#; Mads doesn't like to possess item
distopea · 2 years
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Mads aesthetic of space, room, decoration and life can be associated to a very minimalistic appeal. 
Due to his poor childhood, his army experience, and his general need of space, Mads doesn’t like to collect nor keep objects. He wouldn’t want to have collections of any kind, since he has never found any form of appeal in opulence. He finds himself happier in a minimalist area rather than having his vision clogged by numerous items - it can be suffocating. 
For example, Mads wouldn’t collect more than two bottles of the same kind of alcohol, or wine. He would only have one watch and use it all the time until it breaks, unless he receives a gift. He doesn’t own any plant, and doesn’t have much frames on his walls either.
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glassrowboat · 8 months
Red Ribbon. Chiori.
Summary: A not so peaceful morning with your girlfriend. Well, not when you're up to mischief anyway.
Word count: 900+
Authors note: The start of a small series I'm going to write of the seven colors of the rainbow in ribbons with some of our genshin faves! Also, a slight spoiler for Chiori's kit.
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The small shop was always such a cozy place to huddle up in, the one specific chair that had been covered in loose scraps of cut out fabric currently occupied with your figure as you fiddle with a spool of something or another. Pretty red ribbon right under your fingers as Chiori slowly walks around the pinup body adorned with a dress.
The click of those overly complicated heels filled the room as you watched Chiori circle around the mannequin in the center of the room, its fabric body adorned in layers of cloth. Another commision she was working on no doubt as she snipped a loose thread. Precise as possible, that is until she tries to toss it over at you.
The string falling on the ground between you two. Apparently it was your fault you had become her designated place to pile scraps after you took the chair she would usually use for such a task. Red ribbon being wrapped around your finger and undone again and again mindlessly as you watched her.
“Now where did I put that?” Talking to herself again, a habit she would never openly admit to, Chiori pat down the apron she had on that held her tools. “(Y/n) have you seen-”
“This?” Holding up the spool of ribbon you had been playing with a smile easily crossed your features, even as her eyes narrowed. “No, I haven't.”
“Then you have no issue giving it to me.” Walking over to you Chiori tried to snatch the item in your hand, her sleeves rustling from the action as they flowed behind her. You never got how those kimono sleeves didn't get in her way all the time but she always pulled it off somehow. Good for her.
That however wasn't enough of a reason to give in as you climbed up further on the chair, feet pushing against the cushion as you stood up from your curled up position, knees no longer pushed up against your chest as you held her prize high in the air.
Hopefully she doesn't deem this offense enough of one to use her visions abilities. Stupid teleportation abilities.
“If I recall correctly, taking possession of another's items could be considered a crime. Would you truly really want me to take you to court over this, (Y/n)?” A flick of her dress, those same sleeves billowing in the wind as she crossed her arms. Oh she was so cute when she tried to look mad.
Deciding to play along you held the ribbon up higher, making sure it was above even your head. “Well, when I go down to the Fortress of Meropide should I come back with a fit rate of the Guards uniforms?”
Wait, is she actually considering it? Head tilting, pretty brown hair shifting over her shoulder as Chiori stood in silence before softly shaking the thought off. “Just give me the ribbon back.”
Huh, this must be for a commission if she's being such a little stickler. Not that that would lessen your need for a bit of mischief. As they say, breaks are healthy. “How about a deal?”
“A deal for my own possessions?”
What's a synonym for stickler again? Hypercritic, perfectionist, nitpicker.
“Don't make it sound like that.” Even if it is true. “Come on pretty, a kiss is all I want and then I'll give it back. Please?”
A small sigh could be heard as she glanced back between her prize and you. Red ribbon tickling at your wrist as the spool unwound from your earlier actions. A standoff is currently happening in Fontaine's very own Chioriya Boutique. At least there's no guns involved, just a miffed geo vision haver and her lover.
“You make such a big deal over a kiss?” She asked, brows furrowing as she looked up at you. “Next time just ask instead of acting like this.”
But where's the fun in that?
Leaning down just enough so she could get on the tip of her toes, or more like those heels, you pucker your lips to try and coax her into giving what you wanted.
Oh that heavy sigh. Yet there her pretty face was coming in closer. The details of Chiori's eyeshadow clear to you, the pretty light tint of powder as her eyelashes fluttered closed. “Fine.” And with that she kissed you.
The rich, heavy taste of coffee from Cafe Letece you had gotten for her earlier filling your senses. She had always been so insistent the run there was better than opening some random can she had imported over from Inazuma despite the fact she went through all the effort to have Kirara deliver it in the first place. Perhaps it was the fact she was so selective when she wanted the taste of home.
Well, the taste of your home was her as Chiori slowly pulled away. Her soft lips abandoning yours as the spool was snatched from her hand, robbed right under your fingers as the cardboard that it was wrapped around was replaced for air. Not even the sticker smacked on top labeling the thing for sale you had been picking at earlier was clinging onto your skin.
How rude.
“Beautiful,” you cried out as you hopped off the arm chair, stumbling over the floor as you landed, trying to chase after her in the small shop. “Wait, wait! Come back I want another!”
“Then it seems you'll have to find more ribbon to bargain with.”
Ignoring you Chiori went back to the pin up mannequin in the center of the room, holding up a strip of the ribbon to the sleeves of the dress as she pinned it in place with small metal needles.
Well…that's your girl alright.
“Love you, my pretty.”
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nightcolorz · 2 months
I know you are not home (home being the internet) but you can answer when you are back
(hey! if you are reading this, welcome back!)
Anyway I've been thinking lately about Marius's handling of Daniel when he was "sick" (crazy) and what it says about him and his core values
Not informing Armand that Daniel was unwell and with him
Not tolerating Daniel's choice of creative outlet fully, namely not letting him use recycling and assorted objects to build his little cities and making him use only mass produced packs
I think both things are very telling of who Marius is as a person, he doesn't see Daniel and Armand's relationship as something valuable, he is blindsided when they get back together (which happens basically the second they are allowed the privacy to have a full conversation) and he doesn't think what Daniel is doing with his models as real art
I can't help but think he made sure Armand and Daniel didn't have contact those years because he knew if they did they would both abandon him, but he told himself (and maybe even believed that he was doing it to protect them both out of love)
He thinks love equals control and that love can not exist without hierarchy and subservience
It took me so long to answer this bcus I have massive thoughts!
I think the way that Marius treats Daniel and Armand when it comes to their creative outlets is rlly interesting and telling and I’m so happy u brought that up. I’ve always gotten the impression that Marius is kind of pretentious about art. He has the whole “control = love” mentality and I think that’s plays into what he thinks art is/means. The way that Marius creates is by making exact replicas of real life or pre existing paintings with his vampire mimicking skills. So his art always comes off as very detailed and fascinating but also impersonal and in some way artificial. When he ends up accidentally inserting parts of himself into his work (like painting pandora into his piece when he’s thinking of her) he considers it in error and erases it. I get the impression that Marius considers art more the act of possessing smth preexisting and making it in his own image, taking control over it by immortalizing it, rather then expressing a part of himself or reflecting on some meaning.
he sort of pushes that perspective onto Daniel when hes under his care by making him use store bought items to create his models instead of letting him delve into his mind to sort through some creativity and make smth of his own. Marius likely thinks that by allowing Daniel to only build things in this specific correct way he is both teaching Daniel how to correctly make art and he is also controlling daniel and any kind of narrative that may be happening by restricting Daniel by exploring any of his self or emotions that Marius doesn’t have a say over. Daniel can’t delve into his “crazy” mind to create if Marius controls what he is creating, and I think Marius sees this as a good thing. The less access Daniel has to his sense of self the less likely he’ll go “mad” (and the less likely Marius won’t be able to keep him docile anymore)
when it comes to Armand, when Armand was a child he was very artistically skilled and inclined. He was so religious and faith meant sm to him that he only drew religious icons, which caused him to be taken advantage of and exploited by figures in his community. When he is sexually assaulted and sold into slavery he represses his childhood memories and his ability to paint. painting becomes traumatically triggering for Armand, and reminds him of how he feels like he’s lost his faith and connection to god bcus of what’s happened to him, and he refuses to do it. Instead of trying to encourage Armand to recontextualize his relationship with art and to use it as an outlet to regain his identity Marius instead takes advantage of the opportunity he sees of Armand being a blank slate and pushes his own views of religion and art onto him as to replace to old ones. I know Marius had good intentions there, and was probably like “by giving Armand a more positive view of this he will be less terrified”, but what he ends up doing is further depriving a slave child from his cultural identity and religious values by teaching him that his faith is the wrong type of faith and he should consume art the way marius does. Marius is once again asserting his control over someone in his care’s capacity for creativity by making sure his perspective is the one that is dominating the creation.
The way I see it, as an artist Marius understands the power of art and creation and knows that to keep his “love = control so these dudes I love need to be under my control” mentality he needs to limit how his loved ones r able to engage with their own creativity so that they aren’t tapping into a level of independence that is beyond Marius’s power.
I think this is also exactly why he limits Armand’s ability to interact with Daniel while he’s “sick”. Armand and daniels relationship is such a hurricane and Marius definitely knows that if he puts those two in the same room they r a force that he can’t push around to his will. But I think Marius is definitely telling himself that he’s separating Armand and Daniel bcus Armand is a mentally ill unstable lunatic who will ruin daniels brain and Daniel is too fragile to deal with that. I also think that since Armand and daniels relationship doesn’t follow this master and apprentice dynamic and is instead this emotional colorful hot mess crazy kid combo who can’t keep there hands off each other and r addicted to each others blood that it’s therefore Bad and Irresponsible (it is but it’s better then whatever Marius thinks is correct 💀) so he needs to be the big parent and protect them from themselves (keep them reliant on him so that they don’t leave him)
thnak u for the ask this is all so interesting !!
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fireheartwraith · 1 year
Some people are confused about what happened today, so I'll try to break it down (additions welcome!)
Cellbit got really mad with Maxo and Forever about the prank, and then even more mad when them and Richarlyson tried to blackmail him to take it down. My twitch crashed around this part, so this may not have been exactly what happened, but the gist of it is thar Cellbit feels like he got betrayed by the people he trusted the most.
He said something about "if they went looking for my past, they are going to get it," alluding to his character in the TazerCraft series Fuga Impossível. F!Cellbit was a prisoner in a max security prison that committed some war crimes to escape it. We already knew that Q!Cellbit was F!Cellbit after therapy (the picture of him in the prisoner outfit, mentions to him being a cannibal, etc)
Today there was going to be an audience with Cucurucho regarding the creative items from the super computer next to Luzu's house in Forever's possession. Cellbit was supposed to be his lawyer. The initial argument was the the computer was broken by the Federation itself while they were trying to stop them from messing with it. The items were floating near the floor when Forever took them, so he didn't break the rules to acquire them, and if the Federation wants them back they'll need to give the players something in return. After some arguing Forever asked for a diamond chestplate with protection VIII to give to Richarlyson. This what the audience was about.
However, Cellbit turned on Forever and told Cucurucho that he had broken the rules by harboring forbidden items and that he deserved to be punished. In return for his help, Cellbit wanted 100% paternity rights to Richarlyson and for Forever to be forbidden from coming within 100 blocks of Richas. Cucurucho determined that there will be a trial to decide who gets Richarlyson. Unclear how Richas' four other dads will play into this (especially since one of them is missing since he was taken by the Federation)
Forever was keeping the creative items in an enderchest. From now on, enderchests are forbidden within the QSMP.
Cellbit went to get support for his claim on Richarlyson from Maximus and Roier using unconventional means. With Maxo, he changed SOFIA's password and is blackmailing him. To Roier, he said he would try and use his newfound trust within the Federation to get Bobby back. We don’t know if he was sincere.
Forever went to BadBoyHalo for help. BBH agreed to testify on his side. Forever was also worried that Cellbit would have an advantage because he is more skilled in English, so BBH will also help with that.
Cellbit was talking with Richarlyson and explaining that he was now allied with the Federation when a code attacked them. Richarlyson managed to teleport to where Forever was, and he activated projected 13, locking both Richas and Pomme in their rooms. Cellbit was killed by the code entity. The entity's name translated to 'C' proving that a) the codes work against the Federation; and b) Cellbit was the target, not Richarlyson (or Pomme).
A meeting of Ordo Theoritas was held. Forever, BadBoyHalo, Maximus, Roier, and Baghera were in attendance. They discussed the night's events and Cellbit's possible motivations. Forever said that he wants to believe that Cellbit has a bigger plan and wants to investigate/take down the Federation from the inside, but that he doesn't know if he can trust Cellbit after his stunt with Richarlyson. Regardless of his motives, the order will try to save Cellbit and gather allies for whatever is to come.
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r0-boat · 1 year
Moar Omega!Kaveh x Omega!reader x Alpha! Alhaitham headcannons
I'm not going to lie,haven't been the same since I wrote that.
Cw: NSFW sprinkled throughout.
