#;; rumours in the street (headcanons)
aeors-blessings · 6 months
;; the cold wind blows (scenes) ;; fresh quills and parchment (in-character messages) ;; the sovereign listens (asks) ;; a godly voice (ooc) ;; a city designed (memes) ;; rumours in the street (headcanons) ;; snowflakes from on high (reblogs)
;; the ocean awaits (lizzie) [@oceans-blessings] ;; marsh flowers (e1!jimmy) [] ;; shining crytals (gem) [@frozen-arcana] ;; sunflower maiden (pearl) [@saintedhands] ;; the painted king (joel) [@mezalean-mezzatinta] ;; poppy fields and gold mines (e2!jimmy) [@buryyourcanaries] ;; a god self-chosen (somnius) [@daydreamnightmares] ;; a champion scorned (tommy) [@friendoftubbo] ;; a fallen ruler (tubbo) [@presidentofacrater] ;; a soldier unchained (punz) [@loyaltiesmaylie] ;; a dying artisan (wilbur) [@symphoniecalando] ;; an angel sacrosanct (phil) [@oblitusglacies]
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ohbother2 · 4 months
Okay….Adam sfw and nsfw headcanons? I cannot believe I have begun to simp after this trashbag DAMN YOU ALEX BRIGHTMAN-
I have an admission... I fucking love Adam pls keep sending Adam requests in I can't get enough of this man
Also, sorry I've been MIA, I've got a lot of deadlines coming up so updates will be more spaced out over the next few weeks :)
I love Adam but he's quite difficult to write, so pls lmk what you guys think! I tried to keep him in character! (This was far longer than planned lol I just love this man)
NSFW - Minors DNI
Adam x f!reader - General Headcannons
You'd been in heaven for many decades, possibly even centuries, before you had ever even entered Adam's radar
He was the 'original dick', as he liked to constantly remind everyone within shouting distance, and spent all of his time surrounded by the higher-ups of Heaven, attending meetings, court-hearings, and dealing with training his danger-tits army for the next extermination
It would take a lot to enter his radar, having to work your way into the correct circles, gain the right connections and attend the right events
But once you're in the circumference of society he haunts, you're on his radar immediately
He's a man with fine tastes, look at his previous wives, he has a type ("fucking bombshells" as he would describe them) and as soon as he sees you in his peripheral one afternoon he's zoned in and absolutely entranced
No one has ever said no to him before, so when you do, he's taken aback. Hiding his confusion and deep-rooted offence with a flippant comment "Oh, playing the hard to get game, babe? Lucky for you I fucking love the chase."
Inwardly, he's fucking fuming, why on earth would you reject him? Alas, he's sure he'll win you over eventually... right?
He's arrogant, he's cocky, he's a self-entitled piece of shit, but he's also determined, passionate, and is anything but a quitter
You will not know peace for months after your reject him
He'll storm into your office whenever he feels like it - which is whenever he has enough free time to do so - bugging you relentlessly as you try and finish your work. He never stops asking questions about you: your day, your hobbies, your love life, what're you doing after work tonight? He's free, he could take you somewhere nice, show you a real fun time
When you stop answering he starts bitching about his day to you, about the local gossip, about some Seraphim that pissed him off, about some bitch at the bar, which he could totally take you to, did he mention he was free tonight?
He doesn't just hound you at work, and you often find yourself coming to a screeching halt in the street and abruptly turning the other way when you spot his iconic mask - he's a tall man, his horns poking noticeably above the crowd as he tries to find any excuse to find and talk to you
When he gets really desperate, after months and months of unsuccessful attempts of gaining your attention, he finally turns to Lute with the all too familiar question "You're a woman, right? What do you-"
The advice she gives is not one he is happy to receive, 'stay away and tone it the fuck down', but he listens, ego taking a massive hit as he watches you carry on as normal
Funnily enough, you start to miss the annoying dick, and you begin to look forward to his far less frequent visits, which mainly consist of you both bumping into each other at work and making polite conversation
When he really can't take it anymore, and he happens to hear rumour about another man planning on asking you on a date, he practically breaks down your office door with a bouquet of flowers, thrusting them unhappily into your hands and asking incredibly politely for you to please go on a date with him
You're both surprised when you agree, and he can feel his face heating up beneath his mask as he whoops, calling a "I knew you'd come around babe, I'll pick you up at 8 tonight. Can't wait to see what you wear." over his shoulder as he bustles back out of your office, practically vibrating until he can tell Lute the news
He's 'The Original Man', and once you become his girl there is nothing he wouldn't do for you - he's constantly swinging by your office and pulling away the less important paperwork, commenting that he can get one of his workers to do it and freeing up time for you both to hang out; he's constantly flying through your balcony with bags of some new takeaway and chatting about this amazing new food place he found as he drops the heavy bags on your counter; someone causing you trouble? If he can't personally deal with it due to some 'relationship' he has to upkeep, he's sure to inform Lute who will have the situation handled before sunset that same day
Basically, he has authority in Heaven, and he's going to use that to make your life as easy as possible
Having a bad day? He can fix that. Oh, not in the mood for sex? Well, he's an amazing cuddle buddy, and he has the softest wings, let him just grab some snacks from the kitchen and then get ready for a night on the sofa wrapped in his strong arms and soft wings
His wings are insanely soft, and big, and despite his best efforts, no matter how long you've both been dating, they will flutter if he hasn't seen you in an extended amount of time, or if you're wearing something particular nice - he can't control it and it thoroughly ruins his bad-boy persona
You're the only other person beside Lute who he feels comfortable with letting preen his wings, and after you start officially dating he only comes to you with the issue, batting his eyelashes and pleading with you to 'take care of him'. You do, and he always breaks his promise not to 'make it weird' until you give him a firm smack on the back of his head - he's fallen asleep more times than you can count with your hands in his wings
He returns the favour, of course, and he sticks to his word like a gentleman, hands remaining firmly against your wings and not daring to wander. He's not a saint, however, and he will whisper less-than-holy things in your ear as he works - he'll stop if you don't play along, and finds himself enjoying the innocent intimacy of it. If you do play along? Oh, boy, his hands don't stay on your wings for long
He uses his wings a lot in his body language, and in your initial stages of courting he'll constantly puff them out to make him seem bigger, trying to impress you with his sheer size - embarrassingly for you, it works
PDA is not approved of in heaven, so he has to maintain his distance from you in public but that is a completely different matter in private
He will take every opportunity to touch you, innocently, whether that be a had on your jaw to bring your attention back to him or to guide your gaze wherever he wants you to look, a hand on your bicep to pull you this way and that, a large hand between your shoulder blades if you're being too slow
In public, completely subconsciously, whichever wing is closest to you will outstretch, barely noticeable to the majority of people, corralling you in closer to his side, and protecting you from whatever might happen - there's no danger in heaven, but still, he likes to know you're safe, and his wings reflect that desire
In private, he's constantly got a hand on you, oftentimes both, on your arms, your shoulders, your waist, the small of your back, your thighs, fucking anywhere - he likes having you on his chest on the sofa, and he finds it funny when he tries to do the same and crushes the air from your lungs
He loves when you cook and he can just stand behind you with his chin propped on your head or shoulder and his arms around your waist. You constantly have to tell him off for whispering foul things in your ear, but he quickly shuts up when you threaten to send him away, his grip tightening against you as he pouts playfully and watches silently
He will actively stretch out his wing when it's cold or windy or rainy, shielding you from the elements with his large wings and loving the excuse to pull you close. "What're they gonna say babe? I'm just keeping you dry."
The biggest difficulty in your domestic lives is the housework, he's an old fashioned man and he's never really had to do housework before. He's gotten better throughout your relationship, but he still absolutely hates washing dishes, but he'll happily sit in the kitchen and keep you company and talk mindlessly as he watches you work. He always thanks you with a kiss
If you ever make him do it, expect to be sat on the counter right next to him and no you cannot leave until he's done and yes you will listen to him complain the entire time and yes he will always slap your ass with a wet hand as payback, cackling as you yell half-heartedly
Deep down, incredibly deep, oceanic levels of deep, past the many many levels of crude jokes and brash humour, of over-compensating confidence and attempted witty one-liners, past the smirk and the puffed chest and the domineering presence, is a man who is cripplingly doubtful and insecure - two of his wives have left him for the same man, and he's absolutely terrified (but would rather burn in the fiery pits of hell than ever admit it) that it's going to happen again
He can seem rude and brash and uncaring, but he really is trying his best, and he's desperate to prove to you, in his own way, how much he really cares (He's scared to admit even to himself how much losing you would crush him)
Because of this, no event is ever half-assed - it's your birthday? He's got the biggest cake he can find and he's made some of his exterminators set up a surprise birthday party for you. It's your anniversary? He's pretending he's forgotten until the morning of and suddenly you've got a reservation at one of the nicest and most in-demand places in all of Heaven
"Come on, sugar," He'd reprimand you mockingly, shit-eating grin on his face at your excitement "you really thought I'd forget my special girl?"
He can doubt himself sometimes, worrying about your feelings for him, but he hides his insecurities whenever you catch him in deep-thought with some lame sex-joke
He doesn't ever want to talk about his insecurities, and he'll never outright tell you what he fears more than anything, but you pick up on it after enough time together
You don't pry, but you do card your hands through his hair when you see his eyes go particularly glossy one afternoon, pressing a kiss to his temple and scratching at his scalp, making your way slowly to his wings and back and taking your sweet time. He closes his eyes and listens to you ramble about your day, which eventually turns into you rambling about him, how handsome he is, how hard he works, and how much you love him and how you don't know what you'd do without him
He doesn't realise it, but you say just the rights things he needs for him to regain that pep in his step and for his cocky words to have more meaning behind them
He's the Original Dick, and you'd hope he had the goods to back up the talk with the amount of bragging he does
He does; he does have the goods, and some would say he's being humble because what the fuck
He's the oldest human in history - he's seen it all, done it all twice, and he's more than willing to share some of his tricks with you
He's too proud and self-centred to ever let you have complete control, but when he's particularly lazy he'll let you go on top (as rare as this occasion is) but he'll still guide you as best as he can, lifting you easily with his strong arms and sweet-talking you with his sharp tongue
The first time you ever see him without his god-awful mask is during an intimate moment - you're first intimate moment, where you downright refused to continue if he didn't take the cursed thing off his face
Again, he's insecure, and it takes a lot of reassurance and just the right amount of kisses on his jaw and neck for him to be convinced that taking his mask off was worth it
He lets you look at him for several moments, and then he's had enough and he took his mask off for a fucking reason and he's pulling you into his lap and kissing you properly for the fist time
You can compliment him later, he has other things on his mind right now, the main one being fucking you until you can't even conjure a coherent thought
After that encounter he slowly takes his mask off in private with you more and more, learning to appreciate how nice it was to be able to kiss your temple and actually feel you against his lips, as well as how nice it was to feel your lips against his cheek
Still keeps the mask on sometimes, especially when you ask so nicely
He absolutely loves receiving head, resting back in his office chair or against the back of the sofa and letting you get to work, grunts and groans falling from his lips as his hands grip your hair tightly and guide you exactly how he wants you
He will give head as well, he's not selfish by any means, but he much prefers kissing you as you fall apart beneath him - for him, he'd much rather swallow your screams and mutter dirty things in your ear as he brings you to release
Be careful with his wings, especially when he lets you preen them - gentle touches can easily be misinterpreted as passionate caresses and before you know it you're pinned on your back with a red-faced and disheveled looking Adam hovering above you, muttering about how you're a "fucking tease" and if "you wanted it so bad all you had to do was ask, sugar. I'll never leave you wanting."
