#;; meme answers ;;
agunixmorizono · 1 year
❝You’re so drunk when I’m pretty.❞
Drunk/Drinking Starters
"You wanna try that again?"
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blaacknoir · 1 year
House and Wilson :3
I mean this in the most affectionate way possible but how dare you make me read your username with my own two eyes 😭
Apparently I have a lot of thoughts about these two, lol.
House, of course, doesn't hand out candy. He answers the door with a tube of mini M&Ms in hand, and tells the kids he's out of candy while he pops Vicodin out of the tube. (Alternatively, he just does a Eustace Bagg-style jumpscare and yells ""OOGA BOOGA BOOGA.")
At work, he continues the Vi-candy bit. There's a bowl of typical Halloween candy on his desk, but any time his team reaches for some, he gets onto them with either a buzzer-type sound or a whack to the fingers with his cane. To cause problems, in the clinic and/or the waiting room, he'll just toss out candy to the kids.
Wilson, on the other hand, loves trick-or-treaters, and gets the Good Shit every year. If he can't find small bags of the Good Candy, he settles for full bars of the regular stuff. He decorates his apartment door and puts out a jack-o'-lantern. (One year, a kid smashes the hell out of it. And steals his next one. And replaces his third with a different, more obscene one.)(It's House. The kid is House.)
He doesn't decorate his office much at work (he has vague concerns about ghosts being "morbid" in an oncologist's office) but he puts out an equally nice bowl of candy on his desk.
He and House are, of course, well-behaved grown adults who don't ever get into candy-related shenanigans and how dare you sully House's good name by insinuating that he stole all of Wilson's fancy candy and blaming it on Chase. Honestly he's hurt that you'd even think that.
If they're together, Wilson sends House out to pick up candy ("Yeah sure, send the cripple to go brave the busy streets in the cold at night--" "House, shut up and go get it."), and is both irritated and unsurprised when House shows up with the most old-lady candy imaginable. ("Where did you even get those? I thought they just... magically appeared in your house once you passed 65 or got grandchildren.")
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They are, inexplicably and to House's dismay, a huge hit with the trick-or-treaters.
(Ask meme)
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wellhalesbells · 7 months
writing patterns
Tagged by @rosieposiepuddingnpie! Thank you, beetlebug!
Rules: list the first line of your last 10 (posted) fics and see if there's a pattern!
How to Get Married without a Single Date | Meg 2 | Jiuming/Jonas | 5.2k
The quake of a rough pocket of air is probably all that could’ve gotten Jonas to open his eyes after the day he’s had.
2. Odyssey of Memory | Teen Wolf | Stiles/Derek | 1.8k
The quip comes back to him as Derek steps out onto the porch, held together by wood glue and a collapsing, sliding sort of faith.
3. A Fine Foray into Fashionable Fellatio | Harry Potter | Ron/Draco | 31.6k
Shouts burst from an open door across the street.
4. He Speaks in Petals | Teen Wolf | Stiles/Derek | 4.7k
Light falls in soft swathes through the grimy, open windows of Derek’s loft, the scent of cold air mingling with stale coffee.
5. Reciprocal Determinism | Teen Wolf | Stiles/Derek | 4.2k
“We’re going to have to decide what to do,” Scott says, throaty, uncomfortable with what he’s potentially co-signing.
6. Sinking and Surfacing | Teen Wolf | Stiles/Derek | 9.5k
Derek scrapes a knuckle against the bristle on his jaw and waits out the light.
7. Anchor's Away | Teen Wolf | Stiles/Derek | 2.5k
The blood sticks.
8. Hibernation Station | Teen Wolf | Stiles/Derek | 72.9k
Stiles meets his future husband on a rather unspectacular Wednesday.
9. Sevens and Eights | Teen Wolf | Stiles/Derek | 10k
Stiles has a bandage slung under his chin like a disembodied helmet strap when Derek first meets him.
10. Stopgap | Teen Wolf | Stiles/Derek | 6k
The heavy rain from earlier in the afternoon has transformed the unspoiled banks of snow into an unappealing slush of gray and gravel, and left the sky unhelpfully darker than the hour would suggest.
tagging: @andavs, @kikiroo, @wolfspurr, @piratefalls and anyone else who wants to!