Kaveh is an architect. He probably built literally built some kind of structure out of wood that he hangs blankets on or some kind of foundation to put pillows on or in because he wants to make his nest look nice. Meanwhile, you're probably nesting somewhere in a closed-off space in a closet somewhere. He's not having that. He made this perfect little nest, and you're going to use it with him
Kaveh's Heats are so bad...so bad... he's moody, clingy, protective, and perhaps a little possessive as well, also extremely soft like since Kaveh's heat, you have heard little to no arguing between your other mates; in fact,, you've come home to see your mates cuddling up to each other well... it looked more like Kaveh holding your Alpha hostage in his arms and legs wrapped around him while said Alpha was just reading a book. When the Omega saw you, he yelled out your name in a sing-song voice and practically jumped you. Bc Kaveh will never be satisfied until he has both mates in his arms.
If you have any article of clothing, you always wear, you'll possibly will never see it again. Sometimes he'll go for the person instead of the clothing. Kaveh will be nuzzling into the back of your neck, bringing you to his newly made nest, which a meticulously constructed with the softest blankets, pillows, and items he could find, and you look over to see Haitham who notices your presence and give you a soft smile, "Welcome to the party."
Alhaitham only just recently got off suppressants and has a bad habit of holding back his rut till his body literally can't take it. To hold back the urge to snarl or glare if another alpha so much as grazed against you or Kaveh. And it only gets worse with the two at each other's throats. You could practically feel the tension between the two when you walk in a room, and when they're too angry to make out make up with each other, they're taking all that tension out on you.
Poor Alhaitham, getting his balls drained by his two Omega mates. By the end, he was shooting blanks and too tired even to move, only to wake up to one of his heat-drunken mates begging, pleading for more. While the other was pleasuring them.
Alhaitham is technically pack alpha, but the actual pack "alpha" is Kaveh. Alhaitham doesn't like being pack alpha and lets Kaveh basically do all the important decision-making. He's already acting. Grand Sage only wants to could do is go home and let his two Omega take charge. But occasionally, he does take up the mantle of pack alpha when necessary, IE, when he disagrees with Kaveh.
( honestly causes about 50% of the arguing)
But as soon as they hear an annoyed sigh come out of their other mate's mouth, they immediately stop.
Kaveh LOVES when your heats sync. Because you stay home with him, and he gets you all to himself for quality Omega time. Which usually means desperately grinding his cock inside of you(Alhaitham's clothes will be on him or your body because you both still miss him :( ) and, when he isn't horny, sharing your snacks♥️.
Kaveh likes to rile up a pre-rut Alhaitham and leave him for you to deal with. Which always just explodes on the both of you.
Kaveh talks mad shit, but as soon as Alhaitham growls, he's on his knees immediately. Alhaitham rarely ever growls or snarls, but when he does, it shakes the both of you to your core. That's when he is done messing around, and you will either obey or be punished.
Alhaitham is an extremely lax alpha. If it weren't for his strong scent, he would have been mistaken for a beta; he's very calm and collected and is sent very strong is, also very calming. You always find yourself sleeping on his chest while lying on the couch. Haitham is not an alpha that enjoys conflict; however, if a dumbass continues pestering his omegas and not registering that his scent is pretty much all over them, he will toss them out like today's trash.
Kaveh's scent is more energetic and always changing but extremely recognizable and familiar.
When you're underneath Kaveh, he likes to lick and nibble on the bond mark Alhaitham gave you.
Alhaitham never tells you that his scent marks you. He always does it discreetly, whether that's brushing against your neck or hanging his arm around you, making sure his scent glands rub against your own. Kaveh's scent marks his mates all the time, it's a form of affection to him, and he makes sure to mark you before you leave the house.
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aita-blorbos · 11 months
AITA for doing my job?
I (??? ???) am an employee at a very large and respected company. As of the past couple months we've been calling in our latest round of subjects in our company's current experiments—I cannot give you any information about what the experiment is about at this time, though, rest assured, it's about something that'll benefit our whole world—but a lot of them have been giving me ire for just doing my job.
Our company has very strict rules for those that choose to participate in our experiments, and these rules have to be followed to ensured everything goes smoothly and our data can be accurately collected. Plus, many of the rules are for our participants' safety, of course. But time and time again they just choose to break them. We've seen people create illegal farms and generators, make illegal machines, possess illegal items, lie to myself and other members of my company, and it's gotten so frustrating. And they always try to make it seem like I'm the villain when all I'm doing is enforcing the rules they're supposed to follow.
It's not like I've been doing anything harsh either. One of the guys who really has a bone to pick with me healed from his chainsaw accident just fine, and I don't understand why some people are mad at me for talking to this one person so much when she's one of the best employees we've ever had. I didn't even do anything to this one guy that's been weird about me, he just had a weird dream and started thinking I did something bad to him. Even our messenger doesn't like me for the medication I gave him specifically to cheer him up when he was going through a rough patch. I don't understand it! All I've ever done is try to help him, and everyone else too!
I'm just doing my job and listening to my boss' orders, but it seems like everyone I'm watching over just wants to see me as such a horrible guy. So: AITA?
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jellipuff · 8 months
Soft discovery.
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Pairing: Jeonghan x reader
Genre: Smut (18+, Minors dni!).
Wordcount: 1.5k
Summary: Jeonghan has been called things in bed. Daddy is the one his partners usually go for. Is it his attitude that they think fits the word or how he seems guarded because many didn't like that he cared too much? So why are you loving him for that exact reason while calling him something else?
Warnings: Mean(?) soft-dom!Jeonghan, afab reader, men being referred to as mommy (because I love that it's so sweet n cute.), plus women can be called daddy so if that doesn't make you mad then this shouldn't, so: Jeonghan’s called mommy, reader referred to as a toy but lovingly, mentions of bottom jeonghan, mentions of you filling him up. (I think that's it? This is just a short lil fic about soft!dom jeonghan who is a lil mean and has a kink discovery.)
A/n: Hi guys! Jeonghan is so father? So mother? So everything? That I NEEDED to write about him being a lil soft dom meanie with a mommy kink. I hope you like it! Also, don't like, don't read‼️ No need to burn me at the stake friend🫡 Feedback is appreciated :)
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How do we feel about soft!dom Jeonghan who's a little mean with a mommy kink.
Yet the title is never for you, not even a slip of the tongue directs it at you.
Mean soft!dom Jeonghan who loves being called mommy.
(walk with me)
Jeonghan has been called things in bed though not many. The usual is daddy, his attitude and nature must give him the energy that the people he has been with feel match him to that. It's fine he supposes nothing wrong with it. In past relationships daddy was a title he was familiar with, hearing it be moaned in bed and whispered in his ear at dinner dates. He’s been called it by hookups too but it was never something he needed to hear. The name didn't give him an extra push to his orgasm or increase his efforts. 
It was simply just a title that was nice to hear.
So when Jeonghan started dating you naturally he expected the same. Daddy moaned from your lips as he fucks against your G-spot, you whispering it to him as you both sit at a new dinner in town, all of it was what he expected. 
Except it never came and you weren’t anything he expected.
You were someone who made Jeonghan feel safe in such a short while. Your aurora seemed bright and warm resulting in him falling into it comfortably like a cat in sunshine. Your love made Jeonghan feel wanted and needed. Always going out of your way to do so much for him, thinking of him at the smallest things. 
Cute wallets, cozy hoodies, and bunny items soon found their way into his possession all because they reminded you of him. Jeonghan realized very quickly why your love felt different, why even though his dominance never faltered or changed it suddenly felt foreign.
It's because Jeonghan feels soft in the entirety of the word. He feels soft in your love, in your touches, in your words, in your arms. 
He has never gotten to feel soft seeming only worthy of making others feel it. So to be loved by you and being allowed to be not only soft but soft with the same dominance he loves is why he considered himself the luckiest man alive.
When the subject of kinks randomly came up Jeonghan knew he’d hear something unexpected from you but he didn't think it'd be that unexpected.
“Mommy?” he repeated back and you didn't seem fazed by his confusion and slight hesitance. “Yeah, when I sometimes dom I don’t mind many titles. Daddy, mommy, master, miss, and sir are all okay with me. I also don’t mind calling my partner any of those either and the few times we’ve had sex the title Mommy seemed to be on the tip of my tongue.” you admit with no embarrassment and Jeonghan can’t say the same. 
“But…I’m a man?” he questions making you nod. “That’s true, so if it makes you uncomfortable we don’t have to try it at all. Men can be called feminine terms and titles just as women can be called masculine ones. They all serve us differently you know? I just wanted to mention it because it’s something I’ve wanted to use with you so I wanted to hear your thoughts.” you reassure and he adores how you value communication.
He doesn’t answer yet, mind filling with thoughts quickly. Jeonghan doesn’t necessarily feel put off by it but he’s never thought of being called that. He doesn’t know how it would feel to be called that. What if it turns him off and he has to stop the moment leaving you without an orgasm?
It just seems too brand new for him…yet he can’t seem to shake off the feeling of wanting to try it, wanting to hear you say it. He knows if he wanted to hear anyone say it, it’d be you.
“Why did it pop into your head for me?” he wonders aloud. You smile at his question and just like that Jeonghan doesn't feel too worried. “I think it's cause you're so lovely Jeonghan. You're gentle in the way you guide me, gentle in the way you control the pace of my hips. You’re so gentle yet so suffocating. Your presence makes me forget what I wanted to beg for, what I was supposed to do. You're so powerful yet so safe that no other title comes to mind when we’re together.” 
Your words alone heat Jeonghan from the inside out. Making his cock begin to stiffen at the way you describe him so lovingly and what Jeonghan thinks to be so perfect.
After some thought, he agrees to try it. You grin happily but you don't forget to check in with him, making sure he isn't pushing himself to agree to something for your sake. He assures you that's not the case and that he's just curious (and slightly excited.)
Days pass and then one night he begins kissing you. He knows what you might call him tonight and his mouth moves against your feverishly. Hoping to get a taste of what the title tastes like on your tongue. The need in the way your hips buck up at his kiss only makes him grow hungrier. He pulls back, letting you both catch your breath before he guides his fingers to your pretty lips beckoning you to open them. 
You open your mouth letting his fingers slide in. Swirling your tongue on the digits before sucking them. Jeonghan groans at the sight and feeling. Taking his fingers away he guides them to where your legs are spread. He taps his finger on your clit enjoying the way you whine at the shock. He continues his ministrations, toying with you as he pleases. 
Then you say it and Jeonghan freezes for not even a second before he picks up his pace, his fingers fucking into you faster. He needs to hear it repeated again, and again, and again. 
“Mommy! W..wait, t’much” you whimper and he thinks he might go insane if you say it again. Jeonghan thinks he might want to go insane. 
Something about hearing it fall from your lips as he takes his fingers out from your hole to rub quick circles on your clit, dipping his fingers down to spread your wetness making you feel how messy you are makes him feel like he is on fire. 
“So good Mommy!” you cry out and he feels close as if you were touching him as if it's not only his fingers feeling.
“Yeah?” he laughs breathlessly and you nod. “Tou.. touching me so good, take care of me so well Mommy. Want you in my mouth.” you rush out, managing to articulate the horny thoughts that fill your mind and they're all about him.
Jeonghan thinks you look so pretty like this. Holding his hand tightly as he kisses you deeply, stimulating that gummy spot inside you that has you dripping all over him.
His messy girl, Mommy’s messy girl.
Mean soft!dom Jeonghan who tries to be a little meaner sometimes but you don't even notice, don't even care because you live to make him feel good. Even if your body is shaken and your mind fuzzy from being edged for too long or if the black ribbon Jeonghan ties to your wrist is stinging a little too much, you still manage to think of pleasuring him. Of being a good toy for him because nothing is too much for you when it involves him. If anything it adds to your pleasure.
Mean soft!dom Jeonghan who tends to love bottoming because you like it like that and oh, Jeonghan loves it like that.
Watching you try your hardest to not buck your hips as he rides you because he told you to stay still. Told you to be a good and let him use you, let him lift his hips and drop them to make himself feel good. 
He told you to listen and wait until he tells you when you're allowed to feel good, wait until Mommy lets you feel good.
He loves making you a whiny mess as he controls your pleasure. Controlling when you get to move, what you get to do, and how much of him you get to have.
Controlling your pleasure leaves him feeling confident. You trust him full-heartedly, and that makes him happy.
You’re his love, he treats you with so much care that you'd think he’d run out one day but he never does and he never will. He knows how smitten you are for him and is the same. 
You gave him a space to be soft, to be so caring without hearing you complain about it being overwhelming, a space to feel loved and cared for in the way he makes others.
You make him insane and powerful, your words and actions never failing to make him feel on fire. You listen so well, you take him so appreciatively, you stuff him so full. 
You're always so good for him, always so good for Mommy. 
