 
You pulled your wet face away from his shirt and looked up at him as your heart raced in your chest. “Huh?” 
He stared down at you for a moment, and you could see in his ever-expressive eyes that he was thinking about saying something to you that was about to change everything. “I fully intend to become your husband when we’re ready, if you let me. Just the way you wanted, and the way I’ve always dreamed about. I’m not going anywhere.” 
The logical part of you knew that he was being ridiculous. Bradley was nothing if not overzealous, nothing if not reaching for goals that were just short of being unattainable. He was the version of Icarus that always managed to get back to earth safely by the skin of his teeth. He always put the cart before the horse, but somehow he always managed to get there. 
So, you knew he was being serious. As crazy as he sounded, he was. 
“Do you really mean that?” You didn’t have to ask that question. In fact, the words felt like acid on your tongue, but your heart pressed you to ask it anyway. 
“Nothing could get me to leave you again, especially not my own stupidity.” He was holding you even tighter. “I promise.” 
You were going to hold him to that with the same intensity that he held you with. 
oh boy.
so this one i’ve been sitting on forever and i’m tired of looking at it, but i have nothing but love for this fic that is pulling me out of a writing slump. i wrote it out of pure love for rooster though so i felt like i had to share it!! also- this comes from two main things;
two songs (“7 summers” and “ ‘98 braves” by morgan wallen) and then me being dumb enough to get involved with a military man of my own. he’s been gone for a while so i’m manifesting he comes back soon. anyone who is thinking about getting with a person- especially man- in the military (i can only speak for the united states military bc that’s where i’m from), you better be tough. i know they look good. i know they have this energy to them- trust me i’ve been obsessed since i was like 15. way before top gun maverick. but if you’re gonna be stupid, you better be tough 💀💀💀 and if you need any guidance to being stupid, i’m always here!!!
if you’re new here thanks for stopping by and checking it out! if you’re from an old fandom of mine but read it anyways i love you so much, it means a lot. 💕💕💕
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b0xerdancer-writes · 10 months
It Wasn't Supposed To Happen Like This Part 3
Eris x Rhy's Sister! Reader
Summary: Eris used to be attached at the hip to Rhysand’s younger sister. Now that he has taken over as High Lord of the Autumn Court, his father’s old high table have been pressuring him to take a wife, he comes up with the brilliant lie that hes already courting someone and has been for several years now. Eris asks Rhysand’s little sister, the best way to get away with it and make it believable, to fake court her.
Warnings: Elain and Mor slander (I love Mor but it’s a plot point for later on I promise!), cussing 18+, some nsfw lean but no sex scenes yet, alcohol.
Trope/Prompt: Fake Dating
Word Count: 4,941
Notes: Part 3 is here, bit of a shorter chapter but im happy with where I left it off at, lots of Lucien and Eris bonding this chapter. Enjoy sweet affectionate drunk Eris. Not proofread at all. I posted this on my break. Posted on wrong account earlier oops!
“You promised me we could go dance when I got back.” Happily intoxicated and finally relaxed, he wrapped his arms around me surrounding me with his scent of firewood and cinnamon. 
Lucien gave me an apologetic look from over Eris’s shoulder, as Eris nuzzled into my neck and hummed sweetly. A blush crept to my face at the overly affectionate display from the eldest Vanserra brother. His breath fanned across my collarbone as purred against me and I couldn’t help but feel an ache in my chest wishing for this to be a regular thing that I got to experience, but I was drawn from my spot as the forms of Azriel and Rhys talking with the other reentered Rita’s. I tapped Eris lightly on the shoulder and he made a hum of acknowledgement, his honey amber eyes seeking out my own  as he moved to pull me towards the floor. 
Just as I moved to stand myself I felt a squeeze of my hand from Mor, who was giving me a look that was a mix of sympathetic and apologetic.
 “I..,” she looked down into her lap where her other hand rested. “I never meant to lie, and I never meant for it to get so out of control like it is now. I, just, I’m sorry. I mean it. For what happened.”
I gave her a soft smile and squeezed back, biting back any bitter remarks that echoed in my brain after all these years of holding contempt against her. “Hey, no worries. We all have to do and say things to get by.”
She smiled softly back at me and moved her hand from mine into her lap as she let Eris pull me to the dance floor. She took a sip of wine and her shoulders deflated as Azriel and Rhys slid into the booth with her. Lucien had moved to the bar talking with the bartender there, though I couldn't see if he was ordering another drink or not. 
Eris pulled me close to him away from the prying eyes of the inner circle as he put his hands around my waist and tucked me into his chest, a slight rumble echoing there that I could only feel through the music.  The music was a slower one then what normally came from the live bands that rotated through, and Eris used it to his advantage as he leaned down to whisper in my ear, a small tilt of curiosity in his voice.
He brought my wrist up to his lips and pressed them to the small tattoo barely bigger than a fingernail. “What kinda deal did you make with her, hmm?” 
I moved to cup his face with the same hand he kissed. “You're too far gone to understand the significance of what it means right now if I told you.” I smiled softly, moving to pull him with the music as it began picking up into a faster beat, a new song.
He raised a brow at me with a cocky, sarcastic, yet relaxed look on his face. Mischief danced in his eyes, I’d never get used to how good that looked on him.
“I’m sure even in my haze I’ll understand.” He smirked as he pulled me tight against him, a move that was influenced by a mix of the music and trying to lure me into giving him what he wants; A move I knew all too well, that managed to bring me to my knees everytime.
I sighed as I wrapped my hand around the back of his neck and pulled him down so he could hear me over the pounding music. “It was a deal to get her to stop slandering you so much, I didn;t even think it was going to be a deal. Think she made it so I would understand how much she was sorry for everything she did.”
His eyes twinkled, as a smile bloomed on his face that made him practically glow. He cupped my face with both hands, eyes locking with mine. “You stood up for me again? Made a whole bargain just so I wouldn’t be slandered?”
I nodded and he purred loud enough I could hear it even with the blaring music. My heart skipped a beat as he dropped my face and pressed my body into his, leaning down to whisper into my ear.
“Darling,” he mused “I will never be able to repay you for all the favors you do for me. Thank you.” He pressed a kiss to my temple before he spun me around and pressed my back against his chest with a smirk.
“Plus, when you defended me against Azriel’s words earlier it was pretty hot little fox~.” He purred into my ear, blush crept into my cheeks and I spun out of his hold. 
He’s just drunk. There was no meaning behind his words really, just trying to get a rise out of me. “Get it together Eris, quit playing these games of yours.” I rolled my eyes and he let out a childish giggle.
“Okay, Okay fine. You win.” He surrendered but the mischief in his eyes wasn't gone.
He took my hand in his and spun me into him grabbing at my hands to lift me into his arms, my legs instinctively wrapped around his hips. He smiled wickedly at me, cheers erupted around us as the song came to a dramatic close. My eyes scanned the crowd behind Eris, everyone must have been watching us dance, he had managed to pull me into the center of the floor without me realizing. 
He smirked at me and I leaned in to whisper into his ear. “Sly fox.”  
His hand that supported my weight on my ass was a searing heat against me though he wasnt using any of his power. I jumped from his grasp to pull him into a quick bow. I was going to need several more drinks if this was how the night was going to proceed, sly remarks and lingering touches all masked under the influence of alcohol. 
Song after song played and we let eachother lose ourselves in the others' touches and remarks. Fuck it, if this was temporary I was bound and fucking determined to enjoy what attention like this I could get from my mate, even if he didn’t know that little fact he seemed to be enjoying it just as much as I was. Eventually as the night grew later I felt Rhys’s claws against my shields and I greeted him with a grumble for interrupting.
“Heading home, Feyre is starting to miss Nyx. Have fun, but not too much fun. Sorry for earlier I should have stepped in, I know you wouldn’t have let anyone talk about Feyre like that in my absence.” I felt his power rub against my conscience apologetically, it felt sad and remorseful.
“Have a goodnight Rhys, tell Feyre night for me too.” I laughed softly. “Don’t worry Rhys, I'll be good. I wont say it’s okay cause its not and your right but I’ll forgive you brother. I love you, have a goodnight.”
“I will, love you too.” He slipped out of my thoughts with an affectionate caress and my shields slid back into place.
As I returned my attention to Eris he was pouting, brows furrowed as he looked into my eyes. “What’s wrong Eris?” 