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trishacollins · 1 month
Curious about 3, 12 & 16 for the ask game <3
3. a character that fandom has helped you appreciate
I have two of these, both of whom I blame Nina for. Luka and Nino.
I came to my love of Nino late and slow. But now that I love him, he's everything. Adrien's most Loyal Knight in shining headphones. I just adore the way they vibe, and some of the subtle background things you can get out of Nino.
Luka I always sort of liked, but I really think I 'saw' him in season five and Nina def helped me really dig in an appreciate him.
12. compliment someone else in your fandom
I have so many of these, with my close friends being the most obvious.
@ninadove for being just the nicest. The fluff writer amidst all the tragedy. She's really just the sweetest and the best person you could ask for to look over things in need of a polish. She also puts up with me asking her at like 2am "Is this a normal French thing" and I find that very sweet of her. I have also done a deep southern accent for her to pay her back for her valuable French knowledge, but nothing can compare.
@bittersweetresilience Fellow darkfic writer and reader. Also just one of the nicest people I have ever met. Sun is the best. They keep us organized, and rioting in the right direction for sure. We would be lost and adrift without their skills at herding a basket of wild ferrets.
@purplecatghostposts came out of freaking NOWHERE and then was like "I see you also love beating the crap out of this blorbo should we be friends" and then we were. Man the cup of Felix angst really overflows.
@hartwign regularly knocks my socks COMPLETELY off with their amazing and wonderful art. Just absolutely phenomenal in ways I can't even express. Also one of the freakest nicest people ever.
@luckychatons Puts the "Cheer" in cheerleader. Also the most creature-shaped being I have ever encountered. Just a delightful person to be around and I always look forward to talking to!
@neoncherryblossom MY FIRST FANDOM FRIEND! ROUTINELY TOLLERENT OF ME WORD VOMITING IN THEIR INBOX. LOVE OF KWAMI AND KWAMI RELATED TOPICS (I have converted her to loving Felix, I was very mean about it.)
@asukiess I regularly feel like there is a single Nathalie/Emilie braincell and we pass it back and forth. But I am totally supportive of what they're throwing down and really enjoy the milf-verse they are creating.
A dozen people I have forgotten to name, but know that I love and adore and value you! This is such an awesome fandom and full of such wonderful people.
16. a tiny detail in canon that you want more people to appreciate
These are both characters. Nooroo and Amelie. Nooroo is the best little guy and was active around the time Adrien was born. (So was Duusu, but I feel like Fandom has come to love Duusu) Which means he was likely around when Adrien was a baby and Adrien was made to forget. Probably so he'd stop asking about the little Fairy. Also nooroo needs THERAPY. Poor lil guy.
I need everyone to love and appreciate Amelie. not only has she been through shit, but she and Felix are each other's best friends and in a series like Miraculous when so many parents SUCK. (Looking at ALL OF YOU) knowing that in the Agreste and GDF fail parenting there was one good parent is my shining light.
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farfromdaylight · 9 days
@anneapocalypse tagged me to post the last six lines i've written, but i can't do it because it's a fill i wrote for ffxivwrite that turned into the last chapter of my unpublished endwalker fic. SPOILERS ABOUND.
so instead, here is a little snippet from something i wrote recently that i'm quite pleased with:
He doesn't know. He doesn't care. All he wants is to bask in his husband's undivided attention. Cálei glows before him, haloed in the early afternoon light. Like a sliver of sunlight has become flesh. It burns to behold him, yet G'raha couldn't possibly turn away.
alas i will probably not be publishing what this is from, but enjoy regardless :D
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murder-popsicle · 9 months
Self vs. non-self (and the integration of the Winter Soldier into Bucky Barnes)
As you pointed out in your question, my Bucky has incorporated the Winter Soldier into her self-identity. Whereas MCU!Bucky says, "I am not the Winter Soldier anymore," my Bucky, like 616!Bucky, has accepted that the Winter Soldier will always be a part of her. She's discussed this before with @invncibleiron's Tony -- that Bucky Barnes and the Winter Soldier aren't two separate personalities.