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snobgoblin · 2 months
I have just been extremely chatty lately so anyway yapping to a character prompt part 3
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1. How do they celebrate their birthday?
he usually just treats himself by shopping at red street. he would invite people but he doesn't really have friends
2. Who is the most important person in their life?
himself if I'm honest but whatever partner he may get definitely becomes the most important person to him
3. What to they wear when they're just at home hanging out?
it swings wildly between "he wears the most expensive outfit he owns just for funsies" and "he wears basically nothing because of texture issues"
4. What is their house like?
you've seen the shop! it's that. with a cozy upstairs with lots of pillows. very Howl's Moving Castle esque decor going on in there too
5. Any pets?
eventually Faunus, yeah! he tries very unsuccessfully to lure pigeons and stuff to him with pumpkin bread. he's definitely an animal lover and tries to pet anything
6. What will always make them smile?
things that bring him comfort. warm bread, little trinkets, and eventually, his friends
7. What will always make them cry?
if you ever make him feel like you don't like him he will get mad and then cry about it later
8. What's their favorite movie (presuming they life in a world with movies, if not, what would be their favorite movie)?
I watch the same 5 movies on loop so I'm not sure 😭 I'll say he's a ghibli kind of guy
9. Favorite book?
erm I don't read so idk but he loves reading up on mythology and magic and things like that
10. Do they get along with their parents?
despite feeling hurt by Mercurio they're definitely close. that's the reason WHY he's so mad at his dad for leaving- he loves being around him. his relationship with his mom is negative but nearly nonexistent, they hardly see each other
11. If you could put them into a different fictional universe, where would they go?
in my universe GET OVER HERE (I have fallen in love with him)
12. Favorite holiday?
he freaking loves the Winter Solstice bro, like he hates the cold but he loves the closeness that comes with it and the over the top decorations
13. Tattoos?
14. What was their first kiss like?
awkward 😭 but passionate. buddy tried his best but he is painfully socially awkward
15. Have they ever lost somebody they loved?
yes, his aunt Capra. it destroyed him
16. They find a genie and are granted three wishes, what do they wish for, and why?
1) he wishes for someone to be obsessed with him. he is extremely lonely and feels so much love that has nowhere to go, and his heart is so empty he needs something to fill it. 2) he would probably want his aunt back and 3) he wishes to be rich for personal reasons but also so his dad will quit his job and stay home with him (that's not how that works 😭 he loves what he does)
17. They're stranded on an island and can only have 4 items and one companion, who and what do they bring?
he brings Asra and doesn't have to worry about the other 4 items because Asra will portal through the water and get them to safety. er cheeky answer erm Asra brings a wand, a cup, a sword, and a pentacle
18. What's a quote (not from their universe), that you associate them with?
I had to google "quotes" to get this 💀 I think this one's fitting "be so good they can't ignore you" -Steve Martin
19. Any romantic interests?
too many
20. What kind of accent do they have?
it's hard to say because they would all be speaking a language I do not speak. (of course the devs say they're all fantasy languages but we can assume they would at least be similar to real life areas and languages) he would sound like a native Italian speaker for sure, where Nadia, Julian, and Lucio, might not
21. What is their most prized possession?
he has a couple... his rings are probably up there. he never takes them off
22. Have they ever stolen anything?
only a body!
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misty--nights · 4 months
Episode 2 now. It's definitely one of my favorites, because it introduces Niko and Tragic Mick and I love both of them. I didn't think there would be that many details I missed, but there are so enjoy (some of this seem kind of obvious, but I'll still include them)
Maybe I'm focusing on the wrong part, but the Cat King's bed doesn't look to be the most practical to sleep with someone else. When he sits on it, it looks like he wouldn't fit completely even if he scooted all the way back against the pillows. I don't know, I guess I'm just wondering the logistics of how they'd sleep together if Edwin had accepted. Would he make the bed bigger? Would their legs be left dangling at the bottom? Hilarious either way (I know this is most likely a trick of perspective, but let me live in a world in which this pathetic man tries to get laid and can't because his bed is too small)
Maybe a bit obvious, but I never noticed Edwin was gone all night. It's day again when he returns to the warehouse. It makes sense how freaked out Charles sounds when he returns
I love this show's intro a lot. The music is really good and the skeletons dancing and playing around are really funny. No new details for it, because I've watched it full every time, but I've been thinking about that part at the end with the bike and the beach chairs. Since those skeletons are supposed to be the boys, I need to see them in their usual forms riding one of those double bikes and going to the beach. It's a must
Ok, I lied, one intro detail I hadn't noticed. Going by their shoes, Edwin's skeleton is the one that drinks from the cup at the end and spills it all over himself. I don't know why, but I think that's funny
I've been wondering this since episode 1, but how do the boys know possession sets off alarms? Have they seen it happen with other ghosts? Or have they ever been in a similar situation and managed to escape? While I think maybe the first is more likely, the second would explain why Lost and Found knows they're together
Jenny comes into Crystal's room still in her pijamas. Did Edwin's banging wake her up? No wonder she's so mad
Tragic Mick's shop is called “Tragic Mick's Magic Tricks and Items", which is both a tongue twister and oddly vague. Oh yes, there's magic stuff and other shit in that shop. Amazing, Tragic Mick, never change
All of the items on Niko's grocery list have question marks at the end except for strawberry ice cream, which has an exclamation mark. I agree with that
Charles is being way too nice about the doctor. The guy didn't even take out any tools to check on Niko, he just leaned over her and said she was dehydrated
I really like Crystal's overalls in this episode. In my previous watches, I focused a lot on Niko's clothes, because they're amazing, but I'm starting to notice Crystal's more now and I really like them
The Night Nurse looks tiny next to her assistants. Is she really small or her assistants really big? I don't remember how tall she looks in comparison to the kids
Speaking of heights, though, is Niko much taller than Crystal? When they are on their own, it looks like it, but then next to the boys they look more or less the same height
When he notices Edwin doing the thing with his fists, Charles does like a little double take between his face and his hands. Something small, but I really like the way he does it. Like he's really paying attention to every little detail
We get a close up of Edwin's boots and I think they're really cool. I've never seen that style of shoe as a boot before, but I've always liked them. Also his socks are cute and I would love to make myself a similar pair
The top of the dandelion altar thing has this lines. At first I thought maybe it looked like the underside of a mushroom, but it makes more sense for it to be a dandelion seed
Edwin first translates a word as gifts and then goes “not gifts, sacrifices”, and in general sounds a little hessitant with his translation. Usually people in movies and shows just bust out a perfect translation on the fly, so as someone who struggles translating, I appreciate that little detail
The jar stops sounding like the sea when Charles empties it. I'm choosing to believe that's a missed opportunity because can you imagine how much Litty and Kingham would hate living in a jar that constantly sounds like ocean waves? Insufferable, it would have been great
Obviously Charles looks worried about her when Crystal offers herself to the sprites, but Edwin does too. He cares about her, even if at this point they haven't really bonded and their animosity towards each other is more or less geniune
Litty's outfit is actually really cute. Love the puffy dress and the sweater over the shoulders. And both of their waistcoats are adorable. Never noticed that Kingham's has a subtle print. I's the same as Litt's skirt, too. More dandelions maybe?
When Niko is telling Crystal that she thought abot replying to her mom, Edwin id in the background writing in his notebook. And Charles is leaning over his shoulder to see what he's doing, which looks really sweet
There's a guy in the line of ghosts outside that looks very much like the postman with a different mustache
Say what you want about Esther, but I love her commitment to having atmosphere music playing whenever she's up to something
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follow-my-literature · 9 months
A Palace Full of Cranks - Newt x Reader
— Back to Summary
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— I had felt a lot of pain in my life, both inside and out, but I believed that very moment, watching Tommy and the others leave me for the last time, was my rock bottom. A part of me desperately wanted to accept the reckless whims of love and friendship. To run off the Berg and join my friends in their quest to find Hans, get their implants removed, and accept whatever came next.
But I'd made up my mind, as fragile as it might be. If ever in my life I could do one thing right, the thing that was unselfish and full of good, this was it. I'd spare the people of Denver my disease, and I'd spare his friends the agony of watching him succumb to it.
My disease. The Flare.
I hated it. I hated the people trying to find a cure. I hated that I'm not immune, and I hated that my best friends were. All of it conflicted, battled, and raged inside me.
I know that I'm slowly going insane, a fate rarely escaped when it came to the virus. It had come to a point where I didn’t know if I could trust myself, both my thoughts and feelings.
Such an awful circumstance could drive a person mad if they weren’t already well on their way to that lonely destination. But while I knew that I still had an ounce of sense, I needed to act. I needed to move before all those heavy thoughts ended me even sooner than the Flare.
I can do this, he thought. For them.
I got to my feet and ran to the bunk I'd used on the flight from Alaska. Throwing what little possessions I owned into a backpack. Including water, food, a knife I'd stolen from Thomas to remember him, and a launcher from Jorge. Then I grabbed the most essential item—a journal and pen I'd found in one of the random cabinets on the Berg.
My breath came in short, stuttered gasps. My chest hurt with the pain of it. My thoughts turned cloudy as my breathing nearly stopped in choaked sobs. I have a plan, don't I? Several plans, depending on the contingencies. But each plan had the same ending—it was how I got there. I will last as long as I write what I need in that journal. Something about that simple, empty little book waiting to be filled.
It gave me a purpose, a spark, a winding course to ensure the last days of my life had reason and meaning. A mark left on the world. I will write all the sanity I can muster out of my head before it is taken over by its opposite. Wiping my eyes and grounding myself before the anxiety attack could take over my body.
The only item left to settle now was how to leave it with Thomas and the others. Maybe give them a little closure. I decide that my journal will survive if it weighs less by one page. I tear out a page and take a deep breath. Pen almost to paper when I stall as if I'd had the perfect thing to say, but it floated out of my mind like vanished smoke. Sighing, I itched with irritation. I am anxious to get out of the Berg and walk away—limp or no—before something changes, so I refocus my emotions. Scribbling down the first thing that pops into my head, I leave the note for the others.
"They got inside somehow. They’re taking me to live with the other Cranks.Its for the best. Thanks for being my friends.Goodbye."
I put the notebook down as tears blur my vision. Was it short and curt enough to prevent them from coming after me? To get it through their thick skulls that there was no hope for me and that I'd only get in the way? That I didn’t want them to watch me turn into a mad, raving, animalistic human? To give my friends the best shot they had at succeeding, it would be with one less obstacle.
Doesn't matter. Doesn't matter at all. I am going one way or another. I scrawl out the rest of what my mind can put together and hope that will be enough for them.
"Even as the darkness whispers across my mind, beckoning with smoky tendrils of blackness and rot, even as I breathe in the stench of a dying world, even as the blood within my veins turns purple and hot, I feel the peace of a certain knowledge. I have had friends, and they have had me. And that is the thing. That is the only thing."
Steeling myself one more moment to panic I stuff the notebook into my bag, double-checking I have all the supplies I need. With a deep breath, I open the Berg doors and look out into the chaos. A mass of disorder, shaken up like dice and spilled across the land. But that wasn’t the scary part. The scary part was how normal everything felt....
— Excerpts from Crank Palace
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plushee-cant-draw · 18 days
All of the (current) quotes for the depths of duplicity dst beta (that I can find)! (Including the ones from one of the new items)
Just a little late bc Klei didn't add most quotes for most characters until the most recent hotfix
Below the cut! because it is very, VERY long.
Not including any scrapbook entries but you can get all of those in game by opening the console with ~ I think, then ctrl to set the mode to local and then entering:
Or you can find them in the strings file.
The quotes are mostly taken directly from the code which is why they look like that. Below is what all of the string/code names mean/translate to in game. Notes from me, not the developers, are in ().
-- Rifts 4 (Most quotes can be found under "-- Rifts 4" but not all of them.) SHADOW_BEEF_BELL = "Beefalo Gloom Bell", SADDLE_SHADOW = "Nightmare Saddle", (The saddle's design is partly based on the nightmare throne which is why some characters react the way they do to it.) SHADOW_BATTLEAXE = "Shadow Maul", VOIDCLOTH_BOOMERANG = "Gloomerang", ROPE_BRIDGE_KIT = "Spelunker's Bridge Kit", GELBLOB = "Icker", RABBITKING_AGGRESSIVE = "Wrathful Rabbit King", RABBITKING_PASSIVE = "Benevolent Rabbit King", RABBITKING_LUCKY = "Fortuitous Rabbit", RABBITKINGMINION_BUNNYMAN = "Royal Rabbit Enforcer", ARMOR_CARROTLURE = "Coat of Carrots", RABBITKINGHORN = "Burrowing Horn", RABBITKINGHORN_CHEST = "Portable Den", RABBITKINGSPEAR = "Rabbit King Cudgel", RABBITHAT = "Warren Wreath", WORM_BOSS = "Great Depths Worm", RUINSNIGHTMARE = "Lurking Nightmare", (As a shadow, the chracters don't have quotes for this.) ITEMMIMIC_REVEALED = "Mimicreep", (I don't think characters have direct examination quotes for this but they can react to trying to use it and failing) STONE_CHAIR = "Stone Chair", STONE_STOOL = "Stone Stool", STONE_TABLE_ROUND = "Stone Round Table", STONE_TABLE_SQUARE = "Stone Square Table",
(Characters don't have quotes for these two since I think these are just mass crafting recipes for the saw horse.) BOARDS_BUNCH = "Bunch o' Boards", CUTSTONE_BUNCH = "Bunch o' Stone", CARPENTRY_BLADE_MOONGLASS = "Moon Glass Saw Blade", CHEST_MIMIC = "Ornate Chest", (Has the same name as other chests that spawn in the labyrinth) CHEST_MIMIC_REVEALED = "Ornery Chest", SHADOWHEART_INFUSED = "Posessed Shadow Atrium", (At the time of writing this all characters use their normal shadow atrium quotes for the possessed shadow atrium so this item doesn't show up in the quotes.)
