#; pending headcanon tag
violent138 · 1 month
I think Wayne Manor has been totally redesigned from top to bottom for accessibility reasons (e.g. increased doorway width, lower/modifiable countertops, ramps, flooring change, altered door handles, et cetera). It started with making the place better for Babs, then Alfred realized it was more comfortable as he aged, and Bruce realized that it was a massive benefit because family members were injured nonstop.
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homecomingvn · 11 months
traumatized versions of sandy and elijah math aps🤯🤯 ??
eeeee ( 'yan versions' of them here mostly)
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Only child for sure in this au - thus, you're the sole person that all of his attention + dedication goes to! ^^
Moreso of the stalker variety rather than hackin' + slashin' (unlike some notable...others'). If push came to shove he could be moved to more violent measures, but for the time being, Eli views himself as a 'silent protector' of sorts rather than a killer.
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oh...boy. where to begin with Sandy here - for starters, she's a Jack of all trades when it comes to her love for you. Killing, kidnapping, stalking; you name it, she's probably done it.
A big ol' identity crisis when it comes to Sandy in this au - rather than being her authentic self (much like she is in 'normal' hoco), Sandy picks and chooses aspects from those close to you to incorporate into herself - that way, there's no chance of you turning her down!
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14dayswithyou · 2 years
I think the hottest thing to me about Ren is the fact that his Ren persona is so different from [REDACTED]. He’s really doing so much acting just to make himself appealing to MC… I feel so bad for him 🥺 could I request some facts about how [REDACTED] went about crafting this persona?
✦゜ANSWERED: If it makes you feel any better, [REDACTED] genuinely doesn't mind putting in all of this effort for your sake. In his eyes, you're worth every drop of blood, sweat, and tears he puts into curating his personas. He also doesn't mind keeping up the facade for as long as you enjoy it.
Canonically speaking, he's been taught from a young age that it's better for him to be someone he's not, as other people will have a better time accepting him if they find him more relatable. Ren truly believed that, and wanted to be the ideal person who'd cater to your every whim and need.
Before his Haruko/"Ren" persona, he curated a few more based on your other interests. Whether it was another anime character, a newly-rising heartthrob celebrity, or just a certain trait or trope you admire; Ren was willing to put in the time and effort to bring it into existence.
He'd spend months simply absorbing all kinds of media featuring your ideal type; taking countless notes, looking at different fashion types, buying certain brands, and even changing his own mannerisms until it was perfect. Other times, he'd go through the conversations you'd have with Moth and pick out the responses that intrigued him.
It wouldn't be the first time he'd hacked Moth's account just to ask you questions.
Sometimes, these personas don't catch your eye (resulting in you ignoring him), so he'd trash them and start again. He never took offence to this either, and brushed it off as him not putting enough effort into perfecting his personas. If you didn't notice him, it must've been because something was lacking. Maybe you didn't recognise the similarities. Maybe you couldn't make the connection. No matter what it was, it must've been his fault.
His Haruko/"Ren" persona was the first time you finally noticed him -- and it was during a time when he genuinely wasn't expecting it. He fully anticipated to just watch you at the library for a bit, maybe press a few help buttons to see if he could get your clingy coworker to step away from you -- but in a shocking turn of events, you were the one to go and help him.
So now he's trying his best to maintain the Ren facade, all while doing Haruko justice. But parts of the real him slip through the cracks because he genuinely wasn't expecting you to notice him this quickly.
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Trunks genuinely dislikes the rain, he doesn't find comfort in it in the slightest. He doesn't like walking around in it, he doesn't like the sound of it, and he certainly doesn't like the sensation of it hitting his skin.
Whenever a storm happens, he normally can't rest until it's over. Even when it drizzles, his mood is more sullen and his body is tense. He keeps the reason why to himself, and attempts to brush it off if anyone asks as to not worry anyone.
But he can be convinced to open up and tell others where all these negative reactions to something so simple came from, even if he'd rather not recall that night he lost his mentor and best/only friend.
