#//or maybe i'll just make some kind of post explaining how vampirism works in his universe
//augh wait hang on i should add a thing to sal's carrd about his abilities huh-
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the-possum-writes · 1 year
♡ 𝐕𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬 𝐃𝐚𝐲 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐭𝐬 ♡
♡ “you’re all i’ll ever want.”
Character: Marshall Lee
Tags: SFW, Gen!neutral reader, harmless pranks, one sided pinning, reprociated feelings, Marshall being a little shit
A/n: Alright Marshall simps, come get your food.
[original prompt list]
Taglist: @watchingfromthefloorboards @foxpearlwilder
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It's grocery shopping time. Fionna and Cake usually invite you to dungeon crawls and sleepovers, but this time, you asked them to go shopping. To your surprise, Marshall Lee came along as well. Either because he's plotting something against the three of you, or because he's genuinely bored. Fionna is on her way to exchange her dungeon treasures for whatever random junk he has on display while you carry produce goods. So you and Marshall Lee are strolling through the market place, picking up the last few items on your grocery list when you notice vendors tying heart-shaped balloons to wooden posts and hanging signs for gift wrapping.
"Wow, February has only just begun, and they've already decorated the entire marketplace." You make your observation with a healthy dose of surprise and excitement, but Marshall doesn't appear to share your enthusiasm.
"Ugh, I hate Valentine's Day," he says, sticking out his tongue.
You raise a brow at him. "What's so bad about Valentine's Day?"
You two come to a halt, with Marshall Lee still floating and clutching his umbrella. "For starters, everything is all pink and cutesy, it's like the candy kingdom took over," the vampire king explains with a scrunched up nose. "It's stupid, I swear it's the lamest holiday out of them all, and only fools would celebrate it. I'll be spending the day alone, or possibly destroying it..."
You, on the other hand, take his claim personally; on a normal day, you enjoy arguing with him about trivial matters, but this time you're also upset because you're a hopeless romantic who has had a crush on this guy for quite some time. So handing him a present to make your feelings known today would probably have him laugh at you.
"Oh come on, don't be such a sour puss!" you joke lightly. "There's gotta be someone you like enough to go out of your way to give them a gift."
He audibly groans. “Eughhh, you’re getting on my nerves with all of these valentine's day questions. So, how about you and I work together to destroy valentine's day?~ How 'bout it~”
On one side you're against the idea, but then again, the thought of spending time with Marshall Lee is nothing but tempting. As long as you're not the target of his schemes that is.
"Alright, deal!"
"What are you two talking about?" Fionna approaches the two of you, she's carrying some sort of impracticable armor but if previous experience taught you anything, it's that you avoid bringing it up. Your gaze went to Marshall Lee floating behind Fionna who did a 'zip your mouth' kind of move, prompting you to hide your mischievous plans from Aaa's heroine. "Nothing, just finishing up my grocery list!" you exclaim.
You spent the next few days hanging out with Marshall Lee, making everyone else's lives harder by stealing sweets from strangers leaving supermarkets, releasing locusts at flower shops, prank calling restaurants and making reservations you'll never attend, and so on. Maybe there's a part of you that feels bad about screwing people over, but the time you've spent with Marshall Lee has been well worth it; you two weren't particularly close to begin with, but this has been a tremendous bonding experience that you wouldn't have shared with anyone else. You came to learn something new about him, he's not an actively evil dude but rather he gets a kick out of messing with people.
It's the night of valentine’s day and the two of you are howling in laughter after guiding a pack of wolves into an outdoor cinema, Marshall is carrying you by the shoulders while he flies over the scrambling couples running away. "Pfthaha, look at them. Told ya this is better than exchanging chocolates."
You've been keeping your real opinions to yourself during this time, but you still let one small bit escape. "Yeah for sure, though I wouldn't mind one right now..." you sigh.
"You're still hung up on that?" Marshall notices this with a brief cackle, flipping your over so you're left resting your weight on his chest. "We still have the stuff we stole from the people shopping from the supermarkets, an all you can eat buffet if you're upset about that."
You try to keep yourself steady on his floating body, sounding as nonchalant as possible without giving your crush away. "Meh It's not the same as having someone give it to you."
Marshall pouts momentarily. "Just admit it, valentine's day was created by companies to make the idiots buy their overprized valentines gifts.” He taunts you, wrapping his arms around you and keeping you pressed to his body.
"Is that why you're so hung up on Valentines day? Cause it's expensive." you laugh at his face, earning an annoyed hiss from the vampire.
"You really wanna know why I hate Valentines day huh? Let's say I do like someone and even if I get them “chocolate” or some stupid cliche lovey dovey stuff, they'll probably still reject me. It's a waste of time."
You hum thoughtfully at his explication before answering him with the same amount of snark as he's been giving you earlier. "That's a shame, cause I actually got you something."
This catches his attention, raising his eyebrows in curiosity as he reconsiders his recent statement. "What is it?"
You shove your hand in your pocket and retrieve a small box, Marshall Lee opens it to see its a new guitar pick with detailed engravings in it. This has him speechless, you're internally bitting your nails as Marshall looks at you and back at the gift before chucking the thing behind him and tightening his hold around you while giving you a sly expression.
"So that's why you didn't think twice about hanging out with me~?" Marshall Lee smiles to himself, giving you those demon eyes but it does the opposite of scaring you. Scaroused even. "I don't want anything. You're all I'll ever want~"
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Which Arrested Development character is most likely to become vampire?
Really, any of them anon.
The question, of course, is how.
I'll stick with Lindsay and Tobias before this post gets ungodly long.
Lindsay meets a very hot guy in a bar. He has a little bit of a weird skin condition, alright, and maybe he's a bit pale, but he's so attractive and better yet is very into Lindsay. Finally, she can have the open relationship she's been trying to have for years.
The vampire in question just wanted to eat her but this is getting weird/somewhat interesting.
Our singleton vampire is without a mate or a coven. Here's a human woman who seems very very into him and not even slightly alarmed as most women are (Lindsay is, but she's working with this and stopping all warning signs).
Add to that that Lindsay clearly wants to get laid and is attractive.
"Alright, I can work with this," our vampire says and decides to give it a go.
Lindsay wakes up three days later profoundly upset at being knocked out, subjected to bizarre plastic surgery, and injected with whatever the hell he put in her system.
Lindsay dumps his ass and goes home.
And proceeds to accidentally eat someone.
Arrested Development somehow continues as normal except there's a running gag of Lindsay eating someone every once in a while and somehow never eating Tobias despite all likelihood that she should.
Tobias joins a method acting group in Italy put together by a lovely woman named Heidi that Tobias is most certainly attracted to! (No amount of any of the other travelers explaining to Tobias that this is a sweepstakes vacation gets through to him, even Heidi is very confused, as the Nigerian Prince email she sent him was about a sweepstake.
"I see you're not breaking character!" Tobias informs her with a bright grin.
Lindsay and Maeby did not join him as both realized this was some kind of Nigerian Prince scheme that will end poorly. It doesn't occur to them that Tobias is actually going to get eaten as a part of this.
Well, the day of the big debut happens and they're taken to a citadel in a place called Volterra where they're putting on their performance with an Italian theater troup local to Volterra.
Tobias gets distracted by impressing the secretaries (who he is very attracted to!) and fails to get eaten with the rest of his party. Upon being redirected to the eating room, the Volturi find themselves witness to this strange little man who starts insincerely screaming "oh, the humanity!" at the sight of the dead bodies (thinking these are very genuine props).
They watch in numb amazement as Tobias (realizing he's supposed to be a vampire) starts trying to eat the bodies.
He goes all in.
He also keeps making homosexual Freudian slips as he's "never had his balls so deep inside a man before"
Aro touches the man's hand and to his amazement Tobias genuinely has no idea that they're vampires. He thinks they're method acting.
Aro can't help himself.
This man must become their jester.
He's just too interesting (and this has to be a gift, this must be a gift, Caius look at him, this isn't normal).
Aro quickly regrets this as the turned Tobias says alarming things like "I'd like to bury my face between his crystal ass cheeks if you know what I mean" with little to no context.
Tobias never realizes he's a vampire even when he starts eating people.
He thinks he's that good at acting.
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localthumbcache · 4 months
Hi it’s me again! Honestly that’s cool I thought it may have been omegaverse related but in case it wasn’t I didn’t want to embarrass myself. 😭 I blame wattpad and the fact like I really liked werewolves. 😔
Anyways! Definitely if you do post anything related to your characters I would be happy to read! They’re really stunning!
Also I was curious how you gain inspiration for your characters. I know you mentioned you put parts of yourself into their stories and/or them, but are there usually any other factors that help you figure out how they may look or who they’re personalities will be? Whether it’s a songs, lyric(s), animals, aesthetics, shows/movies, or anything.
Hey hey anon!! ᵔદᵔ
Loll tbh I kinda judged the omegaverse at first until I watched coleydoesthings video on it. She gives a very good explanation and it even got me interested soo here we are! I was a tiny bit hesitant on sharing the smut here bc "cringe" but idrc!! (This is tumblr lol we're all weirdos)
And tysm!! 🩷 I'm glad to hear that 🥺 I might work some more on the doc since I'm pretty much gonna be in bed all day 😭 probably won't get to release it today but hopefully I'll be halfway done or smth
Also, since I don't actually play the game a lot (I've even removed some gameplay mods) I've been thinking about making short stories until maybe one day when I actually want to work on a full series - once i get the lore and all that jazz locked down that is. For now they'd just be little scenarios and things that happen in their lives ᵔદᵔ I don't rlly like the gameplay so might as well use the sims as a creative medium lol
I get most of my inspo off of pinterest and sometimes other people's sims! I have a simspo board which has faces, character concepts, and even style inspiration. I also have moodboards dedicated to them, which helps me put together their overall vibe. Music is kind of a factor too, although I associate a sim with a song I already know instead of making sims based off of it. Some sims I've based off of people I know irl
I also want to work on a mini music project as well as a voice canon one :> ohh and an incorrect quotes one too! Just a silly way to understand their characters a bit better :3
I take inspo for world building as well! I'm really focusing on vampires rn. I took some inspiration from dracula, the vampyre, interview with a vampire, and various yt videos on vampire lore/history. This video explains the biology of vampires (he even scientifically explains how crosses are harmful to them!!), and this one explains their history.