Bucky has come to the conclusion, looking back on her life, that the seeds of the Winter Soldier were always there. She's always had a certain ruthlessness to her, especially in defense of the people that she cares about. As a child in Brooklyn, that usually involved not being afraid to use her fists to teach someone who hurt her sisters or Steve or her friend Rosie Finn a lesson. She fought by trying to get the bullies on the ground or running away as quickly as possible, even if that meant breaking a nose or knocking out some teeth.
These people are mine. How dare you try to harm them?
Still, when she was young she did her best not to leave wounds that wouldn't heal. But the brutality of the war and the trauma from having been raped, tortured, and experimented on in the Red Skull's factory stripped away a lot of her younger self's qualms about that. She found that killing came easily to her, and also found that she didn't feel particularly bad about killing, either. It had to be done, so she did it -- competently, thoroughly, and without remorse. The Nazis and the Red Skull were murdering innocent people and causing untold suffering for those who survived. Bucky found that unconscionable, so she did everything she could to put a stop to it in the most permanent way possible. Dead Nazis can't kill again.
This world is mine. How dare you try to destroy it?
The pieces of Bucky that would comprise the Winter Soldier were already in place by the time she fell off that train. All that was left for Zola and Karpov to do was to strip away the parts of her that weren't the Winter Soldier. The Winter Soldier is just Bucky Barnes with her conscience, memory, and free will removed. The fact that she was already suffering from amnesia caused by the fall and her subsequent death made their job easier. It would have taken a lot more work to break a Bucky who could remember who she was and what she believed.
I think it's important to point out that, even as the Winter Soldier, she wasn't a bully. She was competent and brutally efficient, but when she was controlled by the Soviets she always made an effort to avoid collateral damage, and she clashed with her handlers over that tendency on more than one occasion. Alexander Pierce broke her of that habit, but even when she was under his control, she never took any joy in hurting people. She followed orders. She did the job that was assigned to her, because that was all she knew how to do, but she did it without passion or pleasure.
When she finally escaped from HYDRA and came back to herself, she had to come to terms with the fact that yes, she had been the Winter Soldier. More than that, she still was the Winter Soldier. So she decided to make use of that fact. Bucky has always been practical. She'll deploy any tool in her arsenal, and the Winter Soldier is now another tool that she can use. People are terrified of the Winter Soldier, so she'll use the name and the reputation to strike fear into the people she has to fight.
There's also one additional fact that Bucky knows but has never given voice to, which is this: She's seen some of the worst the world has to offer, humanity at its most wretched, cruelest, and most malicious. Based on those experiences, she's come to the conclusion that sometimes, to make the world better and to spare innocents from death and suffering, certain people have to die. And that being the case, she'll take the responsibility for killing those people, because she can bear it. She knows some of her friends, particularly Steve, would cut themselves up inside over having to make that call. So she'll make it instead to protect them.
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nexttrickanvils · 1 month
1,3, 6, 17, 23 for B2J
Who is the most affectionate?
Physically affectionate? May. Verbally affectionate? Zuke
3. Most Common Argument?
Whose turn it is to do certain chores, especially cleaning up their home.
6. What is their favorite feature of their partner's?
For Zuke, he loves May's eyes, he just thinks they're so uniquely her.
For Mayday, it's Zuke's hands. Not just because she likes being held but she likes watching how his hands move on the drums whether it's holding his sticks or playing a hand drum.
17. Who says "I love you" first?
I kind of wanna say Zuke because I enjoy playing with the headcanon that he's been crushing on May for a while and I like imagining him just finally letting it out. That said: Mayday initiates the first kiss.
23. Who comes up with cheesy pick-up lines?
Mayday but only to get a reaction out of Zuke. She considers it a success if he's smiling/laughing while telling her what a terrible line it is.
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nostalgia-tblr · 5 months
I have to hear about "headed straight for the castle (ottoman succession race)"
that is an AU Thor & Loki thing where they battle for the throne under rules broadly based on a period of the ottoman empire where the succession involved all the reigning sultan's sons all being given provinces of the empire to govern and then when he dies they all race to constantinople, murdering rivals brothers along the way, and the winner is whoever gets there first and convinces the imperial court to listen to them. and then the remaining brothers get murdered. because i felt like upping the fratricide levels between those two.
they have different mothers in it, who are also ruthlessly ambitious because i love a good "ruling via your son" queen mother story.
what i have of it so far is a bit too full of exposition and i am trying not to get orientalist in it (especially since there is so much of that in how this fandom writes jotuns). i posted a snippet from it a while back, which is here, if anyone is into that sort of thing.
