#//My fingers are definitely crossed for that!
cottonlemonade · 2 days
Atsumu’s New Girlfriend
word count: 656 || avg. reading time: 2 mins.
pairing: post-time skip!Atsumu x chubby!Reader (feat. MSBY)
genre: fluff, crack, established relationship
warnings: spoilers
synopsis: Atsumu’s team doubts your existence
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It wasn’t news to anyone that Atsumu came to work with a superior smirk and a not-so-humble brag on his lips but recently it seemed to have increased exponentially. Without much, or really any, resistance, he happily told his teammates that he went and got himself a girlfriend and would not stop talking about how great you were. From all the stories his friends had heard by now you were stunning, smart, beautiful, kind, gorgeous, got along great with his mom, and laughed at all his jokes. That alone gave them all reason to believe that you were entirely made up.
But one day they went to talk with their PR manager, going over contracts for a new brand deal and as they waited for the elevator Atsumu suddenly pointed to a framed newspaper article and called, “Hey! That’s my girlfriend!”
Curious despite their better judgment, the team crowded around the article and studied the group photo at the top. Sakusa didn’t waste any time and pointed to a trash can that was somewhat off in the background. “That one?”
He easily dodged the slap on the shoulder that would have earned him.
Atsumu grumbled something under his breath and then put his finger to the glass again, pointing to a young woman on the left, dressed in an immaculately tailored pantsuit that sat perfectly on your curves, a confident smile on your face. Underneath the picture, it listed the names and professions of the five people.
“Lawyer?!”, the others called in unison.
With the smuggest grin anyone had ever worn, Atsumu crossed his arms and nodded.
“Do you know what a lawyer is?”, Sakusa asked with a brow raised in doubt, “Can you even spell it?”
“Just because you hired her and see her regularly, doesn’t make her your girlfriend.”, Meian added carefully.
“I didn’t hire her. I just talked to her.”,
Sakusa didn’t buy it. “You talked to her? With words? And she liked you?”
“Uh huh, just talked to her like normal.” The setter shrugged.
“Yeah, but you opening your mouth is usually where it ends.”, Bokuto said sheepishly.
“Maybe she isn’t normal either.”, Sakusa muttered.
“I’m gonna prove it to ya!”, Atsumu called, a very prominent blush on his face, “She is at my place right now waiting for me. Let’s all go there!”
“Honey, I’m hooome!”, Atsumu called as soon as he pushed open the front door. He immediately regretted it because he had never done that before but when there was no reply, Hinata, Bokuto, and Sakusa looked at him with pity. The rest of the team, not wanting to add to his probable humiliation, decided to leave it to his friends to tease him.
“She must be in the kitchen and can’t hear. She likes to listen to music.”, Atsumu explained as he kicked off his shoes, in a tone that sounded as if listening to music while cooking was somehow the quirkiest thing ever.
And truly, now that he said it, faint music was heard, coming from a room at the far end of the entryway. Atsumu half jogged, half slid with his socks on the wooden floor, and opened the door in question. The others followed.
There you were, in an untucked blouse over pinstripe dress pants with a makeshift apron - a dish towel tucked into the collar - offering a (loud and) highly emotional rendition of the Spirit soundtrack as you stirred something that smelled absolutely heavenly on the stove. The three guests let out a long “Ohhhhh” in understanding, then continued to watch for a few stunned moments, before Atsumu broke from the group.
“Hey babe.”, he purred and shuffled over to hug and kiss you Hello.
You wiped the tears the song had brought to your eyes away and looked past him to his friends, not a singular ounce of embarrassment on your face, you said, “I definitely didn’t make enough for all y’all.”
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art: @_hermoon on Twitter
a/n: Just something silly. Also, Spirit is a phenomenal movie and never fails to make me cry!
brainstorm powered by @haikyu-mp4
170 notes · View notes
midnitecafe · 2 days
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magnolia's midnight cafe
56 notes · View notes
slashbitch2 · 1 day
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Summary: when murder comes to Westview in the form of a masked killer, you begin to doubt whether you can trust those closest to you...
Wanda Maximoff x Fem!Reader, Implied Yelena Belova x Fem!Reader, Hinted Peter Parker x Fem!Reader
TW: rather mild smut, dubious consent, blood, violence, injury, death, homophobia, murder... basically the whole plot of the first scream film so if you can survive that im sure you will be fine lol, also spoilers for scream (1996)
W.C: 19.0k words
The words on the screen had already started to blur. Black words on a white screen merged into a sort of greyish mess. Your eyes longed to close, your hands itching to shut down the computer for the night, but onwards you pressed, fingers feverously darting across the keyboard. Everything else in your bedroom was still, lulled into peace by early moonlight seeping through an open window. A quick glance at the time revealed it was already 10pm. You figured that soon you ought to give up and start getting ready for bed…
A thud sounded somewhere outside, your head whipping towards the open window- which no longer displayed the empty night sky, but a figure, hunched over and perched precariously on the windowsill.
An intruder.
Your heart stopped.
And then, the stranger flicked a wave of dark auburn hair out of their face, and your heart continued to beat an irregular pattern. Wanda Maximoff, your girlfriend, who was rubbing her head where she’d smacked it against the roof ledge.
“Jeez.” At this revelation, you shot up from your seat and walked over to the window, tugging it all the way open. “You scared the shit out of me, Wanda.”
She grinned at you, swinging her legs through the frame, hoisting herself inside. “I’m sorry. Don’t hate me. I just wanted to see you.” Her feet landed with a gentle thud, dragging mud onto your white carpet.
“It’s late.” You folded your arms and stared, unimpressed at her cocky expression. “If my dad catches you…”
“I’ll only stay a sec.” She reassured though you were still hesitant. Noticing this, she opened her arms, beckoning you closer. “Come here. Please.”
You obliged and stepped forward, but kept your arms crossed as a physical barrier between you, maintaining the act that you were annoyed at Wanda. More than anything you were just concerned. She was already unpopular with your father, and if he caught her here, it’d surely spell the end of your relationship.
Wanda huffed, hooked a finger in the waistband of your sweatpants and dragged you towards her. You stumbled into her arms, feeling them wrap securely around your back as you reciprocated the embrace. She nuzzled her face into the crook of your neck which, as always, made you melt.
“I’ll make it up to you.” She whispered, the sensation of her warm breath against your skin sending goosebumps throughout your body.
“Oh yeah?” Something daring seeped into your tone as you pulled away to stare at her face, gently brushing a strand of hair behind her ear. “For scaring me? Or for the inevitable grounding I’m going to get when my dad discovers you visited?”
“That won’t happen.” She scoffed, nails digging into your waist. “I’ve already been here a couple minutes and he hasn’t come running.”
“Yet...” You shook your head. “But he’ll definitely know when he sees the mud you’ve tracked onto my carpet.”
You saw how her gaze flickered down to your lips and stayed there. “I can help clean it up.” She promised, with no real intention behind her words.
“Alright.” You scanned her face, noticing how blown out her pupils were, saw the slight red tint to her cheeks, watched closely as she licked her lips. You unconsciously leant forward, eyes closing, holding your breath to place a gentle kiss against her lips. Her grip on your waist tightened almost painfully as she immediately deepened the kiss, your mouth naturally parting to allow her entry.
You hummed, savouring the sweet taste of her, contrasting with the way she desperately pressed herself against you. As though she wanted the two of you to permanently merge, never to separate. Her obsession with you was intoxicating. You felt her tongue trace along your teeth, the kiss turning messy as Wanda pushed you back, step by step until your knees hit the edge of your bed.
She held onto you, slowing your fall against the soft mattress, her lips instantly returning to yours as she clambered on top of you. Your heart was no longer racing. It was pounding. But now wasn’t the time to let this go any further.
“Wanda...” You murmured, trying to break away.
She bit against your bottom lip, almost painfully. Her hands were all over you, brushing against the exposed skin of your stomach, up and underneath your shirt. As she began trying to get under your bra, you finally caught hold of her forearm, halting her advance.
“Wanda.” You repeated. Firmer, this time.
Seeing your serious expression, she sighed and sat up. A chill suffused across your body at the loss of contact, worsened by the flicker of annoyance that crossed her face. She was breathing heavily, jaw clenched as she took in your vulnerable position, the heat in her gaze increasing.
“See what you do to me.” She quirked an eyebrow, the corners of her lips quirking up.
You pushed yourself up, leaned against the headboard of your bed and appreciated her dishevelled state. “You know what my dad would do to you?” You reprimanded, reminding her of the reason for breaking it off.
“Fine.” She raised her hands in surrender, hopping off the bed. “I’m going… I’m going.”
You followed her to the window. “Very gentle-womanly of you.”
She placed her hands on the frame, lifting herself up and through.
“Hey.” You placed your hand over hers, stopping her before she disappeared back into the night. “Be safe, alright?” The drop below her wasn’t too far, but the lack of light made it look like some gaping black void ready to swallow her up.
“I will. Pietro’s waiting down the street. He’ll walk me home.”
“Good.” You nodded.
“And, about all…that.” She inclined her head towards the now ruffled bedsheets. “I’m not trying to rush you with any of that.”
You softened at her anxious apology and bent down to plant a chaste kiss against her cheek. “I know, it’s fine. I do want all of that, just… not now.” You shared a smile with her, then added, “but soon.”
“I know.” Wanda bit her lip, eyes sparkling mischievously. “I’ll see you soon, Y/N.”
‘Soon’ came quicker than you would’ve thought. You slept soundly that night and found your alarm blaring at you to get up after what felt like barely ten minutes since you had closed your eyes. It took you a while to actually get up, not because you were reluctant to start the day, quite the opposite in fact. You lay there, wondering what the day would bring, dreaming of walking into school and being greeted by your girlfriend and friends.
You were the happiest you’d ever been since transferring there, and it wasn’t just because of Wanda. There was also Peter Parker, your film fanatic friend, Kate Bishop, who was dating Wanda’s twin brother Pietro, and Yelena Belova, who you would meet halfway on your walk to school every morning. Except for today…
You had waited as long as you could, but she never showed. It wasn’t uncommon for her to skip days, but usually, she called you the night before to inform you of her plans. At first, you were rather annoyed by her unannounced absence- but that annoyance was replaced by concern as soon as you arrived at school, seeing the six police cars, four news vans and a scattered crowd of onlookers stationed outside.
The sudden commotion surrounding your school left you confused and dazed, walking amongst the chaos trying desperately to gather any idea of what had happened here. You stopped in front of one of the reporters talking to a camera, your interest peaking as you recognised her. Pepper Potts. She was one of the local news presenters, infamous for often orchestrating her own version of dull stories to make headline.
“The small town of Westview, New Jersey was devastated last night when a young teenage girl was found brutally butchered in her own home.” Pepper’s expression was grave, her clothing abrasively colourful and ill-fitting for the unfolding story. “Authorities have yet to issue a statement, but our sources tell us that no arrest has been made yet.”
You felt suddenly and inexplicably hot with panic, yet frozen in place.
“The question on all of our minds: could this murderer strike again?”
Westview had never been subjected to such horrors before, the idea of a serial killer operating in your midst being previously unthinkable. Your mind flickered suddenly to Yelena and her sudden disappearance. The logical part of you refused to jump to conclusions but did nothing to stop anxiety from rising in the pit of your stomach.
A finger tapped against your shoulder, dragging you from your spiralling worries. You swivelled round to meet Kate’s warm brown eyes, which were unusually stormy and frantic. “Do you believe this shit?”
“What happened?” You asked instead, praying that Kate somehow already knew more than you.
And she did. “Oh god! You don’t know?” Her lips turned downwards as she scanned the scene thoughtfully. Fearfully. “Yelena was killed last night.”
“What.” You felt the ground drop out from beneath your feet, legs almost buckling under the sudden shock.
“And not just killed, Y/N. We’re talking slasher movie killed- split open end to end.”
“Alright.” You waved off her overly descriptive explanation, pinching the bridge of your nose and taking a deep breath. This wasn’t real. It couldn’t be. There was no way Yelena was dead. She was just at home, lazing in bed because she hadn’t done her English assignment.
You thought of her messy, blonde hair, her sharp hazel eyes. Thought of her untidy bedroom floor you had spent so many sleepovers on, her parents always so welcoming. You thought of the stray dog she had been feeding for the last couple of years. Who would look after him now?
“God.” You clutched at your stomach, tried not to heave at the realisation that this was real. Someone wanted Yelena dead and had succeeded.
“Shit. I’m so sorry.” Kate placed a gentle, comforting hand on your back then swiftly removed it. “I didn’t think… I forgot you guys were… friends.”
“It’s fine.” You shook off the concern, forcibly standing up straight and glancing around. “I’m guessing the police will probably want to talk to me.”
“Yeah… probably.” Kate agreed feebly. “They’ve been rounding up friends of Yelena on the way in for interviews.”
The sickness settled in your chest. One you would have to learn to live with, to allow to stew into anger. “Do they have any idea who did this?”
“No. Peter said his uncle is on the case, and that it’s the worst crime he’s ever seen.” You looked back at Kate’s face, deeply pained. “It’s bad. They’re bringing in the feds. This is big.”
“Shit.” You said, at a loss for words.
“Shit indeed.” Kate agreed.
As predicted, you were instantly called into questioning in the principal’s office. It was intimidating to walk in and see a room full of cops with the headmaster, Nicky Fury sitting calmly at his desk. The man always looked extremely serious, but today was something else entirely. The frown he wore seemed engraved into his face like it was carved out of solid stone.
“Miss Y/L/N.” He gestured to the chair opposite. “Please, have a seat.”
Reluctantly, you sat down, then noticed the officer stood to Fury’s left: Tony Stark. He was Peter Parker’s uncle, and as such, the least menacing figure in the room.
“Hey Tony.” You greeted out of habit, wringing your hands in your lap.
“It’s Deputy Stark today, kid.” He corrected, crossing his arms.
“Sorry.” You muttered, glancing around the room at all the unfamiliar faces, feeling worse and worse. Although there was no spotlight shining in your face, it felt no less like a persecution.
Nonetheless, you answered all their questions to the best of your knowledge, trying your hardest not to imagine poor Yelena, left lying face down in a pool of her own blood. She had never been the type to be squeamish or frightened, and right now, you wished you had just a fraction of her courage…
By the time your interrogation- or interview, as they had been referring to it- was over, the lunch bell had just rung. You slung your backpack over your shoulder and headed to the courtyard where you normally ate lunch, though you had no appetite today. With every question the officers had asked, every gentle, probing ‘are you alright’ you had grown more and more sick. You looked a mess. Pale. Unfocused. Very seriously considering calling your dad to come pick you up…
“Hey!” A familiar voice broke through the general ruckus of the courtyard. “Y/N, over here.” It was Pietro, waving you over, his other arm slung over Kate’s shoulder possessively. As per usual, Pietro seemed his usual obnoxious self, totally unbothered by everything that was happening. Kate smiled at you pitifully, while Wanda, sat to her left, eyed you up with a wariness as you approached.
It was Peter, always the fifth wheel, who budged over to make room for you. You forced a thankful smile at him, muttered a brief hello to everyone else, and sat as close to Wanda as possible. She appeared to snap back into reality, wrapping an arm around your waist and tugging you closer, playing the role of concerned girlfriend perfectly. You sunk into her embrace, relaxed at the familiar smell of her shampoo and perfume, soaked up the warmth from her body and closed your eyes.
Temporarily, the nauseating sensation faded.
“Hunt? Why would they ask if you like to hunt?” Kate frowned at Pietro, and whatever tale he had been spinning while you hadn’t been paying attention.
Your eyes fluttered open as you picked up on the middle of their conversation. Wanda leant into your ear to whisper, “Pietro was called into interrogation too. He sits next to her in English.”
“Probably because her body was gutted.” He scoffed.
You flinched, despite having already accepted that Yelena’s murder would be the only topic of conversation for the following couple of months.
“Wow, thanks for that Piet.” Kate scolded, ever aware of your reaction.
“They didn’t ask me if I like to hunt.” Peter chimed in, to which everyone looked at him, confused. “They questioned me too. Not sure why. I saw her in the library sometimes, but that was it.”
“They didn’t ask you because… well- look at you!” Pietro snorted, gesturing at Peter who, admittedly did not look capable of murder. He was well-built, but often had a pair of glasses perched upon his nose, and a pathetic attempt at growing facial hair paired with hand-me-down sweaters in all weather, hot or cold.
“Yeah, Yelena was completely hollowed out. Takes a man to do something like that.” Wanda added, while softly stroking a thumb along your arm, as if that made it all better.
“Or a man’s mentality.” You commented, finding that if you thought about the whole situation as being purely theoretical, it wasn’t too bad. “How do you gut someone?” You said, more to yourself than aloud.
There was a beat of surprised silence.
“Well, you just take a knife,” Pietro grabbed a pencil from his pocket, held it out as though it were a weapon, “and slit from the groin to the sternum.” He mimed slicing through the air, making a hissing sound.
You shivered down to your soul. Never had you expected Pietro to have such an unapologetically violent imagination. You almost hated him for it. A glance at Kate revealed the same expression of shock, not having expected such graphic insensitivity from her boyfriend.
“What?” Pietro exclaimed. “She asked.” He laughed, throwing the pencil down.
“You couldn’t have been a little more sensitive?” Wanda chastised; a barely suppressed rage hidden in her tone. “Someone died last night, and you’re acting like it had nothing to do with us. Yelena was Y/N’s friend. She went to this school, attended our lessons, was our classmate. Be more tactful.” She spat.
You couldn’t help but swell with pride at Wanda’s outburst, and in the tense avoidance of eye contact that followed amongst the group, you quickly kissed her cheek in thanks.
“Sorry.” Pietro rubbed his forehead, bashfully avoiding anyone’s gaze except for his sister’s. “You’re right. I shouldn’t have said anything.” He threw his hands up in mock surrender, and for a blessed second, you thought it was all over. And then, he turned to you with an exaggerated curiosity. “Weren’t you and Yelena more than friends at one point?”
Your mouth fell open in surprise. It had been a long, long time since than rumour had circulated the school. Although, there was some truth behind it… You and Yelena had been friends since middle school, and there had been a few moments when you had considered perhaps pursuing a relationship with her. But every time you tried it, you both ended up concluding that you were better off just staying friends.
You felt Wanda tense beside you, snapping you back into reality. “Not really. We tried it ages ago. Didn’t work out...” You explained, trailing off towards the end. You hadn’t been with Wanda long enough for the topic to arise, but there was no way she didn’t know. The school wasn’t big, and gossip was traded amongst everyone, whether they be a loner outcast or stereotypical popular cheerleader.
“Ahh…” Pietro nodded slowly, feigning ignorance. “And you dumped her for my sister?
You gritted your teeth, hating how such an insignificant part of your past was suddenly in the limelight. “I didn’t dump her because we never really dated. And we’ve been nothing but friends for over two years now- or I guess were.”
“Come on, Pietro. Are you trying to insinuate Wanda is some revengeful, jealous girlfriend?” Peter joked, trying to lighten the tension that had fallen across your table.
Wanda laughed, though the humour didn’t spread beyond her lips.
“Actually, she was with me last night.” You placed a hand on her upper thigh, grasped at the muscle there and felt it flex. “Too busy being stupidly committed and climbing through my window to enact her revenge.”
“Yeah, exactly.” She fixed Pietro with a pointed stare. “Besides, like I said, it takes a man to do something like that.”
You got the bus home that day, unwilling to walk your usual route back from school alone while there was a possible killer on the loose. After all, if they’d gone for your friend Yelena, who’s to say they wouldn’t be targeting you next? As you stepped inside your house, shutting the door securely behind you, it dawned on you that you might not truly be safe even here. Nobody was. Not until they caught whoever had murdered Yelena.
Suddenly, you got the distinct feeling that you were being watched, as though the killer had eyes in the walls of your home. You shivered and called out for your dad- only to be met with silence. Panic began to rise in your chest, amplifying with every footstep that echoed through the empty house. The stuffy air became suffocating, the walls closing in around you as you searched each room. All the furniture lay dormant and undisturbed, awaiting someone’s arrival. Your heart was in your throat, your mind jumping to all the worst conclusions about where your father was.
By your second lap around the house, your eyes landed on a note pinned to the fridge. You stormed over, yanked the paper free from the magnet and with shaking hands scanned the page. It was from your father, a scribbled explanation that his brother in the next state over had fallen seriously ill and he needed to visit immediately. The note explained that he had tried to ring the school but got no answer, eventually giving up and having to leave without you.
