#/lh all of this dw abt me
benetnvsch · 1 year
wouldn't it be funny :) if I just :) did not finish this final :) submitted it as it is :)
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torchickentacos · 11 months
I need to watch more movies. An assignment has me coding a webpage and listing movies I liked, and I'm desperately trying to remember if I even liked 10 Things I Hate About You or not. It's a movie I've seen, which at this point is all I'm looking for. I refuse to put Destiny Deoxys on my literal schoolwork, but GOD I am running out of movies I've seen that aren't just things I watched with my little sisters/pokemon movies.
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Having RSD in public spaces is the worst bc it's like I need permission to exist too noticeably. Even if everyone is super friendly if I'm even risking being boring or "too much" then I get so scared like oh god everyone's going to get so sick of me as if the worst crime I could ever commit is to be uninteresting
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weirdfreakshow · 1 month
okay, hear me out in s6 i feel like Grian would have a huge addiction to sh (due to past yhs/kov and probably family stuff that hasnt been resolved) and he would do it anywhere he could find privacy and time, sometimes he'd just let the blood drip off and dry because he was so desperate for the pain and harm, he did it alot around mumbo's place alot simply because he liked being around mumbo, and blood blends in with redstone (imo) and thats where we transition(🏳️‍⚧️/j) to mumbo, he has always had an odd fascination with blood imo. also mumbo has awful self asteem thinks he is shitty all the time and thinks hes dumb if he fails even 1 thing (was deff pressured as a child+labled gifted and got burnt out), he also deff has seen some stuff on the internet and thats how he heard of self harm, over the time it became a thing that he did more often, definitely not as much as Grian though, But mumbo always kept a stainless steel razor blade in one of his pockets if he ever needed it. One day Grian was cutting himself in a more risky area late at night (11pm-1am)and mumbo caught him (in Sahara's redstone area maybe? idk) grian was cutting with a super shitty blade but he still managed to get good results. mumbo noticing the shitty blade walks up to grian and this scares the SHIT out of grian bc hes been caught by not so nice ppl b4, he thinks hes about to get yelled at or something but instead mumbo pulls a new blade out of his pocket and gives it to grian says something like "use this instead, i dont want you to get tetanus or something" bc i feel like hes a bitch abt being healthy in that way/lh(paranoid) grian took the blade thankfully but also shocked bc like mumbo jumbo? self harm? thats kinda gay😕/j (im a fag dw) also mumbo was also wearing short sleve so his cuts and scars were showing too (he took off his hoodie(its night hes not wearing his suit) to show grian "hey same dude"). Grian unwrapped the blade and asked he he could continue, MJ said yes and pulled out his own blade and joined grian.
Thats how they had their first cutting sesh together:3
HCs for this: Grian usualy does bean cuts and Mumbo does a bunchh of styros / cat scratches, he's done bean b4 but it made him almost pass out. Grian was deff Scene once and showed off his scars. Grian and Mumbo get high together all the time (and maybe a little toutchy 🤭🤭🤭).
ough i wanna make this like . a mini fic or something
also Grian and Taurtis totaly cut eachother for the funzies all the time
this is so big brain, and so extensive I don't feel like I'd be able to add anything substantial to it, but I'd like to say that I just love the image of Mumbo always carrying one or two new, fresh razors on the pocket of his suit. Something about it, about not really feeling ashamed of cutting but still having them hidden under the sleeves of his pristine suit. I also think of him having a strange fixation with everything red. From redstone, to red foods, to blood. Watching the cuts form, especially if they're clean, made with a sharp enough object it's just like cutting through butter. He finds it so satisfying in such a strange way, scratches his brain that perfect way he didn't know he needed.
Grian, shaky and afraid of being judged before Mumbo just places a shiny razor in his palm. So good.
Might not be accurate at all, but just thinking of .. Cuts giving Mumbo a sense of euphoria while they give Grian a sense of control.
"Mumbo has seen some shit on the internet" oh I KNOW that guy watched copious amounts of gore. He likes watching beans cuts but he just doesn't have the endurance to handle them, unlike Grian. A total expert, huh.
Can't help but acknowledge the mentions of yhs. I'm sure Grian learned from Sam, i KNOW Grian found Sam cutting more than once. Sam would be COVERED in scars too, always. He pushed Taurtis to cut for the first time too, insulting him in so many ways that taught him to hate himself, hate his own body ♡ so much fun
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sparklestardesigns · 1 year
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for an anon who wanted to see squilf, here she is all new. heres her old design here !!!
[if u dont want to see my nit picking meme abt ppl shipping her w/the most worst men alive then ignore the keep reading]
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also this
if you cant read ima type it, i'll go from top to bottom, by left to right
"me & the assholes i pulled by being squilf"
hawkfrost, "i am a horrible character"
crowfeather [one on the right, above squilf] "idk why im shipped w/you i like your sister"
ashfur, next to hawkfrost "me & hawk r killing ur dad LOL! so cute!"
brambleclaw on the bottom, "dw squilfie.... brambleclaw is here.... also you owe me $20"
this is all light hearted but also not bc i dont know if the erins either love harassing squilf for no reason paring her with brambleclaw and ashfur or something
and some of the fandom ships.... yall are concerning me..... hawkfrost im biased because of how much of a horrible character is firstly, mainly personal reasons, but the fact that hes shipped with squilf even for the jokes its kinda :/ that goes for crowsquirrel as well... idk what yall on about but i hope you are okay/LH
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takami-takami · 6 months
now that i have your attention, this was a bit back but remember when you mentioned one of the songs from ur hawks playlist being abt an angel of death that has to kill when all he wants is to protect peopleYEAH i searched up and down to find it (this is a joke i just looked thru ur spotify topster:p) cus its been plaging my mind for the past few days and..i found it….
v how could you deprive us (/lh) of something this painfully beautiful. sigh, biting my fist, sobbing into my pillow, punching a wallSIGH. its so good:( i won’t spill the name tho dw
ALSO i remember u mentioning a soft song about seeking freedom and i thiiiiiiink, i think i also found itBUT IM NOT SURE !!! even if it isnt that song i feel like it would still be in ur playlist anyway cus..the singer THE SINGER in this specific song sounds a bit too much like keigos dub voice for me to be normal about it
hope this isnt a weird thing to send in WHSBDJS,, i just wanted to share cus 1. hearing it for the first time has now permanently changed the trajectory of my life and i CANNOT be quiet abt this thank you very much. 2. the amount of tears ive shed from listening to this song…. pacing around my room
- 🍵 anon
Please dont look through my spotify bro idk how you found my music but i said i didnt want to share it for a reason, as respectfully as possible please stop looking through my songs
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commanderjuni · 10 months
dw abt me recycling a character name i do it all the time /lh
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OK onto this girl! i made her literally Just Yesterday and am deciding that SHE shall be my de facto commander but her priority purpose? roleplay! :]
i'll be playing with her for story mode but that aint her main attraction... ONWARDS TO THE RAMBLE BELOW THE CUT! this is pretty much spoilers free! :] no story bits at all, just a basic overview of my newest pookie
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Technician Laff | Young Adult | She/Her | Engineer | Queer
Right what it says on the tin, Laff is a technician working for the Inquest. Mainly, she does operations, maintenance, repairs and diagnostics for the megakrewe. Her expertise in engineering is a massive boon, even if it is just one of many.
