#//since they have been the longest running bucky for her.
awbarnes-no · 9 months
i i'm just here to say that when anya goes out, if bucky hasn't died of old age by then . . . he's likely gonna go out with her. those two won't leave one another behind.
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bedlamsbard · 6 months
Might I ask your opinions on Steve/Nat/Bucky as a throuple?
Not my thing because amongst other reasons I'm honestly just not that interested in Bucky -- I see the attraction and I know a lot of people who are very into him, but it's not a character type that does anything for me. I also feel like I've just been really overexposed to Bucky in fandom, both on his own and in various ship combinations, and am generally kind of burnt out on the character and ships thereof over the course of the last 13 years in and around MCU fandom. I don't have anything against the character on his own, I just basically see too much of him around. (As well as being here on the Tumblr/AO3 side of the fandom, I'm also in the pin-collecting and cosplay sides, and if you're anywhere around the Captain America and Black Widow segments of the fandom, there is just...a lot of Bucky. Which is understandable but kind of frustrating for me if I'm not there for that particular character.)
In general I also find that it's impossible to find any kind of BuckyNat (or combos thereof) that's MCU-based rather than comics-based, which means disregarding basically everything about Natasha's backstory and characterization from the MCU in order to transfer her comics backstory over to the MCU, which is a huge no-go for me these days. (This was a little more understandable back in 2012 when there just wasn't that much to go on, but it is 2024 now; in general I find most of the fic that stems from 2011-2016 to be near-unreadable for me these days which is actually incredibly frustrating, since until I started writing in it the MCU was my longest-running reading fandom even when I wasn't actually in the fandom. There are fics -- of various ships -- that I have been reading for ten plus years that I can't read anymore.) I realize I got seriously into the fandom after the Black Widow movie came out, but even before that you couldn't really transfer her comics backstory over to the MCU, with or without the Bucky relationship. I've also found, reading the ship on and off over the course of the past thirteen years (like I said, I've been here for a while), that very few authors are actually interested in the SteveNat of that particular threesome and it tends to slant towards being a combination of BuckyNat and SteveBucky rather than a true OT3. And I'm a SteveNat truther, so... *hands*
The short version of all that is that it doesn't do it for me, but I get why people like it.
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starksvinyls · 8 months
Title: Family Ties Rating: Gen Pairing: Bucky Barnes/Tony Stark Tags/Warnings: Post Avengers IW, Tony is Peter's Bio Dad, Toddler Peter Parker, Family Fluff, Introspection Summary: Bucky gets lost in his thoughts about how he got here - with a loving partner and his adorable son. Notes: for @buckybarnesbingo square U2 'family' маленький мальчик means "little boy"
AO3 Link
Little feet slapped against the floor, getting louder as they traveled down the hall. Bucky grinned as a naked Peter came running around the corner, giggling. He hurried over from the kitchen and stepped in front of the boy, scooping him up. 
“And where do ya think you’re goin’?” 
Peter just giggled and tried to squirm out of Bucky’s hold. He gripped the boy a little tighter, so he wouldn’t get away, not caring that the front of his shirt was getting damp. He laughed when Tony came around the corner, holding a towel. He looked a little harried, and the front of his shirt was soaked - ah, bath time. Tony stepped over, towel out and ready, and snatched his son from Bucky’s arms, capturing him in the towel like an unruly puppy. Peter giggled the whole time. 
“Daddy! No clothes!” The little boy squealed, still trying to squirm away.
“Petey,” Tony huffed, readjusting his hold on the wriggly boy. “You have to put on pjs for bed time, that’s the rule.” 
Peter finally got one hand free from the towel and pointed a mock-scolding finger towards his father’s face. “No clothes.” 
Bucky held back a snort, it was such a Tony mannerism. Peter had been doing more and more of them lately, much to Tony’s chagrin. It was only a matter of time before they had a little echo cursing around the penthouse. 
“Say good night to Buck,” Tony took a step closer, bouncing Peter up and down a couple times to indicate he was talking to the boy. 
“Night Bucky!” Peter chirped, a wide smile on his face. 
‎Bucky leaned in and pecked the boy’s pudgy little cheek. “G’night, маленький мальчик.” 
Once the duo had disappeared back down the hall, Bucky wandered over to the living room and plopped down on the overstuffed couch, sprawling his legs out. It had been nearly a year since he was pardoned and allowed back into the States, and nearly as long since he’s lived in the tower, and there were still moments that had Bucky pausing because how was this his life now? How was he lucky enough to have a partner and an almost-step-son, who he loved so dearly, and who he knew loved him? People didn’t just stumble upon a perfect ready made family.    
Back before the war, Bucky had dreamed about finding a nice gal and settling down. They’d have some kids, who would call Steve ‘Uncle’, and Bucky would grow old with her after all their kids were gone, in the same little brownstone in Brooklyn that they bought together shortly after getting married. 
During the war, that dream kept him going; got him through the long cold nights of a European winter; got him through being captured and experimented on; got him through following Steve into the most terrifying situations. That dream wasn’t enough to get him through 70 years of Hydra, though. 
In Wakanda, Bucky spent a lot of time trying to figure out what it was he wanted now from life. He spent time tending to the goats and playing with the children of the village he was staying in, watching and learning to cook; spent time learning how to operate with just one arm. Through all of that, Bucky came to realize he just wanted some peace and quite now. He wanted a simple life, maybe some land somewhere in the Midwest, some goats and chickens. No one around to bother him, and no one around for him to bother. 
Once Thanos had been defeated, clean up underway, and major housecleaning throughout the US government and the UN, Bucky was given a pardon to return to the US. He was given a medal for his service, another one for being the longest POW in history, and several other letters and certificates of commendation. Apparently, the military was also giving him back pay. The money didn’t much matter to Bucky, he had always been resourceful and able to survive on his own, but that would make buying his farm much easier. So, he smiled and said “thank you” and shook the right hands before slumping off to his government issued studio apartment in the Bronx. 
It had been plain, sparsely furnished, and no decor. It was depressing, Bucky would admit. He went to his job at a mechanic shop - something he had just to keep busy - during the day, and in the evenings, he would heat up a couple of TV dinners and scour the listings for small farms in the Midwest. Rinse and repeat. 
It was a couple months of that before Shuri contacted him to let him know she wouldn’t be able to come out to do the scheduled maintenance on his arm, but she arranged for Stark to do it. Bucky didn’t have anything against Stark, it wasn’t like he didn’t deserve to have his arm blown off, but he thought for sure that the man would never want anything to do with Bucky again. So, he was a little shocked when Shuri told him that the meeting was scheduled to take place at Stark Tower, in Tony Stark’s lab. 
If Shuri had been able to make it that week…
“Watcha thinking about?” Tony flopped down next to the super soldier, pulling Bucky from his thoughts, as he curled into his side. He was wearing a new, dry t-shirt. 
“My life before you,” He answered honestly. “And what my plans had been.” 
“That farm still calling your name?” Tony teased. 
Bucky shook his head. “No,” He looked down at his partner, who was smiling wide back up at him. He smiled, too. “I like the life I have right here, with my family.” 
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lizzie-is-here · 2 years
Can I request a Christmas Peter parkerX female reader with prompt 44
christmas event!
character: peter parker x fem! reader
prompt: “keep doing that, and you’ll end up on the naughty list”
warnings: cussing, bucky threatening sam, uh a little spicy 😳, it’s just making out but like 😳😳😳
a/n: akskkddk yesssss this is such a cute idea i love it sm 🥺 thank u for requesting it 🫶 if anyone wants to request, see the event rules here! hope u all enjoy and happy holidays!!!
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Being in a relationship with Peter was everything you could want.
He was polite but not uptight, kind but not one of those “nice guys”. He got you flowers every week or so, accompanied by a sweet, handwritten letter. He helped you study, opened doors, and blushed every time you gave him even the most chaste of kisses in the hallway.
You and him started dating sophomore year, and now that you were seniors, you’d cemented yourselves as the longest-lasting couple at Midtown Tech.
This is your third Christmas together, and the last one you’ll have in high school. You’re pondering all this as you walk to his apartment, shivering every now and then in the Manhattan cold.
It’s been a little over a week since you last saw him. The beginning of break was hectic, and then he had a training camp up at the Avengers’ Compound.
Today is his first day back, and you’re more than willing to brave the cold walk.
When you finally make it up the endless stairs and knock on the door, you’re greeted by May. She’s opened the door with her foot, evidently, In each hand is a tray of cookies, and the warm smells of baking waft around you.
“Oh, hey, (Y/N).” She smiles, welcoming you in. “How’ve you been?”
“Pretty good, just glad that finals are over and done with. You?”
May gestures to the kitchen. It’s messy in the best way. Plates of baked goods are scattered around, and flour dusts the counter in odd spots. “Been busy.” She nods back further into the apartment with a wink. “Peter’s in his room.”
He doesn’t hear you come in, to your surprise. His Bluetooth speaker is blasting Christmas music so loud it might be damaging his phone, and he’s awkwardly shuffling around the room in what could be a dance. You’re not sure.
You watch for a bit, grinning as your boyfriend obliviously mouths along to Mariah Carey’s whistle tones.
“Hey, babe,” you finally say. Peter jumps and trips over himself a bit before catching his balance. He turns down his music before opening his arms wide for you.
You oblige the invitation for a hug, burying your face in his shoulder. The smell of vanilla lingers on his sweatshirt, and… is that peppermint?
“I thought you hated peppermint,” you mumble into his neck. “It’s like, a spider thing, right?”
Peter shrugs. “Yeah, but May needed help with crushing the candy canes. I couldn’t leave her hanging.”
“Aww,” you coo. “You’re so sweet.”
He hums and his grin widens a bit. “Speaking of sweet things-” He gently pulls you in for a kiss, and you can taste the remnants of cookies. No doubt May made him her personal taste-tester for the day.
Peter breaks the kiss for air. “So-”
Before he can say anything else, you tug him back in, backing up a bit to gently kick the door shut. The music from the kitchen is loud, but you’ll take the precaution. He chuckles into your mouth.
“I’m guessing you missed me?” he asks. You swat at his shoulder before pressing your lips to his jaw, tracing the defined line.
“Of course, I did, dumbass,” you whisper, trailing more kisses down his neck. “‘M gonna have to start taking up Tony’s offer to come with you for training camps.”
Your boyfriend exhales through his nose, trying to ignore the fact that your very cold hands are toying with the edge of his sweatshirt.
“Y’know, it’s not fair that you can call him Tony. I can’t manage to call him anything but ‘Mr. Stark’,” he grumbles. Despite his pouting, his own hands start running up and down your back.
His hands are a warm welcome from the chill still clinging to you. But you still shiver when his fingers graze over your ribs.
Whining, you furrow further into his arms as if it’ll make you less cold. Or less flustered.
Peter continues, kissing the top of your head innocently as he starts to lift your top.
“Keep doing that, and you’ll end up on the naughty list,” you chuckle breathlessly. He laughs back.
“Was that supposed to be snarky or hot?” he asks. You shrug.
“Whichever you prefer.”
The two of you stare directly at each other for about 12 seconds before breaking out into laughter. He kisses you again before tripping on his backpack and sending you both tumbling onto his bed.
You lay in silence for a bit, enjoying the closeness and the way the snow flurries outside the window.
Then Peter starts kissing along your neck. You’re just about to yank his shirt off right then and there when the door bursts open.
“Hey, Underoos.The team’s all here and- HOLY SHIT.”
It’s Tony fucking Stark himself, dressed in the fugliest Christmas sweater you’ve ever seen.
It’s clearly from Walmart, evidenced by the tag still attached. A jagged hole is cut in the center to make the arc reactor in his chest the star atop the offending, bright-green tree.
You fling Peter off so quickly he flies off the bed, yanking down your shirt from where it rode up.
“Uh, hi, Mr. Stark,” Peter greets sheepishly. Before the billionaire can respond, more people appear.
“How’s the kid-“ Sam Wilson begins, and when he freezes in the doorway at the scene before him, is knocked over by a certain super-soldier that didn’t see him stop.
Sam catches himself before eating shit on the hard floor, elbowing Bucky with a smirk.
“Hey, how does it feel knowing that a teenage nerd has more game than you?” he asks.
“I’m going to kill you with a Christmas ornament.”
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Hidden Sparks (Kate Bishop x Reader)
Summary: Kate has had enough.
Words: 1347
Warnings: Language, the team being kinda judgy.
A/N: First story for Kate. We’ll see how I feel about her after this.
Taglist: @natasharomanoffswife​ @natasha-danvers​ @aaron-despair​ @username23345 @xjiasx​ @nowthisisliving27 @higherfurther-romanova​ @summergeezburr @imnotasuperhero @miscmarvelwritings @captain-josslett @onlyafewfindtheway @hayleyokami @b-5by5  @evilcr0ne​  @everything201197​  @lostandsearching​ @marvels-writings​​
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Becoming an apprentice with the Avengers – with the Hawkeye – had been Kate’s dream for longer than she was willing to acknowledge
(Because, you know, she wasn’t a creep, they were just all so super impressive and to train with the man himself? It wouldn’t look good to tell him she often dreamed about him. Not in a weird way! But getting to learn from him and everyone else. Not that he wasn’t handsome! But he wasn’t her type. And…wow, she even rambled in her brain. That’s sad.)
“Yes, you do,” Wanda joked as she passed her a plate of food, bringing Kate back into the present. “Quite loudly, in fact.”
Kate’s face went hot, staring at the delicious meal and wishing it would swallow her whole or become a portal to another planet. Whichever was the fastest option to wipe away her embarrassment.
“Be glad (Y/N) cannot read minds or your little secret would be out already.” Wanda’s tone remained teasing but the affectionate undercurrent was obvious as she chuckled at Kate’s pained groan, her powers sliding the plate away seconds before the younger woman’s head hit the counter with an audible thump.
“How long have you known?” Kate’s question was muffled but Wanda heard it clear as day.
“Since your first day at the Compound. Clint was showing you around. She exploded the punching bag in the training room and -”
“Oh god, please stop.” Kate could easily remember what thought had crossed her mind at the overly attractive display. She didn’t need the pretty, sweet witch repeating her thoughts. Especially out loud.
Wanda smirked. What Kate didn’t know was that your little display of power had been a complete accident. You’d been distracted by her appearance and lost control for a split second, sending your heated fist through the material like it was nothing.
It was also the reason you were under orders to stay away from the new apprentice. The amount of distrust directed at you by most of the team was disheartening. Wanda had once been in your shoes and she hated how little you were given still.
“Don’t give up on her,” Wanda advised after a moment of silence, voice softening noticeably.
“She hates me,” Kate whined. “I’ve been training with everyone for months except her. The longest conversation we’ve ever had was her asking if I was going up or down in the elevator, pressing the button, and then leaving to take the stairs. Like, who does that? We were going to the same floor!”
Wanda sighed heavily and Kate’s head rose, brow arching as she scrutinized the youngest Avenger.
“What was that? What do you know?” Kate inquired deliberately, gaze narrowing into a pointed stare. If there was something she didn’t know, she deserved to be in on the secret. Especially if it involved her.
Glancing away, the Sokovian chewed her lip as she considered her options. Telling Kate could be disastrous but she hated how badly the team treated you, isolating you despite the expectation that you were supposed to have their backs if something were to happen. The only person who truly spent any time with you was Bucky, which only served to garner more scrutiny from the others – aside from herself and Steve.
“Seriously, Wanda, do you know why she runs away from me like I have the bubonic plague or something? Did I do something? Or offend her? Because I know I talk a lot and I don’t always think before I speak but I never meant to upset her,” Kate babbled, her hands flailing as she grew more animated and concerned. “If you know, then maybe I can apologize for it…”
A calming hand wrapped around Kate’s wrist and Wanda squeezed reassuringly. “It wasn’t you, Kate.”
Freezing, the younger woman peered up in confusion at the redhead. “Then why?”
“Clint told her to stay away from you. Both he and Natasha threatened to speak with Fury about kicking her from the program if she dared to venture too close to you. The others either backed the threat or kept quiet, so now she –”
“What?!” Kate trembled with fury at the thought of you so lonely and defeated, staying away from her to keep your place among the Avengers. “Are you serious? And no one stopped this? Even you?”
Bowing her head shamefully, Wanda released her quaking wrist and clasped her hands together, fingers caressing her thumb ring. “I was in her shoes not too long ago. If it wasn’t for Vision, they would probably still look at me the same. I tried asking Vis to help her but he said she was too dangerous. I try but there isn’t much I can do. Her friendship with Bucky has only made her seem less than favorable in their eyes, but they have an understanding.”
Shoving up from the table, Kate’s body vibrated with unbridled anger as it washed over her in never-ending waves. She wanted to be furious with the chagrined witch but she couldn’t blame her for the position she’d been forced into.
She could blame everyone else though.
It didn’t take much to find Clint sparring on the mats with Natasha, briefly spotting you tucked in the corner of the room with the fireproofed punching bag Banner had crafted. It was apparent you’d seen her but you couldn’t escape without passing her, which kept you essentially trapped for the impending show.
“Morning, Bishop,” Natasha greeted, her smile fading at the stern expression the younger woman wore, reminding her vaguely of Yelena. “What’s wrong?”
“You two have some nerve,” Kate snarled, glancing between the former assassins expectantly. “I will have you both know that I am not a child and you have no right to threaten someone away from me! Yes, I’m younger and you seem to think I’m a naïve kid but you never should’ve endangered (Y/N)’s place on this team. She’s saved both of your asses so many times – and that’s just what I’ve seen! That’s really shitty and honestly, I had expected better from you.”
Clint’s cheeks went red while Natasha glanced away, unaccustomed to such passionate dressing-downs from someone other than Fury.
“I had to find out from someone else why she hides from me! I thought it was something I had done, but no. It was you. All of you. You trust her to keep you alive, so maybe you should trust her to be a part of this team! God!” she shouted, shaking her head in absolute disgust. “The next person I’m scheduled to train with better be (Y/N) or so help me, you’ll really find out how good my shot is now.”
Nodding his head meekly, Kate could see the silent apology shining in his eyes – the same look he often offered his children when he broke another promise – but she wasn’t the person he should be apologizing to and they both knew it.
Stomping over to you, still tucked awkwardly in the corner, Kate stopped inches from you. Arms crossed and a fire in her eye, you stared fearfully at her, awaiting her wrath.
“And you! You should’ve told me about all of this nonsense.” Her features softened slightly, gaze tracing the quiver of your lips and the worry glistening in your eyes. “You’re going to make this up to me. Starting with a date to that fancy ice cream shop a few blocks away. Understood?”
You nodded dumbly. “R-right now?”
Her silence was deafening as she playfully considered her answer. “Yes. Right now. Go shower and I’ll see you in the living room in an hour. Deal?”
“Uh huh,” you mumbled, wiping away the sweat lingering at your brow. “I’ll uh… go do that.”
Scrambling out of the room, you refused to look at the assassins as you stalked past. You couldn’t bear to see the judgment in their eyes anymore, knowing they’d probably kill you if the situation was different. But you also couldn’t stop grinning, a little bounce added to your steps as you realized something spectacular.
You had a date.
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cthulhu-calling · 2 years
Illusions of Love I
Bucky Barnes x Natasha Romanoff x f!Reader
Summary : You’re interning for the brilliant Natasha Romanoff, world renowned Egyptologist and art historian and the woman you’ve had a crush on for the longest time. The only problem is, she’s married. And what’s even worse? Her husband is the most attractive man you’ve ever met.
Warnings : fluff, smut, angst, threesomes, LDR, inaccurate information about Egypt (sorry)
Author's Note : This is a NatxBuckyxf!Reader story. Whatever I've written about Egypt and ancient Egypt is made up and I cannot vouch for it's validity. Please feel free to correct me if I am wrong. I've tried to be as respectful as possible and I apologize if the content offends anyone.
I always imagine reader as a woc but try not to use many descriptive words so my fics can be read by anyone. This work is not beta'd and any and all mistakes are my own. Comments and feedback is always appreciated.
Word Count : 1603
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Sweat was running in rivulets down your spine, the sweltering heat of the sun beating down on you as you ran towards Dr. Romanoff’s tent, a pack of archeological brushes in one of your hands and the other shielding your face from the harsh sun.
You had been interning for her for almost six months now. For the past two months of your internship, you had been helping Dr. Romanoff out here in Egypt, just west of Alexandria. They believed they were a step closer to locating the elusive tomb of the enigma that was Cleopatra and her lover, Antony.
Seeing that Dr. Romanoff was one amongst the most brilliant minds of the century and largely considered the greatest Egyptologist since Carter himself, it was no surprise she had been involved in the aforementioned archeological dig.
You’d been in Alexandria for almost two months now and Dr. Romanoff’s husband, Mr. Barnes was coming to visit having planned to stay for a week. That’s why you were in such a rush today to finish as much work as possible so she could go to receive him at the airport. She had invited you out to dinner with them but honestly, you knew she was just being polite. They were meeting after months and they probably wanted their time alone. Plus, you didn’t need more of a reminder of just how single you were.
Opening the flap of her tent, you rush in and hand her the brushes as she asks for particular ones.
While she continues to brush and clean an artefact found in a smaller tomb, you observe her. Brows furrowed in concentration, lower lip gently tucked between her teeth and hand movements precise. Her wavy hair held back by an embellished claw clip in a tight low bun at the nape of her neck, a few errant strands framing her face gracefully.
Droplets of sweat line her brow and flow down the side of her throat but she pays them no mind, soldiering on with her work.
“You don’t have to continue standing there Y/n, take a little nap if you so wish.”
Ah, busted.