For example: before the pretty, well put-together person that we envision when we think of vampires, vampires before that were depicted as more animalistic than anything. So why not have the best of both worlds!! When in human form, my vampires have very little vampiric qualities (ex. Keith's eyes have a red glint to them, the vatores ears are slightly pointed, and all of them have larger canines than the average human), they're able to show up on camera and have reflections, and crosses are only harmful to them if they're blessed. When they turn into their dark form (or "true form" as hunters call it), however, they do not have a reflection, they cannot be caught on camera, and like the old vampires, they appear monstrous.
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sofipitch · 2 years
Im curious for the show in how theyll take inspiration from source material here. Like I think I will enjoy it knowing its not meant to be an exact adaption- though Im curious how they will handle Claudia with the actress being a grown person (or really all of them being aged up) Or Louis with his arcs of guilt and repression- when this time he starts owning a bunch of brothels and maybe has a past male lover? Im curious tho optimistic
I'm kind of confused bc this ask isn't a question? I can also only answer these to the best of my knowledge bc I'm not one of the show runners, I'm just some guy 😂
But if you are asking why I support the show and it's changes I'll say that I personally hated being a teenager and in this version Claudia will be 13. I think that is plenty young enough to feel stuck in one's body, which is Claudia's main issue. The show runners have said child labor laws were a reason they cast someone who was legally an adult but I think Durst was the only possible youngest Claudia. She was 12 and already an accomplished actress when she took the role, I read that Neil Jordan wanted a trained child actor since it's such a hard role for a kid to play an adult. The behind the scenes in my dvd copy Durnst even says at the time she didn't really understand what her character Claudia was going through, looking back as an adult made it make sense, so I'm guessing she probably had good stage direction for Jordan or other crew. So at the end of the day, I think to have someone reasonably play a character who is mentally an adult they needed to cast someone older. We haven't gotten a lot of images of Claudia but it looks like from the 2 we have she is still a "child".
I also kind of feel like comments that Bailey Bass is too old are rooted in racist stereotypes. Black girls get seen as "older" and "sexual" much sooner than white girls. Some of what I have seen ppl say about Bailey Bass has really disgusted me. I don't think you should be commenting on this girl's body parts, even if she is "legally an adult". She is still leagues younger than the ppl I see commenting on her body.
For the other characters I also prefer for them to be older. Lestat not having a fully formed prefrontal cortex might explain a lot of his bullshit but I also agree with others in saying that AR consistently saying the most attractive men alive are 21 (and later 20 and then 19) and her harping on how attractive Armand is (who looks 17) sounds more like a fetish than realistic. It's an old post by a friend, now @hedonisticgene but it was his old blog I think, said "Have you ever met the college kid who thinks he's a sex god? That's Lestat". So I do think making the characters older will make them seem attractive and charming and also have ppl not inquire too much about their lives be realistic.
As for the brothel it has the potential to be as morally repugnant as Louis having been a slave owner. I think fanon and late canon woobifies Louis so much that his general weak moral backbone is often ignored. Remember in the book IWTV Louis does not object to kill humans "bc it's wrong morally" but bc he thought it was an aesthetic experience he should work his way up to. He also describes his slaves in some awful ways, so I don't really think brothel owner is out of the question. And when it comes to Louis's repressed sexuality, well wouldn't it be the best cover, if you are gay and don't want others to know, to own a brothel. I am aware some ppl read Louis as bi while others (myself included) see him as gay. I also read IWTV as the interpretation that Louis's struggle to come to terms with vampirism is his struggle to come to terms with his sexuality. And Louis doesn't shy from telling us he went to whorehouses or that he maybe had feelings for Babette. What he shies away from is admitting his feelings for Lestat. So I think Louis being repressed has more to do with internalized homophobia than sex in general. So I feel like surrounding yourself with a whole bunch of hot women would be the best way to be "I'm totally straight! Look how straight I am!" 😂
I have my reservations about the show like any fan. These books (well the first three) mean so much to be I'll be devastated if this show sucks. But honestly for me it's not in these kind of small details, to me what matters is the character dynamic. That's what I love, and as long as this show scratches my brain the same way the books do I'll be happy.
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adatheromcomaddict · 3 years
How You Meet the Cullens + Jacob
Hi! I've decided I'm going to put some of my stuff from Wattpad, over here. If you want to see my Wattpad, its the same username as I have here. Anyway, this is how you meet the Cullens, + Jacob. Probably intended for female readers, but it could mostly go either way... I think. And I do have the girls as well in here.
Edward Cullen:
Edward and you met at school. Of course.
"Um, excuse me?" You asked a small girl, with short brown hair.
She turned around, revealing her pale white skin, and beautiful golden eyes.
"How can I help you?" She asked.
"I was wondering where Mr. Molina's classroom is?" You replied.
"Oh, yes. I can show you the way!" She grabbed your hand, and pulled you down the halls. (Wow, this is turning into an Alice preference)
"Thank you!" You said, when you two arrived at the classroom.
She pointed inside the room, towards a beautiful boy, with golden hair, and dark, dark, eyes. He glared at her, with his hand over his mouth. I turned to look at her, and she winked back at him.
"Uh, thank you. Oh, I never got your name." You said.
"Alice. Yours?" She asked, still smiling.
"Well, Y/N, looks like you'll be sitting next to my brother, Edward, in there." She waved, and skipped away.
I walked inside the class, towards the boy, and sat down. He looked away, took a deep breath, then turned back to me.
"Hi, um, I'm Y/N. You're Edward, right?" I asked.
"Yes. I-I am." He seemed like he was in pain or something.
Jacob Black:
I had lived in the outermost part of Forks for as long as I have lived. (Sounds like a wedding vow)
We were right next to the border of La Push. Therefore, I go to the school in the reservation.
(I have absolutely NO clue what the school is like there, so I'm making it up)
But, I didn't really talk to anyone. I had a few friends from down in the more central part of Forks, Bella Swan was one of them. She recently moved here full time. I hadn't seen her since I was little.
There was this one kid named Jacob who I had met a couple of times, mostly when he played with Bella snd I while our parents went fishing or whatever.
But, since Bella was going to school in Forks, I decided I would try and re-connect with this Jacob, to see if I could hang out with him.
So, I asked around one day at school for what classes he was in, and found out that he was in one of my classes. How did I never notice? Oh, just me and my oblivious self. (Sorry, if you're like- not oblivious?)
Well, I found him one day.
"Jacob, right?" I asked him.
"Oh, yes, oh, oh! Y/N! Hi!" He seemed to be a very nice boy.
"Yes, it's me. Um, I haven't talked to you in years, I'm surprised you remember my name." I explained.
"I'm surprised you remembered mine." He laughed.
"So, uh, I"m kind of wondering if you want to like, hang out or something. Anywhere works. I just need some company." (Bella who?)
"Sire! You could come by my house today after school and we can catch up. Do you like cars?" He asked.
"Depends." I laughed in response.
"Well, you can come help me too. I like to re-build them."
"Sounds like a plan."
Emmett Cullen:
(for this one you are a vampire already, and yes I basically stole Rosalie's life. Also, if I get facts wrong, don't come for me, just tell me *kindly* and I will fix it)
I became a vampire in 1920. Two years after my brother Edward, and one year before my mother Esme.
I'd been a vampire for 15 years already. How time flies
One day I was running through the forest when I heard screams coming from a small patch. I sprinted towards the place, and saw a boy, probably 20, getting attacked by a bear. I shoved the bear off of him instantly, and bit into it, getting it's blood.
I remembered that the boy was watching, and was probably shaken up, not to mention, he was most likely dying. I turned back towards him, wiping a small bit of blood off of my lip, and said,
"Hello, I'm Y/N Cullen."
"E-Emmet. How did you do that?" He asked, very weakly.
"I have my ways. What hurts?" I asked.
"Everything." Of course-
"I'll be right back. Don't move." Not that he really could. I sprinted back to my house. I opened the door, and Carlisle, Esme, and Edward turned towards me.
"Y/N? What is it?" Carlisle asked.
"There's a boy, Emmett. He got attacked by a bear. He's very weak. You need to turn him Carlisle."
They all sprinted into the woods, and I led them towards where Emmett lay. He was still there, but weaker.
Jasper Hale:
(you're a vampire)
Jasper became a vampire in 1863. (I think)
He was telling me his story.
I had recently been turned into a vampire by Carlisle, after he rescued me, and I hadn't really met the rest of the family yet. (You can make up why you had to become a vampire)
When Jasper had finished the story, I said, "Wow."
"That's all I could get out. His story was just, wow....
I forgot, Edward could read my mind. I only remembered when he chuckled after I thought that.
I gave him an internal glare.
Bella was sitting in the corner, with him.
"So, Y/N, tell us your full story." Jasper smiled.
(Sorry, his is kind of short..)
Carlisle Cullen:
It was my first day working at the Forks Hospital and I needed some directions.
I walked up to mid-height man, with blonde hair, and very pale skin.
"Hello, sir?" I asked him, and he spun around.
"Yes, Ms. Y/L/N?" He asked.
"H-how do you know my last name?" I asked in response.
"I heard someone talking about you coming, and you're the only new face around here. We don't get them often." He smiled, and my heart fluttered. Good thing he wasn't like a super-hearer or anything. {;)}
"Well, uhm, I was just wondering where the surgical ward is?" He pointed towards the left, and I smiled slightly, walking away, and quietly looking back at him after I was sure he couldn't see me.
Alice Cullen:
(You had already seen Alice before, but never interacted with her much, like most of the students)
I was walking around in the forest, when I heard footsteps.
"Hello?" I called out.
"Y/N!" A girl replied, I noticed it was Alice Cullen.
"Oh, hello, Alice." I was a bit confused to how she knew my name, but to be honest, I knew her's too and that's a bit strange. But, everyone does talk about the Cullens.
"What are you doing out here in the forest?" She asked me. I didn't have a valid answer. I could say "Just felt like taking a stroll..." or "Oh, I'm working on my steps." but, none of those were true, I really didn't know what I was doing here.
"Uhm, working on my steps, and taking a stroll....??" I questioned myself.
"Oookay then. Would you like to come with me? I can show you some of my favorite spots to relax." The way she said relax made me think she wasn't relaxing, and probably meant running around and exercising. Just what I needed.
"Sure, sounds great." I smiled.
Rosalie Hale:
Everyone that lives in Forks knows about the Cullens. Even the people in the reservation.
There's the three boys, the goofy one, the silent one, and the constipated one.
Then there's the two girls. Alice and Rosalie.
I've talked to Alice, we've said hi.
But in general, I know nothing about Rosalie.
All I know is she is incredibly smart, beautiful, and did I mention gorgeous?
I've never had the guts to talk to her. Maybe it's that I'm a wimp, or maybe it's that she is very intimidating. Probably a mixture of both.
