#;; s - We'll Have Silence to Carry Our Words
tosomeonessomeone · 8 months
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words・3.2k /pairings・Bang Chan x reader / genres・fluff, humor, little angst/ warnings・ none
You’ve been working with Stray Kids for a long time as an artist and visual creator for the group, you and Bang Chan are really close due to being both 97’s liners.
The dance studio pulsated with tension as Chan grappled with intricate moves, each step echoing his mounting frustration. Minho's concerned gaze caught Chan's eye, "Hey, Chan, something's off. You seem distracted."
Chan let out a heavy sigh, "Yeah, it's been one of those days. Everything feels like it's falling apart."
As they retreated to the break area, the atmosphere grew more strained with the members bickering over trivial matters. Felix raised his voice, "Can we just focus, guys? This isn't helping anyone."
Chan, feeling the weight of the day pressing down on him, rubbed his temples. "I need a break," he muttered, escaping the heated exchange.
Silently, Chan sought refuge in your studio, a sanctuary amidst the chaos. As he entered, you looked up from your work, sensing the distress in his eyes. "Rough day?" you asked.
Chan slumped onto a chair, "You have no idea. Dance practice was a disaster, and the members are at each other's throats. I just needed some peace."
You nodded sympathetically, "Take your time. I'm here if you need to talk."
The frustration lingered as Chan paced around the studio. "This song is just not coming together! We're running out of time, and it's driving me crazy," he vented, frustration evident in every word.
Approaching cautiously, you offered, "Chan, take a deep breath. We'll figure it out, like we always do."
He shot you a sharp look, "It's not that simple! Do you even understand the pressure we're under?"
"I do, Chan. But snapping won't help. Let's talk it through," you urged, attempting to diffuse the tension.
He scoffed, "Talking won't magically make the song perfect! We need results, not empty words."
Remaining calm, you said, "I'm not trying to provide empty words. I'm here to support you, but yelling won't change anything."
Frustration boiling over, Chan exclaimed, "Support? I need more than support! I need solutions, and it feels like you're not getting it!"
Taking a deep breath, you carefully responded, "I'm on your side, Chan. We're a team, and we'll find a way together. But lashing out won't solve anything. Let's step back and rethink our approach."
He sighed, a mix of anger and exhaustion in his eyes, "I know, I just… I'm sorry. This is so much pressure, and I didn't mean to snap."
You nodded, "It's okay. We all have our moments. Let's take a break, clear our heads, and come back to it with a fresh perspective. We've got this, Chan."
As the tension gradually subsided, you both understood the challenges you faced but also the strength of your partnership to overcome them.
You extended your hand towards Chan, offering a silent gesture of reconciliation. He hesitated for a moment, then slowly lifted his hand to hold yours. The touch, though tentative, spoke volumes about the unspoken bond between you.
You guided him towards the couch, and as you both sat down, a heavy silence hung in the air. "Chan, I know it's tough," you began softly, "but we can navigate through this. We always do."
He sighed, his shoulders slumping, "I just get overwhelmed sometimes, you know? It feels like the weight of everything is on my shoulders."
You nodded, squeezing his hand gently, "You don't have to carry it all alone. We're a team, remember?"
A small smile tugged at the corners of his lips, "Yeah, a team. I forget that sometimes."
"It happens," you reassured, "but we're in this together." The room was filled with a comforting silence as you both absorbed the shared understanding.
Chan finally broke the quietude, "Thank you for being patient with me. I don't say it enough, but I appreciate you."
"I know," you replied with a soft smile, "and I appreciate you too, Chan. Let's tackle this challenge together, one step at a time."
As the weight of the argument lifted, you both leaned back on the couch, finding solace in the shared space. The connection between you spoke of a partnership resilient enough to weather storms, and the quiet moments that followed were a testament to the strength you found in each other.
Feeling the need for a break, you suggested, "How about we take the rest of the night off, Chan? We could use a breather."
He nodded in agreement, "Yeah, a break sounds good. My head's been spinning with the music."
You both settled on the couch, legs stretched out on a large puff in front of you. "What do you feel like eating?" you asked.
Chan thought for a moment, "Let's go with something comforting. How about ramen and dumplings?"
"Perfect choice," you grinned, reaching for your phone to place an order.
While waiting for the food, Chan scrolled through the movie options. "How about this one?" he suggested, showing you the screen.
You nodded in approval, "Sounds good to me. Anything to take our minds off things for a while."
As the food arrived, you both dug into the delicious spread of ramen and dumplings. The tension from earlier slowly dissipated, replaced by the warmth of shared comfort food. The movie played, casting a soft glow in the room.
Chan stole a glance at you, "Thanks for this. I needed a break more than I realized."
"You're welcome," you replied, "Sometimes stepping back is the best way to find a new perspective."
*your pov*
As the movie played on the screen, my thoughts swirled like a whirlwind. The atmosphere was relaxed, the air tinged with the comforting scent of the food we just enjoyed. Yet, there was a subtle undercurrent of unspoken emotions.
Feeling the weight of the day's events, I contemplated our journey together. Chan's dedication and passion were evident in every note he crafted, yet the toll of creative struggles was undeniable. The realization dawned that sometimes, in the silence between shared glances, words weren't necessary.
In a moment of unspoken connection, I decided to lean my head on Chan's shoulder. It was a subtle move, a gesture seeking solace and understanding. The soft fabric of his shirt provided a tangible reassurance, a quiet acknowledgment of the bond we shared.
As my head rested against him, I could almost feel the tension dissipate. The movie continued to play, but my attention was drawn to the rhythm of his heartbeat. There was an unexpected intimacy in this simple act, as if the proximity ignited a flutter within both of us.
I stole a glance at Chan, and our eyes met briefly. In that moment, it felt like our hearts were engaged in a silent conversation, exchanging sentiments that words struggled to convey. I sensed a subtle shift, a recognition of vulnerability and strength entwined.
For Chan, my head on his shoulder seemed to unleash a cascade of emotions. The rise and fall of his chest quickened, a heartbeat echoing the unspoken understanding that enveloped us. It was a moment frozen in time, where the complexities of the day faded into the background, leaving room for an uncharted connection that pulsed between us.
*Chan pov*
As her head gently found its place on my shoulder, a mix of emotions stirred within me. The weight of the day's frustrations lingered, but her silent gesture offered an unexpected balm. I could feel the subtle warmth radiating from her, a connection transcending words.
My mind raced, contemplating the intricacies of our partnership. Her support was unwavering, a pillar that held me steady amidst the creative storms. In that moment, as the soft fabric of my shirt cradled her head, I couldn't help but acknowledge the depth of our bond.
Her presence felt like a lifeline, a silent reassurance that we were navigating the challenges together. The movie played on, but my focus shifted to the rhythm of our shared heartbeat. The vulnerability of the day seemed to dissolve in the quiet intimacy of this simple act.
As I stole a glance at her, our eyes met briefly, and a surge of warmth pulsed through me. It wasn't just the weight of the day that quickened my heartbeat; it was the realization that our connection ran deeper than the melodies we created. It was a shared journey, marked by unspoken understanding.
Her head on my shoulder seemed to unlock a reservoir of emotions. The uncharted territory of vulnerability and strength interwoven echoed in the accelerated beats of my heart. In this unassuming moment, I found solace and a silent promise that, no matter the challenges, we faced them united, and that, perhaps, there was more to our connection than even I had realized.
*end of povs*
As the movie wove its story on the screen, a quiet tranquility settled between you. The weight of the day gave way to a shared moment of solace, and the air held a delicate sense of connection.
In a subtle shift, Chan's fingers brushed against yours, and without a word, he reached out to intertwine your hands together. It was a gesture both gentle and firm, a silent agreement that spoke volumes. The warmth of his touch sent a reassuring current through you, a reminder that, despite the challenges, you were navigating this journey hand in hand.
The intertwining of your fingers became a dance of unspoken understanding—a language that surpassed the need for words, a silent promise echoing the depth of your connection. In that shared grasp, the complexities of the day seemed to fade, leaving behind a sense of unity resonating between your intertwined hands.
As your fingers found their natural fit, you stole a glance at Chan. His expression mirrored a subtle mix of reassurance and vulnerability—a moment frozen in time, a bridge between the challenges you faced and the uncharted territories that lay ahead.
The movie continued to play, but the real narrative unfolded in the intertwining of your fingers—a quiet acknowledgment that, no matter the twists and turns, your hands would navigate the journey together.
As your intertwined fingers created a connection, a comfortable silence enveloped you. The movie played in the background, providing a soothing soundtrack to your unspoken conversation.
The soft glow of the studio lights created an intimate atmosphere as you gazed into Chan’s deep brown eyes, a gentle smile on your face. "You know, one of the things I love most is seeing you feel loved by your members. Despite the hardships, the way you guys support each other is truly heartwarming."
Chan's eyes reflected gratitude, "Yeah, they mean everything to me. Their support has been my anchor."
You nodded, "And now, it's made me realize something important."
Curiosity flickered in Chan's gaze, "What is it?"
"I want you to feel loved and cherished by me too," you confessed, "just like you do with your members. You deserve that, Chan, and I want to be the one to give it to you."
A warmth spread across Chan's face, a mix of surprise and appreciation. "You'd do that for me?"
"Absolutely," you assured, "you've shown me your vulnerabilities, and I want you to know that I'm here for you, just as you've been for your members. You deserve all the love and support, and I'm ready to be a part of that for you."
As the weight of your words settled in the air, Chan's expression shifted from surprise to a profound sense of gratitude. It was a moment of mutual understanding, a bridge between the support he received from his members and the love he was now willing to accept from you.
You couldn't help but glance at Chan, a soft smile playing on your lips. "You know," you began, "seeing you well, in your element, it just… makes my heart flutter."
He turned to you, a hint of surprise in his eyes, "Really? I thought I was a bit of a mess today."
You chuckled, "Everyone has those days. But the way you handle it, your dedication, it's inspiring. And being here for you, supporting you, it just feels right."
Chan's gaze held a warmth that mirrored your sentiments, "You have this way of making everything feel a bit lighter. I appreciate that more than you know."
You grinned, "Well, if you ever need someone to share the weight, I'm here. Always."
His expression softened, "That means a lot. It's reassuring to know you're by my side through all of this."
You nodded, "Absolutely. We're a team, right?"
He squeezed your hand gently, "Right. A team." The acknowledgment lingered in the air, and in that moment, the unspoken promise of always being there for each other became a quiet foundation beneath the surface of your connection.
As the movie's glow painted the room, Chan took a deep breath, his eyes reflecting a mix of vulnerability and determination. "I need to be honest with you," he began, his words measured yet sincere.
You turned your attention fully to him, a sense of curiosity and anticipation in the air. "What's on your mind, Chan?"
He ran his free hand through his hair, a subtle nervous gesture. "Over the past few months of working together, I've come to realize that just being part of a team with you might not be enough for me."
A quiet intensity settled between you, and you searched his eyes for understanding. "What do you mean?"
Chan met your gaze, "I've been feeling… more. More than just collaboration. It's like, every shared moment, every challenge we overcome, it's been building up. And I can't ignore it anymore."
Your heart skipped a beat as the weight of his words sank in. "Chan, what are you trying to say?"
He took a moment before confessing, "I think I've developed feelings for you, more than just professional admiration. I care about you deeply, and I can't help but imagine a future where it's not just about the music, but about us, together."
A blend of surprise and warmth enveloped you. "Chan, I never saw this coming."
He nodded, "I know it's unexpected, but I needed to be honest with you. I've been grappling with these feelings, and it felt like the right time to share them."
The room hung in a delicate silence, the weight of Chan's revelation echoing in the air. It was a turning point, an acknowledgment that the dynamics between you had shifted beyond the realm of collaboration, and the uncharted territory you now faced held the potential for something deeper.
Chan chuckled, breaking the emotional tension, "You know what made me realize it even more? It's those moments when you're just… you. Like when you decide it's a good idea to get me all dirty with paint, or when you declare a spa day because you can't deal with your artwork anymore."
You couldn't help but laugh at the memories. "Guilty as charged. I might be a bit unconventional with stress relief."
He grinned, "And that's what I love. Those silly moments, the laughter – it's when I feel closest to you. Like that time we had face masks and painted each other's nails."
You chuckled, "I didn't think you'd enjoy that."
Chan shrugged, "Honestly, it was one of the best days. It made me realize how much I appreciate not just the artist in you, but the person. The one who's not afraid to be a bit goofy, to let loose."
The sincerity in his voice melted away any lingering uncertainty. "Chan, I appreciate your honesty. These feelings, they're not one-sided," you admitted, "Those moments we share, they mean a lot to me too."
