#//He'll break
dutybcrne · 8 months
Sometimes Kaeya loathes to look at Diluc, growing so sick to his gut at a mere glance. Some days Kaeya can hardly stand to look at him, to the point of avoiding him each and every way he can, subtleties and dignity be damned.
Because some days, all Kaeya can see is the very spitting image of Crepus in him.
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ppeanutz · 1 year
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this has probably happened in the marvel canon hasn't it.
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ofswordsandpens · 3 months
thinking about a world in which RR actually committed to the path he set Percy on in hoo (wherein Percy has become jaded, angry, and resentful at the gods for breaking their sworn promises, is frequently sympathizing with Luke, is getting more and more powerful, and frequently losing himself to wrath) and instead of the subsequent Percy Jackson books being about getting recommendation letters, we could have gotten a trilogy exploring a fallen hero arc for Percy (that would ultimately have a positive resolution to it.)
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atdawn · 1 month
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—  Time takes more than it ever gives.
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meongppangz · 2 months
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do not sniff the baby bread?
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patchworkgargoyle · 1 year
Steve would be an absolute menace (pun intended) with the fake, clunky, plastic lightsabers that start being sold when the Star Wars prequels come out.
He doesn't get one for himself, he steals one of Eddie's or Dustin's and twirls it in his hand before he whacks someone with it. The only people free from his viscous lightsaber attacks are Max and Erica.
Yes, this does devolve into Steve, Eddie, and the Party having giant lightsaber battles in somebody's backyard. Eddie has Darth Maul's double-ended one and smacks himself in the face with it more than he hits anyone else.
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c---crow · 1 month
ass so tight i'm ordering him these
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industryhbo · 9 months
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FELLOW TRAVELERS 1x07 “White Nights”
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mechanicalemotions · 9 months
"all ships need to be healthy and sane" folks when i tell them i want batman and joker to fuck nasty in the arkham parking lot.
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stefisdoingthings · 1 month
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ark aftermath
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syn0vial · 1 year
man, i continue to be blown away by the thought put into astarion's romance, even in seemingly throwaway scenes.
i just did zethino's test of love with him at the circus of the last days and there's such a stark difference between what wins you approval with him and what wins approval with the other companions.
for those who haven't played this bit, zethino's test of love involves a dryad, zethino, testing how well you know your romantic interest by asking you personal questions about their inner lives—their hopes, their fears, their likes, and dislikes. for most of your companions, this is very straightforward: when you answer a question about them correctly, you win approval points with them. when you say something untrue or insulting, you lose approval points , bc they realize that you're trolling or that you don't know them as well as they'd hoped.
unless you're romancing astarion. in which case, you have to do almost the complete opposite to win his approval.
the other characters want you to prove you know them by answering correctly. astarion wants you to prove you know him by lying—or, at least, refusing to pick the most accurate answer.
case in point: astarion does not like it if you tell the truth about his hopes and fears. like, really doesn't like it. answering honestly about his greatest fear, in particular (his fear of being enslaved again), causes you to lose a whole 4 approval points, twice as much as you lose with the other companions for outright insulting them. you can lose another one before that for answering honestly that his greatest desire is freedom. in both cases, he'll acknowledge that you're right—and then express dismay that you'd disclose that kind of information to a stranger. hell, you can figure out from the very first question that he's not comfortable taking this test with you at all; when the dryad asks what makes astarion happy, you lose approval if you say he's happy to take this test with you now.
so if astarion doesn't want you to pick the most accurate answers for him and honestly doesn't really seem to want to take this test with you at all, which answers can you pick to win approval with him?
well, whichever ones are funniest, of course! you don't win points with him for picking the deepest, truest answers, but the silly, flippant ones that make him laugh. what's astarion's greatest desire? well, me, of course! what's his greatest fear? breaking a nail, obviously. he's delighted by your refusal to take the test seriously and actually approves more of funny, light-hearted answers than badass, flattering ones.
i just think the whole sequence is such a fun and interesting exploration of his character and your relationship with him, all in a silly little side-activity where it would've been easy to just give all the characters the same win-conditions. little details like this are really the game's brightest moments, imo!
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artsycooky13 · 4 months
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he can atomize you to dust with his bare hands, he just wont do it cuz hes a silly little guy
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arthursfuckinghat · 2 months
One detail that I just love is how Arthur is never angry with his horses if they buck him off, you can't control horses when it comes to reacting to their natural fears and Arthur clearly understands that. He doesn't scold his horses or anything, he just goes "dammit" and hops back in the saddle <3
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andi-o-geyser · 2 years
*record scratch*
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Yup, that’s me, watching my future wife fall to the ground dead from a trap I set off. I bet you’re wondering how I got into this situation. Well, my life’s a little crazy, but it all began when my family was murdered in a political coup and I made a pact to create the first gun with a smoke demon...
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lttleghost · 2 years
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aceysartdump · 2 months
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sequel for kabru too :3
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