#//anyway go watch bp2
feathersofvibranium · 2 years
//watched black panther: wakanda forever today at noon and stayed off here all day yesterday bc I hate spoilers and wanted to not have it be spoiled for me. It’s a great movie. annnd I’m gonna shut my mouth before I become the one dropping spoilers but if anyone wanna talk about it, come find me
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blackgirlfariy · 2 years
Lick Back Pt1
This is taken place after that wonderful video surfaced of Letitia and Kehlani- lol
Paring: Letitia x F!reader
Warning: 18+ please
Summary: You and Letitia have been messing around on the low a little before BP2. To the public you’re her best friend but when it’s just you two she’s the love of your life. After an interesting video appear on twitter you were sick of waiting so you decided to get your “lick back”.
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*Ring* *Ring* *Ring* *Ring*
“Bitch go look at what I sent you on twitter.” Your best friend, Mimi, told you.
I rolled my eyes at her for cutting me off but go look at it anyway. My eyeballs popped out of my head when I saw my so called “girlfriend” letting the singer Kehlani grind on her. I don’t if it’s my crazy eyes but if I’m not mistaken, I see a smile on her face.
 “Girl, you want me to cut her or you gon’ do it?” Mimi said after my long silence on the phone.
“Nope. I want you to come over and we’re going to go out and have fun and forget about these nothing ass men and women.” I said before walking into my closet trying to find the perfect outfit for tonight. 
“Ouu bitch, I like when you get like this. Makes me remember our old college days. I’ll be on my way and better have bottles ready for our pregame.” She hung up after that and I sprang into action. 
I’m a famous songwriter and singer who worked with big names in the industry. I wrote songs for Beyonce on her lemonade album, I wrote songs for Ariana Grande and many more artists. I have a few awards under my belt. With my background in writing music, I was asked to write a song for Black panther 2, Lift me up, it was such an honor. I met Letitia through my childhood friend Ryan who is also the creator of Black panther 1 and 2, I was a fan of hers since watching her episode in Black Mirror. 
The moment I looked her my heart flutter and I wanted her to be mine right then and there. We went out to dinner during one of our breaks from the famous world and we’ve been close ever since. Until one night I ended up in her bed with her head in between my legs. Ever since the two of us have on the low with each other. My only complaint in the way she acts when the two of us are in public, she treats me like a best friend would. I would understand it if we weren’t fucking each other brains out every night. 
It hurts to be in a position like this, in a position where you have to go out the way to show someone who you thought valued you that others can do and feel the same. Simple. I wasn’t planning on going crazy tonight but every time I see that video; I get upset and start thinking who was going to this ass thrown back on them. 
After I got out of the shower, and I walked to my vanity to give myself a beautiful beat face and once I was done with that, I walked to my room where my outfit laid on my bed. I put on my outfit and turned around in the mirror looking at how my ass sit just right and how my boobs sit in the dress. I wore a short black dress that was a little higher than my mid-thigh and wore black heels from LV. 
I heard the doorbell ring which alerted me Mimi have arrived. I walked down my spiral staircase walking up to my front door opening it seeing Mimi looking fine but what’s new. She was always the fashion friend. 
“Soooo you trying to get fucked up tonight huh? You look good girl.” Mimi said walking in giving me hug.
“If I’m getting fucked tonight it’s by somebody else because she acts like shit sweet. You beautiful by the way.” I responded leading her to the bar in my house where all my favorite liquor is. 
Time skip
By the time my driver dropped us off at the club we were beyond tipsy. I had to hold on to her in order to make inside. I was giggling about everything I looked at, when we walked in, I heard my favorite artist Megen Thee Stallion playing. We walked up to our section where I saw some of my other friends Mimi must’ve invited. We all grabbed shots and took them with a lime right after. 
“All right y’all like I told y’all Y/n is supposed to be getting her lick back tonight because her lil boo got her out looking a stupid. So, we gotta go all out tonight because if she gets caught, we might not see her again, okay?” Mimi laughed while we cheered and agreed. 
After some time, my friend Toni went to get us more shots while everyone else stood on the couch shaking ass and rapping lyrics obnoxiously. Before I knew it, I was on the dance floor with a homegirl dancing to twerk by the city girls. I’m throwing it back on her and she was keeping up with me the whole time. Mimi found her a man to the same. I at this point and time the last thing I was worried about Letitia at all. Honestly fuck her, it’s not fair that she can act the way she does but if i do it, it’s a problem.
