#Merida is promising to fix this
samssims · 5 months
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openheartfanfics · 9 months
Newly Added Fics
Dec 23 - 29, 2023  
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cutedisneygirl · 11 months
Love Online Chapter 8 Part 2
Warnings: none
 The next morning Merida woke up and saw she had a message from her dad. He had sent her two pictures.
Dad-Good morning Princess. I hope you girls had fun. I meant to send these yesterday, but I forgot. I'm getting old and my memory isn't what it use to be. Be careful and call me when you get back into NC. Love you Princess.
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Merida- Aww! Thanks dad. She is precious. I miss my girl. Hope you guys have had fun. I will call you when we land and get to the airport in NC. I am getting up now to get ready and head to the airport. Love you.
Merida got up and got ready. She got a quick shower, put in her contacts, and changed into some comfortable clothes. She didn't take time to put on make-up. She knew she was just going straight to her dads and then home. She woke up Tiffany and after she was ready the girls headed down to the lobby to the breakfast area and got breakfast. While they were eating Tiffany got on her phone.
            "What? What's wrong?"
Tiffany slid her phone towards Merida. "You need to see this."
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 "OMG! If my dad sees this, he is going to flip!"
            "Do you think Chris has seen it yet?"
            "I'm sure...." Before Merida can answer her phone rings.
            "It's Chris."
"Answer it."
Merida hits the accept button.
            "Morning Beautiful. I'm guessing your fixing to leave your hotel now."
            "Soon. Tiffany and I were just eating a quick breakfast."
"Okay, well I'm calling cause uh...I guess you saw the picture and what was said."
            "Yeah, Tiffany just showed me."
            "I'm sorry about that. I was trying to be careful."
            "It's okay Chris. It wasn't your fault. I..." Just then Merida sees her dad is buzzing in.
            "Uh...Chris can I call you back? My dad is calling me. And I better not ignore him. I'm guessing he saw the picture."
            "Oh! Yeah sure. Good luck. Call me when you can."
Merida answered.
            "Hey daddy!"
            "Princess, why in the world am I seeing your picture on the web with Chris Evan at Disneyland? And you he kissed you? What is going on?"
            "Daddy I can explain."
            "Yeah, you better! Right now!"
"Long story short, Tiff and I came to California for his premiere of Red Sea Diving resort and since we didn't get to meet him or physically talk to him, he invited me out yesterday and surprised me with the trip to Disney."
            "Wait a minute! Your whole trip was to meet him? Go to his movie premiere?"
            "Yes. He paid for everything."
            "What! Merida Marie Owens! How in the world did you even...?"
"Daddy, I can explain. But Tiff and I have to get going so we don't miss our flight. I will call you when we get to NC and then Tiff and I will come by and I will explain everything I promise."
            "Fine. I'll see you later. Love you princess."
            "Love you too daddy."
Merida hung up.
            "He sounded mad."
"He was. I told him I would tell him everything when we saw him."
            "Yeah, I heard. We better hurry so we don't miss our flight."
            "Yeah. I also need to call Chris back. I will call him on the way to the airport."
The girls ran upstairs and quickly bushed their teeth and made sure they had everything and took the elevator to the lobby and got a taxi and rode to the airport. Once they were in the taxi Merida called Chris.
            "Hey beautiful."
            "Hey Chris, sorry for cutting you off earlier."
            "It's okay. How did it go with your dad?"
"Well, he's upset, and I explained what I could but told him I would explain more when I got back to NC. Tiff and I are going by to pick up Dixie."
            "Okay well good luck with that."
            "So, are you at the airport yet?"
            "Almost. We just pulled up now."
The taxi driver pulls up to the curb. "Thanks," Merida says handing him some money. The girls get their luggage and head in. "Where are you now?"
"We are heading in now. Heading towards the check area."
            "I will call you back when we get to NC."
            "No wait. Don't hang up yet. Uh..."
Merida and Tiffany go through the check area and then run to their gate.
"Now Boarding Flight 9 A to North Carolina."
"Chris, they just called our flight! Tiffany and I need to get to our gate. We are going to miss it."
            "No, you won't. You're almost there."
            "Wait a minute, how do you know we are almost...." Then Merida looks up and sees Chris standing at the entrance to the terminal.
            "Chris...what...." She hangs up the phone.
            "Didn't think you would see me again so soon huh?"
            "No, especially not here and now."
Chris smiles. "I had to see you again and say goodbye."
            "Aww, Chris."
            Chris pulls her to him. "I'm sorry for the media. I truly am."
            "It's okay Chris. It wasn't your fault."
            "Thanks for being so understanding and not getting upset." He looks down at her.
            "Call me when you get to NC?"
"Of course."
            "Okay you better go. I'll talk to you soon." He gives her a quick kiss.
            "Bye Chris," Merida says slowly pulling away from him and heading down the terminal towards the plane. She looks back at Chris until she no longer sees him.
            The girls found their seat. Merida took the window seat once again and Tiffany took the aisle seat.
            "That was sweet of him to surprise you again by coming to say goodbye."
            "Yes, it was. He is so sweet."
            Tiffany smiles at Merida. "You are really starting to like him, aren't you?"
            "Yes, Tiff. I shouldn't...I know that he's way out of my league."
"Well, it seems like he likes you too. So, you never know what may happen."
            "Yeah, but I know I still need to be careful. Especially after that picture that was on the media today."
            "Oh, yeah. But I'm sure Chris is used to that. He has the press following him around everywhere."
            "Yeah, and I don't know how he does it? I couldn't do that."
"Well girl, I hate to tell you but if you and Chris get together you better get use to it."
            "I know."
The girls settled into their seats and Merida pulled out her book and read for the next several hours. Tiffany read a little till she fell asleep. When they landed in North Carolina it was 12:00 pm. They got their stuff and got off the plane and got their luggage then headed to Tiffany's car. After putting their stuff in they climbed in. Merida pulled out her phone. She texted Chris.
            Merida-We are in NC. Heading to my dad's now.
Chris-☺️okay. Let me know how it goes. You can call me when you get home.
Merida-Okay will do.
Merida then calls her dad and tells him they are on their way to his house. Twenty minutes later Tiffany pulls up at Merida's dads.
"Well, here we are. Are you ready for this?"
            "Not really?"
            "It will be okay. You know he loves Chris Evans."
            "He loves Captain America."
            "Well, then he will understand, it will be okay. You got this!"
            "Thanks girl."
The girls walk to the door and Merida opens the door. "Daddy! We're here!"
He walks into the room Dixie trailing behind him. She runs up to Merida. Merida squats down.
            "Hey girl! Miss me?"
Dixie licks her all over her face. Merida laughs. "I'll take that as a yes. Alright Dixie that's enough."
Merida stands up.
            "So, tell me what's going on. How in the world did you get in contact with Chris Evans?"
            "Let's sit down." Merida says walking towards the couch. They all three sit down on the couch. Dixie jumps up in Merida's lap.
Merida begins to tell her dad all that happened. How she got a like on her page from a captaindork and then how he messaged her saying how sorry he was for her loss after she lost Lady. She told him the whole story and all that happened and how they began to message each other and how Tiffany didn't think he was the real Chris Evans, that he was just scamming her. Merida told him about the video calls and how she knew he was telling the truth and then when he invited her to his premiere of Red Sea Diving Resort. She explained what happened at the premiere how they weren't able to talk to him because he kept being pulled away but then he asked her to meet him the next day.
"Chris told me he was trying to be careful. He apologized to me this morning."
            "You talked to him this morning?"
            "Yes, he called me right before you did and then he met us at the airport. He came to tell me bye."
            "So you are Chris are...?"
            "Friends right now, I guess."
"Well, princess, I think you're a little more than friends after that picture of the kiss I saw on the media."
            "Well, yeah I guess, but..."
            "Mer, show him the other pics that Chris sent you."
Merida pulled out her phone and showed her dad the pics that Chris had sent her.
            "Looks like you two had fun."
            "We did. Dad he was so sweet. He was such a gentleman."
            "Well, I guess...if things continue between you two, I want to him. I can't believe I'm saying I want to meet Chris Evans! Wow."
"Dad, it will be okay. Chris is really nice guy. Very down to earth. He is extremely easy to talk to."
            "Well, we will cross that bridge when it comes. I'm sure you guys are tired and want to get home after your trip."
            "Do you work tomorrow?"
            "Alright, Princess. Well, goodnight I love you." He says standing up.
            "I love you too daddy." Merida stands up and hugs him.
            "Come on Dixie lets go."
Merida grabs her bag off the table and her and Tiffany head out to the car. Dixie hops into the back seat. Tiffany drops her off at home. Merida and Dixie climb out. Merida grabs all their stuff.
            "I'll talk to you later girl. Thanks for the trip. It was fun."
            "Yes, it was. Thanks for going with me."
            "Welcome. Sweet dreams. Love ya."
            "Love you too. Night."
Merida opens her door and Dixie runs in. Merida puts her stuff in her room and then pulls out her phone.
           "Well, hey beautiful!"
            "Are you at home?"
            "Yes, I just got home."
            "How did the talk with your dad go?"
            "It went good. I told him everything. I even showed him the other pictures of us."
            "You did?"
             "Yes. He said..."
            "He said what?"
            Merida stayed quiet for a few minutes.
            "Merida what is it? Why are you quiet on me all of sudden? What did he say?"
"Mer...I'm going to facetime you."
Then she was getting a facetime call.
            "There's that beautiful face!"
Merida smiles. "So, what's up? Talk to me."
            "You know what. What did your dad say?"
Merida bites her lower lip.
             "Mer, I see you biting that lip. What's wrong?"
            "Nothing is wrong."
            "Then why won't you tell me? You're biting your lip which I know means your nervous. Why are you nervous?"
            Merida continued to bite her lip and sighs.
"Come on beautiful. Talk to me. You can tell me anything. You know that."
            "He said he wanted to meet you if things continue to between us."
            "Oh, well, okay sure. I'd love to meet your dad. Why was that so hard to say?"
            "I...I don't know. I guess...I mean...Chris?"
            "Yes Mer?"
            "Is..." She stops and bites her lip again.
            "God you are so cute when you do that! Beautiful, what's on your mind? What's up?"
            "I...I was just wondering if..."
            Merida continues to bite her lip and looks away from Chris. She looks at Dixie who has jumped up on the couch next her.
            "Mer., look at me."
            Merida looks back at Chris.
            "Talk to me, what's going on? What are you trying to ask me?"
            "Oh no you don't. Tell me. Please."
"Come on, it's nothing."
            "No its something. What are you worried about?"
            "I'm not really worried, its just..."
            Merida takes a deep breath. "My dad asked what we were. I said we were friends. Well then he says, I think we are a little more than friends after that kiss he saw in the pic from the media."
Chris laughs. "Well yeah."
            "Are you agreeing with him?"
            "Mer, I like you. I have liked you for some time. I think I have made that quite obvious."
Merida smiles.
            "So, your saying you..."
            Chris laughs. "Mer, I am saying I want to date you. I want us to continue to get to know each other."
Merida bites her lower lip again. "Are you asking me to..."
            Chris smiles, "I never thought we would have this conversation over facetime," Chris laughs. "Yes Mer. I am asking you to be my girlfriend. I know we just sorta met, but I feel like I've known you forever."
            "I know what you mean. I feel the same way about you and yes. I will be your girlfriend."
Chris smiles. "Good. You had me so worried there for a minute."
             "So, I know it's later there. What time is it there?" Chris asks.
            "It is 2:00 pm."
            "Okay I am three hours behind you."
            "Your still working on that movie you told me about right? Uh...I forgot what it was."
            "Knives out."
            "Yes, that's it."
            Chris laughs. "Yes, I am still working on it. I will soon be having long hours. It comes out in November so..."
            "Yeah, you will be busy I know."
"Yes, then I will have some time off. I would love to try and see you then."
            "Of course, but in the meantime, we will still talk right?"
            "Yes, definitely! We will facetime too. I love being able to see your beautiful smile."
Merida smiles and bites her lower lip.
"And see you do that!" Chris laughs. "Well, I need to get going. I am supposed to be meeting up with some friends soon."
            "Okay. Thanks Chris."
            "For what?"
            "For...being so understanding and putting up with me."
Chris laughs and smiles. "You're welcome. I probably won't talk to you again till tomorrow. I will be out late. If I get a chance I will try and send you a text."
            "Alright sounds good. Have a goodnight."
"Goodnight, my beautiful girlfriend." Chris says smiling.
            Merida smiles, "Goodnight my handsome boyfriend."
            "Night, sweet dreams."
Chris ends the call. Merida puts her phone on the coffee table and takes her suitcase to her room and unpacks it then after eating her some dinner she sits and watches some TV then after taking Dixie out she gets ready for bed and then climbs under the covers. Dixie curls up next to her.
"Dixie, I can't stop smiling! I am so happy. I never imagined this would happen to me Dix."
            Dixie looked at her. "Goodnight Dixie." Merida kissed her head then lay her head on her pillow and closed her eyes and went to sleep dreaming of Chris.
Tag list: @cevansbaby-dove @lizette50 @nicoline1998enilocin @katherineswritingsblog @cutelatinagirl
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blue-rose-soul · 3 years
Big 4 promised Neverland Au please?
I did not rewatch the show or reread the manga for this one, so please be a little forgiving if I misinterpret things from the source material. Technically I should be doing homework (shh, don't tell my teachers). Warning, this is a Promised Neverland AU, so I will include mentions of kid characters dying. Some of these characters are aged down, and none of the Big Four are older than 11.
Edit: Fixed a few typos and added a couple of things.
Merida is one of the older kids at the DunBroch Orphanage as well as being one of the top four performers in their studies. The other kids notice that their Mother seems to favor her a bit and is insistent that she study hard to maintain her perfect scores. Merida isn’t particularly interested in studying but their Mother exploits her competitive streak to keep her motivated. She is also the most physically strong and active member of their quartet. When it comes to games of chase and tag she is always the last one caught and rarely do any of the others escape her.
Along with Jack, Merida is the ‘first’ to discover the orphanage’s dark secret. When Rapunzel comes to them in a panic because a young girl who’s just been adopted left behind her stuffed unicorn, the two rebellious kids volunteer to run to the gate to return it. Merida and Jack arrive to find a truck waiting with Agnes’s corpse in the back, a flower pierced through her heart. Merida is the first to react, grabbing Jack who is still in a state of shock and hiding them both under the truck just in time to avoid being caught by the demons. She also gets them both out before the demons and their Mother - who reveals that the ‘adopted’ kids are actually being shipped out as food - can discover them hiding.
When the escape plans begin to form, Merida’s first thought is for just the four of them - her, Jack, Rapunzel, and Hiccup - to escape. She is skeptical that rescuing everybody is even possible. Ultimately, she only agrees to try to trick Jack and Rapunzel into escaping with a few of the older and stronger kids. As their plan comes together and they uncover the truth about the world they live in, Merida is shocked and horrified to learn that their House Mother is actually her biological mother, and that she has been grooming Merida to take over as a Mother herself someday in hopes of saving her child’s life.
Outside of the farm, once they begin learning to survive on their own, Merida is instrumental in keeping them alive. She takes quickly to surviving in the wilderness, finding to her surprise that a lot of the things that Mother had taught her were actually practical; how to mend damaged clothes, how to identify helpful or harmful plants, how to navigate using the stars and sun, and so on and so forth. When they eventually meet a benefactor - a demon named Sisu and an adult human woman named Raya who’d escaped her farm as a child and stayed with Sisu ever since - she is given a bow and taught to hunt. As they travel in search of a safe place away from the demons, Merida focuses primarily on protecting herself and her family, and is less concerned with the fate of the demons.
Nobody can quite seem to figure out how he of all people seems to maintain perfect scores. Rapunzel theorizes he studies so hard because likes to be able to help the younger kids with their school work. This makes sense to the others, since Jack is especially fond of the younger children and helps out the most with their care. He is the second best tag player, as he often lets himself get caught by the younger kids when they’re it, or helps them out when Merida’s it even if it means sacrificing himself so they can get away.
When he and Merida discover Agnes’s body at the gate, he is the one who struggles to keep it together. After Merida pulls him away, they only barely make it far enough from the gate to not be heard when he breaks down in tears. Out of the top four, he is the most insistent that they save everyone, including the younger kids. When they transform their games of tag into training, Jack attempts running with the younger kids in his arms because he won’t accept that they might have to leave anyone behind. He tells the others that if it comes down to it, he is willing to sacrifice himself so that everyone else can get away. Jack reasons that if one of the top ranked kids were in danger of dying right before his harvest, then their Mother would be forced to remain and try to save him, which would be the best cover for the others to escape.
When they do eventually make it out of the farm, Jack serves as the primary caretaker for the younger children in their group. He makes sure they feel safe and keeps them from becoming too scared in their journey. When they meet Sisu and Raya he learns how to set traps and move stealthily without ever being noticed even by demons with strong senses. He takes to this naturally and even frightens Sisu with how he seems to be able to become invisible when he puts his mind to it. Although he’s not quite as skilled with a bow as Merida, he becomes a formidable hunter.
While out hunting, Jack manages to catch the eye of an aristocratic demon named Kozmotis. He has Jack captured, and instead of returning him to the farm places him in an amusement park for wealthy demons who want the thrill of hunting their food. Jack is recruited into a rebellion already in the works by the children there, and with help from his friends on the outside they are able to dismantle the amusement park. Jack himself kills Kozmotis.
At the end of their journey, Jack is the one who makes the new Promise in order to save everyone, and pays the price necessary to do so.
He is the natural genius, the one none of the other kids are surprised to see is one of the four top academic performers in their family. Although he doesn’t really feel at ease looking after the younger kids, he tends to get pulled along into it anyway by Rapunzel and Jack. As much as he loves his home and family, growing up he can’t help noticing odd things about the DunBroch orphanage, such as the fact that the fence that’s supposed to keep them safe from outside threats is too small to be useful, and that certain books in their library seem to have coded messages. Despite noticing these things, he doesn’t quite believe Merida and Jack at first when they tell him the horrible truth about their home. It takes him a little while to come around to the idea, but once he does he is instrumental in planning the kids’ escape. He figures out that the coded messages in the books reveal the truth about the orphanages, and that they come from someone called Tsar Lunanoff.
After Jack volunteers to sacrifice himself, Hiccup proposes an alternate idea; that they don’t need to actually sacrifice someone, they just need Mother to think that one of them is in danger. So he comes up with the idea of creating a fake corpse and using that as a diversion while everyone escapes. He also figures out that they can safely leave the younger children behind and come back for them later, since the demons want as close to perfect brains as possible and won’t harvest the young ones for a while if all of the older kids disappear.
Shortly after they get outside the farm, their group is attacked by hunters wanting to poach the high-quality kids and Hiccup gets separated from the rest trying to lead them away. He manages to evade and trick the hunters and in the process injures one of the animal-like demons they use as hunting dogs. The poachers leave the animal for dead and Hiccup ends up taking pity on it. Hiccup decides to rescue the demon - which he notes resembles a dragon - and in the process discovers it’s at least intelligent enough to recognize that he saved it and have a concept of gratitude. By this point the rest of his group are long gone, fled from the hunters, so he and the demon - which he names Toothless due to its retractable fangs - travel together in search of them.
