#:: Ver; Post; EW; What is Yours ::
amratriad · 9 months
The Simple Visit
This is for the lovely TK Layla! I wrote a short story between our WOL/OCs! This is my lovely xmas gift for them! Happy reading everyone!
In the depths of the Central Black Shroud, a pair of laughter echoes throughout the silence. The leaves shiver from the autumn wind as a few of them fall down on the dirt path. A cottage resides in the deep wood. An empty teacup is poured for a pot of Ishgardian tea as the Viera takes a sip of the fresh brew. The host smiles at the sight of satisfaction and sets the teapot down. The cottage is rather small, but comforting that is filled with a tiny kitchen and across is a reading room with books unattended on the soft wool rug. 
The second floor is no better than the first, the bedroom is filled with scrolls, letters, trinkets and even small notes that are jotted down hastily and the worst of all the bed is left a mess, miqote fur and all. That is unfortunately the usual case of Amra Tinuviel. The man with a gentle smile, yet so fierce with his passion for botany and magicks. Yet he has a fondness for making tea and sweets for his friends.   
Avalon continues to talk about her treasure hunts and as usual Amra sometimes quips in as if Emet's spirit comes over to tease her. Amra grins at her with a mocking voice. “You see! The vegetables will not be denied.” He could not contain the sassy tone and burst into laughter. Avalon frown of dissaproval, but she can't deny that the miqote is not wrong. A chuckle escaped from her lips and was quite entertained at the sight of Amra can't contain his laughter and holding his stomach. The laughter eventually fades back into silence and Avalon continues to tell their stories andAmra told his adventures in exchange. 
He talks about the tales of possible hidden magicks on another continent, but even the old libraries of Sharlayan would not permit him to search further. “I strive to learn more. I am not afraid of my magicks any longer. X'rhun Tia taught me how to utilize both White and Black magicks and so much more. I cannot thank him enough.” Holding back the tears and pondering if his teacher is still adventuring around in Ala Mihgo. Amra knows that he is no longer a student, but an ever-learning Red Mage. The silence settles once again, Avalon understands Amra's concern. She does use Red Magicks as well, but the miqote shakes his head and puts his focus to continue to talk about more of his other adventures. 
As both of them sipped more tea and ate the delicious scones with cotted cream and jam that Amra struggles to create. The sweetness of the cream and jam and added to the earl grey scones were perfect. The sigh of relief as Amra takes a bite that the scones were not burnt into a crisp this time. He was not familiar with making desserts, but Tataru encouraged them to try. He loves to cook for others and he would never refuse the Lalafell's request. Then a thought crossed his mind, a habit that he never spoke of to anyone, not even to the Scions. 
“Avalon, have you ever....Dreamed of Venat?”
Avalon almost spat out her tea and coughed as she took the napkin to wipe off the mess. With a baffling look and slight concern that he asked such a question.
“I...Beg your pardon?” 
Amra pauses before he responds to her question, then a blush of pink rose on his cheeks. In a flurry of panic as he quickly sets down his cup. Shaking his head.  
“Oh! Sorry! I-I should have reworded the question!” 
Babbling along like a madman and apologizing several times, but Avalon felt a bit of guilt and knowing that Amra still retains a little bit of innocence inside him. “It's okay Amra, do not worry, I-I understand what you are saying.” The questionable phrasing still lingers in her mind, yet she starts to blush for a different reason. 
Amra tries to think of a different subject, but none comes to mind. The mention of the Mothercrystal reminds him of something. Taking one more bite of his scone and wipes his hands with a napkin and gets up.
“Avalon, I know this sounds even more stange, but I would like you to come with me.” 
Avalon's concerns is neverending after all, Amra is one of the Champions of Eorzea. Yet he is more than a warrior, but a traveller with the thirst of knowledge. Y'stola's horrible habits did seep into his mind and the chaotic mess in his cottage is the proof. Avalon nods in agreement and decides to follow him. He leads the way through the back door and leading into a precious small garden that is filled with florals and vegetables.
 It was absolutely made of love and his younger brother and even his mother helped out tending the garden when he was away to travel. But this wasn't the surprise Amra wanted her to see. He opens the back gate of the fence which leads further into the woods of Central Shroud. The Viera brims with curiosity and walks with him. As the two go into the woods and the path seems neverending, but on the end of the path is a small clearing. Avalon continues to speculate as Amra looks at her back with a rather nevous look. Avalon notices this.
“Amra, are you okay?” 
He broke out a small meek laugh. “I-I'm fine, it's just a little further ahead.” 
As both of them reach to the end of the path, a welcoming warm of light shines through their vision. Avalon covers her face for a moment. Her vision clears away and looks down at a familiar sight with a gasp.
It was a huge patch of Elplis Blooms.
Amra knew that there was a connection with Elpis and Avalon, yet not knowing how much of a deep connection what Avalon was a part of. Not even Venat would tell him, not even in his dreams. Even in his last encounter with her when spending the night in Old Sharlyan, Amra no longer sees the Crystal, it was a familar sight. He was seen before the beginning of the Final Days in Etheirys. It was an Ancient dressed in a white robe surrounded by the fields of the white blooms. The words were soft, but yet Amra still remembers those words by heart.
'You are not alone. Remember that.'
And he never was, Amra was never alone. He carefully walked forward and to not step on a bloom and stood in the middle of the field to see the work he had produced. He takes a deep breath and sighs and looks back at his friend with the same bright smile that he always has. 
”Well, here it is....This was a long project I have been working on after I took care of the Final Days.“ 
The Viera's shock wore off, yet the confusion still lingers. She finally blurted off a question. “How in Etheirys did you even produce these blossoms?” 
Amra laughs once again nervously. “Well I had to beg for approval from the Forum if I can take a few seedlings of the Elpis blooms for a personal study. Well, after many trials and errors, this is the best result I have made. I just wanted to share with you Avalon and I hope you appreciate this.“ He beams a proud smile back at her.
Avalon sighs and smiles in a bit of relief that he wasn't in trouble this time. But as she blinks....
....Something else happens.
Instead of a Miqote, there is a Hyur, dressed in a greenish gray robe and a white mask. It was a rather wild looking man, yet there are still feminine features from their green and white highlighted hair and a pitch joy of laughter. Then looks back at Avalon with those big bright brown eyes and freckled face. 
She started to remember clearly who this Ancient is and called out to them.
“.....A-Azem? Chloris?”
The Azem's smile faded too quickly as if something bad happened. An expression that is too familiar for her as if the Final Days we're upon them.
“...Avalon? Avalon? Are you okay?“ 
She shakes her head and looks back to see Amra. Confused that the Azem is gone and is replaced...well...what is part of them.
“I'm fine....Thank you Amra. This place....” She approaches the flower patch and follows carefully next to her friend and looks at the blooms lovingly. Oh how she misses the sight of these flowers. 
”This flowers...Brings back so many memories.“
Amra did not say anything, but with an understanding smile and not a single clue about what happened. As the two silently looks over the Elplis blooms and a small breeze shifts through the wood once again. In the end, both of them are always open to hang out and chat for another cup of tea. 
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sulfies · 6 months
can you spill more abt that self insert of yours? 👁️👁️
Oh boy oh boy can I? (big yapping incoming) (typo and grammar massaccare of 2024)
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He is a self insert OC Assassin from the Ottoman brotherhood (bc Im Turkish) and he is 23 (bc I am)
not a secret mentor or anything lol I was just joking in the first post making a mary sue.
I imagine he is similar or one above than whatever Yusuf’s rank is (I have yet to play Revelations :,p ) tho I do not know what time he should be in, Realistically if no time travel happened he would be in same time as Yusuf but I dont want Gilf Ezio (sorry) but if its Ezio, Alt and Desmon togather timeline probobly he is in around AC2 Brotherhood time. (maybe he came by Italy to do a mission and dropped by the hideout)
He is ethnically Balkan or/and Greek (bc I am) which probobly means he was taken to Constantinople as a teen or kid to eighter be sent to Jenniserrie training or the male-harem.
Small history lesson:
- Devşirme was the name of the practice where Ottoman empire basically enslaved young Greek,Balkan,Ukranian,etc etc boys and inserted them into an Elite military (Janniserries) even the Sultans themselves were scared of bc they were known to start coups and kill Sultans(they got a salary and are socially above the commonfolk but… military slaves non the less)
-Male-harems existed, again Balkan, Romanian, Slavic and greek etc people were often the main people in the harems (fun fact nearly no Sultan is Turkish due to this lmao they are all mixed), once again their status were above the common folk and they were well taken care of (the older males could even become gov officals after) but slavery non the less.
Idk if I want him to escape the harem or Jenniserrie for his edgy backgrund but maybe he did few years of training, cought the eye of the Sultan and escaped the moment someone was like “you have been promoted to an elite employeeee, u won harem lotterry” . Probobly wandered the streets a bit, got into hella fights till an Assassin picked him up escaping a group of soliders. Maybe it was an older dude who saw him when they were both in training
He is basically based off my own ethnicity and its context to the time and sociatal goings of that era lol (which was hella gay… very gay… too gay almost)
He probobly has some traditional slavic leg,hand and arm tattoos (bc I have em but also) mostly bc around those times (nearly always women) used to tattoo themselves in those motifs to remember their christian roots and their culture (that Ottoman tried to erease) and also to make themselves less appealing to Ottoman Harem/ Devşirme recuiters :,D
For his name, Maybe to be on the nose… Adem? (Turkish ver of Adam) so he is tied to the apples in a fun way? Or Poyraz (means a northern wind) since the meaning is similar to my own name?
He doesnt grow much facial hair (bc I am also stuck w a weak beard) but he refuses to get rid of it no matter how much others tease him bc he is like “I aint getting courted by random crazy men ew” (I dont irl also bc I desperetly believe it looks good…I refuse to open my eyes)
History lesson 2:
-facial hair was important in Ottoman times, It LİTTERALLY determined your gender and how you were approached.