He knows the power of wings, and his heavy touches against your own when he needs to "Just sliding past babe, what's that fucking look for? Can't a man work?" are no accident. He loves getting you all wound up. He takes it as a personal challenge to do it in public, and his shit-eating grin remains the entire day before he's pressing you against the door of his office or your plush bed and muttering about how fucking needy you are.
He doesn't take being teased well, and he'll glare at you the entire time until he can do something about it - he'll have even less patience than usual, especially for people who aren't you, and often has to do damage-control after he's regained his bearings a few hours later
He's a big man, and he uses that to his full advantage, man-handling you with ease, positioning you exactly where he wants you, pinning both of your wrists easily with only one of his large hands, pushing your legs apart like butter
He can lift you easily, and he'll hold you against the wall, or countertop, or wherever the fuck you guys are, and he'll keep you there until he's done
Lute has walked in on you both far too many times, and she always hurtles back out of the door cursing at you both angrily
He likes pinning you beneath him, spreading his wings over your forms and completely shrouding you with his form - you're fucking his, and no one else will take that from him
He fucking loves dirty talk, and it's a challenge to get him to shut up - he'll carry on talking at you long after you're able to respond, and he'll just start talking about that instead: "Aw, look at you, can't even fucking say my name you're so fucking dumb for this c-"
As said before, he's insecure based on the way he lost his two previous wives and the reflects into the bedroom
If you do degrade him, he'll just challenge you, telling you you've obviously not learnt your fucking lesson and picking up the pace, desperate to prove he's the exact opposite of whatever had just spilled from your mouth - you'll pay for trying to goad him on, he won't relent until you're a babbling shaking mess, stuttering out apologies and taking back everything you had just dared to say to him
Any praise you offer him he absolutely laps up. Call him handsome, tell him your his, tell him there's no one else in the world who would ever compared to him, how good he's fucking you - he'll get so wrapped up in the praise he'll even stop talking, completely focussed on his task of making you feel good, making sure you know there's no one else who could give you what he does
Dig your hands into his wings and he becomes a groaning mess, and it'll only be a few seconds of you muttering those sweet praises in his ears and your nails digging into his wings before he's collapsing on top of you and panting raggedly, still trying to mutter out curses and praises through his gruff gasping
When he really loses control his wings will flap of their own accord, and you've had to completely clear your side tables because he kept accidentally smashing everything that was on them
He likes to rest afterwards, and he usually tries to encourage you into going another round.
He'll tug you into his sweaty side, pulling you half onto his chest as he breathes deeply, immediately asking if you enjoyed it, and when you agree, he'll always mutter something along the lines of "Of course you fucking did, it's me."
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sebscore · 1 year
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summary: the shenanigans of female gen z driver and the formula one grid.
author’s note: I started this series, because I'd like to imagine what it would be like to be part of the group of drivers and how it would be like to interact with them on a regular basis. It's all fun and games, and I don't know these people in real life. everything is fiction! the stories aren't written in chronological order, but I try to put them in the right order below! 
Requests are always welcome in my inbox! Opinions, thoughts and feedback are also greatly appreciated.
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:: Things about being the only female driver on the ‘22 grid.
:: The dynamics between driver!reader and the formula 1 drivers. in the link you can find the masterlist.
:: this includes thoughts, opinions, etc about the series. it doesn’t include requests.
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— 2018
:: Y/N makes her F1 debut at the 2018 Australian Grand Prix. 
:: Y/N accepts the 'Rookie of the Year' award and receives a suprise from a special someone on stage.
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— 2020 
:: lando insults Y/N’s gaming skills and the events that followed.
:: An error in the sound system causes for the wrong song to play instead of Y/N’s national anthem.
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— 2021 
:: Y/N teaches Sebastian and Fernando what ‘bop’ means.
:: Y/N receives a complaint from the FIA during the driver's briefing and no one is happy about it.
:: Y/N flirts with a stranger not knowing she's the girlfriend of another F1 driver on the grid. 
:: Y/N goes through a rough patch and the drivers notice.
:: Y/N gets into a crash and Seb & George come to the rescue.
:: The commentators are shocked by Y/N’s red flag habit.
:: Y/N tries to get through an interview with Jenson, Daniel and Sebastian. 
:: Y/N and Kimi bid each other goodbye at the 2021 Abu Dhabi Grand Prix.
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— 2022
:: Y/N is asked about Christian Horner’s sexist comments.
:: the title is pretty self-explanatory.
:: Y/N goes on a blind date and returns with a hickey the next day.
:: Y/N and Zhou decide who the second best dressed driver on the grid is through a bet that involves holding the other drivers hostage at the driver's briefing.
:: Charles and Pierre don't trust Y/N when it comes to rumors around Oscar Piastri's move to McLaren.
:: Y/N and her fellow younger drivers react to certain rumours that have been going around about her love life, and it might include two colleagues of hers.
:: Daniel makes it up to Y/N for breaking her nail during a race.
:: f1 drivers and their reactions to Y/N looking gorgeous in a dress.
:: What happens when Y/N takes over Martin's grid walk? 
:: The drivers celebrate the life and career of Sebastian Vettel at Abu Dhabi and Y/N has a great story to tell.
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— 2023 
:: Daniel, Lewis and Sebastian show their appreciation for Y/N on International Women's Day. 
:: Y/N goes on Instagram live to try out Daniel’s new wine, and the drivers react to it in the comments.
:: Y/N meets her old mentor after months and experiences a chaotic qualifying in Monaco.
:: Y/N and the Twitch Quartet go on a small adventure in the streets of Monaco.
:: A collection of moments at the 2023 Austria Grand Prix.
:: Pierre asks the question: “Out of all the drivers, who would you date?”
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— 2024
:: Y/N finds out about Lewis’ Ferrari move before the official announcement.
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lurochar · 7 days
A Daily Stroll
Based on the Alastor comic
Warnings: I am really really bad at writing at headcanons it seems
It was a daily routine for you and Alastor to go on strolls around the streets of Hell. Despite the fact you and Alastor having been together for almost the entirety of his reign as an Overlord, Sinners still have trouble seeing the sadistic Radio Demon in any part of a romantic relationship.
You were Alastor’s assistant in life, but never married. Of course, there were questions about your exact role, as there were scandalous rumours flying about. Alastor paid you well enough that you could support yourself.
You were murdered about five years after Alastor’s own death by one of his victim’s family members, believing you were his accomplice.
It was one of his few regrets, not confessing to you. He just didn’t want to drag you down with him if he did ever get caught for his crimes. He’s honestly surprised to find you in Hell, but now he has his second chance and he isn’t wasting it.
You accept and so your daily life as the wife of the Radio Demon begins.
Everyday, you and Alastor go to the same cafe with the same shaky nervous waiter. Alastor just ‘tsks’ at you when you throw a few crumbs of your meal at those hungry-looking birds watching your every move. “Darling, don’t waste food on those filthy scavengers.” It doesn’t take him long to join you if the food isn’t to his liking, though.
Next on your stroll, is a park where naturally flowers bloom, which is a rarity in Hell. In life, Alastor had given his mother flowers on the regular and you red roses in particular. Now, he can no longer touch any flower without them immediately wilting, which is quite the shame.
You had long since noticed his annoyed sneer when yet another rose withered in his fingers and you smiled, reaching into your coat. “It took me a while, but I finally learned to make this!” You said excitedly. “Please, bend down for me!”
Alastor’s eyes gain a curious look, but he does as you ask and bends down. A brow raises when he feels you tying something around one of his ears and watches as you stand back and seem to stare at him proudly. “Now what is this?” He reaches up to feel what it is.
You reach into your coat again. “Paper flowers.” You hold one out for him to see. “I know, it’s not as pretty as the real thing. But… but I thought I should try something?”
“It’s lovely, Darling.” 
And so is your proceeding smile.
Cannibal Town is both charming and daunting. Your tastes are not the same as Alastor’s and it’s always a bit unpleasant to see a group of Sinners feasting upon some poor soul unfortunate to wind up as their dinner, but this is Hell and you are no judge.
“Morning, Alastor~♡!” 
It was a swarm of women with hearts in their eyes and blood dripping down their faces and Alastor politely bows his head in return. “Good morning, ladies.” His ear, with the paper rose still tied around it, twitches at your laugh. He’s only being a gentleman, after all. He can’t ignore a greeting from a lady. “Give Rosie a hello from me!”
“Popular as ever, I see.” You say teasingly as Alastor veers you away, not wanting to deal with flirting women when he was out with his wife. “I guess that’s what I get for marrying a celebrity, hmm?” 
He’s content you’re secure enough not to be jealous – he couldn’t even fathom the thought of ever straying from you.
“Speaking of celebrities…” You cough, noting the demons who are just staring blankly into the windows of the stores you both are passing. You grimace and Alastor sneers at the sight of Vox on the TVs. “Is he still…?”
“Madly obsessed with the both of us? Very much so.” Alastor grips his microphone cane harshly, his voice breaking the hypnotizing spell on the two Sinners standing there. “There really is nothing good on these picture box shows, hmm?” The demons instantly run. “Come, Darling. No need to waste time here. A new meat shop has opened and I would like to try it.”
You both stroll along until you reach the meat shop Alastor was talking about. There was a boar butcher, who looked nervous at the sight of the famous Radio Demon. “My good man. I do hope you have fresh venison! My wife and I are partial to it, you see!” Alastor grins and the butcher shudders.
The meat is packed quickly and you and Alastor are on your way out of the shop, passing a lamb Sinner. It only takes a moment, but screams are heard and you both stop and you can see Alastor’s smile is tense. That butcher was a fool, it seemed. You both are back in the shop to see the lamb being choked by the butcher.