Unlike the others, Hiccup doesn’t have Sisu’s and Raya’s guidance to help survive. For a long time it is just him and Toothless. Most of their time is spent running and hiding, and Hiccup has to learn through trial and error. Fortunately for him, Toothless is mainly content to eat animals and fish, although occasionally they run into more human-like demons and Toothless doesn’t hesitate to eat those. During one of these encounters Hiccup receives a bad injury on his leg. The injury becomes infected and he is forced to self-amputate.
By the time Hiccup manages to reunite with the group, Jack has already been captured by the poachers. He comes up with the plan to launch a rescue from the outside while those within stage their rebellion. At this point he has grown into a considerably rougher, wilder person.
Rapunzel is the actual first person to know the orphanage’s secret because she’s known it all along. An odd quirk causes her to retain memories of when she was an infant, and although she didn’t understand what she was seeing at the time, as she grows older she was able to make sense of these memories. She has long dreamt of taking the kids and fleeing from the orphanage, but the enemy seems unbeatable. It is only when she realizes that any day could be the one where she or Merida or Jack or Hiccup are shipped out that she finds the strength to act; she knows she won’t be able to escape without their help and if she doesn’t say anything soon it would be too late to do anything at all. She realizes she doesn’t want to die trapped in a tower, without ever having tried.
She convinces Agnes to let her keep the unicorn plush as a ‘keepsake,’ then pretends that she found it after it had been accidentally left behind. When Jack and Merida tell her and Hiccup what they’d seen, she pretends to be shocked. Hiccup eventually sees through her and confronts her directly, at which point she confesses everything. Although Merida is angry with her at first, Jack forgives her instantly; after all, she’s a child being held prisoner by adults and monsters, like the rest of them, and she couldn’t even be sure they would believe her in the first place. Once they’re all on the same page, they can begin working together to escape.
Because Jack and Merida accidentally left the unicorn toy underneath the truck, the orphanage receives a new Big Sis to watch over them and try to figure out which of the children knows the farm’s secret. Gothel, the Big Sis, tries to secure her place as Mother of the best farm by undermining Elinor. Although the adults can’t say for certain who of the kids knows the secret, suspicion is automatically on the eldest four and so Gothel tries to turn them against each other. She ‘reveals’ the secret to Rapunzel and says she’ll recommend Rapunzel to become a Mother when she turns twelve if Rapunzel will agree to spy on the kids for her. Rapunzel agrees, but in reality is using the opportunity to gain information from Gothel that will help their escape.
Unfortunately, Rapunzel does not make it out of the farm alongside the rest of the escapees. The adults, growing suspicious of the eldest four, have her shipped out before her twelfth birthday. Instead of being killed and eaten, however, she is sent to a facility for experimentation so that the demons can figure out a way to create more high quality product faster. She eventually becomes a part of a resistance of humans at this other facility and after escaping, meets with Tsar Lunanoff. Upon learning why the demons have to eat humans, she wants to find a way to make it so the demons can live without ever fearing degeneration.
Other kids at the orphanage include Kiera (Angry), Catalina (Red), Edith, Margo, Sophie, Jamie, Hiro, Astrid, Heather, Fishlegs, Lewis, Miguel, Luca, Alberto, Giulia, Felicie, and Victor.
Hiro is left behind and tasked with protecting the smaller kids while the older kids search for a way to save everyone.
Lunanoff is eventually discovered and killed, at which point Rapunzel takes over as the leader of the resistance against the demon monarchy.
Rapunzel meets Eugene at the experimental facility and he becomes her right hand when she becomes the leader of the resistance. He helps her sneak in and out of the demon king’s palace.
When Rapunzel was taken from the orphanage she had long hair and when she reunites with the rest of them it is cut short.
Toothless is a specially bred hunting demon that doesn’t benefit from eating human flesh - to prevent him from devouring the escaped humans he’s supposed to capture - but has high enough intelligence to recognize that Hiccup helped him and want to return the favor.
Elinor is actually part of the resistance. The coded messages in the books didn’t slip in unnoticed, she sent for them and she made sure that Merida would have the knowledge necessary to survive outside of the farm.
However she also played the part of the strict and at times ruthless House Mother to prevent her involvement from ever being noticed.
Jack’s biological sister - only two years younger than him in this AU - was at the same farm as him, but was shipped out one year before he learned the truth of what the farm was. They had promised to meet outside after Jack got adopted.
Sisu is the ‘evil blooded’ demon who can prevent other demons from ever degenerating. Raya knows this and is determined to protect her until they can overthrow the monarchy.
E Aster Bunnymund is a former farm child who was taken and placed inside the poachers’ amusement park and managed to survive long enough to reach adulthood. He is the leader of the rebellion against the park.
Bunnymund is against bringing Jack into the rebellion at first. He doesn’t believe Jack can really be one of the farms’ top ranked children but as he becomes aware of what Jack and the other DunBroch kids are capable of he becomes unsettled by them.
Ultimately, Bunnymund dies protecting Jack and ensuring the rebellion against the poachers will succeed.
Grimmel, Tamatoa, and the Beldam are poachers at the amusement park. Only Grimmel survives the park’s destruction.
Mandrake is the king of the demons.
Zhan Tiri is the deity responsible for upholding the Promise.
Hans is one of the humans in charge of maintaining the farm system.
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prince--thomas · 2 years
Bring Back My Bonnie to Me [Part One] ~~ [Tonnie + Elinor]
In which Tom and Annie meet face to face for the first time since Levi was born...[takes place: May 23, 2022 evening]
@ugly-anastasia, @mamabear-elinor
[tw -- order stuff, manipulation, thoughts of violence/murder lol]
THOMAS: This was only Tom’s second time at the old castle in the woods and it gave him the same sense of dread and foreboding as it had the last time he’d seen it. Its parapets rose high, disappearing into the trees and a dense fog lay like a blanket over the ground. A chill ran up his spine, despite the relatively warm day. Dawn was just cresting over the horizon, but in the dense forest you could not see it. It didn’t matter to Tom anyway. It just marked his second…third? day without sleep. And another sunrise where his son was still missing. 
He had come only on behest of his aunt, with no idea why she had called for him. At the very least, he could see Merida and see if she had any updates on their situation. What they were going to do. And look at his cousin with his own two eyes and know she was alright.
He could do that. 
The knocker on the large oak door echoed and it took only moments for Elinor to open it. 
“Oh, Thomas,” she frowned, reaching up to put her hands on either side of his face. She brushed at his oily, messy curls and brushed her thumbs against the apples of his cheeks. “We are going to fix all of this, I promise.” 
Tom wanted to tell her that they couldn’t fix all of it. Unless that demon could bring back Eric from the dead. (And would Tom even want him to?) 
Instead, he just nodded mutely and allowed his aunt to pull him into the castle. “Come, sit down near the fire. You’re cold as ice.” She squeezed his hand, but he barely felt it. He let her lead him, though, as if he was just a small boy again, clinging to his mother’s skirts.
That was until he stopped in the doorway of the sitting room, his feet planted. “What--what are you doing here?” he snarled, his eyes wildly darting about the room--looking for his son. “Where is Levi? What have you done with him?”
“Thomas.” Despite his own anger and his own exhaustion, his aunt’s voice was still an effective whip, cracking over his head. 
He was breathing heavily, his fists trembling where he clenched them. 
“Let her explain.” 
“Aye, she bloody well better.” 
ANNIE: Annie was really good at the art of curating an emotional crisis. Her most recent online scandal was proof of that. She knew how to put on just enough makeup that she looked tired, but not ugly; the perfect messy bun that said “I don’t care what I look like right now, but I do still look good;” a matching lounge set that was cute and understated and, like, respectful or whatever. Annie was good at reading the room.
But Annie’s current emotional crisis was not curated. She did not have any makeup on, and her hair wasn’t in a perfect messy bun, it hung around her face in a frizzy, unbrushed mess. She was wearing the same jeans and blouse she had been wearing all day, but there was a noticeable coffee stain down the front. Annie clutched at the offending mug tightly, like it was a life raft.
Tom had been right. She had handed her day-old son over to murderers. What kind of mother did that? And what was going to happen now?
“Tom, I didn’t know,” she whispered hoarsely. “As soon as Elinor told me, I– I realized I had been wrong. She was just so… Eloise, she always knew exactly what to say. I thought I was doing the right thing for Levi by listening to her. And then…” Annie’s voice caught in her throat and she started to cry– not for the first time that day, or even that hour. “I’m sorry, Tom!”
THOMAS: “I bloody told you!” Tom bellowed, his shout echoing off the walls. All his frustration, all his fear, anger, and grief unleashed. He took a step forward.
Elinor cut in front of him, drawing Tom up short. “Thomas--”
Tom sucked in a deep breath and then turned away from angling towards Annie. He crossed to the other side of the room and began pacing back and forth, a couch and coffee table between himself and Annie on the other couch. Elinor stood in the middle of the room between them. He ran a hand through his hair. 
Then, all of the sudden he stopped short and whirled on Annie again, gripping the back of the fragile, antique wood hard enough heard it crack.
“Where is he?” he snarled, eyes hard and sharp. “Did you LEAVE HIM WITH THEM?” 
ANNIE: For Annie, tears were usually a defense mechanism. She cried when she felt backed into a corner, because she knew how to use her tears as a weapon. But she wasn’t fighting Tom. That wasn’t what this was about. 
Instead, she yelled back at him, her voice low and still thick with tears and decidedly more British. Yelling felt better than crying. It felt like she was doing something. It was practically her and Tom’s primary form of communication, wasn’t it?
“I told you, I didn’t know! Stop bloody shouting at me! You’ve got no idea what it’s like to be in my position! You think I wanted this? To find out the people who were supposed to be giving him the life he deserved are bloody psychopathic murderers?!” 
THOMAS: Tom didn’t want to stop shouting. Maybe, once upon a time, he would’ve felt bad for it. For shouting at Annie, the mother of his child, a woman. But right now he only saw her as a kidnapper. Taking his son from him. Leaving his son in the care of, as she said: psychopathic murderers. He had no sympathy for her. Her tears meant nothing to him. How many tears had Levi cried? How many more would he cry if he grew up in the clutches of the Order? 
“I told you!” he bellowed right back at her. “I told you and you didnae listen to me! I begged you but you thought you knew better, eh? Knew my family better than I did. Thought I was what? Crazy? A brute? A liar? Why? Why would--” 
“Nae, Auntie,” Tom snapped at his aunt. “She deserves this! I tried--” Tears suddenly clouded his vision “--I did everything I could.” 
Elinor reached out and gripped his shoulder with surprising strength. “I know,” she murmured to him. “I know. Fighting isn’t going to fix this. It is what they would want. You need to be strong. For Levi. For your son.” 
Tom let out a shuddering breath, bowing his head forward as he gripped the back of the couch. He sniffed once, then sucked in a deep breath and nodded. He looked back up, still glaring at Annie but when he spoke, some of the heat was gone from his voice.
“You’re gonnae help us get him back. And you are gonnae listen. And do everything that I say. Are we understood? This is not your world. It is mine.” He is my son. 
ANNIE: Annie opened her mouth to tell Tom exactly what she thought of him. That she thought he was stubborn and secretive and no, she didn’t think he was crazy, but she didn’t trust him, and that was enough to get her to listen to Eloise over him. 
(That wasn’t the whole story, of course. The whole story was that Annie didn’t really feel inclined to trust men as a baseline, and she had developed a deep aspirational obsession with Eloise over the past few months, and she felt drawn to people who validated the things she already believed about herself. Annie wasn’t self-aware enough for that part, though.)
Elinor was the one to interrupt Tom, though, and now Tom was crying, and that was what actually scared Annie. She wasn’t afraid of him. She was afraid of what he was afraid of. If his family was capable of murder, what else were they capable of? What else did Tom know?
Annie stared at Tom, wide-eyed and pale. Her hand twitched and more coffee splashed out of the cup, but she didn’t notice. 
“Why do you think I’m here, Tom? Obviously we’re getting him back,” Annie said, but her tone didn’t have the irritable, sarcastic tone she usually took with Tom when she said things like that to him. It was at once both desperate and flat. “I don’t care what I have to do. Sure. I’ll listen to you. If you know something I don’t, that’s fine. But I have information, too. Stuff you might not know. And they still trust me. So we’re gonna need to work together.”
THOMAS: Obviously we’re getting him back, Annie said, but that--meant nothing.
There was no ‘obviously’ about it. Tom would not underestimate the Order. They wanted his son. Tom had, technically, sworn his son to them. They would make good on their threats. He knew that they would. This was a dangerous situation. Not just for Levi, but for Tom--for everyone that he cared about. 
He glanced at his aunt, who was still standing at his shoulder, a hand on his arm. Her gaze was steady, but firm and he appreciated it. At least someone else here knew what the stakes were. 
“Alright: what do you know then?” Tom asked. He resented this. Working with Annie. But, at heart, he was a warrior. And it would be stupid not to take advantage of the assets he had. It didn’t mean anything. Tom wasn’t doing it for Annie. He was doing it for Levi. 
ANNIE: Annie frequently preached that anything was possible if you set your mind to it. That didn’t mean she always believed it. But it was what people liked to hear, and right now, she didn’t really want to think about what would happen if they didn’t get Levi back (because she had thought about it. She had mulled it over all day. She didn’t know all the details of why they had killed that boy, Tom’s cousin, but it meant they were dangerous and they would kill again and Levi wasn’t safe there).
So right now, she was gonna have to believe it. She was putting her whole mind to this— every last ounce of determination she had. She was even working with the last person she wanted to confront right now. It was going to be worth it. It had to be.
“There’s going to be a party. Monday night. It’s kind of a meet-the-baby welcome-to-the-family type thing. And I’m invited, obviously, and they think I’m still totally fine with, uh… him being there.” Annie stumbled a little over that part, her face reddening. There was a reason they thought that. Because, for a moment in time, Annie had been totally fine with that. “Apparently it’s at a new location, this property they just got in London. They sent me the address and all. So I think I should just, I guess, uh, go in there, get Levi, and make a run for it. Not totally foolproof, but… it’s the best plan I got.” 
THOMAS: Yeah, of course it was a new property. The Order wasn’t going to go back to their old haunts. The places that Tom, Phil, and John knew. The places they knew the weaknesses of. It would be stupid to stay there and, unfortunately for Tom, the Order was not stupid. 
Part of him wanted to pace the floor, but Tom had never been one for pacing. He was stoic and still, as the storm raged inside him. He rubbed an exhausted hand over his face, trying to blink away the tears and bleariness. His mind chewed over Annie’s words, trying to find fault with them. He was so focused on the plan itself that he almost missed the other part.
The most important part: they think I’m still totally fine with him being there.
So, she had left Levi. She had been planning on leaving him properly. The Order hadn’t taken Levi. Annie had offered him up to them on a silver platter. Tom wanted to launch himself over the couch and strangle her. But even with the righteous fury coursing through him, he was too tired. Instead, he took a deep breath and stood up straight again, but he didn’t look at Annie. He couldn’t. If he did, he’d start shouting again. 
He looked at his aunt.
“Do you think it will work?” he asked his aunt, because he knew she’d know better than him. After all, this was women’s territory. Babies and parties and things like that. His aunt had plenty of experience organizing such events. 
Elinor nodded. “If they believe she gave Levi up of her own volition and just wants to come to the party, they won’t see it as a threat. She is still his mother.”
And though that did not mean as much as a father to the Order, it still meant something. 
“Aye. Alright. But I’m going with her.” 
“Tom, no--if anyone spots you.” 
“No. I am going,” Tom snapped harshly, glaring sharply at his aunt. “I have to go.” The fire gave way to tears again as the fear squeezed his throat. 
ANNIE: Annie was inclined to side with Elinor. Because even if she realized, now, that she had been wrong about Tom, she still trusted Elinor more. Tom was the one who was angry and emotional and who was making her feel the depth of all the terrible things she didn’t want to confront about her mistake. 
But, then again… 
Annie didn’t want to go alone.
“You can’t come in, but it might help to have someone driving the car,” Annie suggested weakly. “And, uh… I mean, obviously I don’t wanna think about the worst case scenario, and I am pretty scrappy, but if it comes down to it, might be good to have someone there for backup who’s, uh…” How was she supposed to put this. “…Trained for this kind of thing?” 
THOMAS: Tom was trained for this kind of thing. 
Maybe this was what his whole life had been leading up to, in some strange, twisted way. The Order had given him the tools he needed to tear it down. To save his son. If he was someone else, maybe he would not be able to. Even another Prince. Another Prince would not have the skill he had, passed down to him through his father, nor the special time spent training--the whole Order investing in him, Phil, and John, they way they hadn’t in their peers. 
They had crafted Tom into a weapon and set him loose under false pretenses. Now, he was the banshee on the moor and he was coming for them. Something about that soothed him. He knew, objectively, that killing anyone would lead to his own death, but he was a talented soldier. He did not have to kill them in order to fight. 
Tom still did not want to look at Annie, to speak to her. He was still boiling over with fury that she would leave their son in the clutches of the Order. 
But, after a long moment, he managed to nod. Just once. “I’ll drive. You’ll go in and fetch him. If things start going wrong, text me.” He said all of this still looking at his aunt, but eventually he turned and met Annie’s gaze, his own hard as stone. 
“If he’s gone, if I lose him--” 
The threat burned up in his throat, because he did not know what he would do. Part of him felt that it might be satisfying to run Annie through with a sword, but the grief at just the thought was far too painful to even comprehend. So, instead, he just let it linger. 
“Come on,” Elinor said softly, putting her hand on Tom’s shoulder. “You both need to rest. You have a long day tomorrow…” 
ANNIE: It was what Annie was thinking, but would not say.
They weren’t going to lose him. It didn’t matter that the Harringtons had been nothing but kind and welcoming and accommodating to Annie (well, maybe sometimes they had been a little cold, which always just made Annie crave their approval all the more). According to what Elinor had said, these people were crazy evil murderers, and Annie was getting Levi out of there before any of this continued. 
Not that she was comparing Charlie to a murder cult, but if the past year had taught her anything… it was when to get the fuck out of a situation. 
So no, Annie was not going to let herself imagine what would happen if she failed. She nodded at Elinor and didn’t look at Tom, and then she went to start her skincare routine. She knew she wasn’t going to sleep much tonight. It was probably useless. Still, Annie clung to the routine.
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lihikainanea · 4 years
What are Bill and Tiger’s Valentine’s plans this year?
Ohhh baby, bullseye. Come closer, I want to tell you a secret--but you have to promise not to tell anyone else, okay?
I love Valentine’s Day.
