#//like sir i'm calling the fucking police
meraki-yao · 6 hours
Dropping in to say your crying at the vows Payneland was SUPERB! Is it too late for 🤬 Payneland? If so no stress at all! Your writing is awesome!
Hi! Oh my God, thank you so much! I'm glad you liked the last one! Thank you for the prompt and sorry for this being late!
🤬Argument with a family member
This is a human/alive AU by the way!
TW: Paul Rowland being a homophobic, abusive asshole, homophobic slurs
Charles freezes, his fiancé’s hand tightening on his arm. Standing in front of their wedding venue entrance, arguing with the security, is his father who he hasn’t seen in years. After struggling through university on his own and meeting Edwin Payne, he took off and ran far away from home, cutting all contact with his parents while building a new home with the love of his life. A few years down the line, he and Edwin created a cipher to communicate with his mother. But throughout all of this, they have deliberately steered clear of his father. His father, who beat him senseless; his father, who locked his lanky teenage self in the basement that he lived in since he was five; his father, who nearly ripped his pierce off his ear, calling him homophobic slur years before he came to terms with his bisexuality. After Charles confessed his trauma after a particularly violent nightmare, Edwin had held him and promised that he would never let Paul Rowland near him ever again. Charles had gripped his boyfriend’s waist and promised the same: he cannot ever let his father lay a hand on sweet, gentle, loving Edwin. But he’s here now, at their rehearsal dinner, and he can’t help but freeze at the sight. Why? How? What is he doing here? How did he find him out after so long? What do I do now? Charles’ eyes meet his dad’s and the next thing he knows, Paul Rowland is pushing the security guard to the ground and comes marching their way, the rage on his face horrifyingly familiar. He has to move, he has to leave, he has to protect Edwin— But he can’t move. He’s frozen in place, legs turned to jelly. He wants to scream and cry but only quick puffs of breaths come out. Just before his dad can shout a curse at them, Edwin suddenly steps forward, pushing Charles behind him. “Excuse me, sir.” He says eerily calmly, which is a sign that he’s actually angry. “I don’t believe you’re invite to this function. You are trespassing right now, please kindly leave the premise before we have to call the authorities.” “Move out of the way, you fag. I’m here to talk to my son.” Paul Rowland growls, and Charles flinches, he wants to grab Edwin’s hand and run. “As you can clearly see, Charles does not want to talk to you. Now, leave.” Edwin continue, not phased by the slur. “CHARLES! YOU FUCKING USELESS PIECE OF SHIT, HIDING BEHIND A FAIRY?” The familiar roar rings in Charles’ ear. He can’t fucking breathe oh God oh fuck— BAM! Edwin, his sweet Edwin who has always gravitated to words, who he has tried to get into boxing without much success, punches his dad square in the jaw. Both Rowlands stare at him in shock. “YOU FUCKER! HOW DARE YOU—” “No, you listen here.” Edwin states, a dangerous edge in his voice. “We have given you multiple warnings. I will not allow you to come here, ruin our joyous occasion and do any harm to my fiancé, physical or otherwise. The police can deal with you now, we’re done here.” He lays a hand on Charles’ back, gentle despite the situation, and leads him away as the police who have finally arrived come and pull his dad away for questioning. They’ll need to provide their recount too, but Edwin insisted that they’ll deal with that later. They enter the dressing room of the venue where Charles collapses onto a chair. Edwin kneels before him, hand cupping his cheek, thumb swiping under his eyes. “Charles, please tell me what’s going on.” “No, it’s nothing, I’ll be fine I— Holy shit, Edwin, you punched my dad!” “Yes well, I very well couldn’t stand there and let him cause you even more distress, and he was clearly not going to listen to a word I say, sometimes actions do speak louder than words.” Charles pulls Edwin into his lap and wraps his arm around his waist, nose buried in his neck, breathing the familiar scent. Edwin’s hand goes to his curls as he presses kisses on to the top of his head. God, how lucky is he, to have such a wonderful person to call his? “We’ll be alright, my love,” Edwin whispers. “I promise, we’ll be alright.” Charles has never doubted him.
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idanazaldrizes · 6 months
i've been lucky with aerea so far but it is so so obvious when plotting/writing when someone just hasn't bothered to read your characters about, whether canon or original, or paid attention to any canon divergencies. like it really fucking sucks when you put your All into a character's bio, especially ocs, and tried to work them into canon as seemlessly as possible only for it to be completely tossed aside.
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miirohs · 5 months
world burning [c.l.c]
pairing: Mob Boss!Charles Leclerc x Fem!Reader wc: 1.4k cw: someone is literally shot, charles kisses reader a bit forcefully an: to the anon who said they'd sell me their soul my cashapp is @bestfanficwriterever (jk jk, i hope that anon sees this tho). Real reminder to you all, again, that non of this stuff is to be encouraged irl and this is all meant as a fictional scenario!
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You could hear him softly cursing in French on the other line, whispering as the bed creaked in the background. It was obvious he had just woken up, and you felt terrible for waking him as well, knowing the day he probably had.
“Qu'est-ce qu'il y a, tu ferais mieux d'avoir une bonne raison de me réveiller (what's the matter, you'd better have a good reason for waking me up)-”
“Charles, I've been arrested, I need someone to come get me.” 
The muttering stopped, grogginess disappearing from his voice almost instantly. “Y/n? Qu'est-ce qui s'est passé bon sang chéri (y/n? what the hell happened darling)?”
“Charles, not now please,” You chastised softly, looking to the door as the guards quietly conversed among themselves outside the room, “I have no idea why this is happening and what they’re gonna do to me.” “How did you even manage to get arrested… Nevermind that, I just hope you haven’t answered anything they've asked of you.” He groaned, heavy thumping over the phone as you looked nervously at the door for any indication they’d been listening to your conversation.
“I’m not that dull,” You said quietly, looking down at your lap, “and it couldn't have been anything i did, all they did was seize the car from me in the lot and bring me here.”
He paused for a moment, silent over the line. You pressed the phone against your ear, straining for any sounds on the other side of the line.
“Stay put. I’m coming to get you.”
A shiver ran down your spine and you fumbled, tripping over your words in a hurry to get them out.
“Char, what are you planning on doing?”
He laughed humorlessly over the phone, the sound of keys jingling and door slamming making you jump back from the phone as if it’d grown a head.
“Exactly what I said I'm going to do, come and pick you up.”
You swallowed the thick ball that’d formed in your throat.
“You know what- never mind, send someone else in your place, maybe Carlos?” You bargained, earning a soft chuckle from him.
“Pas de souci, mon amour. Je ne fais que commencer (no worries, my love. I'm just getting started). They should’ve learned not to fuck with the wrong person. I’ll be there in another 20 minutes, you won’t need to call anyone else.”
You shivered as the line went dead, looking at the now opened door, all the cops watching you with a suspicious look.
“You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”
All you could do was shake your head.
Not even a grand total of 15 minutes later, a shouting match erupted, followed by loud bangs.
There was a single person you could think of who was capable of this level of chaos, and you could have swore you’d heard him threatening the cops right now.
“Where is she?”
“Don’t sir me, where the hell is she? Don’t tell me I have to blow another head off just for you to tell me.”
Everything seemed to fall silent for a couple moments, only a few voices daring to make a sound.
“Char?” You called out, a couple beats of silence weighing you down.
The sound of footsteps only got louder, stopping in front of the room you were in.
Keys jangled, the door slamming open as Charles walked in, a couple of police tailing him timidly to the outside of the door.
There were dark stains on his otherwise clean shirt, an indication of what happened visible in the peeved look on his face. Your eyes slowly trailed to his hand, a gun held tightly in his grip, smoking oh so slightly.
Noticing how your attention had drifted to the weapon, he put it down on the other side of the table as he approached you, shrugging off his jacket as he approached you.
“Tu vas bien maintenant (you're all right now),” He said quietly, running his fingers through your hair as he pulled you to him, “Come on, we’re going home.” 
You clutched his arm as he stood you up, eyes glued to the floor as you walked next to him.
You could hear their disappointed exhales, tinged with a bit of surprise as Charles kept a firm grip on your back, guiding you through the long hall to the main office.
As you continued to walk, he gently stopped you, turning around in the middle of the room as someone called for him.
“Fucks sake,” He sighed, turning around.
“Sir, i believe there has been a mistake-”
“What sort of mistake do you think you’ve made?” He snarled, his hand running down to your hand, lacing his fingers into yours.
“You see, the car we identified was yours and we thought that perhaps she’d stole it-”
“And you didn’t think to call me so I could deal with them myself?” He chuckled humorlessly, pulling you to his side. You held your breath, completely aware of what was about to happen.
“Charles, no-”
He shook his head at you, basically telling you to not interfere. You obliged, eyebrows creasing as you watch the poor man who had tried to explain himself get shoved to his knees.
“First off, you interrupt my very precious time, and then you have the audacity to say that you’ve made a mistake?” He stands back, waving at someone behind him to step forward to his side with a gun. “Do you know who she is?”
The man stumbled over his words, trying to plead for his life, but you already knew it was too late.
“Since you don’t seem to know, let me tell you. She’s the last face you’ll be seeing but since she’s here, I've decided to spare the rest of you for the time being. If I ever hear of anything happening to her again, anyone in this room will not be spared like they were today.” He remarked bemusedly, turning to you with the widest grin you’d ever seen from him.
“Chéri, close your eyes, and cover your ears as well.”
You didn’t need to be told twice. The second you did, there was a bang, followed by a thumping sound.
Something warm was on your face, but you didn’t dare open your eyes, shaky hands coming off your ears to touch your face.
“Don’t.” He was closer than you thought, causing you to jump as he rubbed what you assumed was a handkerchief against your face . “Don’t say anything, don’t look, just follow me.” 
You cracked open an eye, briefly wandering to the pool of blood a couple of feet away from you.
“What did I just tell you?” He remarked, barking at the rest in rapid french as he grabbed your hand and pulled you out the doors of the station.
There was an awkward silence as you lumbered into the passenger side seat, pressing yourself against the seat as he pulled out and onto the road.
“I’m sorry.”
“What are you apologizing for?” He muttered, hand reaching over to squeeze your thigh.
“I thought you’d be upset with me.” You looked down, noticing the dried blood on his hands, not that it made much of a difference to you anymore. Less than two years ago, you would have been horrified at the idea of blood within six feet of you, but you had come to accept it as a part of him you could never erase.
“No-” He punched the brakes, eyes slightly apologetic as you jumped from the sudden shock of stopping.
“No, no, Y/n, look at me,” His hand left your thigh, fingers curling around your chin and pulling your face to his, “You are not responsible for any of that, i gave you the car, remember? You are not to blame yourself because I would gladly do anything for you.”
“Char-” You whined, muffled slightly by the pressure of his fingers against your cheeks.
“I would give you the world to see you happy, so shut up and take it.” He pressed his lips harshly against yours, almost needy in the way he nipped at your bottom. Warmth seemed to stir inside you as he let you go, your own mind racing at a million miles per hour as he returned to the wheel as if nothing had happened.
However, under his breath, he muttered something that even escaped you as your thoughts drifted off elsewhere. “Le monde brûlera, si tu le veux ma chérie, je te le promets (the world will burn, if you want it to my darling, I promise).”
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sunnebeam · 1 year
"i was hoping i wouldn't have to resort to this."