“You know, I do really hate those who can’t show a little more respect to those of fairer means.” Alastor is shifting into his more demonic form and you are left to comfort the lamb. “It’s rather distasteful. LIKE BAD MEAT.” Now the butcher is the one screaming and you usher the crying lamb out of the shop.
It’s not long at all before Alastor exits with a bloody bag in hand. “It’s not as tasty as venison, but won’t boar do for tonight’s dinner, Darling?” He grinned and you laughed nervously, blinking when the lamb shyly pulled on your arm with tears in her big eyes.
“T-thank you for saving me!” She squeaked. “How can I repay you? This happens to me a lot.” She confessed. “I’ll give my soul for protection.” 
You are taken back by her blunt offer, but Alastor is used to this sort of thing and it’s clear he does not see any worth in the lamb’s bid and he summons a card out of the air to hand to the lamb. “My dear, go to Cannibal Town and ask for Rosie. Perhaps she can be of some assistance to you? Do keep that card on you, otherwise you will end up as mutton.” Alastor sends the lamb off on her way.
“So kind of you, Alastor~”
It was just another daily stroll with your Radio Demon.
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lgbtlunaverse · 5 months
Now this is meaner than i like to be when talking about fandom because i am pro people having fun and doing what they want and playing around with dynamics. So let me preface by saying that if you like this headcanon there's nothing wrong with you and I hope you have a great day. That said, aside from the Wen erasure and trying to flatten a more unconventional family dynamic into a nuclear family shaped hole one of the main reasons I vibe less with the "wangxian are a-yuan's dads" headcanon is that I honestly think it's kind of... Lan Wangji character assasination.
Yeah that sounds really harsh but the headcanon recquires Lan Wangji formally adopting a-yuan as his own and/or raising him as his son and i cannot stress this enough he would not do that. Because that would be actively endangering A-Yuan's safety.
To be clear: Lan wangji and wen yuan canonically look so alike that strangers who'd never met either of them assumed they were father and son. If Lan Wangji suddenly comes back with a child that he is insisting to raise, and that child looks exactly like him, people aren't going to assume that's hanguang-jun's adopted son. That is hanguang-jun's biological son with a mystery mother!
Jiang Fengmian didn't even formally adopt wei wuxian, and people knew who his actual (married!) parents were, and they still regularly assumed that he was secretly jiang fengmian's bastard instead of the child of the man cangse sanren literally eloped with.
If that's how eager people are about bastard rumours, what do you think happens if one of the most eligible bachelors in the jianghu turns up with an "adopted" son who looks just like him and refuses to say anything about where he came from?
Yeah, Hanguang-jun knocked someone up and apparantly the union was so scandalous he's deperately trying to cover it up while literally bringing this bastard kid into his own clan. Can you imagine a more juicy rumour? Everyone would want to know who this kid's mother is. A-Yuan's background would be one of the hottest pieces of gossip around.
Which, if you're triyng to make sure that no one finds out that this kid is actually a Wen and came straight from the burial mounds, is really fucking bad. If everyone is looking for A-Yuan's backround and someone succeeds, his life is in danger.
A-Yuan lost his memories, and that must've hurt like hell for Lan Wangji, both for A-Yuan's own sake and because that means this child that Wei Wuxian loved and who loved him in turn now no longer remembers him, will only ever know him from the lies the world tells about him. But he didn't do anything about it, because not knowing was safer for A-Yuan. Even if Lan Wangji wanted to personally adopt him, he would not risk A-Yuan's safety to satisfy his own feelings.
On the other hand, A-Yuan looking like Lan Wangji means he looks like a Lan, and wonky as the mdzs timeline is it's pretty clear he was born during the sunshot campaign. The Lan lost a lot of people in the war, they probably have loads of war orphans, and this kid clearly looks like one, they'd have no problem taking him in. Are they 100% sure who his parents were? No, but they probably died shortly after he was born and weren't able to safely return him to cloud recesses.
It's really easy for Lan Xichen and Lan Wangji to come up with a story from here. Someone came across the kid on the streets, saw the family resemblance, and decided to take him back to his home! After the burial mounds Wen Yuan probably wouldn't look too different form an average street rat. Or maybe the boy was raised by a common family who told them about the cultivators that left him there for safekeeping, unable to idenify them exactly but mentioning the signature white robes and forehead ribbon. Who knows!
The point is that Lan Wangji and Lan Sizhui could, for Sizhui's own safety, not be seen as father and son. From Sizhui's comments that Lan Wangji was "like a father or older brother" to him, and the fact that Lan Wangji chose his courtesy name we can infer that after he got out of seclusion Lan Wangji was more involved in his life than he would've been with other disciples. But from the outside that could be explained as a teacher having a favorite student, and an honoured sect elder (and family member, though now the assumption is "distant cousin/nephew" instead of "bastard child") helping to name a child in lieu of parents that are no longer there. By all accounts, Lan Yuan was raised collectively by the Lan as one of the several war orphans they must have had. Just like how he was raised collectively by the burial mound Wen before that.
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screeblees · 11 months
Yandere ! Friend x Reader Headcanons
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Aaaaah this is my first time posting what I write here, even if it’s just headcannons omg akjfksnk
I’ve also wrote a domestic scenario about moving in with Yandere! Friend as they convince you to be together, here !
Find my Masterlist here !
Please enjoy!! <33
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❥ Yandere ! Friend who you’ve known for longer than anyone else. They have been with you so long that a time before them is quite faded in memory.
❥ Yandere ! Friend who has revolved their entire life around you; past, present and future. They have lied omitted things from their past, stretched truths to be a little more fitting for your view of them, are constantly doing everything they can to be with you at any given opportunity (and push others away). They have chosen the same subjects/classes/lectures as you and shall apply for jobs in the same places and universities as you, all to ensure you’re never too far away from them. If they happen to move house to right across the street in view of your bedroom window and have become an expert in all your interests and excel in your shared classes, that’s just lucky for you, isn’t it?
❥ Yandere ! Friend who knows just what to say to you to get rid of anyone they perceive as coming between you. They know just how to phrase their words, beginning with a light-hearted joke that is said maybe a little too often, until their tone becomes more serious and pressing. Or maybe they overexaggerate instances, trusting your terrible memory and unquestioning trust in them to turn you again their target.
❥ Yandere ! Friend who has little need for violence as their words stab like perfect weapons against their opponent. They are perfectly charismatic when needed and once they have you within their grasp, all they need to do is whisper in your ear to turn you against their perceived rival. Efficiently spreading rumours and stretched truths and using the natural gossip train to spread their effects.
❥ Yandere ! Friend who despite having little need for violence, still has the capabilities for it. Growing stronger so whilst it hurts to be away from you, they know they are still doing something that will help you, as indirectly as it may be. And maybe the added benefit of you gawking over their muscle mass and having an excuse to send pictures of themselves just to be showered in compliments is an added bonus.
❥ Yandere ! Friend who made ‘harmless’ jokes about their obsession and possession of you which were said louder, and more often as the ‘jokes’ evolved over the years, like a frog in boiling water. They know just how to escalate everything at the right speed to catch you, hook, line and sinker. Now they can comfortably express their yandere tendencies with not much more than a blink of an eye, at most receiving an apology when they express how your actions (usually choosing to speak with someone else) effected them, made them jealous upset.
❥ Yandere ! Friend who knows just how to soften you to each and every one of their ideas, fantasies and plans. Starting each idea off as a throwaway thought or joke, day by day talking about it more often, more detailed, more seriously, until it becomes an all but set-in-stone plan. Things you would have never agreed with otherwise are happily nodded along to as you become compliant to their will.
❥ Yandere ! Friend who has became an expert at pulling on the strings of your heart. While you’re the epicentre of theirs, they are the controller of yours. They’ve developed systems of keeping you close, protocols listed in countless (and really, it's an almost countless amount due to the sheer amount they know about you) notebooks dedicated to you and everything they can think of about you. If these notebooks also contain collages of anything from a strand of your hair to printed pictures of the two of you then who’s to know. Any gift you give them is either thoroughly used and well-loved or kept in its box on their bedside table, absolutely nothing in-between.
❥ Yandere ! Friend who is so vocal about their ownership and possession of you that others around you grow concerned. If these thoughts are voiced to either one of you then all hell shall rain down, you dutifully reporting back to your Yandere! Friend, who writes paragraph after paragraph after paragraph on the wrongness of their words, twisting the person into someone so disgustingly unrecognisable, speaking to you on their opinions, starting with offence but growing to disgust with every rant spoken, receiving nothing but support from you as you agree with their every word.
❥ Yandere ! Friend who hates it when you change without their permission. Something like a different hairstyle or hair dye, new piercings, a different style of clothes from usual, or even a new pair of glasses can set them off. Though that usually ends up bringing you closer anyways. They push you away at the sight of said change(s) as you chase after them pleading for forgiveness, or, if you instead leave them alone, then they’ll come around eventually and intimately express how it made them feel, either way it ends in your apologies and the two of you (somehow?) even closer than before.
❥ Yandere ! Friend who in most cases, no matter what you do, they’ll back you up, in their eyes there’s very little you can do wrong, their small amount of morals bending to your will. Anything you do is free of judgement in their eyes, they’ll even go as far as (socially) attacking someone for their criticism of you, lashing at them with their words.
❥ Yandere ! Friend who is naturally gifted at finding your accounts, no matter how anonymous you thought yourself to be. Sometimes they’ll mercifully let you know they’ve found you through a notification left by an account you know they use. They use the contents of these accounts to their advantage, what you think but would never say, what you like but would never admit, what you read but would adamantly deny, all come to light for them to explore other sides of you.
❥ Yandere ! Friend who tests every possible boundary not explicitly stated. You never said they couldn’t touch you like that. You never said they couldn’t leave marks on your skin, whether it be by pen and paint, their nails and hands or their mouth and teeth. You never said they couldn’t cut your name into their skin. But lucky for you by the point they become this extreme, your will has been bent so out of shape that all this possession and obsession only makes you feel happy and safe and loved, which only encourages them to do as they please. There is no normal boundary that will go uncrossed…
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208 notes · View notes
moineauwrite · 9 months
𓆩 Romantic Alphabet 𓆪
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This definitely took me a while! This is an alphabetical compilation of headcanons and mini-fics! My personal favourites are G and R! I'm enthralled by Lynette as of late so I hope you're all enjoying my content! I would appreciate a reblog, but it's not necessary ♡
Word count: 4110 (4.1k)
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(Are they affectionate? How do they show it?)