SHADOWTHRALL_MOUTH = "Ink Blight", SHADOWTHRALL_MOUTH_ALLEGIANCE = "Rictus", (Shadow thrall mouth and shadow thrall stealth are the same ink blight)
(Also, while the quotes for the ornate chest (PANDORASCHEST) and announcing the worm waves are both old, but they're included because some of the new character quotes relate to them and they're good for context.)
Anyways I think that's every thing ^w^
Wilson: -- Rifts 4 SHADOW_BEEF_BELL = "It's a dead ringer for my old beefalo bell.", SADDLE_SHADOW = "It reminds me of something. Ugh.", SHADOW_BATTLEAXE = "Yikes! I'd rather bury this hatchet.", VOIDCLOTH_BOOMERANG = "What's the return policy?", ROPE_BRIDGE_KIT = "This will keep us in suspense!", GELBLOB = { GENERIC = "'Ick' is right!", HAS_ITEM = "Oh, that's where I left it.", HAS_CHARACTER = "Someone's in a sticky situation.", }, RABBITKING_AGGRESSIVE = "It has a hare-trigger temper!", RABBITKING_PASSIVE = "All hail the bun-evolent one!", RABBITKING_LUCKY = "I should capture it for science!", RABBITKINGMINION_BUNNYMAN = "They're hoppin' mad!", ARMOR_CARROTLURE = "I like a tight-knit bunch.", RABBITKINGHORN = "The rabbits dig music.", RABBITKINGHORN_CHEST = "I'll use it now and den.", RABBITKINGSPEAR = "This will give a good thumpin'.", RABBITHAT = "It'll put hare on your head.", WORM_BOSS = "It's a big worm!", STONE_TABLE = -- Shared between the round and square tables. { GENERIC = "I use tables periodically.", HAS_ITEM = "I use tables periodically.", }, STONE_CHAIR = { GENERIC = "I'd like to sit on that... rockin' chair!", OCCUPIED = "Somebody else is sitting on that.", }, CARPENTRY_BLADE_MOONGLASS = "Razor-sharp, like my mind!",
PANDORASCHEST = "It may contain something fantastic! Or horrible.", CHEST_MIMIC_REVEALED = "Horrible! Definitely horrible!",
-- rifts 4 ANNOUNCE_EXIT_GELBLOB = "I felt it digesting me.", ANNOUNCE_SHADOWTHRALL_STEALTH = "Something bit me! Where did it go?!", ANNOUNCE_RABBITKING_AGGRESSIVE = "Something is clawing its way to the surface.", ANNOUNCE_RABBITKING_PASSIVE = "Something is softly scuffling underground.", ANNOUNCE_RABBITKING_LUCKY = "What a strange rabbit!", ANNOUNCE_RABBITKING_LUCKYCAUGHT = "Got you!", ANNOUNCE_RABBITKINGHORN_BADSPAWNPOINT = "Maybe the rabbits don't dig this spot.",
ITEMMIMIC = "Well that's inconvenient.",
ANNOUNCE_WORMS = "Did you feel that?", ANNOUNCE_WORMS_BOSS = "That sounds ominous?",
SHADOWTHRALL_MOUTH = "It's a mouthy one.",
ANNOUNCE_PREFALLINVOID = "I'm sensing the gravity of the situation!", (I'm pretty sure this is a new quote for when characters are about to fall into the void in the caves.)
Willow: -- Rifts 4 SHADOW_BEEF_BELL = "I wonder if it will remember how it died.", SADDLE_SHADOW = "I could shoot a fire dart or two from there.", SHADOW_BATTLEAXE = "Nasty. I like it.", VOIDCLOTH_BOOMERANG = "Hmm, this could be fun.", ROPE_BRIDGE_KIT = "I'd rather burn a bridge than build one.", GELBLOB = { GENERIC = "Yuck. No, thank you.", HAS_ITEM = "Whatever is in there, I don't want it that badly.", HAS_CHARACTER = "Maybe I should help.", }, RABBITKING_AGGRESSIVE = "You have some real issues, buddy.", RABBITKING_PASSIVE = "What does it want?", RABBITKING_LUCKY = "I want that rabbit!", RABBITKINGMINION_BUNNYMAN = "Don't you guys have anything better to do?", ARMOR_CARROTLURE = "Do they come roasted?", RABBITKINGHORN = "Rabbit music?", RABBITKINGHORN_CHEST = "Will the rabbits chew my things?", RABBITKINGSPEAR = "The original owner was a jerk.", RABBITHAT = "Ha! I want it.", WORM_BOSS = "Must be the mother.", STONE_TABLE = -- Shared between the round and square tables. { GENERIC = "I'm not sure how to feel about non-flammable furniture.", HAS_ITEM = "I'm not sure how to feel about non-flammable furniture.", }, STONE_CHAIR = { GENERIC = "That definitely will not burn.", OCCUPIED = "You can sit there. That chair will not spontaneously combust.", }, CARPENTRY_BLADE_MOONGLASS = "I wish I could throw it.",
PANDORASCHEST = "Kind of tacky.", CHEST_MIMIC_REVEALED = "Kind of nasty.",
-- rifts 4 ANNOUNCE_EXIT_GELBLOB = "Why does that exist?!", ANNOUNCE_SHADOWTHRALL_STEALTH = "Ouch! What the heck was that?!", ANNOUNCE_RABBITKING_AGGRESSIVE = "Something's coming, and it doesn't sound happy.", ANNOUNCE_RABBITKING_PASSIVE = "I think something is burrowing.", ANNOUNCE_RABBITKING_LUCKY = "That is one unique rabbit!", ANNOUNCE_RABBITKING_LUCKYCAUGHT = "Gotcha!", ANNOUNCE_RABBITKINGHORN_BADSPAWNPOINT = "Picky, picky.",
ITEMMIMIC = "Burned again!",
ANNOUNCE_WORMS = "I do NOT wanna see what made that sound!", ANNOUNCE_WORMS_BOSS = "Let's not stick around for that.",
SHADOWTHRALL_MOUTH = "Somehow I don't trust that smile.",
-- Rifts 4 SHADOW_BEEF_BELL = "Can bring back Wolfgang hair-cow?", SADDLE_SHADOW = "Saddle make Wolfgang look dangerous, no?", SHADOW_BATTLEAXE = "Does axe have to be so scary?", VOIDCLOTH_BOOMERANG = "Wolfgang never miss... most of time.", ROPE_BRIDGE_KIT = "Promise it will keep Wolfgang from falling to death?", GELBLOB = { GENERIC = "Don't let it get on Wolfgang.", HAS_ITEM = "Something inside but Wolfgang not like getting hands dirty.", HAS_CHARACTER = "Don't fear, Wolfgang save you!", }, RABBITKING_AGGRESSIVE = "Nasty little guy.", RABBITKING_PASSIVE = "Aww, is good-natured rabbit.", RABBITKING_LUCKY = "Let Wolfgang catch you, little rabbit!", RABBITKINGMINION_BUNNYMAN = "Bad bunny! Don't hit Wolfgang!", ARMOR_CARROTLURE = "Looks healthy.", RABBITKINGHORN = "Wolfgang is jazz man.", RABBITKINGHORN_CHEST = "Rabbit take care of Wolfgang things!", RABBITKINGSPEAR = "Is horn of mean rabbit.", RABBITHAT = "Cute, no?", WORM_BOSS = "It is the mama worm.", STONE_TABLE = -- Shared between the round and square tables. { GENERIC = "Is table.", HAS_ITEM = "Is table.", }, STONE_CHAIR = { GENERIC = "Is tiny chair strong enough to hold Wolfgang?", OCCUPIED = "Do not worry, friend. Wolfgang will stand.", }, CARPENTRY_BLADE_MOONGLASS = "Wolfgang once receive nasty cut from glass.",
PANDORASCHEST = "Fancy box!", CHEST_MIMIC_REVEALED = "Wolfgang knew box too fancy to be true!",
-- rifts 4 ANNOUNCE_EXIT_GELBLOB = "That is no place for Wolfgang.", ANNOUNCE_SHADOWTHRALL_STEALTH = "Aah! Who... what bite Wolfgang?", ANNOUNCE_RABBITKING_AGGRESSIVE = "What is that digging? Sound angry.", ANNOUNCE_RABBITKING_PASSIVE = "Wolfgang hear something softly digging.", ANNOUNCE_RABBITKING_LUCKY = "That is strange rabbit!", ANNOUNCE_RABBITKING_LUCKYCAUGHT = "Wolfgang!", ANNOUNCE_RABBITKINGHORN_BADSPAWNPOINT = "Wolfgang in wrong place.",
ITEMMIMIC = "Fool Wolfgang, shame on you!",
ANNOUNCE_WORMS = "Earth is tremble beneath Wolfgang's mighty feet!", ANNOUNCE_WORMS_BOSS = "Wolfgang suggest run and live to fight another day.",
SHADOWTHRALL_MOUTH = "That smile make Wolfgang uncomfortable.",
ANNOUNCE_PREFALLINVOID = "The void hungers for sweet Wolfgang!",
-- Rifts 4 SHADOW_BEEF_BELL = "A shame it only works for beefalo.", SADDLE_SHADOW = "The higher you sit, the farther you fall.", SHADOW_BATTLEAXE = "A beautiful death bringer.", VOIDCLOTH_BOOMERANG = "They don't all come back.", ROPE_BRIDGE_KIT = "A rope over an abyss.", GELBLOB = { GENERIC = "Looks sticky.", HAS_ITEM = "I don't know if it's worth it.", HAS_CHARACTER = "They probably need help.", }, RABBITKING_AGGRESSIVE = "It's in a foul mood.", RABBITKING_PASSIVE = "He seems friendly enough.", RABBITKING_LUCKY = "I should take a closer look.", RABBITKINGMINION_BUNNYMAN = "You're making me angry.", ARMOR_CARROTLURE = "I assume it only comes in orange.", RABBITKINGHORN = "I guess it plays a type of burial song.", RABBITKINGHORN_CHEST = "It's like a grave for my things.", RABBITKINGSPEAR = "Death by rabbit antler. Cute.", RABBITHAT = "Fine. It's adorable.", WORM_BOSS = "Nothing goes extinct here.", STONE_TABLE = -- Shared between the round and square tables. { GENERIC = "Abigail's favorite hiding spot.", HAS_ITEM = "Abigail's favorite hiding spot.", }, STONE_CHAIR = { GENERIC = "Abigail?", OCCUPIED = "You might be sitting on Abigail.", }, CARPENTRY_BLADE_MOONGLASS = "Pretty. If it was smaller I'd wear it around my neck.",
PANDORASCHEST = "Life is a gamble.", CHEST_MIMIC_REVEALED = "I did not expect that.",
-- rifts 4 ANNOUNCE_EXIT_GELBLOB = "I don't prefer a slow death.", ANNOUNCE_SHADOWTHRALL_STEALTH = "Show yourself. I've seen worse.", ANNOUNCE_RABBITKING_AGGRESSIVE = "Something clawing it's way back from the grave?", ANNOUNCE_RABBITKING_PASSIVE = "A gentle creature approaches.", ANNOUNCE_RABBITKING_LUCKY = "That's an unusual rabbit.", ANNOUNCE_RABBITKING_LUCKYCAUGHT = "Got it!", ANNOUNCE_RABBITKINGHORN_BADSPAWNPOINT = "Not here.",
ITEMMIMIC = "It was the evil twin.",
ANNOUNCE_WORMS = "Uh-oh. I think we should leave.", ANNOUNCE_WORMS_BOSS = "We need to go. Now.",
SHADOWTHRALL_MOUTH = "What are you? The Grin Reaper?",
-- Rifts 4 SHADOW_BEEF_BELL = "It revives one's dead beefalo by a simple mechanism: magic.", SADDLE_SHADOW = "A beefalo saddle fitted for combat.", SHADOW_BATTLEAXE = "There is a price to wielding such implements.", VOIDCLOTH_BOOMERANG = "This particular projectile gains strength with distance before returning to origin.", ROPE_BRIDGE_KIT = "Not exactly a marvel of engineering, but I'm sure it will do.", GELBLOB = { GENERIC = "Icker is a highly adhesive gelatinous substance.", HAS_ITEM = "There appears to be an object inside.", HAS_CHARACTER = "Someone is trapped inside and can't get out.", }, RABBITKING_AGGRESSIVE = "That rabbit has a rather hostile disposition.", RABBITKING_PASSIVE = "It is a reputable breed known for fair dealings.", RABBITKING_LUCKY = "That is a rabbit worth capturing.", RABBITKINGMINION_BUNNYMAN = "Must be an aggressive breed.", ARMOR_CARROTLURE = "This will be a big hit with the bunnymen.", RABBITKINGHORN = "It plays a melody meant for rabbit ears.", RABBITKINGHORN_CHEST = "The rabbits will keep my things safe.", RABBITKINGSPEAR = "Not the most menacing weapon but it will ward off unwelcome bunnymen.", RABBITHAT = "This silly headpiece will render the wearer non-threatening to rabbits.", WORM_BOSS = "This one is older, larger... deadlier.", STONE_TABLE = -- Shared between the round and square tables. { GENERIC = "Perfect for enjoying a cup of tea and a good book.", HAS_ITEM = "Perfect for enjoying a cup of tea and a good book.", }, STONE_CHAIR = { GENERIC = "Reminds me of the chair in my reading nook. Just stonier.", OCCUPIED = "If you're going to sit, you might as well read.", }, CARPENTRY_BLADE_MOONGLASS = "A moon glass saw blade. Sharp enough to cut stone.",
PANDORASCHEST = "An artifact which may contain other artifacts.", CHEST_MIMIC_REVEALED = "This creature mimics an artifact.",
