#/if somebody thinks the dark one is better though i Will just switch them later hvhfsfh
keeps-ache · 1 year
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i'll take it quietly
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ansu-gurleht · 2 years
okay here is my beginner’s guide to morrowind! it talks about some of the mechanics you’ll want to know, but it’s also a little bit of a walkthrough to get you a good start on your journey. note that i originally wrote this for somebody specific: i don’t think it does, but if it seems like it’s talking at somebody in particular, that’s why. anyways, i hope this is helpful!
before you start the game:
there is only one mod i absolutely recommend you play with, and it’s not quite a mod at all.
when you download morrowind from steam or gog or whatever, you have the game! congratulations! however, what you really own is the assets of the game and a horribly broken engine. that’s where openmorrowind (openmw) comes in.
openmw is a remake of the original engine of morrowind. you see, morrowind’s original engine fucking sucks. this is for a multitude of reasons, but for me, the reason i switched was because at the later stages of a playthrough, the game will literally start corrupting your saves. don’t have that problem with openmw!
i can’t really give you a guide on how to install it and get it running better than the one on the openmw website (https://openmw.org/en/). go install it and you will have a much smoother experience overall.
before you start a new game:
before we start talking about PLAYING the game, though, let’s also take a peek through the options.
in the first page of the options, “prefs,” you’ll find some things you’ll want to switch on. namely, subtitles, always use best attack, and auto-save on rest. i’m not sure which of these are enabled by default, but enable them all.
in the “controls” section, you’re likely going to want to swap the “activate” and “jump” buttons. for some reason, the default control scheme has “activate” set to “spacebar” and “jump” set to “e”. this is, of course, counterintuitive to anyone who plays modern pc games. go ahead and just swap those around.
in the “video”-“video” section, go ahead and set your game to the highest resolution, and maybe increase the field of view a bit (i play with 75 fov, but you may prefer higher. idr what the default is, probably stupid low). in the “video”-“detail” section, crank up that view distance as high as it’ll go. i’m not sure what the default is, and i’ve fiddled with my set-up to maximize it for openmw. also turn on trilinear texture filtering and the anisotropy to the highest setting. also raise all the “video”-”water” settings to their maximum values. trust me, you can run this. it’s a new engine but the game itself came out in 2002. not the most graphics-intensive game out there.
tutorial and creating your character:
okay, that’s the options out of the way. now let’s hit that “new” button and make a new game.
watch the intro cutscene, talk to jiub, and tell him your character’s name. follow the instructions of the guards until you get to the one who asks you where you’re from. this is how the game asks you for your race. there’s no bad options here - pick whichever race you like best. you can take into account the bonuses each race gets, and compared to later games in the series these bonuses are more significant, but you can really play any character with any race in this game. it’s worth noting, however, that the beast races (argonians and khajiit) can’t wear full helms or boots/shoes. for a first timer, i would probably recommend dunmer (dark elf).
after that, go into the census office. this is where you build your class properly. you CAN take the class quiz, or pick from the premade classes. i would not recommend this. i’ve come up with a custom class that i think covers pretty much all the bases and gives a fairly enjoyable experience for a newcomer:
specialization: magic
attributes: endurance, intelligence
major skills: long blade light armor conjuration restoration marksman / destruction
minor skills: short blade medium armor spear mysticism alteration
now let me explain my choices here, to give you an idea where i’m coming from, and what those choices mean.
your specialization gives you +5 to all nine of the skills that fall under that specialization, and makes those skills increase more quickly. i’m giving you magic because magic skills don’t always increase the fastest, and every little bit helps.
your chosen attributes get +10 each. endurance determines your starting hp, which is obviously important, among other things, such as how much health you gain on level up. intelligence increases your maximum magicka. when you level up, you get to pick three attributes to increase, and depending on what skills you increased to get to your new level, you get multipliers on how much you can increase certain attributes. i recommend always increasing endurance, even if you don’t get a multiplier for it. speed, which affects your, well, speed, and strength, which affects your physical damage done as well as your carry weight, are good choices for leveling up as well. but you can increase other attributes as you think is necessary - i won’t elaborate on what each one does here, you can look it up on uesp.
your major and minor skills are what you need to increase in order to level up your character level. major skills get +25, minor skills get +10.
i always recommend at least one weapon skill and at least one armor skill for your major skills. i’m giving you long blade, bc it’s the most ubiquitous and useful weapon skill in the game, and light armor, bc it’s generally speaking the best armor skill in the game, and is also lighter to carry around as well.
i’m giving you conjuration and restoration bc having a magic skill as a major gives you a starting spell from that school. conjuration gives you bound dagger, which summons a daedric dagger for you to use for 60 seconds (and gives you the requisite skill to use it effectively), and restoration gives you hearth heal, which is a very effective heal, albeit a somewhat costly one to cast.
i’m giving you two options for your last major skill: either marksman or destruction for ranged capabilities. note, however, that marksman is not as good in this game as in later titles, and not all destruction spells are at range. destruction gives you the starting spell fire bite, a decent on touch (melee range) fire spell.
just like you have a weapon skill and armor skill in your major skills, i recommend doing the same thing with your minor skills. so i’m giving you short blade, the second most ubiquitous and useful weapon skill, and medium armor, which is almost as good as light armor, albeit a bit heavier. you can mix and match your armor pieces to great effect in this game, and wearing at least one piece of a type of armor (a medium armor gauntlet, for example) will increase that skill when you get hit.
i’m giving you spear mostly bc it’s a fun weapon to play with, and not in the other games. mysticism is an important skill for a few reasons: 1) telekinesis, which we’ll mostly use to disarm traps from a distance, and 2) teleportation spells like almsivi/divine intervention, which lets you teleport to the nearest tribunal temple or imperial shrine respectively, and mark/recall, the former of which lets you set a point the latter can teleport you to from anywhere. alteration gives you access to a lot of good spells, like feather, shield, levitate, water breathing, water walking, and open.
okay, that’s enough about your class. next you’ll be asked what your birthsign is. i’m going to recommend either the steed, which gives you +25 speed and makes walking around at the beginning of the game more bearable, or the lady, which gives you +25 personality and +25 endurance. up to you whether you value the speed or the endurance more. there are other options, of course, but i think these are best for a first-time player.
okay, after you pick your birthsign and confirm your character, you’re free! kind of. not really yet. you’ll be notified you now have an inventory menu, and instructed to pick up the papers on the table to your right. do so. then, we’re going to do something a little sneaky. on the shelf against the rightmost wall is a limeware platter, which costs like 650 gold. you want that platter. so you’re going to take it. now, you just did this in full view of a guard. but you’re fresh off the boat, so he won’t arrest you - he’ll just confiscate what you stole. BUT, if you drop the platter before he gets to you, he won’t have anything to confiscate. and since YOU dropped it, it’s technically YOURS now, so you can pick it up without any ramifications.  congrats! you just got like, 300 gold (note: your mercantile skill affects how much gold you get from selling things. very rarely will you ever get full asking price for anything).
(how do you drop the platter, you may ask? well, to open your menu/inventory, you need to right-click. very counterintuitive, i know. but you’ll get used to it. to drop an item, click it and drag it outside of any of the menus. you can either drop it directly beneath you, which usually happens, or you can place things directly onto surfaces like tables or shelves if you’re close enough to them.)
now you’re expected to go out the door across from the platter shelf. go out, and close the door behind you. there’s nobody in this side of the building, so with the door closed, you’re free to just jack anything you see without ramifications. there’s a lot of ingredients to take, if you want to get into alchemy (which can be useful, for either making beneficial potions or for making a quick buck), but most of what you want is the expensive stuff you’ll find. there’s a book you can take (books can be very expensive in this game), some silverware, a bottle of liquor called flin, a lockpick, and a shitty dagger. you’ll want to sell everything you get here except for the lockpick, and maybe the ingredients if you want to do alchemy. there’s a little chest on the bottom of the shelf by the exit that’s locked. you should be able to pick it with ease with the lockpick you just got, even though your security skill sucks atm. there’s like, 31 gold in there i think? worth taking regardless. to pick the lock, equip the lockpick (click and drag it onto the little portrait of your character in the left of your inventory screen), and “attack” (left-click) over and over while pointing your cursor at the chest until it unlocks. there’s a couple of torches you might want downstairs, as well.
after you’re done looting, leave the building. you’ll find yourself in a little courtyard. the game’ll tell you to look in the barrel by the next door, and take the enchanted ring you find inside. don’t get too attached to this ring. go into the next door and talk to sellus gravius, the guy inside. this is your first real encounter with morrowind’s dialog system. it is not like skyrim’s. at all. get used to it. this weird wikipedia like structure is going to be your best friend. you have a list of all available options on the right, and you can click highlighted options in the text itself. you can talk about whatever to sellus, but you have to say a couple specific things to progress. i can’t remember what it is exactly, but he doesn’t have much to say outside of it, so it shouldn’t be hard to figure out. he’ll give you some money, a package for caius cosades, and a note with instructions on how to find caius cosades. don’t accidentally sell the package. don’t try to open the package. just leave it in your inventory until you’re ready to go find caius.
seyda neen:
after that, you’re free to go! and this time you’re really free, and you can do whatever you want now! but that’s a bit overwhelming, so i’m going to let you know what there is to do in this town, seyda neen.
first off, almost right outside the door there’s a bosmer (wood elf) named fargoth. he’s lost his ring. yes, that ring. give it to him. that’ll earn you better prices with the local merchant, who happens to be fargoth’s friend. don’t worry, if you want the ring, we’ll be getting it back later.
now to go make some money with all the shit we stole. go to arrille’s tradehouse, which is the building with the little raised platform adjacent. the “front” door is locked, it’s actually arrille’s house, so you have to go around on the platform to the real front door. go inside and talk to arrille. in the right pane of the dialog, you’ll see the option to barter with him. click that and get to selling your shit. 
here’s what you want to buy with the money you just got (around 500-600 gold). buy all the chitin armor pieces you can. it’s very good light armor for this stage in the game. buy the iron saber for now; you’ll be replacing it soon but you need something, and it’s cheap. buy one of the journeyman’s probes - you need these to disable traps - and one of the journeyman’s lockpicks, since the one you stole from the census office only has 10 uses. buy 3 bottles of sujamma - it’s a regional liquor that gives you +50 strength and -50 intelligence for 60 seconds. it’s VERY powerful for dealing with foes you normally shouldn’t be able to handle at a lower level. note the intelligence drop though: if you need to cast a spell, cast it before you drink the sujamma. buy 2 scrolls of almsivi intervention - like i said earlier, this teleports you to the nearest tribunal temple. lastly, buy 2 scrolls of ondusi’s unhinging. sometimes you need to open something that you just can’t pick with your too-low security skill. that’s where this scroll comes in.
yes, you just spent like, all of the money you just earned. it’s okay. we’re going to make it back and then some, soon.
before you leave arrille’s, go upstairs (behind him). talk to the guy, hrisskar flat-foot, at the top of the stairs. he’ll offer you a topic about recovering gold. he wants you to find out where fargoth (the ring guy) is hiding his gold and valuables. you’re going to help him find it, because YOU want those valuables as well. we’ll get back to this quest later, though.
next, talk to elone, the redguard behind the counter. she’s a scout, which means she knows a lot about the land. you can ask scouts all sorts of interesting questions about geography. but what you want from elone is directions to balmora. ask her about balmora and she’ll give you said directions in the form of a note.
finally, talk to the wizard lookin’ fella in the corner. ask him about the latest rumors. keep in mind what he says about mentor’s ring - we’ll be pursuing this later.
now, let’s make sure we equip all the armor and weapon we just bought. right-click to bring up your inventory/stats/map/magic menu, click on each piece of armor and weapon, and drag them onto the little portrait of your character to the left. that’s it! you’re equipped and ready to face the wilderness.
the wilderness, plus notes on combat:
leave arrille’s tradehouse from the door you came in from. jump off the corner of the platform into the water below, and cross that little river, heading west. on the far shore, you’ll find your first foe: a mudcrab! very scaaaaary! this is your introduction to combat. it works a little differently in this game. first of all, just because you SEE your weapon connect with an enemy, doesn’t mean it’s going to HIT necessarily. this game plays off of dice-rolls, and a lot of factors contribute to whether or not you’re gonna actually do damage. but the two most important factors are: 1) your level of skill with the weapon you’re using, and 2) your fatigue. that’s the green bar in the bottom left of your screen, what you’d call in skyrim your “stamina”. if your fatigue is low when you enter an encounter, you’re going to really struggle to fight!
here’s a somewhat annoying thing about fatigue: running at full speed diminishes it! so when you’re out in the wilderness, you’re going to want to conserve your fatigue by walking. it’s slow, but hopefully bearably so if you picked the steed as your birthsign. and it’s better than dying to a mudcrab because you were too tired to properly swing your weapon.
fortunately, there’s this thing called resting! if you’re out in the wilderness, you can press “t” to rest for as long as you’d like, or “until healed” (until your hp, magicka, and fatigue are completely restored). unfortunately, this close to seyda neen, you can only “wait” - all this does is restore your fatigue. it’s illegal to rest inside of most settlements, or even in their outskirts.
anyways, hopefully you’ve completely dominated that first mudcrab of yours. should go down in one hit, so long as you can connect. another thing to note: you may have noticed when you bought your saber that its damage stats are ranges. for instance, its chop stat (the one you’ll be using with your “always use best attack” enabled) is 5-18. to maximize your damage on the high end of that range, you’ll need to hold down your click for a second or so to wind up the attack. you’ll do a lot more damage this way rather than just mashing left mouse button!
anyways, after you’ve gotten your first kill, proceed along the coast, making sure to head between the rocks just up the way. you’ll find either a rat or a kwama forager (worm thing), and that’s how you know you’re going the right way. it’ll attack on sight, but there’ll be another critter there, a little grey insect looking thing called a “scrib” that thumps its tail on the ground and squeals. it’s not going to attack you when you get close, so don’t attack it. be nice. it’s just a little guy! if you do decide to attack it, though, you might be in for a nasty surprise: it has a paralyzing bite! a scrib can really catch you off guard at this low level. so leave the little guy alone!
across from the scrib, to the left, you’ll find a corpse. if you’ve been talking to the residents of seyda neen (i highly recommend you do) you may have heard that the local tax collector is missing. this is him. take the tax record and 200 gold from him. let’s read the tax record! to read any note or book from your inventory, click and drag it over your character portrait! this is really how you interact with anything in your inventory. note who has the highest unpaid tax to find a motive, but we’ll get back to that later. we’ve got some other stuff to do in the swamp.
proceed northwest, killing any little critters (except scribs!) that get in your way. pretty quick you’ll find yourself with a mountain on your right and the ocean on your left. follow the coast along those mountains. you’re going to find pretty quick a weird looking door on your right. that’s an ancestral tomb door! they all look like that. make a note of where this is, we’re coming back to it. keep progressing along the coast.
eventually you’ll find a little shipwreck. yes, that’s a ship, albeit a local, kinda weird-looking one. just before you get to the ship itself, there’ll be a chest next to a log that’s sticking up out of the water. there’s a silver longsword in there! take it, it’s your new weapon of choice, slightly better than your saber. now let’s explore the ship! get on board and take the trapdoor down to your right. at the end of the interior, next to the next trapdoor down, there’s a crate in the water with moon sugar in it! you may be familiar with skooma, the narcotic? moon sugar is what it’s made from. it’s very valuable, but also very illegal, so we’re going to have to be careful with how we sell it. we’ll get to that eventually.
take the trapdoor further down, and immediately swim up, bc you’re gonna be underwater! at the end of this section of the ship, you’ll find a little chest on the floor with 3 diamonds in it! woohoo! now let’s get out of here, that skeleton’s freaking me out. there’s nothing of note in the cabin section of the ship, so don’t worry about it. let’s go back to that tomb!
samarys ancestral tomb:
okay, right outside the tomb, SAVE! you need to save a LOT in this game if you want to make progress! i recommend having multiple running saves going as well as your quicksave. my most recent playthrough has 5 different saves that i cycle through. it’s a good way to make sure you don’t get stuck in untenable positions! make sure you have your silver longsword equipped and head on in.
once you’re in, open the door right across from you. in the next chamber, you’ll see these little raised things with jars on them. those jars have dead people in them! you don’t really want what’s in those jars, though - you want what’s next to them. always check next to these jars in ancestral tombs for valuables. most of the time it’s just clothes or ingredients, but sometimes, like in the case of the first jar on the right, there’s valuable scrolls! take it, and proceed down the corridor and turn right.
here’s your first challenge! a ghost! this is why we got the silver longsword first, because only silver weapons (or higher quality) or enchanted weapons can actually hit ghosts! this ghost knows a nasty little fire spell that can do quite a bit of damage if you don’t kill him quickly. just keep up your consistent, charged hits until he goes down. across from the entrance to this chamber is another jar-plinth with another scroll, this time an offensive one! take it, it might prove useful. save again!
on the other side of the next door is either a greater challenge or an even greater challenge. sometimes it’s just a skeleton, and sometimes it’s a lesser bonewalker, which can be very dangerous! take him down as quickly as you can, because bonewalkers often know very detrimental curses that can lower your attributes. save again after you kill it!
next, you want to disarm the trap on that urn in the bonewalker room. equip your journeyman’s probe and start clicking on that urn, just like you did with the chest in the census office! once the trap is disarmed, take mentor’s ring! told you we were gonna get that. it’s a very useful ring that increases your intelligence and willpower by 10 points each. go ahead and equip that. there’s a weird named ash in the urn, and a key to the chest next to it, but don’t bother. the chest never has anything valuable in it. don’t forget to reequip your silver longsword after you disarm the trap!
speaking of, here’s another little tip. press f1. this gives you the quick-select menu, where you can assign items or spells to your number keys. i’d put your main weapon (right now the silver longsword) on number 1, then put your most used spells on the next few numbers, in whatever order or fashion you prefer. makes swapping between items and spells much easier.
heading back to seyda neen:
leave the tomb and hug the mountains going east until you hit the road. then follow the road east some more until you see a man fall from the sky. yes, that just happened. he’s dead and free-game, so let’s loot him. take his nice enchanted sword (it’s slightly better than your current weapon, so long as it has a charge), equip his nice conical hat, and either equip his robes and shoes (you can wear robes over your equipped armor in this game! isn’t that so cool) or take them to sell later. take any gold he might have on him, and take those weird “scrolls of icarian flight” he has. do NOT use those scrolls. sell them. you will DIE if you try to use those scrolls. also, take a gander at his journal underneath him, and then take it to sell as well.
alright, from here, follow the road east and south back to seyda neen. let’s head back to arrille’s to sell some of the stuff we got. note that you are now carrying moon sugar, which as i said, is illegal. honest merchants won’t trade with you if you have moon sugar or skooma in your inventory. we’ll find some dishonest merchants later, don’t worry. but for now, you’ll have to simply drop the moon sugar on the floor before you start selling. don’t forget to pick it up when you’re done!
next, remember that guy you noted from the tax record, the one with the highest unpaid tax? we’re going to pay him a visit, ask what happened to the tax collector. i won’t tell you where he is; check the houses around seyda neen until you find the one with his name on the door. before you go in, save, and make sure your fatigue is up.
talk to him. he’ll confess to killing the tax collector, giving you the option of letting him go, or doing justice right then and there. do the justice. he’ll immediately attack you - with his fists. this might not sound scary to you at first. in later games, hand-to-hand combat merely does a little bit of damage to your health. in this game, hand-to-hand hits do damage to FATIGUE. and remember how important fatigue is? it affects everything, from physical combat to your chance at casting spells. so you’re gonna wanna take this guy down before he does too much damage to your fatigue. if your fatigue reaches zero, you get knocked out, falling to the floor. at this stage, hand-to-hand hits actually do damage to your HEALTH. and it’s easy to get trapped in a loop of getting knocked down. so don’t let that happen and kill him quickly. this fight is probably actually harder than the bonewalker, since this guy does a lot of damage to your fatigue with each hit, and you’re draining your own fatigue by swinging at him. but keep up with your consistent charged hits and you should be able to take him down.
be sure to take the ring he’s wearing! it’ll come in handy later. then loot the place - it’s effectively your house now, a decent starter shack. especially important is the book on the floor, which is a skill book increasing your mercantile skill, and sells for a pretty penny. there’s also some ingredients in the various barrels and sacks, if you’re into alchemy.
next, let’s go back to the census office. yes, the place you started at. talk to the old dude who set up your class and birthsign. there’ll be an option to report the murder. do so, and he’ll give you 500 gold. nice!
next, head on to the lighthouse on the coast. you should be able to see it from anywhere in seyda neen. step inside and talk to the lady immediately on your right. ask her about the ring you picked up from the murderer and she’ll give you two pretty high-quality healing potions! nice. now, head upstairs. there’s a very valuable book at the top you can take (the lady downstairs can’t see you now) which increases your unarmored skill. 
now head outside to the top of the lighthouse. stand at the corner facing the rest of the town, and wait until 10pm. if you’ve spent a lot of time resting/waiting, you might have missed your first 10pm, and will have to wait almost a day for the next one. don’t worry about it, you don’t have a time limit. now watch that little torch-wielding gremlin fargoth crawl around for a little bit. he’ll make a few stops along his way, but don’t worry, he can’t see you from up here (even though he does approach and stop in front of the lighthouse at one point). eventually he’ll stop by a tree-stump in a mucky pool - that’s where you need to go. once he walks away from there, head back down the lighthouse and go there. inside the stump you’ll find a bunch of gold, fargoth’s old healing ring, and a nice lockpick. take it all.
now, hrisskar wanted you to return with the money so he could split you a cut. instead, we’re just going to never talk to him again and keep all the money. there’s no repercussions for this at all, unless you’re a completionist who wants to finish every quest completely. but there’s not really a tracker for your completed quests, so it doesn’t really matter.
one last thing to do in seyda neen. we’re going to talk to an altmer (high elf) named eldafire. she can usually be found across the bridge towards the silt strider (the big bug thing you probably saw when you got off the boat), although she tends to roam a bit. ask her for a little advice. she’ll recommend you take out the bandits in the addamasartus cave nearby. let’s do that.
addamasartus cave:
the cave is right across from the silt strider landing, hiding behind a big boulder. save and rest until healed right outside the cave, then head on in. the first enemy shouldn’t be much of a problem to you at this point. she should go down in a few hits, and not get much of a chance to hurt you. take any valuables she might have, especially the addamasartus slave key.
the next enemy, who is beyond the door down to the right, is going to be much more challenging. he’s a mage who will cast a weakness to fire spell at you, and then cast a fire spell at you. you’re a dunmer, so you have some resistance to fire, but this guy can still fuck you up if you’re not careful. try to dodge his spells until he runs out of magicka and is forced to attack you in melee. or be brave and try to take some swings as you dodge. up to you. don’t be surprised if he kills you a time or two - he’s pretty tough. if you need to, go outside (or close to the front door) to rest to heal your wounds after he’s dead. or before he’s dead - no shame in running to fight another day.