★ The story of your love is mostly told by unseen, romantic gestures. Lynette knows you are something to flaunt, a priceless stature of her hidden adoration. So why instead does her striking ice gaze, which melts into vapour in your gentle hands, adorn her ivory face instead of your kiss? Lynette's reasons are equally as tender. Her felinus instincts and fatuus occupation instil a looming cloud of caution over each move she makes. If an opponent noticed her attachment, it may cause her some considerable issues - or worse, hurt you in the process. There's nothing that would pain her more, so she waits arduously to embrace you under the veil of shadows once more.
(Do they give you flowers? Which ones?)
★ Contrary to her flamboyant brother, Lynette has extremely heightened instincts and senses - this presents undeniable benefits, a watchful viola eye, and ears that can discern every whistle and song of the breeze. However, in her daily life, having a hypersensitive sense of smell has proved to be quite a hindrance. Certain perfumes, most flowers, and the majority of spices can cause her to sneeze uncontrollably - almost allergically. Nevertheless, this doesn't end her pursuit, down by the quiet riverbanks of Fontaine: there blooms lotuses after the rain that treat her senses kindly. Each time the hydro dragon cries and brings life to the buds, Lynette will be there to retrieve and present them to you. Emitting a recognisable sense of rain; the Pluie Lotus will always remind you fondly of Lynette.
(Did they confess first? What happened?)
★ Whisking you away from the bustling streets, towards the golden shore that welcomed glistening turquoise sea. Lynette sighs, her shoulders rising with tension before falling with contentment. Her viola eyes open and avert instantly to you, so intently gazing. Her voice seems calm, but occasionally wavers.
★ "(Name),"
★ You perk up from her serious tone, which causes her to retract, unable to read your reaction.
★ "Through the course of a few months.." Her voice trails off, her first clenches, and she collects herself. "I've fallen deeply in love with you." Lynette's eyes meet yours, emitting certainty and resolve. "Will you accept my feelings?"
★ Reciprocating was the easy part. Embracing her tenderly came naturally. The challenge was to build a strong foundation and blossoming relationship. As long as you dedicated as much as she did, it would work itself out.
(Do they take you on dates? Where?)
★ Lynette is a firm believer that money will only get you so far, and as long as she's with you, the scenery is a benefit at best. That being said, there are indeed a few places she likes to take you with nice additions. Cafè Lucerne is filled with sweet desserts that make your eyes marvel and mouth salvate. Flavourful ice creams whisked with care and exported into delicious, appealing swirls. Warm cakes that rise so perfectly - their homemade scent appeasing the mind and lulling it into a comfortable state. Your exchanges only feel more intimate in moments where everything is peaceful and your mind is truly free.
★ Or maybe instead of relishing in the homely atmosphere of Lucerne, you choose to stroll in the beauty of nature. The fauna performs natural music as you explore the nation in all of its true glory. Leaving behind the grandeur and passion of the city, the quiet of the outskirts has much to offer.
(What are your embraces like?)
★ Your embrace brought consolation to her stormy endeavours. Lynette Snezhevna was born of snow, a child of ice. Rumour has it her glare summoned blizzards that could freeze over fontaine. A childish prophecy, one you'd never witness as you brought her such contentment. You knew she didn't pursue touch and preferred to keep a reasonable distance from those she didn't connect with. She latched to you with such a desperate grip, as if you could disappear at any moment. Lynette had always been so fearful, so scared of being left behind and lost. You never asked why. Your hands drew waves of serenity as you lifted it and stroked her hair softly. Her shaking breath seems to be steady, and she appears to be drowsy. That's alright. Taking her hand and letting her trail behind you, she gazes at you with a feeling, a sentiment, that you can not recognise. You smile vibrantly, and she returns it with one of solace - the suns first rays being born from parting clouds and breathing life into the fields.
(Do they flirt with you? What is it like?)
★ Magicians have a playing card for charm, but Lynette seldom aims to flatter; maintaining a tranquil and balanced head is something she had long mastered. Echoes of your voice often occupy her mind, intertwining like vines with petals of your memorable smile - your flaws? Thorns that flashed so dangerously, Lynette wasn't intimidated. Those thoughts embraced each other, forming into roses she reached for, yet could not touch. Instead, her itching hand reaches onto your cheek. Cupping your skin, so fine in her palm, as she delivers each thought to you. With their vivid, intimate descriptions, it indeed sounded like she was flirting. It was not her intention. Although the sight of your dreamy fluster satisfied her moreover.
(Do they give you gifts? What are they?)
★ The House of Hearth was where Lynette found home; seeking refuge all her life with an aspired and ambitious brother, they both easily adapted to the comfort of a broken yet warm home. It had always been a rite of passage in the orphanage to never take anything for granted, never to be materialistic, and aim to be self-sustaining and independent. This was a sentiment Lynette had never left behind, and alongside her twin, they moved forward in the world and made a statement, made a name for themselves.
★ One had blossomed into a charismatic show-stopper, a mesmering star which glimmered with magic, a spellbinding voice almost impossible to ignore regardless of who you were or who you would become.
★ On the contrary, the sister sprouts into a talented mystery. Inconspicuous, observant, and unpredictable. Her presence felt almost hypnotising. Tantalisingly close before she would vanish from the spotlight. Lynette had become a recluse of sorts. Relationships were a gamble, and she was too responsible to participate in potential loss for the sake of money she seldom spent.
★ That was until she was wandering the streets with you, watching as your eyes lingered and shimmered at certain objects. She memorised each item and came back alone after preformances before she would meet with you. Prices were no issue for her. She loved to spoil you to every extent. The way your gratitude conveyed through your actions much louder than words felt like she was the one who truly received a gift every time.
(What did you do to win their heart?)
★ Accidents: a term as fluid as water, they can lead to a stream of mistakes or a river of inspiring miracles. Lynette had never intended to fall in love, especially not with you, her close friend - a dear companion she would leisurely rest with over uniquely brewed cups of tea. Your presence had become second nature to her, the way you were expressive, through illustrious creations- immersive in the way you spoke and recited tales of your life to her, never prompting her to speak, letting her indulge into a silence unweighted by expectation. The gift of having someone nearby, yet the option to be yourself; and still receive their alluring, accepting smile. From that day forth, you would catch her staring intently before shying away- veiling soft smiles behind intricate teacups, itching closer to you as she daydreamed. It always leads you to wonder: What is she dreaming about? Unbeknownst to you, all you needed to answer was a reflection.
⛾ !Tea break! ⛾
Have you ate yet today?
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I love you
(How long did it take them to say it? Was it easy?)
★ Day to day, Lynette's serene presence felt refreshing like morning dew, natural and free like the wind flowing east from Mondstadt. In the spring, dandelion seeds adorn the sky, relishing in romance and laughter and breathing life to fairies. Flowers blossomed and dispersed pollen, beckoned bees, and all sorts of fauna forth from hibernation. fantastical scenery and clichè displays like this were expected of Fontaine, where each of your lives felt like a constant performance, where everyone had an equal part to play- This was justice. Aside from the scenic allure, Spring was when Lynette had told you she loved you for the first time.
It hadn't been easy for her. To admit that she had indulged too much in your enchanting presemce, let herself fall under your spell and grow attached to you, feel drawn to you like an ember of radiant sunlight. You had been spending that day together. It seemed ordinary. You had never expected your life to change that morning. But what was a magician - if not a bender of reality and a weaver of dreams?
(Do they get jealous, if so, how easily?)
★ Lynette is tranquil and slow to anger; especially envy. If you have grown to the extent of a relationship, she has already placed her trust within you completely. It would be nearly impossible for you to drive her to jealousy, her understanding and reason: making you feel protected and acknowledged. However, this doesn't rule out the possibility completely. A beauty such as yourself with the serene effect of the ocean and seraphic eyes seemimgly celestia born. You were a radiant angel, and to glow to bright would surely result in unsolicited admiration and attention. These situations are usually small antics- and when shown disinterest, they leave, and you can move along smoothly. Though, what happens when you meet someone who just won't let up? Lynette notices from afar, for once wishing you'd let go of your unfaltering kindness.
Your relationship is relatively hidden - only her family and your close bubble knew. Still, she can't help but scoff at the audacity and casually intercept. After luring you away from the lovestruck lonesome, she'll spend the entire day with you to reaffirm the destination of your love and the strength of hers.
(Do they kiss you? What is it like?)
★ You grace Lynette's eyes, filled with shy desires and intent - with your knowing ones. Your quiet giggle of acknowledgement floods her senses without mercy, sparing no thought and no time to think. With an elegant step forward- the strands of her bow dance behind her romantically with the breeze. Carrying your sweet laughter, which brought to life fairies. Her lips gently graze against yours, if only for a moment. She waits for your reaction with anticipating, yearning hands, and as soon as you bring her back to you, her arms enclose you, her kiss encircle your mind. Short, sweet, and filled with passion. As if every time she pulls away, another sweet notion draws her to you once again. Between each kiss, she whispers sweet nothings to you, but to her, they were everything. It felt so real- but the way you felt to each other, like a dream.
Love Language(s)
(What are their love languages?)
Words of Affirmation
★ Lynette is succinct; astute and mellow, soothing to the soul. Her words, the sweet ones she whispers into your ear, are each filled with meaning and genuineness. Whether it be in times of contentness, serenity, or despair- she can bring you to sweet solace in a few words. Emanating a gentle petrichor; she brings spring rain in a drout. And as the droplets connect to each other like constellations in the sky, you take forth the blessing of Kusanali, the knowledge of the true blessing that is your relationship.
Quality Time
★ Your souls seem to align perfectly regardless of what you may do, wandering the alleyways of Fontaine, shielded from the warm embrace of the sun, you feed the gathering stray kittens occasionally nursed by Lynette. As they scurry into the court carefree and cared for- you may decide to follow the scent of fresh pastries which Lynette had so keenly coordinated, or upon Twilight as she prowls under the curtains of the dusky stage, leaving behind her splendor to meet you under the silver moon. and as you lay together in your favourite valley, you relax into a comfortable silence and drift off to the gentle waves of Fontaine's måntaga.
Moon, Sun and Star
(Which are they most alike to in your relationship?)
★ As you meet in the midst of twilight, the stars illuminate your trail, 'The stars shine dim compared to you.' she chimes, quietly delivering her thoughts to you; intertwined with sparkling, trusting eyes under space. Despite the tender grip she envelops with your hand, she maintains an intentional sedate pace. Leisurely - with all light comes darkness, and behind your dazzling illumination, she is your endearing shadow. Her galaxyspun irises scan the forestry surrounding you, examining the terrain with such percision as she draws ever nearer, as you wander into the dreams and nocturnal marvels that come to play with the stars, and relish under the umbra: Lynette will always be right behind you. Ensuing you and lulling you as does the brilliance of the moon.