Laff is an engineer by nature, nurture, profession and trade. Ever since she was a progeny, she's always taken to brewing alchemical potions or wiring mines. She's a very spatial thinker, and has an uncanny ability to see intricate machines in her head without even needing a blueprint.
She was recruited into the Inquest at a young age, about when she was already fresh into actual college. She studied in Dynamics for a few years (and I'm talking less than 5, at maximum) before a recruiter caught her interest.
Laff mainly was convinced into joining the megakrewe at the prospect of that delightful 'road to greatness'. She was a prime targe— err, candidate— due to her already... unruly nature. Laff didn't do well with conventional studies, and found even the enthusiastic and often reckless Dynamics too constricting. Everyone wanted to operate under the Eternal Alchemy's dictations, but Laff was much more curious in studying it, and using it for more... practical applications.
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In terms of her actual personality, Laff is concerningly friendly for someone working under the Inquest. She's less-so cordial, and more-so just a massive chatterbox who derives energy from being around people. She enjoys the idea that she 'fits in' quite a bit.
Most asura tend to find her annoying at best, and off-putting at worst. There's nothing wrong with her, for a lack of better words, she's just a little... strange, y'know?
Of course, like most asura Laff is exceedingly intelligent. She's well-versed in engineering (duh), especially when it comes to mapping out alchemical equations for empowering elixers or having the dexterity to pull pins out of five grenades.
And don't let her shrimpy form fool you! Laff is surprisingly BUILT under her uniform, and she has loads of upper-body strength due to the mechanical side of her work and duties.
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And be sure to not let her chipper smile and optimistic nature fool you, either. Laff is a very competitive spirit, and strives to be the best technician the Inquest has ever seen, regardless of her low-to-mid level clearance and ranking. You get in her way, and she'll make sure you emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually regret it.
Laff's greatest vice is her uncooperative nature when it comes to dealing with anyone who opposes her, her allies, her goals, or whatever it is she wants. This causes her to butt immense heads with Peacemaker officer Leff— whom of which is her twin brother.
Did.. I forget to mention that? Yeah. Laff and Leff are twin siblings who, from a young age, were adopted by a single asuran mother named Botanist Ainne. Ainne only really wanted Leff since she just wanted a son, but Laff and Leff were as thick as thieves back then, so seperation was a no-go. (p.s. Peacemaker Leff is an actual NPC! I enjoy oc & canon relations...)
Ainne put much focus and affections towards Leff, and sort of just left Laff to her own devices. This excessive attention towards Leff made Laff incredibly jealous, and envy is not a color she wears well. It shouldn't have, but it came as a surprise to Leff and Ainne when Laff one day announced that she was ditching Dynamics and heading off to the Inquest. To this day, Leff constantly swears he will have her arrested for... something! He still has to figure it all out. But he will!
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As aforementioned, Laff is an engineer in all sense of the word. She's proficient with rifles, pistols and other tools of the trade. She makes medium weight armor look killer in signature black and red, and her favorite tool is her magnifying eagle-eye goggles. Pin-point details are very important unless you want to accidentally get blown up, or have your elixer spill everywhere in a fight.
She's surprisingly particular about her machines and weaponry, and takes a keen liking to explosives. Mines, grenades, bombs— you name it, she probably has it stashed away somewhere on her person.
If I had to assign her a core specialization, Laff embodies explosives the best. "I'd duck, if I were you." is such a cut and corner Laff quote, AND Laff personally focuses on just blowing the enemy up into beautiful smithereens than wasting time trying to shoot them to death. Tools comes as a close second.
As for an elite specialization, Laff leans heavy into Scrapper territory. She's not big on the flashy lights of Holosmiths, nor is she crazy about having a big golem follow her around all the time like Mechanists. What she does like is putting things together, bit by bit, until she creates some new innovative little gadget. Plus, she'd find the gyros pretty cute.
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stole this picture off the gw2 wiki... shh... no telling....
BUT this pretty much concludes BASE information about laff.... im VERY excited to continue writing for her, and i hope to keep true to my word about using her in rp! as she grows as a character, some things MAY change, but not by a lot.... i hope....
(p.s. you MAY have encountered her at the NA versus art party on dec 2nd .... ;] wink wonk)
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an-amateur-sappho · 6 months
Hi, I’m Alice! I’m a student writer, playwright, and an aspiring screenwriter!
Currently, I’m studying in New York to complete my undergraduate degree for dramatic writing, however I’m back in my hometown of Hatchetfield to stay during my break!
You can ask me anything, give me writing inspiration, or just talk! I don’t mind. :)
Lesbian, She/Her :)
//ooc: …this is my 7th rp acc? imma collect all the mariah characters dw abt it
again, this is @lauterishotter , and i run like idk man
anywho i <3 alice
#alice answers: answering asks… tf would it be? /lh
#alice’s abstractions: general posting/acc writing from her
#woodward’s blocked out: ooc posts
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sugar-omi · 1 year
aww I'm gonna miss the Cove icon but who's the lady? 030
help i got so confused for a sec i totally forgot i changed my pfp but then I realized n pls I've never closed genshin faster...
the cove icon is such a staple tho!!! I hope yall recognize me without it but I trust my regular horny posts will be all you need anyway LOL
altho it may or may not come back some time after October yk, I was just tryna get in the spooky mood n stuff hehe but we'll see bc I am Crazy over this lovely lady here
well.. ngl she's nameless right now. but she is my 3rd baxter child, yes I'm still on that bc yall ruined me w baxters kids being colorful n shit n now I like to laugh abt his child's fashion choices becoming progressively more colorful n crazier than his....