-Socially and in Litriture Ottoman almost had 3 gender roles; Men, Boys (Oğlan) and Women. Once a man grew a beard he would “transition” from being a boy.
-Romantically having a beard versus not determined if you were to be courted or court. Bearded man were called “Lovers” while NON-bearded were called “Beloveds” (yes more often the boys were underage :/ for the sake of history lesson lets…. try to ignore that like ancient greeks)
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there is many gay ass poems ^
He got all the mentall illness coctails that I got bc why not make it worse fr him. I imagine him sarcastic and catty, Claudia prob loves taking him to shop around bc he always got something to fckn say about everyone. Big gossipper. Hides the fact that he hates being as short as he is very well (im like… 165? 5’5-4?). If in Yusuf time, nearly BFFS (if im not inserting myself into the throuple (bc Its my self insert and I CAN BE AS CRINGY AS I WANT) he would end up w Yusuf)
Him about others:
Ezio: will never stop calling him de la la la,likes him a lot, loves pranking and teasing him. Enjoys fake flirting with him till he takes it so far Ezio has to throw in the towel. Probobly teached him how to Oil wrestle and Ezio was like “Are you sure this is a real sport…” and all he did was sigh and say “I am so glad it actually is” as he admired Oiled up Ezio
Altaïr: loves mocking whatever big words he uses all the time. calls him “Big boss” just to see his eye twitch with cringe. Knows he can get away with shit if he acts stupid enough. Altair knows he is not that stupid but is impressed(deragotory, fondly) how low he is willing to go.
Desmond: clearly his favorite (im biased sue me) obvious by how much softer he acts around Des. Ezİo falls he laughs, Des falls “My leige, hop on my back”. Is facinated by his piercings and begs him to help him get some. Desmond desperetly wishes he could invent some ADHD Meds for him. Des also finds him strangely comforting, can imagine himself back in 2010s almost…
Idk im not rlly a self insert person so thinking about him was hard and I also dont wanna make my oc “the main character” in this au so I dont really wanna give him any secret powers or anything.
Maybe some edgy gnarly scars on his back from a past mission where he came in contact with an apple? Maybe when he touched the apple he was supplied that canonly he doesnt exist and he is just a fan created being and has a whole issue about it? I can imagine a sad scene of him crying like “You dont understand, You exist! even as some damn video game you do and people know you they cannot deny you exist. ME? all I am is some weirdos self writing, not even enough to be in canon. Does anything I do matter?” lololol
Thats all I got for him for now lol but feel free to ask more:p Im also open to ideas for him.
sorry for the yapping and history lesson… here is some more fun facts:
-Oğlancılık (male prostitution) was pretty respected they were seen like any other tradesperson in some parts
-a Paşa tried to ban under 30 males from being washers in Turkish Hamams due to them also being sex workers and litterally everyone was so mad he got replaced
-dancers in coffeehouses wore the same fit no matter the gender so boys and girls looked the same (once again they were also sex workers)
-one time a jewish boy caused such a big fight between janniserries the sultan had to threathen to kill 40 man from each side if they didnt stop
-Draculas are real people and RADU the beutyfull (his OFFİCİAL NAME) had a full on recorded relationship with Sultan Mehmet2 :p
- Gay shit was legalized in 1853 mostly bc they never rlly punished it….
for the girlies
-in harems the girls couldnt order things like cucumbers or carrots to their rooms w out it being cut up :p
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nayeonline · 1 year
my 5 favourite k-pop music videos <3
I love music videos, and in k-pop there are a lot of mildy shitty ones, but there are also some amazing ones that are just as iconic as they are aesthetically pleasing. Obviously budget will come into play here, so big 4 groups will be more prevalent on this list, but I tried to be as fair as possible, within reason. Also, I'm a girl group stan, so don't expect many boy groups. Obviously I will forget some, but maybe I'll make a part two, and you are very welcome to leave your fave mvs in the rbs or comments. This list is in no particular order, lets gaur
1. 'Feel Special' - TWICE (JYP Ent.)
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This music video inspired this list, and for good reason. 'Feel Special' is in my opinion, the epitome of Twice, as they stand today. It encapsulates their more mature concept post 'Yes Or Yes', but it doesn't alienate their debut cuter concept, it rather welcomes it with open arms and celebrates it as a part of Twice's history, something their newer releases occasionally struggle with. Visually its a feast, its decadent and lavish, and positively gorgeous. Each member has her own movie-esque set, employing various genres and aesthetics, and then the members unite in the most glittery set ever concieved, the gold contrasting their raspberry and champagne outfits magnificently, while also referencing the group's official colours, as seen on their lightstick. The whole video is cinematic and opulent, and every detail, down to Sana's dip died pink hair, and Nayeon's stunning ginger curls which I wish she would bring back, is flawless. The only gripe I have is Chaeyoung's unblended foundation in her solo scene, but hey, we aren't all be perfect. My favourite scenes in this video are the afor-mentioned glittery golden arches group scene, as well as Jihyo's rainbow vintage television scene, that was surprisingly ahead of its time in terms of its retro aesthetics. It's a must-watch music video for the history books, and it's Twice's best song too - it deserves no less.
2. 'Why Not?' - LOONA (BlockBerry Creative - ew)
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Note: If you would like to watch this m/v, please stream it from a non official yt channel, in accordance with the boycott. They will usually be marked with 'Boycott Ver.' in the title or something similar.
Loona has a lot of amazing music videos in their arsenal, but 'Why Not?' goes above and beyond. It's one of the most visually striking music videos I have ever seen, and its grasp on colour, composition, and rhythm is completely unparalleled. It's vibrancy is just gorgeous, full of neon lights and shining metallics. The video exists in a constant state of dichotomy: both cool and warm, metropolitan and pastoral, manmade and fantastical. You would assume this would ruin the video's visual message, but the contrast actually enhances it, as well as furthering the group's lore. it's unafraid to experiment with aspect ratio and camera movement, and along with the subversive editing, the final product is unique as well as timeless. Who cares that the last five scenes were neon and retro-futuristic? It's time for Heejin and Hyunjin's black and white minimalist mildly 1920s suited up dance break with a 4:3 aspect ratio of course! As the song itself says, why not? It's as playful as the song, as well as being visually stunning. My favourite scenes include Choerry's upside down mirror moment with the neon lights, as well as Kim Lip in the field with the funky glowing orbs, and of course the cult circle on the moon scene. Fucking iconic.
3. 'Ditto' (Sides A & B) - NewJeans (Ador)
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Note: I have a full review of this song, if you are interested.
Where the other videos on this list are overwhelmingly vibrant or cinematic, 'Ditto' is understated and personal. Arguably one of the most influential k-pop music videos of all time, it breaks every rule of what a music video of this genre looks and feels like, rejecting glamour and high fashion for an unromanticized schoolgirl aesthetic surrounded with melancholy. It's heartfelt and unassumingly tragic, and truly makes the viewer yearn for a time they only half remember. It is one of the most beautiful pieces of cinema I have ever seen, and I am so happy that K-pop stans loved it to death as I did, despite how starkly different it is to most everything in k-pop before it. It does however remind me of f(x)'s '4 Walls' m/v, which isn't a shock as Min Heejin (ew) was their creative director also. It also has vibes of the cult classic (?) Japanese movie 'All About Lily Chou Chou'. It has sparked many trends in the industry, including but not limited to: b-roll interspersions, the typical schoolgirl aesthetic, and the general rejection of the polished, glitzy vibe we expect of k-pop idols. Their impact on trends is notable, but in my opinion, no one has executed this aesthetic to the standard that NewJeans has. The unassuming tragic beauty of 'Ditto' is difficult to put into words, you must go and watch the two music videos for it - they are life changing.
4. 'Kill This Love' - BLACKPINK (YG Ent.)
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Say what you will about Blackpink, but they KNOW how to do a music video, and 'Kill This Love' is one of their best; it is beyond extravagant. The sets are huge and striking and insane - Jennie floats on the heads of two enormous swans and all four girls dance in the middle of a huge fucking BEAR TRAP and its ridiculously cool. The fashion and styling is amazing too - my fave looks include Jennie's Lara Croft moment with the braid, Lisa's big ass fur coat from her cereal scene, and Jennie's gorgeous eye makeup from her shopping scene with Lisa. In a word, 'Kill This Love' is extra(vagant). Even the scenes that are conceptually ordinary - Lisa's cereal aisle, Rosé crying in her car - are elevated into the extraordinary. There is no real storyline or through line between the scenes other than their saturated colour palettes and the members themselves, but who cares? The members look like fucking goddesses, the dance looks amazing, and there are MULTIPLE jaw-drop moments throughout the runtime - what more do you want? Where 'Ditto' rejects the typical k-pop visual aesthetics, 'Kill This Love' epitomizes them. If I wanted to explain to western pop stan what k-pop is about, this is the video I would show them first. My favourite scenes include: the group scene with the exploding statues and the bad bitch combat outfits, Rosé caught in the storm with beautiful lighting, and THE BEST SCENE IN A BLACKPINK MUSIC VIDEO EVERRRR... Jisoo's goddess moment with the sun and the reflections. Nobody does music videos quite like Blackpink.
5. 'What Is Love?' - TWICE (JYP Ent.)
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This music video is so unbelievably special to me. It doesn't break any boundaries with camera movement, editing, or aspect ratio like 'Why Not?', and it doesn't entirely reinvent the typical k-pop music video like 'Ditto' either, but I think it is one of the best music videos ever because it is so FUN. 'What Is Love' is a music video that is a series of references to iconic movies, most of which being about love, as the title suggests. It harkens back to 'La La Land', 'La Boum', 'Pulp Fiction', 'The Princess Diaries', and many more, with the girls playing the characters, on their fictional discovery of what love truly is. It's so special to me because it reminds me of doing exactly what the girls are doing with my best friends and my big sister - trying to learn what love is from the movies is something almost everyone has experienced, and thus the whole video feels nostalgic both for its references, and for its overall concept. It's fun and lighthearted and a memory of simpler times. Oh, to be a 12 year old obsessed with 'The Princess Diaries' again, to be a tween watching 'Pulp Fiction' with your big sister when it's probably not age appropriate, to be young teen watching 'La La Land' right when it came out. What a time to be alive. That's what 'What Is Love?' is, it's a celebration of life, of growing up, of being just a little naive and knowing it. Iconic, truly.