(Do they use nicknames? What are they?)
★ Underneath the light, Lynette greets you with sweet casualties. 'Dear' is a prominent nickname in warm daylight, dulcet, and comforting underneath the jarring volume of vendors and passers-by. In less disguised settings, she will use your name, even so, her love shows equally. Your name leaves her lips with such contentment, a sweet tone befitting of an aubade under the golden sunlight. Her eyes speak words in the loving silence, and despite the fading audience, you're both eachothers focus, unable to drag your fond gazes from each other.
The day descends into a familiar darkness that warms your soul. You are both only accompanied by the ghosts of the night. Lying by her side as you draw constellations with eachothers coveting hands, she tends to call you 'My Lune' as your splendor rivals the moon. Tender exchanges always happen in the dark, where the simple-minded rest and lovers awaken.
(How open are they with you? Do they tell you everything?)
★ Gossiping and soft laughter underneath the shadows of parasols was an ordinary occurrence, her ears missed almost nothing; and Lynette would tell you anything you wanted to know. As long as it doesn't leave you susceptible to harm. You think that she's an open door rather than a locked chain, and Lynette likes it that way. The Fatui is a blistering, unforgiving blizzard. A cold and forbidding business that would draw blood in the name of secrecy. One phrase is all it takes for you to be torn away like a speck of dust. The House of Hearth said nothing short of these merciless teachings. While she admires your intelligence and intuitive eyes, she cherises you enough to sustain your naivety. As her hand reaches over yours, you may think nothing of it. But to her, she swears an oath. 'I will always be here for you; as you are for me.'
(How loyal are they to you?)
★ Her loyalty is never in doubt. You were her first love and destined to be her last. Lynette seldom expresses interest in other people generally, preferring to daydream over hours unless absolutely necessary. The mere fact she had experienced intense forelsket with you was bewildering still - a miracle, like magic. She knows she can never replicate the adoration she feels from your melodic voice, the security she feels from your attentive eyes; the fulfilment she feels in your presence, and the longing she feels in your absence. It's irreplaceable. And with that, alongside everything, her brothers even seem to like you. Each factor you offer aligns perfectly. Your love was truly meant to be.
(How much do they know about you? Do they remember what you tell them?)
★ Every last detail, no matter how passing or insignificant. You'll notice how her ears perk up each time she discovers something new about you. She hears your dreams, receives your wishes, and does everything she can to make them come true. In golden lit evenings, when she saunters to you with eagerness. Beaming proudly as you pull an item you dearly wanted, but had only mentioned once, out of her hat. With an elegant flick of her wrist, it lands back onto her head, wisping her hair aside in the wind as the breeze accompanies your jubilation. The water is a dreamy blue with the low albedo of the sunset, and she extends her hand to you, beckoning you to witness the endless colours of the sky, hand in hand.
(What is their favourite memory of you?)
★ Secluded from the troubles of life, so too was the sun hidden away, long descended behind the cloudy, misty skies of Fontaine. Tonight, the Hydro Dragon had taken a strike to its heart, as did Lynette- cupids arrow hypnotised her as she watched you twirl and sway in the rain, in unison with the pattering rain against virid leaves. You were soaked - your locks hugging your figure, tightly bound and flowing with rain like rivers. Even so, your steps did not hinder. Under the shadows of the trees, you can not see her fond smile - although it gleams like stars unseen in her viola, felinus eyes. 'Amateur.' She teases in her thoughts. Standing up and letting the branches collide, she struts down her runway of wood and leaps into the air- her picturesque silhouette outlined by the moon as she extends a hand to you, she twirls you and guides you into a long, mesmerising dance through the showering sky. Blessed by the soothing lull of your tango- Dragon tears fade into a lasting scent and a lasting memory that Lynette holds dear.
(Is there a song that makes them think of you?)
Can you remember the rain?
-Garret Atterberry-
★ You seemed to linger like cheap perfume. She hadn't anticipated that you would show up at a time like this, teacup in hand and staring into the sunkissed streets of Fontaine; Cafè Lucerne was - for once- not bustling with peckish customers. Dawn had just graced, and Fontainians seemed to play an endless sleeping beauty. Her tea ripples with sugar, and the spoon stirs a warm whirlpool as she exhales - appreciating the solitude and soft jazz accompanying her, an unbothering melody. A sudden voice: a slow, beautiful one of a woman. She sings of tales of the past, in the rain and sentimentalities. Lynette eases into the music and close her freshly awoken eyes, thoughts of that night loop in her mind and she can almost feel your enchanting presence- a soft smile spreads and she conceals it behind the rim of her teacup. She still remembers your cold, doused touch beating with your warm heart. Do you remember? Can you remember the rain?
⛾ !Tea Break! ⛾
Have you drunk yet today?
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(How do they envision a future with you?)
★ Now, Lynette believes pondering and questioning the future is a waste of time. Everything is subject to change. Despite the ephemerality of life, she finds herself with small dreams that occupy her head in engulfing cycles. A storm which you seem to be the eye of, an eye for her to get lost in and find home in your arms. Lynette doesn't ask for much. Willing to discard the fame, the lights, the wealth, anything to keep her loved ones beside her. She wishes to breeze through life knowing she made the ones she cherishes happy, that while she lived to the fullest, so did they. Lynette yearns to wake up to you each morning in a familiar scene yet distinctive memory. She wishes so dearly to embrace you in the cold winters and dive in the warm summers. Lynette doesn't care about the necessary changes. So long as at the end of the day; Despite everything, there's still you, her family, and her, against the world.
(They've accidentally upset you, what do they do with this realisation?)
★ It is a rare occasion indeed, but an unfortunate necessity of progressing relationships. Her bluntness and incapacity to sugarcoat seemed like an ideal. When debating, each word was accounted to be honest and honourable. Perceiving the light, die in your eyes like embers, her own narrow to examine you closer. Although, to any onlookers, it may be falsely perceived as glower and stubbornness. A curious scenario that rewinds in her head like a record, when the conclusion finally makes sense after considering your viewpoint- she wastes no time. Regardless of her current position, Lynette hastens to you. Her presumption was right, as to be expected. If she believes her point was simply amiss: she will correct and clear up the miscommunication. Or if she believes herself to be wrong completely, a gentle blush dusts her cheeks as she apologises to you with all sincerity. Seeing the smile reach your eyes soothes her nerves, and now she aspires to return the favour over a serene cup of tea brewed with care and sweet amends. While her sudden appearances can be...inconvenient, you appreciate her devotion.
(How do they dress around you?)
★ Appearence was another art of which Lynette had performed and perfected. In favour of maintaining a professional and proficient image, she wraps her silky tresses into a picturesque ponytail. Ruffles her skirt to sustain grace regardless of breeze or storm - From long ribbons, cute buttons, the tip of her elegant gloves, it is each individually considered to their maximum potential. While this was initially only for business, she notices how it influences the people around her. Even you who has grown to adore her amethyst eyes. As your relationship progresses, it may start with a lost bow, then a lost button and untidy skirt. Ultimately, you sit on the couch and brush through her loose, voluminous hair. She feels calm and relieved you seemed content or even pleased with her state. With this in mind- you may catch her in much more casualwear, but she still likes to look decent around you, at the very least.
Wild Card
(🂭 Random relationship headcanon 🂭)
★ Lynette had seldom reflected her brother; nor did she change her view. Lost within herself, she stared into the setting sun, the warm colours that radiated and coloured the sky made thoughts of you fester in her brain, she smiles contently as she remembers your face of bewilderment and glee at even the simplest trick. She wonders, she longs, to see how your eyes would shine at a real show. So that evening, Lynette reserved a seat, especially for you. After catching a simple glimpse of your awestruck expression- it enthrals her, her effort doubles, and her performances feature an extra twirl and elegant bow. A lotus resting in between your fingers or stowed behind your ear, her hair brushing through your hair so gently. The audience is none the wiser, Lynette's expression doesn't flinch. Though behind her eyes reflects romance and a desire to steal you away from the crowd, to another place far away. As the crowd applauds her stunning, poised movements. Lyney looks on with surprise, barely concealed by his preformative voice. Needless to say, after Lyney discovered your relationship, it didn't take long for you both to become well-acquainted and for you to be a welcome backstage guest.
(How far would they go for you?)
★ Lynette would walk through the infernos of Khaenri'ah for you. Her devotion knows no bounds. It's quite an achievement to match the level of importance as she values her family. The significance you hold in her life is no joke. To say she loves you dearly would be a drastic understatement. The intimate moments underneath shadowy trees, the wondrous hours underneath the stars, the bright days of laughter, and dark nights of reassurance all culminate into an unbreakable bond between two destined lovers. Despite any obstacle the universe dare test you with, it proves to be a sad attempt. You, and her. The definition of perfection is the meaning of soulmates. There's nothing you wouldn't do for her, and there's nothing she wouldn't do for you.
(Do they miss you? How do they deal with it?)
★ Lynette defined self-suntaining and exemplary independence. When you told her, with a weighing heart, that you would be leaving for a while- she thinks nothing of it. Bidding you a farewell kiss and accompanying you to depature, she resumes as usual for the day and the next. And then suddenly, it changes. Soulful nights feel strangely ghostly and drag into sombre days. She looks into parlours with wistful eyes and recurring memories- knowing that if they had been beside her, they would look at the presentations with fondness. Wanting turns to longing, her performances hollow with knowing - your gnawing absence defines her dance and silences the audience with portrayal through her artistic tricks. Your disappearance felt like a cruel trick indeed. As she revists your depature point, eyeing Lumidouce bells which chimed for you, she would wait for you through twilight and daybreak.
(Do you rest together? What is it like?)
★ At first, Lynette spent your nights together composed and alert. Only once you had fallen to the grace of Morpheus would her own eyes start to droop, yet as time went on, your inviting smile- sultry, tired voice, longing eyes filled with hope and life, she fell for you, to temptation. She could not describe what it felt like as she lay with you that night, the warmth of the fire in an unforgiving winter. The feeling of touching the clouds without dispersion. Thoughts of you spun around her head until her eyes gently closed. As dusk ascended into a symbolic, pink dawn, her shy smile never faltered as you held her too in her dreams. Now, cat-naps have become a regular routine whenever the opportunity may arise.
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If you made it this far, thank you for reading, and I hope you enjoyed it! If you have any suggestions or questions, don't hesitate to let me know.
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142 notes · View notes
starxiasstuff · 1 year
Hello! Can I ask for some headcanons for Mikey and Izana with a s/o who's the president of the biggest all-female gang in the city?
OMG YES we love a girlboss y/n I'm just a bit confused on if you want Mikey+Izana×y/n or of you want it individually l, so I'll do all three!