The final line detailed that he had left a wad of cash for you to order food and fend for yourself for the foreseeable future, which you retrieved right away. You flipped the bills around in your hand, feeling the textured paper as if to ground yourself, to convince yourself this was real, not some fabricated trick by a murderer currently stalking you. After the day you’d had, anything could be possible.
But, oh god- your dad must not have known. He had left town at possibly the worst moment being none the wiser. And you were stuck here, genuinely unable to imagine any worse time to be home alone. Your hands itched to pick up the phone, to try dialling your uncle’s house, pray someone would pick up so you could demand your father return home as soon as physically possible. But that would be cruel, and so instead, you typed in Kate’s number.
Her mother answered after a couple seconds and made briefly awkward small talk before calling out to her daughter, who came running.
“Hey, Y/N. Are you alright? I was gonna call and check-“
“Yeah, yeah, Kate, I’m fine.” You interrupted. “But look, my dad’s had to leave for some family emergency and,“
“Oh shit, you’re alone?” Her voice quickly succumbed to worry, one which made you smile despite everything. You were lucky to have such a caring friend. “Do you want to come stay with us for a while?”
“Please.” You let out a sigh of relief. “That’s what I was calling about. I’m not sure how long my dad will be gone for but…”
“Yeah, of course it’s no worry.” She assured. “I’ll pick you up after archery practice?”
“Sure. When do you finish?”
“Six-thirty. So, I’ll be there by seven at the latest. I promise.”
A glance at the clock revealed it was only four. You swallowed back your paranoia, reasoning that you would spend most of the time packing anyway. “Ok great. Thanks. Are you sure your mom will be alright with it?”
“Of course. No one wants to be alone with everything that’s happened. She’ll understand.”
“Alright, thanks. I’ll see you soon.”
The silence that engulfed your house after the phone call ended was oppressive, broken up only by small creaks and taps which made you jump out of your skin. To combat this, you grabbed your old, beat-up Walkman from your school bag, tugging the headphones over your head and grabbing enough cassettes to last several hours of constant music. Then, to fill the silence between each song, you flicked the TV on to whatever channel had been left playing.  
Although muffled, you still heard the reporter, the one you had seen earlier today outside the school. Pepper…whatever her name was. You watched, partially interested whether you would make a cameo in the background.
“The state Bureau of Investigation has joined forces with local authorities to help catch what the Governor has called the most heinous crime ever committed in Westview.” Her teeth were an obnoxious gleaming white, her expression displaying an emotion not quite fit for the story she was currently presenting.
“The victim, seventeen-year-old Yelena Belova was found last night in her home…”
You tuned out to Pepper’s words as a picture filled the screen, a candid of Yelena, who somehow looked younger than you remembered. It hadn’t even been long since you had last seen her, yet the time that had passed felt like years. You wanted the snapshot to stay on screen forever, so you could commit every detail about her to memory. You couldn’t forget her. You refused.
Yelena stared at you from the TV screen as tears blurred your vision, the cassette flipping to an aptly melancholic song.
Then, as Pepper continued to drone on, the image flicked to a different one, this one of her official school picture. Despite everything, you burst out laughing at this, imagining how unhappy Yelena would’ve been to see this photo displayed on national television. She hated it. You didn’t blame her. The photo looked much too formal, an awkward contrast to the reality of who Yelena was. You wondered whether the news would report her life as it was, or if they’d spin the tale into something much more tragic: that she was a Straight-A student, destined for something great, her life so tragically cut short.
With a roll of your eyes, you reached out for the TV remote, switching the channel until something fictional- or unrelated to Yelena came on, eventually settling on some old rerun of an TV show your dad liked to watch. The familiarity of it was enough that you could finally relax, pretending nothing out of the ordinary had occurred that day… It wasn’t long until your eyes fluttered close, your body sinking into the plush couch and to unconsciousness.  
A shrill ringing jolted you awake, resonating round the still-empty house. You thought it’d been minutes since you fell asleep, but a quick glance at the clock showed the time to be 6 pm. Confused by the loud intrusion, your gaze snapped around the room, now darkened by dusk.
The last pinkish hue of sunlight highlighted the phone perched on the side table and answered your unspoken question. Launching across the cushions and throwing your hand out, you grasped onto the object and brought it to your ear.
“Hello?” Your voice was hoarse having just woken up, and a slight annoyance crept into your tone.
“Hello, Y/N.” A man’s voice answered. Deep, raspy and entirely unfamiliar.
“Hi…” You answered hesitantly, perturbed by the fact he already knew your name. “Who is this?”
“You tell me.”
You frowned, lips quirking up in polite amusement. “I have no idea.” As much as you racked your brain for the possible culprit, his voice was too distorted to properly place.
“Scary night, isn’t it? With the murders and all…” He said instead, abruptly changing the topic to one you were infinitely less fond of. “It’s like right out of a horror movie or something.”
“Aha,” you nodded to yourself, reaching a conclusion. “Peter, you gave yourself away. You’re such a nerd.” Able to relax, at last, you collapsed back down on the sofa.
“Do you like scary movies, Y/N?”
“I like that thing you’re doing with your voice, Peter.” You replied instead. “Very sexy.”
“What’s your favourite scary movie?”
“Don’t start.” You scoffed, growing increasingly irritated at his commitment to the act. “You know I think they’re all shit.”
“And why is that?”
You sighed down the phoneline, listening to the silence as he waited for a response and debating whether it was truly worth answering or just hanging up. “Because they’re all the same. It’s always some stupid killer stalking some innocent girl who can’t act- who always runs up the stairs when she should be going out the front door. They’re ridiculous.”
Finishing the rant, you took a deep breath and were met by more silence.
And then, “Are you alone in the house?”
“That is so unoriginal. You disappoint me, Peter.”
“Maybe that’s because I’m not Peter.”
“So who are you?” Hot anger flushed against your chest as you sat up straight. Something here wasn’t quite right…
“The question is not who I am…” He paused ominously. “The question is where am I?”
Your boiling anger was immediately flushed by cold fear.
“So where are you?”
There was a deep, mocking laugh which crackled into your ear like static.
“Your front porch.”
You leapt up from your seat, determined to expose the prank for what it was and put an end to the insensitive joke. Your heart was thundering in your chest as you moved to the window and pulled aside the drapes, muttering into the phone, “Why would you call me from my front porch?”
“That’s the original part.”
You tried to angle your view through the window, unable to see all of the porch. “Oh yeah?” The porch seemed to be empty. “Well, I call your bluff.”
Feeling more secure in your belief, you went to the front door, unlocking the bolt, unsnagging the chain and pulling it open. As expected, the outside porch was completely empty, lit by a single light shining overhead, with little beyond but darkness.
“So where are you really?” You challenged at the mysterious caller’s silence.
“Right here.” He growled.
You peered closer into the darkness, into the thick shrubs growing on either side of the house and still seeing nothing. “Can you see me right now?”
“What am I doing?” You stuck your middle finger into the air, waving it about in the air for a few seconds.
There was no answer.
“Good try, Peter.” You shook your head incredulously. “Bye now.”
“If you hang up, you’ll die just like Yelena.” The voice spat before you could pull the phone away from your ear.
You stopped dead in your tracks at his sudden seriousness, rendered speechless that Peter would say such a thing. Or perhaps, it really wasn’t him, which could only mean…
“Do you want to die, Y/N? Yelena certainly didn’t. She begged and cried, crawled across her carpet like the pathetic, insipid little…”
“Fuck you!” You interrupted, hands shaking and voice wavering. You hung up, stepped back inside the house and locked the door again.
Behind you, the hall closet door slammed open. You jumped, turning round in time to see a figure clad in black charging at you, ramming into your side. The phone flew out of your hand as you crashed to the ground, pinned down by the intruder wearing a distorted, white, ghostly mask. The type you had seen so many times, sold cheaply in costume stores and Halloween displays. Yet now, it actually was terrifying.
Your instincts finally surfaced as you kicked your foot into his leg, causing him to topple over. Wasting no time, you leapt to your feet and slammed into the front door, hands scrambling to unlock it again. Before you could escape, the figure rose, knife in hand, and grabbed onto your torso to drag you back. With survival mode having taken over, you were able to fight back with all of your strength, pulling, jerking and twisting to break free. You managed to free yourself from his grip, pushing the figure off you and sending him reeling into the living room.
Feeling fear tightening its hold on you, and seeing the futility of your escape, you made the daring move to turn and sprint up the stairs. The figure was hot on your heels as your heart pounded loudly in your ears. You reached the landing just as he lunged at you, grabbing a hold of your foot to slow you down. Panicking, you desperately grasped around you, nails scraping against the walls until they landed on a framed painting. Without sparing a glance at the image, you ripped it from the wall in a surge of might, swinging it behind you to smash against the figure’s skull.
You watched, wide-eyed as he staggered backwards, clutching at his head and tumbling down the stairs. Not wanting to waste the moment of respite you had bought for yourself; you raced into your bedroom and locked the door. There were a horrid couple of seconds of stillness throughout the house, broken only by your heavy breathing- and then, the banging began. A fist pounded against wood, and rattled the doorknob, as you frantically scanned your room.
You had left the phone downstairs and opted instead to dash over to the computer, fingers darting across the keyboard in a panicked frenzy. You spared a glance back at the door, seeing the figure had begun splintering the frame with his knife. Then, you turned back to the computer and hit send on a FAX message to 911 for help. As the blade continued its assault, cracking wood and sending splinters flying throughout your room, you typed even faster, trying to stay calm as you waited and watched a response appear on the screen.
You let out a breath of slight relief, the message offering a glimmer of hope amidst the chaos… Only then, you realised that the figure had stopped. No more shards of wood were flying through the air, no blurred silver of the knife swinging around. You were alone now, accompanied by a haunting silence that had descended upon your home.
Suddenly, a noise at the window frame. You swivelled around, prepared to fight once more only to be met by Wanda, staring at you with surprise palpable in her expression.
“Oh, Wanda.” A sob racked your body as you shook uncontrollably, the reality of the situation finally dawning on you. “Please…God.” You brought a hand to your face, then flung it down, anxiously shifting your weight about as adrenaline kept you on your toes.
“I heard screaming, and the door was locked. Are you okay?” Wanda’s warm brown eyes flickered over your tense form, tears streaming endlessly and blurring your vision.
“He’s here. Trying to kill me…” You managed out.
Wanda’s face turned shocked as she pulled herself through the window with more urgency. As she did, a small black object fell from the back pocket of her jeans, landing against the carpet with a soft thud and drawing your attention downwards. Sat inconspicuously between the two of you was a sleek, compact cell phone. Any other day and it wouldn’t have made you concerned in the slightest… but now….
You stopped dead in your tracks, an icy sickness rising in your throat, something akin to distrust. You met Wanda’s gaze, which no longer held the comfort you sought.
Could it possibly be…? Had Wanda just tried to kill you?
Unwilling to face that possibility, you bolted.
You ignored Wanda calling after you, rushing to unlock the fractured bedroom door and tearing down the stairs, nearly slipping on the linoleum floor as you caught sight of the front door. Freedom. You skidded to a halt, ripped the chain off the door and urgently tugged it open.
“Y/N, wait!” Footsteps rapidly descended the stairs behind you as you dashed onto the front porch and were instantly blinded by flashes of blue and red.
Police cars screeched to a halt outside the house, their sirens blaring in the lonely night air. You paused, relief flooding your system at the first sign of safety. You were scared, lightheaded and dazed, but you were safe, at last.
“Y/N?” Wanda called out again, softer this time. Her voice betrayed a hint of disappointment, one you couldn’t stop yourself from glancing back at. She was lingering in the doorway, red and blue lights exposing the innocent shock on her face. Guilt suffused throughout your body, which made you long to crash into her arms and lose yourself to the comfort. But you couldn’t bring yourself to, your mind flickering back to the phone that had fallen out of her pocket, convicting her as a potential suspect.
But could she really be? Your girlfriend, a murderer?
You flinched as Wanda took a cautious step towards you. Her face fell at the involuntary movement, and you were thankful to hear the car doors slamming shut behind you, followed by an all too familiar voice demanding for Wanda to freeze.
Tony Stark appeared next to you, gun loaded and aimed straight ahead as he approached you both, assessing the scene. He paused, gaze flickering over Wanda with suspicion.
“Y/L/N, what’s going on here?” He asked sternly.
Your eyes swept over Wanda, considering whether you were truly willing to hand her over so easily.
“I’m not sure.” You answered instead, your voice hoarse, but carrying an undeniable certainty.
“Please, baby.” Wanda implored you, the nickname sending a chill across your skin. Whether it was pleasant or not, you weren’t sure. “You know I would never.” Tears welled in her eyes as she shook her head.
And you wanted to believe her, you really did.
But you couldn’t.
“I don’t know anything, Wanda. Not right now.”
The front yard of your house soon became a whirlwind of activity. You observed the scene disinterestedly from a distance, sat in the back of an ambulance following a check-up from the first responders. Apart from a couple of bruises and a cut on your arm, you had escaped unscathed from the attack and were told to consider yourself lucky. But you didn’t. You remained in a state of shock, as barely ten minutes ago, you had watched the cops handcuff your girlfriend and throw her into the back of a squad car.
It was hardly a lucky outcome.
At the present moment, she was their only suspect, and so you had let them take her, uncertain of anything except for a need for safety. To have someone answer for the attack, locked away so you could live and forget. Though the guilt stopped you from being able to do so.
Numbly, you watched as Tony and the sheriff, whose name you had yet to learn, started heading your way. They both had an awkward expression of pity, which was a rare sight on Tony Stark’s face and made you feel somehow worse. The sheriff stopped a couple of feet away, his pitying gaze never leaving you as Tony slumped down beside you.
“We’re seeing a lot of you today.” He patted your back reassuringly, though the gesture made you nauseous. “You gonna be able to come down to the station and talk to us in a bit?”
You tried to smile but failed. “Yeah…”
In the distance, a flash of purple caught your attention, weaving in and out of the maze of police cars and officers.
“Y/N?” Kate appeared, barrelling past an officer and jogging over to the ambulance. “What happened? Oh god…” She covered her mouth with her hand as she stared at the chaos currently surrounding your home.
“Sorry, you can’t be here,” The sheriff grasped onto her arm, prepared to drag her out. “This is an official crime scene.”
“It’s okay.” You quickly interrupted. “She was supposed to pick me up.”
“Yeah.” Kate’s eyes frantically darted between the intimidating figures. “Her dad’s out of town. She’s staying with me.”
Both officers looked questioningly over at you.
“I didn’t want to be home alone.”
“Well, I can see why.” Tony agreed after a beat of silence, then stood up to allow Kate to sit down next to you.
“Are you alright?” She asked, ignoring the obvious curiosity in her expression in lieu of checking you were okay first. It made your heart swell momentarily with a fondness for your friend, more concerned by your current state than the events that had just transpired.
You opened your mouth to respond, though never got the chance to as another set of vans arrived outside the house. They skidded to a halt with the same urgency as the first responders had, though with no markings indicating such on the side.
Tony sighed, staring at the vehicles disapprovingly. “Here come the vultures.”
Right on cue, the door to the van slid open and a figure clad in a red suit hopped down onto the road. She stood out from the rest of the onlookers, gazing round at the scene with a barely hidden interest, her vibrant clothing abrasive and eye-catching. The unmistakable colour of blood. Her face fell upon you at the opposite end of the yard, and you recognised her as the infamous Pepper Potts.
“Alright, let’s get you out of here.” Tony offered out his arm.
You hauled yourself up as Kate positioned herself beside you, shielding you from the oncoming media frenzy. You kept your head down as you drew closer to the reporter, praying she didn’t notice you walk past.
“Jesus! The camera, Happy- hurry!” She clicked her fingers at the cameraman, then you heard heels clicking as she jogged to catch up with you. “Excuse me!” She yelled out, almost elbowing Tony out of the way. You were exposed, seeing Pepper’s pearly whites, a microphone clutched in her hand and a camera following closely to be shoved in your face.  
“There are no statements to be made at this current moment.” Tony recovered, raising a hand over the lens of the camera. “Maybe get a life, stop stalking and come back at the appropriate-“
“Hi, Miss Y/L/N, right?” Her gaze softened momentarily as she ignored Tony.
You halted, perturbed by the fact she already knew your name.
“Some night.” She exclaimed when you didn’t speak. Pepper glanced back at the camera dramatically, then feigned concern. “Are you alright?”
You knew she was only asking to get a verbal response for the camera. You were visibly shaking, your face pale and eyes wide. Quite clearly you were not okay, and reluctant to provide her with an answer.
“What happened?” Pepper prompted at your silence.
“She’s not answering any questions right now. Just leave us alone, okay?” Kate interrupted, putting herself between you and Pepper and fixing her with a frown.
“It’s fine.” You sighed, waving a hand nonchalantly, though you felt anything but. “She’s just doing her job.”
“Exactly.” Pepper smiled, seemingly taken aback. “Now what can you tell us about the event that transpired here?”
You shrugged. “I was attacked.”
“And do you have any idea who was behind the attack, or perhaps what instigated it?”
“Well, I got a phone call from some creep.” You grimaced, unwilling to share the full details. “But otherwise, I have no idea.” You smiled, hoping that would be the end of Pepper’s interrogation, and perhaps she’d leave you alone.
You were wrong.
“And could this be related to the recent death of Yelena Belova? I’d heard the two of you were close.”
You narrowed your eyes, unable to ignore the emphasis she put on the word ‘close.’
“Or maybe that’s not quite the correct phrasing.” She pursed her lips in mock thoughtfulness. “Together?”
You tensed, your face going taut at the suggestion, then forced yourself to relax. “I don’t see how that has anything to do with-“
“So, you were in a relationship with Miss Belova?” She interrupted once again, seeming to already have reached a conclusion without your input.
“No, never anything as serious as that…” Your voice was strained now, as you tried desperately to correct the assumption.
“An unrequited-“
“No!” It was your turn to intervene, hopefully putting an end to Pepper’s outlandish theories. “Nothing really happened, and it was so long ago-“
“Perhaps you resented Yelena for never wanting to be with you.” Pepper continued, spinning your words into a wild accusation. “Perhaps, it even drove you to murder- one you’re attempting to cover up now by faking an attack.”
“Faking?” Kate cut in incredulously.
“That’s bullshit.” You exclaimed, unable to suppress your slowly building rage. “And you know it.”
“Well, I’m just throwing ideas out,” she shrugged infuriatingly, then turned on Tony, “seeing as the police have yet to make any official statement or provide the concerned citizens of Westview with any reassurances.”
“We’re… working on it.” Tony stuttered out, caught off guard by the sudden criticism.
“Well, you better get working fast, officer.” She scoffed. “And it’s hard to ignore the relation between both attacks.” She looked back at the camera. “Having shared a brief, intimate relationship between two young adults of the same sex. Are these attacks politically motivated? Religious, perhaps? Maybe rather than focusing on the personal motive, the killer intends to send out a message of-“
“Fuck you.” You interrupted, clenching your jaw to keep you from saying anything worse.
Pepper looked at you in disbelief. “I think you ought to watch your language, young lady. Your moral character seems to have already drawn enough attention.”
In a blurred, unexpected instant, you brought your fist forward and smashed it hard into Pepper Pott’s face. The impact sent Pepper reeling backwards, knocking into Happy and his ridiculously expensive camera as they both tumbled to the pavement.
“Hey! Hey.” Tony outstretched his arm, physically blocking you. “That’s enough. I think it’s time we go.”
You took a deep, satisfied breath seeing the two piled on the ground, then allowed yourself to be tugged along and into the back of Tony’s squad car. You didn’t care if Pepper managed to spin the events and make you look bad, or if it worsened your reputation. It had been worth it to wipe the smug smile from her face.
“God, I loved it!” Kate laughed and threw herself back onto the bed. “Oh, Y/N, you need to be careful, your bad moral proclivities and your bad language will be the death of you!”
You perched on the other side of Kate’s bed, chuckling at her bad impression of Pepper.
“And then BAM! Bitch went down.” Kate thumped her fist into her palm and laughed some more.
“Talking of…” Tony appeared in the doorway, clutching a bag of ice. “I thought you might want some ice for that right hook.”
He tossed the bag of ice over, which you caught and placed over your reddening fist, wincing at the bruise already forming.
“I’ve got two officers stationed outside the house all night, so if anything happens, they’ll be here” He continued, clearly exhausted and ready to head home after the long night.
You nodded and thanked him. “Any word on reaching my dad?” You quickly asked before he disappeared. You had given the cops your uncle’s number, and despite the incessant number of times it’d been rung, they had received no answer so far.