“Uh- I’m sorry. I’ll leave you alone,” you apologise and walk out into the blazing sun. You couldn’t wait for the cold embrace of the night, a much needed reprieve from this sultry heat.
Walking to the little basin in the shade, you splash some of the water on your face, pretty much exhausting whatever is left. Shrugging off your loose fitting cotton shirt, you cover your head and face with it, your stupid little hat had blown away earlier in the day.
The drying water gradually cools your face as you sit in the shade, against the side of the tent. The bandana around your neck was completely drenched with sweat but provided a cooling effect so you opted not to remove it, no matter how much it stank of sand and perspiration.
Before you realise it, you’re dozing off, mouth agape and head thrown back. Attractive. You don’t even hear Natasha call for you. A little frustrated and also a little worried, she walks out, looking for you. She hopes you’re not passed out from dehydration or a scorpion sting.
She finds you dozing off without a care in the world. The sight brings a smile to her face as she moves closer to you bending down and tugging at the helix of your ear which causes you to jolt awake.
“I wasn’t sleeping!”
“No need to make excuses dear, I quite understand. Anyway, I need to ask a favour of you. Dr. Nasser will be heading down here in a while,” you nod your head in understanding,“and I won’t be able to go pick Bucky up. Could you please meet him at the airport instead?” She pleads and you shrug your shoulders in assent.
A smile is quick to take over her face and she pats your head affectionately.
“Off you go.”
Rolling your eyes, you wave bye and walk off without a word. She usually did most of the talking, naturally. She was the professor after all, not you. As you stalked off to change into clothes that didn’t reek of sweat and to put on some deodorant, you wonder what Mr. Barnes is like. You hope he’s nice and not a sad old git.
You change out of your stinky tank top in favour of a baby blue linen shirt, opting to stay in the same cargo pants. You’d have to get a new hat as well. You really should have packed better but for now, the baseball cap you’d borrowed from your brother (he’d argue that you stole it) would have to suffice.
Mr. Stark, the man funding the dig, had hired a car for Natasha specifically, her being the chief Egyptologist. Of course, you used the car just as much as her and had developed a rapport with the driver, Mr. Hassan. He was a loud man in his late 50’s, short and balding with an infectious laugh, his English polished to perfection with the amount of tourists he interacted with on a daily basis. What surprised you to quite an extent though, was the degree of fluency in French. The talkative man could make friends with anyone by virtue of which, he had the best stories. As you drove to the airport, he was telling you the funniest story about a German tourist who had somehow found himself having unwittingly purchased a herd of camels.
Mr. Hassan drops you off at arrivals as he goes off to park his car. You wait with a sign in hand. You’d hastily made one with a random piece of paper and a ballpoint, scribbling his name and phone number onto it. You hoped it was legible but if it wasn’t, there wasn’t much you could do. You tried to make the letters more pronounced by over writing on them but it just made an even bigger mess. You’re just surprised the paper hadn’t torn yet. After about half an hour of waiting, you watch a man walking in your direction, squinting at the sign in your hands. You were taken aback, no doubt. The tall, dark haired man was in his late thirties or early forties, his physique more suited to that of a model rather than an investment banker. His white shirt is well fitted and you can see the well defined muscles of his arms when he fixes his laptop bag on his shoulder.
“Mr. Barnes?” you question as he approaches you.
“In the flesh. You’re Miss Y/l/n, I presume?” he asks, holding out his hand which you shake. It’s a firm grip, something you hadn’t really appreciated about someone before.
“Yes, but please call me Y/n,” you say awkwardly.
“Great, then I must insist on you calling me James,” he says with a blinding smile thrown your way. You agree sheepishly, still struck by how attractive the man is.
“I’ll just give a call to Mr. Hassan, the dig site is pretty far from here,” you pull your phone out, calling Mr. Hassan. You make idle chit chat while you wait and you find out that it’s actually their anniversary this weekend, which is the reason why James is visiting. They’ve been married five years.
“What about you?” he asks and you know it’s a natural progression as questions go but how do you tell a man that it’s his wife you’re crushing so hard on? Luckily, Mr. Hassan pulls up at just the right moment, providing you with the distraction you need. He places James’ suitcase in the back as the two of you get in. There’s no room for any other ‘incriminating’ questions as Mr. Hassan manages to engage Mr. Barnes in a discussion about something that you simply cannot be arsed to recall. With the temperature cooling down, you doze off for a little while, only waking up just as you reach the site. Dr. Romanoff is waiting for you, well, for James.
As you grab his suitcase from the trunk, you avoid looking at the embracing couple. Once they pull away, with James’ arm still around her waist, you ask if you should leave the suitcase in Dr. Natasha’s tent.
“Absolutely not, I can do it myself. As long as you point the tent out to me,” he says, taking the suitcase from you.
“Yes, that should give you time to get ready. Dr. Nasser has invited all of us to dinner at his house,” Natasha declares.
“Oh,” you say, tugging on the strap of your messenger bag. The idea of dinner with them makes you uncomfortable despite the prospect of Mrs. Nasser’s amazing cooking. The first time you had dinner at Dr. Nasser’s home, you were enlightened. The mediterranean and middle eastern influences were apparent in the traditional feast she’d cooked. Not only that, the woman was the best company (as opposed to her husband, short spoken and ill tempered). The thought of having to sit through dinner with the beautiful couple makes you queasy.
“Do you already have plans Y/n? If so, cancel them. You’re coming,” she says in her classic stern tone that you haven’t been on the receiving end of in a long time.
“Yes ma’am,” you say, offering her a salute. Bucky laughs as Natasha rolls her eyes at you. You didn’t have any plans but seeing her act like she has a right over you, it does something to you. You don’t know how you’re going to handle six more weeks of this.
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beefromanoff · 1 year
Going Under Ch. 21
summary: a whole 21 chapters in…they finally go on a first official date. it’s only fitting that this is the longest chapter yet. enjoy 🖤
characters: Bucky Barnes x OC
soundtrack: i can see you - Taylor Swift
warnings: fluff, pop star fantasy x love story, set in an AU where the Avengers reunite after Civil War, pre-infinity war, slight angst, hurt/comfort, lonely reader/OC.
author’s note: longest chapter yet WOOOOO! i know it ends on somewhat of a cliffhanger, but next chapter will have some flashbacks and fill in gaps. thanks for reading, xo!
chapter list
The sun was barely beginning to peek over the horizon, but Gianna was already out at the lake. She couldn’t sleep. All night, she’d tossed and turned and played the previous night over and over in her head. Finally, around 4:00am, she just got up. Luckily, the shift change for the night crew was around 4:30, so the grounds weren’t completely empty. She still felt a little spooked from time to time, and wandering around alone in the middle of the night didn’t do much for her nerves. 
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She scrawled lines in her notebook, having written almost a whole song in the time since she’d been up. Looking over what she’d written, she sang softly to herself. 
And we kept everything professional
But something's changed, it's somethin' I, I like
They keep watchful eyes on us
So it's best that we move fast and keep quiet
You won't believe half the things I see inside my head
Wait 'til you see half the things that haven't happened yet
But what would you do if I went to touch you now?
What would you do if they never found us out?
What would you do if we never made a sound?
'Cause I can see you waitin' down the hall from me
And I could see you up against the wall with me
And what would you do, baby, if you only knew?
“Let me guess…it’s about Sam.” 
Gianna jumped as Steve’s voice interrupted the quiet morning. She turned to see him walking down the dock towards her, grinning. 
“It’s about Natasha, actually.” She rubbed her forehead, heart pounding. “You scared me.” 
“Sorry, I don’t mean to interrupt. I was just finishing up running. I can leave you to it.” He smiled sheepishly.
“No, no, this was good. I usually don’t have heart palpitations until my third cup of coffee, so you’re saving me time.” She stood to her feet as he chuckled. “Speaking of which, cup number two is calling my name.”
“I’ll walk with you. Long night?” Steve always found the balance between teasing and being kind, which Gianna appreciated. 
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“Couldn’t sleep.” 
“Something tells me you weren’t the only one.” 
Gianna glanced up at him, eyebrow raised. 
“Bucky passed me an hour and a half ago, he was finishing up right when I got started. Which isn’t exactly late in the day. I’m guessing he’s in the training room now.” 
“Is that a good sign?” 
“Let’s just say he hasn’t been on a first date in…a while. He’s just nervous.”
“He has nothing to be nervous about, we spend every single day together. Literally. Every day for the past four months, with the slight exception of me being unconscious in the hospital, we’ve been together.” 
“He was there, too. In the hospital.” Steve smiled. “He left before you woke up. But he was there.” 
Gianna frowned. “See? I don’t want him to feel stressed, I feel bad, this shouldn’t be something upsetting.” 
“No, trust me, he’s not upset.” Steve laughed, waving her concerns off. “He just gets in his head. For a guy who doesn’t get too enthused about much, he actually cares quite a bit about doing things right. It’s endearing, once you get past the grouchy exterior.” 
“If you say so,” she smiled. “The last thing a semi-stable one hundred year old man needs is added stress.” 
“Hey, watch it. Age is just a number.” 
“Now you sound like Tony.”
“Don’t insult me.” 
For the rest of the morning, Gianna followed her normal routine. Get coffee, make herself slightly (only slightly) more presentable, chat with whoever happened to be in the common area (today, it was Sam), and then head down to watch Bucky train. With their evening plans hanging in the air, she felt a strange flurry of nerves in her stomach as she walked down the trail to the training building. 
Since it was a Friday, they’d be going over weapons out on the range. After a week of getting their asses handed to them in combat training, Steve and Bucky liked to end the week on a more positive note. Rounding the corner to the shooting range behind the building, Gianna spotted the duo standing near a rack of weaponry. The recruits weren’t set to begin for another ten minutes. 
“Good morning, Buck! Good morning, again, Steve!” Her voice was cheery as she greeted the super soldiers. 
“Good morning, again.” Steve smiled, stepping off to the side. 
“Morning, sunshine.” Bucky’s smile had a hint of orneriness to it. “You look cheerful this morning.” 
“I have a hot date tonight.” She winked. 
“Oof,” Bucky put a metal hand over his chest. “Don’t make me jealous.” 
“Don’t be too upset, I’m just planning on using him for his body.” Gianna kept a straight face as she shrugged. 
“Ah, I see.” He grinned. “Something tells me he won’t mind.”
The activity around them picked up as the group of SHIELD agents began to file around the corner. Gianna stepped back and began to walk towards a shady tree a few yards behind them, the perfect place to watch without being in the way. 
“Oh, Gianna,” Bucky called after her. “Be ready at 7.”
She did a mock salute as she slunk down at the base of the tree. Suddenly, her mind filled with questions about the logistics of the evening. Where the hell would they go? What should she wear? Was she even allowed to leave the compound? She whipped out her phone.
Gianna: WANDA. SOS. 
Wanda: ???? what’s wrong?
Gianna: Bucky asked me to dinner. TONIGHT. 
Wanda: omg - it’s about time! i still need deets about last night!
Gianna: deal, but I need help! I don’t have any clothes here that aren’t sweats! I don’t even know what he’s planning! 
Wanda: meet me at my room in an hour. 
Gianna: my hero!
Looking up, Gianna went back to observing the class. The gentle fall breeze provided a welcome calm in contrast to the butterflies in her stomach. She sat, hazelnut latte in hand, and focused her attention solely on the training area, not all her questions about the evening. She admired how effortlessly Steve and Bucky moved as they demonstrated each technique, their years of experience evident in every precise movement. Seeing Bucky at work, channeling years of horrific experiences into something good, it couldn’t be beat. 
Especially since his training attire was more on the snug side.
As she watched, Gianna couldn't help but marvel at Bucky's rugged charm. His dark hair was tousled from the wind, his large frame commanding even in a group of elite agents. His focus was unwavering as he instructed the recruits, his voice calm and authoritative. Ever so patient, he took a pistol from one of the recruits and demonstrated proper hand positioning before handing it back. She smiled to herself. 
I am a huge Bucky Barnes fan. 
However, Gianna's admiration was interrupted when her gaze landed on a dark-haired female agent among the recruits. The agent seemed to be going out of her way to catch Bucky's attention, a subtle flirtatiousness in her actions as she showcased her skills with the weapons. Every time she’d hit a target, her eyes flicked back to see if he was watching. Gianna couldn't deny the twinge of jealousy that washed over her. Narrowing her eyes, she tried to see if she recognized the girl. 
She was taller than Gianna, which wasn’t saying a ton, and had a long, lean stature. Gianna made a mental note to ask Nat who she was. 
Bucky, to his credit, remained focused on the task at hand, offering equal attention to all the recruits. He provided constructive feedback and demonstrated techniques, his professionalism unwavering. But even he couldn't help but notice when the female agent made a particularly daring move, doing a front somersault into a defensive position, firing the gun straight into the center of the target. 
When she inevitably glanced towards him, he gave her a nod of approval. Not exactly a warm and fuzzy reaction, but it made Gianna’s stomach turn just the same. 
As the training session continued, she shifted her focus back to the demonstration as a whole. She watched as Bucky effortlessly disarmed one of the recruits, his movements fluid and precise. There was a deep sense of respect and admiration in the way the trainees looked at him. 
Except for this bitch. I know that look. She’s undressing him with her eyes. Gianna recognized it because it wasn’t exactly unfamiliar for her. She set her jaw, reminding herself who he had the date with that evening. Pulling out her phone, she sent Wanda another text. 
Gianna: def gonna need something sexy. 
As the training session came to a close, most of the new recruits filed off to the side, discussing their progress and exchanging stories. The brunette agent, however, hung back, her gaze fixed on Bucky, determination etched across her features.
He was gathering his training materials, unaware of the lingering presence nearby. He tucked his hair behind his ear, oblivious to the brunette's intent. She took a step closer, her smile just a touch too friendly as she spoke, 
"Sergeant Barnes, that was an incredible session. You really know your stuff, not that anyone’s surprised. I’d love to get some follow up instruction sometime, maybe after class next week? I have a few techniques I’m having trouble perfecting."
Before Bucky could respond, Gianna decided it was time to make her presence known. With a confident stride, she approached the pair, fueled by the little ball of envy in her stomach. She stopped right in front of Bucky, a warm smile gracing her lips as she tilted her head to look up at him, her back to the brunette as if she didn’t exist.
"Bucky," Gianna purred, "I can't wait for tonight."
She stood on tiptoe, her lips finding Bucky's in a sweet, lingering kiss. Her hand wrapped around the back of his head, feeling his soft hair in her fingers. Bucky was taken by surprise, but as their lips met, he felt a rush of warmth that left him momentarily breathless. He smiled into their kiss. 
The brunette agent, however, was far from pleased. Her eyes widened in shock, and she took a step back, clearly annoyed that her moment had been so abruptly interrupted. She cleared her throat and shot Gianna a rather icy glare.
Pulling back, Gianna turned to the agent as if seeing her for the first time. “Oh, I’m so rude! Hi, I’m Gianna.” She held her hand out to the agent who reluctantly shook it. 
“Agent Allison.” 
“Nice to meet you.” She gave her most innocent, America’s Sweetheart smile before turning back. 
Bucky, still somewhat dazed by the unexpected kiss, managed to find his voice. "Tonight. I can’t wait.” He had that adorable half-grin she adored. 
Gianna's smile widened. "Great! See you later, Buck.” Turning, she let her hips swing just a little more than usual when she walked away. Fully aware of both sets of eyes on her, she smiled to herself. I got a little territorial, so what?
As she walked away, Bucky barely glanced back at Agent Allison, who was still standing there, fuming and forgotten. “Yeah, uh, good work. See you next week.” 
He walked back toward the training building, catching Steve’s eye. He raised his eyebrows and shrugged as Steve chuckled. 
“I think Gianna just marked her territory.” He clapped a hand on Bucky’s back.
“I guess so.” Bucky shook his head, still grinning.
Gianna sat cross-legged on Wanda's bed, surrounded by a sea of outfits that had been meticulously pulled from her wardrobe. Clothes were strewn across the bed and even scattered on the floor, creating a colorful and slightly chaotic scene. 7pm was rapidly approaching, and she hadn’t even brushed her hair yet.
Wanda, perched on the edge of a chair, regarded Gianna with a knowing smile. “I don’t want to brag, but I’m kind of a fashion connoisseur. Just about anything in here would knock Bucky off his feet, especially with you in it."
“Ugh, thank you so much, seriously. I haven’t even had to think what to wear since I got here, it’s basically just sweatsuit city. I didn’t think I’d need date attire.”
Wanda raised an eyebrow. “Really? You didn’t think this would happen?” 
“I don’t know…I guess I hoped it would. I just, I didn’t know how he felt. We worked together, then I kissed him at the party, then everything went to shit, and now I’m here.” 
“Well,” Wanda stood to her feet, pulling three outfit options from the bed. “I’m glad you’re here. Until we can have an official shopping spree in the city, what’s mine is yours. Try these.” She thrust the clothes into Gianna’s arms. 
Gianna nodded as she examined the options. She wanted something that would look pretty, sweet, but also sexy. Especially after the encounter with the brunette agent who had been eyeing Bucky a little too closely.
As she slipped on the first dress, Gianna couldn't help but vent her frustrations to Wanda. "You won't believe what happened earlier during the training session. Agent Allison, the brunette one, she was practically throwing herself at Bucky. I mean, I could practically see the hearts in her eyes!"
Wanda smirked, a hint of amusement in her expression. "Really? What did you do?"
"Well…I kissed Bucky, told him how excited I am for our date tonight, and then shook her hand.”
“Damn, subtle. You're not one to hold back, are you?"
Gianna grinned. "Nope. Not when it comes to something I want."
Wanda giggled. "I can see why. But remember, Gianna, you don't need to compete for his attention. Bucky cares about you, and he's chosen to be with you. Girls have been fawning over Mr. Dark and Mysterious since he got here a few years back, I don’t even think he notices."
Gianna sighed, smoothing the fabric on the dress as she looked in the mirror "You're right. It's just hard not to feel a little possessive when someone’s basically throwing themselves at your…well, I guess he’s not my anything yet.”
“Oh, shut up.” Wanda looked over her shoulder in the mirror and fluffed Gianna’s hair. “Have you seen the way he looks at you? He’s yours.”
Blushing, Gianna fought back a smile. “I’m really glad you’re here. It’s been nice to have a friend. Like, a real girl friend.” 
“Don’t make me emotional.” Wanda waved her hand. “We have work to do.” She winked, handing another dress to Gianna to try on. 
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That was the time Bucky knocked on her door. 
He’d waited as long as he possibly could. Living with Natasha and Wanda, and having grown up with a sister, he knew it was a severe offense to rush or interrupt the getting ready process. But here he was, standing outside her door with flowers in his hand, a whole five minutes early.
After training, he’d struggled to find ways to kill the rest of the afternoon. Gianna was nowhere to be found, Steve could only handle his nervous energy for so long before he made Bucky go for another run, and it took less than an hour to set up for the date he’d meticulously planned. Even though he’d only officially asked her last night, Bucky had asked the girls to help him round up some supplies as soon as he noticed Gianna’s favorite place at the compound. 
He ran a hand through his hair, taking a deep breath as he heard her footsteps approaching the door. “Hi.” The door opened and there she was. Gianna Cruz, waiting for him to come retrieve her like she’d done so many times over the past few months. Except this time was different. This time, he wasn’t working. He wasn’t here as her security, ready to escort her to her real life obligation. He was here as her date. Finally. 
“Hi,” She was grinning from ear to ear when she opened the door, eyes crinkling even more when she saw the flowers in his hand. Her hair was loosely braided, a few imperfect curls falling into her face. She’d kept her natural hair, something he’d always loved but couldn’t remember if he ever vocalized. “Two days in a row? James Buchanan Barnes. Ladies’ man extraordinaire.” 
“You ready?” He smiled and held out his arm for her to take. 
“Mmm, you could give me another two hours and I’d still be changing my hair. So it’s best just to call it.” She brushed a curl out of her face. 
“I don’t think you should change a thing. I always liked your hair like that.”
“Messy?” She looked at him sheepishly. 
“Natural.” He reached up and touched one of the curls hanging beside her face, sending a shiver down her spine when his fingertips brushed her ear. “It’s so pretty. You don’t even have to try.” 
“I try really hard, actually.” 
“You don’t have to. Not with me.” He pressed the button to the elevator button and let her step in first when the doors opened. “Do you know how amazing you look tonight, or should I go ahead and tell you?” 
Her face contorted as she fought back another smile. “You should probably go ahead and tell me.” 
“Ah, okay,” He grinned, putting a finger beneath her chin and looking straight into her eyes. “Gianna Cruz, you look so unbelievably good tonight. I cannot believe I get to call you my date.” 
The smile broke through, her face warming under his touch and attention. Just as the proximity started to cloud their minds, the elevator doors slid open. Bucky offered his left arm to her, the flowers still held in his right. Wrapping her hand around his bicep, she felt the cool metal through his long sleeve. They crossed the lobby and stepped out into the cool evening air. The sun was beginning to set, casting a golden glow across the entire compound. 
It was suspiciously empty on the grounds, but that was the last thing on Gianna’s mind. The path before them was sprinkled with rose petals, illuminated by single floating candles spaced every few feet along the way. Looking up, she saw that it followed the oh-so-familiar walk down to the dock. 
Wordlessly, she looked up at Bucky, her face showing a kind of happy he’d never seen before. She still fought back the full smile, so much so that her cheeks ached. They walked down to the lake in comfortable silence as Gianna took in every bit of the scenery and Bucky took in every bit of her reaction. The trail took a short curve through the thick woods before opening up to the clearing where the dock began. It made for a more private setting, mostly shielding it from the rest of the compound. Tonight, the element of surprise was exactly what Bucky had been counting on to help with the final reveal. 