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pairing: min yoongi x reader
plot: the (mis)adventures of retired gangster min yoongi as he leaves behind the life of the mafia and navigates the way of the househusband.
warnings: the way of the househusband au, marriage au, crack, domesticity, yoongi unintentionally scares people
masterlist + disclaimers.
note: go on tell me d-day!yoongi isn't tatsu I DARE YOU 😤 btw u don't need to watch the way of the househusband before reading this, but i swear u won't regret it if u do lol it's so funny (and it gives great visuals for this fic!). anyways, enjoy!! i'd love to hear ur thoughts so drop by my askbox and let's chat :)
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Water drips down his neck as he washes his face. Droplets fall down his tattooed back, tracing the meticulous lines and bold colors that contrast his pale skin.
After rinsing and drying off, he dons on his outfit for the day – a fitted, white, short-sleeved shirt that shows off the intricate tattoos on both his arms and some black sweatpants – and puts on his signature apron – a beige, cotton apron with a drawing of his brown poodle on the front. Said poodle is staring at him from the bathroom door as he takes one last look at the mirror.
An old, bumpy scar runs down his right eye.
"Perfect," he says to himself before heading to the kitchen with his dog following right behind.
Min Yoongi never used to wake up this early. But these days, he wakes up bright and early at six o'clock because he has an important assignment.
"What do you think, Holly? Too big?"
The poodle barks in response, and taking its opinion into consideration, Yoongi adjusts his gimbap slices accordingly, making them a tad bit smaller and just the perfect size for your lunchbox.
The door to your shared bedroom opens and you run out, already dressed in your corporate attire. You run to the kitchen where your husband is and get a huge glass of water.
"I'm late!" you screech, all while gulping down the whole glass.
"But you still have a few hours," he points out in confusion.
"I forgot I have an early meeting!" you explain in a hurry, putting on your heels before giving your husband a big smooch on the lips and blowing Holly a kiss. "Sorry, Yoonie! I'll see you later!"
And you're out the door.
Yoongi blinks for a few moments before shaking his head. He's chuckling in amusement at your mishap, but if any outsider hears his laughter, it just sounds a bit manic.
"Well, looks like it's just you and me, Holly."
Holly barks.
"Huh? What was that?"
Holly barks.
Yoongi stares at the poodle, then at your Hello Kitty lunchbox he meticulously prepared, then back at the poodle.
"She forgot her lunchbox?"
Holly barks.
Yoongi snaps into action, securing the lunchbox and putting it inside a Hello Kitty cloth bag before running out the door with his cute apron still on. He mounts his bicycle and speeds towards your office – which, if he was driving a car, would have broken numerous traffic regulations but luckily he isn't a stranger to breaking a law or two.
He's almost to your office. He's halfway there.
But unfortunately, there's a bit of a situation.
"What's your occupation, sir?"
The two police officers stare at him hesitantly after flagging him down for pedalling too fast with his bicycle. They're debating on giving him a ticket but then Yoongi answers.
They stare at him.
Yoongi sighs. At this rate, he won't be able to catch you before you clock in.
"Wait a second," one of the officers says, eyeing the tattoos peeking out from Yoongi's shirt and the big scar on his eye. "Are you..."
They stare at the name on the ticket. Min Yoongi.
"...Agust D?"
No way, the other officer thinks. There's a rumor about an infamous gangster called Agust D who used to slaughter his enemies with his own two hands. This guy can't be him. Right? Right?!
They hold a breath when Yoongi reaches into his pocket.
"I was hoping I wouldn't have to resort to this," he murmurs.
"Wait, sir. There's no need for violence—"
"Here," Yoongi shuts them up by thrusting one of his most precious possessions.
A gift card for discounts at the local grocery store.
The police officers stare at the gift card, bewildered.
"As much as it pains me to let go of this," Yoongi continues, "take it. Now, I have to go."
And he pedals away, leaving behind one gift card and two very confused cops.
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petew21-blog · 8 days
No way back
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Richard Madden was now on top of his career. Starring in Game of Thrones and after that in many successful movies as well.
He loved his aching career and his life
Until it was taken from him. By you
You really loved him as an actor. But you fell in love with his body much more. And that's why you attacked him on the street after that play he starred in.
He put up quite a fight. But you had a knife and eventually you succeded in stabbing his shoulder. Stabbing was the crucial step to swap bodies. After that, you were now fighting your old body, that was towering over you and held a knife in your shoulder. Thank god for the police for shooting him and saving you
The ambulance took you to the hospital. He hit some of the big veins, so you were bleeding rapidly. So they had to take care of that. Some doctor stitched you up and told you you were lucky. "I know. Thank you"
You were finally left alone in your room. You went to the mirror in your gown to look at the wound and at your new self.
And there he was Richard staring back at you.
You took of the gown. Revealing the big wound and some scratches on other parts of the body.
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He put up quite a big fight before you switched. If you wouldn't stab him, you'd be the one who was dead now. Not Richard.
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You looked over your new shirtless body. Your hairy torso covering the muscular chest and abs. All yours now to enjoy.
Your nipples hardening at the sight of the beautiful man in front of you. And not the only thing that was hardening.
You are Richard Madden now
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But the blood and scratches reminded you what you have done. That you were now in a different man's body. That you took his life and got him killed. There's no going back anymore. You can't get back to your old life, see any of your friends or your family. Or even your dog
It was all so bittersweet. Getting his body was one thing, but now you felt the guilt of it all overcoming you. You looked at yourself in the mirror and saw the teary eyes looking back. Did you screw this up?
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6 months later
After dealing with the aftermath and going to therapy. You decided to quit acting for a while. You didn't even know how to act, cause Richard's memories did not stay in his body and secondly you probably wouldn't even enjoy it.
You asked for therapy after the attack a decided to pretend to have some sort of amnesia, which became an excuse for everything after that. Especially for not knowing who in Richard's life was who.
But now it didn't matters. You were in Los Angeles, Hollywood Hills. Enjoying the beautiful scenery and the sun shining on your beautiful hairy chest.
With just one bottle of water and a phone in your hand, you arrived to the place and sent the photo
"I'm here" you said out loud
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From a bush, an attractive young man came out
"Holy shit, it's really you. Omg sir I have to say I am the biggest fan."
"I thought you came here to hook up"
"Yeah... right. Sorry. Sure"
You unzipped your jeans and pulled out your big dick to jerk. It was getting hard. You loved freaking out these twinks in your body. Hell, this guy's probably the same age as you were. But you're in Richard's body now, being older than him
He was shocked and just stared at you. Definitely aroused
"Are you gonna stare or take care of it?"
"I... YES! I just thought we could go somewhere private. There is a lot of rattle snakes here you know"
You came close to him. Pushing him on his knees and shoving your hard dick into his mouth
"There is only one snake you gotta be worried about right now"
You left him on the mountain. Covered in cum all over his face. You had an interview to get to. Fuck, your acting career was about to start again.
The twink caught up with you. "Can I call you? I really wanna do this again"
"Already hungry for more? This is my adress. And bring a friend"
The guilt was still deep in your heart. But moments like this definitely made it better
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oppopotamus · 11 months
nanami kento x bottom male reader
Warning: NSFW, face-fucking, handcuffs, anal sex, choking, praise, use of pet names like sir (Nanami receiving), baby, doll (You receiving), not proof-read soz
Nanami walked through the front door to your house after such a long tiring day at work.
"Nami! I'm in here." He heard you call you, he dropped his stuff on the ground, loosened his tie, and started heading up the stairs to your bedroom.
He opened the door to see you standing there all too happy with too huge of a smile on your face.
"I have a surprise for you!" You said happily as you rocked back and forth on your feet whilst hiding your hands behind your back since you were obviously hiding something from him.
Nanami sighs, "And what exactly is it that you're hiding behind your back?" Nanami unties his tie and drapes it over the chair in the room, taking off his blazer and doing the same.
"You have to close your eyes first!" You say, Nanami just sighs once again.
"Very well," Nanami closes his eyes and waits for you to say something or do something.
"You promise me that your eyes are closed?" You ask and Nanami nods, "I promise, (Name)."
"Okay good, now hold out your hands in front of you." Nanami hesitates but does as you say when suddenly he feels something cold and slightly heavy being placed into his hands.
He slowly opens his eyes to see what you gave him and,
"Are these handcuffs, (Name)...?"
You nod aggressively in response. Nanami's face turns hot but his blush is invisible.
"Sooo... What do you think?" You ask. Nanami finally pulls himself together and holds the handcuffs in one hand, moving his hand up and down as though he was testing how heavy they were.
"Hm." Nanami huffs.
"Hey! What's that supposed to mean?" You cross your arms and get embarrassed at the fact that Nanami must not like your 'present'.
"Are these real handcuffs?" Nanami questions. "Oh yeah! I stole them off of a police officer!" You giggle behind your hand as Nanami looks at you in disbelief.
Nanami sighs and shakes his head. "Very well then, put your hands behind your back if that's what you want so badly."
"Yes sir." You blush and do as he says, turning around and letting him put the handcuffs on your wrists.
Nanami then walks around in front of you grabbing a fist full of your hair and gently pushing you down. You understand what he's trying to do and slowly get down on your knees, carefully as to not fall onto your knees and hurt them since you don't have your hands to brace you.
"Such a pretty doll, aren't you baby?" Nanami says down to you. You nod in response, your face heating up as he caresses your hair and traces the back of his fingers down your cheek and jaw.
You shiver as he touches you so gently. He's always so gentle at first until it starts to get heated and he starts throwing you around as if you were a toy.
Nanami stands there, simply admiring you for a second until he gestures to the bed.
"Lie down, on your back. With your head off the bed." Nanami orders you and without hesitation you scramble up and attempt to lie yourself on the bed the way he commanded.
It's a little tricky at first and you feel embarrassed as he just continues to stare at you in your struggle.
Though, eventually you manage to do it and Nanami walks over to you, standing with his crotch right near your face.
You want to reach out but you can't since Nanami has his hand on your throat keeping you in place, not choking you but just placed there as sort of a warning. Plus your hands are handcuffed behind your back.
Nanami brings his hand back to his pants and un-does his belt, then his pant buttons and finally his zipper before pulling them down.
You can see the tent in his boxers, he's rock hard, I mean so are you but you're much more focused on just having Nanami's cock in your mouth.
Nanami finally takes off his boxers and his cock springs out.
It's hard and leaking over your face.
You want to reach out and lick it but you can't since Nanami's hand is back on your throat. Keeping your head in place.
Nanami reaches his free hand down to move his cock so it presses against your lips.
Slowly you open your mouth as he presses in. Nanami hisses at the heat of your mouth, hips shaking slightly until he steadies himself out and starts moving steadily.
He doesn't push his entire length on which makes you whine and attempt to move your hands around to force his cock down your throat more but alas, your hands are still handcuffed.
Nanami slowly moves both of his hands to your throat and squeezes it, so gently that you almost don't even feel it. But it's still enough to make you squirm.
Nanami's hands stay glued to your throat, squeezing it tightly every now and again which makes your thighs quiver.
"Alright baby, I'm gonna put it in deeper now." Nanami says, you can't respond since your hands are tied and Nanami's dick is halfway down your throat.
Ever so slowly Nanami eases his dick down your throat until it hits the back of your throat. You attempt to not choke but it doesn't work as the second he starts moving you gag around his cock.
He pulls all the way back out, a long line of spit and drool connecting his cock to your lips.
