#//But Kae doesn’t think it soon ENOUGH sometimes
dutybcrne · 2 months
I like to think Kaeya and Albedo have a more or less joking deal to have a kid if Kaeya’s 25th birthday rolls around and he’s still unwed.
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thesparklingwriter · 10 months
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words of comfort
" You’re not alone in this world anymore, so please just stop acting like you are.”
word count: 0.8k
original ask
tags: hurt/comfort, kaeya is working too hard and reader says 'no more of that', there's a mild innuendo at the end but i couldn't help it it was the kind of opportunity that i know kaeya wouldn't pass up but I've been so conflicted as to leave in or not because i feel like its too soon but kaeya's also the type of guy to not dwell on things too much after it's solved but i still feel like it might be too soon but we all know he wouldn't pass on an opportunity like that and i'm just going to let you read it
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Perhaps Kaeya underestimates how much you notice. He thinks he’s done a fantastic job of hiding how exhausted he is from you, from everyone. He’s been putting a little extra effort into his work, so desperate to prove to himself that he could work harder, that he could take things seriously, he could be better for you. You’d never asked that of him, and he knew you wouldn’t, but something in him made him think you deserved better. And he couldn’t stand the thought of ‘better’ being someone else, so he buried his worries and concerns into his job in hopes he could work them away.
When he finally gets home, he’s convinced that you’re fast asleep already—a fact that doesn’t fill him with excitement. Rather, it increases the feelings of inadequacy he’s been feeling recently. He slumps onto the couch, rubbing a hand over his face and pulling off his eyepatch. 
“Kae?” He hears you coming down the stairs and sits up with a fake casual air.
“Hey, sunshine.” he grins. “How was your day?” 
“It was alright,” you say quietly, reaching to turn a nearby lamp on. He must have been so exhausted when he got in that he didn’t even have the energy to put the lights on. “Yours?”
“Same as usual,” he says, pulling you onto his lap. Being close to you makess him feel like he’s floating in the clouds. You protest slightly, but he ignores you, his hands gently massaging you. “How come you aren’t asleep?” 
You look at him properly then, in the warm light of the lamp, and you curse yourself for not putting a stop to his working sooner. Of course, you noticed he was tired, and coming home later, and you tried your best to comfort him the best way you could without making it too obvious. Sometimes it was staying up late for him, or sneaking into headquarters during the day to bring him lunch or just distracting him a little to force him to have a break, but your efforts clearly haven’t been working, and you’ve left it way too long.
“Kaeya,” you say quietly. “Tell me the truth. Same as usual?”
Kaeya maintains his aloof composure, and if you didn't know him as well as you do, you might have missed the slight twitch in his right eye. “Why the sudden interrogation, hmm?”
“You come home late, you’re so exhausted that you don’t even take your jacket off or turn the light on, and you don’t even make it to bed some nights. I’ve tried to make things more comfortable for you without saying anything for your sake, but it’s not working.” Tears bunch in your eyes as you speak, and Kaeya feels the guilt mounting up again. More than anything, he wanted you to be happy. He didn’t want to bring this to you and he thought he was hiding it well enough.
“No. I’m not going to sit and let you waste away. I care about you so much it hurts. Watching this happen to you hurts. You’re not alone in this world anymore, so please just stop acting like you are.” The tears really start coming then, and you can’t speak anymore. Kaeya quietly pulls you to his chest, gently rubbing circles into your back.
It was never his intention to hurt you this much. To be honest, this was what he was trying to avoid the whole time. You made the long days and short nights bearable, with the smile you gave him every morning, and the patience you had for him. You were healing him in places he didn’t realise he was broken, and somewhere along the line, he had taken that for granted and allowed insecurity to replace the peace he should have felt.
“Kaeya, I can’t help you if you don’t talk to me. You deserve peace, you deserve to be happy. You deserve to sleep at a godly hour.” You pull away to look at him properly, gently wiping stray tears from his face. “Am I that unapproachable?”
“No,” Kaeya replies. “No, you’re not. I just assumed you had better things to worry about.”
“‘Better things to worry about’? The only thing I worry about is you when you throw yourself into work like you’re trying to run away from something. I’m scared for you sometimes, Kae.”
“I’m sorry for worrying you,”  he replies carefully. “My intention was never to hurt or scare you. I just didn’t want to be a burden.”
“You are not a burden. You will never be a burden to me. You never have been. Okay?”
Kaeya nods. You cup his face in your hands, gently planting a kiss on his forehead and suddenly all his worries and insecurities melt away. If he had known that all it took to calm his thoughts would be a few words from you, he would have gone down that avenue first. It would have been significantly less work for him.
“You’re taking a day off tomorrow,” you say quietly. “And we’re getting you out of that stuffy jacket and going to sleep.”
Kaeya smiles softly. “Just my jacket?” He smirks, and you laugh, taking his hand and standing up.
“We’ll see.”
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author's note: hello kaeya nation it has been a hot minute ToT
nonnie i cannot apologise enough for my inadequacy in getting back to you on time i don't even know if you're still around, idk if you survived the shadowban of 2023 but i hope you get to see this
taglist: @tartigglez @aixaingela @atlaincorrect
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fieryhonesty · 3 years
The life of You
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“Writing battle scenes or overall action scenes will be the death of me, all I will say for today.”
Words: 2620
The sparring has happened a week later as Kaeya had to deal with his paperwork. Which he was neglecting for a while and Acting Grand Master was slowly running out of patience. Usually he wouldn't push his work this much. Yes, he is procrastinating. Paperwork is boring and he'd rather be in front lines. But for that there would have to be some kind of danger.
Ever since Aether has left Mondstadt, everything has become dull and boring. Not like he would like bad things to happen. No, he is a knight and thinking of hurting citizens was not on his list. Surely the Abyss Order is still active and sometimes one of their members appears. But that's usually solved even before the knights can arrive. 
The Darknight Hero is surely having his own ways and information flow. Kaeya won't question him, he promised to himself to keep the secret and not bring it up under any circumstances. However it's quite interesting. 
Back to the topic, he is bored to his wits. Aching for some action, action which does not entertain his hand only. The fact you agreed on the friendly spar was motivating him enough to actually finish the never ending paperwork.
The sparring would be happening on Friday but you had hands full of doing commissions. Coming home kinda tired and exhausted. He wanted to face you all rested up and there's no better day for it than Sunday morning. 
You hate to wake up early in the morning during weekends, so you are a bit grumpy. Your morning hair is wild and it's hard to tame them but you somehow manage to tie them up into a messy bun. Splashing cold water on your face before heading back into your room to change. 
Once you are all set up you head towards the Knights of Favonius training hall. The streets of Mondstadt are quiet as it's still pretty early. The sun is already up but most of the people sleep at this time. Why couldn't Kaeya come up with a normal time? Like it would matter if you fight at seven in the morning or ten.
You arrive at the training hall shortly after seven. Finding the bluenette in the middle of warm up. Perhaps you should have run here but it's too late now. Just a regular stretch will have to do. As soon as he noticed your presence he flashed you a grin. 
He was looking forward to this. Unable to determine why exactly. Was it the longing to experience something you two used to do in the past during your trainee times? Or was it excitement to actually see and feel how much you improved?
Surely he had seen you using your sword with utmost elegance. It was like you were dancing with the blade. Being a silent spectator or ally on the field is different from facing your attacks. As he remembers your attacks back then were kinda clumsy and not so calculated. He always beat you, making you frustrated.
He walked past as you were in midst of your small warm up. Picking one of the dull training swords before looking back at you.
"What's with that gloomy face, dearest y/n? You are not happy to see me? That hurts my feelings!"
Putting hand on his chest as if he is really hurt, slightly gripping the fabric of his attire. He should be an actor, you think before narrowing your eyes at him. You can see through his flirty words. As if he doesn't know what's wrong. You want to go back to bed. Usually you would be sleeping a few more hours!
"Well I'm sorry? Part of me is still sleeping..." 
Kaeya chuckles at your whining. Walks behind you and whispers: "Didn't know you'd like an audience."
You turn at him dumbfounded, tilting head to the side.
"Huh? Why do you think I would mind somebody observing us exchanging blows?"
His lips quirks. Considering if he should tease you or if it's too early in the morning. 
You want to resume your warm up but then his hands land on your waist, tugging you closer. It takes you a couple of seconds to realize what's going on. As soon as his hot breath tingles your ear you want to wiggle out. It's not like you dislike it but first- you didn't expect it, second- weren't you supposed to spar?
"You seem like you had forgotten the rules about sparring my dear friend."
What does sparring have to do with getting all of a sudden touchy? When you put your hand on his trying to push it away it slides down your hip where your vision is. 
"No fatal blows, no attacks aimed at head, blood means stop and... no visions if you possess one."
He whispers, his lips were nearly brushing against your earshell giving you goosebumps. You gulp. He is right. It's been too long since you had any non life threatening fights just for fun. Thus you removed your vision only during nights. And even then it was close to you just in case.
You chuckle in embarrassment. Wanting to untie your orb but he stops you.
"Please, allow me."
Damn. For some reason you feel heat rushing your cheeks. Untying your vision felt like ages. You didn't notice you were holding your breath until he finally took a step away. Putting your cryo orb in a safe place.
Whenever Kaeya gets touchy he manages to raise your blood pressure. Usually it's just a friendly gesture like a hand on shoulder or something. When he wants to tease you he will rest his hand on your waist. However you can't forget that one time where it actually was useful. 
Somebody has been bothering you. Refusing to retreat no matter what. You were hopeless as you didn't want to be rude but they seemed to ignore your wishes to leave you alone. Then Kaeya's hand swiftly wrapped around you, pulling you closer. Giving the guy a fake smile 'I'm sorry but it's rude to keep pressing on when the lady says no, please respect her wish.'
You were relieved when the guy actually left. Assuming he was bothering somebody's girl. Or at least that's what you would have thought too. The way Kaeya held you was really protective, telling everyone to back off.
You quickly waltzed towards the racks with weapons. Hoping he won't notice your flustered cheeks. The more you think of it the more you get embarrassed. At this point you are not sure if you are embarrassed from his act or from the way you are thinking. You thought you two are friends but why are you getting so easily flustered lately? This shouldn't be happening if you are just friends, right?
You close your eyes and exhale to calm down. You shouldn't be thinking like this. Kaeya's your childhood friend, of course you will have a special bond. You sort of grew up together and as kids you really didn't ponder about being touchy or not. Perhaps it's all alright, he is behaving like he is used to and it's you overthinking it. 
Perhaps he just sees you as a friend and nothing more. You shouldn't really think of it or get flustered whenever he touches you elsewhere than your shoulder. 
'It's all Yue's fault... her fantasies of me and guys are getting under my skin. Yup, that's it!'
Taking one of the swords. It's lighter than you are used to. Trying a few swings to get used to its weight. The sword feels so... fragile? You are actually worried if it won't break. Like yes you two won't go full force but still how do these not get destroyed?
Furrowing at the steel in your hand before glancing at your sparring partner. 
"So, is Sticky Honey Roast sufficient?" 
You see a brief confusion in his face. 
"Why yes. Are you admitting defeat already?"
Tilting his head aside with an amused expression.
"Nah, I just want to know if we are battling for the same price. That's all. I'll kick your ass, Honey." 
He chuckles at the nickname. Now you are speaking his language.
Both of you move into the center ring, bowing to each other. You are first on the attack. Once again your attacks are quick but Kaeya seems not to have any issues to parry them. Slowly backing towards a corner. Better not let your ego take better of you. He is probably just testing what you can do.
And you were right. When his back touched the wall his eyes narrowed, a glint flashed through them. Switching from defense to attack. Now he is making you back off. You are back in the ring, ducking to the side trying to land a hit. It gets parried and immediately followed by a swing of his own blade. 
You have been observing him when you happened to fight together. His attacks are always calculated and aimed at weak spots of his enemy. They are elegant. You have to admit he is a truly elegant swordsman. His style is stunning, yet it can be dirty. When you don't expect it he knocks you down. You roll to side away from him. He quickly follows but you are back on your feet, blocking his attack. 