As the weight of his confession and your shared laughter lingered in the air, it became clear that your connection had transcended the professional realm. The acknowledgment of deeper feelings was met with a warmth that extended beyond the art studio, painting a canvas of possibilities for the journey ahead.
Chan's laughter filled the room, a contagious sound that lightened the atmosphere. "And you know what really got to me?" he continued, "When you started recreating all those memes from the group. Like that time you screamed 'Ice cream!' just like Minho."
You grinned, "Well, Minho's enthusiasm is contagious. I couldn't resist."
Chan chuckled, "You nailed it. I couldn't stop laughing. And then there was the moment you sang 'Listen to my heart beat' just like Chanbin. I think that's when I realized, I love seeing you be a part of our craziness."
You blushed, "I never expected my attempts at humor to have such an impact."
"It's not just the humor," Chan explained, "It's the fact that you're willing to dive into our world, to be a part of it. It's endearing, and I can't help but be drawn to it."
As your laughter echoed through the room, it became another layer of your connection—one that transcended the challenges of music and embraced the joyous, silly moments that brought you closer. The acknowledgment of these shared experiences added a touch of lightheartedness to the depth of emotions already present in the room.
As the glow of the TV casting a soft ambiance. Your eyes met Chan's gaze, there was an unspoken understanding, a connection that transcended words. A subtle shift occurred as your fingers brushed against each other's arms. The touch was gentle, tentative, yet filled with a mutual yearning for the uncharted.
Chan leaned in slowly, his eyes shifting from yours to your lips. The anticipation hung in the air, a sweet tension building. You found yourself doing the same, drawn to the magnetic pull of this unexplored territory.
In that moment of suspended time, your lips met in a sweet, lingering kiss. It was a delicate fusion of emotions—affection, longing, and the acknowledgment of something new and beautiful. Chan's hand cradled your cheek, his thumb brushing against it softly, deepening the connection between you.
The kiss unfolded in a slow dance, a merging of two souls discovering a shared melody. The studio, once filled with the echoes of music, now held the harmonious rhythm of your intertwined emotions.
Time seemed to melt away, forgotten in the tender exchange between you and Chan. The once-muted movie now a distant hum, overshadowed by the quiet symphony of shared emotions. As you shifted, Chan's hands found your hips beneath the oversized t-shirt, a subtle reassurance that echoed the newfound connection.
With a gentle motion, Chan helped you transition, and you found yourself straddling his lap. The warmth of his touch lingered through the fabric, creating a cocoon of intimacy. The shared gaze spoke volumes, revealing a depth of understanding that transcended spoken words.
Your arm circled around his neck, fingers gently tangling in his soft, curly hair. The texture was a testament to the authenticity of the moment, the tangible connection grounding you both in the reality of this shared space.
As your bodies intertwined, the studio became a canvas for a different kind of art—one painted with shared glances, lingering touches, and the quiet melody of your breaths. The oversized t-shirt draped loosely, a symbol of the vulnerability and ease that enveloped you.
Chan's hands on your hips and the soft strands of his hair entwined with your fingers created an unspoken language—a dance of intimacy that deepened with each passing moment. The movie, now a mere backdrop, faded into the periphery as your shared connection took center stage.
hey guys, this is my first time posting my writing here! hope you enjoy it.
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lokidokieokie · 1 year
The Calm After the Storm
Summary: After a grueling mission, Bucky and Y/n find solace and strength in each other's love.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Avenger!Fem!Reader
Warning(s): fluffy fluff, mentions of a tough mission, lovey dovey things, Bucky Barnes ('cause he's just a warning himself), lemme know if I missed anything
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The sun began to set, casting a golden hue over the tranquil lake as Bucky and Y/n sat side by side on a weathered wooden dock. The air was filled with a gentle breeze, carrying the scent of fresh pine trees and wildflowers. It was a moment of respite after a tumultuous mission, and the both of them relished in the tranquility that surrounded them.
Bucky turned his head to steal a glance at her. The fading light illuminated her face, highlighting the subtle freckles that dusted her cheeks and the soft curve of her lips. The remnants of worry and exhaustion were etched on her features, but they were slowly fading away, replaced by a sense of calm. Bucky couldn't help but smile at the sight.
"You okay?" Bucky asked, his voice gentle yet filled with genuine concern.
She turned to face him, their eyes meeting. She offered a small smile in return, her fingers tracing circles on the dock's worn wood. "Yeah, I'm alright. Just glad we made it back in one piece."
Bucky's metal arm brushed against her own, a silent show of solidarity. "You were amazing out there, you know. I don't know what I would've done without you by my side."
A blush crept onto her cheeks as she averted her gaze, the praise making her heart flutter. "You weren't so bad yourself, Sergeant Barnes. As always, you kicked some serious butt."
Bucky chuckled, the sound melodic and warm. "Guess we make a pretty good team, huh?"
The two fell into a comfortable silence, their shoulders touching as they watched the sun dip below the horizon. The vibrant colours of dusk reflected on the water, casting an ethereal glow that seemed to mirror the connection between Bucky and Y/n. They had been through countless battles together, their shared experiences forging an unbreakable bond.
Her fingers intertwined with Bucky's, their hands fitting together perfectly like the missing pieces of a puzzle. Bucky's touch sent a wave of reassurance and comfort through her, erasing any lingering traces of fear. It was a silent understanding, a language spoken between them without words.
"You know," she began softly, her voice laced with vulnerability, "I don't think I could've come this far without you. You've been my anchor, James."
Bucky squeezed her hand gently, his voice filled with unwavering sincerity. "And you've been mine, Y/n. You've shown me that there's still goodness left in this world, even after everything I've done."
Their gazes met once more, the depth of their feelings mirrored in their eyes. Time seemed to stand still as they leaned in, their lips brushing against each other's in a tender kiss. It was a silent promise, a shared understanding of the love and support they found in one another.
As they pulled apart, Bucky rested his forehead against hers, their breaths mingling. "We'll always have each other's backs, no matter what comes our way. I'll protect you, Y/n. Always."
A tear slipped down Ella's cheek, but it held no sadness. It was a tear of gratitude, of immense love for the man before her. "And I'll stand by your side, Bucky. Through thick and thin."
In that moment, as the sun disappeared beyond the horizon, Bucky and Y/n found solace in each other's arms. The echoes of their past faded away, replaced by the promise of a brighter future. Together, they would face whatever challenges lay ahead, drawing strength from their unwavering love and unbreakable bond.
As the stars twinkled in the night sky, the lake embraced their shared silence, forever holding their secret love story beneath its gentle ripples.
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A/N ahhh, I just love those two with a passion!
I would also like to apologise for not updating any stories in a while...I've been focusing on my Uni work (shocking, I know); and I've finally just found out where I'm being placed for my teaching practical 😳
New chapters of all my series (both normal and mini) should be coming out soon :)
tagging the usual, please lemme know if you'd like to be removed or added to the taglist :)
🏷 @thewaithfuckingannoyme @evelyn-kingsley @moonlight-ee @fall-myriad
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kingdomkeykitsune · 2 months
KHOC WEEK 2024 DAY 7: Future
The last day of @khoc-week is always such a bittersweet day, but we'll be back next year I know. So for now, have a look into C.E.'s not-too-distant future, when things have calmed down a bit, there's less need to worry about protecting the town, and her next big challenge is just facing down growing up.
(Also, I'm rescheduling Seifer, Rai, and Fuu's "Hero's Journey" to be sometimes post-KH3, for plot convenience. Because it's my story and I get to choose the timeline 😜)
I never want to leave this sunset town
But one day the time may come
And I'll take you at your word
And carry on
I'll hate the goodbye
But I won't forget the good times
I won't forget the good times
- Good Times, by All Time Low
C.E. stood on the platform in the central station with a duffle bag by her feet and her phone clutched loosely in one hand as she waited for her train to arrive. She could hardly believe this was happening, she’d never thought she'd find herself leaving this town… It was her home, the only one she’d ever known... She knew every nook, cranny, and back alley, she’d explored every inch of the tunnels in the old underground network. She could find her way anywhere blindfolded if she had to. 
And now she found herself leaving it behind.
She closed her stinging eyes and swallowed against the lump growing in her throat, silently reassuring herself that it was only temporary. She’d be moving back as soon as she finished school, and she’d be back to visit before then. It wouldn’t be that long, she could do this. Taking a deep breath, she tried to steady herself when, suddenly, a familiar voice spoke from behind her.
“Hey.” She blinked and turned to see Seifer standing behind her, a large backpack slung over one shoulder. 
"Hey…" She said quietly in return, not sure what he wanted. He looked her over, eyes landing on the bag next to her.
"...Heading down to the beach?" He asked.
"Sort of… There's a town near it with a really good photography school… Classes start Monday and since the train doesn't run close to campus I'll be staying in the dorms…" She said, twisting a lock of hair around her finger. He frowned.
"So… You're leaving town all together." He stated, and she nodded. Then she gestured at his bag.
"What about you, where are you headed with that big ol' bag?" She asked. He looked at his bag and shrugged.
"Rai, Fuu, and me decided to take a trip. They'll be here soon. Surprised your misfit entourage isn't here to see you off." C.E. frowned at him.
"Luka has a shift and Nao's babysitting, not that it's your business. So all three of you are leaving town too?" Seifer nodded.
"Yeah. Taking the other line down the mountain." He said, gesturing to the other outbound track and C.E. nodded, fidgeting with her phone. An awkward silence fell between them for a long moment. Suddenly Seifer shoved his phone at her, screen open to a fresh contacts entry.
"Gimme your new contact info, maybe I'll write you or something." He said, refusing to look her in the eye. She blinked several times before letting out a hushed chuckle.
"Okay, yeah, sure, but you gotta give me yours too. I don't wanna have to wait on you to make the first move, we'll never talk again." She grinned, handing her own phone over. He huffed a laugh and rolled his eyes as he took the device. 
"Yeah, fine, whatever. Just hurry up, I don't have all day."
"Yeah, yeah, keep your pants on." She snorted, plugging her information into his phone. They traded back just as Rai and Fuu walked up.
"Yo! Our train's at the next platform man!" Rai called and Seifer rolled his eyes.
"Yeah, I know, just gimme a sec!" he called back, waving him off. Rai grumbled but followed Fuu to their platform. C.E. chuckled.
"You should go, you've got a train to catch." She said. He turned his attention back to her, seemingly mulling something over.
"Yeah, there's just one thing I need to do first." He said and she raised a brow.
"And what's that?"
"This." He smirked and hooked a hand behind her neck. Before she could ask any more questions his lips crashed against hers, catching her in a bruising kiss. Her eyes widened for a moment before her knees went weak and they slid closed as she whimpered softly. His other arm slipped around her waist, pulling her close as one of her hands tangled in his coat. The kiss felt like it lasted forever, and yet it still wasn't long enough before he pulled back. He chuckled at her dazed expression and made sure she'd be steady on her feet before letting her go.
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"There you go, a little something to remember me by, until you see me again. See ya later, dorkface." He grinned and strolled off towards where Rai and Fuu were waiting. C.E. shook off her shock and squeaked indignantly.
"H-Hey! Wait! What was that about!? Seifer? SEIFER!" She yelled after him but only got a loud laugh and a wave in return. She wanted to chase after him but had to stop herself as an announcement saying her train would be arriving momentarily crackled over the station's old intercom system. She scowled and yelled after him.
"Don't think this is over! You'll have to answer me eventually!"
Later, when she went to sit down in her seat on the train, she found his beanie hanging out of her back pocket.
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fearinducing · 2 months
—> @sillygum
Starter : Playing God
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"And that nearly concludes today's meeting. Our last subject is the introduction from the world's most brilliant mind. Innovation.. technology. I'd like to show our state of the art cloning." The marine scientist rambled on and on upon deaf ears. Often, this is precisely how the warlord meetings would go. Only a few care to listen, most lounged, and one came along to pester the other victorious lords.
All in all, it's a waste of time, and a pathetic attempt of the government trying to keep treaties amongst thrives.
The man in a lab coat nervously pushed up his glasses before finally beckoning a hand.
"Here.. we'll begin with S-Snake. Come here,"
The atmosphere dropped in an eerie silence as metallic boots stepped into the room. The sight of the creature alone definitely brought something uncomfortable to linger. S-SNAKE, completely identical that of Boa, stood as a demonstration. She brought together her hands to form a heart before smiling all too sweetly. It would've been cute had this not been some sick experiment.
"We were able to take a DNA sample from all of you.. a mere drop of blood.. added Lunarian coding and a few adjustments of our own.. to create the most impressive human yet. The S in all their titles stand for Seraphim."
There was something about playing God that the goverment truly shouldn't do, but the man carries on.