They turned the final corner, warm sun hitting their faces as the trees cleared. 
“Bucky,” Gianna breathed, eyes widening. 
“Come on.” He slid his hand down to hers and led her to the end of the dock. There was a table with two chairs, complete with candles, wine, and full dinner setting. 
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Gianna could hardly believe the moment she was living in. Mouth slightly open in awe, she didn’t even know where to look as they reached the end of the dock. Bucky pulled the chair out for her to sit. 
“I don’t even…Bucky, I…” She looked from the table to the sunset and back to him. “I don’t even know what to say. You did all this? How did you -” 
“I had a little help.” He half-smiled, pouring wine into both glasses. “After the first few days here, you kept saying how much you liked the lake. I knew you came down here as much as you could. I told Wanda what I had in mind and she found all this stuff, had it shipped to the tower. They brought it with them when they flew in a few days ago.”
“But, we just made this plan last night…?” She felt at a loss for words in the best way. 
“I know. I thought I was going to have to hide 500 candles in my closet until I finally got the balls to ask you out.” 
Gianna grinned. “I’m glad you got the balls sooner rather than later.”
“Me too.” Bucky passed her a wine glass. “To you never realizing how far out of my league you are.” 
She raised her glass to his. “To you, having the balls to ask me out.” Their glasses clinked together and they both took a slow sip of wine, neither one breaking eye contact until the glasses were back on the table. 
A low hum filled the air. Looking up, Gianna saw a midsize drone hovering across the lake, carrying silver serving platters. 
“I didn’t know there was room service at the Avengers’ Compound.” She raised an eyebrow. 
“There is if one of the programming agents in the robotics division is afraid of you.” He shrugged. 
“Ah, I’ll keep that in mind next time I go to intimidate a SHIELD agent.” She laughed, faltering when she remembered the run in from earlier. “Bucky…about earlier.” Her eyes were wide, equal parts embarrassed and amused. 
“Mhmm?” He took the dishes from the drone and set one in front of each of them, lifting the lids off to reveal the most incredible looking pasta Gianna had ever seen. 
“Oh, my God…this looks insane. Bucky! How did you do this! Last time I checked, the cafeteria doesn’t serve gourmet food.” It smelled heavenly. 
“Tony’s here for the next week, he usually flies his chef out when he’s here for too long. I just asked for a couple extra servings.” He tried to hide his grin, seem casual, but her excitement was contagious. 
“I can’t even think straight.” She took a sip of her wine. 
“I hope that’s a good thing. It’s been a while since I last went on a date, so I’m a little out of practice.” 
“It’s a good thing.” Gianna leaned forward, resting her chin on her hands. “A very, very good thing.” 
As the sun slowly sunk below the horizon, dinner conversation flowed effortlessly. Bucky told stories from the past few years as an Avenger, including how Peter’s first words to him were about how cool his metal arm was - during a fight, no less. Gianna gushed about all the situations she’d been stuck in throughout her stardom where she wished she had someone to share it with, someone who saw it all and could laugh about it on the drive back to the hotel every night. It was easy. It was natural. 
Laughed lulled as Bucky finished a story about how Tony had once gotten way too drunk at a party and announced to the entire crowd he’d peed in the Iron Man suit. 
“Oh my gosh, ow.” Gianna leaned back in her chair. “My stomach hurts. I laughed too much. I definitely ate too much.” 
“There’s no such thing.” Bucky leaned forward, splitting the last of the wine between their glasses. 
“Mm, yet another reason I like you.” She winked, raising her glass towards him before taking a sip. 
“So,” Bucky grinned. “How am I doing?”
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“Are you seriously asking for feedback in the middle of our date?” Gianna giggled.
“Hey, like I said, it’s been awhile. I just want to make sure I’m on the right track.” He put his hands up defensively. “Plus, Wanda may or may not have shown me photos of your last few dates. Tough acts to follow.” 
Rolling her eyes, Gianna set her glass down. “Which photos did you see?” 
“Helicopter ride with that football player?” 
“We were paid by the helicopter company. We’d only spoken twice before that and once after.”
“Dinner on a yacht with that actor?” 
“Horrible. He only talked about himself. I’m also pretty sure he thought I was someone else. He told me I was shorter than he expected and then asked me if I was allowed to eat dessert since the Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show was coming up.” Gianna groaned. “I thought it was a really weird thing to say, but when I thought about it later I realized he definitely didn’t think I was me.” 
“His loss.” Bucky gave her a half-smile. “Okay, last one…what about the guy who rented that restaurant out for you? Didn’t you…weren’t you pretty serious?” 
“No.” She smiled, but it was somber. “That was a PR stunt. He had a big movie coming out, they used two of my songs on the soundtrack, it was supposed to be big for both of our careers. And it was, I guess. It’s just, sometimes it can be hard to pretend without forgetting what’s real and what’s work. It gets messy.”
Bucky watched her, spinning the stem of his wine glass between metal fingers. 
“It was also a long time ago.” Gianna continued, giving a reassuring look. “I was very young. I didn’t really know how things were done in the industry and that made me vulnerable. That’s why I haven’t really dated over the past couple years…I wanted something real.” 
She reached her hand across the table, replacing the wine glass in his grip.
“I still do.” 
“I’d assure you that this is real, but truth be told, I’m still waiting for someone to pinch me.” Bucky squeezed her hand ever so lightly. If she ever felt strangely about his vibranium hand, she never showed it. 
She met his eyes, relaxing in his gaze. “You and your lines, Sargeant.” 
He stood to his feet, still holding her hand. “Is it too old-fashioned if I ask you to dance?” 
“Maybe,” Gianna slid out of her chair, letting him guide her to the center of the dock. “But that doesn’t mean I want you to stop.” 
The soft music that had been playing throughout dinner was paired with the quiet creaking of the dock and the crickets as they swayed slowly. 
“Shh!” Wanda hissed. “You know sounds carry across water!”
Peter shut up and retreated to the back of the balcony. The group had gathered on the patio, claiming to want fresh air after dinner, but secretly all hoping to catch a glimpse of the date they’d all helped facilitate. 
“See anything, Rogers?” Natasha called, taking a sip of her drink. 
“I told you, I don’t condone spying.” He looked up from his chair. “They’re dancing.” 
Grinning, Nat stood to her feet and walked to the railing where Wanda and Sam stood. 
“You think they’d notice if I sent Red Wing over there? I could get us some live footage.”
“Sam, if you give Bucky any excuse to rip that thing out of the sky, he’s not going to hesitate.” Steve reluctantly joined them, thankful the dock was far enough away that it took super soldier vision to really see what was going on. 
“They’re hopeless.” Wanda said. “So in love.” 
“Are you saying that as a mind-reader?” Peter asked, wide-eyed. 
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“I’m saying that as someone who talked to them both today.” She rolled her eyes. “And as someone with eyes.” 
“Okay, alright. Let’s give them some privacy. If you want to watch someone on a date then put on that trashy show you’re always watching.” Steve ushered them inside. 
“Steve, you know the Bachelor is only on Monday night.” Sam elbowed him, walking through the door. “What, a man can’t enjoy quality reality television?!”
When he was the only one remaining on the balcony, Steve took one last glance down at the dock just in time to see Bucky raise Gianna’s hand and spin her around. Grinning, he stepped inside and shut the door. 
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toxiclxki · 7 months
Build-a-Bucky Bingo Masterpost
This is my masterpost for @buckybarnesevents' Build-a-Bucky bingo, and it'll be updated continuously.
November prompt: Incapable of love
in the end, it survives us all
Summary: A throwaway joke, that's all it was. Still, it doesn't take more than that to start Bucky wondering, worrying.
December prompt: Flashbacks
the longest night
Summary: Steve Rogers is an old man, living comfortably thanks to his art, but he's lonely, missing the biggest piece of his heart after losing Bucky during World War II. All he has are letters sent long ago, drawings made even earlier than that, and his memories.
January prompt: I would die/kill for you
A Year of Happiness
Summary: Joy knew she was taking a huge risk, letting a stranger into her car in the middle of a rain storm. She did, though, and it turned out to be the best decision she'd made in years. (This is a paraquel to Bucky Barnes' Year of Peace)
February prompt: Frozen/Cryo
Summary: When Sam doesn't hear from Bucky for a few weeks, he isn't at all worried. At least not until he shows up at a briefing and doesn't find his partner there.
Bucky, meanwhile, is not having a great morning.
March prompt: Bad coping mechanisms
Someplace through the dark
Steve hadn’t needed to ask to know that dying would be classed as ‘something stupid’, no more than he’d needed to ask if allowing a random man claiming to be a doctor to experiment on him would be ‘something stupid’. He hadn’t done it on purpose though. Died, that is.
Or: Steve died, yet he's still here, lingering. He's waiting for someone, and he'll wait for as long as he has to.
April prompt: Domestic
Bottomless Sky Chapter 1: June
They hadn’t run away, not really. Sure, they had slipped away in the middle of the night, and sure, they hadn’t told a soul where they were going, even though Steve had known they should have told someone. They had left notes though, for whoever might be the first person to visit either of their apartments, probably Sam; notes explaining that they’d be gone for the better part of three months, that they were fine and just needed some time away.
Okay, maybe they had run away.
May prompt: Space
Bottomless Sky Chapter 2: July
“Do you know what this reminds me of?” Bucky’s voice is low, almost a whisper, and he doesn’t take his eyes from the sky as he speaks. The question takes Steve aback for a moment, but then he smiles because he thinks he does know.
“Summer of ’37?”
“Yeah.” There’s a small smile on Bucky’s face when he answers, and it’s an easier smile than any Steve has seen so far.
June prompt: Touch-Starved
Bottomless Sky Chapter 3: August
Bucky doesn’t care either. How could he, when Steve’s sitting there, solid and real and pressed against him? How could he, when warmth is spreading from the places where they’re touching, even though Steve’s skin is cold to the touch? How can he, when Steve’s touch seems to be the only thing that makes him sure he’s real, that he’s truly here?
July prompt: Hostage
Bucky Barnes Season of Whump chapter 6: vet visit
A veterinarian in a small French town receives a visit he would have preferred not to
August prompt: Bathtub
Bucky Barnes Season of Whump chapter 7: lost and found and lost
Ever since he got out of the hospital, Steve has been looking for Bucky. He hasn't had any luck, only ever coming across old Hydra safehouses after the public has made it there.
Now though, something tells him that's about to change.
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ephemeralbutterfly · 3 months
Fluffy Steve Fest Rec List: July 7: Steve's...
Hello everyone! I am doing daily themed rec lists for @fluffystevefest. The fics are related (some more loosely than others) to the daily prompts. The number of fics for any given day and prompt varies, but I have at least one fic for each day. There's also a wide variety of fic types and ratings, so I hope there will be something for everyone.
The lists are vertically long, so I've put them behind a cut.
The longest list for the last day. Once again a grab bag.
First Times
Have you no idea that you're in deep? by theladyingrey42 (@thefangirlingrey)
Rating: Explicit Pairing: Stucky Summary: Bucky wanted Steve to understand. The future could feel fucking awesome. At least when it was vibrating in your ass. Comments: Steve tries vibrators for the first time.
At Liberty by kaasknot (@kaasknot)
Rating: Explicit Pairing: Steve/Peggy Summary: Steve's mind whirls. It's too late for suppressants. If she wants to go somewhere safe she'll have to walk through not only the SSR halls but the wider halls of the War Room, broadcasting her heat the whole way. Her reputation will collapse, whether she wills it or not; no one will take an omega agent seriously. He comes to a decision, and carefully shuts the door. Peggy frowns at him, and he gets down on his knees. He's flying by the seat of his pants, running on instinct; the fact that his johnson's starting to take interest only makes him more nervous. "Ma'am," he says. "What are your orders?" Comments: First, a warning that the authors use the a-word abbreviation for omegaverse in the tags.* Steve and Peggy's first time together in an omegaverse AU.
Another Person's Words by Ranni
Rating: Not Rated Pairing: Steve/Natasha Summary: Steve isn't the only one that doesn't catch all those movie references. Natasha plans it with the same grim intensity she brings to any mission, and where Tony would tease and Clint scoff, where Bruce would shake his head in disbelief, Steve is only grateful. She doesn’t like to be left out of things and he doesn’t like to be embarrassed. So many of the problems they have are unsolvable, but not this one—they can do this, can learn the language the others already know so easily. Comments: Steve and Natasha get in the habit of watching movies together in an attempt to understand the references others make. There are no explicit bits.
Happy ending
Soldier, sit you down and idle by BladeoftheNebula (@bladeofthenebula27)
Rating: Teen Pairing: Stony Summary: Fresh out of the ice, Steve Rogers is lost. Everything is too loud, and too different, and just too much. He feels adrift, unsure what place he has in this new world. He takes a spontaneous road trip, hoping to find some peace; little does he know that it will lead him to a charming little town, Tony Stark and just maybe... a place to call home. Alternate summary: A soft sad boy on a brooom brooom has a serendipitous journey. Comments: A coffee shop AU where Steve's motorcycle manages to break down at exactly the right moment.
Captain American Finds His Happy Ending by PR Zed (@trappingsofzed)
Rating: Teen Pairing: Stucky Summary: Ever since Steve got big, it seems like he's been the one saving Bucky, when it used to be the other way around. Steve saved him from regular Nazis a bunch of times. He saved him from Hydra twice. He even saved him from New Jersey. (Fucking Paramus.) Now, Bucky thinks, it's time for him to save Steve. Or what happens when a former brainwashed assassin puts his mind to giving his boyfriend the happiness he deserves. Comments: This is the fourth part of the Captain America Has a Fella series; I do recommend reading the other parts first. This one is exactly what the titles says: Steve figures out what makes him happy and makes it happen, with a little help along the way.
*If you don't know what I'm talking about: the three letter abbreviation for alpha/beta/omega creates an acronym that is the same word as an Australian racial slur, a word which is to my (US American) understanding of about the same level of offensiveness as the n-word. I only recently learned about this myself, but now that I know, I don't want to surprise anyone with encountering the word.
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walkedlegacy-closed · 8 months
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topic - hobbies.
when anya isn't running into burning buildings , and saving lives , she has a few hobbies she likes to enjoy. some of them are a little more on the tame side . . . while some are a little more wild.
the ones she finds worth mentioning , she's been doing in one way or another from a young age. she always had a loving family that enjoyed spending quality time together , so a lot of these she enjoys the most when she's doing them with people she cares about , but there are some she enjoys doing alone. she'll never say no to someone she loves tagging along though.
first one we're gonna talk about is hiking/camping. we're gonna lump these in together , since she tends to do both at the same time. this one is also one of the ones she's been doing the longest. it started with her and her dad. her parents thought it was important to spend quality time with each kid , and anya was always and active child. she also liked being outside , so her dad bucky , found hiking and camping to be the best way to spend quality time with her. now that she's grown , she'll go on short hikes alone ( nowhere she can't get reception ) but she never goes camping alone , and prefers having a buddy.
next up is rock climbing. now , this one is her all time favorite hobby. she likes doing outdoor and indoor climbing , and frequents the gym closest to her place , going at least twice a week for a couple hours. she has a few reasons for doing this. one , it's fun. people called her ' little monkey ' growing up , and from the age of twelve she had been working on learning. she also keeps up on it because it helps her job. her expertise in climbing and repelling makes her a common first choice for anything involving that , and she likes to make sure she's always ready for it.
now we're gonna talk about one she doesn't get to do as often ( unless she plans ahead ) is snow boarding. finding it in highschool , she fell in love with the hobby , but didn't invest too much into it compared to rock climbing , due to the sheer easiness it is to obtain an injury that would keep her from her dream job. she's good at it , and enjoys it when she gets the chance to.
and lastly , but certainly not leastly , is baking. she's been doing it since she was small enough to sit on the counter and lick the spoon , and loves baking with her own kids when she ends up having them. it's a fun time for her and she's really good at it. she's even got a few recipes she's come up with on her own and makes all the birthday cakes for her family every year , due to the fact that she actually has quite the artistic hand when it comes to decorating cakes.
wrapping this already very long post , if your muse goes with anya on any of these activities , she's going to love you FOREVER.
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rebelmeg · 1 year
Fic Stats Tag Game
I was tagged by the ever-delightful @polizwrites!
Rules: Give us the links to your fics with the most hits, most kudos, most comments, most bookmarks, most words, and least words.
(I did have the same two fics pop up for most of these, since they're my longest fics, so I went down the list until I got to a new fic.)
Most Hits: Through A Child's Eyes, It's Different, with FANTASTIC ART by @hereandnowwearealive! Summary:
The Accords debacle is long over, and the ex-Avengers have come home. Things are not going well, particularly when Tony gets kidnapped by the villain-of-the-week and ends up in the middle of a freak lab accident. Seeing things through the eyes of a child sounds kind of poetic, and in some cases, it is. But for the rogue Avengers, it's a shocking and harsh look at their past deeds, as well as a closer look at who Tony Stark really is when he doesn't have all his self-made masks up to protect him. With Pepper, Rhodey, and Happy there to keep him safe and love him, Tony navigates the weirdness his life has become, while Dr. Strange, Thor, and Dr. Foster work to figure out what happened to Tony and if the deaging can be reversed.
Most kudos: How To Save A Life (It Just Might Be Yours) Summary:
The Winter Soldier is sent on a mission, to take out the head of Stark Industries. There isn't supposed to be anyone else there, but the Asset is used to adapting in order to accomplish his mission... until he lays eyes on the baby in the backseat of the car. On the run with a baby in tow, the Asset's conditioning breaks down, his humanity returns, and it's hard to tell who saves whose life as the years go by and James raises Tony as his own son.
(And because the remix sequel was pretty nifty too... Save Another Life (It Will Be Worth It) )
Most comments: Grumpy Coffee Kitten, with some lovely graphics by @huntress79! Summary:
When Clint Barton, the owner of Bean There, Brew That, takes off on an extended vacation, he leaves his coffee shop in the hands of his trusted sidekick, Darcy Lewis. Darcy is not prepared for this, but that's not going to stop her from keeping the shop going, keeping her sassy baristas in line, and maybe getting a tiny bit smitten with the new regular that started showing up, looking like a sleepy assassin and cooing at his coffee. Bucky Barnes is a former soldier trying to deal with the effects of PTSD, at the encouragement of his best friend and not-actually-a-therapist Sam Wilson. It might have been sort of an accident the first time he steps into Bean There, Brew That, but it's a first step in a really good direction. He likes the coffee shop, he likes the people that run it, and he definitely likes the sugar-soaked monstrosities that they make for him on a daily basis. What could possibly go wrong with putting a recovering veteran in the hands of a bunch of sarcastic baristas with access to legally addictive stimulants? The answer is... not much, actually.
Most bookmarks: The History We Have Summary:
Hydra sends an infiltration team to kidnap the child of Howard Stark, in order to ransom the supersolider serum prototype from him. That the boy is not only willing to go with them, but places himself directly in the care of the Winter Soldier, is unexpected.
Most words: The Name You Gave Me, a collab fic with my dear J, @fightingforcreativity! Summary:
If you asked the Asset, he'd say it started with being given a name, something of his own. For the first time he had something for himself, and he became greedy. So she became his as well. If you asked the little Widow, she'd say, “It started with a brother. He was my brother and I wanted another.” If you asked Howard Stark, he'd say, “It started with the Serum, and it ended with a Serum.” But if you asked the youngest of them all, he'd answer, “It started like everything, an action was the catalyst for a chain reaction. I was just lucky to have a brother and a sister, a real father and another mother, through it all.” The moral of the story is that a true family always finds each other.
Least words: 'Til the End of the Line, with 200 words (unless we are counting drabbles, all of which are exactly 100 words) Summary:
The simple origin of a powerful promise.
No pressure tagging: @bill-longbow, @psychiccatpanda, @27dragons, @newnewyorker93, @deehellcat, and anyone else who would like to play too!
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chloe-skywalker · 2 years
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I posted 141 times in 2022
135 posts created (96%)
6 posts reblogged (4%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 84 of my posts in 2022
Only 40% of my posts had no tags
#imagines - 62 posts
#imagine - 62 posts
#x reader - 61 posts
#y/n - 57 posts
#x y/n - 17 posts
#avengers - 12 posts
#natasha romanoff - 10 posts
#marvel - 9 posts
#bucky barnes - 8 posts
#stranger things - 7 posts
Longest Tag: 54 characters
#being pregnant with peter maximoffs baby would include
My Top Posts in 2022:
Carefree - Billy Hargrove
Billy x reader
Warnings: none
Word count: 418
Summary: Spending all night listening to music and watching movies.
Authors Note: Just a short fun Imagine that I think is needed. We need to make time to be carefree everyone does and not many do.
Stranger Things Masterlist
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“I could spend all night like this.” Billy stated from up upon Y/n’s bed smiling at the scene before him of Y/n in his button up and a pair of her underwear just moving about her room organizing.
Y/n turned to look at him, she knew he meant it in so many ways. Billy never wanted to be apart or not touching her. She made him feel loved and cared about and he would always completely forget about his dick of a father.
The two met not long after Billy and Max moved into town.Y/n became fast friends with Max which helped ease Max into the party. Billy couldn’t keep his eyes off Y/n after he first saw her. But even though she thought he was handsome Y/n didn’t like his attitude. So Billy had to work for it. And the payoff was completely worth it was refreshing to not have a girl falling at his feet.