“Afraid not, kid. But we’ll let you know when we do.”
“If you do…” You muttered bitterly. “Pretty shitty timing for my uncle to fall so seriously ill.”
“Or maybe it’s all related?” Kate chimed in, looking conspiratorially between the two of you. “Maybe the killer planned it all…”
You thought for a moment. “Nah. My uncle has heart problems, it’s probably to do with that.”
“Real great theory Kate.” Tony snarked. “Maybe you should try submitting it to Pepper Pott’s investigatory website.”
“She has a website?” You scoffed at the idea.
“Yeah.” Tony nodded slowly, his mind clearly elsewhere.
“And how do you know?” Kate smirked. “You a fan, Stark?”
“Well, it is my job to investigate.”
You and Kate shared a knowing look.
“And if that investigation happens to involve a ridiculously attractive, if slightly intense journalist, then so be it.” He shrugged, brazenly unashamed.
Suddenly, the phone stationed on the bedside table started ringing, sending a jolt of panic coursing through you. Its shrill sound echoed uncomfortably in the bedroom as Tony quirked an eyebrow, and Kate looked at the item as though it were going to bite should she answer the call.
You were all slightly paranoid, to say the least.
“I guess I should get that…” Kate gulped and reached an uncertain hand out to grasp the phone. “It’s probably just Peter… or someone.”
You instinctively knew that wasn’t the case. Peter would have an idea of what was happening as Tony was hardly discrete when talking to his nephew, and the only other person it could possibly be was Pietro… You shuddered at that possibility. That he might blame you for accusing Wanda. That he would be angry.
Kate took a breath. “Hello?”
You didn’t need to hear the person on the other end, Kate’s face was telling enough. Her eyes flickered over to you as she answered, “yeah, she’s right here.”
And then, the device was being handed over to you by your terrified-looking friend. Your brain screamed not to take it, rather pass it on to Tony, but your heart reasoned that if it truly was the killer, then Wanda’s name would be cleared, and that was something you couldn’t pass up. Besides, nobody would be able to identify the voice except you.
Your sweaty palm enclosed the phone and brought it slowly to your ear. “Who is this?” You forced out, sending a last-minute prayer that it might just be your dad, finally getting back in contact.
“Hello Y/N.” The same, raspy voice taunted.
Hot tears immediately welled up in your vision as the memory came rushing back anew. “No.” You murmured, covering your face as though to block out this horrid reality. The killer was committed, and somehow knew you would be here. It was a horrifying prospect.
But at least it wasn’t Wanda…
“Poor Wanda,” the anonymous voice sang out, “innocent and locked away in a prison cell for the night. You know this kind of thing goes on permanent records, right?”
“Hey!” Tony boomed out, conclusive in his decision as he stormed across the room and snatched the phone from you. “I’m afraid Miss Y/L/N has had to dash off, can I take a message?”
The clock in Kate’s room ticked away, marking five seconds of silence before Tony spoke again.
“Or maybe leave an email. Hotmails really taking off these days, it’ll save money on your phone bill.”
You heard the telltale buzz as the line went dead, prompting Tony to slam the phone back down and mutter “damn.”
A cold sense of dread settled over the room, like the killer was somehow watching you now, ever present, ever aware of your whereabouts. But it simply wasn’t possible… The only people who knew you were here were Kate, her mother, Tony, and the rest of the police force. Unless someone had simply guessed, meaning it had to be somebody close to you, who knew you well enough to anticipate your every move.
That prospect was no less concerning, and so you resigned yourself to trying to sleep that night without sparing a thought to the perilous situation you had found yourself in.
The atmosphere in school was like nothing you had ever seen before. The corridors seemed narrower, constricting all around you, the students inhabiting them more rowdy than usual. Classes dragged on longer than necessary, and you were unable to focus on what the teachers were droning on about. You were paranoid, too preoccupied by the knowing glances constantly being thrown back at you to care about anything else. The likelihood that the killer was someone you knew kept replaying in your mind, suspicion lacing every interaction with your friends and peers at school. Hell, even the teachers.
And the worst part was that you kept seeing that damned mask everywhere.
To the people who had no connection to you or Yelena, this was the most exciting thing to happen in Westview in their lifetime, and they certainly weren’t going to miss out on the festivities that some were partaking in. As you walked between classes, figures in the same cheap, ghostly Halloween mask sprinted up and down the corridors, chasing one another and reenacting what for you was fresh trauma.
“This is a mistake. I shouldn’t be here.” You confessed to Kate after witnessing the third Ghost-faced imposter.
She frowned, equally as perturbed by the way the school reacted to such disturbing events. “I want you to meet me here right after class, okay?” She demanded, unwilling to separate seeing the state you were in.
You nodded and smiled, then went to reassure her you would be fine, but something more important caught your attention.
“Shit, what is she doing here?” Kate exclaimed softly.
You were both transfixed, helplessly watching as the Maximoff twins were making their way over to you. Wanda looked tired, that much was clear. You hadn’t given any previous thought to the fact she would likely be released following the phone call to you last night, let alone expect her to make an appearance in school- probably only to see you.
In contrast to Wanda’s exhaustion, Pietro looked angry, and you prayed that anger wasn’t directed at you, though you wouldn’t blame him if it was. Noticing this, Kate went ahead to grab onto Pietro’s shoulders and try slow the warpath he was on. While he was momentarily distracted, Wanda came to a stop in front of you, her eyes cautiously seeking out your own. It was strange to see her after everything that had occurred, made more surreal by the fact that it was in such a mundane setting.
“Hey Y/N. Can we talk a sec?” She spoke so fast, but softly, as though afraid she was about to be dragged away once again.
You couldn’t hold the eye contact and flickered back to Kate in a silent cry for help.
“You know, if I were accused of carving up someone and attacking my girlfriend, I’d take the opportunity to skip school.” She called to Wanda warily.
“Hey, go easy, Kate.” Pietro interrupted. “She didn’t do it.” You could practically see him gritting his teeth together in an attempt to stop himself from saying worse.
You paid them no mind, summoning the resolve to turn back to your girlfriend. “Fine, five minutes.” Glancing around at the several unfamiliar pairs of eyes watching interestedly, you added, “Girl’s bathroom, now.”
Clutching your textbooks to your chest, you marched through the hallways with Wanda in tow. She didn’t say a word until you had shut the door behind you and checked every stall, confirming that the bathroom was actually empty.
“You… don’t think it was me, right?” Wanda maintained a distance from you, nervously wringing her hands.
You took a deep breath, reasoning that surely it couldn’t be. “No.”
Wanda nodded, managing out a tearful smile.
“I don’t think it was you… just… oh god.” You felt yourself begin to cry, reliving what you had felt at the time of the attack, and unable to find the words to explain. “Someone tried to kill me…” You sniffed, snatching a wad of toilet paper from one of the toilet stalls to dry your face.
“I know, the police say I scared him off.” Wanda looked at you, so unconditionally in love with you that it made your chest ache. “It wasn’t me, Y/N.”
“I know.” You repeated, firmer this time. “The killer called me again last night at Kate’s house.”
“See, it couldn’t have been me. I was in jail, remember?” Wanda reminded, her caring façade temporarily dropping in lieu of proving her innocence. “But shit, how did he know you would be there?” She asked quickly.
“I don’t know.” You bit down on your lip, shaking your head. “But I’m sorry, for accusing you. I wasn’t in my right mind…”
“It’s fine, baby.” Wanda tentatively closed the space between you, wrapping her arms loosely around your shaking form. She pulled you in, resting your chin on her shoulder. “I would’ve done the same.”
Her lips pressed gently against your neck, then enclosed around the skin and sucked lightly. Her grip around your body suddenly tightened, the touch turning from sweet to lustful so fast it made your head spin. She trailed her mouth further up, leaving your skin damp against the cold air and making you shiver. The usual heat that accompanied her contact was nowhere to be found, and it abruptly dawned upon you that this was wrong.
“Wanda.” You murmured in an attempt to reprimand her.
Taking it as a moan, she continued on, her touch growing tighter, almost painfully.
“Wan-“ You pushed against her, only to find she wouldn’t budge. “Wanda, stop!” You felt claustrophobic in her arms and shoved her suddenly backwards.
She stumbled away, looking at you with a mix of hurt and shock.
“You still don’t trust me?” She could hardly contain the frustration in her voice, emphasised by her heavy breathing and burning glare.
“No, that’s not true.”
“Then what is it?” She spat. “You don’t want to be around me. Is there somebody else?”
“You’re missing Yelena?”
“Yes- but as a friend!” You argued, desperate for a chance to speak, to explain yourself. “I just, I don’t want that right now.” You flailed your hands around, hoping she got the message in spite of your ineloquent explanation.
“I’m being too pushy.” She wasn’t as angry now but still had disappointment palpable in her expression.
“No, it’s just- it’s me, Wanda.” You sighed. “I need time, and considering everything that’s just happened, I think that’s more than reasonable.”
“It is. You’re right” Wanda exhaled and turned away from you. “I didn’t think. I’m sorry.”
Despite everything, you still hated seeing her like this, and reached out to grab hold of her hands. “And I’m sorry for thinking you were the killer. I regretted it as soon as I said it.”
Wanda nodded slowly, staring down at your intertwined hands. She opened her mouth to say something but was interrupted by the bathroom door slamming open. You quickly broke apart, and she looked up at you, slightly sadly, before muttering, “See you soon, Y/N.”
And with that, Wanda was gone, leaving you reeling in your thoughts with tear tracks still fresh on your cheeks. You opted to sit in one of the stalls and regain your composure before heading to your next class, listening numbly to the sound of people coming and going from the bathroom for the next ten or so minutes. Screw being late.
You were just about to finally leave when two new voices entered the room, both vaguely familiar but not enough for you to make your presence known.
“What if she did it?” You heard one say, voice ever so recognisable. “What if Y/N killed Yelena?”
“And why would she do that?” A second asked, exasperated but curious.
“Don’t you remember they used to be a thing? Maybe Yelena ended it and Y/N never got over the rejection.”
“But she’s with that weird girl now- right? Pietro’s brother.”
You frowned to yourself. You knew Pietro was much more popular than his sister, but the school’s general distaste towards Wanda had always upset you.
“So why would Yelena matter anymore?” The girl continued.
“Because Yelena was cool, and fun, and Y/N knew that being with her was probably the peak of her life. Waldo- or whatever she’s called- is such a downgrade.”  
The other voice laughed cruelly. “That’s true. I think I’d kill myself.”
“Exactly, but teen suicide is out this year and homicide is a much healthier therapeutic expression, hence, Y/N killed Yelena.” She punctuated the last few words with a manicured nail tapping against the porcelain sink.
The reverberating click made you shiver uncomfortably, listening to their dumb theories and trying your best not to take it personally. But- that voice, it had finally clicked into place: it was Agatha. She was notoriously a wild gossip, still, you never knew she had it out for you like this.
“God maybe you’re right.”
You heard their footsteps head over towards the exit, their annoying voices diminishing as the door slammed shut. You were left in silence, marked only by water dripping somewhere from a leaky pipe, and the sound of wind whistling from the cracked transom above the door. It almost sounded like a whisper, luring you out of the safety of the locked stall.
Catching sight of your reflection in the mirror, you recognised evident tear streaks down your cheeks, accompanied by a general expression of annoyance. The whole situation, and the way your school had turned it into a joke, left you alternating constantly between resentment and anxiety. But there was no time to dwell on it, as you heard that dreadful whisper again…
“Y/N…” The word struck you like a nail through the eye. A stark confirmation that someone else was in here with you. But all the stalls appeared to be empty.
You could only hear the sound of your own rapid breathing, that same rhythmic drip and the haunting whistle of the wind, leaving you to wonder whether your brain was simply playing tricks on you in this tense state.
There was a long, morose pause, and then, “It’s me, Y/N.”
“Fuck no.” Terror flooded your face as you spun on your heel, noting that to get to the exit, you would have to walk past the row of stalls. You took a reluctant step forward, ducking under the stall to see nothing, then the next, and the next, until finally, the last stall. It was empty at first, and you considered that maybe you were really just going crazy.
But then, two feet stepped down from the toilet onto the floor in the final stall. You were paralysed, face drawn tight as the door began to creak open, revealing Ghostface clutching the same knife as before.
You swivelled on your feet, crashing through the door but feeling a hand grip onto your shoulder and tug you back. Bracing yourself for the eventual feeling of a knife digging into your back, you ducked out of the grip and barrelled straight back into him, sending you both crashing to the slippery bathroom floor. You were able to launch yourself up before the attacker, and launched yourself through the exit before he could grab hold of you.
Without looking back, you sprinted through the hallway, ignoring the questioning look of a teacher you passed and heading straight for the principal’s office. You knew that only the top authority would be able to help you out. Nick Fury was perhaps the most intimidating teacher you had ever known, and you wouldn’t be surprised if he were to track down and kill Ghostface himself.
You burst through the door to his office, being met by two students holding ghost masks in the middle of a berating.
“He’s here… I saw him.” You sobbed out, hysterical but unashamed of your reaction. “He’s here…”
Fury rushed towards you, placing a comforting hand on either shoulder to ground you. “Where? What happened?”
You gulped back a sob, attempting to form some comprehendible recount of the events. But you couldn’t bring yourself to. All that replayed in your mind was the realisation that this was your new reality. There was someone after you, who clearly wouldn’t stop until you were dead.
Fury gave up on getting any coherent answer from you and called the cops, who arrived promptly having been stationed outside. They searched the girl’s toilets and found no evidence of any attacker lurking there, but assured you full protection from now on, starting with Tony Stark escorting both you and Kate home immediately.  She was pulled from class, and you were told to wait outside while they finished one last sweep of the building.
Sitting next to Kate on a bench, you were finally able to catch your breath, and took the opportunity to briefly explain to Kate what had happened, refusing to dwell on your conversation with Wanda, or the rather unpleasant end of it.
Unfortunately, she wasn’t the only one listening.
“Attacked, again?” Pepper revealed herself from inside an inconspicuous-looking van, clearly having been waiting and watching for something to happen.
“You were spying on us?” Kate exclaimed incredulously. “Surely that’s against the law…”
“No, just good journalism.”
“Hey, hey!” Tony arrived at the perfect moment, clicking his fingers at Pepper. “You, you’re not supposed to be here.” As much as you trusted Tony for protection, you could see how his eyes trailed over Pepper distractedly.
“For a police officer, you don’t have the best focus,” Pepper smirked, seeing his wandering gaze.
You rolled your eyes at the interaction, feeling a flush of anger towards Tony.
“Well, I’d say it’s because you’re much prettier in person.” He replied, ever the flirt.
Pepper was about to respond, but never got the chance to. There was a sudden crackle in the air, signifying the PA system had sparked to life.
Nick Fury’s sombre tone filled the air, as you all stopped to listen. “Your attention, please. Due to the recent events that have occurred and until it comes to a resolve, effective immediately, all classes are suspended till further notice.”
Despite being outside the building, you heard a schoolwide cheer from inside, imagining the shared joy amongst everyone regardless of the dire circumstances.
“The Westview Police Department has also asked me to announce a city-wide curfew beginning at 6pn.” Fury finished, to which you heard a palpable boo from inside.
“Boy, you people sure do make a fuss over a serial killer.” Pepper sighed humorously.
“Technically, not a serial killer yet.” Tony folded his arms. “Gotta knock off a couple more to get that title, so he’s just a plain old murderer.”
“For now-“ You snarked, feeling your patience draining away from you.
The bell rang out, ending school for the foreseeable future, proceeded by the stampede of footsteps as students rushed out of the building, celebrating their early release. You and Kate stood up, ready to go when you caught sight of Wanda and Pietro.
Unwilling to leave things as awkwardly as you had, you told Tony to wait for a minute and jogged over to her, with Kate following behind.
“Is this cool or what?” Pietro appeared enthused by the sudden closure of the school, slinging an arm around Kate’s shoulders as he always did.
“For once, Piet, drop it.” She chastised.
“Okay,” he rolled his eyes, “but whatever you did, the entire student body thanks you.” He said, nodding at you with an impish smile.
“What happened?” Wanda questioned, glancing between you and her brother. “Were you attacked again?”
“Yeah, right after you left.”
Her mouth fell agape, then shifted into a harsh line. “And you don’t think I did-“
“No!” You were quick to assure before her concern was fully voiced. “I don’t.”
“Well, to celebrate this impromptu fall break, and Y/N admitting my sister’s innocence, I propose a party tonight.”
“What?” Kate turned to her boyfriend, aghast by the suggestion.
“Tonight, our house.” He confirmed, winking at Wanda.
“Are you serious?” You laughed in disbelief at his uncaring attitude.
“Our parents are out of town. It’ll be like my hurricane bash last year.” He stated, trying his best to convince the two of you that this was a good idea. “Nothing extreme, just a few of us, hangin’.”
“I don’t know Piet.” Even Wanda looked unconvinced, though Kate seemed to be warming to the idea.
“I guess safety in numbers…” Kate turned to you, seeking approval. “What do you think, Y/N?”
In spite of everything happening, you agreed that you would be safer in a larger group of friends. The police had hardly been effective in stopping the attacks so far, and Tony’s presence did little to assuage your constant fear. Not to mention that you rather owed it to the Maximoff twins, having unfairly convicted them before considering all the facts.
With this realisation, you nodded timidly. “Yeah, sure… whatever.”
“Alright.” Pietro rubbed his hands together connivingly. “See you guys at 8 pm sharp. Bring food.”
Wanda smiled at you warmly for the first time since this whole situation had begun. It gave you hope, motivation to go through with this party tonight. You had missed the genuine happiness in her expression and would do anything to earn back her adoration, to make her forget any of your accusations and assumptions.
Still, as Kate linked her arm with yours and spoke continuously about the plans for tonight, you couldn’t help but feel that this was about to be a huge mistake…
As predicted, Tony was far from happy about the party organised that night, giving you a lecture on all the possible dangers as he drove you back to Kate’s. But you knew him and knew that he was way too concerned about his reputation to cancel the get-together. He dropped you home with one final warning, asked for the address just in case, and then left you for the evening. To your relief, officers were already stationed outside the Bishop household, though it would make sneaking away for the night a lot harder.
Still, Kate seemed undeterred, already applying makeup and straightening her hair by six.
“Are we seriously doing this?” You muttered, laying on the bed staring impassively up at the monotonous white ceiling.
“Yes, we are.” She affirmed. “Because, trust me, you’ll be safer surrounded by a load of drunk, pubescent boys. Hell, they’ll probably track down and kill Ghostface themselves.”
“And what if Ghostface is already there.” You sat bolt upright, the image of his infamous mask flipping to the forefront of your imagination.
“Well, we’ll see that obnoxious costume from a mile away.”
“Out of disguise, Kate.” You sighed, collapsing inwards on yourself. Anxiety was sweeping across your body, a cold breeze which rendered you paranoid and entirely unwilling to attend the party tonight.
“Then make sure you’re never by yourself.” She answered quickly, eager to soothe your worries. You could tell she was excited for the night, always one to stay at a party even after everyone else left. “I promise I won’t leave your side, even if Pietro wants to make-out or whatever.”
You grimaced at that image.
“And I bet Wanda won’t want to leave your side.” She added. “That girl is crazy about you, and probably willing to throw herself in front of the killer to save you.”
“Not after how I’ve treated her…” You murmured, recalling the hurt she seemed to be holding onto.
“Nobody can blame you for that, Y/N.” Kate abandoned her place in front of the mirror to sit beside you. “I would’ve done the same if it’d been me and Pietro.”
“But it’s not just that. I can’t relax around her.” You threw your hands up exasperatedly and exhaled, debating whether to bring the topic up or not. “Whenever she touches me, I freak out.”
There was a pause of silence, in which your words swallowed you into a pit of embarrassment, one you were about to retract.
“So what? You have a few intimacy issues, and all this murdering probably doesn’t help.” Kate shrugged. “No big deal. You’ll get there eventually. And Wanda will wait.”
“But she’s already been so patient with me, Kate.”
“Yeah, It’s Wanda. Your girlfriend. Probably the most caring, perfect person I can imagine for you to be with. And virginity intact or not, I’m sure she won’t let you get murdered.”
You snorted, submitting to Kate’s humour over your constant doubts. “You’re right.”
Three knocks against the door interrupted your conversation. You held your breath, inexplicably tense despite knowing that murderers were hardly the type to knock before entering a room.
“You guys decent in there?” The muffled yet unmistakable voice of Tony Stark called out.