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razzamachazz · 1 year
◕‿ ◕
(If my blog didn't give it away already XP Also don't know the mun but sure you look fantastic!)
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// You're the only one who came forward to confess your sin so instead replying ic, I made you a doodle
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runes-menagerie · 1 month
HC + Halsin :p
5 HC meme || accepting
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1. Halsin is surprisingly vanilla in bed. Yes, he will use Wildshapes to please his partner but when it comes to thing like toys or BDSM he is less interested unless it is something his partner enjoys. At that point he will research to find a way to give his partner those things in a way that he also enjoys.
2. Halsin will fight when needed but he is a healer and a guardian at heart. His Wildshapes can be aggressive and are certainly dangerous if provoked, but the key word there is provoked. He is very much a paternal figure although he has no interest in Daddy Kinks.
3. Halsin in a good cook but he only really enjoys doing it if he's cooking for more than just himself. If he's on his own then he tends to either do the minimum or just whatever he's in the mood for. When cooking for others he will go all out to ensure everyone gets a nutritious meal that is exactly to their tastes.
4. Related to point 1, Halsin is a service top primarily. He will take a more submissive roll if that's what his partner needs/wants but he prefers to be in control so that he can lavish attention on his partners.
5. On a related note, Halsin's love languages are physical affection and acts of service. Receiving help from others makes him feel cared about and appreciated while giving his aid in return lets him feel needed and feeds into the nurturing part of his personality. In terms of physical touch, he is free with his affection with touches to the shoulder for friends and kisses/hugs for lovers. He enjoys being touched in return; help with his hair, cuddles at night, casual touches between friends.
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ghetsis · 1 month
@coeurlxss ✔ ^^
what he likes about you (open)
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"Now this is a challenge. You're such an unappealing person overall. I suppose the best thing I can say about you is that you are wise enough to know when to stay hidden."
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agunixmorizono · 1 year
[patching] -> for one muse to have just saved the other's life, and now on top of that they're sitting there patching up any injuries gained by either one of them, in the process
Life Savers
"That was reckless of you," Aguni said as he sat next to Caspian, patching up their wounds. He was an expert at it at this point, given what life had thrown at him. That didn't mean Aguni thought it was fine that Caspian through themselves into the line of fire for him.
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blaacknoir · 6 months
Violet, Noirlander!
Violet: Watchfulness, modest
"Vought's teamed me up with someone I've idolized my entire life--my friend, and yours--Black Noir!" As you step out of the shadows, a voice cuts cleanly and clearly through the raucous cheering: --I've never seen this guy before in my life. You know without looking that it's Godfrey, but you flick your eyes back over anyway to see Buster give you a thumbs up and a big smile. You throw your arms up, basking in the cold light of the flashbulbs, glad for the tinted lenses on your goggles. You feel the kid's eyes in your back. *** Afterward, you aimlessly walk the hallways. You feel as though you're looking for something. For Mr. Edgar, to ask why he hadn't met his protege before now? (As though you'd ever say anything to him.) For Stillwell, to ask what the fuck that stunt was? (As though she'd bother with you.) For the kid, to ask if he's okay? (You saw him freeze up there.) You pause at an intersection, hearing voices and footsteps echo down a nearby hallway. "This was supposed to be your big debut. Your big moment. And he puts Noir up there with you?" You recognize Stillwell's voice. The footstops stop. The conversation does not. You stop at an intersection, noting how close they are. "You should be fucking upset about this!" she continues. "If Mr. Edgar believes Black Noir can teach me--" says the kid. Stillwell doesn't even let him finish. Your brow furrows under your mask. You don't like where this conversation is going or the way it's getting there. "Noir is not there to teach you. He is there to watch you. Make sure you follow the script, make sure you don't screw up and embarrass the company--" (That's not true, you want to tell her. Mr. Edgar told me personally that I'm to mentor this kid. And yet, you know on some level that Stillwell is right, and