But today, I got lucky, and didn't have to talk to her. She talked to me.
I had noticed her eyeing me a few times, and I never knew if she was looking down on me, in a bad way, or if she was interested in me. Both ways scared me.
Today, she came up to me.
I was sitting at the lunch table with Angela and Jessica, and the new kid, Bella.
"Y/N, can I talk to you really quick?" She asked.
"Uh, uh, yes, yes, sure." I stood up quickly, and while walking away with her, I turned towards Angela and Jess, and they smiled and winked.
"So, what did you want to talk about?" I asked.
"Well, I wanted to know... did you want to hang out sometime?"
"Like, a date...?"
"Uh, yeah. Like a date." She smiled and we both laughed.
"Sure." I smiled back.
Bella Swan:
Apparently, today Chief Swan's daughter is moving to the school.
I'm looking forward to it, I want to make more friends.
I was standing outside, waiting to see if I spotted her, when a big, orange-red truck pulled into the parking lot.
It must be her! I've never seen that truck before.
I ran up to it, when I saw people laughing at it. Whatever, I think it's cool.
She climbed out of her truck, and I probably startled her, standing there.
"Hi! I'm Y/N Y/L/N. You're Chief Swan's daughter, right?" I asked.
"Uh, yes. Bella Swan." She stuck out her hand, and I shook it.
"So, do you want to know anything, anything special?" I asked.
"Um, I'm not sure...." She said, tucking her hair behind her ear. (Ugh, a classic Bella move)
"No worries. Let me show you to your first class." I smiled, and took her hand, pulling her down the hallway.
Esme Cullen:
I was walking around town, alone. A kind of dangerous move, since there have been so many mysterious attacks lately.
I was looking through random stores, when I noticed Esme Platt, (we're just saying she isn't a Cullen because I guess they aren't married...????) Carlisle Cullen's old friend. (I don't even know how to write this...)
"Hi, Esme." I said.
"Oh, hello, Y/N." She smiled.
"How have you been?" I haven't seen her in a while. We've talked a few times.
"I've been good, how have you been?" She replied.
"I'm great. We really should catch up sometime." I said, trying to be subtle.
"Yes, we should. Do you want to go to lunch tomorrow?" She asked.
"Of course! Where do you want to go?"
"Don't worry about me. I won't eat much anyway."
So, yeah, that's it. I'm aware that these aren't perfection, bur they were fun to write so, yeah!
I will be posting a lot more now since I'm getting really into writing again ;)
Thank you all for reading, (not that a ton of people are going to read this lol)
And yeah, see you soon! :3
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takaraphoenix · 2 years
Honestly your analysis of Spuffy and Bangel, with the comics included, feel so nuanced and balanced the only thing keeping me from leaning either way is my ambivalence to both ships. As a neutral (I think) party the only thing keeping me from licking a side is like. The show treats Angelus as a separate entity from Angel but not Spike and Soul!Spike and a deep seated SingleBuffyLove. Idk i'd love to hear your thoughts on how the show treats souls with spike and angel (with or without angel's show where he was allowed to love Cordy unless Buffy etc)
Thank you for the praise, first of all! I do try to be balanced and nuanced and not come off as too biased.
But gods, the soul. The soul in the Buffyverse. The McGuffin that just does whatever the writers need it to do. You would think that "the very core of your humanity" could be an easy explained concept with consistency, but not with these writers, no sir.
I once made a post complaining about the way the soul is treated between Angel and Spike - how Spike's worked more like a dial and Angel's like a flip-switch, if you want to check that out!
Also, I made a post complaining about the inconsistency within the comics, because the Spike comics have Spike lose his soul and not change at all, personality wise, just to then retcon that out of existence somehow in the BtVS comics where they decided to make a hard cut between soul and soulless again. For just. No reason.
So, the cold, hard truth is that a soul does and means whatever the writer of the day needs it to mean, or wants it to mean.
Though quite honestly, I personally like to ignore that later comic retcon and think that a soul means very little - and that Angel is the outlier.
My personal theory is that the "soul" itself isn't tethered to good or evil, it's more like a... metaphorical cage to keep evil at bay. Without the soul, you have to fight much harder to keep the evil inside you at bay, but you still can. And even with a soul, if the evil is too powerful, it can break out of its cage and you can be capable of great evil despite your soul. Good and evil is still a choice up to each and every individual, whether they have a soul or not; the soul is just meant as a kind of natural barrier that helps you keep the potential evil at bay.
Because if we go by numbers alone, more evidence points toward "good" and "soul" not being inherently linked. And I'm not just talking about the plain old evidence of "humans with souls commit atrocities every single day". I'm talking about the vampire side of things.
First and foremost, we have Spike. The most prominent example of "doing good without a soul", because he's been helping the Scoobies way before he got a soul, and far beyond "this will impress Buffy, maybe I'll get laid after all!", as some like to accuse him of. Most evidently, I like to point out the months of Buffy actually literally being dead. And Spike staying. If he was just obsessed with Buffy, nothing would have held him in Sunnydale after her death, he could have gone chasing after Drusilla or done anything else aside from staying and helping the Scoobies defend Sunnydale and be an emotional support to Dawn. He didn't even know Willow was going to bring Buffy back to life, he just stayed, fought evil, protected Buffy's family and city, did good. All without a soul.
Secondly, we have Harmony. Quite frankly, she didn't change at all when she was turned into a vampire, I mean that girl didn't even really try to do evil, she had her minions collect unicorn statues for her. And when evil didn't really pay off for her, she abandoned it. She chose not to drink human blood, she became a secretary at a law firm. Sure, she didn't go out of her way to save the world or anything, but she became... a completely regular citizen, entirely out of her own will-force and without having a soul.
Third piece of evidence would be Darla. Who, after dying and being resurrected and being turned into a vampire again, got pregnant. And she did love Connor. She chose to die for Connor. Even though, at that point, as a vampire, she once again didn't have a soul.
Very consistently is it shown that you can be capable of acts of love, kindness and good, even as a soulless vampire. It's only Angel who doesn't, it's only Angel who becomes a completely ruthless evil creature when he loses his soul.
And, at this point in evidence, that honestly suggests to me that Angel uses his soul as an excuse. He uses the fact that he loses his soul as an excuse to completely sink into evil and not even try to hold it at bay. Lost soul? Back to murder!
And if I look at it like that, as a choice on Angel's part to do evil when he loses his soul, the writing on the matter of souls seems more consistent (still not 100%, but hey).
It's just hard for me to look at Angel and accept that all good is stored in the soul and if the soul is lost, then you lose the good completely and become evil - and pretend that a three season arc on Spike as well as Harmony and Darla are all the outliers. The math just adds up better the other way around.
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annonmaly · 3 years
Ok, It's Not Red. So What? (continuation)
Noé and his left eye
At this point, I'm wondering why I decided to do this. At first, I just saw this official artwork collection, and I'm like: "These are cool, let me post something short about what I think (cos' I got a lot of time). Some of these ideas may already be out there. But still, I may drag someone else in this 'what if' hole I'm in". I meant this to be one post with 500 words only. But lo' and behold! I'm now on the fourth part of this thought dump. My lazy brain is so proud of me right now.
These posts could be read separately. But if you have some minutes to waste and have nothing better to do. Check out the previous parts here:
Part 1: Regarding some of VnC Artwork
Part 2: Oh, It's Not Red
Part 3: Ok, It's Not Red. So What?
No promises that it's worthwhile tho'.
Hopefully for the last time, a friendly reminder that best in writing is an award I never received. I'm not the person who could analyze, explain, or theorize things. Please bear that in mind while reading. Photos are not mine, of course. Also, spoiler alert to be safe.
Now that I said everything I want to say. Let's finish this thing. This would be the last absurd idea that I want to share.
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I read this theory a while ago that Noé's left eye was partially blind. This was the result of his injury during his childhood. As proof, Noé always received an injury on the left side. I totally agree with this theory. There's something wrong in that left eye of his. What if Noé's left eye lost its original power? Or What if it's not his eye to begin with? Sounds farfetched? Yeah, it is, but give me a break here. This was on my head for a long time now, and this needs to be out of my system.
Ok, first, let me tell you why I think his left eye is suspicious.
1. Noé had an eye injury when he was a kid. But after a while, it healed as nothing happened. This could easily be explained. It was healed totally by his vampire's power.
2. How and when he received that injury is questionable. (Actually, that whole story is suspicious) Did he receive it before or after being kidnapped? I don't much about slave trade in VnC world. But, if you're going to sell something you don't want it to have visible damage, right? (Sorry if the comparison sounds offending)
3. This may be for artistic purposes. However, there are panels where Noé's left eye was hidden by his hair or something. Most of them are when he is emotional. Or, more precisely, when it's about Vanitas. This is not always the case, and maybe I'm just reading to it more than necessary. But let me give you some examples:
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(I had a hard time in this cos' I'm confused about what is left and right)
Let me briefly explain the picture from left to right
Bal Masque Arc: (It is not noticeable in this arc, actually. But when Noé is scolding Ruthven, we can't see his left eye.) The image above is when human Vani told Noé to leave him alone Then the one beneath is the moment when Noé declared that he will stay with human Vani.
Catacombs Arc: This is the time when Noé forgot to cut his hair. His left eye is hidden at about 90 percent of this arc. I only saw it again when Noé got angry with the weird doctor because he keeps calling human Vani by number "69". Even after the conclusion of this arc, his left eye is hidden.
Pre-Gevaudan Arc: We all know what happened the night before this. In the panel above, his eye was hidden when he was expressing his guilt. Then when he's being honest, Mochijun-Sensei showed his left profile.
Misha Arc: I know it's still fresh in your memories. To make this short, they are fighting to the death. The above panel is when Noé's reevaluating the events that happened. Then below is when he realized that he did not look at human Vani properly.
I'm a VaNoé shipper so I could go on all day, but I think I already get my point across. There's a pattern here when human Vani and Noé are having an issue. Or when Noé can't understand the former, his left eye is hidden. After they kiss and makeup Mochijun-sensei shows Noé's left eye.
I think I already established that Noé's left eye is weird, so let's move on. If you encountered my prior post, I assumed that Luna and Noé are twins. Let's ignore that notion. For now, I will settle with the idea that the blue vampire and Noé are related. They could be siblings, parent-child, or kinsmen. I'll believe that Noé is related to the blue moon vampire until Mochijun-Sensei says otherwise.