“Yeah…” Kate answered as the handle twisted open. “Hey…” She greeted confusedly.
You frowned, equally unable to understand why Tony had returned…unless… “Have you guys heard anything from my dad?” You asked desperately.
Tony shook his head. “Afraid not, kid.”
You sunk back into the bed, any hopes of familial safety having been immediately squandered.
“But good news is you’ve got me as your personal bodyguard tonight.” He finished, folding his arms.
“What?” Both you and Kate echoed at the same moment.
“I took the evening shift stationed outside the house, so no need to sneak out, but” he held up a stern finger, “only on the condition that I go with.”
“No.” Kate screwed her face up. “You’ll ruin the whole night.”
“Firstly, offensive.” He pointed at Kate with a sneer. “Secondly, I’ll be staying outside the house unless there’s screams and such.”
“Fine, deal.” You waved off the list, indifferent about his attendance.
“Thirdly…” He continued. “Pepper is coming with.”
“She’ll definitely ruin the night,” Kate repeated.
“No Pepper, no deal- and I tell the police about this little rendezvous planned for tonight.”
You rolled your eyes. “That’s unfair” But seeing no compromise, glanced at Kate and saw the same muted displeasure. “But fine. Why does she even want to come?”
“Says it’s a journalistic hunch.” He shrugged, nonchalantly leaning against the doorway.
“And why do you want her there, Stark?” Kate sent a look your way, already well aware of why Tony would want the company.
“I thought a stakeout might be a good first date.” He answered in full honesty.
“It’s not.” You shook your head in disbelief at his antics. “Still, as long as you keep your business separate from ours, I see no issues here.”
“Alright.” His lips drew into a taut line. “Pleasure doing business with you both.”
The irony of showing up to an illegal, out-of-curfew house party in a cop car didn’t escape you. Nor did it make you feel any less uncomfortable. The Maximoff’s house was right on the edge of town, surrounded by nothing but empty fields as far as the eye could see. It was isolated, perfect for parties but likely terrible for your own safety. There were no streetlights to illuminate potential Ghostface killers, and with the sun setting in the distance, you doubted the orange hue that currently permeated the sky would stay.
The only other source of light came from inside the house itself, accompanied by a general ruckus and music blaring. You were late, and as such, a gathering of cars were already littered across the driveway, though you doubted their owners were intending on staying sober. At that moment, you decided that you would certainly not be getting a lift home with anyone besides Tony tonight. The celebratory atmosphere from school closing early still lingered in the air, meaning that tonight was probably going to get way out of hand. Especially if Pietro had anything to do with it.
Tony dropped you off with a word of warning, then pointed out where he and Pepper would be stationed for the night, further down the driveway and out of sight. You shuddered at the mention of Pepper’s name, or rather, the fact that she was your line of defence for the night.
As you and Kate approached the front door, which was left open for anyone to enter, the house loomed over you menacingly. Its shadow fell across your face, blocking out the last rays of sunset and encompassing you in artificial lighting. You rarely visited Wanda at home, finding her parents were often absent and your dad refusing to drive you over there. As such, your attention was instantly diverted upon stepping foot inside. Your vision traced up the staircase, wondering whether it would lead you to Wanda’s room- a place you had surprisingly never ventured to.
Resolving yourself to finding the room, you turned to inform Kate of your plans, only to see she had disappeared. Most of the activity was coming from the kitchen, where you guessed she was greeting people, entirely unaware that you had already slipped away.
Shrugging off the momentary irritation at her having broken her promise so soon, you went over to the staircase and began to climb upstairs. A couple of people were standing on the landing, engaged in a heated discussion away from the rest of the party. They didn’t even notice you slip past.
All the doors were shut, and all looked identical, though you remembered Wanda having mentioned that her room faced the fields behind the house. So, you went towards the door that matched her description, twisting open the handle slowly as to warn anyone inside of your arrival.
You guessed correctly, and were met by a bedroom littered with posters and pictures- some of you. The overhead light was off, leaving a string of fairy lights scattered across the walls to brighten an otherwise dingy room. The air was still and dusty. Previously undisturbed particles swirled about your like an ocean, parting only for you. A scented candle burned peacefully on the windowsill, the smell reminding you of your girlfriend. A sudden ache arose in your chest, encouraging you to leave the room and find her.
“You shouldn’t be in here.” A stern voice sounded from the doorway.
You jumped, your heart beating an irregular pace as you swivelled round to see Pietro. The light of the corridor filled the space around him, casting an ominous silhouette over the bedroom. His expression was angry- serious, and unmoving, so far from the Pietro that you knew and liked that it made you exceedingly uncomfortable.
“Sorry.” You stuttered out, taken aback by his newfound seriousness. “I was just leaving- looking for Wanda.”
“She’s just gone out to get more drinks.” His rigid features relaxed a modicum. “She’ll be back soon.”
You watched as he held the door open, ushering you out. More than willingly, you headed over, only stopping once the door had shut behind you as a sudden realisation struck. “But she can’t drive?”
Pietro paused for a second. “There’s a bus to town every half hour, the stop is at the end of the road.”
“She’s getting the bus alone at this hour?” Fear began to rise throughout you at the image of your girlfriend trapped with a bunch of strangers, and perhaps a murderer. “Also, there’s a curfew.”
Pietro scoffed, his signature smirk returning as he brushed you off. “You worry too much. She’ll be fine!”
You found yourself quickly irritated by his casual demeanour, and snapped, “You have a car, why didn’t you go?”
“Because I am the life of this party, and I’m still a learner driver.” He shook his head, turning away from you to make his way back downstairs.
“That hasn’t stopped you before.” You yelled after him, though it was too late.
Pietro skipped back downstairs, and you reluctantly followed.
“Hey, Y/N!” Peter squeezed through the doorway, stacks of VHS tapes balanced precariously between his arms. “How are you doing?” He asked eagerly.
You dashed forwards to grab onto some of his video tapes before the stack fell down. “I’m alright, all things considered…”
“Thanks- and yeah, I’m surprised you’re here.” He looked at you, concerned. “But I thought to try and keep things calm, we’d make it a Blockbuster night.” He explained, indicating to the VHS collection he had travelled with.
You glanced down at the top three he had passed to you, recognising all the titles as horror films. “You mean a Jamie Lee Curtis night? How come she’s in all these movies?”
Peter placed the tapes down, gaping at you. “Cause she’s the Scream Queen!”
You scoffed. “With that set of lungs, she should be a-“
“Y/N!” Kate dashed over to you. “Where did you go? One minute I turned around and you were there, the next-“
“Oh, don’t worry, I was just exploring the house.” You interrupted, putting a stop to her panic.
“Ok thank god.” She sighed. “For a second there I was worried you’d been Ghostface’d”
You tried to smile but struggled still to find the humour in all this. “Not yet.”
“Not ever.” She stated, then became distracted by Peter’s VHS collection. You watched Kate enthusiastically flip through the familiar titles and found yourself wondering whether she had ever seen the side of Pietro you had just been exposed to. You couldn’t imagine she would’ve stayed with him if she had…
Despite the unsteady start to the party, you allowed yourself to be enveloped by the mundane sort of satisfaction that came with these kinds of gatherings. You ended up wedged between Peter and Kate on a disturbingly discoloured sofa, with Pietro on the other side of Kate. Several times you noted him glancing towards you, though you chose to ignore it and focus on the movie Peter had selected instead.
More familiar faces started to settle throughout the living room to watch the film, all sharing piles of junk food, beer and a joint occasionally passed around. For the first time since everything had kicked off, you felt normal, safe, and enjoying the company of friends. However, the longing for Wanda’s presence never ceased, and your eyes constantly darted towards the foyer, awaiting her inevitable return.
An hour or so later you began to worry that Wanda had yet to return.
Seeing your discomfort, Pietro tapped Kate’s leg. “There’s a bottle of wine in the basement that my parents were saving for a special occasion, why not grab that so Y/N can finally relax.” He fixed you with a pointed stare. “I can feel her anxiety from here. It’s giving me Ghostface blue balls.”
“Fine.” Kate rolled her eyes and stood up. “I’ll be right back.” She gave you a shyly comforting smile, then disappeared as instructed.
Pietro spread out to fill the gap, letting out a cocky, relaxed sigh as he glanced at you, knowingly mocking your anxious demeanour. On the other side, you felt Peter tense, noticing he was observing with a disapproving frown plastered across his face. Despite his unthreatening, wholly innocent appearance, you trusted Peter more than you did Pietro, and as such, sidled closer towards him. You weren’t sure where this sudden distrust of Wanda’s brother came from, nor were you willing to dwell on it. Instead, you fixed your attention to the TV screen ahead, numbly watching to dull your racing thoughts.
Before you knew it, the credits had started rolling. As Peter stood up to pause the tape, you realised suddenly that the vast majority of those crowding the house had vanished. All general ruckus had ceased, the party having come to an end much quicker than you expected. Usually, Pietro would ensure the party lasted until some ungodly hour, yet to your surprise, he had remained seated next to you the entire time, silent except for his occasional comments on the film. Your stomach twisted uncomfortably.
“Wait.” You shot bolt upright abruptly, another concern springing to mind. “Where’s Kate?”
Pietro hummed thoughtfully. “I don’t know.” He stood up, looming over you, then clapped his hands together as if something had only just occurred to him. “Sometimes the basement door gets stuck!” He exclaimed, then laughed manically. “She’s probably been stuck down here this whole time! I’ll go get her.” With that, he leapt over the sofa, thudding against the creaky wooden floor and jogging out of view.
With his exit, only you and Peter were left in the living room. He was crouched by the TV, returning the VHS tape to its rightful box, reorganising his collection.
“Peter.” Your voice shook, a reflection of the fear that currently filled your body. “Something’s not right here.”
He turned to you, confused. “What do you mean?”
“I mean.” You threw your hands up, exasperated at his nonchalance. “Why’s it so quiet? Pietro’s parties usually like this.”
Peter furrowed his face. “Well, I’d guess most people are worried about the curfew.” He turned back to his tapes, selecting another to put on. “Overbearing parents… no buses running… They probably wanted to get going before it got too late.”
“Yeah but…” You exhaled irritably, wrapping your arms around your form for protection. “It just doesn’t feel right here… Like where’s Kate? Where’s Wanda? She left to get drinks before I even got here, and still isn’t back.”
Peter eyed you up. “If you want to go, we can leave now?” He stood up, expression growing grave with concern. In the dim lighting, shadows fell menacingly across his face, his posture tall and stiff, his care morphing into indifference. Don’t trust him, your instincts screamed. Don’t trust anyone.
He must’ve seen your distrust, the hardness in his gaze melting slightly “Y/N…?
“Y/N!” A different voice called.
You swivelled to the left to see Wanda lingering in the doorway, eyes flickering between you and Peter.
“Is everything alright, baby?” She stepped towards you, a softness in her outstretched arms which you craved desperately.
“Yeah.” You took her hand, interlocking your warm palm with hers, cold from the evening chill. You gulped, sensing Peter still watching you closely, creepily. “Can we go up to your room? Please?”
She grinned. “Of course. Seems I’ve missed the party anyway.” She scrunched her nose at you, then tugged you forward and lead you towards the staircase.
You spared one final glance back at Peter, who stood alone and vulnerable in the open space, a mix of jealousy and fear palpable on his face.
You lingered awkwardly in the centre of Wanda’s room before deciding to perch on the bed, turning to face her. She leant back against the door, and you heard it click shut, sealing your fate.
“So…” She started, then trailed off. “I’m sorry. I’ve been a selfish shit this whole time and I’m-“
“No.” You waved her off, settling into the comfort of the bed. For the first time that evening, you finally felt at peace, unwilling to be reminded of anything that might stoke your paranoia. “I’m the one that’s been over-dramatic and self-absorbed with all this- just…” You shifted uncomfortably. “I just feel like we haven’t properly had time to talk since this all began.”
“And that’s totally okay.” She assured quickly, practically leaping across the room to sit down next to you. “I don’t blame you.” She took your hands from where you’d been wringing them in your lap, dragging them to rest on her thighs. “I could never blame you.” She admitted, quietly, green eyes gleaming fondly as she stared up at you through her lashes, the gesture pure despite the layer of smoky eyeshadow that encircled her gaze. “Because… I love you.”
You gasped involuntarily, stunned by the confession. Your lips parted to form the words she desired to hear back, yet never got a chance to speak as her mouth landed upon yours. The kiss was soft and hesitant, her hair brushing softly against your jaw as she shifted closer. To rectify the awkward angle, you parted momentarily, swinging yourself over her body to settle in her lap. Immediately, she resumed kissing you, nipping at your bottom lip before sucking it into her mouth, tongue soothing the pain then slipping further to brush against your own. You couldn’t help but moan.
In response, Wanda allowed herself to fall backwards against the bed as you settled on top, straddling her, feeling hands slip underneath your baggy jumper and towards the clasp of your bra. You pressed yourself against her harder, encouraging her fingers to twist urgently and unclasp the strap. Hurriedly, you backed away to shove it off, tugging your jumper overhead with it. Without warning, she grabbed hold of your waist and flipped you over, reversing your position. She quickly did the same, removing her top to reveal a smooth expanse of pale skin. You longed to kiss every freckle, and appreciate every mark, yet found yourself paralysed in admiration.
Wanda smirked, then lowered herself back down to continue kissing you. This time, she moved slower, sensually, flicking her tongue against your lower lip teasingly. Her hand resumed its path up your side, eventually reaching your breast. She palmed at your chest, and you arched into the touch, giving her the chance for her lips to reattach at your neck. Her lips wrapped around your pulse point and sucked, hard enough to leave a bruise, yet you couldn’t bring yourself to care. Her other hand slid down your stomach, your muscles involuntarily flexing at the feeling of her nail tickling against your skin. Her hand wormed its way underneath your jeans, not bothering to unbutton them, and towards your pants, pushing them aside. You moaned; eyes fluttering shut as her finger dragged its way…
A crash sounded downstairs, followed by a scream of pain. Your eyes shot open, yet Wanda didn’t halt at the distraction.
“Wanda.” You murmured, catching her attention.
Her lips had moved to your chest, which you felt her hum against in response.
“Did you hear that?” You asked.
 Another scream sounded from downstairs, this time a muffled cry for help.
“Wanda. Stop! Can’t you hear that?” You exclaimed, panic suffusing throughout you. There was no way she didn’t hear either call.
“Hear what?” She said, faux innocently without meeting your gaze, then continued to lather attention along your collarbone.
“You need to stop.” You repeated, firmer this time. “Something’s happening downstairs. Someone needs help.” You shoved flutily against her shoulders, quickly becoming irritated by her carelessness.
“I’m sure it’s Pietro pulling some stupid prank. Just relax.”
“No.” Irritation turned to anger which turned to bravery. “I want to check.”
Her fingers curled suddenly, a wave of pleasure shooting through your core. “But you’re so wet, baby. Let me take care of you first.” Her voice was lost in lust, which had all but drained from you.
“Not now.” You gritted your teeth, pushing her harshly to the side.
Wanda finally broke away to stare at you impassively. “Fine.” She snapped, reaching out for her top. “Go on then.” Coldly, she turned her back to you, leaving you to gather your clothes.
The abrupt change in atmosphere left you stunned. You knew Wanda would be disappointed, but this newfound coldness was extreme- like you were seeing a whole new side to your girlfriend. You stared silently at her back, taking in the tenseness to her shoulders, the upright, frigid posture. Part of you longed to reach out, to melt the frigidity with your own body heat, yet you felt as though you couldn’t. As though a physical barrier had formed between you.
Instead, you sighed and began to dress, eyes darting around the room, anywhere except at her.
Standing up and brushing the hair out of your face, your eyes came to rest on the telephone sitting on the nightstand. As mundane as the object was, it brought a stark revelation to your doubtful mind.
“Who did you call?” You murmured.
“What?” Wanda twitched slightly, still refusing to fully acknowledge you.
“When you were arrested- you’re allowed one phone call…” You elaborated. “Who did you call?”
Wanda paused, answering as she reached back to grab her top. “I called my dad.”
Your mind and pulse were racing, worsening the swirling mix of emotions inside of you. “But your parents are out of town?” You stepped forward, hand resting on the doorknob.
“Yeah… and when I called no one answered.” She explained briefly, finally turning to stare at you, something dark twisting her expression. “You don’t still think it was me, do you?”
“No.” You corrected quickly, beginning to turn the door open. “But if it was you, that would’ve been a pretty clever way to throw me off the track.” The door creaked open, light from the hallway flooding into the dingy room. “Using your one phone call to call me so I wouldn’t think it was you.”
Wanda exhaled dramatically, then rose to step closer to you. “What do I have to do to prove to you I’m not a killer?” She implored, close enough now that you felt her breath fan across your face. Your gaze darted over her features; the softness to her lips, the smooth red colouring of her cheeks, the way her chin quivered almost imperceptibly, a telltale sign that she was anxious. Yet, the usual warmth that you felt in her presence was lacking, replaced by unequivocal doubt.
Before you could answer her, the door suddenly flung back from your grip.
You fell into the corridor as a figure cloaked in black shot past you, a flash of silver hidden amongst the dark mass. You scrambled to sit up, watched helplessly as Wanda was pushed backwards, watched as a steel blade rose high into the air before striking downwards. Watched red crimson blood splatter across the room.
You took in a shuddering breath, forcing your legs into action. You stood tall, your fear numbed by the sight of Wanda’s lifeless body resting where you had sat but moments ago. A growing pool of red was soaking into the sheets, dripping down the edge and staining the carpet.
Slowly, reluctantly, you turned towards Ghostface. He was still now, proud of his work. And as he looked back to you, masked head twisting curiously, you felt sick with rage.
Without wasting another moment, you were off. A horrific sense of Deja vu clouded your every movement as you tore across the landing and down the stairs, not daring to spare a glance anywhere but onwards. Instinct led you through the house, round the corner and crashing against the front door, frantically trying to twist it open only to find it wouldn’t budge. It was locked. Someone had locked you in.
A beat of silence passed as you realised that Ghostface hadn’t followed you.
For a split second, the house was eerily quiet.
“Y/N!” Peter emerged from one of the doorways, bruised and bloody. One hand clutched at his stomach, the other braced against the wall for support. “Fuck. You’re alive. We’ve gotta’ get out of here.” He winced, edging closer towards you, a trail of blood smearing along the wall.
“Y/N!” Another voice called. Both you and Peter turned towards the source of the noise. “Don’t listen to him.” Pietro appeared, stumbling down the last few stairs, equally bloodied and panting from the exertion of dragging himself along. “He’s lying.” Pietro gulped, shaking his head, tears forming in his eyes. “He attacked me.”
“No!” Peter exclaimed. “It was the other way round. You have to believe me, Y/N. Please!” Peter looked to you desperately, taking a wobbly step forward.
“Stop!” You exclaimed, frightened by your own urgent tone. “Neither of you come any closer.”
Pietro whined, thudding back against the wall. “Where’s Wanda…?” He asked, voice pathetically desperate.
You swallowed, a fresh set of hot tears welling up. “She’s dead.”
“Dead?!” Pietro echoed, marred by a mix of emotions you couldn’t decipher.
“She…” Peter trailed off, eyes wide and innocent.
“It’s Parker.” Pietro spat. “His movie nut mind has snapped. He’s gone psycho.” Pietro launched himself suddenly forward.
“Stay back!” You shouted, no real warning behind the threat.
Though, to your relief, Pietro listened. Both of them stood, barely a metre away and waiting for you to act. You trusted neither. A beat passed as you regained strength, coming to a conclusion about what to do.
“Is there another way out the house?” You asked.
Pietro nodded with barely a second to think. “Peter’s locked the backdoor and taken the keys, I saw-“
“No, I didn’t!” The younger boy interrupted, incredulous and frightened.
“But there’s another way out. A trapdoor in the basement. It leads outside.”
“Alright.” You nodded, gulped. “Lead the way.”
“No…Y/N...” Peter whined. “Please, we can’t trust him, it’s a trap!”
“Shut it, Parker,” Pietro growled through gritted teeth, then suddenly appeared to change tactics, snapping his attention to you. “You can’t believe him, Y/N. He’s lost it. Those graphic, violent horror films he loves, they’ve gone to his head. Go on! Ask him what his favourite film is!”
“It’s Aliens… But I hardly see how that’s relevant!” Peter’s eyes were wide and shining, brimming with tears. “Deep down I know you trust me, and you won’t let Pietro win, you won’t follow him into that basement…”
“I…” You began, taking in a shuddering breath. “I don’t know.”