you hate her for that right now.) "--and bring you in if you do." (Good luck with that, you think to yourself. You've heard rumors that he's stronger than Soldier Boy. Maybe the strongest. And if that's true.... it took all of you to bring him down, it'll take more than you to bring this kid down.) The kid looks horrified--you can almost see his heart drop into the pit of his stomach. You feel yourself getting worked up.You move back into the shadows of your own hallway a bit, trying to think, but it's hard. Stillwell's voice still echoes. "And do you think Noir wants you in his number one thought? Not likely!" A pause. "Being on stage, all those people who wanted to be you, or be with you, or fuck you--" You can't resist peeking back out at that, and the smell of arousal hits you full in the face. You can see that she's got one hand on his crotch, and her mouth at his ear. "It felt good, right?" "Yes," the kid says breathily. Stillwell removes her hand from his crotch up to his face. It's almost tender. Almost. "That's the future I'm building for you," she says. Then her tone grows cold and she pushes him back. "But you need to take it. Don't let some murderous mute psycho get in your way." You cross your arms and set your jaw, glad you can't speak. He stands there, frozen, and you can tell he's trying to process all of this at once. He moves his hand in front of his crotch, attempting to hide his hard-on. You can't see Stillwell's face but you know her well enough to know she's smirking. She continues down to her office. You look down, beginning to get lost in your own thoughts. "We should drop the the," she says as if the last thirty seconds didn't happen. "Just Homelander is better." The kid stands there dazed, trying to sort through his thoughts, and you realize that he can see you. You stand where you are, knowing that acknowledgement looks more suspicious than staying still. You don't raise your head, but you flick your eye up to look at him. That's when you notice that the overwhelmed, naive kid isn't looking back at you. Instead, you're looking into the alert, watchful eyes of a predator.
I'm trying to get back into writing by writing out canon scenes.
Ask meme
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wellhalesbells · 5 months
20 questions for fic writers
Tagged by @piratefalls! Yay, wasting time - I've been doing so much of that today and thank you for giving me another way to! (Seriously, I would've just been watching more Youtube compilations without you.) That's probably why these answers are so long. Procrastination? Wellllll don't mind if I do!
How many works do you have on ao3? 154
What's your total ao3 word count?
What fandoms do you write for?
Primarily Teen Wolf and Harry Potter. HP was my original homeslice and I kind of sharpened my teeth on fic-writing in general there, found what I liked and didn't like, how to engage with fandom, what I found attractive and what turned me off (for characters and plot beats), honed my craft and made my mistakes there and then with the advent of AO3 and the finding of Teen Wolf, I feel like I blossomed and built a home and am hopefully making fewer oopsiedoosles. Though I have also written a fic or so for: Hannibal, The Meg, Mr. Robot, X-Men, Star Trek, and Breaking Bad.
Top five fics by kudos:
There's Monsters at Home, Sterek, Teen Wolf. (15,285)
Time to Eternity, Drarry, Harry Potter. (8,416)
Option C) Some Bad Guys are Werewolves, but Not All Werewolves are Bad Guys, Sterek, Teen Wolf. (7,759)
Of Bananas, Babies and Buzzkills, Sterek, Teen Wolf. (5,134)
Instructions for Dancing, Sterek, Teen Wolf. (5,099)
Do you respond to comments?
Not anymore. Occasionally one that asks a direct question I'll answer, if that answer isn't already somewhere on or in the fic.
Though the last one I answered was someone who didn't read my tags or notes, telling me I didn't warn for something that was in the tags and notes, and I was so polite, like, "How can I make this clearer?" instead of saying, "#!@%^&$@$@#^$%&$^&^&$%^@#$%" like I fucking wanted to and they then said: "Oh yeah, I didn't read any of that, guess you don't need to change anything." Which was exactly what I expected would happen and I took the time to answer because I want more than anything to teach that person a lesson, even though I am absolutely certain they learned nothing from the interaction. But I tried, I did my part, and I wasn't even an asshole about it. (Please, please, please, the amount of times I've been told in the snarkiest damn fashion to tag for something that is already fucking tagged...... like, how do I have to say: read the tags before snidely chastising me for what isn't in them?? And it's not like.... I used different language or anything, they will ask me to tag for the EXACT DAMN TAG already on the fic. My collection of these comments is genuinely getting out of hand.)