An Y/n wouldn’t have it any other way. Billy treated her like a princess. She loved having him over and being with her. Her mom loved him and that’s all that mattered. Billy loved her mom, admired her really. She raised Y/n with so much love and care as a single mother and Y/m/n treated him as if he was her own son. Something Billy hadn’t had is a very long time.
“Then why don’t we?” Y/n smiled butting her lip. It’s not like he didn’t spend the night all the time anyway. Besides Y/n hated him going back to his house. Plus she slept better with him beside her.
“Ya sure?” Billy asked, his face giving away that he wanted confirmation on what she was implying before answering.
Y/n could see a hint of nerves in Billy’s eyes so she moved over towards her bed and got on it. Crawling closer to him on her knees once she reached him she moved back to sit on her heels. “My mom love’s you and not in the creepy way that some in this town do. Stay the night Billy. We could have fun and hang out all weekend.”
Billy smiled. “Yeah, okay. Thanks.” Billy leaned forward to kiss her forehead. Y/n knew it was his silent way of saying how much he appreciated her, her mom, and their relationship without actually saying it. And he did, he really appreciated what they have, and so does she.
413 notes - Posted February 3, 2022
Know Her Better - Daryl Dixon
Daryl x reader (daughter-ish)
Negan x reader (Daughter-DNA)
Carl x reader
Warnings: none
Word count: 1,950
Summary: Y/n decides to talk to her father in his cell, but it just leads to more hurt. So Daryl decides to have a talk with him so he knows his new place in Y/N’s life.
Authors Note: This is the first Walking dead imagine I ever wrote, it’s not the first posted but it is the first one I ever wrote. Hope you all enjoy it.
The Walking Dead Masterlist
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561 notes - Posted April 21, 2022
5 Months - Bucky Barnes Mob!AU
Mob!Bucky x reader
Warnings: none
Word count: 1,995
Summary: Bucky and Y/n had fling, one night stand at least she thought it was a one night stand. Bucky on the other hand has been trying to track her down since. But when he does end up running into her again it might come with a shock.
Authors Note: This is my first ever AU Mob imagine. I love reading Mob Bucky imagines, and I want to write them so bad! This is my first ever one I hope you guys enjoy it. I was thinking maybe a series done like this or a Mob!Bucky x daughter reader series?
Avengers Masterlist
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l“That was-” Bucky panted as he rolled off of y/n. He had never had such good sex or a connection during sex that was that powerful.
“Amazing.” Y/n finished his sentence, panting as well from their recent activities with a smile on her face. That was some of the best sex she’d had in her life. Maybe even the best.
“Uh huh.” Bucky agreed smiling widely. Bucky turned his head to look at her, admiring the woman next to him. “Damn.”
The two continued their night with some making out, a bit of snuggling, and then they fell asleep in each other's arms. When morning came Y/n woke first and looked at the clock, it was early 7 am early. Realizing that this was her chance to leave before Bucky woke up. An so there wouldn’t be any awkwardness of the one nightstand morning after.
Picking up her clothes and getting dressed after she made sure she had everything she turned to look back at the dark haired man still asleep. Man did she wish she could stay in bed with him. He seemed so sweet and his grip was hard to get out of when she got out of the bed minutes before. It felt safe.
But it was only a one nightstand, nothing more. So as safe as his grip felt and as sweet, kind and, caring even he seemed. This wasn’t a relationship and they weren’t already together. It is a simple fling.
Besides with who he is, who he’s known as, what he does for a living. It’s not who he is. He has new women all the time and they are never serious relationships, just quick fucks. Y/n wanted something serious, dependable, and real. Not to be a notch on someone's bedpost. So she left.
^     ^     ^ 5 Months Later ^     ^     ^
“Buck, you’ve been at this for months. I think it’s time you let it go.” Steve sighed, he hated that his best friend finally found a woman he wanted to try a serious relationship with and she could not be found.
“No. No way.” Bucky shook his head in a ‘no’ motion. He had been trying to find Y/n for 5 months. He woke up expecting to find her next to him but all he found was an empty and cold bed.
“Steve’s right man. It’s been five months. It was a one nightstand. You need to move on.” Sam added in. Even though Bucky annoyed him most of the time, he does care for him. This was not healthy.
“No guys I’m telling you, it was more than that. There was something there, something between us that night. We both felt it.” Bucky explained, he understood his friends were coming from and he appreciated it. But he was not going to give up.
“How do you expect to find her than Buck?” Steve asked moving to sit down in the chair across from Bucky’s desk. Leaning forward placing his elbows on his knee’s Steve continued. “You’ve been trying for months and you’ve used all your resources and your still no closer.”
“He’s right. You're a Mob Boss. The Mob Boss of Brooklyn and all the resources you have haven’t worked. That's saying something.” Sam stepped forward, hoping to get it into his head.
Bucky shook his head letting out a sigh. “You both are no help”
“We want to help Bucky it’s just, what's left to try?” Steve questioned but it was more a statement than anything.
“Trust use, Barnes. We’d help if we knew how. All you’ve talked about is this girl for 5 months straight. I’d love to shut you up.” Sam smirked.
Bucky stood up to exit his office. As he grabbed his jacket and put it on Steve asked. “Where are you going?”
“Out. Alone.” he answered gruffly.
“Come on man.” Sam leaned his head back against the door frame.
“Your both not helping and I need some air and space to clear my head. I’ll be back later.” he said as he headed out to his garage to get away.
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638 notes - Posted May 20, 2022
Angel - Sweetpea
Sweetpea x reader
Warnings: none
Word count: 957
Summary: Y/n’s close with pretty much everyone in her little group. Jughead and she haven’t officially met. Well, they do now and Jugheads in for a surprise.
Authors Note: Maybe a series done like this imagine? What do ya’ll think? Leave a comment
Riverdale Masterlist
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“Hey, Angel!” Sweet Pea waved over Y/n once he saw her enter the Wyrm. Y/n headed to her friends with a smile forming on her face. Sweet Pea immediately pulled her into a big hug, squeezing her tight.
“You made it.” Toni greet her with a smile and the two hugged once Sweet Pea let go of the y/h/c-ed girl.
“Of course. I wouldn’t miss hanging out with you guys for the world.” She smiled letting go of Toni to also hug Fangs.
“Angel?” Jughead questioned after watching the mystery girl greet the group of young Serpents.
“That’s what they call me.” Y/n shrugged her shoulders with a bashful smile on her face. Obviously a little shy about the name.
“Angel, can I have a minute?” FP asked coming up to them, Y/n nodded to the older man and walked over to him. FP placed a hand across her lower back, leading her over to a more secluded spot to talk Serpent business.
“Sure. Sweet’s, when I get back pool?” Y/n called over her shoulder with a smile.
“You’re on.” Sweet Pea smirked her way before continuing on with his game of pool against Fangs.
“What’s up, Jones?” Toni asked noticing the look on his face.
“Is her name really Angel? An she’s a Serpent?” Jughead questioned. The girl seemed way to nice to be a Serpent in Jug’s eyes.
“Well, no and yes.” Fangs answered after taking a shot only to miss the pocket.
“She is a Serpent.” Sweet Pea states his voice close to a growl.  All the Serpent’s are very protective of Y/n after all she’s their Angel. But Sweet’s more so, so Jughead questioning her Serpent status really irked him.
“But her names really y/n.” Toni elboraoted since the boys were being very vague.
“Then why do you all call her Angel? An a Serpent named Angel is a little ironic since we’re not known to be nice and Sweet.” Jughead crossed his arms narrowing his eyes as he asked another question.
“True, but her nickname is part of a inside joke.” Toni smirked thinking about their reasons for the nickname.
It was clear by the look on Jugheads face that he still didn’t get it. This made Toni sigh and Fangs shove his head.
“Seriously Jones, you really can’t put it together?” Sweet Pea rolled his eyes. The Jones kid could solve a murder but not a nickname?
“Y/n/n can be an Angel but don’t piss her off.” Fangs told Jug taking pity on him.
“Then she becomes the devil in disguise or Serpent if you will.” Sweet’s smirked leaning against the pool queue.
Jughead rolled his eyes at Sweet Pea’s words, he crossed his arms turning towards Toni. “Why haven’t I seen her before?”
Toni shrugged, not really knowing why the two hadn’t met yet. “She’s in the same grade and school as us. But she has been a Serpent longer.”
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1,007 notes - Posted February 10, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Scarred Freak - Billy Hargrove
Billy x reader (eventually)
Steve x reader friends
Warnings: none
Word count: 1,335
Summary: Billy notices y/n for the first time, but there are rumors about her that concern him so he asks Steve for some info.
Authors Note: I was thinking should I make a part 2 to this? Leave a comment below
Stranger Things Masterlist
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School was something Y/n liked at one point. But of course, there were bullies. Although she could normally get through it no problem, but ever since the whole upside-down thing happened. It was harder. Yeah, now she had some more friends and all but the bullying had gotten worse after her accident.
During the whole upside down and lab thing Y/n had with Steve and the party ran into some Demodogs. Protecting El Y/n jumped in front of her, which ended with her side being bitten into by all those thousands of teeth. She was able to hide it for a while, especially since it was dark out that helped. But eventually, Y/n had lost so much blood that she had collapsed. After rushing her to the hospital the doctors were able to save her life.
Y/n didn’t mind the scars that much, they showed she survived that night. But with all the rumors around town, the bullying just got worse. Sure Steve wasn’t a part of it no more. But his old asshole friends? They loved to taunt her. All the time.
An that’s exactly what happened every morning in the school parking lot, and today was no different. As she and Steve stepped out of their own cars next to eachother, the two normally carpooled and switched between whose car to take but Steve had to do some stuff after school so they didn’t today. As soon as they got out of their cars the two friends instantly heard snickering. Steve shook his head pissed while Y/n just rolled her eyes.
“Look there’s the scarred freak.” Tommy taunted as usual.
“Get some new material prick.” Y/n spat out towards the grade A jackass.
“Oh?  It speaks.” Carol joined in with a sinister looking smirk on her lips.
With that Steve had heard enough for one morning and stepped up in front of Y/n, effectively blocking her from his ex-friends and their insults. “Fuck off Carol, you to Tommy.”
Y/n grabbed onto his arm to hold him back, having noticed Steve’s anger rising. “Steve it’s fine. Let’s just leave. Come on.”
Steve gave into her pleading, wrapping his arm around her shoulders as they headed towards the school. It made him feel like he was blocking her from any more crap being said. Leaving the assholes of Hawkins behind in the parking lot.
Billy had watched the entire scene play out in front of him. He didn’t want to add himself into it since he was trying to understand the situation before him. He didn’t understand what Tommy and Carol’s problem was with this Y/h/c-ed girl. Billy had never seen the girl before. Maybe once or twice. But what was running through Billy’s head now, why did they call her ‘scarred freak’? If he was being honest she was the most beautiful girl in all of Hawkins.
There was one way to find out. She seemed to know Steve pretty well. An with the way he seemed to get protective over her, he must know. And it just so happened they have gym together.
After their P.E. ended everyone hit the locker rooms to shower. Billy waited for Steve to get in and most of the others to leave before getting in the shower himself. “So what’s with the girl you were with this morning?”
Steve lifted his head with a raised brow confused from Billy’s question. “Y/n? What about her?”
Billy nodded. “Why do Tommy, Carol, and some others call her a ‘scarred freak’? I didn’t notice any scars.”
Steve sighed, debating on if he should tell the mullet-haired teen or not. Billy hadn’t taunted Y/n that morning and maybe if he knew would continue not to. “Y/n was in an accident a year ago. It happened in the woods. I was there, along with some others. She got attacked by something- an animal. It was…bad. Y/n almost died. She hid it for a while but once she lost too much blood she fell on unconscious. Full on blacked out. We rushed her to the hospital, the doctors were able to stitch her up and save her but it scarred. It’s pretty light but there’s a lot of it. They’re hidden along her torso, back with some on the top of her thighs and some across her arms. She normally keeps them covered. SHe’s not afraid to show them really, but with all the comments she gets from kids at school and sometimes around town. Sometimes she feels self-conscious.”
Billy stayed silent, intentionally listening to what Steve was telling him. Billy shook his head, letting out a harsh breath. “That’s some messed up shit.”
Steve nodded in agreement. “Yeah. It is. So maybe tell your asshole friends to knock it the fuck off.”
“They were your friends first Harrington.” Billy countered with his signature smirk.
“Hmmmhmmm, they were and Y/n was one of the people who showed me that their assholes. I mean I already knew that but she showed me that I didn’t need to keep them around. If you know what I mean.” Steve stated before turning off the water, getting out to get dressed. Leaving Billy with the words that had been exchanged.
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2,172 notes - Posted March 5, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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major-mads · 7 months
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Chapter 4: Bars, Bike Rides, and Bittersweet Goodbyes
John "Bucky" Egan x Ruth Morgan (OFC)
Series Masterlist
A/N: The past few weeks have been insane...my car got stolen, I got food poisoning...but here's the new chapter! I'm starting to believe in the Ao3 writer's curse lol (even though this isn't posted on there). it's the longest one yet!! Thanks to everyone who's been reading the series!! Please comment and let me know what you think!!
Collab: On a Wing and a Prayer by @footprintsinthesxnd
Word Count: 13.2k...it's a long one for sure!!
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The constant ticking of the clock in the corner of the base supply closet was the only sound filling the air as the Angel of Death’s nurses tallied their bandages, morphine syrettes, and other supplies that needed refilling after their busy weeks in the air. Looking up from her clipboard, Ruth sighed, seeing Hope staring at the wall before her in a daze. 
“Whatcha thinking about?” Ruth called quietly, already having an idea of who was on her friend’s mind. 
Hope blinked a few times and looked over at the blonde with a half-hearted smile. “Gale…I miss him.”
“I know,” she sighed softly, brushing some of her hair behind her ear. “I miss Johnny, too. It’s been almost three weeks. I love his letters but-”
“It’s not the same,” Hope finished for her.
Before either of the women could continue a voice echoed through the almost empty building. “You girls in here?”
“We’re in the back!”
His shoes clacked against the concrete floors as he made his way to the back storage room, sending the girls a half-grin when he stuck his head inside the door. If they were paying attention, they would have noticed the smile didn’t quite reach his eyes.  
“How’re you two holding up?”
Their eyes met briefly, silently communicating whether or not they would be truthful. Ruth’s pale blues decided the answer was no, and Hope’s gaze moved back to her clipboard. 
“We’re fine,” she answered, reaching up to grab a bandage from the crate. “Just tired.”
Frank moved to lean his shoulder against the doorframe, holding his captain’s cap under his arm as he spoke gently. “Are you sure that’s all it is?”
He looked over at them with a worried expression as the ticking of the clock filled the room again, neither of them speaking up. “You would tell me if there was something wrong, right?”
Ruth’s stomach sank. “Of course,” she murmured, turning to mirror Hope, who had her back turned to the man while filling up supply boxes.
Frank sighed and ran a tired hand down his face. “How about you both call it a day, huh? Go get some chow and then relax. You’ve been going almost non-stop for weeks.”
Since their last visit to Thorpe Abbotts on July 31st, they’d spent almost every day in the air, transporting patients from Italy to Africa, sometimes spending the night in nurses' tents in the middle of the Tunisian desert. If they weren’t on a run, they were doing things around the base, constantly on the move in preparation for the worsening invasion of Sicily. The sheer volume of casualties was horrendous, and it seemed that the men got younger with each one they laid eyes on. 
Carnage takes a toll…and not just on those fighting on the fronts with bullets flying around them.
“Come on,” Frank urged, throwing his cap back on. He walked over and pulled each of them under an arm, turning toward the closet door. “That’s an order.”
Hope raised an eyebrow at him, unable to keep a smirk off her lips. “What makes you think we’re gonna start listening to you now?”
This time that Frank smiled, it was genuine. “I am a Captain, after all, Lieutenants.”
He walked them to the main exit of the hut, released them from his hold, and opened the door for them. They each wore a grin, and he saw it as a win. “Now go eat up. I’ll make sure everything makes it on the Angel.”
As he lightly pushed the pair out the door, Ruth turned around. “There’s just one thing I need-”
“I got it, Ruth,” he interrupted. “I promise.”
Hope grabbed the blonde’s arm gently, pulling her out the door behind her. “Come on, Rue. I’m starving.”
Watching from the windows as the women made their way to the mess hall, Frank sighed. He had come in a few minutes before he announced himself, and had heard the girls’ conversation. Part of him felt guilty for eavesdropping on them, but another part of him was glad he overheard it. Out of the three of them, he was the only one who had the power to do anything about the situation. 
It was no secret they reminded him of his younger sister back home, and from the first time they met, the trio formed a close bond that was only deepened when they went up together for their first casualty evacuation. Frank’s heart ached to see the normally bubbly women so down, and he knew he had to do something about it.
Marching over to a nearby desk, Frank grasped the phone and held it up to his ear. 
The operator’s voice crackled through the receiver. “Number please.”
“Norfolk, 7322, please,” he replied.
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“Good job today, boys,” Johnny praised, raising his glass toward the other crew in the Officer’s Club bar. “I heard you stayed tight in formation, just like we taught ‘ya.”
Earlier in the day, select crews of the 100th had taken part in a mission targeting aircraft factories in Merville and Lille, both in occupied France. The mission was a success, and the ‘Bloody Hundredth’ defied its nickname by bringing all its forts home safely. 
“It wasn’t your aftershave, Buck, but I still stayed close enough,” Claytor called from across the bar where he sat with the rest of Alice From Dallas’ crew.
Buck grinned, taking a sip of his ginger beer. “I’d expect nothing less, Roy.”
A familiar trumpet solo echoing through the hall stole Johnny’s attention, and his eyes rose from his almost empty glass to the dance floor, his mind taking him back to the last time he heard Artie Shaw’s Star Dust…
“May I finally have this dance?” he asked quietly, a gentle smile adorning his lips.
Ruth placed her hand in his. “Absolutely,” she replied softly, her other hand finding its place on his shoulder, her fingers lightly tracing the silver wings pinned on his uniform.
His hand on her side found a comfortable place at the small of her back, and he delicately intertwined their fingers, holding their hands out beside them. There was a few inches between their bodies, and Ruth could feel his warmth through the space between them.
The first notes of the chorus echoed through the room, casting a spell over the dimly lit dance hall. He led her with a tender sway, and he subtly used his hand on her back to pull her flush against him. The soft press of his fingertips against the small of her back, the feeling-
A hand clamped down on his shoulder, breaking him from his memory, his heart beating loudly in his chest just as it had been that night.
“John,” Gale said with a raised eyebrow. “Did you hear me?” 
Egan nodded and pursed his lips, running a hand over his mustache briefly. “Yeah,” he rasped.
“What did I say?”
Pulling out his signature raised eyebrow grin, Johnny reached up and tapped Gale’s cheek. “That I’m the best pilot in the 100th…and I have to say that I agree with ‘ya.”
Buck just rolled his eyes and shook his head at the man. “That’s definitely not what I said.”
Drinking the rest of his pint, John raised a few fingers at the bartender, who slid a full one over to him.
“Then what did you say, Buck?” he asked, quickly gulping down half of the new glass. The major had already had a few shots earlier in the night, and he was starting to feel the familiar buzz. His cheeks were flushed from the alcohol and warmth coursed through his veins.
“It doesn’t matter,” Gale huffed, sipping his drink. “What were you dazed off thinking about? A certain blonde, perhaps?”
Bucky shifted his position against the bartop to face him and nodded once with a shrug. “Maybe,” he paused, his smirk falling to a frown as he swirled the amber liquid in his glass. “I miss her.”
Out of all the things that Gale Cleven thought would come out of his friend’s mouth, the words “I miss her” were not what he expected. Sure, he knew John liked Ruth, and Hope had even told him that Ruth liked him back, but hearing it from his mouth made it real. The longing in his voice surprised the Major. In the three years the two knew each other, he couldn’t recall the older man ever speaking about a woman in such a tender way.
“Me too,” Buck replied softly, his own heart aching to see Hope.
“You too, huh?” Johnny quipped, a mischievous glint in his eye replacing the longing one from moments before as he leaned closer to Gale. “Well, last I checked, Hope’s the one you should be missin’. Ruth’s my girl, remember?”
Buck rolled his eyes, a chuckle escaping his lips despite doing everything to hold it in. “Yeah, yeah,” he groaned, his tone tinged with amusement. “You’re hopeless, you know that?”
“Hopeless romantic, you mean.”
“I was thinking more along the lines of hopelessly stupid.”
Johnny feigned offense and placed a hand over his heart. “Come on now, what’s life without a little excitement, right?”
“Speak for yourself, Johnny boy,” Buck replied, a smirk playing at the corners of his lips. “Some of us prefer a quieter existence.”
“Where’s the fun in that? Life’s too short to play it safe.”
Gale shook his head, scoffing playfully under his breath and bringing his glass to his lips. “Hopeless.”
John’s grin widened as he glanced over at him, raising his eyebrows expectantly. “You’re the only Hope-less one here.”
Buck froze with his glass on his lips for a moment until he turned to Johnny with a confused and somewhat incredulous expression. “That was terrible, Bucky.”
“What? It’s funny. I thought it was pretty clever,” John insisted, chuckling to himself.
Gale just shook his head, using all his willpower to remain stoic. “Not really.”
Undeterred, John persisted, tilting his head toward Buck. “Come on, it’s a little funny.”
Finally, Cleven’s facade fell, and a tiny smile quirked his lips. “Okay, maybe just a little,” he conceded.
“See, I told you-”
The thump of a phone being placed on the counter in front of them cut him off, and both men looked up confused. Kidd held the receiver up to his ear. “Operator, I’ve got Major Cleven here.”
