#//I gave my Sasuke a prosthetic cause it was
musesofchaos · 1 year
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My boy's first post on @whispersofdeceit was shading Sasuke lol
Omg lmao
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“That is a valid criticism.”
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madara-fate · 2 years
Hi again. I already got people saying I'm a fake Sakura stan but I promise I'm not, I'm giving the reasons why the writing for Sakura sucks.
I don't know, it's caused me to dislike her writing because she's not involved when she can. She could be working with Katasuke and Amado but she's not. It's so frustrating to go month by month and absolutely no news, others doing the prosthetic arms, the recovering... but not her.
The the plot being carried by them, it's not from Delta and on, Ino is introduced as leader of the Barrier Team as early as chapter 28 and the anime already had her interrogating (which Sasuke does too) as early as episode 72, right after the re-animation of the Boruto movie. They even got her interrogating Katasuke (which doesn't happen in the manga) which happens in chapter 13. She's been heavily involved since the beginning, after the Team 7 and Kawaki spotlight.
As of useless, the Medical Department is nowhere to be seen, the manga doesn't acknowledge her as the head of that department and when she heals is just Sasuke. Her writing doesn't go beyond that. But it's just exactly the plot, nobody takes novels seriously, nobody reads them, they only watch the anime and read the manga in which Sakura are gone, no involvement. The work Sakura might have done in the past is ignored and never mentioned, the only thing that matters is the manga, the current involvement and all.
No, Pain's arc doesn't work here because Sakura's role was very well executed, she was healing people, but there's nothing about healing multiple villagers or fighting an enemy, so the current Code and Daimon plot doesn't work here.
By Ino having more power than Sakura I don't mean it in battle strength, I mean it in controlling the village. Naruto gave Ino the control of the village's borders, she can change locks and passwords, she works closer to the Hokage and Shikamaru than Sakura, she coordinates the evacuations and alerts the Military Police... next to her, Sakura is nothing, her status as jonin means nothing, her status as head of the Medical Department means nothing, and all that surely means nothing for the plot right now.
Being a Hokage candidate when Ino controls the Barrier Team, interrogates people and coordinates the Military Police is so much more than Sakura's role right now. Ino is second to Shikamaru according to the plot, the writer is making her so important that's why.
Healing isn't necessary right now, there have been battles with Kawaki, Boruto, Naruto, Sasuke and even Shikamaru involved and no healing has ever happened since chapter 44, no healing corps stationed anywhere. They're not necessary. I don't even know why you mentioned the Mental Health Clinic since nobody needs is (not even Kawaki) and it's also inside the hospital so I don't know. The hospital is needed but all you will see Sakura do is heal (probably Sasuke) and nothing more, no plot relevance, no information about the situation, just like a bot in the village.
So yeah, I am a Sakura fan but I'm listing the reasons why the writing her made her very bad in my opinion, how it has made others more important and how haters take advantage of it.
I don't know, it's caused me to dislike her writing because she's not involved when she can. She could be working with Katasuke and Amado but she's not. It's so frustrating to go month by month and absolutely no news, others doing the prosthetic arms, the recovering... but not her.
Exactly, that was a reason for you to dislike her writing, but you said that you've grown to dislike the character herself, which doesn't make any sense, because Sakura herself hasn't actually done anything which caused your opinion of her to lessen.
The the plot being carried by them, it's not from Delta and on, Ino is introduced as leader of the Barrier Team as early as chapter 28 and the anime already had her interrogating (which Sasuke does too) as early as episode 72, right after the re-animation of the Boruto movie. They even got her interrogating Katasuke (which doesn't happen in the manga) which happens in chapter 13. She's been heavily involved since the beginning, after the Team 7 and Kawaki spotlight.
Yeah Ino is introduced as the leader of the Barrier team, so what? Sakura was introduced as being a member of the hierarchy and important enough to be present at the 5 Kage Summit since Gaiden, so I fail to see your point here. Also, Ino most definitely has not been heavily involved since the beginning, that just isn't true, so please stop exaggerating her importance to the plot.
As of useless, the Medical Department is nowhere to be seen, the manga doesn't acknowledge her as the head of that department and when she heals is just Sasuke. Her writing doesn't go beyond that. But it's just exactly the plot, nobody takes novels seriously, nobody reads them
How is the Medical department nowhere to be seen? Seriously, I don't get these claims. The manga doesn't need to explicitly say that Sakura is the head of that department because everyone, everyone knows it to be true. That, and the anime (which more people follow than the manga) has clarified that on numerous occasions:
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So again, you have no point here, since you've also made references to the anime. Furthermore, can you please stop saying this nonsense about how Sakura only ever heals Sasuke? Off the top of my head, She was shown to heal Sarada and Hinata:
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And you really don't want me to show you the plethora of people she was shown healing in the anime. So for goodness sake drop it.
they only watch the anime and read the manga in which Sakura are gone, no involvement. The work Sakura might have done in the past is ignored and never mentioned, the only thing that matters is the manga, the current involvement and all.
Sakura hasn't been gone from the anime nor has she had no involvement, so I'd ask again that you stop spouting these untrue statements. The work she's done in the past hasn't been ignored, otherwise she obviously wouldn't have the prestige that she currently possesses. Just because you choose to ignore everything else and only choose to focus on what's currently happening, doesn't mean everyone else does the same.
No, Pain's arc doesn't work here because Sakura's role was very well executed, she was healing people, but there's nothing about healing multiple villagers or fighting an enemy, so the current Code and Daimon plot doesn't work here.
What do you mean the current plot doesn't work here? This is honestly so ridiculous. Do you think that just because Kara has infiltrated the village, it means that people have suddenly stopped being sick? That people have suddenly stopped being injured? That the hospitals are suddenly free of all patients? Do you really think that Sakura is literally doing nothing at this moment, just because she's not being shown on panel? Goodness gracious man.
By Ino having more power than Sakura I don't mean it in battle strength, I mean it in controlling the village. Naruto gave Ino the control of the village's borders, she can change locks and passwords, she works closer to the Hokage and Shikamaru than Sakura, she coordinates the evacuations and alerts the Military Police... next to her, Sakura is nothing, her status as jonin means nothing, her status as head of the Medical Department means nothing, and all that surely means nothing for the plot right now.
I seriously cannot believe you cannot see the sheer ridiculousness of what you just typed. So keeping thousands of people from losing their lives on a weekly basis, is nothing to you?
Yeah I don't want to continue wasting my time on this, and frankly, I can very much see why people have questioned the legitimacy of your claim to be a Sakura fan, when you've constantly dismissed her value and importance to the village, simply because she's not currently involved in dealing with the current threat. The amount of times you repeated "right now" in this ask, is proof enough of that.
Here's something you need to remember since you once again claimed that healing apparently isn't necessary, and used the fact that no one needed healing for the current threat - Just because no one involved in handling the current threat needed to be healed, doesn't mean everyone in the village has suddenly healed from their sicknesses and injuries. Sakura is still there, keeping people alive. Just because those dealing with the cyborgs didn't need healing, doesn't mean healing in general becomes unnecessary. You place all this significance on what is currently happening that your points seriously just lose all reasoning and logic. You even had one final petty dig at Sakura by saying...
all you will see Sakura do is heal (probably Sasuke) and nothing more
And you're wondering why people call bullshit when you say you're a Sakura fan... Okay then. Well, I already explicitly proved how wrong that statement is by showing that Sakura heals far more people than Sasuke, and now I will no longer be entertaining this discussion, because as I said earlier, you've lost credibility with me. Good day.
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rose-colored-amy · 3 years
So, this is a continuation to my extremely short one-shot Last Moments, Last Regrets, but it can be read as a stand-alone. Regardless, I'll leave the link of that one in here:
Also, thanks to @coeurhh for suggesting I write a second part. You're a sweetheart 🥰
She made a lovely fanart/gif, which I'm also sharing, of course:
Prompt: AU. Sakura's death goes unnoticed to everyone but the squad she protected with her life and Tsunade. Team Kakashi doesn't find out until the very end, when Naruto and Sasuke have already had their fight, and there's nothing to do about it but mourn the absence.
Warning: Mild Sasusaku and lots of angst. Team 7 sort-of-fluff (?)
—Blue Bird, Let Go—
"Hey, bastard... I know they really let us down, the village, I mean."
"Aa... "
"But I really think it's not all that bad. When we were I team, I knew you understood. It felt like having a brother, believe it."
They were watching their lives go by, shadows of unknown faces passing by them, not noticing their pain, or not caring whatsoever. Their backs were touching, but it was all cold and bleak; a bad memory. A clan slaughtered, a demon sealed. Two lonely boys wallowing in their own sadness.
"Well, even if I don't make it, I'm glad it was you, bastard—"
"Shut up, idiot." His voice sounded strained, even for his standards, but Sasuke was so tired he couldn't even bring himself to care.
"We're really dying, ah? Wanna say something? I do have things to say, 'cause there's no way I'm dying—"
"In silence?" Sasuke interrupted, but Naruto payed him no mind.
"Without telling you how much of an asshole you've been! I couldn't even keep my promise to Sakura-chan! She's gonna be so damn mad when she finds out, I'm sure she'll drag me back to life just to cave my face in—" He was rambling at that point, but it was just so comforting and normal to Sasuke that he didn't even acknowledge it anymore.
"Hn. Sakura... She..."
"She still loves you, asshole. I don't have any idea how it can be possible but—"
"I'm sorry..." It sounded rushed, but Naruto heard it perfectly, and in the darkness of their shared consciousness, Sasuke heard a resigned sigh.
"Well, it's not that bad. I cannot imagine dying beside anyone but you, bastard."
"Idiot..." He made a pause. "Me neither."
"You're both a pair of idiots!"
Suddenly, the unreadable mass of unrecognizable faces around them cleared, and one figure stood in front of them, pink eyebrows frowned in annoyance. Though this version of Sakura looked familiar, it was one none of the boys had seen in a long time. Genin, long-haired, Sakura was glaring at them, arms crossed.
"Sakura-chan! What are you doing in here?!"
Her eyes softened. "What, so I'm supposed to let you two die, after everything? No way in hell!"
"You!" She pointed at Sasuke, who flinched slightly at her rudeness. "I don't know what the hell happened, but I don't care. Lighten up and start being your moody self. We love you just like that! Don't act so repented and shit! If you're sorry stop looking like a lost puppy and start doing something about it, you asshole!" Her voice was raising with madness and it was slightly off putting to see what used to be a stuttering lovestruck preteen talking to him like that.
Naruto snorted at that, obviously delighted for not being at the receiving end of her wrath for once. It was short-lived, however.
"And you!" She pointed at the blonde; then crossed her arms. He jumped back in fright. "What is this? How dare you even consider dying after you promised to be the best goddamned Hokage in history?! Here I am, rooting for you, while you lay around like a lazy pig with your edgy bro there. You should be ashamed of yourself!" She scoffed.
Naruto's mouth was so wide open he could have caught a fly. "Lazy pig? Are you kidding?!"
Sasuke raised an eyebrow, half amused, half annoyed. "Edgy?"
Suddenly, the edges of their vision began to blurr, like a genjutsu being unravelled. "Ah, someone came to help you at last." Sakura seemed relieved. Strangely so.
"Hey, Sakura-chan! You know what? You're right. I'll be the best damn Hokage ever, believe it! Just you watch!" He threw a punch to the air.
Seemingly placated and pleased with his answer, she nodded. "I know so." Then, she turned to her other teammate, who was concentrating solely on her face, mismatched eyes softened as they'll ever be. "And you'll make sure he doesn't mess up, right?"
They shared a long silence. There was something strange about Sakura aside her appearance. He could tell. "Hn. I will..."
"Hey! I don't need him watching over—"
"Sure you don't." He countered sarcastically.
"Also..." They turned to her again. "I'm sorry."
"Wha—" Naruto stuttered. "What the hell would you be sorry for, Sakura-chan?! If anything, it's the bastard here who should be apologizing to you!"
"Sakura..." Sasuke seemed to be searching for the right words, but she couldn't let them go without them listening to her. To what she needed them to know. There wasn't much time left after all.
"I'm sorry, because I wasn't what you needed..." She closed her eyes, her pretty minty orbs. Her appearance suddenly shifted, before then now standing her true self, still dressed in the standard shinobi uniform of the alliance. Her forehead protector lost to whoever knows where. "And thank you. You both made me stronger. You made me appreciate what I had. And I'll always, always love you. Our moments together like team seven... I'll treasure them for all eternity."
"I know Konoha wasn't the best to you both, but don't forget the good... The wholesome moments. It's all that matters in the end... Our bonds, the bonds you managed to forge with sweat and blood... The world we live in, the world that gave me the chance to meet you. To me, that's to be cherished. Forever."
The white light started overwhelming the rest. Even Sakura's features started dissapearing.
"Live. Just live." For that, she specifically stared at Sasuke, a soft smile playing on her lips. "And thank you."
Sasuke started racing towards her, hand stretched, a forebonding understanding shaking his bones. "Sakura!"
And then, they both lost consciousness.