"Hmm, getting knocked down early."
"Don't get cocky now. You might find yourself licking the dust very soon."
You retort. Break from the encounter and swing from your right. As he is right handed as well, his left is pretty much unprotected. To your surprise he quickly passes the sword to his left, just in time to block your blow. 
Flashing you a quick confident smirk. He has actually enough strength to push you. Attacking with his left hand. You feel the blows are a bit weaker but still you are amazed by the fact he can use the weapon as efficiently as in his right hand.
Trying to land a hit but neither can manage it. As good as your attacks are, your defenses are not faltering behind. You get a bit frustrated by it. You really want that dinner. It will feel good to stuff your face with your reward.
It's early in the morning, you are already sweating and your belly is empty. It's hard not to think of food right now. You deflect one of his blows aimed at your abdomen. Taking a step aside.
"This is kind of fun." 
"It sure does bring back old memories~"
He agrees, shooting you a genuine smile before making another step to attack. This one is actually stronger than any previous ones, making you stagger. You huff, mildly annoyed by the fact none of you has landed a hit and he can still use this much power. 
Your body is getting tired. There is no way to tell how much time has passed but it feels like at least a couple of minutes. You are both sweating. Yet none of you is willing to let the other win. 
You dash at him with high speed, your swords are loudly clashing. Another couple of hits exchanged. With every blow they get weaker. You are out of breath. Your hold weakens. Kaeya seizes the opportunity and disarms you. The sword flies away. You are heavily breathing and stare at the bluenette. Your arm is still in position as if you were to attack but you can't. 
He points his sword at you and grins. He won. Again. Just like when you were younger. This brings up some deja vu feeling. You drop on your knees with a loud sigh.
"My dinner..."
Now you are hungry for real. The victory was so close! Looking up at him, he is as much done as you. His shoulders are rising and falling up quickly. Sweat rolling down his face, his attire is literally soaked. You were this close to seizing the free dinner.
You notice his expression. He should be satisfied, smug as always. But instead of it he looks... concerned? You rub your wrist. It hurts a little but it seems like nothing major.
"Does it hurt?"
"Huh? Uh, no! I mean yes but no! It will be fine in the next day or so, don't worry!" 
His expression doesn't change for a brief moment. But then switches back to his usual mask. Helping you up before asking.
"6 pm is alright?"
You look at him dumbfounded again.
"Or we could go later if you want to~"
Ah, the dinner! Right you are the one paying for his stuff. Sighing once more at that thought.
"Whatever time fits you. My wallet is shaking already."
"Ah, don't worry, Dear~. I wouldn't dare to order such expensive things to make my date go bankrupt." 
Date? Did you hear right? You are now more confused than before. What does he mean with the date?!
"Kaeya! What do you mean- you can't... you can't just out of nowhere say date..."
"Oh? It was a mere jest. But you have to admit, a man and a lady going out together. Doesn't it sound like something one would call a date, hmm?"
You groan in frustration and annoyance. The more you think of it the more it makes sense. You hate it when he is right. But wait. You two going on a date? Sure. He said it as a joke but it doesn't mean your brain won't run into a direction it shouldn't. You simply can't imagine dating one of your friends. 
"Don't tell me you are really thinking of it, y/n. It was a joke- unless... there's something you like to admit~"
You repeat slowly. What would you like to admit? You look up at him, his star shaped eye is observing you with a glee. Lips curled into a sneer. You roll your eyes and pick up the sword you dropped. Put it back where it belongs. 
"Sometimes I want to strangle you, Kaeya."
"That's not how you express your lovely feelings. But hey I get it I'd have problems to confess to myself as well~"
You glare back at him.
"If you don't stop..."
"Shh. You know I'm joking, Sweetheart. Right?" 
Kaeya raised his hands up in peace. He can't help it but feel like he is dealing with somebody different right now. The death giving aura coming out of you is kind of scary. 
"Yeah, you better do. I don't want to get jailed for a murder." 
You deadpan and untie your hair. The messy bun was no longer keeping them in place anyway.
"Well, I can guarantee you there will be at least one person cheering for you." 
Maybe he should have kept it for himself as the atmosphere started getting weird. You quickly caught the wind and shrugged. 
"I really doubt he would do that. You two are idiots in your own ways but... I believe he still cares. Just like you. But none of you have balls to admit it."
A scoff leaves his lips before he runs hand through his hair.
"Hah. It seems all of us have some issues we won't admit."
"What do you mean?!" 
You retort to which Kaeya just chuckles. If you don't see it now, so be it. Eventually when the time comes you will. He certainly can see it the way how your relationship moved. It's still in the beginning but he is not blind. He had noticed those quick glances from the bar owner. Checking on if you are alright. Later or sooner you will have to notice it too and then it all up to you.
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tuwam · 3 years
‘ow - aren’t you supposed to be good at this?’ “aren’t you supposed to being moving less.”
honestly seoyoung’s not sure what she prefers, minjae’s smug ass grin or the words that come out his mouth before or after she gets it. 
“and must you have something to say every time I stitch?”
seoyoung doesn’t know what it is but it’s something about the stitching aspect of healing that doesn’t bother her as much. it’s a hell of a lot more manual than using runes or covering gashes with bubbles of energy to have them heal but she doesn’t get as stressed. it’s also something she’s come to easy terms with. it’s quite literally the only thing she’s come to terms with, and she’s learning how to be as fast as yeonhee at it. hanbyul says it’s something that’ll become easier the more she does it, but she’d rather get good now than do a botched job in the field, hands shaking and all.
that’s where minjae comes in - the perfect test subject always walking in with scrapes and bruises beyond a simple layer of gauze. she thinks he enjoys it, as much as he enjoys coming to her when there’s several other healers in the room. the only other open recruit is yeonhee and seoyoung can practically see him flinch with how tightly she does his patch-ups. she admires it actually. because of that minjae’s taken to coming to seoyoung only, claiming he wants to help her with her work but giving her a lecture each time.
as if he’s one to lecture at all. at least seoyoung comes back with less scratches.
then again, scars over runes are such a grisly look, she’d hate to mess up her penmanship for the sake of a - kill. boys will be boys, and minjae is as textbook as they come. 
either way, she takes his requests when he saunters up after missions and that means all the lip and banter he throws in on the way. the stitch today is on his forearm which means he has ample space to lean in, use his good arm to rest his chin on his palm and stare at her. the. entire. time.
seoyoung’s work gets tidier the more she gets into it, but it’s hard to get into it with minjae fidgeting and flinching even when he knows it doesn’t hurt that much. she misses the snickers yeonhee throws her from across the room and has half a mind to leave cleaning duty to her when she’s done.
‘i’d say you’re doing it this tight on purpose.’ “do you want your stitches to fall out?” ‘depends - how long’s your shift here today?’
you’d think he does it on purpose. seoyoung ignores the comment in favor of focusing on a particularly tough part. minjae’s got good blood so he heals relatively well, sometimes he doesn’t even scar too much, she thinks he just likes the brag of it all, having scars in just the right places to lift up a sleeve and tell a tale. she’s got no idea why but with all that’s going on she wishes he’d stop.  they’ve got enough on their hands with minsoo coming by everyday, more reckless and less caring about tales and bragging rights, more so about the adrenaline and a mission done.
between the two of them there’s a little room to breathe a sigh that’s not from another death or another blaring emergency. she could thank them for that, if she wasn’t worried.
it must show because she’s gone silent, focusing, honing in on the other places she’s had to patch up this past week. minjae’s usually careful and it’s suffice to say this was a pretty nasty cut. the demons are getting bolder, and his antics won’t be able to continue for long, the familiarity of these visits will stop soon.
“writing over that rune’s gonna have to wait until it heals, for now take it easy, your speed is gonna be affected for a bit.” it’s a little too strategic, makes her stomach curl. she’s resting the materials down, the clink of the tools snapping him out his stupor. he almost moves too fast and seoyoung has to shoot him a look as she gathers the materials to sterilize. if he so much as tears a stitch so help him god. 
‘not many things out there faster than me.’ “i can name five in this institute alone.” ‘yeah - wanna go eat later?’ “me and alex have sparring practice.”
minjae shoots her a look then, an absolutely full of himself grin and she thumbs at the stele beside her belt.
“want another reason to come back?”
he saunters out at that, a wave on his way out and arms behind his head, the very same arms she’d told him to be careful with. minjae isn’t stupid, everything he does is intentional for its reaction or for its possibilities, all that he’s gone through thoroughly before deciding on. even when he’s infuriating there’s a reason and for seoyoung she can’t put the worry aside enough to consider that he might’ve noticed it.
it’s one thing she’s working on, she’s exceptionally good on missions, but something about the infirmary is so raw. it could be why mina continuously puts her here, with yeonhee no less, to observe how the younger girl doesn’t let it eat at her the way it does to seoyoung. it’s cruel but its necessary. in fact, it’s the first time she’s picked up tools since the emergency group they’d had in but a few days ago. it’d left her shaken with yeonhee taking to cleaning and kae advising her to let off some stress. 
it’s pathetic.
it’s far-fetched to say minjae had taken the easy mission with hopes of visiting her - helping her get some of that confidence back. but then again it’s exactly the way he’d do it. 
what troubles you now? 
in her time here, she’s gotten better at reacting to hanbyul’s voice in her mind. she sees yeonhee peek up from her work and knows this must be something he needs her to get out. seoyoung doesn’t turn to the brother, instead starts to work at actually cleaning her station like she’d said. the words tumble out before she has time to collect that they’d be troubling her in the first place. 
“minjae’s fast - he’s one of our faster agents. don’t you think it’s weird, that his speed rune was damaged? and before that. minsoo came in because his endurance rune had a tear through it from a fight?”
demons were only so smart, and the ones that made it past a shadowhunter - well their community wasn’t much of a community. not typically. 
are you worried that it’s people close to you or are you worried based on logical pattern?
“i’ve been looking through files - and the frequency of attacks lately as well as the injuries of other agents since i have been tending to a lot. even that stranger we brought in - renewing his healing rune was - difficult.” that seems to be enough because he’s contemplating it, yeonhee having come over to help remove the rest of the materials from the day. the way she moves and listens, seoyoung knows it’s not just her. it makes her feel better if anything. 
do you fear what comes?
yeonhee looks up then, and the look in her eyes says enough.
‘SEOYOUNG MINJAE’S GOT A POOL STARTED FOR WHO WINS THE SPARRING MATCH LATER.’ minsoo’s voice is blaring down the hallway, a giggle of other trainees behind him.
every time she worries about this goddamn man -
“i’m gonna kill him.”
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tcthetouch · 4 years
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𝚒𝚗 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚢𝚎𝚊𝚛 𝚘𝚏 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚜𝚌𝚊𝚟𝚎𝚗𝚐𝚎𝚛, 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚜𝚎𝚊𝚜𝚘𝚗 𝚘𝚏 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚋𝚒𝚝𝚌𝚑, 𝚜𝚊𝚜𝚑𝚊𝚢 𝚘𝚗 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚋𝚘𝚊𝚛𝚍𝚠𝚊𝚕𝚔 – 𝚜𝚌𝚞𝚛𝚛𝚢 𝚝𝚘 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚍𝚒𝚝𝚌𝚑 ... 𝚌𝚊𝚕𝚕 𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚖 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚍𝚒𝚊𝚖𝚘𝚗𝚍 𝚍𝚘𝚐𝚜 .
『 nicole kidman. forty-eight. cis woman. she/her. 』 oh heavens, is that CORA WHITWORTH from FAIR LANE i see roaming around mapleview? minnie may’s always calling them -DECEITFUL & -MATERIALISTIC. i happen to think they’re not that bad! they’re a pretty cool FORMER MADAM, CURRENT... “ACCOUNTANT” and every time i’ve seen them, they’ve always been +NURTURING & +RESOURCEFUL. i hope i see them around again! 『 may. 21.est. she/her. 』
did her parents name her after cora taylor ? no, kae and i just decided they’re dumb enough to name all their kids ‘c’ names. did i, trying to come up with ‘c’ names, name her after cora taylor ? yes.
triggers: prostitution (anything triggering that often goes with it is either very very skimmed over or not mentioned at all), pimping, possessiveness (is that the right word to use)/implied abuse?, drugs/briefly mentioned accidental fatal overdose (but if it makes it better the dude sucked)
honestly ? the triggers may imply there were worse things that happened in cora’s life, but... no. the worst thing that happened in her life was being born to the whitworths. not because they were like... jerks. but because they named everyone ‘c’ names. THAT’S THE REAL TRAGEDY IN THIS STORY.