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golden-boi01 · 29 days
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:・゚✨:・.🌙¡¡Hola Gente!!˚。・゚✨:・.:
⋆ ˚。 ⋆⚜️˚ Mucho gusto en conocerlos!! Mi nombre es Evie y les seré su servidor de contenido! ✨.*¨
💛₊˚ Espero que nos podamos llevar super bien y crear moots! Está cuenta ya se usaba desde antes pero decidí empezar a publicar desde hoy. En mi Bio se puede encontrar más datos de mi como artista!・₊✨
🌙⋆⁺₊Contenido el que hago es el siguiente:🌟°。
.*- Batallas
.*- Cómics
.*- Comisiones
.*- Fanarts
.*- Pedidos
.*- Freebies
.*- Sugestivo
.*- G♱re
.*- Animaciones
.*- Ships
.*- Maps
(⚠️No Hago: Realista, NSFW(Sin Censura), Anime, Orgullo MAP(Ew…quién quiere hacer eso?), Zoofilia(No.), G♱re con sangre roja(La sangre rosa es para censura del g♱re)⚠️)
༉‧₊˚También soy una persona “Multifandom” Qué significa esto? Pues que obviamente pertenezco a más de una comunidad de un juego, serie, video, etc. Aquí los fandoms en los que ando!: 🌼༉‧₊˚.
⋆.˚FNaF(Más probable que publique la mayoría de)
⋆.˚BATIM/BATDR(Más probable que publique la mayoría de)
⋆.˚FPE(Fundamental Paper Education)
⋆.˚Hellaverse(Helluva Boss & Hazbin Hotel)
⋆.˚Baldi’s Basic
⋆.˚LMK(Lego Monkey King)
⋆.˚Gravity Falls
⋆.˚Steven Universe
⋆.˚PASWG(No sé si tenga fandom)
⋆.˚Cuphead(Más probable que publique la mayoría de)
⋆.˚FNF(Friday Night Funkin’)
⋆.˚MLP y muchos más!
⭐️°。 Puede que en ocasiones pueda crear ACs(Alternative Characters) para ponerlos en mi OU(Original Universe)/AU(Alternative Universe), cualquier contenido que se realize con algún OC de otro creador será supervisado y si el creador del OC quiere que baje el post, el post será removido ⚡️⋆⸜🌟+
♱(ADVERTENCIA: Estos contenidos pueden que sean contenidos fuera de la trama principal o que contengan TEMAS FUERTES como es el: Alcoholismo, Malas palabras, Dr♱gas, Ab♱so(De cualquier tipo), Casos reales, S♱xo, Chistes Fuertes/Oscuros o temas adulterios. Se le recomienda discreción en el lector y en el seguidor de estos contenidos, si eres sensible, por favor intente no ver la mayoría de este blog. ESTE CONTENIDO SOLAMENTE SE DIRIGE A UN PÚBLICO ADULTO Y MADURO. Sí eres menor de edad, recomiendo que estés acompañado de un adulto para supervisar este contenido. La persona que haga: Insultos, Hate, Blackmail, Scam o Copy, SERÁ BLOQUEADO DEL BLOG. Cualquier reporte o denuncia a este canal de contenido, será discutido por la persona de manera personal para llegar a un acuerdo.)♱
₊˚ʚ 💫 Antes de terminar con la introducción. Aquí mi estilo de dibujo inspirado en!: ₊˚✨ ゚.
⊹₊ ⋆PASWG(Panty and Stocking with Gaterbelt)
⊹₊ ⋆Invasor Zim
⊹₊ ⋆PPG(Las chicas super poderosas)
⊹₊ ⋆El Laboratorio de Dexter
⊹₊ ⋆Pretty Blood
⊹₊ ⋆HTP(Happy Tree Friends)
⊹₊ ⋆MLAATR(La Robot Adolescente)
⊹₊ ⋆Puffy AmiYumi
⊹₊ ⋆Bloody Bunny: Don’t be my enemy
⊹₊ ⋆Vivienne Medrano(Helluva Boss & Hazbin Hotel)
°🌼⋆ Gracias por leer y espero que disfruten también! Soy Evie, su servidor de contenido! .ೃ࿔🔱:・
:・゚✨:・.🌙 Hello People!!˚。・゚✨:・.:
⋆ ˚。 ⋆⚜️˚ Nice to meet you!! My name is Evie and I will be your content server! ✨.*¨
💛₊˚ I hope we can get along super well and create moots! This account was already used before but I decided to start publishing today. In my Bio you can find more information about me as an artist!・₊✨
🌙⋆⁺₊ What I do is the following content: 🌟°。
.*- Battles
.*- Comics
.*- Commissions
.*- Fanarts
.*- Requests
.*- Freebies
.*- Suggestive
.*- G♱re
.*- Animations
.*- Ships
.*- Maps
(⚠️ I Don't Do: Realistic, NSFW (Uncensored), Anime, MAP Pride(Ew…who wants to do that?), Zoophilia (No.), G♱re with red blood (Pink blood is for g♱re censorship) ⚠️)
༉‧₊˚ I am also a “Multifandom” person. What does this mean? Well, obviously I belong to more than one community of a game, series, video, etc. Here are the fandoms I'm in!: 🌼༉‧₊˚.
⋆.˚FNaF(Most likely to post the most)
⋆.˚BATIM/BATDR(Most likely to post the most)
⋆.˚FPE(Fundamental Paper Education)
⋆.˚Hellaverse(Helluva Boss & Hazbin Hotel)
⋆.˚Baldi’s Basic
⋆.˚LMK(Lego Monkey King)
⋆.˚Gravity Falls
⋆.˚Steven Universe
⋆.˚PASWG(I don't know if it has a fandom)
⋆.˚Cuphead(Most likely to post the most)
⋆.˚FNF(Friday Night Funkin’)
⋆.˚MLP and many more!
⭐️°。 I may sometimes be able to create ACs (Alternative Characters) to put them in my OU(Original Universe)/AU (Alternative Universe), any content that is made with an OC from another creator will be supervised and if the creator of the OC wants me to take down the post, the post will be downed ⚡️⋆⸜🌟+
♱(WARNING: These contents may be content out of the main plot or may contain STRONG THEMES such as: Alcoholism, Bad words, Dr♱gs, Ab♱se(Any kind of), Real cases, S♱x, Strong/Dark Jokes or adultery themes. Discretion is recommended in the reader and follower of this content, if you are sensitive, please try not to view the majority of this blog. THIS CONTENT IS ONLY INTENDED FOR A MATURE AND ADULT AUDIENCE. If you are a minor, I recommend that you be accompanied by an adult to supervise this content. The person who makes: Insults, Hate, Blackmail, Scam or Copy, WILL BE BLOCKED FROM THE BLOG. Any report or demand to this content channel will be discussed privately by the person to look for an agreement.)♱
₊˚ʚ 💫 Before finishing with the introduction. Here my drawing style inspired by!: ₊˚✨ ゚.
⊹₊ ⋆PASWG(Panty and Stocking with Gaterbelt)
⊹₊ ⋆Invader Zim
⊹₊ ⋆PPG(The Powerpuff Girla)
⊹₊ ⋆Dexter’s Laboratory
⊹₊ ⋆Pretty Blood
⊹₊ ⋆HTP(Happy Tree Friends)
⊹₊ ⋆MLAATR(My Life as a Teenage Robot)
⊹₊ ⋆Puffy AmiYumi
⊹₊ ⋆Bloody Bunny: Don’t be my enemy
⊹₊ ⋆Vivienne Medrano(Helluva Boss & Hazbin Hotel)
°🌼⋆ Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy too! I'm Evie, your content server! .ೃ࿔🔱:・
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etes-secrecy-post · 1 year
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Hi, before I explain my post, I want to say something important.
• What you see my blog has become a major overhaul. And despite the changes, I decided that my 2nd account will be now my artwork blog with a secret twist.
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Okay? Capiche? Make sense? Good, now back to the post…↓
#Onthisday: Jul 5th, 2010
Title: Wing Zero Pocoyo & Epyon Kirby
Here are their temporary armored suits for Pocoyo 🔵👶 & Kirby ⭐ before they gave it to someone else. (Namely Shane, ExiaFan453's OC, who owns armored Wing Gundam & Wing Gundam Zero, including the Custom variants)
And the reason why I did is because of my childhood in the early 2000s, when I remember watching Gundam Wing & Gundam Wing Endless Waltz on Toonami (on Cartoon Network Philippines) 🇵🇭🤖📺⬛⬜. There's also televised in the U.S., as well! 🇺🇸🤖📺⬛⬜ Did you know that? Man, I could never forget their excellent English dubs per character (as much as I loved their Japanese dub w/ subtitles, as well). In fact, I did purchased a faked Gunpla HG Gundam Nataku/Altron EW model kit, which is sadly long gone.
Nevertheless, let's bring down their stats:
Wing Zero Pocoyo Came from the: XXXG-00W0 Wing Gundam Zero (Anime TV Ver.)
• (2x) Twin buster rifle/buster rifle A double-barrel type Buster Rifle. It has more than twice the power of the Buster Rifle equipped by the OG armored Wing. It is a type directly connected to the generator so rapid fire is also possible.
• (2x) Beam saber Slashing equipment for close combat. Since it adopts devices made of Gundanium Alloy in every part; the power, function, durability, etc. are exceptionally improved compared to those of ordinary armors. One apiece is stored in the shoulder armor on both shoulders.
• Shield A shield made of Gundanium Alloy. In addition to being applied with anti-beam coating, it is equipped with Wing Vulcans on both sides. The tip of the shield can also be extended to damage targets.