So, I emphasized Noe's hidden eye a moment ago. Who else out there that we don't see her left eye? Yup, the vampire of the blue moon. (I already mentioned this on my previous post)
This is not related but look at these panels:
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After hearing human Vani's childhood story, Noé and Luna both asked the question about hating the vampires. Take note that Luna is on the right, the eye that was she's not hiding. Noé on the left profile, the hidden eye at times. I don't know if there's a meaning in this or what, it's just interesting.
Going Back,
If Noé is related to the blue vampire and the cursed book. (I think Grandpa DeSade won't ask him to observe the book without reason, he possibly be the real owner). Maybe at some point, his eyes are blue. Or maybe one of his eyes is blue. The left eye, perhaps?
So far, we only saw Noé gazing at the blue moon in the first chapter.
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Left profile, left eye, interesting. (I'll say this again and again, Sensei is shady. Even that smile)
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Well, it's his right eye. However, it's his left that noticed the moon first.
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The whole sentence is "and see for yourself with your own eyes..." Is it just a coincidence that the panel with the words "with your own eyes" was a close-up of Noé's left eye? (He's still looking up the blue moon here)
Now, assuming that his eyes are blue before. What happened? As I said earlier, maybe he lost the power of his left eye or just transferred it to someone. Is there someone heterochromatic that is always with Noé? Oh, yes, Murr.
So, in a nutshell: What if Noé has the power of a blue and red moon vampire before the series' timeline started? (He's kind of special since it would only show when he's using his vampiric powers) Then, something terrible happened that we don't yet. And they had no choice but to transfer that power to Murr?
At one point, I imagined that Noé and Murr exchanged eyes, but dismissed it since I thought that Murr's eyes are red. But now that I changed my mind about Murr's eye color, I think this could still be a possibility.
I'll leave it up to your imagination as to how everything happened. This is just a half-boiled theory I had that needs to get out of my mind. I'll try to expound it furthermore when I found out more (or maybe I would already change my mind)
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This scene would negate my thousand words post entirely. Because the injury Noé had is shown when he met Sensei for the first time. This means he should still be heterochromatic here. The old man knows that he's a vampire. So, it's either, Noé told them, or the couple saw his vampiric characteristics. They would tell Noé that his eyes was strange, right? But it looks like had no idea at all.
(I'll just copy and paste from my previous post)
I believe that Mochijun-sensei is keeping the timeline vague since it would reveal too much information. I mean, we don't know how long time passed from the day Noé was found by the old couple to the day Sensei brought him to the castle in the forest. Keep in mind that the vampire's growth differs for each person, as well. Also, is the story the Noé and Sensei told trustworthy? As far as I could tell, Sensei is shady, like really. Besides, Noé's memory is also not reliable. After all, someone out there may have the ability to manipulate memories. What if Noé was was born ages ago and was induced to sleep for a long time for whatever reasons?
(Copy Paste ends here)
I really love Noé and Murr. You see, the title of the series is The Case Study of Vanitas, but I'm more curious about Noé. My guts tell me that he would unexpectedly surprise us in the future chapters. Do you have any ideas or thoughts you want to share about VnC? tell me, I'm so bad at digging gold here.
That's the end folks, I warned you this might not make any sense. I'm just a person who has a lot of time on hand got bored waiting for the next chapter. Still, I had fun writing this. It's entertaining to crack our heads with the possibilities of what would happen in the story. But remember to always respect the authors. It's their work and art.
Note: I wrote this to indulge my over-thinking self. This is just a random theory, thoughts, assumptions, and/or head-canons. Thank you for taking the time to read and understanding if I made any mistakes or post whatever it is you don’t agree on.
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damonsexywifey · 3 years
helo today i am going to be talking about daddy papi sexy icon Damon Salvatore. I know im fucking obsessed but this man makes my ovaries explode so i need some way to let it all out so here i go
first things first his mf looks
his eyes omfg his eyes he could stare at me and i would melt his bright blue eyes i already am quite a fan of pretty eyes but his eyes ive been obsessed for a very long time like wtf his eyes are so seductive and for what why do you do this to me huh damon why oh why HIS eyes omg when he looks at elena is with such care and love, id PAY for him to look at me like that HE COULD STOMP ON ME AND ID SAY SORRY AND THANK YOU ok now his little smirk oml when he did something bad he'd do his little smirk and i know it'd be very sociopathic of me to actually enjoy that but why the fuck did i get turned on by that why is he such a sex icon big dick energy is radiating I COULD LITERALLY BE WATCHING A SCENE OF HIM AND ELENA FLIRTING CASUALLY AND I'D BE SWEATING THAT WOULD FILL A WHOLE OCEAN I'D NEED TO PAUSE AND TAKE A BREATHER BECAUSE THAT MAN IS TOO MUCH FOR ME.
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OK NOW IVE DONE A LOOKS ASSESSMENT. IT IS OFF TO DO A PERSONALITY ANALYSIS BECAUSE HE COULDVE BEEN REALLY HOT AND HAD A DEAD PERSONALITY like matt (sorry matt ps i still love you) but no damon has not let me down with his personality so lemme talk about that
the fucking humour:
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OK THIS IS JUST mf fragments to his smart ass humour but omg this guy is carrying the show with its humour, i find humour extremely attractive so him just being a little devilish sociopathic smart ass bastard boy is all i ask for and it was received, stefan is great lemme tell u that but one of the reasons its damon>stefan for me its maybe because i prefer playful characters who can quit the intensity and actually have fun so yea personal preferences come into this
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my boy is very emotional, hes a vampire yada yada but he hasnt flicked the switch off of his humanity hes still a ball of fluff who tries to cover it up with spikes so he seems tough but some sad scenes you can see right through him like some above. The first one is him letting things pile up over and over again and its killing him in the inside hes such a cinnamon roll and all he needs is a hug and someone to tell him hes gonna be alright...can i plz volunteer to do that ✋
the second one was a scene that made go waaaaaaa and tear up because that was the scene when he was opening up about how he wants and loves elena but shes not hers, shes stefans around then. The fact hes showed as some type of dickhead but he could be rlly douchy and literally just steal her away from stefan but he doesnt because shes "brothers girl" aaa hes caring and it hurts how much he does and his sad scenes hurt, hes not bad hes just very broken inside.
Unapologetically Honest
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one of the reasons i love about him is that hes just so mf honest which is ironic because around s2 its just elena calling him a liar anyways hes honest with a lack of apology which i feel like would be extremely necessary when theres a flock of bad guys always at your doorstep, sugar covered words aren't needed tbh thats where his honesty comes in
hes aware of himself and knows that he can be dickhead some way or another so its funny when hes aware kinda gives definition to his character being a self proclaimed dickhead
i stan alarics and damons friendship theres so mf honest with eachother, alaric could be getting emotional about his relationships and this man could just go "but they're dead.. *sips tea* " hes so unbothered theres something attractive about it
umm so i kinda forgot the post only allows 10 pics so you lot are lucky enough that u get a video
anyways im extremely attracted to intense romance rather than cutesy lovey dovey, this guy ticks the box for intense hes so mf sexy with like one touch can u explain this science to me BECAUSE THIS GUY SCREAMS SEX WTF AND I HAVE NO IDEA HOW ELENA CONTROLS HER SEXUAL DESIRES BECAUSE BITCH U SURE DO KNOW I'D DO ANYTHING THIS BASTARD WOULD TELL ME TO DO ANYWAYS THERE WAS THIS SCENE WHERE ELENA WAS WORKING OUT AND THIS GUY WAS TOUCHING HER RIBCAGE OR SOMETHING AND THE HEAVY BREATHING I'D PROBABLY FAINT IN HIS ARMS BUT THIS WOMAN HELD IT TOGETHER CAN HE PLZ TAKE ME ADOPT ME ILL LIVE IN UR HOME I'LL LIVE IN THE TINIEST PLACE IN UR HOUSE I DONT MIND ME I JUST NEED TO BE GRACED BY UR LOOKS the intensity is legit like fire to the skin, i blush and scream for elena im a literal pterodactyl screeching when he comes on screen with him naked and one towel covering his big dick i would write the director a mf big ass letter to persuade him to let damon walk in with no towel pls i beg cmon u can do it i know u want too
anyways overall damon salvatore is my husband papi daddy and i do admit i simp for him and hes hit me like a wrecking ball im on s3 for vampire diaries ill keep u lot updated if anything happens in my shift of simp but for now im kind of addicted to this bootylicious babe actually now i think about it what if i actually ever meet him or something id probably weep and faint yes that'd happen ill probably just stare and i dont blame him if he kicks me out for being a creep anyways uh this was my essay hope u lot enjoy because i sure as heck enjoyed screaming my burning passionate love for Damon Salvatore if someone was selling a damon salvatore in store id be the first one to purchase and i feel like i speak for the nation of damon simps ily babes because i totally understand this lust you have for him
anywho bye bye xoxoxo
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writerforfun · 3 years
Underwing Challenge Day 6 + Day 7
6. What does your portfolio look like? Talk about as many other WIPs as you’d like here.
I have to be honest here, I never understood portfolio. I mean u understand what it is and its purpose but I never understood how to make it for myself.
But either way I guess I do have certain things I worked on.
Starting of with Collection.
1. Collection: Story 1: Mirror Defect: (DONE) (Sorry no cover)
Not all is as it seems.
Not all can be explained and even when the truth is out not everything will make sense.
"I just lost my brother, I can't lose her."
What can you do when you lose trust in those around you? When grief holds you too close?
When lies are hidden all around you?
When nothing is real?
Can you trust your own eyes? When all goes wrong who can you trust?
"Experitment 1034, you are next"
Is anything real? Are you real?
**Warning: character death, graphic description of the deceased character.**
The story was originally done to scare my uncle. I was going to send him this other story, which R.L. Stine wibe to it but sadly I lost it.
So here we are. Now this story features Mark, who despite all that has occurred, is trying to fix his broken family, even if it means destrying himself but is this family real?
You can check it out here
2. So, A Deal?: (DONE)
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Met with death she has no choice but to let death consume her.
"No, I can't leave like this! Not like this."
There is no other way, or is there? But is she ready?
"What do you want? Does your soul not fill with rage, anger and despair? Pushing you to the core of vengeance? Don't you feel like a ghost? Dreading you will disappear? You know you are nothing but a ghost, and eventually, you will have to fade."
"I have seen the face of affliction brought by my reality, I'm tortured by the future of things that cannot be, haunted by visions of yesterday."
Her sin is great, but her desire greater. Will she survive the burn?
This was something I did for my school wrok once. Although it is quite different than the original work. I'm quite happy with the last chapter. I honestly just posted it out as a test to see if others would like it.
It took quite an effort and I enjoyed doing the last bit of it. I really want to make a sequal to it, get it going, but not really sure if this is going to go well.