“Why do we keep getting calls at the bar?” John asked loudly as Jack handed Buck the phone, and Cleven shot him a “shut up” glare.
“Is this Major Cleven?” the voice asked.
“It is,” Buck replied, looking over at Johnny skeptically. The other major then leaned close to hear the conversation. “May I ask who’s calling?”
“This is Frank Martin. The girls’ pilot.”
At the mention of the nurses, all amusement fell from their faces and they shared a worried glance. John suddenly felt sick to his stomach, and every ‘what if’ ran through Gale’s mind.
Why would he be calling?
Readjusting the earpiece, Buck cleared the emotion from his throat. “Are…are the girls okay?”
“Sorry, Major. Don’t worry, they’re alright,” he winced, able to hear the concern in the other man’s voice. “I’m just calling because they need a pick-me-up, and I was wondering if I could bring them by the base tomorrow-”
While Buck let out a relieved breath, John’s face lit up and he grabbed the phone from Gale’s ear, unable to contain his excitement. “Yes!” he shouted into the phone, causing all eyes to turn towards the bar. When they realized it was just Bucky being Bucky, they all went back to their conversations. “Maybe you’re not so bad after all, Frank!”
“What is wrong with you?” Buck hissed, snatching the phone back from him.
How Ruth calmed the man and riled him up at the same time, Buck would never understand.
Kidd shot him a look that mirrored Buck’s question and John shrugged. “It’s not my fault you’re so lonely, Jack,” he smirked, talking louder to be heard over the music. “I get to see my girl! You should be happy for me! I was just talk-”
“Will you shut the hell up, Bucky?!” Gale snapped as he held the phone back up to his ear. His eyes narrowed, remaining on Johnny as he spoke. “Sorry, Frank. Major Egan’s had a little too much to drink tonight.”
On the other side of the line in Berkshire, Frank was more than confused at how the loud, boisterous man could ever be with someone like Ruth. “I can tell.”
“We’d love to see the girls tomorrow. What time do you think you’ll be here?”
The Captain scratched his 5 o’clock shadow, calculating the drive time in his mind. “Around 1 in the afternoon, probably. If everything goes to plan, that is.”
“Thank you for doing this, Frank. We owe you big time.”
“Of course. Don’t tell ‘em I told you this,” he sighed, ”But they need a break, even if it’s just for a few hours. And as much as I hate to admit it, they miss you both like crazy…I just want to see ‘em happy.”
Gale’s heart sped up in his chest, and he looked over at Bucky who was staring off at the dance floor yet again, a soft grin on his lips. “Yeah, we know the feeling. We’ll see you tomorrow.”
“See ya.”
The call ended with a click, and John threw his arm over Buck’s shoulder, shaking him lightly. “I had a feeling tomorrow was gonna be a good day!”
Curt then appeared next to them, leaning on the bar top. “So I hear your nurses are coming into town tomorrow?”
“Don’t you go getting any ideas, now,” John grinned down at him, his mind starting to fall back under the influence after his moment of clarity. He reached down and picked up his pint, about to gulp the rest down when he had a sudden thought.
‘What are you doing?’ his mind screamed at him. ‘You can’t be hungover.’
Placing the pint back onto the bartop, he pushed it away from him, motioning for the bartender. “Can I -uh- get a water, please?”
Curt, Buck, and Jack all shared confused glances, and Kidd was the one to speak up. “I didn’t even know you drank water.”
“There’s a first time for everything, Jack,” John replied, chugging the glass, a few droplets falling from his chin to his dress jacket. “I don’t think Ruth would appreciate me being hungover tomorrow.”
Jack scoffed lightly, his brow raised skeptically at him. “Who are you and what have you done with John Egan?”
It was the thought running through all their minds. Out of the three of them, he knew the least about Ruth’s effect on John, Curt and Buck having witnessed it themselves over the past few weeks. 
“It looks like Ruth has done in a little over a month what women have tried for 27 years.” Biddick grinned, throwing his arm around the major. 
With a chuckle, Johnny lowered his glass and looked up at his friend. “And what is that?”
“She’s tamed you.”
Egan’s brows shot up in surprise, and Buck laughed loudly from beside him, covering his mouth with his hand to muffle the sound. “I wouldn’t say that, Curt,” he retorted. “Tamed is a strong word. Maybe more like watered down.”
John shrugged, pursing his lips. “Whatever. All I know is that Hope seems to have the opposite effect on you, Buck.”
“Oh no. Here we go again,” Gale groaned and ran a hand down his face. “Please don’t-”
Bucky grinned, pointing past the major to Kidd. “Jack, have you heard the story?”
“I have not.”
“So it’s the night of the dance. Ruth and I were dancing, right? We’re having a great time and then here comes Charlie…”
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Frank watched as his superior, the Major as he called him, left the base, waving goodbye to the few officers that remained to keep everyone in line. He only had a few short hours to get his plan to work and everything had to go exactly as intended. 
He’d already spoken to the officer in charge who agreed to let Hope and Ruth have a day off after their weeks of endless work, and after seeing that their records showed they had the most men evacuated back to England in stable conditions. With this evidence, he agreed that it was only fair. Frank had their passes tucked neatly away in his flight jacket, not trusting the girls not to misplace them in the meantime. 
The Austin was parked around the back of the officer's barracks. The car was in pristine condition and was the Major’s pride and joy. Luckily, with their beloved Major off base, everyone would assume he’d taken his car with him so its absence wouldn’t be missed. 
All Frank had to do was get it from the officer's barracks and park it around the back in the store room by the C-47s overnight. The officers, he’d found out, had a meeting that morning and it was his best chance to ensure their barracks were empty. 
Walking down the narrow, wooden path between the barracks, Frank checked over his shoulder repeatedly. He hadn’t felt this crafty since he’d been playing tricks on his younger sister all those years ago. 
The car was parked exactly where it should’ve been. The blue bodywork gleamed beautifully, the silver-coloured wheels polished and hoods fitted over the lights to fit with blackout regulations. The keys, as always, were in the glove compartment, and Frank thanked his lucky stars that everything was going just right. 
Pushing them into the ignition, the engine roared to life in all its glory and he couldn’t help but feel a sense of pride sitting behind the wheel of such a fine vehicle. 
He drove the car quickly out onto the road and down towards where the planes were taxied, pulling off the main road through the base and cutting down the empty runway. There was something exhilarating about driving at 60 miles per hour in a car like this, and Frank felt a little flourish of the boy of his youth living out a childhood dream. 
Pulling the car up into the store room, he ignored the looks of the ground crew Sergeant, who quickly dismissed whatever Frank was doing and continued his way across base. 
He pulled a large sheet over the Austin, covering it from prying eyes before locking the storeroom door and walking away, whistling a little tune to himself as he went. 
He wasn’t sure how his plane had worked so flawlessly but he’d thank God in his nightly prayers that it had. He had the passes, he had the car, and now all he needed to do was tell the girls…but that could wait until the morning.
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Knock. Knock. Knock.
Frank stood outside hut number four in the chilly morning air, banging his fist against the tiny covered window between Hope and Ruth’s beds. “Wake up, sleeping beauties! I’ve got some good news for ya!”
Stirring from her sleep, Hope became vaguely aware of her surroundings. Ruth was sleeping to her right, curled in on herself under the covers as she whimpered and mumbled incoherently, turning over onto her back.
“Is’ alrigh’” the blonde muttered, her brows furrowed.
Hope peeled back her blanket, ready to wake up her dreaming friend, but two more loud knocks beat her to it. The sound woke Ruth with a start, and her eyes shot open, frantically scanning the hut as her chest heaved. After a few moments, she seemed to get her bearings and looked over at Hope with a hand on her forehead.
“You okay?” Hope asked carefully.
Ruth nodded stiffly, brushing some stray hairs from her forehead. “Yeah. Just a bad dream.”
“I’m here if you want to talk about it.”
“I know.”
Frank’s voice came through the thin walls again, breaking their soft conversation, and Hope rolled her eyes. “I’ve got a surprise for you two! Come out here!”
“I think he’s full of it,” Ruth chimed, sitting up against the wall. “Why does he keep waking us up like this?”
“Probably because it’s the most annoying. It’s what Hugh would do.” 
“Yeah. Sounds about ri-”
“I can hear you in there!” Frank shouted, his lips almost against the window as he got as close as humanly possible to them from the outside. “Come out here! Really! I have something important to tell you!”
The duo shared an annoyed glance and slowly made their way to the door. “This better be good, Frank!” Hope groaned as she pulled it open. Just like the last time he had woken them up with a few sharp knocks and some yelling, they were the only ones in the hut. Most of the other nurses were out on missions or doing work abound base.
Grinning from ear to ear, Frank sauntered from their window to the door. “Morning.”
“Cut the crap,” Hope retorted with an eye roll. “What’s this super important thing we need to know?”
The man broke out in chuckles at her direct attitude and readjusted his crusher cap atop his head, his lips pulling into a slight grimace. “So I heard you two talking in the supply room last night about the guys-”
“What?” Ruth gasped, sticking her head out from the doorframe to glare at him, her brows furrowed. 
Hope’s eyes widened. “You sneaky, son of a-”
Frank threw his hands up in surrender. “Hold on. Let me finish before you kill me, alright?”
Though they were still glaring up at him, the women nodded slowly, and he took a deep breath. “Because I hate to see you both upset, I worked it out for us to have the day off.”
Frank’s eyebrows raised expectantly, waiting for them to catch on to what he was saying, but all he was met with was confusion. “Thanks for that, Frank, but how is that “super” important?” Hope asked, tilting her head at him quizzically.
“I got us a car,” he added, his grin widening as his eyes widened in anticipation. 
Ruth looked even more baffled. “I’m not following.”
“Oh for crying out loud!” the captain grumbled, slapping his palm across his face as he shook his head. “Ruth’s a blonde, so she has an excuse, but Hope, you ought to have caught on already.”
Ruth’s jaw dropped and she barely concealed an incredulous grin. “Hey!” she defended.
Removing his cap, Frank ran a hand through his sandy brown hair. “I’m taking you to Thorpe Abbotts for Pete’s sake!”
Hope and Ruth stood silent for a moment as each of their minds came to the realization of what that meant. He watched on as their confused expressions faded into pure joy and their eyes lit up, huge grins painting their lips.
Frank smiled, his heart warming at the sight before him. “Don’t thank me all at onc-”
Their bodies colliding into his cut him short, and his senses were filled with unintelligible squealing as they hugged him tightly.
“Thank you, thank you, thank you!”
“Now, this does not mean you have my blessing, alright?” he remarked as they released him from their death grip. “I just hate seein’ you two so miserable.”
“When are we leaving?”
Peering down at his watch, Frank smirked. “An hour.”
The nurses’ faces turned from glee to horror at his words, and within a split second, they ran back into the hut, slamming the door behind them as they frantically got ready.
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By the time the car rumbled to Thorpe Abbotts’ MP gate, it was 12:57.
‘Perfect timing,’ Frank thought as he glanced in the rearview mirror at the girls who were running their fingers through their styled hair with excited grins.
The gate guard approached the car, a friendly smile on his face. “How are ya’?
“Good, sir,” Frank nodded. “Captain Martin. We’re here to see-”
“You’re good to go, Captain. Major Egan said to keep an eye out for you,” the man interrupted, nodding for him to go on. “Tell Bucky he owes me one!”
“Will do.”
At the mention of John, Ruth perked up even more in her seat. She had thought about seeing him again from the moment they had last said goodnight, her mind reminding her of the warm and giddy feeling that coursed through her body in his presence. 
Hope reached over and squeezed her hand tightly as she spoke. “I’m so excited.”
“Me too. I can’t wait to see him!”
Frank listened in from the front seat, his brotherly protective instincts kicking in. “Hope, you taught Ruth your right hook, right?”
“I tried to,” she chuckled, raising an eyebrow at her friend. “She knows the basics.”
“Go for the crotch, Ruth,” the man advised, nodding at her in the rearview. “It's our weakness, okay?”
She rolled her eyes and chuckled under her breath, her gaze turning to stare at the window at the passing concrete buildings. “I’ll keep that in mind.”
His attention turned to the other nurse. “And do you still have what I gave you last time?”
Hope’s face instantly heated up as she glared at him.
“I’ll take that as a yes. Be smart.”
They rolled to a stop in front of the main building, and both Hope and Ruth’s stomachs were swirling with nervousness and excitement. The duo shared one last hopeful glance and exited the car. Before Ruth could turn to close the door, she gasped as she was engulfed in a bear hug from behind and lifted off the ground. The white sheepskin sleeves around her waist were a confirmation of what she already suspected.
“Johnny!” she yelped, a wide smile on her face.
“There she is!” He laughed, his cackle reverberating through his chest as he held the blonde against him. His infectious laughter soon had her giggling along, all nervousness long gone from her system. Ruth’s head was spinning by the time he put her down. 
Was it from his proximity? His comforting aroma of whiskey, cologne, and a hint of cigarettes? Ruth didn’t know…what she did know was that the feeling she got around him was unlike anything she’d ever experienced before.
She turned in his arms to face him, her signature blush dusting the tops of her cheeks. “Hi, hotshot,” she whispered.
Now that she was finally in his arms again, Johnny’s eyes drifted to her perfect and soft lips, and he had to use all his willpower not to lean down and press them against his.
His hands moved to her waist as he leaned down and kissed her cheek, unable to contain his affection. “Hey there, slugger. I’ve missed you.”
Their cool azure gazes met, and the hustle and bustle of the base seemed to fade around them just like it had that night in the dance hall with Stardust playing softly in the background. Ruth’s heart sped up in her chest as she felt the warmth of his touch and the adoration in his eyes. 
“I really missed you, too,” she whispered.
John scanned her face, noting her vibrant blue eyes, dimpled cheeks, and light pink lips, “You’re beautiful, you know that?”
The clearing of a throat broke them from the moment, and the couple turned toward the sound. John kept a hand on Ruth’s waist as she bashfully turned her face into his shoulder to avoid Frank’s lingering stare from where he leaned against the closed driver’s door.
“I’ll be back at 5 o’clock sharp, alright? Tell Cleven, too.” The Captain stated and pointed behind them, his eyes slightly narrowed as he glared at Bucky. Following his hand, Ruth’s grin widened when she saw Hope and Gale in the distance with a dog bounding around them.
‘Is that Meatball??’ her mind screamed.
John nodded and sent him a two-finger salute. “Yes, sir. 5 o’clock sharp.”
“Have fun, kids,” Frank remarked as he reached to open the door. He stopped when a hand was thrust in front of him. For a second, the man stared at the hand before taking it and giving it a firm shake.
“Thank you again, Frank. Buck and I really appreciate it.”
The sincerity in his words surprised Frank after what he’d heard about Major John Egan, the wild and womanizing squadron commander of the 418th. Perhaps there was more to him than met the eye.
“You’re welcome, Major. Oh, the guy on gate duty said you owed him one,” he replied with a small smile. A genuine one. With one last look at the pair, he got back into the car and drove toward the exit. 
As soon as he left, Ruth turned to John and pointed to their right giddily. “Is that Meatball?”
In the grass, he could see a white furball jumping around Buck and Hope. “Sure is.”
Without a word, she grabbed his hand and tugged him behind her as she beelined for the dog. Despite Johnny’s long strides, Ruth was walking so fast he had to jog for a moment to keep up with her. 
“He’s a licker,” he warned as they approached the husky.
Ruth immediately sunk to her knees and began ruffling his fur as her voice went into dog mode. “Oh, you’re so fluffy! You’re such a good dog, Meatball,” she giggled, the dog’s tail wagging excitedly.
Hope couldn’t hold back a grin as she watched John’s gaze follow Ruth, a look of pure adoration spreading across his face. She stepped over and greeted him with a small hug.
“It’s good to see you again, John.” 
“Good to see you too, Hope. How have ya been keeping?” 
Hope shrugged, “Not too bad. Glad to finally have a day off. It’s been a tough few weeks.” She tried not to dampen the mood but both she and Ruth had been struggling, mentally and physically with the trials of their demanding job. John just nodded, and Hope, noticing that Ruth was still occupied with Meatball, decided to offer Bucky some advice. 
“Ruth isn’t just another one of your floozy’s, John,” she said quietly. “She’s a special girl, so you better treat her right. Otherwise, you’ll have Frank and I to deal with. I’ve met your kind before, and the poor guy didn’t take too kindly to me punching him in the face…so don’t say I didn’t warn you. Is that clear?” 
She raised her eyebrows waiting for his response, amused as John smirked, scratching the back of his neck. “Crystal, Lieutenant. I ain’t gonna cause any trouble. I really like Ruth. She’s a great girl and I’m not just planning on messing around with her.” 
Hope seemed satisfied with his answer, giving him a small nod before moving back to Gale’s side. John let out a small breath he’d been holding. He’d heard about this other unfortunate guy from Hugh and he didn’t fancy meeting Hope’s right hook.
He was broken from his thoughts when something jumped up on his thighs, making him lose balance and fall to the grass roughly, the crusher cap flying off his head.
“Hey!” Bucky chuckled as Meatball climbed on top of him, the husky’s sticky tongue licking his face.
The group burst into laughter, and Ruth picked up John’s cap, holding it out to him as he clambered to his feet. With a smirk, he took it and placed the huge hat on her head. 
John thought it was the most adorable sight he’d ever seen. 
The cap completely covered her forehead and sat crooked like he always had it. She had to lean way back to see him under the bill. 
“I don’t think it fits, Major,” she giggled, sending him a goofy salute as the cap fell back down over her eyes.
He couldn’t contain a loud cackle as he lifted it from her head, running a hand through his stray curls before returning it to its rightful place. Suddenly remembering there were other people there, Ruth’s face turned a deep pink.
“So what are you two’s plans for the next…” Buck checked his watch. “Four hours?” 
“Uhhh about that,” John smiled cheekily at his friend, snapping his fingers and pointing to him. “I’m borrowing your bike back for the afternoon.”
“What do you mean, ‘borrowing it back?’” Gale asked with furrowed brows.
“Well, Ruthie and I can’t walk all the way to Dickleburgh, and there were no jeeps...so, bikes it is.”
The girls were barely containing their snickers at the way the Majors often went at it like an old married couple.
Buck’s hands moved to his hips. “And what if Hope and I are going off base?”
“Come on, Buck,” Johnny groaned, mirroring his stance. “I know you weren’t planning to. Were you?”
The younger man just glared at him with narrowed eyes. “No, but-”
Taking the confession as a win, John threw an arm over Ruth’s shoulders and pulled her against his side. “Thanks, Buck,” he hollered as he turned them toward the two bikes lying among the grass. “See you two later! Have fun!”
Ruth sent a small wave to Hope, then looked up at Bucky with raised brows. “You’re full of it, you know that?”
“What?” he asked innocently, squeezing her shoulder gently.
“I don’t know how he deals with you.”
They came to a stop in front of the bikes and Johnny released her from his grip, tilting his face down towards her with a smirk. “Ruthie. He doesn’t know how you deal with me.”
“Well,” Ruth shrugged. “You’re lucky I like you so much.”
John chuckled, the warmth of her smile melting away any last remnants of tension from his shoulders. “I consider myself the luckiest man in the world,” he replied, his voice soft with sincerity in a way that only happened around the blonde.
A shy smile played at the corners of her lips as her cheeks flushed pink at his words. “Smooth talker,” she teased, her voice barely above a whisper. 
The Major’s heart raced as he looked into Ruth’s eyes, and in that moment, he was acutely aware of how close they were. His gaze flickered to her lips, temptation tugging him forward with an irresistible magnetic pull as he reached out a hand to gently tilt her chin upward. But just as their lips were about to meet, Ruth pulled back suddenly.
“Not so fast,” she whispered, her eyes narrowing playfully. “Don’t think I forgot about how you trashed the Braves in your letters, hotshot. I’m sticking by my promise.”
John grinned and raised an eyebrow. “You mean your threat? Two can play at that game, doll…you can kiss the mustache goodbye.”
They glared at each other for a few moments, neither willing to give in and admit their team was lesser. All the while, the urge to feel their lips against the others was becoming too much for the pair. Ruth broke first, sighing.
“This does not mean that I-”
She was cut off by John closing the distance between them and gently landing his lips on hers. Melting into the embrace, Ruth’s lips parted beneath his, her hands finding their way to his chest. As they broke apart, Johnny’s heart pounded in his chest and the nurse's eyes sparkled with mischief as she looked up at him with a playful smile dancing on her lips.
“I guess the mustache stays,” she teased, her quiet giggles filling the air.
Bucky chuckled, brushing a stray lock of blonde hair from her face. “For now,” he replied, his voice tinged with affection. “But don’t think you’ve won just yet, slugger. The Yankees will always end on top.”
Moving to stand up the bikes, Bucky handed one to Ruth before swinging his leg over it and settling into the seat, his grin widening as he glanced over at her. “You’re gonna love this place, Ruthie. It won’t be too crowded right now, either.”
“Where are we going again?” she asked, trying to get comfortable on the bike. In that moment, she was thankful she decided to wear pants that day instead of a dress.
“Dickleburgh. It’s about 10 minutes away, and it’s got the best pub around.”
Finally ready to go, she held herself up with a foot. “Alright. Lead the way, Major.”
"You got it,” he winked, pushing off and leading the way down the base’s main road.
The sun hung high in the sky, casting dappled shadows across the road as they pedaled through the picturesque countryside. For once there wasn’t mist or fog in the air, but the familiar smell of manure filled their noses when they passed a freshly fertilized field. Ruth’s face scrunched at the smell, and John chuckled beside her. As they rode, he couldn’t resist steaingl a few glances at the woman, captivated by how her blonde hair danced in the breeze. 