He let out a huff like a child throwing a tantrum. “Tell Rhys to leave you alone, it's us time.” 
I smiled and wanted to laugh at his childish behavior but bit it back as I smoothed out his hair. “Don’t worry you poor thing, he's gone now, he was just apologizing and saying good night.”
He pouted further when I called him a poor thing and it made me smile softly, a warmth blooming in my chest, but once he noticed my full attention was back on him he perked up. We danced for a while longer till the alcohol seemed to lessen from his system and he deflated as he held me close. 
“I have to go back to Autumn soon.” He sighed, dropping his forehead to my shoulder. 
I couldn’t stand seeing him upset. “Welcome back to the land of the coherent.” I joked trying to cheer him up and I felt him smile against me.
“Thank you, I mean it. You always put me first and I’ll never be able to repay you for all of it.” He mumbled into my shoulder.
I rubbed at his shoulders as he leaned against me for a moment before I began pulling him off the dance floor. “I gotta close out our tab but then we can go relax for a bit before you have to leave, okay?”
He nodded, eyes not glimmering nearly as much as they had been and my heart ached for him. I pulled him with me to the bar, the tender busy making drinks told us it would be a minute before he could get to us. Eris bid his time wrapping his arms around my waist and buried his face in between my shoulders. I held his hands that were firmly clasped around me with one of mine as I finally closed our tab out. He growled under his breath when I made him release me so we could leave the bar and I swatted his hand softly with a giggle. 
“You big teddy bear, we do have to leave the bar you know? You wanna go to the house of the wind? Or I actually share an apartment with Lucien in the city we can go there?” I crooned at him and felt him giggle into my shoulder.
“-partment” He cut himself off as he mumbled into my back.
“Wanna winnow or walk?” I rubbed at his forearm softly connecting the freckles that littered his skin.
“Walk, I don't know if I can winnow without getting sick.” He looked up from my shoulder, only his eyes showing over my shoulder. The gold and orange flecks in his amber eyes illuminated by the faelight signs behind the bar advertising the different brands they carried.
My breath caught in my throat as I entwined my hand with his and led him from the bar. He grumbled under his breath as I stepped out of his grasp. “I was comfy.”
I had to fight a giggle. “And I promise you, you can be comfy again when we get to the apartment.” 
He mumbled a fine and moved to step in front of me so he could hold the door open for me to pass through. “Fine. I guess that's an acceptable promise then.”
I smiled up at him as I passed and turned around to offer my hand out to him again. A smile crept onto his face but exhaustion was present in his eyes as he entangled his hand in mine. 
The walk to the apartment was slow, purposely though, so Eris could postpone having to put that mask back on and return to his court. It would probably be a week till I saw him again, a week for him that would be full of having to strategically put on a mask around his fathers court till he could replace them and build it the way he wanted to.
I felt a tug on my hand as Eris stopped to look out at the mountaintops, where a single shooting star fell and disappeared behind them. 
He looked over at me and a soft barely there smile graced his features. “You make a wish?” 
I would only ever wish for one thing, felt like  if I asked for more then it would be too greedy of me, especially when the mother and the cauldron couldn't even grant me my single wish. 
I nodded in response and the softest smile graced his features and his entire body seemed to relax. “So did I.”
I wanted to ask what he wished for but knew there was the superstition about if you told what your wish was that it wouldn’t come true, so I left the question unasked. He took a step back to my side and motioned to the sidewalk ahead of us.
“Ready whenever you are.” He looked down on me and the shop lights caught his eyes making them flicker like fire.
Fuck I wanted to kiss him here and now, but if I did I put everything on the table. I couldn’t lose this so I opted to push the feeling down and it felt like I was going to suffocate as I pulled him towards the apartment again. The rest of the walk was quiet Eris falling into line beside me. Once we made it to the apartment I led him up the stairs to see no lights on, Lucien must still be out then I reasoned. 
I pushed the door open, the wards clicking to life and unlocking at my presence. Inside was decorated in a mix of autumn and night colors, mine and Lucien’s safe haven here. The couch was large enough to fit both me, Lucien and one other person, the wood frame was a dark almost black color and the fabric that lined it a deep reddish orange that had reminded me of eris’s hair when we picked it out. A large blanket made of fur was thrown across the back of it, in case me or Lucien passed out there, on one of the 2 throw pillows it came with. Lucien had picked out a reading chair that was a deep emerald green that he’d tucked into a corner by a bookshelf, I knew he picked the color because it reminded him of Tamlin and the Spring Court but said nothing to him. He had a similar blanket to the one on the couch folded on the ottoman that matched the chair, the novel Lucien had been reading before he left for his mission sat bookmarked on top of the blanket. 
Plants and candles littered the space, nicknacks reminiscent of Spring and autumn sat on nearly every shelf.  A small coffee table separated the couch from the fireplace, on it my own books sat, one a precursor to the one Lucien had been reading and the other a gift from my father when I was younger that talked about constellations and astronomy. As I led Eris inside I could see his eyes sparkle and watched his shoulders completely deflate as he stepped over the boundary, I closed the door behind him and the wards locked into place again. 
Eris looked around a second before he found himself standing in front of the fireplace. He squatted down and sparked the fire to life before he stood back up and spotted a small wooden carved figure of a fox sitting regally, it had scratches and tiny dents in the soft wood but it was after all over 500 years old. Eris picked it up and turned it over, his eyes found mine and he looked like he was going to start crying.
“You still have this?” His voice cracked. Fuck.
I nodded. “Of course I do, it was the first gift you ever gave me.”
He had carved that fox for me by the edge of the pond the next time we had visited, it had become our regular spot to go when our fathers were meeting.
He set it back into its spot and wiped his eyes where tears had begun to bubble. I moved to sit on the couch and he took a few shaky steps forward before he dropped to his knees and buried his face in my lap, tears spilling from his eyes. Fuck this was so similar to the day he had been told he was to be engaged to Mor. 
I entwined my fingers in his hair, trying to sooth him softly but my own tears were beginning to line my eyes. We sat and he cried in my lap for an hour before he began falling asleep where he sat on the floor with his head on my knees. I couldn’t begin to comprehend why me still having that fox caused him to break like that, I wanted to ask but knew if I pried it would probably cause more pain. Somewhere the voice in my head answered me with the thought “because it shows you actually care. That you've always been there and always will be.”
I noticed his breathing had slowed, only catching here or there and I moved a stray hair behind his ear and he looked up at me, his sorrow filled eyes finding mine.
“You aren’t going back tonight, are you? It's awfully late and I wouldn’t want you to get sick from winnowing.” My voice was barely audible but he shook his head and sniffled softly.
“Then let's go get you into some comfy clothes, yeah?” He nodded and leaned back onto his knees to let me stand.
As I stood I ran my fingers through his hair and he closed his eyes to lean into my touch. Mother save me, even after crying for so long he still managed to look so pretty. I extended my hand out to him and he placed his in mine gently, as he stood his knees popped and he cringed; he had spared them no mercy with the force he collapsed onto them with earlier.
I led him to Lucien’s room, the two had to be a similar size I gathered based on what it looked like when they stood beside each other earlier. An old wooden dresser was tucked into the corner of the younger male’s room and I led eris to sit on the bed as I scrounged through the drawers till I found a pair of sleep pants. I pulled a loose white sleep shirt from the closet and passed them to Eris. 
“Go ahead and change, I’m going to slip into some comfy clothes of my own. My rooms right across the hall, when you are done just head to the living room. I’ll make us some tea and we can relax. Okay?” he just nodded as he looked at the clothes and I slipped out of the room, closing the door and stepping into my own room. 
I pulled a wine, almost maroon color set of satin pajama set, a tank top and pair of shorts, from my own dresser; quick to change into them I wrapped a matching sleep robe over my shoulders and slipped back out into the hallway. I could see Eris’s shadow on the wall of the hallway, the events of the day catching up to me as I processed everything now that I finally had a moment to breathe softly. I stepped into the kitchen, making us a pot of chamomile tea, drizzling the slightest bit of honey into our cups. 
Eris looked at me with the saddest smile as I handed him the cup and he took a sip of it. I put my own cup on the coffee table Eris following suit as he swallowed; he scooted a few inches down before he laid down on the couch, his head on my lap. My fingers found his hair as I watched the fire flicker in the hearth, he had one hand resting right above my knee which he clung to me with as if I would be ripped from his grasp. 