When they woke up, aside from feeling like shit, the first thing that crossed their minds what the finality of Sakura's words. Tsunade was beside them, patching them up, with Kakashi beside her, silently watching over them.
"About time, brats! What were you think—"
"Baa-san." Naruto interrupted her, his voice the most serious she had heard him until then.
"Where's Sakura?" Sasuke finished for him, his eyes icy and detached, trying to keep his worry at bay.
But she didn't need to answer. Her chakra flow hesitated, spiking with sorrow. Her eyes glistening with unbearable loss. Kakashi, at her side, stared, eyes widened in comprehension.
She was gone by a long shot.
And they were just finding out.
Everybody had different ways of dealing with loss. Naruto helped rebuild the village along with everyone else, but he skipped his usual meals, his ramen left forgotten in his kitchen counter. His movements when sparring were sloppy at best, not just because of the new prosthetic limb, but also because his mind was clearly somewhere else. Usually, Shikamaru would drag him out his makeship house, like he had done when Jiraija was gone for good. Sometimes, he would bring Ino with him, who was suspiciously skinny and messier than normal. No makeup covering the dark circles under her eyes.
Kakashi spent more than usual at the memorial stone every day, tracing the newly marked name of the girl who once remained him of Rin but that had come to claim a place for herself in his heart. Also, he took more missions than it was allowed in a month, going so far as to pick up his ANBU mask again, which caused an altercation with Tsunade, who hadn't been sober in a long time and had been hoping to hand the Hokage seat to him.
Sai avoided the color pink for a long time.
Sasuke... Well, he dealed with loss the same as everyone else... Longing for the missing person to be there, itching to have the opportunity to say what he couldn't at the time. Wanting to be alone whenever they would reach for him... And he built a tomb for her in hopes to find some closure. Not that official, because there wasn't a body to bury, and it had no name, but it was enough for him. He would bring with him camellias every day, buying them at the Yamanaka's, where Ino would always glance at him in silent understanding.
One morning, on his way to her tomb, he spotted a young shinobi leaving a white lilly for her. When he came by, the child spoke without a care, like they were acquaintances. "This is Sakura-san's, right?"
"Hn." It wasn't really an answer, but the child seemed to understand anyway.
"You know? Mama and big sister are also buried in these grounds... I always talk to them and tell them about my day and stuff I want them to know!" He turned to the Uchiha, a smirk on his cherubic face. "I'm sure she would appreciate it as well." And just like that, he left without another word.
Sasuke sat on the ground, just in front of the stone, mismatched eyes half lidded. Sensing no one in the vicinity, he exaled a shaky breath, and his dam opened up, the words longing to be said broke the silence he had been wrapping around himself since he knew of her death:
"I miss you... I've been missing you since I first left."
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ariannjs · 5 years
KARIN | A SasuSaku FanFic (9/10)
(Karin - Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6 / Part 7 / Part 8)
Hey guys! I know it's been a while. A lot has happened in the past few months in terms of my job and personal life that's why completing this chapter has been quite a struggle. Nonetheless, here it goes! The last chapter of "Karin" before its Epilogue!
“Are you sure you’re just gonna stay here?”
A subtle nod was the only response that she got from the woman who didn’t even turn to face her.
She inwardly sighed. She could only try as much. But after almost a week of trying, she didn’t know what else to do to approach and console her friend. “Just...just call us if you need us then.”
Only another nod came her way, one that wasn’t even noticeable if not for the slight movement of the other woman’s pink tresses. So with a frown, Karin finally turned towards the door with the conclusion that it was hopeless expecting even a single word from Sakura.
She couldn’t blame her for acting this way though. If she was in her position right now, it would’ve been worse.
Gripping the door knob, Karin gave the room a once-over that caused her to bite her lip too hard. Just the sight of it gave an added weight to her own heart, such that you wouldn’t be able to bear if you’d stay in there much longer. 
For the white walls consumed every color there was. Even the flowers dropped off by a few comrades on the side of the room seemed pale despite their variety. What made her tighten her grasp on the door knob was the fact that even the brightest of all the colors – the mop of pink with a tinge of green – couldn’t even paint the atmosphere with her usual vibrance anymore.
Releasing another sigh, Karin opened the door to once again leave Sakura in front of a motionless body that was sapped with color as well.
She was then met by a pair of purple eyes that gave her an intent gaze, eyes that she thought she wouldn’t be able to stare at anymore if Shizune didn’t succeed in that three-hour surgery almost a week ago. 
Looking down, she shook her head in response to her husband’s unspoken question. “She won’t leave him, Sui. She barely even touched the lunch I’ve left inside earlier. And Sasuke?” She slowly shook her head again. “It’s been six days. I’m...I’m honestly losing hope about it.”
Suigetsu clenched his fists, looking away as Karin’s eyes became glassy. It wasn’t supposed to be this way...
“But Sakura, she wouldn’t budge. She’s the one who knows full well that there’s a thin line between the recovery and the failure of Sasuke’s organs. And the reality is...the chances are very slim. I—” Her voice began to tremble. 
The Hidden Mist ninja couldn’t even move a muscle to comfort his wife while he himself wanted to sob from the inside. It wasn’t...it wasn’t supposed to be this way! His fist landed on the wall behind them as his mind traced to that time he and Sasuke were on the way to Suna for that damned mission entrusted to them.
There was that genuine smile on the Uchiha’s face that he never got to witness since he first met Sasuke. And for once, he got to a conclusion that Sasuke was truly happy and well-content, all because of a certain pink-haired woman that he would return to once they managed to successfully end their mission.
And although he teased him endlessly – which only made the Uchiha smirk without attempting to slice him with his kusanagi – he was also very happy that Sasuke finally found a reason to dwell on joy and not on hatred. 
A reason for him to come home. 
The reason for him to love.
He was there when Tobirama Senju mentioned that no clan could love as much as the Uchiha. That’s why it was noteworthy for Suigetsu to witness love bloom in Sasukes’s life. Yet remembering that only made him feel worse.
“It wasn’t supposed to be this way…” he finally uttered out loud through gritted teeth. “It wasn’t...it wasn’t supposed to be him. He shouldn’t have chosen to save me! K-karin...he was just starting to be happy. I couldn’t be at peace if he wouldn’t be able to survive this. They don’t deserve this, Karin. Both of them! It should’ve been—”
“Suigetsu! Get out of the way!” 
On that last split-second, he found himself hitting a tree trunk behind him while hearing a loud explosion from tens of yards away. He blinked and coughed, arm covering his nose as much as he could as his brain tried to make sense of what happened.
He wasn’t in this spot moments ago. And that in itself was an indication as to where his partner ended up in. “What the—Sasuke?! Sasuke!” Whipping his head from side to side, he tried to locate him.
Until minutes later, the entire hideout they’ve accidentally stumbled upon was covered in black flames, dissipating even the smoke with a peculiar smell that came with the explosion a while ago.
And amidst all the chaos came a limping black figure that made him scurry to his feet. He didn’t even feel the pain coming from the injury on his arm because the sight in front of him was much more painful to bear. “Sasuke! Dammit! What have you d—?!”
“Take...me...to Sakura.”
“Don’t blame yourself, Suigetsu!” Karin’s grip on her husband’s shoulders was too firm that the swordsman didn’t realize he has been trembling already. 
“But, Karin! If...if he didn’t switch places with me on that last moment, he wouldn’t end up inhaling much of that poison and...dammit! I should’ve been on his place right now!”
“It should’ve been neither of you, okay? Stop thinking as if you should be the one lying on that death bed because—damn, Suigetsu!—as much as I don’t want Sasuke to...to die...Suika and I can’t lose you too!” Her shaking hands made their way to Suigetsu’s cheeks, wiping the stray tears that he was surely unaware of. “Whatever happens here, what he did only showed how much Sasuke cares for you...for us.”
The trembling of Suigetsu’s body slowly ebbed as he leaned on Karin’s touch. “He has already done so much for us, given so much, too. He shouldn’t have reached that point of having to give even his life for me.”
At this, Karin wasn’t able to fight back her own tears, but her lips formed a small smile. “Sasuke has changed a lot, hasn’t he? I still believe that he’s strong. And Sakura did her best. According to Shizune, that operation could've killed her too as she kept Sasuke alive. If we’re already feeling like this, I couldn’t imagine how much worse it is for Sakura. Yet look at her, she still has faith in Sasuke. For now, let’s just hope and pray that Sasuke’s body recovers before a full week ends.”
Suigetsu clenched his jaw. It’s just either that or...he didn’t even want to imagine anymore. He slowly nodded, sighing as he wrapped his arms around Karin’s waist. “I haven’t said it, but I missed you.”
Gone were the days that she felt useless in situations wherein she needed to do something. Gone were the days that she was helpless in front of enemies and amidst missions gone wrong. 
As someone who strove to learn and worked really hard to be the woman that she is now, she knew her capabilities, both as a part of the medical field and the shinobi world. She was confident about who she is and what she can do, secured about her worth as a person and a ninja.
But when it came to Sasuke, she has always felt like she was not enough.
Not beautiful enough to attract him.
Not persuasive enough to make him stay.
Not strong enough to kill him with the thought of ending his misery.
Not worthy enough to join him on his redemptive journey.
Not lovable enough to have her feelings reciprocated after all these years.
It was like no matter how much she tried – how much she poured out every ounce of her being all for his sake – Sakura Haruno would never be enough for Sasuke Uchiha.
It even looked like a trend, that every time things were getting better between her and Sasuke, he would be taken away from her in one way or another. Back in the day, despite her declaration of love and promise of happiness, he still chose to leave everything behind to seek for power. Even with the available comfort of a home, a prosthetic limb, and a woman who still wanted to be with him after everything they’ve been through, he still desired to travel to better understand himself and the world. When he finally returned after that, he appeared as if he was already wedded and expecting a child, which in turn made her believe that she would never really have a chance of a happy ending with him.
And now...now that their bond was starting to bloom in the strongest way possible, he was stuck on that thin line between life and death even after being operated with her bare hands and injected with the concoction she has proudly produced.
She thought her insecurities were long gone. But seeing the man she loves lying in front of her – motionless as a rock with no assurance of waking up – she couldn’t help but entertain the demons in her mind that were born that time she was first bullied about her wide forehead. 
Even Shizune and the other nurses who assisted her in the surgery could attest that she did what she could in order to remove all the toxins in Sasuke's body and repair the damages he received on his organs.
Yet even that seemed to be not good enough to heal and save him.
Sakura was well aware that there would be another waiting game after the surgery for even after some medicines and medical ninjutsu, the patient’s body should be left to heal on its own until it recovers completely.
And so she waited, barely even moving from where she was seated nor leaving Sasuke’s room.
She wanted to be there when he wakes up. She wanted to be the first person he would see. She wanted to make sure that he’d survive such a catastrophe.
But it’s been seven days since the operation, and only a few hours left til its full week mark. 
By this time, Sasuke should’ve woken up or at least had progress with his vital signs, an indication that his organs were slowly becoming normal.
To her dismay, there wasn’t even a tinge of progress at all.
As Sakura monitored the machine beside Sasuke’s bed and checked his vitals, she felt as if the man she loves was now a ticking time bomb. For as much as she wanted to deny the facts that she knew, hitting the full week mark could mean that his internal parts couldn’t recuperate on its own anymore.
And that could only result to one thing.
“Are you tired of fighting, Sasuke-kun?” Her voice came out hoarse. Yet she wished he could hear him so clearly right now. “I’m...I’m still waiting, but...do you want me to still wait for you?”
The last time she cried was right after Sasuke’s operation, breaking down to the point that Shizune had to inject her with a tranquilizer just so she could sleep for the night. Since then, all her pain and thoughts were tucked inside her as if trying to prove the unconscious Sasuke that she wasn't the same weak girl from their genin team anymore.
For days, there were no tears. For hours, there was barely a reaction. But as the clock ticked by, she was also reaching the last straw of her countenance.
Sakura Haruno was no longer weak, but she was getting to the point of becoming ready to let go.
Placing the stethoscope on Sasuke's chest one last time before the “deadline” she was hoping to not reach, her heart constricted due to that fact that this could be the end of it all. 
Tears should be coming out of her tear ducts by now but it felt like she has released them all a week ago and all she could do now was simply stare at this man's beautiful face. She could either witness the machine beside him show a flat line as a loud beep fills the room or she could report everything to Shizune and let her handle the situation from here.
Because after everything she had done, with her love for him and her passion and knowledge in medicine, his death would only invalidate all the growth she has accumulated in the past years. She wouldn’t be able to forgive herself if she saw him breathe his last breath in front of her.
Because of her. 
And so, she chose the latter option.
She held his hand then, like pretty much majority of the time she was there in the room with him. “I’m sorry. I’m..." Her lower lip started to tremble as she gently moved to caress his cheek. "I'm so, so sorry.” 
Leaning closer, she planted a soft kiss on his forehead, lingering for a longer time before pulling away. “It was, and will always be you, Sasuke-kun...in my heart.”