You can check it out here.
3. Solar Elements: (DONE)
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Avatar: The last Airbender inspired.
A lot can happen during a lifetime, faultless rotating to flaws, heroes into villains, a lifetime of destruction smiling in your wakes.
A lot can be lost in a lifetime.
"Wolf is going overboard,"
"We do not have time to wait."
"Surrender now and we shall show you all mercy."
"No, we will never yield to you"
"Then so be it."
"You are not prohibited to address better yet conduct such disgrace." "We are still alive!"
"Love you, Son"
A lot can happen during a lifetime, faultless rotating to flaws, heroes into villains, a lifetime of destruction smiling in your wakes.
"And so she has finally awoken."
I had done this for a story contest once, sadly I was unable to win. But I have to behonest, if I had I would have been so annoyed, it was awful, so awful. I won't talk much on it, as I still don't like this too much.
This feature elemtnal magic and time twist you can say, where a character, reborn must choose to either repeat history or change it completely.
4. Pirates tale: (WIPs)
Had this in for a while, been working on it but didn't have a plot till now.
The ship has no name, no crew, nothing. But if you see it, it's already too late.
Legend says they're ghost, some say they are cursed, others....... others don't live to tell the tale.
It was inspired by a prompt I saw once. Hoping to make these pirates cured to be vampires, hidden from all and only visible at night. They are insearch of their first crew captain, the one who must break the cures. Problem is, Captian dies 30 years ago.
Guess, his hidden daughter must be placed instead.
This is dumb, so dumb, but hey, I'll work on it.
5. The Basement: (WIPs)
Another school work.
This one feartures students sneaking into their school's basement. Each with their own story on why the basement is forbbiden.
If only they had listened and not followed through, then maybe they would not have encountered, the hidden dark past of the school.
This has a gay couple, lol I actaully send it to my teacher but I don't think she noticed :(. It needs alot of work though, so this may take a while.
6. To find the Truth: (WIPs)
This one seems to be liked a lot by you guys. Many seem intrigued.
In the dystopian future, when the world government collapsed, when humans fell and the virus took hold, out rose a series of mutants. Their genes mutated by the virus released when a power plant went nuclear.
These mutants, blessed with powers beyond their control, have taken leadership. Smart, strong, powerful and undefeatable. They hold power over the weak like you and me. But I won't let them stop me. I won't let them come in the way.
They are sloppy, weak and useless. The world is filled with criminals, danger and people in need. This world needs justice, it needs help and they won't help, so I will.
"They'll take you away. They take people like them away"
"I won't let them"
I worked up a lot on this in the past few day and have actually most of the plot down. Well the main chracter's backstory at least, even how the virus started and why these mutants have taken over.
I just need to start it out and get it going. I have done that and I was thinking of adding bits and pieces on how the world is after every sub-story, like telling the tale as the story progress.
Was also hoping to give this story, a big reveal as to who these mutants are and how they came to be, why they take other's like them and how they find other's like them.
7. To Sacrifice or To Live? (WIPs)
Still working up on the name here, but the story goes like this.
Two wedding decades a part, each holding nothing but tale forgotten.
An evil entity hanting them both. A power over both familes, readdy to demolish them whole this time.
Will the scarifice work?
Ok, before you turn away, here me out here.
Two weddings, one in the 1900s and the other in 2000s. Both familes trapped in a curse long active, each must work to find a way to break the curse. One failed, made it worse, will the new bride make it? Or will she suffer worse?
8. Collection: Haunting Memories (WIPs)
Jenny doesn't know how she did it but she did. She didn't mean to. She really didn't. But Nina is dead now and it's her fault. She did it.
It's her fault.
Then why do they blame Jake? Jake is sweet, kind and caring. Sure he was the one with the blade, covered in blood and coming to kill Jenny next but it wasn't Jake. Because she saw.
Saw him kill her. Push the blade through Nina, watching as the girl fell. Her blood turning the ground crimson. She saw as the life left Nina's eyes. As the killer slumped to the ground, the control over him wearing off.
Jenny knows because she killed Nina. Then why does no one believe her? And why do her memories differ from Jake's?
“I am telling you what happened.”
“All you are doing is wasting our time.”
“Then be patient, this is all I have. Please just hear me out.”
“We are busy people here. We don’t have time for stupid tales, girl”
“This is not a stupid tale. If you could just listen.”
“We are listening. Listening to you for the past 10 minutes, all you have done so far is tell us useless things. We have things to do.”
“Everything I mention is important. One thing missed and you won’t understand. Please. I need your help.”
“You have 10-”
“Fine 15 minutes.”
This I hope to work and get done by at least in the next month. It need a lot of work and must be quite slow yet fast paced. I need to make the plot a bit more than just what I have written.
8. Trick? No, I'll take the Treat (WIPs)
Halloween themed. Done quite long ago.
What will you do when your Halloween turns into a nightmare?
I have nothing much on it at the moment, but will update this soon.
7. What kind of partnership are you looking for in this event? Friendship? Somebody to bounce ideas off of? Something else? What sorts of people are you hoping to meet and adopt?
Honeslty, I did a lot of research in the past few days and boy do I ned a lot of work done.
For starters, I need someone who can actually tell me how my work is going, just how kuch of an effort I have out in and how it seems to others.
I need harsh, quite harsh feed back so I know what I am doing wrong, what I should improve with and what interests the reader about the book.
I also say wish to meet and know other writers here. Would love to meet them and get to know them.
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vanilkaplays · 3 years
. There's a difference between having villains who are "relatable" and having villains who are *more sympathetic than the heroes*. Sometimes we go from "This guy is relatable, don't be like him because of everything else he does" to "never mind he's a villain, he's so *sympathetic*! How dare that so called hero stop him!"
I have been fortunate to avoid most unsavoury takes. Usually they get to me when somebody smarter and more eloquent than me adds a reasonable counterpoint. I think I follow the right people. However, I know strange things sometimes happen within fandoms. This is the site where "it's sad that Kylo Ren had to watch his dad die :(" sort of opinion appears occasionally, and while some things make me giggle, I'm also happy to only see it so often.
This is all a little vague, though, so I'm first going to say that I'm honestly not here to judge how somebody engages with a piece of fiction. I'll repeat that: I'm not here to judge how somebody engages with a piece fiction, what kind of fiction they consume, what characters they like or dislike, why, whether their fave is "problematic", what headcanons or art they produce, etc. And if it happens, I keep it to myself. It's none of my business. (Unless it harms somebody else, of course.) But I know some odd and/or aggressive discourse can happen on this hellsite for sure, which usually gets to me in the form of those legendary posts we all collectively shake our heads about in disbelief.
But, yeah, if we're going to talk about villainous characters with some tragic background or whatever, as it often happens in stories, and some people are going to be like, "Mr. Mass Murder Sad Backstory actually did nothing wrong, uwu," then I'm definitely gonna look at that a little sideways. I'm not sure whether it happens because people have difficulty accepting that they, they the good people, like an evil character, or because they like the character so much they feel the need to explain the evil away, so that it doesn't negatively reflect upon them, or they somehow internally feel the character should be better because they like them, so surely there's a reason for their evil behaviour. I don't know.
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Hell, there's nothing wrong with liking a completely fucked-up character for what they are. Because they're interesting. Because they have style. Because their villainy is fun to watch. Or because they're sexy. Whatever the reason might be. Like that big ass and titty, milfy vampire from Resident Evil who everyone fell in love with recently. Like, who cares she wants to slice you into a shish kebab? She's not real. They're not real. They're a piece of entertainment. They're supposed to be entertaining.
And, yeah, some professional writers certainly do that, too. Or something of the sort. They're so infatuated with their own villain that they can't see them for what they are, maybe they even unfortunately share some of their dumb views ("Hurr-durr, overpopulation is killing the planet, so everybody should just die."), but they begrudgingly let the heroes stop them, if they must.
There's also something to be said for when a writer of a villainous character is obviously a piece of.... work themselves, or even better a shitty corporation (through its poor employees), very possibly with shitty production leaders, that doesn't even know what they're talking about, and that then oozes out of their writing. The audience then rightfully doesn't vibe with that, and they will start poking holes in the "good guys" and in how the "bad guys" are portrayed and why.
I will end this here because I don't even know what I'm talking about at this point. I'm not even sure I understood the ask correctly. I'm certainly no authority on this matter, so I'm basically just thinking loudly here.
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medeafive · 4 years
Blood and Stone -03
Inhuman scream.
She's covered in vampire blood already but this guy just won't go down, his eyes very dark red, she slashes at his chest again, using his dodge to wrap her legs around his neck, her momentum knocking him down. She's up faster, tangling with his friend, claws scratching over her already dented armor, she kicks the woman in the stomach with both feet, dropping onto her back but bouncing right back up. The guy tries to grab her from behind so she elbows him in the face and steps on his foot, ramming her shoulder into him and twisting so he rolls right over, crashing into his female friend. Takes the second to retrieve her knife, gun's too far out. They're already scrambling up again. She flashes her teeth and they return it with their fangs, plunging towards her.
Rolling out from under the bigger guy, the woman lands right on top of her, sinking her fangs into the bite guard that makes a pitiful noise. She flips them over and socks her on the jaw. The guy grabs her by her hair, yanking her back which hurts like a bitch but she's not one to cry, kicking his knee out, satisfying crack , slashing the silver knife through his ribcage, howl , splattering blood, trades blows with the vampiress while he falls to his knees. The woman tries to bite her arm again but she whips the creature around, breaking her arm behind her back, inhuman cry, slashes precisely through the guy's neck, blood spluttering, and then she snaps the woman's neck, tossing her onto the asphalt like a rag doll.
Something drops from a lamp post and she spins, ready to fight, already covered in blood and gore, but it's just the black cloak who strides towards her confidently. She snorts, walking away to retrieve the gun.
He nods towards the three vampires, the one she shot straight through the heart, the one with the bleeding neck and the one with the twisted spine who still tries to crawl away. "Tell me you didn't enjoy that."
She doesn't say anything, just checking the ammunition left. It's obvious. Well, she should clean up.
"Do you mind if I drink her?" he asks. "Since you didn't hit her with silver."
She stops, tilting her head, then shrugs. The woman howls but can't get anywhere before he crouches over her, black cloak covering, and then it's deadly quiet. She walks over and hacks the bleeding vampire's head off.
He feeds in complete silence. When he straightens, the woman's body is crumpled, dry but there's only little blood around his mouth. Not like a young vampire in a blood frenzy. "So you hunt vampires," she states. "And you feed on vampires."