Spit trails down your face and you can't wipe it off so it just sticks to your face, making a mess.
"You okay, doll?" Nanami asks. You nod aggressively and whine just wanting his dick back down your throat.
"Use your words." Nanami commands. "Please sir.." You utter out.
Nanami listens and brings his cock back to your face and slams his cock down your throat, fucking your face aggressively as you whine and choke.
Nanami grunts every time you tighten your lips around his cock when he pulls back, only to thrust deeply in again.
You whine and attempt to pull your hands out, wanting nothing more than to stroke your own length. It's painfully hard and you can't take it anymore.
You move your hands back and forth attempting to break the handcuffs off to no avail. They're real handcuffs so you eventually just give up.
Nanami taking the hint pulls off of your face. Mountains of spit and drool ride down your face and all over Nanami's cock.
Nanami looks down at your pants to see your excruciatingly painful erection and feels some pity on you.
He grabs you and turns you around so now your ass is at the end of the bed rather than your face.
You feel slightly light headed after having your head hanging for so long. You dizzly look at Nanami, waiting for him to do something.
Nanami smirks and pulls your pants down, letting your own cock spring free.
You hiss at the feeling of the cold air hitting your embarrassingly hard cock. Nanami leans down, squeezing it before letting go and leans over to the bedside table.
He pulls out a bottle of lube that's nearly completely empty, you really need to replace that soon.
He pours a generous amount onto his fingers and brings them to your hole, gently pressing into it, stretching you out so you're prepped enough to take him.
You writhe around at the feeling of his fingers stretching you, no matter how many times he does this it always hurts at first.
But Nanami is always so gentle at the start, he treats you with such gentle care that it makes your heart flutter.
No matter how many times you both do this it always gives you butterflies in your stomach and makes you smile.
You truly love this man and how caring he is to you, no matter how embarrassing it is he always takes such good care of you.
Finally, Nanami deems you prepped enough and maneuvers his cock to your hole and gently presses in.
You both simultaneously moan and the stretch and when he's completely sheathed inside of you, you both simply stay there for a moment, breathing heavily together and just stay at peace for the moment.
You completely understand each other in these moments and feel as though you are one.
It's once Nanami starts moving again you forget all about that and only focus on three things. One, you think about Nanami. Two, you think about getting Nanami to cum and three, you think about your own pleasure.
Nanami moves slowly at first but eventually speeds up. You both moan when he gets faster and Nanami moves one hand to your throat and the other to rest behind your head.
Nanami chokes you just enough so that you can still breathe but gives you that slight light-headedness that you love so much.
He speeds up, getting faster and faster as he squeezes your neck tighter and tighter.
You choke and look up at him with tears in your eyes as he stares straight back with such intensity that you feel like you might cum on the spot.
You don't, but you're close.
"N-Nami.. I'm gonna.." You mumble off, not even being able to finish your sentence before you're leaking white from your cock and all over your stomach.
"Fuck.." Nanami lets out before he's cumming hard, painting your walls.
You both just stay there for a moment until Nanami leans down, giving you a kiss.
You both stay until your breaths come back and your orgasms have worn off.
Nanami flips you over and grabs the handcuffs.
"(Name), where are the keys to the handcuffs?" Nanami asks and suddenly it hits you. "Uhh..." You say in response and Nanami just sighs.
"I'll go get the pliers." Nanami says, placing a kiss on your temple before leaving to get the tools to chop the handcuffs off of your wrists.
You lay on your stomach and sigh happily, feeling peace for the time being.
Ah, how you love that man.
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heeseung-min · 4 months
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𝐒𝐞𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐝 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞
"Your change would be $2.20. Thank you!"
You gave the money to the customer and told him his drink would be ready in a few minutes. The business is slow today. There is not much customers so you are able to do few things in one time.
"Here's your drink, sir. Have a good day."
"It's for you."
You were flabbergasted by his gesture. He pushed the drink gently towards you. You could see how his face started to flush and his eyes were everywhere but you.
"I- I ordered this drink for you. Nice to see you."
He said that and immediately ran out from the shop. You were too clueless to do anything so you just sipped on the free drink before went to the next customer.
It continues to be like that. Sometimes, he will bring you flowers or pastries he bought from the bakery near your shop. You learned his name is Jake. At first, the gesture seems to be cute and kind even though you denied him doing it sometimes. However, it became overwhelming when he started to send you gifts like ring with a side note hinted about marriage. You don't like Jake like that. You tried to talk to him about that but sadly the man just giggled and didn't take the matter seriously.
You were laying on the couch while watching a korean drama on your television. You decided to take some days off from work and also from Jake. He is a good guy but you prefer to be just a friend and no more than that. As you were munching on the snacks, you heard knock from the front door.
"urghh I didn't even invite anyone."
You walked to the door forcedly. You just want to enjoy your rest without any disturb. When you opened the door, you were shocked when you saw Jake was standing in front of the door.
"Jake...how can you...be here?"
Jake was standing in front of you with smile on his face. His hands were holding a small bouquet of flowers. However, you never tell him your address. How the fuck this man can be here ?
"Ahh well umm I accidentally saw you around here the other day ago. I was worried about you, Y/n. I thought you were sick because you didn't open your shop and I was waiting there every morning. Thankfully the security guard helped me to get to your house."
"Go away."
His smile dropped after you said that words coldly. Your eyes also changed to scared and angred. Jake didn't understand. He didn't do anything wrong. Why are you being like this?
"Why? I just miss you Y/N. Why I can't be here with you? I thought this is boyfriend things to do."
"What the fuck do you say?!!"
"Are we fighting right now? Whatever I did I'm really sorry. I will try my best to not do it again. This is my first time-"
Jake went speechless after hearing you shouted. You rolled your eyes when Jake's expression didn't look guilty at all.
"We are not a couple. I don't love you. We are just friends, Jake. What you did right now is wrong. I never tell you my address and the fact you followed me here is disturbing. So, I want you to leave before I called the police."
You said and immediately closed the door on him. You waited for 20 minutes to open the door again and sighed in relief when Jake finally gone. You thought of going to your parents house since Jake already know your address so he might come here again.
That night, you brought your luggage through the parking building to get to your car. It was at the middle of the night and you thought it was safe since you were alone.
But that's where you got it wrong.
"Where are you going, sweetheart?"
You flinched at the sight of Jake standing few metres from you. His clothes are not clean like how you saw him this morning. His white top looked brownish like a dried blood and it's not only on his clothes but also on his face and hands. He was just smiling at you waiting for your response.
"Are you .... planning to run away from me?"
Your heartbeat started to increase. His voice had made your hands shaking and gave you goosebumps. It feels hard to move and he slowly walked closer to you.
"I missed you like crazy, Y/n."
Suddenly, you finally got courage and ran to make it to your car. You were like 50 metres away from your car and Jake was a bit far. However, as you were running to your car Jake started to do the same too. The luggage you brought together already forgotten and you only want to save yourself for now.
When you thought he nearly grabbed your hand you successfully dodged it and quickly get inside the car and locked it instantly to stop Jake from getting inside too. You watched him being in rage and frustrated when he failed to catch you. His harsh knock on your car window made you flinched again. Jake went closer to the window and staring straight to your eyes.
"I will find you no matter how far you run away from me, Y/n."
Immediately, you started the engine and reverse the car away from him before starting the drive. You looked at him from the rear view mirror and felt the goosebumps again when he just standing there and watched you went away.
You were lucky to still have your wallet and phone. Only this two things matter for now. You tried to call your parents but failed few times it only forwarded you to the operator.
After two hours of driving, you felt so hungry and sleepy at the same time. You made a stop at the gas station to fill up your gas and bought some breads and drink for your empty stomach.
You were focusing on the options of foods they have when someone entering the station. Your eyes widened at the sight of Jake who was looking everywhere to see you. You hide at one of the aisle and the cashier staring weirdly at him then called him out.
"What do you want man? You looking for something?"
"Where is she?"
You heard Jake asked but the cashier looked so confused and told Jake to get out before he called the police. However, instead of following what the worker said Jake shot him once at the head and you cupped your mouth to prevent any sound coming out. You never expected Jake to be this violence. You tried to think how to run away from here and found an empty glass bottle near the freezer. Without wasting too much time, you picked it up and ran to Jake the smashed at his head. You heard his loud groan and curse but you keep running towards your car and left the gas station.
Jake too immediately chased you with his car. He wasn't going to let you go. He will get you no matter what. The smash caused his head to bleed but he didn't care and he didn't feel hurt at all. He just feel excited and thrilled at the thought of playing cat and mouse with you.
You were groaning frustratedly when your call still doesn't get pick up. Jake is really crazy and you hate for tolerating him at the first place.
"Hello, what's the emergency?"
"Miss, please slow down. We can't really hear you."
You shouted as you were pressing the pedal to increase your speed while looking at the rear mirror to see how near Jake's car to you. You screamed again when suddenly Jake's car got hit from the left by a big truck. The hit made his car ended up upside down. That immediately made you stopped your car as you felt horrible seeing the car crash. The road was empty and it's only you, Jake and the truck driver. You wanted to call the ambulance but stopped yourself before can do and decided to be selfish just one time.
For yourself.
"Ma'am? Is everything okay?"
You went silence. What happened just now made you can't think properly so you hung up on the call and just keep driving leaving the poor truck driver and Jake there.
You finally escape from him.
Few years has been passed. You are living a slow life right now with a lovely cat at a bungalow house. After the car crash you witnessed that night, you drove yourself to your parents house but figured out they got murdered and you were sure the dried blood you saw on Jake was them. So, you reported it to the police and they did the investigation however it came to the conclusion that Jake died that night at the car crash. You thought he deserved it for making your life miserable at the first place. But at the same time you feel your life empty because of the loneliness but you keep living and become successful in your job and now you are enjoying your time alone.
You were closing the gate and saw those workers were carrying some furnitures to the house. You also saw a large golden retriever dog running around adjusting itself with the place. Guess you are getting a new neighbour. You turned around and suddenly heard someone called you.
"Hello there, neighbour."
You turned back and saw a very attractive man. His black hair looks so fluffy and his glasses made him more attractive and nerd at the same time. The dog you saw were running around was standing beside him wiggling its tail while looking at you.
"Sorry if I disturbing you. Just want to inform you I will be living at this house. What's your name?"
Ah, why are you suddenly getting blushing Y/n? It's just a man. You see men every single day. You calmed yourself before introducing.
"I am Y/n. What is yours?"
"Jaeyun. My name is Sim Jaeyun."
"Glad to know you, Jaeyun."
"Same goes here." He said as he shook your hand.
Now, your new story finally begin.
Or does it? Really?
Jake was grateful he is still alive after getting hit by the truck. He decided to stay low and get his father's help to prevent him from getting caught and instead make a fake death news about him. He searched the entire world for you. Although he failed many times since you didn't get active on social media but he was glad when that day he found your picture on your friend's Instagram account celebrating your birthday.
He also took a drastic change where he got his face surgically done to look like a whole different person because he knew you will try to run away from him again. Now, he will use different tactic to tackle you.
Right now, he is standing in front of you feels like a dream. The blush on your face made him fluttered. You are so cute he can't wait to lock you up!
No one is going to know. This secret only between him and God.
"Thanks for giving me the second chance, God."