I was still dancing with my home girl, when I glanced up to one of the top sections and saw the one and only… Letitia Wright. I thought I was seeing things so I just ignored it and walked to the bar for a water. I felt the club energy shift drastically, I looked over my shoulder and I saw her standing in the middle of the club floor. I could feel her eye on me even with her dark shades on. I didn’t want to pay her any mind but her aura is suffocating.
“Here all alone?” I heard a women’s voice on the right of me. I looked over and saw this tall dark skin women. She was beautiful and she wore a jumpsuit and she smelled vanilla, I was mesmerized.
“No I’m not. Im here with some friends. You need some company?” I asked with a smirk on my face.
Now my plan for the night was just to get a couple of dances and get some videos to post. I didn’t expect to maybe go home with someone.
“I would love some of your company. Let me order something- “ the sexy women was cut off by you know who.
“Y/n how you been? I haven’t seen you in a while it’s nice to see your back in London.” Letitia said making her presence known.
“Well I called you and you didn’t answer. I just assumed you were too busy.” I responded with a little attitude in my voice. I’m not weak in the knees for her right now because I’m mad so I’m not afraid of what she could do to me.
“Well I’m about to go. You wanna come with me?” The women said, I didn’t get her name but hey.
“I was hoping you would come with me. I was hoping we could catch up with each other.” Letitia said while sneaking her to my ass and giving a squeeze.
“Uhh well your right Titia we haven’t talked in a while. So we’ll um… can I have your number so we can talk and get to know each other?” I asked the women. If Letitia want to be petty so can I.
After I got her number me and Titia walked out the club. I didn’t miss the looks all my friends gave me. They can’t judge cause my situation is no different than mine. Expect Mimi, she gon’ be a hoe until the day she die.
We walked outside getting slightly blinded by the excessive flashing lights. I wasn’t worried because like I said she treats me like a best friend on the outs. Her car pulled up and she opened the door for me and she got inside herself.
“Imma fuck you up.”
To Be Continued
A/n- hey you guys so with the growth in the Letitia Wright fandom I wanted to take a stab at it. Please be nice it’s been a LONG time since I’ve written. I do take requests for her and the characters she played.
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Thoughts about Wakanda Forever
Okay, now that the first weekend is over here are my spoilery thoughts. It's still tagged, but if you didn't watch opening weekend...
First of all, this movie is so... rich. Like, the world is so much deeper, not just because they introduced stuff like the Midnight Angels, but also because it feels so much more lived in. The entire world feels full.
I am really excited to see the Midnight Angels get a big screen introduction, and also REALLY didn't expect them to get one even though I knew Aneka was in this movie. Like, I REALLY didn't think Marvel would just actually introduce them like that. But I'm also torn, because I really wanted more Ayo and Aneka. And the head kiss just feels... empty? Like, you could assume they were just sisters or besties or something. I know Ayo called her "my love", but I wanted more. And IDK how I feel about it being Okoye and Aneka instead of Ayo and Aneka. I love Okoye, though, and she can do anything she wants to do.
That last battle, though! The Midnight Angels, Shuri's Black Panther, Ironheart all fighting Namor and Talokan!?!?! I said it before but it feels like this movie was written especially for me. When I was still in college, and later in grad school, these were characters I was reading in comics, and writing in fics (except the Midnight Angels, never wrote a fic with them), but kind of never expected to see them on the big screen. So, that moment was surreal in the way the 3 Spider-Mans was, for me. I was literally holding back screams in the theater!
This was for the comics fans, for sure. If you like these characters in the comics, this was pure fanservice.
On the grief. It was clear that phase 4 became the phase about grief, about moving on, about missing those who we love. And that makes perfect sense, in universe, because in many ways, the MCU and the fans lost so much in phase 3. It's a shame that we lost Chadwick in real life, but I feel like the phase would have taken this direction, either way. In the movies, we'd lost so much, too. And Coogler was saying how BP2 was going to be about grief, in its own way, even if Chadwick had never passed.
We all lost so much in real life, too. My father passed away this year. It's still very surreal and it still hurts and I can't... be without him.