"The idea was to create.. another you! Once we're certain of their stability, we plan to use them rather than you.. but please don't misunderstand! All of your immunity and peace will remain intact. If not more so, we will be able to rely on them rather than interrupt your time."
"They can taste without ever feeling hungry. They can bleed without feeling pain. Most importantly, they obey and only take their orders from designated individuals. In fact, they are on a mission now... and that's to observe you in your retrospective lives. Call it studying the source material up close. Memories aren't as easy as creating bodies are. All we ask is allow them to watch for a few days. You'll hardly notice them around."
Horrifying. Corrupt. Evil.
Even as the young creature stands beside her counterpart, it's all too.. odd, unspeakable. Boa does her best to take the initiative by offering her palm to the child. Surprisingly, a small hand rests within hers, and the little touch is enough to have her squeak. How cute she was!
Reactions vary as one by one come to interact. It feels like a surprise visit from a previously unknown and unwanted child... but the chemistry was there. Who knows you better than yourself?
The snakes were smiling, the bats were laughing, the sharks were more observant, and even the crocotilians put effort to eye one another.
The last to follow in suit was S-HAWK. Golden eyes thoroughly examined the room in a mere glance. He isn't very outgoing himself. The most he does is walk, stop nearside his counterpart, and look into the loud crowd. It's unpleasant. He doesn't like the noise, mainly caused by Doflamingo calling everyone hideous, looking children and barking out laughter like the devil he was.
He seems a bit focused on what he had considered an oddly comforting acquaintance of his. S-CROC was engaging just fine. He's touching that golden hook with morbid curiosity. An object the two could bond over.
And here's... him. Them. It's the most quiet introduction of them all. The boy turns his head towards Mihawk and stares. He isn't shy about it whatsoever. Those inhuman peepers are gawking outright. Star enchanced pupils are simply focused on the normal ones infront of him.
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Not a word spoken, no touch to be had.
He'd like nothing more than to leave now.
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j-m0026 · 1 year
She stood there, Above it all.
She stared at the vast space below, the sun shining brightly above the smog clouds against her face, casting a shadow that extended to the people behind her. She knew that there was no escape from this future drenched in the blood of her people, paying for her mistakes.
She turned to look at the group that stood behind her, some patching up with their medical kits, and a few others with bootleg TPP's for their synthetic parts. Her warped Mil-Spec augmented arm encumbered with shards of eroded metal, Neurodrip falling down her silicone-based external shell. The singed wires in her augmented arm twitching quietly as her extended claws fold inwards into the fingertips, servos quietly humming as it's reassembled into a makeshift humanoid arm, the blood still dripping from it's components. She looks at them, her gaze lost, almost as if in melancholy. "This isn't a battle you should be fighting. I didn't want any of you to get hurt." She said in an quiet tone. The mountainous skyscraper's silence easily carrying her words to those in her group.
The group looked at each other as they finished their repairs and patching up. There was obvious confusion amongst them, but Sheila being who she is, stood up having just finished wrapping her arm in some sort of gauze that bound to her skin tightly, stopping her bleeding. "We didn't join you because you asked us to, 926. We joined you because you showed us what the truth is. How they've been oppressing Bond Ser-- I mean.. Oppressing your people. We're doing this because we believe in the same thing you do." Sheila said as she gently placed her hand on 926's shoulder, flashing her a tired, but genuine smile. "We're in this together." 926 stifled what sounded to be a cry, as she held onto Sheila tightly. Sheila, surprised, let out a grunt, followed by a small chuckle. "I don't want to lose you all either. I'm doing this because I want a safe world for Synthetics, And organics, Sheila." 926 said, burrowing her face into Sheila's neck. "I don't want to lose any of you. I've already lost so many."
Sheila let out a sigh, reciprocating the hug. "Has my cold, and unfeeling friend gotten soft, 926?" She giggled, as she rubbed the back of 926's head, her hug becoming softer as a result. "No matter what, We'll always be with you. You're part of our Pack." Pack she thought. To think of synths and fleshies as part of the same group of animals. Surviving and pushing through, taking care of each other.. That's what it means to thrive. 926 burrowed her face deeper into Sheila's neck with that thought, before gently pushing herself off. "We need to find CypherDyne's base of operations. I have an idea that requires physical bypass into their systems. Tell the.. Tell my pack we're going back home for a short R&R. We're going to need it." And just like that, her expression was back to her default, cold, and unfeeling.
Sheila smirked at her, nodding. "Aye aye, Capt'n." she said, doing a mocking salute at her, and walking over to the group. "And Sheila?" Said 926, taking a step forward. "Huh.. Yeah?" Sheila hummed in reply, turning over to look at her. "Thank you for being my friend." 926 said quietly. Sheila giggled at the comment, and scoffed. "We're more than that at this point, J. We're family."
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gaoau · 10 months
I Love You(r Words) warnings — none. word count — 702
prev. — next.
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Forty minutes in an empty train, mumbling nonsense instead of words, are worth it when the universe extends over their heads in the quiet of the night. They rest against the trunk of a tree as it stands tall and proud, stable in the instability of reality. Its branches, like sturdy feathers or elongated nails, stretch into the falling sky, reaching for stars the color of soft fires and hard-working bees twinkling across the landscape. The cooling breeze is velvet as it swims in-between the foliage.
Komori doesn't know about constellations, but [Name] holds facts she caught in whispers. The shapes in the sky offered a piece of knowledge on hours she spent awake. She presses her shoulder against his, tracing imaginary connections among the beams of light dotting the scenery and his eyes at the same time. "That's Orion's belt, made up of the Three Sisters. And if you go down, that red star there is his injured shoulder. I don't know its name, but it's my favorite star, considered a runaway star, isolated from the rest."
"Runaway like us?" Komori slips his hand into hers, bringing it down to his lap before she merges with the nebulas and joins Orion in his perpetual fight against the charging bull. She's always chased hares with her loyal hunting dog by her side.
"We'll be back home tomorrow." Her eyes stick to the flaming red hue of the constellation's flowing blood.
"But nobody knows where we are now."
"You told Sakusa, though, didn't you?"
"He's not here, is he?"
"There's nobody here."
Komori shifts his sights from Orion's brave swinging sword to [Name]'s sparkling gaze. She doesn't quite hold supernovas or gemstones in her irises; there's a dimming light akin to the dead stars becoming extinct in the span of a few decades. The waxing moon drapes a glow over her features like a veil, but it doesn't fit her. She's right; there's nobody there.
"Why is Orion upside-down?"
[Name] turns to meet the sky staring back at her. "He isn't. We are. Mirrors like to trick our eyes, but they can't lie."
"Why's that?"
"Don't mirrors speak to you?"
"Should they?" Silence pushes through after his question as [Name] looks away from him with a grin tugging at her lips. She hears the melodies from the Milky Way play in her mind. The chill of her hand disappears from his grasp and the weight of her burdens nuzzles onto his lap. "What do they tell you?" Komori inquires, threading his fingers through tangled strands of hair.
"That sorrows make people cruel."
"Have your sorrows made you cruel?"
"You tell me."
"Your life is weak, [Name], don't listen to what others tell you."
A chuckle escapes her. Words meaningless, tangled up, started and ended, jumped over, avoided, searched for. Conversations they share and sentences they fling back and forth between one another. She finds his eyes admiring the sight of her relaxation sprawled across his legs. A blue so deep yet so shallow, arms open for her to drown in when comfort is needed, they're entrancing, "and I could never speak a line as bright."
"As bright as what?" Komori hums. She only shares a small percentage of her thoughts unless she's requested to shower the world with her words.
"As the potential you carry to become a friend."
"Aren't I already? I'm very friendly."
"So is a badger."
It's his turn to laugh out loud. His neck cranes to the side and his fist hovers over his mouth. "Ah, fuck, you got me there."
"You're the best I got, Motoya."
"And you're the worst I got."
"You're my favorite boy."
"You say that every time."
"Because it's true. You're my favorite boy."
"You're my favorite girl."
"What's my name?"
"Don't ask me that."
"What should I ask you?"
"Include clowns."
"You're always with me."
"What's your name, [Name]?"
"Don't ask that. Instead, say let's go steady."
"Let's go steady."
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liuhsng · 3 years
✩ˎˊ˗ bottom of the chain ( lhs ! )
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✩ˎˊ˗ currently under editing so please expect unfinished parts ! ✩ˎˊ˗ part of the untouchable series | enhypen masterlist ⤷ word count: 4.1k ⤷ warning/s: a/b/o au, cursing, female pronouns, female reader, established relationship, mentions of sexual assault, mentions of violence, mentions of sexua! harassment, non-con touching ( not from heeseung ! ), brief mentions of blood, subtle mentions of jungwon's fic from the series ✩ˎˊ˗ summary: he was unapproachable, everyone knew that he was one of the people on top of the throne and a person to be looked up upon because of the various talents that he possess, and it was practically a hidden rule that lee heeseung's omega shouldn't be messed with as much as him. but some others still forget their lowly positions and cross the line. his only instinct? remind those bastards of their lowly statuses in the food chain.
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it was nothing but a regular day but the university halls were bustling with noise. students hurried to their classes, laughter and chatter echoed off the vast walls.
as luminous shades of gold bled through the glass windows casting a warm glow across the hallways, the sunlight painted patterns on the floors and walls. the hallways were suddenly blanketed with a hush as two figures made their way across the marble tiles.
their presence commanded immediate attention, and their scents mixed together wasn't for the weak— two pureblooded alphas who reeked of authority and power. students parted before them instinctively, a path clearing in the crowded corridor.
"did any of them really put any thought into this report?" the piercing voice of the student council vice president, lee heeseung, broke the silence. his usually calm demeanor was masked with frustration as he handed a thick folder to the president, yang jungwon.
jungwon, someone that people feared to come across, took the folder as his cat-like eyes scanned the cover before flipping it open. his reputation for being icy and cold due to his standards had earned him both respect and fear among the students, whether they were an fellow alpha, beta, or omega.
as he flipped open the folder, his expression remained unreadable, but the sharpness in his eyes clearly showed his annoyance. the corridor only seemed to grow quieter.
heeseung snickered, tone dripping with sarcasm, his tone dripping with sarcasm. "it's almost impressive how they call themselves members of the school board. his eyes flicked towards the pages in the folder, his lip curling in disdain. "do they really think this is acceptable? that this meets our standards?"
to say that heeseung, the heir and youngest son of the very well respected lee family, was intimidating would be an understatement. he carried himself with an aura of power and authority that commanded respect and made the people around him quake in fear. as a pureblooded alpha, his name alone was enough to send shives down the spine of anyone who dared cross his path, and not a very favorable light.
from a young age, heeseung was groomed to perfection to uphold the family's legacy within the hierarchy. with every step he took, confidence reeked off him, he's already a formidable figure whose influence extended far beyond the walls of their prestigious estate.
but it wasn't just his upbringing that shaped heeseung into the alpha he was. it was his charisma, his natural magnetism that drew alpha's and omega's alike to him like moths to a flame. despite his intimidating presence, there was an allure to him, a magnetic pull that made it impossible to look away.
his pretty face, framed by tousled locks of dark hair and sharp, features, only added to his allure with piercing eyes that seemed to hold the secrets of the universe, he was the epitome of a perfect pureblooded alpha.
jungwon, unfazed by heeseung's sarcasm, closed the folder with a loud 'snap'. "we'll have to address this immediately," heeseung stated as the younger alpha handed him back the documents.
"and here i thought we could rest for today, what a shame, really," jungwon replied dryly, his eyes narrowed slightly as he stared at the folder that was starting to crumple under the pressure of the older's grip.
the other students in the hallway couldn't help but feel the weight of the stares exchanged between the two student council members, even if it wasn't directed towards them. these were not just two ordinary individuals; they were pureblooded alphas in every sense of the word.
as the pair rounded a corner, they were met with the laughter of the rest of the alphas they came to know as friends, who were walking in the same direction as them, each carrying themselves with the same air of confidence and authority that marked them as pureblooded alphas.
"what are you all laughing about?" heeseung teasingly called out, his voice catching the attention of the group as they rounded another corner.
the older alpha was met with the piercing gaze of park sunghoon, who raised a brow in amusement at heeseung's question.
"what are we laughing about?" sunghoon repeated, a shit-eating grin on his face as he exchanged a knowing glance with the others. "dude, jay here almost punched another alpha in the face for getting too close to his mate, and he didn't even know her name!" he hollered.
as sunghoon's words rang out, jay shot him an irritated glare before delivering a light punch to his shoulder. "hey, watch it," jay barked back with a scowl, "as if you wouldn't do the same."
"i don't even have a mate, you fucker." sunghoon retorted, rolling his eyes in mock exasperation. but his irritation quickly turned into amusement as his eyes met heeseung's, a smirk beginning to form on his lips.