"Young vampires," he specifies, licking his lips. "With human blood left. Vampire blood smells and tastes foul."
"Has other advantages, though," she remarks.
He grins. His fangs are streaked with both gold and dark blood. "You could have it. Just say yes."
"I'm not loyal," she counters. "I don't follow orders. Schmidt wouldn't like that."
"You would," he returns. "It's not a choice."
She snorts. "Not even for you?"
"No," he replies. "He turned me. I have to obey him."
"I've never heard of that," she states.
"It's not that common," he admits. "But for him, always. How else do you think the large nests like in the castle work?"
"Mind control," she repeats. "No, wait, you're dead, you don't have a mind. And you want to get me into that ?"
"It's not my choice," he admits again. "But I would prefer to have you around rather than having to kill all your friends."
"But you're not remotely controlled," she argues. "There has to be a way around this. He can't have given you super specific orders without loopholes."
"You ask too many questions, dollface," he returns. "I should get going before day strikes."
"The fuck did you just call me?" she asks with amusement, wiping dark blood off her face. "How fucking old are you?"
"Don't you know that?" he asks back. "Think about it. It's really not the worst thing in the world."
  "I was fucking worried!" Clint exclaims. "What the fuck even happened, you look like you took a blood bath, where were you, are you hurt, just, what the fuck ?"
"I'm fine, I'm fine," she hurries to say. "Just, we need to talk. Before we get back."
Clint looks her up and down pointedly. "Like that? On the street?"
Fair. She ducks away into a side passage, hoping nobody comes by at this time. "I'm fine. Really. Just vampire blood."
"What the fuck happened," Clint repeats. "Did you- did he bite you?"
"Absolutely not, I promise," she assures him. "I'm clean."
"You don't look clean," Clint points out. "But- oh. He wants to bite you."
"Kinda," she admits. "It's complicated. But I'm definitely clean. I'm not sure whether he's telling the truth but- Schmidt might want to recruit me into his charges."
Clint snorts. "Oh yeah. He's definitely lying."
"That's what I thought too," she agrees. "But what else could he want?"
"You're a hunter," Clint points out. "You kill vampires, you'd rather walk into the sun than help one."
She's not so sure of that anymore. "No, you're right. I just don't see- nothing else makes sense either."
"He's playing you," Clint says softly. "Don't think too much about it, it will never make sense to you. It's just a game for bored monsters. Just make sure you don't get hurt, okay?"
"Yeah," she agrees. "Sure. Just- yeah. Okay."
  "Again?!" Fury asks. "This guy's definitely fake. There's only so many times you can get not killed by a real black cloak."
"Definitely real," Clints counters. "I saw him. He was flying around like a giant fucking bat."
Natasha massages her right side, wincing. It was hard enough to get out of the dented armor, even without all the bruises. "Raise your arm," Bruce demands. "Ouch, that looks painful."
"He's playing some stupid mind games with her," Clint explains. "God knows why. But she should really stay in before he snatches her up again."
Feels wrong under her skin. "He could snatch anyone up," Fury states. "Should we all just tuck in nicely when the sun goes down?"
"He hasn't killed anyone yet, as far as we know," Clint points out. "Except the baby vampires. And he only ever abducted Tasha, right, Tasha?"
"Far as I know," she mutters while Bruce inspects the mark from her bite guard. "He said he was stalking me."
Fury looks very displeased. "She'll have to stay in anyway, with those bruises. Let's see what he does in the meantime."
"Yeah," Clint agrees. "Let's do that. I'll jump under the shower now."
Fury steps up to her while Bruce moves to feel her ribs, making her wince again. "Sure you're fine?"
"No bite, though the armor bruised her bad," Bruce replies before blushing. "Sorry."
"Yeah, I'm fine," she replies as well. "Just a little scuffle with some vampires."
"You killed the wrong ones," Fury remarks with amusement. "Not the big one."
"Tried, but he's a tough motherfucker," she admits. "Never seen anything like it."
"I know." Fury shakes his head. "Get some rest. We'll work something out."
He leaves and she's left with Bruce who's still awkwardly feeling around her ribs. She stretches her neck one way and the other, the dented bite guard having taken a toll. "Nothing broken, right? It doesn't feel broken."
"Doesn't seem so," Bruce mutters, not looking up. "You're really lucky."
There's a black cloak stalking her, for whatever twisted reason. "Not really, trust me."
Bruce pulls back, staring at her. Oh boy, here they go. "Could you promise me something?"
He looks so honest , so simple. Kind like she never was. "Like what?"
"I don't wanna have to say that ever again," he states determinedly. "That you didn't get killed just because you're insanely lucky."
Lump in her throat. "I don't actively try to get killed, you know."
He huffs, turning away, and she knows she fucked up again. She twists, painfully, and pulls a shirt on. Her right side's really bad. Yeah, she's never gonna jump through a window again, but it's not like it was her decision this time either. "I'll try. I promise."
That's not the same thing and they both know it. And now she'll extract herself from this uncomfortable situation, like she always does, leaving a foul taste in her mouth, and neither of them will be happy. That's the way it always goes.
"Thanks," she states, pulling on sweatpants and picking up the dented armor. "I'll take a shower and go to bed. I'll… I'll see you around. Dinner or something."
  She sleeps through dinner and misses it, as always. Tony and Pepper are already out, Clint is downstairs training, Bruce and Sam are playing checkers in the living area. It still smells of eggs and bacon, which is ideal when some people are just getting up and others are heading to bed already. "Hey," Sam remarks, staring at the board in concentration. "We left you some, don't worry."
"Appreciate it," she replies, scratching the egg out of the pan. "Who's winning?"
Sam huffs. "Bruce insists there's a guaranteed draw but so far, no."
"With perfect play," Bruce specifies quietly. "Tony and I worked out a computer model that solves- well, should solve- nevermind."
Great, it's awkward. She checks the plan on the wall. "Mhm. Someone might have to take my Wednesday shift."
"Yeah, talked about that at dinner," Sam agrees. "Just wait until Fury changes it."
"So what are you going to do now?" Bruce asks. "When you're not on patrol?"
"I was thinking about going to the Archive," she suggests. "Do some research on the black cloaks. Maybe I can figure out who that one is."
"Might be useful," Sam agrees, stopping in his movement. "Wait. You're looking at me like I'm about to make a horrible mistake."
Bruce blushes. "No, no, it's, just- yes. That one. Over there."
Sam groans, dropping the piece. "Oh man, I always miss something. Okay. Give me a minute."
"Sure," Bruce agrees. "So you… saw him? You know what he looks like?"
She puts her plate in the microwave. "There are probably no pictures. But if he was turned during the first Uprising, judging by the color of his eyes… well, Schmidt wouldn't have turned just anyone, right?"
"Oh yeah," Sam mutters sourly. "He was very racist about that."
"I mean, the fang thing changes the sound of the voice and pronunciation and all," she admits, crossing her arms. "But I think he might have been American. Vocabulary-wise. Before he turned into an inhuman monster, of course."
"Natasha," Bruce suggests softly, which she hates. "Does that really matter?"
"Maybe," she returns defiantly. "And what else am I supposed to do? All those booby traps won't help, let's be real."
"I mean," Sam adds, finally placing the piece. "He hasn't murdered us all yet, so that's definitely in their favor."
  Prague's a good place to research this. There's still files from the Protectorate Bohemia-Moravia. She heads out in the morning, the sun itchy on her skin. Tony's right, she wasn't out in a while, at least in daylight.
She knows the basic story, that Johann Schmidt, ardent Nazi, was the first to become infected with the vampire disease or whatever you want to call it, secret research facility in Northern Italy, tucked away inside the Alps, and then he started turning other people. The Nazis were intrigued at first, another potential weapon in the raging war, but the more Schmidt started insisting on the superiority of vampires, the more they became spooked. And they already had a Führer, no need for another megalomaniac messiah. So they made plans and when Schmidt's Uprising came, they squashed it with the same thoroughness they used to kill six million Jews. Never got Schmidt, though, and a couple of others who allegedly spread out over the continent, hiding. Waiting. Until a few years ago. God, it's really just a few years, it feels like centuries.
It was mostly German history, since the vampires were never used in the war, and hence the German files are the best place to look for her black cloak. This archive is never particularly busy, though the Government removed some files for their own research. She checks in, locks her stuff away and proceeds to the registry.
Nobody really knows how many vampires there actually were. The Nazis document 24 killings, with at least ten escaping, including Schmidt. Who knows how many more they never even saw. Who knows what other seeds Schmidt planted, so to speak. It doesn't take many vampires to spark a global outbreak, though, if you are well organized.
The 24 are easier to identify. Especially the former German soldiers. Some were friends, allies of Schmidt who seemed to really have believed in the whole new better human thing. Then again, as far as she's concerned, every Nazi is a monster already. Her family had plenty of stories about the war and the suffering, about Leningrad, Moscow and Stalingrad.
There's not much on the 24 either, though. Allied uniforms were found in Schmidt's abandoned facility, suggesting either some cooperation with a Western power, their killing of allied soldiers or, most interesting, that potentially there were prisoners of war among the turned. She doesn't really understand the description of machines in the facility but it certainly looks like there was research in many directions.
She learns about Zola, too. Arnim Zola, Swiss scientist, eugenicist, racist, but brilliant. Must have had an absolute meeting of the minds with Schmidt. He's believed to have developed the vampire virus or disease or whatever it is, though it is not clear whether he actually took it himself. Schmidt commonly described himself as the first of a new kind of humans, after all. However, Zola's body was never found.
She moves to a clunky computer to request American military data on which units they had in the area during Schmidt's activities and who went missing. Though they probably won't answer her, because why would they bother. Same thing for the French resistance. She tries to figure out what other forces might have been there. Maybe the British.
"Oh my," a startling voice remarks. "You actually left the house, in broad daylight."
She turns around and Tony's already dragging up a chair. He looks a little ruffled but it appears to have been a calm patrol. "You even know how to use a computer?"
"Excuse me," she throws back. "We put the first man in space. Don't forget that."
"Yeah, hurrah," Tony remarks sarcastically. "Doing research, I see?"
She flips the folders open again. "There's pictures from Schmidt's facility. Does that mean anything to you?"
Tony studies the picture with interest but frowns. "From a corny black-and-white picture? No. Also, never judge a machine from the outside."
"They found allied uniforms," Natasha adds, flipping a few pages. "Though it is not specified which. What if some of the turned were actually prisoners of war?"
"What if they just sucked them dry? What if they did infiltration?" Tony asks back, crossing an ankle over his knee and leaning back. "But okay, let's go with it for now."