After a few minutes his breathing became shallow and I looked down at his sleeping face. He finally looked relaxed, I reached above him to pull the fur blanket onto his frame, and began humming a soft lullaby my father would sing to me when I was upset. 
I must have fallen asleep myself, because next thing I know I was woken up by the wards unlocking. As the door was pushed open Lucien stilled in the doorway, eyes wide like he had walked in on something he shouldn’t have. He settled after a second and shut the door behind him softly, wards clicking locked.
“I thought he was going back tonight?” Lucien raised a brow in question.
“He was originally. I offered to bring him back here to relax before he had to go back…” I trailed off
“But?” Lucien brought our cups to the kitchen, sitting them softly in the sink with a clink.
“When we got back, he spotted the little fox he carved me and broke down crying. I mean he was fully on his knees crying into my lap Luci.” I sighed and tucked a stray hair away from Eris’s face.
Lucien hummed in acknowledgement, quickly washing the cups and putting them away. “You know why?”
“No. He didn't say anything once he stopped crying.” I mumbled softly watching the way Eris’s features softened as I stroked his hair back.
Lucien stalked across the living room barely making a sound, besides a creak of a floor board. Leaning back and kicking his feet up onto the ottoman, he threw the blanket over his legs and sat the book on his lap.
“Its because he has realized that after all this time, you still genuinely care about him. That you have never once had a thing against him, never once thought him the terrible male everyone else does. That you still care, always have and always will.” Lucien sighed before he continued. “After all they said tonight, I think it got to him. When we went to the bathroom, he said something that got to me even. It didn’t make sense to me till now.”
I looked up at Lucien who had his head leaned back and was staring at the ceiling. “What did he say?”
His amber eye found mine, something serious in them. “I barely caught it under his breath, probably shouldn’t have even heard it. But he said ‘she's why i’m doing this, she’s why I’ve got to be better, she’s why.’ He was practically chanting it under his breath. I think Azriel’s words got in his head, I know he struggled with feeling he was enough of a good male to still call you his friend. Our father’s abuse broke how he views himself, so under that mask he wears opinions to get to him when it's. It’s a lot for him, it gets to him.”
I nodded, felt the tears line my eyes again but Lucien caught me off before I could say anything. “So when he saw that one little figure, it might be silly to you to see him cry over it but it was proof that even to one person, one person he cares for more than the Prythian itself, that he is none of those things and that someone actually cares, shattered him. Trust me when I say this hun, but he would raze all the courts to the ground if something happened to you, so yeah your opinion of him matters more than anything to him.”
Tears ran down my face slowly. “But why?”
“Why what?”Lucien half smiled.
“Why do I matter so much” I sniffled
“Honestly, I don't know, just do. If I had to guess it's because you have been there since the beginning, since before his life went to shit.” Lucien hummed. “Now stop crying or you’ll wake him up, wipe your cheeks off.”
I wiped my face and nodded quickly. “Can I ask something?” Lucien mused.
I nodded. “Yeah?”
“You emphasized the fact that he was on his knees. Like you had seen it before, what happened last time that made you realize how important the reason for crying was to him, whatever it was?” He returned his gaze to the ceiling.
“It was the woods after he was informed about his engagement to Mor…” I mumbled and looked down to watch how Eris’s fingers clung to my leg. 
“Oh.” Lucien hissed.
“He snuck out a bottle of alcohol and we ran off to our spot in the woods. He broke down in my arms, we broke down and cried together.” I sighed “He begged me to not leave him alone in the world.” 
Lucien sat up fairly quickly. “He.. He begged you?” Lucien’s eyes both found purchase on me. “He thought you would leave him and he begged you to stay?”
I nodded. “He begged and apologized and we both cried harder than I thought was possible. He asked if I hated him Lucien.” The younger male sucked in the sharp breath.
“What did you say to him?” The redhead murmured to me like it was almost forbidden to say it out loud.
“I promised him that I never have, never could, and never will.” I brushed Eris’s hair out of his face again and he smiled in his sleep and purred against my thigh.
Lucien’s eyes widened as if he realized something that had eluded him for years. “You made a deal with him that you would never be able to hate him… You wouldn't have made that deal unless you knew it couldn’t be broken no matter what. Your mates aren’t you?” 
I nodded and Lucien wiped his face with your hands. “He doesn't know does he?” 
I shook my head again. “No he doesn't” 
Lucien hissed under his breath. “Oh now you two have most definitely worked yourselves into a mess.”
I furrowed my brows. “What do you mean?”
“He loves you, I know that much. For you to matter that much to him he has too. He chose you for this whole fake dating thing for a reason then” Lucien mumbled. 
I stilled and cut him off. “He said he chose me because I was the first female that came to mind that he trusted enough to ask to do this.” I hissed.
“The first female,” Lucien hissed back, “Because he is in love with you.”
We both sighed loudly and Lucien turned to me with a soft look in his eyes. “Just don’t let him burn himself out is all I ask. He’s the only other good member of my family, snuck me out to Spring Court, warned me about what they were going to do to Jes.”
I nodded and he stood. “I'm going to go take a bath, have a good night, I’ll see you both in the morning.”
Jesminda came up, after all these years it was still a sore spot for him. Especially after he had seen Elain hanging on Azriel, I was just surprised he brought it up himself. Showed how much Eris truly meant to him, made sense why he cared so much but his wording confused me. 
“What do you mean by ‘Don’t let him burn himself out?’ Lucien?” I furrowed my brows in confusion. 
Lucien stilled in the archway of the hall, his back still to me as he looked over his shoulder. “I mean he is willing to play with as much fire as it takes to stay close to you even if he burns out in the process. Don’t let him burn out, keep his spark ignited, fan it into a raging forest fire. We both know the capability he has to become one of the best males there is, we both know the only reason he has to do that now is you. He is reforming Autumn for you it seems like. Keep that spark fanned, strike out whoever wants to snuff it. The only thing keeping him burning is you.” Lucien’s mind was racing as he spoke but mine was equally so. 
He turned and looked me dead in the eyes, a fire raged deep within them. “Promise me, make a deal with me here and now.”
“What?” I was taken off guard by his tone of voice.
He strode over to me with his hand extended. “Let's make a deal here and now that you will protect him, that you won't let him burn out or let anything bad ever happen to him again. That you’ll chase his terrible thoughts away, just like you did tonight, whenever they become unbearable for him.” 
I looked back down at his hand, then back up into his amber and metal eyes. I placed my hand firmly in his. “It's a deal.”
I didn’t want anything from Lucien in exchange, knew we both wanted the same thing here, for Eris to be happy. I knew what my purpose was the second I felt the sting of a new bargain tattoo on my upper right arm. As I pulled back from Lucien and looked to the spot i had felt the sting, I knew that no matter how long it was going to take even if we got into a terrible argument after this arrangement, that I would wait for Eris and be there to chase his fears away, knew the second my eyes locked on the tattoo that perfectly mirrored the wooden fox Eris carved for me all those years ago.  In the same spot on Lucien’s shoulder was a constellation in deep red ink.  
Lucien smiled at me and returned to the archway calling over his shoulder before he disappeared with a smirk. “Goodnight Sister.”
It felt like my body absorbed all the heat it could from Eris and pushed it right into my face, my heart racing and an ache settled in my chest that was only soothed by Eris’s fingers clinging slightly tighter to me. I settled taking the second throw pillow and putting it behind my head, the least Lucien could have done was give me his blanket before he left, Fuck. 
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xxchumanixx · 7 months
Sing me a Lullaby
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Tim Bradford x reader
Warnings/Tags: character death, angst, fluff, hurt
Word count: 482
Authors note: Hey guys, don't know how this happened, but I suddenly had this idea. If my goal is to make you cry? Maybe. I did (but only a little bit, I swear). The song mentioned is Lullabye from Billy Joel.
I would say enjoy, but...
There weren't a lot of things Tim Bradford was scared of.
Still he couldn't sleep, having a hard time to calm down.
With you it was different.
Whenever he couldn't sleep you would sing him a lullaby, calming down his racing heart and erasing the horrible things he saw, when he closed his eyes.
He had seen a lot of things no one should ever see in their lives.
No matter how often he told himself that he was strong, your presence and your sweet voice that filled his head, luring him to sleep, were the only things that helped him at night.
"Goodbye my angel, time to close your eyes." you would sing, your fingers brushing through his hair as you smelled his familiar scent.