okay, now that the hard part is done, we can explore the rest of the cave. go down the stairs to where that mage came from, and turn left when you get to the water. there’ll be another enemy, this one throwing throwing-stars at you. you can try to dodge them - they’re kind of small so it’s difficult to see them - or you can just tank the hits as you rush her down. they don’t do much damage. she’ll go down pretty easy, too. she’ll have a lockpick and probe - take them. if you picked marksman as your ranged skill, you can take the throwing stars as well, although they’re not as effective as a bow would be.
now, loot the room - the crates, sacks, chests, etc. the crates near where the throwing-star lady was should have a total of 8 moon sugar and 2 bottles of skooma in them. the chest will have a random leveled item (that is, an item suited to your level) - you might get lucky with this! in my test run, i got a steel daikatana, which is better than my silver longsword (except against ghosts). don’t forget the crates and barrel over by the water! sometimes the crates can have scrolls, potions, or soul gems in them.
next, go behind the rocks to the left of where the throwing-star lady was. you’ll find a door the slave key will unlock. on the other side of the door you’ll find a little stretch of water. at one point you’ll have to dive under to get to the next chamber - just watch your breath meter! but you shouldn’t have a problem, it’s not a very long dive. at the bottom of the water in the next chamber, you might be able to find a skull to the right. if not, don’t worry about it! but there is a rising force (levitation) potion right next to the skull. don’t drown yourself looking for it though, it’s not that important.
in this chamber, you’ll see a spiral pathway rising out of the water. find where you can clamber onto the pathway and follow it up. there’ll be a rat up there - but nothing you can’t handle. up there you’ll also find some glowing mushrooms. in between them there’s a few pieces of gold, a netch leather pauldron (don’t worry too much about that part - your chitin pauldron is better), and the important part, a “thief ring”! it’ll give you a decent buff when you need it. it’s a little tricky to see against the stone floor of the cave, but try your best to find it.
follow the rest of the passage until you come out near the beginning of the cave. you may have wondered why we went down (to where the mage was) instead of up to where there was a door earlier. we’re going to go up there now. your addamasartus slave key will open the door, and you’ll find two argonian slaves and a khajiit slave. talk to them and offer to let them go free, and unlock their bracers. congrats, you’re an abolitionist now! the game tracks how many slaves you’ve freed for a hidden faction you’ll find eventually. you need to free quite a few to join that faction, so try to free every one you can if you want to join.
now you’re done with addamasartus! feel free to leave. we’re done with seyda neen, now, as well, unless you want to head by arrille’s first to sell off some stuff before you leave. don’t forget to drop your moon sugar and skooma before you barter, and then don’t forget to pick it up before you leave!
next stop, balmora, where the imperials wanted you to go. there’s a couple of ways we can get there. the first and easiest is to just hire a silt strider to take you there. those big bug things are basically giant buses, and they have routes all over the western half of the island. but i recommend you walk to balmora, following the directions elone the scout gave you. a big part of this game is exploration, and you’d better get used to it quick. don’t be afraid to get a little sidetracked here and there. explore the occasional cave or mine or tomb on your way - but always save before entering one, and know your limits. the dungeons in this game are largely not leveled to you, and if you enter the wrong one too early, it can really ruin your day. so don’t be afraid to turn around and leave, or load the save you made before entering, if things get too tough.
there’s a little town called pelagiad between seyda neen and balmora. feel free to stop there to restock if you need to. otherwise, just follow the road signs and elone’s directions. you’ll get to balmora in no time. and don’t forget! conserve your fatigue. you don’t want to be running everywhere, run out of fatigue, and then run into even a basic enemy you suddenly can’t handle because you can’t connect any of your hits.
once you get to balmora, go to the south wall cornerclub like you were told in your directions to caius cosades, and ask around to find out where caius lives. i’m not going to hold your hand on quest instructions any more! figure it out on your own. it’s not too hard, so long as you just remember to talk to people about important topics - usually “latest rumors,” “little secret,” “little advice,” and “morrowind lore.” but peruse the other topics, too! you might learn something about the people and place you’re in.
before caius gives you your first official orders, he’ll tell you to join a guild to establish a cover identity. there’s a lot of factions in this game you can join. you’ve got the imperial guilds: the fighter’s guild, the mage’s guild, and the thieves’ guild; the morag tong (essentially the dark brotherhood of this game, but a bit different flavor-wise, as well as in how it works); the religious guilds: the tribunal temple and the imperial cult; the imperial legion; and the great houses: house redoran, house hlaalu, and house telvanni. i won’t go into detail about all of these, but i will mention a few.
factions, and a bit on fast travel:
even if you don’t plan on playing through the questline, i recommend joining the mage’s guild. it gives you a couple of invaluable services: spellmaking, enchanting, and the guild guide. the first is self-explanatory: it lets you use any magic effects you’ve already learned to make custom spells from them. enchanting as a service is what it sounds like - you pay somebody to enchant items for you (you still need to bring a filled soul-gem, though). the guild guide is probably the most important, however. basically, it’s a teleportation service between the mage’s guilds of vvardenfell.
morrowind doesn’t have a fast travel system per se, but there are quicker ways to get around than just walking everywhere. we’ve mentioned the spells that can do this, like almsivi/divine intervention and mark/recall. but you can also take the bus (silt strider) across most of western vvardenfell, or a boat across most of eastern vvardenfell. but those two systems are largely disconnected; the only real way to trade off is to silt strider to vivec, walk (or divine intervention) to ebonheart, then take a boat to sadrith mora or tel branora, or vice versa. 
but the mage’s guild guild guide solves this problem rather nicely! you can teleport from anywhere in the west to sadrith mora in the east much more quickly than the silt strider-boat trade off in vivec and ebonheart. so join the mage’s guild, i’m serious.
the only other factions i’m going to mention are the houses. they’re very important, and you’re going to want to join one. and only one, i might add - once you join one, you’re locked into it. so make your choice wisely. here’s a brief description of each house:
house redoran is a house of noble warriors, whose capital is ald’ruhn, literally inside the hollowed out remains of an ancient giant crab. they are most favored by the local warrior-poet god, vivec, and most of the buoyant armigers (vivec’s personal army) are from redoran.
house hlaalu is a house of sneaky merchants, whose capital is balmora. they’re the most closely affiliated house to the empire, whereas the other two are distrustful of the empire - and therefore distrustful of house hlaalu.
house telvanni is a house of arrogant wizards, whose capital is sadrith mora (literally translates to “mushroom forest”). they live in settlements built around giant fungal wizard towers, and are most distant and distrustful of the new forces (like the empire) in vvardenfell. they’re also most likely to own slaves, although they will accept argonian and khajiit as members all the same.
there is a bit of a disparity when it comes to the rewards you get from quests from these houses. telvanni gifts you with powerful spells and enchanted items; hlaalu gives you gold; redoran gives you, um. “honor.” which doesn’t sell for much in this economy. that might affect your decision here, but really, choose whichever faction appeals to you most. you’ll be able to get your hands on lots of money and powerful artifacts regardless of which house you choose. 
i think that’s about all you really need to know to get started in this game! really, the best piece of advice i can give you is: take your time. take in the atmosphere, the lore, the books, the dialog. absorb yourself into this game and you will have the most amazing experience with it, i think. if you have any questions, let me know!
P.S. i’m going to add things to the end of this as i think of them:
a lot of the time, you’re going to run into people you need information from who won’t give it to you. every npc has a disposition stat, basically how much they like you, and if it’s too low, they won’t discuss certain topics. there’s a few ways to increase their disposition. 1) use the speechcraft skill to admire, intimidate, or taunt the npc. (taunting actually serves a different purpose to the other two, but we’ll get to that shortly.) 2) use a spell, namely the “charm” effect from the illusion school of magic, to temporarily raise their disposition with you. 3) increase your personality attribute, like with telvanni bug musk (always a good item to have around). and 4) bribe the hell out of them. you can bribe in 10 gold, 100 gold, and 1000 gold increments. 100 gold tends to be the most efficient way to bribe, and most people will open up to you after about 200 gold spent this way. money isn’t exactly difficult to come by in this game, especially after the first few levels, so this greasing of the wheels of commerce won’t hurt your wallet too much.
okay, that’s about how to increase a npc’s disposition. how about the scenario where you need (or want) to kill an npc without getting a bounty on your head? simple: either 1) take them out into the wilderness where there are no witnesses (this only works in cases where you can get this person to follow you, such as by using the conjuration school’s “command humanoid” effect), 2) use the “frenzy humanoid” effect from the illusion school to get them to attack you (this shouldn’t trigger a bounty, or for their friends to attack you as well), or 3) “taunting” them to get them to attack you. if your speechcraft is low, this will take many tries, because most of the time your attempt to taunt will fail, and also because it generally takes several successful taunts to get an npc to actually attack you. but you don’t have to worry about using a spell this way, and if you’re patient it’ll work out just the same. 
another thing to note: if you’re on an assignment from the morag tong to kill somebody, you’ll get what’s called a “writ” with their name on it. the morag tong, unlike the dark brotherhood, is a government-sanctioned entity - using the tong to have someone killed is completely legal. this writ is your permission to kill that person. you don’t have to worry about incurring a bounty when you have a writ - you can just straight up merk somebody in broad daylight. watch out, though - sometimes that person’s nearby friends will attack you too. most of the time, though, although they might shout about it, nobody will report the crime. if somebody does, expect to be approached by a guard. in that instance, just present your writ to them, and they’ll be forced to let you go. (if this appeals to you, consider joining the morag tong. although every major city has a morag tong chapterhouse, you can only join the tong from the headquarters in vivec city. i won’t tell you exactly where those headquarters are in vivec - it’s actually fun trying to figure out on your own. just ask around and you’ll figure it out.)
okay, i forgot to mention. once you’ve leveled up your major or minor skills 10 times (repeats of the same skill count as well), you’ll get a notification saying it’s time to level up. to do this, you need to sleep in a bed. simply resting won’t do it. you need some kind of bed. make sure it’s a bed you’re allowed to sleep in! i recommend saving before trying to sleep in a bed. sometimes you’ll find a bed in like a mages guild and assume it’s free game but it’s actually someone in particular’s bed and you get expelled from the guild for trying to sleep in it. not a fun time. 
since you’ll have the goty edition of the game, you’ll have tribunal enabled. that means sometimes when you rest you’ll get attacked by a dark brotherhood assassin. they’re not too tough, though, and they have very useful and very expensive armor and usually a decent weapon. if you want the attacks to stop, talk to a guard about them. but why would you, it’s free money. 
i forgot to mention in the main body of this guide, but there are only a handful of places where you can pawn off your skooma and moonsugar. there are two in balmora: there is ajira, the resident alchemist of the balmora mage’s guild, and ra’virr, a merchant whose store is right next to the mage’s guild. in general, if a merchant is a khajiit, and normally deals in ingredients or potions, they’re likely to buy skooma and moonsugar. 
another thing: you do have a journal! your character automatically records most important information in it about your quests. now, this is an actual journal, with entries in chronological order. so it can be difficult to find relevant information by just looking through it normally. if you have the goty edition (which you should) you have the option to categorize by topic and quest! should be a button on the right. not all quests are marked, but most are. 
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regrettablewritings · 3 years
Our Captain Andor deserves some love this valentine day me thinks... Can I request B F and O please? Thank you!!!
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Do he, tho? He a kinda rood boy Yes, he does and yes, you may!
B (Bargain - how do they get their way?): Unlike a certain pilot who would rise to the position of general for his own rebellion decades later, Cassian is both aware of his good looks and is unafraid to use them to his advantage. Well, when it comes to gathering intel, that is. You thought your peers were trying to pull your leg and give you the newbie runaround when they told you that the aloof, cold-toned leader could flip a switch and become someone almost entirely different.
But then you witnessed it for yourself . . . Forget flipping a switch: It was as though Cassian had performed a complete reboot! His aura was approachable; those steely, dark eyes of his warmed into embers of sweetness with a smidge of flirtation. You didn’t even know those perfect lips of his were capable of forming a smile and yet there he was, speaking in a tone you’d never heard him use before to make words that had no business slipping out of him as smoothly as they did.
You envied the pretty twi’lek he was delivering all these things to. Sure, you were rather intimidated by Captain Andor, but you’d be lying if you told yourself you didn’t find the man attractive. Certainly, in the moment having him look at you that way would’ve been confusing enough to send you into shock. But at least once you recovered, you’d have the memories to do with what you wanted . . . That was what you’d thought that that point in time, anyway.
Fast-forwarding some time down the line, after you two had become a couple: Those pretty eyes and literal sweet nothings don’t work on you. You know the real Cassian despite the stone walls he put up, and you know nothing he truly means comes out that easily unless it has to do with the war or something far more grizzled than just asking you for a sweet, simple favor. Unfortunately, his familiarity with putting up a front and asserting his seniority both as a Rebellion member and in terms of hierarchy are things he has yet to properly compartmentalize. He doesn’t realize the hole he’s dug for himself the first time he used his position to try and keep you from doing something, or from verbally disallowing you from a certain mission you’d been intending on going on.
Nor did he think anything would repeat itself the second time. Or third. By the fourth, somebody had to intervene before you found yourself in the brig for slapping your boyfriend/Captain silly for crossing a line you thought he would’ve been far more aware of by now. Be it Jyn or Chirrut or Mon or even K2, Cassian had to be reminded that this type of relationship he’s pursuing with you isn’t the same as one he builds with his usual soldiers. And yes, that should be obvious, but he can’t help that: For one, it’s the sort of relationship he applies with nearly everyone; and for two, in a weird sort of way, it’s how he thinks he’s helping to protect you.
However, it’s still something he has to learn to help. Really, it’s one of many things he has to learn to adjust if he wants to keep seeing you romantically.
Suffice to say, you need to practice patience while also being assertive with what you want and need from him. That gruff exterior, while something you’ve grown used to interpreting, won’t do him any favors: He has to learn that kindness and suggestion will take him a further than stomping his feet into the ground and being shiftless. Better yet: Cooperation. He’s not the most talkative? Too bad! Communication is important to making something work, and your relationship will not be an exception. If he wants or needs for you to do something and you may feel a different way about it, you two need to talk about it.
Not compromise: Compromise means to settle, and nobody truly wins in a settlement. By cooperating, though, both sides get a say and can meet halfway. Sure, it may not necessarily be everything either party wants in full, but it’s better to have tried to reach an agreement as a team than to have one side talking over the other about what they should and shouldn’t do, even if it comes from a place of love.
It may take a bit of time, and it may also have some misses along its hits, but you love Cassian enough to want to achieve this balance together. Even if sometimes, he leaves you wanting to conk him on his pretty noggin.
F (Flirty - how do they flirt?): Let’s be abundantly clear about something: Unless he’s doing it with the intention of manipulating someone with possible information that could help the Rebel Alliance, Cassian is just not. Very. Good. At flirting. At least, not in the normal way. Most people flirt by hyping up traits or features they find attractive in another person and while Cassian is surprisingly no exception, the things he tends to be drawn to are less . . . well, commonplace.
While there are some physical traits that Cassian might find intriguing or even downright attractive, he ultimately holds skills and competency above all else. So you really aren’t sure what to think, exactly, when he tells you, “I saw how you blasted the head clean off that droid back there. Well done.” Like, yes, it’s praise, but Cassian isn’t exactly one to dole out the compliments. At best, one might be lucky to catch a glimpse of him giving a single, curt nod before carrying on with whatever task was at hand. But then again, you think there was a lilt in his tone when he delivered the sentence? Or maybe you were just imagining things . . .
(Actually, you weren’t: Cassian was, indeed, trying to color up his words with some flirtatious flavor. The only problem is, it was a tone that Cassian thinks is suggestive enough. And given that this is Cassian, well . . .)
Despite being as considerate as a whiny teenager mixed with an annoying kid brother, K2 is likely the only reason you would be able to catch on for sure that Cassian was flirting with you.
“Your blast was nothing particularly special, but Cassian seems to watch you the most when you’re out,” he droned. Okay, rude. But also intriguing . . . You wind up paying especial attention to how Cassian interacts with you, trying to take note of any hints or gestures that have even the slimmest possibility of alternate interpretation. It’s difficult work, but curiosity and amusement keeps you going.
Even after the bot of you get together, a lot of Cassian’s compliments and flirtations remain directed at your strength or your abilities. Things that, at this point, actually manage to make heat rise to your cheeks. To the common outsider, it’s just a Captain complimenting a favorite of his. But to you, it’s your boyfriend telling you he’s got his eyes on you and that he loves what he sees. And even if being told your back muscles are looking particularly tight today doesn’t rile you up, have no fear: He’s at least since learned to compliment other parts of your physique.
“Come on, give me a smile,” he coos quietly during one of his more vulnerable moments.
“Mm. Your hair looks nice today,” he says in his husky morning voice as you prepare to set out for the day. “Keep it like that until later. I want to be the one to mess it up.”
O (Obvious - how do they show they're together?): PDA might as well be an unknown language to this guy. He sees soldiers making out in the shade of the trees where they think he can’t see them and he immediately turns away – not only because it feels perverse to keep looking, but also because the lack of dignity or privacy present just makes him feel uneasy. Suffice to say, Cassian just isn’t the sort to jam his tongue down your throat or shove his hand in your ass pockets while you walk about. But that doesn’t mean he can’t show his affections to you in other ways.
While romance was never something that crossed his mind (at least, not in his adult years), Cassian at least swore he’d never be the type to show favoritism to a soldier no matter how much they impressed him.
Well, that fell through: Because even if he denies it to others, the fact that you’re not just his favorite rebel, but his favorite person as a whole shines through.
For one, you’re the only one whom he lets nickname him. Sure, Jyn might slip a snarky mockery at him, but that will more often than not be met with a look of exasperation or even distaste. You, on the other hand, can get by with “Cass” or “Caps” and maybe receive a slightly bemused expression at worst. It may not be much, but it’s far more than what any other person would be able to get away with. For that matter, he’s also more patient with you. It can be hard to see to the untrained eye, but your peers insist he doesn’t glower at you or raise his voice when you don’t immediately grasp a training exercise. He’s willing to walk you through them and gives you a calm, “Try again.”
(Less able to not notice is when he helps you “aim your blaster better”, placing himself close behind you as he uses those skillful hands of his to gently readjust your arms and spread your legs to a decidedly sturdier stance. Hands resting on your hips, his warmth radiating off of him, hotter than the Yavin IV sun as he breathes next to your ear, “What are you waiting for? Do it . . .”)
For another, Cassian is a workaholic: He’s always looking for something to do, insisting that there’s always more one could be doing to keep this clanking machine of a rebellion moving along. Yet, he still manages to find wiggle room when it comes to you. Not all the time, but way more than he’s ever done for most others. It’s usually for small things on top of that; things like accompanying you across the base to deliver a message or some items. Things you could do on your own, but you certainly don’t mind his company for them. Even if you don’t talk that entire way, just having him silently appear by your side and see you to your destination can make you feel . . . Well, you know Cassian wouldn’t do this if he didn’t want to or only felt like he had to.
But perhaps the most telling of all: Anyone who flirts with you finds themselves on latrine duty a lot more often. The Maker help any newcomer to the base that makes goo-goo eyes at you and doesn’t listen to what the others are saying.
You’re Cassian’s. And if his devotion to the Rebellion ain’t enough to spell it out, once Cassian has his sights set on something, they’re his to fight for. And he hasn’t waved a single white flag yet.
Thank you so very much, Anon, for your patience with me on this!!!
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giorno-plays-piano · 3 years
Part VI
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Pairing: Steve x reader, Bucky x reader, Thor x reader, Loki x reader, Peter x reader
Warnings: yandere, obsession, stalking, possessiveness, theft, mention of blackmail, all characters are adults.
Words: 1567.
Summary: Transferring to Stark Academy that has only allowed to take in female students last semester, you realize you are just one of three young women among hundreds of students. Your things are constantly being stolen, and soon you begin fearing for your safety.
Part I
Part II
Part III
Part IV
Part V
You spent the rest of your evening like a somnambulist, barely able to concentrate on your projects before you went to bed, barely finishing half of the things you planned for today. Even the change of locks didn't make you as happy as you thought it would. It felt like something between a dream and a nightmare.
Lying in the dark, you stared at the ceiling, thinking of what happened just a couple of hours ago. Why did he do it? Was it just out of habit and didn’t mean anything? Naturally, with his appearance and easy-going attitude, he probably dated many girls and didn’t think much before kissing someone he liked.
Remembering the way he talked to you in the morning, you thought he must have pretended to be shy around you. Thor certainly wasn’t sheepish.
Was it all a sham? Was Loki right about all of them, playing their roles to get close to you? You couldn’t forget the way Thor looked the moment he told you about being smart. It was like something switched inside him, and for a second you saw the real Thor who was far from being your simple, good-natured athlete.
Why did you keep thinking about that stupid kiss even after seeing the man could be dangerous?
Aroused and angry, you tossed and turned until you fell asleep.
Waking up was especially tough, despite the fact you didn't really do much yesterday, meaning you were going to spend your weekend studying. Shoot, and that's when you planned to visit that new chocolate boutique in the city. Maybe you could still make it if you spent more time studying today?
But then again, going to the city alone might be a bad idea. Even if the guys who stole your things were beaten, it didn't mean it had always been the same people following you. The school was full of weirdos, in the end. What if somebody went after you? Steve would definitely say you had to bring one of your guards with you.
Damn. It was better staying in the dorm then.
"Good morning! Are you ready?" Peter's voice broke through the silence, and you flinched, hurriedly applying some lipstick because you didn't have enough time to put your makeup properly.
Well, at least you were fully dressed.
"Just give me a second!" Picking up your bag, you put your shoes on and opened the door, looking at a young guy who's face was lit up like a Christmas tree. "Hi!"
He definitely liked what he saw, and you felt your cheeks growing hot from embarrassment. From the very start of the semester Peter acted very sweet around you, and you thought you could be friends with him. He wouldn't do something as ugly as blackmailing, would he? Thor said it too. Clearly, Steve was exaggerating.
"Did you sleep well? I've heard you changed your lock, so now it'll be better."
"Ugh, I hope so. But I still sleep with my dresser blocking the door." Sighing, started walking, afraid to look in the faces of other students, hurrying off to school.
They must have been disgusted, watching you being friendly with one guy after being all lovey-dovey with the other just yesterday. Although you didn't see anyone in particular, you were sure somebody saw Thor kissing you. And now you were walking the corridors with Peter.
"By the way, what's your Insta?"
What? Your Instagram? Whatever for? Although you had no idea why he needed it, you let him add you, by the time leaving the dorm and walking towards the main building.
Suddenly, Peter got pretty close, his arm on your waist as he lifted up his phone and hummed, "Look here and smile!"
Before you realized what he was doing, the boy kissed your temple, and you heard the sound of a photo being taken by his front-facing camera. What the Hell?!
"Peter!" Pissed at him, you quickly break free and stepped back, but he was already looking at his phone, editing the photo and posting it almost immediately.
You heard your phone buzz when he marked you on the photo.