With one last squeeze to his hand, she stood up, heart shattering like never before as she finally decided to leave all the rest to the One who has the only power to give and take away one’s life.
As she reached the door, with her limp hand landing on the door knob, there came a sharp gasp of breath from behind her that made her suddenly freeze in place. Her natural reaction should’ve been to turn around and check where the sound came from, but she didn’t want to fool herself. Besides, she hadn’t slept a wink in the past two days and she barely took in some food today.
But when she heard some shuffling of sheets from the bed, her heart raced and her hand trembled as it gripped the door knob tighter. 
Could it be…
Could it be that…
Sakura’s eyes widened in disbelief as she whipped her head towards the hospital bed and saw the proof that she wasn’t hallucinating at all. 
For there was Sasuke, weakly moving to sit upright while staring at her with that softness that she missed seeing after almost three months.
His lips curved upwards, as if finally seeing light after craving for it in the dark. The sight triggered her tears to finally, freely flow down her cheeks. And it felt like all the colors in the room slowly returned while his obsidian and amethyst eyes reunited with her emerald ones.
Time seemed to stop but Sakura’s body moved on its own. She threw her arms around him – a reprise of an all too familiar scene from so many years ago – barely even noticing the way Sasuke’s lone arm draped around her small frame as she remained sobbing for a minute or two. 
His body was cold, yet his familiar warmth eventually returned as he remained in her embrace. 
A proof that he’s alive. 
A proof that he recovered. 
A proof that after letting go of all control and trusting the One who holds it all, her efforts to save him, prayers for his well-being, and the days of waiting were not in vain.
It was only then that another sound filled the room other than the rhythmic beeping of the machine beside Sasuke's bed, but the man didn't seem to mind the broken cries he was hearing. If anything, it calmed his newly awakened senses.
“You’re...you're such an idiot. You’re really such an idiot! If only you brought the potion I made! If only you weren’t too reckless! If only you took care of yourself! You wouldn’t have—damn it, Sasuke-kun!”
Sasuke tightened his hold on her as another smile formed with his dry lips. “I’m sorry.”
“You can’t just do something that could kill you and then apologize afterwards! Please don’t do that again!” Sakura's sobs subsided after a while, until she uttered her greatest fear that awakened her insecurities in the past few days, “Just don’t do that again. I thought I’m...I thought I’m going to lose you once more…” Yet something else clicked in her brain as she slowly pulled back, her eyes averting his. “But then I realized...you’re not even mine to begin with.”
“You’re wrong.”
With a gasp, her eyes widened a bit as she gazed back at him. Taking in his declaration, her mouth parted and closed for a moment, before opening again in an attempt to say anything in response. Yet no words left her throat.
She then realized that Sasuke’s hand was on her waist. And at that moment, with that rare gesture and two simple yet vague words coming from the man she loves, it felt as if every single doubt and insecurity in her body melted away in a heartbeat.
 “Sakur—Sa...Sasuke?! Sasuke! You’re awake!"
They were instantly a few meters apart when a certain redhead entered the room. Much thanks to Karin's surprised state, she didn't even notice how Sakura looked bashful as she turned away to wipe her tears.
“Thank Kami! We almost thought you wouldn’t—wait a minute—my goodness, Sakura! Your chakra is fluctuating and you’ll probably lose it any minute now!” Quickly taking command, Karin extended her arm in front of Sakura’s face. “Come on, bite. It will replenish your chakra until you get home.”
“Home? Karin, I still have to check Sasuke-kun’s vital si—”
“No. I guess it’s best that I take it from here. Sakura, you haven’t gone home since…”
It didn't take long for Sasuke to realize what that pause meant. He shut his eyes and sighed. “She’s right, Sakura.”
“But, Sasuke-kun...you’re—”
“I’ll be fine,” he assured her with a soft voice. “Go.”
There was that familiar worried look on her features yet again. And as much as it flattered him to know that she’s still as concerned to him as ever, he was well aware of the fact that Sakura was giving more than he will ever deserve, even to the point of tiring herself. Probably even to the point of giving her own life to him who would never deserve such grace and love. 
It was only Sakura who could do that. Only her who could make him feel the warmth in his heart right now. 
Karin nodded in agreement, jutting her chin to her arm. It's the only help she could give Sakura before she faints right then and there.
“O-okay, then. I’ll be back soon.” With no apparent energy left to argue, the head medic gently bit Karin’s arm and walked towards the door, glancing one last time at Sasuke while his two words from earlier lingered in her mind.
As the door of his hospital room closed, a smile finally appeared on her face for the first time in seven days.
Sakura had never felt this good being wrong.
“Has she at least tried to sleep and eat well?”
Karin turned to look at Sasuke and then her eyes became glassy. “You—!” She flung her arms around his neck, trying her best to restrain her tears from falling. This was still Sasuke, her former team leader and first love, after all. “You’re the one who’s in pain right now yet you’re still looking after others? Are you out of your mind, Sasuke?!” 
“Karin. Get off me. You’re a married woman, aren’t you?”
She pulled away, avoiding his eyes as she bit her trembling lip. “I am. That’s why I want to thank you. T-thank you for...saving Suigetsu.” 
A tear escaped her eyes when she remembered the possibility of her husband dying on that last mission alongside Sasuke. Then she wiped it with the back of her hand before wagging a finger at the patient beside her. “But you didn’t have to be as impulsive as that, idiot! Now look at you!”
Sasuke rolled his eyes. The first time someone broke down in front of him today, he was completely fine with it. Of course, it was Sakura. But this time with Karin, he was struggling to tolerate how much of an emotional mess she was, until he remembered why he did what he did. “I only did what had to be done. Suigetsu has someone waiting for him here. He has a family.”
“And you don’t?”
He looked up at the redhead.
“Sakura has been waiting for you to come home, unscathed and alive. She was too excited when she learned that there was only a week left before you and Suigetsu would come home. But then…” She immediately shook her head to shun the memory of that unexpected night. “It wasn't easy for her to see you like that in the past few days, even after doing what she could as a doctor. With everything that I've seen her do for you, you cannot tell me that you have no one to return to, Sasuke. And don't you dare forget about Naruto and the Sixth. You, too, have a family here. So you can’t be reckless just like that! Not anymore, you hear me?”
“Hn." Upon glancing at the door where Sakura left, Sasuke realized that this would be the first time that he'd completely agree with his former teammate in Taka.
She had witnessed everything that Sakura did for him while he was away and after he returned with his life on the line. He didn't even need to be informed, but what Karin stated only added to what he already knows – he could always go home to Sakura. That one woman who reminds him of what having a family feels like, in her own ways.
"Thanks, Karin."
At a loss for words, Karin simply stared at Sasuke after hearing his gratitude. And weirdly, another tear rolled down her cheek as she thought of how far they've come since the first time they've met. They didn't have the affinity that Sasuke had with Sakura, Naruto, or Kakashi, but they now finally have something that she could call a friendship.
And she, too, was grateful for that. 
Wiping her tear, she cleared her throat and grabbed Sasuke's clipboard on the bedside table. "Alright, let's have your checkup. I still need to tell my husband the good news."
On the next few days, Sasuke had no choice but to be pinned on his hospital bed. As much as it irked him, he couldn't complain to her beautiful doctor who checked on him everyday. He could've sneaked out of the hospital through the window just like so many years before, or even travelled wherever he wanted to escape through his dojutsu, but Sakura was so firm about him staying in the hospital as long as she said so, that even the powerful last Uchiha couldn't disagree. There was nothing and no one that could stop the head medic from making sure that no poison was left in his body and that his organs were all functioning normally.
And with that, he couldn’t help but fall for her even more. With her every visit, Sasuke found himself observing and realizing a lot of things about her just now. Like how her hair had been a little longer, almost as long as that hairstyle she had before he left her with a forehead poke. How the purple mark of her strength complemented with her fair skin in between her parted bangs. How her green, green eyes squinted in concentration whenever she would check his vital signs, administer some tests, or write something on his chart. And how her lips would curve into a relieved smile before announcing to him his health's progress.
This was one of those sides of Sakura that he didn't get to witness and experience first hand because he was away for so long.
Experiencing it now, he felt proud of Sakura for all her success in her field. And he was appreciative of all her hard work especially for his sake; however, there was still one apparent problem – this doctor couldn't even fit in her schedule a time to rest.
As he stared at her while she was taking his blood test, his lips formed a small frown at the sight of the dark circles under her eyes. And no, it wasn't because it made her less beautiful, it was because he was reminded of Karin's words about Sakura not sleeping well while he was unconscious. Just to take care of him, she didn't even go home at all.
He sighed. “Sakura, you need to rest. Go home and do just that.”
“Huh?” Sakura turned to him after writing something on her clipboard, surprised at the sudden command. “I’m supposed to look after you here and conduct other tests, Sasuke-kun. I can’t just go home and leave that.”
“Then rest here.” In an instant, Sasuke stood from the bed and slowly paced towards the small couch in the room, chin gesturing towards his former spot which shocked the head medic.
“Sasuke-kun! Why did you—?”
“You’re the one who told me that I’m supposed to be moving more now, right?”
Her eyes were still so wide despite the sudden heavy feeling from her lids. “That doesn’t mean that you’re gonna stay on the couch!”
Sasuke only shook his head. “Since you were saying that you’re supposed to stay with me for the rest of the afternoon, and going home is not an option, you’re going to take my advice and rest there.” 
Sakura parted her lips but closed it again, unable to form a response to that. He was right though, she badly needed a nap before she does another round of tests and then evaluate them. So when Sasuke sat on the couch and raised an eyebrow at her, she had no choice but to slowly – awkwardly – get on the bed and position herself for a quick nap. “Wake me up in fifteen minutes then.”
“An hour.”
“That’s too long!”
The Uchiha nonchalantly brushed his hand on his hair. “An hour, Sakura.” He then frowned. “That’s nothing compared to the sleepless nights you had when I was unconscious.”
Sakura heaved a sigh in resignation. She couldn’t find the strength to say no to the Uchiha now, to think that she was the doctor here. “Fine. An hour.”
“Or more.”
Then Sasuke chuckled. The Sasuke Uchiha chuckled while Sakura was on the verge of fuming. 
He couldn’t help but be amused with the sight or her narrowed eyes and reddened cheeks while reluctantly seated on the bed he has been enduring for days. “Just sleep, Sakura.”
Huffing, that’s what she eventually did, making Sasuke smile in triumph. Winning over Sakura’s antics suddenly became so much better than defeating Kaguya and his evil ancestor. Moments later, he found himself staring at her affectionately as her breathing became relaxed.
Then Sakura dreamt of feeling a pair of soft lips meeting with her forehead.
"You're quite early, Sasuke-kun!"
"Still the early bird, huh?" Sakura giggled out loud. "Please just make yourself comfortable in the living room while I prepare here in the kitchen, okay?" And then she went back to humming an upbeat song just like what she was doing before she heard the opening of her front door.
She was both excited and nervous about today. By dinner time, they would have a simple gathering in her house that she initiated to celebrate the full recovery of both Sasuke and Suigetsu. Karin was giddy with the idea; even Naruto was bouncing off the walls when he learned that Sakura was going to cook for them. Shizune, on the other hand, was thankful that she could leave the hospital early and have friends she could dine with. And Kakashi thought it was worth dedicating some of his time to amidst his busy Hokage life.
Remembering them assured her that her limited invited guests would have fun tonight. But would one of the main casts of the celebration even consider this as something enjoyable?
Apparently, Sasuke has never attended a party even for his own birthday in the past few years. Plus, he wasn't the kind of person who likes a lot of interactions especially if the spotlight is on him. As she turned on the stove, a part of her began to doubt for the nth time if she shouldn't have insisted the idea without even consulting him first.
Because, what if he just gets bored? Or what if he wouldn't like my cooking? What if this would make him so uncomfortable to the point that he'd rather be on his own and leave the vill-?
A hand on the side of her waist made her jerk, effectively stopping her trail of thoughts. And warmth reached her cheeks when she realized that Sasuke's face was just right next to hers as he peeked over her shoulder to see what she was mixing on the saucepan.
Air seemed to have left her lungs as his hand continued to rest on her side. She didn't want to faint right then and there even though he was in the best position to catch her easily, knowing that it would've been so, so embarrassing if it happened now that they're already young adults.
Sakura already had enough of Sasuke seeing her faint because of him before. So a repeat of that now would only ruin her track record as the strongest kunoichi of her generation.
His deep voice then filled her ears. "Do you need any help?"
"Uh...I…" She gulped. You're not 12 anymore. You're not 12 anymore. You're not 12 anymore! Clearing her throat, she mustered the courage to turn around and wag a finger at Sasuke with the hopes that her blush had subsided. "Hey. I appreciate that you want to help but excuse me, Sir, this celebration is for you. So what I need you to do right now is sit back, relax, and enjoy the rest of the night. Okay, Sasuke-kun?" She slightly pushed him on the chest afterwards without meeting his eyes. "Now go back to the living room. Shoo!"
"Tch. Annoying."
"Hey! I heard that!"