"And save these questions for another day. I think I know what you've been asking me, I think you know what I've been trying to say."
It was a song as old as you were, your father singing it to you whenever you couldn't sleep as a baby. It continued even when you grew older, until he died of cancer when you were still very young.
You knew every word of it by heart, the song having a deep meaning for you. Tim knew that, feeling honored that you decided to share it with him.
You were his save haven, his light.
So when you were on patrol with your rookie, a call turning out to be a shooting like you'd rarely seen, his thoughts were trained on you, trying to get you all out of there alive as the supervising officer.
He silently gave administrations, telling you where to go and where to position yourselves, waiting for his signal.
It should have been easy, going in, arresting the drug dealer, going back out.
But it wasn't.
When you stormed the abandoned storage hall, they'd already been waiting for you.
Hiding behind boxes you waited for a clear shot, all the while looking out for the others. Firing whenever you were able to, you shot one down, Tim shooting another one.
There was backup right behind you, Harper, Nolan, Grey, Lucy and some other cops.
When you had shot all of them down, you released a sigh of relief. Even though they managed to surprise you, only one got shot in the leg.
Coming out from your hiding spot you followed Tim and Harper, as they slowly made their way forward.
There was no one in sight, causing you to frown. But you would have never complained about something easier than it looked.
But suddenly, your body jerked forward, straight towards Tim, who's face was sprinkled with blood.
Before you could have asked yourself where the blood came from, you fell into his arms, suddenly having trouble to breathe.
Tim's eyes widened in horror, as he slowly sank down onto his knees with you in his arms.
"No..." he breathed, as you started to feel the pain. A shot rang, as you heard someone call clear.
"No, no, no, no, no!" Tim panicked, frantically pressing his hands to the wound in your chest.
He couldn't lose you.
"Y/N, stay with me!" he shouted, though it seemed to blur, as your fingers slowly brushed over his cheek, adding more blood to it as your body convulsed.
You didn't get enough air into your lungs. It was like something blocked your airways, as you struggled.
Someone called for an ambulance, as Tim pressed harder on your wound. His fingers were full of your blood, as it seemed to just seep through, no matter his attempts of stopping it.
"Y/N!" you heard him shout your name again, as tears formed in his eyes, one after another freeing themselves. "I can't lose you, please, stay with me!"
A hot tear ran down your cheek, as you tried to understand what was happening through the fog in your brain. "I-I love you, T-Tim." you sputtered, blood seeping from your mouth.
"I love you too, so don't dare dying on me now!" he gave back, shaking as he sobbed.
You felt so cold, numb.
"Sing me a lullaby." you asked of him, as you noticed how black blotches started to cover your vision.
He stared at you for a moment, speechless. But he did as you asked him to, silently praying that the ambulance would make it in time.
"Goodbye my angel, time to close your eyes." His voice broke, as a sob racked through him, tears running into his open mouth. "And save these questions for another day."
His heart wrenched, as he fell silent, trying to find back his voice, hands still pressing on your wound.
"I think I know what you've been asking me." he continued, your body hanging limp in his arms. "I think you know what I've been trying to say. I promised I would never leave you, and you should always know, wherever you may go, no matter where you are, I never will be very far."
Anther sob racked through him, his body shaking as he sung the words he remembered by heart.
"Goodbye my angel, now it's time to sleep."
He didn't know that you never heard his last words, even if they meant the world to him.
But as you lay dying in his arms, you knew he was your home. And wherever you may go, you would be his.
Always and forever.
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selfsaven · 11 days
cw: degrading names (bitch, slut), fem reader, biting, unprotected sex, mean toji, reader asks him to stay and he outright says no toji fushiguro is one mean motherfucker. rude and short conversations with everyone, finding amusement in others' suffering, laughing at another's misery... he's nothing short of public enemy number one.
how he finds himself in your bed, of all people... is a miracle. hulking frame curled over you as he keeps a hand tightly wrapped around your throat, squeezing occasionally to remind you to keep your eyes on him. and you do, like a good bitch. your doe eyes stare up at him in half-lidded ecstasy as you moan from his cock stretching you out.
he's always kept himself out of his head by drowning himself in pleasure. gambling. lazing around. killing, when he feels like it or when he's making money off of it. and most notably, fucking. and when he spotted you... a good looking woman, wandering around, looking nervous about what seemed like a new place to you, he pounced.
a pretty thing, mid-20s. you worked as a barista in a coffee shop in your home area, but you've always been nervous about busy places and this was your first time coming to the area. he almost felt bad for you, seeing your anxiety.
so of course he showed you around-- touting himself as a local, being as friendly as possible, luring you in as close as possible...
less than a day's work led to this. easiest pussy he's gotten. double the payout for half the work. you were easy. after he helped you to where you needed to go, he offered to walk you home. then he let himself in. then he helped himself to the dinner you made... then helped himself to you.
his fat cock plugging your pussy, sensitive and filled to the brim with his cum. he was still hard, and he was willing to go a few more rounds. you were whining though, face flushed and covered in tears as you sniffled all pathetically and squirmed beneath him. he had your legs to your chest, one hand holding your knees together as his hips stayed closely pushed to yours. he wasn't even panting. his lips quirked into a smirk, that scar pulling with it.
"oh, what? y'want me to stop? sorry, doll. sluts don't get breaks." he chuckles, starting to rock his hips again. the movement caused cum to spill out of you and onto the light pink sheets of your bed as he pushed your legs up closer to your chest and moved onto his knees to get a better angle. fucking into your cunt a bit more shallowly, he managed to hit your g-spot over and over again, the head of his cock abusing that spot inside you that made you gush repeatedly.
so naive, yet you moaned like an experienced slut, lips parted and drool dribbling down your cheek and onto the pillow under your head. the sweat developing on your body caused you to feel clammy everywhere but between your legs, the searing heat causing you to lose whatever you were thinking of in that moment. your pretty lips curled into an o, and you moaned out his name.
"toji," you chirped, trying to convey your sensitivity and need for a break. but your pleas fell on deaf ears, the man fucking into your pussy like an animal further ignoring you. he split open your pussy with his dick again and again, fucking the remnants of his last load into you. part of him knew he was being careless, but it wasn't his fault you didn't have any condoms. of course, he asked you as he was sliding his fat fucking dick into your tight cunt, making the point moot either way.
your pussy squelched as you squeezed around him, sucking him in further as he groaned out something close to a growl. his other hand left your hip and he smacked your ass, a red hand-print already developing where he'd slapped you. he fucked into you harder then, leaning forward and biting down on the fat of your calf as the headboard of your bed hit the wall with his rhythmic thrusts and slams into your pussy.
you lost count of how many times you came after the fifth. toji however, must've fucked at least 5 loads into you before pulling out for good. he let go of your legs, getting up and cleaning himself up and getting dressed in his clothes from before. your legs flopped onto the mattress and you curled up, whining and whimpering incessantly from the exhaustion settling into your body plus the soreness you were already feeling.
your eyes fluttered open and you looked at him. "...you're not gonna stay?"
toji turns to look at you. he looks you over, and laughs. this man fucking laughs. "stay? pfft..."
your eyebrows knit in confusion. "but--"
"nah, i'm going home." he stuffs his hands into his pockets, still smirking.
"you just-"
"i fucked you. yeah. what, you not used to boys leaving after?"
"...well, i just thought..."
"thought what? i'd be sweet an' give you aftercare? i'm not that type of guy, doll. you couldn't tell?"
you look at him, dumbfounded, as he turns his back on you. you look around and scoff incredulously before you spot a piece of ripped paper on the back of your phone on the nightstand-- with a number on it. his number, presumably.
when he got home, his phone buzzed. he took it out and read the notification... "hey, it's barista girl" he smirks to himself, staring at the message. maybe he'd respond in the next 24 hours if he felt like it... maybe he'd even offer to fuck you again. well... the pussy was good. why not?
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samwinchesterswifu · 2 months
Two Out of Three Aint Bad ( Sam Winchester x Reader Angst)
Before Season 5
Song Inspo: "Two Out of Three Aint Bad" by Meat Loaf
Warnings: Just your a-typical sammy sulking and angst.
A/N: Just a sad lil one for the time being <3
Word Count: 1.2k
Summary: Sam's trying to move on after jess, but what if he isnt 100% sure?