In that sense, I felt Shuri so much in this movie. Losing someone so suddenly, so absolutely, and there being very little you can do about it. I watched my father go to the hospital thinking he had pneumonia, and die 40 days later from lung cancer. The pain Shuri was experiencing on screen, I experienced just this summer. It was surreal to watch, and also cathartic. She and I went through very many of the same emotions. Everything just feels like it doesn't fucking matter anymore. And I'm very angry. Very angry. All the time. I apologize for how it sometimes comes out, especially on here, but just know that I get Shuri's desire to burn the world.
Ramonda's death shocked me. I also may have numbed myself to it. My mom is all I have left, too, so I made Ramonda's death a story element, and tried to take it as nothing more than that. Outside of my own emotions, here's what I think about that death:
I feel like it was unnecessary. I know they wanted to give Shuri motivation to go after Namor. I also feel like they wanted to give her a reason to want to become the Black Panther, after she expressed no desire to bring back the herb. But I feel like attacking Wakanda was enough. Even bringing Ramonda to the brink of death would have been enough. She didn't even see her in the ancestral plane, so it wasn't necessary. It was just fridging, and frankly it was a copy of what they did with T'Chaka, which was T'Challa's motivation in Civil War.
I do like the choice to show her Killmonger instead of Ramonda or T'Chaka, though. In a perfect world, she could have seen T'Challa... Anyway, Killmonger was a good call out for her and also a great representation for how she was feeling. She felt the same pain that Erik felt when he came to Wakanda for the first time.
Going back a bit, I also love how RUTHLESS Ramonda is. I mean, maybe that's not the right word? But she is not taking any shit. She is not returning any shit. She will not sit by and have any shit.
People were criticizing her for sending Nakia and calling Namor, saying that it was a calculated move so that they could attack. Eh... it was more like a calculated move so that Nakia could get Shuri and Riri out without having to fight Talokan's strongest protector. The girl who got killed was an unfortunate casualty, but that was not planned. The girl was ABOUT TO KILL SHURI and there was no choice but to shoot her first. Also, I still maintain that Namor taking Shuri/threatening to hold her hostage was an act of war. I know she went willingly, but he was saying he would not let her leave... directly TO the queen. I looked it up just to make sure I wasn't wild, and yes, it's against the Geneva Convention . Which I'm well aware that Talokan is not privy to, but in any fantasy fiction with royalty, kidnapping a princess is an act of war. (Also, the girl wasn't literally Namor's child. He calls all of them "my child." Just like Okoye isn't Ramonda's daughter, though she calls her "mother" sometimes. Also, he called Namora "my child" too and she's his cousin.)
Namor, Namora, Attuma, all well done. I like these versions of these characters (I guess we don't get to know Attuma well, but he's a shit talker AND he's extremely noble, and I like that about him.)
Attuma giving his breathing apparatus to Shuri was so good, to me. It shows that the Talokanil are not bad guys. They aren't heartless. They are just trying to protect their own people. It was an act of humanity in a tense moment.
This! Namor! IS! SO! GOOD! I like him. I like that they didn't just make him a villain and forget any of the nuances that make Namor such an interesting character. When he killed the people in the helicopter as they tried to flee the ship attack, omg! I loved that. It perfectly illustrated his take no prisoners, leave no witnesses approach, and his utter disdain for the surface world. I also loved his introduction to Ramonda and Shuri. He sees Talokan in Wakanda. They are extremely similar and made similar choices to protect their people from the world. There's a reason he comes to Wakanda for allyship, and it's not just the shared interest in protecting vibranium/the shared importance it has to their cultures. It's because he assumes that they know all too well how dangerous countries like the US and France and the UK et al are. They both saw people like them enslaved, beaten, murdered, raped all for land and resources. They both did whatever it took to keep their prosperity a secret for those reasons.
OMG OMG Y'ALL. NAMOR IS OFFICIALLY THE FIRST NAMED MUTANT IN THE MCU. I mean, there have been a few other references and that little Easter egg in Ms. Marvel, but this is the first time a character said "I am a mutant."! NAMOR IS THE FIRST MUTANT! Just like he should be!
More thoughts under the jump.
Ross stuff was interesting, but got lost in all of the storytelling. Except as a great way to set up VAL as a big fucking problem in the future! I like Ross, though, and I want him to continue!
Okay, so... it looks like Shuri isn't taking the throne, maybe M'Baku is, but... is anyone else worried? Val mentioned taking down Wakanda through destabilization. Transitions of power are a really destabilizing time, and in the past decade, Wakanda has lost 3 monarchs. I feel like this could be a big problem coming up. I have confidence that Wakanda cam motherfucking SOLVE IT, but this is... a potential problem for the future.