Also. The first half of this intro is :\ a downer :\ but the second half is * thumbs up emoji * * money emoji * like the tone change is AMAZING.
Anyway, on the topic of the Whitworths, they weren’t bad parents! But they also weren’t stupendous parents! They were just largely… not around. So where Clara filled the love she wished to get with… flowers, Cora was like “I will try to fill mine with validation from external forces and… I don’t know, maybe adventure? Probably not.
Also scorpio sun, taurus moon bc astrology?? Ugh we luv it.
So she was decent. But she was bored. She wanted to do something interesting, not just mope around in their small town with the very few subcultures they had.
When she was 18, she decided that the small town life was simply Not For Her. much like my boy stephen crane, she wanted to actually study humanity. She packed up, of all places she could’ve “studied humanity,” she chose Washington, D.C.
But… you see… when you don’t have funds, a consistent source of income, or… really anymore than $20… you’re gonna study humanity SO WELL. Like, she was so set up to really study and experience humanity!
Let it be known… her parents obviously weren’t awful enough to be like “yes, go stay with questionable figures! you reap what you sow!” - no, they just… forgot!
A few people who she did not know offered a couch for the night. It was through various experiences among these folks, along with some general strange advice, that Cora realized she could enter a silently booming industry: sex work. The people she stayed with were usually very familiar with where the nearest red light districts were, some familiar with how to best tell undercover cops from regular johns. So she took this into serious consideration. She was still young – it seemed like a viable option, right? Easy money! 
Turns out… it wasn’t! There are some strange people out there, aren’t there?
However, it did temporarily provide enough funds for Cora to rent a dingy little apartment. Until this one night when a man brought her back – but instead of proposing sex, as was obviously expected, he proposed a different idea: she join his ‘club.’ There’d be more protection, the pay would be even more lucrative, she’d have somewhere better to live within a matter of months… so, god, dear god, it didn’t take much thought for her to take him up on the offer.
Of course, he was a pimp. So… you know, things weren’t actually much better, but the clientele were richer! He didn’t lie about that part! 
After around a year of captivity being pimped, this man took further interest in her as she became one of the more popular choices amongst his girls. He simply couldn’t let the star only be had by rich clientele! Yes, he slept with plenty of his girls, but she became favored as he began treating her as more of a girlfriend (with a creepy age different) who… you know, he still pimped out!
Being ‘closer’ to him was both advantageous and detrimental. Advantageous in that she witnessed more of the business side and various clients were rejected, detrimental in that… having to spend so much time with him, he introduced her to a world that was even worse. In spite of where she’d been for so many years by that point, she never really thought of drugs or gambling or anything else the underbelly provided other than sex work. But he introduced her to that side.
I’ll go easy on this, but… drugs. Period.
After another year of what seemed like something inescapable, now made worse, the best possible thing happened: he overdosed. 
Y’all, we’re mostly out of the downer part of the intro!
With the money she’d gained being one of his stars, as well as that extra money he offered to keep her near, she knew what she had to do. Like… after a while, but we can skip that probably three-month-long gap: start her own brothel!
Using the money she’d received, she rented out a cheap empty building in one of the cheap red light districts. As far as most were concerned, what was once a bar was being converted into a nightclub. Which was, of course, a lie. A good front.
On the verge of bankruptcy by the time it was ready, she was most certainly desperate! But, lucky for her, one of the girls from her old pimp’s bordello followed her in. Soon enough, word spread amongst the community she’d once been so distant from – soon enough, her “nightclub” was filling up.
She would always have to pay thanks to the dead pimp, in a way. Had it not been for him and for how possessive he’d become, she wouldn’t have had a single clue on how to actually run it. And while she was still rocky at first, she gradually became better and better until she was on equal footing with other madams or pimps and was able to gauge clientele just as well.
In addition, had it not been for him, she wouldn’t have realized what was missing! Condoms were provided and deemed a necessity (although, to be fair, it wasn’t as though she knew everything that happened behind doors), the rooms that existed within the “nightclub” were listened to as well as possible to prevent violence (but rooms in other places? hotels, houses? nothing could be ensured, only hoped for - and hoped to be reported if anything happened so the client could be turned away), etc., etc. Ultimately, her girls were more her surrogate daughters – no matter how close or distant in age – than her paychecks.
But lmao she still took a hefty cut of their pay – a whole-ass 55% – less than what her pimp took, but still a LOT for performing no actions. And ss the brothel became more and more popular, that was SO DAMN MUCH. Just per WEEK, really!!
Everything was going so well!! For ten years, the brothel ran with minimal police interference. There were attempts at take-downs, but the brothel began to work like a well-oiled machine – true proof became rather difficult to find.
Until it wasn’t. Until they were clearly closing in. Until Cora was barely getting out by the skin of her teeth. If she and her girls were arrested�� not only would they go to jail and all, but all of that money and all of that time? Wasted.
So she handed the keys over to the first girl who would take them – luckily, the girl she would never tell the others was the star (but… the others knew). Her official excuse? She was returning to North Carolina due to a family emergency (one that didn’t exist). If she just randomly fled, she’d certainly be guilty!
Catching word that Clara had wound up in Mapleview, Cora decided to lie low in the small town herself. 
And yes, I made the TikTok meme real. Yes, she’s an “accountant.”
Only not really, she doesn’t use OnlyFans. Whenever she’s “commuting” to that place accountants work… she’s in some one town or another in the mountains, scouting talent. will there be a “nightclub” in mapleview soon?? actually probably not bc it’s so small. but one nearby?? YES!! 
Old habits die hard! 
But May, she may’ve been able to live off of the madam money for a few years, but it must’ve run out by now?
You’re right! I’m currently doing more research into this, but some years ago, she bought out and now owns a nightclub in Asheville!
But May, isn’t that a little far away to be there everyday? And what about her plans? And why would she still have to say she’s an accountant if being a nightclub owner isn’t taboo?
She has hired a manager she trusts greatly and goes down there to oversee things in person perhaps only twice a week! The manager reports to her!
The manager also knows of her plans and aids her in scouting talent! And she does have dirt on the manager as a backup!
And, considering what the club will be turned into, it’s best to keep it mum!
Honestly there are some other things I want to say, but I just remembered Tumblr’s read-more feature broke :)
(consult trigger list! much lighter in this portion but jic!) born to whitworths who weren’t awful parents but also weren’t stupendous parents i think they just sometimes forgot they were parents! decided to pull a stephen crane and go “study humanity” instead of like… go to college or enter the workforce… wound up in d.c. without much money. ppl in the sus districts were like “omg stay with me! s2g nthn creepy j offering a hand!” which was mostly true! some were like “sex work is lucrative.” she was like “omg ur right.” a young cora became a streetwalker. around 21, one of the johns was like “hi im not actually a john im a pimp do u want to be pimped it’s really cool.” and she was like “omg ya.” but he was pinocchio :\ that being said i feel like i shld mention that while this particular sex work wasn’t necessarily clean, guy at least made testing a thing. some years pass and he’s like “ur great im gonna act like ur my gf and that i’m the only person in ur world but also u still have to sleep w these guys bc i do love money.” good thing about that was that she overheard some of the business talk. bad thing was that he sucked and also liked even seedier things. some years go by and seedier things kill him tho! now catch cora, late 20s or early 30s idk, being like “well with this money… oh wow i have an idea.” was like “gonna convert this cheap empty place into a brothel i mean nightclub.” was almost broke after that but one of the pimp’s girls was like “wait i’ll come along!” soon had a lot of ppl. soon became successful and was actually as humane as a brothel cld be!! evaded the police narrowly, but evaded them. they started rly closing in at one point tho so she was like “oh no family emergency in nc here my best girl i mean u, girl, u r now in charge idk how that works my pimp just died.” went to mapleview. is an “accountant” and by “accountant” i mean that tiktok meme only more extreme bc she’s being a talent scout. old habits… die hard…
if this bitch ain’t able 2 make her own way,,,, idk who is. (after moving to dc bc u kno financial status in boone wasnt awful or anything) real rags to riches story. benjamin franklin wld be so proud. she found the way to wealth.
probs sleeps on silk sheets covered in rose petals??
tbh tho?? absolute contradiction. manages 2 care a lot and also not care at all. rly depends on where the person stands. rly depends on the relatability. wld probs be a good mom but has no plans of becoming one!!!!!!!! too busy being an accountant!!!!!!
what,, is trust?? what,, is love?? (baby don’t hurt me)
i’m flying by the seat of my pants rn i suddenly got v distracted but!! maybe more will be added when tumblr FIXES ITS DAMN SELF.
connection ideas:
well we got the rest of her siblings over on the npc page and honestly w how different it seems clara and cora turned out,,,, wld be so curious 2 learn wtf everyone else is doing. r they being normal or r they also wilding??? j in different ways??? (0/2)
i’m hesitant to say someone she’s a parental figure to bc honestly,,, those exhaust me sometimes ahfdslk,,, but!! u kno what someone she’s ironically a good influence on (0/2?)
she got a mostly friendly front but bitch!! someone she’s a bad influence on!! (0/2)
some current or past flings (any gender, but keeping age in mind, past wld be like 43+ pls,,,current like 40+?) (0/?)
if anyone lived in boone, some old friends from boone (0/?)
if anyone lived in dc, some ppl she knew in dc (0/?)
also always up for brainstorming or j working off of chemistry!!
feel free to like this or hmu if you’d like to plot !
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Humans are Weird “Pet Peeves”
Don’t forget to comment with what your weirdest pet peeve is, and also a reminder that I am open to prompts if you have them, no need to ask permission :) 
Also a book update. Chapter 2 of the book has been with my beta readers for a few days, so I might be able to post it soon, so look forward to that.
Unlike other species, humans fall on a wide spectrum of temperaments from happy and laid back to angry and aggressive. As would only be logical, humans on either end of the spectrum can be easily annoyed or difficult to annoy, but there is one interesting fact about ALL humans laid back or aggressive; they have a list of small inconsequential things that will make them inordinately angry at the drop of a hat (Of course some of them may not be inconsequential, but I find that they tend to be). They call these pet peeves. You might assume that these would be large things relating to improper social behavior, or something similar, but most of them are just unfathomably unimportant. And, while a human isn’t likely to act out their anger on these, they will probably dislike you forever, or  if it doesn't involve you they will go out of their way to avoid the thing that annoys them.
I asked the humans this question about their pet peeves, and this is the ist that I received.
Commander Vir: Um, well that is a good question, I have a few of curse, who doesn’t. Um I hate it when my nails are cut short, and I have to touch some sort of grainy fabric, like velvet for instance. I mean I absolutely HATE velvet to begin with its like if you skinned Satan and made curtains out of him, and now you are going to make e touch it with the most sensitive part of my body…. *shivers* nope, no thank you. The only place velvet should exist is as red velvet cake. 
 Or, or…. *the human grows more agitated now* how about when people are CONSTANTLY late, and then you talk to them about it and they are all like *human changes to an annoyingly high voice* ‘sorry that's like, just how I am, the world is like, to focused on being late, well I have trouble waking up, and they just don’t understand me’ like BITCH SHUT UP and get to work ON TIME dear lord in heaven! You are WASTING MY TIME and the time of everyone else here by being LATE! *human clears throat awkwardly* um sorry….. I also hate it when people use like too much, I don’t know if you got that one….. I mean it is TOTALLY fine in simili, but when you just throw it in there. 
*he pauses to think* OH! One last thing, people who walk slowly in crowded hallways. You know sometimes I just have the urge to take a running start and shoulder check all those slow walking assholes into the floor and then go over them like a speed bump….. Is that an over reaction? 