Oh my god😂😂😂 that's intense. In my head its really wild when i imagined it but hopefully you guys get the feels😬😬
Also for the sake of story, the jake before i want you guys to imagine him as this
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yes yes i know he is maki from &team but i want yall to imagine this is the "old" jake and
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this is the sim jaeyun after he got face surgery okay?
thanks for reading this🥰🥰
Taglist: @stacey-stonem @duolingofanaccount @obsessed1with1straykids @huggyuvita @eeunoia @rowretro @soireegurl
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heeheeswifey · 4 months
policeman!jake headcannons
Who knew getting a ticket could be worth so much..
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policeman!jake who pulled you over because you were speeding.
policeman!jake who wanted to fuck you right after seeing your pretty face.
policeman!jake who asked you to show him the trunk of your car just to get a good look at your body.
policeman!jake who knew he was not supposed to do it, yet he wanted a taste of the forbidden fruit.
policeman!jake who purposefully kept rubbing against your ass.
policeman!jake who saw your pretty lips, imagining how they would look like wrapped around his cock.
policeman!jake who thought you were so, so oblivious.
policeman!jake who knew that you were just a broke college student..
policeman!jake who wrote you a ticket, with an extra fee of 500 dollars...how were you supposed to pay that.?
policeman!jake who smiled right as he heard the words 'ill do anything!' come out of your pretty mouth.
policeman!jake who put you in handcuffs planning to just fuck you with them on.
policeman!jake who didn't know that maybe you wanted him just as bad..
"me-mmnhf- hnngh~" broken moans come out of your mouth like a song, as you were now on your knees, giving a police officer head. Slowly pulling your head from his cock, you lock eyes with him, as you slobbered spit all over his aching cock. " Am I doing good, sir?" you ask him, voice raspy. "y-yeah... shit- your doing real' good baby.." he says, caressing your head softly. "are you g'nna cum in my mouf- sirr?~" you babble, deepthroating his thick cock, tears streaming down your face. "n-no, I'm g'nna cum in your pussy.." he states, pulling you up on the hood of your car. "I'll fill you up real good." he finishes, pulling your little shorts down with your panties, dragging a finger down your pulsing slit. "j-just put it in- aah!~ please...sir!" You whine, pushing your hips against his fingers. not a moment was wasted as he bullied his big cock into your cunt, veiny hands kneading your ass. "y're so tight... can't you calm down little girl..!" He grunts, moving his cock in and out of your pussy. "sir~ aahn! Ts' too bigg-!" you mewl, clenching down on his cock repeatedly. drool was dripping out of your mouth as your wrists started to ache, the handcuffs dangling with every harsh thrust. "you fucked- detective sunghoon aswell right? You little slut.." he questions, positioning your back into a deeper arch. taking his fingers into his mouth, jaeyun spat all over them, zigzagging them on your poor clit. "m'sorry..! Wont- happen again!~" you moan, hips stuttering repeatedly as he slapped your abused clit. "Want me to fill you up?- make you forget all 'bout him, baby?" He offers, pelvis slamming against your ass like a broken record. "fill you up- so fucking hard..you can't walk straight!" he says, teasingly. "oh fuck!~ sir- I'm gonna cummm- cumcumcum!" You mewl desperately, eyes rolling back into your head as a dumb smile painted your face. "yeah? are y'gnna cum all over me, slut?" He says, sticking his tongue out, spitting on your cunt from behind. "shit- oh fuuuckk!" you slur out, creaming all over his cock. "wan' me to cum in your cunt, baby?" He asks, not wasting a second as he empties his load inside of your pussy. Why bother even asking. slowly pulling out, he admires your pussy before fixing his clothes and taking your handcuffs off, writing something and sticking it onto your car. "Next time you want a good fuck, call me and don't go to sunghoon." oh boy, what have you gotten yourself into..
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onlyyvette · 10 months
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★ DAY 3 - puppy play | leon s. kennedy
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kinktober 2023 - masterlist.
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warnings: top/dom reader + sub/bottom leon + gn reader + reader uses the title "sir" + petplay + collars and leashes + cockstepping + "loving" degradation + humiliation + overstimulation + boot-licking + leon is often called "dumb mutt" + and he adores it
a/n: this takes place in a "no-outbreak" au because why not
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Leon S. Kennedy considered himself to be your average young, up and coming police officer. Always making sure he isn't two minutes late to work, having your coworkers tease you relentlessly for being the newest recruit, and for months being known as a simple rookie...yeah it it wasn't that great but hey, it made him happy to serve his city in the best way he thought possible.
But his relationship with you is anything but average.
"You'll be a good boy for me, right, Kennedy?" Your voice was sickeningly sweet despite Leon knowing the true implication behind your words. Behave and maybe you'll be able to cum tonight. "I will..." You look at him expectantly. "I-I will Sir." He immediately corrects himself. He didn't want to be punished so early into the night. "That's a good mutt," you say mockingly, leaning down to pat his head. You then take a seat on your plush bed and motion him closer. He obeys, crawling a bit closer to you on his hands and knees.
As he sits on his knees before you, he keeps his hands to his sides and tries his best to ignore his already hard cock. He tried to bring less attention to it but covering it would only make it obvious that he's hiding an erection. He might as well be open with his shame. "Aww, you're already hard? Hard from me telling you to strip and and putting a collar on you? You're so adorably pathetic." Even so, Leon wasn't safe from your torment. He whines as he now attempts to cover up his dick, only for his hands to be kicked away.
"Hey. Who said you could cover up? You don't deserve to hide anything from me, mutt," you emphasize your cruel words with a harsh tug on the leash attached to his collar. He stumbles forward a bit before regaining his balance and putting his hands behind his back. Leon's visibly trembling now, and you can tell your words have had an effect on him. "Fuck, it's almost like you're even harder than before. Then again I could barely tell. Your dick is so small and cute, you know that?" You give him a wicked smile before tugging on his leash even harder.
Finally, Leon begins to crack. He pulls on the collar as you're nearly chocking him with it and you can see the tears start to well up in his eyes, despite his best efforts to hide them. He wasn't even that small! He was a reasonable six inches! Though that didn't mean anything to you, you were hellbent on pointing out everything you saw unfit about him. But despite that, his pretty dick began to drip pre-cum, twitching a bit.
"And you're still getting off on this shit, no touch anywhere. You're really making me think you're just another pervert, mutt." While you sounded disgusted on the outside, you were truly thrilled. You were drinking up your mutt's pathetic reactions like it was all you needed to survive. You eye him hungrily as he shakes his head, muttering a few "not a pervert" and some other stuff that you didn't bother to listen to.
"I'm real fucking tired of seeing your pathetic cocklet, so hurry up and get off," you say, pressing the heel of your boot against Leon's weeping cock. "HhhnNGH! S-Sir!" Leon whimpers as you press your shoe harshly onto his dick, the rough stimulation making him let go of the tears collecting in his eyes, letting them fall freely. He sobs openly as he humps your shoe, leaning into the cruel treatment your were giving him, the flush from his face reaching his chest and shoulders a bit.
He continues to let out adorable moans as the rough texture of your boot rub on his aching length and he can't help but think about how mean you are to him. The crude marks you make towards him and his body, that sadistic gleam in your eyes when you looked at him...but he was ashamed of himself for being the slut that enjoyed the humiliation he received from you. He embraced it all, getting pleasure out of your twisted interactions that always left his sobbing and trembling. And he would always coming back from more, like a lost puppy.
"...Hey. Mutt." your cold voice jerks him out of his dreamy state. "Hurry the fuck up. The quicker you finish, the quicker you can put your sad excuse of a dick away." Those last words of yours were all Leon needed to cum. He covered his mouth as he came all over your boot, covering it with his cum as he trembled from the strength of his orgasm. Despite his hand covering his mouth, it didn't hide the slutty moans coming out of him. While Leon is clinging onto your leg still coming down from his orgasm, you shake him off. "You're not done yet," you say and motion to the cum on your shoe. "Clean."
With that single word order, Leon wordlessly obeys, bending down to reach your shoe. As he sticks his togue out, you add salt to the wound, pushing the tip of your shoe into his mouth. It immediately makes him recoil, tears jumping to his eyes. Still, he dutifully licks his cum off of your shoe, his tears falling down his face the whole time. God, you make him feel so fucking pathetic. He whines as he laps up the last drops of cum. You yank on his collar again and he comes back up to face you. The moment he gets back up, you step on his dick again, grinding your shoe into his oversensitive dick.
"GhHK! N-no-- uhnn!" Leon sobs as you stimulate his poor dick once again. You really weren't going to give up your relentless bullying. "You're done when I say you're done," you state simply as you continue to crush his dick underneath your shoe. Leon doesn't know how beautiful he looks right now. His eyes are glazed over while fresh tears fall from them and roll down his pink cheeks. A thin line of drool escapes from his open mouth, perfecting the lewd image. You were never going to get enough of tormenting your mutt. And Leon was never going to get tired of being the outlet for your sadistic desires.
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severitus incorrect quotes in chronological order of how a severitus story would go part 2
harry: God has let me live another day and I'm going to make it snape's problem.
severus: I have met some of the most insufferable people. But then they met me.
severus: I am in charge of this disaster! harry: I have a name, you know.
Police Officer: You have the right to remain silent. harry: And I choose to waive that right! harry: *screaming*
harry: You saved me! Why? severus: People would think I murdered you if I didn't.
harry: If you spell skeletons backwards, it still spells skeletons. severus, deadpan: Well well, I can't wait for Halloween to see some snoteleks.
harry: Oh just so you know, it's very muggy outside severus: severus: I swear, if I step outside and all of my mugs are on the front lawn- harry: *Sips tea from bowl*
severus: ...Why did you draw a pentagram on the floor? harry: Your note told me to satanize the house before you returned. severus: severus: Sanitize. I wrote sanitize, Potter.
harry: Professor, professor! severus, sighing: What's wrong now? harry: Just because I’m calling doesn’t mean there’s a crisis. severus: Well then, why are you calling? harry: Well… There’s a crisis
harry, holding a scooter: sev- sir, can I go outside and play with this? severus, making dinner: Whatever. I'm not your parent or anything. harry, running outside: Thanks professor! severus, running out after him in a pink apron screaming: NOT ON THE STREET! STAY AWAY!
harry: To make up for sending you into a fit of anguish and exasperation earlier, here, have a nice hot cup of tea! severus: It's cold. harry: A nice cup of tea. severus: It's horrible. harry: Cup of tea. severus: I'm not sure if this even is tea. harry: CUP.
severus : I left instructions for everyone while I'm gone. harry: Mine just says "harry no." severus : I want you to apply it to every possible situation.
harry: So I can either do something dumb that could very well get me injured or I can listen to Professor Snape and not do the thing, harry: Well there’s a clear right answer here. harry: *proceeds to throw five packs of mentos into a barrel full of diet coke*
severus, looking at a photo of harry: I hate this photo. harry: I look so sweet in that photo! I’m smiling kindly. severus : You’re not smiling kindly; you look like you’re up to something. harry: Up to kindness.
harry: *running towards snape with open arms* severus: *moves out of the way* harry: Hey, why'd you move?! severus: I thought you were going to attack me? harry: I was going to hug you! severus: ...Why would you hug me? harry: WHY WOULD I ATTACK YOU!?
severus: What's this? harry, hugging severus: Affection! severus: Disgusting. severus: ...Do it again.
harry: *Stubs toe* FUCK! severus: Mind your language! harry: What else am I supposed to say, “Woe is I”??? harry: You have to accept that swear words are necessary sometimes.
severus : What happened?! harry: Do you want the long version or the short version? severus : Short? harry: Shit's fucked. severus : Okay, long. harry: Shit's very fucked.
severus: Just be careful, Harry! harry: *heading out the door* I'm always careful, Severus! harry: It's everything around me that's careless.
harry: What’s up? I’m back. severus: I literally saw you die. You died. You were dead harry: Death is a social construct.
harry: ...And if I run at Severus, he will most certainly catch me in his arms. *spins around and sprints at Severus* Comin' in! severus: NOWAITI'MHOLDINGCOFFEEDON'TYOUFUCKINGDARE- *mug shatters, catches Harry*
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aurorangen · 6 months
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Renee and Vincent had just visited the hospital when they saw a toddler crying alone on a bench. Vincent couldn't bear to see this happening and rushed over to help. "I hate D-Daddy!" he cried through muffled sobs. "Hey, that's my son!" someone yelled. He picked up the kid and went to the guy.