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She climbs out the Impala and slams the door the behind her. Earning a yelp from Dean in protest, but she doesn’t listen to the man. Begrudgingly ignoring the amount of pain she was in she storms into the motels rental office. She slams down her credit card on the counter of the rental office and the clerk sends her an annoyed glare. Shaking her head she asks for a basic room. The clerk nods at her request, swipes the credit card, and hands her the key.
“Room 42,” the clerk spats out.
She thanks the clerk under her breath and begins to make her way to the door of the office as the boys enter.
“Did you get a room for us?” Dean asks.
She shakes her head no at his question and pushes past them. As she’s exiting the door, she could hear a distinct scoff leave Sam which fuels the angry lit fire of her stomach higher. This man had some damn nerve.
She makes her way to her single bed room. Slamming the door behind her and throws her duffle bag on to the bed. She stops for a second and takes a deep breath. The adrenaline was starting to wear off and her pain was starting to overcome every sensation. Unzipping the bag, she grabs the bottle of ibuprofen that sat on top. Opening the cap, she takes 3 out and heads towards the small kitchenette. Grabbing a glass from the cabinet, she fills it up with water from the sink and proceeds to take the pain pills.
Putting down the glass in the sink she moves to stretch her shoulders. Hissing at the sharp sensation of pain on her right shoulder. She groans at the thought of having to fix herself up, but a knock on the door pulls her out her thoughts. Hesitant at first, another knock sounds and Sam makes his presence known.
She gulps in frustration and walks to the door. She opens it for Sam, and ignores his greeting as she sits down on the bed facing the bathroom. She pulls her right arm out the sleeve of her shirt exposing the gash on her shoulder for Sam to stitch. Sam sighs behind her. She watches him from the corner of her eye sit down the medical kit beside her and he takes out the necessary tools.
“This is gunna sting,” he whispers. She nods in acknowledgement.
Sam begins to clean the gash with a few alcohol pads. The occasional swipe makes her hiss but it was manageable. Shortly after, Sam starts to stitch the gash close. The two of them sat in silence the entire process, and all she wanted to do was turn around, and punch the man in the face. She was so angry with him for the earlier hunt, and he seemed completely oblivious by his actions as he always does.
Sam finishes up then goes to wash his hands in her bathroom. She slips her arm back into her shirt carefully, then proceeds to packs up Sam’s kit for him as he makes his way back to the main room.
The two of them stand in front of each other not saying anything. She didn’t really know what to say to him. She knew why he did what he did, but it was still frustrating every time he did it.
It was supposed to be a simple Vamp hunt in Ohio. They had tracked a rogue that had a falling out from his pack and was angry killing at his circumstances. They had tracked him down to the abandoned barn he was staying in. She had made herself known to the Vamp as a way to lure him from his hiding spot. She was ready to go in for the kill, when he lunged at her and Sam pushed her to the side. Killing the Vamp himself instead.
Sam sighs, and shakes his head at her. He walks past her and gets ready to leave her room when she speaks up.
“I was ready you know?” She whispers behind him. Earning another sigh from the tall man.
She turns around to face him as he does the same.
“I know, I know you are but I cant stand the thought of loosing you. He could’ve seriously hurt you!” By the end of Sams response, his voice was raised and she never appreciated raised voices during an argument.
“Damn it Sam! You gotta trust me at some point. I’ma fucking seasoned hunter for crying out loud!” She yells, matching his energy.
“I just cant-“ Sam starts to respond before stopping. She groans in annoyance as that was a typical deflecting thing he did.
“You cant what huh?” She spats, crossing her arms over her chest and challenges him.
“I cant loose you like Jess okay!” Sam spats out. Completely taken aback by his response.
“Sam-“ She calls out to him as her arms fall loosely from her chest.
“I cant. I just cant. I already lost one girl I was in love with and I’m trying to love you too but every time we do something stupid all I can think of is the night of the fire and-“
“Trying to love?” She questions him and Sam looks to her panickily.
“Yes. Trying to love.” Sam says and he shoves his hands deep into his pockets in embarrassment by his words.  
“What does that even mean?” She asks still trying to connect the dots in her own head.
“I love you. I’ve been in love with you for quite a while now I think and I don’t think I’ve allowed myself to because Jess still sits so deep in me.” Sam whispers. He takes a peak up at her as his gaze was previously on the floor and she could see the tears welling on his lash line.
“Sammy,” she says quietly. She takes a few strides towards him. Keeping a few inches between them to allow him a chance to step back if he wanted to.
His gaze fixates back towards the floor. To counter him, she cuffs his cheek and raises his head to look at her. But he does take that step back.
“I need time-“ Sam starts before taking a deep breath.
“I need time to really figure out if this is love that I’m feeling or just protecting. I don’t want to screw this up again.” Sam finishes.
She nods at his response.
“I understand, but I’ll be here when youre ready. But please, next time we hunt, let me kill the damn thing.” She asks.
Sam lets a low chuckle escape his lips.
“Okay,” he whispers. Sam takes a step towards and places a tight kiss on her forehead. She smiles at the sensation.
“Goodnight.” Sam says looking into her eyes.
She smiles up and whispers goodnight in return. Sam turns to leave her room and she continues to stand by the door, completely baffled by the way things unfolded. It was clear that Sam wanted, or needed her. But she was unsure he if truly loved her. But hey, two out three aint bad.  
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darksigns-exe · 2 months
you help me lose my mind - jolly x reader x nick
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Pairing: Jolly Karlsson x f!reader x Nicholas Ruffilo Warning: Swearing, consumption of alcohol, protected intercourse, fingering, oral sex (f recieving), hand jobs, a teeny tiny bit of angst Word Count: 4.1k Masterlist | PART 2 | Taglist Sign up
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Your head doesn’t swim nearly enough for a place like this. Bodies are stacked against bodies, grinding against each other as the bass pounds through the air. You force your way through the crowd, pushing past the sweaty masses until the bar finally comes into view. The friends you came here with are long gone. You’ll reconvene in the morning, it always goes this way. 
A rush of cool air blows into your face when you finally break through the crowd. You draw in a deep breath. The heat between the bodies is almost too much, and a part of you wants to dip out early. You shake the thought from your mind, though. You’re here to have a good time, and you’re not going to let a little bit of a bad mood get in the way of that. 
You’re still not entirely sure how exactly your friend managed to get you into this industry party, or what kind of industry party it even is. But you’re here now, surrounded by good-looking people, and you only feel a little out of place. 
The bar finally comes into sight, and really you can’t wait to down another drink. Perhaps not the healthiest way to cope with the anxious tingle in the back of your mind, but it’s the best you can do right now. You weave through the far less dense crowd until you find a free stool. As much as you like the look of these shoes, they are absolute hell after a while. A little break will be nice. 
You order another drink. Something sharp that’ll make your throat burn in just the right way. And that’s when you spot them. 
They’re awfully close, one just a little bit taller than the other, but not less intense. One of them has his hair pulled back in a low bun, while the others hangs down to his chest. You’re immediately caught staring. The taller one leans down, brushing his fingers against the other's cheek while he whispers something in his ear. You fight against the instinct to look away from them and instead fix the one with the bun with the same intensity he awards you with. 
He smiles just a little bit, the corner of his lip quirking up just enough for you to see from across the bar. The taller one presses a kiss to the other's cheek before he removes himself. You lose track of him rather quickly and return your attention to the man that is still fixing you with that curious glare. 
“Is this one free?” 
You turn to see who the new arrival is, and find yourself faced with the counterpart of the man still staring at you. 
You nod, and he slides in the empty spot next to you. A waft of a deep woodsy scent floods through your senses. His tall stature and the dark eyes that suddenly feel a lot warmer lure you in, perhaps a little too easily. 
You patiently wait for his next move. Surely, he’s come here with some kind of plan. 
He asks for your name, which you give in exchange for his. 
He’s very effective in figuring out what you’re here with friends and not attached to anyone without it sounding creepy. You’re not sure if it’s the drinks you’ve had or the way he looks at you, but your head already swims with that dizzy feeling. 
“I’ll be very honest with you, darling. Nick and I like to invite a third party sometimes. We liked how you look, and I think the three of us could have a lot of fun.” Between the earnest tone of his voice and the gentle warmth in the way he looks at you, you feel as if you could easily back out of this if you wanted. 
If you wanted. 