“So, what’s your family like?” Ruth asked out of the blue, glancing over at him with a fond grin.
“It’s me, my mom, and my two sisters. My pops passed last year.”
She kicked herself for bringing it up. “I’m sorry, John. I can’t imagine.”
“It’s still hard,” he said with a small sigh. “But we manage. My sisters are all out doing their own thing, and I’m over here, so we all try to keep in touch with Ma the best we can.”
Ruth nodded. “I understand that.”
Silence lingered in the air for a few moments and Ruth tried to lighten the mood.
“Tell me about your sisters.”
A wide grin immediately tugged at his cheeks and he chuckled. “They’re spitfires, for sure. My older sister, Frances, named after my ma, is an Army nurse in the South Pacific. And Eileen…she’s the baby but bosses us around like she’s the oldest.”
“Wow. So you’re a middle child?” Ruth asked, raising an eyebrow at him.
“Sadly,” John groaned, looking over at her with his signature snarky smile. “But the middle child sure didn’t get forgotten in the Egan house. I’m the only boy, so….”
“You’re a mama’s boy,” she finished for him.
He slowed his pace to ride closely beside her, his mustache quirking up at the corners of his lips. “Well, Ruthie, I have been known to introduce myself as Mrs. Egan’s bad boy, John.”
Ruth’s eyes widened in disbelief at the comment, and she couldn’t help but cringe at the raunchy line, a soft groan escaping her lips as she shook her head in disapproval.
“John, seriously?” she exclaimed, her voice tinged with laughter as she shook her head. “Please tell me you don’t actually say that to people.”
With a chuckle, he shrugged nonchalantly. “No can do. But don’t worry, I promise I won’t introduce myself like that to anyone else. ”
“You better not,” she teased, playfully scoffing under her breath. “Or I might have to reconsider being seen in public with you.”
“We’ve already established that you can’t resist my charms, so would-.”
“Hey, hey.” She corrected, waving a hand over at him. “Back to your sisters, hotshot. You were talking about Eileen.”
“Right,” John huffed before nodding fondly as Eileen and Franny’s faces appeared in his mind. “Lena’s all grown and married now.”
“How old is she?”
“Twenty-two. Last time I saw her was at her wedding. She sends me letters every now and then checking in.”
Ruth cut her eyes at him, her gaze holding a mischievous glint. “What do you think of her husband?”
“Well,” Bucky sighed dramatically, raising his eyebrows. “I like the chump, but the fact that he kisses my sister, sleeps in the same bed as her…it makes my skin crawl.”
For the rest of the short ride, he told her of each of his family members, and by the time the village of Dickleburgh’s charming cottages and cozy storefronts came into view, Ruth could almost imagine the Egan family sitting at Sunday dinner, laughing and enjoying each other's company. It reminded her of her own that she missed so dearly. 
Ruth’s pace slowed as they entered the village, John guiding them toward the heart of the town where the pub awaited them. They passed people on the street who nodded at them kindly, and she thought the overall atmosphere of the town was already very welcoming. 
“Here we are,” he called over his shoulder, his grin widening as they approached the pub.
He dismounted smoothly, but Ruth tried to put on nonexistent brakes with her pedals out of habit. Her eyes widened in panic as she struggled to reach the ground without falling over, her toes just barely scraping the pavement. 
“Johnny!” she called out, her voice tinged with alarm as she desperately tried to stop.
He spun around just in time to see Ruth’s panicked expression and her feet flailing as she tried to stop the bike. Reacting quickly, he dashed forward and caught her just before she slammed into the brick wall behind him, his arms wrapping around her waist to steady her.
“Sorry, doll. That one’s on me,” he grimaced as he helped her dismount the bike. “I should’ve warned you about the brakes. You alright?”
Ruth leaned into his warm embrace once she was on her feet, her heart still racing from the sudden scare. “I’m fine,” she assured with a nod. “Thanks for catching me.”
Johnny’s eyes twinkled with amusement as he gently guided her toward the entrance of the pub with a hand on the small of her back. “I think Frank would string me up if I let you hurt yourself on my watch.”
“Yeah, you’re definitely right.”
He opened the door for her, and as they stepped inside, they were greeted by soft light filtering through the open windows, casting a gentle glow over the cozy pub. A few people were sprinkled throughout the building, but for the most part, it was pretty empty, just like he had said. The second John appeared from behind her, the older bartender who’d been drying a glass busted into a hearty laugh.
“I was beginning to wonder if you’d been shot down by some bloody Jerry!”
“Not yet, Jack,” John grinned, approaching the bar with Ruth, who snickered under her breath as she watched him duck slightly under the low-hanging beams surrounding the bartop.
Johnny leaned against the bar, his hand sliding from her back to her waist, tugging her into his side. “Ruth,” he gestured to the blonde, before nodding at the man behind the counter. “Jack.”
She smiled sweetly at him. “Nice to meet you.”
“Likewise,” Jack nodded.
Scanning the room, the Major’s eyes widened as if he’d suddenly remembered something. “My favorite dart slinger here?”
Jack shook his head and pointed across the room with a grin. Taking Ruth’s hand with eyes sparkling in excitement, Bucky beelined in the direction. “Ruthie, there’s someone I want you to meet. You’re gonna love him!”
He ducked under another beam into a smaller corner of the pub, and Ruth’s smile widened at the way his eyes lit up when he spotted a young man holding a few empty glasses.
A wide smile stretched from ear to ear on Tommy’s face as he noticed Bucky approaching. “Major.”
Releasing her hand, John threw an arm around Tommy’s shoulders, leaning down and pointing at Ruth in front of them. “This is my girl, Ruth, Tommy. I wanted her to meet the best damn dart slinger in all of East Anglia.”
Ruth could’ve sworn that her heart melted right then and there. 
“Hi, Tommy,” she greeted, gesturing over at the Major. “You must really be the best if John admits someone’s better at something than him.” 
Tommy’s eyes lit up at the comment, his grin somehow widening as he slowly extended a hand toward her. “Hi,” he said softly.
Ruth gently took his hand in hers, her heart swelling with warmth at the sight of his friendly demeanor. “It’s a pleasure to meet you,” she replied, giving his hand a gentle squeeze.
A fond smile played on Johnny’s lips as he watched their interaction. From the moment he first found out she’d been a teacher before the war, he knew she was amazing at her job, but this moment solidified the notion in his mind.
“See, I told you she’s a sweetheart,” he teased, giving Tommy a playful nudge and sending her a wink. “And she’s real pretty too, right?”
Tommy nodded enthusiastically, his hand still clasped in Ruth’s. “Yep. Pretty,” he agreed softly.
Ruth couldn’t help but blush at the compliment, her cheeks flushing pink as she glanced up at a smirking John before her gaze fell to the floor. “Thank you.”
With his arm still draped over Tommy’s shoulder, Bucky grinned and glanced between the two of them. “Alright, alright, you two,” he chuckled, his tone light and playful. “Remember that she’s my girl, Tommy. You can’t go stealing her from me now…I like her too much.”
The blonde shot him a playful glare, but couldn’t suppress the smile that tugged at the corners of her lips. “You know, I doubt Tommy here wouldn’t make fun of my team. Maybe-
“Well, that’s it. I’ve got to go win her back,” John interrupted as he lifted his arm from Tommy’s shoulder and gently intertwined his hand with Ruth’s. “Don’t cause too much trouble, alright?”
Tommy started walking back up to the bar with a nod. “I’ll try.”
“I already love him,” Ruth mused, allowing Bucky to lead her over to a secluded table near the corner. He held out the chair for her and helped her sit down before settling into the opposite chair. “When did you meet him? When you first came over from home?”
“Yep. Tommy’s actually the reason we have those two bikes out there.”
The blonde tilted her head at him with a confused expression. “How?”
“Well, I told ya, he’s the best dart shooter around,” John started, leaning his elbows onto the table with a smirk. “Few months ago, a buddy of mine, Morris, bet his bikes that Tommy couldn’t hit an apple on top of my head…you know I can never say no to a good bet.”
“Wow,” she chuckled as she shook her head. “For a pilot, you sure don’t care about your eyesight, huh?”
“I cared more about those bikes. Buck was flying in the next day and I couldn’t have him gabbing about how long the walk was, now could I?”
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1530 HRS: 3:30PM
The time flew by as they talked in the small pub, just soaking in each other’s presence.  Their conversations ranged from childhood stories to their missions, and it seemed that there was nothing that they couldn’t talk about. John sipped on his pint and listened in as Ruth used her hands to animatedly tell a story, a few giggles escaping her.
“So there’s this drink back home called Cheerwine, and it’s almost pure sugar. We only got it for special occasions, but when James was around two, he got into some-”
“What?” he asked with wide eyes, his raised eyebrows wrinkling his forehead. “Your baby brother drank a bunch of wine?”
With a roll of her eyes, Ruth reached across the small table and placed a hand on his arm. “It’s not alcoholic. It’s a soft drink, hon. If you’d let me finish the story, you’d know that,” she quipped.
He grabbed her hand and intertwined their fingers gently, lifting his empty one in surrender with a smirk. “My bad, my bad. Please continue.”
“Thank you…That day I got home from school and little Jamie was nowhere to be found. My Mama and Granny were freaking out, running around like chickens with their heads cut off looking for him. So I do the only reasonable thing an older sibling does when the younger one is missing…I went to get a snack.”
John chuckled across the table. “Sounds about right.”
“I went to grab something out of our cupboard, and if I wouldn’t be dawgoned, there he was!” Ruth exclaimed with a huff, “Fast asleep with three empty bottles of Cheerwine next to him.”
A loud belly laugh filled the pub, and a few of the newer patrons looked over at him with an annoyed glare, but the regulars didn't even bat an eye. "The little squirt had a sugar crash,” Johnny remarked, his eyes shining with amusement. “I can only imagine the look on your mom’s face when she found him."
Ruth nodded, a fond smile tugging at her lips as she remembered the chaos of the day. “Oh, she was not happy,” the blonde admitted with a chuckle. “But thankfully, Jamie was completely fine. He slept like a log for the rest of the day, though.”
Another part of the memory came to the forefront of her mind and caused her smile to falter slightly, eyes falling to the table. John squeezed her hand in concern, worry etching his face at her sudden change in demeanor. “You alright?”
“Yeah,” Ruth weakly replied, reaching up with her free hand to grasp her cross necklace. “Later that year, my Granny, she um, passed away. She gave me this. Said it was her good luck charm…You would’ve gotten along great with her.”
John rubbed his thumb over her knuckles gently. “I’m sure I would’ve. You know how I feel about good luck charms.”
“She first gave it to Dad when he went off to fight in France, and when he came back to my Mama a year later, Granny said it was the necklace that did it.”
“And what did your Pops have to say about that?” he questioned lightly. 
“Well,” she snickered, her blue eyes raising to his and holding up air quotations. “He said it was because of his ‘skills as an infantryman.’”
They shared a few chuckles before Ruth took a deep breath and shook away her memory. She sat up straight and scooted her chair closer to the table, leaning over it toward John. “But enough of the past,” she grinned, excitement sparkling in her eyes. “Don’t think I’ve forgotten what’s coming up, hotshot.”
“And what is that?”
“Your birthday!” Ruth cried, her eyes widening at the realization of how loud she was. Leaning further over the table, she lowered her voice. “Your birthday!”
“Oh, that,” Bucky chuckled. “28 is gonna be the same as 27, Ruthie. I’ll just be one year closer to becoming an old man.”
She raised an eyebrow at him skeptically. “I thought you already were?”
“Oh, that hurts,” he replied with a barely concealed smirk, bringing a hand to his chest. “I never expected such a low blow from you, doll. Here I was thinking you liked me.”
Taking a sip of her cider, Ruth shrugged. “Maybe I’d like you more if you would shut up about the Yankees.”
“No can do. Maybe I’d like you more if you would stop yapping about the Braves,” he sassed.
They both glared at each other with narrowed eyes for the second time that day, neither wanting to give in first. Unlike the first time, John was the one that conceded, sticking a hand out. “Fine. Truce?”
Ruth eyed his hand for a few moments in contemplation before shaking it. “Truce.”
“On that note,” he started, squeezing her hand. “I’ve got to go to the head. Don’t go anywhere.”
“Yes sir.”
As he made his way across the pub, Ruth watched him go, a soft smile playing on her lips. He stopped to speak to Jack for a few moments and then let out a single laugh, sparing her a wink before disappearing behind the bathroom door. She sighed contently, shaking her head at how she turned into a puddle in his presence. The sound of John's seat scraping across the floor broke her from her thoughts.
Her eyes followed the sound, and her smile faded and was replaced by a wave of discomfort as she was met with the sultry smirk of a dark-haired American in his service uniform. He leaned over the table towards her and Ruth immediately removed her elbows from it, folding in on herself as she wrapped her arms around her stomach. She felt his eyes on her, and her gaze flicked around the room, getting stuck on the door that John disappeared behind.
“Hi there, beautiful,” the man greeted, his words slightly slurred. “Can I get you a drink, doll?”
The endearment sounded like nails on a chalkboard coming from his lips, the complete opposite of the way it made her heart skip a beat when Johnny said it. 
“I already have a drink,” she muttered quietly, her voice barely above a whisper as she shifted uncomfortably in her seat, her heart racing in her chest. Ruth cut her eyes at the man quickly, her unease growing by the second as she prayed for John to return. 
“Come on, don’t be like that,” he persisted, his body practically draped over the table. “What do you want? A pint?”
Her skin was crawling under his gaze as he undressed her with his eyes. 
‘This is not happening,’ she thought. ‘You’ve gotta say something!’
Just when she was about to muster a response, the door to the bathroom swung open, and John emerged with a grin on his face. Relief flooded through her system at his familiar figure. 
Bucky’s smile faltered as he met Ruth’s scared and uncomfortable eyes that silently pleaded for help. He was unable to see the whole table, so when he stepped forward and saw the man practically draped over her, a flash of protective anger crossed his features. His steps quickened as he made his way back to their table, his expression hardening with each stride.
When he reached their spot he clamped his hand roughly onto the man’s shoulder with a clenched jaw, his chest burning. “Thanks for keeping my seat warm for me, pal,” he gritted out, his sharp tone in contrast to the playful words themselves.
The airman’s eyes remained on Ruth and he didn’t even bother to look up. “I didn’t know you owned this seat,” he snarked, finally shifting his eyes from the nurse up to John, whose glare threatened to burn straight through him.
The second he caught sight of the golden oak leaf on John’s collar, his eyes widened and all color drained from his face. He shot clumsily to his feet,  “Sorry-uh-Major, sir. I-I didn’t know,” he stammered, offering a split second salute before stumbling off to rejoin his friends across the room. 
Ruth covered her mouth to hide her grin at the man’s horror, her heartbeat already calming with John’s reassuring presence. Staring daggers at the man, Bucky’s hands sat on his hips as he took a deep breath to steady himself. When he turned his gaze back to Ruth, his expression softened, and he reached out to gently pull her sitting figure into his side. “You alright?” he asked, his voice filled with concern.
“Yeah,” she sighed, melting into his embrace. “Thank you…my knight in dirty sheepskin.”
Ruth’s giggle filled the air, and all the remaining tension left John’s body. “Not you, too,” he groaned. “Buck always rags me about the jacket looking dirty.”
”Well, if the shoe fits…”
He rolled his eyes, squeezing her shoulder lightly. “You ready to head out?”
“Sure. What time is it?” Ruth asked as he offered a hand and helped her to her feet.
John checked his watch quickly, scratching his mustache lightly. “Only 4. We’ve still got an hour.”
With a smirk, the blonde pulled him toward the door. “Let’s get going then, Major.”
“Add the drinks to my tab, Jack!” Bucky called over his shoulder as he quickly followed Ruth out the door, throwing his cap on haphazardly.
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By the time they reached Thorpe Abbotts, clouds had moved into the English sky, replacing the bright sunlight with a dull and gloomy haze. Ruth followed John’s lead as he rode further into the base, pedaling past a few nissen huts.
“Go ahead and stop pedaling,” he pointed just ahead of them. “We’re stopping at my hut.” 
“Alright!” She replied, coasting along the pavement for a few moments. Johnny had already hopped off his bike like a pro and leaned it up against the hut.
Smirking, he placed his hands on his hips. “You need help?”
“I think I got it!” 
The bike beneath Ruth slowly rolled to a stop, and she stuck a foot out to catch herself in right front of John. Once she hopped off the bicycle, he propped it against his, taking her hand with a proud grin. 
“Here’s home sweet home,” John chuckled, gesturing to the nissen hut before them. He tugged on her hand and opened the door, but Ruth stopped for a moment behind him.
She scanned their surroundings briefly, her voice lowering to a whisper. “I don’t think that I should be in there.”
“Rank has its privileges, Ruthie. We’re alright,” he smiled down at her, squeezing her hand once. “Anyways, the Hundredth’s known for our raunchy discipline, so why start following the rules now, huh?”
“Are you sure?” The nurse asked skeptically, raising an eyebrow at him. “Buck told us about Hugh getting in trouble for having girls in here.”
“Yes, I’m sure,” John chuckled, pulling her a little closer. “Don’t worry about Buck. I have a feeling Hope’s got him-uh…preoccupied.”
Taking one last glance around them, a grin formed on her lips and she nodded excitedly. “Okay.”
As he led her into the small building, Ruth immediately noticed the similarities in their living spaces. The men’s hut was just as cold as theirs, and everything down to the sheet color was identical, except for the various city names that were burned into the ceiling of the men’s room.
Walking past each name, she read them aloud. “Bremen, St. Nazaire, Le Mans, Trondheim, ” Her eyes scanned the beds they passed as well. On some of the nightstands stood pictures of women, others of smiling families, and Ruth found herself comforted by it all.
“Which one is yours?”
“This one,” he replied, tossing off his cap and flopping face down onto a nearby mattress with a creak. 
Ruth chuckled and rolled her eyes at his child-like antics, sitting on the edge of the bed as John turned over onto his back to look up at her. He moved an arm behind his head, taking in her beauty as she reached over and picked up a book from his bedside table with a soft smile.
Her fingers traced the faded letters on the book’s cover with a tender reverence. “Guys and Dolls,” she murmured, her eyes distant as she flipped through the worn-out pages. “One of my students did a report on a story from in here.”
Continuing to watch her closely, Johnny’s stomach twisted at the longing he saw in her eyes. He could tell how much she missed her students, how teaching had always been more than just a job to her…it was a calling, a passion that filled her with purpose.
“Yeah, I like to read,” he replied, his voice gentle as he propped himself up on his elbows to get a better look at her. “Figured I could use a little entertainment to pass the time between missions.”
He decided he wasn’t going to dwell on the topic if she didn’t want to talk about it, not wanting to upset her. They all had touchy subjects, and for most of them, they dealt with home. 
Ruth nodded, her lips curving into a wistful smile as she closed the book and set it back on the bedside table. “I miss teaching,” she admitted softly, her voice tinged with sadness. “The kids, the classroom…it feels like a lifetime ago.”
As he listened to her confession, a pang of guilt ran through him. Of course, he couldn’t have known the book would make her upset, but that didn’t stop his heart from clenching in his chest. Unable to bear seeing her in distress, he sat up against the wall and reached out instinctively, his fingers brushing against her arm gently.
“It must be hard, being away from something you love so much.”
Ruth’s eyes met his, and something he couldn’t quite decipher shone in the deep blue as she readjusted on the bed to face him, moving a little closer with a knee folded underneath her. As she gazed down at him, a whirlwind of emotions swept through her. She couldn’t deny the warmth that spread through her chest whenever he was near or the way his presence seemed to cause a permanent smile to hang from her lips. He always knew just what to say to quell her worries and anxieties in a way that no one ever had before. With each touch, smile, and laugh, she felt herself drawn to him more and more, a magnetic pull that she couldn’t resist.
John’s dark, tousled, and slightly unkempt hair framed his face as he stared up at her, tenderness radiating from his gaze. A few stray curls lay scattered across his forehead, and Ruth slowly reached up and ran her hand through his hair, feeling the soft strands beneath her fingers. A sigh escaped John’s lips as he closed his eyes at the sensation, his features relaxing into a look of contentment. 
She gently slid her hand down to his cheek, tracing the contours of his face with a feather-light caress. Johnny’s eyes fluttered open at her touch, his eyes locking with hers in an unspoken exchange. He leaned into her hand and brought his own up, covering her much smaller one.
“It’s alright,” she finally replied quietly, fighting a sigh when he placed a soft kiss against the inside of her palm. “Some things make it worth being away.”
John sat up fully and reached a hand up to the side of her face, rubbing her jaw softly with his thumb. “I know the feeling.”
His eyes wandered her face for a moment, looking for any sign of discomfort as he leaned in. “Can I-”
“Yes,” she breathed, and for the second time that day, John connected their lips…but this one was different.
As their lips met, Ruth felt a surge of safety flood through her entire being. The slight tickle of his mustache was a familiar feeling that somehow brought her comfort. His lips were soft and tender against hers, moving with a gentle rhythm that made her stomach swirl. Ruth’s head spun, all thoughts dissipating as they got lost in each other’s embrace.
The taste of whiskey…the smell of his cologne… it was John. He was all-encompassing.
In that moment, Ruth Morgan knew she never wanted to kiss anyone else again.
Ruth melted into him, her heart pounding in her chest as she wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him closer. John’s hand remained on her jaw, and his touch sent tingles coursing through her skin. She sighed softly against his lips, the sound muffled by their kiss.