- Wing Vulcan A pair of vulcan guns built into the sides of Wing Zero's shield.
Special Feature(s):
• ZERO System An interface for achieving the "perfect victory", developed to make the pilot keep up with a machine performance. Since it seriously affects the physical functions and mental state of the CD member, a person without strong mental strength can't control it.
• Search Eye Focused on data gathering. When the antennas and main cameras do not suffice, the their eyes comprised of the large jewel on its chest is used to gather visual and radio-wave data.
Epyon Kirby Came from the: OZ-13MS Gundam Epyon
• Beam Sword The primary weapon of the Epyon, it is connected directly to the suit's powerplant via a cord as opposed to running on its own internal power source. This allows the length and the intensity of the beam blade to be adjusted according to the situation, and at maximum level, it can inflict damage severe enough to destroy objects as large as the Space Fortress.
• Epyon Claw Mounted on the forearms. In combat, they can be used to tear through enemy armor.
• Epyon Shield A small shield mounted on the left arm, its surface has been treated with an anti-beam coating to provide protection against beam attacks. It mounts a heat rod at the bottom.
- Heat Rod A segmented whip-like chain housed in Epyon's shield. It can be used to trip or entangle opponents, and even cut through mobile suits when heated. A single swipe with this weapon can destroy up to three opponents.
Special Feature(s):
• Epyon System A modified version of the deadly ZERO System installed in the armored Epyon. Known as the Epyon System, it operated the same as the armored Wing Zero's ZERO System, but the member wears a special V-helmet on their head when using the system. Any technical differences compared to the ZERO System is unknown.
• Search Eye Focused on data gathering. When the antennas and main cameras do not suffice, the their eyes comprised of the large jewel on its chest is used to gather visual and radio-wave data.
Kirby - Kirby Series © Hal Laboratories Inc./ Nintendo® Pocoyo - POCOYO™ © Zinkia Entertainment S.L Armors (Mobile Suit Gundam Wing) - Gundam Series © SUNRISE, Sotsu
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xnchxntmxnt · 2 years
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I posted 1,055 times in 2022
That's 173 more posts than 2021!
296 posts created (28%)
759 posts reblogged (72%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 441 of my posts in 2022
#//ɪɴʙᴏx - 150 posts
#random bullshittery - 51 posts
#//ᴏʀɪɢɴᴀʟ ᴡᴏʀᴋꜱ - 46 posts
#jack — 🛸 - 32 posts
#//ᴏɴᴇꜱʜᴏᴛꜱ - 25 posts
#anniversary event - 19 posts
#sk8 the infinity x reader - 15 posts
#sk8 - 15 posts
#sk8 x reader - 13 posts
#sk8 the infinity - 13 posts
Longest Tag: 135 characters
#i just read a fuckin fic that reader was supposed to be like. a lot shorter than sakusa. i know several girls who are at least 5’9 like
My Top Posts in 2022:
How They Kiss (KnB ver.)
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Fandom: Kuroko's Basketball
Character: Kise Ryouta, Kuroko Tetsuya, Kagami Taiga, Murasakibara Atsushi
Warnings: borderline suggestive but mostly fluffy bs. not proofread or edited at ALL. written at 1am excuse the grammar
Notes: gonna make another one of these w my boys but i gotta make the bestie (ew i hate that i said that like they are i just hate the word) & the no homo s/o happy first <33 @rqkuya thanks for the inspo on the kuroko one and @ruujiko come get ur man he's a giant teddy bear
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sk8. ver || hq ver
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316 notes - Posted March 12, 2022
5 Moments Kagami Taiga Realized How Much He Liked You, and the One He Finally Did Something About It
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Fandom: Kuroko’s Basketball
Character: Kagami Taiga
Warnings: cursing, several food mentions, it’s assumed that reader isn’t a basketball player but knows a little, minor injury mentioned, plz dont listen to the fic ur not actually supposed to use hydrogen peroxide on cuts but i didnt know that till i googled it after i read this just use cool water to clean it,
Notes: wrote the ending when i was sick so its shitty however this is officially the longest fic I've written and posted on here. beat the last one by like 20 words or something. congrats to me
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362 notes - Posted April 30, 2022
hi, can i please request the sk8 boys reactions to a reader who can skate (doing tricks and all) wearing stilettos? take your time and take care!!
sk8 boys reacting to you skating in heels
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Fandom: Sk8 The Infinity
Characters: Kaoru “Cherry Blossom” Sakurayashiki, Miya Chinen, Reki Kyan
Warnings: MIYAS IS PLATONIC ONLY. that was my biggest concern writing him. however the other two can be taken as platonic or romantic, dealer’s choice. reader’s age isn’t implied either so you could be a friend/older sibling/partner/whatever you like!
Notes: hi! so sk8 boys was vague so I did some favs + some people who deserve more recognition on my blog lol. i could do a pt 2 if anyone is interested?? It would be Langa & Joe and maybe shadow hmm
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365 notes - Posted July 23, 2022
hihi!! i saw your event and i love the theme jdbsjs <33 also happy (early?) birthday to both you and koi!!
can i request a 4 star pull for genshin impact? the trope would be they forgot your birthday (hurt/comfort pls) ☺️☺️ with xiao, diluc, and gorou?
thank you so much!! if i didn’t request correctly pls feel free to dm me :,)
when they forget your birthday...
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etc: established relationship, modern au![character] x gn!reader, gn pronouns used (they/them/mx.), food mentions (not descriptive), probably very ooc i'm sorry
notes: the favoritism is real in this one :,)
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398 notes - Posted August 12, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Fandom: Stranger Things
Character: Eddie Munson
Warnings: suggestive content, lots of kissing
Notes: before anyone gets too excited im not writng for everyone just this guy. feel free to send requests for him tho im in love with this bastard man <3 anyway what even is this help me /hj
gn (masc leaning) reader
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“(Y/N)...psst, hey, (Y/N).”
“What do you mean no?”
“I mean you're the reason we’re stuck here in the first place! So no!” 
“Hey, ain’t my fault Holak’s a pain in everyone’s ass and doesn’t like it when I kiss my favorite person in the hallway.”
“We were not kissing you were making out with me under the stairs, Munson. And now I have detention and it's your fault.”
Eddie Munson, king freak of Hawkins High, dungeon master and ring leader of Hellfire Club, and worst of all your boyfriend flashed his incredibly irritating and adorable smile at you—you looked away to not fall for it, going back to your homework. 
He leaned forward and whispered in your ear, “you weren’t complaining about it before she found us, were you?”
You could just smack him. 
Instead, you decided to tune him out and continue your work. May as well do something productive here, right?
You didn’t look up when the teacher mentioned something about having a meeting to go to and expecting you to behave yourselves, nor did you look up when he left. You, unfortunately, looked up when Eddie took your pencil out of your hand and sat on the desk in front of you. 
“Hey! That’s mine!”
“Come get it, sweetheart.”
There’s that cocky smirk you hate so much from him. 
You stood from your seat, as did he. He held the pencil above and behind his head, so you lunged forward for it. With a bit of laugh, he dropped the pencil and wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you in tight. Your hand you reached for the pencil with landed on his shoulder in defeat. 
“You’re a prick,” you complained, although you made no effort to pull away. 
“Mhm, yeah, and you hate me so much. Shut up and kiss me already.”
He silenced anything else you planned on saying with a needy kiss. Almost immediately you melted, using your other hand to run through his hair. When you tugged gently, he groaned against your lips, pulling you tighter against him. Without a second thought, he walked you backward into a desk (luckily not the one you’d been sitting at) and you sat on top. His hands traveled down from your waist to your legs, guiding you to wrap them around his waist. 
You pulled away from him, putting a finger over his lips to stop him from following yours. “We shouldn’t be doing this, Ed. We’re screwed if he comes back in.”
“You didn’t seem to be complaining.” 
You groaned in frustration and laid your head against his shoulder. “Eddie Munson, you are such a pain in my ass.” 
“I could be if ya let me.”
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813 notes - Posted June 27, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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hotwings0203 · 3 years
Just read the dabi post and the Misogynistic toxic muslim dabi x a bold feminist muslim women who argues with him on his misogynistic remarks. Enemy to lovers muslim ver but 100% more toxic.That’s one hell of a concept, i’m digging it 😩🧎🏻‍♀️
Bro could you imagine the tension???
I could totoally see him hawks and shiggy sitting in the adjacent room upstairs from the girls during some dinner party, and so far every move he made to subtly gain your attention was rebuked because, ew, he’s a toxic Muslim dude.
At one point however he winks and hawks and says super loudly, “yeah I’m so tired of this new age feminist bullshit. Our religion doesn’t even support western feminism so idk what these girls are on about.”
Not even a full 3 seconds after he utters the sentence you barrel through the door, nostrils blowing wide, smoke practically curling from your ears as you and your girls glare at him from the doorway.
He just leans back on the bed, arms crossed over his head with a shit-eating grin on his face as he readies himself for an hours worth of your argument against his claim.
Which, by the way, is something he’s dreamed about for so long. He can’t even hear the sound of you berating him and actually making valid points when he’s practically undressing you with his eyes, letting his gaze travel lower and lower until you can obviously tell he’s all for women in other ways…
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httpghostface · 2 years
ok so basically my main blog is fucked
my main and side look different, examples-
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and ik ur wondering, whats the big deal right? well i was working on a draft and there is a "preview post" feature, that i always click to see what it'll look like on my blog b4 i post it. thats where the problem comes, examples
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ok now in preview post
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there are lots of vers of this problem, but this is the jist
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preview post
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do you kinda see the difference? and both blogs have the same theme, but the controls look different. so idk why it's doing that, cuz i mean, i cant rlly write if it does that 😅
okay I see
1. EW YOUR THEMES use goth rave way better
2. it could just be because one is a side and one is a main iynwim
3. I think it could just be a glitch and it could go away
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I posted 188 times in 2021
169 posts created (90%)
19 posts reblogged (10%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 0.1 posts.