"but this one right here does," sunghoon declared proudly, slinging an arm around heeseung's shoulders with a playful grin.
heeseung's expression softened for a moment, a flicker of affection flashing in his eyes at the mention of his omega, his mate. the only person he'd die for was you, he would move heaven and earth to keep you safe and happy, to protect you from the world and the burdens of his own responsibilities. his devotion knew no bounds when it came to you.
because beneath the facade of lee heeseung's cold demeanor is a fiercely protective alpha, especially when it came to those he held dear. his omega, in particular, was his most cherished possession, and he would stop at nothing to ensure her safety and happiness. those who dared to threaten or disrespect her would face the full force of his wrath, a reminder of the consequences of crossing a lee.
"yeah, but i agree with jay," heeseung stated. "he should've punched the guy."
jay, who had been watching the exchange with a bemused expression, raised an eyebrow in surprise at heeseung's unexpected agreement. it was well-known that the vice president preferred to handle matters with a silent approach, option to use his power behind the scenes rather than resorting to physical violence.
heeseung's silence was more unsettling than his display of aggression and it spoke volumes, a sign of the control he had over anyone and everyone. while others might resort to loud threats or displays of agression, heeseung's ability to command respect through his silence alone was what set him apart. but it didn't mean that the pureblooded alpha didn't pack a punch. beneath his calm exterior was fire—fire that burned with an intensity that could not be extinguished.
"wait, really?" jay asked, his tone incredulous.
heeseung nodded, his gaze staring off into the vast hallway. "absolutely," he hummed, but his voice left no room for doubt. "no one messes with what we possess. yet some are stupid enough to test our patience."
"so, can i punch him now?" jay cheered eagerly, his fists clenching in anticipation.
"absolutely not!" jake's firm voice cut through the conversation. he stepped forward, his expression stern.
"boring," ni-ki yawned in response, his nonchalant demeanor contrasting with rest of them.
"just because heeseung got away with beating up an alpha last semester for just glancing at (y/n) doesn't mean that you should do the same." jake continued, his voice laced with warning as he addressed the blonde alpha.
it was heeseung's turn to laugh, a deep, amused chuckle that echoed through the hallway. "yeah, that was a different situation. but it doesn't mean that i won't cover up for you when you do punch the guy," heeseung said, raising his fist towards the blonde.
jay's eyes lit up at heeseung's words, and he bumped his fist against heeseung's with a grin. "good to know i've got backup."
sunoo, who had been quiet until now, rolled his eyes and let out an exaggerated sigh. "we get it, you have omegas and we don't, yada-yada," he drawled, folding his arms across his chest.
ni-ki chuckled at the pinknette's remark, "jealous much?" he teased, a playful glint in his eyes.
sunoo huffed, feigning annoyance. "please, as if i need an omega to complete me," he retorted, though a small smile tugged at the corners of his mouth.
jungwon couldn't help but laugh. "sunoo, we all know you secretly want one," he teased, earning a glare from sunoo.
"keep dreaming, you fuckers," sunoo shot back, pink hair swaying as he turned his nose up "i prefer my freedom, thank you very much."
before heeseung could even retort, a familiar smell hit his nose. it was a scent he would recognize anywhere— yours. the sweet fragrance of strawberries and cinnamon wafted through the hallway, instantly making his inner alpha purr in delight. his senses were heightened and his eyes zeroed on you walking alongside jungwon's very own omega.
his gaze softened, the playful aura that had surrounded him moments before now completely gone. the cold, commanding presence he bore faded and replaced by something that people rarely see— affection and vulnerability.
lee heeseung was a cold man. to most, he was someone who's reputation was built on his ability to remain detached to such trivial matters and everyone knew better than to cross him.
but with you, it was different. you were his exception, the one person who could completely melt the ice that caged his heart. the moment his eyes landed on you, his entire world shifted and the banter of his friends faded right before him.
as you and jungwon's mate approached, without a word, he stepped away from the rest of the group with jungwon right behind him.
"omega," heeseung called out softly and his eyes softened as they met yours.
your lips curled into a gentle smile, and you quickened your pace, closing the distance between you. "alpha," you responded, your voice soft, contrast to the loud volume of voices usually heard in the hallways.
jungwon's mate chimed in, "looks like we found you guys just in time."
jungwon chuckled, his eyes briefly meeting heeseung's. "perfect timing, we were just heading to your classrooms but looks like the both of you found us first."
jungwon's mate, a kind-hearted omega with a gentle smile, handed over a neatly packed lunch box to jungwon. "here you go, jungwon," she said, her voice sweet.
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'' 'm sorry.'' the pureblooded mumbled, voice sounding muffled due to him burying his face onto her neck and along the omegas' scent gland, trying to cover it even more with his own.
''i'm okay now, really.'' the said female silently laughed as she ran her fingers through his hair, a small purr of satisfaction coming from him in response but nonetheless, he still felt bad no matter how many times she tells him that she's doing fine.
''and i'm not.'' with that, he lifted his face up for her to see; a small but noticeable pout was visible on his lips making the omega laugh even more, heeseung's face turning into a light pink hue. the whole situation was embarrassing to him, really.
he's a pureblooded alpha that knows his own worth and power, a person that has a big influence to other people no matter who they are. everyone knows that the bloodline he came from shouldn't be looked down upon but he's making himself look like a complete fool in front of his own omega.
jake warned him about his pheromones being too strong and foul earlier, he should control and turn them down but his annoyance towards the person that ruined the whole meeting earlier wasn't getting any better.
so the moment he walked towards her classroom doors with his scent not making the slightest change, it managed to bring tears in the small omegas' eyes who started thinking that she did something wrong to make him so upset like that.
a female beta sitting beside the secretary's omega immediately noticed and came to her side quickly and tried to calm her down, sending a small warning look towards the pureblooded who instantly knew that he was the person to blame on making his own mate cry.
without a second thought, heeseung toned down his scent that's also been bothering a few of the students inside the room and made his way towards the female.
carrying her in his arms and whispering sweet nothings to calm her down, the pureblooded told the beta from earlier that he's gonna their classmate for a moment or two and get an excuse on why they're most likely gonna be gone 'till something urgent happens.
just how careless was he?
''heeseung, i'm fine now, okay? stop blaming yourself it wasn't your fault.'' the omega sighed, patting the older males' head as he just whined louder in response and buried his nose further on to her neck and started scenting her even more making (y/n) roll her eyes in fake annoyance.
''still, what kind of alpha am i when i scared my own omega with my own pheromones? what kind of fuckery is that?'' the pureblooded once again growled to particularly nobody, he can't help but find the events from earlier frustrating.
''what even exactly happened? jay told me that something happened during the meeting but that's what all he said.'' a small hum came from her as she observed the alpha whos' face suddenly flushed a bright shade of red, the color reaching up to his ears and groaned in remembrance.
''i rather not speak about it...'' the older mumbled, ruffling his hair while trying to avoid his girlfriends' questioning look, crossed arms, and raised brow as he nervously chuckled and darted his eyes everywhere around the room but not into her burning stare.
''guess i'll ask our resident ceo then.'' (y/n) teased and got up from her sitting position on the clinic bed, dusting off the non-existent dust on the school's respective skirt and blazer only for heeseung to pull her back onto the soft sheets and clear his throat.
''doing that is unnecessary.'' the tips of his ears dulled into a shade of pink but the very evident flush on his cheeks said something else.
''listen here 'mr. i'm the handsome secretary of the council', it's either you tell me or i'll force everything out from jay.'' she chimed as a mischievous smile made its way up to her face, making air quotations at the male who sighed at his mate.
''it was unusual but, i threw the school manual in another third years face.'' the secretary shrugged as if it was nothing like hitting a bug, dismissing the fact that his face was about to explode from embarrassment earlier and denial.
''you did what?'' the small omega questioned, eyes widening ever-so slightly at the act of violence the cool-headed alpha never condoned even if he had the build and power to do so.
''a third year suggested to why not use the money that the families have been donating to the school if we plan on doing more bigger projects for everybody's benefit, acting as if he even spent a single bill to any of the council's plans.'' his once calming scent turned hostile within a second making the omega sitting in front of him flinch and laugh nervously but nonetheless, understood where his anger was coming from.
''and i'm sorry if i keep bugging you with my pheromones, they're being stronger than usual.'' a small but pained smile was plastered on the alpha's face, being completely aware at the omega's discomfort when it comes to foul smells; especially if it was coming from him.
''mr. lee, i suggest that you leave your poor omega for a while and try your best to calm down that scent of yours for the mean time.'' a voice snapped the two out of their moment, a middle aged woman coming inside the clinic with an unimpressed looked on her face at the pureblooded and sent a small smile at (y/n)'s direction as heeseung jokingly scoffed at the change of attitude.
the pureblooded always heard rumours about the said beta nurse on how she has a soft spot for omegas and treated them like her own no matter what gender yet treated alphas as if they were the naughtiest child that broke their mothers' favorite flower vase.
one of the rare moments he spoke to the female beta was just a few hours earlier, with her telling him to keep some distance away from (y/n) because she still feels a bit overwheled due to inhaling his way too strong pheromones along with its' very noticeable hint of anger at once. she seemed nice and stoic about it and just gave him a few advices here and there on how to control his scent, the woman had no trail of hostility and distaste directing to him all.
he never knew that the rumours were true since he barely steps foot into the clinic heck even talk to the middle aged woman until earlier, but experiencing it first hand made the made-up scenarios in his head turn into a reality.
''sorry.'' heeseung sheepishly grinned, causing for him to earn a glare coming from the nurse as the omega seating on one of the beds gave the both of them confused looks which didn't go unnoticed by the female beta.
''it's nothing serious honey, don't worry about it. i'm just telling your alpha to give you some distance because of his anger issues and unbearable pheromones.'' the secretary couldn't help but raise a brow at this, wondering on where the hell was all the alpha slander was coming from as he sent a look towards the nurse that screamed 'did you just really direct your hate towards me in front of my of girlfriend? really?'
''although mr. lee doesn't necessarily need to stay away, just keep some distance for a few days.'' she smiled, eyes crinkling and turning into crescents at the little omega before shooting a glare at heeseung who made him remember his mother at the intense gaze.
''but i can still go with her like i usually do, right?'' he hummed, shoving his hands in his trousers and sighed in relief once he saw the beta nod her head.
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shoes squeaking against the floor and the continuous echo of the balls being dribbled were as loud as the sound of the whistle that came from the professor that substituted the third years' gym class, instructing a few group of students to do the activity properly.
''this is why we don't throw books on other peoples faces. we use them for reading, and reading only.'' one of the four pointed out, twisting and turning a basketball on his free hand as the other was placed on his hip. throwing a knowing look towards the older as his blonde hair stuck onto his forehead due to the light sweat that was slowly starting to form.
''you aren't supposed to be the one telling me that.'' heeseung groaned rather loudly, catching the attention of his fellow classmates sitting nearby, giving their class president worried glances but he only gave them a small smile and directed his glare back to the blond alpha who didn't even try to hide his laughter.
no, it wasn't that heeseung threw that manual at someone on purpose, he himself doesn't even condone violence in any possible way. his instincts just got the best of him along with the ever-so stress that keeps on building up due to the responsibilities and expectations being handed down to him by practically everyone that's in his life. there were days where he'd sit in silence, the quietness giving him company in complete solace. it always helped heeseung to calm down— at least, seemed to.
self deterioration was a bad thing to do or even think of, but the alpha always believed that everyone had their own inner demons to fight off. but his whispered some of the most bothersome things, knowing that his breaking point will eventually come to meet its end.
''lee heeseung!'' shaking of the remains coming from his deep thoughts, the said alpha turned his head towards the source. only to be met with a male omega that looked so familiar to him for some reason.
the only flaw was that he was in the middle of class, and the smaller male was panting as sweat started forming on his forehead, talk about bad timing but instead of catching his breath, he only panted out a few words as his face was filled with anxiousness and fear.
''just go look for your omega!'' confusion painted the pureblooded's system at the sudden statement, wasn't she supposed to be in the clinic? and that made him suck in a breath in realization, the omega's one of her friends, a close one at that as the male was frequently around his mate along with a few others that kept her company.
shaking his thoughts aside, the alpha bolted outside the gym; not giving any care for the multiple screams and questions being sent his way from both his friends and some confused classmates along with the instructor that didn't even bother stopping him from running away.
the hallways remained silent, background noises fading away due to the sound of his heartbeat that was ringing in his ears. he was jumping into conclusions and he didn't liked the idea of any single of it, profanities spilled out from his mouth as he kept on searching; eyes scanning the rooms that were filled with all of the students taking their different lectures.
panic filled his whole being, where the fuck was his girlfriend?