Sasuke could only smirk at her over his shoulder as he made his way back to the living room. And the moment he was gone, Sakura let out a loud sigh while leaning on the countertop, heart racing because why in the world would Sasuke – the can't-be-touched-unless-it's-necessary Sasuke – touch her like that? Plus, for the second time around?
It was a very boyfriend thing to do, which also meant it was not a very Sasuke-like gesture. But for him to do that...to me… She bit her lip to restrain a grin and repeatedly patted her cheeks.
Is this finally a sign that her waiting was over?
Things were thankfully not awkward with Sasuke after that. What mattered to Sakura now was seeing how he was smiling every now and then while interacting in his own ways with their guests.
During dinner, she watched as he helped himself with a plateful of various dishes, making her feel proud of her improving cooking skills. And as they gathered in the living room for some tea and desserts brought by the Hozuki family, she couldn't help but adore how he subtly played with Suika while the baby tried to climb onto his lap. 
Everything was a lot better than what she initially thought for seeing such contentment on Sasuke's face warmed her heart like never before. It felt so much like a dream come true, knowing that the man she loves deserves all the happiness in the world after everything he has been through. And for once, in one way or another, she had been a part of what made him glad.
"So what are your plans after this?" Kakashi suddenly decided to unite the divided conversations after winning over Suigetsu on a round of Shoji.
With anmitsu still in his mouth, Naruto tilted his head to one side and questioned, "Plans?"
"That's not in your vocabulary, Dobe."
Everyone chuckled at the usual bickering of Sasuke and Naruto.
"We know you don't usually have that, but yeah, I'm curious about your plans for the future."
"Sometimes I'm not really sure if you've ever loved me, Kakashi-sensei." He pouted. "But for plans, hmm…" His ears suddenly became tinged with red as he pondered about his answer. "Uhm...Hinata and I...we want to have a baby probably early next year."
"Oh my gosh, Naruto!" Sakura gasped, almost tearing up at the news. "That's...shannaro! I'm so excited for you and Hinata!"
"Wow. It's about time, Naruto. Another Uzumaki aside from you and me." With a beam, Karin shot a glance at her daughter who was busy tugging Sasuke's sleeve. "In the past six months, Sui and I have come to understand that having a child is a wonderful thing. Congrats to you and the Hyuga!"
The jinchuriki's eyes gleamed at that. "I'm looking forward to it, 'ttebayo! Thanks, Sakura-chan, Karin!"
"You're a big boy now, huh?" Sasuke smirked but his eyes held tenderness for his brother-like best friend. Pride welled in his heart at the fact that Naruto's finally going to have something that he never had – a real family.
"One more time and I'll Rasengan you, Teme!" Naruto raised his fist. "At least I had the boldness to ask a girl's hand in marriage! Right, Kakashi-sensei?” He stuck his tongue out, which only earned an eye roll from the Uchiha. “Oh! And by the way, you still owe me for ditching my wedding!" 
"Alright, stop it. Not in my house, you two!"
"Don't worry, Sakura-chan! I won't embarrass Teme right in front of you!"
Sasuke scoffed. "Usuratonkachi."
"Ah, I guess it's that time wherein I'm about to be a grandpa." Kakashi had a close-eyed smile as he glanced at his former team, marveling on the fact that they've come a long way since that time he entered their classroom with a chalkboard eraser dropping on his head. After everything that had happened to them, he never imagined that he'd still have the privilege of witnessing his students enter into adulthood at such a peaceful time among the villages. He chuckled to himself, he really used to hate them, but his love for them now was already beyond what a teacher could give. "Oh, well. How about you, Shizune?"
"I can see we're really getting older, Kakashi." Shizune cackled. "My plans? Other than helping in the hospital, I'll probably just be stuck with you."
For a short moment, the other five adults in the room just stared at Shizune and Kakashi while their eyes remained fixed on each other.
Until Shizune's eyes widened in realization. She then added, "I-I mean, stuck with you in assisting you on your tasks, Hokage-sama!" She bowed on her seat, hiding the blush adorning her cheeks as an uncomfortable silence continued to surround them.
At this, Naruto stifled a laugh while glancing mischievously at Sasuke and Sakura who both had smirks on their faces. It reminded them of those days wherein they were too sneaky and curious about their sensei's love life, other than the face behind his mask.
Noticing his former students’ gestures despite not having the Sharingan, Kakashi released a nervous laugh. "No need to be too formal, Shizune. And it's not like I'm giving you tons of tasks, right?” He cleared his throat much louder than necessary, and then shifted his gaze to the other side of the room. "Meanwhile, how about you, Suigetsu and Karin?”
Quite surprised with the sudden attention, the Hidden Mist ninja scratched the back of his head as he contemplated for a moment if he should already share about their family’s plans. "Well, actually, we're planning to finally head back to Kiri in a week or two. Since our baby is already in her best physical condition – much thanks to Sasuke and Sakura here – I think it's about time that we settle in our own place."
"Really?" It was Sakura who once again reacted first, with her lips formed in a slight frown. "I honestly felt like we've been with you for just a short time."
Shizune nodded. "Yeah. We will miss you in the hospital, Karin."
"Thank you, guys. We were really quite torn about it," Karin chimed in, remembering so well everything that she has learned and experienced ever since she stepped inside Konoha right next to Sasuke. "This village surprisingly felt like home to us in the past few months, but the reality is, this is not our home."
"Your family will always be welcome here, though." 
Both Hozukis couldn't help but smile appreciatively at the Hokage's words. It made them feel like they now have an extended family, residing in the place that they almost destroyed so many years ago.
"And Suigetsu, I'm grateful for all your help on the missions with Sasuke. I know they weren't exactly easy, especially that last one that almost costed you your life. That's why I'm really glad that Sakura initiated this small celebration for you and Sasuke. Thank you for what you've done." Kakashi nodded to the two men before turning to the host of the gathering. "Speaking of Sakura, how about you? Thanks for your preparations, by the way!"
Butting in, Suigetsu raised his hand and said, "Yes, Sakura-san! Thank you! I'm so full I feel like I'm all good until tomorrow!"
Sakura chuckled with him. "You're welcome. It's...well, I remember offering to prepare dinner for Sasuke-kun in my place before." She threw a glance at Sasuke and smiled softly before looking away. "I thought it would be nice serving you all as well. Hmm, for the plans? I really haven't thought of anything other than continuing to manage the hospital."
"You've been working so hard, Sakura-chan! You should probably find something else to do! Or maybe have a boyfriend or something!" Naruto wiggled his eyebrows, but surprisingly, to someone else in the room.
Sakura turned beet red. "E-eh? I'm fine, Naruto. I'm enjoying my job. And, I'm...I'm really not in a hurry for anything else."
"But you still need to rest every now and then."
Naruto smirked upon hearing his best friend's deep voice. "See? Even Teme agrees with me!"
"But I'm resting, Sasuke-kun!"
"It's not enough."
Much to Sasuke's amusement, Sakura could only pout in response to that.
"Sasuke's right though, Sakura. Just tell me if you need some days off. I'm sure Shizune has been recommending you the same thing. And Naruto's also right that you need time for other things." 
There was a sudden mischievous glint in Kakashi's eyes as he stared at her. But she couldn't point out what it was for. She appreciated all their concern though, besides, they all have a point, especially Sasuke.
"Yes, dattebayo! Ha! You're the only one left now, Teme! So, any plans?" Naruto grinned like a Cheshire cat, and once again, the Uchiha only rolled his eyes at him.
As Sasuke stared at the now sleeping baby on his chest, he thought about his next steps in life. Although the same question has crossed his mind a few times, he hadn't arrived yet to a specific conclusion for his own plans. He only had two options – to leave or to stay, which were both still vague for him as of now. 
But then, his gaze landed on Sakura. And the moment his eyes found her green ones, the answer to the hanging question presented itself as if it's been hiding there all along. Without looking away, Sasuke then verbalized it for everyone to hear, "I'm going to stay in the village for a while."
"Sakura-chan! Thank you once again for the hospitality and good food! It's too bad Hinata missed this due to some Hyuga business she had to attend to," Naruto said before a yawn escaped from his lips as he stood outside Sakura's front door. "But next time I'll make sure she gets to hang out with us, 'ttebayo!"
Sakura chuckled at the sight of the jinchuriki who helped out in cleaning their mess after the Hozuki family, the Hokage, and his assistant have left. He didn't have to use some chakra, but the man wanted to prove to his best friend that he was an efficient husband, one that could even quicken a task by multiplying himself. The whole while, Sasuke could only scoff at Naruto's attempt in housekeeping, but at least he wasn't the one extremely exhausted now, to think that he was helping with only one arm.
"I'd love that, Naruto! Now go home to your wife and rest, alright? You've used lots of chakra for your training and in cleaning today!"
"Ha! If only Teme helped more, the load would've been easier."
"Idiot. I helped in making sure you've left no bacteria in Sakura's house."
"What the—!"
Sakura groaned. "Can you guys at least end the night without bickering? And you! Sasuke-kun, don't forget that you still have a medicine to drink before you sleep tonight. So go home now, you two!"
She dramatically turned to her house, making Naruto cackle before finally leaving in a puff of smoke. She yawned as she reached her door knob, yet there was still one guest left after such a long night.
Something about the way Sasuke said her name reminded her of the little sweet encounter they had before dinner.
With her heart racing in anticipation and curiosity, she turned to face him again, only to meet Sasuke's chest as he gently pulled her in a very unexpected embrace.
And then he muttered, "Thank you.”
Frozen in place, it took a little longer before Sakura realized what was happening, until she remembered those two moments wherein Sasuke also thanked her with such genuineness. Both incidents were meaningful for her, but this meant so much more. So much more that she found herself smiling against his chest for this was the very first time that it was him who pulled her close. 
Her arms took up residence around his waist before she replied, "Anything for you, Sasuke-kun."
It was the death of the old Sasuke and Sakura. For although unspoken, both of them were certain that there was a future in store for them – one that they wouldn’t venture alone, but together.
August 2019 | AriannJS
Finally got to upload the most difficult chapter for me to write! WOW. WHAT A JOURNEY. It took me 4 months to work on this chapter and then after this we're off to the Epilogue! * cries in G#m *
Here's a surprise tho - the Epilogue is already finished and is just undergoing its final revisions! See it FIRST on my PATREON by AUGUST 28! ;) My username is also AriannJS there, and I would appreciate it if you become a patron, which would give you an early (and even exclusive) access to my future fics!
I really can't believe that this story is coming to an end! Thank you for taking the time to read it since the beginning! And most especially, thanks to those who intentionally give their detailed comments about their thoughts and feelings on each chapter! Your words give me a boost to continue writing!
Thanks & God bless! - A
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Baby Girl: Chapter 3
The four ninjas went to Ichiraku's to have a late lunch and also to discuss their so called 'mission.' When they reached the place, Kakashi set Sakura down on his right, then Naruto sat on Sakura's right, while Sasuke took the seat on Kakashi's left.
The owner, Teuchi, who first had his back on them beamed when he saw Naruto along with the others. He then called his daughter, Ayame, to start preparing clean bowls.
"I'll have my usual, old man." Naruto ordered. Kakashi and Sasuke nodded, signaling that they'd have the same.
"Oh, hey Naruto! Welcome back!" Teuchi greeted with a smile which eventually faded when he noticed that somebody was missing. "Seems like you're missing a friend, Naruto." The owner stated. The three ninjas looked at one another.
It seems like whenever they met people, these people tended to look for Sakura. They guessed it was probably because of her unusually colored hair that people are more inclined to notice when she was missing; adding it to the fact that Sakura had already made a name for herself as one of the best medical-nins that Konoha has.
Kakashi simply gazed at the girl sitting beside him and to his surprise, she was looking straight back at him. Her small arms crossed over her chest, forming an 'X' with it. Sasuke also saw the small gesture.
Teuchi noticed that Kakashi was slightly looking down so he slightly moved forward to see what caught the attention of the silver-haired shinobi. To his surprise, he saw a little girl with short pink hair, staring straightly back at him. The girl only went as high as the mid-level of Kakashi's arm and this made Teuchi smile.
"Oh, and who do we have here?" he asked. Sakura smiled when the owner peered over her.
Naruto beamed and proudly exclaimed, "You know her, old man! She's Sakura!"
"Sakura's distant cousin. Her name is Momo-chan." Kakashi interrupted.
"Huh?" Naruto looked at Kakashi but caught Sasuke's eye. He was pretty sure that the look meant 'Shut up, or I'll strangle you with ramen noodles.' So he decided to nod and go on with what Kakashi was saying.
"Yeah! She's actually Sakura's representative." Naruto added.
"Oh, I see! That's why she looked so familiar! She's just like Sakura's little version." Teuchi said. "She even has the same mark at the center of her forehead." The shop owner noticed.
"She really idolizes Sakura so she had Naruto draw a rhombus on her forehead." Sasuke supplemented Kakashi's story.
"Where's your lady friend then?" the owner asked. It was Sakura who answered.
"At the hospital, Oji-san. That's why she asked these big brothers to take care of me!" Sakura explained.