Lieutenant Keita: Oh, do I have a list for you. Mouth noises, always mouth noises, I don’t care what it is, if I can hear you chewing, breathing, yawning, or coughing excessively, I just become filled with this…. This OVERWHELMING desire to hurt you. Like just close your DAMN mouth and stop eating like an ABSOLUTE COW! And those people who constantly chew gum, like no one is in greater need of a throat punch especially when you are having one of those bad days and you just hate everyone.
Speaking of especially, it's pronounced ESPECIALLY not EXPECIALLY, Like even grown ass adults have no idea what they are doing, and it just drives me insane just GTFO out of my life and get an education.
Also anyone who feels the need to say ‘basically’ in front of everything they say just needs to basically go and die! 
*humans eyes narrow* but of all the things I hate most of all…. irreguardless , that isn’t a fucking word. We have been doing this shit for 2000 years, and people are still saying this. Regardless means despite something, however if you add an ir in front of it, it's like a double negative which makes it NOT regardless you backwater sludge troll. 
*she takes a deep breath* I don’t know why this makes me so mad.
Corporal Ramirez: How about when my girlfriend says she isn’t hungry, but as soon as I get my meal she INSISTS on stealing my food. I mean seriously, if you wanted food you should have just ORDERED some food, these are my fries, get your own. I will pay for you to have your own, but you may not say that you don’t want any and then immediately take mine…. Unacceptable.
*the human rolls his eyes* Oh and don’t get my STARTED on astrology people. Listen guys it’s 4010 we KNOW that you aren't being a bitch because venus is in retrograde. Or when some backwards ass person stabs you in the back and is all ‘lol ssry its because im a candy-corn or a cheerio or a zebra. Like what the hell does that even mean! 
Or when they complain about things that can easily be fixed, or is totally their fault. Like when they are all cold and complain about it, and somehow, its impolite for YOU to say, well sorry you should have brought a coat, but I’m not giving you mine.
Sgt. Kae: Kids, whistling, people who have a special set of dishes that are for decoration and not for eating.
Systems officer Johnson: People who have mustaches, like seriously dude, people think your a pedo, everyone thinks your a pedo, or an 80s porn star, and not in a good way. Beard is totally fine, beard can even be hot, but the mustache is just creepy as hell. On that same line though, I absolutely hate it when guys with beards won’t shut up about their beards. It's like as soon as they see another guy, its beard wax or beard oil, or how anyone without a beard is just a little girl. Or when you tell them you don’t like beards and they take it as a personal offence to their honor and then tell you you just haven't been with a real man, and you would grow to like it. NO, no I will NOT!
People listening to stuff in pubic without headphones.
Or how about when people who sing take a song that you like and then add a ton of unnecessary runs to show off. Like thanks, you absolute trash bag, you went took my favorite song and ruined it. Like I will always love youuuuuuuoooooooahhhaooooahhaoooooooaaaaaahhhhooooo. It sounds like trash and it doesn't make you talented, so please go away.
Cadet Leu; Having something stuck in my teeth, people who leave the lights on, people who are indecisive, or when you are watching a movie and the dialogue is really quiet but the action scenes vibrate your insides at the same volume. 
I have found that it is completely plausible to develop a pet peeve if you spend long enough with humans. And you want to know what my pet peeve is…… do you really want to know?
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writersrealmbts · 5 years
Protect Them: Lollapalooza
Description: Safe with Me Sequel! Hoseok x Reader. Halloween Special! 
Posted: 10/31/2019
Tags: Hybrid!au, hybrid!Hoseok, Safe With Me Sequel
Words: 3,347
A/N: Not Okay. See Rant Post. But I’m posting this. So. Happy Halloween. This was the one that got the most attention. I tried really hard to comply with what was requested. I hope you like it.
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“Thanks for helping me get ready, Emma,” You said, looking at her in the mirror.
She just grinned back. “Thank you for taking the triplets. They’re so excited for trick-or-treating, and the sleepover. And Jin and I are excited to actually sleep.”
“It was nice of the Jimin and Ariel to take the twins,” You added.
She nodded. “And Yoongi is staying with them with Eunyeong so if there’s something that Ariel can’t handle, he can. I’ll have an empty nest.”
“Empty of children, but still containing your husband,” You pointed out, checking out the twenties hairstyle she’d managed to give you, pulling together your costume. “And aren’t you and Jin going to dinner?”
“Drive in movie. Yes, we’re very excited. There, I think that should do it. Hold your breath.”
You did, closing your eyes as she applied the hairspray.
You opened your eyes and examined your hair. “This is great! Thank you.”
“No problem, now seriously, I have a question.” She leaned on the back of the chair.
“Weren’t you and Hobi going to try for kids right away?”
“Oh. Yeah. We were. Did. Are.”
She looked worried and amused, a strange combination that she pulled off well. “Care to elaborate?”
“Well, my medication for the seizures was making things difficult, so we had to find a different medication, and that was around when I started having all those other health issues earlier this summer, and I’ve just recently gotten back to a somewhat healthy state with the medication I’m on now—just in time for me to be working overtime,” You explained, rolling your eyes. “Not to mention Hobi gets so worried about me when I have a bad day that sometimes he sort of forgets that I want to be with him when I’m having a good day.”
“Well, good luck keeping his hands off of you tonight.”
“Is it really that sexy? I got the bigger size so that it would be long enough to cover the worst part of my scar.” You stood up and checked that it was covering. Didn’t look that sexy to you.
“I was referring more to you looking extra gorgeous tonight. This look suits you. I’ll let you finish your makeup and go make sure the kids are ready for tonight.”
You nodded, leaning closer to the mirror to apply lipstick. She’d done your eye makeup since today was one of your blind days for your left eye.
“Y/n? You almost ready?” Hobi called from downstairs.
“Coming!” You called back, blotting the lipstick and then limping towards the stairs as your muscles twinged, protesting you sitting for as long as you had. You were walking a little more normally by the time your reached the bottom of the stairs, though. “Sorry I took so…what? Is there lipstick on my teeth?”
Hoseok was staring at you, eyes huge, ears alert. A grin broke out on his face. “You look fantastic!”
You smiled. “Oh, thank you.”
“Y/n-unnie! You look so pretty!” Nari chirped as she skipped over. She was dressed as a bunny (it was apparently her third year going as a bunny, but she was very insistent), completed with a bunch of carrots hooked on a belt someone had strapped around her, and another that she kept munching at.
“And you look adorable, little bun-bun!” You replied, scooping her up and rubbing your nose against hers.
She giggled. “Jungkookie is gonna be there too, right?”
“Yes, he’s meeting you at the Sanctuary and going trick-or-treating with us, then he and Tae-tae are going to do other halloween things while you, Monnie, and Min-min go to Hobi’s and Y/n’s for a sleepover,” Emma told her, sounding like she must have said it at least a dozen times.
Hoseok was still looking you up and down.
“Hobi-hyung!” Minsu called loudly. “Can we stay up late?!”
You waited for Hoseok to reply that—no, there was no way they were staying up late. You were even under strict orders to make sure they only had three pieces of candy, despite Hoseok’s desire to let them have four.
But Hoseok was still looking at you, as if in a trance.
“Min-min, we’re all going to be so tired after we go trick-or-treating! Why don’t we decide if we want to stay up when it comes time to it?” You finally answered instead as Minsu looked over at Hoseok in confusion.
Minsu shrugged. “Okay! But we’re not taking Kae’s vote! He’s always sleepy!”
“Where is Monnie?” Emma asked, looking around.
“With appa! He put his costume on wrong,” Nari said, then leaned over toward Hoseok. “Oppa!”
Hoseok’s tail was swishing now and then.
You huffed. “Hoseok!”
He blinked and met your gaze. “Hmm?”
“Head out of the clouds,” You told him, looking purposefully at Nari.
“Oh! Sorry, Nari,” He said quickly, taking her and nuzzling up to her. But he kept glancing at you.
You looked him over then snorted. “Nari, why don’t you go grab your stuffed animal and get Minsu to grab his?”
Hoseok set her down.
You nudged him. “You need to calm yourself down. We’re taking care of them tonight and you can’t have your head in the bed.” You glanced down meaningfully.
He cleared his throat. “Sorry. You just look so ravishing…I just want to—”
You pushed his face away as it got closer. “You really don’t want to have to take a cold shower right before we go out there. It’s cold. Take a chill pill.”
“But I don’t want to,” He muttered, lips on your neck. “I want you.”
“I want you too, but not right now.”
“I want you to have our kits,” He whispered hotly.
You rolled your eyes. “Yes, we’ve established that, and—Hoseok, your mother is literally across the room from us. Please calm down.”
He groaned, finally pulling away.
Emma came over, looking over a list. “Alright, here’s the things you wanted written down about their bedtime routine. It hasn’t changed that much, but Minsu can’t sleep with a nightlight now and Kaemon needs one. Nari doesn’t care either way, in true Nari fashion. Also, they’re at the age where they still want to scent you goodnight, but don’t seem certain that it’s okay, which is ridiculous considering they get scented all day long by whoever happens to be in the house, but it’s probably from school. Apparently there’s a very…precocious little boy running his mouth. Jin and I are meeting with the teacher on Monday. Just one more thing, I think I should mention.”
“Oh?” Hoseok looked surprised.
She gave him a pointed look. “Try not to traumatize my children. They come to your door when you least expect it.”
He nodded slowly. “Yes, ma’am.”
She shook her head, then turned and smiled brightly at Kaemon as he came racing out in a lion costume.
Minsu had the pirate hat on his head now, and Emma quickly got the kids to pose for pictures.
“We should have coordinated,” Hoseok murmured, pressing a quick kiss to your shoulder. “Aren’t you going to be cold in that?”
“I’ve got a coat, besides, this is more because I know Emma wants pictures of us,” You told him. “And it’s fun to be something else for a night. Nice to feel different.”
“Different?” he sounded confused. “Different how?”
“I don’t know, I just feel…really pretty in this.”
“You’re gorgeous,” He whispered. “All the time.”
You smiled at him, and gave him a kiss. “Stop standing on my blind side.”
“Sorry,” He laughed out, switching to your right side and kissing that cheek.
“Nice pictures,” Jin called out, laughing at the surprised look Hoseok got.
Emma looked rather pleased. “Alright, last pictures: Kids go stand with y/n and Hobi.”
They hurried over, giving her big grins along with you.
She set aside the camera, then knelt and opened her arms. “Last hugs!”
They rushed to her.
“Now, I know you’ll be the best-behaved little pups in the world for Y/n. Have fun trick-or-treating, okay? I’ll see you tomorrow.”
You sighed wistfully, watching the way the kids looked to her and Jin.
Hoseok’s arm went around your shoulders. “We’ll have our own kids soon.”
You nodded.
“Besides, I know for a fact that they tend to go to each other when they have nightmares these days. I bet we could manage to get some time in together. I mean, y/n is pregnant and they haven’t had any babysitters in quite some time,” He whispered.
You looked up at him, then looked back at her. “How can you tell?”
“Her smell. Plus the way Jin’s treating her. He always knows before she does, and he also knows that she wanted to stop after the twins.”
“Does she know?”
“Hard to say.”
“Is it weird to call someone your mom when they actually aren’t that much older than you?” You asked.
“Eh, sometimes. But…she’s really the only mother I’ve ever known. Jungkook started it. To be fair, he was basically Jin’s kid anyway, and so was Jimin. I just…I was so happy that she let me be part of her family even though I came later than the others.” He growled slightly. “You keep changing the subject.”
“You keep letting me—I will remind you one last time that getting caught with a boner by a six-year-old that asks about twenty-million questions a day is probably one of the worst things you can do today because I’ll sleep with the six-year-olds instead of you.”
“You’re fiesty today, I like it,” He said, a chuckle to his voice.
“You’re persistent. Is this really that attractive to you?” You asked. “Because I could take Emma’s offer of the witch costume instead.”