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It was clear to Marco that Casper was refusing to let go of the stranger's arms and he dramatically sighed, "If you don't give him back, I'm calling my lawyer!" Oh he had the audacity to blame him even though it was his own fault his son would much rather stay in this stranger's arms. And this stranger was also a lawyer.
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Vincent had no idea who this problematic guy was but he was hella annoying! He had a hunch of what was happening and had dealt with cases like this before. Seeing the pleading eyes of the kid in his arms reminded him of the neglect from his own father.
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"For fuck sake Marco," Petrah cursed under her breath, "Honey! Let's not make a scene, there are people here," she shot secret daggers at him, worried about her reputation. If paparazzi saw any of this-
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Then Renee came over, "Calm down sir." When he wouldn't, she gave up and showed her police ID. Marco recognised her but couldn't quite place when they'd met. But she was a detective and he didn't want to get into trouble. You're in deep shit now Marco...
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"I apologise for my husband's childish outburst but I can explain." With her best acting skills, Petrah explained the situation her own way. "Let me buy you some drinks perhaps?" she didn't want to get into trouble either and surprisingly settled all the misunderstandings.
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strangemaleswaps · 10 months
Strange Cop Dad Swap
I made my way to the kitchen, expecting some good alcohol since Brittney was rich. Holy shit! There was a huge variety of everything! Now THIS is what I expected at a college party! Who fucking cared if I wasn't even in college yet, or old enough to drink? This shit is crazy!
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"What would you like my good sir?" asked some random guy at the table. I didn't think he was an actual bartender, since he was wearing normal clothes. Probably just some weirdo.
"Oh I dunn-" I didn't even finish my sentence when he put something into a shaker and poured it into a red plastic cup. He then handed it to me. Well, I guess if I'm at a college party, I gotta act like a college party guy. I chugged it all down in a second. Suddenly my throat burned like hell.
"Fuck man, one step at a time! Save the chugging for cheap beer. These drinks are classier." He poured me another. "This time baby steps my man."
I was kinda mad, but accepted the drink anyway. I walked back into the living room where people were on the dance floor. I saw my buddy Trent dancing with yet another random girl he just met. I swear that dude solely exists to break hearts.
"Hey! Garrett! Did you get the drinks?
"I got one. If you want one, go get it yourself."
"Ah fuck you! But seriously though aren't you scared your dad's gonna show up? I mean he IS a cop around here."
"Probably not. I'm sure there's lots of parties going on right now. What are the chances that he'd come to this one?” I noticed someone started talking to Brittney. It must've been bad because she widened her eyes and turned the music off. With the new silence in the room, we could hear the blaring police sirens outside.
"Shit who called the cops?" Someone said. The door opened and none other than my stupid dad appeared. His ugly bald head reflected the multicolored lights and he looked around at everyone, while I tried to hide myself behind the crowd. Beside him was the sheriff, Marty. My dad may have been good friends with Marty but he didn’t have to bring the fucking sheriff for something as simple as this.
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"Allright allright, party's over. Nobody's getting arrested as long as you cooperate." Everyone started walking out the door and I was exposed. My dad widened his eyes when he noticed me.
"Garrett?! What the fuck are you doing? You know better than that!" He just HAD to start the lecture NOW out of all times, embarrassing me in front of everyone.
"What? I can't come to a party now?"
"Don't try excuses on me! I saw that cup in your hand. What? You expect me to believe that's water? Get in the car. Everybody else move it!” We both started walking outside while Marty stayed to lead the others.
Inside the police car, we were silent for a while until he blew up on me once again.
"I can't believe you were fucking underage drinking! Do you have any idea how irresponsible you are?! You're in your senior year of high school. Do you really think that’s going to be a good habit when you go to college?! You're grounded until graduation. I don't care how harsh that sounds. Graduation you hear?” I knew that nothing I said would change anything so I kept my mouth shut the rest of the car ride. 
Back at home, we said nothing to each other as I walked up to my room and slammed the door. About an hour went by and I heard a knock, followed by my dad coming in.
"Go away."
"I just wanted to say that I overreacted a bit back there. It made me so angry seeing the type of person you might’ve ended up as." He was fumbling with his wedding ring. I don't know why he keeps it on anyway. I never knew my mom, and it's clear my dad is divorced so why does he wear a damn wedding ring? He needs to find a girlfriend or something!
“You have no idea how stressful it is! Why can’t I go to some little party just to unwind?”
“I was young once too! I just don’t want you to go down a bad path. You have so much more to learn. This isn’t a good habit to form when you go to college.” It was then that I blew up on him.
“Hey at least I am going to college! Unlike a certain dumbass cop…” His eyes widened and I saw nothing but pure anger on his face,
"I was going to shorten your grounding sentence, but after that attitude not anymore!" He then slammed the door once again.
Trent texted me a bit later, asking if I was going to be able to go to Brittney’s homecoming party. Shit! I forgot about that! There was no way I was going to miss it so we devised a plan for me to sneak out.
The night arrived and I had my plan all set. Trent was going to call the cops on some other party to lure my dad away. When he leaves, Trent will come and pick me up and it's party time! I was in my room pretending to be bored, when right on schedule, my dad came in.
"I got another dumbass party to shut down so stay here, and don't even think about leaving this room. You're still grounded." He had a serious look in his eye.
"Sure sure. I'll be good," I said sarcastically. I looked out the window and as soon as his car was out of sight, I texted Trent. Within minutes he arrived. I quickly got dressed and he picked me up.
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"Dude, you're either the bravest guy ever, or the stupidest."
"Hey, I won't stay too long. Just enough to see what it's like really. And then I'll be back in my room before he comes home."
The house was easily twice as packed as the last party, it was incredible. Brittney came down the stairs and approached me with a confused look on her face.
"Hey, wait I thought you were grounded or something. Aren't you afraid your dad is gonna come back? He better not."
"Nah, relax. He's doing some other stupid police work. I won't stay too long anyway."
"Allright, if you say so."
I went to the kitchen, like last time, to find an even bigger variety of drinks! Nobody else was in there so I thought I'd experiment myself this time. I picked up the shaker and started pouring drinks, even though I didn't know what the hell they were. But I didn't care! I'm just glad I was able to sneak away from my dad. I tried the drink and…well it was actually awful. Oh well. I headed to the dance floor and started showing off my moves. I could hear everyone cheering me on until I felt a bit faint. The last thing I remembered was falling over and a couple people looking at me concerned.
When I opened my eyes, I was outside in the dark. What happened? Was I that drunk and they kicked me out? I felt pretty normal though. I walked back up to the door. When I closed it, a draft flew in, which was especially cold on my head for some reason. I let out a deep breath and when I turned around, everyone was staring at me. But it wasn't the type of confused stare I expected; it was a terrified stare. The music stopped and it felt like they were staring into my soul.
"Uh, I'm ok now.” My voice sounded really weird. There was an awkward silence until someone shouted in the back.
"Well party's over…AGAIN!" As everyone started walking out, I noticed Brittney was yelling at someone on the floor.
"Nah, fuck you Garrett. You're not allowed here again. Get up!" Weird coincidence that there was a guy with the same name as me on the dance floor too. As the crowd cleared, I felt a chill down my back as I found “Garrett” looked exactly like me! He seemed to be unconscious. When I approached him and Brittney, she looked up at me…which was weird because we were the same height. Did she get shorter or something?
"Oh uh, he didn't get beat up or anything bad. Just had a few drinks I guess." She spoke so compliantly, unlike the normal way she gives me attitude with every sentence. I noticed the guy on the floor was wearing my clothes too. He didn't just look like me, he WAS me! Was he a clone or something? What's going on? A breeze came through the still-opened door and hit my head again. Why is it so cold up there? I touched the back of my head, and felt a smooth spot. What the fuck? I searched around for my hair…for ANY hair! But all I could find was a smooth bald head. It couldn't be…I looked down at myself and found I was wearing a police officer's uniform, complete with the badge and full utility belt. Brittney stared at me, concerned.
"Is uh everything all right, officer?" No no! Don't call me that!
"I uh, can I use your bathroom?"
"Uh yeah, it's up the stairs and to the left."
As I made my way up and through the hallway, I stared down at my hands, noticing eerily similar things - a wedding ring and a watch that looked exactly like the one my dad wore. I opened the bathroom door and quickly locked it. I gazed into the mirror to find my fears had come true. I turned into my dad!
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I grabbed my cheeks and tried pinching them, to make sure it wasn't all a prank and I was just wearing a mask, but nope. I could feel it all. It was real. Fuck! I saw how smooth and shiny my head was; I knew he shaved his head every morning, but I didn't realize how smooth doing that actually made it. It's like a fuckin bowling ball. I hate this! I had long hair before and now it's just all gone! It was freezing up there! I hated cops, so it was really uncomfortable wearing an officer's uniform too.
"Hey are you ok in there?" It was Brittney. I faked a flush and washed my hands.
"Is Garrett still asleep?" It felt weird referring to myself in the 3rd person.
"Yeah he won't wake up."
"I'll just carry him to the car."
Brittany walked to the kitchen, probably to clean up the alcohol before I saw the amount of it. When I got to the living room, I found Marty standing there. He looked up when he approached me and pointed at me. 
“Hey you! What do you think you’re doing?” Shit. Does he know?! 
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“I’m sorry I-” He turned his fake frown into a smile.
“Don’t be. Sometimes we just can’t let anything else come before our duty. Even me.” He leaned over to kiss me. What?! What’s going on? “I guess we’ll have to reschedule that date to some other time.”
A date? Does this mean the whole time, my dad was gay? And for Marty? Was the whole wedding ring thing a facade? Marty actually had one too so maybe they both did it to prevent a scandal within the police department or something? I snapped back to reality when I noticed Marty was still waiting for an answer.
“Uh yeah, sure. Of course!”
“Good! Let me know!” He rubbed my bald head. It was then that I started getting hard …my dad's cock was getting hard. Marty wasn’t my type though! But suddenly the thought of him was making me feel good. Is this because I'm in my dad's body or because he's flirting with me? 
I picked up..myself..off the dance floor and put him over my shoulder. I walked over to my dad's police car, and reached into my pocket for the keys to open it. I placed…myself inside, buckled him in, took my phone out of his pocket, and sat down in the driver's seat. I always hated my dad and hated cops in general but it felt pretty awesome actually sitting in the driver's seat of a police car. Like one of those movies where they have to steal one to save the world or something. The flashing lights were still on, but luckily I knew how to turn them off. I pressed the button and began driving home.