"How likely is it that a Frenchman, American, British soldier, whatever, how likely is it that a captured enemy soldier decides to follow Schmidt?" she asks. "By their own wishes?"
"By their own volition," Tony corrects. "I don't know. Nobody said they chose to be turned. But yeah, that raises questions about after."
"There must be something," Natasha insists. "Think of freshly turned vampires, a whole bunch of them. It would have been absolute mayhem. Schmidt must have had some way to control them."
"You mean, other than being the most powerful vampire ever?" Tony remarks. "Well, whatever. But I hear you got kidnapped by the black cloak."
She snorts, turning back to the screen. "Yeah. God knows why."
"Look, I don't like asking this," Tony says. "But maybe… did he try to flirt with you?"
She spins around. "What?! "
The library lady shushes them angrily in passing. As if anyone else cares. Tony fiddles with his hands, uncomfortably. "You know vampires sometimes have children with human women. Vampire women can't, but males do. There's a couple of cases. So maybe-"
"Tony," she tries.
"It's just that he seems really focussed on you, for no reason," Tony continues. "And he let you go an unbelievable number of times. So I think it makes the most sense if-"
"Tony," she tries again.
"I know that's not something you want to talk about," Tony says. "But you should consider what he actually wants is a vampire monster ba-"
"Tony!" She almost hisses. "I can't have kids."
Tony blinks, dumbfounded. "Oh. Sorry."
"Not a big deal," she says, though it is. "But I'm definitely not going to give birth to some weird abomination."
"Maybe tell him that," Tony suggests. "Casually. See how he reacts. Maybe he leaves you alone then. Or he murders you."
She snorts. "Yeah, that knowledge will be super useful when I'm dead."
"Still the best theory," Tony insists. "I mean, he doesn't know you can't- yeah. Just keep it in mind."
"That's fucked up, though," she remarks. "So, you're just gonna sit there and talk or are you gonna help me research?"
  She sleeps through a few more days and nights until the bruises feel better. Fury is awake when she goes downstairs.
She always says their stronghold is in the powder tower, because she likes that ghastly piece of stone, but that's actually just the smallest part. Mostly, they took over the Opera house and the former national bank. There's even a cool tunnel in between. The national bank relocated outside the city, together with the whole government, and the opera just had to close when nobody left the house at night anymore. Some of the singers were reportedly bitten, too.
Fury is reading a newspaper, frowning. The sun is still up outside. "I moved your shift. Don't even think about it."
Neither of them is known for their friendliness. "So I'm just going to stay inside until he comes here to kill us all."
"This place is safe, Romanoff," Fury insists. "Remember that. In every way."
She huffs. "I would prefer if you had an actual plan ."
"We're getting a transfer," Fury announces. "From Munich. Very capable. Stark's working on something, too. I can't do more than that."
"So one more person is going to die?" she asks coldly. "You know what, I'm going to spend the night in town."
Fury's one eye scrutinizes her. "You're not going on patrol, are you?"
"I'll stay indoors," she promises, grabbing her jacket. "But not here."
  She has a number of apartments around town, empty, abandoned rooms. Some people are superstitious about it or believe vampires come back to where they last found prey, but not her. Well, she hunts vampires, so maybe her risk assessment is not that solid.
It's an old building in Vinohrady today. Used to be a pretty neighborhood, as far as she heard. She opens the window when night falls, breathing in, then sits down by the door, silver gun right in front of her.
She really doesn't know what to do. Killing him isn't realistic, she could never be a vampire monster but sentencing everyone to death… She always liked the moral clarity about being a hunter. She just kills bad monsters to protect good people. Of course, Alexei already had made that more complicated. This time, there's just no good option.
There's a whiff of air and then he's crouching on the window sill, perfectly balanced, nods towards her gun lying there on the floor. "You're gonna shoot me?"
"No," she replies, which is exactly what she would say if she was going to shoot him. "But you never know what comes through an open window."
He drops to the floor silently, walking through the room. "Seems like you wanted to meet."
Wanting is greatly exaggerated. "What if I can't decide?"
"It's not that hard," he insists, studying a broken cupboard. God, he almost has his back to her. "But I have a full moon. 30 days. Then you have to decide."
"So ten more days," she states. "And then you're going to kill all my friends."
He sighs. "As I said, not my preferred option."
"But what if I'm really just undecided?" she asks. "Schmidt never sent a black cloak to wipe us all out, but now he sends one to recruit me. That clearly has more value to him. Maybe he would be willing to wait a little longer. After all, he's old as fuck, what's another moon or two."
He looks amused, turning back to her. "You want an extension? For what?"
Hell, if she knew. "Could you get one?"
"I don't know," he replies, turning on his heel and wandering towards the window again. "Probably. If I really believe you'll still agree."
"So I have to convince you of that," she states. "Or figure out how to circumvent your mind control thing."
He doesn't say anything, just stares out into the darkness. She gets up and steps a little closer. "No, really. You keep saying that you don't want to do that. What's keeping you from not doing it?"
"He turned me," he mutters. "I have to. I just have to. If he says- I have to."
"But you didn't grab me and abduct me," she argues. "So there's a margin."
He turns, baring his fangs, making her shudder. "What do you want ?"
"I wanna get you out of this," she blurts out. "Just tell me how ."
He closes his white eyes, breathes. He doesn't always breathe. "No."
"Why?" she prompts, because she's reckless as fuck.
"It hurts ," he hisses. "Just thinking- No. God, just- why can't you just agree , I promise it's not that bad, that would be so much easier ."
"But I won't," she repeats.
He breathes again. "Yeah. You really remind me of myself."
"You didn't want to be turned either, did you?" she asks, leaning against the wall.
"My memory is fuzzy at best," he replies. "You know, I- if it's about the mind control thing, I could bite you. Instead of Schmidt. He wouldn't be happy about it but I guess it wouldn't be too bad."
She snorts. "So I can be your slave instead? No thanks. Also, then he gives you the order to give me an order, that just makes the chain a little longer."
"I might not even have control over you," he remarks. "I never tried. Maybe it doesn't work for me at all."
"Then he'd definitely murder me." She groans, head dropping back. Wait. She just bared her neck. Tucks her chin into her chest again. "No, really. Who were you, before all of this?"
"I'm not sure," he replies hesitantly. "But I remember how I was. Stubborn. Self-righteous. Like you."
"I'm not- I know I did bad shit." She hesitates. "You said you- know."
"I know you beheaded him," he says weirdly gently. "Before any vampire came even close."
However the fuck he knows that. She controls her breathing. "He was- experimenting. With vampire blood. He turned people, just as a source of- But the worst was, with dead people, he put vampire blood in dead people, and they would get up again and follow every command they heard, like- like- golems or something, and I- he was just turning into a monster, more and more every day, way worse than the monsters I hunted, and- yeah. Everyone else thinks the vampires ripped him to pieces, and they did, but I really killed him and made sure he wouldn't come back either."
"But you learned from him," he points out. "How long have you been injecting vampire blood?"
She doesn't answer, doesn't want to. "You smell better now," he remarks. "I didn't figure it out at first but… do the others know?"
She shakes her head. "It- it does make you stronger. And heal faster. I just wanted- And it's barely detectable, at the right dosis."
"I understand," he says.
She huffs angrily. "No, you don't."
He sweeps the black cloak back and rolls up his left sleeve. It's- between the white skin, there are metal bits, crude fillers, more on the outside, interrupting the pale skin that still looks human by comparison to the metal . He turns the arm casually, revealing the angry red bite mark on his forearm, seems to never ever go away. "After he bit me, there were issues. I don't know why, but parts of my arm turned grey and foul. So they cut them out and put metal in instead. It- it helps."
"It hurts ," she whispers.
"Yes," he admits. "It hurts. But it's stronger now."
"For what ?" she asks angrily. "So you can do better what he says? So it hurts when you obey him and it hurts when you think about disobeying him and- don't you see that?"
He steps back. "I really don't know what you want from me."
"Yes, you do," she hisses. "Come on. We can figure this out. Together."
"No," he replies. "We can't." And then he drops out of the window and is gone.
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My Best Cookie Votes and Why: Round 1, Part 1
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Mint Choco: While Orange is nice and all, she's ultimately a pretty flat character...and not just in the literal sense either. Minty, on the other hand, has an actual backstory, for starters, plus he's not an absolute dick to his closest friend like his opponent is. Plus, Mint's implied romance with Cocoa is infinitely more satisfying than the Citrus Love Triangle that they do absolutely nothing with. (As a side note, I find it hilarious that the very first matchup is literally just Orange Juice vs. Toothpaste.)
Sea Fairy: I like Tiger Lily and all, but literally her only purpose in canon seems to be to never get told what anything is, which is extremely frustrating on the part of the other Cookies and honestly hits way too close to home. That, and her major character arc with Princess is NEVER touched upon, while Sea Fairy presumably actually managed to reunite with Moonlight.
Pilot: This matchup was essentially Good, Loving (probably surrogate) Grandparent versus Awful, Neglectful, Irresponsible Grandparent who is confirmed to have attempted to alter her granddaughter's DNA in order to change her personality. So yeah.
Pink Choco: Neither of these Cookies really stand out at all. I am a fan of Pink's Magical Girl theming, though, and honestly I'd rather see her on stage than Carol. Also, Pink's design is leagues better.
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Walnut: I'll admit, she's just more endearing to me for some reason. Her power is more interesting (and I actually understand how exactly it's supposed to work), and honestly the idea of a little detective with a teddy bear assistant is just adorable. I'm still mad about Angel, but that's not exactly HER fault, now is it?
Dark Choco: DC is a compelling fallen hero character who drives the entire story of Ovenbreak with his disappearance. White Choco Cookie is French, and that's about it. Also:
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How can you not vote for him when he promises you such important lore? (Granted, he calls you out for being vain if you pick him. Hey, any lore is good lore, pal! Also, I have long hair I need to worry about too!)
Purple Yam: Honestly, the fact that he actually questions the bad writing sold me on voting for him. He's also a genuinely good character despite his only emotion being anger.
Firecracker: I absolutely love her 80s arcade aesthetic, even in spite of her being way too young to have ever been to an arcade in the 80s. She genuinely wants everyone to have fun, too. Also, Marshmallow got Flame Bat and Celestial Star locked up for her Trial.
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Squid Ink: To be honest, this was one of the tougher choices. In the end, I decided that Inky needed more love after what they've been through, so they got the vote. Sorry, Fig.