And there is one I kind of want to answer that I got in the last month or so because it's one of the nicest and most vulnerable things I've ever been told but there aren't enough letters, or strong enough ones, or big enough ones to hold all the gratitude and care that wants to pour into them so I just... haven't.
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Hrm, I think these are just the most obvious of those and if I actually had to sit with this and go through my catalogue of fic, I would come up with a way more off-center answer because the angst is much subtler but harder hitting but that sounds like it would take brain power and, wow, is it that late already *coughs*
Either I Smoke My Friends Down to the Filter or But the Mess Prevails. I think maybe the latter because it's kind of triumphant in ISMFDttF, Stiles stands up for himself, but in BtMP they both want to be together but it's just another way for Derek to punish himself if they are.
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Similar caveat to the one above as I'm not really focusing on ending (because more brain power) as much as just happy overall. Either [Hilary Duff Lyric Redacted] or Instructions for Dancing - they are both just fluff bombs almost entirely from start to finish.
Do you get hate on fics?
Mostly no. There's one fic that I have comments turned off on (THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS FUNCTION, AO3, 10000000% THIS FIC WOULD NOT STILL EXIST IF NOT FOR YOU) because people would yell things at me I already explicitly stated I agreed with? Like I wrote a fic for a fest (back when I wrote in a lot fests, lol), it was a dark prompt and I can't remember if the prompter wanted a happy ending or if it was a stipulation of the fest that it couldn't end badly but it's a dark prompt so while I could get the two characters to the point of co-parenting, I did not get them back together. And the comments I mainly got were: how dare you get them the fuck back together? To which I was like: um, I didn't, also if I was forced to keep going with this fic, this character would end up with this one instead. And then I got a deluge of comments that were like: how dare you get them back together!? And for a while, I explained that you read into it, which is understandable as - to satisfy whomever's requirement - it is an impression I wanted you to walk away with, but as you'll notice at no point are they back together or romantically involved again, they're in the same room and have reached a ceasefire, that's it. And that's as friendly as I see that relationship getting, and no one read any of that and kept yelling at me for the same reason and mentally I was like: fuck all of you, either the fic goes or I do so I turned off the comments so I wouldn't delete it. I find since commenting is off (or "hidden" rather, I can still see it and have the option to approve or nuke it), people have to really engage with a) what I've already replied before and b) whether or not it's worth it to leave a review that will literally only be seen by me. Suddenly everyone has reading comprehension and no one is just yelling to yell because the only one you're engaging with is *jazz hands* me, and I am obviously not the audience for that.
Do you write smut?
Craziest crossover:
I have a Hunger Games/TW one that is one of two unfinished fics on AO3 because every time I even think about it, it intimidates me. And since I don't read crossovers, I have no idea how you're supposed to do them or how much of the other IP you can take on without it seeming like you've just rewritten with different characters or how much you should change when everyone knows what you're working from anyway - it's all a mystery to me and I am flummoxed by it.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
People post my old HP shit that no longer exists on the internet to Wattpad quite a bit and I am not savvy enough to figure out how to get it down. The few times I've contacted people who posted it under my name to take it down, instead just remove my name and fully pretend it's theirs. On some, I've found the people on LJ who have saved the fic in question and are giving it out and quietly asked them to stop because they were ending up as stolen fic on Wattpad.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes, many!
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Em and I have started one but never finished - it's me, I'm Mr. Ambrose: "I start, I don't finish things."
All time favorite ship?
I think it's Stiles and Derek, man??? I don't know, I have a lot of niche ones too that I feel like if there were more content/interest, they would be it but there isn't sooooo....
What's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
That THG/TW fic - it scares me so much. Like, who was that confident girl who didn't understand things at all and was like: yeah, that's fine? Don't know her. PvW - I have a lot written in the future and for the next chapter, plus an outline, it's just a matter of getting my attention to stay on it and I have the next chapter of WDHGsGA written and an outline for the next two, I just don't want to post it until it's totally finished so I don't have to worry about losing the atmosphere/tone again and, again, I just have to get my focus back to it but the chances of me letting that writing go totally down the drain? Unlikely.