Eventually, they pulled back breathlessly, their quiet pants mingling in the air between them as they leaned their foreheads together. John placed one last chaste kiss against her lips and leaned back to fully view her face, his hand running over the smooth skin of her cheek.
“Ruthie, you’re amazing…”
The nurse ducked her head slightly, looking at the bed between them for a moment before peering up at him through her lashes with a bashful smile. “Thank you.”
A lazy grin appeared on his face as their gazes locked again. “...except for the fact that you’re a Braves fan.”
Ruth’s eyebrows shot up and her jaw dropped, a scoff that soon turned to chuckles leaving her lips. “You’re such an idiot! What happened to our truce?” she howled, reaching her hands out to shove him, but John caught them before they could find their mark, holding them against his chest as Ruth fought against him.
“Not so fast!” he cackled, their laughter echoing through the small space. 
The familiar sound of her giggles never failed to make his heart skip in his chest.
“You didn’t seem to care about me being a Braves fan a minute ago!”
“What was a minute ago?” Bucky asked cheekily, checking his watch for dramatic effect. The time that greeted him made his heart drop, the giddy feeling disappearing suddenly as his smile fell. “Oh, Come on.”
Ruth froze, her brows creasing. “What is it?”
He released her hands and held up his wrist for her to see. 
“We gotta go” John groaned, clambering to his feet. “Frank’s gonna kill me if you’re late.”
When she didn’t move from the bed, he reached out his hands to her. “Come on, Ruthie. We’ve only got nine minutes to get over to the main building and it takes all of that on the bikes.”
Ruth let out an exasperated sigh and took his hands, allowing him to pull her to her feet. “I don’t want to leave.”
“I know, doll,” John mumbled, tugging her into a tight embrace. “I don’t want you to leave either, but you’ve gotta get home before the blackout goes into effect. The roads get real dangerous after that.”
Ruth knew he was right, but after being there with him by her side, she didn’t want to be without her Major. Serious feelings were slowly developing each time they spent time together, and it got harder each time they parted.
The couple spent the short bike ride to the main building planning their next meeting. Passing a few other airmen, Johnny grinned proudly at them as their eyes cut over to Ruth.
“Evening, fellas.”
As they turned the corner, the blue Austin came into view with Frank leaning against the side, Buck and Hope a few feet away.
“I wanna go to the pub and see Tommy again.” She called out, the wind whipping her blonde hair in all directions.
“Damn,” John cursed. “I’m being replaced.”
As she often did in his presence, she rolled her eyes, a high-pitched giggle leaving her lips. “You’re so overdramatic.”
They hopped off their bikes near the car, laying them in the grass gently. Approaching their friends, they walked hand in hand, arms swinging between them. Frank waved them over, sending the couple a smug grin.
“How’s your day been, Ruth?” Frank asked, nodding curtly to John who responded similarly.
She peered up at the Major with dusty pink cheeks. “Good.”
“That’s it? Good?” The Captain grumbled as he took a drag of his cigarette.
Snickering under her breath, Hope wiggled her eyebrows suggestively at Ruth who ducked her head, a grin plastered on her lips.
Johnny cut his eyes at Buck, who could see the mischief behind his friend’s eyes, and urged him silently to keep his mouth shut. “Well, If you-”
“Nevermind,” Frank interrupted the Major, raising a hand at him. “I don’t wanna know.”
Before anyone could speak, someone called out to the group. “Majors!”
Their eyes flew over to Hugh, who approached them quickly. 
“I thought Buck had your blessing, Charlie?” John asked, a sly look on his face.
The group noticed his blank expression as he came to a stop beside his sister. “The light’s on.”
Buck and John’s smiles fell as their eyes met again. This time, there was no amusement in their gaze. The girls watched them with furrowed brows. 
“What does that mean?” Hope asked, looking up at Gale expectantly.
Johnny sighed and squeezed Ruth’s hand gently, peering down at her with pursed lips. “It means there’s a mission.”
“Harding said to bring toiletries, a blanket, and a summer uniform,” Hugh announced, running a tired hand down his face. “I think this one’s big.”
The women’s hearts sank…of course, they knew what the guys did, but until that moment, they hadn’t been reminded of it firsthand. Ruth could see a flicker of fear in Bucky’s eyes, and reality came crashing down on her.
Every time they went up, they ran the risk of never coming down again.
This realization sent a surge of panic coursing through her veins, and she found herself unable to speak, her throat constricted with emotion. Feeling her hand start to shake in his hold, John pulled them away from the group, giving the couple some privacy.
“Hey,” he murmured softly, his voice barely above a whisper as he reached up to cup her jaw, leaning down to meet her eyes with his face creased in concern. “We’ll be alright. We always are.”
His words offered her a fleeting sense of reassurance, but Ruth couldn’t shake the overwhelming dread gnawing at her insides. The fear of losing him…of never seeing him again threatened to overwhelm her.
She nodded, her lips quivering as she fought to keep her emotions in check. “I know,” she whispered back, her voice barely audible. “But…just in case…”
With trembling hands, Ruth reached up to her neck, fumbling with the delicate chain of her granny’s necklace. She hesitated for a moment, her heart pounding in her chest before finally unclasping it and holding it out to John.
“Here,” she said softly, swallowing the lump in her throat. “Take it. If it got my Daddy through a war, it’ll get you through, too.”
John’s eyes widened in surprise and he gently pushed away her outstretched hand, closing her fingers over the necklace. “Ruthie, I can’t,” he protested. “I’m not taking it. I’m set on good luck charms, remember? This means too much to you.”
But she shook her head, a determined glint in her eyes as she pushed the necklace into his hand. “Please, Johnny,” she insisted, her voice unwavering. “I want you to have it. Just…just come back to me, hotshot.”
“I will. I promise.”
Johnny’s throat tightened as he met Ruth’s desperate gaze, the emotion in them stirring his own inside his heart. He took the necklace and brought her into a loving embrace, cradling her head against his chest. Ruth let herself get lost in his arms, finding comfort in the steady rhythm of his heartbeat beneath her ear.
“Hey Ruthie,” he murmured, his chest rumbling at his deep tone. She could hear the smile in his voice. “While I’m gone, don’t go and get another boyfriend okay?”
Pulling back from John’s embrace, Ruth sent him a teary smile and chuckled quietly. “Don’t take too long, then,” she retorted, her strained as she wiped a stray tear from her cheek. “I don’t think I could handle having two boyfriends at once.”
His eyes crinkled at the corners as a wide and toothy grin grew on his face. “There it is,” he marveled, shaking his head. “The most beautiful smile in the world.”
Ruth’s smile grew wider at John’s words, her cheeks flushing with a rosy hue as she glanced up at him through her lashes, giggling. “Stop it. You’re making me blush.” 
Silently, he reached up and ran his hand through Ruth’s blonde hair gently, his eyes studying her face as if committing it to memory. “I can’t help it,” Johnny whispered, his voice husky with emotion as he traced the curve of her cheek with his thumb. “I know I joke around a lot, but you’re just so damn perfect, Ruth. In every way.”
The nurse’s heart skipped a beat, and she bridged the gap, her lips brushing against his in a soft, lingering kiss. Pulling away reluctantly, a bittersweet ache settled in their hearts. John pressed a gentle kiss to her temple, his lips remaining against her skin for a moment longer than necessary. From over her shoulder, he caught sight of Frank checking his watch, and the Major knew it was time for her to go. 
Although his heart sank at the thought of watching her walk away, he pulled her into one last embrace, wrapping his arms around her tightly before reluctantly stepping back. “Go on,” he said lightly, mustering the most reassuring smile he could. “I’ll see you soon, slugger.”
Ruth nodded slowly. “See you soon. Please be careful.”
She walked toward the car slowly, glancing over her shoulder at him every few moments. Just as she reached Hope, John called out to her, his eyebrows raised as he sent her a smirk. "I expect a letter waiting for me when I get back!"
"I’ll see what I can do, Major. And I expect one the second you get back!"
She held his gaze for a few moments, their blues having a silent conversation reassuring that they'd see each other again. 
The couple's eyes finally diverged when Frank's regretful voice filled the air. "Girls, we'd better hit the road if we want to be back at base before it's too dark."
Frank opened the door for them, and with a final nod, she slipped into the car beside Hope, her heart heavy with both worry and longing as she watched Johnny’s figure grow smaller in the distance. 
Glancing at the girls’ forlorn expressions as they each stared out their window silently, the Captain’s gaze softened. “They’re gonna be alright, you two. From what I’ve heard, your guys are the best pilots in the 100th. They’ll be back in no time.”
Ruth nodded slowly, her curls bobbing along her chin, but Hope remained glued to the window, her face hidden from Ruth by her dark hair. Frank eyed her carefully, watching as the tears rolled silently down her cheeks. He understood she had twice as much to lose, and knowing Hugh was never one to stay out of trouble weighed on her heavily. He’d have to keep a close eye on her over the next few days. While Ruth wore her emotions on her sleeve, Hope would suffer in silence in order to stay strong for her best friend. 
The car was eerily silent as it made its way along the dark roads, the hooded lights casting a pathetic glow on the road ahead. Somewhere along the journey, Ruth had fallen asleep against Hope’s shoulder and she smiled down at her friend, pleased that at least one of them could get some rest. 
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Once they arrived back to base the three split ways, Frank went to return the Austin before the Major returned the following morning. The girls went straight to their Nissan huts, undressing quickly and slipping into their nightdresses. Ruth sat on her bed, removing the letters from the box on her nightstand and reading over John’s words quietly while Hope busied herself around the room, folding clothes, tidying the cupboard beside her bed, and arranging the desk.
Ruth slipped beneath her bed covers with a sigh, her mind too preoccupied to sleep, but unable to settle as Hope continued to rustle and shuffle around the room. 
“Hope, will you please settle down and go to bed? We’re back to work tomorrow and we should at least get some sleep.” 
Hope looked a little forlorn, “Sorry Ruth,” she slumped down on her bed, continuing to rummage through her musette bag. The blonde groaned, rolling onto her side to shield her eyes from the lantern by Hope’s bed. Eventually, all movements ceased until Ruth felt her bed dip with a creak as Hope sat down beside her. 
Ruth had never really seen Hope cry. She’d shed a few tears but never broken down and cried, not until now…
Her shoulders shook as the silent sobs escaped her lips, “I-I can’t lose them, Ruth.” 
“Hey,” Ruth whispered, sitting up in an instant and pulling Hope into her side, “They both made a promise they would come back to you, Hope, and I don’t think that either of them would break it. They’re going to be fine…they all will.” 
Ruth wasn’t sure if she was saying that part to comfort Hope or herself. The blonde had been sick to her stomach the whole night, unable to get the worst-case scenarios out of her mind. Her only comfort was re-reading John’s letters.
She helped Hope crawl under the covers like she had so many times before, but this time Ruth resorted to being the big spoon instead of her usual place as little spoon. The bed wasn’t really wide enough for two people but they made it work, cuddling close to one another. 
“He told me I mean the world to him,” Hope whispered, her voice thick with emotion as she mumbled into the pillow. The simple thought of Gale’s words sent Hope’s heart racing in her chest, and Ruth heard every single muffled word.
“He said what?” Ruth burst with excitement, “Did you say it back?”
“Of course, I did,” Hope chuckled softly at her friend's enthusiasm. “He also said that when this war is over that he wants to marry me.” 
Ruth’s heart was fit to burst. She loved Gale and Hope together nearly as much as she loved her and John being together. Everything was coming together perfectly for them and she could only pray that things continue that way. 
Now the older nurse understood why Hope’s worry ran deeper than she previously thought. Yes, Ruth felt very deeply for Johnny, but they hadn’t made any long-term promises to each other. Gale and Hope had. The couple had plans for the future…plans that would lead to children, a loving home, and a family.
Hope’s vision of three children playing in a garden reappeared in her mind, each one with Gale’s sandy blonde hair. Maybe they had her eyes and his lips? Her nose? She could see him coming home from work after a long day, giving her a loving kiss before sitting in a recliner with their youngest on his lap, rocking them to sleep softly. They’d have a dog too, running around and playing with the children. Maybe they-
“Hope?” Ruth mumbled into her friend's hair, breaking Hope from her thoughts. She earned a muffled hum and continued, “When you get married, can I be your bridesmaid?” 
Hope turned over to face her friend slowly so she didn’t knock her out of bed, “Of course you can. Although you might have to fight Hugh for the job.” 
Ruth grinned, narrowing her eyes playfully, “I bet I could take him on. One glare from me and I think he’d be crying.” 
Hope chuckled in amusement, “I have to admit. When you’re mad, you are something to behold, Ruth Morgan. It doesn’t happen much, but I sure wouldn’t want to be on the wrong side of you when it does. I know the last time Hugh got on the wrong side of you he wasn’t best pleased,” Hope giggled, recalling her brother's shocked face at Ruth’s outburst. “I hope John is always on his best behavior. John better watch out. I don’t think he realizes what a firecracker he’s got.” 
���Yeah,” Ruth chuckled, already imagining Johnny’s reaction to her spitting off at someone. “Hopefully he won’t be the one it’s directed towards.”
“Oh, I don’t think that’s gonna be much of a problem. I saw the way he was looking at you today, Rue. You’ve got him wrapped around your finger, even if either of you don’t realize it.”
Closing her eyes, Ruth remembered his loving gaze in his nissen hut earlier. “Maybe,” she whispered, sinking into her pillow. “I still can’t believe all of this is because we evacuated some patients at their airfield on a random day.”
“I know,” Hope smiled softly. “Look at us.”
The girls chattered continued late into the night and come morning when Frank knocked on their door, they had finally fallen into a dreamless sleep, still tightly wrapped in each other's arms.
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A/N: What I wrote about John's sisters is true!! Frances really was an Army Corps Nurse in the South Pacific during WW2 and Eileen got married in 1941 to Lowell Watson! Johnny's father, John Egan (Sr.) sadly passed away in 1942. The Egan parents named two out of their three children after themselves, John and Frances being their namesakes! Just thought I should share that the Egan family was pretty cool!
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doskorogorpg · 1 year
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Welcome to Do Skorogo RPG! Please make sure you scan over the CHECKLIST, send in your account to the main in the next 24 hours, and follow everyone on the FOLLOW LIST. Varyis's faceclaim has been changed to Vico Ortiz.
NAME : rey
AGE : 30
PRONOUNS : she / her
ACTIVITY LEVEL : 6 - 8 depending on my work week and how far behind i am on my assignments 🤠 always around on mobile to plot on discord though
ANYTHING ELSE? no triggers, just a thank you again for answering all my questions, this has been a super fun app to write! i apologise in advance for the sheer length of it 🥴
DESIRED ROLE : varyis zhuk
i am... a sucker for an assassin character ( one of my longest muses is bucky barnes 🧍) and i really have such a soft spot for people who can cause incredible damage but are good people at heart ( i'm looking @ you inej ). varyis' backstory was also a big draw considering their family name and how they're continuously running from it, and i think their past catching up to them will be so insanely fun to watch play out in various character dynamics / plots further down the line.
FACECLAIM : vico ortiz
GENDER & SEXUALITY : non-binary pansexual.
sasha is the only one to know varyis' family name — they've been going by varyis or 'v' since the first time meeting svetlana, avoiding and refusing to answer questions about their past or where they came from. it's their most tightly guarded secret, one they're deathly afraid of coming out for fear of the zhuk name completely undermining everything they are to the team.  
varyis has big black cat energy. they're quiet, preferring to observe rather than be the focus of attention ; touch is a no-go unless they trust you, and they will lash out if this boundary isn't respected ( they once broke a man's hand for refusing to let go of their arm when he was warned — he got off lightly. ). however, expect a more affectionate side for those they're closest to, physical contact like hugs or an arm across the shoulder freely given when their barriers are down.  
one of the first things varyis did after they left their home behind was cut their hair. it had always been forbidden, a strict rule enforced so as to keep up appearances ( your hair is beautiful long, why would you want it short ? ). the action was freeing in a way they didn't even realise it could be, a cutting away of their past, a shedding of skin to become someone new, someone that felt authentically them. their hair has stayed short ever since.  
they have a big sweet tooth, the candies and sweets of starosva unmatched by anywhere else they've visited. the bird's milk cake from dine like kings has been their favourite since childhood and every so often varyis has an incredible craving for it, the dessert being one of the few guilty pleasures they miss from their old life.  
since they were young varyis had their own horse ; a symbol of status and wealth, the chestnut brown mare grew as varyis did, the two forging a strong bond as varyis spent a lot of their formative years in the stables learning to ride. leaving panya behind was one of the hardest decisions they ever made — it was too risky, the horse well-associated with varyis and too recognisable — and to this day varyis still feels guilty for abandoning her.  
being a zhuk meant that varyis wanted for little growing up, able to follow their every whim when it came to new hobbies or skills they wanted to learn. art — to their parent's chagrin — wasn't their strong suit, but they learned that their artistry lay within dance instead. this study of movement lay the foundation for their work as an assassin, an awareness of space and the lightness of feet heavily contributing to their ability to stay hidden.  
varyis is a fan of high vantage points ( think hawkeye ), feeling most comfortable in spaces where they can observe from above, usually unnoticed. their agility and core / upper body strength means that — much like inej — they can disappear and reappear in seconds, often surprising members of the party by jumping down from high places without warning ( their favourite past-time is catching maksim off guard ).  
they have two siblings : an older brother, ilya — the family's pride and joy — and a younger brother dima. being a middle child meant that varyis was often overlooked by their parents, more so as they grew into their gender identity and rebelled against the expectations of womanhood. this made it easier to traverse life of the elite unnoticed and unbothered, attention focused on ilya's ever-growing popularity and dima's transition from boy to man.  
ilya — older by 4 years — was the person in their family varyis was closest to growing up. he shouldered the responsibility of eldest child while also giving varyis the attention they didn't get from their parents ; he never treated them as fragile despite them being the only zhuk daughter, play fighting when they were younger turning into teaching actual fighting behind their parent's back after varyis is forbidden to learn because it's "not fitting for their station". their heart broke the first time when ilya joined the king's army. their heart broke a second when ilya returned from azov with a wild glee in his eyes varyis had never seen before, the celebration afterwards at how many grisha lives were taken being the final push varyis needed to leave for good.  
they're 13 when they meet nika. an inferni encased in a prison of paper, a former advisor for king kirill left to rot in the royal library in case the new king had any use for him. the irony wasn't lost on varyis, and the two struck up a conversation every time they snuck out from parties or gatherings or meetings their parents had to attend and found themselves within the towering shelves. their conversations over the years were always secretive and varyis never mentioned nika to anyone, just left the library with a new collection of books and words that would help them form their own opinion of grisha outside of their family's warped view. nika is who varyis turns to, distraught, after the events of azov ; he's who places that final seed of leaving, and shows varyis an old servant tunnel he's forced to use to keep himself out of sight of the elite while in the castle — it doesn't lead outside but it would allow varyis to avoid the grand hall where post-azov celebrations are taking place.  
nika is later framed for varyis' disappearance, blamed as an act of revenge for azov. it was no secret that varyis favoured the library, their parents unaware that it was cared for by a grisha. the last known sighting of varyis had been heading in the library's direction and nothing afterwards, which only meant one thing in their eyes. nika's execution is a public affair, one varyis forces themselves to watch from a nearby rooftop if only to solidify their reasoning for leaving. the guilt haunts them to this day.  
nika's nickname for varyis was 'little bird' because of the bird's milk cake that they smuggled in to share with nika after he had mentioned it was his birthday a few days before. the name stuck, even when varyis was older.
obviously the biggest plot point that would be super interesting to delve into would be varyis' family name coming to light and how that would impact their dynamics with the team. would they all think differently of them? would there be some like igor that may turn violent? would they be outcast? there are so many facets to this reveal i could go on for days.  
whether this is before or after the group finds out about varyis' past, i'd like them to have to use their knowledge of the elite in some way on a mission — for example at a ball where they need to blend in and varyis is exceptionally good at knowing the right dances, or they need a distraction in starosva and varyis can use their charm / familiarity of the area to keep their mark occupied in conversation. if this is before the reveal it could be a 👀 moment, a reason to question how varyis can blend in so well.  
this is another big one : varyis having to face their family, or even use them as a way to get into the palace. nika's execution due to the belief that he had a hand in varyis' disappearance means that the zhuk family are under the assumption they're dead — especially as there's been no word of them being used by grisha as a political prisoner ( which could be an idea in the future for the group — a bargaining tool, perhaps, which varyis agrees to ). the thought that varyis is a traitor won't have crossed their mind ( too blinded by their own hatred of grisha ), so a scenario where they either see varyis in action and it's undeniable who they are now ( i can see them coming face-to-face with ilya when he's on duty and having to make a split second decision between killing or mercy ), or varyis being welcomed back into the fold and having that internal battle that — even though this is for the greater good and will help the group — them pretending to have been caught by grisha will only make things worse. i am very open to going wherever the plot needs to with this one, i have many many thoughts.
to preface this, i don't see varyis being a big talker unless they're around people they're comfortable with. they're not shy, rather taking in information and only speaking up when they feel they have something to add. i've gone with two different scenarios so you can see this in action : the first is a question from a stranger, the second is from a grisha on the team, probably either maksim, katya or sasha.
How far would you go for your crew? 
the bar is crowded, question almost swallowed up by the din of many raised voices fighting to be heard over the rest. they're sat in a corner, back to the wall, hands cupped around a regrettably empty goblet that maksim had disappeared to re-fill ; varyis had noticed the man lingering on the edge of their conversation but had paid him no mind as the talk was harmless. that was until he sat himself down in maksim's empty seat, sudden proximity enough to make varyis immediately on edge.