“Come on Y/N….” Pietro dragged out your name, his gaze solely on you. “You can work it out.” He muttered. “Use that smart brain of yours Wanda’s always going on about… Peter’s in love with you, that’s why all his victims are your ex-lovers.”
“That’s ridiculous!” Peter exclaimed.
“But you can’t deny it.” The silver-haired boy continued. “You see the way he looks at you. The way he obsesses over you. He’s lost it. He knows he can’t have you, so no one can- and if that means killing you too then so be it!”
“Y/N I would never!”
“Oh, he would.”
“Shut it, both of you!” You finally chimed in, mind reeling with the information Pietro was pouring into it. You knew you couldn’t follow Pietro into that basement. But you also knew you couldn’t stay here with Peter either. You took a deep, steadier breath. “Ok here’s what we’re going to do. Pietro, you’re going to go down to the basement, wait by this trapdoor, if it’s really there. Meanwhile Peter, can you make it to the phone in the living room?” You asked, nodding towards the end of the corridor.
Peter was in bad shape judging by the pale colour of his skin, and the way he was hunched over in pain, yet he nodded enthusiastically.
“No…” Pietro moaned, bringing his hands up to clutch his face. “No, no, no!” He stood up straight, throwing his arms by his side to reveal an expression of petulant dissatisfaction. “That’s not how this is meant to go!” He yelled, suddenly, taking you by surprise as you stumbled against the wall.
“Pietro… what-“
“Y/N, you’re meant to go down to the basement!” He gestured out at you, movements frantic and irritated. “Where you see Kate- and oof, she’s real messed up.” He pulled a face, and, well, you didn’t have to fill in the blanks there. “While you’re distracted, Wanda comes downstairs and finishes off Peter and that’s where we have the big reveal!” Pietro laughed manically.
Your stomach dropped.
“Then, in an act of self-defence, you stab Wanda as I run upstairs and call the cops and ‘oh yes, officers” Pietro mocked, explaining his sick plans. “We need your help! It was Y/N all along, she faked it all! She has some sick, twisted fetish, murdering the women she can’t have- and Peter and I- we got in the way.”
Bile rose up your throat as you listened in, trying to fight back. “That never would’ve worked!”
“Maybe not by yourself, but here’s where we bring in Kate, who I tragically fought back against and won when I discovered this deranged reality. I’m, of course, devastated by this revelation. That the two of you worked together. The psycho and the pervert.” He said, singsong and mocking.
Footsteps echoed down the stairs, behind your field of view.
“He’s right.” Wanda’s voice was level as she descended, totally unharmed, and eerily calm in spite of everything occurring in her house, serving to confirm your worst fear. She was involved in this masterplan, lacking Pietro’s enthusiasm, but making up for it in the darkness that seemed to shroud her- your girlfriend.
“Anyways,” Wanda continued, “that’s how it should’ve gone if someone hadn’t messed up,” she growled, her frustrations tuned to Pietro. “I played my part perfectly, and you couldn’t hold the fort down for five minutes while I faked my death?” Wanda didn’t spare a glance at you as she walked past you to stand by her brother.
Your heart had plummeted into your stomach, and your body was racked by tremors. Your own girlfriend had been lying to you this whole time. She was a murderer- and Pietro too. He had practically confessed to either killing- or orchestrating the killing, of your best friend. And Yelena, poor Yelena too. She had been wrapped up in their web of psychopathic lies.
Tears burned their way down your cheeks. “But… why?” You tried to put on a brave face, you really did, but your voice shook.
“Why?” Wanda repeated, her face flashing hot with anger. “Why, Y/N?” She took a menacing step towards you, but before she could force her way into your personal space, Peter stumbled in front, placing himself protectively between you.
Wanda chuckled, though there was no humour behind the sound. She swivelled around, pacing over to Pietro as she spoke, “Because I know the truth. I know you never truly wanted to be with me.”
“W-what?” You stuttered out, placing a steadying hand on Peter’s shoulder as his injured body shook with the exertion of standing.
“Pietro never liked you.” She spat, changing the subject. “You know that, right? Nor Kate.”
Pietro grinned, cruel and horrifying.
“He’s a diagnosed psychopath. But neither of you knew that” Wanda continued, “and I bet you also don’t know that psychopathy doesn’t mean no emotions- like those shitty horror films suggest. He does feel things, he just doesn’t know how to react to them.” She shrugged, fixing you with a cold glare. “And so, when I came crying to him that I’d overheard Agatha Harkness talking in the girl’s bathroom about how you and Yelena were in love with each other, well- he just had to do something about that.”
“That’s ridiculous!” You interrupted, desperate to deny the rumours that seemed endlessly to plague you. “Agatha Harkness is the biggest gossip at our school. Just because she says something, doesn’t mean it’s true.”
“See, but I didn’t want to believe it, I really didn’t,” she continued, ignoring you. “But then each time, you pushed me away, it made me realise, she was right.” Wanda cocked her head, crying slightly, though you felt no pity for her.
Instead, you were angry: all of this from a rumour. “So that’s why you murdered… You killed people Wanda, because you were insecure?” You were enraged by her justification, the terror flooding your body having morphed into something much more brutal and unforgiving. “Ever heard of just breaking up?”
“Hey,” Pietro pointed an accusatory finger at you, “don’t talk to my sister like that! She deserves respect, which you’ve failed to give her this entire time.”
“And you…Pietro.” You shook your head. “You were just using Kate for some big revenge scheme. And for what? To make your sister feel better, to kill some people?” You mocked, no longer afraid to provoke the murderers. “What are you meant to be, the next Norman Bates? Only your mother’s never here so you had to fixate on your sister-“
The moment you finished speaking, multiple things happened at once.
Pietro, who had been simmering with rage since you turned on him, lunged forward, hands outstretched to enclose around your neck. He was blocked as Peter used the remained of his strength to barrel into him, slamming the two of them into the wall opposite.
“Y/N, run!” Peter yelled while you stayed paralysed by shock.
You flickered to Wanda, who looked a mix of surprised and devastated. A second later, she looked at you, suddenly understanding what Peter had said, and realising she would need to stop you.
Fortunately, you were a beat quicker and took off in the direction of the basement.
“Y/N!” Footsteps thundered down the stairs behind you. Like a landslide, deadly and unstoppable, Wanda wouldn’t give up until she caught up with you.
But you were faster. Adrenaline gave you strength, speed, focus. You spotted a trapdoor in seconds despite the dingy lighting of the basement, flickering and swaying as you rushed past the lightbulb hanging from the centre of the room.
As it swung, it illuminated a sight your eyes couldn’t help but be drawn to: Kate, her body bloody, slumped against the wall having been dragged into a seated position. You stuttered to a stop. Her face was peaceful, as though she were simply asleep, but not convincing enough to provide you with any consolation. Blood painted her pale cheeks, and you knew she had died in pain. At either the hand of your girlfriend- or arguably worse, her brother, Kate’s boyfriend.
“Y/N.” Wanda repeated, without the prior urgency.
You realised you had been still for a while now, paralysed by the dawning reality of your situation, or more important, the futility of your escape. You had to crane your neck upwards to see the trapdoor, and beneath it an unfortunate lack of stairs. You were doomed.
Wanda was panting beside you; the brief sprint having taken its toll on her. You now noticed the knife clutched in her left hand, its blade clean and shining- taunting you. It had yet to be used, and you wondered whether perhaps Wanda had saved it just for you, whether she had picked it out, thought yes, this is the one I want to plunge into the heart of my lover.
Your girlfriend was undeniably menacing in this state. Her chest was rising and falling, her whole body seeming to shrink and expand with each breath, blocking out the exit behind her.
And yet, you still weren’t scared.
“Is this the part where I beg for my life?” You scoffed.
In fact, you were angry.
“Only if you want to,” Wanda replied though she made no move towards you. “But Kate didn’t.”
So, that confirmed it: your girlfriend had been the one to end your best friend's life. You knew she had brought it up to get a rise out of you, get you to react in some way other than vengeful indifference, but you wouldn’t justify her with it. You could tell by the twist of her lips that it was driving Wanda crazy.
You swallowed. “What about Yelena?”
“That one was Pietro.” She answered. “God, did it drive me crazy knowing I wouldn’t be the one to end her life, that I wasn’t the last thing she saw in this lifetime. But I needed to be at your house, as an alibi, so you could trust me for a little longer. Girlfriend duties, am I right?” She rolled her eyes humorously.
You weren’t laughing, rather, you frowned. “Then why did you show up at my house and drop your secret mobile phone next time?”
“To confuse you, Y/N… I wanted you to doubt everyone, everything you knew- or thought you knew about people.”
You chuckled in disbelief. “You’re insane, Wanda.”
“I’m not-“
“Like your brother,” you continued, ignoring her protests, “you say he’s the diagnosed psychopath, but maybe you need to get checked out. Actually, while you’re at it, get your parents checked too. I’d love to know why I’ve never met them, let alone seen them.”
There was a pause: silence, and then, “You have.” Wanda gulped, your gaze tracing the movement. “You have seen them. When you arrived at the house and walked to the front door.”
Your furrowed brow was starting to give you a headache, but she was making no sense.
“They’re buried in the garden.” She clarified, gaze drifting around the basement, refusing to settle on anything in particular. She hummed, sad and low. “They died a couple years back, and… me and Pietro… we didn’t want to get put into foster care and separated. We just knew we had to make it work for a while.”
Your lips parted, though you had nothing to say. These had been the most emotionally exhausting days of your life, and you wanted them to end.
“But you were so young….” You said, distracted from the present by the sudden exposition Wanda was providing.
“Close enough to eighteen to improvise.” She shrugged, the movement causing the light to catch the metal of the knife, reflecting round the room in a flash of silver.
“Well, I’m sorry, I can’t imagine how difficult that must’ve been…” You sighed. “But it’s an explanation… not an excuse for what you’ve done, Wanda.”
As Wanda stood there, knife glinting in the faint basement light, something in her expression shifted. Her eyes, previously soft and vulnerable as she poured her heart out to you had become hard, filled with cold resolve. She leapt forward, the blade above you, ready to strike downwards.
In an act of self-defence, you pushed upwards, a hand closing around her forearm and halting the knife’s path.
She pushed down as you pushed up, though the effort was futile as Wanda’s whole body shook, unable to find the strength to plunge the knife into your head, which remained barely an inch away from the sharp tip.
“I can’t do this!” She announced, abruptly stepping backwards and letting you stumble to regain your balance. Wanda’s lip quivered as she looked at you, pain etched into her face. The knife she once held so confidently now seemed like a foreign object. “I can’t hurt you Y/N. I don’t understand! You have this effect on me, I…”
Before she could finish her rambling, you lunged at her, instinct guiding your fist into her enclosed palm, smashing the knife out of her grasp. It clattered to the floor with a metallic clang as you both simultaneously threw yourself towards it, struggling and grappling in a tangle of fear and desperation. You struck your elbow back into her face, hard, and she gasped. In the spare moment, you wrestled the knife from her possession and in one swift motion, plunged it into her side.
Wanda cried out in agony.
You dragged the knife out, ignoring the splatter of blood that followed it, jumping quickly to your feet.
Wanda stayed on the floor, rolling onto her back as her hands grasped at her side, attempting to stop the flow of blood pouring endlessly from the wound.
You choked out a sob, everything around you blurred except for the red soaking into the concrete ground beneath her. And then, you remembered: once this had been Yelena, once it had been Kate, and possibly now Peter. This was the second time this evening that you had seen your girlfriend die, only this time you hoped it stuck.
Wanda’s eyes were frantically searching yours, silently screaming for help as her mouth was agape, drawing in shallow breaths. Hurt and confusion filled her pupils… and something that almost resembled regret… But you didn’t have time to think about it. This was for all her prior victims. For all those that she and Pietro had murdered. You would be the one to escape Wanda’s clutches.
You turned back to the trapdoor, your vision finally adjusted to the dim basement light and spotting a ladder tucked in the corner of the room. You scrambled over to it, heart pounding as you dragged the structure across the room. It scraped against the floor, ear-piercing and loud. You hoped it wouldn’t draw Pietro’s attention, wherever he now lurked in the house.
Shaking hands gripped at the rungs, pulling yourself up with all the power you had left. You had no idea what awaited you above this underground nightmare, but you would never be more ready to face it. Slamming your hand into the trapdoor, moonlight flooded down into the room as you kept climbing up, away from the torment.
As your hand grasped onto the cold, solid ground outside, you could’ve sworn you heard Wanda’s voice echo faintly behind you, a soft plea. You halted, the urge to check on her almost convincing you to look back, but not quite.
Your second hand reached up, and you hauled yourself through the frame of the trapdoor and onto the grass, slightly damp between your fingers. It grounded you. This was real. You took in a breath of fresh air, feeling the cool night air fill your lungs and slow your pounding heart. After a minute, you stood, legs carrying you in the direction of Tony’s parked car further down the driveway, its white reflective paint like a beacon at the end of a long, dark path.
“Hey!” A shrill voice rung out into the night, one you dreaded to recognise instantly as Pietro. You glanced towards the source of the sound to confirm your worst suspicions, and there he was, jumper soaked with dark red blood as he staggered forward.
He was injured, badly, but giving chase as you sprung into action.
“Tony!” You yelled, legs burning as you bolted across the garden. “Tony!” You cried out again, this time catching the attention of two silhouettes sitting in the cop car.
Tony Stark and Pepper Potts frantically stepped out of the car as you drew nearer, their eyes widening at the sight of you sprinting, Pietro following closely on your heels. You could almost feel him reaching out for you, could imagine the cool metal of a knife drawing across your bare skin.
“Get down!” Tony shouted, drawing his gun.
You ducked to the side, and he fired a shot. You scrambled to your knees just in time to see Pietro dodge the bullet, ramming straight into Tony and sending the gun flying across the yard.
Pepper didn’t hesitate. She dived for the gun, rolled to her feet, and fired once, twice, her arm unwavering as she stared Pietro down. Tony jumped to a stand, untangling from the struggle as Pietro staggered, his face contorted in rage and pain, before promptly collapsing to the ground a mere couple of feet away from you.
His eyes never closed, his face never finding peace as more blood spilt out onto his jumper, no longer its original colour, but rather marred by different shades of red. You couldn’t tear your eyes away from his body, unable to truly believe he was dead, despite how his chest lacked the monotonous rise and falling movement that signified life.
It was over. And yet, you knew that, just like Pietro, you would never find peace.
Sirens blared as a never-ending stream of ambulances arrived, paramedics swarming the scene. Red and blue illuminated the house, arguably more imposing than the first time you had laid eyes on it earlier in the night. You stood frozen, your chest heaving as you watched the world fade into obscurity all around you.
And then, “Bring the stretchers! We’ve got one alive in here!”
You waited with bated breath, refocusing on the front door as the first stretcher carried someone out. Your immediate hope was that Wanda had somehow survived, but as you reluctantly remembered everything you had just gone through, you berated yourself for hoping for such a thing.
You stepped forward, away from the paramedic who had been fussing about you since their arrival, and over to the stretcher.
It was Peter: barely conscious, covered in blood and bruises, and impossibly paler since you had last seen him… Since he had sacrificed himself for the mere possibility of your escape.
“Wait!” You called out to the team lifting him through the threshold of the house, away from the brutality inside. “Let me…” Your voice broke off as you drew nearer, examining the true state of him.
They stopped momentarily, allowing you to reach out as if to brush the hair out of his face, then halting at the last moment. He looked so delicate in this state, so easily breakable.
Instead, you leant over, placing your lips gently against his forehead as you fought against a wave of tears threatening to spill.
Whether it was just imagination reassuring your frantic mind, you weren’t sure, but you could’ve sworn you saw the corner of his lips flicker upwards.
And in that moment, you realised something. If Peter was going to be okay, then so would you. Someday.
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END :)
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jetii · 1 day
Hello! I was wondering if I could 36 NSFW with Tech x fem!reader? Maybe where he said that nobody really gave him a challenge at the game, and readers ego is too high to back down from that offer even though she loses horribly. Established relationship perhaps? Also, I love your writing it’s amazing! You deserve all the love and followers
Hiii I'm so happy you requested this!!! I've been addicted to playing Kessel Sabacc in SW Outlaws for the past few weeks, and I was just waiting for the opportunity to work my knowledge into a fic. Literally wrote this as soon as I saw it in my inbox.
I consider this reader the same as the one from On Impulse if anyone cares!
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Pairing: Tech x fem!Reader
Words: 5,069
Tags/Warnings: 18+ only! fluff, smut, established relationship, oral (f receiving), fingering, unprotected sex, light dom Tech, rough (but affectionate) sex
Prompt: 36. “I don’t know why you’re complaining, you’re the one that wanted to play strip Sabacc.”
500 Follower Celebration Masterlist | Main Masterlist
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"Pure sabacc," you announce, throwing down your cards and leaning back in your chair. A relieved grin spreads across your face at Tech's expression. His mouth is a thin line and his eyes are squinted, but there's an exasperated glint in them.
"Yes, I know," he grumbles, dropping his own cards on the table. Tech isn't a sore loser, but he is a competitive one. And the fact that this is the second hand you've won in a row is definitely irking him.
You snatch up his discarded cards and start to shuffle. "What was that about me never winning a round?"
"It is an anomaly," Tech states emotionlessly.
"And you've done the calculations to prove it, haven't you?"
He doesn't answer.
"Well, maybe I'm just lucky tonight." You cross your arms, reveling in his annoyance. "You know, I was beginning to think you were cheating with all the times you've been winning."
Tech rolls his eyes, but you can tell he's fighting off a smirk.
"I wouldn't cheat. Besides, I don't need to. My superior memory allows me to calculate the chances of each outcome with ease, making me naturally skilled at the game. Whereas you," he continues, leaning across the table and resting his elbows on it, "must rely on luck, because your memory is abysmal. It's no surprise you've been losing so often."
"Hey!" you protest, tossing a card at him. It flutters through the air, but he catches it before it hits his goggles.
Tech leans forward, the card trapped between his index and middle finger. "I am merely pointing out the facts, darling."
You snatch the card from him and return it to the deck, refusing to meet his smug gaze. He's trying to distract you, and he knows it's working.
"You can't always rely on the facts," you say, dealing the cards out once again.
"I don't. I also use strategy. Which you should try, seeing as it would certainly help you win."
"Yes, like—"
"Like how you're trying to distract me by insulting my memory?"
Tech huffs a breathy laugh and tilts his chin down. "Is it working?"
"Absolutely not." You glance down at your cards, trying your best not to smirk at your hand. Another sylop. The deck is stacked in your favor this round, and you have a perfect chance of beating Tech.
"What do you say we make this more interesting?" you propose, watching Tech's head tilt in curiosity.
He places a chip down and draws a card before his eyes dart back to yours. "I'm listening."
"Strip sabacc."
Tech's eyebrows shoot up to his hairline, and he almost drops the cards he's holding. "I'm sorry, what?"
"You heard me," you tease, setting your cards down. "Whoever loses a round has to remove an item of clothing. If you lose all your clothes before I do, I win. If I lose mine first, you win. Deal?"
He takes a moment to contemplate the suggestion, a faint blush coloring his cheeks, and his eyes narrow, calculating the possibilities. When his lips curve into a smirk, you know he's made up his mind.
"Deal," he agrees, nodding once and adjusting his goggles. He lays down his cards face up—pair of ones. You frown at your own hand and drop them onto the table.
"Oh, come on! Again?"
Tech chuckles, leaning back in his seat. "I believe you're the one who suggested this game. Now, please, take off an item of clothing."
The cockiness in his tone sends a shiver down your spine, and you fight the urge to roll your eyes. Tech may be a terrible flirt, but his confidence in himself is incredibly sexy.
You slip your boots off and kick them under the table, then lean back in your chair and cross your arms. Tech's eyes are locked on you, a devious smile playing at his lips.
"Now who's distracted?" you taunt, winking at him.
"Hardly," he answers. But you can see the flush on his face and the way his chest is rising and falling just a little bit faster than usual. He's excited, and he's trying to hide it.
“You know, you’re wearing a lot more clothes than I am," you argue, leaning forward on the table and batting your eyelashes innocently. “You should take off an item, too, for fairness' sake."
"Fine." He pulls his boots off and drops them onto the floor. "Happy now?"
Tech picks up the deck and shuffles the cards, the corners of his lips turning up.
"This was your plan, wasn't it?" he asks.
"My plan was to finally win a game of sabacc against you. And maybe see you with less clothes on, but that's an added bonus."