"I see, I see." Teuchi nodded, bobbing his head up and down for agreement. "Then what will you have, little lady?" he asked.
"If there's a small version of Naruto's usual, then I'll take it!" she beamed.
The owner boomed in laughter. Clearly amused at the little girl's cheerful personality. He then went to work to prepare their usual ramen.
As they waited for their order, Sakura started dangling her feet, moving them in slow casual motion. Then she started doing flutter kicks in the air below her. A moment later, she tucked her knees to her chest; next thing she did was she grabbed Naruto's and Kakashi's sleeves as she supported herself to stand on her chair.
"What's the matter Sa—" Kakashi eyed him. "I mean Momo-chan? The ramen's gonna be ready soon. You just have to wait patiently."
Sakura pouted as she gripped the counter top and tried to keep still; still standing on her chair. Kakashi noticed that Sakura's behavior was slowly turning into that of an actual 3-year-old but he also immediately understood Sakura's dilemma.
The little girl's attitude at the moment wasn't because she was hungry, well she probably was. But more so because her face couldn't even get past the counter top, that's why she chose to stand on her chair. At that instant moment, an idea popped inside Kakashi's head and a gleam could be seen in his visible eye. He lifted a squirming Sakura off her chair and without even mentioning it, he settled her on Sasuke's lap which clearly startled the silent ninja.
"What the—" Sasuke whispered, stunned.
"C'mon Sasuke. I'm pretty sure Momo-chan's not that heavy." Kakashi said, smiling with his eye. "And besides, she'd be able to eat better now. Considering her face has already passed this counter top." Kakashi tapped his hand on the wooden surface of the counter.
"Hey, Teme! If you really don't want to, Momo-chan can sit on my lap." Naruto teased which caused Sasuke's eyes to narrow at him, then he spoke.
"We all know how you eat your ramen, you idiot. S-she stays on my lap." Sasuke stated, as tinge of pink grazed his cheeks. He then moved his right arm on Sakura's side, but he still refused to touch her little form.
"If you say so!" Naruto chirped.
Sasuke then turned to look at Kakashi.
"Hey…" his former sensei looked at him. "What if…what if she falls down or something?" Sasuke asked. It was Sakura who answered his question as she looked up at him.
"Don't worry, Sasuke, I can perfectly balance myself."
Kakashi let out a soft laugh while Sasuke smirked. Sakura just pronounced perfectly as 'perfectwy' in her soft little voice. Nevertheless, Kakashi still answered Sasuke’s question.
"Well, if you feel like Momo-chan's losing her balance, just hold her side, or if worse comes to worst and she falls, just swiftly grab her clothes. I made sure to wrap them securely around her." He stated and Sasuke nodded.
At that moment Sasuke looked at his other hand, now thankful that he agreed to have his prosthetic arm attached. He imagined that even his artificial arm could still feel Sakura's warmth when he held her at the Hokage's office. He then turned to look at Sakura and was surprised when he saw the girl biting the edge of the counter top, when Teuchi's jovial voice boomed over them.
"Well someone's already hungry, maybe even more hungry than Naruto!" he laughed. Sasuke tentatively placed his right hand on Sakura's shoulder to gently detach her on the counter top. The owner started distributing their orders, even the tiny ramen version as well as their chopsticks.
When Sakura received hers, she split her chopsticks in two but both went flying sideways, the first half to Naruto's hair which went unnoticed because the moment his ramen was placed in front of him, he forgot about the world, while the other flew high to Sasuke's side almost poking his eye.
"God, Momo-chan. Be careful." Sasuke uttered.
"I'm sorry, I guess even my 3-year-old hand forgot how to hold chopsticks." Sakura sheepishly smiled at him.
"Here you go, little lady!" Teuchi offered her a spoon to use as a replacement of the chopsticks that went flying. Sakura grabbed it with her small hands. "—and that little ramen's on the house!" the owner said.
"Thank you, Oji-san!" she answered. "I'm going to eat now!" she announced. Sasuke hesitantly placed his right hand on Sakura's side to balance her better as she started squirming the moment she started eating. Good thing he was left-handed which gave them enough space which they both needed.
"Well, that definitely made me feel better!" Naruto beamed as he rubbed his full tummy. "Though I still have no idea how Kakashi eats with his mask on." His former sensei only looked at him with an amused expression on his face. Sakura, on the other hand, sported a frown as he stared at Sasuke.
"What is it?" he asked. Sakura started clutching her dress as Sasuke noticed her face started to flush.
"Sakura, what's wrong? Tell me." He bent down to whisper so only she could hear. She looked at him with wide eyes as she suddenly blurted, "I need to pee, Sasuke!"
"What?!" Sasuke immediately lifted her off his lap, confused on what to do next. "Uhh—uhh…" he stuttered, still staring at Sakura's embarrassed face when somebody took the girl off his hands, it was Ayame.
"Don't worry, I'll take care of it." She said. Ayame carried Sakura over the counter top and went inside the shop. Sasuke sighed the moment such burden was lifted off his hands.
"Imagine Momo-chan peeing all over Sasuke. That would be so funny!" Naruto teased.
"Now, now Naruto. Sasuke did a good job at trying to baby sit Momo-chan. Isn't that right?" their former sensei turned to smile at Sasuke but he immediately reverted to his formal face the moment he started to speak about the mission.
"I think it's about time we decide where we should place Sakura at the moment." He said in a low voice, still careful not to blow Sakura's cover.
"Well, we can't put her back to her apartment, can’t we?" Naruto asked.
"That's because you blew it up, idiot." Sasuke muttered.
"Hey I didn't mean to do that!" Naruto spat back.
"And clearly, she can't stay in your apartment unless we want her to drown in filth." Sasuke commented, his words directly addressed to Naruto.
"Hey! That's harsh! And I do clean my room…when I have the time!" Naruto then eyed Kakashi.
"And we can't put her in Kakashi's apartment!" He exclaimed. "We don't know what kind of ecchi ecchi things he has hidden there." The two of them nodded.
"Then that leaves you, Sasuke!" Kakashi said. "Are you willing to accommodate two homeless ninjas and a little orphan girl in your mansion?" Kakashi asked, his visible eye twinkling.
"Shut up. What choice do we have?" Sasuke muttered and sighed. His words were more of a statement than a question, signaling his agreement.
"Then it's settled." Kakashi announced. "We'll be staying at the Uchiha mansion until Sakura returns to normal. Let's meet there in an hour." His former students nodded. "Now if the both of you could pay for my ramen, then I'll be heading out first."
Even before Naruto and Sasuke could say their protests, Kakashi already disappeared, leaving a smoke cloud behind him. Both of them sighed.
"He really doesn't change." Sasuke muttered when Ayame appeared holding a smiling Sakura on her side.
"She's okay now!" she said and lifted her off to bring her back to Sasuke. But Naruto snatched Sakura away and propped her on his shoulder. Sakura giggled and grabbed Naruto's hair.
"Sasuke, you pay!" Naruto pointed at him.
"You pay!" little Sakura imitated.
Sasuke sighed as he stood up, brought money down on the counter, and thanked the owner and his daughter.
"Ugh. People." He muttered. Rolling his eyes to the side.
Naruto eventually transferred Sakura back to Sasuke as they parted ways before going to the Uchiha mansion. He said he had to get some things from his apartment and assured Sasuke that he'll be at the mansion in an hour. He also promised Sakura candies when he returns. Now, Sasuke was stuck and alone with Sakura in the middle of the road. The little girl was clutching at his pant leg when Naruto set her down beside him before he left. He looked at her and she was staring back.
Sasuke started feeling quite uncomfortable at the moment. Among his teammates, it was with Sakura whom he felt most distant. He thought it was really kind of understandable considering the numerous times he tried to hurt her, but as Sasuke studied her eyes, he saw nothing but clarity and ease, and almost immediately, he started feeling better.
"I guess we have to go back to my apartment and get some things as well." Sakura said. Sasuke guessed that it would be faster if he carried the little girl, but he noticed that her arm was extended up to him, palm up.
"Won't your arms get tired?" he asked. Sakura shook her head, her pink hair fluttered from side to side.
"Nope, I'm a strong girl you know!"
Sasuke let out a small smile. So, instead of carrying her, he cautiously reached down and held her small hand as they walked a few blocks to her apartment.
"You know," he started. "I never did get the message why you had to conceal your identity to the ramen shop owner." He inquired. Sakura beamed up at him and answered.
"Well, that's because old Teuchi gives out free ramen to children who are first time customers! Aren't you happy you got a discount Sasuke?" she giggled and swayed Sasuke's hand with hers as they walked together to her apartment. Sasuke merely sighed but smiled eventually.
Sasuke set Sakura down the floor when they reached her apartment, and almost immediately, he saw Sakura crumple to the surface. She started whining.
"Ugh, remind me again never to walk that far! I forgot I had small legs! I thought it was nearer." Sakura complained.
Sasuke smirked as Sakura's words started to become slightly incomprehensible. Her 'Ls and Rs' started sounding like 'Ws.' He casually walked over to Sakura's fridge to get her a glass of water. It hasn't been that long since he last stepped inside this place. When he finally returned, his team usually held get-togethers in Sakura's apartment so he fairly knew his way around.
"You really didn't walk that far. I picked you up half way through." Sasuke commented.
"But it felt more like a hundred kilometers!" Sakura stretched her arms through the air, seemingly trying to show the 'hundred kilometers' using the length of her limbs.
Sasuke took that opportunity to lift Sakura and carry her towards her bedroom. She settled her on the top of her bed and gave her the glass of water.
"Now, what do you need?" he asked. He eyed the little girl as she gulped the water from her glass.
Sakura pointed at several drawers and cabinets until Sasuke was able to come up with one big bag filled with Sakura's stuff. Her things ranged from medical journals to t-shirts, which they both knew would be three to four sizes larger than her. Sakura also had to forego her qipao dresses as well as her shorts and half pants because she told Sasuke she wouldn't be able to wear them anyway. She also had in her bag dozens of toiletries she said she needed, but they were still faced with a huge problem, and it was about Sakura's undergarments.
"Of course I can't wear a bra!" she exclaimed, gaining a face-palm answer from Sasuke, his cheeks blushing slightly. "But I also need my underwear!" she started whining again, when suddenly, Sasuke shifted uncomfortably to where he was standing.
"What?" Sakura asked. Sasuke merely shook his head and remained silent, but Sakura didn't stop.
"Aha! You're wondering if I'm wearing one right now!" Sakura pointed an accusatory finger towards Sasuke. Admittedly, Sasuke's blush flared brighter which made the little girl giggle at her place.
"Of course I am silly." Sakura said in between giggles. "Kakashi did a really good job wrapping my dress around the important bits. Ayame even secured them tighter with a safety pin!" she explained. That's when an idea popped in her head.
"I guess we should just bring a couple of dozen pins with us!" Sakura exclaimed. She pointed to another drawer to which Sasuke approached and rummaged for safety pins while Sakura jumped from the bed and opened another drawer.
When Sasuke turned, his eyes went wide at the assorted underwear laid in front of him.
"I like this, this, this, this, and this!" Sakura pointed to several undies she had and Sasuke narrowed his eyes as he followed his gaze to all the things which Sakura pointed at. One has tiny ribbons, the next one had tiny white rabbits on them, the others, he can't make out the design.
"Why do you need so much?" he asked.
"Well, what if I failed to get to the bathroom on time and peed myself, huh? Would you lend me your briefs?" Sakura asked.
"Or we could just buy you diapers." The moment such words came out of Sasuke's mouth, a handful of flying underwear was sent his way. Realizing that there'd be no escape, he begrudgingly caught them all.
"That's embarrassing! I'm a lady!" Sakura shouted.
"A little lady." Sasuke corrected and without saying much, he simply gathered all of Sakura's underwear and stuffed them immediately inside her bag. Sakura pursed her lips and crossed her arms over her chest.
"Do you need anything more?" Sasuke asked.
Even with Sakura's brows furrowed, she shook her head.
"Fine. Then let's head out."
The sun was about to set when Sasuke and Sakura got to the Uchiha mansion. As Sasuke approached, he already saw a waving Naruto a few feet ahead of them.
"What took you so long, Teme, huh?" he asked.
Sasuke settled Sakura down on the ground so he could unlock the gates. A flash of memories suddenly got through his mind.
Sasuke remembered being discharged from the hospital. He really didn't know where to go next but soon realized that he was left with no choice but to return to the Uchiha manor.
He took his steps home during that cold winter night, gladly welcoming the silence and the cold air around him. He never had a problem of being alone. He was used to isolation after all. That's why, it surprised him when outside the gates of his old house, he saw several of his friends standing and smiling at him.
His former team waiting for him was actually more than enough, but what moved him the most was that his former friends from the academy were also waiting outside the gates. He saw team 8 and 10, and the remaining members of team 9 were present as well.
Shikamaru and Choji pushed through the entrance and Sasuke was welcomed with a warm light coming from inside his old house. His former team and the others renovated the old Uchiha manor so he could once again feel at home.