"That's a good one. You look very cute here."
"What are you doing?!"
"Making a proof we're dating, of course?"
You were taken aback by the sincerity in his voice, and Peter smiled from ear to ear like an excited teenager, showing you the picture: it wasn't that bad, and you looked as if you were slightly embarrassed by Peter's closeness. Oh, of course. He had to convince his friends he was dating you, but he didn't kiss you on the lips that could make other people too suspicious. Instead, friends of Barnes or, say, Thor, would still think it was all for show, and it was their friend who dated you for real.
Shit, Steve's plan was incredibly complicated, and you didn't like it at all.
"Oh, alright." You mumbled, lowering your eyes to the ground, and Peter laughed.
"We'll make a TikTok dance later. If you wanna make people talk, just use your social media." He winked at you and put the phone in the pocket of his pants, resuming walking, and you moved along, your face still hot.
God, what did these guys got you into? You felt like you were lost in the middle of a play, not even having a script to read what was your role in all this.
Before you parted your ways, going to a different classrooms, Peter talked about videogames, the upcoming Resident Evil - apparently, his favorite franchise - and some Dota tournament, but you didn't know much about it, and Peter offered to show you his favorite games "because you can't spend all your time studying!"
He was as careless and sweet as always, but you couldn't get Steve's words out of your mind. Damn, if only you could know for sure that Peter didn't blackmail anyone. Who could you talk to about it? Obviously, not Peter himself, but every time he spoke you had that nagging feeling you needed to talk to him. You barely kept your mouth shut before he went to a different room.
Ugh, why didn't you transfer anywhere else when you still had a chance? Obviously, now you could only drop out of school, and it definitely wasn't something you were going to do.
Luckily, the next couple of hours you were busy with your classes, trying your best to prepare for the upcoming exams. The academy held high standards, and even though you were a good student, it still took lots of efforts to keep up the good work. How Thor even managed to get enrolled, judging by the fact he hated studying and often skipped classes?
Ah yes, he mentioned something about getting a scholarship from the academy for his success in the sport.
By the lunch time you were drained, listening to Peter chatting with an absent-mindedly epxression on your face. Funny enough, Peter's grades were better than yours, even though he spent much less time studying. What, was he some genius like Loki? You felt a little envy.
"I gotta go take my tracksuit, I have PE next," the boy said, and you nodded, throwing away the leftovers of your lunch.
As you stood close while he grabbed his sportclothes, you heard two guys talking behind the lockers to your right.
"Have you seen her today? She's with Parker!"
You tensed immediately. Of course, they were talking about you.
"Yeah, so what?"
"She was with Thor yesterday!"
Watching you froze on the spot, Peter stilled too, listening carefully. Oh shit, you hoped no one cared about who you went with - why should they, in the end - but, apparently, you were drawing too much attention simply because you were a girl among hundreds of male students.
"So what?" The other guy asked impatiently, growing tired of this conversation.
"Are you stupid? She's going out with them! I bet she's looking for a guy." The first student said with excitement, and you cringed. No, you weren't going out with anyone, you wanted to stop the weirdos from following you and steeling your things. Was it too much to ask?
"Yeah, who cares?"
"We have three fucking girls in the whole school, and you don't care if one of them could be going out with you? Besides, this one's pretty. I'd fuck her!"
You felt like you were going to puke any moment. Why on Earth did you decide to transfer to an all-boys school? It was like the whole school were a men’s room filled with stupid-ass guys, and you were locked inside, forced to listen them talk junk.
"You'd fuck a sheep, weirdo. Go get yourself a girlfriend if you can’t stop thinking with your dick.”
Laughing, the guy left, and his friend followed him, shouting something stupid while you breathed out a sigh of relief. Of course, you knew there would be some talk, but you didn’t expect it to be so... gross. Were you really gonna spend the two remaining years here?
Watching you getting frustrated, Peter gently touched you by the arm and said softly, “Don’t worry. They won’t talk rubbish about you.”
“What do you mean?” Suddenly thinking of Steve’s words, you blurted out exactly what you were thinking of the whole day, “Are you going to blackmail them with something?”
“I... what?”
Part VII
Tags: @finleyjayne @alexakeyloveloki   ​@helenaeisenhower @villanellevi @hurricanerin ​@inlovewiththefictionalcharacters @chris-evans-indian-fanfic @navegandoaciegas @rosalynshields @brattycherub @sllooney @angrythingstarlight @lookiamtrying @buckysbunny @stargazingfangirl18 @dillybuggg @literate-lamb @cosicas-cuquis @sarge-barnes-sir @buckybarnesplumwhore @jaysayey @megzdoodle @gotnofucks @lux-ravenwolf @ximebebx @jeremyrennerfanxxxx123 @sourpatchspinster @biiskuitx @stupendouslovegardener @iheartsebandchris @lovelydarkdaydream @soleil-dor @illyrianprincess @vampirestrawberries @goodgodimaweirdperson @frontmanash @freya-heya @yandematic @mariatietacapitu @d3monslust @maybesandohnos @ibeatuptwinks @mangobangi
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astaroth1357 · 3 years
So I heard somebody's having a bit of a problem here with some depresso espresso and I think they need a bit of a pick me up
Ok so when I see you post I get like really excited because your blog makes me really happy when I read it with all of the stuffs in it being really funny and fluffy(with a little bit of angst hee hee) and I love to scroll through your blog because it puts me in a better mood and I like interacting with you because YOU are a fun person to type too!
And have some personal headcannons of mine if that isn't enough!
Demon and Angel clothes
-Clothes change on each person's perception of what current fashion is
-because zippers have NOT existed for as long as Levi's been a demon
-Levi has once spent such a long time watching anime it completely changed his demon form clothes to stereotypical anime clothes
-he only discovered this when getting mad at Mammon
-In front of everyone else
-He was so embarrassed by this he locked himself in his room and refused to come out until he was forcibly taken out
Headcannon 2!
The Events!
-Each event, unless cannon, is actually another timeline that is being watched by the MC and others!
-The boys like to secretly record some parts of the events
-After viewing is done the boys, unbeknownst to MC, chase each other around to get rid of the recordings because
-Blackmail Material~
-At least one of them have tried to convince Diavolo and Barbatos to show one where they were dating/married MC
-They did not convince them
-Both Diavolo and Barbatos have seen those timelines though
-The wedding event was seen in another timeline before it actually happened a mere day later. MC was not present for said viewing
ANGSTY~Part mini
-On multiple occasions have the bros wanted to see a world where Lilith lived
-Sometimes Belphegor wonders what would happen if it was him instead
-Barbartos can only switch timelines if the Barbatos of that time can be overpowered by himself, event timeline are those or cannot be taken over due to other means
-The original timeline where MC died exist and the Barbatos there is unable to even attempt to regain what was taken
Headcannon 3!
Specifications for A Exchange Student
-MC must be younger than 100 years!
-MC cannot be a criminal!
-MC cannot be an exorcist/demon hunter or slayer/a nun(as they are married to god)/A priest/A Satanist/A politician(they have enough down there)
-MC cannot die of a natural death in 10 years
-MC has to be nice!(added by Luke)
-MC has to be human(they kind of failed at this tho I mean MC technically is a bit Angel)
-MC is responsible(added by Lucifer)_Rejected as it wouldn't be fun
-MC can't be a normie!(added by Levi)_Rejected
-MC can cook(added by Beel)_still under consideration
-MC has to like cats(added by Satan)_Rejected
-Mammon's suggestions rejected_amount 666
-Suggestions are closed due to overflow-
Well then I hoped this helped and i've given you some inspiration~ and happiness~
Aww thanks for the concern! 🥲 I'm slowly doing better, think I just need to change meds soon... These new ones aren't cutting it. 😅 Much love to my family (aka my support system), they're really coming through for me right now cause things get dark sometimes.
And your canons gave me a good chuckle! Like. What if the MC had been a Satanist before they got ported down?? That'd have to be awkward... Our Satan is much less... goat-ish, you know?
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elentiyawhitethorn · 3 years
Prompt- Rhys gets sick and feyre becomes mother hen👀
Sick Day
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Fluff//1865 words
Cassian grinned. “I told Mor she shouldn’t do it. It wasn’t my fault.”
“Sure you did, Cass.”
“Don’t sound so skeptical! I am your general, one of the highest ranking officers in your court, My Lady. I would never lie to you.”
Feyre smacked Cassian on the arm. “Don’t you have something better to do? Like, I don’t know, harass somebody else?”
He gave a wide smile. “Why would I do that when you’re right here?”
Feyre rolled her eyes. “Gods, you-”
A loud cough cut Feyre off.
Feyre glanced at the ceiling as if she could see her mate through it. She could, in fact, sense where he was. “Do you think he’s okay?”
A tired sigh left Cassian. “I am so sick of listening to you to worry about each other every time the other one blinks funny. It was a cough, Feyre.”
Feyre bit her lip. “Okay.”
Nyx cooing distracted Feyre’s anxious thoughts and she turned to her baby. He was sitting in Cassian’s lap. For some unfathomable reason, Nyx found Cassian hilarious, and he would sit on his uncle’s lap and giggle at the sound of his voice. Or at least, Feyre hoped it was the sound of his voice. Should Feyre find her newborn actually knew what Cassian was saying, the male would be flayed alive.
“Hi, honey,” Feyre cooed back, waggling her fingers at her son.
Cassian snorted. “You’ve gotten so gooey.”
Feyre scowled. “Me? Never. That’s just Rhys.”
“I’ll admit, Rhys is more of a softie than you are, but you’re not the bitch you used to be.”
Feyre gasped. She picked up Nyx and held him close. “Don’t say such things! He’s only a baby.” Then she covered Nyx’s ears and added, “And for the record, I am still a bitch. Don’t forget it.”
Cassian cracked a smile. “If you say so.”
Before he could say anything more, another cough sounded upstairs.
Feyre handed Nyx hurriedly to Cassian, who just rolled his eyes. “Go on, check on Rhysie pie. Gods forbid he has allergies.”
“I would punch you if you weren’t holding my son.” With that, Feyre winnowed into her and her mate’s bedroom.
Rhys was lying in bed. The room was dark enough that Feyre couldn’t tell what his facial expression was right now, but she could sense his discomfort through the bond.
“What’s wrong, Rhys?” breathed Feyre, rushing to his side.
“Lord, you’re fussy today.” Rhys had been going for a sarcastic tone, but it came out raspy and weak.
Feyre crossed her arms. “Let’s skip all the bullshit about how you’re feeling well and refuse to say anything. What’s wrong?”
Scowling, though possibly more at the situation than at Feyre, Rhys silently opened his mental shields. And Feyre was met with affliction.
She was overcome by the sensation of gut-wrenching pains and full-body soreness. Her throat was sore and her hands were clammy. Feyre felt dizzy, nauseated, likely about to fall over-
Feyre pulled out of Rhys’ mind quickly. “You’re sick.”
“That’s one way to put it,” Rhys groaned. “You should go. Don’t want you to get it.”
Feyre snorted. “For one thing, I can just summon a shield around my body in protection. Rather simple.” Feyre did indeed erect a body wrap of sorts, made of magic. Then she added, “And anyway, I love you almost enough that I’d deal with that just to be with you.”
Rhys’ lips twitched slightly. “Almost?”
Feyre smiled back. “We have to think about the Court. Wouldn’t want both the High Lord and Lady out of action. It would be chaotic.”
Rhys laughed, a brittle sound.
“I’ll be right back,” Feyre said.
“Where are you going?”
She pulled the blanket up farther on her mate as his sweating turned to shivers. “I’m going to ask Cass to watch Nyx today. I don’t want him to catch it.”
“Good idea,” Rhys mumbled, his eyelids fluttering.
Feyre winnowed back. Cassian glanced up amusedly. “Did our precious High Lord get something in his throat?”
Feyre scowled. “He’s ill.”
“How ill?” Cassian asked, not buying it.
In response, Feyre entered his mind and sent over the feelings she’d experienced when she crossed Rhys’ shields.
“Fuck,” Cassian exclaimed. “Give a male a little warning next time.”
“Careful,” Feyre scolded. “You’re holding my son.”
Cassian righted himself. “He’s actually sick. Gods, I don’t think that’s happened since last century.”
A stray snort escaped the dignified high lady. “You old bastards. I was wondering how you would feel about watching Nyx today? He’s so young; I don’t know how he would handle catching what Rhys has.”
“Oh, of course.” Cass smirked and turned to Nyx. “I have some busy things to do today, little male. How would you feel about helping?”
Feyre knew this was absolute bullshit; Cassian wasn’t totally useless but he sure as hell didn’t have “busy things.”
But Nyx burbled excitedly. One of his little hands reached for a lock of Cassian’s hair and tugged, his tiny wings flapping slightly.
“It’s settled then. Your son will be learning how to run the Night Court today.”
“Right. Because that’s what you’re in charge of,” Feyre responded drying, but she couldn’t help smiling at Nyx.
Cassian grinned. “See you. Try not to get sick or I might have to keep Nyx forever.”
Feyre smiled. “Right.”
They exchanged farewells and Cassian turned toward the door of their manor. “Oh, and don’t break anything,” Feyre called after him. “And don’t break my son.”
Cassian didn’t even turn back; he just flipped Feyre off over his shoulder, holding the baby in one hand. Feyre smiled, but she wasn’t actually concerned. For all his goofing about, Cassian could be surprisingly responsible, and she knew he would take care of Nyx well. Satisfied her child was in good hands and safe from infection, she walked over to the other room.
After dismissing the staff for the day (pay still included, of course), Feyre made for the kitchen. She used her magic to light a fire under the stove and she placed a pot on top. Even with her abilities, she normally wasn’t lazy enough to use them for everything, but she wanted this going as quickly as possible.
Worried about Rhys, Feyre used her magic once more to speed along the chopping. After dumping the vegetables in the broth she’d put in, she winnowed back upstairs.
Rhys was semi-conscious, exhausted but too pained to reach sleep. “Rhys, wake up.”
Rhys moaned. “Piss off.”
“I’m sorry, but I can’t let you stay like this. You’re too uncomfortable to sleep well, Rhys.” Feyre helped him sit up, countering all of his protests with promises of soup.
“You don’t need to make soup all by yourself just for me.”
A huff of breath left Feyre’s lips. “I kept my family alive for years. I know how to make soup.”
Rhys sighed in resignation. “It’s not really that bad.”
“You say that like you wouldn’t be calling five healers over and praying to the gods I don’t die if our positions were switched.”
“Fair enough. We can both be rather protective of each other. But-”
“No buts,” Feyre said firmly. “I’ll be right back with soup. Drink this in the meantime. You need lots of fluids.” She waved her hand, summoning a glass of water on their nightstand.
Rhys sighed but reached for it, which was enough for Feyre. She left the room.
Soup was ready five minutes later. Her magic had really sped up the process; she was impatient and wanting to be with her mate, who she heard coughing again. As soon as she could, Feyre made her way back upstairs.
“Hey, babe.”
Feyre snorted and made a tray appear on him lap. She set the bowl down. “Hey.”
The glass of water was still mostly full, but Rhys had taken a couple sips. Appeased, Feyre moved to the other side of the bed and sat down next to her mate.
Rhys sighed, but reached for the spoon.
As he slowly took little spoonfuls, Feyre placed her hand on his forehead, and found him without a fever. A good sign.
She began gently rubbing his back. He was cold, and Feyre let warmth deep through her fingers, courtesy of the Autumn Court’s fire in very small quantities.
Rhys sighed in content. “Maybe I should get sick every day.”
“If it’s the only way to get you to rest, I suppose that wouldn’t be too bad,” Feyre replied, smiling. Her hands kept moving on his back. “I heard last century was the last time you got sick?”
Rhys swallowed another spoonful. “I vomited on Keir.”
Feyre took a minute to process this. “You did what?”
Rhys grimaced. “I wasn’t feeling well, but I thought I’d be okay to make the trip. I clearly wasn’t.”
Feyre burst into laughter. “Oh my gods.”
“Stop that,” Rhys demanded. “You’re not supposed to make fun of me while I’m not feeling well.” His features transformed into a pout.
Feyre couldn’t stop a grin from making its way to her face. “No wonder Keir doesn’t like you.”
Rhys tried to scowl, but he smiled faintly. “I’ll admit, he was a bit more civil to me before that. Only a bit, though.”
Feyre positively cackled. “This is why I love you.”
“Because I accidentally projectile vomit on people I don’t like?”
“Precisely,” Feyre said.
More broth, as well as a small carrot, was swallowed. Rhys sighed pathetically and Feyre just watched him, still massaging his back, trying not to worry too much.
Sickness in Fae was rare, and it usually didn’t last for long, due to their strong immune systems. He must have caught it from somewhere, and Feyre decided to warn her friends later to be careful. Everyone would be fine, but having all her friends sick would be a hassle, to say the least. At least Nyx was safe; Cassian would definitely be staying away from others today. He wouldn’t admit it, but he could be overly fussy too.
Rhys slurped the rest of the broth out of the bowl, holding it up to his face, while Feyre chuckled at him. Then she sent the empty bowl away with a wave of her hand. “Time to rest, Rhys.”
Rhys just pouted at her. “I’m not tired.”
“Liar. You look like you’re about to pass out.”
Rhys reluctantly let Feyre help him lie back against the pillow. Several moments later, they were both situated: Rhys was absolutely covered in blankets to fight off the chills and Feyre’s arms were around him, her magic still warming his body.
Feyre entered his mind and sent comforting thoughts over, as well as urges to rest. It didn’t take long before he was snoring.
Holding her mate, comforting him through even a mild ailment, couldn’t have felt more right. Feyre desperately wanted him to heal, and soon he would, but for now she was content to listen to him breathe and inhale his familiar scent.
As Feyre herself drifted off, she just hoped she could convince Rhys to let her in his mind and show her Keir’s expression after being vomited on. Because that was something she wanted to see.
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hcrringtonshair · 3 years
See My Girl
Sam Wilson x Reader
Summary: You follow Sam & Bucky and Zemo to Madripoor to see your boyfriend after a, for you, too long time.
Word Count: 1851
Warnings: bad smut without plot, unprotected sex, dirty talk (+18 readers only please!)
A/N: I'm seriously nervous to post this. It's my first time posting smut. It's my first try! So it's kinda bad, I'm thankful for every advice from you if you tell me what I could do better! A huge thank you to@nobody-but-somebody-yet-nobody for beta reading this and making me feel confident about it! <3
Please reblog, like and comment! I would be forever thankful!
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The crowded room was filled with music, sticky air, glasses clinking, people laughing and chatting loudly. A view down on the display of your phone, that showed a new text message, muted the loud ambiance around you. Nervous because of the unknown, dangerous place where you have followed Sam and Bucky, you empty the glass of whiskey in your hands, ignoring the burning taste of it going down your throat. You take a step away from the bar and see the people you have been waiting for.
It seemed as though the crowd split only for them as they walked through straight in your direction.
The upper class of Madripoor was curious about new faces, so their eyes followed the movements of the incomes, just like yours. Casually, your eyes ran up and down their bodies, stopping at the face of the man who came closer than the other two, “Gentlemen.” You nod to Bucky and Zemo with a polite smile before looking back at Sam who is now nearly chest to chest with you.
“Thought you wouldn’t make it. Did Sharon save you like the rumors said?”, you ask with a smirk. In the darkroom with colorful lights shooting through the air wildly, his eyes seem nearly black as he looks down on you, checking out the, for you, unusual choice of clothing.
“Would I ever fail when I have the opportunity to see my girl?” If he hadn't spoken directly into your ear, you wouldn’t be able to understand a single word of his low voice. Your eyes switch back to see only an empty space where Bucky and Zemo had stood only seconds before.
“I don’t think so. It has been a few weeks now.” You click your tongue as you look back into the eyes in front of you. The dark blue spotlights give his face contours and you couldn’t hesitate to bite your bottom lip at this view. His hands travel over your hips and waist, causing shivers to run down your spine. The world around you was far away and only you and Sam were in a bubble with up heating air.
“Bet you’re thirsty. I’ll get you a drink.” In his hands, you turn around to lean forward, resting the elbows on the glass counter, and feel Sam pressing himself against your back. A bright grin lights up your face as his fingertips trail over your ass.
Turning back with two glasses of whiskey in your hands, his hot breath hit your cheeks.
“You look damn awesome as always. Even better than I imagined.”
Even though he had emptied his glass in one go, his voice was still rough.
“How did you imagine me?”, you say as you down the glass just like he did and place it on the counter with a loud clunk.
“That‘s not important now after I saw this.” His eyes leave yours for a second to wander over your chest.
“I bet it will be even better without this.” He pulls a strap of the dress off your shoulder. Without an answer, you grab the hand that lies on you and take him with you through the party crowd.
You hear the voice of Bucky, questioning where you were about to go, but you wouldn’t stop for him. Of course, Sam keeps up with you and with fast steps, you both enter the glass stairs. Excitement is building up in your stomach and only his strong hand holding yours keeps you from falling because of your shaky legs. The heels clicking on the Marmor floor is soon the loudest noise in the empty private area of the house.
In the dim light you find the door to your room, Sharon has been nice enough to allow you to stay for a couple of nights while you were in the city. Sam hasn’t said a word since you both left the bar and you kept up with that until the door was shut.
“Damn Babygirl you know how to drive me crazy.” His hand slaps your ass loudly before he cups your face and kisses you until you are out of breath. You bite into his bottom lip and wrap your arms around his neck, causing him to grunt satisfyingly which is enough to get your pants wet.
“I’m done with waiting”, he mumbles to himself and lifts you up directly onto him. He peppers your neck with kisses, gently biting into the soft skin causing you to moan softly with your eyes shut. As he walks across the room, with you in his strong heavy arms, you feel him hardening against your already soaked underwear, letting you moan even louder.
The cold duvets make you shiver even more as he lays you down on the bed kneeling over you. “Look at you.” He continues covering your body with kisses, by trailing up your angled legs, slowly parting them. Your dress slides up your thighs, ending up on your stomach, letting Sam hum in approval by the view of your exposed lower body. With fast movements he straightens himself and you up, pulling the dress over your head leaving you only in your slip as you lay back.
“Fuck what a sight. God, I missed these.”
You weren’t able to answer properly, a satisfied sigh left your throat followed by louder moans as his hand covers your left boob and his mouth touches your right one. You rub your hot core against his thigh between your legs and he slightly laughs but doesn't stop circling your nipple with his tongue. “It’s all for you”, your breath comes out shaky when he leaves your chest to straighten up again. You look up at him, watching how he pulls off his leather jacket and pullover in swift fast movements, moaning at the sight of his bare chest making you even wetter.
“You like what you see huh?” His mouth turns into a cheeky smile as he continues to remove his belt and trousers. Pouting, you grab his hand to stop him and guide them to your panties, and let him slip inside. You both moan in satisfaction as his tender fingers move between your folds.
“Who made you that wet baby? Tell me.”