I added 423 tags in 2021
#bellasar posts - 148 posts
#transformers - 41 posts
#art - 41 posts
#video games - 40 posts
#hasbro - 30 posts
#anime - 29 posts
#fan art - 28 posts
#halo - 23 posts
#gundam - 22 posts
#halo infinite - 21 posts
Longest Tag: 54 characters
#why does nintendo suck at preserving its classic games
My Top Posts in 2021
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This is the Master Grade Sandrock EW which is one of my favorite models kits of kits from Gundam Wing and that is mostly because there is more color to break up the boring white. It’s just a really nice model kit!   
25 notes • Posted 2021-12-07 14:36:25 GMT
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On today’s installment of what art do I feel like sharing, it’s my drawing of the Deathscythe!
28 notes • Posted 2021-12-08 00:13:03 GMT
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So for today's art, it's my drawing of the Shenlong Gundam!
30 notes • Posted 2021-11-29 14:36:34 GMT
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And for todays art, it is my drawing the Wind Gundam. This one is more based on the Master Grade Wing Gundam Ver. KA model kit but I really like it! Feel free to reblog!
31 notes • Posted 2021-11-22 14:36:33 GMT
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34 notes • Posted 2021-11-25 14:36:41 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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kpopcotton · 5 years
Simply Soft ~ NCT 127 ver.
a/n ~ here is the final version of simply soft.. i hope you like it!!
• Prompt: johnny. just johnny. • Genre: platonic fluff, bullet point scenario, nct member!reader  • Warning(s): strong desire to be a part of nct • Reader Gender: gender-neutral
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ok google, what does soft mean?
never have you seen taeil so whipped for someone
always supporting you and looking at you with the biggest heart eyes
haechan pretends to get jealous and petty whenever taeil shows you more attention than him
you have competitions sometimes
but besides that,
you show taeil so much love and he has so much to give in return
he’s not the best at expressing his love, but you know he cares through the little things
like when he cleans up after you 
or gives you firm hugs that last tens of minutes at a time when you aren’t feeling the best
or lets you rest in his bed if you fall asleep during the haechan movie nights you crash
he finds you so precious and never wants to see you sad
his favorite time to hang out with you is right after the two of you get home from a busy day
doesn’t matter what you both did, he’ll make sure to find you at the dorms
most of the time he just gives you the look which means he’s picked out some snacks and is ready when you are
to him, there is nothing better than taking a shower and then inviting you to put on face masks and dance to music
lets you pick the playlist
but, he’s very picky about what kind of music it is
either gives you one of his hoodies or steals one of yours
you both get comfy clothes on
and then apply skincare before picking a face mask and putting them on each other
lots of cute selfies that will never be shared but always treasured
in conclusion, taeil loves relaxing with you
“oh! oh, this is the song! quick, come dance!”
are you ready for another...
johnny’s communication center?
probably not
you’ve only gotten to appear in one of johnny’s youtube videos which was like a 40-second debut
rip y/n
however, contrary to popular belief, you do spend time with him
he’s like the best big brother in the world, even if he’s younger than you
brings you to clothing stores, coffee shops, bookstores, ikea
any place you can buy things really
his favorite places to go with you are clothing stores
forces you to try on clothes that are in his style just to see how they look on you
whines when you try to get him to wear your style of clothing
says your fashion sense is terrible and sad
but wears the clothes anyway to see your reaction
loves seeing you smile
sometimes you go through johnny’s fashion evaluation
either horrendous combinations or luxury styles
there is no in-between
in the case of horrendous combinations (which happened at a thrift store in chicago):
he had you put on a sparkly rainbow bikini top that left little to the imagination, khakis, a lumberjack flannel around your neck, a bandana around your head, sunglasses that had to be at the tip of your nose, and thigh-high, high heeled boots
you had never felt more out of place and uncomfortable in your life
but johnny loved it every second of it
you made sure to get him back though
you gave him a neon blue lacy bralette, a puke green and brown sweater that you forced him to tie into a crop top, jean shorts that were too short with leggings underneath, knee-high socks with laces pulled over the leggings, and strappy sandals
he pretended to model the outfit for you confidently but his bright red neck and cheeks gave it away that he was embarrassed
in the case of luxury items (which was in some uptown, expensive store in japan):
johnny somehow managed to pick out an outfit that accentuated all of your best features with a color that made you feel confident and sexy
you felt you had never looked better
you returned the favor of course and gave him a suit that was definitely a perfect fit and it was obviously red because when does johnny not look good in red
“damn, y/n, look at us! we are the visuals of nct no doubt!”
never have you seen a more confusing duo in kpop history
aeygo to the maxxxx
charisma to that maxxxx
it’s like a metronome how fast you two change when you’re together
the power.
neither soft stans nor hard stans can handle it
the twitter timeline is a dangerous place
fans could be cooing at you both and having heart pains while commenting about how babie you two are
but then die because the next picture is you in all black with a harness doing a questionably 18+ pose with taeyong who’s probably got his signature crop top on
n e ways, let us move on
taeyong adores you so much and it honestly makes him so flustered when you spend time with him
he loves, loves, loves when you take him out
he doesn’t leave the dorm much unless it’s for work
invite him to join you anywhere and he’ll instantly agree with so much enthusiasm, it’ll make you want to give him the world (though he deserves it)
he enjoys the little things
like walking down the street and bumping shoulders every so often while you guys talk about your days
or holding hands while crossing the street to make sure the other is safe
if you go somewhere to eat and offer a bite to him, he’ll melt
do anything for him and he’ll melt, really
one time you held the door for him and he had heart eyes the rest of the night
another time, you complimented his taste in fashion while you took a few pictures of him for instagram and he couldn’t stop smiling
how can he be so precious?
always tries to impress you with a surprise while you are out
he might spoil his new solo track or pay for a meal if you stop anywhere to eat, but that’s when he’s feeling extra
one time he surprised you with a tight hug and a genuine thank you that actually made you cry
“baby, please... spend some time.. with me?”
you and yuta are like two peas in a pod
like peanut butter and jelly
like strawberries and chocolate
like french fries and burgers
like fish and chips
sorry, i’ll stop with food pairs im kinda hungry right now
anyways, you get it
yuta feels lost when you aren’t around. you are his best friend, his other half (winwin who?)
yuta without you just feels... wrong
nct’s instragram is full of the pictures you guys take when you go on adventures together, which is very often
it’s his favorite thing to do with you; traveling and exploring
you pull up a map on your phone and go buck wild
you’ve both found some pretty cool places and some amazing views
you found a hidden cove somewhere off the coast in california but you guys got in trouble later that day because no one could find you
turns out you guys had wandered a lot farther than you thought
the pictures you showed the group made up for it
they were gorgeous candids of the both of you, laughing and smiling together
one was a timed one where you were both jumping
all of these photos and videos were posted to instagram which made a lot of people happy just to see yuta and you so happy in your elements
sometimes, you guys force mark to join you which takes some convincing because you two are always trouble 
mark wouldn’t admit it in a million years, but those moments he shares with the two of you are where he has the most fun
he never knew two people could love each other platonically as much as the two of you do
however, he wants to barf whenever you guys call each other sappy pet names because, ew, third wheeling
“where should we go today, honey?”
my birthday twin, let’s get it
how do i even begin to explain how much this boy cares?
you are the third member on his “favorite member” list
now, don’t get petty when he says you’re third
the story of how you got demoted from first is a bit funny in hindsight, jeno (who’s in first) takes the liberty of making fun of you for it whenever you hang out
jungwoo (who owns second) always tries to stand up for you though
you were messing around with taeyong on top of a set-piece while shooting a music video
doyoung had scolded you and told you to stop or else you would get hurt
you decided to laugh off his warning because you “weren’t that clumsy” 
turns out you were
taeyong did something cool (when does he not?) and you wanted to try it, so after he told you how to do it a few times, you did
you fell
not very far, only a couple feet, but you landed on your back
the sound was so loud that it startled everyone
doyoung had a heart attack
he thought you died
you had the wind knocked out of you and your back was a little sore, but other than that you were fine
at least ten people swarmed you
including taeyong who was apologizing like crazy
doyoung was right there, lifting you up and already giving you an earful about how he told you to be cautious
once people were sure you were fine and didn’t have a concussion, they left you alone
doyoung doesn’t like much physical affection, but he’ll put that aside to smother you against his chest and harshly reprimand you
he’s a mom friend and will always be
will never tell you, but he prizes the moments when you get sick or hurt
sounds sadistic, and maybe it is, but he loves when you are a helpless baby and he has to take care of you
always scolding you for compromising your health, but doesn’t stop pampering you
tells the other members off when they try to help him
makes you soup when you are sick and gets you anything you ask for without complaint
if you get hurt, he’s right there with some form of first aid
and since i know you’re wondering: yes, he will cuddle you if you ask.