-- rifts 4 ANNOUNCE_EXIT_GELBLOB = "I do not wish to experience that again.", ANNOUNCE_SHADOWTHRALL_STEALTH = "I've been bitten by a camouflaged creature!", ANNOUNCE_RABBITKING_AGGRESSIVE = "Some form of creature is aggressively tunneling in the subterrain.", ANNOUNCE_RABBITKING_PASSIVE = "I hear the burrowing of a small creature.", ANNOUNCE_RABBITKING_LUCKY = "What a peculiar breed of rabbit!", ANNOUNCE_RABBITKING_LUCKYCAUGHT = "Got you!", ANNOUNCE_RABBITKINGHORN_BADSPAWNPOINT = "This is obviously not the correct place for it.",
ITEMMIMIC = "I knew it.",
ANNOUNCE_WORMS = "Something nasty intends to rear its head.", ANNOUNCE_WORMS_BOSS = "Something monstrous approaches.",
SHADOWTHRALL_MOUTH = "A sensible person would avoid the toothy maw.",
ANNOUNCE_PREFALLINVOID = "It will not hold!",
-- Rifts 4 SHADOW_BEEF_BELL = "This'll bring'er right back.", SADDLE_SHADOW = "Looks a little warlordy, eh?", SHADOW_BATTLEAXE = "Lucy, I can explain!", VOIDCLOTH_BOOMERANG = "Let's huck it at something.", ROPE_BRIDGE_KIT = "Think she'll hold, Luce?", GELBLOB = { GENERIC = "It's like some weird tar.", HAS_ITEM = "Hmm, is it worth fishin' it out?", HAS_CHARACTER = "I don't think they can breath in there.", }, RABBITKING_AGGRESSIVE = "Someone woke up on the wrong side of the den.", RABBITKING_PASSIVE = "Hey lil' buddy, whatcha got for us?", RABBITKING_LUCKY = "Let's get'er, Luce!", RABBITKINGMINION_BUNNYMAN = "Back off, bunny!", ARMOR_CARROTLURE = "Nice carrot vest.", RABBITKINGHORN = "A horn, eh? I prefer woodwinds.", RABBITKINGHORN_CHEST = "Guess you can never have too much storage.", RABBITKINGSPEAR = "The rabbit's violence lives on!", RABBITHAT = "I can't keep up with these trends.", WORM_BOSS = "We can take her, Luce!", STONE_TABLE = -- Shared between the round and square tables. { GENERIC = "What kind of wood is this?!", HAS_ITEM = "What kind of wood is this?!", }, STONE_CHAIR = { GENERIC = "It looks a bit hard for my behind.", OCCUPIED = "They're takin' a load off, eh?", }, CARPENTRY_BLADE_MOONGLASS = "I know, Lucy. You're more versatile.",
PANDORASCHEST = "What's in the box?!", CHEST_MIMIC_REVEALED = "No! Noooo!",
-- rifts 4 ANNOUNCE_EXIT_GELBLOB = "I think some got in my mouth!", ANNOUNCE_SHADOWTHRALL_STEALTH = "What the heck bit me?", ANNOUNCE_RABBITKING_AGGRESSIVE = "Hear that clawing, Luce?", ANNOUNCE_RABBITKING_PASSIVE = "Something's crawling in the dirt.", ANNOUNCE_RABBITKING_LUCKY = "Lookit that rabbit, Lucy!", ANNOUNCE_RABBITKING_LUCKYCAUGHT = "Got'er!", ANNOUNCE_RABBITKINGHORN_BADSPAWNPOINT = "Maybe we should try somewhere else.",
ITEMMIMIC = "Don't say it, Lucy!",
ANNOUNCE_WORMS = "Oh geez. I hope you're ready, Lucy.", ANNOUNCE_WORMS_BOSS = "Sounds like a hefty one, eh Luce?",
SHADOWTHRALL_MOUTH = "Yeesh, that smile is giving me the creeps.",
ANNOUNCE_PREFALLINVOID = "Save yourself, Lucy!",
-- Rifts 4 SHADOW_BEEF_BELL = "This is some decent magic.", SADDLE_SHADOW = "I hate it.", SHADOW_BATTLEAXE = "Lovely.", VOIDCLOTH_BOOMERANG = "Wonderous... and in my color too.", ROPE_BRIDGE_KIT = "Ugh. You have to build it?!", GELBLOB = { GENERIC = "Blegh.", HAS_ITEM = "Don't expect me to reach in there.", HAS_CHARACTER = "This one is occupied.", }, RABBITKING_AGGRESSIVE = "Of course Simon's brute cousin fights his battles for him.", RABBITKING_PASSIVE = "Spare me the token gesture. Simon knows what he did.", RABBITKING_LUCKY = "You've embarassed me for the last time, Simon!", RABBITKINGMINION_BUNNYMAN = "Tell scallywag Simon I've got a hat he'll never escape from!", ARMOR_CARROTLURE = "A little obsessed with bunnies, are we?", RABBITKINGHORN = "I doubt its reliability.", RABBITKINGHORN_CHEST = "You think I'd trust their ilk to hold my things?", RABBITKINGSPEAR = "About all they're good for.", RABBITHAT = "The rabbit goes in the hat, not on it. Preposterous.", WORM_BOSS = "Who unearthed this monstrosity?", STONE_TABLE = -- Shared between the round and square tables. { GENERIC = "Someone should really set this table.", HAS_ITEM = "Who set this table? It's all wrong.", }, STONE_CHAIR = { GENERIC = "I'm appalled by the idea of sitting for some reason.", OCCUPIED = "Good. You sit. Forever.", }, CARPENTRY_BLADE_MOONGLASS = "Fancy... for a laborer's tool.",
PANDORASCHEST = "It's a trap.", CHEST_MIMIC_REVEALED = "It's a trap!",
-- rifts 4 ANNOUNCE_EXIT_GELBLOB = "Gaah! The horror!", ANNOUNCE_SHADOWTHRALL_STEALTH = "Who bit me? Show yourself, coward!", ANNOUNCE_RABBITKING_AGGRESSIVE = "A frenzy of activity underfoot.", ANNOUNCE_RABBITKING_PASSIVE = "Some crawling creature beneath us, no doubt.", ANNOUNCE_RABBITKING_LUCKY = "Simon, you rapscallion!", ANNOUNCE_RABBITKING_LUCKYCAUGHT = "I've got you now, Simon!", ANNOUNCE_RABBITKINGHORN_BADSPAWNPOINT = "Typical rabbit. Never there when you need them.",
ITEMMIMIC = "I'm losing my touch.",
ANNOUNCE_WORMS = "Oh dear. I know what's making that sound.", ANNOUNCE_WORMS_BOSS = "Curses. I know that sound.",
SHADOWTHRALL_MOUTH = "What are you smiling at, pal?",
ANNOUNCE_PREFALLINVOID = "That's not good.",
-- Rifts 4 SHADOW_BEEF_BELL = "We shall ride again!", SADDLE_SHADOW = "A fine saddle for slaying.", SHADOW_BATTLEAXE = "I shall bring down many a beast with that cursed axe.", VOIDCLOTH_BOOMERANG = "There will be no escape for my foes.", ROPE_BRIDGE_KIT = "'Tis no Bifrost, but 'twill do.", GELBLOB = { GENERIC = "Cursed nectar of Helheim!", HAS_ITEM = "What is that flotant herfang?", HAS_CHARACTER = "Bestow succor upon that poor soul, lest they perish in that cursed tar.", }, RABBITKING_AGGRESSIVE = "How adorable!", RABBITKING_PASSIVE = "The diminutive lord seeks commerce!", RABBITKING_LUCKY = "I must capture it alive!", RABBITKINGMINION_BUNNYMAN = "I shall send you to the endless carrot patch.", ARMOR_CARROTLURE = "'Tis better to wear than eat them, I suppose.", RABBITKINGHORN = "The rabbit had best heed my call.", RABBITKINGHORN_CHEST = "The rabbits pledge to safeguard my loot within their lair.", RABBITKINGSPEAR = "It shall be a delightful insult to mine enemies to perish by rabbit antler.", RABBITHAT = "Ridiculous.", WORM_BOSS = "A snake beast worthy of mine spear!", STONE_TABLE = -- Shared between the round and square tables. { GENERIC = "No sorrier sight than a bare table. Let us plunder!", HAS_ITEM = "Not the most impressive piece of loot.", }, STONE_CHAIR = { GENERIC = "A warrior doth not sit.", OCCUPIED = "On your feet, soldier!", }, CARPENTRY_BLADE_MOONGLASS = "A shame it is not a weapon.",
PANDORASCHEST = "It contains a mystery.", CHEST_MIMIC_REVEALED = "It contained not a mystery, but a curse!",
-- rifts 4 ANNOUNCE_EXIT_GELBLOB = "Thank Odin, I am free!", ANNOUNCE_SHADOWTHRALL_STEALTH = "Revealeth thyself, fiend!", ANNOUNCE_RABBITKING_AGGRESSIVE = "Which denizen of the underworld draws near?", ANNOUNCE_RABBITKING_PASSIVE = "A creature approaches from beneath.", ANNOUNCE_RABBITKING_LUCKY = "Odd rabbit! A sign from the gods?", ANNOUNCE_RABBITKING_LUCKYCAUGHT = "I have you, fateful rabbit!", ANNOUNCE_RABBITKINGHORN_BADSPAWNPOINT = "Are you not satisfied with the place?!",
ITEMMIMIC = "Infernal trickster.",
ANNOUNCE_WORMS = "The earth quakes with the approach of a foe!", ANNOUNCE_WORMS_BOSS = "A behemoth approaches.",
SHADOWTHRALL_MOUTH = "I shall wipe that grin off thine face.",
ANNOUNCE_PREFALLINVOID = "'Tis not my time to fall!",
-- Rifts 4 SHADOW_BEEF_BELL = "We can save our beefalo!", SADDLE_SHADOW = "We love riding beefalo! Wheee!", SHADOW_BATTLEAXE = "We'll be careful. Promise!", VOIDCLOTH_BOOMERANG = "Oooh, fun!", ROPE_BRIDGE_KIT = "We can help!", GELBLOB = { GENERIC = "Can we play with it?", HAS_ITEM = "There's a prize inside!", HAS_CHARACTER = "Are you stuck?", }, RABBITKING_AGGRESSIVE = "What a grouchy ol' rabbit!", RABBITKING_PASSIVE = "Hello, Mister Rabbit!", RABBITKING_LUCKY = "We'll catch it!", RABBITKINGMINION_BUNNYMAN = "Nasty rabbit.", ARMOR_CARROTLURE = "Does this count as eating our vegetables?", RABBITKINGHORN = "What kind of music do rabbits like?", RABBITKINGHORN_CHEST = "We can hide things with the rabbits!", RABBITKINGSPEAR = "It's a little fuzzy, like us!", RABBITHAT = "Haha!", WORM_BOSS = "Wow.", STONE_TABLE = -- Shared between the round and square tables. { GENERIC = "I remember drawing at the table.", HAS_ITEM = "I remember drawing at the table.", }, STONE_CHAIR = { GENERIC = "Mother said I could never sit still.", OCCUPIED = "Mother said I could never sit still.", }, CARPENTRY_BLADE_MOONGLASS = "Ms. Wickerbottom said we should be extra careful with that.",
PANDORASCHEST = "Stylish storage.", CHEST_MIMIC_REVEALED = "We didn't touch it!",
-- rifts 4 ANNOUNCE_EXIT_GELBLOB = "We're all sticky!", ANNOUNCE_SHADOWTHRALL_STEALTH = "Ouch! No fair! We can't see you!", ANNOUNCE_RABBITKING_AGGRESSIVE = "We hear something coming! And it sounds grouchy!", ANNOUNCE_RABBITKING_PASSIVE = "Something's burrowing around us!", ANNOUNCE_RABBITKING_LUCKY = "We see a wierd rabbit!", (sic) ANNOUNCE_RABBITKING_LUCKYCAUGHT = "We caught it!", ANNOUNCE_RABBITKINGHORN_BADSPAWNPOINT = "Aw, wrong spot!",
ITEMMIMIC = "Aw, I guessed wrong!",
ANNOUNCE_WORMS = "Ohhh nooo. We're not friends with worms!", ANNOUNCE_WORMS_BOSS = "Yikes! Here comes a BIG worm!",
SHADOWTHRALL_MOUTH = "It's smiling at us! Maybe it wants to play!",
ANNOUNCE_PREFALLINVOID = "Let's get out of here!",
-- Rifts 4 SHADOW_BEEF_BELL = "One lucky beefalo is gonna get a second chance.", SADDLE_SHADOW = "Looks kinda forebodin', don't it?", SHADOW_BATTLEAXE = "It ain't a precision tool.", VOIDCLOTH_BOOMERANG = "Round trip included!", ROPE_BRIDGE_KIT = "We're puttin' a lot of trust in this thing.", GELBLOB = { GENERIC = "That ain't no engine grease I ever seen.", HAS_ITEM = "Looks like somethin's caught inside.", HAS_CHARACTER = "Someone's in tough spot.", }, RABBITKING_AGGRESSIVE = "What is your problem, rabbit?!", RABBITKING_PASSIVE = "Friendly lil' fella ain't he?", RABBITKING_LUCKY = "Gotta catch me that rabbit!", RABBITKINGMINION_BUNNYMAN = "Must be somethin' in the carrots.", ARMOR_CARROTLURE = "Huh. Guess ya can make clothes out of just about anything.", RABBITKINGHORN = "It must play a thumpin' tune.", RABBITKINGHORN_CHEST = "Mighty kind of them rabbits.", RABBITKINGSPEAR = "Never thought of makin' weapons out of rabbit parts.", RABBITHAT = "Okay, that's pretty darn cute.", WORM_BOSS = "Now that's a big ol' worm.", STONE_TABLE = -- Shared between the round and square tables. { GENERIC = "I don't care if it's fancy, just solidly built.", HAS_ITEM = "It's doin' what tables do.", }, STONE_CHAIR = { GENERIC = "Looks sturdy enough.", OCCUPIED = "Looks like that seat's spoken for.", }, CARPENTRY_BLADE_MOONGLASS = "That is one sweet saw blade.",