Distracted by his moving fingers you lift your back, previously pressed to the bed, into his touch. “You”, more moans fill the room as he easily slips inside of you. “Only you make me this wet Sam. Only thinking about you makes my pussy this wet.” You cry out in frustration as he leaves you and leans back to pull off your panties before throwing them across the room.
He starts trailing kisses down your uplifted leg, which he still holds in one hand, before burying his face in between your thigh.
His tongue touches your throbbing folds, slowly licking up all the juices making you scream out in pleasure before one finger enters you again.
He growls against your pussy while continuing licking and the vibrations let you start to grind against his mouth. As he adds a second finger your hands shoot up, covering your boobs massaging them and you stare at the top of his head.
Fascinated by the view, stitches form in your stomach, slowly building up your orgasm as he flicks his tongue right. “Oh god- fuck Sammy I’m so close, I-“ He fastens the pace of his fingers pumping in and out of you, so do you with your hips moving against them. “C’mon let go babygirl. Cum for me.” His head goes up far enough for him to look at your face.
His eyes lock with yours make you reach your high and under his intoxicating gaze, you come hard.
You shut your eyes as the orgasm rushes over you, accompanied by high-pitched moans and whimpers. He continues to lick over your sensitive skin, cleaning it up before lifting himself up reaching out for you. Your mouth meets his and you taste yourself on his lips.
“You are delicious baby.”
Giggling at his words you help him pull his trousers and underwear down his legs, before enclosing his cock with one hand, gently starting to stroke it, feeling him pulsate in your grip. You continue pumping him, stitch breaths leaving his mouth while he nibbles on your earlobe, biting into your neck. “If you don’t stop I’ll make a mess right in your hand baby.”
You gave him a kiss, “Maybe that’s what I want.” He giggles against your cheek but stops abruptly, surprised by you rolling over him.
“Later baby. First I want to fill you up.” You gulp at his words, feeling your core heating up again. With a single move, you are under him again, watching him on his knees lining up between your legs. “I need you to be inside me, Sam”, you whine as he takes his time to give himself a few strokes, smiling at your inpatient behavior. “I will be, I will be stretching out that pussy so good.” With those words he rubs his tip against you, making you squirm under him.
You gasp in pleasure as he enters you completely, only letting you seconds to adjust. “Fuck!” You both breathe out at the same moment as he starts thrusting into you. With both hands, he holds you into place at your hips. Your nails dig into the bedsheets as you lift one leg to give him more space. “Damn you’re so beautiful. That feels fucking amazing.”
His husky voice let you shiver as you moan as an answer, feeling his thumb circling on your clitoris.
“Sam faster, please. Oh my-“ He paces up before you finish and you see stars, your view goes black under all the pleasure that is rushing through your body. His fast deep thrusts accompany heavy breaths, his skin slapping onto yours makes you nearly pass out.
“Shit I’m close.”
“I’m too. God damn fill me up, baby.”
He bites his bottom lip while frowning, concentrating on keeping up the pace as his thrusts were becoming sloppier and hit the right spot. He lets out a deep growl and you feel his cum shooting inside of you and you reach your own climax.
“That’s it. You do so well coming all over my cock.” He leans down on you, placing little kisses on your mouth. Both of you, out of breath you stay like this for a short time, leaning your forehead against one another.
“God I love you babygirl.”
“I love you, Sam.” You whine shortly as he leaves you, making you feel empty. He lies down beside you, wrapping both arms around you and you lean your head against his chest.
“You okay?”
“I’m feeling awesome.”
He slightly laughs into your hair, brushing over it as he hums an unknown melody.
“How much time do we have?”
“I have to be with the others in a few hours. Let’s say until sunrise.”
Frustrated, you look up into his eyes before starting to grin.
“So then don’t make yourself too comfortable. You only have limited time to make me cum again.”
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blackcherrykiss · 3 years
BLOOD BOUNDARIES - Enhypen OT7 Fanfic (ch.5)
[CH.1] [CH.2] [CH.3] [CH.4]  previous chapters
[CH.6] next chapter (now available!)
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genre: vampire au, romance, drama, mystery, thriller
note: written inspired by enhypen's storyline, given-taken lyrics & teasers. please keep in mind all members are apart of this fanfic and the main theme is mystery/drama!
P.S Niki and Sunoo's roles become bigger in later chapters :) sorry I took 2 weeks to update. School + new enhypen teasers made me alter the story now jesus their lore is confusingly interesting. Didn't proofread half of this chapter LOL. Happy readings <3
"Well now that everyone is here, I'd like to announce we have a new student who just transferred here." Your eyes were immediately drawn to the student's platinum blonde hair. Despite his sharp and charismatic face, his eyes were delicate and innocent. He had an exceptionally small face and a sunkissed skin tone. The new student snapped himself around so that the entire classroom got a good look at him, "Hello, my name is Park Jongseong or Jay, call me whatever you feel." He bowed slightly, his voice having a cool ring that played over in your head.
"Everybody please welcome Jay to our astronomy class. Lend him any of our previous notes because midterms are coming up and I'd appreciate as a teacher if you guys helped him catch up before our long weekend coming up in two weeks." Your teacher gave a warm smile, nodding in such a way that made the rest of the class nod with her.
Without a student saying a word, everyone's eyes followed him as he took a seat at a desk a couple of rows in front of you.
You stared at him tirelessly, barely listening as your teacher rambled off-topic. You noticed Jay often stared out at the crying sky that occasionally flickered with lightning. His eyes focused intently on the woods. You were sure you weren't the only one who was interested in the new boy as you frequently caught other students glancing over at him every few seconds. Jay carried an attractive and dark aura that clearly contrasted from the crowd. Both girls and boys stared at him not because of his pretty face but because he was far different from the new students who had joined your school mid-semester.
The class flew by for you because of Jay until a simple but intriguing question was purposed by the teacher, "Bonus marks today if anyone can guess when the next full moon is." she lifted her eyes off the projector for a few moments, waiting for answers to come sailing.
"Saturday?" Somebody from the front called out, followed by numerous answers that ranged between the second week to the fourth week of the month.
"Come on now. Don't blurt out, give others chances to guess. Jay why don't you guess?" Your teacher questioned welcomingly, expecting no answer from him.
He leaned back in his chair, scraping the non-writing end of his ballpen on his thumb, "November 30." A gentle sound of thunder playing perfectly when he said the answer; like some sort of scene out of a comic.
"Ding ding ding!" Your teacher switched to a PowerPoint slide with the new unit name bolded, "I know this isn't part of the curriculum but I got it approved by the head of the school." She took a breath, giving students time to comprehend what was presented in front of them. "Our next unit will be looking deeper at the moon. More specifically, we'll be looking at both the sciency and non-sciency sides of this topic. And before anyone asks; no, you don't need to believe in astrology or superstitions to understand the non-sciency material. It's just very fascinating because it connects to many cultures." Your attention was now far away from Jay. You were enthusiastic about a topic for once in the class.
"And looks like we're running out of time." Your teacher's wrist clock blocking her eyes. "That's it for today's class everyone! I'll have your projects marked for next class, I promise! Have a good day." She said while shutting off the projector.
You slid all your handouts into your binder, not bothering to align the three-hole punches of the papers to their designated rings.
"Y/N before you go, do you mind helping out Jay? Today or tomorrow?" Your teacher stopped you on your way out.
"Like lend him my notes?"
"Yep! I just forgot to ask but he just left so you might be able to catch up to him. Maybe ask if he's got the notes yet."
You waved your goodbyes and chased the new boy down, his uniquely blonde hair standing out from the hallway of heads. You picked up the pace to catch up with his swift steps when you caught him chatting with Sunghoon and Jaeyun. Your feet froze straight down in their place.
Were they new friends? Or perhaps they were old friends?
You weren't going to bother talking to Jay as you already knew what kind of funny business would come up if you did. You could only watch them swing and lean their arms against each other in a close and friendly way. The picture was becoming more and more clear to you as to what kind of association Jay had with Sunghoon and Jaeyun perhaps even Heeseung, Sunoo or Jungwon.
You throw yourself violently over your thick mattress after finishing a long study and homework session at your dorm. The session wasn't productive but the time you spent surrounded by your schoolwork made it feel that way. Your dorm was awfully quiet that afternoon as your dormmates had music rehearsals for their extracurriculars. Nana had told you to come by the music rooms around a quarter past five when their practice was over to go down to the dining hall and have dinner but you couldn't think of a way to kill your remaining hour alone.
Phones were forbidden in your school and you often felt uncontrollably alone and bored with your thoughts during your free time. You could only lay tangled in your bed with your half progressed work in the corner of your eye. You shift on one side to watch your wide-open binder until you got some burst of motivation to finish studying until an idea hits you.
After eyeing your handouts from your astronomy class, you decide to hit the library and do some reading to get a little advanced in the class. Sure you could study for your other class but the sudden idea was far more worth your time in your mind. You quickly twirl out of your room, clearing your desk while you're at it. Excitedly, you hop into your shoes and head straight for the library. You were put in a good mood as you skipped along the long journey to the bookhouse.
The library was moderately packed as you don't bother to recognize any faces there. You get deja vu as you trail the same path you did when Sunghoon and Kyungeun were around. Sliding between the thin space between the bookshelves once again, you search for the section related to the moon, feeling dizzy at the sight of books your school owned. You could've made your life easier by asking the librarian but you were confident you could find it on your own. You move up and down the aisles as you catch a glimpse of theoretical and astrology related books that sit next to a couple of history books.
Backing up, you awkwardly bend your knees forward to get a better look at the small selection of books under the genre. You peel a random book spine out from its tight spot as if it had never been taken out before. You dust off the book a bit, reading the wordless cover and open it to check if it was really related to any sort of astronomy as you find a much stranger subject being discussed.
"Finding everything alright?" The librarian comes by, pushing a kart from the other end of the shelves. "I-I'm looking for books related to the moon." You say, standing up and forgetting you still had the old book in hand.
"The scientific information is just on the other side of this shelf but the section you were just looking at has some interesting stuff that might be related." The librarian stuffed herself in between the shelves to get toward you.
"Yeah, I noticed... This book I just picked up was talking about vampires." You laugh a little as you hold it up.
"Ah, that book..." She paused, snatching the book out of your hands to examine it, "I read this before... It relates to astrology. I think there are some parts of the book that go into detail about the moon, you should give it a read."
"Is this book just theoretical research about vampires though?" You were unconvinced with the idea.
"Yeah, real or not, our school grounds and the neighbouring town are talked about in the book. Apparently many years ago this place used to be a hotspot for vampires."  She looked you dead in the eyes.
"Do you think the information is true?" You questioned with deep curiosity upon her answer.
"Some information in there is haunting. I think vampires did exist." She said with some sort of distress beginning to seep into her face.
Shivers ran down your spine, if she was just trying to sell you the book, it was working damn well on you.
"I'll leave you be, no need to sign out the book, nobody ever takes it out so I trust you'll return it." And with that said, she left you cold with mystery as the book between your fingers stared at you with big round eyes.
You shake back to reality, checking your wrist just to find out your time has vanished. You shift your priorities to getting to the music department, throwing the book into your bag without much thought.
The sun was already going down around the afternoon as the days got shorter with autumn blossoming. You're standing between rooms full of beautiful voices and instruments, peering through every window attached to a door in an attempt to find your roommates. The issue was the widows didn't give much of a view as to who was in the rooms. But your ears were drawn to a gentle piano that played a bittersweet melody beneath the louder sounds of people singing in a harmonious glee. As you move in the forward direction of the hallway, the piano gets clearer to your ears. It became clear that the sound was coming out of a room with its door wide open. Your back attached it to the wall in fear of being seen as slide yourself until you meet the spine of the door where you could see into the shadowy room.
Your eyes lit up when they see a familiar platinum blondie behind the keys. The melody was enchanting and was played in such a personal way as the sounds escaped into the noisy environment where it hoped to go unheard. Jay had reached the final notes of his song as he turned his head in your direction. It was as if he knew of your present from the moment you started watching him from the doorway.
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omg this request has been in my inbox for so long ahshfhdgh i’m sorry it’s so late, but i hope you enjoy it nonetheless!
6. “Stay still!”
27. “I still love you.”
Romantic Analogically
Barely biting back his grin, Virgil nuzzled his cheek into Logan’s chest. “Hm?”
“Please, stay still…” Logan growled, the fingers of his free hand tangling in the dark side’s hair, scratching his scalp gently.
Virgil practically purred, his eyes slipping shut. Cuddling with Logan was wonderful, but he could be such a snooze sometimes. Especially when he so very rudely refused to pay full attention to his dear, darling boyfriend- instead focusing on the boring book he insisted on burying his nose in all hours of the day. Yawn.
He was lucky he was so cute, Virgil thought to himself as he breathed deep the comforting smell of fabric detergent, coffee, and something warm and musky and distinctly Logan. A breathy moan escaped his mouth when he felt the smooth pressure move down his neck, massaging the tightness he always forgot was there until his seemingly magic fingers came along to ease it away. Mm… Cute and good with his hands.
But, in spite of his pretty face and knowledge of how to make Virgil melt into a puddle of goop, he was still horribly stubborn and unwilling to put down his book to give him the love and attention that he deserved. And that just wouldn’t do.
“I’m bored.”
Silence. Logan turned his page. “Are you, now?”
“And what do you suppose I should do about that?” He said, his fingers slowing down to play with the fluffy hair as the nape of his neck.
Virgil grumbled, burying his face into Logan’s abdomen, his voice muffled by the soft flesh. The corners of Logan’s mouth twitched as he made out something along the lines of ‘You suck’.
“Ah, I see.” He nudged his glasses up the bridge of his nose with the hand holding his book, before finally placing it on the coffee table next to them. “Instead of asking me for what it is that you want, you’re going to sulk like a child and force me to guess for myself.”
A rush of heat prickled beneath where Logan’s fingers were still stroking his hair. He was casting a line; offering bait- and really, it would be foolish of Virgil not to take advantage of the opportunity by making the most of Logan’s playful mood. Turning his head to the side so that the grumpy pout on his face was visible, he nodded in silent petulance.
“Of course.” Logan sighed, even though he couldn’t hide the fondness in his voice. “Hmmm, well then...”
Two fingers began to creep up each of Virgil’s sides, tip-toeing slowly and gently from just above his hips, wiggling against the tender dip of his waistline, before settling at his lowest ribs. Virgil had to bite his cheek to stop himself from smiling, already blowing quick puffs of air out of his nose to disguise the laughter he could feel bubbling up.
“Yes, yes, interesting.” He muttered to himself, furrowing his brow pensively as his fingers suddenly scuttled up Virgil’s ribs and dug into his armpits. Virgil squeaked, clamping his arms down and dissolving into surprised giggles. Logan frowned.
“No, this won’t do, let me just…” He held one of Virgil’s elbows, pulling his arm to the side just enough so that his other hand was free to worm its way back underneath. He smirked when Virgil squealed, his chest and stomach swooping as Logan’s fingers chased after him whenever he arched away. “Much better.”
“Nohoho! Lo! Stoppit!”
“Shhhh, Virgil...” Logan chided. “You’ve been disruptive enough as is, you could at least allow me to carry out my research in peace...”
“R-Research? Whahat research?”
He took mercy and let go of his arm, instead moving both hands to settle on his back and drift along the length of his spine with light, sweeping touches that left Virgil breathless as he tried to swallow soft giggles.
“I’m conducting a very important scientific experiment.” Logan whispered, fingers creeping further and further down his back. “But, I’m afraid I’ll have to gather much more data to work with before I draw any conclusions.”
With that, he wrapped his hands around Virgil’s hips and began rapidly squeezing. Virgil gasped, immediately bursting into loud laughter as his hands shot down to try and shove Logan away. Whilst this wasn’t the exact kind of attention he was gunning for, he couldn’t really say that he was mad about it either. Logan liked to pretend he was all cool-headed and stoic, but Virgil knew better. Deep down, he was just as much of a goofball as the others- and if it took bugging him all afternoon to get him to come out and play? He could certainly live with that.
“Nohoho!” He cried when Logan’s thumbs managed to wiggle underneath to get at his stomach. “Not there! Not there!” Virgil slammed himself down to try and trap them, the tingly sensations lighting up his nerve endings like a switchboard.
Undeterred, Logan switched to the same spidery tickles from before, concentrating both hands on the right half of Virgil’s torso and causing him to lurch away, rolling off of Logan and onto his side. Unfortunately for him, that was exactly what he had planned for, and Logan wasted no time wrapping an arm around his chest to hold him still as he slipped his other hand up his t-shirt and clawed at his belly.
Virgil shrieked, falling into a fit of desperate cackles. He could just about handle being tickled anywhere else, but his tummy was his weak spot and Logan knew it (he would have cussed him out for playing dirty, but he was far too busy giggling his head off to speak so coherently). Plus, by this point he was so loopy-giddy from the silliness of it all that he was too weak to do more than just lay there and take it, scrunching up his shoulders when he felt a soft, breathy chuckle against the back of his neck.
“This is terribly unprofessional of you, Virgil.” Logan tutted as he pulled him back onto his lap, continuing to squish and squeeze all over his midriff. “Really- science is no laughing matter...”
“Lohohohogan! Plehehe-!” Virgil hiccuped, his eyes misty with tears. As ruthless as Logan was, even he could tell it was time to wrap things up, and so he began to slow down until he was gently tracing the perimeter of his torso with light, feathery touches.
“I think that’s all that I’ll need for now. Although,” He poked Virgil’s belly button, smirking at the little yelp it produced. “I’ll know where to go if I need to run any more repeats.”
Virgil whined through his last few giggles. “Youhu nerd…” He held onto Logan’s wrists as he wrapped him in his arms. “S-So…” He panted. “What’s your conclusion?”
Logan’s smirk softened. “It’s just as I suspected.” He pressed a gentle kiss to his neck, delighting in the way it made the tips of his ears blush, before resting his chin atop the crown of Virgil’s head. “You are, in fact, one hundred percent adorable.”
Virgil scoffed, hiding his red face in his sleeve-covered hands but not before Logan caught sight of the dopey grin on his face. “I hate you…” He grumbled.
“Oh? It sounds like somebody needs another round before they’re convinced...” Logan teased, cradling him closer and allowing their legs to intertwine. Virgil squeaked, hands coming away from his face to bat at Logan’s as he trapped him in the hug.
“No!” He tittered nervously. “Nohoho, I’m not, I’m not- I still love you, I prohomise…”
Humming thoughtfully, Logan relaxed his grip. “Alright, I’ll leave you be. For now.” He pressed one more tickly kiss against Virgil’s cheek, smiling against the warm skin and letting his eyes slip shut.
Virgil giggled, feeling more than a little smug that he had managed to get what he wanted as he wriggled around so that he was on his front again, snuggling into Logan’s chest with a content sigh.
They lay in comfortable silence, enjoying each other’s calming presence enough that they were on the verge of dozing off, but it wasn’t more than a few minutes later when Virgil’s ears pricked at the sound of something rustling directly above him.
“Logan.” He mumbled, his eyes still closed. “You’d better not be reading that dumb book again.”
There was a brief pause before Logan sighed, clapping his hardback shut and carefully placing it back on the coffee table.
“... It was worth a try.” He muttered sheepishly, settling back down for their long-overdue cuddling session.
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kalee60 · 4 years
i wish you would write a fic where jock!bucky seduces twink!steve, maybe he hits steve with that pec flex guys do that is both dick-ish and insanely hot at the same time?
Oh Manda - you absolute gorgeous gem! I very much like what you're asking me to create here 😘 I also love, love, love that you sent me a prompt!
I immediately think of sun, summer, ice cream, boys at the beach playing frisbee and our gorgeous Smol!Steve and Jock!Bucky as friends mutually pining (Ha - it's me, it was never going to be anything but this story!)
Once again, my quick little drabble (that I wrote today when I woke up {thanks to my sprinting buddies in discord}) turned into a 4k fic... But I mean - I think that's okay (more stucky for us - right?)
I hope you like where I took this, maybe in a slightly different direction than intended - it's also on ao3 here (with all tags necessary) if you prefer to check them out and read there instead, it'll be part of my stucky bingo fills - Beach and rated M for mild sexual content 😉
If you'd like a fic - here's the post - I wish you'd write a fic... (It might take me a little bit to write - but I will get there!)
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Steve was in hell, literally. It was hot, he was sweaty and he was being tortured. Honestly, Steve really loved summer, but at the same time he loathed it. And most of that had to do with the fact he had to sit around in his large group of friends and watch Bucky fucking Barnes sans top and wearing only a small pair of running shorts frolic over the sand at the beach.
Life was unfair. 
How could somebody like Bucky actually exist in real time? He was a complete jock for starters, his looks and size perfect for being naturally great at sports, earning him a football scholarship of his choice (of course). And Steve, well Steve Rogers was as far from a jock as anyone could get. Not that he was horrible in the fitness and muscular department, but he was too little and his asthma still played up to join rugged contact sports. Being 5’4 also didn’t particularly endear him to any of the coaches at college who were scouting for star players. Plus studying to be a high school teacher probably wasn’t sporty enough, and he was leaning towards a specialist English role, not Gym.
So Steve joined the campus gym instead of a sporting team, did weights and classes and enjoyed it immensely. It was where he met Natasha, and that fateful meeting brought him to Bucky and his dickish jock ways and friends.
Though if Steve was to be fair (of which he was - usually) not all jocks were dicks, even if Steve had preconceived notions from high school what college boys would be like. He'd been pleasantly surprised to find that the captain of the football team was not only gorgeous, cocky and a bit of a douche, but also very smart, kind and had a smile that could make Steve’s legs turn to jelly with only a small half tilt.
But it was as he sat on a towel under the shade of a large umbrella that Carol had stolen from her parent’s garden shed, that Steve really felt the heat, and it had nothing to do with the blazing sun above him and the burning sand beneath his feet.
It was all Bucky Barnes and his chest, his slim waist, his tanned olive skin, the breadth of his shoulders, the thickness of his sinewed and muscled thighs that tapered down to calves that bunched up as he jumped and landed to grab the frisbee aimed at him.
Steve sighed heavily as his gaze lingered on the brunette. Bucky Barnes was every mans wet dream, every girls perfect prince, and Steve pulled his dark sunnies over his eyes again, ignoring the pounding in his chest, the throbbing in his groin as he watched Bucky behind dark lenses spring up and prance over the sand, laughing with a wide mouth that could do sinful things to Steve’s body. The worst part was that Bucky was doing all of this with no knowledge that Steve harboured the biggest crush of his life.
It really was unfair.
Sitting back to lean on his hands, stretching his legs out, he saw Bucky glance over at him, and gave a smile. Bucky grinned back and then grappled Sam to the sand to yank the frisbee from his grip. Life wasn’t unfair because Bucky didn’t date guys, he did, very much so, and girls too from what Steve had seen, it was just the guys Bucky dated were typically more like… jocks.
Steve hunched over, trying to not stare too long and inadvertently get turned on, finding it an impossibility as his eyes wouldn’t tear away from Bucky’s frame as he bounded effortlessly over the soft sand, something Steve couldn’t do. He’d almost lost a lung from the trek over to their secluded spot earlier that day. Soft sand was the enemy - that was fact.