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BUT TO INTRODUCE MY GIRL A BITTTT (also I'm literally drawing smth else for her n I didn't expect to reveal her like this but... she's everything to me n I cranked this out in like 3-4 hours bc I'm crazy)
anyway, she's Very into gyaru fashion, specifically n mostly kogal and kuro
she's looks like a cinnamon roll, will beat your ass!!!, I'm thinking she does competitive ballroom dancing like baxter or she can at least dance well enough to wear you out n tell you you suck
she's sarcastic, has the worst RBF of the whole family. at least baxter n theo look like they're just smug flirty assholes n aurelia looks more approachable in comparison to this lovely lady here.
also she has a heart shaped freckle. it's faint n you can't even rlly tell here but it's under her eye (I realize all my baxters children have one under their eye but idc. I am ONTO SOMETHING)
anyway.. her n theo are besties and baxter has to check in at night bc they'll be in her room painting each others nails n doing nail extensions or dying her hair (its 2 toned if you havent guessed, ive seen it sm n im obsessed n so she had it okay) like go to SLEEP YOU HAVE SCHOOL TMRW!!!
just thought abt it. she's obsessed w true crime, food, makeup, and stationary videos, and the stardew valley/the sims
also just decided she is soon for the ladies. I'm thinking lesbian n demisexual, mmm
don't ask how, just know that it's true.
hates pickles. she is me. she is my child... omg Aurelia likes pickles. I was gonna say theo but he's a ramble for another time omfg I am thinking SO MUCH
anyway... ik you didn't ask for a ramble abt my oc but I will take this and run w it okay
she is very introverted but when she picks friends you are now 4lifers okay you cannot get rid of her n why would you want to? you life was a mess before her. trust. /j /lh
she's like baxter so much in the way she worries n has insecurities n stuff, honestly I think she inherited the identity crisis thing baxter got going on over there
also is the youngest and very much an accident (just like aurelia, dw they're FINE everyone laughs abt baxters reaction now which I will make a bit of later bc I'm thinking many thoughts abt the boys finding out mc is preg) so she's a bit spoiled bc her siblings were at least 9 n loved her sm when she was born
(imagining theo passing her to you or baxter n running away when she had a dirty diaper... pls thats so funny)
now ik what it's like to jump at any chance to talk abt your ocs n how fucking crazy it makes you.... I am unstoppable now
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fukounaboy · 1 year
Finally my brain lets me send an ask bleugh-
(idk what's wrong with it it just. Stops whenever I think about you D':)
Anyways!!! I have no idea what stage mental illness i am at this point but I think I've pretty much lost all morals so that's ah.. fun-?
I've had about 2 major mental breaks since I've last spoken to you so that probably why-? Eh! Who cares~
What was I going to say again..
Still completely obsessed and insane about you so dw!! Im pretty sure I have forgotten how time works since I've been in my room for about 4 months now with the same walls and sheets and sounds and I haven't been outside and I sleep about 15 hours a day so tbh it still feels like we spoke yesterday-
Hm.. some life updates maybe?? Don't even know if you'll read this but yk-
Back in my flat, i got bullied and kicked out of the refuge I was in and am now here with my mum and stepdad? Bleugh.. but! I am hoping to flee again sometime soon? About 11 hours away to fuck knows so safe to say I won't be anywhere here again (yippee!!!)
I have headmates now!!! There's ÉlLolli, around 8 - 11 years old, nicknamed melody (or mello for short) and uh.. oh!! She kins my melody (hence the nickname) which is cool!! And ah. Shes fucked up to say the least? Pretty sure she formed through my medical trauma-
And rhythm!! Melody actually sorta created him..? I think she wanted a brother and boom! Next thing I know (well actually it took a while but) there's just some 6 year old just. There
He's actually uh. Musickin-? Songkin? Forgot the word- but basically a personification of the KARMA(a)DARMA album! Yay!!
Anyways enough about that-
I love you. And I haven't stopped loving you <3
It doesn't matter what you feel about me at this point.. your mine
Hope you are well!! Or happy at the very least-? Well I've said this a million times by now but-
I love you <3
Hihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihuhuhihiihihihihhii :3
Hhhhh same- /lh
I'm. Very sorry about that :(
I'm v much doing.
Urgehegdhgdhebh same :3
Also. Same.
Aaaaaaa I hope you get to flee again soon!!!
N I hope you get v v far away this time :3
N I hope youre v safe wherever you go bc ily 💛
Yeye ik! /lh
I talked to Mello for a bit but my brain absolutely melted so uh
I only talked to her for like- a second-
V sweet tho :3
I've heard abt Rhythm- I've never talked to him tho :')
He seems like he's v sweet too :3
Ooh musickin!
I think it can be both musickin/songkin actually-
Oooh uh isn't the Karma(a)drama album by that uhhhhhhhh abuseken guy?
Uh lemme see
Need to listen to that album it looks v neat
Anyways ily2 <33333333 I also haven't stopped loving you either :3
I love you too :3
I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you 💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛
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seelestia · 5 months
YES YOU DID BAKE?? AND YOU BAKED WELL 😤😤 also yes!! navia reminds me a lot of a daffodil because of her sunny disposition and she's just so cute?? (i probably spend a couple hours poking around for a suitable color palette for my theme ajfjsj but for now im sticking with a cottagecore look)
same here! and speaking of puns, cyno is also very likely to enable the both of us given how goofy he is off-duty and the number of times i've made him absolutely crack after he admonishes me for distracting him ehehe. as for bedo, he finds them just as funny (and canonically does too EHE) and will often give this cute lil giggle sjdjksdhhs. lyney loves my puns as well and will openly laugh about it. tighnari will scold cyno for rubbing off on me oopsies. anyway, i have a sneaking suspicion ayato does enjoy your puns since they can be used as a good distraction if he's stressed eheh. kuni doesn't surprise me as much tsk-tsk (bonk him on the head for that /hj /aff)
bet heizou would take the chance to rizz you a little knowing his playful nature
anyway! i'm happy that i was able to help in some way eheh >:3 but yeah, assignments usually are the staple of college life but they aren't generally too bad? minus the 8-page research paper i have to write for my mass media survey class online and luckily i poked around for some sources beforehand i'm usually good about not procrastinating but sometimes i kind of just need to ease my head into the working mindset by texting on discord sjjfshhd but yea it can be painful 💀 (btw ur more than welcome to ask me more questions abt college if u want :>) and i wish u lots of luck too!