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she wanted to push them away, kick them, scream at them, do almost anything just to free herself from their disgusting grasps but she was trapped. there were three— no, four of the alphas, cornering her somewhere in the campus. (y/n) couldn't recognize any of them, just simply knowing that they were also third years like her based on the badge sitting snugly on their blazers. their hungry eyes just locked further on her as she quivered in fear, she felt the need to run and just cry her eyes out, heart beating ever-so quickly in panic as the omega was in the verge of balling her eyes out. why her and why was she here in this situation at the first place?
she whimpered at how their scents lingered up to her nostrils and how it threatened her, heeseung's scent screamed nothing but anger and annoyance and she knew at it wasn't directed to her, he never got angry at his own omega with the fear of scaring her away. but these three on the other hand were enjoying at how she whimpered in fear under them, it amused them for some reason.
''please move aside, i still have another period to attend.'' (y/n) sighed under her breath, trying to put up a strong act but it was no use as her tone lingered with nothing with the desire to run away.
the omega then heard a sarcastic chuckle from one of them, but she couldn't really point out who it was as she was still looking down and trying her best to avoid them. ''you're that cocky bastards' omega, aren't you?'' seconds later after his statement, she swore she could feel one of them sniffing in her scent and it made her heart stop.
''damn, lee did quite a number on you didn't he? i can smell him all over you.'' the small figure gasped when one of them started sniffing a little too closely in his ear as the omega shivered in disgust.
the others snickered snickered, the pureblooded's scent filling in their noses. lee heeseung would do anything for this girl, the way how she squirmed under their nothing but unfamiliar touches, how she whimpered under their hungry gazes, and how she looked so threatened with their presence alone. (y/n) had now small tears forming in her eyes as she shook her head in fear while trying to pry of their arms away from her. but the alphas could only mockingly laugh at how pathetic the omega looked.
(y/n) felt so revolted by their touches, she wanted to run away even more and drown herself inside her nest until their scent was scrubbed off away from her body.
forcing her head down, the omega was no match for their strength when a hand roughly pulled her from her hair and raised her head up to have her already teary eyes looking up at them. his smirk, that she badly wanted to slap away from his face.
''how can someone be so pretty when they look so helpless?'' the alpha bitterly chuckled, moving closer that his breath touch the shorter females ear.
the omega had his eyes shut. causing for the tears that welled up in his eyes to fall down very quickly, pressed lips into a thin line as he felt one of their hand ride up to her thighs. all she could do was make small movements with her feet and whine how they were forcing her to comply with all their revolting acts as her arms were still being pinned up on top of her to restrict any of her movements.
and after a few more seconds of struggling in their hold, she could feel multiple hands trying to tug her school skirt off.
she wanted to break down as she was being molested by these alphas but she knew she had to escape from them no matter what the consequences are.
having her eyes still shut, she felt her blazer being slowly removed. (y/n) was about to scream at the top of her lungs for help but in a speed of light, the alpha holding her arms up was pushed away.
the omega widened her eyes as she could see a blurry sight of someone ever so familiarly coming to her rescue, her inner omega had never felt so happy and relieved upon seeing him.
''you messed with the wrong fucking person.'' the pureblooded alpha scoffed with an unimpressed scowl on his face.
''hitting you with that manual wasn't enough, huh? i should've fucking killed you earlier already, you piece of shit.'' his bangs covered his eyes as he walked closer to the familiar third year, chuckling
glaring onto the alpha's eyes, heeseung didn't hesitate to throw a punch that could send him flying to the other side of the floor if it wasn't for him gripping tightly into the others shirt. he managed to knock the third year unconscious with brute force.
tilting his head to the other three standing in front of his omega, his eyes screamed nothing but bloody murder. it was as if his brain was on autopilot, all he could think of was ways on how to send the remaining three to their graveyards until they couldn't stand his resentment anymore.
and he wasn't even gonna stop himself from doing that.
grabbing the guy on (y/n)'s left, he let his fist meet the alphas face and immediately made him see nothing but darkness. while doing that, his eyes burned holes towards the last two that were untouched, already shaking in fear towards the pureblooded who managed to knock the other two out. reaching his hand out, heeseung grabbed both of them by their collars before violently slamming their head against the cold, stone wall.
he was sure that it would leave a permanent bruise or two once they get a grip on reality, but a concussion would suffice for now.
''heeseung...'' the omega covered her mouth as her tears continuously fell down, watching everything happen within a few seconds. not really caring about the damages the pureblooded had inflicted upon the others. even though they did deserve that, their injuries would take weeks or even months to heal. nobody could blame her, being born as an omega had their own instincts to naturally care for the people around them even if they were terrible people.
''that's enough damage already.'' the omega's voice quivered at the sight of blood coming from one of the alpha's, two of them were unconscious and the other two were trying to fight off the dizziness that their head had accumulated from the pureblooded's hit.
''enough? after they touched you like that? i don't think so.'' the taller male was just fuming even more, the only thing passing through his mind was ways on how to kill these bastards. they had the audacity to answer him back during the council meeting, and now they even messed with his own omega that no one dared to touch.
''alpha, i promise that i'm fine just please stop this.'' the quiet sobs that left past through her lips didn't go unnoticed by the older male as he came back to his senses in a blink of an eye, completely disregarding the four others that he messed up just a while ago and pulled the omega into his arms.
''i'm sorry.'' heeseung apologized for the nth time that day, voice full of regret as he just tightened his grip around his mate. and the pureblooded felt no different from the first time he held her back when they were still first years, the strong feeling of want still being present but with the lingering fear can still be felt coming from her which made his heart clench.
''oh god, one of them is bleeding.'' the evident groans along with the sound of frustrated sighs made the older male look up, but still having his arms wrapped protectively around his omega made jungwon whistle in both amusement and worry.
''heeseung-hyung alone can pay for their hospital bills, don't worry too much.'' gulping, jay fanned himself while staring at the two knocked out alpha's that weren't moving a single muscle on the cold floor. ''and expect a few tombstones to be prepared just in case punching them straight in the face wasn't enough.''
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the news about the four alpha's laying their hands on lee heeseung's omega spread around like wildfire, no one dared to touch her but it seemed like brainless fools did for the first time. nobody was amused by the sudden revelation of the bunch of alpha's harassing a defenseless omega had nothing or even anyone beside her to protect her that time, not even the school's higher ups that didn't hesitate to throw out the students out of the institution. not when a direct file report coming from the council president yang jungwon himself had a say in it, he treated the older omega as if she was his older sister that. of course he wouldn't stand in one place and do nothing, he was the president for a reason.
''still, thank you for getting him and running all the way to the other side of the building.'' (y/n) sent a bright smile towards his way as the male omega sighed in frustration before sending a small but teasing glare at her.
''and i told you for the hundredth time, don't sweat it. my best friend was in trouble, what did you expect me to do?'' he groaned, pinching the smaller female at her sides making her squeak in response at the slightly burning yet ticklish feeling.
''(y/n), he's looking for you.'' the familiar voice and accent made her glance at the classroom door where jake's beaming smile greeted her in welcome.
but everyone knew that the welcoming feeling the pureblooded alpha standing right in front of their class has something hidden behind his ever-so warm image as a low intent of ferocity and warning emitted of him.
nobody wanted to repeat what happened to the other low-class alpha's that got crushed in the palms of none other than lee heeseung when they touched his omega in the wrong way, he was known as someone who doesn't condone violence but he's willing to do it himself just for her.
he's always there to remind them to know their place before crossing any boundaries, and that's at the bottom of the food chain.
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taglist: @hoonbrry @hime98 @chae-darling @moonchus @peatchiedii @creamkwan @nyfwyeonjun @whoe-dis @woonie-muffin @caelumsjy @90sni-ki @leiomorea @junjungsunwoo
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© 2022 liuhsng — reblogs are highly appreciated and please don't hesitate to request some fics here if you want me to write anything !
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huneekrispee · 3 years
Over the Wall
Pairing: c!Sapnap x gn!Reader
Summary: Y/N, eldest child of Wilbur Soot. After giving everything they could give for the war, it's now apparent that their father doesn't want them around. But Y/N's hopeful, staying loyal to Lmanburg and trying their best to prove themselves to their father. But after meeting a certain man with a white bandana during the war that might just change.
Warnings: ANGST ANGST ANGST to FLUFF FLUFF FLUFF, cursing, injury , parental issues, blatant child favoritism, parental rejection, mentions of abandonment, spoilers for the first lmanburg war, forbidden lovers :)
Please remember that no one in Lmanburg acts like this in the actual roleplay, this is just for the fic :)
Word Count: 3,410
A/N: I am on a roll today, writing two pieces in one day :) I saw this request and couldn't wait to write it!! I love this kind of trope, it hurts but it's so sweet :) I hope you enjoy reading! Have a good day/night! Stay hydrated! I kind of got carried away with this one... -Hunee <3
The artwork in the GIF belongs to the lovely SAD-IST :))
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The walls of Lmanburg stood strong. The walls that were built as a sign of independence from the Dream SMP stood tall and proud. Inside the walls was a hotdog van, and in that van, the members of Lmanburg were in turmoil.
"Wilbur! What are we going to do? That green bastard is threatening us and we damn well fucking know we should fight back-"
"Tommy. Calm."
The confident blonde boy shut his mouth, a scowl coming across his face as he crossed his arms, grumbling insults as he stared at the floor. (Y/N) silently looked at him. That was Tommy alright, always ready to jump into action, disregarding the consequences that may come about.
"We need to stop Dream from getting in. We need to raise our security. We may have built the walls, however, they're not going to be enough."
Wilbur Soot. The leader of their rebellion. Also (Y/N)'s father. Nothing too much to say about him.
"But Wilbur! What are we gonna do? There's only like... 6 of us!"
Tubbo. A precious boy. Best friends with Tommy, Tubbo was like a ball of sunshine for the whole group of Lmanburg. He was too young to be a part of this war, same with Tommy.
"Yeah! How will we defeat him?! He has like- a whole army and then it's just us."
Then there was Fundy. The firstborn of the nation. The whole reason why the walls were built. He was also Y/N's half-brother. They weren't that close, with (Y/N) being distant because of their father's blatant favoritism between his children.
"You shouldn't worry Tubbo, Fundy. Wilbur will surely think of something that can help us. If now, we'll just put our ideas together. We can beat Dream, I know it."
Eret. He was mysterious. Behind those dark glasses lay his white eyes. It was hard to read him. But (Y/N) was sure that with his ideas and smart strategies, he was a loyal and trusted ally to Lmanburg.
Recently he'd been kind of distant, but (Y/N) thought it was just something else, he was mysterious, so they didn't question it.
Clearing their throat, (Y/N) spoke up for the first time.
"I have an idea."
All eyes turned to the eldest Soot child who was leaning against the corner of the hotdog van. Wilbur sighed.
"Not now, (Y/N). Anyone else got any ideas?"
Y/N rolled their eyes. Asshole. He never listened to them, even if they were his eldest child.
After a few minutes of silence, Fundy cleared his throat, speaking up. He stepped forward, placing his hands on the table, eyes looking at the map of Lmanburg on top of it.
"Well. I say we do patrols on the walls. We can take turns. Two people will guard the walls at once."
He pointed at the south side of the walls, dragging his finger up towards the west side as he spoke. "One person will patrol from south to west." Fundy then pointed at the north side of the walls, slowly making his way down to the east side. "Then the other will patrol from north to east."
"We can make a schedule for this. Since there are six of us, while two of us patrol each night, the other four can either be preparing materials, weapons, potions, and anything else we might need. I think this is the best way to prepare for war against Dream while protecting ourselves from anyone sneaking in."
(Y/N)'s eyes moved up to look at Wilbur. He nodded in agreement, eyes full of pride and joy, happy for his son.
God, how they wished he would look at them like that.
"Well. I think we have our plan. Good job, Fundy."
If only he knew, that was the plan (Y/N) also had.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
A few days had passed since the meeting. Y/N had patrolled the first night with Tubbo, and wasn't going to patrol until tomorrow.
Right now, (Y/N) was working on sharpening the swords for everyone, aswell as fixing up the armour that got damaged during Lmanburg's last fight with the Dream SMP.
They were currently sharpening Wilbur's sword, his being the last sword to sharpen before they would move on to fixing the armour.
'This needs to be the best damn sword I sharpen. Maybe then he'll let me join the fight with the rest of them.'
(Y/N) had been trying their best to prove themselves to their father, Wilbur Soot.
After (Y/N)'s mother left them with Wilbur, running off with another man, Wilbur had taken care of (Y/N). He used to be the best father anyone could ever ask for.
