#/stares at Legacy
plothooksinc · 11 months
get to know your fic writer asks: 6, 7, 8, 19? :)
6. Do you have your work beta'd? How important is this to your process?
Extremely. I tend to shop for the right beta per project-- for ROTTMNT stuff (and probably 03 stuff lbr) it's @shadowbends as we share the same fondnesses and have the same horribly enabley little minds. But also when I write, a beta is very important for two things: first, they pick up on every time I use the same word three times in one sentence, can run a vibe check and suggest characterisation/pacing improvements etc. Second, they reassure me that what I have is actually worth publishing. Which...I know for the most part. But scarring memories of thinking something was good as a kid only to be told it was the most "awful thing I've ever heard" when read out mean I'll always want someone to rule out that minor paranoia. |D
7. How do you choose which POV to write from?
It depends on who has the most to say and who has the most ability to observe in a scene! And how they observe it. There's a scene I was writing from Casey's POV in NRFTW where the pacing was really off despite the urgency of what was going on (friend needed rescue elsewhere while murder attempt right here) and I eventually realised it wasn't working because Casey isn't the right person to go 'oh god/panic' about events he was at the start of and mitigated immediately-- so I switched to Splinter, who woke up to a bunch of screaming and went WTF. Instant improvement. (Sometimes, the best POV is someone who does not have all the facts and goes ??? ??? the entire time)
Sometimes POV is a very obvious choice (an entire chapter of Leo going 'injuries suck'. An entire chapter of Donnie and research.) And sometimes, I gotta admit, I go with whoever will be the funniest to hear the thoughts of. |D And for a multi-character fight scene, I tend to flitter between different POV because it helps move the pacing along and keep things frantic.
8. Do you prefer the beginning, middle, or end of a story?
Middle. The beginning is often a lot of pulling teeth, trying to get some kind of interesting introduction chugging along that will engage people until you can get to the meat of the story. The ending is... easier in some ways, hard in others, but also you're finishing up your sparkly project and that's depressing. But the middle is where the meat is, where all those scenes are that you dreamed up and can't wait to inflict on people, and the easiest to write because you don't have to worry about beginnings and ends.
19. What is the most-used tag on your ao3?
This requires research! [hold music plays]
Okay, so keep in mind that I undertag and write tags as I go and I have a lot of unfinished work.
Not including character/relationship tags, the answer is: Blood and Injury! Runner-up: Kidnapping
>_> I swear I haven't written that many kidnappings. Note that I don't deny the blood and injury.
Hurt/comfort came in third. Look, I am a simple woman with simple pleasures. (Also, most of these kidnap victims rescue themselves. It's a whole thing.)
Thank you for this hilarious chance at self-reflection because I really tallied tags and went "oh... huh. That sure is a pattern..."
Get to know your fic writer here!
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choccy-milky · 2 months
Pssssh, uhh hi. Have you drawn Amit? Love the Sebastian, but just curious.
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amit when he finds someone he can talk about astronomy with ⭐🌙✨
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bruciemilf · 1 year
Bruce's love language is handing you his kids. Yes, even the 6'5 anti hero with anger issues. Lift with your back
Bruce: Isn't he precious
Martinez, struggling to hold this human tank: y..yeah ....
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keri-mcberry · 2 months
Hello! ive always been a silent fan of your work (Lyla is just so LOVABLE! 💛 and your Seb is honestly a breath of fresh air - love soft!Seb) so ive decided to break my silence just to offer you these favorite facts i know of otters 💌🤭
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Bawww thank you so much! It’s lovely to meet you 🥹💕
When I saw your ask, I IMMEDIATELY needed to draw out the second one! It’s so adorable 😭🦦
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This is Lyla and Sebastian in their twenties! Lyla 100% holds Seb’s hand when she sleeps 💛💚
Also, imagining Lyla carrying around a “special rock” is so funny to me LMAO 💀 I will def be drawing that scenario too 😂
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aurorangen · 2 months
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The Mini Vinnys
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deathbypufferfish · 10 days
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Haru and Emi's first keg party (part one of two) 🍻🎊
In an attempt to distract himself, Haru decided to get as drunk as possible and just try to meet new people. Well, all of that got ruined once Ilya unexpectedly showed up... Haru tried to make small talk, but Ilya gave him very little to work with. He seemed more interested in staring at him awkwardly from across the room...
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myokk · 10 days
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reading interrupted 😤
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boxdstars · 5 months
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curtain call
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orbitsuns · 7 months
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citrlet · 3 months
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dittanyinbloom · 1 year
MC: Sebastian! Please stop with this dark arts nonsense. You’re scaring the baby!
Sebastian: What? You’re with child?
Ominis, appearing out of the darkness unannounced: I’m the baby you absolute twat.
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hazyange1s · 2 months
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“okay, that confirms it. you’re undoubtedly stalking me.”
“what kind of a gentleman would I be if I allowed a lady to traverse the dark woods alone?”
recreating fanfic scenes to make yourself feel better after a bad day >> (intended for readers 18+)
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rockabye-rinzler · 10 months
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looks like he caught you~
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samssims · 2 months
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Ominis Gaunt by Pasta As Avatar
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orionscelt · 1 year
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They're having a nice conversation about the best spots in the garden.
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