yk thats the thing with 'bedo, not a lot of people can catch his eye and i just so happen to get his attention. and according to him, he said that i "stood out in a way that added color to his world" EJFJRHJW. yk, i just let the charm come instinctively? i don't rlly have to do anything but i have been told by a lot of people that i'm cute/naturally pretty. but rlly i would just say be yourself c: as cheesy as it sounds but it works hehe. as for lyney, he does always makes some sort of magic trick out of it and frankly it always leaves me a puddle of melted goo on the floor because of how shy i am (tyty!! also yes im a sucker for softer-pitched voices)
hey i'm sure yato wouldn't mind spoonfeeding you when you're all groggy from a long night (dw im a night owl too i can relate) , but something tells me he won't let you hear the end of it if he does /aff. i'd scold wanderer for being mean to you /lh, but at least he's willing to cook for you! (malewife *coughs*) or yk give his ear a little tug when he tells you he'll demote you to the floor-
okok so by now i think you can tell that i'm an anthophile or yk, a person who adores flowers and hence why i live in a cottage doing forest witchy stuff over there with my greenhouse and garden ehsjdjs. but anyway, you kind of just gave me the impression of a camellia? (if you caught my little pun there) if that makes sense ehhe. also i thought of the kamisato clan crest as well bc thats a camellia too, tsubaki (椿) ehehe. anyway! i like that notion of wanderer picking flowers when he's out and about in sumeru, i think it shows that he does have a gentle side (not that he'd willingly admit it but it shows in his actions) and i think you should surprise him with a garden of your own! >:3
'bedo and lyney take turns making breakfast for me! they have the full intention of spoiling me even after i told them they didn't have to because i'm used to being on the giving end if that makes sense? but they're so sweet about it i can't say no >_<
NO CUZ THATS EXACTLY HOW IT IS WHENEVER MY BF AND I TAKE PICTURES TOGETHER,,like i really appreciate that he smiles genuinely at me only but i need to help him pose
if it helps, i'm only like a piece of furniture in family pictures because thats when i get all stiff and i hate it, and i mean i absolutely hate it, when someone moves my bangs out of my face because that's kind of like a introvert thing for me? kind of gives me a sense of security tbh
also im glad you loved the picrew!! you guys look all so cute together hehehe, i bet you had to get wanderer to smile a couple times bc of how grumpy he is /aff.
OOOO PRETTY !!! if not the bakery theme, i might've gone for a flower shop with sunflower & daffodils. navia just has sunny girl next door vibes! i feel like she can fit in a bakery or a flower shop or a fancy cinema LOL. her color palette just has sm potential, especially for vintage themes i think! speaking of: this is basic x100 question but what are ur fav colors? i thought it'd be cool to know regardless! i personally love muted colors especially if it's a shade of purple or blue :3
you're a good fit with cottagecore so i get why you're sticking with it (it's the fairy vibes) !!! - i think angelcore or even mermaid aesthetic would fit u well too! something fantastical oooOOoOo (jazz hands)
cyno being one of us 😔🤝 /lh LMAO i imagine tighnari is resisting the urge to twitch his eye for every punchline dropped. everyone else gets the deadpan look™ but vi just gets a flick to their forehead (and a soft one at that too #favoritism). UR RIGHT!!! sumeru gang x windblume event was so monumental bcs we got to know albedo is amused by jokes & puns LOL. lyney will be impressed and tease u like “oho, such wit! looks like you have what it takes to be a magician too?” he knows ur stage-shy, he's just teasing u bcs ur cute hdhhahs.
mhmmm he does <3 ayato just shakes his head fondly and asks if i've been spending too much time around “a certain oni” - he's joking but i think i sense incoming jealousy. /j it's fine, i am indeed used to being outbonked by wanderer and outrizzed by heizou. i am constantly being babied smh 😔 /hj BUTBUT circling back to the jealousy thingy, makes me wonder how does albedo & the others act when they're jealous? :o personally, for me and my sillies f/o's:-
ayato: if the other person isn't already intimidated by his status (“omg it's the yashiro commissioner! gotta bail asap...” <- an example LMAO), then he uses passive-aggressive speech with a formal tone and a sweet smile to spook them. afterward, 'yato pretends like nothing happened and keeps me within arm's reach until the end of the outing. (note: uses this as an excuse to have me wear the accessories he gifted me so it's clear i'm taken. OKAY SIR CALM DOWN I'M ALREADY URS /hj)
wanderer: struggles with it so bad. he's no longer as hot-headed as he used to be.... but the sight still makes him irritated. knows i can handle it but keeps his ears peeled (eavesdropping essentially) just in case. will step in if the other person crosses the line but other than that, merely gets grumpier afterward. how dare they interrupt his quality time—
heizou: turns up his 'friendly menace' vibes to the MAX!!! finds it amusing to see how i'm lowkey trying to tell the other person off politely but will invite himself into the convo for funsies. gets HANDSY like pulling me close and calling a pet name outright in front of the person. (“oh, hey, honey! there you are. i was looking for you everywhere.” “heizou—”)
OOOHH!!! i can see the “cute / naturally pretty” charm ur talking abt. even from across the screen, i think ur vibes embody that!! albedo has a discerning eye <3 my guy's master is literally related to khaenri'ah dwdw, i also think that “be yourself” is true in itself! that way, u can find reassurance in knowing that the people attracted to u are there bcs of ur real self and not a front u put on. (<- also sounds cheesy hdhhshdh) but for me, i was told that i have comforting or welcoming (??) vibes when i talk to people so i'm trying to gather pride from that ;(
MALEWIFE WANDERER YESYES!!! he'd be so good at house chores it's funny. if u scold him, he'd squint at u like ur a bunny (which u are! /aff) punching harmlessly at his foot but he'd turn to me and say: “hmph, you've got friends worth-noting at the very least.” THEN proceeds to drop u off (gently bcs he's a gentle person at heart uwauwua !!!) in albedo's hands and go toodles LOL. p/s: i like how a bunny fits u! heehee <3 and i've gotten 'puppy' before but i'm still unsure which animal would suit me in general T_T . should i retake my harry potter patronus quiz from years ago /j
CAMELLIA AHA I SEE U!! the camellia being a canon part of the clan crest's design makes me so <33 till this day. it's even in ayato's namecard uwaaaaa. ANYWAY i'd like to think that wanderer could be a florist in a modern au - “the sassy & grumpy shortie is the owner of a cozy flower shop?!” kinda thing PFFT. i think modern au's are pretty cute! it's fun to imagine and play around with realistic elements <3
AWWW THAT'S CUTE!!! i can also relate with being on / or wanting to be on the giving side 😔😔 my giving love languages happen to be acts of service & physical touch hdhwhsh. OH OH actually, this could be another fun question hehe (i hope u don't mind them): what are the giving & receiving love languages for u and ur f/o's + do the dynamics shift according to the f/o? wait, does the last part make sense?? ( ;´ - `;) help /j
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genderstarbucks · 1 year
Guys I'm gonna be so real rn, I might take a break for a little bit, this also goes for @mogaiboy
There's a lot of Tumblr drama (and while I'm not going into detail) it's involved some of my friends, and has kinda just, made me scared ig? Idk tbh lol 💀
I'm not gonna stop posting though, so dw
I won't be finishing any more requests though for the time being and instead I'll be posting any requests I have the spoons for (which is like barely any) and a bunch of drafts I have
I'll also still reply to comments and stuff but I'm just
Making flags and stuff rn is just so much work and I haven't been able to get the motivation to do it for a while
Maybe if Charlie fronts completely and wants to do some requests? But that's highly unlikely
If you guys still wanna talk to me though my discord is ToxicToric#9633
Idk how long the break will be, but it shouldn't be very long
And don't worry abt us, we're okay :3 just a little tired and burnt out is all
TL;DR: we tired </3
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Also, stay safe and fucking eat something and drink some fucking water /silly /lh
Love you guys :3
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likesaly · 1 year
!!The hackers(minus Tobari since you already did her) for the ask game
My favorite thing is definitely the design. I know I've been saying that alot w other characters but like can you blame me?? My least favorite thing (I dont't rlly have anything but if I had to say) but his personality kinda just being generally loud it kinda scares me /lh Favorite Line: "Giga-dull, man." brOTP - Hiyu; I think they get along pretty well they just put up w alot of banter kinda bashing each other affectionetly OTP - N/A nOTP - N/A I don't rlly ship Nomiya w anyone nor see anything but I don't have issues w anything as long as its healthy and legal. A random HC is Jin, Hiyu, Nomiya and Azusa hang out w/ each other. An unpopular opinion; I think he could use a little more fleshing out but its forgivable. A song I associate w him is We appreciate Power by Grimes (I just think of all of the hackers w this song so expect this to be copied and pasted!)