When I got home, I picked up my body once again, and carried him. It didn't really occur to me earlier, but if I'm in my dad's body, does this mean he's in my body? Fuck, I can't stand the thought of my dad going around embarrassing me in front of everyone! But he still hadn't woken up yet. What if whatever magical spell made us swap was keeping him asleep? But if he does wake up I need somewhere to put him at least. I walked upstairs and towards his room, and placed him on his own bed. I guess that'll do. I went over to my own room and plopped onto my bed, the pillow feeling extra comfy touching my bare head. I rubbed it again, actually kinda enjoying how it felt. Even though the body belongs to my dad, I'm still borrowing it right now. So I guess I have the freedom to touch myself anywhere. Not that I would want to go…down there. That's my dad's cock, gross! But I'm gonna need to jerk off eventually; I'm already feeling kinda horny now…but why? The thought of Marty crossed my mind and I suddenly was imagining him naked. Shit, not this again. He kinda was cute though, in like a lame cop kinda way. Man, I honestly wanna fuck him now.
At this point my cock was getting so stiff that I could barely take it. I started stripping, taking the heavy utility belt off first. Each garment came off until I was just in my dad's boxers.
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I can't believe I was about to do this. I felt around my new dad bod, then peeled the underwear down to see my dad's cock. It was actually pretty big, maybe like 10 inches or so! So nasty…but I had to focus on the thought of Marty to stay hard. I took the underwear off so I was fully nude, laid down on my bed and started jerking it. I imagined Marty cornering me against the wall, kissing me until he grabbed my cock. He then got down on his knees and started sucking it until…I was pulled out of my fantasy and came. The white load shot all over my bed, much further than I could ever do in my body! After the climax wore off, I realized how gross it was that my dad's cum was all over my bed. But it felt so good! Actually, I have no clue how long I'm gonna be like this, or how long my dad is going to stay asleep so I could definitely take over his life for a bit. I'm not grounded anymore! Even better, I guess I'm a cop now so I have power and authority! I took my dad's phone - I mean MY phone - and called up Marty.
"Hey Marty, I have an idea…”
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rowretro · 3 months
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✧Warnings: kissing, mafia hoon, blood, suggestive, dead body, detailed murder
✧Synopsis: Sunghoon is a very innocent man, a beautiful, sexy wife, 3 kids, a 12 year old girl and a 4 year old boy. He's a perfect family man who owned a homely café. He's just an ordinary person.... until one of the most feared mafia men paid a visit after a dreadful incident.
"Honey, I'm sorry I have to overwork a few late hours at the office... I missed work so many times so I have a lot to do, I'll come home tomorrow..." Y/n said, from the airport as Sunghoon sighed. He had a small pout on his face as he looked at Ryuu "Sweetheart, must you work so late?" he asked as y/n smiled at him "I missed a lot of time, so many clothes to design for the new set, im sorry, I'll see you, I love you" she said as she hung up. Sunghoon stared at his home as he stared back at Ryuu, lying on his front on the soft blanket laid out on the floor "You aren't suspicious of me too are you?" Sunghoon asked as Ryuu squished his cheeks. "Of couwse not daddy!" he said as Sunghoon tilted his head "Why son?" "because youw my daddy!" he exclaimed as Sunghoon lifted him in the air, turned over and palced him on his chest.
Y/n didn't want to have her suspicions about him, she loves him, she always has, that sweet little nerd who hesitated to ask her out, Sunghoon. She trusts him, the man she trusted enough to have a baby with, to marry, trust with her deepest darkest secrets. She's just doing this as a formality is all... Just so everyone else knows, Well specifically the law. She made her way to board the flight back to Busan, where the orphanage he grew up in was. All the while, Officer Lee was sitting before a prisoner, who was caught in the big drug deal that was brought out by the Park Mafia. Hence he will know what happened to Leo.
"Listen Choi Yeonjun is it?...I hear you have your death sentence in about 3 weeks, I can bring up a petition, I have the power to cancel that out... You just need to do one thing.... Tell me the truth of what happened to Park Daeheon's son... LEO Park..." Heeseung tempted in a serious manner as the male before him started drumming on the table, glancing up at him "I've raised Leo for Daehoon, and I'm bound to die either way.... I'll tell you only because Im going to die anyway.... Park Daehoon treasured his only son.... but he treasured his mafia more, a mafia he'd do sacrifices for, in order to make sure his business runs successfully, the sacrifices started with animals, then eventually humans...." He started.
"Where the fucks' Leo? is he out messing about?! our drugs have been stopped by the police Goddamit what's going on?!" Daeheon complained over the call to his brother Park Jeonghan. "He's on it now, just trust him, ill be there in a minute." He replied simply hanging up. The man got in his car nodding at the driver. All the while, the police were yelling at the gang, having seized their vehicle. "Who's that smoking?! move out the way you fuckers, officer go drag the smoker here." the head officer said.
However, the armed gangsters moved out the way, and there, lying on his back, leg crossed over the other, a very fine man, smoking, his silver hair recognizable anywhere. "L-Leo? this is your truck?! fuck- let the vehicles go bro! sorry sir... we were told to seize them, so we assumed some other gang was using your route!" The officer excused, bowing nonstop as Leo smoked, sitting up. He was about to go for his usual violent mannerisms, and beat the shit out of those fuckers, but something caught his eye. A pink bow, a very long one... no two long ones, braided into the girl's black hair.
"Don't let it happen again." He coldly spat as he got up walking away. Leo hid by a tree as he stared at the girl, she looked as if she was in here teenage years, just about his age specifically, like 18? He never really paid attention to girls, or anything really, his whole childhood he just did what his father told him... as a child him and his uncle Yeonjun would visit the orphanage every now and then. Leo thought high school was useless for him, he was already smart, he studied so much in his free time, but when he saw his angel enter a high school, he regretted his decision of not going.
Since that day Leo had kept his eye on her, he secretly found out everything about her, he wanted to change for her, he even started wearing glasses, and suits, he found out her name's y/n.... y/n such a beautiful name, especially to put Park next to that name. She's everything he could ask for, he sworn to himself he'll always take care of her.... but he'll have to change for that. "Dad. I want out." he said as the man frowned "out on what" "this gang- mafia- drug business.... what we're doing is wrong, and I don't want to be a part of this." He said as the man glared at him.
He took note of his son's sudden random changes, every time he smiles, whenever he leaves the house at a specific time. Daeheon has been tailing his son. who led him straight to his next sacrifice. Y/n. In order for his mafia business to go without any issues, he needs his rock. Leo. Therefore the distraction needs to go... "WHAT THE FUCK?!" Leo yelled, as he knelt before the unconscious y/n. "Sorry son.... sacrifices must be made." Daehoon said as he tried to drag y/n's unconscious body away.
Yet Leo didn't let him. He beat the fuck out of him no matter what, then a suddenly he had a big blow to his head... he turned around to see his uncle Jeonghan. "if we don't have you you think this whole thing will crumble?!" he asked darkly as he glanced up at his injured brother, Daeheon. "You'd kill your own flesh and blood for this?!.... well fuck. you." Leo coughed up some blood as he threw a lit matchstick at the warehouse filled with drugs, With a gunshot, he laid unconsious in Yeonjun's arms...
"So.... is Leo dead?" he asked as Yeonjun looked at him silently "I saw with my two eyes officer, my lil boy, he tried save the one thing that made him human, and he died..... he died in my very arms, and his so called farther was the man who fucking.... sorry...." Yeonjun apologized after lashing out. "It's ok.... and this woman... any chance she's still alive?... if so what's her name?" Lee Heeseung asked "We never knew who she was... she died in the fire, she must've been an orphan too".
Y/n had no memory of anything that happened that night, she had lost her memory of that night and the 3 months before that, hence she never cared for the random nightmares she had. She came home, happy that she knows her dear Sunghoon is not Leo. She came home to find Sunghoon sitting on the floor by the window, Ryuu asleep on their shared bed. "He slept in our room? sorry I took so long babe, how have the kids been?" She asked as Sunghoon glared up at her slapping the letter, that proved his documents are true, on the floor "This came in the post for you..." he simply said as Y/n 's blood ran cold.
"I didn't care when Officer Lee asked, it faintly hurt when Cherry argued with me but you?! my own wife?!.... how could you peacefully sleep with me thinking I was another man huh?!!!" he yelled, crying as Y/n kneeled before him. "Goddamit why would you have that suspicion?! I fucking love you like crazy is that not enough?! we have to kids together we're fucking married!" he added as she sniffled. "Dad?.... are you crying?" Ryuu asked as Hoon wiped his tears away. "Don't worry sweetheart, daddy had a nightmare... I'll take care of him hmm?..." Y/n said as Ryuu snuggled his stuffed toy falling asleep.
"Sunghoon... I believe you, I'd never suspect you, I just had to gather evidence for officer Lee without hurting you... but me even doing so is hurting you... I know words can't fix what I did so..." She leant in, kissing him passionately, as he held onto her waist. His love, his y/n his vulnerable little sweetheart, oh how she falls for his tricks. Of course Park Sunghoon is Leo, but to believe Leo is dead, Sunghoon should exist in the same timeline as Leo... He had made many mistakes in his past, but was willing to change for his sweet girl... his darling y/n.
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ssa-atlas-alvez · 1 year
I feel like cowboy has a background in crisis management or hostage negotiations, he’d be Quantico’s finest silver tongue. But maybe when he first arrived on the BAU team hotch seemed to doubt his abilities and wouldn’t give him the chance to prove he’s more than just a sharp shooter - maybe bc Strauss really pushed to have him put into the team in the first place so hotch is keeping cowboy at arms length
- 🦕
I'm aware this is slightly very unrealistic but ya know, it's fiction. I picture Jackson as a scared kid with a bad past
Also I didn't mean to post it so yeah hopefully it's okay lmao
Directly followed from this.
Warnings: guns, hostage negotiations, untrusting team
Taglist: @xweirdo101x @xdark-acadamiax @ara-a-bird @heidss @chubbyboyinflannel @pendragon-writes @migwayne @bigolgay @technikerin23 @supercriminalbean @honestlycasualarcade @caffeine-mess @1s3v3n1 @oddmiles @kevyeen @stealing-kneecaps @criminalskies @woodandwaxwings @anonstories08
"Let me do this." You and the team had managed to track down the kid who was doing this, when the police had surrounded the diner, he had felt trapped and pulled out a weapon. You wanted to be the one who negotiated with him, who talked him down. You could relate to him.
All of this stemmed from a scared kid who had no one left. He was left to deal with everything on his own, left to deal with the death of his father, abandoned by the system with no justice, so he took it into his own hands.
"Why should I let you do this when I have Rossi here?"
"Because I understand the kid." You answer, "And I was damn good at my job which is why Strauss recommended me for the position,"
Hotch stares at you for a moment and you stare back, you weren't going to let him intimidate you. Or even think that he can intimidate you. He nods slightly and you turn to the phone.
"Jackson? You there?"
"I'm here."
"I'm Agent (L/N)," You introduced, "You can call me (Y/N). I'm here to make sure everything gets sorted out,"
"You don't care. They don't fucking care!" Jackson yells, "No one fucking cares! No one cares that he's dead! No one cares that someone killed him! No one cares!"
"Hey, we care. That's why we're here, ain't it?"
"No, you're here so I don't go down in a rain of bullets."