“Please don’t! I like that you feel pretty in this, because you look so gorgeous in it and you look…confident and sexy, and you’re not scared of letting some of your scars show and I’m just so, so proud of you so please don’t take this away,” He murmured pleadingly, pressing his forehead to your shoulder.
You stroked your fox’s head. “Are my scars really showing?”
“The smaller ones, yeah, but I’m still really, really proud of you.” He pressed kisses along your bare shoulder. “I want you to feel confident. You’re so sexy when you’re confident.”
“You’re getting worked up again and the kids are ready to go,” You murmured pressing a kiss to his temple. “If you’re really good and the kids are sleeping peacefully, maybe we can try.”
He looked at you with an excited grin and bounced toward the kids. “Let’s go have fun!” He scooped up Nari and Kaemon and bounced out the door with them.
You looked down at Minsu, who looked up at you after looking at the suitcase the three of them were sharing. “I’ll get that, Min. Why don’t you run out and hop in the car?”
He nodded, grabbing three stuffed animals that had also been abandoned. “Monnie! Nari! Your stuffies!” He ran out the door.
“They grow up too fast,” Emma murmured.
You nodded sympathetically, flashing Jin a knowing smile before heading outside.
“I didn’t forget you, Min-min!” Hoseok said cheerfully, nuzzling up to the boy. “And there’s no possible way for me to forget Y/n!”
“You were gonna leave without us,” Minsu pouted, but you could tell it was his playful pout.
“What do you mean I’m pregnant?!” Emma’s voice carried out of the house.
“What’s wrong with mommy?” Minsu asked, looking bewildered at her incredulous tone.
Hoseok cleared his throat. “I don’t know. Let’s let dad take care of her.” He quickly plopped Minsu into the car, making sure all three were buckled up before both of you hopped into the front seat, sharing looks a amused fear.
The rest of the evening was spent watching Hoseok, Jungkook, Taehyung, and Namjoon run the triplets until Kaemon was actively hugging onto you to prevent the older ones from sweeping him away into their activities. You didn’t mind Kae hugging onto you, though, since you knew he was one of the best sleepers. Nari was the one who usually had nightmares these days.
Kae really didn’t like trick-or-treating though, and while you were surprised, the others weren’t. Even those living in the Sanctuary seemed to know that Nari and Minsu would be trick-or-treating for their shy brother.
“No Ava tonight?” You asked Namjoon while he stood back with you at one of the houses, looking pretty tired.
“She’s not feeling well.” He took Kae since you were starting to struggle.
Six year olds aren’t nearly as light as five year olds, especially since you were pretty sure Kaemon and Minsu had each grown another two inches since the spring. They were skinny as rails, but they had definitely grown.
Nari hadn’t grown as much.
“Hoseok is looking at you a lot,” Namjoon teased.
“He’s incorrigible.”
“You’re smiling.”
“Don’t tell him. He’s very excitable today.”
“When was the last time you two…?”
You checked that Kaemon was actually asleep. “Two months?”
His eyes widened. “Oh.”
“Yeah, and I think it’s actually been longer.”
“And so, obviously, he gets in the mood to do it the one night you guys have other people in the house.”
“Obviously,” You huffed, shaking your head. “If I’d know that dressing like this was all it took for him to remember that we should have a love life, I would have done it long before now.”
Namjoon laughed quietly.
Hoseok came running over, arms wrapping around you with his ears back and tail wiggling back and forth in excitement. “Hi.”
You giggled softly, reaching up and petting his head, which made him cuddle up to you more and his tail wag even more. “Silly fox.”
“Want to take you home,” He muttered, giving your neck a lick.
“Are the kids done trick-or-treating?”
“Please?” Nari said, looking exhausted from Jungkook’s arms. “I’m hungry.”
Minsu nodded, but he was still hopping with every step he took.
“Alright, let’s get back to the car and you can say goodbye to Jungkook and Namjoon, then we’ll go pick up dinner and head to the house.” You gently pushed Hoseok away, pecking his nose so that he knew you weren’t just rejecting him.
He quickly tucked back in, kissing your neck briefly before whispering. “I think that dress would look good while you ride—”
You shoved him that time. “Walk. Car. You. Maybe take of that coat, you seem a little overheated.”
He laughed, but managed to cheer up Nari and Minsu into racing him to the car, with Taehyung and Jungkook following after to make sure none of them were lost.
You shook your head, glancing at Namjoon, who was extremely amused. “Can I blame Emma and Jin?”
“Sounds good to me,” He replied, walking back to the car with you.
Hoseok had somehow re-energized the two kids with him. “Alright, now we gotta say goodbye to Jungkookie, Taehyungie, and Namjoonie.”
Nari’s smile immediately melted into a tearful face and she latched onto Jungkook’s leg. “Nooooo!”
Jungkook quickly dropped to hug her and pepper her face with kisses.
“Can’t they come with us? Please?” Minsu asked, puppy pout on full display.
Taehyung pressed his hands to his heart with a sympathetic sound.
“They can’t, Min-min. They have other plans,” Hoseok said gently, crouching beside the boy and carefully stroking the boy’s head. “I’m sure they’ll be happy to arrange a sleepover with you guys some other time.”
“Yeah! I’ll talk to Eomma!” Jungkook said bright.
Taehyung was nodding as well, hugging Minsu—who had run into his arms the moment he had crouched and opened them for the pup.
You met the gaze of your man, going closer to him. “I think you might have exhausted them too much.”
He pouted a little.
“Now we have hangry babies, we better feed them quick.”
“I’m gonna be hangry for you,” He muttered, still pouting.
You kissed his lips, then pointed toward Kaemon. “Get the sleepy one first. I’ll get Minsu.”
He nodded, taking the child from Namjoon, nuzzling Kae as the boy emitted a soft whine of displeasure at being detached from the heat source.
You crouched next to Taehyung and Minsu, rubbing the little boy’s back. “Min-min, you’ll probably see them tomorrow.”
“I want them to play tonight,” Minsu whined.
You kissed his forehead. “I know, Min, but they can’t. We’re gonna go get food, though. Hamburgers and french fries.”
He shifted. “No ‘maters.”
“Okay, we’ll make sure there are no tomatoes on your burger,” You told him gently.
He sighed and looked up at Tae.
“Yoongi-hyung, Eunyeong and I are moving closer really soon, and she’s right, I’ll see you tomorrow and we can play then,” He reassured the little one, then glanced at you. “Hey, do you want me and Kook to pick the kids up?”
“Oh, I don’t—”
“We’ll bring pizza and have lunch with you all, and then you and hobi would have the house all to yourselves.”
You glanced over at your boyfriend who was cooing lovingly at Nari as he buckled her in, the little girl crying because she was tired and wanted her “bunny-oppa”.
Jungkook was looking like he might start crying.
“Joonie?��� Kaemon’s voice came out scared. “Namjoonie-hyung?!”
Namjoon hurried to the boy, hearing the distress in his voice.
You nodded. “Yeah, it might be a long night.”
As everything continued to descend into chaos, you met Hoseok’s gaze.
Jungkook tugged on your sleeve, holding Nari again. “Me and Tae can change our plans.”
You nodded. “I think you might need to. Sorry.”
“No, it’s fine, the kids are more important.”
Namjoon managed to shift Kaemon over to clinging to Hoseok, gently telling the other two that he had to go and that he loved them, scenting them, and then walking away looking pained. He would definitely be checking in via phone later.
“We walked here from Jiminies, so we can ride in the back seat, if that’s okay?”
You nodded. “Alright, everyone in. Taehyung and Jungkook are coming to sleepover too.”
Hoseok looked disappointed but resigned to his fate.
It was utter chaos until all five children were tucked into the huge pile of pillows and blankets on the floor in your living room and you and Hoseok finally collapsed in your own bed.
“You knew we’d be too tired, didn’t you?” He groaned softly.
“There was a seventy-five percent chance.”
“How’s your leg?”
“Sore. We’re on the wrong sides.”
“Oh, we are. Okay. I can fix this.” He pushed himself up and crawled over to you pulling you farther over onto the bed. He then got mostly on your other side and flopped, draped over you almost completely. “Glad you suggested everyone put their pajamas on. I don’t think I could take another minute to change.”
You shifted so you could kiss him goodnight. “I’ll make it up to you tomorrow night, baby. And you’ll make up the last two months to me tomorrow night as well.”
“Two months?” He propped himself up a bit as he thought, then his eyes widened. “Oh man.”
“You’ve been neglecting me, Seok-seok,” You whispered, pecking his lips again.
He made a sound in his throat that you adored, always made you warm and fuzzy. “I think I know how to fix that.”
He nodded, going limp on top of you again. “Tomorrow.”
“I’ll wear the shorter dress that I bought on first,” You promised.
“You are very good to me,” He whispered. “Did you take your medicine.”
“Okay. As much as I love the triplets, lets try to get everyone out by one. Then we’ll have two whole days to do as we please and you might be sore on Monday.”
“Sounds like a treat.”
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30 & 31 aug. 2019
👾 30th -- I woke up from really bad nightmares again on the 30th except they were really personal to me and way worse than before, I was panicking really hard. I felt bad because Strom was fronting and I know he wanted to help but I couldn’t process tone good at all so Koda had to come to front to help me calm down. It took a long time but I eventually got there. We had a small misunderstanding towards the end because I feel like I front too much and he sounded hurt that Strom wasn’t going to get to spend time with me like everyone else but we worked it out and I stayed and Hannah came back with me for a bit. 
We watched a few episodes of re:stage and it’s SO cute and so fun and we’re loving it, it’s a shame the game looks like an otome game even though they’re like 10 years old, ffs... One of the characters, Kae, is like a big tech nerd and I throttled to the front so hard that I booted Hannah out altogether by accident... but we had a good time.
Mason and I went to Walmart and I was frustrated about the phone situation and not being able to call our family but I calmed down eventually.and we had a good time getting groceries and stayed within our budget. Came home and had some important conversations with Strom about communication. It really means a lot to us that they try to work together to help each other out and leave when they’re not safe anymore or are too tired or stressed to go on. Everyone gets worn out when communicating isn’t going well and it’s so harsh to imagine not being able to ask your own system members to help you when you’re struggling... That just made me really sad. I hope they feel more confident asking for help soon because they really do deserve help when they need it.
The other day I’d gotten the passing thought that I hope cam can change his emoji one day from the swords to the handwriting emoji or something similar because, he had such a violent past and picking up oda really just made me feel like, he really has the potential to heal in a calm and safe environment now and nothing would make me happier than him being able to rest and relax and enjoy the peaceful life we have together now. Strom thought it was a great idea and that made me really happy, I almost cried. cam eventually responded that he loved me and he was glad about it and i almost cried Again. cam means the world to me and i want him to be happy and safe so much, even when i have really bad dreams that make reality hard to believe sometimes. I drew this while I was thinking about it.
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Then we talked about about system landscapes and that was fun, and went to sleep soon after. strom was really safe to be with really quickly, i feel really grateful that everyone has always been so kind and patient with me that its much easier for me to open up these days, i’ve really changed a lot, and i kind of feel like it really is for the better...
grateful for
cam being so understanding and handsome and good and wonderful and amazing all the time forever, i love him so much
koda is an angel from god for also being so patient with me and so willing to help all the time
i didn’t know strom before today but he’s really good and i had a really good time with him, he was fun to talk to and good to be with and i enjoyed our time together a lot, he was really wanting to help me too and im really grateful that he’d want to help me so much even though we just met
we’ve been drinking a lot of unsweetened iced tea the past few days and we missed iced tea SO much so that’s been really good
grateful that mason lets us process frustration at our own pace and doesn’t take it too personally
re:stage is SO fucking cute and good and we love the tiny lesbians so much
mason ended up being able to get some phone money at walmart after all and was able to set it up so we’d be able to call family the next day and i was really relieved
knowing we have enough good food to eat at home feels really domestic and comfy and good
👾 31st -- Spent like all of the livelong day talking with Strom about edits to our system sheets, there’s just so much information and its hard to be concise but I think we made a lot of really really good progress! We love talking about sheet stuff and our systems and all that Good Stuff. We’re having some trouble figuring out how guardianships and ccs and relationships and such work, but... I think we made some progress there too, kind of. Then we spent a thousand years doing height comparisons for lots of our system members, theirs and ours, and that was really fun too.