'What are you waiting for, Sasuke-teme?' Naruto approached him and placed an arm over his shoulder. He merely looked at his best friend, confusion was plastered all over his face, but the blonde ninja simply smiled.
'Welcome back, Sasuke.' Naruto whispered.
Sasuke merely let out a small, almost imperceptible smirk.
'I'm home.' He whispered.
"Where's my candy?!"
Sakura's voice brought Sasuke back to reality. He turned and looked at his two teammates with Naruto rummaging inside his bag, while Sakura had her palm up.
"There! I found it!" Naruto exclaimed. But even before the blonde ninja could give the piece of candy to Sakura, Sasuke already snatched it away.
"Hey!" Both Naruto and Sakura cried in unison.
"Give me back my candy, Sasuke-Teme." Sakura said in his best imitation of Naruto.
"Wow, that's a good one Sakura!" Naruto grinned when Sasuke turned to look at him.
"We can't have Sakura eating candy at this time of the day, she'll get sugar rush." Sasuke quietly admonished Naruto.
"And so?" Naruto answered back.
"And so, you, stupid dweeb," Sasuke mocked. "Somebody's not going to sleep later tonight because of this." He raised the candy he was holding and turned to Sakura.
"No sugar for you little lady." Sasuke commanded and led the way inside the huge Uchiha compound.
Both Naruto and Sakura looked at one another and sighed.
"So this is how Sasuke's going to be when he becomes a father, huh?" Naruto whispered to Sakura as he carried her and followed Sasuke. "No fun. Definitely, no fun at all." He muttered, but Sakura simply smiled.
'I like it.' She thought.
AO3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/16095212/chapters/37591655
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sns-tropes · 7 years
fic: my heart held in your hands - chapter 1
summary:   The war is over and Sasuke finally comes home. But Konoha wont let a missing-nin back into their midst without leashing him first. Naruto sticks by his side the whole time.
pairing: sasuke/naruto (ninja!verse) post-698
rating: Mature
word count: 3,778
warnings: angst, hurt/comfort, panic attacks, eventual explicit content in later chapters
It was easy for Naruto. For some reason he couldn't feel any pain where he’d lost an arm. There was a ghosted feeling where it should be, giving him the impression that it was truly detached from the rest of him. It wasn't his priority. He reached over, sitting up with effort he didn't know he had left in him. He took Sasuke’s hand in his. He was mirrored. Their arms. Gone. It felt so foolish now. He knew that their battle was inevitable. But this one was so much different. This one held a certain hopeful light at the end of the tunnel that this truly was the very last strain. He wasn’t going to cry. But he felt like he could, just from relief alone.
Sasuke wasn't going to pull his hand away from Naruto. He didn't flinch in the slightest. He just tightened his grip on Naruto’s hand with what little strength he had left.
“Does it hurt?” Naruto asked him, nodding towards his missing limb.
He squeezed Naruto's hand tighter. “Not so much.”
Sakura and Kakashi were coming up over the ruble that laid on the field  from their destructive ways.
She healed them the best that she could. Naruto's arm was blown to bits. Unrecoverable. She stopped the bleeding and sealed the wound with ease. Sasuke’s could be salvaged. But just when Sakura gave the impression that she would reattach it, he stopped her.
“I don't want it.”
She looked confused, maybe a little hurt. She didn't understand. Probably couldn't if she tried.  She opened her mouth yet no words came. She looked to Kakashi for any sign. To help her make sense of it.
“Leave it, Sakura.” He told her, knowingly.
She sighed with a bittersweet smile. Her eyes might have been watering, but it didn't matter. She had her friends back and they were alive. It was enough. Even though there was a indecipherable pang of alarm in her heart when her gaze fell on their intertwined hands. Still, it was enough.
It was going to be a long road to recovery. For them and everyone else who made it.
And Naruto hated hospitals.
The last time Naruto was in a hospital with Sasuke they ended up fighting on the roof. And not for sport. Sasuke had something to prove back then. He was just as determined as Naruto. When it came to showing what he was worth, he only seemed to take one person into account. Whether he realized it or not.
Shikamaru walked through the door and into the shared hospital room. It was Naruto’s request. Sasuke didn't protest. He probably didn't want to let him out of his sight again. Oddly he felt inclined to comply with Naruto's wishes, which was fairly new to him.
Shikamaru placed two cups of coffee on the side table. Sakura said they shouldn't have any while they're healing. But Naruto craved it just because she said he couldn't. Sasuke never cared much for it, but sipped it nonetheless.
He stood there in between their beds, nose twitching at the strong smell of linen and antiseptic.
“Hn. Haven't had this view in a while.”
Sasuke and Naruto couldn't help but turn their heads to look at each other.
“You guys are ridiculous.” He scoffed lightheartedly. He might have been laughing at them. No, he was definitely laughing at them. “Oh man, and you did it to yourselves too.”
They really have no room for a comment. He's not wrong. They did do this to each other. They fought, and screamed, and cried, and bled. They've handicapped each other. But Naruto wouldn't change any of it. Not a single moment of it.
He was about to leave and he stopped at the doorway. His expression hardened and he turned to Sasuke.
“It's good to see you, Sasuke.” He meant it. He really did. “But some advice; not everyone in the village  can say the same.”
A warning. Sasuke would be stupid to take it lightly.
Upon his leave, Naruto looked worried. “I hadn't thought about that.” He whispered to Sasuke as he fiddled with the sheets.
“It's not  your problem. Don't worry.” He stated simply.
“It is my problem. I am worried.” Naruto wasn't used to this. Neither of them were. The battle and the injuries and even the resolve had made them so open and raw. And they didn't really know what to do about that.
“Idiot. Nothing I can't handle.”
Naruto knew that. He knew Sasuke could handle it. He could handle anything. But that knowledge didn't reassure him like he wished it did.
They heal quick like always and they're out of the hospital fast and easy.
Sasuke insisted on living in the Uchiha  compound. He vowed to fix anything that needed to be tended to by hand and maintain it. Naruto thought it was a bad idea, because this was to start over not go backwards. Anything that caused pain was unnecessary.
Naruto could almost feel how heavy Sasuke’s heart was as he stood next to him behind the yellow tape and boarded up archway.
He watched Sasuke go, treading lightly behind him.
It's all dust and cobwebs and caked up dirt. Sasuke spends a lot of time in the yards, trying to will himself to enter his childhood home. It's been so long. He looked like he struggling, forcing himself to go in. Naruto steps in front of him.
“Don't force if it doesn't feel right.” Naruto told him carefully.
Sasuke regards him with a scoff, and then flees away from his gaze. He knows he means well but it's not enough to ease his impatience. He is forcing himself and he's fully aware of it.
He walks inside through the main doors. He wants to be fine but Naruto always sees right through his strains.
He doesn't go in his or Itachi's bedroom. It doesn't feel like he's supposed to. He's back here but he still wants to lock it all away.
He's walking through the home when suddenly it sneaks up on him. He can still see feint bloodstains on the hardwood flooring. This is where it happened, and he hasn't looked at it since.
He drops down to his knees, fingertips dragging across the stains. His chest is tight and he can't tell if it's the beginning of a cry.
Naruto crowds in behind him. His chin resting on his shoulder and his only arm draping around the other. An awkward hug to say the least.
“Do you forgive him?” Comes the sudden whisper in Sasuke’s ear.
Sasuke doesn't have to think about it. “I do.” He sighs shakily.
They sit like that for a moment touching those horrible stains before Naruto pulls him up.
They leave quietly. Sasuke goes agrees to live with Naruto in his apartment just like he said he wouldn't.
They both sat in the empty council room, waiting for their former teacher and newly appointed hokage.
He looked at the both of them sat side by side. One arm missing from each.
“You two look ridiculous.”
Everyone seemed to be saying that lately.
“Hey!” Naruto stood up suddenly. “They're battle scars! We look like hardened men of war.”
“Please stop.” Sasuke quipped. Naruto could almost feel Sasuke rolling his eyes.
Kakashi took a seat and he started to brief them on what to expect in the next few months. Most of it was boring. All business. War aftermaths.
“Sasuke,” Kakashi grabbed his attention. “The council expressed to me… Very aggressively, that they worry about your residence here in the village. Regardless of your helpful part in the war efforts.”
Sasuke didn't speak, he knew there was more that Kakashi had to say. He wasn't surprised by any of it.
Naruto found himself dejected as he wished they had their hands. Just so he could take Sasuke's in his.
“They've regarded my favoring of you, which I obviously do, as grounds of accusation for me dismissing any crimes that they might find you guilty of.”
If he had to endure any kind of imprisonment, he would surely leave before they could enforce it. Naruto knew that. Kakashi knew that. It was unspoken.
“So with that said, I've requested a pardon due to your assistance to the village. It was voted on. In your favor. By a landslide.”
Sasuke leaned back in his chair, suddenly feeling very old. “And the catch?” He questioned.  Because there was always a catch.
Kakashi smirked. “Supervision.”
“What the fuck does that entail?” He spouted out.
“What kind of supervision?” Naruto scoffed, squinting at Kakashi.
“STOP while you're ahead. Both of you.” He focuses on Naruto. “They've taken into account that you two will be living together in close quarters, and that has eased them. However, because of previous lapses in judgment on your part, they require a weekly inspection,” he held up air quotes on ‘inspection,’ which made Naruto's stomach suddenly  hurt.
“It's a check up. To make sure Sasuke stays in line.”
“Well they're wasting their damn time.” Sasuke told him nonchalantly. Sasuke knew he didn't need any babysitting. He didn't mind Naruto so much, that was fine. But weekly check ups? That just felt like pure ridicule. In fact he might be more stable now than he's ever been. He still had a lot to work on, but he was trying.
“This is excessive.” Naruto added. Normally Naruto wouldn't protest as long as he got his way. But he didn't want Sasuke to feel like the village miscreant. It's not exactly a good start.
Kakashi laughed at him, and both of their heads snapped up. “You're complaining? You're literally going to be with Sasuke twenty-four-seven. And it's council-ordered. This is like a wet dream for you, Naruto.”
For once, Naruto had nothing to say. It felt futile to protest, in fear that he might just mess this whole thing up. Sasuke noticed the flush on his face. Naruto's reaction was comforting to him  in a strange, unfamiliar way.
“And as for your arms, Tsunade is nearly finished with the prosthetics.”
For some reason, neither of them had much of a reaction to that information. Naruto didn't care about his arm. He would figure it out. Sasuke didn't care for his either. The prosthetics were insisted upon by Sakura and Tsunade.
“Is that all?” Sasuke asked.
“Yeah, that's all. You can go to your love-nest now. Expect a visit by noon tomorrow.” Kakashi cackled.
Naruto leaned over to mumble in Sasuke’s space. “He's enjoying this.”
“Of course he fucking is.”
"And Sasuke…” Kakashi started ominously, “this is a second chance. At everything. Don't mess it up.”
Sasuke liked Shikamaru’s advice better.
Sasuke thinks Naruto's apartment suits him perfectly. It’s organized but somehow cluttered at the same time. Like everything is its proper place, but so many of his belongings are just unnecessary.
Not that it mattered to Sasuke. He didn't have that many belongings so he didn't require much room. However he didn't take the apartments setup into account. It's a single room. Bed on one side, kitchen on the other. Door to the bathroom. Privacy was obviously going to be a foreign concept in here.
It was already dark out and Naruto was heating some water. Sasuke sat at the small table and watched as he poured it into two cups of ramen. It was difficult to do one handed, but like everything else, he manages.
“When do you sleep?” Naruto asked.
“Rarely.” Sasuke mumbled.
“You ass. I meant what time?”
Sasuke shrugs. Naruto decides not to press further. He twirls his noodles around with his chop sticks. He just looks so… depressed. And Naruto is not used  to that. Maybe cynical, sure. Angry, yeah. Rude? Cold shoulder? Insulting? Always.
But this look of sadness. That's not something he wants to see.
“Don't look at me like that.” Sasuke hissed.
Naruto was taken aback, dropping his chopsticks into the cup. “Look at you like what?”
“Like you feel sorry for me.”
“I don't.”
It wasn't that he felt sorry for Sasuke because he didn't. He felt pure regret. He wanted him to be okay. Because before he ever cared about his own happiness, he wanted it for Sasuke more. Maybe if he could have shown him that, things would have turned out differently. It's hard to make him understand that he knows what he's feeling. He's been to that dark place. Feeling rejected, cast out, and alone.
“I don't feel sorry for you. But you're always shouldering everything by yourself. Don't you get tired of it?” He rasped. This was Naruto's way of being subtle. And he was very, very bad at it. Beating around the bush never got either of them anywhere.
“You're the same. Should you really be asking me that?” He retorted.
And he was right.
“I want you to be okay.” He didn't think those words would be as difficult to say as they felt. It came out without much thought, but thankfully he didn’t regret saying it. He was sure of himself.
Sasuke let out the loudest sigh Naruto has ever heard. “I am okay.”
“Are you though? This is… All so fucking weird and I just feel like you're gonna snap at any given moment.”
Sasuke was prone to sudden outbursts and occasional maniacal laughter. But thankfully this time it was soft. Soft, reassuring laughter.