“come to me when you need help, you dumb baby.”
jung jaehyun is the definition of boyfriend material
when you two get together, the aesthetic blogs pale in comparison
everything the two of you do together is an aesthetic, really
golden hour selfies on rooftops where your skin glows and your eyes look the most beautiful
candids on the streets of the city where you're illuminated by the street signs
coffee shop pictures where you look so perfectly in your element sipping coffee and looking out the window
snapshots of “date nights” where you stay in to watch movies or kdramas with popcorn, candy, and a bottle of wine
couple’s outfits where you pose like models while someone takes your photo
you guys do it all
honestly, the biggest ship in all of nct is you and jaehyun
fanfiction writers are jealous no doubt because how the hell can the two of you live out their writings so flawlessly
some people use the pictures the two of you take as templates for their mood boards or “nct as boyfriends” projects
you both probably started a vlog series on the nct youtube account
however, the time you guys spend together is strictly platonic, no matter how badly people want you two to “just date”
neither of you tries anything romantic because blegh, disgusting, i’ve known this person for so long they are literally my best friend, my sibling, a family member i’ve never had but always wanted
sure, jaehyun’s ears turn red whenever you guys dress up in similar outfits but it’s because of people’s reactions
if you see a picture with jaehyun shy next to you, it’s probably because johnny is screaming behind the scenes about how good the two of you look
speaking of johnny, he’s the hype man
also, sort of, maybe, kinda the reason you guys do so much aesthetic stuff
he says you guys are too good looking not to “bless the world with your visuals”
to sum this up, jaehyun treasures you and does the most with you
“what are you wearing today? we should match since it’s our friend-iversary!”
see wayv ver.
i love him with all my heart and i really miss him right now
it’s real soft hours up in here
not a single moment where you aren’t giving each other all the love you can muster
big comfy sweaters with sweater paws
love confessions every hour
always telling you he loves you and that you are his
treats you like royalty while also babying you into next week
he’s honestly the sweetest person on the planet and he can’t handle himself around you because dang, you really be out here existing and stuff
looking that good
since he’s so affectionate, i see him cuddling you like there’s no tomorrow
will build a pillow fort for you
honestly, he will do anything for you as long as you say please
not afraid to kiss you either. don’t matter where or when, he’s ready
some would say it’s his favorite thing to do
your cheek looking extra squishy that day? his lips have claimed that territory
your forehead exposed? kiss.
your neck easily accessible? smooch.
your hand in his? peck.
your lips in a pout? he better hold himself back because he’s about ready to risk it all just to give you a kith
the other members try not to seem too surprised every time you accept his lips on your skin
they freak out whenever it happens to them, or get super flustered
they don’t know how you handle his affection so well
you say it’s a talent when they ask you
a.k.a. you treasure all the affection he gives you because he is literally the best boy and you would die for him
he worships you on the daily (lucky)
he says his heart beats irregularly whenever you are around because he loves you that much
it was actually scientifically proven during a tv show when you had to make other members’ heart rates fluctuate with aegyo
you hadn’t started doing anything yet, but just by looking at you his heart did a boom boom and everyone freaked out
holds the title of the member with the best hair second-biggest ship in all of nct and of course, it’s with you
fans have so many videos of jungwoo hanging off of you and being clingy
always talking about you like you put the stars in the sky
you know that video when jungwoo was giving mark “the look”? it’s like that with you but at least ten times worse and all the time because you are his baby, his world, his favorite member
always has to comment about what you two did that day
never ever forgets to talk about how much he cares about you
“yeah, y/n and i are close. i love them with all my heart. they are perfect!”
see dreamies ver
see dreamies ver
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rae0fsunsh1ne · 4 years
The Order S2E08
I’m rewatching The Order for the 4th time and basically just gonna live blog it so if you don’t want to see my blabbering posts about each episode you can block the tag #Rachel obsesses about The Order
God DAMNIT Kepler
Vera and Kepler bicker like siblings
Or………. lovers?
My gay goggles are on tonight
OoooOoOoohhh, awkward little moment between Gabrielle and Randall
i still……….. don’t really like them together, but some of their interactions are p cute
“So Vera’s throwing us to the wolves. The….. metaphorical ones.”
They really are an army of elitist douche nozzles
“He doesn’t like you.” “I don’t like you either.”
Ew. so. much. blood.
and Selena and Nicole stuck cleaning it all up
again, aren’t there any other disciples around
“Can you be serious for one second” “Not if I can avoid it”
Jack is always so sarcastic and it’s my favourite thing about him “I’d argue it’s actually inconvenient”
Vera’s home looks a lot like Edward Coventry’s….. did she steal his house? lol
PAUSE IT ON THE NEWSPAPER, there’s Vera’s graduation pictures and a news headline that says ‘Washington Potato Queen Wins Scholarship’
Finally some lore! Some info about the history of the Order!
I bet at least a few of those books are the ones my friend designed
if i could just see a close up on some of the pages I could compare to the pics she sent me…….
“You guys do realize that technically we are walking murder spells?” “Wow, way to take all the fun out of being a werewolf.” idk that’s a pretty cool way to get to describe yourself
“Guys wait! I think I found something. Look -“ *proceeds to turn book around and flip them off
Randall would know stuff about viruses and infections, Pre-Med.
“Alexander Hame-ilton”
“Okay… Okay… If I was an uptight, manipulative liar with… impeccable lip liner…” I’d argue that Vera’s eyeliner rivals her lipliner but okay
‘join us for a night of unscripted fun and guaranteed laughs!’
the photo is iconic
How are their hands not covered in scars or do they heal themselves
but how would they heal themselves if they need to pay a price for magic wouldn’t they need to pay a price for a healing incantation and then be stuck in an endless loop
♪ don’t think about it too hard, it's a wormhole it's a mobius strip it's snake eats tail, it’s the infinity sign♪  nobody is going to understand my references but lol
What is that lasso looking thing that Salvador uses, is that ever established? I remember Alyssa also uses it at one point later in the season
“I don’t need a babysitter!” “Why do you sound like a baby?” “Why do you look like a baby???”
How many diciples went and watched The Princess Bride after this experience
“Who is she again?” “I’ve literally never seen her before today”
I love that Randall cares about Nicole, even though she was his ‘competition’ for Lilith’s affection, he still cares about her
“Like a toxoplasmosisa gondii.” “oh yeah right, that one. how could i forget?”
That’s at least the second time that Nicole has said something about ‘not wanting to make another mistake’ soooo…. what was it that she did at her old temple?
“You did get Terry’s blood on you” “You got Foley’s on you!” “So did you which makes you…infected twice!!”
“Who you calling a necromancer?” “If you bathe in the blood of virgins to maintain your youthful glow, you’re a necromancer.”
Hamish looks goooood in a tight black t-shirt
WIth what little we know about Alyssa, having someone like Salvor say to her “make your own decisions, live your life” is exactly what she wants to hear and it’s no wonder she gets manipulated again
*somebody mentions murder spells* *everyone immediately looks at Gabrielle*
bleegghhg yep just dig around inside a dudes internal organs, no big deal
“This doesn’t mean I forgive you.” “It means you’re going to.”
“For fucks sake, Kepler! Come on, you won!”
Vera is the best Grand Magus probably in many years, maybe even ever
I’m sure the Vade Maecum will always come back
Maybe Edward will come back too, if he’s still bound to the book
“Can I keep this risotto recipe?”
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kinktae · 5 years
what were NOT gonna do is drag rose into this, when she obviously isn’t involved in the situation.
Anonymous said: Please don’t let that anon get to you rose! If you want this to be your happy place then we should all respect that. I see why they might feel that way but it’s not for us to decide how you deal with the situation
bigbangtansonyeondan said: Ew that anon is so gross. Rose is not even involved aside from just knowing the people. We all have friends who done shit and do shit and it’s your personal choice whether to stick with them and shape them up or ditch them. No judgement here Rose. Don’t let stinky anons mess with your happy place.
Anonymous said: hey u don’t have to post this but the other anon was really insensitive about the situation especially when u just mentioned u were going through anxiety. like do THEY agree with their family and friends 100% of the time? no, no one does and people can make mistakes. also they don’t know the situation behind the scenes and only see what’s posted online
Anonymous said: Disregard all the anons telling u to stop being friends with ur friends!! This whole thing is just messy and has many sides let’s just all be happy and hope this is settled / will settle soon
Anonymous said: People stop dragging Rose into the arguement. It was not her that made the mistake, and you can’t tell her to break her friendships, because that’s not your decision to make. It’s hers! Anyway… search up anxiety relief(ver) on spotify. You’ll find a few good playlists with songs that will help you sooth your anxiety. Love you ❤❤
Anonymous said: Im really sorry you have been suffering with anxiety at the moment.I know how you feel I’ve been through some tough times recently. But don’t worry i will get better.🥺🥰
Anonymous said: Hey! I hope you’re doing ok w this whole drama bs! I hope to see it resolved soon and honestly fuck ppl who are trying to drag u into it!!! It has nothing to do w u! I wanna spiritually give you a hug and a lil kiss on the head 💖 bc ur too sweet for this world (despite writing Amazing smut) I hope the rest of your week goes better!Anonymous said: Hi i am just here to send you some love. I know there was a messed up situation involving your friends but ultimately it’s not your place to worry about it. You have made your feelings clear and the rest is between them and that person. People need to get off the cancel bus and chill for a sec about issues that aren’t theirs, and stop dragging bystanders like yourself into the mix. Try to focus on you, on calm, happy and safe places. Lots of love 💕
bl00bts said: ok that last anon better back the fuck off. ‘If you don’t denounce their actions then you agree with them’. What A-class bullshit. Listen, your friends, yeah they sound like assholes but they’re still your friends. I can’t force you to not hang out with them, you guys are close. They’re very important in your life, I completely understand that. I just hope that you recognize that what they did wasn’t okay. Honestly, you shouldn’t be dragged into this, you weren’t doing anything wrong.
Anonymous said: hihi, you don’t have to respond to this, this is just for your solace. i don’t think you did anything wrong with all that’s happening. your friends are their own persons who make their own decisions and behave in the manner they choose. being friends with them doesn’t mean you agree with or condone their actions, and i can see how hard this must be for you because people expect you to take sides. i hope you can catch a break and your anxieties easy away :( ❤️
Anonymous said: i just want to say that i’m so sorry that people are giving you a bunch of shit on things that you have no control over. i honestly have no idea what’s going on and i really don’t want to know but i just want to say don’t listen to them and please don’t let them get to you 💜
Anonymous said: (this is continuing the other ask) but like how are u gonna call someone a clown and essentially insult them if that’s what u were against in the first place. it makes no sense. please don’t take it to heart ur a great writer and im sure a great person
Anonymous said: That anon was quite rude to you. You chose to not get involved( and weren’t even involved), and allowed them to “resolve” their issue amongst themselves. That anon IS NOT you in this situation. They don’t understand how you feel, so to come and say what YOU should do regarding this situation is not their place. I hope people think about what they say before they come to you with their opinions on a situation they have no direct involvement in.