"I hate to break it to you kid, that's not why I'm here." You answered, "It might be why the others are here, I'm here to make sure you don't do somethin' stupid. Somethin' you're gonna regret for years."
"You don't fucking get it!" Jackson shouts over the phone.
"Hey, hey, I get it," You kept your voice understanding, "It's tough, losin' someone you love."
"Yeah, and what would you know?"
"I- I lost my Mama at an early age, my biological Mama," You said, your voice crackling over the phone. "Everyone thought I was too young to understand, too young to remember, like twelve year olds can't think for 'emselves, y'know? N I remember bein' so angry that no one even thought to just sit me down and talk. And that's why I'm here, Jackson, I'm here to talk, to help."
"If you want to help, come inside. If you come inside, I'll let everyone go. I'll talk with you. But no one else. No one else sets foot in this building." Jackson paused for breath, "And no guns."
You nod, "Okay. That's just fine, we'll do that." As soon as your hand is off the button, Hotch is shaking his head.
"Sir, I get it, I'm the new guy, but I know what I'm doin'." You said strongly. "Just let me prove myself."
Hotch studied you for a moment before nodding. "You have five minutes."
"Thank you, sir," With that, you placed your gun in Hotch’s hand before making your way into the building (after they fit a wire).
When you get in, the hostages run out. At the very least you would be the only casualty if this went south.
"Hey kid," You said softly, sliding in one of the booths, Jackson hesitantly sat opposite you, his gun firmly aimed at you.
"This has to be some kind of trick."
"I want to help you."
"Do you have a wire?"
"Yes." You answer honestly, Jackson looks at you for a moment before nodding.
"You weren't supposed to tell me that, was you?"
You shook your head, "Nope." You answered, "But I did - for two reasons, I need you to feel like you trust me - and that requires my honesty - and I honestly think at this rate I might get fired, so it don't matter all that much anyway."
"That's ballsy," Jackson commented and you gave a small laugh.
"N what? Bein' an FBI agent isn't?"
Jackson laughed before sobering up, "Why are you being nice to me?"
"Because you're a kid." You shrugged, "You've had it tough, but if you work hard, and face the consequences of your actions, you can come out the other end of this better."
"How? Everyone already treats me like I'm some lowlife. How can I possibly change that if no one is willing to give me a chance?"
"I'm willin' to give you a chance. I'm willin' to help." You said, "All you need to do to show me that you're willin' to change is to give me the gun n walk out there with me n show me that you're willin' to put in the time."
Jackson studies you for a moment before he nods, placing the gun on the table and sliding it towards you. You take it, emptying it of bullets - placing the gun in one pocket and the bullets in another. "Okay." He whispers softly. "I want to change. I want to be better."
"Then that's all that matters kid, fuck everyone else." You said, "Come on, let's go set things right, yeah?"
"Yeah... Okay..." He says hesitantly as he stands from the booth.
"Facin' the consequences of your actions are never easy," You said as you also stood, "But it's how you react to realisin' you made a mistake that determines the type of person you are."
Jackson nods, squaring his shoulders before leading the way out of the building with his hands raised. You give him a nod of encouragement as he gets into the police car.
You turn to Hotch, "Sorted." You answer before climbing into the SUV.
"He's good, I'll give him that..." Rossi mumbles before joining you in the car. "Good job, Kid."
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lemonmaid · 10 days
"I wanna be next to you".
Prequel to this. This was a long time coming 💕💕💕 A/N: let me tell you how much I was struggling with a timeline because some JJK characters do not have official birthdates. I wanted Toji to be a young adult but a teen for like "This is why it's important". But then I found out Gojo and Geto would be two of reader! Were five so that's the age gap. Reader is technically three years older than the two. Idk this is just fanfiction and I'm probably overthinking this.
Warnings: a lot of angst,, sorry :p. Omegaverse fucked up timelines. Teen parent technically. Bullying (but it's a five year old, just push them??). Non curse au! Gender neutral reader! Platonic Toji!
You remember how your older cousin, Toji was thrown out for presenting as an omega.
You were around five at the time, your parents took Toji in. It was such a controversy at the time but you didn't care, you were just upset at a new smell being in your room.
Back then, omega protection laws were non-existent. This was before The Great Sleep.
"Get out of my room!" You tried slamming your door but Toji's hand grabbed the door.
"Auntie said we had to SHARE, you little brat".
Your face scrunched up in tears, "NO! I don't your stinky scent in my room!".
Toji pushed the door open, "Come here you brat!!!". You screech, trying to flee the room.
A knock interrupted the two, and Toji stared at (Name). "Stay here, I'll get the door".
(Name) stuck out their tongue, ,"I hope it's the police to take you away" they mumbled.
Toji opened the door carefully, letting the chain stay locked, "yes?".
At the door stood two paramedics, chaos in the background. "Sorry for disturbing you sir. We are making rounds around the neighborhood-".
The other spoke up, "If you have an omegan family member, don't let them out".
Toji looked at the second one with disgust, "Excuse you?".
"There is a sickness- it's only killing omegan gender. Do not leave this apartment, don't let anyone in".
Toji unlocked the chain, opening the door with such force. "What the hell do you mean-".
The other paramedic finally spoke up, "Listen, we are just relying on the message- the CDC-".
(Name) came up behind Toji, pulling the teen's jacket, "Toji, where're my parents".
The paramedics said their goodbyes and moved on to the next door. Toji shut the door, speed walking towards the living room to turn on the news.
"Not now pup-".
(Name) felt tears in their eyes, their lips wobbling.
Two weeks later, Toji and (Name) were living on their own. The news channel always stayed on, Toji watching the developments, the rise of omega deaths across the world. This disease was only spreading towards omegas.
Some people were already conspiring that this was a government population control, but if it was, why is everyone freaking out?.
"Toji, I'm bored-".
"Go play with your toys".
"I already did that today".
"Do your homework".
"I don't have any homework! I'm five!".
"Go check to see if we were left any food at the door".
(Name) huffed before pushing a chair to the locked door, and looking out the peephole. "Nothing!". (Name) climbed down and went to sit by Toji.
"Where did you get that scar?".
"I fell".
"On your face?".
Toji was silent, he was like a brick wall. (Name) didn't understand how Toji was an omega, omegas are supposed to be nice and sweet, well that's what their grandpa said.
"Did my dam or sire call yet?".
Toji sighed before pulling (Name) into his side. "No".
"Oh... do you think they are okay?".
Another week went by. After quarantine for a month now, Toji decided to start turning off the TV during the day.
He knew he shouldn't doomwatch something in front of a kid who was already scared of a dark hallway.
"Ew! Rice again!".
"Yes, now hush and eat!". Toji fussed over (Name)'s hair.
(Name) pulled away, "I want fruit!".
Toji' huffed, "Stop moving, no pup related to me is gonna walk around with matted hair!".
"It hurts!".
"Yeah because you don't brush it!".
"I still want fruit".
Toji let out a long sigh, "We get what we get, the government is nice enough to give us extra rations because of my second gender and because you're a snot nose pup".
"Nuh uh!".
"Yeah huh!". Toji made a face at (Name) before going back to their hair.
One month later.
"Come on, I'm not always going to be able to help you do your schoolwork". Toji mumbled before doing his schoolwork. School was supposed to start but with the disease still spreading, they decided to just have schoolwork delivered every morning along with rations.
(Name) let their tears fall to the paper, "I don't understand!".
Toji looked over at the paper, feeling something burst in his brain, "it is asking how many apples you have after giving Yuri five".
(Name) held up their fingers, "I- I- I don't know!".
"If you.... have eight apples... and you give Yuri five how many do you have left over?".
"No- count down from eight-".
(Name) let out a cry, "I can't!!".
Toji smiled down at (Name), "Do you wanna trade?"
(Name) nodded before giving Toji their paper, then looking down and seeing a graph labeled a, b, and X. Before letting out a loud cry.
3 months later.
Toji left the TV on all day, his leg shaking while watching the television.
(Name) tries to ignore the tapping, "do you wanna play Candyland?".
(Name) tried paying attention to the TV but they didn't understand what the adults were saying. They knew what laws ment, dammy said it is something you can't break without getting in trouble. So with that context that means the adults talking about laws.
"Yes pup?".
"What are they talking about?".
"Adult business".
"But I'll be an adult soon, that makes it my business".
Toji snorted, "they are basically... giving omegas-".
"You're an omega".
Toji bit his cheek, "yeah... us more.... protections".
Toji watched the screen it was almost like a prayer too late. A laughable one really. It was a national protection for omegas, due to the disease killing more than one third of omegas on earth. They were basically a special class, a class of royalty some news anchors were calling it.
'How pathetic' is what stayed in Toji's mind. He couldn't think how their second genders already prevent them from harming omegas intentionally but the fact that some people have to be told now and make it a punishable sentence for harming a omega is just laughable. The system failed him for being an omega and now the system is begging for him?
All Toji could think about is his damn grandfather calling, begging for Toji to return to the family. Because now omegas were worth more than an alpha child. How laughable.
Appernlty the found a cure for the spreading disease, now some people are blaming heat suppressants on the disease , way to send society back another 20 years.
Toji looked down at (Name), his arms crossed, "Okay. Again do you have your backpack?".
(Name) spun around flaring their new yellow schoolbag, "yep!!".
"Do you have your hat?".
(Name) looked puzzled for a secound before rushing to the fridge, a small "got it" could be heard in the kitchen.
"Come on, we are going to be late".
Toji was fidgeting with the collar of his school uniform, "damn things are always too tight". (Name) followed right behind him, trying to step in his steps. Toji stopped walking causing (Name) to crash into him. A small oof was heard.
Toji rolled his eyes, "Stop screwing around we are here".
(Name)'s eye lit up at the scene of a playground, "can I go play toji?!".
"You gotta get to your homeroom first"
"Okay okay!" (Name) tried to run off, before Toji grabbed their collar. "Let me walk you to your homeroom"
The homeroom was to colorful for Toji's eyes, he grabbed (Name)'s backpack and put it in their assigned cubby. "Now (Name) what did I say what to do after school is over?".
"Ummmm wait in the playground?".
"Yes and?".
"No talking to strangers!"
"Good, I'll try and get out of school fast as I can, do not move. Hear me?".( Name) nodded before hugging Toji's legs.
"Zenin (Name)?" .
(Name) put their hand up, "here!".
The teacher nodded, before moing onto the other roll call.
Looking around the room, the classroom had alot and I mean alot of butterflies all over the wall. The first grade classroom felt kinda baby-ish to (Name) but what they were really fixated on was the colorful plastic bears that were sitting in a Tupperware. It was calling to (Name). So as soon first recess came by (Name) rushed to the bin grabbing the big box with their small arms and made their claim on the box.
Name started lining up the bears by color then by size, then by color again.
"Can I play?" A small voice asked.
(Name) looked up from the floor and made eye contact with a black haired girl, "ummm yeah! You can have thiiiisss much". (Name) gave half of the bears to the girl.
"Thanks! My name is Utahime!". The girl sat right next to (Name) . (Name) looked over at what Utahime was doing, "what are you doing?".
"They are a family see! That's the sire, their pup and the dam-"
A kid snatched the small bear our of Utahime's hand, "hey! Give that back!!".
"Why should i". The kid glared at Utahime, his pink hair was the only thing that stood out to (Name), besides his ugly face-.