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techniiciian · 2 months
matt , with a gun in his gym shorts and a smoothie in his hand :
a random cop : what do you got there son ?
matt : a smoothie
— taken from a convo on disco w/ @stillsolo
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clairvoyantcubes · 2 months
Send me 🍍 for a random Rucynian headcanon that I have. Or, send me a 🦍 for a random Rikaijin headcanon instead
Most Rikaijins are unable to read (or tap into) the subconscious thoughts of other beings. However, through many years of meditation and intense mental and spiritual training, a Rikaijin is able to elevate their mind/heart reading abilities and even tap into some spiritual-related ones as well.
. . . If they have the potential for it.
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ghostcond · 1 year
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two more wizards.......... im goobin
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gcldfanged · 2 months
-V:TM verse tropes-
Affably Evil
Battle Butler
Better Than Sex
Blood Lust
Cat Smile
Combat Sadomasochist
Consuming Passion
Conveniently an Orphan
Dark and Troubled Past
Deadpan Snarker
The Determinator
Extreme Doormat
Hemo Erotic
Horror Hunger
I Am A Humanitarian
In Love With Your Carnage
Laughing Mad
Literal Man Eater
Living Forever is No Big Deal
Luring in Prey
Made of Iron
Mouthy Kid
Non-Human Sidekick
Not Afraid to Die
Now That's Using Your Teeth!
Older Than They Look
Power Dynamics Kink
Red Eyes, Take Warning
Slasher Smile
Smoking is Cool
Trauma Conga Line
Values Dissonance
Voluntary Vampire Victim
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icemde · 3 months
@aisumeiku asked : 👫
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1 ) LYON & GRAY SWAPPED HOUSE KEYS FOLLOWING THE GMG. their entire relationship really shifted a lot following the grand magic games, with gray having just returned from being 'dead' for seven years only to die in front of lyon and be brought back to life in the span of a few months, its understandable that the two kinda needed an extra layer of reassurance that nothing was going to happen to the other, so they decided that trading house keys was probably going to be the best bet. it was also a silent invitation for the other to reach out when things got to be too much or they just needed an escape.
2 ) THEY ACTIVELY REFER TO EACH OTHER AS THEIR BROTHER WITHOUT REALIZING IT. neither of them know when it started to happen, but boy did it confuse a lot of people when it started. be it someone who only knows the one of them or knows vaguely about both of them, when they refer to the other as their brother it results in a lot of 'i didn't realize you guys were related' followed by an equally confused ' we're not?'. their friends find it hilarious but honestly neither of them are making an active effort to stop the habit.
3 ) THE TWO TRY TO TAKE A TRIP TO GALUNA AT LEAST ONCE A YEAR. despite how messy their reunion on galuna was, it was also the starting point of them reconnecting and fixing their relationship following ur's death. the two try to make the trip to the island, namely the cave where deliora melted being it was the last place where ur was 'alive'. what they actually do when they are on the island really varies but it is something they try to keep up with if either of their lives allow as such.
4 ) GRAY WILL NEVER ADMIT IT BUT HE DOES LOOK UP TO LYON. it's a closely guarded secret, but gray has a lot of respect for lyon and his magic. while it has never been a style he pursued himself, lyon's mastery of dynamic ice make is something gray can't help but be wowed by. on top of how well lyon is able to command a room with his presence, he can't help but admire the other, but you will never hear those words leave his mouth in a million years.
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lultimagoccia · 8 months
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( a core concept that drives my inspiration for my peppino muse and his various AU iterations is the concept of heroism. i loved how, in the original take on pt's lore, peppino is descended from a long line of legendary heroic pizza chefs and his call to action is his failure to meet his legacy. he's also described as having his own sense of justice, which leads me to the headcanon he values the idea of heroism as the highest ideal to aspire to.
peppino, in his main 'verse, does not view himself as a hero, though he tries to act in ways he considers heroic with, admittedly, limited success given his general temperament. pizzano views himself as a hero but not conduct himself as such, whereas evil!peppino sees himself as his own concept of ' evil ', in whatever way that contradicts his platonic ideal of ' hero '. )
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dyadhogs · 4 months
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speaking of old relations...
again, it's been hinted at a few times but amy did have a prior relationship that was just...awful. she rarely talks about this and most people (other than sonic and sticks) don't even know about it as it happened before she got to bygone island. in fact it's one of the main reasons she moved to begin with.
she was, as she puts it, young and dumb and didn't know her own self-worth at that time. it wasn't a healthy relationship, and it left amy with certain mental scars and tribulations that took a long time to work through. she was whittled down and she had to build herself back up. it's why she makes such a point in being independent now, why she takes pride in who she is and rarely puts up with crap.
ironically this is one of the things that drew sonic to her.