“Heads up.”
Startled from his thoughts by Bucky’s deep voice urgently calling out his way, Steve looked up only to see the frisbee coming straight for him. With a reaction that even surprised himself, Steve raised his hand and caught the flying disc with nary a blink of an eye.
Bucky was skidding to a halt on his knees before him a second later.
“Shit, Steve. That was epic, you sure you don’t want to play? You can be on my team - my secret frisbee weapon.”
Steve’s mouth went dry as he tried to listen to the words leaving Bucky, because the delectable man was less than two feet away and the smell of sunscreen, sweat and something virile and uniquely Bucky entered his senses. Steve knew that if sitting next to Bucky in the dining hall was torture when Bucky was wearing his spicy cologne, he’d keel over being enveloped in his sweaty beach scent for longer than a minute. 
God he wanted Bucky to fill him, everywhere. Make him forget his name, take him over and over.
He realised that he still hadn’t answered and heat crept into his cheeks, managing to blurt out, “I’m good for now. Nat’s grabbing ice creams and I don’t want to get a stitch.”
Steve then gave Bucky what he hoped was a soft and cheeky winning grin, but the way Bucky faltered, swallowed tightly, face impassive made Steve wonder if he’d missed the mark on trying to be flirty.
He really was as hopeless as Darcy continually told him.
Steve’s eyes trailed down to Bucky’s broad and lightly haired chest, finding himself breathing quicker, wondering if he’d remembered to pack his inhaler. No, he was sure it was in the pocket of his backpack. Thank god, he might need it in the face of Bucky’s glorious muscles moving in his vision all day.
“If you’re sure,” Bucky finally said in a deep steady voice.
“Maybe later,” Steve stammered, holding up the frisbee with a shaky hand. He had to get a grip.
“Alright, later then, I’m holding you to that.” And Bucky took the disc from Steve’s grip and was off bounding towards Sam, Carol, Thor and Maria.
While Steve recalibrated his thoughts, Nat came back holding only one ice cream cone, licking it slowly with a sparkle in her eye as Clint trailed behind, wearing Nat’s beach bag and carrying the rest of the ice creams, and Steve worried she’d overestimated his balancing skills. But if Nat asked, Clint would do - it was kind of amazing the power she had over him without even trying. Although they weren’t dating (yet), Nat was never cruel, she was playing the long game and really liked Clint, but had been hurt before by some Russian asshole, and Steve knew that Clint, when Nat finally agreed to go out with him would never be the same man again. He’d be lost in deep shock and joy. They were perfect for each other.
A pang went through his gut as Steve watched them, taking a cone from Clint, wishing he had someone that wanted him as much as they wanted each other.
“Vanilla,” Nat commented with a scrunch of her nose at Steve’s choice as he took a lick of the creamy goodness, the chill on his tongue welcome under the heat of the day. “You’re so very basic, Rogers.”
“Hey there is nothing wrong with that. I happen to love vanilla.” A rich voice said from right in front of Steve as Bucky flopped down on the sand, kicking up little grains that stuck on Bucky’s thighs where he was sweating. Steve shut his eyes against the picture before him, once again pleading to any God or Goddess that would listen that it wasn’t fair, that they had to find him someone one day. He just hoped it would be soon, else his dick drop off from Bucky unwittingly giving him blue balls.
“You’re one to talk, you didn’t even want ice cream, just a soda. And a club soda at that.”
Bucky looked over to Nat, flashing her a wide grin, and Steve immediately started to lick his ice cream just to do anything but stare at the crinkling in the corners of Bucky’s eyes, or to watch his lips as they wrapped around the bottle tip. He only half listened to their banter as they kept teasing each other, Nat and Bucky having been best friends from childhood, the reason how Steve inadvertently fell into the group of jocks, for a lack of a better term to encompass all the fit people he was now surrounded with.
Nat had introduced him to everyone after they’d hit it off at the gym in first semester, and Steve had waited for the inevitable teasing to commence about his small stature, but it never came. He was always included, never mocked (unless it was called for, because he was a facts man and couldn’t help correcting people when they were clearly in the wrong) and it was such a novel experience, so how could he not fall immediately in lust with the football captain? One who had smokey blue-grey eyes, sinfully full lips made for kissing among other fun activities and a personality that you could fall into and live inside forever.
“Err, Steve… your ice cream, it’s ummm, dripping.”
“What?” Steve asked, realising that he’d been swirling his tongue over the top of the soft confectionary and that his fingers were now completely sticky as the ice cream dripped over them on to his thigh. “Oh shit.”
Steve immediately switched hands and started to lap at his fingers, tongue darting between them to catch all the creaminess, sucking them into his mouth one by one, only looking up when he heard a muted groan. Bucky was moving before him, squirming in the sand, and as his eyes landed on Bucky, he startled, surprised to find Bucky’s hooded gaze directly on Steve. But his eyes hadn’t landed just anywhere, they were trained to Steve’s mouth, and as Steve swiped his finger through the sweetness that had dribbled on his thigh, Bucky’s gaze followed that finger's movements. Steve without thought, heart thumping hard, confusion and awe flowing through his veins, stuck the digit in his mouth, licking off the stickiness. 
Thankfully, Steve had his sunglasses on, hiding his expression, but he knew his face was burning red at the brash and overt display. Bucky was watching him intently, the rise and fall of his gloriously thick chest heaved, and Bucky’s skin flushed from the exercise or maybe the sun. Steve wasn’t sure.
But it was as Steve licked around the base of the cone again, the ice cream melting quicker in the heat than he could swallow, Bucky’s pecs twitched.
Steve stopped all movement, caught at the tick of flesh, the way it bounced taut, watching with abject lust and desire as Bucky did it again - knowing exactly where Steve’s eyes were trained.
It was such a fucking dick move, a power move to get attention and Steve hated jocks who flexed like that, but on Bucky… on Bucky it was god damn mesmerizing. And it was after the third time Bucky’s pecs jumped, Bucky stood up abruptly and fled saying in a higher pitch than usual that he was jumping in the water, that Steve realised he might not have been doing it on purpose.
Bucky was dead, he was going to die from being hard for... how long had he known Steve Rogers, six months maybe? Well, that was how long he’d survived with a non-stop boner for the blonde man. And he was at the end of his tether.
Steve was everything Bucky ever wanted in a partner, smart, strong, intense, funny, handsome  and a person that he could fall into, spend time with - love.
So it didn't help his little issue to be at the beach that day, watching Steve sit under the huge umbrella on brightly coloured towels in his swim trunks and a loose tank with arm holes so big he could see all the way through to his muscular chest and pink nipples. It was driving him fucking insane. 
Sure he’d seen Steve wearing an array of items at the gym, but he’d never witnessed him so carefree as he was at the beach. He was smiling more, relaxed, joking while big sunglasses hid those gorgeous eyes that would give the ocean a run for its money as to what was bluer.
But what killed Bucky that particular day over every other day he lusted after Steve, what made him clench and twitch all over was watching Steve lick up his ice cream. It was downright obscene, Steve shouldn’t be allowed to do that in public, or at least he should have a warning sticker on his person.
Steve had a mouth made for sucking cock, and Bucky wanted, no, he needed to know what having those lips wrapped around him felt like. Christ, he wanted to know what it felt like to be buried in Steve, maybe even have Steve press into him. Fuck.
There was only one thing for it.
He had to seduce Steve, and he had to do it soon.
But that begged the question - how?
How did Bucky capture the attention of the smartest, funniest, quick witted and grumpiest man on campus? Not only that, but to have Steve take him seriously? Bucky was aware that people thought he was only a dumb jock, that all he had to offer the world was to play ball and shit talk other teams and work out in the gym. Which, yeah of course he did all of those things - but he really was so much more. He was studying economics, was thinking about trying to specialise and work as an international trade specialist after college, and although Bucky really loved playing ball - it wasn’t his whole life. He’d never go pro - well, not without a hell of a lot of luck and persistence, and he wasn't sure he really wanted to take something he enjoyed and make it a living in that way. He’d seen how broken some sports stars bodies were after a career, and he still wanted to be able to walk at forty without having had three knee reconstructions.
But Steve, Steve saw through all of that, he spoke to Bucky like an intellect, like he had something worthy to say, to add to the conversation. Even at the gym after Nat had introduced them (Bucky begging to know who the gorgeous guy she was chatting to on the rowing machines was) Steve and he worked out together, had fun catcalling each other for being weak and helped each other with their forms - something Bucky largely did just to get hands on Steve even though Steve’s form was perfect.
Bucky had been taken with the slight man from the first moment he’d seen him, always under the impression that Steve was too smart to even think about dating a meathead like him, even if he truly wasn't what his physique made him. So he stuck with friendship, but now he wanted more. Was going to ask for more.
“Whatcha thinking?” Nat asked as she swam out to float in the water next to him.
“Nothing much,” He replied, ignoring her knowing hum. He hated that they’d been friends forever and she knew all his tells.
The much needed cold water had soothed his itching skin, and from his vantage point he could look back at their rag tag group of friends, able to stare unabashadly at Steve as he laughed with Clint and Thor about something, staring up at Thor as he... as he fucking flexed in front of Steve.
“Easy boy,” Natasha grabbed his bicep that was taut from clenching his fists, “Thor’s with Jane remember? Steve’s not interested in someone like Thor anyway.”
Bucky’s eyes swung to her immediately. “What do you mean? Because he's a jock?”
Nat let out an exasperated sigh. “No you idiot. Because he’s interest lies elsewhere.”
“Oh,” Bucky’s chest squeezed tight, wondering who had Steve’s undivided attention. And he couldn’t help but watch Steve as Carol held out a hand to pull him to his feet, and suddenly Bucky forgot his disappointment when Steve pulled his tank off, revealing a gorgeous toned body in all its glory. Bucky’s dick stirred. Thank fuck he was hidden in the water.
“You are a colossal idiot. You know that right?” Nat deadpanned.
“I have to ask Steve out,” he blurted. “I need to… I need to be with him.”
“I know,” Nat said with a smirk, and Bucky looked at her gratefully, if she helped he would be fine. “But that really sounds like a you problem. Have fun with that.”
“You horrible cow,” Bucky sniped back, ready to splash her, but she was already under the water stealthily swimming up behind Clint, only to dunk the unsuspecting man. 
Bucky’s attention suddenly caught on movement on the shoreline as Steve stood knee deep, testing the water and with no further hesitation, dove in, coming up for air not far from where Bucky floated. Bucky watched mesmerized as the sun glinted off Steve’s wet eyelashes, before he wiped the droplets from them, smiling at Bucky.
“Oh god, this water feels amazing.”
“So would you,” Bucky whispered.
“Huh?” Steve asked.
For a long moment, Bucky stared at Steve, realising that sound carried over water differently and Steve most likely caught what he said. Seducing someone was hard, even though he hadn’t even tried yet.
Instead of answering, Bucky ducked his head so his mouth went underwater and swam towards Steve like a shark, deciding that he just had to ask him point blank, no messing around with seduction. Slipping up out of the water at the last moment he put on his most predatory smile, Steve’s eyes widening and he looked around, face flushed and Bucky hoped he wasn’t looking for an escape.
He quickly darted behind Steve, wrapping his arms tight around his lithe body, trying not to linger too much as Steve was the perfect fit, felt so good against him; and when he heard the small gasp from Steve’s throat he launched him into the air. Flinging Steve into the water a few feet away.
“You fucker,” Steve exclaimed laughing as he came up for air, and Bucky smirked.
Suddenly with a smirk of his own that made Bucky inhale sharply, Steve disappeared under the water, Bucky feeling him come up underneath his body and with a strength that belied Steve’s small stature, completely turning Bucky on more than it should, he was pushed up out of the water, throwing him completely under as well.
“Jesus, Steve. You should join the team.” Bucky spluttered when he came up for air.
Steve grinned back, pushing wet hair out of his eyes and Bucky stared, lost in how stunning Steve looked in the sunlight, that he was there before him alone in the ocean full of people, “I mean they already have you and Sam as Captains. Wouldn’t want to put either of you out of a job.”
Bucky laughed, “I don’t doubt you’d do it too, Stevie.”
And when Steve stopped smiling, Bucky realised what he’d said.
“Shit, sorry - you don’t like that? Nicknames?”
“No I... I do…” Steve answered softly, and Bucky became lost in a blue that matched the water they were treading.
“Would you get out with me?” Bucky blurted.
“Sorry? Get out of the water?”
Bucky internally facepalmed himself. “No, I mean go out.”
“Out. With you?”
Bucky nodded.
“Err, why me?” Steve asked in a small voice lost on a gust of wind.
Looking at Steve, who stared back at him with questions in his eyes, Bucky wanted to explain how much he’d desired it for months, to tell Steve all the ways he wanted to make him happy, and as a multitude of words sat on his tongue, Bucky suddenly understood Steve might not listen to his reasoning, might not believe him. So he decided to show his intent instead, and swam closer. Steve’s eyes were wide, guileless, Bucky seeing a small spark of something more, and hoping he wasn’t triple jumping over a line, he swam up behind Steve. He felt Steve tense up, anticipating to be flung into the water again, but instead, Bucky pulled him closer so that Steve’s back slotted against his front and leaned in, mouth only an inch away from Steve’s ear.
“Why you? Oh Stevie, you have no idea how gorgeous you are. How much I want you.” Bucky pressed his nose against the back of Steve’s ear and inhaled deeply, sunscreen, salt and Steve’s shampoo filled his senses and he lost his head for a moment, especially when Steve let out a high pitched groan and wriggled back into Bucky. “I want to spread you out beneath me, I want to lick all the sweat off your body, sweat that I'm going to cause from working you hard, making you work extra hard for my dick, because Stevie - I want you, I want you bad, and I think you might want me back just as much.”
Bucky hoped he wasn’t completely off base with his desires, that Steve really was just as interested, and when Steve ground back against him, skin sliding against Bucky’s, letting out another moan at the friction when he felt Bucky hardening up underneath him, Bucky knew it was going to be ok.
“Yes…” Steve whimpered as his shorts caught against Bucky’s dick, pushing backwards.
“You want that baby?”
“Fuck. Yes, I do.”
“How much?”
Steve spluttered, and Bucky couldn’t help chuckle at the noise. “What do you mean?”
“How much do you want it?” Bucky knew he was being a prick, making his pec’s tense against Steve’s back, pulling him onto his lap as they floated in the water, before wrapping a leg around one of Steve’s pulling it to the side, making Steve gasp gorgeously.
“A normal amount,” Steve husked back.
“Oh, you want me a normal amount - is that all?” Bucky smirked before licking a sloppy stripe up Steve’s neck at the same time as he snuck a hand down the front of Steve’s swim trunks, gripping his dick tightly, feeling the impressive length and girth for the first time. Fuck, he was definietly not taking switching of the table. But not anytime soon. First, he wanted to take Steve apart in every way conceivable.
Steve meanwhile, was liquid in his arms, going slack as Bucky took his time to explore while they floated in circles not far from the shore, but far enough out they wouldn’t get in trouble. He hoped. 
The moans tearing from Steve’s throat were getting louder though, Bucky loving every noise punched out of Steve as he stroked harder under the water, the friction and pressure of the water making him slower and more languid than usual. And Bucky wanted to make Steve call out with no thought or boundaries, nothing to stifle his pleasure, he needed Steve coming in his arms, again and again.
“I think you might just want me a little more than that.” Bucky rasped against Steve’s neck, sucking a bruise onto his pink skin, giving Steve’s dick another sharp tug and before he knew what was happening, Steve was shaking in his arms, whimpering out a release and Bucky was speechless. Utterly speechless as he continued to stroke Steve slowly, carefully as he jerked in his hand.
“Holy fuck, you’re stunning, gorgeous, the absolute best,” Bucky rambled into Steve’s neck, nipping kisses and pressing his lips against him in absolute awe at what had just occured.
Suddenly Steve moved, spinning himself around to straddle Bucky and he went under for a moment as their weights shifted and came back up spluttering, only for Steve to launch himself so his lips pushed against his. Steve took over, devouring his mouth, and although Bucky was the one in control, holding them both up, he’d never felt so out of control as Steve writhed and ground down as best he could in the water. Shit, Steve was going to be a handful and Bucky was there for it.
As he kissed back, grabbing the back of Steve’s head, holding him still as he pressed his tongue in deeply, a huge beach ball smacked into the side of his face. They jumped apart with a gasp.
“Don’t make me go get the hose!” Nat yelled out as she and Clint swam around nearby. “It’s about time you dolts wised up, but this is a public beach with you know - families.”
Bucky watched as Steve’s face flushed a perfect shade of red, and he couldn’t help but grab him again, giving him a quick intense kiss, claiming Steve until he struggled for breath, to show Bucky’s intent was clear and true. It was pure perfection.
“We’ll pick this up again later.” Bucky promised.
“Later.” Steve replied breathlessly.
Suddenly Steve pushed himself away from Bucky, grabbing and throwing the beach ball, hitting Clint dead on the nose. The surprised yelp from both Clint and Natasha made Bucky laugh.
“Oh it’s so on, James,” Nat yelled out.
Steve piped up from his side, “you wish, Romanoff - we’re gonna take you down!”
Bucky beamed.
“Yeah!” he called over to them, dodging the ball that came directly for him as Nat and Clint shit-talked. And as he and Steve swam out to retrieve the ball floating behind them, Bucky turned to Steve and gave him an overtly salacious wink. “And once we take them down, I’m going to take you home and show you what going down is all about.”
Steve burst out laughing. “Really? That was incredibly lame, especially for a savvy sex-crazed jock.”
“You’re not interested in my proposal then?”
“Oh I’m interested,” Steve grinned, licking his lips and Bucky caught his breath. “But if you’re going to use dad jokes on the regular - I might have to start calling you something else in the bedroom.”
Steve then threw the ball, Nat ducking at the last minute, and Bucky didn’t even feel when the returning pitch slammed into his head; Steve’s words creating a delicious cacophony of images and filthy thoughts in his mind instead.
Bucky had always known that Stevie Rogers was going to be both the life and death of him, and as he rubbed his head, grasping the ball in one hand, ready to throw it, he couldn’t wait to see where their adventure would take them.
But first - Clint had to pay.
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disgruntledspacedad · 4 years
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Aftershocks (2/5)
The Better Love Series 
pairing: Javier Peña x Fem!Reader (Ears). Part of the Better Love ‘verse. 
summary: That bomb fucked you up a little more than you thought. h/c, fluff.
words: 2.5k 
warnings: 18+ - canon typical violence, lots of medical stuff in this one.
a/n: unbeta’d. I had a surprise day off, so enjoy the second installment of Aftershocks much sooner than I had anticipated. More notes to follow!
part one | part two | part three | part four | part five 
You’re escorted beyond the heavy double doors of the emergency department in a hurry. It probably has a lot to do with Javi busting into the waiting area with you in his arms, flashing his DEA badge and barking out orders in irate Spanish. 
Honestly, you wish he wouldn’t make such a scene. Sitting still in the car had allowed you to catch your breath a little. You feel like shit, sure, but you’re pretty sure you aren’t actively dying.
Try telling him that, though.
The triage room is little more than a curtain masking a dimly lit corner. You’re answering what questions you can in halting Spanish, but Javi can see that you’re overwhelmed. 
“Ella habla ingles.” His tone earns him a dirty look, but the nurse nods, placing an oxygen probe on your finger and frowning up at the monitor. Both of you follow her gaze, noticing that the number reads 87. 
“The doctor will see you soon,” she says carefully. Her English is heavily accented, and suddenly, you’re grateful beyond words that you have Javi here to translate. “Here. You’ll wear this.” She winds the oxygen tubing beneath your chin and around your ears. The oxygen is dry, burning your nose and making your face twitch in annoyance, but you can’t deny that you feel better with it on.
The nurse leaves you then, pulling the curtain closed behind her. Javi continues to stare at the monitor with his arms folded across his chest as the number on the screen climbs to 89, then to 92, the soft tone of the blips rising in pitch with each subtle improvement.
He’s thinking again, you can tell. 
“Javi?” You reach for his hand, tugging at his fingers. Instinctively, you know that leaving him alone to stew right now cannot be a good thing.
He glances down at you, all dark, glittering eyes and terse expression, and worry clinches in your gut. “You okay?”
Javi snorts. “Really, Ears.” You can just see him fighting the urge to roll his eyes. “That’s a hell of a question, coming from you.”
You decide to shoot for levity. “I’m great, thanks for asking.”
That earns you a pathetic, lopsided lip twitch. You count it as a win anyway.
The doctor never shows. Javi grumbles and broods. A little while later, somebody comes with a wheelchair to whisk you away for an x-ray, and no matter how much blustering and badge-flashing and protesting he does, Javi is told firmly to stay put. 
He’s pacing agitatedly in the hallway when return. Apparently, it had felt like an eternity for him. 
In reality, you’d been gone less than twenty minutes.
It seems that your x-ray has earned you some attention, because things start happening a little faster now. People are in and out, one nurse bustling in to wordlessly draw an entire fistful of little color coded tubes of your blood, another working on IV access in your opposite arm. You take it all stoically, caught between watching in fascination as the nurse tapes the catheter in place with practiced efficiency and wondering why all of this can’t just happen in one stick. 
A little while later, the same nurse returns with a bag of fluid. “Seca,” she informs you as she stretches to hang it on the hook in the wall. 
“She says you’re dehydrated,” Javi translates. His face is a stone wall, the subtle clench of his jaw the only hint of the emotion that churns beneath. You can just imagine him kicking himself for not making you eat or drink. 
You bite back a shiver. The saline is cold in your arm.
They move you to a real room not long after that. It’s only marginally bigger than your corner in the emergency department, crammed with two rickey, uncomfortable beds separated by another dingy curtain. Thankfully, you don’t have a roommate for the moment.
You let Javi handle the paperwork as you change out of his sweats and into the itchy, open-backed gown that you’ve been provided with. Even with the oxygen, moving around still requires that you pause to catch your breath, and you’re grateful for the opportunity to sit when you’re done, even if the hospital bed you’re on is squeaky and uncomfortable.
Once the documents are signed and the nurses are gone, silence settles thickly between you. Javi is standing with his fingers fisted into his hips, glaring daggers at the clock on the wall. He hasn’t spoken in a long time.
Again, you feel that burning need to pull him out of his head. “Not really set up for visitors, is it?” you ask wryly. It’s a stupid, pointless thing to say, but you’re just trying to fill the void.
Javi glances around the room, raising his brows at what he observes. There’s no chair and no free space, nowhere for him to sit. Sighing deeply, he yanks back the curtain that divides the room and eases carefully onto the bed opposite of you, leaning forward with his arms folded on his knees.
You grit your teeth. Really, you wouldn’t have minded him settling down on your bed, but the more time you spend with Javi, the more you’re starting to realize that he withdraws when he’s feeling wrong-footed. As annoying as it is, the distance he’s putting between you is just par for the course, and it’s just not worth addressing right now.
“How are you feeling?” he asks softly, pinning you with a sharp, assessing stare.