“You can say no, and I’ll go back over there, and you won’t see us again.” He continues, “And even if you say yes, you’re free to back out at any time. No hard feelings.”
You mull over it for a moment. 
“Nick’s your —?”
“Is this something you do often?”
He shakes his head, “Finding the right person isn’t as easy as you’d think. But I promise you that we’ll take good care of you.”
“Where would we go?”
“We’re staying in the hotel down the street. But if you’d rather do this at your own place, that’s an option too. But I can understand that inviting two practical strangers into your home is not ideal either.”
“That nice hotel with the plant walls?”
He nods, “That’s the one.”
That really piques your interest. They’re both well-dressed, and you know that this particular hotel is fairly pricey. They are incredibly intriguing, and you simply can’t bring yourself to say no. 
“How about you introduce me to your boyfriend, then?” you say, before throwing back the rest of your drink. 
An almost wicked smile works his way onto his lips then. 
You slide off your chair and following through the few stray people towards the other side. For now, you don’t feel very nervous about the whole thing. You’re sure that the nerves will make themselves known before long. 
You’re formally introduced to Nick. From up close, he looks even prettier, and you can’t help but feel a little bit jealous of either of them, really. 
You talk for a moment longer, just to break the ice. You learn that they’re in a band and just here for a couple of days. A real shame, you find yourself thinking. 
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Their room is gorgeous. They’re quite high up and their view over the city is fantastic. You’ve lived here for a few years, but you’ve never had the chance to see your home like this. You’re so focused on the new that you don’t notice Jolly coming to stand behind you. 
His fingers brush across your bare shoulder, tearing you out of your trance. 
“It’s a lovely view, isn’t it?” he asks quietly. 
Before you can answer, though, Nick speaks up, “Best we’ve had so far, I’d say.” 
You look over your shoulder to find him sat comfortably in one of the armchairs, watching the both of you intently. 
Jolly leans in close, lips grazing against your neck. His breath fans across your skin, making the delicate little hairs stand straight up. 
“Here’s what’s going to happen. You can say no at any point. You’re the guest, so we’re playing by your rules. Is there anything that’s entirely off the table for you?”
You list off a few things, all of which he acknowledges and assures you will not be brought up tonight. You go over a few more safety things, before you finally feel his hands drifting lower on your body. His hands fit perfectly against your waist, pulling you back against his chest. 
“How about we give Nick an even better view?” He whispers, lips mere millimetres away from your skin. 
A like of kisses is pressed along the length of your neck and shoulder. His hand brushes the thin strap of your dress down your shoulder. 
You feel awfully exposed, despite the fact that you’re still entirely dressed. Nick’s piercing gaze seems to bore right through your defences. He watches intently as Jolly touches you, runs his hands along the sides of your body. 
“Can I take off your dress?” He asks, lips barely lifting from your skin. 
You nod, but Nick quickly shoots a pointed look your way, “Words.”
The way he says it sends a shiver down your spine. 
“I’ll ask you again, can I take this off?” Jolly’s finger tugs at the thin strap. 
“Yes. Please.” You catch yourself sounding a lot needier than you had hoped. 
“Pretty and polite.” Nick replies, “Go ahead, honey.”
One hand leaves your side and wanders to find the zip of your dress. 
You hold your breath as he drags it down. He’s so very gentle when he removes the garment from your body, taking care not to nick or pinch your skin. The fabric falls from your body. Jolly helps you step out of the garment, before he picks it up and places it on top of another armchair. When you had felt exposed today, you now feel like the main attraction at an exhibition. Their attention is entirely on you, and while Nick isn’t touching you, you can feel his eyes drift across every inch of your body. 
“Sit on the edge of the bed for us, darling.” Jolly says just loud enough for you to hear. 
You do as he asks, curious as to what exactly they have planned for you. You wonder if Nick is going to get involved, or if his enjoyment in this comes from watching his partner take someone else apart. 
The two exchange a few whispered words that don’t reach your ears. Their exchange feels incredibly intimate. You catch a glimpse of Nick’s hand resting against Jolly’s waist. They kiss before Jolly returns to you, and you briefly wonder what they would look like together. 
Jolly comes to stand in front of you. He towers above you, somehow even more impressive. 
His hand comes to rest against your cheek. 
You let him tilt your head upwards.
“Can I kiss you?” he asks softly, eyes flickering across your face, seemingly searching for a trace of hesitance. 
“Please.” you gasp, suddenly feeling so very breathless. 
It feels like hours pass until his lips finally meet yours. You let your eyes fall shut and allow yourself to sink into the feeling. Your lips part for him before he has the chance to ask. His hand leaves your cheek to curl into your hair, pulling you impossibly closer to him. Your own hands find his waist, as you try to ground yourself. He urges you backwards, coming to hover above you. 
He trails kisses along the length of your neck and down the centre of your chest. Hands cover your breasts, as he descends further. Jolly sinks to his knees in front of you, and only when he is fully settled do his lips disappear from your skin. He undoes the small buckles of your shoes, placing barely there kisses against the insides of your ankles once he has removed each shoe. 
“Lift your ass up for me.” 
Once again, you wordlessly follow his order. 
Your panties are swiftly removed from your body and tossed to the side. When you check out of curiosity, you see Nick pick them off the ground before he returns to his previous spot in the armchair. Your attention is torn from him, when you feel the scrape of teeth against the inside of your thigh.
“Eyes on me, pretty girl.” Jolly seals the words with a kiss to your other thigh, “You can lie back if that’s more comfortable for you. If you need a break, squeeze my hand twice.”
Another kiss is placed against your skin, higher this time. He urges your thighs further apart, before he dives into you. A first gentle lick draws against your folds and your hand curls around his. It’s dizzying. Sure, you’ve had someone between your thighs like this before, but Jolly seems to know exactly how to work you already. 
His lips curl around your clit, sucking just harshly enough to make you gasp out loud. You don’t miss the low chuckle that sounds from the other end of the room. From there he drifts lower still, licks against your hole, tongue briefly dipping into your wetness. 
“Does she taste as good as she smells?” You hear Nick ask then. 
Jolly stays buried between your thighs for a brief moment longer, before he drags himself away from you, “She’s perfect. Aren’t you, darling?” He squeezes your hand gently. 
“Might have to get a taste of my own next time.” 
Next time. 
The thought is quickly pulled from your head when you feel the first brush of a finger against your folds. You let yourself fall backwards against the bed, when he eases the digit into you. 
“There you go.” His praise sears right through you, “You’re doing so well.”
You sigh when his finger sinks fully into you. He only has one finger inside, but you already feel so full of him. His finger curls against your walls, making you cry out in pleasure. He takes his time, slowly easing another finger into you. The thick digits stretch you open so deliciously. By now, you struggle to stay still in any kind of capacity. Your whines and moans fills the room, and you can feel yourself barrelling towards the inevitable end.  
“You feel so good around my fingers.” Jolly speaks with a groan, “Bet you’ll feel even better around my cock.” 
His fingers curl and spread inside you. That coil in your belly is growing more and more taut with every thrust into you. And then his thumb presses against your clit, making your hips buck up against him. Your hand grips his just a little tighter, and for a moment his movements slow as he seemingly tries to gauge if you need a break. When the second squeeze doesn’t come, he doubles down on his efforts. His movements speed up significantly. Your free hand wraps around the top sheet, trying to find some kind of purchase as you feel yourself falling apart. 
You think that you feel his lips, his tongue against your clit again, but with how overwhelming the pleasure is, you can barely tell where up and down are. Your climax ebbs over you like a wave, slowly taking you apart tendon by tendon. He doesn’t falter, keeps the strokes of his fingers at a steady speed that has you whining and moaning with overwhelm. 
You cry out his name as you come undone. 
You’re sure that you’re bordering on incoherent. The only thing that matters at that moment is how good you feel, how good he makes you feel. The hand, you had previously wrought into the sheet, wraps around his wrist. The feeling goes from just right to too much within seconds, and you try to wriggle away from him. 
“Too much?” 
You nod desperately, trying to articulate what you wanted. 
When you finally find the energy to turn your head, you find Nick with his shirt mostly undone, hand pressed against his crotch. He notices you looking at him and nods towards you, silently telling you to return your focus to the man between your thighs. 
At some point, he had taken his shirt off, exposing his toned chest and stomach. You just catch him cleaning off his fingers on the top sheet. There’s a faint little smile on his face that makes your chest thump with a feeling you aren’t quite ready to deal with yet. 