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My favorite thing is the fact he's a little shit. I love him for that; Hes my favorite 1bh kid (I cannot deal w the others /source /lh) My least favorite thing probably how he treats Kotora but it's comical but like poor Kotora /lh Favorite Line: "I'm the amaaazing Kirai Nasuga." brOTP - Sagara bc I feel like Sagara would take a liking to Kirai and get info abt Izuchi bc she thinks Kirai's willing to betray the organization /LH OTP - N/A nOTP - N/A A random HC I have is that Kirai has a habit of subconsiously mimicking his brother and everyone finds it endearing but him Unpopular Opinion: I think he's a sweet kid just too much influence from Izuchi And for song? We appreciate power by Grimes! (my hc theme for hackers fr)
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My favorite thing about him is his personality; Same reason for Toukai; Just a tired guy trying to get by. I don't really have a least favorite thing about him tbh Favorite Line(s): "Umm… She's a little scary, perhaps." "Wha?! She's with the police?" "T-That's still plenty qualified…" (IM SORRY I FIND IT FUNNY THAT KOTORA IS LIKE INTIMDATED BY LIKE BASICALLY MIKADO'S KID / SIBLING (Dude its okay I like you dw) ) brOTP - Chino and Haruya + The Nasuga brothers - I feel like he's a family friend of them and thats why they go to him to basically babysit since he's known the families for a good while and helped them out in the past. OTP - Kotora x Mikado I think they are a silly couple /source /pos nOTP - N/A (Dont rlly have a strong opinion on this considering he doesnt rlly have any to be against) My unpopular opinion; Why the fuck is Kotora so underrated like dude hes the fucking realest in the game?? He needs justice bro </3 And the song? We appreciate power by Grimes! (we all that coming at this point) Favorite Image:
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My favorite thing about him is he committed foreshadowing crimes throughout the whole game its so funny to replay bc of it /lh My least favorite thing (this is /lh and /t) The fact he fucking put a fucking temp tattoo on his pants; I am not letting him live that down Favorite Line: "Hm. We may not be direct siblings, but maybe we do have a connection." brOTP - Nanashi and Misane Aira + the Potetes; He pretty much willingly let them stay in the apartment so they are the roomates ever (I have a hc that aira and the potetes stay in bc mikado let them in due to being homeless and get along well w Misane and Nanashi) OTP - Mikado x Kotora (alr explained previously!) nOTP - ...Whatever the fuck was going on on ao3 (vaguing the same person from the last post). Iykyk and its just what the fuck. My unpopular opinion is why did the fandom pick him to be like the one everyone's down bad for bc like imo the girls r prettier (The fandom is fucking sleeping on Kirara, Tobari and Future Izuchi etc) - Sincerely a raging bisexual For song choice We appreciate power by Grimes and Kingslayer by Bring me The Horizion ft Babymetal (this mainly for Babymetal's part when translated which is why I linked the lyric video there)
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rei-does-stuff · 1 year
no but LITERALLY the other day I saw that stupid terfy post comparing women wearing makeup to hijabi women and I was like “what in the fresh fucking hell” it’s so weird how obsessed they are with policing how different women choose to dress, for whatever reasons they do it. I don’t understand how they can call themselves “feminists” while also implying that women covering their hair for religious reasons is “oppressing themselves for the male gaze” like can we take away the phrase “male gaze” from these dinkuses for like, idk, forever???? do they even know that religious head coverings in Islam are for Allah (PBUH)? I know I’m not an expert on Islam but seriously they can’t even be bothered to know the bare minimum of any culture or religion other than their own before mocking it.
and I hate how their go to is “oh those third world countries are oppressing women with their backwards Brown culture” and you can tell that’s basically what they’re saying because we all know they would never criticize the Christian fascism that’s taking over western countries, but the second people are oppressed by a religion that’s associated with brown people they alstart squawking like chickens with their ducking heads cut off.
it’s like… the act of choosing to wear a hijab IS NOT FUCKING OPPRESSION!!! AND YOU CAN TALK ABOYT THE ISSUES FACED BY MUSLIM WOMEN WITHOUT BEING FUCKING RACIST!!!!! idk, as someone whose number one focus in study in school is intersectional social theory, it just bothers me to no end how these fascist women will see a white American male senator literally ban human rights and overtly state his religion as a cause, and say nothing about it, but when a Muslim does the same thing it’s all “SAVE THE POOR BROWN WOMEN” and ik you know more about this than I do from your own perspective im just rambling about this because you’re like the only person I can ramble about this kind of stuff to since you agree and understand it. sorry if it sounds like I’m being preachy your post just reminded me of some of the shit I’ve seen and I’m just like “cool cool cool these women are totally not overt right-wing white supremacists, nope, not at all nope no way” /s
anyways ur Muslim lesboy swag is off the charts you should be given free reign to slaughter any terfs in ur vicinity /lh
[I saw that stupid terfy post comparing women wearing makeup to hijabi women] dude I see that all the time and I fucking hate it bc they are NOT the same thing at all. It all comes back to them thinking that hijabs are something the patriarch created when like. No. Sure it’s been used that way occasionally but it’s not as common as they make it out to be they intentionally misrepresent it to make Muslims and hijabs look bad and it’s so infuriating.
[implying that women covering their hair for religious reasons is “oppressing themselves for the male gaze”]
GOD THIS ONE I REALLY DISLIKE bc its so clear they have no idea WHY people wear hijabs. And especially since most people who say this are white and Christian (or atheists which might be worse imo) they’re coming at this from that point of view so they have NO idea what they’re talking about when it comes to that.
[they can’t even be bothered to know the bare minimum of any culture or religion other than their own before mocking it.]