“Better,” you answer automatically, forcing some cheerfulness into your tone. Honestly, you’re far more worried about him than you are about you. 
Javi raises a skeptical brow, clearly doubting you.
“No, really!” 
Your protest makes him shake his head in dark amusement. “What am I gonna do with you, Ears?” he wonders aloud.
You’re ready to supply several very detailed answers to that question, all of them interrupted as your doctor finally breezes into the room. 
“About fucking time,” Javi mutters under his breath as he rises to his feet.
“Hola, hola. I’m Dr. Perez.” Dr. Perez says, actually managing to sound a tiny bit apologetic. “Forgive the delay, por favor. I know it must seem that emergencies are the most non-emergent situation in the hospital, but, I promise you, we are working hard behind the scenes.”
 You decide immediately that you like Dr. Perez. He’s not a big man, compact and clean cut, with just the faintest dusting of silver at his temples and a warm, genuine smile. 
Javi must be thinking along similar lines, because he comes to stand just at the edge of your shoulder, looming dark and foreboding at your side as Dr. Perez approaches your bedside. 
Oh, now you’ll stick close, you think fondly, trying to find a little amusement in Javi’s behavior. Everything about this situation is entirely new, totally incongruous with the cool, suave Javier Peña that you thought you’d known, and a malicious, possessive part of your brain is just eating up the implications.
“I understand you were involved in the bombing in downtown Bogotá, correct?” Dr. Perez’s grip is firm and cool as he shakes your hand. 
“Yes, that’s correct.” You’re acutely aware of Javi standing stiffly beside you, watching your every move.
“Most unfortunate,” Perez shakes his head in a show of sympathy, and you manage to believe him. “And the breathing problems, they began later, no?”
“Yes,” you answer, surprised that he would guess with such accuracy. “I was okay afterward. Maybe a little bit sore. But not hurt.”
“Ella ha estado tosiendo sangre,” Javi interjects quickly. You’re not sure what he’s saying, but Dr. Perez’s eyes flicker in his direction, a swift, meaningful look passing between them. 
“Veo.” Dr. Perez says smoothly. He frowns down at you. “And how for were you from the blast zone?”
You think back, willing yourself to relive the memory of the morning in clinical detail. “I was crossing the street,” you say slowly.  “Headed home.” You do some quick mental math in your head, analyzing the width of Circular against the image of Emilio, waving. You’d been close enough to shout a greeting. “Forty feet. Maybe a little less.”
Beside you, Javi sucks in a sharp breath. 
Perez purses his lips. “Sí, eso lo haría.” He crosses the room, flicking a switch to illuminate a bright white panel built into the wall that you hadn’t noticed before. He shuffles through your chart, pulling out a dark film and pinning it to the light. 
It’s your chest x-ray. You can clearly see the curve of your ribs, stark white against the darker background of your lungs. In the middle of the film lies the dusky outline of what you assume is your heart. To the lower left, a patch of hazy, white blur mars the image. 
“This is the problem.” Perez points to the blur. “Pulmones magullados. Your lungs are bruised, see? This is common in blast zone survivors. The change in air pressure when the bomb ignites causes an injury to the lung tissue. You are bleeding just a little bit internally.”
You can damn near feel Javi gritting his teeth at that.
“But I felt fine,” you protest weakly, looking assentingly at the blob on the x-ray. It’s a pretty good size.
“Sí, you were fine.” Perez is nodding along with you, like he’d expected the argument. “That’s normal with this type of injury. You felt good immediately afterward because the bruise was new, the bleeding slight. But the bruise has gotten bigger, and you have gotten worse.” He indicates the oxygen that you are wearing with a grim nod. “You are a very lucky, mi amiga, to have walked away from that. Muy afortunada. Had you been closer…” Perez trails off, shaking his head somberly. “It does not bear thinking.”
He claps his hands, startling you away from the grisly images stirring in your mind. “There is good news, though!” Perez gestures toward the x-ray as a whole, circling over it with his index finger. “I see no rib fractures, nothing collapsed. Your breathing might get worse before it gets better, but it will get better. We will keep you under close watch until then.”
“Keep me?”
“Sí, you will be here.” Perez pins you with a no-nonsense stare, as if to curtail any protests before they come. “There’s another matter. You have a small concussion as well. To this area, here.” He taps the back of his own head with his hand. “From falling down, yes?”
You nod. The area he’s pointing to is right where your head hurts most, where you’d fallen backward after the blast. “Yes. It did knock me off my feet.” Apparently a with a little more force than you’d initially assumed.
Perez hums. “We will monitor that as well. You do not take blood thinners?”
“No, sir. No medications.”
“Bueno.” Dr. Perez seems genuinely pleased by this. “You’ve made my job very easy.” He gathers the film and shuffles it back into your chart, flopping it shut with a flourish. “Rest for you, Orejas. Time and sleep will do the best healing.”
“Orejas?” you can’t help but ask. It’s the name that Emilio had used for you, but you’re shocked that Perez knows it. 
Perez smiles. “I listen to my nurses. That is what they call you.”
“How much time?” Javi interrupts before you can respond. You’d nearly forgotten about him, as quiet as he’s been. 
Perez turns to address him for the first time. “It depends largely on her body. The concussion is small, and won’t require anything in the way of treatment. Her lungs, though…” Perez frowns down at the closed chart with a furrowed brow. “The contusion is still developing. A few days, a week, perhaps? I can say more tomorrow.” He turns back to you, sighing in sympathy. “I’m afraid you’re in for a stay, mi amiga.”
Well, fuck.
With that, Perez disappears just as quickly as he’d arrived, soft, quick footsteps echoing down the hallway, and silence falls once again over the room.
Javi doesn’t move, doesn’t speak. He’s standing very still, arms folded tightly across his chest with his thumbs digging into his armpits. The expression on his face is downright chilling. 
Your blood turns to ice.
“What the fuck, Ears?” he says very slowly, enunciating each syllable with deadly precision.
You glance up, suddenly hesitant to speak. The little movement must be enough to spur him on, though, because Javi fucking explodes. 
“Forty fucking feet!” he bites out, clawing angrily at his hair. He paces the tiny room, whirling as he runs out of space and pointing an accusing finger at you. “You told me you were across the street, Ears, not crossing it. There’s a big fucking difference.”
You blink at him, recalling the conversation you’d had in the embassy parking lot. 
Shit, he’s right.
“Why the hell did you lie to me?” There’s a subtle warble in his tone, a flicker of devastation in his eyes that’s quickly masked. 
Discomfort that has nothing to do with your injured lungs twinges in your chest. “I don’t know,” you answer miserably. You hadn’t thought of it as lying. At the time, you’d been overwhelmed by the situation and thoroughly confused by Javi’s erratic behavior, just desperate to get home and sleep off the worst morning of your life. “I didn’t want to upset you, I guess.” 
Javi laughs sarcastically. “Well, you’ve done a fucking fantastic job of that, haven’t you?” He throws his hands in the air, like he’s had it up to here with your shit. “Coughing up blood all over my kitchen floor. Christ, I should have known.”
Okay, now he’s being a little dramatic - the only blood you’d coughed up had been into your fingers, after all, but the protest is lost on you as you look him in the face. Javi’s eyes are deeply shadowed, his expression pained, his hair standing wildly from where he’s run his fingers through it. 
He looks thoroughly exhausted.
“I’m sorry,” you whisper, dropping your gaze to the floor.
Javi huffs and looks away, clearly not ready to accept any apologies from you.
You don’t blame him. Throughout this entire screwed up relationship, you’ve done an absolutely piss poor job of putting yourself in Javi’s shoes, and it’s coming back to bite you in the ass.
You deserve his irritation, and more.
Javi’s pager beeps, the shrill sound of it slicing through the tension. He snatches it roughly off of his belt, frowning down at the display with squinted eyes.
You glance up at the clock on the wall. It’s pretty late, but given the day Javi’s had, it’s not outrageous to assume that somebody would need to be in touch with him at this hour.
 “I’ve got to take this,” Javi says tonelessly, hardly glancing up at you. If there’s any regret there, it’s buried very deeply. “I’ll see you later, Ears.”
He’s gone before you can get a word in edgewise.
I speak one language poorly, and I’ve never extensively written a character who is not a primary English speaker (I’m not counting Javi here). Any critiques or corrections to my Spanish are very welcomed!
Up next: a look at things from Javi’s POV.
Spanish translations: 
She speaks English. 
She’s been coughing up blood.
I see. 
Yeah, that’ll do it.
tags:@jedi-mando, @perropascal, @aerolanya, @pikemoreno, @bitchin-beskar, @mostly-megan, @huliabitch, @starsandmando, @starlight-starwrites​, @thirstworldproblemss, @knittingqueen13, @yespolkadotkitty​
Javier Peña tags: @magpie-to-the-morning, @tiffdawg, @danniburgh, @1800-fight-me​
To my taglist peeps, I’m sorry for tagging you guys three times in 24 hours. Again, chaotic jay cannot plan anything, like ever.
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wzrd-wheezes · 4 years
Just a Little Crush - Fred Weasley x Reader
A/N - oof this one hurt. Shout out to the lovely @whiz-bangs78 for giving me this idea. This is a sad one :(
1.2k words
“Y/N?” he sounded shocked, “nah, she’s just a friend. She’s practically like a sister to me.” 
It was one hug. One hug that happened weeks ago, yet it was all that Y/N could think about. It crept into her mind when she was least expecting it, catching her off guard and making her blush, worrying in case somebody saw her smiling at herself. Even so, she replayed it over and over again in her head. It was clear as day. They had just won the Quidditch match against Slytherin, the whole team was celebrating in the changing rooms and Fred had pulled her in for a hug. They had hugged loads of times; they were best friends! But this time it felt different for Y/N. It felt different than every other time she had hugged him because she couldn’t get it off of her mind. She couldn’t have a crush on Fred, surely. He was her best friend and that was stepping into dangerous territory.
               “Morning, Y/N!” Fred slipped into the seat next to her at breakfast, George taking his place on her other side. His voice was still a bit hoarse, as if he had just woken up.
             “Morning, you two,” she smiled at them and Fred grinned back at her. Bloody hell, that smile. What she would give to have him smile at her like that every day.
Throughout the day it got worse. She kept noticing more and more things about him that she had never noticed before. Like during lunch, they went and sat in the courtyard and the sun was shining on Fred’s face, it made his hair glow as the light shone through it, she noticed how he had a few freckles dotted across his nose, how when he was laughing really hard at something, a bit of his tongue would poke out of his mouth. In the evening when they were studying in the common room, she noticed how the dim lighting above them made his long eyelashes cast crescent-moon shaped shadows down onto his cheeks. And how when he stretched, his jumper would ride up a little bit, revealing a bit of his stomach. It was driving her crazy about how much he was on her mind. It went on like this for weeks, until she was sure that if she were asked, she could produce a perfect description of Fred Weasley including all his habits.
 One day, George cornered Y/N in the common room on her way up to bed.
             “You fancy him.”
             “What are you on about, George?” she yawned.
             “Fred.” George rolled his eyes, “it’s obvious, I’m surprised he’s not noticed himself yet,”
             “I don’t-”
             “I’ve seen the way you look at him, Y/N,” George cut her off, “it’s the same exact look I give a fresh box of Dung Bombs,”
             “Very funny,” she said, straight faced, “look, please don’t say anything, George, I’m honestly just trying to forget about it,”
             “If you wish,” George winked, “but if you want me to put a good word in for you then I can, I’m a good wing man,”
             “I’m fine. Honestly.” Y/N smiled a little bit, “it’s just a little crush anyway, it’ll be gone in a few days.”
She was wrong. A month had passed since her conversation with George and every time she looked at Fred a smile would creep onto her face. George caught her doing this many times and would just wink.
             “C’mon, Y/N,” George pestered, “it’s been ages now, please just tell him that you like him, already. I’m sick of playing Cupid now,”
             “You’re hardly playing Cupid, Georgie,” she laughed, “all you’ve done is switch seats with me in Charms so we’re sitting next to each other,”
             “Well, I’m sorry for trying to get you two together,” he feigned being hurt, “if you want me to have a word then I said that I-”
             “Have a word with who?” Fred has suddenly appeared behind them.
             “Oh, er, Angelina,” George improvised, “Quidditch tactics,”
             “I’m on my way up to the Common Room to meet her now actually, I can pass on the message?” Fred offered, looking at Y/N who now looked rather pale.
             “Nah, it’s okay, I’ll have a chat with her later,” she lied. Fred smiled and walked off, leaving Y/N and George alone in the corridor.
             “How about we go for a walk and we can talk about how you’re going to confess your feelings to Fred,” George smirked. Y/N rolled her eyes but followed him, nevertheless.
              “I wonder what he’s going to meet Angelina for,” she said.
             “Why? Getting jealous, are you?” George joked, poking her playfully, “Quidditch talk probably, strange how he’s not mentioned it to me though.”
 After their walk through the castle halls, the pair made their way back to the Common Room. It was dark now and it looked like most of the house had made their way up to bed. However, two figures were sat on the sofa in front of the fire. Their faces not recognisable in the dim light.
             “So,” one of the voices spoke, “Hogsmeade on Saturday?” The voice belonged to none other than Fred Weasley. Y/N stopped dead in her tracks, George lingering behind her.
             “But what about Y/N?” the other voice replied, “I’m sure she fancies you,”
             “Y/N?” he sounded shocked, “nah, she’s just a friend. She’s practically like a sister to me.”
 He leaned down and kissed the girl on the lips. Y/N’s eyes were stinging. It felt like she had been punched in the stomach, like all the breath had been stolen out of her lungs. She turned round quickly, pushing George out of the way and ran out of the Common Room. With no idea where she was actually running to, moments later she found herself at the top of the astronomy tower. She threw herself down against one of the curved walls and looked up at the night sky. Tears streamed down her face. She drew her knees up against her chest and buried her head in her arms. The girl didn’t even notice that someone was stood in front of her until she lifted her head to wipe her eyes with the sleeve of her jumper.
             “Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you,” George took a seat next to her and she sniffed in response.
             “I love him to bits, but he’s a bloody idiot sometimes, my brother,” He wrapped his arm around her shoulders.
             “it’s not his fault,” Y/N croaked, her throat sore from the crying, “I should’ve just told him how I felt,”
             “I know, I know,” George comforted her.
             “It just hurts, you know?” she sniffled, “knowing that all we’ll ever be is friends,”
It did hurt. Over the next few months, she had to watch Fred and Angelina’s love grow. She watched how much the girl made him smile, how he’d bring her stupid gifts to breakfast in the morning, how she’d sometimes catch them up late in the Common Room, all cuddled up in front of the fire. It hurt because Fred would never know how Y/N felt about him, how much it hurt her when he had referred to her as “just a friend”. Even though it hurt, she decided that it was much better to have Fred in her life, just as a friend, than to not have him in her life at all.
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Trees Are Stupid.
There are some things in life that people learn without ever having to experience them. For me, one of those things really should have been ‘do not sneak out of a second story bedroom window if you have a broken leg’.
In my defense, I’d never had any trouble with the window before. The peach tree in our neighbour’s backyard was broad and healthy and one of its thick, strong branches was within easy jumping distance from my room. I’d silently slid the window open, checked to be sure that I was in the poorly-disguised undercover policeman’s blind spot, and was halfway out before I realised that balancing on the sill might be a little difficult with my right foot and calf encased in plaster.
I gripped both sides of the window frame and balanced as well as I could on my left foot. I’d always been small for my age, looking closer to eleven than fourteen, so the jump wouldn’t require very much strength. The branch, barely visible in the fading light, seemed to wave in time to the gunfire and screaming wafting up from my parents’ movie downstairs.
I leapt, and smacked right into the branch. It was a jump I could normally make without thinking about it, but the broken leg had thrown me off; I smacked chest-first into solid wood and instinctively wrapped my arms around it to keep from falling. The pain rushed through my ribs all the way to my spine, then faded, lingering for an extra moment in the little scar just to the left of my breastbone that I always tried to ignore. Not that I’d be able to ignore it any more, after the accident.
No, not accident. After the attack.
The back porch light was on. Most people would take this to be an accident, but I knew it was my parents’ plausibly deniable polite concession to the undercover police officers we were all pretending not to notice. They needed a clear view of the back door to make sure I was staying in the house like a good little boy. The light clearly illuminated the word WITCH that somebody had spraypainted across the back of our house, but it didn’t reach me in the tree. After a few seconds of stillness in which I waited for someone to move or shout, I felt it was safe to continue.
Arms and knees around the branch, I slid along it over the fence bordering our yard and towards the trunk of the tree. Our neighbours were still awake; light was visible around the kitchen blinds. This wasn’t unusual. It wasn’t all that late.
Normally I’d just drop to the ground and go ring the doorbell, but there was the issue of the police. Something else gave me pause, too; the small wreath of holly and mistletoe hung on the back door. That hurt more than hitting the branch had. Contrary to myth, neither holly nor mistletoe had ever stopped me from entering a building – I wouldn’t be able to enter most shops or cafes if it did – but the Nebits weren’t to know that. They’d always made a point of not warding their doors, and the fact that they’d done so now… well. I couldn’t really blame them, could I?
I switched to another branch, one stretching towards the Nebits’ house. The window I was aiming for wasn’t all that far from my own; it seemed like an awful lot of work to reach it by treeclimbing. If we’d been on the ground floor, I’d almost be able to reach it from my own window.
I couldn’t quite reach it from the tree, though. Again, this was a jump I’d made dozens of times, but it had been hard enough jumping into the tree with a broken leg; even I wasn’t going to try to jump out of a tree at a closed window when I couldn’t even safely stand up. I could envision the result – me slamming face-first into the wall below the window, and the Nebits coming to investigate the noise and finding a broken, bleeding body under their peach tree. Not an ideal situation.
Instead, I plucked a peach from the tree and threw it at the window. A moment later, it opened.
Melissa was sihlouetted in her bedroom light, so I couldn’t see much more than the halo of brown hair she was in the process of brushing, but I knew she was glaring at me. Melissa has the kind of glare you can feel through lead walls. When she grows up and has kids, they’re going to be the most well-behaved children in the world.
“Kayden, what the hell?”
“Are you going to let me in or not?”
“You shouldn’t be here! You’re under house arrest!”
“I know, that’s why I’m in a tree. But it is Saturday.”
Apparently, Melissa couldn’t argue with this logic. She fetched the usual climbing rope from her closet and tossed one end to me. I tied it to the tree, slid my way over to the window, and climbed in.
“Are you alright?” Melissa asked, checking over my arms for scratches and bruises. I didn’t pull away; Melissa gets focused when she’s worried, and it’s generally best not to get in her way. There were dark shadows under her eyes, I noticed, and her normally rosy, freckled cheeks were pale; had she lost sleep over me?
I shrugged. “They discharged me, so nothing can be too wrong with me. It’s not the first fall I’ve taken.”
“You know what I meant.”
I shrugged again.
“We tried to visit you, you know. They had you in some kind of high security ward and Chelsea almost got caught trying to pickpocket a nurse’s keycard.”
I suppressed a chuckle. “Of course she did. She’s not here yet?”
“She was grounded after the keycard thing, so I don’t think she’ll be able to convince her mum to – ”
Just then, Melissa’s bedroom door opened. “Don’t tell my mum I’m here,” Chelsea said quietly. “I’m grounded.”
Melissa threw up her arms. “Did anyone in this neighbourhood not sneak out of their bedroom window today?”
“Um, you didn’t,” I pointed out.
“Neither did I,” Chelsea said. “I’m not an idiot. I used our bathroom window. First floor.”
“Well la-de-da, Miss Police-Aren’t-Watching-My-House,” I said, rolling my eyes.
“Kayden, did you climb a tree in your pyjamas?” Chelsea asked.
I glanced down at myself. “Maybe.”
“You’ve lost a button.”
Chelsea, unlike Melissa and I, was not in her pyjamas. She was wearing a flannel shirt that I was pretty sure was mine. Despite being a year younger than me, we were exactly the same size, and more than once she’d joked about getting me a jaw-length blonde wig and herself a shorter brown one to see how long we could pretend to be each other before someone noticed. Said jokes were getting worryingly serious.
“It’s your turn to hide the tracker,” Chelsea reminded me.
Melissa glared at her. “That stupid tracker game created this mess, and you still expect him to play?” she snapped.
“That’s pretty insensitive, Chel,” I agreed. “Especially since I’ve already hidden it. You think the school roof was a clever hiding spot? Oh, man. You are in for a wake-up call.”
She frowned. “You’re bluffing,” she said. “You haven’t had a chance to hide anything. They took you straight home from the hospi – ” She put her face in her hands and groaned. “You found the tracker before you ended up in hospital. You had it with you. And the only other places you’ve been are your house, and a high security ward in the hospital. And you know better than to hide it in your house.”
I spread my hands. “Hey, the circumstances aren’t my fault. If you want to find it, might I suggest stealing a nurse’s keycard? Oh wait.”
“You’re both crazy,” Melissa said.
“That’s a weird way to pronounce ‘incredibly awesome’,” Chelsea said. “When does the cast come off?”
“In another week and a half.”
“Just in time for school holidays!”
“I’m suspended anyway, so it’s kind of a moot point.”
We fell silent. None of us wanted to talk about the next obvious point of conversation.
Eventually, Melissa asked, “What about after the school holidays?”
I shrugged. “They haven’t set a date for the trial or anything yet, so…”
“So you’ll probably get a super long holiday before you’re found innocent and everything goes back to normal!” Chelsea threw an arm over my shoulders. “I’m so jealous.”
I shrugged her off. “I’m not innocent. My victim – ”
“Victim!” Chelsea scoffed. “You know this is Matt Parker you’re talking about, right? If I’d been up there I’d have pushed him off myself, curse or no curse.”
“You’re innocent,” Melissa said. “You know the law. Accidental consequences of curses can’t be prosecuted, unless the carrier of the curse was knowledgably negligent.”
“Fourteen-year-olds shouldn’t use words like ‘negligent’,” Chelsea frowned. “You sound like my dad.”
Melissa ignored her. “You’ve had that curse stuck in your heart since before you could walk, and nobody could ever say you were negligent. It’s done absolutely nothing for fourteen years. No causing sickness, no turning things to gold, it doesn’t even sour milk. There was absolutely no way you could have predicted it to lash out here.”
“That’s the point,” I said. “I should have expected it to lash out, because I should always be expecting it to lash out. My control slipped, and now everyone knows I put that jerk in hospital. He nearly died, you know. I nearly killed him.”
“Your curse nearly killed him,” Melissa corrected.
“I would have nearly killed him if I got the chance,” Chelsea shrugged. “Don’t even need a curse. I would’ve just hit him.”
“Everyone knows that Matt’s injuries are more self-inflicted than anything,” Melissa added. “Nobody blames you for any of this.”
“Then why is there a wreath on your door?” I asked.
Melissa looked away. “My parents are idiots.”