“Good to go on or do you need a break?” Jolly asks, as he sets himself upright again. 
“Just a moment.” you reply, admittedly a little breathless. 
He leans over you, to brush the hair sticking to your forehead away. His fingers trail across the side of your face, along your jaw, before he pulls away as if he’d been burned. 
“I’ll get you a bottle of water.” he says quickly. 
You remain lying down for a moment longer. You can hear Jolly rummaging through the minibar somewhere behind you. To your side, Nick eyes you curiously. 
“He’s good, isn’t he? I know it can be a lot.” 
You nod, not quite trusting your voice. 
“I’m still here, you know.” Jolly cuts in. 
He brushes his fingers through Nicks hair. The gesture is so tender that you feel a little like an intruder. You watch as Jolly presses a kiss to the other man's temple, before he tears himself away from him. 
You take a good few sips of water, before handing the bottle back to Jolly. 
“How are you feeling, darling?”
“Good.” You nod, now feeling a little more settled again. 
“Do you want to keep going?” 
You hadn’t realised it until just now, but the repeated check-ins made you feel incredibly safe. 
Your whiny tone draws laughter from both men. 
“They never say no, honey.” 
You chose to ignore the pang of jealousy and instead reach out for him. Your hands find his waist again, carefully luring him back to you. 
You’re sure that you’ll never get sick of the way he kisses you, the way his hand feels so large against your cheek. 
He urges you back just a little bit before he undoes his belt and trousers. You watch in awe as he strips from his clothes. And now you understand why he’s taken so much time and care to prepare you. 
He’s rock hard, leaking at the reddened tip. Jolly works his hand across his length, groaning when his palm brushes across the sensitive head. 
You watch as he picks up a little foil package from the night stand. A part of you is glad that you don’t have to ask him for it. In previous encounters, you’d always been the one arguing for more protection, just to be disappointed by the reluctance of your partner. 
Jolly places one knee on the bed in front of you. 
“Ready, sweet girl?” He asks. 
His hand is warm against the inside of your thigh, keeping you spread wide for him. 
Jolly guides the head of his cock towards your folds. He drags his tip through your wetness, before he brings it to your entrance. Despite knowing better, you hold your breath when he pushes into you. The stretch is almost overwhelming, even with his preparation. 
One of his hands grips into your waist, while the other slowly guides his length into you. He pauses once he’s fully settled inside of you. His chest heaves with laboured breaths. 
Your legs automatically wrap around his waist. 
You force yourself to look at his face, only to find Jolly already gazing down at you. There’s a softness on his face that makes your breath catch in your throat. His now freed hand comes to brace himself against the mattress, allowing him to lean down to kiss you again. While he has your attention like this, he begins a slow but steady rhythm. 
It’s dizzying. 
You feel so very full of him, but at the same time it’s never enough. His pace slowly increases. Your body shakes with every thrust into you. Jolly somehow manages to hit all the right spots. His hand comes to grope at your breast. At the same time, his lips descend along your neck once more. You feel him pause at the junction of your shoulder and neck. The sting of him sucking a mark into your skin, does little to distract you from the way his cock feels inside of you. 
He groans against your skin. Your own whines and moans fill your ears. And between the obscene slapping of skin against skin and the sounds the both of you make, you almost miss the rustling behind you. And it isn’t until the bed dips down behind you that you become curious about what is happening behind you. But Jolly, shifts your thighs around his waist, changing the angle just enough to tear your mind from it again. 
“Fuck, sweetheart. You feel so fucking good.” he gasps, “Gonna ruin me.”
His teeth scrape against your skin, drawing a wanton moan from you. Your hands shift to his back, nails digging into his back as he continues to piston himself into you. 
His rhythm falters suddenly. When you follow his eyeline, you find Nick perched on the bed behind you. His hand is still pressing against the fabric of his trousers, not quite touching himself, but also not unaffected by what you’re doing. 
“Got curious, my love?” Jolly asks, sounding rather breathless already.
The low murmur of Nick’s voice flies right over your head, but can’t bring yourself to care much. A different set of fingers brushes against the side of your face, and you stretch your neck further to catch just a glimpse of Nick. 
You reach out for him, just managing to reach his thigh. He seems to understand what you want and scoots a little closer to the pair of you. Nick shifts your hand towards his crotch, allowing you to touch him properly. 
He sighs when you press against him, “Just looked so good together.” 
Nick helps you work your hand into his trousers. The angle isn’t ideal, and you struggle to find a good angle to move your hand along his length with the way you’re positioned. Even then, you think that he’s quite sizable. Your unsteady rhythm seems to be enough for him, though, as you hear a beautifully drawn out mess of gasps and moans from him. 
You feel yourself staggering closer and closer to your second climax of the night. It’s all so intense. You're constantly torn between them. The pleasure painted across either of their faces makes you even dizzier. 
“Getting close again, aren’t you?” Jolly asks, sounding as if he’s not far behind you. 
You nod, moaning out a yes when he hits a particularly good spot inside you. 
That seems to be enough to make him amp up his efforts even more. And a few harsh thrusts later, you feel the coil in your belly snap. You feel yourself cry out when it hits you, body growing tense with the overwhelming sensation that washes through you. Jolly finishes shortly after you, spilling into the condom. You’re still holding onto him, nails still digging into the skin of his back. 
You feel Nick scooting closer to you, until he kneels at your side. With the better angle, it only takes a few more strokes until he spills his release across the skin of your belly. They kiss as he finishes, and you can’t tear your eyes away from them. 
The aftermath is a blur. One of them wipes the residue of Nick’s release from your skin, before you’re cradled into someone’s arms. You find yourself settled between both of them. With Jolly’s arm wrapped around your middle, you feel incredibly safe and comforted.
Nick eyes you with an odd softness, and you feel as if there is something he wants to say. 
“We’ll talk in the morning.” is the last thing you hear from him before you drift off. 
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You wake to an empty bed and for a brief moment you fear that they have left you just like that. Not that you would blame them. You hadn’t come here expecting more than a one-night stand. When you sit up, though, you find their clothes still placed on the armchairs. It’s not long before Jolly emerges from what you assume to be the bathroom. His chest is still bare, and his sweatpants hanging low on his hips. 
“Good morning, sleepy head.” he says with a soft smile, “Nick’s getting coffee. Do you want something?” 
“I don’t want to overstay my welcome.” you reply quickly, already surveying the room for your clothes. 
“I asked, because we’d like to have you here for a bit longer.” he sits at the foot of the bed, “If you want to go, that’s a different story. But you absolutely do not have to leave.”
Instead of arguing further, you tell him your go-to order. You watch as he relays your order to Nick.
While you wait for him to return, you step under the shower. Jolly hands you a shirt to wear so that you don’t have to squeeze back into your dress just yet. 
Nick returns a good twenty minutes later, arms loaded with three to-go cups and a bag of what you hope to be pastries. Seeing him looking much more comfortable in a hoodie and jeans makes you wish that you could see him like this all the time. 
You talk over breakfast and come to the conclusion that you all enjoyed this night too much for it to just be a one time thing. Numbers are exchanged and promises are made to call when you have the chance. You end up staying for a while longer, luxuriating in their presence while they pack their bags. 
The goodbye feels harder than it should have, seeing as you’ve only met them last night. Jolly hugs you tightly, pressing a soft little kiss to the corner of your lips. Nick’s embrace is just as tight, and you feel a pang of regret that you didn’t get to feel more of him. He kisses your cheek, sending a pleasant warmth through you. As you part, he promises that this won’t be the last time you see them, and that makes you feel a little bit better about leaving. 
You’re barely out of the hotel when your phone pings with a notification from Nick.
We’ll be out here again in a few weeks. Can’t wait to see you again. 