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-How they found out!
-Izana was just having a casual meet up with some tenjiku members, yk just walking around the area and eating street food nothing serious at all, but they walked past an abandoned dump.
Ran was like "ooooo looks haunted we should totally go!!"
and he just dragged everyone there, they were checking the place out and found some gang like markings, which were bloody looking roses painted on significant areas. Getting curious they went further into the dump and started to hear some girls talking about an upcoming gang meeting, now they were kinda taken aback since the largest all female gang has been inactive for almost a whole year, basically no one has ever really heard of them and ppl just thought they were stupid rumours, like please women in a gang?!?! senju side eyeing this.
They got even more curious when they see more girls coming from here and there so they decide to ask a short looking girl who was walking towards a secluded corner of the dump, she was for sure wearing a gang uniform a button up shirt and some pants with some heeled boots the shirt had carefully embroidered bloody looking roses on it, the same type that was painted on the other areas of the dump, she explains that the largest all female gang in the city is having a comeback, they were having a meeting discussing on how to a avenge a member who was unfortunately taken advantage by another gang.
Ran being the idiot he is decided to "cHaRm" the petite girl he got kicked hard .
She then says that they should get utta withered roses (gang name) hide out and that the leader y/n wouldn't be happy with non members here.
Upon hearing your name Izana went into a literal frenzy, you a gang leader he never ever imagined it, he took a picture of the dump and markings and ofc sent them to mikey
-izana's and mikey's chat-
*Izana sent three attachments*
*Mikey is online*
*Messages viewed*
M-AYO- I wonder who the leader is, she must be really badass is she's leading a gang that big
M-?? what's the matter?
I-i know who the leader is.
M-ok and?? It's nothing to be freaked out about, I think it's nice that gang leaders know eachother.
I-Stupid, we both know who the leader is.
M-the only female delinquent I know of is senju.
M-so spill, who is the leader.
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-Mikey would literally just say "omg you go girl boss" every time you were the tiniest bit sassy
-both of them would be super concerned for your safety esp if you had fights late at night
-you being so badass would give Izana yet another reason to show you off "HEY OVER HERE EVERYONE THIS BEAUTIFUL WOMAN HERE IS THE LEADER OF WITHERED ROSES AND IS MY BEAUTIFUL S/O!!!" Mikey would also join in.
-three way alliance
-would totally watch all your fights and cheer you on
-both of them would let you in on their battle secrets. "so y/n
This is what you do if you and your enemy have a height difference "
"bite their shins."
"Mikey wtf."
-if you didn't know how to ride a motorcycle they would be the best teachers for sure, girlie you just graduated from "Sano and Kurokawa's school of motorcycling".
-they would cry if you came home with injuries
-you guys would train/spar
Hello my Luvs and hello to you anon!! This is all I can finish for now, I'll hopefully finish it tomorrow and I hope this is what you wanted anon!
I'm back this time I'll finish it.
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!!Izana Kurokawa×y/n
-How he found out!
"Hey Izana did you see my gang uni?"
"Ohhh the uni with roses all over it, it's in the laundry room I just ironed it!"
"wait... THAT'S YOURS?!?!?"
*cue Izana choking on mikey's taiyaki*.
You gave him the news of his life when you told him the you lead withered roses, bro choked on his food and stared at you in disbelief for the rest of the day.
-Tags along if you have gang meetings
-thinks you're so pretty in your uni
-admires you when you take on an opponent who's clearly stronger
-gets worried and calls all your subordinates if you're coming back late from a fight
-brings you to tenjiku meetings more often now that he knows that you can defend yourself against touchy feely members
-if the police bust your hide out he lets you and your top members hang out in tenjiku's hide out
-if your uni needs washing (cause of blood). He'll turn into fucking ayano aishi and clean your uni until it looks brand new
-tries to set your respective members up with tenjiku members for the fun of it
-be ready for extra training hours at the gym
"you have a upcoming gang fight, you need to train more if you wanna win this, y/n."
*insert y/n being dragged into the martial arts training room*
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!!Manjiro Sano(Mikey)×y/n
-How he found out!
*practically kicks the door open to find you having a meeting in your room*
"y/n.. girl no offence but your boyfriend is kinda stupid.."
*cue you and the other girls nodding in unison*
"Oh Mikey you poor poor thing.."
"huh what makes you say that-?"
"you dimwit, your seemingly harmless girlfriend is the prez of the biggest all female gang in the city."
*Mikey passing out."
-Passes out as soon as he finds out, when he wakes up he will hug you and cry, he's genuinely so scared of someone dying while being a delinquent (baji)
-Takes you to meetings on his bike
"y/n-chin, i have lots of free time, if you have a meeting I can always drop you off"
-you become an honorary touman member, Mikey was crying like a proud mom after the *ceRemOnY*
-if he gets into a petty fight at school he'll just say while being overdramatic
-he gets less protective knowing that you can fight for yourself
-he along with chifuyu very politely asked you to punch kisaki's nose
-you'll teach Emma some moves.
Hello my luvs, I'm done with this post as promised my requests are still open!!
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diejager · 2 years
Okay since you made that cheating Diluc, post, may I please ask for headcanons for yan Diluc getting rejected by his darling cause he might be unfaithful to them. This why O live yanderes, their terrifyingly devoted to you don't want one in real life tho
Yandere Diluc
Tw: yandere behavior, mention of cheating.
Note: bot proofread, a bit short.
Wc: 336
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Shocked, Diluc would be shocked out of his mind. Was he not loyal? Faithful and loving to you? He didn't understand where or how you came up with the idea that he was cheating on you. Why would he do such a blasphemous thing?
He tried reasoning with you, asking you to let him clear things up so everything can go back to how it was before. Well, as normal as restricting the amount of time you're free to leave the mansion.
Diluc thought that you must've gotten the idea that he was unfaithful from someone outside the Ragnvindr land, no one who worked for him would say such an atrocity, especially a fake one.
He restricted your freedom within the land belonging to Diluc, around the grape vines and in the houses inhabited by his workers, but never outside the limit.
He also took care of blabbering mouths, Mondstadt didn't need any in his mind. Those who tell lies and spread rumours, he had to make Mondstadt's streets cleaner for you. His employees were safe from his wrath. He knew his workers wouldn't say anything to you or him, because their livelihood depended on him. He paid them, he provided for them and he gave them benefits.
If someone visited him for any reason - be it his wine business, personal matters, or delivery - you'd be restricted to the second floor, where visitors weren't able to enter, whoever they were.
When you get lonely, he would stay home and spend time with you while he's free, if not, he'd get you a pet, maybe a puppy, for whenever he's not home. A small puppy that would mature and grow strong would be the best candidate in his mind, it could protect you if he's out. One that you can play and run around with even when it's an adult.
Immensely devoted to you and your relationship, Diluc isn't a stranger to unsightly methods if they meant the greater good of you and your marriage.
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cattywxmpus · 2 months
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full name: sebastian gabriel amato
nicknames: bash, zebby, baz
gender / pronouns: cis male, he/him
age / birthday: twenty-four, dec 2nd
orientation: pansexual
occupation: pickpocket
location: sweetwater
faceclaim: michael cimino
strengths: funny, clever, adaptable, playful, adventurous
weaknesses: reckless, needy, impulsive, rebellious, obnoxious
character inspo: jj maybank (outer banks), carl gallagher (shameless), huckleberry finn, tim riggins (friday night lights), jasper fahey (shadow & bone), jesse pinkman (breaking bad), jayne cobb (firefly), charlie kelly (always sunny), aladdin (aladdin)
pinterest: coming soon
playlist: coming soon
programmed originally to be the child of one of the working families on the ranch, reprogrammed later after several accidents in which his parents, him, and/or the ranch was wiped out and he was given a new narrative in the current storyline which has been consistent several years or more now.
born to a poor family, bash doesn't remember either of his parents very well. he was sold to the ranch at a young age to pay off a debt where they raised him up to work for them.
bash wasn't too keen on sticking around the ranch as he got older, not a fan of the constant monotonous work day in and day out even though they provided decent food and shelter.
at a young age he ran off and ended up on the streets of sweetwater, doing whatever he could to survive day to day by pickpocketing guests and residents and committing other petty crimes.
he was taken under the wing of an outlaw who is the closest thing to a parent he's ever known and is incredibly loyal to them
they have a close friendship with another pickpocket who they grew up with and have remained best friends with as long as they can remember.
friends, they can be hosts, employees, guests you name it
crushes and people he flirts with
people who've caught him or turned him in for stealing
those he's stole from
regular guests who like to go on adventures
those he annoys for the fun of it all
rivals either in law or crime or personality
is best friends with the other pickpocket josie, they spent a lot of years together and often work together to bring in more loot - they have a special spot they meet up if they ever get seperated
when he first got to the ranch it was matteo hernandez that took it upon himself to look after him in an effort to give him some stability, later lux joined in - after he died and lux disappeared, bash ran off, unwilling to stay there on his own and not knowing how to process the emotions that came with those events
has a special place he meets up with lux as often as they can
doesn't like to sleep alone and is scared of the dark but he'd never admit either out loud
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gennabi · 2 years
Hiiii i didnt know wether ur request r open or not, if its not them im sorry and you can ignore this request. Can i request dating headcannons for Opera-san from Mairimashita!Iruma-kun? If you dont want to then its ok, you can ignore this request!
luv ur works! <3 remember to stay hydrated and eat 3 meals a day!
it's actually closed but this made my day, giggling just thinking abt it heh so here ya go 😚 awww thank you so much for loving them!! im honoured 😭🙆‍♂️ i will!! you too anon, please stay healthy n take care of urself <33
dating headcanons
opera x reader (no prns) • 0.6k
romantic; fluff
[ self explanatory title , opera's a little soft bcs yes , cw cussing ]
m!ik masterlist | main masterlist
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─does that thing where they would ask for the time you wake up and sleep just so they could text you good morning and good night 🥺
─opera's love language is acts of service bcs i say so
─they love to spoil you!!!
─from letting you sleep in for five more minutes to smtg like
─bathing you and washing your hair themselves when you come home tired, wordlessly massaging your shoulders as you doze off in the bathtub
─also a little mean teasing shit. the funny (or lowkey scary) thing is opera teases with a straight face. straight up spitting lies as if they're facts. if you're oblivious, goodluck figuring out if they're actually being serious or just teasing.
─"y/n, i've heard a rumour that if you don't kiss a certain red-haired butler, iruma is going to hate you and won't talk to you ever again."
"that's not true, he would never do such a thing─"
"you're saying i'm lying when i literally spend day and night in the same castle with him? wow, y/n, i expected better from you."