It’s because they see as Muslim as either scary terrorist or poor innocent women who need be to saved for their evil religion and country by white people, really fucking gross
[and I hate how their go to is “oh those third world countries are oppressing women with their backwards Brown culture”]
God yea, they really need to calm their white savior complex for ONCE that would be greatt
Also they claim arab countries are backwards when they don’t know shit abt them, it’s awful
Especially what you said about them never criticizing Christianity for similar views, its only bad when the “evil” brown people do it apparently. Racists fuckers.
Honestly if you’re not muslim or aren’t from said countries where the issue is prevalent I’m not gonna listen to a word you fucking say bc half of the time it’ll be misinformed and or REALLY racist, yk???
Anyways no worry you weren’t being preachy! This gave me a good excuse to rant too!!
Thank you btw, my lesboy swag is indeed off the charts :)
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tenmissedcalls · 1 year
SECONDLY, IT'S OK IF UR LATE!!! I JUST HOPE UR DOING OKAY IRL OK?? But also how are YOU🫵 sending much hugs and love if things are a little hectic for u rn, ILY AND CARE FOR U LOTS /p
Take this as a free gush pass too btw <3 who's on the mind... who and whatchu thinking 👀🤭
BGDFGHDFGK HI!! i know u said its ok BUT IM SORRY I WAS LATE AGAIN IDK WHY I DIDNT GET THE NOTIF 😔 i'm doing good just kinda overwhelmed with college work (the academic grind never stops) haha i'm surviving tho, i hope you're doing well too!!
you and bb are LITERALLY THE CUTEST BTW.. like omg did you know he loves you SO MUCH (he told me this himself)
i just posted abt him LOL but i do have this one guy on the mind.. (besides kaveh who will not leave /lh) i've been rewatching the source material and abfshdfksdf he's just so cute and i love him so much :(( like i wanna tell him how pretty and talented he is and he'd give literally the best hugs. also patching him up after fights, comforting him if he lost but rewarding him with kisses if he won (which he usually does). I LOVE HIM SM THIS IS TERRIBLE
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minmin-pal · 1 year
im just gonna nab that "dead man's questions" and stick it in between watching part 4 and 5, kinda gives me vibes of like spy secrecy type stuff lol and ngl i was about to search it up automatically but i'm glad i refrained from it now. so the plot follows a character whose passed away? is it some type of flashback or maybe an 'afterlife/ghost' adventure? i don't know which or if either are right so i'm just pulling stuff outta my guessing hat lol
i might just have to accept this inevitable heartbreak either way tbh, just watching characters go on an adventure, have fun, develop and just generally live makes it very hard not to get attached though ig that just comes with the viewing experience. the 'waiting for them to bring the person back' bit is so real though, ngl i always end up forwarding and end up ruining a series for me because "when is this character getting brought back???", to the point i end up not paying attention to the rest of the series lol(/lh) though i'll make sure to not do that when watching jjba :D W series fr
and oh! you've watched naruto? you said the 'original naruto' so i'm gonna go out on a leg and assume you didn't watch Shipudden?(/genq/nf) could I ask what were your thoughts on the story (however far you got into it?) maybe like favorite/disliked characters? parts of the plot you liked and didn't, did you have any critics of the series (both manga and anime, assuming you read the manga too)? (/lh) any opinions on the legendary Sannin? generally, just your thoughts on it i suppose
and oh yeah fair fair, the intro bit i brought up since i kinda tiptoed around it when i was searching up watch guides and didn't want watch anything that might've spoiled anythin lol (may have been too careful for no reason lmao) the intro was just the first clip i saw of the actual 3d bits (i'm in the 'not know' side whether that style/model was consistent with the actual 3d used in the show tho) but wait they animated the powers n stuff to be 3d?? that's actually super cool wha (/gen)
took me a while to understand that 'death 13' was the name of the episode, and ohh it never occurred to me about the 'copyright issues' bit though i guess it's the same reason why people will always use names like '"barbucks" for a shop in their story whose icon looks awfully like Starbucks lol. i usually watch my anime subbed, though which would you suggest for this one? do you usually watch in subbed or dubbed? but eh yeah, might not matter much but still ty for the heads up! (/gen)
no but truee, the foundation parts make the lead up to the big punchy monster powers bit even more satisfying though :( and jonathan, yeah yeah! i've seen very small smidges of him here and there, i briefly consulted the wiki page of his because i wanted to find a clip of his voice without spoilers and omg he sounds so cool! :D i didn't scroll down any further down the wiki though, there weren't any "spoilers ahead!" warnings but i didn't wanna take any chances :')
oh yeah, sxf is actually a pretty good example of a 'polished' anime artstyle similar to other modern animes tbf, the sharp difference when i try to compare the two in my head made me snort a bit ngl (/lh) the style and story (from what i've seen of jjba and sxf so far at least) are so stark in contrast but they're both so good too (/gen)
twt has already shoved in my face that apparently, eren dies for mikasa or something? i'm not in the know of all the details but the shock factor is definitely eh- minimized now i suppose lol, and oh a tier list might be a fun idea if your up for it! how do you manage to keep track of the ones you've read/watched? or is it just a 'welp i'm relying on my memory for this' type thing? (/hj/lh) sxf really carrying both jjba (with no one being safe lol) and aot in terms of fluff, i feel as though i'm jinxing myself and that the ending might not be happy either but i;m crossing my fingers it is lol, and yea dw abt getting off topic, it's fun to read tangents (is that how you use the word)
mangakas favorite drink are the tears of their fans :') (/j) but props to you for managing to get the titan lore, i've seen a lot of people say it just confused the heck out of them and some said they dropped it so i hope you were able to enjoy it :D (both the series and the 'head-ache inducing' lore /hj/lh) 
and yay no problem! i'll admit when i read your description of it, i tried to do the same actions? like laughing but not making any sound, i definitely looked very goofy while doing it but i remembered the term 'croak/croaking' so it was a fruitful endeavor :D (/j/lh) i apologize for the tmi ;')
 "Chainsaw Man is a character-driven story that manages to conclude itself in 97 chapters, and its due to the author focusing on the main characters and its themes," i didn't think it could be explained so simply in word form but that actually does make sense. "All the battle shounen stuff is just being used a medium to tell the actual story, it's not the story itself." just this description alone summarizes it well i'm assuming and now that i think about it, really makes csm stand out tbh. Almost all anime i can name off the top of my head (action/battle genre ofc) really does focus on "different states and nations all preparing to fight one another for [ cue overarching plot point ]." Character development and personal introspection don't tend to be the top priority, well aside from the 'shonen mc moments' such as ya know- tanjiro, izuku, etc.? (/lh) or from what i can gather at least lol
but honestly, i didn't know csm concluded at 97 chapters! the fact the author was able to just- start it, do what he wanted to do and end it as planned (or at least i'm assuming? i haven't seen any articles with the clickbait tagline of "csm creator dislikes/isn't happy about [ ... ]!") it got pretty popular too so that's awesome to hear, and yea true actually, i can see you and other people like denji and the fact that both the "Mineta Minoru is Expelled from U.A. High School/Shinsou Hitoshi Replaces Mineta Minoru" tags on ao3 collectively have over 5.8k fics says enough lol 
spy was definitely a very wholesome show and it's just so, so nice to watch the family dynamic form and grow<3 dunno why but i liked how they were able to incorporate bits of yor and loid's profession into their parenting styles what with yor helping to cause the iconic damian scene and loid with attempting to sneak in to change anya's grade lol, but oh! what's your thoughts on franky? ngl i kinda love all the goofy stuff he pulls and gets twilight to do lol, but yeah tbh yuri's bit of being secret police and his scenes with anya are some of the only highlights of his char i remember when watching ;; (/lh) obsessive brother still kinda shocks me with how it's pretty prevalent as a trope tbh but also what's your thoughts on bond? also what was your favorite and maybe least liked episode or mayb chapter of sxf? 