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taglist:@deathblacksmoke @circle-with-me @sitkowski @ladyveronikawrites @baddestomens
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icypenguin · 19 days
Hiii! Can I request a sbg Tyler x F!reader where she gets hurt while the group is running away from the phantoms?
until i’m conscious ˚₊·—̳͟͞͞♡
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hey guys.. i’m finally back… *revives from death* ermm yeah anyway this has been in my inbox for months and i still have more T-T DUDE IMMA BE HONEST OKAY I FEEL LOWKEY BAD BUT LIKENSUHSNIJSNJISN school has been rlly stiff and stressful :( really sorry for the hiatus lmaooooo that was so sudden but anyway hope u all r satisfied with my apology…
cw: blood, being carried, being unconscious (not in a serious way but erm)
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army of phantoms were just seconds away, they were rushing and so were you and the gang. though, you were limping. you had a scratch on your leg from a phantom while grabbing your bags earlier. you tried your best to keep up but no luck, what brought you to now is tyler carrying you bridal-style in fear of you passing out. how exactly did that happen..? well, being the pretty stubborn guy he is, he didn’t care or didn’t think another second to just scoop you in his arms. the other’s couldn’t pay a mind much, they were busy trying to reach for the base.
luckily, you all got in to the base safely and noone was majorly injured except you. the gash on your leg bleeded through the fabric of your bottoms, resulting a soaked, red-hued patch. tyler placed you down carefully on the bus as taylor went to get a pillow for comfort, but tyler insisted on just pulling you into his lap as he is in frantic fear.
“pillow, pillow!” taylor exclaimed to herself as she ran to get one from the back of the bus.
“i got her, don’t worry. just get the med kit!” tyler pulled you into a laying position where your head is right on his lap. it felt uncontrollable, his hands moved themselves to rub your shoulders in comfort. he wasn’t a very comforting person to his friends… but, he always tries his best. after all, he was the one who took care of taylor, wasn’t he?
“move, create space and air” ashlyn ordered everyone as she pulled your bottoms up to expose the wound where the gash could be seen clearly. besides her, logan was getting the kit ready while everyone was scrunching their nose in nausea.
on the other hand, tyler was whispering sweet and somehow comforting words into your ears. it felt unreal, it felt like you were dreaming, the somehow soft voice of tyler managed to lure you down as your breathing got steady.
“there, there..” he whispered softly “i’ve got you..” his hand glided through yours as your fingers interlocked secretly. though, taylor being the attentive person she is, caught the action red-handed and pulled a smirk on her face while nudging her brother softly. though tyler didn’t want to bother or even care since his attention was paid to you and you only.
after a bit of ‘cottons’, ‘water’, ‘alcohol’, your wound was out of sight (or atleast it’s patched by a white cottob fabric..) and everyone let out a relieved sigh.
“phew, that was rough..” aiden closed his eyes and huffed in relief. the tension in the air blew away as everyone got to their position into doing whatever they were supposed to do. except for tyler; he was still making sure you’re okay, now even moving spots so that you could sit comfortably. although, the wound seemed to have a decrease of your consciousness. your back was pressed against his chest and you though that was a pillow! you didn’t even realise he was holding you..
the clock striked, everyone fell asleep in practice of teleporting back to the world.
dawn was visible from the bus window, the sky was orange as the sun carefully wakes up, and so does the gang. everyone woke up in their position from last night, but forgetting for a second what truly happened, you were suprised to be in a hold of tyler’s. your body tensed but suddenly melted in to the wamrth of how he was holding you. you paid attention to that his hold was as close and secure as ever, almost as if scared to lose you.
being tyler’s closest friend didn’t mean you’d see all of his sides, guess this was new. not long later, you felt a move when he rubbed his eyes, informing that he’s awake. to that, you scooted away, trying to create a comfortable space between the two of you.
“mornin’ sleepyhead” you chuckled seeing his still half-asleep form.
though, the second he looked like he was chilling, the next we sat up straight in agitation and realisation. the picture of what happened last night came into his mind, and he couldn’t believe what he had done.
you noticed the sudden change and asked, “what’s wrong? it’s sunday today, we don’t have school”.
“i-“ words tangled in his mind, he didn’t have the urge to create such words. “last night…” he finally mumbled, “are you okay?”
you were a bit confused to hear, but answered nonetheless “yeah, the gash was bad but.. it will heal” your smile almost assured him, but he knew that wasn’t the main thing that’s worrying him.
out of picture, taylor blurted out, “so how was the cuddle last night?” she asked innocently.
your cheeks burned a bit in awkwardness as tyler’s tip of ear went red out of embarrassment. “wha-“ you pretended to forget what happened, but clearly your red cheeks tells the opposite.
“oh come onnn! you guys were so cute! snuggling in eachother’s embrace!” she squealed in awe as the others joined,
“oh- and when tyler carried you!? directly from fairy tales!” aiden busted out,
“not going to lie, you two do make a good couple..” ashlyn said bluntly.
unfortunately, these teases kept on coming one by one and was starting to get a bit ridiculous.. but least to say, you don’t exactly HATE it, do you?
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tysm for readinggg! hope u all enjoyed it mwahhh :3 anyway see u in weeks/months ig /hj
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scary-lasagna · 8 months
Hello, I hope you’re doing well! I was wondering if it was okay if to request LJ, Bloody Painter, and Hoodie (separately) with a siren reader? Reader, in her human form, is slightly stronger, durable, and faster. However, in their siren form (which happens when they get submerged underwater) they have the typical powers of a siren, but they also have limit consciousness. What I mean by that is that they are a lot more feral in this form, and doesn’t really recognize anyone in that form, but like, around their partners, they’d sort of feel familiar to them, so reader in their siren form won’t attack them or anything. Hope this makes sense!
In my AU sirens can also transform into bird-like creatures! They have power over the sea and the air :] I decided to implement that as well.
Laughing Jack
Jack, as you know, runs an old, worn-down circus.
There are no more acts of beasts, or rare animals from the human realm, but more so of a retirement place for the creatures.
He basically bought you off of the black market, watching the algae float around the the cramped tank they kept you in.
There was no way he'd be able to sleep at night, knowing he could prevent another lonely night for you.
You got a lovely spot next to Snowflake, his prized albino Tiger, which Jack thought was so funny, because of the cat and fish dynamic.
But after research and asking around after taking care of you for a month, he concluded to take you out of the water.
He enjoyed that month of bonding and feeding you, and even reading you stories whenever you seemed bored with any enrichment toys and food he gave you. He wondered if you would even remember him.
But you did, and you thanked him profusely for rescuing you, even if he had no idea how much it cost or energy it took to rehabilitate a siren-like yourself.
And Jack was always willing to learn whatever you told him, even bringing up stories from your culture about how the sea will reach toward the moon in an attempt to reach its lover that flew too high.
And it took am embarrassingly long amount of time to realize that Jack's feathers were fake, simply a silly decoration he enjoyed.
But over time, you two grew close, and now you have a rather large tank full of a small reef and a complete array of fish to keep you happy whenever you decide to dip your toes.
Oh, Helen is just head over heels for you.
He thinks you're the most beautiful muse he's ever come across, and every time you step foot in the water you two fall in love all over again.
You actually almost killed him the first time you met. Both of you thought you were alone, and quickly realized the presence of the other.
He managed to squeeze you into his painting of the sunset, but before leaving, he gathered seashells into the tide.
You almost bit his arm off, and ended up getting a face full of oil paint. It tasted lovely, as you can imagine, (it tasted like you gulped down an oil spill).
As while busy gagging and attempting to wash your mouth out, and drink the sea water, which would make even the best of sirens sea-sick, Helen took charge and dragged you out of the water to help you.
And you hit it off since, and many of his paints of you have gained quite the popularity.
Not gonna lie, he thinks you are pretty terrifying.
The first time you went to the beach, Brian expected something like Ariel, or even the mermaids from Pirates of the Caribbean.
He was not expecting your true form in the slightest.
Your jaw unhinged and ripped your cheeks clean in half to reveal not one, but multiple rows of sharp teeth.
And he's seen many things and creatures in his career as a proxy, but a siren had not been one of them. Slender had mentioned staying away from them, especially as humans, you can be lured whenever they decide to be bored of you, and then drag you to the sea floor.
Or maybe they'll grab you up in their talons leading to sculpted human legs and drop you in a vat of bubbling acid.
Whatever the case was, it seemed as if it went into one ear and out with other with Brian, because he fell in love.
But damn, in the water you were hella creepy. And of course, you thought it was a game to scare this familiar stranger shitless since he seemed so keen on staying around you.
He managed to lure you out from the water with a little jar of "siren-bait" from one of the seaside shops. It didn't work as expected, but you really just wanted to see if it contained any edible food.
But he liked pruning your wings and picking off the casing of new feathers whenever they came in, and if he wasn't feeling too tired, he would give you a small massage to your shoulders after holding up your wings for so long.
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