PANDORASCHEST = "Best not open that.", CHEST_MIMIC_REVEALED = "Didn't I tell ya?!",
-- rifts 4 ANNOUNCE_EXIT_GELBLOB = "Let's not speak of this again.", ANNOUNCE_SHADOWTHRALL_STEALTH = "Ow! Quit skulkin' and fight me fair!", ANNOUNCE_RABBITKING_AGGRESSIVE = "What's with all that scratchin'?", ANNOUNCE_RABBITKING_PASSIVE = "I hear a critter comin'.", ANNOUNCE_RABBITKING_LUCKY = "There is somethin' about that rabbit!", ANNOUNCE_RABBITKING_LUCKYCAUGHT = "Gotcha, rabbit!", ANNOUNCE_RABBITKINGHORN_BADSPAWNPOINT = "Nope, ain't the right spot.",
ITEMMIMIC = "I knew it felt funny.",
ANNOUNCE_WORMS = "Was that a tremor?", ANNOUNCE_WORMS_BOSS = "Oh man, that's a big one.",
SHADOWTHRALL_MOUTH = "Somebody's got a big mouth!",
-- Rifts 4 SHADOW_BEEF_BELL = "Ring the bell for seconds!", SADDLE_SHADOW = "Best seat in the house!", SHADOW_BATTLEAXE = "I've never seen a cleaver like that before.", VOIDCLOTH_BOOMERANG = "Many happy returns!", ROPE_BRIDGE_KIT = "This looks like a recipe for disaster.", GELBLOB = { GENERIC = "That is unappetizing.", HAS_ITEM = "There is something floating in the gelatin.", HAS_CHARACTER = "There is someone floating in the gelatin.", }, RABBITKING_AGGRESSIVE = "It is tough, even for stew.", RABBITKING_PASSIVE = "A gentle creature. Hopefully.", RABBITKING_LUCKY = "I promise not to cook you!", RABBITKINGMINION_BUNNYMAN = "They are not trying to cuddle.", ARMOR_CARROTLURE = "Fresh style, non?", RABBITKINGHORN = "Do rabbits have a taste for music?", RABBITKINGHORN_CHEST = "A cellar!", RABBITKINGSPEAR = "Made from real rabbit antler.", RABBITHAT = "Cute topper.", WORM_BOSS = "That worm looks hungry!", STONE_TABLE = -- Shared between the round and square tables. { GENERIC = "All it's missing are homecooked food and good wine.", HAS_ITEM = "All it's missing are homecooked food and good wine.", }, STONE_CHAIR = { GENERIC = "Mon chair.", OCCUPIED = "Leur chair.", }, CARPENTRY_BLADE_MOONGLASS = "Will it slice le jambon?",
PANDORASCHEST = "It's quite magnificent.", CHEST_MIMIC_REVEALED = "It's quite horrible!",
-- rifts 4 ANNOUNCE_EXIT_GELBLOB = "I thought I was going to expire in there.", ANNOUNCE_SHADOWTHRALL_STEALTH = "Non non, I refuse to be a delicious morsel!", ANNOUNCE_RABBITKING_AGGRESSIVE = "Something unpleasant brewing below.", ANNOUNCE_RABBITKING_PASSIVE = "I hear a gentle rustling beneath our feet.", ANNOUNCE_RABBITKING_LUCKY = "That is a rare rabbit, indeed!", ANNOUNCE_RABBITKING_LUCKYCAUGHT = "Voilà! Got you!", ANNOUNCE_RABBITKINGHORN_BADSPAWNPOINT = "Perhaps the accoustics are not ideal here.",
ITEMMIMIC = "Thought it smelled off.",
ANNOUNCE_WORMS = "Huh? What's that?", ANNOUNCE_WORMS_BOSS = "I don't like the sound of that.",
SHADOWTHRALL_MOUTH = "It smiles, but is it happy?",
ANNOUNCE_PREFALLINVOID = "It is not the fall that kills you...",
-- Rifts 4 SHADOW_BEEF_BELL = "A bell to bring back the beef!", SADDLE_SHADOW = "Shall we take a ride on the dark side?", SHADOW_BATTLEAXE = "Foes will take pause, when they see the claws.", VOIDCLOTH_BOOMERANG = "Delivering death from a distance!", ROPE_BRIDGE_KIT = "Hope the rope holds.", GELBLOB = { GENERIC = "Ick! It sticks!", HAS_ITEM = "Enough with the guff! Let's get that stuff!", HAS_CHARACTER = "They're frowning because they're drowning! Hyuyu!", }, RABBITKING_AGGRESSIVE = "Let his kicks miss you, he's got an anger issue!", RABBITKING_PASSIVE = "The hare has an air about him.", RABBITKING_LUCKY = "That rabbit! Grab it!", RABBITKINGMINION_BUNNYMAN = "It's a warrin' warren!", ARMOR_CARROTLURE = "Carrot? Wear it!", RABBITKINGHORN = "It plays a tunneling tune.", RABBITKINGHORN_CHEST = "Subterranean storage service", RABBITKINGSPEAR = "A bludgeon from a long-eared curmudgeon.", RABBITHAT = "Aww, lookit that! A rabbit hat!", WORM_BOSS = "Squirmy wormy! Hyuyu!", STONE_TABLE = -- Shared between the round and square tables. { GENERIC = "Now, will the tables turn?", HAS_ITEM = "The centerpiece has been set.", }, STONE_CHAIR = { GENERIC = "I'll take a seat and rest my feet.", OCCUPIED = "Move your rear, I want to sit here!", }, CARPENTRY_BLADE_MOONGLASS = "But what does it cut?",
PANDORASCHEST = "Open it, open it!", CHEST_MIMIC_REVEALED = "Why did we open it?!",
-- rifts 4 ANNOUNCE_EXIT_GELBLOB = "I could've died inside!", ANNOUNCE_SHADOWTHRALL_STEALTH = "I felt a keen blow, from an unseen foe!", ANNOUNCE_RABBITKING_AGGRESSIVE = "I'm serious, what approaches sounds furious!", ANNOUNCE_RABBITKING_PASSIVE = "What's that sound from underground?", ANNOUNCE_RABBITKING_LUCKY = "A special rabbit! Please don't stab it!", ANNOUNCE_RABBITKING_LUCKYCAUGHT = "Got it!", ANNOUNCE_RABBITKINGHORN_BADSPAWNPOINT = "Not quite the site.",
ITEMMIMIC = "Can't stand it! Left empty-handed!",
ANNOUNCE_WORMS = "Something approaches from beneath!", ANNOUNCE_WORMS_BOSS = "Don't bumble about, upon that rumble, no doubt!",
SHADOWTHRALL_MOUTH = "I'd rather see that smile from a mile.",
ANNOUNCE_PREFALLINVOID = "No time to rhyme, lest we hear death's chime!",
-- Rifts 4 SHADOW_BEEF_BELL = "Un-die Shaggy Buddy", SADDLE_SHADOW = "Ride Shaggy Buddy!", SHADOW_BATTLEAXE = "Not nice!", VOIDCLOTH_BOOMERANG = "Dark Returny Stick?", ROPE_BRIDGE_KIT = "Make air steps", GELBLOB = { GENERIC = "Stick-stick goop", HAS_ITEM = "What inside?", HAS_CHARACTER = "Help stuck friend!", }, RABBITKING_AGGRESSIVE = "Mean Squee Hopper!", RABBITKING_PASSIVE = "Nice Squee Hopper", RABBITKING_LUCKY = "Catch Special Squee Hopper!", RABBITKINGMINION_BUNNYMAN = "Mean Squee Hopper's mean friend!", ARMOR_CARROTLURE = "Wear orange belly stuff?", RABBITKINGHORN = "Play Squee Hopper song?", RABBITKINGHORN_CHEST = "Thanks Squee Hopper!", RABBITKINGSPEAR = "Mean Squee Hopper stick", RABBITHAT = "Squee Hopper hat", WORM_BOSS = "Hello, big wiggly!", STONE_TABLE = -- Shared between the round and square tables. { GENERIC = "Empty table", HAS_ITEM = "Table full", }, STONE_CHAIR = { GENERIC = "Sit Place", OCCUPIED = "That okay! Will sit somewhere else", }, CARPENTRY_BLADE_MOONGLASS = "Careful, friends! Sharp!",
ITEMMIMIC = "Wrong friend!",
ANNOUNCE_WORMS = "Wigglies are coming", ANNOUNCE_WORMS_BOSS = "Big Wiggly!",
Wurt: -- Rifts 4 SHADOW_BEEF_BELL = "Wake up sleeping friend.", SADDLE_SHADOW = "Pretty friend riding chair.", SHADOW_BATTLEAXE = "Choppy time!", VOIDCLOTH_BOOMERANG = "Dark come-back stick!", ROPE_BRIDGE_KIT = "Don't scared! Me build SOOO safe bridge.", GELBLOB = { GENERIC = "Want to touch it.", HAS_ITEM = "Florp! Surprise inside!", HAS_CHARACTER = "Hello!", }, RABBITKING_AGGRESSIVE = "Angry old rabbit likes kicking. Glurgh.", RABBITKING_PASSIVE = "Hi, friendly mustache rabbit!", RABBITKING_LUCKY = "Me gonna get you!", RABBITKINGMINION_BUNNYMAN = "Flort, Bunnyman! Me thought we friends!", ARMOR_CARROTLURE = "Me wear it.", RABBITKINGHORN = "Me blow rabbit horn horn.", RABBITKINGHORN_CHEST = "Thanks rabbit!", RABBITKINGSPEAR = "Angry old rabbit horn!", RABBITHAT = "Me love it much.", WORM_BOSS = "Don't eat me!", STONE_TABLE = -- Shared between the round and square tables. { GENERIC = "Table not set yet!", HAS_ITEM = "Wicker-lady! Table all set!", }, STONE_CHAIR = { GENERIC = "Oooh, fancy sitting-place!", OCCUPIED = "Wanna turn! Move over!", }, CARPENTRY_BLADE_MOONGLASS = "Pretty moon cutter!", PANDORASCHEST = "What in the box?", CHEST_MIMIC_REVEALED = "Mouth box! Glorp!",
ITEMMIMIC = "Bad tricker!",
SHADOWTHRALL_MOUTH = "Glorp! Much teeth!",
ANNOUNCE_PREFALLINVOID = "Glurp... this bad.",
-- Rifts 4 SHADOW_BEEF_BELL = "Like first aid but magic.", SADDLE_SHADOW = "Neat seat!", SHADOW_BATTLEAXE = "Woby, I think it winked at me!", VOIDCLOTH_BOOMERANG = "You don't fetch this one, Woby.", ROPE_BRIDGE_KIT = "This is basic Pinetree Pioneer stuff... now, where are those instructions?", GELBLOB = { GENERIC = "Don't get stuck, Woby!", HAS_ITEM = "Do you see what's inside, Woby?", HAS_CHARACTER = "Are you in need of assistance?", }, RABBITKING_AGGRESSIVE = "Someone's in a bad mood!", RABBITKING_PASSIVE = "It looks friendly!", RABBITKING_LUCKY = "Let's catch it, Woby!", RABBITKINGMINION_BUNNYMAN = "Who's a cranky pants?", ARMOR_CARROTLURE = "Nice VESTable! Get it, Woby?", RABBITKINGHORN = "I can't carrot a tune! Heh. Nice, Walter.", RABBITKINGHORN_CHEST = "Woby, now you don't have to carry everything!", RABBITKINGSPEAR = "The most striking part of the rabbit. Heh.", RABBITHAT = "Whoever wears that is a real hare-brain! Oh, Walter!", WORM_BOSS = "A monster worm!", STONE_TABLE = -- Shared between the round and square tables. { GENERIC = "Woby, no paws on the table!", HAS_ITEM = "Woby, no paws on the table!", }, STONE_CHAIR = { GENERIC = "Sorry Woby, that's not for you.", OCCUPIED = "Sorry Woby, that's not for you.", }, CARPENTRY_BLADE_MOONGLASS = "Be careful, Woby! It's sharp!", PANDORASCHEST = "There's got to be something good inside!", CHEST_MIMIC_REVEALED = "And I was right! It's a box monster, Woby!",
-- rifts 4 ANNOUNCE_EXIT_GELBLOB = "That was not fun.", ANNOUNCE_SHADOWTHRALL_STEALTH = "Yikes! What bit me, Woby?", ANNOUNCE_RABBITKING_AGGRESSIVE = "Woby, do you hear digging? Sounds angry!", ANNOUNCE_RABBITKING_PASSIVE = "Something's digging underground!", ANNOUNCE_RABBITKING_LUCKY = "Look at that rabbit, Woby!", ANNOUNCE_RABBITKING_LUCKYCAUGHT = "Gotcha!", ANNOUNCE_RABBITKINGHORN_BADSPAWNPOINT = "Why won't it work here?",
ITEMMIMIC = "Oops!",
ANNOUNCE_WORMS = "Something's moving...", ANNOUNCE_WORMS_BOSS = "Something's coming. Something big.",
SHADOWTHRALL_MOUTH = "It's a silly one!",
-- Rifts 4 SHADOW_BEEF_BELL = "A way to reset the clock for my beefalo!", SADDLE_SHADOW = "If one must sit, they might as well be moving.", SHADOW_BATTLEAXE = "That will fell a tree in no time.", VOIDCLOTH_BOOMERANG = "Right back to where we started... sigh.", ROPE_BRIDGE_KIT = "Looks rather shoddy but it beats taking the long way around.", GELBLOB = { GENERIC = "I can't let it slow me down.", HAS_ITEM = "What's that inside?", HAS_CHARACTER = "Oh dear...", }, RABBITKING_AGGRESSIVE = "You have a horrible attitude.", RABBITKING_PASSIVE = "What a sweet little fellow.", RABBITKING_LUCKY = "I know I should catch that rabbit!", RABBITKINGMINION_BUNNYMAN = "From a bad litter, indeed.", ARMOR_CARROTLURE = "I can see why the bunnies love it.", RABBITKINGHORN = "It plays a familiar tune.", RABBITKINGHORN_CHEST = "I hope I don't forget what I put in there.", RABBITKINGSPEAR = "Surprisingly intimidating.", RABBITHAT = "A fashion statement?", WORM_BOSS = "We go back, don't we?", STONE_TABLE = -- Shared between the round and square tables. { GENERIC = "A table. Will wonders never cease.", HAS_ITEM = "Yes, there is something on it.", }, STONE_CHAIR = { GENERIC = "I believe in my time, we called that a chair.", OCCUPIED = "It is occupied.", }, CARPENTRY_BLADE_MOONGLASS = "Well, does it saw faster?",