it's been a bit since i found the site but i can binge all the chaps now so heads up an ask abt that in a few hours :D (/lh/gen) your so right about that thoo, having characters that could just be irrevocably bad people can be done but managing to make them appealing/getting the readers to feel for them is such a sign of being a good writer, but also yeah managing to cause your readers pain thru them is to be applauded too lol (mangaka's really do enjoy their reader's pain /j/lh) 
how have all the scenes you've shown be so pretty, my brain would assume it's just specific detailed scenes but i have the very sneaking suspicion that the whole manga is styled like this and i'm very much looking forward to it,  even if i covered her facial expression her hair swaying and clothing ripples(is that what u call it) somehow portrays emotion so well, how even? (/lh/pos)
i was confused on who 'nameless white-haired guy' was until i read the next sentence and i just went "ah" lol, and oh kinda sucks he got gassed too much but damn that personality is just yikes lol (from what i've seen of the one scene ofc) and oh there'a dif other guy? in about 30 minutes i'll see this hoodie dude so i'll end up finding out, i know he won't be 'as bad' but i'm looking forward to seeing how bad? uhm, basically looking forward to the chapter, hope that made sense or the sentiment at least got across lol, and yea no worries i'm reading your response at the same time so there might be dead ends/random tangents in mine that i didn't notice so- sorry about that :') 
And ah yea that makes sense, I'd actually be pretty surprised if you were able to remember specific little details but glad to hear you enjoyed it :D the analogy of 'cramming before a test' hit me on a personal level lol (/hj) and oh, was nijimiya the girl mc? she really does seem like a sweetheart and help I never knew she had a younger sister, that's super cool! And yeah! The dude's character development was nice to watch too but alas ofc, tears lol
I remember reading 'Kichikujima (Freak Island)' quite a while ago, I remember it's pretty gorey though I don't know if it qualified as phycological horror? Don't remember too many details so I may be wrong, but oh yeah! I don't know for sure if you were reffering to these types but I kind of made some terms for it lol, idk they're pretty simple labels
Jumpscare Horror - self explanatory, there's a lot of jumpscares and "dun dun dunn" type music/scenes right before the jumpscare.
Gore Horror - I assume this is where kichikujima falls into? Typically, zombie and slasher movies fall into this one lol
Phycological Horror - what you just described :D and ngl ig the name for this one is self explanatory enough lol
I haven't met many people that actually enjoy phycological horror, what's oyasumi punpun if you don't mind me asking? I'm mildly familiar with junji ito's works, i only ever watched vids that dubbed over it tbh but is uzumaki the swirly one? Lackluster description ;; but I'm assuming that's the one, I also heard there was an anime about junji ito's work(s)? Have you seen it? If ya did, what were your thoughts on it? Ohh have you already watched neon genesis? I don't see many people talking about that anymore, what'd you think of it? Seeing your summary of your taste for manga/anime/etc., have you heard of dororo? I only ever watched the anime so I'm not sure whether you'd enjoy it or not, but it's one of the things that come to mind when I think of things that are 'depressing at their core' (/lh)
Figured they'd be under the isekai category tbh, the dif labels just confused me for a bit lol and yeah makes sense it'd depend on the story itself, blue lock is that one popular sports anime recently isn't it? Tbf it's been a hot minute since shield hero gained much media attention as it did before so I don't imagine much talk about it could've been going around lol
Very valid reasoning ngl TT always a genuine whiplash whenever you compare the male and female character designs, the 'probably do not see people of the preferred sex at all' comment both made me cackle and makes a lot of sense lol, the manga started at 1997 and since it's a 'weekly title', technically a chapter comes out every week, I assume that doesn't leave much time for socialization? I dunno but doing this for close to 3 decades, you'd think some actual body diversity or dif styling would be developed as the story progressed but- how did it seriously evolve backwards? This is biologically impossible??(/hj/lh)
I remember a review video I watched citing the author's response as basically saying the target demographic is teen boys anyways? I need to find the video but I'm definitely sure that was the gist of the first bit of his response, it's as if his made unique and customized molds for all of the male characters while using the singular body mold fkr every single one of the female characters ;; the fact he prolly just chooses not to is def a massive let down tbh :')
While scrolling down, my eyes instantly went to the pic so I went "Miles :D!" then woah second pic jumpscared me real bad lol, when you said you had an example in mind I didn't think it'd be such a good example yikes, the longer I look at the artwork the more I understand your point, it's making- a lot of sense, the "you can tell a lot about someone by the way they draw" part is true tbh, this whole bit is just giving me the icks ;;
But ahh, I'll be reading the killer in love manga now :D also very sorry for answering so late, I know it isn't compulsory or anything but really just have my sincerest apologies ;; /gen/pos
And yay alright, I'll try to switch it up sometime for variety lol, minjae, d'you have any that you prefer or prefer not to use?
I watched the outro as it's own clip and I swear the meme was scratching my brain since it seemed so familiar, I'm questioning how'd it even turn into that meme lol, did it take you a while to find out?