A boy who looked just like the bully was behind him, pulling the bully's arm, "Come on suki- just drop it!".
"There are no more dammy's there all dead!".
The classroom went quiet, all the other pups staring at what Suki said.
(Name)'s lip quivered, "No, Toji said that... my dammy is just missin'. They'll be back-".
Some of the other kids started to cry, the scent of the pups that usually smelt like warm milk immediately soiled into sour milk causing all adults in the building to immediately investigate the scent.
Toji got called to the office in the middle of class. "Family emergency" they said, turned out that (Name) was in the office and waiting on the phone.
"Listen, pup, you can't call me whenever-".
Their sniffles over the phone made Toji's omega ache, "he- he- said that- my dammy is dead!".
Toji clutched the phone, his heart dropped, "Listen to me (Name), don't listen-".
"I just want my dammy Toji!".
'Damn it!' Toji clutched his now empty suppressant box, his last one he bought before the outbreak.
He hasn't had his heat since he presented, which like all omegas happened when he was sixteen.
He couldn't just buy a new box, suppressants were place on immediate temporary ban untill they find the "contaminated batch" that started the outbreak last year. Sighing before exiting the bathroom and grabbing the phone on the wall.
"What are you doing?".
"Calling us both out of school"
Toji put the phone up to his ear, "Adult stuff".
(Name) bit their pencil, they were gonna finish their homework but now they are distracted with Toji talking on the phone.
The following days, Toji was clingy to (Name), constantly holding the pup to feeding them like a baby. (Name) tried hiding in their room but was pulled out of their room and dragged into the livingroom where Toji had blankets all over the couch.
The older omega hummed.
"You remind me of my dammy... they used to do the same thing what you're doing when my sire was away. Is it an omega thingy?".
Toji hummed in agreement.
He hummed again.
"Promise to not leave me like they did".
He was quiet.
Toji didn't want (Name) to be aware of how bad it has been, let the kid be a kid. The day (Name)'s parents left the house, was the day locked down happen. (Name)'s parents called Toji every night, asking how their pup was. Toji could hear the sickness in their voices. He was losing two aunties, but (name) was looking two parents. (Name)'s parents left enough money to cover rent and some groceries for the next year but it wasn't enough for them to keep living in the nice apartment.
The day Toji got a red letter on the door, he knew he had to do something. Toji dropped out of school, even when he only had to finish that year. He needed to provide, his own omega was telling him to survive for the pup. The day he got his sketchy job from an old friend is the day he saw someone he never wanted to see ever again.
"I see you've kept yourself well".
Toji's heart was in his throat, he felt like he was gonna vomit. He was getting odd looks because of his scent souring but the reaction is normal when you are your own grandfather who kicked you out of your own pack.
"Oh come on, where is the formality?".
"I'm sorry?".
"I don't want you here.... in my life-".
"I'm not worried about you".
"Why are you here then?".
"That... pup you have in your care".
Toji felt his omega growl at him, his instincts telling him to run home and make sure that (Name) was okay.
"Let's walk".
Toji followed behind the shorter alpha, as they walked, Toji felt the hairs on his neck on the rise.
"I'll cut this short, the pup needs to be raised with their family".
"I am their family".
The alpha growled, "the law may now protect you, but you have no support. Listen I'm not here to fight but the clan is worried about the pup believe or not".
It was silent.
The alpha sighed, "Listen Toji, what I am trying to say is can you provide them structure? Can you give them a pack life where they'll understand what happens in a pack?".
Toji knew he was right in a way, he is a highschool drop out taking care of his five turning six year old cousin.
"What I am trying to tell you Toji is that, don't rob them of that. They deserve a family".
The alpha left, leaving a small note card with a phone number.
"Where are we going?".
(Name) saw how Toji was urgently packing their clothing and they took note of how quiet Toji was during this whole ordeal
Toji sighed before falling to his knees, he put his hands on (Name)'s shoulder. "Listen... pup".
The front door opened, letting three betas in and an older alpha.
(Name) looked at the four nervously, "Toji who are they?".
Toji bit his cheek, "they... they are gonna take you to our pack".
(Name) looked at Toji with wide eye, "You're coming right?".
Toji couldn't look at them.
"Toji! Dont let them take me!". (Name) wrapped their arms around Toji's neck. Toji hesitated taking their arms away, but carried them into one of the beta's arm.
(Name) cried and screamed, "you promised! You promised!".
(Name) cried for Toji as they were taken away. The older alpha stayed behind, enjoying Toji's shame. "Well... since the government is now giving families 14,08450.00 yen per every omegan that presents, here is your share... I hope you enjoy it". The older alpha snickers before leaving the apartment, leaving Toji alone.
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estellan0vella · 3 months
Little Miss Jailbird Older Brother Sukuna AU HFBU
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You sit in the cold, hard chair of the police station, arms crossed defiantly over your chest. The fluorescent lights above cast a harsh glow, making the sterile white walls seem even more unwelcoming. You're fuming, trying to ignore the glares from the officers and the few other people in the holding area. This is not how you imagined your evening going.
It had all started so innocently. A trip to the convenience store for some late-night snacks ended up with you punching a creep who thought it was okay to grab you. You didn't even hesitate; your fist flew and connected with his face before you could think. Unfortunately, the police didn't find your self-defence as justified as you did.
"Miss, you need to calm down," an officer tells you for the tenth time, his tone a mix of irritation and condescension. You glare at him, ready to argue again.
"You don't understand, I need my medication," you insist, raising your voice at the officer for what feels like the hundredth time.
"Look, miss, you'll get your chance to explain everything," the officer replies, his tone dripping with condescension. "Just sit tight."
"I can't just sit tight! I have epilepsy! I need my meds!" you retort, feeling your patience wearing thin.
"You had your phone call," the officer says, trying to placate you. "Just sit tight."
You can't help but smirk at the thought of Sukuna storming in here. You know he's going to find this whole situation amusing. The man has a twisted sense of humour, and you're sure he'll milk this for all it's worth.
Your phone call to him had been brief and to the point. "Kuna, I need you to come get me. I'm at the police station."
His reaction was instant. "What the fuck did you do?"
"I punched a guy who grabbed me."
You could almost hear the grin in his voice. "Atta girl. I'll be there soon."
You lean back in your chair, trying to appear nonchalant. The officer is giving you a wary look as if you might spring up and start another fight at any moment. You're tempted to roll your eyes at him.
Finally, the door to the holding area opens, and there he is. Ryomen Sukuna, your boyfriend and protector. He's as imposing as ever, his presence filling the room. His crimson eyes sweep over the scene, landing on you, and his lips curl into that familiar smirk.
"Well, well, well," he drawls, striding over to you. "If it isn't little miss jailbird."
You can't help but laugh, despite the situation. "Kuna, don't start."
He chuckles, shaking his head. "Too late for that, baby." 
"Kuna," you sigh, both in relief and exasperation. "Can you please tell them I need my medication?"
Sukuna raises an eyebrow, still clearly entertained by the whole situation. "You punched a guy, babe. I think you can handle a little waiting."
"He grabbed me!" you protest, but Sukuna's smirk only widens.
"And you clocked him good. I'm proud of you," he replies, glancing at the officer. "But she does need her medication. She has epilepsy."
The officer doesn't look amused. "Sir, we need to go over a few things first."
"Sure, sure," Sukuna waves him off, his attention back on you. "You okay?"
"I have a headache," You murmur.
He nods, his demeanour turning serious for a moment. "How long is this going to take? I'd rather not have my girl seizing on your watch. The lawsuit heading your way wouldn't be very nice"
The officer clears his throat, looking between the two of you. "We have to go through the paperwork. She's being charged with assault."
Sukuna raises an eyebrow. "Assault? She was defending herself."
"The man she hit is pressing charges," the officer replies, looking bored with the whole ordeal.
"Of course he is," Sukuna mutters, rolling his eyes. "Fine. Let's get this over with."
You're led to a small office where Sukuna takes a seat beside you. He's lounging casually as if he's done this a hundred times before. You have to admire his calm. Your own nerves are still frayed, and you're tapping your foot impatiently.
"Name?" the officer asks, starting to fill out a form.
"Ryomen Sukuna," he answers smoothly.
"And you're her legal guardian?"
Sukuna snorts. "No, I'm her boyfriend. Her legal guardian, huh? Sounds kinky."
You stifle a laugh, knowing this isn't the time or place for his humour. The officer gives him a stern look but continues with the questions. After what feels like an eternity, the paperwork is done, and you're finally allowed to leave.
As you step out into the cool night air, you breathe a sigh of relief. Sukuna wraps an arm around your shoulders, pulling you close. "Come on, little miss jailbird, let's get you home."
"You're never going to let me live this down, are you?" you ask, leaning into him.
"Not a chance," he replies with a grin. "But first, let's get your meds inside you"
You nod, grateful for his concern despite his teasing. The ride home is quiet, the tension slowly ebbing away. You lean your head against the window, watching the city lights blur past. Sukuna's hand rests on your thigh, a comforting presence.
When you finally get home, Yuji is waiting for you. His eyes widen when he sees you. "(Y/N/N)! What happened?"
You give him a tired smile. "Just a little misunderstanding, Yuji. Nothing to worry about."
Sukuna ruffles his younger brother's hair. "Y/N/N here decided to play street fighter."
Yuji looks between the two of you, confused. "Did you punch someone?"
You nod, trying not to laugh at his expression. "Yeah, something like that."
"Wow," he says, clearly impressed. "You're so cool, (Y/N/N)."
Sukuna chuckles, shaking his head. "Yeah, she's a real badass. Now, go to bed, kid. It's late."
Yuji pouts but doesn't argue, heading off to his room. You and Sukuna head to the bedroom, and you finally take your medication. Sukuna watches you, his expression softer now.
"Feeling better?" he asks, brushing a strand of hair from your face.
You nod, leaning into his touch. "Yeah. Thanks for coming to get me."
"Anytime, babe," he murmurs, pulling you into a hug. "Next time, try not to get arrested though, okay?"
You laugh, wrapping your arms around him. "I'll do my best."
He kisses the top of your head, holding you close. "Good. Now, let's get some sleep. You've had a long night."
As you curl up in bed beside him, you feel safe and loved, despite the chaos of the evening. Sukuna's steady presence is a comfort, and you know that no matter what happens, he'll always be there for you. Even if it means bailing you out of jail.
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The next morning, the sun filters through the curtains, casting a warm glow over the room. You wake up to find Sukuna already awake, his eyes on you. He smirks when he sees you stirring.
"Morning, little miss jailbird," he teases.
You groan, burying your face in the pillow. "Kuna, please. Not first thing in the morning."
He laughs, pulling you close. "Okay, okay. I'll give you a break. For now."
You smile against his chest, feeling his heartbeat under your cheek. "Thank you."
He strokes your hair, his touch gentle. "You know, I'm proud of you for standing up for yourself. But next time, just call me. I'll handle it."
"I can handle myself," you protest, looking up at him.
He grins, that mischievous glint in his eyes. "I know you can. But I like being your hero."
You roll your eyes, but you're smiling. "Fine. Next time, I'll call you."
"Good girl," he says, kissing your forehead. "Now, how about we make some breakfast?"
As you get out of bed and head to the kitchen, you feel a sense of normalcy returning. The events of the previous night already seem like a distant memory, and you're ready to move on. With Sukuna by your side, you know you can handle anything.
Even if it means dealing with his relentless teasing.
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