Anonymous said: Y'all sending her hate is really uncalled for. She’s not involved in the situation. Y'all sending her shady shit via anon is the same thing y'all are getting mad at those writers for. Don’t say one thing then do that same thing. It ain’t cute. Leave her be.
Anonymous said: Hi Rose🥺 Ik you don’t know me but I love and support you and hope everything works out for you. You deserve the best. Tumblr isn’t a place for negativity. It should be a safe haven. It should just be a place where people come together for the things they love.
Anonymous said: 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜🥰😘😘😘😘😘😘💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
Anonymous said: Hey Rose! Im sending you lots of love and support 💜 you're loved and important and Im sorry you had an anxiety attack. Lots and lots of love
minyoongibabygirl said: Hey look I might not quite understand what's going on, but I'm going to always support you, you don't deserve the hate your getting. I love you, I purple you
Anonymous said: A) you’re amazing and b) I’m sorry people are harassing you about all this drama. Your friends are important and I can say that I don’t agree with everything my friends do but that doesn’t mean I end our relationship. You’re an amazing author and an even better person.
Anonymous said: I hope you’re doing okay right now, I have panic attacks too and it takes me a while to recover from them 💜
Forget what i said about tumblr being my happy place. You guys are my happy place. thank you to everyone who sent me in anons of love and to those that pm’d me privately to help me through my mental health shit. and again, i’m so so sorry for worrying you all. Please take care of yourself everyone
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This Week in Gundam Wing January 27 - 2 February 2019
Here’s this week’s roundup!
Remember to give your content creators some love! And join in on the events at the bottom!
~Mod Hel
Fanfiction/Snippets/AU Ideas:
A Liar A Thief and an Apology https://archiveofourown.org/works/17485439
Chang Wufei/Duo Maxwell
references to past violence
Series: Part 6 of Just Like Heaven
There was only one way he could apologize. A way he could offer Wufei back his stolen heart with his own alongside it.
It’s a Small Town (Ch. 5&6) https://archiveofourown.org/works/16430819/chapters/41257163
Trowa Barton/Duo Maxwell, Long Meilan/Hilde Schbeiker, Catherine Bloom/Abdul Kurama, Chang Wufei/Duo Maxwell
What happened before Tequila, Breakups
Series: Part 1 of Small Town Boys
The events before the start of Tequila.Not necessarily in order.
Postcard #20 https://disturbed02girl.tumblr.com/post/182381994065/postcard-20-une-or-lady-as-the-boys-often-call
Une, or Lady as the boys often call her with a sneer, can’t resist asking Duo for favors if she finds out his location is useful. Of course Duo obliges when he can. And really, he has been known to request a few favors in exchange (see postcard #3). This sometimes irks Heero, who doesn’t like Duo taking risks when there is no support or backup to call in ASAP.
This most recent favor used Duo’s talent in stealth as he checked out a questionable operation in a warehouse. His coded message back to Une told her team that yes the warehouse was shady, they would need more than one team for a sting operation, and it was full of illegal merchandise.
Always the prankster, Duo’s latest victim (and his favorite) was Wufei, who returned home to find his bathtub full with 75 goldfish happily splashing about.
WIP https://disturbed02girl.tumblr.com/post/182509165845/this-story-has-been-sitting-idle-on-my-computer
This story has been sitting idle on my computer for 3 years. Maybe posting some will motivate me. Maybe.
It’s Duo’s perspective–
WIP Wednesday https://lemontrash.tumblr.com/post/182435725409/wip-wednesday
Here’s a chunk from the 1x5 Mail Order Husband fic. Who put me up to this? @noirangetrois​ was it you? Anyway, here’s a bit where they’ve just met and Heero is wondering what the hell he has just bailed from the spaceport police station.
Snippet Saturday https://lifeaftermeteor.tumblr.com/post/182511822905/laser-tag-and-games-complex-l4-v05001-29-december
Laser Tag and Games Complex
29 December 210
Dare To Be Different (Secret Magic AU) https://terrablaze514.tumblr.com/post/182322276017/inspired-by-this-post-make-sure-you-follow
**Inspired by this post. Make sure you follow their page!**
Rated T for mature subject matter… Or M on the side of caution. I dunno - one of those ratings is best suited for this scene.
Timeline: A few months into working on their Blind Target album. Consider this their break time.
Summary: The group freezes at odds when Heero’s words slip. Thankfully, Mr. Lowe steps in and offers assurance.
Tallgeese, model
Troll Trowa, and a discussion on sheep. >_>
Discord Hijinks 1
Discord Hijinks 2
Emoji Winner, Winner, Chicken Dinner
Head Canons:
Chibi Gundam’s/Children
Sims4 GW family headcanons
A Gundam Wing rewatch... revelation-a-thon?
GW Ep. 44 Epiphany
Duo, Quatre, & WuFei
Duo & Heero
Heero & Duo
WuFei, Quatre, & Trowa
Howard & Duo
Gundam Wing + AO3 Tags Vol. 2
Heero & Duo
Heero, Duo, & Trowa
Quatre, Duo, Trowa, & WuFei
Zechs (via @metaandpotatoes​)
Quatre & Trowa
Duo, Quatre, Heero, Trowa, & WuFei
Heero, Duo, & Hilde
Heero, WuFei, & Duo
Quatre & Heero
Trowa, Quatre, Duo, & Heero
Heero & Trowa
Quatre & Trowa
Duo & Heero
No Idea What To Put This Under:
Episode 5 of Radio Meteor
Calendar Events:
Cocktail Fridays!
Post responses on Friday, during Happy Hour between 3 & 5 pm in your own timezone.
Here’s the prompt for Friday February 8th! https://gwcocktailfriday.tumblr.com/post/182499358554/cocktail-friday-post-responses-on-friday-february
For those going to Pillowfort, find us here.
A GW Meet-up on the discord server.
Today’s the last day! Come have some fun nerding out!
Summer of Zechs 2019 Ideas https://our-summer-of-zechs.tumblr.com/post/181628092091/we-appear-to-still-be-up-and-running-folks
Come let us know how long this summer’s event should last!
What Month is it? https://our-summer-of-zechs.tumblr.com/post/182355135746/what-month-is-it
Come vote on a month for the event to be hosted in!
Here’s the Pillowfort discussion.
GW Valentine’s Event 2019
Sunday January 20th - Saturday February 9th | Make your thing(s)
Sunday February 10th - Saturday February 16th | Post your works
Here’s the Pillowfort discussion
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shadow-light19 · 6 years
Redemption and Forgiveness Chapter 5: Department of Family Reunions
Summary: Hector finds out why Miguel is in the Land of the Dead and Miguel arrives at the Department of Family Reunions. He learns the details of the curse and makes a deal with Hector to find de la Cruz.
Notes: Since the terms and conditions of the blessing are different, Miguel doesn’t cross paths with the Riveras. Once they figure out Miguel was there, they will try to use Pepita but without anything to smell, they can’t find him as easily. They’ll have to resort to other methods. Since Hector and Miguel are not running away, I feel it’s easier for them to just use the tram to get to Ceci’s studio.
Previous Chapter: https://shadow-light19.tumblr.com/post/173683591752/redemption-and-forgiveness-chapter-4-frida-kahlo
As Miguel, Dante, and Hector passed through the city on their way to the Department of Family Reunions, Miguel noted the odd looks he received from other skeletons. He pulled his hood over his face as several boldly pointed at him and whispered. Hector didn’t notice until Miguel clutched onto his vest from behind.
“Ay, chamaco! You’re going to make me trip walking so close.”
He turned and noted how uncomfortable Miguel looked. Hector stopped walking and looked around. Some people turned away and pretended not to have looked but others were undeterred. He followed their line of sight and finally noticed the guitar on Miguel’s back.
“What?! Chamaco, where did- hold on!”
Hector pulled him until an alleyway. Miguel flinched at the angry look on Hector’s face.
“Where did you get that?! Did you steal it?! Are you a grave robber?!”
Miguel pulled the guitar forward and held it close.
“No! I-It’s my great-great-grandfather’s! I was just borrowing it so that I could play in the talent show!”
Hector froze. He looked at Miguel and then at the guitar.
“… You’re great-great-grandfather?”
Miguel nodded.
“Yeah, Ernesto de la Cruz is my great-great-grandfather. It’s not stealing if I’m borrowing it and we’re related, he would’ve wanted me to have it!”
Hector’s eyeballs fell into his mouth.
Ew… That’s so gross…
Hector sighed and rubbed his face his hands.
“I can’t believe this… Actually, I can believe this. That man was always rash.”
He knelt down in front of Miguel and placed a hand on his shoulder.
“Look, chamaco. You seem like a good kid. I don’t understand why you took the guitar but you need to understand that stealing is never okay.”
Miguel tried to explain but Hector raised a hand.
“Borrowing without permission is the same thing as stealing. It’s a serious crime to be a grave robber. No one here takes too kindly to them so never do this again, okay?”
Miguel nodded.
He’s right. I don’t know why I thought that would work. Everyone would’ve recognized it right away as de la Cruz’s guitar once I got on stage.
“You’re right. I’m sorry.”
Hector sighed and patted Miguel’s head.
“The Department will know how to fix this but I don’t want you to keep getting looks. Here.”
Hector held out the Frida Kahlo costume.
“We have to hide that and you or else you’re going to continue to get stares.”
“Ay, ay, hold still. Look up. A ver, a ver. Look up, up, up.”
Ay, this taking forever!
“Aqui arriba, eso… Eh, la rayita. Okay. Hey! Ta-da!”
Hector held up a little mirror so that he could see.
Hey, I look like a skeleton!
Miguel made a couple faces as he looked at himself in the mirror. Dante barked at the two and smiled doggishly.
“Alright, you can just wipe it off at the Department if you need to. This way we can get there without any trouble. Come on!”