Tech chuckles and slides the cards toward you, his eyes burning into yours. "You are very devious. Now, deal the cards, darling."
You quickly learn that the stakes have made the game a lot more fun. Your heart races as the tension between the two of you rises, each of you sneaking glances at the other while pretending not to. And it doesn't take long for Tech to get the upper hand, much to your dismay.
"I told you," he teases, smirking at you over his cards, "my superior memory allows me to calculate the probability—"
"Yeah, yeah, you don't need to brag," you interrupt, rolling your eyes. You draw another card, cursing when it doesn't help you in the slightest.
“I don’t know why you’re complaining, you’re the one that wanted to play strip Sabacc," he says. You look up at Tech to see he's staring at his own cards, but the slight smile playing on his lips tells you he's aware of your annoyance.
You can't argue with that. You're the one that proposed the idea, and you're the one that can’t seem to stop losing, so now you're the one sitting on the ship with no shoes, socks, or a shirt, leaving only your pants and undergarments. Meanwhile, Tech has only removed his gloves and belt.
He places his cards face-up on the table, revealing another pure sabacc.
"Dammit," you sigh, throwing your own cards onto the table. "Again."
"Strip," Tech commands, and there's a huskiness to his voice that wasn't there before. His eyes are dark and intense as they follow your every move, and his mouth is curved in a devilish smile.
"Are you enjoying this?" you ask, unbuttoning your pants and standing from the chair.
"Immensely," he admits, his eyes not straying from you.
Heat spreads throughout your body at the intensity of his gaze. He watches with bated breath as you push the fabric down your legs, revealing the soft skin of your thighs, and he licks his lips subconsciously. The pants pool around your feet, and you kick them under the table before returning to your seat.
"Now who's the distracted one?"
"Not distracted," Tech replies, his eyes meeting yours. "Appreciating."
His words are heavy and sultry, and you can't stop the flush that colors your cheeks.
"You can appreciate me better if you lose another round," you tell him, shuffling the cards once again.
Tech's eyes narrow. "I think I'd prefer to watch you lose a few more."
The cockiness in his voice goes straight to your core, and a heat pools in your abdomen. Tech doesn't break eye contact, his stare intense and challenging, and a thrill shoots through you at the thought of what he could be thinking.
"I guess we'll see," you tell him, smirking.
You deal the cards, and Tech immediately throws a chip down, drawing his next card. A satisfied smile curves his lips. He's not even trying to hide his glee at your frustration, and it's infuriating.
You throw a chip onto your pile, drawing a card and praying that the Force will be on your side this round. You peek at the numbers and symbols on the card, and the disappointment is instant. It's the worst possible combination—a six and one. And you're out of chips.
When Tech sets his cards down, he does so slowly, drawing out the moment and relishing in your scowl.
You sigh, dropping your useless cards, and Tech's eyes brighten at the sight.
"Well, would you look at that?" he says, his voice filled with fake innocence. "I believe that's five in a row for me."
"No shit, really?" you mutter, rolling your eyes. "I had no idea."
He leans forward and rests his elbows on the table, his hands folded together and his chin resting on top. "Strip."
It's the way he says it, like a command. His voice is low and gravelly, and you feel yourself getting wetter at the tone. He's so sure of himself, so cocky, and it's driving you wild.
"Do I have to?" you ask, batting your eyelashes at him.
Tech's eyes narrow in on you. "Yes."
You stand and unclasp your bra, letting the straps fall down your shoulders and slipping it off your arms. The cold air makes your nipples harden instantly, and his eyes widen when he sees them. He stares for a moment, taking in the view, and then his tongue darts out and licks his lips.
"I must admit, I'm finding this game more enjoyable than I originally thought," he says, his voice thick.
"Only because you're winning."
He hums in agreement and deals the next hand, a sly smirk playing on his lips. Throughout the round, Tech's eyes keep flicking back and forth between the cards and your chest, and you have to bite back a smile. He's trying so hard to concentrate, and his obvious struggle is adorable.
Tech's confidence fades as the round progresses, and by the time he sets his cards down, he isn't wearing his usual cocky smile. His mouth is pressed into a thin line and his eyebrows are knitted together when he shows you his hand.
"What's wrong, Tech?" you tease, leaning back in your seat. "Disappointed that you lost?"
"Of course not," he scoffs. "I've already calculated the possibilities and I know how this will end. I have no doubt that I will win."
"Then why are you pouting?"
"I am not pouting."
"Uh-huh. Well, whatever the reason, it's time for you to remove some clothes."
Tech sighs and slips off his goggles. His warm eyes meet yours, and you notice that they're slightly glazed over.
"There," he grumbles, pushing the goggles across the table toward you. "Happy?"
"Ecstatic," you reply, a wide smile on your face.
Your eyes rake over him, taking in his appearance. It’s rare that you get to see him this way, and you savor the moment. Tech has always been handsome, but the way he looks right now, with his hair mussed and a blush coloring his cheeks, is absolutely enticing.
You pick up the deck and shuffle it, and the sound of the cards sliding together is the only noise in the room. Tech's eyes are fixed on your bare chest, and his throat bobs when he swallows.
"Like what you see?" you ask, raising a brow.
Your cheeks flush, and you deal the cards. The anticipation is killing you, and the smugness that Tech was showing before is long gone. He seems eager to get the game over with, and the impatience in his demeanor is refreshing.
His eyes flick back and forth between the cards and the pile, and his face gives nothing away. You're desperate to know what his hand is, and it's taking every ounce of willpower not to peek.
He reaches across the table and throws a chip down, his brow furrowing. It's such a subtle change in his expression, and most people would miss it. But you know Tech well enough to understand his emotions, and right now he's frustrated.
Your heartbeat quickens as you draw a card. Another three to match the one already in your hand. Not great, but it's enough to win if Tech doesn't have a better sabacc.
"What are you thinking about?" you ask him, watching as his eyes move from his cards to yours and back again.
"Strategy," he mutters.
"What kind of strategy?"
"The type of strategy that will guarantee my victory,” he says. His eyes are determined and his jaw is clenched. He glances up from his cards to meet your gaze, and the fire in his eyes sends a shiver down your spine.
"Show me your cards," he demands.
You do as he asks, laying the two twos face-up on the table. The look he gives you is nothing short of prideful, and your heart drops.
"You've got to be kidding me," you groan.
Tech reveals his own cards—a sylop and a one. You let out an exasperated huff, and he chuckles.
"Well," he starts, placing his cards on the table and leaning back in his chair. His gaze travels over your body, and his smirk widens. "Go on."
Your cheeks heat up under his scrutinizing stare, and a part of you wants to rebel and refuse to comply. But Tech looks so damn good right now, his eyes filled with mischief, and the excitement coursing through you is too much.
"You're having too much fun," you say, your voice low.
"I'd have more fun if you'd hurry up and finish this little game of ours," Tech retorts.
 You're about to give him a smart retort, but then you notice the way he shifts in his seat. It's subtle, and you doubt he even realizes it, but it's there. The tightening of his thighs, the slight twitch of his hands. He's just as turned on as you are.
And you decide to play into it.
"I'm in no rush." You stand, slowly, and let your hands travel down the expanse of your chest, cupping your breasts and running your thumbs over your nipples.
Tech's breath catches, and his eyes are dark as they watch your every move. You can see his fingers twitching, aching to touch you, but he's refraining. You run a hand down your stomach, over the hem of your panties, and he licks his lips again.
Then, without warning, you turn away from him, exposing your backside. Tech makes a sound of protest, but his objection quickly dies down when he sees you hook your thumbs into the waistband and slide your underwear down. You bend forward to push them down your legs, and you can hear the sharp intake of breath from Tech.
The moment you turn around, a mischievous glint in your eye, you're met with a new expression on Tech's face.
He looks hungry.
His pupils are blown wide and his lips are parted, and you can tell it's taking all his strength not to jump across the table and take you right then and there.
"Well?" you tease, raising an eyebrow at him. "What are you waiting for?"
He doesn't waste a second. With one swift motion, he tosses the cards aside, his eyes never leaving yours, and stands. Then, he's on the other side of the table and grabbing your waist, pulling you towards him until your chest is pressed against his.
"I win," he announces, his hands roaming over your body.
"Then take your prize."
He pulls you into a searing kiss, his lips pressing insistently against yours. His hands travel the expanse of your skin, squeezing and caressing. One settles at the base of your neck while the other moves lower, down the curve of your back and to your ass. He grabs it, hard, and pulls your hips towards his, pressing his already-hard erection into you. You moan into his mouth, and he swallows it up, his tongue delving deeper and dancing with yours.
You wrap your arms around his neck, bringing him closer and pressing your bare chest against him. You can feel the heat radiating off his body, and his arousal is evident as he rocks his hips into yours, his hand squeezing and kneading your flesh.
When the two of you break away for air, his mouth moves lower, peppering kisses along your jaw and neck, sucking the sensitive skin at your pulse point. You tilt your head back, allowing him more access, and he takes full advantage. His tongue laves over the area, teeth nipping at the skin, and a breathy moan escapes your lips.
Tech's lips travel lower, across your collarbone and down your chest, stopping at the valley between your breasts. His breath fans over your skin, and his tongue darts out, licking a stripe along the underside of one breast. His fingers move up, brushing over the bud of your nipple, and you let out a whimper at the sensation.
He looks up at you, a satisfied smile playing at his lips, before bending and taking the other nipple into his mouth. His tongue swirls around it, his lips sucking the sensitive flesh, and his hand pinches the other one. The feeling sends shockwaves of pleasure through your body, and your hands find their way into his hair, tangling themselves in the strands.
You gasp as his teeth gently graze over the hardened peak, and your knees nearly buckle beneath you. His other hand comes up and holds your hip, steadying you, and his mouth moves to the other side.
"Tech..." you breathe, your head falling back and your eyes fluttering shut. He's barely touched you, and already, you're a panting mess.
Tech's lips travel further down, past your navel and to your thighs. He drops to his knees in front of you, his hands trailing along the curves of your hips, and his lips press kisses into your skin.
"I've been wanting to taste you all day," he says, his voice a low rumble.
"You should've told me earlier," you breathe, looking down at him through hooded eyes. "We could've skipped the sabacc." 
"This was far more entertaining." He presses a kiss to your mound, and you shudder. His eyes are dark with lust, and the sight of him on his knees before you makes your core clench with anticipation.
Tech kisses your thigh, his tongue darting out to taste the skin. Your hands tighten in his hair, tugging and guiding him to where you need him most. He chuckles, and the warm breath fans over your sensitive flesh. 
His fingers dance across your skin, teasing the crease of your thighs, before one presses against your heat. A moan escapes your lips, and he presses harder, dragging his finger through your folds.
"You're already so wet," he murmurs, his eyes watching the way his finger moves. "Were you thinking about this while we were playing? About what would happen if you lost?"
"Yes," you answer truthfully, and the admission has him groaning.
He rubs circles into your clit, his touch sending sparks of pleasure throughout your body. Your legs begin to shake, and you place a hand on his shoulder to steady yourself. He glances up at you, the corner of his mouth turning up in a devilish smirk, and he presses a finger against your entrance. You whimper at the contact, and Tech lets out a quiet moan, the sight of you falling apart before him clearly affecting him.
"Tech, please," you beg, rocking your hips into his hand.
"Patience, darling," he coos.
He pushes the digit into you, slowly, letting you adjust to the stretch, and then curls it upwards. You gasp, your hand gripping his shoulder tighter, and he begins to pump his finger in and out of you. His arm nudges your thigh, spreading your legs wider, and he leans in and presses his mouth to your clit. He licks a broad stripe up the sensitive bundle of nerves, his tongue swirling around it, and you cry out in pleasure.
His free hand grips your thigh, holding you steady, while the other continues its slow movements, pushing in and out of you. You feel the tension coiling inside of you, and you know it won't take long for him to push you over the edge. His tongue is skilled and insistent, and he knows you better than anyone.
Tech's eyes are locked on yours, watching every reaction, and you can see the pure delight written on his face. He loves knowing he's the one doing this to you, making you fall apart.
"Tech... I'm..." You can't finish the sentence. The tension is building inside you, threatening to snap at any moment, and your breathing is labored. Tech adds a second finger, pumping faster and curling them against the spongy spot within you. You whimper, your grip on his shoulder tightening, and he knows you're close.
"Come for me," he says, his words vibrating against your sensitive flesh. His palm slaps against your clit, his fingers curling deeper, and the coil inside you snaps.
"Fuck!" you gasp, your legs shaking as the orgasm crashes through you. Tech's arm wraps around your thigh, keeping you upright as your knees buckle. He continues pumping his fingers, drawing out the pleasure, his tongue flicking and swirling around your clit.
When the sensations become too much, you place a hand on his forehead and push him away, your body going slack. Tech pulls his fingers from you and places a gentle kiss on your inner thigh before standing, his eyes searching yours.
"Are you alright?" he asks, his voice husky.
"Mhmm," you hum, a blissful smile tugging at your lips.
Tech's hand moves to the back of your head, pulling you into a bruising kiss. He takes a step forward, guiding you backwards, and the backs of your legs hit the bunk.
"Tech, please," you beg, breaking the kiss and staring into his eyes. They're black with desire, and he's already reaching down, fumbling with the zipper of his pants.
He pushes them down his legs, kicking them away, and his cock springs free, already leaking. Your hand reaches for him, stroking him from base to tip, and he groans, his hips bucking into your touch.
You continue the slow movements, dragging your hand along his length and rubbing your thumb over the tip. Tech's breathing is heavy, and his head falls to your shoulder, his face buried in the crook of your neck.
"Stop," he mutters, grabbing your wrist and halting the movement. "I want to last more than five seconds."
You chuckle and press a kiss to his jaw. "Well, let's go, then."
His eyes meet yours, and he nods. Then, in a swift motion, he spins you around and pushes you forward, bending you over the side of the bed.
He presses his body against yours, his cock grinding against your ass, and a soft moan escapes your lips. He's close, his breathing hot and heavy against your neck, and his hands are gripping your hips, pulling you towards him.
You feel the tip of his cock press against your entrance, and a shiver runs down your spine. You lean forward, resting your arms on the mattress and tilting your ass higher, and Tech lets out a deep moan at the sight.
"You're so beautiful," he whispers as one hand slides along the curve of your back.
“Hurry up," you urge, wiggling your hips against him.
His hand moves down your hip, across your ass, taking a moment to squeeze the flesh, and lower to the back of your thigh. His fingers dance along the skin, sending shivers down your spine, before coming to a stop at the back of your knee. He lifts it, propping it on the edge of the bunk, spreading your legs wider, and then his cock is lining up with your entrance.
He pushes in, slowly, letting you adjust to the stretch. You whimper as he fills you, and his hand comes up, rubbing soothing circles into your lower back.
Tech pauses when he's fully sheathed inside you, his hips flush with yours, and his hand comes around to rest on your lower stomach. The light pressure on the spot is just enough to have you squirming, and you push back into him, silently begging for more.
"Please, Tech," you whimper, and he huffs a laugh.
"Begging already?" he teases, his breath fanning over the shell of your ear. "I haven't even started yet."
He pulls out of you, and the drag of his cock has you whining, already missing the sensation. He pushes back in, slow and deep, and you let out a shaky breath.
"Fuck, Tech," you pant, and he groans, his nose brushing against the nape of your neck.
His pace is slow and methodical, and you can't help but admire the restraint he's showing. Usually, he's a mess by this point, but now, his fingers are digging into your hips, holding you steady, and his breathing is slow and controlled.
You turn your head, pressing your cheek against the sheets, and glance up at him. His eyes are shut tight, and his brow is furrowed in concentration. You're not sure what's gotten into him, but he seems determined not to lose control.
"Harder, Tech," you urge, pushing your hips back to meet his. He grunts and snaps his hips, the slap of skin on skin filling the room. You let out a moan, and Tech's pace quickens, his thrusts growing more forceful.
Your fingers dig into the sheets, trying to find purchase as he pounds into you. It's intoxicating, the feeling of his cock filling you, stretching you. And the sounds coming from his lips—the soft grunts and moans—are driving you wild. He's always quiet during sex, but the sounds he's making now are anything but.
Tech's grip on your hip tightens, and his hand on your stomach presses harder, holding you in place as his hips move faster. His thrusts are sharp and deep, and he hits that sweet spot inside you, sending tingling waves of pleasure through your body.
"Yes," you cry out, and you push back against him, meeting each thrust. "More, Tech."
"I don't want to hurt you," he says, his voice strained.
"You won't."
He lets out a strangled moan and slams his hips into yours, the movement nearly knocking the breath from your lungs. He continues his relentless pace, his fingers digging into the flesh of your hip, and your head falls forward, resting against the sheets.
Your legs are shaking, and the tension inside you is threatening to snap at any moment. You can feel the fire burning in your abdomen, the pressure coiling tighter and tighter, and the way Tech is panting against your neck isn't helping.
"That's it," he growls, his voice low and husky. "You're close, aren't you?"
"Yes," you breathe.
"I can feel you tightening around me." He groans, his pace never faltering. "You're going to come for me."
It's a demand, not a question. And you have no intention of disobeying him.
Tech's hand slides from your hip to your ass, squeezing the plump flesh. The possessiveness of the gesture has you keening, and you arch your back, presenting yourself to him. He growls at the sight, his hips slamming into yours.
"Stars, you're so fucking beautiful," he pants, his hand moving to your thigh and hiking your leg higher. The new angle allows him to slide deeper inside you, and you can feel the pressure building within you, the tears beginning to prick at your eyes.
"Tech, please," you beg, pushing your hips back to meet his.
"What do you need, darling?" he asks, his voice strained. "Tell me."
"Make me come, please," you whine, and his hips jerk forward.
His hand is quick, sliding between your legs and finding your clit. He presses two fingers against the swollen bud, rubbing slow circles, and the tension snaps. Your body goes rigid, and your vision blurs as the orgasm rips through you. You cry out, Tech's name falling from your lips, and your knees buckle, the only thing keeping you upright is his firm grip on your hips.
You bury your face in the sheets, muffling the sound of your moans, and Tech keeps pumping into you, his thrusts rocking you forward and sending your orgasm even higher.
He fucks you through the high, his pace never faltering, each thrust punching another gasp from you. Your hands grip the sheets, knuckles white and jaw clenched, and the pleasure is so intense that tears begin to roll down your cheeks. His cock twitches inside you, and you clench around him, desperate to push him over the edge.
"Fuck," he hisses, his thrusts becoming sloppy. He's babbling now, his voice hoarse and broken, and you can tell he's close. "You're perfect, darling. You're— fuck, I love you, I love you, I love—"
His words are cut off by a deep groan, and his hips stutter. He slams into you one final time before he spills into you, hot and thick, and the feeling is enough to make you see stars. His hands are gripping your waist, bruising the flesh, and he pulls you into his lap as he turns and collapses onto the bed.
You both sit there, panting, his chest pressed against your back. His forehead is resting against your shoulder, his breath hot and ragged against your skin. The two of you are covered in a sheen of sweat, and his hands are roaming your body, tracing gentle patterns across your skin.
"That was..." Tech trails off, unable to form the words.
"Yeah," you agree, leaning back against him. You take in a shaky breath and sigh. "I love you too, by the way."
"I know." He nuzzles his face into the crook of your neck, his lips pressing a gentle kiss against the sensitive skin. "I can't believe you suggested strip sabacc."
"And I can't believe you agreed."
"Well, I wasn't about to pass up an opportunity to see you naked," he chuckles, his fingers tracing lazy circles across your abdomen.
You laugh, and the sound is bright and clear. You shift in his lap, turning around and straddling his hips. His eyes are soft as he stares up at you, a faint smile tugging at his lips.
"Maybe we should play it more often then," you joke, leaning down and capturing his lips in a tender kiss.
"We will, if this is how you plan to reward me every time I win."