Then, one day, Wilbur dropped them off at their grandfather's place. Philza was a great grandfather to (Y/N), but he often had to go on trips, leaving the then 13-year-old to fend for themselves for a little bit. He always came back though, unlike their father, who just dropped them off and left.
Then, five years later, he came back.
He came back with the promise of new land. A land called Lmanburg. Apparently, while he was gone, he had gone and had another child, a fox hybrid. He grew up differently, he grew up faster due to being half fox.
Also while he was gone, he had set up a rebellion with four others, wanting independence. Then, (Y/N) realised:
He only came back because he needed more people, not because he wanted them back.
As time went by in Lmanburg, (Y/N) noticed the difference between Wilbur's interactions with them and with Fundy. With (Y/N), he was usually tired and wanted to leave as quickly as possible. However, with Fundy, he was always ready to do anything for him, pride and joy in his eyes every time he looked at the fox.
That was when (Y/N) decided to keep trying to prove themselves.
Smiling, (Y/N) placed the dirty rag down onto their thigh, admiring the work they put into the sword in their hands.
It was perfect.
Internally cheering at their success, (Y/N) sneaked off, silently going into their father's room, placing the newly sharpened sword on his bed.
"What are you doing in here?"
Sharply turning their head around, (Y/N) met the eyes of their father. He was furious. His eyes narrowed into a glare.
Suddenly finding the floor to be the most interesting thing in the world, (Y/N) looked down to the floor, nervously playing with her fingers.
"I- I..."
"You... what?"
(Y/N) gulped. "I just... sharpened your sword and wanted you to see it..."
"So? Why'd you give it to me? Just put it with the others."
He walked past them, (Y/N) still looking down. He shoved the sword into their hands, then moved around them to go and sit at the desk in the corner of the room. (Y/N)'s breath hitched as the sword shoved into their hands cut into their skin in multiple places.
"Now get out."
Nodding their head, they left, going to bandage their injured hands.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
It was now the next day. It had just hit 6pm, and Y/N was getting ready to go on nightfall patrol with Tommy.
Then, footsteps came rushing towards them, with a yell of their name breaking their focus.
Looking up, (Y/N) moved their eyes to Tommy's figure, the blonde out of breath from running.
"You okay Tommy?"
Suddenly, he stood up straight, smiling confidently.
"Yeah! But I just need you to do something for me!"
Of course. Everyone always wanted something from them.
"Alright." Crossing their arms, (Y/N) looked at the boy. "What is it?"
"I need you to do patrol alone tonight. Tubbo and I are going to make some more drugs- *cough* potions! Yeah! Potions! And we want it to be a surprise for Wilbur! So can you please please please please please cover for me and let me sneak off patrol tonight?"
Sighing, (Y/N) pinched the bridge of their nose. This was a terrible idea.
Fuck it.
Looking at Tommy's hopeful expression, they replied. "Y'know what? I'll do it. I'll cover for you tonight during patrol, and do it alone, then you and Tubbo can go and do whatever it is you want to do."
The blonde beamed, eagerly grabbing (Y/N)'s hand, shaking it up and down.
"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!! You're the best (Y/N)"
(Y/N) sadly smiled, watching as the boy ran back down the hall, probably going to find Tubbo.
At least one person thought they were the best, even if he probably didn't mean it.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
It had been a few hours since patrol had started.
The sky had now been painted over with a blanket of navy blue skies, clouds nowhere in sight, the stars shone brightly, showing off their true beauty in the dead of the night.
(Y/N) sat down on the top of the South wall. The wall that was furthest from the hotdog van. Everything in Lmanburg was quiet. No lights were on, no voices, just the silence of the night.
After taking one last glance around the walls, (Y/N) fully lay back, legs dangling off the stone wall, swinging back and forward as the teenager hummed out the tune of their favourite music disc.
They were still upset at what happened yesterday. Their father's rejection, him accidentally hurting them, it sucked.
No matter what (Y/N) did, it was never good enough for him.
There, (Y/N) lay. Staring at the stars, lost in their own thoughts.
Suddenly, a sharp sting of pain hit their left leg as it swung in the air.
"Ow. What the fuck-"
Sitting up, (Y/N) quickly looked around, confused as to what hit them.
Then, another sharp pain. Right in the middle of their forehead.
The object that hit them fall into their lap. Grabbing the object in their hand, (Y/N) held it up to the moonlight, trying to see what it was.
It was a small pebble.
Making a noise of confusion. (Y/N) was hit with another pebble, this time on their leg again.
"Down here!"
(Y/N) swung their legs up onto the walls, moving her hands near the edge and peering down at where the voice came from.
It was a man-child.
Even in the dark, with the only source of light being the moon, (Y/N) noticed every detail about him.
He had black hair styled into a very short mullet, with black bangs framing his face. He had a white bandana wrapped around his head, contrasting with the dark colour of his hair.
The man-child wore a white short-sleeve shirt on top of a black long-sleeve. He had black pants with white stripes on the sides and was wearing black and white checked shoes.
On top of everything, he wore shining Netherite armour, with a sword at his side and an axe peeking out from the top of his back.
He was very pretty.
(Y/N) then looked at his face. He was grinning cheekily, hiding his hands, which were probably full of pebbles, behind his back, looking away as if he did nothing.
Snapping out of their trance, (Y/N) curiously looked at the male. He was probably from the Dream SMP.
"Hey! Who are you? What are you doing here?"
The man-child looked back up at (Y/N) on the wall, sheepishly dropping the pile of pebbles he had compiled onto the ground beside him.
Clearing his throat, he posed dramatically, one hand raised in the air.
"Oh, fine citizen of Lmanburg who guards the walls keeping me out! I am no one." He moved his raised hand to his chest, clutching his heart. "No one but a concerned fellow who mourns for the happiness of the attractive guardian of the walls!"
(Y/N) giggled at the show the man-child was putting on. He was certainly a man-child. But cute.
Playing along, (Y/N) replied back to him, "Oh, fine gentleman from beyond the walls, I must know the name of who is concerned about the wellbeing of me, a mere castaway of the rebellion."
It was stupid, both of them knew that, but when the young raven-haired saw the smile on their face, he knew it was worth it.
Staring at each other, from up and below, both of them burst out into a fit of giggles.
(Y/N) was the first to stop laughing. They still held an uncontrollable smile on their face, swooned by the male below the walls.
"But really? What is your name? You're from the Dream SMP, aren't you?"
The man with the bandanna smiled up at them, stepping closer to the walls. He put his hands on his hips, beaming as he spoke.
"Why yes, I am. My name is Sapnap. But don't worry, I wasn't sent by anyone."
(Y/N) raised an eyebrow, looking at the boy in disbelief. No one sent him? So he came here on his own?
"My name is (Y/N). Why are you here then?"
Sapnap's face turned soft, his smile becoming wobbly.
"Well, I saw an attractive person on the walls upset and felt like you might've needed some cheering up. I know we're on opposites sides of this war and all but..."
He scratched the back of his neck, slowly looking back up at (Y/N) on top of the walls.
"No one deserves to be upset, y'know?"
God bless this man.
(Y/N) tensed up, feeling their body heat up in embarrassment. What. The fuck? Taking a deep breath, (Y/N) calmed themselves down, looking back down at Sapnap.
"Well, I think you achieved your mission. Thanks for cheering me up, Sapnap."
He once again smiled softly at them.
They smiled back.
It was like a spark ignited between the two. Both were from opposite sides of the war that was raging on, yet they didn't care.
After a few minutes of awkward staring between the two, Sapnap spoke up.
"Sooo? Do you wanna maybe... talk some more?"
(Y/N) laughed. "Sure, I've got all night. No one's gonna be up for like a few more hours."
Sapnap awkwardly laughed, fiddling with his fingers.
"Do you think... I could come up there? Y'know it's kind of hard to hold a conversation when you're so far apart."
Moving a hand up to cover their smile, (Y/N) agreed.
"Sure. It was getting lonely anyways."
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
"So. Tell me about yourself."
Both teens were now sitting together on top of the walls, covered by the darkness of the night, the moonlight now far from where they were.
"Okay. My name is (Y/N) Soot. Eldest of Wilbur Soot. Um, I'm good at fixing and improving tools armour, so i'm basically the blacksmith of Lmanburg. I'm the expert of being a fuck up and I'm probably going to be disowned and kicked out soon."
I mean, it was the truth. After what happened in Wilbur's room last night, (Y/N) felt like he was on the edge of kicking them out from Lmanburg overall.
The man beside them frowned. So this was the infamous eldest of Wilbur Soot. During a previous battle, Tommy accidentally mentioned them and how 'badass (Y/N) had sharpened his sword'.
He saw how good the sword looked, too bad Tommy couldn't really swing it fully yet.
"Your go."
Snapping out of his thoughts, Sapnap began to talk.
"Well. Y'know my name is Sapnap. I'm a longtime friend of Dream's. I'm an expert in burning things and I like making sure the gorgeous guardian of the walls is feeling their best." He winked as he said the last line, watching the eldest Soot child giggle at this action.
Both began to talk more, rambling about the most random things they could talk about.
(Y/N) didn't know why, but for some reason, they felt more comfortable with Sapnap than anyone else in their life. They had just met an hour ago, yet (Y/N) felt like they had known Sapnap their whole life.
Feeling a burst of boldness, (Y/N) turned to Sapnap suddenly.
"Hey. Um. I know this is kind of weird, and you can say no, but... can I... hold your hand?"
Observing (Y/N)'s nervous expression, the raven-haired male smiled softly, shifting his hand over to intertwine his fingers with (Y/N)'s.
"Does that answer your question?"
They nodded, their lips turning upwards at the sight of their intertwined hands.
"Can I... tell you about my dad?"
"You can tell me anything you want. I'm gonna listen."
Feeling butterflies in their stomach, (Y/N) gripped onto Sapnap's hand tighter, moving their body to lie down, gesturing to Sapnap to do the same.
He did, moving to lay down next to (Y/N).
He turned his head to stare at their face. Their eyes reflected the starry sky.
"Basically, long story short. My mom left me with my dad for some other geezer when I was born. He was a great father then. He always helped me when I needed it and made me feel very happy. Then, one day, when I was thirteen, he dropped me off at my grandfather's house. He said he'd come back quickly, but I guess five years isn't 'quickly'."
"My grandfather is great, he was awesome. He had to leave for trips a lot, but he always came back to me, he brought me souvenirs and stuff. I loved being around him. But I still missed my dad, y'know?"
"For a long time, I thought he didn't want me. So he left me. But then he came back. Maybe a year ago? He brought me to Lmanburg. Then I learned he had another child, Fundy. Then my suspicions were confirmed. Yes, he didn't want me. He only came to get me because he needed more people for Lmanburg."
(Y/N) sighed.
"It hurt. It hurt watching him praise Fundy and love him with all he could, while all he did was ignore me and put me up to do chores and work. Hell, I bet he's shown more love to Tommy and Tubbo than he has shown to me in the past year."
(Y/N) felt their eyes swell up with tears, the salty water flowing down the side of their cheeks.
"It just sucks, because I've done everything to try and get his approval. I learned how to become a blacksmith, just to help him. B-But-"
They choked on their sobs, suddenly sitting up.
Sapnap sat up right away, moving to comfort (Y/N).
He wrapped his long arms around them, pulling them into his chest, his hand caressing the back of their head as they cried, overwhelmed by the realisation that their father will probably never want them.
"It's okay. You don't need to say anything else. Just sit here with me, okay?"
A soft, hesitant "Okay." came from them.
The two sat in silence.
Gathering his thoughts, Sapnap spoke up.
"Y'know. Fuck your dad. He's an asshole."
He moved his head on top of (Y/N)'s, leaning his chin into it.
"If you're not going to be appreciated for the amazing work you do for him, then he doesn't deserve you. I saw Tommy's sword one time, and I'll tell you, the craftmanship on that was top notch. Kind of felt jealous of him, to be honest."
(Y/N) giggled. Sapnap's lip's turned upwards. Good, it was working.
"Even if I just met you hours ago, I feel like I've known you for all my life. So, I'm glad you were comfortable enough to tell me about your dad. I'm going to be frank, I don't think he, or anyone in Lmanburg, deserve you. And I think you think the same."
"What are you saying, Sap?"
"Sap? I like that. Anyways, what I'm saying is: 1. Your dad's an asshole who doesn't deserve you. 2. You probably already know that and 3..."
He stopped talking, hesitantly looking down at (Y/N).
"What's 3?"
"3. I think you're on the wrong side."
(Y/N) couldn't even gasp. They knew he was right. Lmanburg was where (Y/N) was staying, but it didn't feel like home.
"Y'know. I think you'll enjoy the Dream SMP more. We need a decent blacksmith and all of us are pretty... chill. Plus, I kind of want you there..."