I know, I know. It’s a stupid commercial Hallmark holiday with seemingly no other purpose other than to make single people even more alarmingly aware of their loneliness. It is silly and stupid and elitist and tacky--but I’m sorry, I just love it. I love the pink and red colour scheme. I love the cheesiness of it. I love the little Valentine’s Day cards that we used to send each other in elementary school, I love the secrecy of having a timid, anonymous Valentine, I love the chocolates, I love everything. And though I am eternally single, I have always treated Valentine’s Day as an opportunity to be incredibly sappy and to celebrate love, in all of its forms. I bake my friend small Devil’s Food chocolate cakes in the shape of a heart, I drape them in fondant and I decorate them like those tacky little candy hearts with the sayings--Be Mine, Sweetheart, etc. I overdose on cinnamon hearts. I hand deliver those tacky, heart-shaped punch out Valentine’s Day cards with sappy messages. My dad gets me a rose, every year. Sometimes I get myself a dozen roses, splurge on a little heart-shaped box of my favourite pralinés from an authentic Belgian chocolaterie. I plan an elaborate, decadent menu even though I am eternally single--I go all out. Expensive champagne. A 4-course dinner--usually lobster. A decadent dessert. And I put make up on, I put on some of my best lingerie, and I sit there with my badass self and just enjoy the euphoric feeling that an empath gets when the whole world is celebrating love.
I recognize that I am the minority.
But listen, Bill and tiger? These two sappy idiots, I swear. And maybe the thing is--the thing is, both of them are pretty gourmand, you know? I’m drunk  tired so I’m losing some of my English words, but even then I don’t think I’ve ever really found an English equivalent to “gourmand.” Foodie doesn’t quite cover it, because it’s also about the finer things. Tiger is low maintenance and not impressed by wealth, absolutely, but the way to tiger’s heart is food. And sometimes the haute gastronomie restaurants they like to try fall flat--why is everything foam? Seriously--but sometimes, it is well worth the money and both of them really love those nights. But those nights are hard to come by on Valentine’s Day. Restaurants have fixed menus, and they’re anticipating 5x the normal crowd so maybe the seating is not only crammed but it’s also timed, like you got two hours to eat and then you gotta get the fuck out. The food at even the best restaurants is mass-produced to try and save time and accommodate the unusually high rush of people, and its often 3x the price. So while both tiger and Bill love a good, extravagant meal at a restaurant--both know that Valentine’s Day is like, the WORST day to try and indulge in that. It just ain’t worth it.
So maybe they kind of do an extended Valentine’s Day. Bill will absolutely book a real nice restaurant, he’ll absolutely get his girl feeling’ herself, maybe book her a blowout and a little makeover, get her a new dress, and he’ll get dressed to the nines in his best casual suit. He’ll make sure he smells real nice, he’ll make sure the restaurant gives them a table hidden away, and he’ll make sure it lasts hours--starting with a leisurely cocktail, and then an entire tasting menu that he probably pre-arranged with the chef on special request. But he’ll do that like, WEEKS later. When it’ll really be worth it.
The night of? The night of, they do what both of them love even more: being sappy dorks, cooking together. They plan the menu ahead of time. Bill is on alcohol duty, because that way he can spend a lot on a (few) real nice bottle(s) of wine and champagne and tiger doesn’t ever have to know. Tiger is in charge of overall menu planning--a general idea of appetizers, sgroppino(god what the fuck I’m so tired that all of my first languages are coming out), a general idea of a main dish and dessert. From there, her and Bill refine it until they have actual meals--and then Bill is in charge of sourcing the ingredients. He hits up the farmer’s markets while tiger is at work. He has the lobster shipped in from PEI (Canadians--I will literally fucking fight you that PEI lobster >>>> Nova Scotia lobster, and I’m a Bluenoser. Americans--I will literally fight you that Maritime lobster >>> Maine lobster). He spends entire afternoons sniffing citrus at the stands in the market, trying to find the best blood oranges for the salad. He has the cocoa for the dessert imported from Belgium, because he’s a snob like that (he’s unapologetic--kladdkaka is nothing BUT cocoa and it needs to be the best). He somehow finds the most perfect raspberries in the dead of February. Tiger doesn’t ask questions, she just gets even more warm and fuzzy as they approach the 14th.
And tiger ain’t no bitch about it either. She gets herself a real nice second Merida-inspired lingerie set. Hell maybe she’ll even be real good to her Big Dude and don the wig the whole night too. Does Scarlet make an appearance later on that night? Maybe, but I also think maybe that is reserved for when they go out to the restaurant. Either way, Bill is treated the entire evening to his girl, cooking with him, getting giggly off good wine and champagne--all dressed in lingerie and looking like a fucking bombshell.
And that’s the night, you know? These two idiots, with some expensive champagne and wine. Some incredible food, that they cook themselves. Dessert gets abandon halfway through, because tiger is biting her bottom lip and her tatas are spilling over her corset and Bill grabs the bowl of whipped cream and slaters it on her instead of on the gooey chocolate cake. Tiger thinks that’s just a great idea, tearing his clothes off him and grabbing a handful of whipped cream, smearing it on his junk just so she can lick it off after. The dishes can wait. The actual dessert can wait. These two are drunk off of champagne and each other, and they absolutely fuck on the kitchen table, surrounded by dishes.
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disneydancepants · 3 years
Some December 2021 Sims4 Updates:
I've managed time to work on Sims stuff again lately! Even if my toddler demands I make every Sim "wear Tangled clothes and have Uma hair". Flynn Rider had an interesting look going on... Anyway, here's some updates.
- My search for Disney Pirates cc has been going *very* poorly. Not even close to enough for the lookbook I wanted to make... So I'm probably just going to release my Pirate Sims with links to the little CC I *do* have. Hopefully down the line, I'll develop talents enough to make a Hook Hand, Davy Jones parts, etc.
- I just need to finish texturing Shan Yu's outfit and release him. Eventually plan to redo him better in the future, once skills develop.
- I made Ernesto de la Cruz. Just need to find a sombrero and finish assigning his outfits. I think I can manage to texture "his" guitar too, but no promises.
- I need to learn to focus. Pick one Disney Sim and don't work on anyone else until they're finished. >.<
These are all the Sims I have partially made:
Shan Yu, Li Shang, Dr. Facilier, Maui, Maleficent, Evil Queen Grimhilde, Tiana, Lottie, Naveen, Moana, Pua, Mulan, Little Brother, Prince Phillip, Aurora, Snow White, Prince Florian, Jafar, Aladdin, Jasmine, Rajah, Abu, Cinderella, Lady Tremaine, Anastasia, Drizella, Prince Henry, Ariel, Eric, Ursula, Belle, Maurice, Beast, Gaston, Anna, Elsa, Kristoff, Sven, Prince Hans, Merida, Young MacGuffin, Lilo, Nani, Hercules, Megara, Hades, Zeus, Hera, Quasimodo, Esmeralda, Djali, Captain Phoebus, Judge Frollo, Kida, Milo Thatch, Rapunzel, Eugene, Mother Gothel, all 5 Incredibles, Frozone and Honey, Tony Rydinger, Hiro Hamada, Wasabi, Gogo, Honey Lemon, Fred, Jack Sparrow, Barbossa, Captain Hook, Tia Dalma, Davy Jones, Monkey Jack, Elena of Avalor, Sofia the First (teen version from Elena finale), Amber, James, Queen Miranda, King Roland, Kim Possible, Ron Stoppable, Dr. Drakken, Shego, Cruella De Vil, Horace and Jasper Badun, Wreck-It Ralph, Vanellope, Calhoun, Fix-It Felix Jr, Raya, Ian, Barley, Wilden, Pocahontas, Kocuom, Demona and Goliath, Ernesto de la Cruz... Feels like I'm forgetting a few.
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And that's me holding back from everybody I *WANT* to do. All of them either don't have all their clothes/accessories I want, or their face isn't quite how I want it yet...
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owlswing · 4 years
Hahaha! Guess who dropped off the face of the earth AGAIN? This guy! Well, anyways: Here is my contribution to the 2020 ROTBTD gift exchange! I swore I wouldn’t get on tumblr again until it was finished, but then life went insane.
@siodymph I am so sorry that it’s taken so long, and that this is so short, but I really hope you like it! Your very, VERY late Secret Santa!
Rapunzel bit her bottom lip, squinting at her latest painting. It wasn't that she hated it or anything, but it just seemed off. No matter how hard she tried there was just that little nagging thought in the back of her mind slowly driving her insane the longer she looked at it.
"What do you think?" She asked without looking at the others who were standing there with her, staring at the painting with tilted heads.
"Rapunzel... It's white." Jack said.
"But it's not the Right white!" Rapunzel threw her arms up in the air, turning away from the painting so she could pace across her room. "I promised Eugene's dad that I would make the perfect flag for the Moon Kingdom in honor of their reconstruction and the treaty with Corona, but it won't be perfect if I can't even use the right colors!"
"What's the difference? It's white!" Merida questioned, looking between Rapunzel and the painted canvas.
"No! This is cotton white! I need pearl white! The flowers just don't look right without it!" Rapunzel huffed, looking through all of her paints and art supplies to see if by some miracle she still had some hidden somewhere. "Moon Flowers are the designated symbol of the Moon Kingdom, and if this flag is going to fly above their castle for the next few centuries, the least I can do is make it the right shade of white! But of course I don't have anymore and I've already been to three different shops in the city; No one has it!"
"Well, you know how to make all your paints, don't you? Why don't we just get the ingredients and you can make it yourself." Hiccup suggested, and Rapunzel sighed.
"It's not that simple! This paint is made from special seashells found on a specific beach three days away from here. Gothel only ever got them for me once! Okay, well, twice! But the second time is when I asked her to go get them so I could leave the tower and I never actually got the shells so I never got to make the paint! Not to mention to boil it down and make the paint would take at least a full day . Already that's a whole week and we have to leave for the Moon Kingdom in five days!" Rapunzel stressed, part of her brain told her that if she kept biting her lip like that she was going to split it.
"That's an easy fix! With Toothless it should only take a day to get there. We'll spend the night and be back with plenty of time for you to make the paints." Hiccup said, looked over at Toothless who looked up from where he was napping at the foot of Rapunzel's bed upon hearing his name.
"Sweet! Flying Trip!" Jack pumped his fist into the air.
"It has been a while since we went adventuring." Merida grinned.
"I don't know," Rapunzel hesitated. "Normally when we try to do something like this, something happens and then we end up in some kind of trouble. Remember last time? When Hiccup had a cold?"
"It was not my fault!" Merida snapped to attention, crossing her arms over her chest.
"Never again." Jack muttered, shivering.
"I don't remember much from that one, but even if it does take a little longer than it's supposed to, Toothless and I can fly you to the Moon Kingdom to make up for time. Just tell your dad it's super important, I'm sure he'll understand." Hiccup shrugged.
"Or, don't tell him anything and if he comes looking, we stall for as long as we need." Jack offered, leaning against his staff with a playful smirk.
They all looked at each other for a few minutes, considering their options...
"WHOOHOO!" Rapunzel shouted, her hands up in the air as Toothless and Hiccup angled along an air-current, gliding across the sky in a smooth swoop.
Jack popped up next to them, floating along on his staff with his arms behind his head as her reclined backwards. Merida rode on the back of Toothless's saddle, reading the map as best she could while it flapped in the wind.
"We're almost there now!" Merida announced, glancing down below at landmarks and pathways. "There's a town just a few miles from the beach coming up. If we're lucky, they might already have the paint made there."
"We should take a rest. Toothless isn't used to carrying so many people, and it's usually better to go in on foot then to land a dragon in the middle of town." Hiccup reminded them with a wry smile, peering over the Night Fury's shoulder to look for a good landing place.
"Oh, so we're not going to strike fear into the hearts of innocent villagers today. Good to know." Jack chuckled, flipping around and grabbing his staff in one hand to look down at the earth.
"We've never tried to scare people, Jack!" Rapunzel argued.
"Speak for yourself!" He quipped and Hiccup snorted, trying to hold in a laugh. Toothless didn't bother hiding his dragon-chuckle.
"Anyways," Merida cut in, sticking her tongue out at Jack, who was rolling his eyes at her. "There's a forest down there. Plenty of space for Toothless while we go into town!"
"Sounds like a plan. Let's go, bud!" Hiccup grinned patting Toothless's shoulder.
The two moved in sync as they tilted to one side and began their descent towards the earth. Air rushed up around them, and Rapunzel's heart fluttered in her chest at the exhilaration from it all.
Within the hour, Toothless was settled by a nice rock formation that offered him a decent enough hiding place and a small clearing to stretch his limbs while the Four made their way towards the town. The town had a port, so there was more activity than in most with ships sailing in and out, goods coming and going, people traveling. Though it was small and less visited than the larger ports like Corona itself, the town was still thriving and teeming with excitement.
The crossroads before the town had a tall picket with road signs nailed into it. One way led into the town, another path led to the beach, and a third path led out to the pasture land where sheep and cattle with grazing. Right below the picket was a fairly new-looking sign in red paint: Unauthorized Collecting of Seashells is strictly Prohibited! Violators will be Arrested!
"Now what's that about?" Merida demanded, her fists on her hips.
"Looks like we need to come back tonight with Hiccup in a wig." Jack said.
"I am not going to be the distraction! You like being the center of attention so much, you go and do it!" Hiccup grumbled.
"Okay, fine! How about plan B?" Jack asked, crossing his arms over his chest.
"Plan B only works if we get caught! The whole point of this is to not get caught!" Hiccup exclaimed.
"We are not breaking the law!" Rapunzel told them. "I'm sure it's just regulation to keep people from over-harvesting the seashells. Let's go into town and see if we can find a vendor who knows more."
"Okay, but remember we can always just tell Bunny that some guy in town said the Easter Bunny's a total wuss, and that'll be plenty of distraction!" Jack grinned.
"This is why the Yeti's don't let you go anywhere in the Pole unsupervised." Merida told him as they walked towards the town.
The fast-paced bustle of the town was even more intense when one was right in the middle of it, but Rapunzel had gotten used to crowded environments from living in Corona and exploring the city, and also with her traveling with her friends. Haggling though, was a skill that she just couldn't seem to get the hang of, so when they reached the market and began looking at the different vendors and shops, Rapunzel and Jack took a step back and followed after Merida and Hiccup.
Merida had the attitude of a pauper and, much to her mother's chagrin, had spent a good portion of her childhood haggling with townspeople and sailors whether on her own or alongside her father. Hiccup, by comparison, was simply a Viking. Trading and Haggling was one of many occupational necessities and also something he was especially trained in as future Chief.
Ambling up to the different booths and extracting goods for reasonable prices, or even just information with little trouble, was something the pair had down pat. So it wasn't surprising when fifteen minutes after entering the market district, Merida returned to the group with information on where to find the Seashell vendor.
"Guy was pretty tight-lipped about it, and he said the old hag's a bit crazy, but I told him we've dealt with worse. Anyways, he said she'll be down the road, 'round the corner from the tavern." Merida explained.
"Great! Let's go see her, then!" Jack jumped up from the fountain ledge he and Rapunzel had been seated on, pulling Rapunzel to her feet beside him.
Again the Four were off to their next destination, finding themselves walking deeper into the town. The closer they got to the large storehouses by the docks, the more dreary things became. No one was about on the street, and those who were looked on with watchful, skittish eyes. Rats ran about underfoot and the seagulls perched on lamp posts looked slightly deranged.
"Are we sure this is the place?" Hiccup asked, his eyes moving over to the tavern as a man stumbled out and barfed into the gutter.
"That's what the shop handler said, but it wouldn't be a surprise if he'd lied. He was a bit seedy looking." Merida shrugged.
"Merida! I'm sure he was a very nice man! We haven't even seen the inside yet! I'm sure as soon as we cross through that door, we'll see the Seashell vendor!" Rapunzel smiled confidently, turning towards the door and tapping out a cheery tune with her fist.
The door swung open very slowly with a low creak and they all tilted their heads to see inside the crack the door caused. It was dark inside.
"Well, that's creepy." Hiccup muttered.
"Come on, guys! It's not that bad..." Rapunzel tried, tiptoing closer as she gently poked the door open with her index finger. The door gave a louder creak as it swung open further, and Rapunzel's voice wavered a bit at the sight of more dark shadows. She gave a nervous chuckle. "Okay... Well, I'm sure it'll look better from the inside."
"I'd rather not get jumped in a dark room in the back of an alley today, thank you." Hiccup said, holding his hands up in a defensive gesture.
"I might have to agree with Hicc on this one." Jack glanced between Rapunzel and Merida, looking rather hesitant.
"Oh, honestly!" Merida huffed, stomping passed them and up to the door. "Here, I've got a flare in my bag."
"Why do you have a flare?" Jack wanted to know.
"In case I have to see inside creepy dark rooms, or get lost in the woods, or want to have a party with explosives." Merida said with a smile. "But also my brothers bought some off of a foreign trader last week. I promised not to tell mom as long as they gave me a couple."
"I love your brothers!" Jack grinned.
Merida pulled out the flare and struck it against the stone wall of the building. A bright flame sparked to life and Merida held it up as she and Rapunzel stepped further into the room together. The boys quickly followed in behind, and the Four shuffled forward quietly and slowly. The flare threw strange, flickering shadows across the room, and the four friends pressed closer together as they stared at all of the figures of fanged and clawed creatures.
"Are these... Bears?!" Merida exclaimed.
"What are they made of?" Hiccup asked, squinting at the closest figurine.
There were sculptures, cutouts, carved plank art, toys, moving trinkets, clocks, plant holders, and so much more. Everything had Bears. Small bears, big bears, slim bears, big round bears. There were so many bears made out of little white...
"These are shells." Jack said.
"And this whole thing seems very famil- AHH!" Merida screamed jumping back and slamming into the other three. They all stumbled, and Rapunzel fell against a shelf, rattling everything on it, but the tall sculpture on the very top tipped over and fell to the floor, shattering with a loud clattering of a hundred different shells.
"What is going on in here?!" A new voice shouted. There were two claps, and suddenly the blinds were thrown on the curtains and several candles were lit, filling the whole room into light.
The Four looked up from where they were piled on the ground, finding themselves in the middle of a shop filled to the brim with bear-themed shell-crafts. At the very center of it all, stood a woman that had Merida's jaw dropping open.
"You!" Merida shouted, throwing a finger towards the old woman standing before her.
"Oh! Hello there, dearie! So good to see you again! I hear that spell worked out pretty well for you, hmmm?" The old Bear Witch beamed at her, with her wide eyes that blinked slightly out of sync, the same ragged-looking crow looming on her shoulder.
"YOU?!" All four of the young adventurers shouted, recognizing the old witch almost immediately from their first major calamity of a quest in Scotland.
"What are You doing here?!" Merida demanded, stomping to her feet with her arms stuck straight by her sides and her hands clenched into fists.
"Oh, oh, oh! Well, Dearie, after you bought all of my carvings, I had to set up shop elsewhere! Getting wood out in these parts isn't so easy, though. But they've got plenty of these nifty little shells laying around!" She cackled, gesturing to all her art pieces. "Course I had a bit of trouble getting around those pesky bandits who decided they owned the beach! A few cakes seemed to do the trick just fine!"
She snapped her fingers and several larger pieces flew to the sides, revealing a cage with two bears inside wearing scrappy-looking vests and hats. One of them had a gold tooth. Merida stared at them before looking back at her friends, but they seemed as speechless as her.
"Well, anyways, what can I do you for? A paper weight? A planter box? Oh! How about this lovely little wall piece I finished just the other day!" She beamed, holding up a rather tacky sea-shell image of two bears reaching for one another.