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Taglist: @baddest-batchers @covert1ntrovert @stellarbit @bruh-myguy-what @qvnthesia
@spicy-clones @kindalonleystars @cw80831 @totallyunidentified @heidnspeak
@lovelytech9902 @frozenreptile @chocolatewastelandtriumph @etod @puppetscenario
@umekohiganbana @resistantecho @dindjarins1ut @tech-aficionado @aynavaano
@burningnerdchild @ihatesaaand @lolwey @hobbititties @mere-bear
@thegreatpipster @lordofthenerds97 @tentakelspektakel @notslaybabes @mali-777
@schrodingersraven @megmegalodondon @dangraccoon @dreamie411 @sukithebean
@bimboshaggy @anything-forourmoony @9902sgirl @jedi-dreea @salaminus
@ghostymarni @gottalovehistory @burningnerdchild @yoitsjay @callsign-denmark
@julli-bee @sonicrainbooms @captn-trex @feral-ferrule @webslinger-holland
@marchingviolist @deerspringdreams @chaicilatte @somewhere-on-kamino @silly-starfish
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spiderbeam · 23 hours
🎧 — ¿con quién se queda el perro? (“who gets the dog?”) by jesse y joy
a/n: it’s 1:50 am as i’m posting this && it turned out much longer than i expected so…. prepare for angst and enjoy <3
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The first thought that crosses your mind as you’re walking across your flat to open the door is that this feels weird. No matter how much you try to push it away, you can’t help it. It’s weird, hearing him knock on the door. You don’t understand why that’s the thing has thrown you off most during a week like this. It’s not the piles of boxes, or the bed that is only half-undone, the emptied drawers, the missing pictures, the packed-up racing simulator. It’s him knocking.
He has a key. He has one, because he hasn’t yet given it to you. Because you still can’t bring yourself to ask for it.
The door creaks open, and you’re met by Carlos’ tired brown eyes. His hair looks messy, his complexion paler than it should. He hasn’t been sleeping well.
To be fair, neither have you.
“Hi,” he says quietly, eyes searching your face. You can’t look much better than him.
“Hi,” you repeat, opening the door wider for him.
“How did you sleep?” he asks, shuffling besides you and into the apartment he used to call home.
“The bed isn’t that bad,” you say. Even though you aren’t here. The thought comes to you unbidden. It makes a sourness seep into your mouth.
You close the door behind you. He stands a respectful distance from you, sleeves rolled up to his elbows. And that distance… it’s too far away, but not enough altogether. Too close, too distant.
The two of you linger there, in a silence that seems to stretch between the two of you. There’s a ghost of laughter, of kisses and promises whispered against your lips. Of fingers toying with his hair and murmurs pressed against your navel.
You don’t remember the last time silence stretched like this between the two of you.
“I will be quick,” Carlos promises quietly.
“You don’t have to be,” you respond, and you can see his brown eyes soften. What’s done is done, you have to remind yourself. You made your choice. But there’s a tenderness for Carlos that you’ll never be able to shed. There’s a room in your heart for him—he made home of it years ago. It will take time for him to vacate it—longer than it will your apartment.
Carlos nods eventually, letting his gaze scour your flat. It feels hollow. A phantom. You had grown used to an empty apartment. With Carlos’ line of work, it was near impossible to have him with you for longer stretches of time. You thought you could bear it—seeing him once, twice a week, maybe less. You thought the breaks between races could make up for an empty bed. You thought you would learn to cope with it. That missing him would make being with him all the better. You thought you could learn.
But he loves being a driver too much. And when he told you about Ferrari not renewing his contract for next year, an ugly, venomous thing started festering in your heart. Maybe he won’t drive next season. It was a seed of hope tangled with a blooming selfishness. Because you weren’t sad, you weren’t angry, you weren’t sympathetic—you were relieved. Relieved at the possibility that your boyfriend could be at the end of his career.
And what an ugly, awful thing that is to think about the person you love. And while that rotting hope wasn’t the first sign, it was definitely the last one you needed.
Carlos loves driving. It comes at the cost of him being away more often than not.
You couldn’t keep living like this.
Carlos runs his hand down the line of his jaw. He does it when he’s anxious, frustrated. He doesn’t meet your gaze when he says: “A few reporters might reach out to you.” You don’t mention the fact that they already have. Your spam folder is not large enough. “I will—I will make sure someone from my team helps you out with that. But if you want someone else, I can arrange—“
“Thank you,” you say, a murmur, barely audible in itself. But the silence is heavy, and the way his lips press together tells you he heard you.
“I wanted—“
“Do you—“
And the silence snaps back into place near immediately, eyes staring at each other with something you can’t seem to place. Familiarity that borders on unfamiliar. You’ve known him for ten years, loved him for nine, dated him for eight. There are traces of Carlos carved into every edge of your life. He knows you better than you know yourself. And when the words can’t seem to dislodge from your throat, you know he can tell. You swallow, and instead nudge your head towards the door on your left. Carlos nods tightly, and leads first into what used to be your shared bedroom.
You follow behind him, almost hesitantly. He’s big—he blocks most of your view when you step back in. You almost wish he did entirely. But the moment he moves even slightly to the side, you want to shove him out of the room. You hadn’t realized just how exposed, how bare it would make you feel.
Your side of the bed is tidy, blankets straight without a wrinkle in sight. His side—
His side is messy, with blankets strewn together and his pillow halfway on the floor. You look away too quickly, but your heart stammers at the idea that the outline of you is still visible on the mattress.
He probably noticed it the second he stepped inside. You avert your gaze, looking up at the ceiling. But you can feel Carlos’ stare burning onto the side of your cheek.
You’re not sure what compelled you to sleep on his side of the bed. He rarely ever slept here at all—and when he did, the two of you would end up tangled together, meeting each other in the middle of the mattress. His pillow wouldn’t even smell like him.
Even then, it’s hard to imagine he won’t be here anymore. That you won’t be falling asleep knowing he’s coming back.
You clear your throat. It feels scratchy. “Um, I’ll be in the kitchen if you—“
“You don’t have to leave,” Carlos says, a little too quickly. He swallows sharply. “It’s your apartment. You shouldn’t be…” he trails off, his big brown eyes meeting yours. You nod in understanding.
You stand off to the side while Carlos rummages through the dresser. With his back turned towards you, you take the chance to steady yourself. Breathe in. Breathe out. You knew this would be hard. You knew. It doesn’t make it easier.
You remember the headlines from the day the news broke. Convertidos en extraños muy cordiales. It still makes your skin crawl.
Strangers. You’ve been a part of each other’s lives for a decade. You don’t remember what not knowing Carlos feels like.
He moves away from the dresser and towards his side of the bed. Out of the corner of your eye, you see him turning slightly towards you.
He thinks you don’t notice it. He thinks you’re looking away when he opens the drawer of his nightstand. He thinks you don’t notice the small, velvet box he pulls out and shoves into his pocket. It wouldn’t matter, anyway—you found it two nights ago.
He was going to ask you to marry him.
This time you do look away, cheek muscle trembling as you force yourself to bite down any tears.
It was a mutual decision. It’s what you told the press, what you told your friends, what you told yourself. It’s the truth.
It stings anyway.
The two of you are leave the bedroom eventually, one after the other. It’s the last time he’ll be in here like this. Your vision blurs. You’ll have to sell the bed. Get a smaller one. You blink the tears away.
Carlos runs a hand through his hair. He tugs too hard, and you nearly reach for his hand. The chide rests on your tongue—you need to be more gentle with yourself. You swallow the words, but they stick to the back of your throat.
Carlos sighs. “Princesa—” It slipped out. He didn’t mean to call you that—you can tell by the way his shoulders tense, how his whole body seems to lock into place. There’s a flicker of panic, of anguish in his expression. He clicks his tongue, tugs on his hair too roughly again, and swallows whatever it was he intended to say.
Instead, Carlos hands you something, and for a moment, you think it’s the ring.
It hurts. Your friends told you the pain would dull with time. You wouldn’t say yes, you realize, even if he pulled the ring now. You’ve spent more nights alone than beside him during the past year. You’ve fallen asleep alone in a cold, empty bed more often than not. You love him—you do. A part of you fears you always will. Saying no would hurt just as much.
The cold metal presses against your palm. It’s not an engagement ring.
It’s his key.
You look up at him. His throat bobs and his fingers twitch, like he wants to reach out to you.
He doesn’t.
“I’m sorry,” you whisper, and your voice breaks at the end.
He nods his head, looking away. His eyes look glassy.
“Me too.”
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eve’s 1k celebration 🎧
a/n: godd this song was such a throwback,,, i managed to sneak more than a few lyrics (many translated ones & one in spanish) in there so those that get it…. yknow. really really really recommend listening to the song even if you don’t speak spanish!!! spotify gives you the option to read the lyrics in english so u definitely should give it a listen <3
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cuppajj · 2 days
Because we all know CRK is definitely continuing after the Beasts are gone and who knows when they’re gonna defeat Dark Enchantress, I have my predictions about what will come next and I’m curious to know everyone else’s. Please share/reblog for a bigger sample pool!
My personal predictions under cut:
It could be anything but my prediction (and hope) is that they bring in the dragons after the beasts, with Longan potentially serving as the new antagonist of the arc. However I don’t believe it would be a retread of the arc in ovenbreak due to different lore in each game: dragons aren’t nigh extinct in Kingdom afaik, leaving Longan without that same motivation. However, CRK does say that dragons used to be dominant on Earthbread, which is a time I imagine Longan would love to go back to, before the era of the cookies (the Ancients) came.
It would also mean more cookies would join Pitaya in the Dragon rarity since it’s just them at the moment: my prediction is Ananas would come first, since they’re usually paired with Pitaya in things, and their location would be somewhere in the Tropical Soda Islands (instead of all the dragons living in the same archipelago, they’re spread out). I could also see them introducing a new dragon and/or doing more with snapdragon, who could potentially age.
Lastly I think the dragon’s respective crystals they all have could definitely serve as parallels to the Ancient’s soul jams in some way, perhaps harboring power that is either similar or equal to them. If Dark Enchantress can’t snag the soul jams of the ancients easily, she can certainly try with the dragon’s, right? However Longan would definitely not put up with it, and due to some power they have, would be the more immediate threat than her.
Basically I could see CRK addressing dragon lore more after the Beasts, which would be a great excuse for the other dragons to come in. It could be anything though but my fingers are crossed!!
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farmergirldulce · 1 day
Farmer Confessions Part 2
How would they react to the farmer confessing their love to them? Here are The Bois ᴛᴍ this time~ (˵ •̀ ᴗ - ˵ ) ✧
Part 2: The Bachelors
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♡ 𝑀𝒶𝓇𝒸𝒽
You're honestly quite shocked you started catching feelings for this angry tomato who you could've swore hated you
But as you get to know him you notice his softer side is starting to show and you couldn't help but fall for him (me too bruh LOL)
You decide to get it over with on an occasion when he's sober because you just know he'll be too drunk to take in your confession
Olric just so happens to be out of town that day to visit Merri for her birthday, so it's now or never
Oh god maybe YOU shouldn't be sober for this
You pop into the blacksmith shop at the usual time you go bother March, but this time you have a bag of silver ore to spare him with a note inside that says: "So we going out ore what?"
As lame as that note is you thought your sense of humor would carry you through this
You slap the bag on his desk next to him working on some blueprints with that same shit-eating grin you always give him
"Yo. What's this?"
"Open and see~"
With a raised eyebrow, he opens the bag and sees the ore, mumbling about how it looks good, he can work with this, blah blah
But then he pulls out the note and you feel your heart go to your ass
Before you could have second thoughts, he opens the note and reads it
His deadpanned expression shows he's used to this corny side of you so he's like:
"Good one. You came up with that yourself?"
Then from looking at your shy face, it hits him, realizing the context of that note
His face turns into the same color of his dyed hair
You're spiraling now
"I'm sorry I know you hate me but I didn't know how else to tell you-"
He interrupts you by embracing you, his hand in your hair and his flushed face buried in your neck
"Dumbass. I've never hated you. It's the opposite actually..."
Wait huh? It's mutual??
So far Olric's the only one who knows you two are going out (but March eventually tells Ryis as well) and he's giddy like a schoolboy because he shipped you two for the longest
He's already planning double dates with himself and Merri
Other than that you two keep it lowkey for now until March is comfortable
That is until a Friday night when his tongue slips and calls you "babe"
Now everyone knows and Elsie wants in on the T E A
♡ 𝐵𝒶𝓁𝑜𝓇
This mysterious man has stolen your heart
However, you're apprehensive about telling him how you feel because you don't want to mistake his flirting for coming onto you
You're worried he's not into you and you're afraid to get your heart broken so you just avoid him for days, bottling your possibly unrequited feelings inside
You don't think he noticed you weren't talking to him but hooo boy he noticed
And he doesn't like it one bit
So one morning Balor shows up at your front door out of nowhere, a worried look on his face
"Hey, you~! What gives? Did I upset my favorite customer?"
You feel an uneasiness at the pit of your stomach
You want to just lie and say you're okay but he deserves to know the truth
You ask him to promise not to laugh at what you're about to say and he crosses his heart with his fingers and whispers softly:
"Out with it."
So you just say it. That you're in love with him and want to be with him
After a brief moment of silence and a slight blush creeping onto his face, he starts to laugh
"Y-You said you wouldn't laugh!"
"Haha, I'm so sorry, but... that's the reason why you weren't speaking to me?? My goodness..."
Then he closes the gap between you two, his hands on your hips and his forehead touching yours
"I'd be lying if I said I wasn't thinking about you in that way either... so why don't we do something about it, hm?"
You feel like fireworks are going off in your head as he plants a kiss on your lips
You two are definitely the talk of the town after it's made official and he always takes you with him on his strolls out of town
He wasn't sure if he'd stay in Mistria, but now that he has you by his side, he just might be convinced
♡ 𝐸𝒾𝓁𝒶𝓃𝒹
He's such a sweet boi; how could you not be in love with him?!
Something about hearing him ramble on about archeology while sharing sweets together makes you just crave for moments like this all the time
That lil' nerd got you wrapped around his finger
So you get some advice from Reina about what kind of food to make for "a guy you like", but the way you describe the sweets he likes she immediately knows who it is
Aaaand she's squealing, already eager to help you win Eiland's heart through his stomach
She helps you bake a strawberry shortcake and you write a letter to Eiland, inviting him to the dig site for some excavating and cake at night
Dang Farmer, a date already? Lmao
It's a starry night and not a cloud in sight
After the excavation, you reveal the cake and he's absolutely hyped
"Wow, strawberry shortcake?? Thanks so much! I can't wait to try it~!"
The conversation continues, a mix between compliments on how amazing the cake is and about the findings of the excavation
You both are having such a good time you almost forgot why you invited him out tonight in the first place
You gulp and say:
"Hey, Eiland? I have to tell you something."
"Hm? What is it?"
"I... I have feelings for you. I would like to date you, if that's okay?"
His face reddens, sparkles in his eyes. He covers his mouth in excitement and in shock
"(Y/N)! I'm so happy... I-I like you too!!"
He hugs you while you blink incredulously, not believing what you just heard
He clarifies that he's had a crush on you for a while and was struggling to tell you how he felt
He gives you the most heart-melting smile as he says:
"I-I'll be the best boyfriend you could ever ask for!"
You both walk back to the manor hand in hand and Adeline just so happens to see and she screeches
She bombards you two with questions like "How? Huh? WHEN? Who asked who??"
After she calms down he introduces you to her as his significant other and she's just so happy for you two
And you're both happy as well, a giggling pair of lovebirds
♡ 𝑅𝓎𝒾𝓈
Both being newcomers in Mistria, it was natural for you and Ryis to hit it off so well
Even to the point cranky ass March was starting to get salty
Like?? They steal my thunder AND my best friend? Fuck em
But yeah, Ryis has always been so nice to you and he's been so pleasant to be around
You don't want to mistake his kindness for flirting but the wINK THO-
Once you notice how often you've been thinking about him, you just know you can't keep it in any longer
You see one of your barns has a loose floorboard and thought it would be a perfect opportunity to ask Ryis for help
You could totally do it yourself but you figure you'd ask since you have to confess your undying love for this guy anyways
Later that day he arrives at your farm with his tools
"Yesss my hero~!"
"Haha, here to save the day!"
After that playful squabble, he rolls up his sleeves and gets to work
Shortly, after hammering the last nail, he gets up and wipes his forehead
"That should do it!"
You simply can't thank him enough and offer him a glass of lemonade before he leaves
You're definitely nervous now that he's in your home and sitting on your couch
Suddenly the nerves get to you and you just drop the glass on the floor
He jolts off the couch
"Are you okay?!"
You're stammering, trying to pick up the broken pieces of glass
"No, stay there! Let me get a broom."
He does just that: grabs a broom to sweep up the mess you made
You're in tears now because you just know he's gonna think you're some clumsy dork
After the clean-up, he takes your hands suddenly to inspect them for cuts
"Are you hurt?"
Tears are running down your cheeks now and he's definitely worried now
"Why are you so nice to me? I'm just a big mess and I totally get it if you don't like me but I like you and it would be nice to get to know you better and-"
"W-Wait, slow down..."
He wipes your tears with his fingers and cups your face with his hands
"You're... into me?"
You nod without making eye contact
You hear him softly chuckle and here comes The Wink ᴛᴍ
"Do you really think I don't feel the same way about you? Why else did I come to your farm to do a job you were more than capable of doing yourself?"
He plants a soft kiss on your forehead, a blush now forming on his cheeks
"I wanted to see you."
You nearly pass out from the overheating on your face
But once you regain your composure you understand you two share the same feelings and everything turns out alright
He properly introduces you as his significant other to his uncle Landen to which he claps his shoulder in approval
You two are just so affectionate even March is like "ugh get a room"
"Maybe we will."
♡ 𝐻𝒶𝓎𝒹𝑒𝓃
He had you from the moment he arrived on your farm on horseback
Since then you just, desire to ride off into the sunset with him
You've learned a lot about farming thanks to his help and now you feel like this friendship could be something more if he reciprocates
Before you could invite Hayden (and Henrietta of course bc she's a package deal lmao) over to the farm for some tea, you see a letter in the mail from him inviting you over to his farm for dinner tonight
Like??? Holy shit it's a date omg
Sorry Henrietta; you can meet Mother Clucker and Duck Norris another time LOL
You shower and dress decent before heading out
The gentle giant answers the door after you knock
"(Y/N)! So glad you could make it! I don't know what I was gonna do with all this extra quiche I made, haha!"
Then your excitement dissipates when you see Adeline and Celine sitting at the table behind him
Turns out he invited those two as well and you start to feel empty
Who are you kidding? There's no way he'd just ask you over alone...
Of course you feign a smile regardless because there's no reason to not be cordial with Adeline and Celine
You're all just friends having dinner
Just... friends :')
After dinner, the two girls bid farewell and take their leave (after Hayden insisting he'll clean up and not to worry)
You get ready to leave as well
"Goodnight, (Y/N)! Hope you enjoyed dinner. See you tomorrow!"
He notices your usual tone doesn't sound quite right and tilts his head in concern
"You alright?"
"Huh? OH yeah I'm good! Just tired, haha. Night!"
You practically throw yourself out of there and close the door behind you
Before you could take the dejected walk back home, you hear a bawk behind you
It's Henrietta
She's clucking at you and doing light pecks at your leg
"I don't know what you're trying to tell me Henrietta, but I'm going home, okay?"
She still won't go inside, staring intently
"Okay, maaaybe I'm upset I got the wrong idea and thought your dad wanted to have dinner with me alone because I want to date him because he's a wonderful man and I'm just so stupid for thinking I'd actually have a chance-"
Dude, you're rambling to a chicken
"I-I'm going home! Sorry, Henrietta..."
You start walking back home and almost on queue, it starts to rain
However, after a few moments, before you step through the entrance of your farm...
"(Y/N), wait!"
It's Hayden, running towards you with an umbrella.
"Huh? Oh what's u-"
He bum-rushes into you in an embrace, the force almost bringing you both down to the ground
"Is it true...? You like me? As in like like? More than a friend??"
You jolt at the questions. How??
Gdi Henrietta you snitch but tysm too??
You gulp
"A-And if I do?"
He grins wholesomely
"Then I'd have to go out with you, of course! I feel the same way about you, ya know!"
He says that like you should've known already?? Like what??
You make a mental note to thank Henrietta later
He walks you to your front door, both of you under the umbrella
"Oh! I guess this makes me your boyfriend, right? Haha, well how about that! You'll be seeing me more often then."
Before saying farewell for the night, he hugs you with a loving squeeze like he never wants to let go
"I look forward to more adventures with you, (Y/N)."
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buckyshoneybunny · 6 hours
Their Babydoll
WinterWidow + Shy!Stark!Curvy!reader 
Summary- Bucky and Natasha take a liking to the shy designer. 
W.C.- 2212 
Warnings- Smut, fluff, cursing, unprotected sex, oral (fem, reader), cum eating, let me know if I missed anything. 
A/N- I hope you guys like! Sorry if the smut sucks, I was tired lol. I know these fics are usually Bucky x Reader x Steve but I would want Nat more. Anyway I already have an idea for a new series and it includes Biker Bucky! Not proof read, all mistakes are mine. Hope you enjoy it my lovelies!  