(may contain some grammar/spelling errors, srry abt that)
HI!!! :grin: aot spoilers and..... just walls of text under the cut i didnt answer some stuff since there really wasnt anything for me to add of worth-- i read everything though dw
you should read deadmans questions right after thus spoke rohan kishibe (which i forgot to mention is technically a prequel- i shouldve said that.. u watch it after tho cuz its only rlly fun if youve watched rohan throughout part 4 already) i think- (so between 4 and 5 as you said) i cant really... tell you without sorta ruining it so u just have to wait and see. i can say its like.. not the same person he was when she was alive (im messin up their prns on purpose. for extra concealing) and theyre kinda like trying to become happy by doing.. assasinations.. :grin:
my one piece of character death-related advice is to not expect their return in this series. like once theyre dead theyre dead basically would advise to not forward aswell- going backwards fine :grin:
yes ive watched the first naruto it didnt end on a bad note or anything, and i started shippuden and he was suddenly like fucking 16 so i put it on the backburner (for whats been... 4 years now.. i dont think ill get to it ever honestly naruto was fire though. when he would transform into that.. posessed fox form i ALWAYS had to rewind and watch the scene again. idk if its top 3 anime :grimacing: like people say but its not a bad show either (i watched it instead of reading it cuz it was Free) for characters i LOVED naruto. ofc i did hes the mc but like hes such a cool kid honestly. the kinda kid everyones friends with in primary school (apart from in show). the entire main gang was great but naruto and kakashi were my top 2 .. and gaara now that i remember him i liked him more than naruto when i watched it tbh-- he was just so angry and emo and fine ive matured past the age of calling fictional characters attractive but when i was 11 i was in love with him honestly heavily disliked sasuke. which is ironic cuz i hated him for the reason i loved gaara he was so angry and emo all the time-- but he hurt naruto with his edginess (technically gaara did too but i excuse it.) also he was just being a bit of a asshole. like anime rival esque asshole but an asshole nontheless this is getting long so i'll get to the show itself honestly. because its been so long i cant remember what i really disliked the stuff that i can remember are just dumb stuff that all older animes do i guess all the "sexy-jutsu" stuff were kinda off-putting plus jiraiya as a whole. i loved him but damn he was WEIRD i had to google what the sannin were cuz i genuinely forgot-- but i think theyre cool jiraiya is a bit icky, the blonde one (forgot her name) was pretty funny- i liked her dynamic with sakura and orochimaru i think his name was; was so cool. his entire look influenced who i am today i owe it all to him /hj
death 13 is both the episode name and the ability name of the person in that episode and- id wholeheartedly recommend subbed for jjba a LOT of the jokes only work cuz its japanese, aswell as the emotions in scenes personally i dont like dubs since i find that its usually more "colorful" in its original form (for that reason i generally cannot watch korean dubs of animes.. they just throw me off ever-so-slightly
jonathan looks better in the anime than the manga to me, but this is mainly because i dont really like anime characters with muscles as big as. uh.
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the hercules-corona borealis great wall :grin: and in the anime they werent as ginourmous its a REALLY good thing arakis art style did not stay the same for the entire series honestly picturing the later characters drawn the way the first parts were drawn is honestly whiplash-inducing
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you really cant compare the jojo artstyle with sxf (probably because of all the muscles + how "harsh" jojo's shading is, and the personality in both styles)
this is the best thing i could find ^ and honestly it looks cool as hell- the artist is really talented but with the art style i just cant envision it would be as lighthearted as sxf is it carries its own vibe to it
if youve already heard that eren dies it wont pack as hard of a punch (the punch being that THE main character died) but it will still tug on your heartstrings, if you dont know the specifics. i wont say its for mikasa, but more for everyone really eren. is honestly a result of knowing too much thats what i love about aot really.. theres no bad guys other than the big man eating monsters, but even those monsters arent truly bad everyones doing what they have to do, and thats most evident in eren once you sit down and absorb the lore its gutwrenching for remembering what i watched... i honestly have no way of tracking it. theres been a good few times i watched a show, and then realized id finished it already i probably shouldve done that, but theres no point to it now so i just use memory (which honestly shows if a show is good or not-- theres a lot of shows i immediately think of despite having watched them 3 years ago/ ex: death note, erased, jjba, and school live) (and yes thats the correct way to use the way tangents)
thats whats great about csm its not just ur average battle shounen, and its battling is second to its characters whenever i see debates abut goku vs naruto and such its just like the main thing anyone got from the series was the fights (which is fully valid) but like.. there usually isnt much character depth this is usually combatted by making the characters one character trait- something that csm flips over idk what im on about. its 11 pm and i havent slept in 2 days im so sorry if this comes off weirdly written
csm was a really short read and im so happy about that since as you said, fujimoto did what he wanted, finished, and was satisfied with it hes also working on csm part 2- which is not from denjis pov it has a whole different protagonist ive heard, and takes place somewhere else i wont be reading it, since i dont want to start anything i cant finish, but i do push you to once youve finished jojo/killer in love/ other things you feel like reading
it is really nice that yor/loidś work influenced the way they parent (esp with how yor tried to teach anya to defend herself from bullies) franky was a fun character- i liked his disguises he got from loid
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bnd is cute i dont really have anything to say about him.. the whole looking into the future thing is cool though my favorite chapter has to be the one where loid is convinced yor is upset with him so he takes her to a bunch of different places.. but she was just in pain after a mission bad explanation but you get the memo i hope
i wouldnt say ALL scenes are the exact same quality as everything ive been showing, but everything is generally *really* pretty
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^that was a generally regular scene, so thats just how the art is as a default its really beautiful (also that guy with white hair is the arata i mentioned-- he isnt bad in comparison to all the other ¨bad" characters.. hes just sorta a prick)
i honestly,,,.... shouldnt have said hoodie guy isnt as bad hes really bad but morally speaking white hair guy is even worse so he isnt as bad, but he isnt tame either, esp later on all your points are getting across just fine btw :grin:
i havent read kichijuma before, but i searched it up and it honestly looks really cool like really cool it has 24 volumes from what i read though so i dont think ill check it out
of the three you mentioned, i dont like jumpscare horror its just lazy same with gore horror if thats all there is to it i dont really enjoy horror mangas/animes much in general minus a select few, but for games im all for them (chillaś art's stuff is great) people i think don't like psychological horror because its more of a thing that gets to you (?) in contrast to with jumpscares or something, that it hits you and youre scared and thats sorta that you dont really shriek in fear over psychological horror, which is what some people look for in horror (yes uzumaki is the swirly one) oyasumi punpun,... is... about punpun and him traversing life (him and his family are drawn as birds. everyone else is drawn normally. he is human) i would usher you to check it out yourself :thumbsup:
also- i started dororo, but i never finished it i probably should tonight since i cant sleep ill tell you how i feel about it if i get to it (no promises though)
i get the one piece demographic is manga loving teenage boys but i guess its just dissapointing that he just... chooses not to put effort into his female characters
im so sorry :sob: i saw it on twitter afterwards and i immediately remembered what id said before it was the best example ever (and have fun with killer in love tell me all about how you felt about it :pray: )
i dont rlly mind any variation whatever u feel like
last but not least when i heard the outro music it took like 3 seconds for me to realize what it was afterwards my world was just flipped by its head (the typos are fien i made evern mroe) (and sorry this took me a minute i kept responding then drafting it then editing then drafting it again)
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