"Oh, hehehe, we, um," Rapunzel coughed a little to clear her throat and then twirled her fingers around each other as she continued. "We just came here to collect some loose shells to make some paint. We thought maybe we would have to speak with the beach owners, but I guess that's not too much of an issue now."
"Oh, not at all dearie! There's a pile in the back! Help yourself! I need to get this cage ready! I've got a circus leader coming to pick these boys up in just a few hours!" The old witch grinned and then let out a shrieking cackle.
She turned and hobbled towards the back of the shop as Merida took a large, decisive step backwards to rejoin her friends.
"Should we do something?" She whispered to them.
"I really don't want to get turned into bears." Hiccup replied.
"But it can't be right to just leave those guys as bears... Is it?" Merida nodded at the two bears that... well, they didn't look unhappy with their forms. One was napping, and the other was licking himself.
"I mean, they're bandits. Let's be honest. If we'd gotten here first, we would've argued over how it's not right for them to claim ownership of the beach, they would've disagreed, then we would've fought them, eventually win and turn them over to the police. They'd spent the better part of the rest of their lives in jail. At least like this they can spend their time in the circus. That sounds pretty fun, right?" Jack offered, his tone wavering back and forth as he tried to make it sound less terrible.
"Jack, that's terrible!" Rapunzel said.
"What? I'm just saying; she gets to enjoy her creepy witch powers, they don't go to jail, we don't get tied up in something that will lead to Another lecture from your parents and North and Eugene. This seems like a win-win situation all around." Jack tried to be reasonable.
"He does have a point! I mean, we generally do good things, but that doesn't mean our moral codes have to be perfect." Hiccup remarked, and Jack nudged Hiccup's arm with a grin.
"That's not funny!" Rapunzel retorted.
"It's a little funny. But you two have definitely spent way too much time with Snotlout and the twins." Merida amended. Rapunzel snorted and turned towards the witch, much to her friends' horror.
"Um, excuse me? Miss... Miss Witch-Carver?" Rapunzel said as politely as possible.
"Yes, dearie? Find something you like?" The witch turned, grinning enthusiastically at the thought a possible sale.
"Ahem, not exactly... I was just wondering; those two aren't going to be like that Forever... Are they?" Rapunzel cringed at the way her voice squeaked even in her own ears, and the witch raised one large eyebrow at her before cackling and waving her off.
"Oh, no! Of course not! This spell is only temporary! The circus leader owes me a pretty penny for a marvelous piece I gave to him two weeks ago. He promised to send the payment, but never did. I'm going to change these two back into blundering buffoons right before show time! That'll show that slimy circus man!" The witch grinned, and Rapunzel's arms hung at her sides. She had no idea how to respond to the old woman.
"So, what I'm hearing is, you already caught the bad guys trying to own the beach and we can go collect our own shells without the risk of becoming bears or being subject to strange witchy-revenge later down the line." Jack stated, looking back at Hiccup and Merida, who both nodded frantically.
"Aren't you a bit worried about what all of them will do after you cause such a big fiasco?" Rapunzel wondered.
"I'm a witch, dearie, not one of them is going to come around here again if they know what's good for them!" She said, whacking the cage bars with a broom to emphasize her point.
Rapunzel opened her mouth to continue, but Merida grabbed her arm and started pulling her out of the small shop as the bears growled and roared while the Witch shouted back at them angrily. Jack held the door open, and Hiccup gave a small wave.
"We'll just be going now. Thanks for all your help." He forced out a grin, but there was a grimace in his tone, and then the four quickly filed out of the shop onto the front porch, letting the door slam shut behind them.
They stood side by side there for a few moments, processing, until Jack finally broke the silence.
"Pretend that never happened?" He suggested.
"Agreed." The others immediately nodded and they hurried back up the street they had come from.
Collecting the shells from the beach and returning to a napping Toothless was a quick and easy affair. They arrived back at the castle with plenty of time for Rapunzel to make her paint and finish the flag for the Moon Kingdom, and she even convinced Eugene to talk his father into extending her invitation to include Jack, Merida, Hiccup, and Toothless. Though, that was only under the agreement that they remain with the group at all times and agree to have Cass and Varian watching them the whole time.
Rapunzel knew it was a bit of a stretch to promise that nothing happen, so she simply agreed that they wouldn't try to cause, or go looking for, any kind of trouble. Jack, Merida, and Hiccup had all agreed with varying degrees of less-than-enthusiastic, but were happy to be attending.
Later that week, when the festivities were coming to an end and Rapunzel had finally found a quiet moment alone with Eugene, he asked about what they'd gotten up to while he was away helping his father.
"I mean, knowing the four of you, I probably shouldn't be asking, but also I'm concerned because I wasn't there and Cass and Varian haven't taken a single one of my warnings seriously because they haven't Seen the sort of stuff you four get into!" Eugene was rambling a bit, and Rapunzel chuckled nervously as she rubbed her arm.
"Well... No one got arrested this time." Rapunzel offered.
"What kind of a response is that?!" Eugene blurted out, fear washing over his face.
"I mean, we may have come across a gang war between a witch and some bandits who tried taking over a small beach town and a circus leader, but we all agreed to walk away before things got weirder!" Rapunzel explained. "I think it was mostly because Hiccup and Jack didn't want to get turned into bears, and you know Merida's had her fair share of bear stories."
"Most people don't have Bear Stories." Eugene informed her with a rather dry look.
"I like to think that we're special." Rapunzel smiled, and Eugene sighed rubbing a hand down his face.
"You most definitely are." Eugene chuckled, smiling back at her. "And I'm going to go with my first instinct of 'I don't want to know'."
"That's probably for the best," Rapunzel said. "It wasn't the most eventful trip we've had anyways."
"Oh, yeah, sounds like it." Eugene agreed easily, and Rapunzel made a face at him for the sarcasm. They both laughed, but were cut off by a loud crashing noise from another room.
"IT WASN'T ME!" Jack's shout came after a few seconds of silence and Eugene sighed heavily, trudging off to find the others with Rapunzel close on his heels.
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fortitudinem · 4 years
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under the cut because it is a long post
AU – Ante Unionem ( before union, this takes place before the union of the kingdoms under King Adam and counts backwards in years ) IB – Imperium Bestia ( beast’s reign, this takes place after the union of the kingdoms and counts forwards. )
38 AU – In Olympia, The newborn Hercules is stolen from his parents by Hades’ minions who attempt to remove his power and fail, leaving him to be found and taken in by a human family.
36 AU – Moana is born in Motuni, daughter of the Chief.
33 AU – In Lone Keep, Aladdin is born and orphaned in Agrabah.
32 AU – In Northern Wei, Fa Mulan. In Paris, Quasimodo is born and  his mother killed on the steps of the cathedral by Frollo, who is then made to sponsor the boy’s upbringing within the walls of the cathedral.
31 AU – In Camelot, Arthur is born and adopted. In Agrabah, Princess Jasmine is born.
30 AU - Princess Merida is born in the Borderlands.
29 AU – In Solaria, Aurora is born to King Stephen and Queen Leah, at her christening the dark fairy Maleficent curses her to die by pricking her finger on a spindle before her sixteenth birthday as revenge for having not been invited. Aurora is betrothed to Phillip. The curse is rewritten by the Good Fairies. Aurora is taken away by the Three good Fairies to be raised as Briar Rose in the woods. In Prydain, Taran is born. In the Golden Citadel, Future Emperor Kuzco is born.
28 AU – Princess Elsa is born in Arendelle. Pocahontas is born.
27 AU – Princess Eilonwy is born in Prydain.
25 AU – Princess Rapunzel is born in Corona and kidnapped by Gothel. Princess Snow White is born in the Summerlands. Princess Anna is born in Arendelle. Ella is born in Verrelac.
23 AU – Tarzan is born and his parents take him on a ship down the coast, but it is shipwrecked and they are forced to trek into the jungle and make themselves a home in the trees. However, they are killed by a leopard named Sabor. Tarzan is found by the Gorilla Kala and taken in by her.
22 AU – Tiana is born in New Orleans.
20 AU – Hercules is revealed to be the son of Zeus and begins his training. Hades finds out and attempts to kill him and release the Titans to go and kill his brother Zeus. This also fails. Hercules gains his godly powers back but chooses to remain on the mortal plane. Hades escapes the souls and goes back to ruling the underworld. In Arendelle, Anna suffers an injury from Elsa’s powers and the trolls have to erase her memories to fix it. Elsa begins to withdraw and the sisters are kept apart. In Motunui, when a blight strikes her people Moana defies her father’s wishes for no-one to leave the reef, leaves the Kingdom and journeys to deliver the heart of the sea to Te Fiti. She succeeds at fixing the goddess and making the seas safe for all once more.
19 AU – In Camelot, Arthur removes the sword from the stone and is crowned King Arthur. Merlin bests the witch Madam Mim. In the Summerlands, King White dies, leaving his second wife, Queen Grimhilde as regent while his daughter is too young to rule.
18 AU – In Villanueve, ten year old Prince Adam receives an unwanted visitor to his castle and he sends them away, but they are revealed to be an enchantress who turns him into a beast to punish him for his selfish behaviour. He has until the even of his 21st Birthday to fall in love and make someone fall in love with him in return.
16 AU – Northern Wei is invaded by the Hun army, Fa Mulan enlists under the guise of a warrior named Ping. She buries the Hun army in an avalanche but is caught out for being a woman and sent home. Instead, she rescues the emperor.
15 AU – In Agrabah, Princess Jasmine tires of meeting suitors and never being allowed outside of the palace, so she sneaks out and meets Aladdin, who is then arrested for kidnapping her. Jafar searches for someone to get him into the Cave of Wonders to find the genie lamp and ends up using Aladdin for this purpose. Aladdin finds the lamp, but ends up taking control of the genie. He arrives at the palace as a suitor for Jasmine, having fallen in love with her. Jafar gains control of the lamp and takes over Agrabah, but is beaten by Aladdin, Jasmine and the Genie. In Prydian, Taran is put in charge of the psychic pig Hen Wen to stop the Horned King getting his hands on the Black Cauldron. He is captured but frees himself and Princess Eilonwy and eventually they destroy the cauldron. In Verrelac, Ella’s mother passes away.
14 AU – In Sherwood Forest, King Richard is away on crusade and his brother Prince John has usurped the throne and is taxing villagers relentlessly. Robin Hood steals from these taxmen and the rich to pay back the poor people who have nothing left. Prince John fails to capture Robin and his men and Richard returns to Sherwood to take back his throne from his brother. In Faraway, Princess Merida defies custom and propriety and accidentally turns her mother into a bear. This is fixed and the evil bear Mor’du is defeated.
13 AU – Aurora’s sixteenth birthday draws near; the fairies prepare to take her back to her parents once they have outmatched the curse. Aurora meets and falls in love with Phillip, unknowing that he is already her betrothed. She is taken back to the castle and found by Maleficent who spells her into pricking her finger and falling into a deep sleep. Maleficent also captures Phillip. The Good Fairies send everyone else to sleep too and then rescue Phillip, who in turn goes to wake Aurora. He slays Maleficent in her dragon form and wakes Aurora with a kiss. Aurora is returned to her parents. Alice Liddell is born in London. In Verrelac, Ella’s father marries Lady Tremaine.
12 AU – Captain Phoebus is named head of the Paris Guards. Quasimodo leaves the church for the first time ever and is proclaimed King of Fools at the festival, but the people of the city mock him and he returns to the church, disheartened. Judge Claude Frollo falls for Esmerelda and suspecting she has placed him under a spell, seeks to burn her for witchcraft. She takes sanctuary at the church and Quasimodo helps her escape, but is later fooled by Frollo into showing him where her true hiding place, the Court of Miracles is. Frollo orders Esmerelda and her people captured and killed. Phoebus helps set them free instead and Frollo is killed in the ensuing battle. Quasimodo is hailed a hero. In Verrelac, Ella’s father passes away, leaving her in the care of Lady Tremaine.
11 AU – In the Golden Citadel, Emperor Kuzco fires his advisor, Yzma, for attempting to run the country behind his back. In retaliation, she turns him into a llama and attempts to have him killed, but the attempt fails and Yzma is turned into a cat. Kuzco is returned to his human self and put back on the throne. In the Summerlands, Princess Snow White has been being raised by Queen Grimhilde, forced to work in the castle she should own. The queen is reclusive and vain and when she hears that Snow White is now considered prettier than her, she orders the girl taken into the forest and killed. Instead the huntsman simply abandons her and tells her to run. Snow White happens upon the cottage of the dwarves and soon makes friends with them. The Queen, however, is told Snow white is alive by her magic mirror and decides she needs to kill her herself with a poisoned apple. She tricks Snow White into eating the apple while she is alone and the dwarves returns to find her seemingly dead. They chase Queen Grimhilde off a cliff and lay Snow White in a coffin of glass, until Prince Heinrich-Florian arrives to bestow upon her True Love’s Kiss. She awakes and the pair unite their lands.
10 AU – In the future King George Town, Governor Radcliffe’s ship arrives from London with the intent of searching the area for gold, but there is none to be found. John Smith falls in love with Pocahontas, the daughter of the Chief of the area. When one of the Chief’s men is shot dead, John is blamed and sentenced to death. Pocahontas saves him and he, in turn, saves the life of the Chief by taking a bullet intended for him. He is shipped back to London for medical care. King Agnarr and Queen Iduna perish in the Dark Sea, leaving their daughters to rule Arendelle. However, no-one takes the throne and Arendelle is without regent.
8 AU - In Villanueve, a small town in the Kingdom of Auradon, Maurice the inventor is captured by the Beast (actually Crown Prince Adam), Belle gives her freedom to rescue him, Belle and Beast fall in love, breaking the curse and freeing Adam back into his human form.  
7 AU – In South Riding, the day before her 18th birthday, Rapunzel is accosted in her tower (where she has been living with her mother, Gothel for 18 years in order to protect her magical hair) by a stranger, a thief by the name of Flynn Ryder. She agrees to exchange his belongings for being walked to the city of Corona to see the lanterns that shine every year on her birthday. They are pursued by guards, Gothel and Flynn’s acquaintances, the Stabbington brothers all across the land until they finally reach Corona. Unfortunately, Rapunzel is returned to the care of her mother and taken back to the tower where a memory is triggered of her childhood. She reveals to Gothel that she knows she was the princess taken as a baby. Gothel attempts to imprison her, but Eugene escapes custody and scales the tower, leading to Gothel stabbing him. Rapunzel promises to go with Gothel if she is allowed to heal Eugene, but as she goes to do it, Eugene cuts her hair off, rendering it no longer magical. Gothel falls from the tower, turning to dust on the way down. Rapunzel is returned home to grateful parents. In Arendelle, Queen Elsa is coronated. A celebration is thrown where the doors to the palace are opened for the first time in three years. Elsa’s powers manifest, throwing Arendelle into a perpetual winter and she flees into the mountains. Anna goes after her and after tracking her down, is wounded and brought back to Arendelle for a cure to stop her turning to ice. Elsa is imprisoned in the castle, but escapes. A battle ensues on the frozen fjord, where Anna sacrifices herself to save Elsa, thus thawing her frozen heart. Elsa fixes the weather and takes over the Kingdom.
6 AU – In Verrelac, Ella is living under the care of her stepmother Lady Tremaine, who treats her like a servant and dubs her ‘Cinderella’. She longs to go to the ball that is being thrown for the Prince, to find him a wife, but is denied the chance. Fairy Godmother appears to her and uses magic to send her to the ball in style. Ella and Prince Christopher fall in love, but Ella has to flee the castle at midnight as the magic won’t last. She loses a glass slipper on the staircase, prompting Christopher to send men all over the kingdom looking for her. Despite interference from Lady Tremaine, the pair are united and married. Ella becomes Princess Ella. In London, Alice Liddell is spending some time outside when she spies a rabbit wearing a waistcoat and follows it into a topsy-turvey world. She almost has her head removed by the Queen of Hearts but manages to flee Wonderland back to her own home. In Corona, Rapunzel’s hair magically grows back after she comes into contact with magic black rocks (other adventures ensue).
5 AU – In Atlantica, King Triton’s youngest daughter Ariel is scheduled to make her debut. However, she misses it, sparking her father’s anger. She saves a human prince, Prince Eric of Tirulia, from drowning when his ship capsizes in a storm. When her father finds out, he destroys her prized possessions, driving Ariel into the arms of the Sea Witch Ursula, who promises to make her a human for the cost of her voice and with the caveat that she has three days to get true love’s kiss from Eric. Now human and mute, Ariel is found on the shore by Eric who takes her in and shows her the human world, but after a near miss he is spelled by Ursula into marrying her instead. Ariel fails the task of getting a kiss and turns back into a mermaid under Ursula’s power. King Triton gives himself up for Ariel, leaving Ursula with his sea-controlling sceptre. Ursula is killed when Eric spears her through the heart with a ship. Ariel and Eric are reunited and married. In the Deep Jungle, Tarzan has been raised by his Gorilla family, but they soon come under threat from a hunter named Clayton. Tarzam meets Jane and her father, interacting with another human for the first time since his parent’s deaths. He accidentally leads Clayton back to the gorilla’s home and has to save them when Clayton attempts to take them away with him. The gorilla leader Kerchak is shot and dies, naming Tarzan his successor. Clayton accidentally hangs himself on vines. Not too far away, in another jungle, Mowgli the man-cub has been raised by wolves but with the return of the man-eating tiger Shere Khan to the region they feel it is time to return him to the man village. Mowgli, not wanting to go the man village, joins instead with a bear named Baloo, but ultimately, after several near misses with snakes, monkeys and Shere Khan himself, Mowgli is returned to the man village. In a small village, a woodworker named Gepetto wishes for a puppet he created to be turned into a real boy. His wish is granted (to a degree) and Pinocchio is born, but still made from wood. After being led astray, being locked up, put on a cursed island and eaten by a whale, Pinocchio is finally turned into a real boy, instead of a wooden puppet. In Corona, after a rocky few months, Rapunzel and Cassandra battle the evil Zhan Tiri and win. Varian invents hot running water. King Adam enters into negotiations with Verrelac, Solaria, The Summerlands, North Riding, Camelot, Westerly and Tirulia, promising a new era of prosperity and safety if they would be willing to unite under his banner.