Miguel wrapped the guitar around his shoulder and made sure that he didn’t mess up the make-shift guitar cover Hector made for him. The costume’s skirt was long enough to cover the body of the guitar well and the shirt covered the handle. Assured that the guitar wouldn’t be recognized they continued to the Department of Family Reunions.
It didn’t take long for the two to arrive at the front doors of the large building.
“Well, here you are chamaco. Just go inside and ask to speak to one of the managers. They’ll be able to get everything squared out for you.”
Hector turned to leave.
He paused and looked back at Miguel.
“…Would you, I-I mean, c-could you wait for me, please? You’re the only person here that I know.”
This place is really big and crowded. I don’t think I’ve ever been someplace this large before.
Hector seemed to debate with himself before sighing and walking up to the doors. He held one open and gestured for Miguel to enter. Miguel smiled and relaxed a little as they entered the building.
The inside was bustling with many skeletons. Miguel followed Hector as they maneuvered through the crowd until they were by a couple desks and several long lines of skeletons waiting to talk to clerks. He could see a woman shouting angrily at one of the clerks. Hector stiffened though as he saw her.
“Okay, kid. I’m going to wait for you over here.”
He pointed off to the side by the wall.
“Just go up to that door and knock. The man in there should be able to help you, okay? Great!”
Hector gave Miguel a slight push and then slunk away to hide. Miguel huffed and looked at Dante. His companion smiled at him, tongue hanging out and tail wagging.
“Dante, could you go wait with Hector? I’ll come back for you once I’m done.”
The dog barked and ran off to wait with the man. Miguel then towards the office door. The woman scared him a little so he did his best not to look at her when he passed by and hoped she wouldn’t notice him as he knocked on the door.
It opened up and a small man looked up at him.
“What can I do for you?”
Miguel grabbed his arm with his other hand.
“I need some help, por favor. I think something went wrong since I’m alive but I’m here.”
Miguel whispered when he mentioned he was alive. The man’s eyes widened in surprise and then he gestured for Miguel to enter. The man closed the door behind him and made his way over to the desk. Miguel pulled his hood down.
“So, you’re living but in the Land of the Dead. What happened before you got here?”
He asked as he rifled through some papers stacked on his desk.
“I wanted to play at a Talent Show in my town but I needed a guitar and no one would let me borrow one. I figured I could borrow my great-great-grandfather’s guitar from his memorial and play it at the show but once I strummed it, no one could see me anymore.”
The man pulled out a file.
“That would do it.”
Do what?
“You cursed yourself.”
The skeleton opened up the file and flipped through a couple pages.
“Día de los Muertos is a time to give to the dead. You stole from the dead so now you’re cursed.”
I think I’m gonna be sick.
“H-How do I uncurse myself?”
The man read a couple lines and hummed to himself.
“Looks like you need to return the stolen object to the owner and be forgiven for the act. Only then, can you go home but you gotta do it by sunrise.”
“What happens at sunrise?”
The man gestured to Miguel’s hands. One of his fingers was bone.
He fainted.
“-kay? Kid?”
Miguel slowly came back to awareness. He blinked a couple times and then sat up when he realized the skeleton from before was snapping his fingers in his ear.
“That’s better. Do you want me to call your family? They can help you get that forgiveness.”
Miguel quickly shook his head.
“I-I’m alright! They are actually waiting for me outside! I’ll just go ahead and meet up with them. Gracias for the help though, señor!”
Miguel stood up and started to back away towards the door.
“One last thing!”
Miguel paused.
“When you get your forgiveness, your family member needs to hold a cempasúchil petal and say, starting with your name, ‘I forgive you.’ Then, you take the petal from them and that will send you home. Also, if the guitar gets lost or broken, you’ll be unable to return home. Take good care of it, okay?”
Miguel nodded and pulled his hood back up.
“Gracias, señor!”
He opened the door and saw his family with the woman from earlier.
Oh, no! I gotta hide!
Miguel looked towards the wall and made his way into the crowd.
Thank goodness, I don’t think anyone saw me! Now, where did Hector say he was waiting?
He looked around and walked over once he found him.
“How’d it go, kid?”
Miguel frowned.
“I need to return the guitar and be forgiven by the owner. Once that happens, I can return to the Land of the Living. Do you know where I can find de la Cruz?”
Hector looked at him.
“Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Wait. Wait, wait, wait, wait! Okay, this works out!”
That’s a little weird.
“If you’re going back to the Land of the Living, you can do me a favor! We can help each other!”
Hector dug out a photo from his vest and handed it to Miguel.
“You can put my photo on the ofrenda when you get home and I’ll help you find de la Cruz!”
The man on the photo was smiling but he looked lanky and a little scruffy.
“This is you?”
Hector posed.
“Muy guapo, eh? So, what do you say?”
Miguel shrugged his shoulders.
“Alright. You help me find de la Cruz and then I’ll put your photo up when I get home.”
Hector led Miguel back out the main doors. They headed to the trams out front and hopped on. Dante sat down at Miguel’s feet.
“Every Día de los Muertos your great-great-grandfather puts on a show called the Sunrise Spectacular. He should be at his rehearsal. I know someone who can get us in.”
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angelixii · 6 years
Okay so there's a lot I want to ask you 😓 uhm wow okay so: Cotton Candy, Cookie Dough/Dulce we Leche, Rocky Road/Butter Pecan, Chocolate Chip, Bubblegum, Neapolitan, Lemon Custard, Superman, and since you're eating ice cream Green Tea! I'm sorry that there is so many, I honestly just want to know so many thing about you... (You don't have to answer /all/ of them!) - A kind of embarrassed Teddy🐻
Oh no its ok!!! Of course ill answer them all you dont have to be embarrassed!
cotton candy: three places you want to travel to? 
oof theres so many, of course the rest of America. Id also love to go to anywhere in Europe and also Asia!
cookie dough: do you play any instruments? dulce de leche: an instrument you wish you could play?
Oof I wish, well ig Piano but I havent played that thing in a while, and when I did I sucked at it so. But theres so many instruments I want to learn, pretty much all of them. The top one would have to be a violin tho.
rocky road: favorite songs at the moment?butter pecan: favorite songs for life? 
Oof I have no idea. I mean I dont ever really listen to the song but I extremely love the message from “Imagine” by John Lennon
chocolate chip: what's your most popular post? 
I have no idea why but its the post that says “Questions Street ver. offically made me believe 100% that Stray Kids are complete crackheads” lmao
bubblegum: books or movies? 
Oof definitely movies because like the last book I read on my own was Maze Runner Scorch Trials and I only actually read it because I had nothing else to do in class. Its really good though but its just I prefer movies cause I do that thing where I have to read the same paragraph like 20 times becuase I get distracted and think of something else :’)
neapolitan: things that stress you out? 
wow theres so many
uhm a few are school (just everything about it), when I sit around on a weekend during school months and do nothing (even tough I do it 24/7 and I have nothing to do),  oof ill stop there and cant really think of others or explain them.
lemon custard: do you eat breakfast? 
At school? occasionally but its not much, most of the time I just starve myself til lunch (and I eat my packed lunch because ew school lunch) because aint no one got time to eat before they leave for school. And on non school days, no not really unless I get lucky and someone cooks or its a bowl of cereal.
superman: do you like sweaters? 
Oof of course! But I dont wear them often cause I dont have any really and yeah all that. but now hoodies I wear to school like everyday no matter what the weather is.
green tea: favorite flavors of ice cream? 
Uhm ive never been the type to go out and try a bunch of different flavors or really foods in general so ima have to go with the classic Neopolitan, cookies and cream, and of course cookie dough
Thank you for the ask!!!
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dfaerhng · 3 years
Un accidente de coche que pone los pelos de punta
Perhaps a few zara pantalon chinoweeks off, with teammate Kobe Bryant still recovering from his Achilles tear, could be the solution. The Lakers can't afford to take games off, not while shooting for .500 and that eighth seed out West, but it's not as if Nash is helping them at this point. He's hurting the team more often than
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pongo esos tres chaussure rando salomon homme decathlonejemplos de segundas espadas para q veas q no tienes ni p. Idea de lo q hablas. Por cierto los q dicen q la Nba es mas fisica ahora es q no han conocido a gente como Ewing, Dawkins, Laimbeer. Un accidente de coche que pone los pelos de punta, una muerte que estremece a cualquiera y una imagen en la mesa de autopsias que hasta provocó "el mal rollo" de su hermano Marc (tal y como confesó la semana pasada 'En la pintura', programa de Radio MARCA) son las contribuciones de Pau Gasol a una de la series de televisión más exitosas de la historia. Espero que con el tiempo esto vaya a m y aparezca tambi en pel no para de traspasar
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ver el episodio.. El perímetro también cuenta con caras nuevas. Smith, Ronnie Brewer servirá como 'stopper' tras la marcha de Landry Fields a Toronto Raptors. Brewer es un escolta con mucha experiencia en equipos grandes, no obstante ha jugado en Utah Jazz y Chicago Bulls, y resultará muy útil para defender a jugadores como Pierce, LeBron o Wade y sobretodo para evitar el desgaste de Carmelo Anthony en los partidos importantes.. Not even the balance of being a mom and playing soccer. It the balance of having your husband doing the exact same thing that I do, she said following a recent FC Kansas City match. Don have family here. Si el dinero lo dan jefazos de la NBA pedirán favores relacionados con el deporte, cosa que no afecta mucho a política nacional. Si el dinero lo dan personajes mas turbios, si que es un problema porque pedirán cosas que si pueden afectar a grandes colectivos. Que vota por encima de sus intereses). Westbrook, visibilmente commosso, ha voluto ringraziare tutti, a cominciare dai suoi compagni di squadra, definiti "i miei fratelli per la vita", per proseguire con i giornalisti: "Non avrei mai pensato di dirlo, ma grazie anche ai media per avermi votato". Immancabile un pensiero per la propria famiglia e per la moglie che consoce dai tempi del college ad UCLA: "Avevo promesso di non mettermi a piangere. Mio fratello il mio modello di vita, quello a cui guardo
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