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Trunks is very used to taking care of other people and looking out for them, he won’t hesitate to ask how someone’s doing and if they need help of any kind. He likes being helpful in small ways as well as large, even if it means they just need him to just do nothing but lend an ear to listen for a few hours.
However, he’s actually poor at taking care of himself, and has some internal feelings there’s no need for others to concern themselves over him. He’s kind of a hypocrite like that.
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themxtleycrew · 6 months
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Okay, admittedly I do portray Hinata as a bit of a dumbass... and he is, we've all played the game, we know what he's like.
But I like to think he's not a complete moron. Least... not dumb enough to actually fall for certain tricks more than once (I.e. the candy box trap or getting him to lick a metal pole in winter). There are some pranks that will absolutely work on him without fail (especially if he can't just punch his way out of it), but not all of them will, again, he's not stupid.
And then of course anyone who would dare insult or disrespect him would absolutely have Oboro and Takumi breathing down their neck.
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clairvoyantcubes · 2 months
Send me 🍍 for a random Rucynian headcanon that I have. Or, send me a 🦍 for a random Rikaijin headcanon instead
Due to the hostile nature of their environment and universe, Rikaijins developed the ability to ‘predict’ their opponent’s movements, emotions and thoughts (among other things) in order to better protect themselves from their natural enemies. In exchange for this insight and cleverness, they had lost a fair bit of their ancestor’s natural power and viciousness.
Because they have shifted away from being a warrior-like race, future generations of Rikaijin are not nearly as durable as their predecessors. However, it is still very much possible for one to show signs of “warrior”-like tendencies and a lust for combat. (This ‘desire or lust for combat’ is now something of a recessive or uncommon trait amongst them.)
Rikaijins do not have tails.
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timebranded · 6 months
Worldbuilding Headcanon: The Red Plague
Probably not the most original name for a curse, but it's what we're going with since the number of times the R.ed Chain has ever been forged could be counted with one hand.
Due to the nature of what the Red Chain is made of (and what it can do), there is a curse that every wielder gets put under when they use it. I've yet to decide on how much time passes between the Red Chain getting used and the curse actually taking effect; I do have it that it was ten years for Rei. I just have to decide if that's a set amount of time that passes or if it's because he was Azelf's Hero.
As with any curse, there's no medicine that can be used to stop it. Not even Arceus can stop it, in most cases.
First stage: the victim becomes more scatterbrained and moody. They also start coughing up what looks like red shards.
Second stage: slow loss of object permanence and sense of time. Red 'scales' start appearing on the victim's arms and legs, and moving starts to become unbearable.
Third stage: the shortest stage. The victim is extremely volatile and dangerous to be around. (I need to think more about this stage tbh)
Final stage: Their entire body becomes covered in red ice/glass, which then disintegrates into a fine dust. As this happens, they are only half aware of what's going on. They won't know how much time passes or where they are. All they can hope for is a quick death, because it'd certainly be better than slowly turning into dust.
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plaguebearing · 7 months
bits of ~lore~ about aiko's family bc it was keeping me awake last night
aiko's mother came from aristocracy, and her early upbringing reflects this (involvement in more refined activities like ballet and music) as well as the inheritance bestowed upon her when she turned 18 (the family home in kyoto + the money to go to rehab and then put herself through school)
aiko's father kept his previous children a secret from aya, and by extension, aiko, because he thought that if aya's family knew about them they might have forbade her marrying him.
aiko found out about the existence of her brother + nephew when her father tried to use this information to bait her into speaking to him again. she took the info and tracked masato down herself, still refusing contact with her father.
she wants her brother to love her so, so badly (she's desperately digging for any family to not disappoint her)
aside from aiko's uncle, there isn't any of her mother's family left. she cut ties with him, but not as severely as her father - he gets holiday cards from her. he doesn't really want much to do with her, but he's glad to know that she got herself together.
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