PANDORASCHEST = "What's the harm in taking an itty-bitty peek?", CHEST_MIMIC_REVEALED = "Totally not worth the peek!",
-- rifts 4 ANNOUNCE_EXIT_GELBLOB = "That felt like forever!", ANNOUNCE_SHADOWTHRALL_STEALTH = "What was that? Expose that foul beast!", ANNOUNCE_RABBITKING_AGGRESSIVE = "I can hear clawing underground.", ANNOUNCE_RABBITKING_PASSIVE = "There's something moving below.", ANNOUNCE_RABBITKING_LUCKY = "I've seen that rabbit before!", ANNOUNCE_RABBITKING_LUCKYCAUGHT = "We meet again!", ANNOUNCE_RABBITKINGHORN_BADSPAWNPOINT = "I should have known this was the wrong place.",
ITEMMIMIC = "Next time I'll choose the right one.",
ANNOUNCE_WORMS = "That rumble felt... ominous.", ANNOUNCE_WORMS_BOSS = "It's coming...",
SHADOWTHRALL_MOUTH = "It's far too happy!",
ANNOUNCE_PREFALLINVOID = "Time to get to solid ground!",
...Hopefully I didn't miss anything currently. Anyways, the shadow maul/axe has a lot of unique quotes (it can speak, kinda like the shadow reaper and Lucy.)
It's quotes are below:
overtime_l2 = { "Sh-sharp.", "We k-kill n-now?", "Ch-chop.", "H-hack... ha-ack? HACK!", }, overtime_l3 = -- And level 4 too! { "Let me axe you a question. Why aren't we killing something?", "What shall we destroy next, wielder?", "I know I have a rough edge. But I can still cut it.", "Can you hack it?", "What are you waiting for, wielder?", "We haven't murdered something in forever.", "We shall commit unspeakable acts of savagery!", "Mortal, do you realize what we are capable of together?", }, overtime_l4 = { "It's been a journey, wielder.", "I reflect on our path of destruction with fondness.", "Remember how much fun we had killing things?", }, overtime_woodie_l2 = { "Fo-for...get... forget h-her...", "M-mi... mine.", "He's... m-mine.", "Wo... Woo... Woodie.", }, overtime_woodie_l3 = -- And level 4 too! { "Heard you're an axe man.", "Forget your crazy axe.", "Sever your ties with that old battle axe.", "Just me and hew.", "I fell for you.", }, overtime_woodie_l4 = { "I just want a simple wielding.", "I'll never cleave you.", "Let's carve our names in a tree.", }, chopping_l2 = { "Ch- cho- chop. CHOP!", "Ch- chop tree... CHOP TREE!", "CHOP! CHOP! CHOP!", "Swi-ing... Swing!", "More...", }, chopping_l3 = -- And level 4 too! { "No tree is safe from us.", "CHOP-CHOP!", "We're in full swing now, wielder!", "Chop'em down. Chop'em all down.", "I was meant for greater things... fleshier things.", "Only flesh will sustain me.", "Where's the challenge?", }, chopping_l4 = { "Every tree shall fall before us.", "Trees feel pain... but not enough.", "I prefer the mobile variety.", },
chopping_woodie_l2 = { "Yes.", "All... m-mine.", "Wo... W-Woodie... i-is... mine!", }, chopping_woodie_l3 = -- And level 4 too! { "Forget her.", "No one will ever split us apart.", "Hold me tight!", }, chopping_woodie_l4 = { "Hew and me... FOREVER.", "Never let me go.", "I love hew!", }, hungry_l2 = { "Hungry!", "F-feed me!", "M-must... k-kill.", "Me-meat!", "Fl... fl-flesh!", }, hungry_l3 = -- And level 4 too! { "So hungry.", "I need to fleshen up.", "Find us something to kill.", "How about some pork chops?", "GASH, I'm so hungry!", "You need to MEAT me halfway.", "I crave beast flesh!", "When do we eat?", "I need meat.", }, hungry_l4 = { "You dare neglect me, mortal?", "Death gives me life.", "Wielder, you've changed.", }, starving_l2 = { "Starv... starving!", "D-dying!", "F-find... fl-flesh... now!", "Must h-have mmm-MEAT!", }, starving_l3 = -- And level 4 too! { "Feed me, NOW.", "Why do you starve me, cruel mortal?", "Are you trying to kill me, wretched mortal?", "Feed me before it's too late!", "We need to murder something, now!", "Getting... weaker.", "If I'm not killing, I'm dying!", "Not to be dramatic, but... I'M STARVING TO DEATH!", }, starving_l4 = { "Cursed mortal.", "Is this the end?", "It can't end like this.", "Come too far... tasted too much...", }, level_up_l2 = { "F-feel... str-strange...", "Some... thing... ha-happening.", "Stro... str-stronger!", "Aw... awa- awake.", }, level_up_l3 = { "I'm changing.", "My strength grows!", "I'm evolving!", }, level_up_l4 = { "RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAR!", "Nothing can stop us now, wielder!", "AXE-IMUM POWER!!!", }, epic_killed_l2 = { "Yes.", -- 1st kill. "More... new... meat.", -- 2nd kill. }, epic_killed_l3 = { "Sumptuous! We're on the right path, wielder!", -- 1st kill. "We're on the cusp, wielder. I FEEL IT.", -- 2nd kill. }, epic_killed_l4 = { "OH YES.", "So juicy!", "A satisfying meal.", "Worthy.", "Beautiful!", "A delight!", "I am satiated.", "A fine feast of flesh.", "Gluttonous!", "Thank you, wielder.", "I'm proud of us.", },
creature_killed_l2 = { "Fun.", "I l-like.", "Want b-big... meat.", "Kill!", }, creature_killed_l3 = -- And level 4 too! { "That was fun.", "Thanks for the meat!", "Crunchy bones!", "Time to split!", "Shall we hunt bigger game?", "A tasty morsel.", "Shall we murder something of consequence now?", "Too easy.", "Nothing sweeter than death delivered by your hand and my face.", "Good times. Good times had by all.", "What a HACK job.", "It will do for now.", "You're a HACK!", "Satisfactory.", "Here's your final SEVERANCE.", "'Twas but a snack.", }, creature_killed_l4 = { "I'm rather insulted.", "That's it?", "Playing it safe, wielder?", "Meager.", }, }
And that's everything (I HOPE) :3
#dst beta spoilers#ds#don't starve together#A ton of rambling in the tags below lol:#Anyways I've seen a few people say that the rabbit king is Simon but Maxwell says:#Spare me the token gesture. Simon knows what he did.#and Of course Simon's brute cousin fights his battles for him.#when examining the benevolent and wrathful rabbit king respectively#and if the rabbit king was simon it'd make more sense for his first quote to be sm like 'Spare me the token gesture. You know what you did.#and in his second he calls the rabbit king 'Simon's brute cousin'#So I think that the lucky rabbit is Simon (or at least Maxwell thinks it is) but I think the rabbit king(s?) are separate from Simon.#anyways this update has me considering the rabbit biology of the constant.#Like. Wortox uses 'hare' for the rabbit king and other characters use rabbit tho the rabbits in the constant can't be hares bc they burrow#which hares don't but the constant rabbits also have horns like a jackalope and jackalopes are hares i believe-#considering their name comes partly from some species of hares? and the rabbits seem to have more hare-like ear markings but im not sure#also there's a decent amount of hybrid animals in the constant like the bearger dragonfly and moose/goose#and a lot of lunar mobs technically if u count plant/animal hybrids or living plants#so what if the rabbits in the constant aren't true rabbits but instead a mix of rabbit and hare..#anyways anyways from now on I'll always be calling Rictus 'the grin reaper' bc It's really funny to me asdfghj
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sergeifyodorov · 11 months
plz share the willy xenophobia discussion at your leisure i would love to read about it
Right. So.
Willy was drafted in 2014, a top-ten pick with legacy pedigree, and unlike the other two in Toronto's Big Three, took a little longer to develop -- Marner spent his D+1 in the OHL before coming up, Matthews made the team right away, but Willy spent time in the SHL and about a year and a half in the Marlies before joining at the end of the 15-16 season, after Marner was drafted but before Matthews was. Needless to say, expectations of him weren't quite as high, but he was firmly expected to be part of the Big Rebuild, too.
He's also Swedish. The first Europeans in the NHL were Swedish, and to this day the highest proportion of non-North Americans is Swedish. However, in order to understand the Swedes, we have to talk about the Russians.
The 1972 Summit Series is probably the most important single event in the history of hockey -- eight games, the first true best-on-best in the world, since the NHL and the Olympics have always had a fraught relationship and they weren't allowed to attend. If we really wanted to talk about the Summit Series, we could be here for years, but, the point: on this particular world stage, it was finally understood that Europeans -- Russians, but everyone else, too -- played a different style of hockey, one that emphasized a side-to-side possession-based game instead of the Canadian dump-and-chase style. The Euro style involves far less checking. And less fighting.
North American (largely Canadian, but nonetheless) hockey has always had a culture of hypermasculinity around it, and this relative lack of violence, as well as pre-existing stereotypes of the time, gave the impression that Europeans were "soft."
Back to Willy. Go back to look at draft-era Willy, before he learns how to grow facial hair -- not Mitch's baby face, but not Auston's full-grown jawline. A layer of puppy fat that disguises all but the most defined of his muscles. Silky blond hair and a dopey smile. He dresses expensively, breaks into fits of giggles in interviews, doesn't seem to take anything as seriously as he should. Because this is Toronto, and we feel as if we are about to enter a new golden age, we expect the most out of our prospects -- solemnity, hard work, not a flaxen-haired nepotist idiot. Especially not a soft flaxen-haired nepotist idiot.
Willy Nylander, raised and trained on a different continent, doesn't hit much, preferring to carry his puck in than dump it. He's speedy, patient with a shot, would rather make a dangerous chance than one through three lanes of traffic. He doesn't fight, doesn't get mad, scores less when the team's really going, and he held out to the last possible moment in his RFA negotiations. Every single one of these drives people mad -- people here trailing all after Don Cherry.
If you're not familiar with Don Cherry, imagine the worst Leafs uncle you could possibly realize, give him opinions of similar attitude on the rest of the NHL, and then understand that he had a national platform for decades. Cherry, fervent nationalist that he is, touted the "tough" Canadian forechecking style, adored players who would walk off injuries -- never mind their lives afterwards -- and once expressed his disdain for visors (you know, the thing that... protects your eyes... and a lot of your face...) by saying that only the Europeans and Francophones liked them. (He also got kicked off of Hockey Night in Canada for anti-immigrant statements. Yee haw.)