─they did get their kiss in the end so it all works out i guess ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
─also the type to play around with hair if you have them. you'll do cute and weird hairstyles on each other during sleepovers awww omg imagine opera w the cat ears hairstyle hfffffjjf
─speaking of sleepovers, would definitely be into face masks n shit but only views them as a "privilege/sleepover thing" if that makes sense
─mostly the big spoon but that's because they like to come in bed later than you, checking buttler stuffs for next morning yk, but if they're having an off day tomorrow, would definitely ask to be the little spoon and your heart just squeezes when their ears do that happy flap 🥺😭😭
─your dates are either staying in or some low-tension stuffs like picnics or having a walk through the streets at night kind of thing, they just like to hang around with you and listen to you talk and ramble :') <33
─loves it when you give them a headpat, like one where you do to actual cats
─they just grab your hand n brings it to their head and you ruffle. the first time iruma and sullivan saw it, they dropped their knees to the ground bcs OPERA PURRED??@$$?&
─when you're having a bad day, opera's ears are down all day :( they feel so bad when you feel bad, what's this. their sweetheart not feeling good? oh no :(
─go to extreme lengths to make you feel better (as u fucking deserve yeah!)
─mf bought a new comforter just so you can lie down comfortably in bed bless sullivan's debit card amen 🙏
─doesn't let you move at all like you wanna go to the kitchen? no need to worry. opera will bring the kitchen to you instead 🫡 *not sure if it'll show but its supposed to be the salute emoji
─spoon feeds you :( <3 and yk the thg they do when they sing a lullaby and pat iruma's body to sleep? yeah, they do that shit too. except they're lying beside you because what if a certain bald demon decides to disturb you in your sleep by being loud? no way they're letting that happen🤕
─also LOVES giving you nicknames 💔💔💔 more so the slightly corny ones lmao
─the thing is they do it so smoothly and with their blank signature face even you didn't notice it the first time.
─"do you prefer something light or heavy for tomorrow’s breakfast, lovebug?"
"_ would be nice─ wait what"
─opera's fav place to kiss is your fingers sighs just imagine you talking to them as they play with your fingers and hum as they give each a delicate peck. also has a habit of kissing the inside of ur hands when u cup their cheeks WAHHH 😭😭💗
okay that's it im going to stop here before i go insane and cry more bcs opera's not real </3
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presidentstalkeyes · 1 year
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Some more OC beeswax I've had on the mind for a while, or half-OC in Dart's case. I know it's common to depict him either the same age as Raz or younger, sometimes making him the next-generation Intern to Adult Raz, but then I thought 'what if he was older?' And then I threw in an unrelated OC and things mentally blew up. :V (This also plays off my earlier headcanons about Dart's power set)
Razputin wasn't the first psychic to be inducted into the Psychonauts at such a young age - Dart beat him to the punch by nearly twenty years. An orphan permitted to become a full-fledged agent on Otto's personal recommendation, he simply wasn't ready and got overconfident during a mission, indirectly causing the execution of several hostages. Horrified, he deserted the agency, dropping off the grid, only resurfacing years later after studying under a sect of psychic monks in the Himalayas that sent him out on his own to meditate and strengthen his connection with the collective unsconscious.
His journey took him to the obscure Central African country of Makanisi (nestled somewhere between Angola, Zambia and the DR Congo), known for two things: once being privately-owned by a Grulovian businessman, and being the site of the world's largest Psitanium deposit outside North America. He took up residence in a cave, banking on the Psitanium enhancing his astral projection powers.
It was here he met Tandi Ngazu, a psychic teenager from the Makanisian capital of Zoltzberg. A martial arts prodigy, Tandi ran away from home after she lost a championship bout and lashed out with her psychic powers, injuring her competitor in front of a huge audience. Dart found her hiding out in the slums while on a rare excursion into town, and reminded of how he was found by Otto as a street urchin in Rotterdam, he agreed to shelter the girl and give her some advanced tutoring - though due to his own relative youth and the fact he was on his own quest for understanding, he was far from confident. He was always a cynical person, and struggled with the whole 'empathy' thing, which in a way made him uniquely suited for 'taming' the collective unconscious without allowing it to affect his own emotional state.
Eventually, after about five years, a civil war broke out in Makanisi. Against Dart's advice, Tandi emerged from her secluded training to aid the rebels - many of whom she personally knew - in their struggle against the corrupt colonial government. She used Dart's training in astral projection to leave her own body while wide awake and completely ignore pain, gather information from people's mindscapes, and channel background psychic residue into physical attacks while far outside her body. She avoided the same fate that befell Lucrecia by staying guarded against outside influence and maintaining her sense of self even when among the Collective Unconscious, a technique mastered by Dart and soon noticed by the Psychonauts who arrived in the country to secure the Psitanium. She ended up joining the agency after Makanisi secured its freedom, but was unable to convince Dart to return with her.
That was all another five years before canon - Tandi is now 26 and has recently graduated to a full-fledged agent, and there's talk of letting her instruct the kids at Whispering Rock in combining out-of-body projection with physical exercise, provided they can work on her patience. Dart is 32 and his whereabouts are currently unknown, though rumour has it he's been sighted around the Questionable Area?, poking around through caves.
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Can u write being el's first friend in california and standing up for her as popular fem reader headcanons?
A/N - I love writing headcanons, means I don’t need to write proper sentences lmao. Also, this ends up straining away from the actual request cause I got into it, but like I tried to make up for it with it cute friendship headcanons.
>Your probably live right done the street from her house.
>The day they moved into their house, you saw the moving truck and figured you could help out and get to know some new neighbours.
>It was a short walk, 1 minute I’d say, and you say a family of 4 entering they’re new house.
>The oldest looked to be the kids mom, and the oldest male looked to young to be a father.
>One of the kids, a girl saw you approach, and a smile, a very big smile, broke out onto her face as she waved at you.
>You waved back, she seemed really nice.
>You speed walk to her quickly, which surprised her, but made her smile even more.
>”Hey, I see the moving truck and thought I’d come by and say hello and ask if you need a 5th pair of hands?”
>Their mom looked at you and smile softly- what a lovely family -and said that they didn’t want to interrupt your day but thanked you for offering.
>You insisted and joked that you had been looking for something to do anyway and that helping someone felt nice.
>She gave in after your new friend practically gave her puppy dog eyes.
>You helped El- Your new friends name -move her stuff into her bedroom and helped her set up the bedroom a little.
>She told you about her siblings and her dad, her mom and why they had to move (sorta)
>”I get the whole “parents have to move for a new job” kind of thing. I and my family moved her around 4 months ago, before school started.”
>Will came into the room to say hi, and asked you like two questions (“Have you heard of D&D?” “Do you know where the local pizza place is?”)
>The rest of the day was spent organising, getting to know El and her family and exploring the house.
>On her & Wills first day of school, you helped them around a lot. You introduced her to few of your friends like Angela and the others she hangs out with.
>She made a comment on El’s clothing and you were very confused. You told Angela to knock it off and she responded with the “popular girl reason to pick on anyone.” (“Why, she’s a complete weirdo?)
>Her other friends started to laugh and so you dragged El and Will away, thinking of a way to get back at them.
>You talked it other and the 3 of you decided on a classic slime prank.
>You bought a bucket worths amount of slime and tide it to the top of the door. The very basic idea of it falling on her head and ruining her outfit, hair, makeup and hopefully a little bit of her reputation.
>Prank went well. No one knew it was either of you cause you climbed back out the Window when you’d set it up.
>You also insured it would land on her head and not some random kid, by taking one of her assignments and placing it on her desk so that she would have to get it to the classroom earlier than usual.
>There was a rumour around the school that a student would take forgotten assignments and pass using them. (Which worked out in your favour lol.)
>She went home early and didn’t show up the next day, or the next either.
>Victory was yours, El’s and Will’s.
>More pranks would ensue when you caught El or Will being made fun of. They never really told you when you didn’t see it.
>Angela is yet to catch on or even suspect you lmao.
>She very dumb.
>If anyone else picks on her or Will, (They’re a package deal.) you use very creative insults to get them to be quiet.
>”Go blow your dad you fizzy haired fuck!” (No offence Eddie.) “I’m gonna rip out your mothers uterus and shove it done your fucking throat!” (Using sister instead of mother works fine too!”
>But when school was out, (After school, holidays and weekends.) you and her would have a lot of fun. (Very specific.)
>Fun such as going to food places and eating a shit ton of unhealthy foods, candies and drinking milkshakes. (I’m sorry if you have diabetes.)
>You took her to see movies at the theatre, went to the Arcade together, helped her put songs on cassettes to send to a boy named Mike from her hometown.
>Argyle would also give you rides to school, even though you could’ve just gone with one of the other popular kids.
>You helped her with making the diorama of her dads cabin. She also told you about the lab after a while. You swore to protect her for the rest of your life.
>You tried to take the blame for the incident at the Rink-O-Rama, but since witnesses says otherwise, they took El.
>You managed to convince the cops that you were her influence and they took you into custody as well.
>Then the whole Nina project came into play, and you tried you hardest to be there for her.
>El ended up coming clean about everything and you didn’t faze much, just held her as she cried, obviously frustrated from everything and being back in a lab.
>By everything, I mean she told you about the Demogorgon, Mind Flayer and The flayed people. Also talked about how the government chased her and nearly killed her and her friends back in 83’.
>Then you both escaped, (not without you killing Dr Brenner.) went to Hawkins and fought Vecna after her other friends informed you guys about everything.
>It was actually hilarious, cause one of the older boys, Steve practically adopted you. Started calling him dad and then realised it be even funnier to call him mom.
>El joined in on the joke.
>She is very happy you’re in her life, you make it better.
>Also, you cried with her when she saw Hopper. You cried happy tears cause she was happy to see her dad again.
>You, El and Max become a package deal.
>Then you get dragged back to Cali by your parents.
>Joyce and her chaotic kids moves back to Hawkins. You sobbed as you hugged El goodbye. So did She, Will and Joyce.
>Argyle and Johnathan were just sad. They stood by his now fixed car and just said really long goodbyes.
>You managed to convince your parents to let you visit the Byers and Hoppers often. Like every 2-3 weeks.
>Parents get annoyed and just move to Hawkins after like 4 months.
>You also become a popular kid in Hawkins High and use it to your friends advantages.
>Also, you’re in the party.
>Your Eddie’s second favourite. Mainly cause he got the opportunity to teach you everything about D&D and you two had a hell of a time.
>El was there for most of the lessons, not understanding any of it but wanting be supportive.
>Based on whatever class yours is, is the nickname Eddie bases it off of.