MCU really don't like confirming ages unless the character is a teen bc it becomes more important, but they REALLY need to clarify Shuri's age. I think she's very easily like 23, based on the timeline we've been given post blip, but also, people keep saying she's "a teenager." I really don't think so? Like, even Peter Parker was 18 the last time we saw him, and I think that was still supposed to be the 2023/2024 school year, and he would have graduated that year. And Shuri is a bit older than him. IDK. It really felt like they were playing her older. The overprotectiveness was less because she's young and more because she is Ramonda's only living child and technically the heir to the throne. Ramonda both cannot stand to lose her and cannot afford to lose her only heir. (This movie definitely ends in 2025 or 2026, there's been too many "one year laters" and stuff, and it's post-blip.)
I like 19yo Riri instead of minor Riri. It's not a huge deal, but it gives you more room to play with that character. Although I'd love for this to be like... her senior year of college so she can still have been a prodigy that was in college early.
LITTLE T'CHALLA!!!!!! That was soo sweet, I was crying so much!
IDK if I have other thoughts. Everyone stan. I guess the last thing I wanna say is... I hope everyone doesn't hate Namor. That shipping fiasco really fucked me up. ISTG I don't even ship the shit that much, I was just feeling the very Disney prince/princess "let me show you my world" thing. It was also giving the guy from The Woman King who came to Benin and was gonna run off with main girl. That's what I meant by "oh, he was feeling her" and that it was fun to ship. The whole bit in the first half was very much giving "I can show you the world! Shining, shimmering, splendid! Tell me, princess, now when did you last let your heart decide?" I very much think it was on purpose, and the moment where he kills her mother was meant to feel even worse BECAUSE they wanted you to think this was a potential romance. It's also why Namor says "This could have been different" at the end. When has ANY character ever said that NOT about romance? The reason why nobody shipped T'Challa with Zemo is because there were no such moments between them, and there was nothing to ship, really. Although usually someone ships any pairing you can think of, so there's probably some T'Challa/Zemo shit.
I really don't wanna be thought of as a shipper. From a story perspective, I 100% think this was intentional. Nobody would write something like that and not intend for you to read it as courting. He thought he could court her and entice her to his side. I saw a take that he was doing that on purpose to make her like him and coax her to agree to burn the world with him, and that, I can agree with. That's also really good storytelling. He probably thought "If I woo the princess, I win Wakanda's support." In a different type of royal fiction, he'd probably have asked for her hand in marriage for the same reason. Like I was saying the other day, you CANNOT have a kingdom that is lollipops and rainbows. 100% of them are shady and problematic, inherently violent and practice cruelty. Including Wakanda. And as benevolent as Namor seems, there's no way he's been king for nearly 500 years without being absolutely manipulative, cold, and calculating. Also, I'd argue that if Shuri was a white princess, all of y'all would have read this as him courting her, either genuinely, for allyship, or both. There's this idea that to protect black girls we gotta infantilize them AND we gotta desexualize them, but in some ways, that gets a little weird, too. Even if you don't "ship it", I don't know how it's hard to see that he was courting her. ESPECIALLY when you consider that for a long time, marriage was MAINLY used for alliances instead of love.
Shuri isn't interested in dating anyone, I think. I think she's still too hurt. Even Riri, who I think she really likes, isn't catching her eye that way. And I honestly think that's best, right now. Shuri needs time to heal and to figure herself out. But I love the Shuri x Riri dynamic, and I hope we get more of them together. I think they had Riri a little toooo... scared, shocked, audience stand-in character in some moments. But I loved her complete admiration for Shuri and I need more of it!
Chile but I didn't like the Ironheart suit in this one! I'm sure we'll get the sleeker suit in her series next year. And I hope we get some pink in the suit. This Riri doesn't seem like she'd be into it, I feel like she's not clamoring for a pink suit, but I love the pink elements in the comics suit.
Okay that's the real end. Stan Wakanda Forever. Watch multiple times if you can!
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chaossmagic · 3 years
Bucky as White Wolf in BP2 opposite Shuri as Black Panther is something I would really love to see.
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praphit · 5 years
Queen & Slim: Just another night on Tinder
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I was excited when I saw the trailer for this movie. Finally, we're gonna get some more black superheroes! Some people might say "You've got Black Panther!".