4 AU – In London, the Darling family are living in their townhouse, which is being frequented at night by Peter Pan. The children of the house, Wendy, Michael and John, are taken away by Peter to a magical cloaked island where no-one grows up called Neverland, where they fight pirates, including Pan’s nemsis, the evil captain Hook. Eventually, they return home to their parents. In Paris, Madame Bonfamille alters her will to leave everything to her cats. In response to this, her butler attempts to have them killed so he can inherit her fortune instead. Luckily, the cats survive and Edgar is sent away. In a small city, Jim Dear and his wife decide to go on vacation, leaving their baby in the care of an aunt, who mistakenly identifies their dog, Lady, as dangerous and purchases her a muzzle, prompting Lady to run away and befriend a local stray. The stray is eventually brought home with her and adopted by Jim Dear and Darling. Atlantis is discovered by Milo Thatch. In Arendelle, Queen Elsa is having strange experiences with a voice calling to her, when a series of disasters drives all the citizens out of the city of Arendelle, Elsa and Anna embark on a quest to fix the problem by journeying to an Enchanted Forest where they meet the Northuldra people and learn more about their own past. Elsa journeys further alone, to Ahtohallan, a glacial river of ice said to hold memories. There she finds out that she is the fifth elemental spirit and that their grandfather damaged the magic of the forest by building a dam and then attacked the Northuldra people, prompting the forest to close itself off. She manages to get this message to Anna before freezing solid. Anna is prompted to action by the message and uses rock giants to bring down the dam, even though it would destroy Arendelle. The spirits all agree to spare Arendelle due to her selfless and brave actions and Elsa and the Nokk turn back the tidal wave before it can destroy the city. Elsa chooses to stay in the Enchanted Forest and Anna is crowned Queen Anna of Arendelle. In Tirulia, Melody is born. The ship is attacked by Ursula’s sister Morgana who swears vengeance on the child, prompting Ariel to shut their castle off from the sea, vowing that she will not return to the mer-folk kingdom until Morgana is found. Negotiations are finalised with King Adam for the Kingdoms of Verrelac, Solaria, The Summerlands, North Riding, Camelot, Westerly and Tirulia to unite under his banner.
3 AU – In New Orleans, Tiana agrees to cater for her friend Charlotte’s party for the money to buy herself a building to turn into the restaurant of her dreams. Prince Naveen, a visiting dignitary from the nearby Maldonia, is turned into a frog by Doctor Facilier. Tiana finds that the money is not enough to buy the building and when Naveen, in frog form, asks her to kiss him to turn him back she reluctantly agrees in exchange for the money she needs. However, because she isn’t a princess, she instead also turns into a frog. Tiana and Naveen trek through the bayou to find a voodoo queen named Mama Odie to help turn them back and following her advice they journey back into the city to get Charlotte to kiss Naveen and break the spell, however they run out of time and the spell sticks until Tiana and Naveen are married as frogs, making Tiana and princess and capable of breaking the curse. Tiana sets up her dream restaurant.. In The Summerlands, Bambi’s mother is killed by a hunter. Adam enters negotiations with East Riding, South riding, Northern Wei, Lone Keep, Winter’s Keep and Apheliotia, pressuring them to join under his banner utilising the strength he has already amassed.
2 AU – In London, Roger and Anita Radcliffe’s dogs Pongo and Perdita, give birth to fifteen puppies. These puppies are dognapped by Anita’s college friend and wealthy heiress Cruella De Vil after Roger refuses to sell them to her. She intends to make a coat out of them. The puppies are saved by their parents and it is revealed Cruella also bought 84 other puppies. Pongo and Perdita take them all home with them to be cared for by Roger and Anita. In the Summerland, in the enchanted wood, the orphaned deer, Bambi, wins a courtship duel, chases hunters from his lands and is forced to outrun a forest fire. He is crowned Great Prince of the Forest by the other animals. News spreads across the kingdoms of a flying elephant named Dumbo. Negotiations are finalised with East Riding, South riding, Northern Wei, Lone Keep, Winter’s Keep and Apheliotia, bringing them all under Adam’s banner.
1 AU – In a big city, a box of kittens is left abandoned when only one remains. Oliver attempt to adjust to life on his own and instead befriends a dog named Dodger and his crew of thieving dogs, headed up by their human, Fagin. Fagin owes a lot of money to Bill Sykes, a mobster, so he encourages the dogs to attempt to steal a car. The plan goes awry and Oliver is found by a little girl, Jenny and taken in. The gang, thinking he has been captured, seek to free him and Fagin attempts to use him to get a ransom from Jenny’s rich family. However, upon seeing Jenny he has a change of heart, but Sykes won’t accept that, he kidnaps Jenny. But Jenny is rescued by the dogs and Fagin and Sykes’ car is hit by a train. Oliver goes to live with Jenny. In the countryside, a hunting dog refuses to hunt a fox, instead choosing to protect it. The Wild Kingdom, Borderlands, Farway, Schwartzvald and Olympia sign an agreement to unite under Adam’s banner, with caveats. Neverland’s cloaking magic is removed and it too is forced into the agreement with Auradon.
0 IB – Beast and Belle marry, Auradon is united under one flag with Beast proclaimed High King through popular vote, though it had already been decided. The Isle of the Lost is created, and the villains are captured or brought back from the dead to be placed in this prison.
1 IB – Auradon Preparatory school is formed, utilising an old castle to turn into a boarding school for future generations. The Recycling Act is passed, sending all the garbage from Auradon to the Isle of the Lost. Fairy Godmother is made headmistress of Auradon Prep.
3 IB – Beast declares that magic will no longer be used in Auradon where possible, that it will be phased out and that it will be replaced with technology. While not an outright ban on magic, he makes it very clear that magic is now considered dangerous and frowned upon.
4 IB – Prince Benjamin, Princess Audrey, Prince Chad are born in Auradon, along with the rest of their future classmates. On the Isle of the Lost, Mal, Jay, Evie, Uma and Harry are born. Adam passes a regulatory law on the powers of his King’s Council, taking power from them and giving himself more control.
5 IB – Jane Fae is born in Auradon. Carlos De Vil is born on the Isle of the Lost. King Adam passes a law to make his line of succession the line of succession and to eliminate the ‘vote’ aspect of becoming High King and to pave the way for Ben to become the next High King.
6 IB – King Hubert passes away. Corona and South Riding merge into one Kingdom under the control of King Frederic.
7 IB – In Tirulia, Melody is turning twelve. She sneaks out into the sea often and she ends up finding out about Atlantica and mer-folk even though Ariel has been hiding it from her. She ventures out into the sea and is taken to Morgana, who offers her a tail in exchange for Triton’s trident. Melody, not knowing who she is, finds the trident and gives it to Morgana, but upon realising her mistake, she manages to take it back and Triton encases Morgana in a block of ice and then banishes her to the Isle of the Lost.
9 IB – The last free villains are imprisoned on the Isle, marking the turning point for Auradon. It is marked with a celebration.
10 IB – On the Isle of the Lost, Queen Grimhilde is banished from society by Maleficent for failing to invite Mal to her daughter’s birthday party.
18 IB – Princess Rapunzel is made Queen of Corona by her retiring father.
19 IB – The Sidekicks Act is developed by Prince Ben, giving the workers access to rest days and adequate pay, as well as pension funds and college plans, He starts a movement towards modernisation in every home, especially ones that have previously had woodland animals to do the chores for them.
20 IB – Ben makes a proclamation giving the children from the Isle of the Lost a second chance. He brings over four such children to prove that this program works. Beast steps down as King, leaving Ben in charge. Maleficent is rendered into the form of a small lizard.
21 IB – Ben puts an embargo on travel in and out of the Isle of the Lost, except by pre-approved means. He declares any barges going into the Isle must be full of real supplies instead of garbage. Mal is named Lady Mal at Cotillion. Uma escapes the Isle and disappears into the sea, becoming a fugitive.
22 IB – The VK Day program is set up. Four new children from the Isle of the Lost are chosen to attend Auradon Prep. King Ben proposes to Lady Mal. Princess Audrey is spelled by Maleficent’s Sceptre and attempts to put all of Auradon under a sleeping curse. She is stopped by Lady Mal. At their engagement party, Lady Mal and King Ben decide to remove the barrier once and for all and pardon all the villains. Work begins on turning the Isle in a liveable habitat.
23 IB – Work is completed on a new school for the Villain Kids and a real prison for villains who fall back into their old ways.
notes: i probably need to add more to the IB sections, that is a later problem. 
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eirian-houpe · 3 years
The Pawn Shop On Main Street - Chapter 2
Fandom: Once Upon a Time (TV)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Belle/Rumplestiltskin | Mr. Gold, Mad Hatter | Jefferson & Rumplestiltskin | Mr. Gold
Characters: Belle (Once Upon a Time), Rumplestiltskin | Mr. Gold, Mad Hatter | Jefferson, Grace | Paige, Evil Queen | Regina Mills, Widow Lucas | Granny, Red Riding Hood | Ruby, Jiminy Cricket | Archie Hopper, Grumpy | Leroy, Blue Fairy | Mother Superior, Emma Swan, Prince Charming | David Nolan, Snow White | Mary Margaret Blanchard, Henry Mills (Once Upon a Time), Sneezy | Tom Clark, Merida (Once Upon a Time), Cloe, Mother Trude, Dove (Once Upon a Time)
Additional Tags: Cursed Storybrooke (Once Upon a Time), Angst, Romance, Eventual Smut, Will add more as apropriate
Summary: Gold is suddenly awakened from the curse, not by the fail-safe that he programmed into his mind, but by the unexpected presence of his long lost maid, with whom he fell in love well before Regina cast his Dark Curse, Rumplestiltskin must now find a way past Belle's disbelief and fear. She is still under the influence of the curse. With the help of his dear - his oldest - friend, Gold seeks a way past obstacles so that he can rekindle the love which he rejected back in the Dark Castle.
The story is set in the same 'verse as The Library Beneath the Clock Tower, and could be considered a sequel of sorts.
Read previous chapters on AO3
Chapter 2 - The Lock On the Door
If anyone had asked, he couldn’t have said how long he sat there, spent, a lump in the darkness like an abandoned sack of potatoes, staring over the top of the revelers and into the sky. He watched the stars move, the moon set, and the horizon darken toward dawn, and still he didn’t move, lost in memory, and the pain of memory, and the ecstasy of one sweet moment he denied himself… denied her.
Finally, as the flickering embers of the bonfire collapsed into a glowing, almost neat circle of color against the darkness, he reached out to find the handle of his cane, and hauled himself to his feet. Then, one limping step after another, made his way down to where the Cadillac was parked.
At that moment he was simply concentrating on putting one foot in front of the other to make it to the car. Then, in the car focused on the steps necessary to safely drive a vehicle such as this, the juxtaposition of his former and his current personae warring inside of him, the familiar and the unfamiliar.
One thing remained true in both worlds - Rumplestiltskin - Gold was a man of power.
By the time he pulled up onto the driveway of the pink Victorian, the maelstrom inside of him was so great that he was all but ready to take up his cane and smash anything breakable within reach. The imagined gratification of bringing the handle of his cane down on the mailbox, the trunk of the car, the rear windshield, with its melodious sound of splintering glass, the tail lights, the windows at the side…
…the soft expression that was there, barely a heartbeat, but there in Belle’s eyes. A second chance…
The desire to break things melted like ice in the midsummer sun, and Gold sat, breathing hard from the exertion of mere thought. He had gripped the steering wheel as though it were his lifeline. Slowly, he forced himself to release his grasp, and then get out of the car. He walked, with seeming infinite care, up to the house, and in through the door as soon as he had it unlocked. Then, without even waiting to see if it closed behind him, he lowered himself into a chair just inside the lounge, and put his head in his hands.
He didn’t think he had any more tears inside of him than those he’d shed with Jefferson. Yet, as he thought on Belle, on all that he’d - that they’d - lost when he sent her away from the dark castle, and on the emptiness of his life until the moment he took Belle’s hand, he wept for it all.
It was long into the morning by the time he emerged, exhausted, from his despairing self recriminations. Although there were things he knew he needed to do - even on the day after the Miner’s Day Festival - he also knew that he would not be at his best without some rest. Even a little would help. So, he slowly climbed the stairs toward his bedroom, stripped off the gold brocade jacket, which was now in need of a good dry-cleaning, peeled himself out of the rest of his finery, and fell exhausted into bed, where he dreamed, strange and knotted dreams of past and present interlaced and with a warring warp and weft.
It was a late morning by the time Gold woke, and for all that he’d had so little sleep, he felt remarkably well rested and, more importantly, clear headed. He knew exactly what he had to do, and made himself a mental checklist. He had a reputation to uphold after all.
For the first time in as long as he could remember, Gold got out of bed with a spark of hope in his heart, which he took with him to the shower, where he hummed softly to himself; a tune that his aunties used to sing when they were spinning, or better yet, baking the meat pies he loved so much. He stopped suddenly in the middle of soaping his chest and stomach. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d thought, so happily and peacefully, of his aunties. It made him wonder how long it had been since he used the memory to draw back the power of his magic. He shook his head at himself, and smiled, feeling so full of love in that moment it was almost painful, but it was not love for his aunties, it was love for Belle, who had unlocked all of the kind wonders inside of him…
…a flicker of light in an ocean of darkness…
…and for the first time in longer than memory, that thought didn’t hurt him to the core.
The first order of business for the day was a short stop at Granny’s and then on to the hardware store. It would be remiss of him not to fix the lock on the door to the library apartment, especially since he noticed it hadn’t closed properly the day before. What kind of landlord would he be if he didn’t attend to the safety of his tenants? The hopeful spring in his step had nothing to do with the possibility of seeing Miss Marchland again. Not at all.
He smiled as he passed the library and saw the sign stuck on the door declaring the public building closed for the day. That meant that Belle would be home, and he would have the opportunity to… apologize for whatever it was that had caused her to run off at the Miner’s Day Festival - and a part of him, a small part hoped that it was not because she remembered their life together and had not forgiven him for sending her away. The larger part hoped that he, his intensity as he had remembered everything, had simply spooked her, and she didn’t yet remember. That way he would have the chance to court her properly - if she would give him the time of day.
His impulse pulled at him to climb the stairs, once he had the outer door unlocked, and knock on Belle’s door, but no. He could not force his company upon her, so instead, he set to work on the lock. He tried to make sure that the action of the catch was as smooth as silk and closed first time, every time. Hadn’t he promised Belle forever?
He knew the thought was a kind of loophole. She had promised him forever, but what he had denied in the Enchanted Forest he embraced as the truth. Forever was a flow of time that looped both ways, and surrounded them both. He smiled and leaned down one more time to finish reattaching the catch-plate to the door.
He was so focused - or perhaps so lost to his surroundings - that when the sharp cry came from behind him, followed by the discordant jangle of keys hitting the sidewalk, he almost echoed it with a cry of his own surprise. He covered the slip, however, by reaching for the keys, and straightened up before he turned and found himself face to face with Belle.
“Miss Marchland,” he greeted her, using all of his self control to appear calm and collected. He gestured behind him. “I was just working on the door. Seems a little attention was necessary to ensure it closes properly.”
“Well,” he watched as she punctuated her own greeting with a deep breath, he guessed, to compose herself in kind. “Thank you, Mister Gold. I appreciate it.”
The slight pink already creeping into her cheek was delightful, alluring, and he couldn’t help but tease gently as he said, “Well, we can’t have just anyone walking up to the apartment without invitation, now, can we?” He raised an eyebrow and was more delighted than he had been in many a long year when she returned the gesture. In another life, he might have thought she was flirting with him, but there, he dare not hope for it.
“No indeed. There’s no telling in what state they might discover me,” she said, and the pink in her cheek deepened to flush of red. It warmed him deep within.
Ever the gentleman, however, he did not want to cause her discomfort or embarrassment. “Don’t worry,” he said, “I’ll be out of your hair before too long.”
He was about to turn back to be sure he had indeed finished when she completely derailed his attention by snapping, “Why didn’t you tell me what was happening with Paige?”
“I beg your pardon?”
“Paige,” she began, then added, “Grace,” and his heart lurched with an almost painful hope. Did she remember, then? “The girl that helps me in the library.”
“Yes,” he said, his heart sinking when he realized that she was simply using the girl’s cursed surname. “I know the girl to whom you refer. However, I fail to see what I should have told yo—”
“Oh, drop it, Gold! You knew, and you said nothing!” The fire in her eyes brought back the painful memories of the last time he had seen it, and he almost stepped towards her; almost moved to protest his innocence, and tell her how wrong she was. Her next words snapped him from the memory of it, and he closed his mouth on the words that were about to reach out to her. “That poor girl has been… maid and… nurse, and… who knows what else besides. I could have done something, could have helped. Instead you pretended there was nothing wrong, and let it all continue. And for what!”
“Be… very careful, Miss Marchland,” he rumbled, part in annoyance at her challenge, but the greater part in warning for fear of what she might stir up, should Regina decide to oppose her right-hearted desire to help poor Grace. “You know very little of which you speak, and none of the harm your interference could—”
“Interference?” He winced at the incredulity he heard in the tone and pitch of her voice. “Only you could think of offering help as interference. You are unbelievable, you know that?”
“No, Miss Marchland,” he said, trying, by his words, to convey the meaning of his warning, without openly making accusations in the street. “I am a man that simply knows how, and when to best take sides.”
“Take sides?” He frowned as she threw up her hands, and the pitch of her voice grew higher yet. “This is a child’s life we’re talking about, not some meaningless argument about… parking restrictions on Main Street.”
“Indeed,” he said and nodded his agreement. “Which is exactly why I have acted as I have.”
“Done nothing, you mean,” she spat. “At least you didn’t try to deny you knew what’s going on. At least I’ll give you that.” 
He said nothing to counter that accusation either, and she made a sound of derision, before she stepped forward, obviously meaning to push past him as she finished curtly, “Excuse me, I have cleaning to do.”
He caught her elbow as she did, and stepped in closer to her as he held her against the open door. For just a moment at least, his eyes met and held hers in an uncompromising stare as he repeated a warning, his mouth almost against her ear.
“Everything comes with a price, Miss Marchland, so you need to be very sure how much you’re willing to pay.”
She held his gaze still longer, as if searching for something within his eyes, and he held his breath, willing her to find what she sought. After only a moment though, her face clouded with anger and she snatched her arm out of his grasp, pushed past him and left him watching after her as she mounted the stairs toward the apartment.
With a sigh, and no further excuse to loiter at the door, he closed it softly, and hanging his head, began to walk away. She was right, of course. Even before he awakened, he knew what was happening to Paige - to Grace - and who was behind it, of course. As much as he opposed Regina and her hold on the town of Storybrooke, as much as he had always stood in opposition to her, he never did anything to help that child, who now turned out to be the daughter of his oldest, dearest friend. He felt ashamed, and it was an uncomfortable feeling. He should have acted.
He continued walking toward the pawn shop, and pulled out his cell phone as he went, dialing the number that he knew by heart, but only now knew that the man he’d known as a friend for all this time, had been in his heart for so much longer.
The sound of his name, his true name on Jefferson’s lips, even through the artificial sound of the phone, brought a smile to his face, though it was a sorrowful one as he thought about all that he and Jefferson had shared.
“Can…” he cleared throat as his voice cracked a little, “Can you meet me at the shop? There’s something I’d like to discuss.”
He could almost hear the hesitant frown on the other man’s face as he answered, “All right, I’ll… head that way.”
“Thank you,” Gold said quietly, “And Jefferson—”
“I’ll see you in a little while,” Jefferson cut him off, and disconnected the call before he could say any more.
He spent the intervening time between then, and when the bell above the door sounded to announce his friend’s arrival, cleaning and polishing every item in one of the glass display-cases. He was agitated, and even that mundane task did little to quell his nervous energy.
“I think you missed a spot,” Jefferson raised a cheeky eyebrow, and made a pantomime of polishing the top of the case with the sleeve of his coat.
“Funny,” Gold answered dryly, making Jefferson chuckle.
“What’s so important,” he asked as the chuckled failed, “that you had to drag me all the way into town.”