Roguefort: Devsis has a really bad habit this list of putting far more interesting recent characters against old characters with nothing really to them. I mean, yeah, Ninja's mysterious and all, but you've done absolutely nothing with him since not even LINE, but the defunct game Ovenbreak 2! Other than maybe change his name from Ninjabread, anyway. Hell, Tiny Ghost is more interesting than him, but even then newer players wouldn't even know that, since the one throwaway line hinting at something more was in a Cookie Quest, which were removed from the game entirely over a year ago. Roguefort is more interesting by default.
Vampire: Can I be honest for a sec here? I hate Pancake with a passion. He deliberately makes himself seem cuter to get his way. Based on his interactions with Cream Puff, he's just as cruel as his big bro, if not as outwardly aggressive. No, Pancake relies on psychological manipulation to get everything he wants, and the worst part is IT'S FUCKING WORKING. As we speak, he's stealing a Magic Candy from Devil, from Kiwi...hell, he's even stealing it from Vampire! And now he's dominating the polls, adding insult to debilitating injury. He's not even fucking cute. Yeah, I said it.
Pistachio: Soda has absolutely no personality other than surfboard. Do I even need to say more?
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Peppermint: DE could be SUCH a good villain if Devsis could decide what kind of villain she even is. Also if they remembered she was a major villain at all.
Lemon: I'll admit, I see a lot of myself in Lemon. Mostly in feeling artificial and having basically no friends, ever. I honestly think I'd be in a much worse place if I didn't have a brother. Whip could be great if they did anything with the White Swan/Black Swan dynamic he has with Skating Queen.
Pitaya: I've always had problems with the "You can only eat if you work for it" mentality. First of all, you need food to get energy to work, and if you aren't fed, then how are you going to work hard for food!? Second, what if you're disabled or otherwise can't work? Do you just starve to death, then? It just sounds awful!
Cream Puff: She's trying her best.
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Kumiho: ...I honestly don't remember.
Pomegranate: A genuinely good villain who stole the show with her introduction. She could've easily been a Knight of Cerebus if the writers cared enough.
Cyborg: Blackberry abandoned a child relying on her protection to chase after a man who didn't remotely need her help. Also, she hates Devil. Also also, Cyborg is cool.
Hero: If you've read Hellfyre Speaks, you can probably guess why I personally picked Hero. I'm just surprised at the popular vote; it seemed to me like Herb was way more popular! But I guess not? Or at least not with early voters.
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Werewolf: He's far more fleshed out than Gumball by far.
Devil: Have I ever actually explained why Devil is my favorite? Like, sure, he's an asshole, but he's the fun, ineffectual kind of asshole you actually wanna root for that you see in cartoons; like, in shows focused on a 'villain' character's scheming, usually with a naive idiot going along with it and a very-much-ignored voice of reason. Like in Ed, Edd, n' Eddy, or Evil Con Carne. Devil also has a flair for the dramatic, a knack for 'evil' schemes, and even the perfect foil to play off of! He'd be an absolute goldmine when it comes to the more lighthearted antics between acts, but Devsis is apparently content to just haul up gravel.
Knight: I'll be honest, I saw Alchemist and immediately clicked the other Cookie without looking who it was. But this isn't a post about her, so let's talk about Knight. First off, he'd be the perfect antagonist to Devil; Devil goes full ham when acting out an 'evil' plan, while Knight takes everything WAY too seriously. He adores Princess Cookie but doesn't know jack shit about her, which juxtaposed with Princess's nonchalant rebuttals of everything he claims about her makes it hilarious in a kind of pathetic way. (Ex. Knight claiming that Princess would probably never eat Jam again, then Princess replying she could totally go for some right now to the exact same question.) He's delusional in a way that you'd feel bad for him if he wasn't so over-the-top about it, and yet at the same time he does have skills that match up with his headcanon of how things work, just not the reputation.
Matcha: Seems like the person who'd play both sides for her amusement. I'd keep an eye on her.
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annonmaly · 3 years
Ok, It's Not Red. So What?
"Oh, It's Not Red" continuation
Welcome to the third part of my posts regarding Mochijun-sensei's official VnC artworks. This is just a continuation of the 2nd part (there will be no artworks to be discussed). I will just share some absurd ideas that I came up with after my realization (some may already be out there). If there's any chance that you stumbled to the prior post and decided to continue. I salute you brave warriors that assume I would mention anything that makes any sense. To those who have no time to read a post that only talked about Murr's eye color. Here's a summary: I realized Murr's right eye is not red.
Curious as to how did I come to this conclusion? Check it out here: Oh, It's Not Red (You may not read the first part as it isn't related to this. But if you want to, it's here: Regarding some of VnC Artwork this title is so uncreative)
As usual, a friendly reminder that best in writing is an award I never received. I'm not the person who could analyze, explain, or theorize things clearly. Please bear that in mind while reading. Photos are not mine, of course. Also, spoiler alert to be safe
Now that it's all said and done. Let's go ahead and talk about Murr.
By this time, we already know who is Murr. And I think we all agree that the cat is not just a cute mascot of the series. I bet that he would be a game-changer (yes, I'm putting Murr on a high pedestal). The question is: What do you think of Murr's role in the story?
After spending hours and hours of reading here and there, the common theories I found are:
1. Murr is Sensei (The Shapeless One)
Sensei is an observer. And where is the best place to observe? It's beside your subject of interest. Also, as his title suggests, he is shapeless, so maybe he could shapeshift into anything he wants. This sounds probable but, I do not lean on this much for two reasons.
Personal preference. If this is true, Sensei is weird, not terrifying. I mean, instead of doing scary and shady affairs during his free time, he decided to be a cat just to watch Noé.
Look at the image below closely.
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Did you found Murr? No? Take a closer look at Louis. At first, I thought he was just reading, but his book has a weird shape. Where did I see that again? Oh, right.
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Not yet satisfied? See this panel from the manga. This is after the first image's scene.
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(Grandpa obviously has his favorites)
I think the cat Louis' holding is Murr. Thus, there's a panel where Sensei and Murr are together. That's the second reason I'm skeptical about this theory, folks.
Well, we also don't know. Maybe grandpa killed the cat so he could disguise himself as one.
2. Murr is a spy camera of Grandpa De Sade
It's a simple one. The theory goes like this: Murr's right eye connects to Sensei in whatever way. This panel is what inspires this theory:
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(This cat really is suspicious, I bet he is one of the puppet masters of this arc along with Sensei)
This theory is what I'm more inclined to believe. I suppose the cat is working under/with Grandpa for their grand schemes. So, of course, he would report to Sensei the events that took place. Whether he is using his right eye or whatever means it is.
Going to my personal thoughts...
I guess that Murr was a kin of the vampire of the blue moon. He used the power too much, and thus he was rewritten from the inside. Alas, Murr became a cat! Why is he heterochromatic, tho?
Ok, kidding aside, there are two ideas I want to share.
1. Possibly Twins
Mochijun-sensei dropped the bomb in chapter 46. She gave us the idea that the theme of twins would be relevant in the story. Here is the page where Veronica mentioned the thing about twins:
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Then three chapters later when Misha forced Noé to drink his blood and reveal his memory. Mochijun-Sensei dropped another bomb.
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After seeing this, we speculated that Faustina and Luna are twins. I love that thought. Just imagine how complex the relationship it would be between the two. But if we think about it. What if this is just a misdirection? First, Mochijun-sensei makes us aware that the subject of twins is somewhat important. And while that information is still fresh in our memory, she dropped another bomb and told us that the blue vampire and the queen looked alike. Mochijun-sensei set this up so that we could connect the two easily.
All we know is that: Vampire twins are a symbol of bad luck, and Luna looks like Faustina. This is just me overthinking things, but what's life without competition. So, let's add three more names to the list that could be a set of twins.
Murr and Luna: Because why not? His left eye is blue. Also, Luna's left eye was never shown in the series. It's always hidden by her hair, maybe it's a different color.
Noé and Luna: Let's just say he is older than the series claimed him to be. Noé's memory started on the day that it snowed. I believe that Mochijun-sensei is keeping the timeline vague since it would reveal too much information. I mean, we don't know how long time passed from the day Noé was found by the old couple to the day Sensei brought him to the castle in the forest. Keep in mind that the vampire's growth differs for each person, as well.
Also, is the story the Noé and Sensei told trustworthy?
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(How kind are this kidnappers that the kid was not traumatized? Also what's with the injuries. I don't much about slave trading in VnC world. But, if you're going to sell something you don't want it to have visible damage right. Sorry if the comparison sounds offending)
As far as I could tell, Sensei is shady, like really. Noé's memory is also not reliable. After all, someone out there may have the ability to manipulate memories. What if Noé was was born ages ago and was induced to sleep for a long time for whatever reasons?
Going back to Noé and Luna. Mochijun-sensei is giving us subtle hints of his association with Luna. I only saw Luna from one chapter, but I could say they are somewhat similar aside from the hair and skin(?) color (I will make a list later if I still have of time on hand).
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(Child Noé and Luna both have similar haistyle, they have the "lid" as Mochijun-sensei called it. Their eyes are different tho')
Go on, read chapter 49, you'll see what I mean. Also, take note that at some panels (especially the ones where Noé is feeling extreme emotions), Noé's left eye was hidden by his hair or something. Who else out there that we don't see her left eye? Yup, the vampire of the blue moon (I have a weird feeling about Noe's left eye that I will share later) To conclude this, I think that Noé was not from this era. He is actually from the past and preserved in whatever way from whatever reason. And maybe he is actually the twin brother of Luna, seeing that they have a resemblance.
For now, I won't say that he's a reincarnation of Luna (I may change my mind later) as the timeline doesn't coincide. Besides, human Vani's reaction when Misha told him that there's a way to revive Luna is intense. Meaning he wants Luna to stay dead. I also believe that human Vani is hiding "something" he knows about Noé. So if Noé's a reincarnated Luna, there's no way human Vani would stay with him.
Murr and Noé
If you saw my previous post. I convinced myself that Murr's right eye's color is violet (the same shade as Noé's). That's why I decided to include them here. I have no definitive reasoning aside from their eye color and how Murr treated Noé in the series.
In the meantime, I'll write the scenario in my head. What if Murr and Noé are twins. Something happened when they were young, and so they were separated. Noé was somewhere we don't know yet, while Murr encountered Vampire Vanitas and Grandpa DeSade. Then the rest is history.
I swear I didn't expect it to be this long, at any rate, this would be to be continued here: Ok, It's Not Red. So What? (continuation)
Note: This is just a random theory, thoughts, assumptions, and/or head-canons. I wrote this to indulge my over-thinking self. Thank you for taking the time to read and understanding if I made any mistakes or post whatever it is you don’t agree on.
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