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So, black people only get one? There are enough white superheroes to cover a football field, but we're supposed to be happy with just one? I know there's some lesser black superheroes, but I don't wanna hear about no Luke Cage (who has impenetrable skin). 
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He ain't nothing, but cheap target practice. 
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SO FAR (I know Disney+ stuff is coming), he has only been good at carrying Capt's shield. If Capt forgets his shield at the beach or something, we all know who he is going to call.
No, we just have BP! - but he's busy fighting big time enemies like Thanos... and merchandising:)
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We need some heroes (super or not) on our level to keep it real!
Queen and Slim are out there for the people! 
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Shooting up cops who shoot up black people - at least that's what some might take away from the trailer. There are two camps here:
Those who are rah-rah, as I am, that we're getting new heroes to root for, and those who would say "What about the cop? What about the cop's family and friends? Besides, those two probably aren't totally innocent anyway."
Both sides, in this case, are wrong.
These two aren't really heroes; they didn't ask for any of this. They're not like Batman, who DECIDES to put on the costume, saying to himself "Time to save the day!" (Let's be honest, it's prob more like "Time to beat the hell out of some people, until I feel vindicated". But, whatever.) Queen and Slim were simply on a Tinder date.
Queen (played by Jodie Turner-Smith) is an attorney. She is obviously smart, she is confident, picky, a lil bitchy, a lil lonely, and way out of Slim's league. Well... I don't like to say that... they're just in different leagues.
Slim (played by Daniel Kaluuya) is a polite, some what naive, romantic, cornball. He's all about helping people.
It's not like these two are out looking for trouble or hanging out with a gang or something; just two regular people on a date that's going horribly wrong.
The climax of this horrible date is Mr. Sturgill Simpson. If that name sounds like a country singer's name to you, that's because he is. He plays the cop.
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(Wow, he is feeling it! He’s rockin that song! Or maybe he’s just tuning very passionately idk)
Now, to those who would want to run to their programmed stance of defending the cop - #1 (Bleep) that dude. He was the worst! He was definitely abusing his power. #2 It was self defense on the part of Q&S #3 which movie would you rather see - this one? or the movie where Sturgill's family and friends (all white and southern) make this racist/abuser a martyr, and set out (as protagonists) to hunt down and kill two black people? No one can feel good about watching a film like that! Well... You know what?? - I'll just move on.
This movie is actually a romantic drama/road trip flick. As seen in the trailer, they shoot the cop and are now on the run. BUT, they find time to stop for snacks, ask for directions, see some friends & family, crack some jokes, check out the sights, all while trying to avoid the law:)
The acting is very good, and the chemistry (and how they end up falling in love thru all of this) between Queen and Slim is well done. The movie shows what an inspiration a story like this can be for the black community. I don't mean in real life (although that too, to a degree), but in the movie, black people are helping Queen and Slim out around every turn - this is kinda like their super power. Now, they DO show the dangers of how protesters, in their anger (though valid) could possibly lead to big problems, if not checked. The movie pulls back A LIL BIT in this way (from F**K THE POLICE), especially for those of you looking for some balance. That being said, it ain't like this a #bluelivesmatter message movie. We all know why we're here - to cheer on Marvel's newest additions.
I will say that there are some contrived parts during their escapes, and the fact that most of the black people in this movie are bending over backwards to help Queen and Slim out is a little unrealistic. We look after our own in these types of situations, but... EVERY BLACK PERSON THEY MEET? Entire rooms of black people? All of them?! Even those on the police force?! I'm just sayin. Although, our shared trepidation and frustration concerning cops and the justice system MIGHT cause this overwhelming united reaction. Like I said, it's their super power. It wasn't just black people helping them - my man Flea was out there for the cause as well.
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I really wanted him to take off his shirt and bust out a random bass solo; even though it wouldn't have made any sense in the story, I wouldn't have cared.
Written by Lena Waithe and Directed by Melina Matsoukas.
I thought the pacing was kinda off at times, and the movie is too long, but all in all, pretty good. There were times when the audio of the people in the scene are being heard, but the people aren't moving their lips. This is a love it or hate it move by the director. I thought it was a huge editing error at first:)
The ending will send a different message to different people.  A part from that, the other message I took was that this could happen to any of us. From a bad tinder date to "Queen and Slim". Tempers flare and shit happens. Another message is to make sure that you keep stopping for food if you're on the run from the police. I guess you'll need your strength. There's a whole lot of eating going on in this film. Make sure you bring snacks to the theatre, cuz it'll make you hungry.