Then I made stir fry dinner for me and Mason and it was trouble on the wrists but it turned out really delicious and au enjoyed it and it was really worth it! Realized I had more medication than I thought I did so we definitely have enough to last until Griffin can bring us our next set. I stayed up way too late for the 29343489th time but, it happens... and that’s about it!
grateful for
was able to get in touch with our mom and unfortunately one of our aunts passed away (mary), but grandpa has some appointments to get his hernia fixed and that’s relieving
talking about system stuff with husband is SO MUCH FUN all the time, i had a great time even though they made way more progress on their sheet than i did the whole day sdlfkj
making dinner was really satisfying for our worthiness brains even though it hurt physically
happy that mason ended up liking it even though we’ve never made stir fry that way before now
extremely happy that we won’t have to go without meds at all (as long as griffin is able to get them up here this coming weekend)
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wyrm-wolf · 7 years
Another day, another day. I still can't believed how overly excites I am getting about this event. Think you @thesilverqueenlady for making the event! Alone. That's how Will wanted to live out the rest of his life, just alone. No more FBI, no more Jack, no more dead bodies, and no more human contact. No, no, no, and most importantly, no. So that's why he left Wolftrap to find a new home, deep, deep in the woods. A place where no one could hear a person scream, okay wait that makes it sound like he's a killer, no, Will just wanted a place to relax, fix boat motors and play with his pack. Which he did of course, sure sometimes the nightmares would still linger, but he was most at peace then he had ever been. His pack had grown from only five to now adding onto nine dogs, who all loved and adored Will. Each week he would leave once a day, only to coke back with a large enough kill to last him and the dogs a week. He had started growing most of his vegetables, and cut down on a once a month shopping trip. People had stoped calling him, so he cut off electricity in his life, which was marvelous since he no longer had to worry about Jack showing up on his door one day. So when the day came that four weirdly robed people stood outside his door, he was not expecting a roommate to be added to his house. "I'm sorry, what did you just say?" "Will Graham, under the super vision of you I am putting this criminal in your custody, he will not harm you in anyway. We have already put ruins on this house so he cannot run away or use any powerful spells." The bald head leader said, which he thinks was called the Ancient One. Man, cosplayers are getting really weird lately. "And if I say no?" "You won't." Will sighed, knowing that they were probably right, so he stepped back and opened the door for them. "As long as he doesn't bother me, he can stay." The Ancient One then smiled, and motioned to the two men who were holding onto a single man to cone forward, they then threw the man in roughly to Will's house, where his dogs began to sniff and inspect him. "When will you come back for him?" Will asks turning to find that the strange robbed people are already gone, he groans closing the door to face the- "HOLY HELL!" Will finds himself being pressed against the door by the man who had been thrown in his house. The man growls at Will, grabbing his arms and throwing them over his head, before-did he just fucking sniff me? "Yup, this is completely normal, allowing some stranger in my house, who immediately starts sniffing me. Good job, Graham." He says to himself. Things could not get possibly worse as the man sniffs him like a dog, Will whimpers and stays still until the man is satisfied and releases him before stalking off into his house. Will falls to the ground, and groans into his hands. His dogs come up to him curious and a little scared as to what had just happened. "It's okay guys, we're just going to have some unwanted company...for awhile." He hopes. Instead of mulling over what to do with the unwanted guest, he gets up and begins to make dinner for himself and the dogs, and...for the stranger. Who he now needs to get a name from. After making a nice sandwich, and some soup, Will walks down the hall to find the stranger in an empty bedroom doing a ton of push ups. He stops in the middle of another push up, and looks at Will with a glare. "Hey, don't give me that look. I don't want you here either, so get over it. We're both in a loophole, so here, I made you some food. Eat it, or don't care." Will snaps, setting the food down. and leaving as quick as he can. Lord give hum strength. The next days are, to be put kindly, Hell. Will wakes up the next all but thinking the yesterdays events was just a bed dream, only to find the stranger doing pull ups on the door. He stares, because one, that man has a body of a God, and two, because who in there right kind exercises all day? He leaves the man to his...work, and makes himself a cup of coffee so he can scald his tongue and focus on that all day. Then spends the rest of his day ignoring the man, as he fix motors and plays with his dogs. It goes like that for a week, until Saturday arrives and Will's shoving his socked feet into his boots, and pulling on his gun. The man doesn't come out to check on him, since he's still brooding. Because that's exactly what with all that intense exercise, the man is definitely brooding over something like Barman would. Will goes out into the cool morning. and spends most of his morning hunting down a deer. Once he catches it, he drags the body back to his cabin where he'll proceed to cut it up, and skin it. Use everything it has to offer like a hunter would do in the ancient times. When he comes back he finds the house wrecked, furniture turned over, and the dogs are whimpering. "What...Hey!" He finds himself being enveloped by strong arms, and an elegant long nose pressing against his curls. The man is...crying. And then it clicks, his empathy reaches out to the man, and he feels his loneliness, and his fear that Will left him. He sighs, and let's the stranger hold him and comfort himself. "I wasn't going to leave you, if that's what you were thinking. I just needed to get some food, you know that thing we eat." Will says, when the man releases him. "You're going to have to clean up your mess though, because I am too tired to clean up." "Kaecilius...my name is Kaecilius." "Will. I'm Will." The strange robed man looks up at Will, like actually looks up from the grey locks of hair on his head and looks at Will. He has to gasp as the sight before him, because Kaecilius is a marvel to look at. With sharp, defined cheekbones that make him appear as a Greek statue, but the real interesting thing is his eyes. Yes, GIS eyes are something Will's never seen before, there a deep maroon but surrounding the eyes are a purple-blue hue of colors. Like a bruise that sparkles. "Wow. Do you have an eye disease? Man I hope it's not contagious." Will blurts out, Kaecilius frowns a little before laughing at him, and shaking his head. "Humans." "Excuse me, but if you have any complaints about my species then you can leave it at the door." After that the two begin to lighten up to each other. Will walks into the kitchen the next morning to find Kaecilius trying to figure out how the coffee maker works, he takes note how the man seemed to have cleaned himself up a bit. His hair had been brushed and pulled back into a ponytail, and his face looked cleanly shaven. "This contraption, how does it work? I see you make some black liquid with it every morning, and it smells awful yet delicious." Kaecilius scrutinized, rubbing the bottom of his chin. Will snorts, and presses a single button on the coffee maker. He watches as Kaecilius eye's brighten with interest when the machine starts to brew coffee. "It's called a coffee machine, and it makes coffee. One of the seven wonders humans had discovered in our conquest." "Interesting. Tell me more about this coffee." "Well, it has healing qualities that lifts the spirits of humans, and helps us work for hours on end in the morning, even when we had like three hours of sleep." Will explains, trying to hold back a smile. "It was gifted to us by an angel I'd the lord, after many years of sacrifices and war we had won, and he gifted us with coffee. Now it has become our sanctum." "Really?" "No, it's just a bean we ground up, and puts caffeine in our body which gets us moving. Wanna try some?" "I can see why not." Will watches as the man sniffs at the cup handed to him, before taking a sip and spitting it back out. He laughs, bending over and holding onto the counter so he doesn't fall. "This taste like shit, ugh, how do you drink this? Kudos to you for ruining your taste buds with this." Kaecilius says, snacking his lips as a way to get rid of the dull taste. "I may have forgotten to mention the little fact that coffee taste like crap, until you add sugar or sweetner to it." Will snickered passing the jar of sugar to Kaecilius. Kaecilius shakes hic head, and sets the coffee down. "I think I'll stick with tea." "Whatever. You're just missing out." Over the weeks spent loving together, and actually talking Will learns a great many things about Kaecilius, and where he's from. Even if it hurts his brain from processing the whole thing over, and over again until it clicks. Then comes the time where Kaecilius actually tells him why they placed him here, complaining how it was down right dumb of him to trap him here and he did nothing wrong. "Kaecilius, you tried to destroy the world, what do you mean you did nothing wrong. You did like the number one most wanted thing wrong, of course your going to get punished." Will tells him, laughing when the man scrunched his nose at him in distaste. "Yes, well when I escape from here, I'll make sure to make a space for you in ny world conquering for you and your dogs." "Aww, really? Kae, your going to soft on me." Will jokes pushing at the man's shoulder and laughing. "No, it's because I love you." "Wha-mhhhmmm." Kaecilius leans over and plants a nice warm kiss to Will's lips as they sit in the couch together, and when he pulls back, Will grabs at him and pulls him in for another kiss. The kiss, and kiss, and soon there moving into Will's room for a more private area. And when the morning comes, Will walks outside with a cup of coffee in one hand and a cup of tea in the other, as he watches Kaecilius do push ups in the freezing snow. Naked. Will stands there watching him, without even announcing his presence, but Kaecilius seems to notice him as he stops to look at him. "Something the matter, Will?" "Oh, no, don't mind me. I'm just enjoying the view, that's all." Kaecilius aborts, standing up and walking over to Will, planting a kiss on his forehead before taking the cup of tea to sip at. Will winks at him, and moves back inside of the house, because it's way too cols for a man only in a robe to be standing in. Of course, there is a downfall to their love story. Each day Kaecilius rest and grows stronger, soon practicing spells and forming ruins. And then the day comes when he breaks the ruins on the house, gives Will one last kiss, and just like that is gone. "I'll be back." He said, before opening up a portal and leaving. Will waits, and he waits and he waits. Each day he grows worried, and his heart aches. Falling back in step with the days where he lived his life alone, and happy. Now the absence only makes him sad and weary. It isn't until he's in town one day, and sees the news about some attack going on in New York. Dropping everything, he gets into his car and drives. Next thing he knows, he's running through a crowd of screaming pedestrians, and marching right up to where Kaecilius is fighting some blue robed man. "Kaecilius!" Will yells out, trying to get the man's attention. When he doesn't get so much as a glance towards his direction, he opens his mouth taking in a deep breath before yelling. "KAECILIUS, YOU BETTER GET YOU ARSE DOWN HERE RIGHT NOW, BEFORE I GO OVER TO YOU!!" Both strangely robed men look down at Will, before Kaecilius glances at the blue robed and flies down to Will. Marching over to him, and speaking. "Will you shouldn't be here, it's dangerous." He says, worry seeping out into his words. "Oh no, if you think you can just waltz into my life, and make yourself a home in my heart, then try and leave me for world domination. You are out of your mind." Will growls, crossing his arms over his chest and stomping his foot. "Now come on, we're going home right now." "I-" "No." "But-" "Ah!" "Will-" "Right now, Kaecilius. Say good bye to your arch-nemesis, because we are going HOME." Kaecilius's head drops and his shoulders slump, but he gives Will a nod. Turing back towards the blue robed man who has just landed next to them, and is staring confused at Will. "You were a good for, Mr. Doctor, bit it is time for me to return back game with my lover. Until next time." Kaecilius says, like he just didn't get his pride told by a puny human. "That's it? You're just going to give up like that, because some human told you?" "I'll have you know that I have been dealing with this man for the past couple months, and had to endure as much pain as anyone would with his sappy arse when he was first dropped off. But we got through things together, and fell in love." Will hissed, shoving a finger in the smirking man's face. "So if you think I'm some puny human, then put down the magic tricks, and come fight me like a human. Cause I assure you that I will kick your cape wearing arse." Kaecilius snickers from where he's standing as the blue robed man stares at Will with shock, and makes a incoherent sound when Will tugs Kaecilius down and kisses him. After that Will watches as Kaecilius makes a portal that leads straight into their home, and they walk through it, together. Back to the dark tower that had held them both from seeing the world, and where they will enjoy a long, non world dominating, life together. Hope you all enjoy Kaecilious, what a great man he is. Tomorrow is "Snow Queen" and what I have prepared might just break your heart, might
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saetorimedia · 5 years
For the 14th time CAMERA JAPAN brings Japan a bit closer with not only movies but also a small taste of Japanese culture. This year’s theme was Youth because with the rapidly ageing population and low birth rate some might wonder what the Youth is doing. No worries though, because Camera Japan has showed us they are doing a great job and need to be heard more!