“I'm not gonna snap.” He's smiling. Naruto loved it when he smiled. It might be his favorite in the whole world. “I'm okay. More than I have been.”
“Well, good!” Naruto felt flustered now. “Now eat your damn food. I'll tie you up and force feed you. I'm so serious.”
“I believe you.” Sasuke rolled his eyes and forced himself to take several bites of his food.
Surprisingly, Sasuke didn't feel as awkward as he thought he would when he settled down into Naruto's bed.
He's never really slept through the night. Sometimes he doesn't sleep at all. Just rests his body while his mind stays awake. He was aware that things weren't heathy that way, but he had been so obsessive back then. His guard was always up.
He's trying. He's really trying to be normal again. Not that he was ever abnormal, maybe just a little erratic.
He's tired of dreaming of Itachi when he shuts his eyes and let's his mind drift once in a while. As he closes his eyes He tries to will himself to think of something else. Anything else. Because even though he got to see his brother one last time, albeit his withering corpse-like appearance, he still feels like there is something unfinished.
Even though he looked him in the eyes and told him how much he loves him, there is still a hollow cold space in his heart that he can never seem to be rid of. Sometimes, rarely, he finds himself wishing that Itachi would have taken his life as well. He dreams of his small child-like self  laid out across the smooth boards of their compound next to his parents, decorated with crimson, never to wake again. But these dreams, they don't feel like nightmares. When he wakes, it feels like maybe that's how things were supposed to be. Sometimes he still wants to die. He never really cared for what happens to him after all of his intentions came to fruition.
There's a rustle in the blankets, and a blond head of hair is turning over in the softness of the pillows. Sasuke can see the bright shining blue of his eyes as clear as ever in the gleam of the moons light. He feels like they're 8 years old again. Back then, on the planks of the dock, Naruto's eyes felt like the most comforting thing in the world. It seems that they still haven't lost that spark from all those years ago. It dispels his thoughts of Itachi and death.
“I can't sleep.” Naruto whispers. He doesn't know why he whispers, it's only them.
“Count sheep.” He whispers back.
"You can't sleep either.” He smiles. “Do you get nightmares and stuff?”
Sasuke is not going to answer that question at all. But he's sure the answer shows on his face.
“I get them too.” Naruto sighs, and his smile is gone. “About you.”
“What about me?” He can't help but ask.
“You're always dying.” He jostles the covers around a little. He might have just gotten a little closer. Sasuke can't be too sure. “You're always dying and I'm powerless. Every time… I wake up I don't  know if you’re okay, or if you…” His breath hitches. “We're hurt, or even alive.”
Sasuke feels guilt suddenly. Guilt that he's felt so rarely that it was easy for him to push it back down in the past. He’s hurt Naruto. Not on purpose, never on purpose. But through circumstance. Either he was trying to kill him or make him his very last priority. He's been horribly inconsistent with him and he's never regretted it more in this very moment. He doesn't want to hurt him anymore.
“When I started thinking about it too much… it was like  I couldn't breathe.” He scooted. Always closer. “I just can't believe that you're actually here with me…”
Sasuke was still silent. It was hard to talk back. Because he knew he would say something that he could never live down. It looked like Naruto was shaking. It looked like maybe it was happening now, given that Naruto's breathing seemed irregular.
“I'm sorry- I'm sorry I'll stop. Just- sorry.” And he's turning around and away from Sasuke.
Sasuke stops him. Pulls him closer. He was never one for words. Not really. He tugged at Naruto and pulled him to his chest. Naruto folded into him like it was the only thing he's ever really wanted from him.
Sasuke can't remember that last time he had a hug. A proper one. This felt like more than that. It pains him to think that he could have always had this. He's missed Naruto more than he ever though possible. Because No matter where he went, no matter the people he knew, no one would ever love him as much as Naruto. It was so unconditional, and even though it may have taken him forever, he's finally starting to understand why.
He feels a soft tremble and slight hitch of breath from Naruto.
“Are you crying?” He asks Naruto without ridicule.
“Yeah. Guess I am. A little.” Naruto laughs. He's never been more relieved in his life. Sasuke is here with him, alive and breathing and in his arms. He has his best friend back. He's never given up, but he never knew if his determination would reach a resolve. He didn't know if he would really be able to keep going, keep fighting, if Sasuke wasn't going to be  at the end of his road.
He is. He's here.
Sasuke holds him tight, pressing his chest against him, his only arm wrapped around him  completely. It feels nice to touch Naruto. For the first time in a long time he's touching him without hurting him. There's no intent to strike or burn or injure and it's so relieving that it's come to this.
“I'm not leaving.” Sasuke says in his ear. “Not this time.” There's a slight painful veer in in his soft tone. Naruto is dozing, but notices and huffs out a distressed breath.
He means it. Naruto almost doesn't believe what he hears. But the silence that follows is somehow reassuring. Sasuke's hand running softly though his hair, is all the convincing he needs.
It's still taking some getting used to. He doesn't know if he'll be able to touch him like this regularly without hesitation. But he feels like Naruto needs the comfort, and he has to start somewhere.
They fall asleep like that. Real sleep. The kind where they don't wake up with a cold sweat and a racing heart. The kind where in the morning, you don't want to get out of bed. The kind that Naruto hoped would come every night after this one.
As Naruto’s consciousness ebbs away he can't help but have his last thought be a troublesome one. The thought that Sasuke could disappear again is so real in his mind. But he saves it for later. Puts it off. He'll put a lot of things off if just to have this a little longer.
It's late. And while there's two scarred up and battle worn shinobi fast asleep under a blanket, Sakura is across the village knocking on the hokage’s office door.
She's antsy and impatient. The relief she thought she would feel when Sasuke returned home has slowly ebbed into anxious worry over the passing hours.
“Come in.” Comes a muffled voice from behind the door.
Sakura opens the door and strides over to Kakashi’s desk, taking a place in the chair in front of him.
He's trifling through paperwork, stacks and stacks of it. He lifts his gaze to regard her twisted expression.
"Stressed?" he asks her sarcastically.
She doesn't waste any time. “The tapes are broken at the Uchiha compound.” She says expectantly, waiting for him to answer.
"So they are.” He tufts. “You should've figured they would be.”
She makes a small humming sound.
"Don't worry.” He says, finally looking up at her properly. “He's with Naruto. He's living with him for now.”
It doesn't ease her thoughts.
“They'll kill each other.” She scoffs. “Sooner or later.” She doesn't like the way the words sound when they leave her mouth.
“Don't jinx it.” He says, like he isn't taking her seriously.
“How can you think this is a good idea?” She asks him incredulously, crossing her arms.
He puts his pen down and leans back in his seat.
“I'm the last person to baby anyone. You know that.”
She waits for him to continue, becoming more fidgety by the second. He has that tone like she's being excessive or ridiculous.
“He needs to heal. Make up for all the lost time. And most importantly find his purpose. He's in limbo right now. And We both know Naruto is more than capable of helping him get there.”
She sighs out frustrated. “I… Know. But it seems…”
“It seems like you're paranoid. And tired. So get some sleep and let me worry about the rest.”
She hates being cut off, but she could never argue with Kakashi. It's just not something she does. So she leaves his office trying to to convince herself that this is for the best.
It doesn't work.
211 notes · View notes
kuriquinn · 8 years
Gal Friday
Summary: Sasuke frowns and puts down the tumbler and turns around, expecting one of his shareholders or perhaps one of the shark-like women from legal to be addressing him. What he encounters instead is a woman with a shock of bubble-gum pink hair and eyes the colour of seafoam, smiling at him as if she has known him her entire life. [SasuSaku Festival 2017 – Day 11 – Prompt: "CEO & Assistant"]
Disclaimer: This story utilizes characters, situations and premises that are copyright Masashi Kishimoto, Shueisha, Shonen Jump and Viz Media. No infringement on their respective copyrights pertaining to episodes, novelizations, comics or short stories is intended by the author in any way, shape or form. This fan oriented story is written solely for the author's own amusement and the entertainment of the readers. It is not for profit. Any resemblance to real organizations, institutions, products or persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. All fiction, plot and Original Characters with the exception of those introduced in the books, manga, video games, novelizations and anime, are the sole creation of KuriQuinn and using them without permission is considered rude, in bad-taste and will reflect seriously on your credibility as a writer. A pink-haired dynamo will deduce you into submission should you be found plagiarizing.
Warning: Real World AU. Slight OOC? Maybe? Well, I kind of figure the Sakura of this fic is just who Inner Sakura would have been if she were the main character, so there. Some of Sakura's speech based off of Donna Paulsen and Sherlock Holmes
AN: I think I will continue this one at a later date. I like the idea of assistant Sakura and CEO Sasuke intrigues me…
Beta Reader: Sakura's Unicorn
"You know, when someone is given his father's flagship company, he can at least pretend to finish the drink his board of directors bought him."
Sasuke frowns and puts down the tumbler, turning around. He expects the voice to belong to one of his shareholders or perhaps one of the shark-like women from legal. What he sees instead is a woman with a shock of bubble-gum pink hair and eyes the colour of seafoam smiling at him as if she's known him her entire life.
He looks her over. She's around his age – early twenties – and from her posture, utterly at ease in her own skin, yet not in the aggressive way he's come to expect from the women who frequent this place. His gaze lingers a half-second longer on her hair, then he raises an eyebrow. "Have we been introduced?"
"Not yet," she replies, and her smile gets a little mischievous. "But that's why today's your lucky day."
"I see. Because, somehow, meeting you for the first time is going to be an epically life-changing moment."
A flush of colour passes across her cheeks. "Oh. Well, I was going to say something like that, but you took the words right out of my mouth."
"Hm." He decides to drink the whiskey after all and downs it one gulp. "Please excuse me –"
"Haruno," she supplies. "Haruno Sakura."
"Whatever," he dismisses, already tired of being polite. "I have to go –"
" – pretend to give a shit about kabuki dolls for Sabakuno Kankuro so he puts a good word for you with Suna Corp?" This brings him up short and he shoots her another surprised glance as she continues, "Their nanotechnology has the potential to revolutionise your company's work in the field of robotics. Especially when it comes to prosthetics. And it's no secret that you and the current CEO don't get along, Uchiha-san."
He narrows his eyes. "Are you some kind of reporter?"
"God, no." She makes a face. "I like my soul where it is."
"Then how is it you know so much about me?"
"I know about everybody," she replies, "but what I don't know is why when you were given the chance to take over one of your family's companies, you didn't jump at smartphones or defense tech. I mean, that's where the market is right now. And probably for the foreseeable future."
It's a question no one else bothered to ask him. Not even his father when he gave him the company. The whole handover reeked of indifference, really. Perhaps that's why he finds himself answering her.
"Because that's what anyone in my position would be expected to do. The decision to tackle something as vital as medical prostheses, which need to be accessible to people, yet still profitable for the company is ambitious. And it's the kind of move that –"
" – puts your name in the paper and establishes your reputation," she finishes. "Especially considering your age."
Sasuke considers her for a minute and smirks. "So, the hair is to throw people off, right?"
"I have no idea what you mean," she replies innocently, tossing the aforementioned locks. "It's all the rage in Europe right now."
"We're not in Europe right now."
"No, but with your money, we could be," she quips. "So, how about, instead of heading across nine time zones to confirm that, you buy me a drink and we can continue this conversation in the corner?"
"How about we don't and you just say what you came here to say?" he counters. "I doubt you approached me just to talk about my company. You want something."
"I do."
"I appreciate your blunt honesty," he says. "Allow me to return it – I have no interest in sleeping with you."
She turns slightly pinker, but it's not in embarrassment or shame, the way someone who has been caught out would react. Instead, it's almost in offense. "Well good. That's something we can agree on up front."
"Up front of…"
"I want to work for you," she tells him.
"I'm not a hiring manager."
"No. You're the CEO of a Fortune 500 company which is known for meticulously following every ethical guideline and standard of quality, and you're planning on making prosthetic robot arms for the underprivileged." Off his surprised look she rolls her eyes and says, "Please, if you're looking to make headlines, that's the most obvious way to do it."
He purses his lips. "And you want your name attached to that?"
He's not actually entertaining this, but he can respect someone with ambition. Which is why her next response again surprises him.
"No, I don't."
He raises a questioning eyebrow.
"Listen, I'm pre-med," she tells him. "And I can't afford school now, but one day, I'm going to be the best damn pediatric surgeon in the country. I want to work for someone whose products are helping to change the field I intend to work in, and who isn't going to expect me to stick around for more than a few years. Someone who understands that I can perform with absolute perfection, but can also accept that I need certain nights off for school."
"So, you're already asking for time off."
"Yes, but I feel I'm going above and beyond by telling you in advance."
"Admirable of you, but for all I know, you could be some deranged stalker."
"Oh, I have credentials. I just think my talents are a better selling point. A man in your position needs someone working with him who knows people. Me? I know people."
"I fail to be convinced."