“An… apology,” Gold answered, hesitation drawing out the words, and making Jefferson frown.
“There’s nothing—” Jefferson began, but Gold interrupted.
“Grace,” he said. “I should have—”
Jefferson shook his head, and craved softly, “Don’t. There was nothing you could have done. Regina—”
“I should have done something.”
“And what!” Jefferson asked, beginning to pace in agitation of his own. “She would never have let you interfere with whatever reason she has to punish me.” Gold’s heart broke as Jefferson swung round to face him, stopping dead as if he hadn’t been pacing at all, and ran his hand through his hair, leaving the front even more mussed than usual. He let out a huff then. “She has no reason to punish me… save perhaps spite. She had already separated me from my daughter. Trapped me in Wonderland, where—”
He stopped suddenly, as if whatever he had to say was some great shame, and Gold stepped toward him, took a tentative hold on his arms.
“Where?” he prompted, his tone tender, full of the worry he had for the man, but Jefferson shook his head.
“I can’t,” he whispered. “I can’t.”
“No one blames you, Jefferson,” Gold told him, his voice low, soft, compassionate.
“They should!” The Hatter suddenly cried, throwing up his arms and breaking Gold’s hold on them. He paced away again, then swung an accusatory glare his way. “She begged me - pleaded with me - not to go, but no… my arrogance, my certainty that one. Last. Job…” a sob that became a shiver, then a tremor that shook his body. “If I had listened. If I had stayed,” he continued in a whisper, “Grace would still have a mother. We’d still be a family. She wouldn’t be trapped, living a hell, with a withered hag as a jailer.”
Gold knew Jefferson was referring, not to Cloe Grace, but to Mother Trude, the ‘neighbor’ supposedly looking out for Grace, where the woman the curse had cast as her mother could not.
“I can fix this,” he whispered.
“No!” Jefferson cried, snatching at him and hauling him close as if to shake him like a rag doll. “Rumplestiltskin, No!”
“You can have her back. Your Grace.”
“She doesn’t know me!” Jefferson released Gold, and unbalanced he teetered back until Jefferson steadied him, but then The Hatter threw up his arms again. “Not as her father. As far as she knows, her papa was taken away when she was small. Ripped away from her by the authorities for gods know what!”
“Jefferson…” he tried to interrupt the man’s agonized tirade.
“That’s her reality. All she’s ever known in this world.”
“It doesn’t have to be,” Gold said softly, when Jefferson’s anguish burned itself out. “Nor in the way she has to live now.”
“You think Regina wouldn’t find some way to torment her to punish me if anything about the life she inflicted on Grace changed? Especially if she knew you were involved… even if she doesn’t know you’re awake?”
Gold shook his head, but couldn’t find the words to disarm Jefferson’s justifiable fears.
“And if she finds out!?” Jefferson’s agitation rose again, and he filled the space around him with desperate gestures. “No… Rumplestiltskin, no. I… I can’t… I…”
Through Jefferson’s flailing, and over his shoulder, Gold saw the shadow of a figure moving past the front of the shop, pausing for a moment by the door as if the person would come inside. No one did, but Gold had recognized the figure none-the-less. He would know her anywhere.
“It may now be out of either of our hands,” he said, and watched as Jefferson turned in time to see the shadow move away from the door.
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modern!xicheng au
 okay guys but give me social worker!jiang cheng and CEO!Lan Xichen.
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Jiang Cheng decides to leave his family business to who his father wants, being Wei Wuxian, (his mother’s bitter, his sister’s worried, his brother feels guilty and his father realises what he has just done. So JC leaves the family home and studies his ass off, he will work with children and make sure they get the happiness they deserve). 
-Now we see Jiang Cheng studying psychology, but specialising in children psychology. (yeah give me social worker!jiang cheng) he lands social worker with five children or wards to look out for, basically fostering them from home to home
-five kids being (xue yang, mo xuanyu, wen sizhui, lan jingyi and jin ling) all these kids make his job harder and harder especially xue yang. But Jiang Cheng won’t let them get the best of him, he knows exactly how it feels to not be enough and he won’t let them down
-he’s strict and grumpy, but he takes care of them regardless, slowly but surely the kids all grow attached to him in some way, (the three youngest treating him like an uncle) and the two oldest (treating him like an older brother). JC realises that he loves all five of them, and now seems even more happier than usual. (Though sometimes they’ll nearly set the kitchen on fire again, and he’ll rethink his statement but not alot just sometimes)
-whenever he goes back home, his siblings tread lightly on the topic of business and he just dead stares at his parents and states ‘i am a social worker taking care of five wards and i love it’ his mother disappointed and his father trying to convince him to come back he says ‘no’ and leaves but now his siblings want to be apart of his job, WWX even states he can hold a fundraiser at his company for the orphanage, Yanli promises to cook and he nearly cries but then he’s being hugged and it feels so good.
-JC being the bestest adult figure in their life and the kids realising he can’t be single and he deserves somebody. Cue Xue Yang’s ‘Get the angry grape a husband or wife’.
-Jin Ling bonds with Yanli over what JC likes and Yanli being all motherly towards the ten year old, Zixuan teaching Jin Ling all about archery (cuz the kid loves Merida and he falls in love with how caring Yanli is with this child)
-Sizhui and Jingyi talking with Wei Ying who automatically makes a mental note to look into adoption forms immediately, Wangji gives the kids their own set of Lan ribbons (not tell Wei Ying who would want photos of the matching ribbons)
-mo xuanyu asking madame yu and jiang fengmian about stories in regards to JC’s childhood. Madame Yu and Jiang Fengmian mending their relationship talking about how much they loved BBY!JC. Xuanyu being happy at the stories.
-xue yang being a lil shit and song lan realising these kids that his good friend took care of aren’t too bad (and maybe he fathers xue yang too much but his husband, xingchen mothers the child just as much)
-cue LXC hearing about the fundraiser and showing up and meeting the mysterious jiang who forsaked his father’s company and started his own firm for social working. 
-Xichen falling in love with how Jiang Cheng ignores everyone but the children, and loving the smile on the usually grumpy man’s face. Wangji asking his brother whether he was alright and he just nods.
-JC bumps into LXC when the kids run over his foot, as he is chasing them ‘Jin Ling you put that knife down before i break your legs-I am so sorry’ and LXC would have them continuously run over his foot if it meant this lavender angel kept talking to him.
-cue Xicheng feels, clueless!JC and suitor!LXC (who the kids automatically help pursue their uncle/brother JC. Added help from Wangxian and Xuanli). And it isn’t until a year later that JC realised he’s dating LXC cue slight mental break down and he runs away to Lotus Pier for a week or two, the kids get worried and WWX tells LXC to ‘go get your future husband, i’ll stay with the kids’ but the kids manage to sneak off with LXC bcuz lets face it, they love Uncle/Brother!JC they are seeing this through goddamnit.
-JC makes too much food on the fifth night and he sighs knowing he should go back and as he’s packing it up, the kids walk in like they are at home, with LXC waiting outside as Xue Yang states ‘u need to fix ur relationship, we spent too much time setting you two up honestly’ JC blinks at them as they shove him out the door.
-JC stares at LXC who looks at him sheepish and slightly worried, JC takes him down to the lake and feelings are confessed and tears shed before JC is in LXC’s lap kissing him until they need to breathe. Kids come racing out and tackle the couple happily.
 Xue Yang is the first to get adopted basically by SongXiao, who Xingchen already loves him like his own, and JC tells him this and he starts to cry and JC’s hugging him before Song Lan comes over with Xingchen and take him away. JC just ruffles his hair before leaving to hide away in LXC’s arms. He’s not crying. He’s happy.
Yanli is next already having a room ready for Jin Ling, her husband Zinxuan by her side, already holding Jin Lings back pack both waiting on Jin Ling to realise whats happening as Jin Ling rushes over to them happily. All three crying happily before he runs back and hugs JC who is now being held by LXC as he waves them off.
Lan Jingyi and Lan Sizhui already know they are being adopted as they had overheard Wei Ying tell Wangji that he’s already gotten the approval of the adoption (with help from JC) who gets the biggest hugs from the twins before they rush off towards their fathers.
All that’s left is Mo Xuanyu who pouts, before LXC suprises him and states they should go home and Mo thinks he has to stay at the orphanage and JC chuckles but he’s teary eyed stating ‘we’re all going home a-xuan’ and the boy crumples immedaitely before being pulling into his dads hugs, LXC holding his small family and JC hiding his tears in his son’s shoulder.
-Madame Yu and Jiang Fengmian had fallen in love with all the children, after hearing all the amazing feats that JC had done for these kids, they are proud of them (pluls they have five grandchildren now, forget Madame Jin and her brood, but all five are spoilt by the elderly couple, especially the three youngest).
-LXC & JC’s wedding is small and held at Lotus Pier, with close friends and family, but you are right those five kids are all flower children and ring bearers and wwx paid for it and yanli helped cater and JC is just really happy with his life and his son and his husband and he kisses LXC before the vows end and everyone laughs but both of the men are crying and it’s beautiful and yeah...
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mericcuplooks · 4 years
mericcup month day 19 – iceland
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“This would probably be pretty good for a saddle,” Hiccup murmurs as he inspects the leather in his hands. “Not as sturdy as I’d like, but it’ll work.”
“Good enough fer me,” Merida responds absentmindedly.
She’s browsing the jewelry at the blacksmiths stall while Hiccup tries to find materials to work with. Merida isn’t exactly a jewelry person, but she finds the different pendants in the stall fascinating. They’re all different Viking symbols. She has no idea what any of them mean, but they’re beautiful. She’s thinking of getting one of them. Maybe the one with the X symbol.
“We’re gonna need leather strips too. A lot of them.”
The blacksmith doesn’t seem too happy with Hiccup. Probably because Hiccup is obviously buying things to make something himself, instead of commissioning it. Not so strange, since the blacksmith can’t charge as much for raw materials.
Hiccup had decided on a whim the night before that he would make a new saddle for Toothless, so that both him and Merida can fit more comfortably. She appreciates it, but thinks it’s a bit unmercenary. Though she has a feeling this is more about Hiccup wanting to make something in general, since he hasn’t been able to since before he left Berk. And that was quite long ago now. It feels like a lifetime ago since they left DunBroch, she can’t imagine what it’s like for him.
At least Iceland is nice.
They’ve been here for the past three weeks. It’s the longest they’ve been in one place since being on the run. It’s been good. Cold, but good. And being around so many Vikings when visiting the villages has been a lot of fun. Merida has absolutely fallen in love with their culture.
“Okay, I think that’s everything,” Hiccup says as he places the last leather strip in the pile. “Did you want anything Mer?”
“Maybe this one,” she points to the pendant with the X and Hiccup comes closer to look at it.
“Oh, that’s Gifu, the rune for gifts,” he says, before going uncharacteristically still. “It’s also a protection symbol, for homes.”
Merida frowns. Home. She misses having a home.
She picks up the pendant, and strokes the symbol with her thumb. Iceland isn’t ideal, but maybe it’s good enough.
“What if we stay here?” she blurts out.
Hiccups eyes are wide, and his mouth is hanging open. It looks rather funny.
“We could stay,” she continues. “We haven’t been recognized in three weeks. It feels safe.”
“Yeah… Yeah, it does!”
They smile widely together, almost laughing of giddiness. They could have a home again.
And then…
“Is that Stoick the Vast’s son?!” “The Berkian?” “That’s the princess he kidnapped!” “Where’s his dragon?” “They will fetch one hefty price!”
The shouts blend together, and in seconds they have Vikings running at them from all directions.
“Time to go!”
Merida drops the pendant and starts running. Hiccup picks up his pile of leather and manages to throw a few coins in the blacksmiths general direction before he follows.
They just barely make it back to Toothless and into the air before the mass of Vikings catch up to them.
Once they’re far enough away to relax again, Merida looks back at the landmass behind them. So much for a new home.
“Hey,” Hiccup says.
He turns around completely, so that he faces Merida, and holds out his hand. In it, lies the pendant.
“We will find a place where we can stay. I promise.”
His eyes are so earnest, his voice so genuine. Merida loves him.
She places her hand on top of the pendant, so that she’s holding onto both it and his hand, and she leans forward to kiss him.
“I know.”
He smiles.
It doesn’t fix everything, but it helps.
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cutedisneygirl · 1 year
Love Online Chapter 7 Part 1
I am having to divide this chapter up because when I try and copy it from wattpad it won't let me put the whole chapter its too long with the pictures.
The next few weeks go by. Chris and Merida talk everyday. She continues to post pictures of Dixie on Instagram and Chris likes everyone, from both accounts. He comments every once in a while with his fake account. The week Merida is leaving she only works Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Everyday she and Chris messaged during nap time. On Wednesday she had just posted a picture of Dixie on her Instagram. Disneydoggrl83 ❤️ Dixie was laying in my lap like this last night as I was watching TV. She is just cute! I love her!
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Like by ChrisEvans
Liked.  Captaindork-liked��Cute! I love how her ears stick out! 😂 ☺️
Captaindork-Hey beautiful! One more day!
Disneydoggrl83 ❤️ Yes! I am excited but nervous too. I am off tomorrow.
Captaindork-No reason be nervous 😊 And that's great! I wish I was, but I will be busy 😢
Disneydoggrl83 ❤️ Aww, understand. I'm sure you do stay busy. Are you working on a new film?
Captaindork-Maybe 😉
Disneydoggrl83 ❤️ Oh, you can't say huh?
Captaindork-not really. But I'll tell you, just don't tell anyone. It's coming out in November
Disneydoggrl83 ❤️ I won't tell a soul. Promise. Your secret is safe with me.
Captaindork-😊 It's called Knives Out
Disneydoggrl83 ❤️ Sounds interesting
Captaindork-It is. It's a different kind of character for me. You will see, when you see it.😊
Disneydoggrl83 ❤️ I look forward to seeing it. 😊
Captaindork-well I need to go. I'll talk to you tonight.😊
Disneydoggrl83 ❤️ Okay talk to you then. Have a good rest of your day
Captaindork-Thanks you too. 😚
Disneydoggrl83 ❤️ 😊
Merida gets her kids up from their nap and after changing their diapers and giving them snack she sits and plays with them. While she is glad to be off for three days, she knows she will miss them. They are her babies, and she loves them like they are her own. That evening when she gets home Dixie greets her at her door.
            "Hey girl! Are you ready to go out?"
Dixie barks at her.
            "Alright, let me put my stuff down hang on."
Merida puts her stuff in her room, Dixie follows her.
            "Alright, let's go."
Merida grabs her leash, and they head outside. Merida has just stepped outside and is walking Dixie down the sidewalk when her phone goes off.
            Captaindork-Hey beautiful! Hope you've had a great day!
Merida smiles. She loves how he calls her beautiful.
            Disneydoggrl83 ❤️ Hey! I did. I am taking Dixie for a walk right now.
            Captaindork-I am fixing to take Dodger for a walk. We can go on a walk together 😊
            Disneydoggrl83 ❤️ That would be great. I wish we could.
            Captaindork-We can 😊
            Disneydoggrl83 ❤️ How? I'm in NC and your in Boston?
            Captaindork-Lol we can video chat as we walk them, then its almost like we are walking them together. 😊 And yes I'm in Boston at the moment.
            Disneydoggrl83 ❤️ Oh 😊 sure
Then Captaindork video called her.
            "Hey beautiful. So, we are now walking our dogs together."
Merida smiles.
            "We are."
            "So, how was the rest of your day?"
            "It was good. It was a little hard today."
            "Why is that?"
            "Because it was my last day until Tuesday. I will miss my kids."
            "Oh, aww."
            "They are like my own kids. I love them. I miss them when I'm not with them."
            "That's sweet. I bet your kids just love you and you're the best teacher." He grins.
            "Aww, thanks. Yes, they do and I guess I am."
            "From all you have told me, you seem like such a great teacher and your kids sound sweet. I know your great at your job! I just know you will make a wonderful mother one day."
Merida smiles. "Thanks. If I ever have kids."
            "Why do you say that? Do you want kids?"
            "Of course, I do. I would love to have kids. But..."
            Merida is quiet for a few minutes.
            "Merida, what is it?"
            Merida stays quiet and bites her lower lip.
            "Merida. What is it? Please talk to me."
            Merida continues to bite her lower lip, then she takes a deep breath and says, "I might not be able to have kids."
            Chris is quiet for a few minutes then he finally says.
            "Why do you say that?"
            "I was told about a year ago that there is a possibility I won't be able to have children of my own. I cried for weeks after I was told that."
            "Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. Maybe the doctors are wrong since they did say it was only a possibility."
            "Yeah, I pray they are, but I'm not getting my hopes up."
They are both quiet for several minutes. Chris doesn't know what to say. He knows he is falling for Merida and to hear that she might not be able to have kids hurts.
            "I actually do have a doctor's appointment when I get back. A check up so maybe I will hear some good news."
            "Maybe you will." Chris smiles.
            "Yeah. So, on a happier note. I plan to start packing tonight. What will the weather be like? What kind of clothes do I need to pack?"
            "Well, it probably will be a little hot so I would pack accordingly."
            "Okay will do."
            "So what time are you planning on getting up Friday morning?"
            "Well since my flight leaves at 8 am I guess about 5 am so we can leave the house around 6:30 or 7. It takes about fifteen minutes to get the airport from my house."
            "Okay. I will be up at that time. I can always give you a wake-up call." He grins.
Merida laughs.
            "Sure. I will be grouchy though. I am not a morning person."
Chris laughs. "Okay I will be sure to be nice and not yell at you."
            "Thanks." Merida smiles.
Just then Merida is being pulled and drug. "Dixie! Stop!"
            Dixie keeps pulling Merida and pulls her down the sidewalk.
            "Dixie stop!"
            "What's going on?" Chris asks.
            "Dixie has taken off running pulling me. I am still working on training her on a leash. I can't get her to stop."
            "Pull back on the leash."
            "I don't want to hurt her."
            "You won't. Just pull back just a little bit. And tell her to stop."
Merida does what Chris tells her and pulls back on the leash a little and says, "Dixie stop!"
But Dixie doesn't stop and keeps dragging her down the sidewalk. "Chris, it's not working! She won't stop!"
Chris laughs. "I wish I was there to see this."
            "Why are you laughing? It's not funny. She is pulling me fast down the sidewalk!"
            "I'm sorry. I can't help it. I can just picture it and I can't help it." He says continuing to smile and laugh a little. "Okay, try again. Pull back on the leash a little lower down so she feels it and tell her stop, sternly."
Merida does as Chris tells her. She pulls back on her leash a little lower down. "Dixie, stop!"
Dixie finally comes to stop and sits down on the sidewalk. Merida is out of breath. She squats down in front of Dixie.
            "Do I fuss at her? I have never have before."
            "A little. She needs to know she doesn't do that. I have had to fuss at Dodger at times, even though I don't want to."
Merida looks at Dixie, "Dixie bad girl!" Dixie lays her head down on the ground and puts a paw over her nose and eyes.
            "Aww Chris, I want to cry."
            "Why? What's wrong."
            "She is pouting. She has her head down and has her paw over her nose and eyes." Merida moves her phone so she is holding it so Chris can see Dixie.