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Before going to this event a difficult decision has to be made, which movies are you going to see? So many interesting choices and not enough time, especially if you can’t attend every day. More people had this problem but sometimes you just have to make those choices and deal with it. Luckily you can make this choice before travelling to Lantaren Venster because the schedule was online for quite some time already. A thing you noticed when you walk in is that the atmosphere is completely different from your regular cinema. Quite some people were regular filmfestivals visitors and it’s no surprise why, people are here for the movies and not for the popcorn.
Although people didn’t eat popcorn there were plenty of ways to fill your tummy between all the movies, lectures and workshops. Lantaren Venster had a small restaurant and there was a small friendly Japanese themed market filled with taiyaki, sushi and delicious cake rolls. You knew exactly when movies ended, it got crowded and people had to line up for food. So be smart and buy your treat inbetween movies. Talking about movies, what’s a filmfestival review without reviewing a few movies? We went to 12 Suicidal Teens, Penguin Highway, I was born but.. and Short Shorts.
12 Suicidal Teens Before the movie started the audience was greeted by a CJ staff member (which gives a very personal touch) with a short introduction: “This is one of the most scary titles CJ have ever showed but it is not that scary as you might think. Don’t let the title scare you.” This movie is about 12 teenagers gathering in an abandoned hospital to commit suicide but they stumble upon a dead body of a boy. This makes a total of 13 teenagers attending the gathering while that wasn’t the plan. Together they have to figure out what’s going on and who among them might be the murder before continuing their original plan. In almost 2 hours you’ll learn the reasons why they want to commite suicide, it lets you think together with the main characters to solve the mystery with some twists and you’ll learn that we all are in a way connected behind our masks. Like the staff member said, it wasn’t scary but it can be an emotional trigger for those who are sensitive like me, yet I really enjoyed the movie and its twists (especially the thing at the end) Score: 7.5/10
Penguin Highway My mouth went open from astonishment when I heard this movie was sold out and so were the CJ staff members: “We knew that cats are popular but penguins are too!” There also was an introduction given about Studio Colorido, a promosing new studio that might be on the same level as Studio Ghibli soon so we have to keep an eye on them. I can understand why they mentioned that, the animation is smooth and pretty to look at. But what is this movie about then? Well, one day, a group of penguins appeared in fourth-grader Aoyama’s neigbourhood. Everyone notices them and despite this rare occurance they are very cute. Aoyama is young, boob-obsessed whizz-kid. and wants to solve this mystery with rigorous scientific methods and principles. But what he doesn’t know is that he is in for a much larger adventure involving penguin eating monsters and a mysterious woman (which is his dentist he’s in love with). Overall the movie is very good, animation and soundtrack is of very good quality and there is a lot of modern humor in it. But I still have no idea what’s going despite that the mystery is solved so I guess you have to have a lot of fantasy… Score: 8.0/10
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Lecture: 47 ronin and expositions Need a break from the movies? Luckily there were many other activities and one of them was a lecture about the famous 47 ronin story. The lecture started with a short summary of the story which then turned into an analysis of different version of the story. Some of those versions got translated into books and movies and we got to see a few examples. I was amazed by how many versions there were but sadly not all could be addressed since time was short. After the lecture I visited the 2 expositions which were spread through the building in places were a lot of people walk by. The Cosplay is Art exhibition wasn’t my cup of tea, maybe because I have seen too many cosplay photography, it just didn’t spark me. On the other hand the A Copy of Truth exhibition by Jelle Hooks was really good. The photos show alienated youths who want to stand out. Despite the photos being taken in black/white you could feel the colour, every teenager had their own story. His book was for sale during the event and he also still sells them on his website if you’re interested. What I did miss by both exhibitions was some kind of introduction or name of the work. You just walked by, took a quick look and that was it. They also had the popular MangaKissa where you can sit and read some manga’s and disconnect from the event for a little while and they also had a few art exhibitions and workshops. For the workshops you had to buy tickets seperately in advance. They had an origami workshop on friday, a bento workshop on Saturday and kids day and film brunch on Sunday. We’ve not seen kids day so packed however.
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  I was born but.. This black and white silent movie from 1932 by Yasujiro Ozu which was accompanied by a quartet who played music live to fit the movie. No matter how much I liked the music I felt like it didn’t really match the movie at all and I was missing some fun sound effects. But I enjoyed both a lot
The Yoshi family has just moved to the Tokyo suburbs, close to where the father Kennosuke’s (Tatsuo Saitō) direct boss, Iwasaki (Takeshi Sakamoto), is staying. Kennosuke’s two young sons Keiji and Ryoichi (Tomio Aoki and Hideo Sugawara) are supposed to be going to school, but owing to the threats of a group of neighborhood and school bullies, they decide to play truant. After the teacher speaks to their father, Keiji and Ryoichi have no choice but to go to school. They attempt to eat sparrow’s eggs to get stronger so that they can get back at the boys, but an older delivery boy Kozou (Shoichi Kofujita) decides to help them out to threaten the bullies, and they emerge as the top dogs amongst the gang.
One of the neighborhood kids is Taro (Seiichi Kato), whose father is Iwasaki himself. The boys argue amongst themselves who has the most powerful father. Not long after, they visit Taro’s home, where the office workers have gathered under Iwasaki, who screens some home movies for the amusement of the gathering. The two brothers witness on film how their father, who to them is stern and whom they look up to, plays the buffoon before his colleagues and boss.
Humiliated, they go home and decide that their father isn’t such an important person after all. They throw a massive tantrum, and confront their father asking him why he has to grovel under Taro’s father. Kennosuke answers that Taro’s father is richer and holds a higher position than he does. Dissatisfied with this answer, the two decide to hold a hunger strike. Ryoichi gets a spanking from his father, but after the children have gone to bed, the father confides in the wife that he does not enjoy doing what he does. Both wish for a better future for their children.
The next day, the children attempt a hunger strike during breakfast, but succumb to a dish of onigiri. Kennosuke manages a reconciliation with them. The children say they would like to be a lieutenant general and a general respectively. On their way to school, they see Taro’s father in a car, and they urge their father to go up and greet him. As Kennosuke takes a convenient car ride to work, the brothers walk to school with Taro and the rest of the gang. Score: 7.0/10
  Short Shorts Film Festival & Asia As the titel depicts, this was a lot of shorts. it had movies of around 20 minutes or less. I’ll summorize them by movie.
Beard and Raincoat by YAWATA Kimi, 2018, 12 min This…generally weird. as the name predicts. It was about a girl who had a beard fetish and the bearded guy who had a raincoat fetish. The bearded guy however was the brother of the girls boyfriend who ended up finding out and they ran away together in the end but I’m not sure how it ended because it was kind of weird. Score: 5.0/10
MOON RABBIT by HO Kae, 2018, 15 min I feel like this movie wasn’t totally honest about the end.. I felt really conflicted in the end. The story starts with a mother coming to her family house with her two half japanese half american kids. The older brother and his cousin hang out and the young girl wants to hang out too while her mom tells her father that she and her husband broke up. The young girl comes out with her hair all messy and a shocked face. Ending in her telling her mom that her brother told her the Moon Rabbit doesn’t excist. Score: 6.0/10
No One But I Know by KAMIJO Daisuke, 2019, 25 min This movie really looks promising, It’s about a boy who’s stepdad gets murdered and his mother gets charged with it. In the end, he tried to protect his mother but fails in the end and protects the killer instead. Score: 8.0/10
What Meiling Decided by KUJIRAOKA Hironori, 25 min This had a good start but a weird ending, I’m interested into this becoming a full on movie. Score: 7.0/10
Lovers and Coffee by SHIRAO Ayuka, 2018, 5 min This was a really short one, playing in the future where coffee is banned from the world. A couple smuggles it and drinks one cup each month. However the worst ever cop shows up and leaves without making an arrest… It was funny and dumb at the same time Score: 5.0/10
Blue Hands by YAMANAKA Yu, 2019, 20 min I absolutely loved this, Blue hands is about a son talking about his father who carried on his fathers legacy with an indigo dying company. His hands, over time have stained the indigo blue. It tells the story of how his father lost his wife to death, then almost his company due to other companies and his son due to neglect and endangerment. But it shows the fathers pure love for his son and the sons pure love for the father. It was absolutely beautiful and I saw many people around me wipe away their tears.  It was shot perfectly and would love to see it again. Score: 10/10
Camera Japan This event will hold their 15th anniversary next year and every year they’re looking for volunteers. The most important thing when you apply for a volunteer is to remember to stay professional, follow the guidelines and make sure every visitor has a great experience. The group of volunteers every year is amazing and being part of such a group is truly an honor. If you would be interested in joining the coming year make sure to continue checking out their website and facebook page so you can be in time and sign up.
  For the 14th time @CAMERAJAPAN brings Japan a bit closer with not only movies but also a small taste of Japanese culture. This year's theme was Youth because with the rapidly ageing population and low birth rate some might wonder what the Youth is doing. No worries though, because Camera Japan has showed us they are doing a great job and need to be heard more! Read our guest and volunteer expierence here! For the 14th time CAMERA JAPAN brings Japan a bit closer with not only movies but also a small taste of Japanese culture.