❛ how far ? ❜ their voice is perfected nonchalance but there's a low note if you know them well enough, a warning in the smile that doesn't quite reach their eyes, ❛ as far as i have to. ❜ the goblet spins between index finger and thumb before stilling, varyis leaning forward in their seat to close some of the distance between the two, ❛ why, how far do you think i need to go ? ❜
What would you do if you got your hands on the circlet? 
there's a silence between the pair that's comforting, dependable in the same way as the stars that decorate the night sky above. varyis is lost in thought when the question breaks their concentration, words almost feeling raw, lined with an edge they can't quite place.
they shift, breaking the shared touch of shoulders to look their friend in the eyes, expression falling from relaxed to serious, ❛ well — i'd run first, that seems like the most sensible option. ❜ a touch of humour delivered with a fleeting smile, an attempt at lightening the mood, ❛ then i'd find you. or mikhail. or someone more qualified to take care of it. ❜ there's a beat of silence while varyis wrestles with a sudden wave of vulnerability, their tone laced with more intensity than before when they continue, ❛ i'd give my life if it meant keeping it out of the hands of the king. ❜
the celebrations run into their fifth hour and show no sign of abating. many guests are drunk, both on the alcohol freely provided and the fevered excitement that warps familiar faces — faces varyis has grown up with — into bloodthirsty caricatures. they had hardened their heart against the vitriol whispered between table-mates at state dinners, at the casual comments slipped into conversation by ilya's dryga friends. but this was overt. this was agonising and sickening all at once, fingers clutched so tightly around their cup of wine that they turn white ; there was no denying the poison that had seeped into their society, no denying that the longer they stayed the harder it would be to hold up their mask. this wasn't their home. perhaps it never had been.
slipping from the grand hall is easy. they nod in a couple's direction, keep their head down until they reach the library doors and push through ; the smell of the books hits them, comforting and bittersweet, and they can barely shut the door before letting out a sob, hands immediately clasping over their mouth to smother any further sound. tears blur their vision as they run for the nearest bookshelf, heading three rows deep into the library before collapsing onto the floor, body shaking as a flood of emotions washes through them as if controlled by a tidemaker's hands.
{ little bird ? } the voice comes from their elbow, softened syllables that only make them cry harder ; nika opens his arms on instinct and varyis buries themself within his embrace, taking deep, shuddering breaths to try and wrestle back some control. ❛ i'm sorry, ❜ the words are raw, rough at the edges as varyis finally pulls back and meets nika's eyes, the warmth they see there almost sending them back into the depths of despair, ❛ it's evil. they're evil. ❜
nika is quiet, observing as varyis wipes furiously at their eyes, letting them speak heavy words into the shared silence of the library, ❛ i can't stay here. how can i look any of them in the face after this ? i need to leave. ❜ realisation dawns then and repeated words are quieter but laced with the fire of resolution, ❛ i need to leave. ❜
a hand is extended then, and varyis thinks they see a tinge of sadness in nika's gaze as he speaks, { i can help you get out if that's what you want, but you have to be prepared for the consequences }. they nod, take nika's hand, and are pulled to their feet, following the inferni towards a small door nestled within the far side of the library, barely big enough for nika to fit through without stooping. { this passage will take you to the entrance hall. you'll be able to avoid most of the partygoers but i can't help you past the guards, that'll be up to you. are you sure you want to do this ? } varyis' throat is tight as they nod once more ; their very bones feel like they're shaking but they know deep in their soul this is the right thing to do. they couldn't stay. not anymore.
❛ come with me. ❜ it's a plea, a frantic grasp of something steady, even as nika shakes his head. tears begin to fall anew, and varyis bites their lip, the weight of understanding that they'd be alone settling on their shoulders, { i can't go with you. we would be caught before we left the castle. but you ? you can go anywhere you set your mind to. } varyis' smile is a small, fleeting thing as they lean in for another hug, squeezing as tight as they can for a last moment of peace before they let go. nika's last words follow them down the corridor as they leave the warmth of the library behind, setting out for paths unknown, { fly free, little bird. don't let them cage you anymore. }
INSPO : x / x / x / x / x / x / x
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I posted 5,477 times in 2022
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#anti loki series - 39 posts
#anon asks - 34 posts
#bucky barnes - 29 posts
#anti sylvie - 29 posts
#in defense of loki - 28 posts
Longest Tag: 138 characters
#sylv*e is not invited because she’s awful. anyone who mentions her name is liable to be blocked. i don’t know who she is she doesn’t exist
My Top Posts in 2022:
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100% They just don't know it
71 notes - Posted May 20, 2022
Easter Surprise
It has been forever since I've posted a fic. Life has been busy and writer's block has been even worse. In honor of Easter, I wrote a drabble. Sorry for any mistakes, I was too tired to edit. Anyway, enjoy!
Pairing: Tom x wife reader
Summary: You set up an Easter egg hunt for your husband, which ends in a fun surprise.
Warnings: None
(gif not mine)
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Tom woke up early just like every other morning to get a run in before the day began. Usually, you are next to him still asleep but this time, he woke to an empty bed. Well, not quite empty. A piece of paper with his name on it and a tiny basket sat atop your pillow. He picked up the paper and read the note:
Good morning, my love
In celebration of the day, I prepared a small egg hunt for you. If you make your way downstairs, the hunt can begin. Each egg is numbered and you must open them in the correct order, so don’t forget your basket and have some fun. I will meet you in the kitchen for your fifth and final egg and a special breakfast. 
All my love, 
He smiles and grabs the basket as he gets out of bed and dressed before heading down, excited for the hunt. Once he makes it to the living room, he surveys the room, soon spying an egg peeking out from behind some photographs on the mantle. He gazes at the photo of you two on your first date. You both looked so happy. Picking up the plastic egg, which to his surprise, is numbered with a one, he slowly opens it. Tom’s smile only widens when he sees the contents. Inside are two truffles, reminiscent of the dessert you two had on your first date. Along with the candy, there was another small piece of paper that said, Four years ago, I fell in love with a man…
He bites his lip and blushes slightly, remembering that night fondly. A minute goes by before he realizes he’s still standing in front of the fireplace. He shakes himself and pops one of the truffles into his mouth as he turns his attention back to looking for eggs. He walks past the patio door before backing up to take a closer look. A bright green egg, hiding in the planter outside, catches his eye. After retrieving it, he groans when he notices it has a three on it. Tom considers opening it anyway, thinking you wouldn’t know. He goes to pop it open but shakes his head and places it in the basket waiting for the other egg. He finally spots it the egg in the dining room under the table. Inside are a few Valentines' candy hearts and a piece of paper that reads, That next Valentine’s day, I finally told him that I loved him. 
The brunette quickly opens the third egg, eager to see what the next note would say. He smiles as he reads it. A year later, I married my prince charming.
His growling stomach interrupts his thoughts and he continues his search, soon locating the fourth egg. He frowns, disappointed that this one only contains some jelly bellies. Tom makes his way to the kitchen, his eyes widening when he sees a very large plastic egg sitting on top of a plate on the table. He sits down and opens it, finding a cute stuffed chick inside. He grins and notices some writing on its back. Turning it so he can read it properly, he slowly blinks at the message stitched on the wing. 
Two years and nine months later, a baby chick joins the Hiddleston coop.
“Baby chick?” he mutters then his mouth falls open when he comprehends it. “We’re going to have a baby?”
You giggle and wrap your arms around his neck from behind.“We are. Happy Easter, love.” 
Tom pulls you to sit in his lap and hugs you tightly. “I can’t believe it, a baby…I can’t wait!”
You laugh as you back, the nerves dissipating at his reaction.
“You sneaky little minx. When did you set all of this up?”
“Well, I found out a few weeks ago and did some brainstorming and then remembered how close Easter was and decided on an egg hunt. I was so nervous…
Tom hugs you again, smiling ear to ear. “I loved it and I love you. I have to say I was disappointed when there wasn’t a note in the fourth egg, but this surprise completely made for it.” He cups your face and kisses you lovingly. "I am so excited for our little chick to come. Happy Easter, darling."
88 notes - Posted April 17, 2022
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He looks GOOD in a uniform
94 notes - Posted April 22, 2022
So it seems I was blocked by a blog because I don't tag my posts properly. Honestly, I rarely tag because I forget and sometimes I'm just too lazy. So if you don't like me or what I have to say, you can feel free to block me or just keep on scrolling.
Apologies for inconveniencing anyone by reposting something that you've blocked the tags for and not tagging properly. 🙄 Or for not staying silent when someone narc or bully needs to be called out. I'm done with staying silent y'all. Block or keep on scrolling. OR you can just unfollow me.
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122 notes - Posted March 22, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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How the fuck can ppl ship Mobius and Loki? Mobius is an abuser and yet ppl think they go together!? How? Please someone explain...
I don't understand how - Mobius put Loki in a continuous loop of getting kicked in the groin until he (Loki) admitted he was a narc. And he was used to find Sylvie and then told he wasn't needed anymore. How the fuck is that right???
Just because Loki has been surrounded by abusers his whole life, doesn't mean he should be in a relationship with one. Sylvie is an abuser too, whether you like it or not. Loki deserves love. He deserves to be accepted for who he is, not torn down and accused for shit he didn't do or have control over.
Please someone explain why the fuck you would ship Loki with abusers like Mobius and Sylvie because it doesn't make sense and honestly, it makes me angry. (for personal reasons and because Loki just doesn't deserve that.)
187 notes - Posted August 25, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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crazyunsexycool · 2 years
steve and bucky with reader during civil war but they are on opposite sides but reader actually secretly helped them get out of the airport fight without the boys knowing so then the government finds out and puts you on trial and one day the boys see it while they’re on the run
Hi Darling!
I didn't forget about this one. I went back and forth about how to write this but I hope you like it.!!!!
Wrong side, right reason.
Word Count: 2.8k
Warnings: none really
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The section of the airport you stood in had been destroyed, the smell of smoke was everywhere and debris from the trucks and building littered the pavement. All of those that stood alongside Steve were now under arrest. Steve and Bucky were gone, Tony was furious and you weren’t sure how to feel. Upset that this happened in the first place, slightly afraid of the consequences of your actions if someone found out and heartbroken by the look of betrayal in both of the super soldiers eyes when they saw you standing on Tony’s side. There was nothing left to do but go home, well it wasn’t home anymore not with Steve and Bucky gone. 
“Have you seen the news?” Nat asked as she walked into the lab in Wakanda where Shuri had been working with Bucky. Steve’s arms were crossed over his chest and a worried expression etched itself onto his face in response to her question. Bucky who had been testing the new arm that had been given to him stopped to look at her waiting for more information.
Nat turned to Shuri and asked her if she could play any news station from the US. They saw your face plastered on the screen. Many of the pictures had the word traitor stamped over your face before it cut to a live hearing. You sat at the center of the room, all types of cameras pointed in your direction, it was reminiscent of the hearing Nat had been involved in when shield fell. Steve and Bucky moved closer to the screen confused as to why you were there in the first place. They see a brief shot of Tony toward the end of the table you sat behind, he was seething and if he could burn holes on the side of your head with the way he was looking at you he would. It seemed like you didn’t care though as you placed your hands to rest on the table, it’s when they noticed the handcuffs. 
“It doesn’t make sense, she fought on Tony’s side. Why is this happening?”
“Apparently I wasn’t the only one that helped you escape that day.” Nat commented. 
The chatter in the room died down as Senator Ross took a seat, the questioning was about to begin and no one wanted to miss a word.
“Do you know why you’re here today?”
“You’re the one that sent me an invite Rossie, why don’t you tell me.” 
“You are here because you violated the accords you signed.” 
“I never actually signed them. Didn’t agree with them.”
“Signed or not you still violated them by helping the criminal known as the Winter soldier escape as well as the enemy of the state Steve Rogers.”
You lean forward, getting close enough to the microphone that had been placed in front of you. “His name is James Buchanan Barnes and he isn’t a criminal.” You glare at the older man. 
“Then how would you refer to him?” Ross snapped at you.
“Victim, survivor, innocent. Take your pick.”
“Innocent?” he scoffed. “He was involved in dozens of assassinations and other plots to overthrow governments. That’s hardly innocent.”
“Since it seems you are getting forgetful in your old age, Senator, allow me to remind you that Sergeant Barnes holds the unfortunate record for being the longest living prisoner of war. He was tortured, brainwashed and forced to do those things. I’ve come to know him personally and he is a good man, one that wouldn’t willingly hurt anyone. Before all of those things that he was forced to do he sacrificed his life fighting to keep the country safe. I also put my complete trust in Captain Rogers who was the one that uncovered that hydra had been operating right under your nose for years. Before that he fought multiple times to also keep this country safe. So do what you must with me-” this time you turn to Tony and look right at him. “but if I was given the chance to go back in time I wouldn’t change a thing.”
The room erupts with people talking over one another. You sit back in your chair, your hands moving to your lap. It really didn’t matter what happened next, your plan didn’t include sticking around to find out. 
Steve cursed under his breath as he walked out of the lab and onto a balcony, needing to be alone with his thoughts. For months he believed you had turned your back on both him and Bucky. He knew that you and Tony had been best friends since before he woke up, that there was a certain amount of loyalty there, but he also knew you loved him and Bucky. You had assured him that it was the three of you before anyone or anything else. So when he saw you standing side by side with Tony his heart broke. He wasn’t angry though, he could never be angry at you. Now he knows you only did it to buy them time. The video that showed you using your powers to allow them to get away was the proof used against you. It played over, it was obviously enhanced to show your use of your abilities. What would normally be an invisible shield you projected keeping Vision from hitting the jet with a ray from the mind stone, was now visible. 
“It had to have been Tony.” Bucky says breaking Steve out of his thoughts. He walks up behind Steve and wraps his arms around the Blonde’s waist. Steve leans into Bucky, needing some type of comfort.
“What was Tony?” 
“The one who turned her in. Look at the footage, no one else could have enhanced it like that. And the way he was looking at her, he was definitely angry. We have to do something Steve, we can’t leave her there.”
“We won’t.” 
The official trial against you had begun. Part of you understood Tony and why he turned you in but the other part was angry he did it. Still there was no time to dwell on the broken friendship, not when you had a plan and a small window to execute it in. You were being moved from the courthouse to the prison you were being kept in. If it worked well you would be a somewhat free woman in a couple of minutes. The traffic light turned red and as the van they were using to move you came to a stop you made yourself invisible. Using the guards' confusion to your advantage you managed to escape. 
The moment you were able to stop you broke free of the handcuffs and headed to the storage facility that you had set up months in advance for this exact reason. There was no way you would be able to go back home, you set up a storage locker with some clothes,  weapons, fake IDs and most importantly cash under a fake name. The advantage of having the ability to turn invisible was you didn’t have to worry about cameras or signing in. Once you reach your locker you grab the key from where you hid it and slip inside. You didn’t really know what was next, all you knew was that you would have to travel light so that you could run at any moment. After changing out of what you were wearing you grabbed the backpack that you had ready and headed out of the storage facility. 
The last thing you ever expected was that the team would split and that you were now a fugitive but here you were, alone and lost. Without Steve and Bucky and without your best friend. You stay invisible until you’re able to find transportation to head out of the city. 
Nat and Steve used every single contact to try and find any trace of you. Now, not only were you considered a traitor but also a fugitive and they knew they didn’t have much time to find you and get you to safety. Unfortunately all the sightings were old and they both knew how you worked. You kept a low profile and you moved fast. By the time they had a solid lead and went to check you were gone.
 Bucky and Steve were getting anxious with every passing hour. You had sacrificed your safety and freedom for them and they thought you had betrayed them. Steve more than Bucky, you had been together longer he should have known you would never turn your back on them. Bucky on the other was more hurt than anything. When you met he had saved Steve from the river and then he escaped DC and was on the run. You were the first one that caught up to him. He didn’t know how long you had been following him but you had shown him kindness and trust when he was in that headspace between the Winter Soldier and Bucky Barnes. Your delicate touch kept him grounded when the nightmares plagued his sleep. There was a very small amount of time in which the three of you were truly happy together. You had brought him home to Steve and welcomed him into the apartment you shared. The apartment that also became his home. There had been a discussion when he first got there, Steve and Bucky told you of their feelings for each other. Instead of being disgusted or leaving them behind you assured them that you three could be together. Then you held them offering your love and support especially when they didn’t know how to navigate their own relationship freely. They wanted nothing more than to hold you close again and make sure you were safe. 
6 months since your escape/1 year since the fight at the airport 
It was exhausting being on the road constantly. No real rest, always looking over your shoulder. There was even a moment when you stayed invisible most of the time, your ability wearing off when you fell asleep. But that had been the first month. It was getting better, you could stay where you were longer. You could  sleep better, you still missed Steve and Bucky but you could only hope that they were safe and together. That lets you breathe easier, hoping that they were together. 
You weren’t sure when it happened but you let your guard down for a day or so. Now agents were after you and you had to keep running. With barely any sleep and using your abilities for as long as you had you were pushing yourself past the level of exhaustion. You were drained and it was painful. This had been the first time that you had pushed yourself this much to use your ability. And it wasn’t like a small amount of pain, it radiated throughout your whole body. Almost as if you had a muscle spasm but instead of one muscle it was from your head to your toes. 
You did the only thing you could do. It’s not what you wanted, but you had no choice, you couldn’t take it anymore. And you knew you wouldn’t see Steve or Bucky again so you gave up and gave in. Finding an abandoned factory in the middle of Montana you did what you had to do. It was dirty and falling apart but you found an office deep in the main building and you sat on the floor under a desk. You took out the disposable phone you had bought and you dialed the only number saved. It only rang twice.
“Tony?” you felt weak, on the verge of slipping into sleep and it could be heard in your voice.
No Response. 
“Look, I understand that you’re angry with me. I get it ok, I completely understand why you’re upset that I helped them get away.” you stop for a moment because even speaking so much was taking so much energy. Tears start to gather in your eyes and you clear your throat before you continue. “I know you’ve already traced this phone, so tell them to come get me. It’s ok I won’t blame you for it.”
No answer. 
“I’m sorry Tony I really am but fuck- I am so tired. And using my abilities for so long hurts so fucking much. I know I shouldn’t be asking for any favors but if you see or hear from Steve or Bucky just tell them that I love them.” a small sob escapes your lips, you know this is the end and you will never see them again. 
The line goes dead. You cried, it was over for you. All of the pent up anger and heartache bubbled to the surface after. It would be almost a year since the last time you had seen your super soldiers and you had resigned yourself that this was the end, you would be taken to the raft and your life would truly be over.
Warmth enveloped you and for the first time in months your body didn’t feel tense or tired. That is was started to pull your mind from slumber. The place you were at was cold and damp and overall uncomfortable. The stark difference in where you fell asleep to where you were now had begun to pull you from sleep. Your eyes open just a little to adjust to the light that might be surrounding you. There are whispers around you only pulling you more from your dreamy state. You blink a few times trying to recognize where you are when you realize someone is holding you. Pulling away from their shoulder you look up, you’re confused when the person looks down with a small smile on their lips.
“Am I dead? Are you Jesus?” You whisper mostly to yourself. That earns a laugh and you recognize it. “Bucky?” 
“Hi sugar.” 
Tears spill but this time all you feel is relief. “How are you here?” You wrapped your arms around him, feeling his lips on your forehead.
“Tony called us.” You turned your head to see Steve crouched down in front of you and Bucky and you dove straight into his arms.
“How? If he found a way to contact you he can track you.” Panic starts to set in, maybe you only had a few short minutes with them.
“No, I sent him an untraceable phone to call me if he needed us a while back. I received a text with coordinates and a voice recording of what you said to him.” 
You clung to him, you needed them more than you had realized. Steve pulls back and looks at you, his beautiful blue eyes riddled with guilt. 
“I’m so so-“
“Don’t you dare apologize.”  
You both said at the same time, and he smiled. 
“I’m sorry, when I saw you stand with Tony I -“
“It’s ok I would have been angry too.” 
“I wasn’t angry, just hurt but I should have known better.” He kisses your forehead. “Will you forgive me?”
“There’s nothing to forgive, you did the right thing.” 
Steve hugs you again, the warmth you had come to know from him envelopes you for the first time in a year. He picks you up with ease and sits you down besides Bucky. Once you’re out of the embrace you realize where you are. 
“Where did you get a jet?” 
“I got it. You know these men can’t function without me.” Nat says as she turns and gets up from the pilot seat. Smiling, she comes over and gives you a hug. 
“We’re glad you’re safe.” You look over Nat’s shoulder to see Sam. He moves closer to hug you.
“I’m so glad you’re all ok. How are the others?”
“They’re good, retired mostly.” Steve offers.
“And you four?”
“We’ve been doing missions, trying to help people. Bucky was in Wakanda for some time.” 
“They gave me this.” He shows you his left arm. “And they helped me get rid of the trigger words Hydra used on me.”
“Bucky.” You hugged him again, whispering in his ear. “You’re free.”
“I am.” he says with teary eyes. “And now that you’re safe with us I’m happy. We both are.”
“Where are we going now?” 
“Somewhere safe so that you can rest and get your strength back.” Steve informs you as his hand takes yours. 
They do just that, after a few hours of being in the jet you finally make it to their safehouse somewhere in Europe. You wouldn’t see half of the team again until two years later when you had to fight for humanity, but at this moment you didn’t know that. All you knew was that you were finally together with the men you loved. That fighting and running for your freedom had been worth it because now you were home. 
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