“No, your parents are scared, and they’re right. Your family have known about my curse since I got it. Your parents never had a problem with it, or with me, until now. But now they finally see what it means, what it can do, and they want nothing to do with me. They think I could hurt you, and they’re right. I could kill both of you without warning. Doesn’t that bother you?”
The two girls stared at me, completely unimpressed. Chelsea rolled her eyes.
“Why would that bother us?” Melissa asked. “It’s not exactly new information.”
“You’ve always known about the curse, but now that it’s active and – ”
Melissa waved me silent. “Not the curse. I mean in general. We’re all capable of killing each other if we want. You don’t need a curse for that. Five minutes ago I threw you a rope to climb in my window; I could’ve untied my end and you could very easily have died. Does that bother you?”
“That’s different.”
“No, it isn’t. I’m not saying your curse doesn’t suck, I’m just saying it doesn’t make you a terrifying monster, and anybody who looks at you differently now that it’s attacked Matt is an idiot for not taking it seriously and getting over it years ago.”
“That’s easy for us to say,” Chelsea said, “but to be fair, people have been kind of freaking out. Your family and mine were the only ones around here who ever really knew about the curse. To everyone else, it kind of…” she shrugged.
“Looks like I lied to them about something really dangerous I was carrying around the neighbourhood?” I asked.
“… Kind of, yeah. But they’ll get over it.”
“What’s the internet look like? The police confiscated my phone and I haven’t been online since the whole thing happened.”
The girls exchanged a worried glance.
“Yeah, that’s what I thought. Mum turned our wi-fi off. I don’t think she wants me to see what people are saying.”
“You don’t want to see what people are saying,” Melissa said quickly.
“Don’t worry about it,” Chelsea said. “If anyone gives you trouble, point at them and babble nonsense until they run screaming.”
“Yeah, because that would help his court case,” Melissa said.
“Nobody can give me any trouble. I’m not supposed to leave the house. Actually, I should probably get back before Mum and Dad notice I’m missing.”
“Righto. Liss, do you have some rope?” Chelsea headed for the window.
“What are you doing?” I asked.
“Stringing a rope from the tree to your window. Or did you have another plan for getting back in with that?” She nudged my cast with her toe. “Yeah, that’s what I thought.” She took a rope from Melissa, slipped easily out the window and within seconds was walking along the tree branch outside.
“I’ll never get how you two can do that,” Melissa remarked.
“It’s easy. It’s just one foot in front of the other. Until you slip and break a leg.”
“Yeah, I think I’ll stick to the ground like a normal person, thanks.”
“Sounds boring.”
Melissa chuckled and shoved me playfully. I grinned, trying to keep the mood light. Trying not to think about the future.
Whether I was found guilty of assault or not, I was dangerous, and now the whole street and the whole school knew it. There was no going back from that.
And I didn’t know what to do.
Story continues here.
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cuddlepilefics · 3 years
Fandom: Stray Kids
Sickie: Jeongin
Caregiver: Seungmin
Jeongin wakes up sick in the middle of the night, making quite some noise on his mission to find medicine.
Jeongin’s POV.:
I had already felt a little off all day, so I had decided to go to bed early, thinking whatever the odd feeling was, it would be gone by the morning. However, when I woke up again only an hour later, I felt like I had gotten hit by a train. My head was pounding and it took me a moment to figure out where I was. I was alone in the room, so I figured, my roommate Jisung hadn’t come back from the studio yet. Shuddering with cold, I sat up and cringed when my clothes stuck to me. How could I sweat so much to soak through my clothes in less than an hour? The shaky breath I drew in, caught in my throat, sending me into a wet coughing fit, that just didn’t seem to end. I felt like I was drowning, when did I get so congested? By the time the fit tapered off, my head spun, making me feel faint. Even worse was that the lack of oxygen made my head pound more ferociously. Knowing I wouldn’t be able to go back to sleep with the amount of pain I was in, I wanted to take a painkiller. If my hyung had been here, I would have woken him and asked for help because I didn’t really trust my legs with how lightheaded I was but he wasn’t back yet and I didn’t feel like waiting for someone to find me.
My skin pricked with goosebumps, when I threw off my blanket and struggled out of my damp shirt. Getting up on shaky legs, I stumbled over to my closet and picked out my thickest hoodie. I almost lost my balance when pulling it over my head but the warmth was totally worth it. Alright, next would be painkillers. Muffling another painful cough into my sleeve, I staggered over to the door. Of course, I managed to trip over my own feet, loosing my balance and crashing into the wood with a heavy thud. I couldn’t suppress a whimper when I reached up for the door handle to open it. When it swung open, I pulled myself back onto my feet and continued on my mission to the bathroom. Though it was only a short distance, I tripped multiple times as my legs just didn’t seem to follow my brain’s instructions. I heavily relied on the walls to support my weak body as my eyes kept closing on the way. How could I possibly be so slow? Would I even get there before the morning? My legs grew more and more jelly-like and I had to take a break in the middle of the hallway, afraid I’d fall again. Sinking down with my back against the wall, I heaved a shuddering breath. It was even colder out here than it was in my room and my hoodie did nothing to help with that. The thought of curling back up in my bed gave me the necessary energy to get back up, wanting to get this over with as fast as possible, so I could go back to bed. Surprisingly, I made it to the bathroom not that long after but I stumbled. Loosing my balance again, I fell against the cabinet under the sink. My ears were ringing so loudly that I didn’t even hear the loud noise I caused, closing my eyes and giving in to the darkness.
Seungmin’s POV.:
I had come home about twenty minutes ago, getting ready to go to bed as I was exhausted from a long day at the company. Just when I pulled the blanket over my tired body, I heard weird noises somewhere around the dorm. The clanging stopped after a few minutes and I relaxed, thinking I could finally go to sleep. Just when I was about to doze off, the noise continued followed by a muffled crash. Did a poltergeist move into the dorm while I was gone for work? I knew that this was exactly how horror movies started. Somebody hearing a weird noise and going to investigate. If I was wise, I would stay in bed and ignore it but I was starting to get annoyed, just wanting to get some peaceful rest. Sighing, I got out of bed again. It didn’t matter if it was a poltergeist or some other monster out there, I was going to put it in his place and tell it to be quiet, so we can all sleep. Those ghosts really had no regards for the rest of hardworking people. Believe me, I could be scary if I wanted to, so I doubted whatever monster that was wanted to mess with me while I was tired. Debating whether I should get some kind of weapon to defend myself, I made my way down the hallway and found the door to Jisung and Jeongin’s room open. It was empty, so the poltergeist had probably eaten both of my friends already. Did poltergeists even eat people? I had mentally prepared myself to get the crap scared out of me, yet my heart still stopped when I passed the bathroom and found two legs protruding through the door.
No one’s POV.:
Turning on the bathroom light, Seungmin panicked as he found Jeongin laying unconscious on his side. The vocalist cursed, crouching next to his dongsaeng, patting his cheek. Feeling the heat on his flushed cheek, Seungmin felt the younger’s forehead and sighed in relieve when the boy groaned at the touch. Jeongin slowly came to, whimpering as the bright ceiling light burned his eyes. “Can you hear me, Innie?”, the older frowned worriedly. Giving a tired nod, the maknae choked out a cough and weakly tried to sit up, so he wouldn’t drown in his lungs again. Seungmin cringed at the wet sound and wrapped his arm around his dongsaeng’s shoulders to pull him into a sitting position. Struggling to catch his breath, Jeongin held on to the older’s arm for support. Tears of pain and exhaustion pooled in his eyes and it wasn’t long till they spilled over. When the cough finally tapered off, he laid limply against Seungmin’s side, who hummed: “Can you tell me when you started feeling bad? You seemed okay earlier today.” – “Woke up like this”, Jeongin whimpered hoarsely, “Went to bed because I felt off and then suddenly woke up like this not much later.” – “Oh, Innie”, the older sighed, gently running his hand through his dongsaeng’s sweaty hair. “M-My head hurts so bad. I wanted to get medicine but didn’t make it”, Jeongin admitted shakily, breaking off into a painful cough. Rubbing his back through the thick hoodie, Seungmin whispered: “You’re running a pretty bad fever, so I’m not surprised your head hurts. Let me get you medicine.” Carefully propping the younger up against the cabinet, Seungmin stood up and went to search the cabinet over the sink. His heart clenched when he realized that they had run out.
Kneeling back down, Seungmin thought his dongsaeng had fallen asleep but when he gently put a hand under his chin to lift his head, Jeongin’s glossy and unfocused eyes met his. “Innie, I’m so sorry but it seems like we’ve run out”, he whispered sadly. Eyes stinging with more tears, Jeongin choked out a sob. It had taken him so long to walk here and now it was all for nothing. Why hadn’t he just stayed in bed and saved himself the struggle. Almost tearing up himself, Seungmin cooed: “It’s okay. Ssh, you’ll be okay. Why don’t we get you back to bed, hm?” – “H-Hyung, I -I ca-can’t”, the maknae cried, clutching the other’s sleeve, “I feel s-so bad.” – “I know, Innie, I know. I’ll help you, okay?”, the older promised, helping his friend to his feet before picking him up.
Seungmin carried his dongsaeng to his room, gently laying him down on his bed. He fetched a thin t-shirt from the still open closed and asked: “Do you need help changing your shirt? Your fever is really high, so you can’t keep that hoodie on.” Jeongin frowned and hugged himself, still feeling cold and not wanting to take his hoodie off. “I know you’re cold but we really need to bring your temperature down. Your head will hurt less if we do”, Seungmin promised, “If you get changed, I’m going to get a few things to make you feel better, deal?” The maknae whined, making himself cough. Rubbing his back, Seungmin sighed: “I know it sucks. Just breathe, you’re okay.” When Jeongin was finally able to catch his breath, he defeatedly reached for the t-shirt to change. He knew the older was right, no matter how uncomfortable it was. Whispering a quiet praise, Seungmin hurried off, while the other changed his shirt and crawled under his blanket, shivering violently, emotional tears trailing down his flushed cheeks.
When the vocalist returned, he felt his heart break. Placing the cup of tea, he had prepared and the bowl of cold water onto the nightstand, he walked over to the desk to switch on the little lamp there. He needed to see something but was well aware of his dongsaeng’s headache. Sitting down on the side of the bed, Seungmin pealed back the blanket just enough to see the younger’s face. He frowned, the blanket was way too thick to keep Jeongin from overheating. “Innie, I’m sorry but I’ll have to take this blanket away too. You’re burning. I’ll get you a thinner sheet, we can cover you with”, the vocalist cooed, earning a hoarse whine and more tears as the maknae desperately tried to hold on to the blanket. Jeongin was trembling with chills, failing to get a tight grip on the blanket before his hyung took it away. It was soon replaced by something much thinner, that didn’t provide him any warmth. While Seungmin kept apologizing over and over again, his dongsaeng cried miserably, triggering another coughing fit. The older helped him sit up and rubbed his back till it tapered off. Then he fluffed up the pillows, stacking them, so Jeongin would be propped up a little, hopefully making it a bit easier to breathe. Easing the maknae back into the pillows, Seungmin hummed: “This might be a bit uncomfortable at first but it’ll help your headache and get that nasty fever down.” Fishing the washcloth from the bowl of water, the vocalist squeezed it out and dabbed it under his dongsaeng’s eyes to clean away the tears before folding it and draping it across the maknae’s burning forehead.
Jeongin huffed a breath trying to suppress the chills, that just wouldn’t stop shaking him. His hyung had been right, the cold cloth did feel nice on his head, if only he wasn’t freezing. “Can you scoot over a bit for me?”, Seungmin asked quietly, lifting up the thin fabric to get in next to his dongsaeng. Sitting against the headboard, he situated Jeongin in his arms and hoped the younger would feel a bit warmer from the shared body heat. If he didn’t, it might provide some comfort at least. Whimpering pitifully, the maknae clutched Seungmin’s shirt, his tears dripping freely as the older stroked his back before picking up the washcloth to run it down the younger’s trembling arms. Though Jeongin was so drained that it didn’t take long for him to fall into a restless slumber, the congestion in his chest didn’t fail to wake him back up just to be thrown into another breathless coughing fit. Despite his own exhaustion, Seungmin never left his friend’s side. Even after 3racha had returned from the studio and Jisung joined them, the vocalist kept Jeongin in his arms, comforting him through every coughing fit and feverish nightmare, of which there were many. Jisung went to change the water in the bowl as it had gotten warm over time and turned the aircon in their room down, even if that meant he himself had to sleep in thick sweatpants and under two blankets. Though Seungmin’s heart ached for his dongsaeng, the younger surely was the cutest poltergeist the vocalist had ever seen.
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btsinwonderland · 3 years
A Drop of Poison - Ch. 10: Memories
A Loki fanfiction!
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You woke at the howl of the wind outside. It was still dark out and you glanced at an old wooden clock on the wall; you had only dozed off for an hour or so. It was just two hours past midnight, and though you wanted to return to your dorm room, it was too dangerous to venture outside without the invisibility cloak.
Professor Laufeyson had shifted back onto the pillow in your sleep, and there he slumbered perfectly still but for the rise and fall of his bare chest. He laid on his back with one hand above his head, underneath the pillow. The way his face was so calm made you smile. There was no mask, just a gentle expression.
You lifted yourself off the bed to find the washroom. All the professors had private washrooms in their quarters, so your search ended after a quick dash up the staircase. When you completed your trip, you returned to Professor Laufeyson’s bedroom.
One passing glance at his desk made you stop. There was a drawer you opened before that intrigued you when you were searching for bandages. You walked over to the desk and your fingers hesitated above the handle. It was not good to snoop and you should be going back to bed. With him. You gulped.
Any sleep that you felt before now evaded you. Your arms and legs felt sore from branches whipping you in the forest. At the time you felt nothing since there was so much adrenaline in your body, but after that your body ached. And amidst the pain, any dreams you remembered from the last hour were filled with bright yellow eyes and bloodstained teeth. A shiver of fear ran down your arms at the thought of the beast. There was no way you could sleep now.
You opened the drawer and once again, an ethereal pool of silver and white faced you. You gazed at it in wonder and crouched over the drawer, trying to get a closer look. For a moment, you thought you saw faces floating in the bowl. As you looked closer still, something pulled your mind into the pool and you were no longer in Professor Laufeyson’s bedroom.
A kitchen faced you, with glossy wooden counters cut from fine lumber and large candles aflame on the countertops. There was Headmistress Frigga, looking years younger, in a yellow dress with her hair down. She paid no attention to you at all, as if you were not there. For a brief second, you wondered if you were back in the book Spells for the Common House Cat. But this felt different...
A young boy sat at the counter. He could not be a day over six, and tapped his hands on the surface excitedly. “Mother, I’m hungry!”
“Just a moment, precious, let me whip you up a nice salted caramel shake, hmm?” She said and twirled her want in a circle. A medium-sized glass, filled to the brim with a brown looking milky liquid, appeared in front of the boy. His black hair shone in the candlelight and his eyes glinted.
Then, another boy, slightly younger than the first, with bright blonde hair, ran into the kitchen. “Mother! Mother! I want a shake too! How come Loki always gets a special drink and not me!”
The boy, Loki, laughed at his brother and took the glass with both hands. “It’s because I’m clearly Mother’s favourite, Thor.”
Frigga turned away from the boys for a moment as they argued, but you saw her expression. It was filled with pain.
Before you could observe any further, you were whisked away into another place.
You were in an empty classroom, and for a second you thought you were back in Hogwarts. But the colour of everything was slightly off, and everything looked hazy. You gasped when Professor Rattowl burst through the door of the classroom and dragged a lanky black-haired boy into the centre of the room.
“Sit down, you scoundrel!” Rattowl said with an awful scowl.
You walked around him to see the boy. His hair was down to his shoulders and incredibly messy, as if he had gotten into a scuffle. It was Professor Laufeyson, though he seemed a year or two younger than you at this moment. His expression was one of youthful arrogance. He threw daggers at Rattowl with a careless sort of glare.
“I clearly won that duel,” Loki said, a smile creeping up on his lips.
Rattowl looked as if he might actually strike him. “You, boy, are a curse to this school! You’ve injured one of our best students with your dark magic! The only thing left of your terrible father’s legacy!”
Loki nearly stood, eyes aflame. “Do not speak of my father with such insolence! Odin is your minister and a hero!”
Rattowl scoffed at Loki. “Are you truly such an imbecile to think that the great Odin Borson is your father?”
“You’re lying!” Loki hissed.
A woman entered the room with a glass full of a brown drink. It looked similar to what you saw previously, but a little more chunky - as if she made it in haste. “Here love, drink this, it’ll make you feel better.”
Loki eyed the glass. “I don’t want anything.”
The woman and Rattowl looked at each other, and an understanding seemed to pass through them.
“Drink it, boy!” Rattowl yelled. He pulled out his wand and pointed it at Loki, whose body thrashed against the chair and then stiffened. Loki emitted the glowing green light from his hands, struggling against the pressure that held him down.
The woman force fed him the drink as he sputtered and coughed, nearly choking. She kept whispering, “I’m sorry, love” as she poured it down his throat. The green light of his magic faltered and eventually fizzled away the more he drank.
You recoiled at the horror of the whole thing and even tried to push the woman away, but your hands merely went through her form.
Rattowl threw a tan handkerchief at Loki when the woman left. “Your so-called father is here. Clean yourself up before you talk to the Minister, boy.”
A couple minutes of silence and solitude passed as Loki sat in the chair, alone. You saw his eyes well up and the most heartbroken expression on his face. Tears stung your own eyes as you felt waves of despair emanate from him.
The door creaked open, and you glanced at the hefty form of Odin arriving. You looked at Loki, who had now wiped away his tears and put on a mask of such stoicism that no one would believe he was nearly sobbing seconds ago.
The door shut with a bang as Odin slowly walked towards Loki. His single eye was shrewd and unfeeling.
“What am I?” Loki said, his eyes were sunken in and red as he slowly stood.
“You’re my son.”
Loki glanced at his hands and though they trembled, he emitted a weak orb of green light that flickered out in seconds. He looked up at Odin, eyes steely. “What more than that?”
Odin paused for several seconds. The silence dragged on. “During the Great Battle, we defeated the Dark One. In the rubble of the castle, we found a child. A small child, left to die. Farbauti’s son.”
“Farbauti...the Dark One’s son.”
Loki looked at Odin with eyes that were wide and similar to a child that lost its mother at a supermarket; hopeless and frightened. “Why? You were knee deep in the blood of dark wizards. Why would you take me?”
“You were an innocent child.” Odin stood with his chin held high, as if he were the only man in the world that knew the burden of it all.
Loki shook his head. “No, you took me for a purpose. What was it? TELL ME!”
“I took you in to show the wizarding world that mercy was a better path than revenge. There was enough bloodshed, and with you we could prove that dark magic is a choice, not something passed down through blood.” At the last sentence, he looked at Loki squarely in the face, as a warning.
“And you just happened to become Minister of Magic a year later? S-so I was just no more than a tool for your promotion, locked up until you might have more use for me?”
Odin frowned. “Why do you twist my words?”
“You could have told me what I was from the beginning, why didn’t you?”
“You’re my son. I wanted only to protect you from the truth.”
“W-what, because I’m the son of the monster that parents tell their children about at night?” Loki said as he staggered back and nearly fell, trying to sit down on the chair. Tears welled up in his eyes and he looked hurt beyond recognition. The pain was raw and unyielding.
However, in a matter of seconds, it dissolved into anger. How quickly he switched to a more comfortable emotion than pain. You looked at Odin, who now clenched his jaw and fists, confirming to you that this habit was something Loki picked up from his father.
“You know it all makes sense now, why you favoured Thor all these years! Because no matter how much you claim to love me, you could never truly love someone with the blood of the Dark One!”
Odin winced and held his chest, beginning to convulse. Loki stopped, anger vanished, and ran to his father who fell to the ground.
“Help! Somebody help!” Loki shouted, tears in his eyes.
Rattowl stormed in and threw Loki aside. “What did you do to him!”
You cried out for Loki and just as soon as you stepped towards the poor teenage boy, now crumpled on the floor, he disappeared in a swirl of blue and grey.
Once again, you were taken away, and then landed in a very unfamiliar place.
It was a room with black tiled floors, walls, and ceilings. There were two large boxes of seats at the end of the room with a tall bench in the middle. In the centre there was a tiny podium surrounded by piles and piles of papers and files on various desks riddled around the room.
Odin sat atop the centre bench, above everything, with a mallet beside him. He looked furious and his visible eye blazed with anger. The centre podium was empty while the surrounding desks and tables were occupied with witches and wizards typing on typewriters and writing in notebooks fervently. The boxes along the side walls were filled with several witches and wizards, all speaking at the same time, whispering and gasping.
“Order! We will have order!” Odin roared, mallet hitting the bench once. The group silenced immediately.
The floor beneath the small podium opened up and there emerged Loki, slightly older and more deranged looking. He rose from a pedestal on the floor, wrapped up in chains from his feet, to his hands, all the way to his neck. The skin under his eyes was purple and bruised looking from lack of sleep; he had a cut on his lip as if someone had punched him; and his clothes were burnt and charred in some spots. He looked a complete mess.
Loki gazed around the room and laughed. His laugh only faltered when he glanced at Frigga near the back. He turned towards to Odin. “I really don’t see what all the fuss is about.”
Odin looked down at him from the bench. “Do you truly not feel the gravity of your crimes? Wherever you go there is death, destruction and ruin.”
“I went down to the muggle realm to rule - er - manage them as a benevolent god. Just like you.”
“We are not gods, we are born, we live, we die just as muggles do.”
Loki leaned forward. “Give or take a bit of magic.”
“All this because Loki desires power?”
Loki stopped smiling and nearly growled the words. “It is what I was meant for!”
Odin glowered at him. “You were meant to die! As a child, cast out in the ruins of a broken kingdom. If I had not taken you in, you would not be here now to hate me.”
Loki was silent at Odin’s remark and his mask returned. It was cold as he received the sentence from his father.
“You will be sent to Azkaban for your crimes, Loki Laufeyson, for the disturbance of a muggle gathering; revealing the existence of magic to muggles; endangering muggle lives; and…” Odin paused to take a breath, “for the murder of Ministry auror, Tyr Reyja, with the use of the forbidden killing curse.”
You felt like your head was going to split open. “No more, no more!” you said, clasping your ears.
You were sucked out, and you yelled as it felt as though your mind was being ripped apart.
You slammed back against the wall and fell on the floor as you checked your surroundings. It was Professor Laufeyson’s bedroom, and you breathed a sigh of relief. You shut the drawer with your foot and slowly got up, though your head was swimming. It was similar to the book, but you recalled Heimdall discussing the Pensieve: a well of memories for a wizard to file away for their personal review at their leisure.
A part of you felt ashamed at what you saw, but your heart mostly ached for him. You rose and walked over to the bed. His gentle face reminded you so much of that little boy waiting for his mother to give him a meal. The last thing you saw was the murder sentence. It hung over you like the poisoned tip of a sword. The man you saw now did not seem like a murderer, though he was extremely unpredictable.