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tinymixtapes · 5 years
Column: Favorite Rap Mixtapes of November & December 2018
With a cascade of releases spewing from the likes of DatPiff, LiveMixtapes, Bandcamp, and SoundCloud, it can be difficult to keep up with the overbearing yet increasingly vital mixtape game. In this column, we aim to immerse ourselves in this hyper-prolific world and share our favorite releases each month. The focus will primarily be on rap mixtapes — loosely defined here as free (or sometimes free-to-stream) digital releases — but we’ll keep things loose enough to branch out if/when we feel it necessary. (Check out October’s installment here.) Soooooo many dope mixtapes these past two months that even as TMT’s year-end coverage wrapped up like gifts bursting from Santa’s sack, our squad still jumped at the chance to pile on some final blurbs of 2018 before the ball-drop. “Overbearing?” Maybe. “Hyper-prolific?” Definitely. Multiple puns in that first sentence? Two for the price of one, hon. To that, before we get into our November and December favs, here are some “honorable mentions” that didn’t get a write-up below but are no less deserving of a spin this New Year’s Eve: Semiratruth - WAIT!, Demahjiae - Ghetto Blessings, SPNDA x Kae Tea - Mosaic EP Lil Durk - Signed to the Streets 3, City Girls - Girl Code, The Diplomats - Diplomatic Ties, Roc Marciano - Pimpstrumentals, Grimm Doza & SpaceGhostPurrp - The Haunting in New Jersey, Wiardon - Numba1Viktim, Chris Crack - Just Gimme A Minute and Thanks Uncle Trill, Bloodmoney Perez - Time is a Motherfucker, CL King - Waiting 4, and Defcee - A Mixtape As God Intended, Vol. 1 … also, three (!!!) Young Thug leaks. –Samuel Diamond --- Red Daughter, Trap Funk & Alivio - Red Funk Alivio 2 [STREAM] It’s mixtapes like this one that have us quietly missing the days when the word “rap” wasn’t in this column’s title. W/o wasting too many words justifying this tape’s inclusion, let’s just say rap is a big part of it. But so too are Afrocentrism, feminism, indigenous pride, Brooklyn, the Bronx, Brazil, baile funk, Jersey club, house, footwork, and many more elements than an admittedly limited worldview can readily identify. One hesitates to revisit clichés like the dance after the revolt or “if this doesn’t get you moving, you’re already dead,” but, well, while Google Translate tells us that alivio is Portuguese for relief, our ears, eyes, and noses tell us that the club is flooding with oppressor blood. If you missed the first drop, catch up. –Samuel Diamond --- Tommy Genesis - Tommy Genesis [STREAM] We the undersigned/unwashed jabberers at TMT have a tastynasty habit of measuring years out in loosely-themed song mixes. I bet some super astute comment section glob thinks it’s an arbitrary habit. I humbly submit that when we cycle artifacts through a series of spaces, patterns emerge. Assumptions get split. Moods and usages cross and swerve. The exceptional artifacts fit every space. Tommy Genesis, the Vancouver rapper’s debut album, pumps blood and caresses muscles like GYM, cycles want until it subsumes self, a party in the VOID. “Drive” flecks acoustic strings at the CLIFF’s edge and Charlie Heat’s ballast production on “Play With It” turns the ALLEY concave, sends come-on invocations city-wide, supercharged fuel for the COUPE. Tommy Genesis sounds like a whole damn year — wanting more is loving living. –Frank Falisi --- Peewee Longway - State of the Art [STREAM] A glaring omission from our Favorite Cover Art feature (putting him at two for the year), State of the Art finds Peewee Longway rapping as well as he ever has, retaining his distinctive style while adapting to the ever-evolving sound of the moment. Longway’s sound has always tracked the mainstream not directly but as a point of divergence; while likely not distinct enough to make him anyone’s absolute favorite rapper, he’s well-positioned for the reliable production of quality, personable raps. State of the Art is split between showpieces for relatively stock guest spots from the likes Gucci or members of Migos, and far more idiosyncratic one-offs; “Lets Be Real” (with Maxo Kream) is a Molly anthem reminiscent of some of Longway’s stranger inclinations, while “Top of the Bank” marries an Otis Redding interpolation and a cooing, celebratory hook without either seeming out of place. Longway’s more likely to retire from rap (yet again) than blow up any time soon, but State of the Art is more than enough proof that the roundest rapper working has got plenty left to give. –Corrigan B --- Adé Hakim - On To Better Things [STREAM · DOWNLOAD] In a year of SlumsNYC triumphalism — see the series of landmark releases by navy blue, King Carter, MIKE et al., culminating with Earl Sweatshirt’s Some Rap Songs — Adé Hakim a.k.a. Sixpress has been like a silent partner to the movement. Featured on most of the aforementioned and having released a couple of short but no less notable mixtapes on his own this year, Hakim closes out an already-headway-making 2018 with his most complete and progressive work to date in the aptly titled On To Better Things. Low-key, high-impact beats, rhymes, and life insights from the birthplace of hip-hop coalesce here in a freely collective but clearly self-defined gestalt. Where do we go from this? Just listen. –Samuel Diamond --- AJ Suede - Darth Sueder II: Goth Marciano [STREAM] Don’t let your current intake of “lo-fi” hip-hop begin and end with Earl’s latest album. Rapper/Producer AJ Suede has perfected his own take on the subgenre with his latest tape, Darth Sueder II, chopping lightly treated soul samples to set his seasick verses adrift on a lemon-lime sea. What he’s doing sonically isn’t boundary-breaking or avant-garde, but his ear for memorable loops that settle into the backdrop is impeccable. On “Lovable,” a meandering organ shuffles against hi-hats that eke out what should be an un-rappable rhythm; somehow, though, it’s the perfect vehicle for Suede to wax romantic about autumn leaves before launching into asides about gentrification and white people who are too quick to call the cops. Ideas are scattered throughout the brief tracks, but each one’s focused, bridged by some of my favorite punchlines in recent memory (“I was in that county fair/ Like that kid apparently.”) If you’re not scared off by references to esoteric Christianity and MK ULTRA, give Goth Marciano a spin — it’s a fresh take on minimalistic East Coast hip-hop, especially for someone often entrenched in the distorted cloud rap favored by his brethren in the Underground Dust Funk collective. –Jude Noel --- Big Twins - Grimey Life [STREAM] Although Big Twins f.k.a. Twin Gambino has experienced something of a second life thanks to today’s boom-bap revival, one need look no further than the guestlist on this tape to recognize his Infamous Mobb credentials. In addition to features from fellow Infamous rappers Godfather Pt. 3 and Ty Nitty, as well as Mobb affiliate Big Noyd, Grimey Life includes a posthumous appearance by Prodigy, which finds the late icon far from phoning it in, with lines such as “I handle bars like lifers or motocross bikers.” For those keeping track, Havoc also lends a verse (to Knxwledge-produced eulogy “Memories”), and The Alchemist produces the fittingly ghostly “Phantom of the Opera.” In spite of these bigger names and many other features, the project is first and foremost a product of Big Twins whose often imitated but never duplicated voice remains the unmistakable audio definition of grime — inflicted pain inflected. –Samuel Diamond --- Bbymutha - Muthaz Day 3 [STREAM] The cover art of Muthaz Day 3 is a photo of Bbymutha with her two sets of twins all dressed in red robes, surrounded by candles and sitting on what appears to be a pentagram. You’re in her domain now. Welcome to a world full of sinister instrumentals and trap beats that slither underneath the Chattanooga rapper’s spellbinding flow; a world where a single mom with two sets of twins doesn’t have to be bound by the traditional ideas of what a parent should or shouldn’t be; a world where confidence is the lifeblood of all things. On Muthaz Day 3, Bbymutha continues to champion her independence and forge ahead on a path that she’s laying brick by brick, all by herself. –Sam Tornow --- DaBoii - Neva Lookin Back [STREAM] We should be thankful that this was even made into a playlist. For a little over two years, the members of Bay Area juggernaut SOB X RBE have operated as an essentially YouTube-only outfit; while enjoyable, both recent albums (GANGIN and GANGIN II) scan more as fulfillments of label obligations than as faithful documents of the group’s most essential, often online-only work. As obsessives were left to parse the steady stream of loosies from individual members and all possible combinations thereof, there were few safer bets than a DaBoii solo track. DaBoii raps with purist appeal, his style a charismatic but unornamented amalgam of the Bay’s long history of singular rap figures. The videos, courtesy directors Tyler Casey and BGIGGZ, are often as entertaining as the songs themselves; Neva Lookin Back corrals three of DaBoii’s best from the past year (“Ridin’,” “Onna Gang,” and “Sum it Up”) alongside a further nine new tracks, offering an imperfect but better-than-nothing document of DaBoii’s 2018. Still, it’s probably best to rip your own copy of this while you still can. –Corrigan B --- Curren$y, Freddie Gibbs & The Alchemist (Fetti?) - Fetti (Roma?) [STREAM] A tangential anecdote that bears repeating: in a recent interview, rapper Milo reminisced about driving around Chicago with rapper Serengeti, listening to Freddie Gibbs and Madlib’s Piñata, which Milo recalled inspired ‘Geti to say, “I don’t know if it gets better than this.” Word. Although pairing with the Mad Liberator might’ve made Gibbs your favorite rappers’ favorite rapper, heads have been waiting for a Gibbs-Curren$y-Alchemist album since the trio first came together on 2011’s “Scottie Pippen.” Thankfully, Fetti does not disappoint nor does it rest on the laurels that the three artists have received independently of each other in the seven years since. Which brings us to another point not yet fully addressed in this tape’s coverage to date: none of the three artists’ names appear on the cover, yet the word “Roma” does, leading one to believe that it might in fact be the title to this, the first release by a rap supergroup named Fetti. Fingers crossed, lighters up. –Samuel Diamond --- Warhol.ss - Chest Pains [STREAM] Has it really been two and a half years since Warhol.ss dropped “Speed Racer?” Although it feels like little time has passed since the Chicago emcee broke into the SoundCloud mainstream, the platform’s predominant ethos has experienced so much change it’s easy to forget the potential that brief track packed. Surfing Brentrambo’s undulant percussion, Warhol.ss stood out with a gruff cadence and unflinching confidence that offset the bubblegum aesthetic that overtook 2016. Despite a handful of collaborations with tastemakers Pi’erre Bourne and Cole Bennett, he’s yet to recreate his initial brilliance — an understandably difficult feat for someone so ahead of their time. On Chest Pains, we find Warhol.ss exploring the lanes that lead him back to prominence: he’s at his most accessible muttering plosive-tinged one-liners on the Kenny Beats-produced “Bird’s Nest,” but “War Ready” proves to be the tape’s most fascinating venture. Kick drums stumble over bars as Warhol lines the off-kilter rhythm with a nimble collage of triplet flows. It’s difficult to wrap your head around, but it’s hypnotic if you can. This new crop of cuts doesn’t include an obvious hit, but it does appear to be a step toward something greater. Trust the process. –Jude Noel --- Black Josh - Yung Sweg Lawd [STREAM] Is it acute homesickness or latent agoraphobia that causes some people to become physically ill every time they leave their old stomping grounds? Or maybe just plain, ordinary travelers sickness? My brother, who works in an airport, told me that a few months back a flight touched down with every passenger and crew member sick, like vomiting sick… quarantine sick. Yung Sweg Lawd is that sick, bro. It’s dark. Absent a better frame of reference (my fault), it’s Wu-Tang on Tim Westwood in the 90s, blacked out, using the words “dark” and “horrible” as slang praise, having likely just learned it. Pharma-grade smoke clouds billowing like factory stacks, it’s the acid rain; Black Josh a climate-change centaur moving (in) packs. –Samuel Diamond --- The-Dream - Ménage à Trois: Sextape Vol. 1, 2, 3 [STREAM] Weird times that we’re living in when an artist can release a three-volume, 42-song mixtape and it’s not anticipated or received as their magnum opus. In fact, I don’t even think that R&B heavyweight The-Dream announced Ménage à Trois beforehand beyond hinting that he was working on something. Thus Ménage à Trois, thematically billed as a three-part “sex tape,” with album art to match, lands as another long project from another major artist (which is the standard in The Age of Streaming), but it’s one worth sifting through if you like R&B even just a little bit. Singers-turned-rappers and/or rappers-turned-singers are a dime a dozen nowadays (i.e., that Drizzy-/Ty Dolla-esque hybrid style, which, make no mistake, I do enjoy), which is to say: for all the suave-crooning purists like myself, R&B proper has seen better days on the charts. Luckily, The-Dream gives us 2.5 hours of sultry singing (mostly) sans rap harmonies here while still delivering much stylistic variety. Think The Weeknd’s Trilogy except every song is about sex, with a modus operandi that overall seems to be downtempo and lush. Dig through this behemoth until you find something to cuddle up with — there’s bound to be stuff you’ll have on repeat. –Alex Brown --- Boosie Badazz - Boosie Blues Cafe [STREAM] From the Thanksgiving release date (announced two days prior) to its very concept, the actual existence of Boosie Blues Cafe was far from certain until the moment we had it in our hands. Not that expectations were tempered to match, of course. While not “bluesy,” per se, the cathartic baring of the soul has always factored heavily into Boosie’s work; he’s the man with a song for everything, a Baton Rouge legend off his ability to speak directly to the city’s youth. The prospect of him stepping fully into the region’s other musical tradition, then, was immensely appealing, if less out of optimism than sheer curiosity. It works OK — with the exception of absolute slapper “I Know How to Have a Good Time,” most of the tracks are identifiably Boosiean to a fault; Boosie’s got such a long history of rapping this stuff in a compelling way that translating it to a blues idiom can feel a bit rote. A worthwhile experiment, however; Boosie’s passion projects are by default a thousand times more interesting than someone else’s re-hashing of the very crowded Rap Caviar lane. –Corrigan B --- Sir E.U - Merry christmas my nigga! / Thc / To This Day / Cries for help [MCMN · THC · TTD · CFH] Earlier this year, I was talking to an artist who shall remain nameless about the inclusion in this column of a tape by another artist who shall remain nameless. The artist I was kibitzing with took issue with the included work, saying something to the effect of “If you throw enough shit at the wall, eventually some will stick, but that doesn’t mean it’s any good,” which is more than fair. To be honest, my understanding of noise sets and DJing in general isn’t nearly adroit enough to tell if Sir E.U’s massive output over the last two weeks is an example of the aforementioned criticism or of a mix master purposely and methodically laying waste to two-turntable fundamentals. Either way, though, the shit bangs. And the sheer quantity of his year-end sound dump is something to behold. Dig in. –Samuel Diamond http://j.mp/2GM5GfC
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