"What was the last bit?"
(Y/N) smiled. What a dork, they heard what he said, but his reaction was cute nonetheless.
He turned to look them in their eyes, awaiting their answer.
"I'll join the Dream SMP."
Now it was his turn to smile.
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writeshite · 3 years
Can i get headcannon or scenario Eddie and V with a large chunky forest spirit boyfriend. (why can i imagine them using him either as a pillow or a bed depending on how large he is)
Chunky Forest Boyfriend
Eddie Brock/Venom x Male Reader
Words: 562
Author's Note:
Not much to say but enjoy some headcanons, might write something more inspired by this later, we'll see.
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Okay, so the first meeting was not the greatest, at least for Eddie and Venom. See, even though these two are heroes, they have the shittiest sense of direction, especially when it comes to forests and large parks. In the city, it’s okay cause they could ask the nearest person, but in the woods, they ain’t no one.
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“We’re lost,” Eddie stated for what was most likely the nine hundredth time.
“We are not lost,” Venom replied, “we’re on the right track.”
Eddie turned to the wisp of Venom on his shoulder, “V, we’ve walked past that tree twelve times.”
“How can you tell it’s the same tree?”
“I know it’s the same tree because I put a mark on it after the third time.” Eddie answered, “Just admit we’re lost.”
The symbiote turned to the sky; there was a moment of silence, only the sounds of the forest, “Ok, we’re lost.”
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These two went out for a hike, and Venom, by some miracle, convinced Eddie that his symbiote senses and whatnot were far more superior than GPS. Five minutes in, and Eddie caught on that it was bullshit, so here they were lost in a forest. They walked around for a bit before they came to a clearing.
In the middle of this clearing were flowers and stones set around in a perfect circle; seeing no harm, they decided that would be the best place to rest. As soon as they were inside the ring, they started feeling more relaxed than they’d ever been, some light music started playing in their heads, and before they knew it, they were out cold.
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“He’s a handsome one, don’t you think?”
“That’s what you’re taking out of this situation right now? A human just trespassed into our space, and you’re calling him handsome.”
Eddie was slowly waking to the sound of light bickering. He opened his eyes a bit, glancing around to find he was still in the clearing, this time not alone. Two people were arguing; one was stroking Eddie’s hair while the other stood to the side, looking unimpressed.
“You can’t keep him; what if he has a life? Ever think about that?”
“Well then, we’ll have to ask him, won’t we?” you moved your hand from his hair and gently shook him.
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From what Eddie understood, he’d accidentally stumbled across sacred ground of some kind, was put to sleep, and woke up with two handsome gods near him. Not that he was complaining.
After some apologies and introductions, he asked for directions, and you volunteered to lead him back. The walk in the woods back alongside you was nice; it was 99% you sneaking glances at Eddie while Venom threw jabs at him mentally to make a move and stop being a coward. When you’d reached the end of the path, you’d looked so disappointed to see him go. Were it not for Venom’s suave, Eddie would have probably never done anything.
In a Venom-like fashion, the symbiote took over Eddie,s movements and had him trip over air and into your arms. Once you’d caught him, Venom did the honors of asking for more time to spend with you. Spending time included; running through the forest, teaching Eddie how to climb trees, getting Venom to help Eddie get down from the trees, making flower crowns, you know all that good stuff.
Eddie and Venom liked it best when they could lie down on your lap; they also really liked it when you lifted them into your arms and carried them around the forest. One of the best things, though, was seeing you chop wood or carry trees around; they loved that a lot cause they got to see you in action.
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komotionlessqueenmm · 3 years
One man's trash, is another man's treasure.
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Short story # 6
2,216 - Words
Fandom - House of Wax (2005)
Pairing - Bo Sinclair X Reader
Summary - The reader finds herself & her 4 month old son stranded in Ambrose. While Bo finds himself enamored with the woman, wanting nothing more than to protect and provide for the two of them.
Warnings - Some dark topics, talk of abusive relationships, eventual blood & death, eventual smut. (I'm not sure what else tbh)
Notes - At this point both Bo and (Y/n) are really feeling that connection between them.
Pt. 1 ~ Pt. 2 ~ Pt. 3 ~ Pt. 4
By the end of the day (Y/n)'s jeep was all fixed up, but with as late in the evening as it was she decided to stay another night, with some encouragement from Bo of course. While (Y/n) and Von slept soundly in the guest bedroom, Bo met his brothers down at the garage, discussing what they should do, and if they should do anything in the first place. "I don't know Bo, her ex tried killing her because she was pregnant... She'll be running her whole life from a man like that." Lester sighed, not wanting anything to happen to (Y/n). "So we let her stay here, we can protect her from him easily." Bo shrugged. "What about when she realizes what happened to the people here? Or she finds out about Vincent's projects." Lester argued. "We'll explain it, make her understand." Bo countered. "How?" Lester asked feeling a little concerned. "I don't know yet." Bo admitted with a sigh. "I think we should start by introducing her to Vincent." He continued his thought, glancing to his twin, who made an almost concerned groan. "If she can accept him, I'm sure she'll accept the rest." Bo lit a new cigarette after finishing his statement. "And if she doesn't?" Lester asked. "That's not an option." Bo's smirk made worry spark in Lester's heart. Despite this however he chose to keep his mouth shut, and allowed his older brother to do whatever he had in mind.
When morning came, (Y/n) woke up early and cooked breakfast. "Morning." Bo murmured with a sleepy smile on his face, having been woken from the smell of bacon. "Morning Bo, I hope you don't mind." (Y/n) smiled sheepishly as she looked to what all she had cooked. "Not at all." Bo shook his head, happily accepting the cup of coffee she handed him. "Great." (Y/n) smiled brightly, the pair of them taking a seat beside eachother, eating their breakfast in a comfortable silence. Excluding the occasional hum of approval Bo gave when he bit into something new. And by the time they finished Von began crying from upstairs, cueing (Y/n) to fetch him to begin his morning routine.
"Hey I was going to do those." (Y/n) pouted playfully when she entered the kitchen, finding Bo working on the dishes. "Eh don't worry about it, you cooked I'll clean up." Bo winked making (Y/n) blush as she sat at the counter, adjusting herself to feed a fussy Von. "My brother wants to meet you before you leave." Bo stated casually. "Really?" (Y/n) smiled softly. "Mhm." Bo nodded his head with a hum. "I'd love to meet him." (Y/n)'s grin widened a little, feeling honored that he'd want to meet her. "We'll meet him up at the house of wax in an hour." Bo confirmed as he finished up the last dish. "Sounds fun, I've never been to a house of wax before." She hummed as she propped Von onto her shoulder, burping him. "I'm gonna go take a quick shower, let me know when you're ready." Bo insisted casually as he moved to wipe the spit up off of Von's chin. "Okay will do." (Y/n) smiled with appreciation, hopping up from her seat to get herself and Von dressed.
Once inside of the wax Museum (Y/n)'s attention was drawn to just about everything within sight, making Bo chuckle as he watched her ogle everything. "I take it you like it?" Bo mused with a grin. "I'm a little obsessed, is everything in here really made of wax?" She asked turning to look Bo in the eye. "Just about everything, most of its wax, but some of it isn't." Bo shrugged a little. "The vase?" (Y/n) asked as she pointed to the large decorative vase. "Wax." Bo nodded. "The couch?" She pointed to the couch two wax figures sat upon. "Wax." He chuckled. "How about the...." (Y/n) looked around before realization struck her. "The building?" She turned her attention to Bo, her eyes widening when he nodded his head yes. "Wow that's insane." (Y/n) chuckled with astonishment. "But you like it yeah?" Bo asked. "I love it! I can't imagine how long this must have taken to craft all of this, but it's very impressive." (Y/n) beamed making Bo chuckle softly. "Vincent will be happy to hear that you like his work." Bo mused. "Wait he did all of this?" (Y/n)'s eyes widened. "Not all of it, but a lot of it." Bo explained. "Wow I wish I had that kinda talent." (Y/n) chucked softly, jumping when a statue in the back moved. "Alright no need to scare her." Bo chuckled with a shake of his head, the once statue approaching the pair. "I was not expecting you to move, I really thought you were a statue." (Y/n) chuckled nervously.
"(Y/n) this is my brother Vincent." Bo introduced the two, the masked brother timidity offering (Y/n) his hand. "It's a pleasure to meet you." (Y/n) smiled looking at his mask with curiosity. "Is your prosthetic made of wax?" She asked without thought, but he only tilted his head to the side. "Your mask." She clarified, smiling when he nodded his head yes. "That's very cool, did you make it yourself?" (Y/n) asked chuckling when he nodded his head again. "You don't talk much huh?" She tilted her own head a little. "He can't." Bo clarified unknowingly making (Y/n) suddenly feel guilty. "Oh I didn't know, I'm sorry." (Y/n) ducked her head down, feeling stupid for opening her mouth. "Vincent do you wanna show her?" Bo asked his brother, who hesitated for a moment before nodding his head in agreement. (Y/n) picked her head up, watching in amazement as Vincent removed his mask. "Wow." She muttered under her breath, taking in the sight of his face, frowning a little when he looked away from her. "What happened?" (Y/n) turned to Bo. "We were born as Siamese twins, and our daddy was an unorthodoxed doctor. He was able to separate us as infants." Bo explained suddenly feeling subconscious himself. "Wow... That's incredible." (Y/n) murmured softly. "You're both incredible." She chuckled softly looking back to Vincent, who smiled back at her before putting his mask back on.
--Later that day--
Having decided on stay one more day (Y/n) sat with Bo in his living room talking about this and that, and joking about nearly everything. "(Y/N)!" A voice yelled from outside, cutting off (Y/n)'s laughter, a look of terror filling her eyes in an instant. "(Y/N)!" The man yelled from outside for a second time. "It's him... It's Trent, he's come for me!" (Y/n) panicked, explaining to Bo why she suddenly got so fearful. "(Y/N) I KNOW YOU'RE HERE!" Trent yelled, sounding a bit closer to Bo's house now. "I'll keep you safe." Bo promised before he rose to his feet, grabbing the shotgun he kept near the front door. "Wait he's dangerous." (Y/n) rushed to follow Bo outside, leaving Von in his crib asleep. "COME OUT COME OUT COME OUT!" Trent taunted from the center of town, his attention turning to a pissed off Bo Sinclair. "Found yourself a gullible local huh?" Trent sneered at (Y/n) who ignored her fear and continued following Bo. "I suggest you get outta here and forget about (Y/n)." Bo warned, resting his shotgun on his shoulder, standing about eight feet from Trent, who only scoffed at his threat. "How about you go fuck your sister, and leave me to my business." Trent hissed, his words only fueling the hatred Bo felt for this man. "Your business best consist of you getting outta my town." Bo glared Trent down, who only chuckled. "Sure I'll get outta your town, once I have her." Trent pointed to (Y/n), but Bo only pushed (Y/n) to stand back a little.
"That ain't gonna happen." Bo shook his head with a mocking grin on his face. "How did you even find me!?" (Y/n) asked the question that had been plaguing her mind. "Remember my buddy Stan? I had him bug your car with a GPS tracker." Trent mocked as he flashed them the receiver of the tracker. "Now get over here." He growled as he pulled a pistol from the back of his belt. As Trent trained the pistol, Bo stepped in front of (Y/n) training his shotgun on Trent. "I'll only warn you one more time." Bo hissed, resisting the urge to just blow the motherfucker away. "Fuck you, you fucking redneck." Trent taunted before he pulled the trigger, but his gun jammed and Bo smirked. "Nah fuck you." Bo retorted before pulling the trigger, blowing open Trent's chest. (Y/n) screamed at the sound, her heart racing in her chest. Almost like everything was moving in slow motion, (Y/n) watched Trent's body hit the ground with a thud, dead as dead gets. Bo was quick to spin on his heel, gently setting the gun on the ground he scooped (Y/n)'s shaking form into his arms. "Sh darling it's alright, I've got you. You're safe now darling, I've got you." He murmured against the crown of her head, carrying her back into his house. "It's okay (Y/n), rest now. I'll take care of everything, I'll take care of you." Bo promised as he laid her down on the couch, lovingly stroking her hair, before he kissed her temple. The events suddenly flipping a highly protective and tender switch within Bo, not that (Y/n) was complaining in the slightest, taking great comfort in his words and actions.