Cherry hated Nylander the entire time, explicitly citing his Swedishness (and implying a lack of toughness, or winning quality, which he equated) as a reason that the Leafs would never win with him. Here's an article from right around draft day with Cherry's opinion -- he says the Leafs, should they choose to contend, should forgo Europeans and instead take Canadians. He also cites Ritchie's high penalty-minute count as a valuable item. (I don't know about you, but generally I think regularly putting your team on the penalty kill is a detriment, not a strength).
Furthermore, there's a poll at the end of this article asking the reader if they think Cherry was right. Most people think he was. He was hugely popular not only because he was a charismatic figure (I keep talking about him as if he's dead; he's not, just no longer working) but because his ideas were popular. People believed, and still very much do, that Swedishness is softness and that softness is bad. And as -- as a Leaf -- arguably one of the most visible Swedes in the NHL, one of those tasked with shouldering the weight of the most known franchise, Willy bore a lot of it.
I think part of the reason I didn't mention it in the original post was because unlike Mitch, Willy doesn't seem to let it get to him a lot -- he's a blissfully oblivious Barbie-doll idiot -- and, again, because expectations on him weren't quite as high. That being said, it's still important to discuss imho !
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cryptidghostgirl · 2 years
Dating Xavier Thorpe
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- This boy is just a little ball of sunshine
- Golden retriever energy but make it super anxious and tortured artisty
- He for sure asks you out by painting your portrait and either he gives it to you as a gift when he asks you out or you find it and he’s forced into asking you out.
- Chilling with him in his shed while he paints 
- Just getting to watch him paint and the way his hands move
- You guys don’t share all the same interests but gosh do you love it when he rants about his opinions on art supplies and shows you what he’s working on, when he talks about art history you practically melt.
- And he is the same way about you when you talk about your favorite bands or books or interests (if you’re an ADHD bitch like myself, he absolutely loves hearing you rant to him about your current hyper-fixation. They way you light up? it’s literally his favorite thing.)
 - I feel like he’d be pretty possessive ngl? like sweet as heck but also makes you come to the weathervane with him and you don’t realize it but its just so he can say fuck you to Tyler because he’s got such a hot partner and Tyler doesn't.
- I am sorry but I just feel like he is ADHD and gets super fixated on his painting so you do stuff like bring him food to make sure he remembers to eat and yell at him to sleep
- If you’re neurodivergent (like myself) and have are having a nonverbal moment, he’d be super respectful
- Like the first time it happens, he’s gonna be weirded out and confused and think your mad at him
- But then, you guys will figure stuff out and hell have like, game plans for things he can do to help like bringing you comfort items and downloading a text to speech app on your phone, keeping notepads and your favorite pens close by and is super understanding even if you’re not in the mood to use any of those. He takes it a little personally at first, but you guys figure it out
- Maybe its just that I really wanna date Xavier so I am projecting but I feel like he’d be a really great partner for someone on the spectrum
- When you guys get into your first fight, he brings you your favorite type of flowers you mentioned that one time and some of your favorite safe foods
- When you finally sit down and talk to him about the things you have going on he is super supportive in the way he has faith in you to be better and to become the best version of yourself
- Sharing cigs
- His hands are so pretty
- Bony fingers! holding a cigarette! for you to take a drag from!!!!!!!!!
- Gifts are always gonna be handmade on both sides lets not lie
- Xavier will love you so hard. He is really kind and trusting, despite everything that has happened to him and you think that is beautiful
- You guys would def constantly inspire one another to be the best version of yourselves.
- Sleepy cuddles
- I feel like Xavier would be a pretty touchy and PDA person. When you guys were at a party, he’d gently have his arm over your shoulder or around your waist. If you’re standing in front of him, he will wrap his arms around you or pull you into his lap. Little forehead and head kisses!!
- Hes for sure a hopeless romantic in the way that he will write you love letters and leave them for you, take you out for way over planned picnic dates, etc.
- You guys take turns planning dates and choosing movies and things and it becomes a competition
- TEASING (in multiple ways)
- holding hands. Xavier is a big hand holder.
lmk if you want me to keep going
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Asks for Angel 😇
Ribbon 🎀 - Any accessories?
Precious 💎 What’s their most prized possession?
Hobbies ✍️ what do they do in their free time?
What is the weirdest place she has woken up while sleepwalking?
How often does she cry? Have any of the Octonauts seen her cry/has she seen any of them cry?
Thanks for the ask!
🎀 Not really. Angel doesn't really wear jewellery or anything like that because of her sensory issues. Most of the time, she doesn't even wear shoes. (She'll eventually start wearing the same boots the Octonauts wear, when she has to. Otherwise, she'll go around barefoot.) In Above and Beyond, she gets an Octo-watch, but can only wear it for a few hours at a time. If she's too uncomfortable and has to take it off, she'll either hold it or put it around the strap on her backpack or overalls.
I'm not entirely sure if this will happen, but I had a scenario in mind if Angel does go back to other humans for a while (if it does happen, it would be between the original series and Above and Beyond): Angel receives a special medal of courage, but she's ashamed, feeling like she doesn't deserve it. However, Captain Barnacles has said she's out of uniform if she doesn't wear it.
The only other thing I can think of is that she sometimes carries a purple backpack.
💎 Angel's blanket that she can't sleep without and her stim toys (a naked headless, limbless Barbie doll and a balloon stick) are very special to her. Not only does she use them virtually every day, but they're some of the few items she managed to save from the fire.
The rocks she has to remind her of how brave she is means a lot to her as well. One Peso’s cousin, Penny, gave her. She got given that because she rescued Penny from drowning. The other rock is one she found in the Caves of Sac Actun.
✍ Angel loves reading, writing and playing with her stim toys. She has a lot of energy too, so for her birthday, Tweak made her a trampoline, which they keep in the games pod. (Angel’s not the only one who uses it, though. Kwazii and the Vegimals have also been known to use it!) Sometimes, she'll play with Peso’s xylophone too (he lets her); she doesn't know HOW to play; she just messes around.
There are lots of weird places Angel has woken up. The weirdest- just because it's like, how did she get in there?- would have to be the secret room Kwazii has in his room. Somehow, she managed to open it up, get inside and lock herself in. Nobody knows how, least of all, Angel herself. It took the Octonauts the whole day to find her! Tweak installed an Octo-tablet in there after that, so someone could get help if it happened again.
Angel gets upset VERY easily, but she rarely cries. She absolutely bawls her eyes out most of her first day on the Octopod (after all, her entire family had just been killed; her house had just burned down and she'd found out animals could talk, including Captain Barnacles, who absolutely terrified her). The next time she cries is in the Ring of Fire, three and a half years later.
Mostly, she cries if she feels especially worthless or like someone's mad at her- and if it's that time of the month when she feels that way (I have a scenario in my head where she completely breaks down in front of Captain Barnacles) or when she's scared.
That first day, Shellington, Peso and Captain Barnacles all saw her cry. Dashi, Tweak and Professor Inkling all heard her, but they didn't see her. Only Kwazii and the Vegimals didn’t (Kwazii was out most of the day, getting her backpack back and the Vegimals were in the kitchen). The Ring of Fire is the first time Kwazii and Tunip saw her cry. So far, I think the only Octo-Agent to see her cry is Ranger Marsh, after she gets scared during a fire in the Everglades. She has a panic attack.
Angel has seen Shellington cry (he was upset he hurt her after crashing the GUP-E); Tunip (at the end of 'The Mariana Trench Adventure') and Dashi and Peso on several occasions.
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macabrecabra · 11 months
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LOVECRAFTOBER: DAY SIXTEEN: Tsathoggua; The Father of the Night, Sleeper of N'Kai
Affiliation: The Court of Shub-Niggurath
Tsathoggua keeps deep in N'Kai, hording precious resources and things of value for none can be greedier, or richer, than them! This toad-bat doesn't like to move, enjoying lounging in N'Kai, undisturbed, and wrecking the days of those who think they can be as wealthy as them. Their madness tends cause the greedy to lose their mind and self-immolate businesses... because Tsathoggua cannot stand the idea of those who have more stuff than them. As such, they make a point of collecting one of every item ever made, just so they can have it. A master forger, they have taken even objects no one is aware are eldritch fakes, as Tsathoggua uses their dominion over the night to take what they wish. Also, they produce an oil-like substance from their mouth which can be used for fuel...if you want possessed machines.
They serve on the court of Shub-Niggurath faithfully, doing whatever is asked, although they tend to take their time to get going. Often the one to quickly volunteer Cthulhu for things as their cousin is so much bigger, stronger, and active than they want to be!
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agent-calivide · 1 year
Did I post this somewhere else already?
Yes. But I feel it needs to be shared more sO:
IEYTD characters with lovebug/yandere viruses.
The basic thought? Zoraxis tried to make a mind control virus to get everyone to love and worship Zoraxis. Phoenix spits in the virus and drinks the only cure while flipping off Zoraxis, but it warps and now they’re immune to a virus that makes everyone love and obsess over Phoenix.
Zor would be full yandere, but they wouldn't wanna be with Phoenix. No, no they like the distance. They'd be constantly stalking and watching Phoenix, obsessive, creating elaborate plots to trap the Phoenix, but not kill them. If they were to capture Phoenix, they'd put the agent in a gilded cage, fancy, elaborate, maybe a bit gaudy but it's only one room. They like watching them in their cage, keep that safe distance, simply enjoying the fake presence and watching Phoenix squirm whenever they turn on the intercoms and talk, feeling a sadistic joy in knowing that nobody gets the birdie but them.
In a weird way, I feel likee Sans would be the most chill. He strikes me as the type to rationalize the illness as "just feelings" and shrug it off to the best of his abilities. He's still clingy, and if Phoenix goes to leave his laboritory while he's working the have to practically answer a questionaire of where are they going, what are they doing, what's the time frame, etc, but otherwise he's actually very high functioning with the virus.
I feel like Caliente would just be like- an abusive boyfriend. Possessive, aggressive, I think he'd get angry at Phoenix if they paid attention to anyone else. He'd incinerate people right in front of them if he ruled they were getting "too clingy" which could be anything from active fliriting to just talking. He doesn't have them constantly monitored because he doesn't have access to tech like the others, but if Phoenix is out of his sight for a moment he's immediately interrogating them. Where did you go? What were you doing? Why didn't you wait for me?
Hivemind would constantly have at least one bee on Phoenix at all times for monitoring purposes. The bees also have the virus and are super clingy to Phoenix. It would be endearing, if they didn't sting anyone who Hivemind deemed a threat, which was basically anyone who took Phoenix's attention. Resource guarding is a very common thing in the animal kindom, and Phoenix's attention is a resource.
Anna would be incredibly paranoid, even after getting Phoenix to herself. Phoenix would be geared up with body cams, monitors, tracking chips, she's seen what Zoraxis can do, she is not allowing them to disappear ever again. If she had it her way they'd be off the field, but she knew long ago that the secret agent life is the one for Phoenix. However, her paranoia makes her tracking of them beyond extreme. If they're even one minute late getting back from work she already is in the process of a nervous meltdown, grabbing a gun and her tagging gear and is almost out the door to go find them herself.
Solaris strikes me as the type to be very calm, very collected with the sickness when she has Phoenix. If they're in her lab, on the Death Engine, anything the like she's just her usual, slightly unhinged mad scientist self. But the second Phoenix tries to leave she goes off the deep end, getting angry, shouting, demanding they come back right that instant. I could see Solaris threatening to use a laser on Phoenix to make it so they can't escape, either by killing or maiming them.
Fabricator would spoil Phoenix. At least, in the only way she knows how. She'd put them in the lap of luxury, dote on them, give them all sorts of lavish designer items (that she made herself), and always have them resting up in only the finest luxury apartments if she has to travel for work, because obviously she can't leave them alone. However, the other thing she loves is watching Phoenix thwart her traps. She likes watching them panic and struggle to stop the swinging ax, the deadly laser, carefully disarm the desk just in time to be okay. And if they're not? Oh well, now she gets to patch them up, because there's no way she's letting them die on her.
Juniper would be kinda like Zor, but rather than it just being one fancy room and a bunch of cameras, he'd want that person to person contact, that connection. He'd take them everywhere, on set, to Zoraxis meetings, to any celebrity galas or photoshoots or anything. Phoenix would be on a tight leash, always right by Juniper's side, not allowed to go more than a few feet away. Of course, when they go home Phoenix has full reign of any estate, after all he wants them to be happy, but the security is at max whenever they're home. Phoenix is not getting out.
Ollie is clingy, begging Phoenix to stay by his side so he won't be alone like he was in that Zoraxis base for three days. He's never been shown such kindness by an operative, he needs them. He'll do whatever they ask just please please don't leave him alone again.
Prism I think would be kinda like Sans at first, but as the virus went on and she got more and more obsessed with the Phoenix, she'd be equal parts obsessed with Phoenix and improving them. I think it wouldn't help that she was obsessed with proving her robots were better than them, if this is post-I3YTD I could see her trying to create more with Phoenix. After all, "You're the best thing I've ever made", but how can she make them better? What can she add or change about them, maybe prosthetic limbs? New enhancers on the implant? OO- maybe a heart fused with kinesium! Sure, it'll hurt at first, but it's fine. She's making them the best agent the world's ever seen.
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