>You also call Robin dad, it annoys Steve so-
>El and you have millions of sleepovers, whether at you house or her cabin. (Her and Hopper fixed it up.) Whether Max or anyone else if there or if either of you sneak out and explore random parts of Hawkins.
>She once heard a joke about adult stuff and asked you. You very awkwardly explained it to her. Max came in the room, after spying for like the whole conversation and just laughed at you and your awkwardness.
>”How’d you get into my house?? It’s 10 at night Max.”
>You never found out how she got into your house, she’ll never tell you.
>If you joined the Hellfire Club, she’ll go to EVERY. Single campaign.
>Also, you both go Lucas’ games when possible. He always appreciates it.
>Probably almost killed Vecna when he hurt El. Probably took Steve’s bat and tried bashing his head in with it.
>You both get away with a lot of things. Like stealing clothes from your mutual friends and each other. Also, you’re they only person Hopper blindly trusts with his daughter. (Other than the Byers.)
>You thought her how to ride a bike when Hopper proposed the idea. Obviously Hopper also teaches her, but you kept an eye for her when you went on bike rides.
>You tell her stories about mythical- nice -monsters/creatures such as unicorns and puppy’s with laser eyes.
>You both binge watch shows on Sundays. Whether it be action shows or cartoons.
>You attend most Movie nights with El and her family. (I truthfully believe the Byers joined in on El and Hoppers movie nights he talked about in season 3.)
>You’ve accidentally have called him dad half a million times, and every time you do, he becomes awkward and El just a smiles.
>You introduced her to Marvel. Max introduced her to DC. The both of you introduced her to He-Man.
>You help her out with most of her homework, except maths. Most people suck at math. You both were one of them. So instead, Nancy helped in that department.
>For her birthday, (Which you totally made up and said it was the date you two meet. She also knows that’s not her real birthday.) you got her a bird. Mainly cause the were easy to take care of and you didn’t want to stress her out.
>All she had to do was feed it and dive it water, and try to befriend said bird.
>She actually had two birds, but one passed away. You feel like it’s kind of your fault because you named it Loki. (I’m purely basing this on my own birds.) (Yes, I did have a bird name Loki that passed away.)
>All of the Party have had a massive sleepover in Mikes Basement. Like once every two-three weeks.
>If El and Mike ever break up, you and Max comfort her. Mike almost does at the hands of you and Hopper on several occasions that same week.
>At school (Hawkins High), if they have dodge ball terminates, and can pick your own team, the party just forms as one and they all learn about your aggressive and they protective side when a ball straight hits El in the face which gives her a really bad headache.
>Overall, a very cute friendship.<3
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Thank you so much for the ask <3 I love answering these, cos good lord is it easier to explore characters through little emoji asks rather than entire fics (I do love writing though, I prommy <3 I am just a chronic procrastinator)
🫂 A friendship headcanon
England’s a bit of a friendless sod. Odd way to start off a friendship headcanon, I know. Nevertheless, I think it’s important to understand that England is a pretty lonely figure; He tends to frequent quiet, lonely corners of that same pub he always goes to - either that, or England puts up walls that nobody with anything short of terrifying determination can scale. It’s easy to then presume that England has never made, nor ever has been friends with his people; He can defend them with life and limb, but he cannot - as if God cursed him to fumble small-talk - integrate himself in conversation with them. These are all first-level assumptions that one would make if they ever had the (mis)fortune to cross paths with England, and of course…not entirely true. When he was younger, a long time ago - in the hazy mess of the Tudor era, England was rather close with a local innkeeper and even went so far as to love him deeply. It is, in-fact, the innkeeper’s pub that he still frequents long after the fellow passed away and England is deeply sentimental about it. There is a rumour that their friendship would’ve been something a little more, but England was a young man back then and inexperienced - so the innkeep politely turned him down and they remained close friends since. Growing up since then, England has befriended humans less and less. It feels almost pointless to him at any rate to seek out their companionship, when their lifespans are so much shorter than his. I think, while England spends a lot of time surrounded by humans, it is very rare that he truly makes friends with any of them. In terms of other beings like him, he’s friends with Denmark (a strange one, built on teasing with a pang of competition, but also a sense of kinship; Were they not one once?), with Norway and Netherlands - although he tends to be far warmer with Norway and some individuals could easily be led to think that England and Netherlands were a bickering couple, the way they like to pick apart at one another’s ideas and challenge each other. Japan is another friend too, so England’s really not as friendless as first appearances might suggest - just a bit awkward. 
👗 A headcanon about their clothes England likes to pretend that he’s not so picky about what he’s wearing compared to others (France especially being the target of England’s ire, the old man often snarkily stating that he’s little more than a frilly peacock; Nevermind that England can be quite the frilly peacock himself from time to time). However, I think although he has some very expensive and fashionable items, England’s favourite clothes tend to veer much more on the sentimental side. Sweaters that he has patched, embroidered and mended over the years; Others by Wales’ gentle hand, a sister’s affection and patience that begrudgingly remains over the long, tormentous centuries that he has cast upon her, and England’s clothes (while by-large moody colours, navy and brown and black and grey) are often made a little brighter by the odd patches and embroidery here and there.
😺 An animal related headcanon (Couldn’t see one with love-heart eyes on the original ask, so I assume this is what you were referring to!) England had a colourpoint cat that he plucked from the streets one day; It was a random chance and he wasn’t actually looking to keep the animal as a companion, but nevertheless it happened. The poor thing was hungry and flea-ridden, and England for whatever reason was feeling especially sorry for it; From that day on, that cat was spoilt silly - given the name, for whatever reason, of Hilda and was deeply clingy to England until it passed away of old age. I am hoping to write a fic about Eng and Hilda someday so :)
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he11swinter · 2 years
The Jackal Headcanons:
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Ryan was 44 years old when he died on October 11th, 1931. This is the same date that an asylum caught fire in Dark Castle’s earlier movie called House on Haunted Hill. Ryan’s backstory actually borrowed a clip from it, so it’s possible they could be related in some ways.
A few of the other Black Zodiac ghosts were rumoured to have been based off real people. Born just a year before London’s infamous Jack the Ripper murders, Ryan obviously would not be the Ripper himself, but he had some close similarities.
On the above note, I believe Ryan had four notable victims. I think I counted four women who showed up in his backstory clip.
I know the usual idea is that the Jackal was British. This could be because of his similarities with Jack the Ripper, or because Borehamwood (as in the asylum) is a town in England. However, Ryan was believed to have a single line in the movie: “Leave me alone!” and that voice did not have an unusual accent—rather, it sounded North American (his actor is Canadian).
Dennis called the Jackal the “Charles Manson of the ghosts,” and that can’t be just because he’s scary. I don’t know much about Manson, but I do know that we was a cultist. In Ryan’s lifetime, he must’ve had a major role in the organization of a group—either a gang on the streets, or made up of asylum patients preparing to break out. Either way, the Jackal is a natural leader and could boss most of the other ghosts around if he wanted to.
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paalove · 2 years
you know what i would trust only you with? writing an uwma! not me au. only if you'd want to do it of course ☺️💕
anyway thank you for the prompt!! and the compliment mwah
the au itself is massive and i have SO MANY HEADCANONS for who is who and what happened to everyone... i feel like im going to end up writing this as a fragment series on ao3, like not chapters so much as a bunch of oneshots idk
Yok, Sean’s self-declared new best friend, grabs his hand – and the hand of the blond guy behind them in the queue – before announcing, “They’re here!”
Sean’s kind of overwhelmed, but he’ll go with it.
“Who?” he asks – the other guy echoes him a second later.
“The twins,” Yok whispers, “They’re the hottest guys on campus, they’re so rich they’re practically untouchable – there are rumours Black once spit in the dean’s face and he didn’t even say anything, that’s how untouchable they are.”
Sean feels his lip curling as he says, “That’s fucked up.”
“No, it’s cool,” Yok disagrees, “Haven’t you read about what the dean’s like? It’s speaking truth to power, that’s hot-“
“-I’m straight,” says the guy behind them, and I can’t tell who you’re pointing out.
“Oh,” Yok says, then pauses. “By the sign? The one asking people to sign up for the street clean-up activities?”
It’s a busy day on campus, and they’re still in the line to register – it’s not a surprise the other guy couldn’t see them. Sean’s not even trying to look, Yok’s description of two untouchable rich guys not being the kind of thing that appeals to him, but the other guy cranes his neck and makes a sound.
Sean squints at him, and he says, “Maybe not entirely straight.”
“Congratulations,” Yok says mock-solemnly, “I don’t know who to congratulate – what’s your name?”
“Gram,” says the guy.
“Congratulations, Gram,” Yok says, “How about you, Sean? Have they made you realise anything about your sexual orientation?”
He rolls his eyes, but Yok seems harmless, so he says, “I’m already into guys – not rich ones, though.”
“Maybe you just haven’t met the right rich guy,” Yok says with a teasing nudge.
To humour him, Sean starts to look.
As he does, Yok narrates, “The one without glasses – there, he’s kicking the sign back into place – that’s Black, he’s the older twin,” and Sean sees him and is relieved to find that Yok was exaggerating his hotness, because he’s kind of cute but that’s about it, nothing to get Sean questioning his morals or anything, “And the other one-“
“-Why aren’t you calling them phi?” Gram interrupts.
Yok waves his hand kind of wildly and says, “The twins skipped a year, I think they’re actually younger than me – I was born pretty early in the year? – so they don’t call their classmates phi but the fanpage says they don’t want our year calling them that way either-“
“-They have a fanpage?” Sean asks.
“They’re the hottest guys on campus, keep up. Anyway, the one who is wearing glasses is White, and he’s-“
He catches sight of him and loses his breath.
It’s like something from a movie, something from a dream – Sean’s been having weird dreams lately.
“Why are you talking to me?” he asks uneasily. People don’t tend to talk to Chai – not when they know who his brother is and what he does.
The little guy bites his lip nervously and hands him a pamphlet, saying, “I think you could benefit from reading this,” before glancing around nervously and running away.
Chai watches as he goes – it doesn’t seem like he’s running out of fear exactly, more like he has something to do – and he wonders if the guy realises he didn’t leave his name. It’s an odd interaction, but he’s prepared to shrug it off before he looks down at the pamphlet. His stomach swoops.
Handing out pamphlets this nakedly political in person?
No wonder he came up to Chai despite his family – the guy’s insane.
He wants to know more.
“Huh?” he says, shaking himself out of it.
“Hot enough it doesn’t matter he’s rich?” Yok teases.
Gram, meanwhile, is saying, “The line’s moving.”
Oops – there’s a big gap in front of them.
“Sorry, Gram,” he says, ignoring Yok’s accusation entirely.
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