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            "Aww. That's cute. Dodger did that once when I got mad at him."
            "I didn't like fussing at her. I feel bad now."
            "It's okay. Sometimes you have to. It's part of training her. She is still a puppy, so she has to learn."
            "So, who is keeping her when your gone?"
            "My dad. It took some convincing at first, but I begged and pleaded and gave him my sad face and he finally agreed."
Chris laughed. "Are you a daddy's girl?"
            "Yep! I'm his only daughter, well only child. He's my best friend. We are really close."
            "Aww. So, can I ask something?"
Merida stood up and took hold of Dixie's leash and started walking her again, heading back to her house.
            "You said dad. Is it just your dad?"
            "Yes. My mom died giving birth to me."
            "Oh, I'm sorry."
Merida arrived back home and opened her door.
            "It's okay I have heard lots of stories about her from my dad. She was a beautiful woman, who I know was a good person and had always wanted a daughter. She saw me briefly before she died."
            "Aww. I'm sure it was hard on your dad raising you on his own."
            "A little. He says after my mom died; he had a hard time but that I was the light of his life. That I was a piece of her and that I look so much like her. He calls me his princess."
            "Aww, Merida you're going to make me cry."
            "Don't cry on me. I couldn't take it. If you cry you will make me cry."
Chris laughs. "Well, I need to go. Scott is coming over for dinner and I need to get ready."
            "Alright. I'll talk to you later?"
            "Definitely! I will try to message you before I head to bed. I don't know what time that will be. Scott is staying over and sometimes we are up late."
            "Sure, no problem. I will probably be up late."
            "Alright. I'll talk to you later then. See ya."
Chris ends the video call.
            Merida feeds Dixie then grabs her something to eat then sits on the couch and flips through Netflix. She sees Nanny Dairies. Dixie finishes eating then comes and jumps up on the couch and lays down beside her.
            "What do you think Dixie? Should we watch this? This is one of Chris's early movies. He is so cute in this."
Dixie barks.
            "I'll take that as a yes."
Merida hits play and watches Nanny Dairies and eats her dinner. She hears her phone go off.
Captaindork-Dodger says hi.       
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Disneydoggrl83 ❤️ Aww. Hi Dodger. Dixie says Hi.
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            Captaindork-Aww cute.
            Disneydoggrl83 ❤️ We are watching a great movie together😉
            Captaindork-Oh? What are you watching?
            Disneydoggrl83 ❤️ Well it's got this great guy in it who is known as Harvard hottie.
            Captaindork-LOL you're not watching Nanny Dairies, are you?😉
            Disneydoggrl83 ❤️ Yep! I love this movie! Your cute.
            Captaindork-lol, thanks. I was such a dork back then.
            Disneydoggrl83 ❤️ no you weren't. This one of my favorite movies of yours.
            Disneydoggrl83❤️ yes really. I love this movie. I love Scarlett Johansson in it too.
            Captaindork-😊 well have fun watching your movie. Scott just got here so I need to go. Talk later beautiful 😚
            Disneydoggrl83 ❤️ okay you too. Later.😊
Merida smiles big as she puts her phone down. She knows she is falling for Chris hard, and knows that could be a bad thing. She would never fit into this world or life. They live miles apart and he's famous and she is just a normal girl who lives in North Carolina who works at a daycare.
            Merida had barely gotten into the movie when her phone rings. She sees its her father. She answers on the second ring after pausing her movie.
            "Hey daddy!"
            "Hey princess. How are you?"
            "I'm okay."
            "I wanted to find out what time you were bringing Dixie over tomorrow?"
            "Probably after dinner. Tiffany will probably come with me."
            "Oh great! I haven't seen her in ages. How is she?"
            "She's good. She is staying busy with work."
            "I bet. Are you excited about your trip?"
            "Yes. But a little nervous too. It's been so long since I have flown."
            "You will be fine. I know you girls will have fun together!"
            "Yes, we will."
Merida hadn't told her father exactly what she was doing, he only knew she was going to LA with Tiffany. She had told him it was a girl's trip. She hadn't even told him about talking to Chris Evans. It's not that she was afraid to tell him, but she didn't know what he would say. He loves the marvel movies and Captain America is one of his favorite characters. She was just waiting to tell him about it. She also knows how he feels about talking to people she meets online. He is always telling her to be careful.
            "When do you leave again?"
            "Our flight leaves at 8:00 am Friday morning."
            "Wow, that's early. Why did you get such an early flight?"
            "Uh...It's best deal I could get."
            "I wish you could have gotten a later flight."
            "It's okay Daddy. I don't mind. Really."
            "Okay, just promise you will be careful and please make sure you call me when you land."
            "I will Daddy I promise!"
            "Alright Princess. I will see you tomorrow then. Goodnight love you and sweet dreams."
            "Goodnight Daddy. Love you too."
Merida hung up and un paused her movie. After her movie was over, she looked at the time. 9:30 PM. "Dixie should we find another movie to watch?"
            Dixie looks at her. "Let's see what we can find." Merida scrolls through Netflix. She finds the movie Pearl Harbor with Ben Affleck. "Oh Dixie, lets watch this. I haven't seen this movie in ages!" Merida hits play and curls up with her blanket and Dixie with her head in her lap and watches the movie. She is at the scene where Rafe and Evelyn are on their boat date, when Merida's phone goes off. She sees it's a video call from Captaindork and smiles.
            "Hey you!"
            "Heeeey beautiful! What are youuuu up to?"
            "I'm watching Pearl Harbor."
            "Oooh, I lovvvvvve you so much it hurts!"
Merida mashes her lips together and tries to keep from smiling and laughing. "Chris, are you drunk?"
Then Merida hears someone laughing in the background.
            In the background the movie is still playing and the Rafe says, "This is as close as I can get you to your ship, so at least I tried right?" "Actually, you know what, this is better." "Yeah it is."
            Chris then says, "God your preeetty!"
Merida bites her lower lip. "I loooove it when youuu do that! I would looove to bite that lip!"
Merida doesn't know what to say. She knows she is blushing and grinning from ear to ear, she can't hide it. Her heart is beating fast. "Chris, your drunk! You don't know what you're saying."
            "Noooo, I'm not. I do know! Your beautifffful and I just looove you!"
Merida continues to bite her lip and smile and her heart continues to beat fast in her chest.
            "Chris, I think we should hang up now. I can talk to you tomorrow when you're not so drunk."
            "Nooo, don't hang up! I'm not, I'm nooot!"
            "Chris, you are. You have no idea what you are saying, your cute. But.... I think we should say goodnight, alright?"
            "I'm cuuute?"
Merida grins big and laughs. "Yes, very! But..."
            Chris smiles, "Scott! I'm cuute!"
Merida laughs again, "Chris, goodnight. I'll talk to you tomorrow."
            "Waaaaait! Don't hangggg up!"
            "Chris, I really think we should...."
            "I realllly really lick you!"
Merida smiles. "Oh, you do?"
            "I meeean like you! I didn't meeean to say that."
Merida smiles again. She knows he is trying to quote pearl harbor; she also knows how drunk he is, and he probably won't remember any of this in the morning.
            "Well, Chris, I like you too. I'll talk to you tomorrow. Goodnight."
            "Gooood night Mer! Loooove you!" Chris smiles.
Merida smiles as she hits the end button. After Merida hits the end button, she sets her phone down and looks at Dixie and smiles. "Dixie, I really don't know what to think about that video call. Chris, I know has no idea what he said to me. I can't stop smiling though. It was cute but so funny. And my heart is beating so fast. Dixie, I'm falling for him. He just said he loved me, but I know he didn't mean it. He was drunk, but still he said it! Dixie what am I going to do? I don't deserve someone like him. I don't fit into his world. He is way out of my league. We live two different lives and are miles apart. It would never work! Why did I have to fall for him? Why Dixie? I'm in trouble! When the movie ends it is 12:30 am.
            "Well Dixie, it's late we need to go to bed."
Merida turns off the TV and folds up the blanket and puts it on the back of the couch. She heads to the bathroom to get ready for bed. She takes out her contacts, washes her face and brushes her teeth then changes into her pjs and climbs under the covers. Dixie jumps up onto the bed and curls up next to her. Merida falls asleep smiling, thinking about Chris.
@cevansbaby-dove @katherineswritingsblog
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spam-monster · 4 years
Helsa Week day 4: fantasy
(I was trying to finish this last night so i could post it in time, but the words just did not want to go)
Backstory: Everyone is fairies. Elsa is the seelie Winter Queen, while Anna is the Queen of Summer (Rapunzel and Merida are Spring and Fall, respectively). The Queens have all decided to take Knights, loyal fairies who will protect them and help them enforce peace between the courts. The unseelie fey all choose members of their own courts as knights, but the seelie decided they would choose a knight from the opposing season’s court in order to strengthen their relationships.
(Fairy lore: basically seelie are the fairies who would help guide lost children out of the woods, and unseelie are the fairies who would lure unsuspecting travelers to their doom for funsies.)
(Story notes: The seelie and unseelie each have their own 4 seasonal courts, with their own Queens., and there are specific names for each. The relevant ones are: unseelie Summer = The Blazing Court, seelie Summer = the Dawn Court, and seelie Winter = the Dusk Court)
 As this part of our story begins, Queen Anna has been traveling around the realm of Winter searching for a suitable knight. But every time she met a promising candidate, something went wrong. It was eventually discovered that the culprit was a young man of noble lineage from the unseelie court of Summer, who had snuck into Anna’s realm and attempted to court her in order to win the position of her Knight...
 “But why would you choose a knight from another court? That’s not-“
“Just because the unseelie Queens have chosen knights from their own courts does not mean we are beholden to do the same.” The Winter Queen said. “And that is no excuse for you to sabotage my sister’s quest to find her knight.”
The redhead protested. “But I could have been-“
“Enough!” The Queen turned away, her crystalline cape glittering as it swayed around her. “Go back to the Summer courts of the unseelie at once, Hans! That is, unless you would prefer to stay here in Winter eternal as my servant.”
“…I would. Prefer that. Actually.”
The Queen looked back in confusion. Surely she could not have heard that right?
But the young unseelie man looked at her with quiet determination. “If it is possible…I would serve out my punishment here. I would rather endure a thousand winters as a servant than one more day as a noble among my brothers in the Blazing Court.”
The Queen was at a loss for words. A Summer fairy, wanting to stay here? There was a reason she had not yet gone to Anna’s court, despite her sister’s urging. Although she agreed strengthening the bonds between their courts by appointing a knight from the opposing season was a good idea in theory, deep down Elsa feared that no fairy from her sister’s land of sunshine and laughter would ever choose to live in her own land of ice and quiet.
Maybe…this would be a good test run. If this one could survive in her lands, perhaps there really was a Summer fairy out there willing to become her knight.
“Very well, then. You shall stay here, child of Summer.”
Who am I kidding? She thought to herself as he was led away. In a few weeks he’ll be begging to go back to his brothers.
It had been a few weeks, and another few weeks yet.
And the young man had shown no desire to leave.
Where other fairies of other courts would have been put off by her people’s stoicism and bluntness, Hans had adapted his way around it, speaking just enough to fill the silence but never so much as to be a nuisance. Where others would have complained about the endless cold, Hans just bundled up tighter and endured it (although he did take more trips to the hot springs than most). And when others would have compared her lands endlessly to Summer’s beaches and Spring’s gardens and Fall’s woodlands and found them wanting, Hans could be found staring out at the vast mountains of snow and ice for hours.
“It’s quiet.” He explained to her.
“And that doesn’t bother you?” She asked.
“I have twelve older brothers. My whole life I’ve been surrounded by noise, yelling and screaming and fighting and clashing. This…is peaceful. I feel like I can breathe again.”
She left him there, gazing out the windows, and did not ask for more.
“The gathering of the Four Seelie Queens shall now commence!”
“Elsa!” Anna yelled from across the room, bounding up to catch her sister in a hug. Elsa accepted it warmly, nodding to Kristoff in greeting.
“How have you been?” She asked the two of them. “She hasn’t been too much trouble, I hope?” She directed to Kristoff playfully.
Kristoff grinned sheepishly. The former grumpy icecutter had been roped into escorting Anna around when she was searching Winter for a candidate to be her knight, but the two of them had bonded against all odds and he was now her Summer’s knight. “Well, you know Anna. Never a dull moment with her.”
“And the weather?”
“Still getting used to it, as is Sven. But I’m fine. It’s worth a few sunburns to be able to…” stay with her went unspoken, as he glanced at Anna softly and she giggled and took his arm. Elsa felt a pang of something like envy, but she fiercely pushed it down.
“How is…” she waved her arm and glanced towards the other Queens. The Spring Queen Rapunzel was laughing softly, leaning her head on her knight. (Rapunzel had been the first of them to find her knight, and it had all started with Eugene trying to rob her, not knowing the girl in the carriage trundling through the woods was secretly royalty.)  Sir Eugene was preoccupied between playing with her hair and trying to fix his, as usual. And next to them was…
“Wait…Merida found a knight?!”
Anna chuckled as she glanced in their direction. “Yep!”
“But she’s…”
“Merida? Yeah. But it as it turns out, she somehow happened to find the one fairy in Spring as uninterested in romance as her, who was also willing to help her deal with all the boring administrative stuff she never wants to do.”
Elsa looked again. Unlike the other two pairs, Merida and her new Knight seemed more interested in leaning on each other and gossiping than stealing longing glances. They looked…comfortable. (And it wasn’t like there was actually a rule that said a Queen and their knight had to be romantically engaged, she supposed.)
“…Good for her.”
“Uh-huh! Soooo…what about you~?”
Elsa looked back at Anna. “Me?”
“You’re the only one who hasn’t…you know. You should come over later. I’ve been thinking about…is that Hans?!”
Elsa looks behind her. She’s so used to seeing Hans among the other members of her inner court by now, she’d forgotten that he wasn’t always there. “He’s been…serving out his punishment with me.”
“Wait, so he’s like, living with you?”
“You let him in the palace?!” Kristoff sounded scandalized.
Elsa shrugs awkwardly. “He’s been…behaving himself?”
Anna looked at Hans again, then back at her, like she was trying to figure something out. The intense scrutiny started to make her feel nervous. “Is…is this a problem?”
“No, not if he’s getting punished like you said, but…Elsa. You’ve been so worried about if any Summer fairies would actually want to stay with you – and don’t give me that look, I know that’s why you keep putting this off – and yet, you’ve been letting this guy live in Winter for months and it’s fine?”
“He…” Elsa hesitated, unsure of what to tell her. The sound of more trumpets below them interrupted her.
“Hear ye, hear ye! The gathering of the Unseelie Queens commences! Get in line, people!”
The floor beneath their feet rippled and changed, the barrier becoming clear. Below them, the four Queens of the unseelie courts and their Knights gathered. The chattering on their side stopped, tension filling the air.
The seelie Queen of Winter met the eyes of her unseelie counterpart through the barrier, as she knew the other Queens were doing. Slowly, she bowed. The unseelie Winter Queen held her gaze for a minute, her eyes a cold reflection of Elsa’s own, but she then bowed back. The tension lessened. The truce was upheld for another season.
“Excuse me.” Elsa murmured to her sister and her knight, slipping away to get some space. Logically she knew that the unseelie Queens would never break the truce (they couldn’t; any harm that befell one Queen would come to her counterpart on the other side as well), but it always made her nervous. She rested against the wall for a moment, watching as the party slowly resumed and the fairies on either side of the barrier began traveling back and forth, trading greetings and stories.
“Well, they didn’t waste any time in getting noisy again.”
Elsa turned to look at the man next to her. He glanced over at her with an unspoken question. Are you alright, your highness?  
She wondered since when Hans had become so readable to her; or maybe it was another aspect of himself he seemed to be able to turn on and off at will. She made a non-committal noise of agreement, and he nodded and looked out at the gathering again. I’m fine, Hans.
“Your sister seems to be in a good mood.” Is she still mad at me?
“Probably just happy that she doesn’t have to listen to Merida complain about not wanting a Knight anymore.” I’m not sure.
“So even the Queen of Fall has a Knight now…” And what about you, Elsa? How long are you planning to put this off?
“They seem to get along well. I’ll have to have her introduce me properly later.” I’m not answering that.
“Hmm…” You can’t run from this forever, you know…
“Is that you, little scrubfire?!”
Hans flinched, and his eyes grew wide as he turned towards the source of the voice; a man with similar eyes to his and a smile with too many teeth. He brandished a sword slung over his shoulder, the emblems on his chest gleaming.  The unseelie Knight of Summer, Elsa thought to herself.
Elsa understood why Hans hadn’t wanted to go back now, if this was what was waiting for him.  
The Knight was one of Hans’ older brothers, and once he found Hans the rest of them had swarmed him like a school of sharks seeking prey.
“We thought the Dusk Queen had frozen you up like a statue, or dumped you in a lake!” one of them laughs, in a tone that indicated he wouldn’t have cared much either way.
Elsa just stood and watched. She shouldn’t care, she knew. After all, this man had selfishly tried to disrupt the peace between their lands just so he could try and trick her sister into making him her knight. But the man who at any other time would have been easily quick-wittedly trading barbs with whoever insulted him, was frozen, looking down at his feet and slumping into the wall like if he made himself small enough maybe they would go away.  
“Hey, weren’t you gonna become a knight up here?
“Ha! That brat couldn’t become a regular knight, let alone a Queen’s Knight!”
“I’ll bet they took one look at him and laughed right in his stupid face!”
“Like he could ever be anything important!”
“That’s enough!” Elsa growled, unable to stand by and watch any more. She put herself in between Hans and his brothers, at them.
“Hans is a member of my court now, and I will not stand for him being disrespected this way!”
She could feel Hans eyes staring at the back of her head with surprised gratitude and relief.
It had taken Anna stepping in and summoning the unseelie Summer Queen herself to get Hans’ brothers dragged back to their own realm.
“You didn’t have to do that.” He muttered nervously.
“They were harassing you.”
He just shrugged.
“…Are you…alright?” Anna asked a bit awkwardly. Hans turned to her, sighed, and bowed deeply.
“Thanks for stepping in, your Highness. And…let me take the opportunity to apologize for my earlier actions against you. Had I known that there were people up here kind enough to protect me from my brother’s cruelty without asking anything in return, I would never have acted so rashly and almost upset the balance between your kingdoms.”
“Umm…yeah. You’re welcome.” Anna glanced at Elsa, then back at Hans, a small smile beginning to form on her face. “You seem different, after living with my sister. It’s a good different.”
“Well, I, uh, yes. That is. I.” Was Hans…blushing?
Anna giggled, her smile turning into a full-blown smirk. “Ooooh, I see how it is.” She patted Hans on the shoulder. “Welllll~, I suppose I can forgive you; if you promise to be good to her and lay off on the scheming. We can’t have future Knights running around causing any more unrest now, can we?”
“Yes. Wait, what?!”
(Below the cut: pictures!)
I’ve actually been playing with this au for a while now...well, not an au really, more like I just based the fairy queens in my fantasy/D&D setting on Disney princesses because it was fun. The only oc is Merida’s “knight”, because I didn’t really want to “pair her up” with anyone, so I just made up a character who would also have no interest in getting married and would also balance out her personality. Anyway, here are some designs.