"All right," she replies, her eyes narrowing at him and her jaw clenching. "Let me demonstrate." Her gaze roves over him for a split second, and then she nods to herself. "You've been overseas recently. Twice in the past month, actually. Somewhere sunny, but it wasn't recreational. Business. Probably California, more likely Arizona."
He raises an eyebrow. "And how would you know that?"
"Your watch – it's the latest model A. Lange & Söhne which only came out last month. The date it's set to is two days ago which means you've crossed the dateline twice, but didn't think to change it. If you're too busy to change it, it means you were not relaxing on a beach somewhere. Silicone Valley is home to a lot of your clients which would make sense – but Arizona has a high concentration of optics companies which would be more in tune with your plans for the future."
Sasuke nods thoughtfully.
"That's an impressive trick, but that's information you could've read about in any business journal or newspaper, if you looked hard enough."
"Oh, I'm not done," she informs him unabashedly, and continues, "You're glad for this opportunity, but you really only see it as a means to an end. If being appointed CEO was something you actually wanted, you'd be wearing a better suit. That Brioni looks good on you, but it's about four years old." She peers closer and smirks a little. "The dimple in your tie is too far to the right, and considering how meticulously you're wearing everything else, that means your mind is on something else. Girlfriend or family. Probably family because you don't have a girlfriend – or want one, if your earlier response to me was any indication. In fact, you're uninterested in any kind of emotional attentions – possibly because of your family – as you completely ignored the phone number the bartender slipped you with your drink."
Sasuke has to reign in the impulse to check the napkin under his glass.
"You didn't want to come to this dinner tonight, not just because it's a family obligation, but because you're already in a bad mood."
"Why do you say that?" he asks before he can stop himself, and frowns, feeling abruptly furious with himself.
"Because of the way you hold your elbow," she states. "Like it's injured. All the magazines say you practice kendo – a shinai to the elbow is a common enough injury. It would cause massive bruising, even in a seasoned practitioner. Bending that arm is probably agonising right now, and pain makes even normal people grumpy. You're already known for disliking social situations, so this is probably making it worse. You don't strike me as the type who takes painkillers, either, so you're powering through it."
She stops, takes a few breaths, and then crosses her arms in challenge. "And that, Uchiha-san, is what I do. And considering – from what I've seen – you have the emotional range of a teaspoon, you'll need someone like me if you want your business ventures to succeed."
Sasuke sits in silence for almost a full minute, running through every bit of information she's just given him through his mind, all the while considering her. For such a tiny woman, she presents an intimidating picture, radiating stubborn will and composure at the same time.
He doesn't want to admit it, but he is impressed. He's observant by nature, but can freely admit that his lack of interest in other people stops him from considering their intentions or personal feelings. To have someone able to read a potential client or business partner to that extent would be helpful.
And having someone who has no problem waylaying irritating, blond attorneys who reek of ramen, or stalling calls from his brother that he'll return on the twelfth of never –
Well, that could be useful as well.
Sasuke snorts. "You're annoying," he informs her, but something must show in his face that her ever-observant eyes pick up because she beams.
"I'll email you my C.V. and references tomorrow morning."
"Hm." He turns back to the bar and motions for another two drinks. "Make an appointment with your hairdresser at the same time. The pink has to go.
"You're going to learn to love the pink," she informs him blithely and with the same certainty she's displayed the whole evening.
His eyes rove over her when she's not looking, and he reflects that it's possible she's right about that.
I hope you enjoyed the story! As part of the SasuSakuFestival, please go to the ssfest page and vote, like and/or reblog, it would be majorly appreciated!
Sequel Here
122 notes · View notes
sasusakufestival · 8 years
Gal Friday
Summary: Sasuke frowns and puts down the tumbler and turns around, expecting one of his shareholders or perhaps one of the shark-like women from legal to be addressing him. What he encounters instead is a woman with a shock of bubble-gum pink hair and eyes the colour of seafoam, smiling at him as if she has known him her entire life. [SasuSaku Festival 2017 – Day 11 – Prompt: “CEO & Assistant”]
Disclaimer: This story utilizes characters, situations and premises that are copyright Masashi Kishimoto, Shueisha, Shonen Jump and Viz Media. No infringement on their respective copyrights pertaining to episodes, novelizations, comics or short stories is intended by the author in any way, shape or form. This fan oriented story is written solely for the author’s own amusement and the entertainment of the readers. It is not for profit. Any resemblance to real organizations, institutions, products or persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. All fiction, plot and Original Characters with the exception of those introduced in the books, manga, video games, novelizations and anime, are the sole creation of KuriQuinn and using them without permission is considered rude, in bad-taste and will reflect seriously on your credibility as a writer. A pink-haired dynamo will deduce you into submission should you be found plagiarizing.
Warning: Real World AU.  Slight OOC? Maybe? Well, I kind of figure the Sakura of this fic is just who Inner Sakura would have been if she were the main character instead of Outer Sakura, so there. Some of Sakura’s dialogue based off of Donna Paulsen and Sherlock Holmes
AN: I think I will continue this one at a later date. I like the idea of assistant Sakura and CEO Sasuke intrigues me…
“You know, when someone is given his father’s flagship company, he can at least pretend to finish the drink his board of directors’ bought him.”
Sasuke frowns and puts down the tumbler, turning around. He expects the voice to belong to one of his shareholders or perhaps one of the shark-like women from legal to be addressing him. What he encounters instead is a woman with a shock of bubble-gum pink hair and eyes the colour of seafoam, smiling at him as if she has known him her entire life.
She’s around his age – early twenties – and from her posture, utterly at ease in her own skin, yet not in the aggressive way he has come to expect from the women that frequent this place.
His gaze lingers a half-second longer on her hair, then he raises an eyebrow. “Have we been introduced?”
“Not yet,” she replies, and her smile gets a little mischievous. “But that’s why today’s your lucky day.”
“I see. Because somehow, meeting you for the first time is going to be an epically life-changing moment.”
A flush of colour passes across her cheeks. “Oh. Well, I was going to say something like that, but you took the words right out of my mouth.”
“Hm.” He decides to drink the whiskey after all, downs it one gulp, and replaces the tumbler on the counter. “Please excuse me –”
“Haruno,” she supplies. “Haruno Sakura.”
“Whatever,” he dismisses, already tired of being polite. “I have to go –”
“ – pretend to give a shit about kabuki dolls to Sabaku Kankuro so that he puts a good word for you with Suna Corp?” This brings him up short and he shoots her another surprised glance as she continues, “Their nanotechnology has the potential to revolutionise your company’s work in the field of robotics. Especially when it comes to prosthetics. And it’s no secret you and the current CEO don’t get along, Uchiha-san.”
He narrows his eyes. “Are you some kind of reporter?”
“God, no.” She makes a face. “I like my soul where it is.”
“Then how is it you know so much about me?”
“I know about everybody,” she replies, “but what I don’t know is why when you were given the chance to take over one of your family’s companies, you didn’t jump at smartphones or defense tech. I mean, that’s where the market is right now. And probably for the foreseeable future.”
It’s a question no one else has bothered to ask him. Not even his father, when he gave him the company. The whole handover reeked of indifference, really. Perhaps that’s why he finds himself answering her.
“Because that’s what anyone in my position would be expected to do. The decision to tackle something as vital as medical prostheses, which need to be accessible to people, yet still profitable for the company is ambitious. And it’s the kind of move that –”
“ – puts your name in the paper and establishes your reputation,” she finishes. “Especially considering your age.”
Sasuke considers her for a minute and smirks. “So, the hair is to throw people off, right?”
“I have no idea what you mean,” she replies innocently, tossing the aforementioned locks. “It’s all the rage in Europe right now.”
“We’re not in Europe right now.”
“No, but with your money, we could be,” she quips. “So how about instead of heading across nine time zones to confirm that, you buy me a drink and we can continue this conversation in the corner?”
“How about we don’t and you just say what you came here to say?” he counters. “I doubt you approached me just to talk about my company. You want something.”
“I do.”
“I appreciate your blunt honesty,” he says. “Allow me to return it – I have no interest in sleeping with you.”
She turns slightly pinker, but it’s not in embarrassment or shame, the way someone who has been caught out would react. Instead, it’s almost in offense. “Well good, that’s something we can agree on up front.”
“Up front of…?”
“I want to work for you,” she tells him.
“I’m not a hiring manager.”
“No. You’re the CEO of a Fortune 500 Company, which is known for meticulously following every ethical guideline and standard of quality, and you’re planning on making prosthetic robot arms available for the underprivileged.” Off his surprised look she rolls her eyes and says, “Please, if you’re looking to make headlines, that’s the most obvious way to do it.”
He purses his lips. “And you want your name attached to that?”
He’s not actually entertaining this, but he can respect someone with ambition. Which is why her next response again surprises him.
“No, I don’t.”
He raises a questioning eyebrow.
“Listen, I’m pre-Med,” she tells him. “And I can’t afford school now, but one day I’m going to be the best damn pediatric surgeon in the country. And I want to work for someone whose products are helping to change the field I intend to work in, and who isn’t going to expect me to stick around for more than a few years. Someone who understands that I can perform with absolute perfection, but can also accept that I need certain nights off for school.”
“So, you’re already asking for time off.”
“Yes, but I feel I’m going above and beyond to tell you in advance.”
“Admirable of you, but for all I know you could be some deranged stalker off the streets.”
“Oh, I have credentials. I just think my talents are a better selling point. A man in your position needs someone working with him who knows people. Me? I know people.”
“I fail to be convinced.”
“Alright,” she replies, her eyes narrowing at him and her jaw clenched. “Let me demonstrate.” Her gaze roves over him for a split second, and then she nods to herself. “You’ve been overseas recently. Twice in the past month, actually. Somewhere sunny, but it wasn’t recreational. Business. Probably California, more likely Arizona.”
He raises an eyebrow. “And how would you know that?”
“Your watch. That’s the latest model A. Lange & Söhne, which only came out last month. And the date it’s set to is two days ago, which means you’ve crossed the dateline twice, but didn’t think to change it. If you’re too busy to change it, it means you were probably not relaxing on a beach somewhere. Silicone Valley is the home to a lot of your clients, which would make sense – but Arizona has a high concentration of optics companies, which would be more in tune with your plans for the company.”
Sasuke nods thoughtfully.
“That’s an impressive trick, but that’s information you could have read about in any business journal or newspaper, if you looked hard enough.”
“Oh, I’m not done,” she informs him unabashedly, and continues, “You’re glad for this opportunity, but you really only see it as a means to an end. If being appointed CEO was something you actually wanted, you’d be wearing better suit. That Brioni looks good on you, but it’s about four years old.” She peers closer and smirks a little. “The dimple in your tie is too far to the right, and considering how meticulously you’re wearing everything else, that means your mind is on something else. Girlfriend or family. Probably family, because you don’t have a girlfriend – or want one, if your earlier response to me was any indication. In fact, you’re uninterested in any kind of emotional attentions – possibly because of your family – as you completely ignored the phone number the bartender slipped when he gave you your drink.”
Sasuke has to reign in the impulse to check the napkin where he replaced his glass.
“You didn’t want to come to this dinner tonight, not just because it’s a family obligation, but because you’re already in a bad mood.”
“Why do you say that?” he asks before he can stop himself, and frowns, feeling abruptly furious with himself.
“Because of the way you hold your elbow,” she states. “Like it’s injured. All the magazines say you practice kendo – a shinai to the elbow is a common enough injury. It would cause massive bruising, even in a seasoned practitioner. Bending that arm is probably agonising right now, and pain makes even normal people grumpy. You’re already known for disliking social situations, so this is probably making it worse. You don’t strike me as the type who takes painkillers, either, so you’re powering through it.”
She stops, takes a few breaths, and then crosses her arms in challenge. “And that, Uchiha-san, is what I do. And considering from what I’ve seen you have the emotional range of a teaspoon, you’ll need someone like me if you want your business ventures to succeed.”
Sasuke sits in silence for almost a full minute, running through every bit of information she has just given him through his mind, all the while considering her. For such a tiny woman, she offers an intimidating picture, radiating stubborn will and composure at the same time. 
He doesn’t want to admit it, but he is impressed. He’s observant by nature, but he can freely admit that his lack of interest in other people stops him from considering their intentions or personal feelings. To have someone able to read a potential client or business partner to that extent would be helpful.
And having someone who has no problem waylaying irritating, blond attorneys that reek of ramen or stalling calls from his brother that he’ll return on the twelfth of never –
Well, that could be useful as well.
He snorts.
“You’re annoying,” he informs her, but something must show in his face that her ever observant eyes pick up, because she beams.
“I’ll email you my C.V. and references tomorrow morning.”
“Hm.” He turns back to the bar and motions for another two drinks. “Make an appointment with your hairdresser at the same time. The pink has to go.
“You’re going to learn to love the pink,” she informs him blithely, and with the same certainty she’s displayed the whole evening.
His eyes rove over her when she’s not looking, and he reflects that it’s possible she’s right about that.
I hope you enjoyed the story! As part of the SasuSakuFestival, please go to the ssfest page and vote, like and/or reblog, it would be majorly appreciated!
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