“Please Uncle Tony!” You beg for the hundredth time.  
“No,” he says, not even looking up from the device he was tweaking.  
“No,” he interrupts you.  
You stick your bottom lip out and give your best puppy eyes. It would always work when you were younger. Now though? 
You groan and cross your arms. You smile to yourself. “You know, Aunt Pepper has been wondering what happened to her-” 
“Okay! Okay,” he sighs and pushes the protective glasses further up his nose as he looks at you. “There’s no need to bring Pepper into this.” 
You giggle and lean your hip against the table he’s working at. “You always were afraid of Aunt Pepper.” 
“I’m not afraid of her,” he huffs. “I just happen to have a healthy amount of respect for her.”  
“You’re afraid of her, Tony,” Bruce pipes up from across the lab.  
You giggle as Tony sends you and Bruce a glare.  
“Why do you even want to use the holographic interfaces?” Tony asks. 
“Because it would make designing floor plans so much easier! Using your tech would help me with the critical parts of my job.”  
“But you don’t even know how to use them.” 
“You could teach me.” 
“But I don’t hav-” He sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose. “Fine,” he huffs.  
You squeal and hug him. “Thank you, Uncle Tony!”  
He pats your arm, “Yeah yeah.” 
Most people didn’t know Tony had a sister; hell no one knew he actually had any siblings until you showed up with your stuff one rainy day. 
Freshly 19 and ready to make a name for yourself in the world of Interior Design, you’d moved to New York thinking this was the best place to do so. 
Your mother, Tony’s younger sister only by a few years, called to express her worry of you moving there and being alone.  
So, Tony being the ever so giving person he is, and a few not-so-subtle threats from your mother, told you that you could stay at the Avengers Tower. You were furious, ranting about how you wanted to make it on your own and didn’t need any help. But when he mentioned you’d get to meet and spend time with the Avengers, you quickly got over it. 
You were so excited to meet the Avengers, you’d always had a major crush on Bucky. You even wrote a paper about him for your history class in the 6th grade. His sparkling steel blue eyes taking you captive. You wanted nothing more than to run your fingers through his shoulder length brown hair, hoping it’s as soft as it looks. And you can’t forget those full, pink lips that could make a gal melt like butter on hot asphalt.  
But he was taken, by your second favorite Avenger, Natasha Romanoff. You definitely had a girl crush on her. She was so strong and skilled, every womans idol. She was the reason you tried and failed at learning how to fight. So what if you were thicker than the other girls? Yeah okay, you had thick thighs, a pudgy, soft stomach and flabby arms, but that didn’t mean you couldn’t learn some moves like the other girls. To be fair though, that instructor was a womanizer. 
He said, and I quote, that you’d ‘never make it anywhere in life looking like that’. Boy did you prove him wrong. You were one of the best Interior Designers in New York, you had a special touch that other designers didn’t have. And you loved your job, you loved bringing peoples dreams to life and seeing the joy on their face.  
You enjoyed it, but it wasn’t always easy. The meticulous planning, writing up contracts, getting a crew for certain aspects in and out on time could be grueling at times, but seeing the looks on your client’s faces when they’d see the finished product was always worth it.  
You had been worried when you first got to the Tower, worried the other Avengers wouldn’t like you. It was all for nothing though because they absolutely loved you, you were a part of their dysfunctional family now and they had no plans of letting you go. Everyone had really taken a liking to you, especially Bucky and Natasha. 
When you introduced yourself to them with your cheeks flushed, hands nervously fidgeting behind your back, and your shy little voice, it made Natasha want to wrap her arms around you and protect you from the world.  
But, on the other hand, seeing your long thick thighs on display, juicy ass just barely covered by the shorts you wore, and your tank top that hugged your curves just right made her’s and Bucky’s mouths water. That body paired with your shy, innocent demeanor made them want to swallow you whole. 
They had been happy just the two of them, rekindling their love once they both were free. They never thought about having someone else in their relationship, never wanted anyone else, until you.  
One knowing look and desire fill conversation later they knew they had to have you. They just had to be careful so they wouldn’t scare you away, and make sure Tony didn’t find out and do something crazy. He was very protective of you. 
So, the next couple of years were spent with heated looks, lingering touches, and subtle hints thrown at you that you never seem to catch. They were tired of this game of chase, frustrated and on a level of horny so high that they couldn’t fuck down no matter how hard they tried. Bucky was this close to fucking up against the closest wall, Natasha not far behind. But they’d soon get what they longed for.  
You studied your reflection in the mirror again. The thin strapped, black dress that stopped mid-thigh, and had a slit going up your left thigh, hugged your body perfectly. You wouldn’t normally wear something so revealing but Wanda said this dress was perfect.  
She’d said you’d definitely be getting fucked tonight. She may or may not have read Bucky and Natasha’s minds and knew this dress would make them lose it.  
Tonight was Sam’s birthday party, although his birthday wasn’t for two more days, he’d be in Louisiana visiting his sister so Steve wanted to throw him a party before he left.  
Making sure your curls were perfect, you sprayed on some perfume and put some black heels on and headed down to the floor the party was being held at. 
Natasha and Bucky were sat at the bar area, formulating a plan on how to make you theirs. Natasha wore an off the shoulder, floor length, blood red dress that fit her just right, with matching lipstick and heels.  
Bucky had a tailor-made, black suit that showed his defined muscles. His face clean-shaven, displaying his sharp jaw and his hair tied back in that low, sexy bun he’s always sporting.  
Natasha was the first to see you, choking on her drink as she takes you in, causing Bucky to follow her line of sight. His cock rock hard instantly. She bit her lip and one shared glance; they knew tonight was the night and they had just the plan to do it. 
You lock eyes with Natasha and she beckons you over.  
“Look at you, firefly,” she grins and you blush.  
Bucky whistles and looks you up and down. “You’d give poor old Steve a heart attack in that dress, doll. You look amazing.”  
“You think so?” You shyly ask. 
“Definitely,” Natasha adds.  
You do begrudgingly do a shot with them after the persisted you do at least one to help loosen you up, even though they knew you didn’t like alcohol. They didn’t leave your side the rest of the night, not that you minded, you loved being the center of their attention. They were waiting for the perfect moment to sneak you away, that moment came after the cake and presents, everyone having gone back to drinking and dancing.  
Natasha loops her arm with yours. “So, firefly,” she smirks. “Me and Bucky were thinking of changing up our room, think you could help us?” There a devious sparkle in her eyes that you miss. 
Your eyes light up. “Yes!” You smile.  
They lead you away from the party and up to their room. Once inside Bucky locks the door. You look around as Natasha comes up behind you and puts her hands on your waist. She runs her nose up the side of your neck, taking in the scent of your perfume. You freeze. 
“Nat?” You ask on a shaky whisper.  
“Yes, firefly?” She nibbles on your ear, causing you to shudder. 
Bucky stands in front of you and cups your face, tilting your head to make you look at him. His lips inches from yours. Your follow-up question gets stuck in your throat. 
“Do you know,” Bucky starts, leaning forward to nudge his nose with yours. 
“How long we’ve been waiting for you?” Natasha finishes, kissing your shoulder. 
“What?” You ask through the already forming fog in your brain. 
“We want you, firefly. Will you let us have you?” She slides her hands up to just under your boobs, waiting for your consent. You whimper and nod. 
“Words doll,” Bucky says. 
“Yes,” you whisper breathlessly.  
Bucky smashes his lips to yours as Natasha cups your boobs, squeezing them. You moan and grab Bucky’s forearms.  
He steps back and takes his suit jacket off, instructing Nat to take your dress off. She slowly unzips the dress and pushes the straps off your shoulders. It gets bunched around your middle, you blush, insecurities sneaking up on you. She just pushes it the rest of the way down. 
Your hands itch to cover yourself but stop when Bucky lets out a deep groan. He whispers a fuck and reaches down to squeeze his throbbing cock. You let out a whine. 
“Get on the bed and spread those gorgeous thighs, doll,” he rasps. His eyes black with lust. Your bra and panties come off and you get on the bed, laying on your back and shyly spreading your thighs.  
Natasha moans. “Look at her Buck.” He hums and pushes the straps of her dress off her shoulder, revealing she had nothing on underneath. He groans and kisses her; she unbuttons his shirt. You whine, more slick coming out and coating your folds. They break apart and grin. 
While Bucky finishes taking his clothes off, Natasha comes beside you and starts to play with your breasts, pinching and tugging your nipples causing you to moan. Bucky, now naked, kneels between your legs, taking in the sight of your soaked pussy.  
“Already so wet and we’ve hardly touched you babydoll,” he taunts. You whine, the feeling of his hot breath causing you to shudder. 
“Don’t tease her Buck,” Natasha says as she takes one of your nipples into her mouth.  
She nips lightly at the bud as Bucky presses his tongue to your clit, you let out a high-pitched moan and grip his hair. As she teases your nipples, Bucky eats you out like a starved man, mumbling out how good you taste in between slurps and gasps of breath. 
Bucky can’t handle it anymore and stands up before you can cum. “I gotta be in you, doll, fuck.” He gets in between your legs and lines his leaking tip up with your entrance.  
He slowly slides in and your eyes roll back. He gives you a second once he bottoms out, letting you adjust. Natasha rubs your clit as he starts to move. 
“How does she feel?” She asks 
“S’fucking good, so tight, shit” He groans and pounds into you. 
Natasha oscillates between making out with you and sucking you breasts and leaving hickies. She keeps rubbing your clit. You grip the sheets, panting and moaning. Bucky angles his thrusts just right and you scream as he hits that spot inside of you that causes you to see stars. 
“I-I’m go-....gonna...” You can’t even finish your sentence. 
He speeds up his thrusts, “Cum, doll, soak my cock.” 
Your eyes roll back and your back arches as you squirt, soaking his balls, thighs, and the bed. His hips stutter as he cums unexpectedly, he rides out both of your highs, his cock not softening at all.  
Natasha motions for him to pull, when he does, she immediately gets between your legs and eats you out, moaning at the taste of your slick and Bucky’s cum. He groans and starts to fuck her. 
This goes on for hours, both of them pull orgasms out of you. By the end of it, you lay cuddle between them, exhausted. They say that they want you to be a part of their relationship, you agree, feeling like you’re dreaming. The two people you’ve had the biggest crush on actually wanted you to be with them, you couldn’t have been happier. 
When Tony finds out he whacks both Natasha and Bucky in the back of the head with a rolled-up newspaper. He also now carries a spray bottle with him for when y’all get a little too handsy.  
All in all you’re living your dream and you couldn’t be happier.
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xxgoblin-dumplingxx · 2 hours
Writer!reader and Logan? What's he doing
Laura gave Logan a measured look and he scowled, "What?" "You want this or not?" she said holding up an appointment card between two fingers.
He reached for it and she snatched it back, "If you go, you can't be a dick."
"I did NOT pretend I needed a ride to get this for you just for you to fuck it up," she said. HER Logan was an asshole. But her Logan would have cut his own throat before he'd have not raised his kid. This Logan was a variant but- she wasn't stupid. It was eating him up not being able to do more than the bare minimum. Only hearing how you were doing through the grapevine.
His scowl deepened but he nodded, taking the card when she offered it back. "Thanks," he said gruffly.
"Don't fuck this up," she warned. Vanessa was going to rat him out to Wade if he didn't do something fast.
Logan parked his bike on the street and took a deep breath. He didn't tell you he was coming. You could still throw him out- or not let him go back with you. But. He felt like he SHOULD go. Or try to go. Because he knew the truth. And it was a shitty thing to do to avoid this, even if you'd let him off the hook- told him until you were blue in the face it wasn't his baby.
He opened the door and let himself inside, you were fidgeting and filling out paperwork. And he let himself watch you for just a second. Trying to gauge what kind of state you were in. Nervous. You were nervous. Tired. On edge. Your nails were bitten to the fucking quick- he exhaled sharply and crossed the floor coughing to attract your attention, "Hey, bub."
"I uh- felt like the right thing to do," he said, feeling like an idiot. He picked up your purse of the chair next to you and sat down, putting it in his lap. "Didn't want you to be alone."
You worry the non-existent thumbnail of your right hand in your teeth and Logan reaches over and takes your hand carefully. "I don't want to do this here," you mumble.
"We're not," he said, smoothing his thumb over your knuckles. "We're just going to make sure everything is okay. Okay?"
"Okay," you murmur, looking back down at your clipboard to check over everything and starting to get up, but Logan takes it for you and takes it back to the receptionist before coming to sit next to you. Holding your hand again. Stroking your knuckles, your wrist, your palm, tracing little nonsense patterns. Trying not to let his own anxieties take over.
When you're called back, he follows. Not sure what else to do, you hadn't told him not to. Or yelled at him. Or pulled away. He didn't know how to read this. But- At least your heartbeat is slowed down a little. That's good. He's not making it worse.
Laid on a table with your abdomen exposed, all he can do is stroke your hair and breathe. He knows talking is happening. That it's important but he can't focus. All he can do is watch you and the screen and hate himself. He's got two fragile lives in his hands now.
And when you needed him the most he pussed out. And worse- you KNEW he did. He should be able to kiss you right now. To take you to lunch and then to do anything you wanted. Instead, he's stuck. Frozen in place and not sure what he can do right now as you lay there with tears sliding down your face- what you'll let him do. All he could do was sit. Like a fucking idiot.
"Hungry?" He asked, on the sidewalk, wondering if your jacket was thick enough.
"I've got a pot roast in my crock pot," you mumble, tucking your arms around yourself.
"Gonna be a while til that gets done, isn't it?" he asked, stepping closer to block the wind.
You nod, "But I had some oatmeal. And a cookies and cream Hershey's."
"That's not breakfast," Logan snorted.
"It is when that's all you want to eat."
Logan rolled his eyes, "They definitely got their fucking taste buds from you," he said. But he made a mental note to bring you a fucking cookies and cream goddamn candy bar. At least every couple days.
"Stressed spelled backwards-"
"Uh-huh," he said, taking your keys out of your hand gently, "Come on, bub. Let's get some real food in you real quick."
"You don't have to-"
"I do have to," he sighed. "Because you don't trust me. Because you're knocked up with my kid and you can't look at me. And I don't know- You needed me and I left you. But." He took deep breath, "I'm not leaving you again. And I'm going to stay. And I'm going to keep trying until you believe me."
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smollbean42905 · 1 day
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Remus Lupin was known as the professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, with some admires from 7th year females, due to his gentlemanly habits and soft looks that seems to stay permanently in his eyes. But of course, he was taken, by you. A sibling of James Potter, best friend of Sirius Black, and teachers aid that travels between classes. You and Remus have been married for a few years now, having been together since their 5th year all that time ago.
At the moment, Remus is teaching a class with you sat all nice on his desk, with your nose in a book. You had some admirers as well, some male and female students that had a small school crush on you. Only because of how parental you could be and how much you related to them in some ways. As the older man teaches, his eyes keep flickering over to you, your legs crossed and thighs looking so nice in your pants. Your teaching Cape short and a nice violet color, a color that looked amazing on you.
Two nights prior was the full moon, so the love-sick werewolf was still on the tired side, luckily the full moons aren't to bad with you nearby. His wolf side loves you and luckily, you are an animagus, a cat to be frank. The fur matches your hair, with the same eyes your human form holds. You also stayed in his classroom before and after the full moon for a week straight, of course the other teachers know, and know of your relationship so no one minds. Except for Snape, but... He's Snape.. so... Anything that has to do with Remus he hates. Moving on!
As the class ends, Remus was done for the day. It was about 2 hours before dinner so this class was his final one for the day. He waits patiently with his usual soft smile, hiding his pain, and watches as his final batch of students leave. You raise your head from your book, your quill between your pointer finger and thumb from underlining important sentences in your book as the children file out of the room quickly. You give them all a smile at they leave and get off of Remus' desk, ready to help him relax.
The tired man turns to you and his smile falters slightly showing how hard he's fighting to stay standing with his perfect posture.
"Come here my love" Remus does as told and goes to you, his hands finding solitude on your hips.
"Let's go to your room, so you can relax a bit before dinner."
"I have to grade papers Dove"
"You can do that tomorrow, it is Friday after all" you speak softly to your love as he nods. You lead him up the creeky stairs up to your shared room. You both move through his office and into a door to the side, your bedroom. A moving photo of Sirius and James sat beside the bed. The room held earthy tones that you both loved, it was slightly messy with the bed undone and some book piles laid through the room. You help Remus get more comfortable, helping him take his shoes off and his belt off. His eyes watch your hands, knowing of the innocent handling you're currently doing to him.
You do the same, getting more comfortable before laying on the bed, him following you. Remus lays his head in his chest but can't seem to get comfortable for a long period of time. He slowly moves down, resting his head on your stomach, with your breathing his head moves up and down. So definitely not.
His head reaches your thighs and he goes between your legs laying on his back with your thighs on either side of the head. He lets out a small sigh, a sigh that sounded similar to a dog after a long day of naps.
"Very comfy my dove" you reach down and begin to gently play with his hair.
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justabiteofspite · 3 days
WIP Wednesday!
Tagged by @xxnashiraxx, thanks! Here, take another non-spoilery flashback of these two shortly after meeting on the beach. (I don't know if half of these are staying in, but the ones that aren't are probably going to be turned into one shots, so might as well share!)
“What exactly were you doing before this that you have this many weapons on you?” Astarion asked, carefully taking the shortsword from the tiefling. His fingers brushed against hers briefly. Soft. Almost like velvet. “Oh, I stole all of these off the ship.” She crossed her arms, standing back to watch him, “I'd ask if you've seen a gith warrior run this way, but if you had, you'd definitely be dead.” Astarion took a few practice swings with the sword, the motions igniting deep old knowledge in him he's surprised Cazador hadn't quite beaten out of him yet. A connection to an innate part of his heritage that this undead curse had snatched away from him. Back when he was just an elf, with history and culture and traditions. Not some monster whose eyes he had to keep forcing away from his new companion's neck. But really, did she have to get it tattooed such a bright red? She was basically mocking him, constantly reminding him of the forbidden liquid goodness that lay underneath her flesh. “I think that should do nicely,” Astarion finally answered, “Thank you...” he snapped his fingers, struggling to remember what she had called herself in his haze of sudden emotion and creeping hunger, “Apologies, I'm not good with names.” She rolled her eyes, but was thankfully still smiling as she reminded him. “My name is Henri. And you're A-star-ion.” The little gently mocking flip she had given the annunciation of his name made Astarion's stomach tie itself into a knot. Did she already see him as the annoying talkative idiot that he knew he was?
No pressure tags: @inkymoonbunny, @tealfling, @bhaalsdeepbat, @ladyduellist @preciouslittlebhaalbae, @elinorbard
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kingspuppet · 2 years
I just want to apologize to those that are still waiting on some things from me, especially if it’s OOC stuff like messages. Last week I received a jury duty summons, and the last two weeks have just been me anxiously trying to get out of it. (With my mental health there’s just no way I could possibly sit.) Thankfully I got the news today that I have been excused! So that’s a massive weight off of my chest because I was really not doing okay with the stress of it all.
This upcoming week will also be a little hectic since we have a guest staying over for my older brother’s birthday. So activity both IC and OOC will still be pretty scarce! But I’ll still try my best to get around to things whenever I’m able!
Thanks so much for being patient with me! I greatly appreciate it. 💙
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thequietesthing · 3 months
so i think we can all agree that My Lady Jane is one of the best new series on any streaming platforms. like, enemy-to-lovers tension, arranged marriage, magic (sorta), history (sorta), knives, and Dominic Cooper being the villain: it as it all!!
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personinthepalace · 10 months
The Question in Justice League: Crisis on Infinite Earths - Part 1
(also it seems like Huntress is going to be in this movie as well so hopefully there will be some Huntress and Question interactions!)
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fizzytoo · 11 months
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finally finished furnishing plc gen 4's farmhouse and these are my favorite spaces!
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desceros · 8 months
soooo in order to keep y'all from sitting on the edge of your seats, i decided to put together a bit of a february road map. uh. such as i'm capable of having one, barring me being thwacked in the head by an idea i simply MUST get out, ahahhaa!
feb 14: leo valentine's day one-shot
feb 19: super secret project that definitely isn't a present for my roommate's birthday
feb... sometime: symphony 24 (will likely be before the other dates, depends on how quickly i can get them finished!)
feb 27: ...dont worry about it
late feb: donnie didn't mean to do that but well he's here now
late feb again, if i have time fingers crossed: symphony 25
march 1: mating season event
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