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And the unseelie, just because:
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asktheghosthost · 4 years
There was a light rap on the front door that could only be described as elegant. A simple knuckled "knock knock" that was going to wait patiently until it was answered, because it had plenty of good faith to know it would be.
The patience paid off, as within moments the door slowly creaked open.
"Ladies..." the deep, uncharacteristically tired voice of the Ghost Host greeted. "Do please step inside."
Aurora and Cinderella shot each other a concerned glance before they walked into the dark mansion.
A little green fire grew in the foyer hearth, offering more light. Then that was followed by the curtains pulling back to allow in more sunshine. Still, their host remained mostly invisible. If the women peered hard enough, they could make out faint blue outlines of a tall, skinny body, but it flickered in and out like a dying light bulb.
"I do apologize for my lack of appearance. I hope you don't think me rude."
"Not at all, Beauregard" Cinderella was quick to speak up. "We understand you ghosts are sensitive to lights."
"Oh, it isn't that, princess..." There was a soft groan, and they could see an indent in the seat in front of them. "Without mortal visitors, there is no abundance of sympathetic vibrations to give us the energy to properly materialize. And with how things have been the last few months, well..." He let the obvious hang in the air. Feeling guilty at their sad expressions, he quickly added, "But look at me being such a rude host. I'm sure I could fetch some tea--"
"No!" Aurora put out a hand. Then she cleared her throat. "No, thank you, that's not necessary. We won't be long. We've come by to let you know the parks will be opening soon."
"And we're planning a party at the castle to celebrate," Cinderella said with a smile. "You're invited, of course."
Aurora reached into the pocket of her skirt to pull out an envelope. It was painted with beautiful birds and swoops and swirls, clearly Rapunzel's handiwork. "We'll be going over everything that'll be..." Her smile became a slight wince. "Different, for the time being."
Beau stood to take the invitation, but it slipped through his hand non- corporeal form. "Sorry, I'm sorry, I--"
"Don't worry, I've got it!" Aurora was quick to grab it and place it on a nearby table.
Cinderella went over to the windows and began untying the curtains, plunging the room back into its former darkness. "We've got more of the Kingdom's residents to see, and you should rest."
After their good byes, the two princesses stood on the porch, grappling with what had just happened.
"We dropped the ball, Cindy. It's past midnight and the pumpkin is splattered."
"Right. So we have to fix it."
A few hours later, there was that elegant knock at the front door again.
"Dorian... could you answer that?" Beau called from his chair, vaguely waving a hand. "I got it last time..."
Dorian practically oozed out of his portrait. "Don' wanna." But he dragged himself to the entryway anyway. It took slight effort to pull the door open, but at the sight of the bright, dozen grinning faces on the other side, he was figuratively and literally glowing. "Princesses!" He fell into a bow.
"Oh, there's no need for that!" Snow White giggled and reached down to help him up. "We heard you weren't feeling good."
"Nothing some beignets won't fix," Tiana announced, leading the charge inside. She and Rapunzel carried armfuls of plates piled with treats.
"An' plenty o' games to get the spirits up... spirits." Merida gave Dorian a playful punch in the arm as she went past, hauling various painted targets and wooden darts and arrows.
Dorian could only watch, flabberghasted, as the parade of princesses headed down the hall. "What is all this?"
"Think of it as a much needed morale boost," Moana said.
"Yeah," Anna agreed. "Believe it or not, some of us have a pretty good idea what it's like, being stuck inside for days and days and days and--"
Moana nudged her.
"Days. You start to go a little stir crazy."
Elsa went past, using her magic to amplify the damask designs in the wallpaper, making them shine and sparkle. They created just enough light to help guide the women, while keeping it dim enough for the ghosts. It was a hauntingly beautiful effect. "You need a change of scenery..."
Jasmine put her fingers to her lips and whistled. Carpet zoomed in, scooping up Dorian and Beauregard. "And a little help getting around!"
Carpet took off with the ghosts, zipping through the corridors, until he came to a stop in the ballroom. He hovered above the ground, letting them sit and watch as the princesses set out the food and games and decorated.
While the women were working, a change came over the ghosts. Their features became more defined. A glowing hue took over their forms. Fully visible now, they jumped down and rushed off to gather their fellow undead.
Soon, a great party had started, and once faint and weary spirits were laughing and dancing, back to their old selves.
It was later that evening, amidst quiet chatter and while a few souls were still playing Merida's target practice, (Constance was tied with Mulan), that Cinderella approached the Ghost Host.
He was sitting at the far end of the table, watching the others, content to be an observer.
"Hey." She sat down next to him. "Are you feeling better now?"
"Much." He found it hard to look at her, though, opting instead to stare down at his transparent, clasped hands. All this fussing over him was getting uncomfortable.
"Beauregard..." She leaned over, attempting to look him in the eye. "I'm sorry."
Shocked, he shook his head. "Sorry? Princess, what on earth for?"
She pressed her lips together, preparing what to say. "Aurora and I help Mickey watch over the kingdoms. It's easy to remember the other girls, or the rowdy pirates, or the... singing... dolls..." They simultaneously shuddered. "With you ghosts... sometimes we overlook you. It's not intentional. We know you like to take care of yourselves and keep to the dark, and we try to respect that. But with how everything's been lately, we should have checked up on you. This lack of interaction can take its toll on anyone. You're part of our family, and I promise, I'll never forget that again."
Beau felt a lump in his throat, and the old ghost couldn't help smiling. "Thank you, princess."
"However!" She held up her index finger. "I want you to promise, too, that if you need help, you'll ask for it. No staying quiet until things are dire. Promise?"
Sometimes Beauregard hated calling Cinderella "princess." "Queen" was a far more deserved title for her. He gave an obedient decline of his head. "Yes, princess, I promise."
She smiled at that. "Good." A tiny pause. "Also, you can stop addressing me as 'princess' all the time. Family is on a first name basis."
"Yes, prin-- Cinderella."
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themagicalreads · 5 years
Lost and Found (Mature/Prompt)
A note before you start: Tumblr took off all my italics and I didn’t want to re-read this to put them all back in lol. So, I’m sorry. But if you want to read this with, it’s up on wattpad and AO3 @/magicalreads in my book Rising Untangled!
Fridays at the joint always pulled the biggest of crowds, and tonight wasn't an exception. 
"Go get em', Goldy," Tarot slipped his hand off of Rapunzel's bare shoulder so she could pull her shawl on and fix the pins holding the two rolls on top of her head. His teeth shone bright against dark skin as he smiled proudly. "Little Moonlight’s shining star!"
Rapunzel felt a rush of red flush her cheeks at the compliment. So desperate to get off the streets, Rapunzel hadn't even expected a glance from Tarot when she walked into his joint all but two years ago. She knew she was a sight for sore eyes, but time had been wearing her down to the bone, despite her young adulthood. She'd wasted too long in a blurry blast after high school was over and done with that she'd drunken herself dry—quite literally right to the pavement. Thinking about which hole she'd be in right about now hadn't it been for the Little Moonlight made her scared to bits.
"The socs are in tonight," Tarot added just before she could push the curtain aside. "Show em' a good time."
Rapunzel smiled right back. "I always do, Daddy-O," she promised. She only vaguely remembered feeling jittery her first time dancing in front of the socs, which was a tickle in itself considering she used to be a part of their crowd. She’d learned fairly quickly that their presence was something to be revelled in; They were quieter than the Moonlight’s usual customers, and their stacks of loose dough made her want to perform at the absolute tip top of her abilities.
The crowd cheered as she slowly curled against the curtain, taking her rightful place onstage as the music roared to life. Rapunzel moved seamlessly with the trumpets flaring against soft piano. Though she'd always preferred dancing the doo-wop, there was something about jazz that ignited a spark deep inside Rapunzel. It was nostalgic, a sound to get lost in, and it was perfect for a sleazy club like this one.
Rapunzel looked up to give a rewarding look to the table of socs sitting in the corner, impossible to miss, only to lock eyes with another man standing still in the crowd. The room erupted as Mer and Poppy strolled out behind Rapunzel, but his crystal blue eyes stayed firmly on her. The nerve of him! Showing up around her all week only to ignore her—or, worse yet, disappear—each time she’d craved from him approach her. The least he could have done was introduce himself like a proper gentleman. Then again, no proper gentleman would come here, if they weren’t hangin’ with the socs. Everyone worth a dime knew that being seen in a place like the Little Moonlight as a lone social was simply asking to be treated like a lowly greaser. Thing was, this man didn’t look like he was a part of either crowd. His attire screamed social, but his attitude yelled greaser. So which in the devil was he? Rapunzel had figured out how to woo the dough out of every kind of man who walked in here, but she couldn’t figure out how to wrap her finger around this odd ball. Hell, she wasn’t even sure she wanted to wrap her finger around him. She wasn’t even sure if…
Rapunzel practically shook her head mid-dance in realization. Enough not knowing. This was her territory, and she was in control here.
Easy as cutting a smooth slice of pie, Rapunzel tuned out the prying hey, dolly's from overly cranked men and shifted all her efforts into wooing the silver-haired one from her place on stage. She moved gracefully, long hair swishing to and fro, all the while never taking her eyes away from him for more than a second. No matter how much she hated to admit it to herself, Rapunzel didn’t want him to disappear again. There was a strange curiosity to him that she needed to figure out. He was a spark in the darkness she couldn’t help to be drawn to.
“A dreamboat that one, isn’t he?” Poppy commented over the sound, catching on to Rapunzel’s motives. Over the heads of bobbing men, she caught Merida smirking at her too. Rapunzel knew they’d be asking questions at the apartment later—no sense turning back now. And besides…
Their focus was on something else now. When Rapunzel turned to look, she was surprised to see Silver Hair moving through the crowd.
Toward the stage. 
Her stomach flipped and flopped, an army of butterflies erupting through her. Cool it, Raps, she told herself. You’re being ridiculous. But her heart made no attempt to listen. She strutted toward the stranger, then crouched slightly on her heels until she found herself slightly higher than eye-level.
Something glimmered in the man’s eyes, a mixture of lust Rapunzel recognized all too well, but another she found herself completely at loss about. “Crescent Moon?” He asked, referencing to her show name. Tarot had been the one to suggest the change from her previous one once he’d deemed her the star of his joint.
“The one and only,” Rapunzel purred. 
He lifted a hand, revealing a fan of dough between his fingertips. “Mind if I take you to the back?”
Rapunzel eyed him up and down. He was pretty. Scrawnier than her usual customers, wearing an unbuttoned light blue and white chemise tucked into sandy-coloured pants. His hair was lightly gelled into a trunk do, an alluring white she’d only ever seen on old folks. He was mesmerizing to watch, but that didn’t stop Rapunzel from standing right back up to her full height. She felt taller than she naturally was, and not only because of the stilettos on her feet. The socs loved getting what they wanted, and the greasers preferred a cat-and-mouse chase, so what would happen if she gave someone that was neither both?
“After the show.” She told him as she walk away. Only sparing him a single glance over her shoulder proved difficult. She’d expected him to disappear by the time the girls and she were done with their dance, and he did—or so she thought. She spotted a silver head quickly after, lurking by the back hall. “Split the tips with Mer, Popsikins." Rapunzel gave her friend a wink, thinking of the doll of a shop they lived over. She didn’t need more money than what she’d earned in between her skin and underclothes. "Get yourself those rockin' shoes you were eyeing."
Poppy squealed as Rapunzel walked away, right past Silver Hair and into the hall. She could feel his eyes on her as she walked. Neither of them said a word until she pushed through a door. The man shut it behind them, taking one, two steps toward her. He stopped just before where she sat on the arm of the sofa. “Nineteen.” Was all he said. Rapunzel expected more to come, but he simply stared at her as if she was supposed to understand what he’d meant. “Dollars or minutes?”
The man shook his head. “Your age. You can be more than nineteen.” Rapunzel shifted. “Twenty-two, actually.” It felt strange, saying that; She didn’t usually reveal her age to customers. Not that they ever asked, anywho. All they ever came for was a dance to make them forget their lousy lives outside of the club. More than a dance, if they were trusted to keep it under the table. The fuzz hadn’t caught em’ yet, and Tarot had no intention of getting a shut down. “Just a year younger than me,” the man noted. “How’d a sweet girl like you end up in a place like this?”
“A sweet girl like—?” Rapunzel bit her tongue. Tarot’s rules included no talk backs, unless our fella’s were pushin’. And this man wasn’t even coming close to pushin’. "It's a gig,” she said instead. “And I enjoy it, in all truthfulness."
“But why?”
A laugh escaped Rapunzel’s lips. “Are you writing a book?”
Silver Hair shrugged. “I guess you can say that.”
Rapunzel shook her head slightly, mesmerized by his straight tone; No added lah-dee-dah lilted his voice. “You’ve such an odd way with words,” she said. “I didn’t mean it literally, though, if you are, congratulations. You’re just askin’ too many questions, is all.” Rapunzel cleared her throat when no reply was given. She motioned to the sofa, giving the man her best heavy-lidded, green-eyed look. “So, whatcha’ waitin’ for, then? Come on, have a seat.”
But the man closed his eyes briefly and breathed a soft sort of laugh. Then, he took a step back, offering a hand out to her. “Dance with me.”
Rapunzel lifted her brows in surprise. “You’re asking for a doo-wop?”
“Something a little slower,” a playful smirk grew on the man’s lips. “With a kiss, if you’re willing.”
A flush rushed to her cheeks, thankfully hidden by the dimmed yellow lights in the room. “The Little Moonlight doesn’t do no kissin’.”
“Even with special cases?”
Rapunzel breathed a short laugh and took the hand still being offered. She found herself being pulled tight against Silver Hair’s chest. “Alright,” she decided. “Razz my berries. What makes you a special case, mister…?”
“Jackson Overland,” he was quick to answer. “But call me Jack.” Hands slipped over her waist as Rapunzel lay her arms loosely around Jack’s neck. “And let’s see… I’m handsome, you like me, and I’m leaving tonight. I’ve already been here too long.”
“Leavin’ where?”
“Are you writing a book?” 
Rapunzel couldn’t help but laugh. “I see. Peggin’ my own words against me. That’s not very gentlemanly of you.” 
“Who says I’m a gentleman?” Jack spun her around, dropping her into a smooth dip. He brought his head down to her until his lips were but an inch from her own. The heat curling against her mouth warmed other parts of her. He dipped down slightly more, coming closer and closer, until he suddenly pulled her right back up to their earlier swing.
Rapunzel felt breathless. “Actor,” she mumbled playfully. But all she received from Jack was a frown.
“Slang?” He guessed after a moment.
“For a show off, yeah.” Rapunzel pushed Jack down, suddenly, right onto the sofa she knew they’d moved in front of. She fell swiftly with him, landing right on his lap. “Don’t cha leave the house?” 
Jack grinned, hands tightening over her hips ever so slightly. “Haven’t been home in a while, actually.”
Rapunzel shifted on his lap, earning a pleasured groan in return. “Maybe this is a good time to go back.”
Jack grinned lazily, chuckling like she’d just told a panic-and-a-half. “I don’t think so.” 
“Why not?” Rapunzel questioned. “Everyone should enjoy being home.”
Jack was quiet for a while as she rubbed her hands soothingly over his neck and shoulders. She couldn’t understand why he felt as intoxicating as he did. “I… Got in trouble,” he said finally, glancing her down and up again. “For stealing something and using it to travel.”
Rapunzel slipped a hand up to his cheek, petting her thumb over his skin. Her voice came out soft. “Why don’t cha bring it back?”
Jack leaned into her touch, whether out of consciousness or not, Rapunzel didn’t know. “I’ll be in a lot more trouble if do.” 
She brushed the curl away from Jack’s forehead as he spoke, watching as it fell back into place. “Maybe it’s not as bad as you think it is.”
“I stole the only copy they successfully made, Rapunzel. It took them a year before they could make a replica. Trust me, it’s as bad as I think.”
Rapunzel stiffened at the mention of her name. No one knew her as someone outside of Crescent Moon here, save from the crew. “How did you—?”
A flash of hurt suddenly passed in Jack’s eyes. He looked away as soon as he caught her looking. “It doesn’t matter.” He said. Except, it did. He’d known her name all along! Was it a slip up? Did he even mean to let her know he knew?
“Of course it matters!” Rapunzel exclaimed. This had never happened before. She didn’t know what to do anymore, now that she’d lost her invisibility. Rapunzel tried to step off of Jack, but his hands kept her still. “Wait!” He said. “Stay. Please. Let me… Let me explain.”
Reluctantly, she obliged. “Alrighty, then. Go on.”
Jack closed his eyes and leaned his head back against the sofa for a few seconds. He looked her right back in the eyes when he was done his thinking. “It took me years to find you again. You really don’t remember me, Punz?”
Punz. Something about the new nickname jogged at her memory, but nothing came forward. 
“We met in 1951. You were seventeen; I was twenty. You were working at this diner, just about to graduate, and—When I stole the porter, it was an accident. I got myself in with the wrong gang, and I didn’t wanna go to jail. I didn’t know where to go so I… I pressed every button on the porter ended up jumping—right into that damn diner.”
Rapunzel was  shaking her head now, refusing to remember. It felt the same as if a word she couldn’t pinpoint—but knew she knew—was hangin’ at the tip of her tongue. Rhona’s Diner. She never thought much about why she always took the long walk to the Little Moonlight.
“They caught us in ’64,” Jack continued. “You’d never seen the ocean, and you were finally ready to jump into the future, even if it was just by over a decade. They appeared right when we were about to—” He cut his gaze down, suddenly, red tinting his pale skin. But, despite the zorros, Rapunzel was surprised to hear how choked up his next words were getting. “We got separated, running. You didn’t know how to use the porter, so I had it.” She felt his finger play affectionately with the curls falling over her hips. He couldn’t look her in the eyes, but Rapunzel saw the pain written over him nonetheless. “I watched them take you, Punz. I watched them take you away from me.”
Rapunzel straightened in his lap as she took in a gulp of air. “If any of this is true, then what in the heaven’s am I doin’ here  sittin’ in this joint?”
“They must’ve taken you in for questioning, probably about me,” Jack answered. “And then they obviously dropped you right back in your timeline like I’d hoped. Didn’t know why I was surprised to find out your memories about me were wiped. Those assholes.” He added, lost in thought.
“That’s why you weren’t approaching me all week,” Rapunzel realized. “You were waitin’ to see me run up to you all over the moon to have you back.”
Jack nodded. “I couldn’t stand talking to you like none of it ever happened.” Rapunzel realized that her heart was quickening as she looked into his crystal blue eyes. She’d felt drawn to him from the moment she’d seen him walk by, something that had never happened to her before. And then when he appeared at the club…
It dawned on her, suddenly. Those two years she’d thought she’d lost to parties and shenanigans—they weren’t a blurred mess of alcohol-induced amnesia. She’d spent them with him. Workin’ at the diner. Travelling to the past.
Falling in love. 
It dawned on her just as the fuzz appeared out of thin air behind them. She only had time to twist and catch Tarot’s apologetic eye before they lifted guns flashing bright blue sparks, and forced her and Jack into bad night’s sleep.
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