You laid beside him, and he stirred at your movements. His eyes slowly opened, and he caught you staring at him. “Should you not be sleeping?” He said dreamily.
“I-I was having nightmares about Fenris.” That’s partially true, you thought guiltily.
“Oh, don’t worry about that shaggy beast,” he closed his eyes and grabbed your waist, dragging you right up against his body. You turned to face away from him as your heart pounded loudly in your chest and he encased your body and wrapped his arm around you, just above your chest. His warm breath blew against the back of your neck and your insides quivered. “You’re safe now,” he whispered, and you felt his lips brush your shoulder as he spoke.
Butterflies flew up your throat, and you stiffened. But being in his arms, and feeling his warm body gripping you, made you feel...surprisingly happy. It was not a feeling you were familiar with, but as your heart raced, you gradually fell asleep and, suffice to say, had much better dreams.
------------------- Post chapter comments
I definitely was going to schedule this for Wednesday but messed something up, so you get it one day earlier! lol. Enjoy ;)
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freaoscanlin · 3 years
In the Arms of an Aila
Fandom: High Rollers Aerois Campaign
Notes: Rated PG, 4438 words, trigger warnings for minor blood mentions. This is a Uni AU wherein the Storm Chasers are a group of students sharing a house on Stormchaser Avenue after their dormitory burns down. Shout out to @obishenshenobi for being amazing and co-writing this series with me!
Summary: Four times Aila carries the party, and one time they return the favor.
Read it on AO3
“Hey, Aila?” Nova said.
“Very welcome. Just do your part and hold on. Sentry will get mad if I drop you.”
The blister set in somewhere between mile two and mile four. Since it was supposed to be a five mile hike, and a torrential downpour hit at the end of mile two, soaking them to the bone within minutes, a blister was the last thing Nova needed.
Of course, who really needed a blister? Rubbing an actual sore onto the skin as the first step on the way to a callus was an absolute stupid function of humanity, and human feet should not be designed this way. In fact, all humans were composed of stupid engineering. Her thighs burned, her lower back ached, she was muddy and cross and cold, and the pain rubbing along the back of her heel made her actually want to cry.
“We’ll get to the end soon.” Sentry kept a cheerful look in place. This whole hike had been her idea in the first place, and she’d led the pack all the way out to the waterfall. Which, admittedly, had been very pretty. On a sunny day it might have even been gorgeous. But Nova could feel her teeth chattering, and she must have looked miserable because Sentry had been making remarks like that for the past twenty minutes. “And then we’ll be in a nice warm car. And we’ll get some hot chocolate.”
“Coffee,” Nova managed to say through her chattering teeth.
“Or coffee. Sure. Coffee’s fine.”
Lucius, following behind Sentry without too much trouble, should have looked bedraggled and miserable. But he’d packed a fancy purple camping jacket for the adventure. Quill, trudging behind him, kept flicking a hand through his sopping hair and sending water droplets everywhere.
Aila, after the first time Nova had landed on her ass, had taken the rear. Every so often, she reached out to grab Nova and keep her from careening off the edge of the path.
“Let’s take a hike,” Nova muttered under her breath as she limped along. “It’s beautiful, Nova. You’ll love it, Nova. Just think of the pretty views, Nova. This is great. Just great.”
She stepped down and hissed in pain as her boot moved against the blister. Instantly, the three people ahead of her turned to look. “Are you okay?” Sentry asked, her brow furrowed.
“Fi—I’m fine. It’s just a blister. I’ll be fine.”
It took a great deal of reassurance that she would be fine in order for the others to believe her. They had less than a mile to go, soon they’d be in the car, she could grit her teeth through it. After a day of holding the group back to her pace—it wasn’t her fault she lived with a bunch of jocks who preferred the gym to the library—the idea of stopping just because her foot hurt made her burn with shame. So she waved away their protests and gamely set off.
For a couple hundred meters, at least. At that point she began to whimper.
Something rustled behind her, followed by a sigh. Aila grabbed her arm to stop her. “What? Was I about to fall?” Nova asked, looking down at the steep incline beside the little trail.
“Hop on.” Aila turned to face away from her, bending her knees just a little.
“I’ll give you a piggy-back ride.”
“But it’s so far still.”
“You weigh less than a sack of potatoes. I’ll be fine. Hop on.”
The others, having missed all of this, continued on their way up the path. Nova glanced back toward them, wondering if she should just suck it up and run to catch up. The thought alone made her want to cry.
Red-faced and embarrassed, she climbed onto Aila’s back and wrapped her arms around Aila’s neck. The relief of being off her feet came instantly.
“Comfortable?” Aila asked.
“If I get too heavy—”
Aila snorted at that. “Please. This isn’t even a workout. Hey, Sentry, wait up!”
In no time at all, she caught up to the group, trotting along as though she wasn’t even burdened by Nova’s weight. Nova decided she’d feel embarrassed later, when she wasn’t so wrecked. Aila was big and sturdy and warm, and it was the first reprieve from misery she’d had in over an hour. Quill gave her a small smile of commiseration, letting out a “hey” when she tiredly reached out to muss his hair.
“Hey, Aila?” Nova said.
“Very welcome. Just do your part and hold on. Sentry will get mad if I drop you.”
Nova rested her cheek against the back of Aila’s shoulder, watching the landscape go by around them, and obeyed.
“And just what do you think you’re doing?”
Sentry, about to reach for the pantry door in the darkness, froze. A split-second after Aila’s voice rang out through the kitchen, the lights flooded on. Sentry didn’t need a highly active imagination to fully see the picture it painted: Aila by the switch in an ancient pair of joggers and one of the hundreds of tacky free T-shirts they handed out during orientation week. A massive gulf of space between the pantry and Sentry’s bedroom. And Sentry herself in her Tom Servo sleep tank and shorts, balanced on one foot to stay off of her bad knee, right by the pantry—with her crutches nowhere nearby.
“Ah, um, ah,” Sentry said, looking about for an excuse. Her shoulders sagged. “I just wanted a snack?”
“And you decided, ‘oh, I’ll just hop to it, then, will I?’”
Sentry spread her hands wide, sheepishly. “Yes?”
Aila’s expression could melt steel. “Even though you’ve got a perfectly good pair of crutches by your bed.”
She hated the crutches, yes, but in that moment Sentry decided she hated disappointing Aila more. Still, she pushed her shoulders back. “I’m allowed to put a little weight on it—”
“In two weeks! You’re supposed to stay off it for now, or you’ll make it worse.”
“I’m only getting a snack. That’s not that strenuous.”
“For somebody who mothers the rest of us when we’ve so much as got the sniffles, you’re a bad patient yourself.” Aila strode across the kitchen and before Sentry quite knew what was happening, scooped her up. Just as quickly—though a little more gently—Sentry was deposited into one of the kitchen chairs. “You could have called one of us to get you a snack if you hate the crutches so much.”
“You were all asleep, and you need your rest.”
“We need our Sentry in one piece more than we need rest.”
Aila stomped into the pantry. A bag of crisps sailed through the air, landing in front of Sentry on the table. Grumbling under her breath the whole time, Aila emerged and stormed about the kitchen, collecting a midnight snack for herself. Sentry angled a chair over to prop her recovering leg up, trusting that Aila would work through this head of steam eventually. At long last, Aila sat down across from her with a glass of water for each of them. She dug viciously into a yogurt.
“Feel better now that you’ve bitched me out?” Sentry asked, digging into the chips.
Aila considered. “A little, actually. Now I see why Nova does it all the time.”
Sentry saluted her with a crisp. “Glad to help. Thanks for getting these for me.”
“You’re welcome.”
“You don’t need to keep me company if all you were coming down for was a glass of water or something, though. I don’t want to keep you up.”
“Sentry,” Aila said in a measured voice. “If I leave you there, you’ll just hop right back to bed. So I’m going to stay here until you’re finished and I’m going to eat my yogurt and then I’ll carry you back to bed, and we’ll not tell the others any of this ever happened because they’ll scold you.”
“That might be the most I’ve ever heard you speak,” Sentry said.
“Yeah, I’m a real chatty Cathy at this hour, apparently.” Aila nudged one of the glasses toward her. “Drink your water. It’s good for recovery.”
“Yes, Mom,” Sentry teased, and Aila rolled her eyes at her.
Lucius saw the blood, had a brief eternity to think whoopsy, there I go, and when time returned to its normal course of business, fainted. Well, he went woozy, at any rate. He felt his knees buckle, but from afar like they weren’t his knees anymore, and his vision squeezed into one narrow point of blankness, and he staggered.
He slammed into something very solid, but warm like a person. “Oh, no, you don’t,” said a familiar voice in his ear.
“S-so much blood,” Lucius said, his voice sounding as far away as his knees.
The entire world seemed to tilt and a feeling of warmth suffused him, reminding him of the earliest days with Nanny Nophir. That changed abruptly, though, when he realized that instead of being cradled like a small child, somebody had slung him over a shoulder like a bag of cement. Not just anybody, he realized in a muddled storm of thought. Aila had him over one shoulder, bracing him with an arm behind his knees.
Muzzily, he twisted his head to see Sentry hurrying out of the kitchen and into the shared living room. “What’s happened?” she asked.
“Nova’s got a nosebleed,” Aila said. “His majesty still faints at the sight of blood, apparently.”
“Hey,” Lucius said feebly, as the dig felt a little unfair. He let his body hang limp, too wrung out to really protest beyond that. There had been so much blood...
“I’m so sorry,” Nova said, her voice muffled by either a towel or her hand. “Lucius, I’m so sorry, I forgot you don’t like blood. It’s just so dry—”
“Let’s just get you cleaned up,” Sentry said kindly, resting a hand on Lucius’s back as she passed. “Maybe put him on the couch?”
The last must have been directed at Aila, for she moved over and Lucius found himself being lowered onto the divan. They really should have gotten a proper fainting couch for the living room, even though it clashed with the rest of the furniture he’d hand-selected. Though the ultimate irony remained: if Aila hadn’t caught him, he wouldn’t have made it to said fainting couch anyway.
Lucius, feeling queasy, glanced over. He spotted the bloody towel that Nova had instinctively put over her face to staunch the blood, and his eyes rolled back into his head.
“Hey—hey!” Something snapped loudly in front of his face and Lucius opened his eyes. Aila snapped her fingers a few more times. “None of that now. Turn that way.”
“It’s fine, I’m fine,” Lucius said, automatically obeying. “Good heavens. I could have cracked my head open on the coffee table if you hadn’t caught me.”
“Doubt it.” Aila snorted. “Hard as your head is, you’d have cracked the coffee table in half.”
“Oh really, do you think?” Lucius couldn’t help but be a little pleased at the thought. Having somebody like Aila think any part of him was tough—she’d certainly made enough jokes about lacrosse in their first days together—was quite exhilarating. He studiously kept his gaze focused on the back of the couch, deliberately not looking as Aila took the bloody towel out of the room and returned with bleach wipes. “Oh, I do hope she didn’t stain the carpet.”
“Eh,” Aila said. “I’ve gotten blood out of worse. Though I’ll let Nova clean up her textbook on her own. I’m nice but not that nice. It should be safe for you to look now.”
Lucius swallowed hard and sat up, rubbing his head. He’d come in to inquire of Nova, seated at the coffee table with a textbook and a soap opera on in the background for noise, if she wanted to perhaps grab a quick dinner with him before their evening class. And she’d turned to him in horror, blood leaking and...
Well, he’d prefer not to remember beyond that point. Instead, he resolutely turned his thoughts to more pressing matters (after all, Sentry was taking care of Nova, which meant she would be just fine). He cleared his throat. “Aila, I do have a question for you.”
“Yeah, what is it?”
“Do you think we should get a fainting couch in here? For the aesthetic?”
Aila stared at him for a long time, then turned on a heel and left without saying a word or even making a face at him.
“I’ll take that as a yes,” Lucius said, and began to set his mussed clothing to rights.
No matter how they jeered and teased, there was no getting Sentry into the water. Even the triple dog dare, which would have worked on Quill without fail, held no effect. She merely gazed at them serenely from her lakeside lounger, told them they were all very clever, and closed her eyes once more, returning to sunbathing.
“Boo,” Quill called, cupping his hand around his mouth. He tried to splash water in her direction, but Sentry had wisely set her chair out of range.
“Oh, quit bugging her,” Nova said from deeper in the lake where she was treading water in her cute old-fashioned swim suit. Even in the water, she hadn’t taken off the elbow-length glove she wore to cover the scars from her lab accident. “Let the woman get some sun away from our shenanigans.”
“I refuse to let my best friend be too much of a coward,” and Quill raised his voice over his shoulder as he swam toward Nova, “to swim in the lake!”
“Love you too, Quill,” Sentry called back without opening her eyes.
The sun did feel nice, admittedly. Their first day at the cabin—one of Lucius’s family’s many, many vacation properties—had been gray and cold and unpromising, but today the skies were clear and the air was warm. Donning a pair of swim trunks and cannon-balling off of the private dock was the only logical choice to be made, in Quill’s opinion. And the others had followed not far behind: Nova in her one-piece, Lucius in speedos that left absolutely nothing to the imagination, and Aila in what Quill suspected just to be her underwear, as she hadn’t gone shopping for their vacation, even at Sentry and Nova’s urging. Sentry herself had donned a tankini but was staying far, far away from the water, having made it clear just how much she found the thought of parasites and other lakely dangers distressing.
Swimming wasn’t as easy as it had been before his accident, but Quill made it out to Nova and began to tread water beside her. She closed her eyes and tipped her face to the sun. “This feels so nice. I didn’t realize how much I needed a break. I had more than four hours of sleep last night, Quill. It felt like a miracle.”
“I may never go back,” Quill agreed. “Do you think Lucius would mind if we, like, just moved in permanently? There’s a bidet. Have you ever stayed in a place that had a bidet?”
“Can’t say that I have.” Nova turned. “Aila! Have you ever stayed in a place with a bidet?”
“When would I have done that?” came the reply. Aila didn’t even lift her head up from where she was floating on her back, eyes closed.
Lucius swam up, popped underwater, and emerged so that his hair flowed back in perfect waves. The sunlight caught very faint freckles on his shoulders. “I’ve been meaning to bring that up. It’s rather a travesty that we don’t have one at home. We could have one installed quite easily.”
“Eh,” Aila said, eyes still closed. “Feels bougie.”
“How dare you,” Lucius said.
Aila merely opened one eye a slit and smirked at him. Lucius, after a moment of grumpiness, smiled back.
“Did we bring a football or anything?” Nova twirled herself around in the water like a spinning top. “Or some kind of water game we could play? Not that I don’t love swimming.”
“We could play Chicken,” Quill said. When the other three merely gave him varying glances of confusion or interest (or disinterest on Aila’s part), he tilted his head. “Did none of you ever play Chicken as kids?”
“The thing where you dart out in front of cars and stay there until they almost hit you?” Nova asked.
“No, the bit where one person gets up on somebody’s shoulders and tries to knock another person—on somebody else’s shoulders—over into the water. Here, here, I’ll show you. It’s fun.” Quill glanced between the three of them and did some quick calculus that he would never, ever tell anybody else about. “Here, Aila, let me up on your shoulders.”
Aila kept floating for a few seconds more before she seemed to shrug to herself. “Eh. I’ve got nothing better to do.”
Left to his own devices, Quill was positive that he would have made it awkward to clamber up on Aila’s shoulders. But he’d forgotten just how strong rugby made Aila, and how often she went swimming. As they approached the shallower depths, she disappeared under the water. Quill felt something almost hit him from behind, and then he was launched toward the sky. He yelped and clung on for dear life as Aila straightened to her full height, the water coming up to her shoulders.
“Ooh! Ooh! I want to try. Lucius, let me up.” Nova scrambled over to Lucius and climbed up on his shoulders, kicking her feet excitedly (Lucius winced a little). She held her arms up like an old timey boxer. “You’re going into the water, bird-boy.”
“Hey, now,” Aila said. “Let’s make this fair. One hand behind your back.”
“Oh, right. Sorry, Quill.”
“I don’t need two hands to beat you,” Quill said, though he nearly disproved his entire point by overbalancing and almost falling off of Aila’s shoulders.
She merely locked her hands around his knees. Nova put her scarred hand behind her and waggled the fingers of her remaining hand at Quill.
“Oi!” A voice from the shore made all of them turn to look at Sentry, who’d sat up and set her book aside. “What are you doing? That looks dangerous!”
“I’m sure it’ll be fine,” Lucius called back. “Aila and I have it all in hand.”
Sentry hovered on the edge of the lounger like she wasn’t entirely sure she believed that. “Well, just—just be careful.”
Quill used the distraction to lean over, scoop up a handful of water, and fling it in Nova’s direction.
And just like that, the battle commenced. Aila charged forward with Quill holding on, Lucius did the same with Nova, and a wrestling match for the ages followed. Nobody would ever come up with a consensus on who actually hit the water first, though. Lucius swore it was Quill, Nova agreed, Quill argued vehemently that it was of course Nova, and Aila remained the neutral party, content to be the base for many, many games of Chicken afterward.
And Sentry remained on the shore, pretending she wasn’t keeping a close eye on them for injury and doing a horrible job at hiding it.
All in all, a pretty perfect summer morning, if you asked Quill.
+ 1 Time They Carried Her
“Sign up for survivalist camp, she says. It’ll be fun, she says. We’ll learn cool new techniques to surviving in the wild. Great bonding time!”
“To be fair,” Nova said from behind Aila’s head, where Aila couldn’t really see her without craning her neck, “we were having a great time bonding until, you know, all of this.”
Because Aila couldn’t see her, and moving to do so would only get her scolded, she had to imagine Nova waving her free hand in aggravation.
“I for one am having a perfectly lovely time,” Lucius said.
Aila could never tell when he was being sarcastic, and she didn’t see that changing any time soon. She suspected in this case he might be genuine, though. The course instructor had complimented him on his very fancy camping vest (“It has so many pockets,” Lucius had said) and nobody had yet found the heart to tell Lucius that had been sarcasm. So all through this hike he’d been in a particularly good mood. That made him the only one, probably.
Things had been going rather well during the whole course, up until this morning: the morning of their final day in the course, when they would be tested “randomly” and, using little but their wits, a compass, and a map, navigate themselves back to the parking lot. Camping with her friends had been fun, even if it meant being squished into a two-person tent with Sentry and Nova (the latter of whom had very bony elbows) at night. Aila liked the outdoors. She liked the feeling of self-sufficiency that this course had brought with it. She imagined herself as something of a pioneer. In the olden times, she would’ve kicked ass at all of this.
Unfortunately, it was nigh on impossible to kick ass with a “broken leg.”
And she wasn’t hiking out of the woods. She was being carried. On a stretcher. This sucked. The instructor had folded his arms over his chest in a rather smug fashion as he gave them their final assignment. His eyes had lingered between Sentry and Aila, easily the tallest members of the group. And he’d narrowed in on her, which was why she was being lifted by her friends on a tarp stretcher that they’d improvised.
“This sucks.”
“Yes,” Quill said, grimacing. “So you’ve said multiple times. We’re not having the best go of it either right now.”
Aila closed her eyes and leaned her head back. She’d already had to fold her arms close into her chest like a sleeping vampire to avoid being bumped and jostled about. The tarp they’d fashioned into a stretcher smelled bad. She felt like she’d been stuffed into a tiny little space, not great when she suspected she was a little claustrophobic anyway. “I’m bored.”
“I’ve got several books you could read,” Nova said, completely earnest.
That would only make this day worse, having to read. Fortunately Sentry, who was planted on the right side above Aila’s head and therefore easy to see, laughed. “I don’t think a book will help.”
“I was up late reading all about the local fauna in case there was a pop quiz,” Nova said. “I could tell you about some of them?”
“I’d rather read the book,” Aila said.
Nova tilted her head, considering. “You know what? Fair.”
“It’s not long to the parking lot,” Lucius said in a cheerful voice, though he was a bit out of breath.
“Feels like miles,” Quill grumbled.
“That’s probably because it is. I was lying,” Lucius said, tittering nervously.
Aila had pointed out that the course instructors couldn’t see them, so she could just get up and walk for a bit until they were nearing the end and all of her friends could be spared, but Nova had looked so abjectly horrified at the thought of cheating on a test that Aila had backpedaled and felt a little actual shame. Just a tiny bit, though. Not enough to fully penetrate the thick barrier of indifference she liked to carry about.
“Fine,” she said now, with a sigh. “Tell me all about these fascinating plants of yours, Nova. Not like I can do much else right now.”
Nova squeaked in excitement, reaching down to grab Aila’s leg.
“Ow,” Aila deadpanned. “That one’s broken.”
“I thought it was the other one?”
“It’s not real,” Quill said. “She’s messing with you.”
“Right. Right! Okay, so to start with, these are deciduous trees—”
Aila tuned her out in record time. Since there wasn’t anything to do but lay stiffly with her arms in a stupid position and the stretcher swaying nauseatingly below her, Aila let the patter of Nova’s excited overexplaining wash over her. She closed her eyes to stave off the nausea of watching the canopy overhead.
Sleep didn’t come right away, though it drifted near enough that she dozed a few times. Finally, she heard Nova whisper, “Did I do it? Is she out?”
“Think so, yeah,” Sentry replied.
“Oh, thank H’esper.”
“We’re the ones marching miles carrying her and she’s whining?” Quill whispered back. “Have a care for my legs. I can’t feel them anymore.”
“Me either,” Lucius said.
“Meanwhile, all she has to do is lay there and be carried!”
“Which for Aila is torture and you know it,” Nova hissed.
“I do suppose she’d whine less with an actual broken leg,” Lucius said, thoughtfully, and Aila nearly gave up the game by grinning. “She does have that stoicism thing going for her. I rather admire it at times. Daddy always said that I should be stron—ow, splinter!”
“You okay? We can take a break if need be,” Sentry said.
“I’ll endeavor to carry on,” Lucius said, but he sounded tearful.
Aila almost opened her eyes again, but joining this conversation would require more mental energy than she was willing to expend. Maybe if she did actually fall asleep, this nightmare of a hike would be over sooner.
“She does look kind of peaceful,” Nova said. “In a very Angry Aila way. Nobody tell her I said that. Either of those things.”
“Your secret’s safe with me,” Sentry promised.
There was a long silence. The stretcher continued to sway, though not in a soothing or repeatable pattern that promoted sleep, and her friends were quiet apart from the sound of heavy breathing as they tromped through the woods. Not a bad day for a hike, overall. She really wished she could just get up and walk alongside them, but if she had to be carried, so be it. At least she had them around her.
Aila nearly opened her mouth to tell them so (and ruin the illusion that she’d been napping this entire time) when Quill cleared his throat. “We are agreed, yes, that she’ll be driving the whole way home since she’s been napping this entire time anyway?”
“Yes, of course.”
“Why, obviously. I’ll be completely knackered by that point.”
Aila’s smile probably betrayed her, but she elected not to care about that. She merely let the group travel on, carrying her to their final destination in their survival course. There were worse ways to spend a Sunday afternoon, even if it meant being the one to drive them home afterward.
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