What are your writing strengths?
Um, I think I have a good understanding of how humans work. I think writing is definitely made a lot easier when you have a handle on the psychology and a gut sense for people. It's not hard to craft fake scenarios when you have a pretty decent understanding of how people would react in them.
What are your writing weaknesses?
Grammar-wise, commas throw me completely. I have no idea where they're supposed to go and I do my best, okay?! I really only got Florida public school education on this and it was: wherever you feel like you should have one, do that.
More generally, I also feel like I don't have the same needs to satisfy as a large percentage of readers - I need a relationship at the core of a fic to feel significant and weighty to want to write a story about it, but that doesn't mean it needs to survive to the end of said fic or that characters need to hit certain relationship milestones for it to feel worthwhile to me. I think this sometimes leads me to endings that some people feel are unsatisfying because I got what I needed but maybe some readers didn't?
Thoughts on dialogue in another language?
Totally neutral. Doesn't bother or thrill me to any extent.
First fandom you wrote in?
Harry Potter.
Favorite fic you've written?
Favorite? That's hard. I'm, as mentioned, super shitty at finishing things so the fact that TMaH is completed - even without going into any of its content (all of which is made to order, absolutely my favorite stuff) - makes it a top contender.
I also still really love A Fine Foray into Fashionable Fellatio, the last Harry Potter fic I wrote, which was Draco/Ron. I love that to kick my brain into gear, I would start mentally painting the scenes, from oranges and reds to beiges and cool winter blues - I don't know I've ever used color so much in anything. It hasn't worked since and I think it's because - having been away from those characters and that fandom for so long - I had such a crystal clear image of them and because Draco, especially, was so different from how he's usually pictured in fic/fanart (curly-haired, absolutely swank as fuck Muggle style) that the lines were so defined it was easy to paint within them.
And I think my favorite writing piece right now is He Speaks in Petals. It's such a short fic and I reread it in the last year or so and it's so much more lyrical than I remember. I knew that was what I was going for and I did not think I managed it but it's got some really soft, kind whimsy to it that I like a lot and find very calming and reaffirming.
No pressure tagging @kikiroo, @rosieposiepuddingnpie, @literaryoblivion, @yodas-yo-yo, @clotpolesonly, @callunavulgari, @andavs, @i-sveikata, @alocalband !
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trishacollins · 1 month
for the ask game, how about 5,8 and 25? :)
5. something you see in fics a lot and love
I love platonic cuddles. People just being physically close, bed-sharing. Mhmmm. It's the good shit. Sex is nice and all, but have you ever been properly squeezed by someone? I haven't and I see it as an end goal.
6.you hope more people will come to appreciate ___ (a ship, a trope, an episode, etc)
I'm here to tell you about our Lord and Savior Felix. As part of the Felix appreciation society, Covent requires me to use his name at least ten times daily to further my understanding of Felix and his wonderful Felixness. Felix, Felix, Felix, Felix.
LOL. But no really, the cousins/twins in general really really speak to me on a deep level and I want people to dig into it more because I like to read about my favorite topics.
The other is the most emotionally harmful episode in Miraculous Ladybug History -Jubilation. Move over Chat Blanc, stand aside Gabriel Agreste. Can you imagine the horror of being an abused and neglected kid, growing up, getting married, and having kids. Having a life!!!! Having a good life where you were loved and you were fixing your shit through the power of love (always so strong) and healing? AND THEN YOU FIND OUT IT WAS ALL A DREAM? Like chat, we know this is devastating right? No amount of Marinette kisses is going to fix this. MY BOY IS GOING THROUGH IT. I am writing something about this right now and my heart is DYING.
25. a piece of advice for taking care of yourself in fandom spaces
Block and filter. Nobody knows. Nobody is going to call you out for filtering wasps out of your search. Nobody is going to be like "But you have to read my salt fic." Well, they might, but you know what? You can't hear them if they're blocked! Walk away from discourse and enjoy yourself. Fandom is for fun, not for making yourself hate what you love or be super critical of it. Someone has a take you just disagree with? Block em! Nobody was ever hurt by blocking.
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theking-ofhearts · 1 year
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Send in pictures of your muse!
Speaking of a different breed... you're beautiful.
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