I wonder if Tinder could capitalize on its part of the movie. Maybe add a "Queen and Slim Challenge" button to their app. Actors could be sent out to ruin your date and hunt you down, and hopefully the two of you will fall in love... or go to prison.
I give this movie a solid B
If you're a black couple and end up with Queen and Slim's exact sitch, I don't know that you should come my way. I might help you, but I don't know. This is real life. I don't know you! You could be involved in some 6ix9ine nonsense.
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 Yeah, def don't show up at my step looking like that, expecting help.
Now, Black Panther, I'd help! No matter what he allegedly did. We've gotta protect our one superhero at all cost.
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(aaaaah, I couldn't resist. This poster makes me LOL. “BP2: White Devil attacks.” Marvel, please make that happen! Look, White Devil has already appropriated the suit.
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So I watched ScreenJunkies honest trailer for Venom and it was cool. They threw in a little Symbrock, commented on that wig, and poked fun at the tumblr mess. I dug it. But the thing that made me start praise shuffling was when Epic Voice Guy said:
"Enjoy a comicbook film that isn't bogged down by 20 other episodes like the MCU--"
Y'all. ... ... Y'ALLLLLLL
Ok listen. I still enjoy my Tony (Bucky and winteriron) stuff and, unless the trailer absolutely blows, I'll be seeing BP2 whenever they make and release it... but I am SO. DONE. with this neverending series. It was fun. . . until it wasn't. Like these last few movies got watched for the sake of needing to finish the shit and maybe for niptpicking? For the sake of wanting to be there to witness the koolaid running out? Idk. I'm just not enjoying it any more.
I have this issue with lengthy series in general though. If it's a tv show, I can't binge it "properly" because after like 4 episodes I'm no longer watching for enjoyment or plot or even interest. I'm just watching to get done. So I'll only do a few episodes at a time. And if that show has more than 5 seasons? Pffffft never again. I went beyond that threshold with one show and all that happened is that I began to hate the shit with a passion.
I fucked up with a book series like that too. Read the first few books and was good. Crammed like 6 (which meant I'd read 9 in total) over the course of 4 days?? Fuck the main character, fuck the side characters, fuck the pitiful excuse of a "plot." The only character I remember liking was the mofo that didn't show up again after like book 3.
I thought with MCU being movies (and I didn't watch much of the shows) that they'd be spaced apart enough... Nope! Add in the hyper criticism that anything else that's almost a comicbook movie gets because it "needs to be like the mcu" or " is trying to be like the mcu" and I'm beyond... like just BEYOND!!!!!
Take the trailer for movie number 23? 22? What the hell number is the next big team up? It was edited like they meant for that shit to be moving and poignant and I just don't...care. I kept waiting to, I even watched it a second time and felt nothing. Not. A. Thing. I have a hard time remembering when I even LIKED most of these characters, so forget trying to find it in myself to care about whatever angst they're supposed to be going through. They only let like 2 characters emote anyway.
😞 I didn't mean to rant like this.
So yay to Honest Trailer for recognizing that "sometimes it's fun to watch a movie that's just a movie."
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evalocity · 8 years
Bughead fans, we can all breathe.
[Minor Spoiler Alert]
You know on one of those scenes that were leaked there’s Veronica, Betty, Jughead, Kevin and Archie sitting in this kind of common room in their High School and Veronica mentions the fact that Jughead is Betty’s boyfriend (you can go see this video right now if you want, don’t thank me I have to thank one of our fellow tumblr comrades : https://www.instagram.com/p/BP2-1cfh8u0/?taken-by=riverdalevids&hl=en). Anyways, in this scene, look at Archie’s facial expression when Ronnie mentions it. Everyone seems a bit uncomfortable with the term, sure, but Archie sure as hell has that regret and jealous kind of look or is it just me?
So, at first, I was worried that the guy would create drama and Betty would be teared apart between the two. Then I just realized ; Guys, Betty isn’t as stupid and naive as we could have thought she was. She’s smart, and with Jughead will move on from Archie and she would never cheat on him or leave him for another guy she once loved don’t you think ?
I say we put our trust in Betty and Jughead to make that relationship work all the way. They will have obstacles, of course, and that will make their relationship still interesting to watch after some seasons.
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