A few hours passed and in that time, (Y/n) had calmed down, and thought about a lot of things. Bo had dealt with the body and come back to (Y/n)'s side within the first hour, allowing her to cuddle into his side and think. "Bo what is this place?" (Y/n) asked with worry laced in her voice. "What?" Bo frowned his brows, a confused smile on his face. "Please don't lie to me anymore, please tell me what this place is. This town its just not right, in all the time I've been here I've only seen you Lester and Vincent." (Y/n) explained, suddenly feeling concerned for her baby's well being. "I want to tell you, I've wanted to tell you for a while now... But I don't want to scare you away." Bo hung his head. "Not telling me is scaring me, Bo please tell me." She insisted. "You know I would never hurt you or Von right?" Bo asked, his eyes the tiniest bit glossy. "Of course I know that." (Y/n) licked her lips, ignoring the worry bubbling at the back of her mind. "The town been abandoned for a decade, me and my brothers took it over a few years ago." Bo began. "Brothers?" (Y/n) asked having caught the plural. "Lester is mine and Vincent's younger brother." Bo explained frowning a little when (Y/n)'s eyes filled with worry.
"Lester convinces people to come to Ambrose, and me and Vincent kill them." Bo revealed, his confession making (Y/n)'s breath hitch in her throat. "Lester called me after he dropped you off at the gas station, and he told me to help you out, he insisted that we spared you." Bo licked his lips nervously. "I wasn't going to listen to him, but when you didn't snoop around town like everyone else, I was curious about you... Then I seen you, and your baby, and any dark thought I had washed away in an instant. The more we talked, the more I was intrigued with you... The more I wanted to protect you, especially when you told me about your ex." Bo admitted, his words surprisingly soothing (Y/n). "I'm sorry..." Bo muttered under his breath. "I forgive you." (Y/n) smiled softly, sitting up she adjusted herself to straddle Bo's lap. "I forgive you." She repeated herself as she took his face between her hands. "You've been better to me than most people in my life, and while the knowledge of what you and Vincent do... Is almost heartbreaking... I forgive you. I know you won't harm me or Von, to proved yourself to me today when you saved me from Trent." (Y/n) leaned in and gently kissed Bo's lips, pulling away all to soon. "I don't want to leave, I want to stay here with you... To love you despite the things you do, to love you despite the monster you can be... I want you for who you are, darkness and all." (Y/n) confessed, making Bo's mind go hazy with adoration. "Please stay." He muttered subconsciously. "I am." (Y/n) rest her forehead against his, smiling when he wrapped his arms around her waist.
Part three is complete!!!!
Part four will hopefully be posted tomorrow evening.
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sapnapsimper420 · 3 years
❥︎ genre // angst, fluff
❥︎ main character(s) // c!wilbur
❥︎ warnings // slight description of wounds
❥︎ reader pronouns // they/them
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"Y/N!" Wilbur's anguished voice calls, breaking through the veil of pain you feel upon George landing the final hit needed to make you respawn. You try to call back, only to be carried away by the whooshing particles that signal a respawn.
When you awaken, it's to Wilbur frantically shaking you, running a hand through your hair to smooth it out. "Thank fuck, Y/N... Your wounds haven't healed yet, my love. Let me fix them." You can do nothing but nod, feeling the effects of respawning as well as the grief Eret caused by their betrayal. Looking around, you see identical impacts shown around L'Manberg.
Tommy and Tubbo are holding one another, a rare moment of silence shared between the two best friends as they mourn the loss of someone who was always there for them, whether it be as a friend or as an older brother figure. Fundy holds himself quietly, eyes staring into somewhere far, far away from the small country you're proud to call your home.
Wilbur, however, is entirely focused on you. Although your death had been among the first, you had been closest to where everyone had spilled outlining you had the most brutal injuries. It had taken you the longest to awaken due to your body trying to heal the worst of them, but even with this prolonged period, there were wounds unable to be closed without the hand of another person.
That's where Wilbur came in, even though he admittedly was doing a rather poor job of helping you patch your wounds. "Wil, go get bandages. I'll be okay." Your attempt to reassure him nearly falls on dead ears until Fundy approaches, ears low on his head. "They'll be okay." He repeats, gently pulling Wilbur until he's standing beside your bed. "I'll be back," is the only response Wilbur gives, speeding off to hopefully find medical supplies.
"Are you okay, Fundy?" The fox only shrugs, eyes revealing the extent of his feelings. "Could be better. I trusted them. Maybe I could have stopped it from happening." "No, Funds. Eret... Eret made up their mind. They're a traitor, and they hurt all of us. You could not have stopped it from happening. Wil's coming back. Go get Tommy and Tubbo and get some rest, I'll be with you guys soon."
Fundy doesn't respond, choosing to gather Tommy and Tubbo and move to somewhere more private instead. Wilbur is also silent as he works, applying bandages soaked in healing potions to smaller cuts and working on the larger ones with a sturdy hand, making small stitches where need be to close your skin again. All the while, no words are exchanged, only small apologies when he accidentally presses a little too hard against your skin, earning a wince and a quick breath.
"Wil... You couldn't have changed their mind." You whisper when Wilbur begins packing the bandages away. "I could have! If I were a better leader, or, or I knew earlier! None of you would be down a life, my love wouldn't be needing stitches because of the enemy!" Tears are streaming down his face, words coming out wavering and frantic. You see that spark, the spark Tommy has vented to you about. Wilbur looks almost insane, delusional and afraid in his 'what if's.
"But we're alive, Wil. We all have our other lives. We are all safe. Maybe a little more traumatized, but we can use this. We know we can trust fewer people, and that's okay. They were never meant to be one of us." The man kneeling beside your bed finally evens his breaths, resting his cheek in your open palm as his tears dry. "We'll be okay. I'll make sure of it." Wilbur whispers, more of an assurance to himself than to you.
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aki-mochi · 3 years
Levi x Reader: New Life
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WARNING: contains language and mentions of prostitution.
This takes place in the Underground.
Being a teenager wasn't easy, especially if they lived in the Underground City where you had to fight to survive. Literally. Levi huffed as he wiped the blood off his cheek from beating another man to tried to talk shit about his late mom. As he turned down into an alleyway, a few men were seen hovering around something as they talked as he got closer, he could hear their conversation and decided to hide behind a barrel to eavesdrop.
"Think we should sell this little girl in the black market to pay for our next meal?"
"Nah, we should teach her a lesson for stealing from us" he partner said as his knuckles were cracked in the process, ready to beat the shit out of the girl they had cornered.
"You pigs didn't need all that food since you're already fat enough!" the girl yelled as she tried to stay brave.
"You little bitch!" the man yelled as he raised his fist as it made contact to her cheek.
The girl fell to the ground due to the force as she held her cheek in pain. Tears welled up in her eyes but refused to let them fall. She shakily got back up to her feet and glared at the men in front of her. "Y-You punch like an old lady! That didn't hurt at all! You're weak!"
"This kid just doesn't know when to stay down. Very well, you'll get what you asked for" the man growled as he went to punch the girl again.
She just stood there, waiting for the impact but it never came as a knife had been thrown into the man's head, killing him on the spot. His body collapsed onto the ground while his partner's throat was slit open by another blade. She watched in horror as blood splattered all over her clothes and face. Backing up to the worn down wall, her legs gave out as she slid to the ground, terrified of the bloodbath she had just witnessed. The person's shadow came closer to her shaking form before it appeared under the streetlight.
"You ok, kid?" Levi asked.
All she could respond with was a nod.
"So, you stole their food?"
"Th-they had a mountain of food on their plates....and I haven't eaten in days...." she whimpered as she held her hollow stomach.
At that, Levi finally got a good look at her form. She looked no older than ten. Her frame was all boney and sick looking, her ribs were probably showing under that oversized tattered shirt, hair all matted, dirty and probably overgrown. He looked just like he did before Kenny had found him after his mother died. He couldn't let her suffer the way he almost did, and based on her appearance, she doesn't have any parents either. With a small sigh, Levi knelt to her level on the ground and offered a hand.
"Come with me. I'll help you get your strength back but you gotta help clean and help me hunt when you do, ok?"
She stared at his hand before shakily reaching her own boney hand out to take it. Once she did, Levi helped her onto his back and started to carry her back to his place.
"You have a name?" he asked.
"(Y-Y/n)....it's just (Y/n)..." she whispered tiredly.
"(Y/n), huh? I'm Levi. Go ahead and sleep, it'll take a bit to get home."
'A home...? Sounds nice....' (Y/n) thought before she drifted to sleep.
Levi glanced back at her sleeping form before sneaking into alleys and back roads to keep out of sight, wondering what his life will be like now that he has a partner to survive with,
~Several Years Later~
Years have passed and Levi and (Y/n) have done well surviving the hell hole they live in. The constant struggles of earning money, stealing food when they couldn't afford any, kicking other thug's asses. It's hard, yes, but they have each other's backs and company when all felt wrong. Levi comes in the house and finds (Y/n) asleep on the loveseat with her legs hanging over the armrest. Lately, he's noticed how tired and sore she'll be during the day and how she would go earn money at night. One day, she went to bend over to pick up a cup that she accidently dropped but had hissed in pain while placing a hand at her lower back. Going to help and ask what was wrong, she waved at him saying she had lifted too many crates for an old man. Levi knew she saw lying since her lips always moved when she does but didn't say anything else.
Walking over to her, he shook her shoulder. "Oi. (Y/n). Wake up, lazy brat."
(E/c) eyes fluttered open as a yawn escaped her mouth. She stretched her stiff limbs before sitting up and rubbing her neck "Do you have to call me lazy everytime I take a nap?" she mumbled.
"Yes, I do. Now get up. I brought food and it's your night to cook."
"Damn it....alright alright. Just give me the bag already." she sighed as she took the bag from his hands and went to the kitchen to see what all he had brought. As She was sorting through the ingredients, Levi stood and watched in the doorway with his arms crossed before hearing her speak up while her back was turned to him.
"So....Kal s-said there's an open spot at-" she was cut off by a fist punching the wall.
"I don't want to hear it, (Y/n)! You promised that you wouldn't sell your body to disgusting men and be a prostitute!"
she turned to him "But Levi-"
"No buts! You're not doing it! I forbid you!" he seethed with a dark glare.
An audible gulp was heard and nothing else was said as she continued to figure out what she could make in silence. Sudden footsteps made their way over to the young woman before stopping right behind her as arms made their way around her waist.
"I know you want to help but I can't let you do it. You know about my mom and how she died. I don't want it to happen to you too." He said softly with his chin on her shoulder.
(Y/n) sighed but rested her hands on his arms, rubbing her thumb on his skin. "Alright....I won't do it."
"Good. Now, finish dinner while I get cleaned up." With that, his gave her cheek a soft kiss before letting go of her waist and leaving to clean up the non-existent dirt off of him. (Y/n)'s cheeks went ablaze as she held a hand to the cheek he had kissed. She felt happy but she knew that he will find out about her secret job soon and it would tear him apart.
~A few weeks later~
(Y/n) knew that once Levi had cleaned and put away his knife he goes straight to bed. As she watched and made sure he wasn't going to come out anytime soon, she grabbed her bag and quietly sneaked out of their house, making sure to lock it so he wouldn't get on her ass about 'forgetting to lock the door before bed'. Looking around for any stalkers, she quietly made her way down a street, unknowing of a person hiding in the shadows watching her every move.
After turning a few corners here and there, she finally arrived at her destination. She looked up at the sign and cringed in utter disgust, loathe, and regret.
Kal's Prostitute Service.
With a deep breath, (Y/n) reached for the doorknob only for it to be roughly snatched away by a hand. With a gasp, she was forcefully turned around and now staring into the fuming eyes of a very pissed Levi.
"L-Levi, I can explain-"
"You're damn fucking right you'll explain. You're coming home. Right. Now."
At that, he forcefully dragged her by the arm, ignoring her whimpers and protests of how he was hurting her wrist. He was fuming. Raging with anger. He didn't know where to start. She promised him she wouldn't do it. Why the hell would she break her promise?
When he got there, he slammed open the front door and tossed her inside. She landed on the hard floor with a gasp before turning to look up at him. She's seen him angry before, but fucking hell, he was terrifying right now. With a gulp, she sat up a bit with a small tremble of fear.
"L-Levi please let me explain..."
"Explain what?! You went behind my back and did things you promised you wouldn't do! What fucking reason do you have for going back on your word?!"
"I had to! I couldn't stay at home while you did all the work anymore! I wanted to help!"
"You knew how I felt about you doing this shit! Why did you do it?!"
"Because what?!"
"Because I did it so we could get our citizenships to live up on the surface instead of this shithole!"
Levi stopped in his tracks and just stared at her. That was her reason? To help get the both of you to the city above them? Tears watered her eyes and spilled down her cheeks as she continued.
"I-I had to....I hate seeing you struggle and come home tired and dirty....I couldn't stand it anymore....s-so I took the job of being a-a prostitute.....only until we got the money to get out of this place and have a little extra to get the things we'll need....I couldn't stand being useless anymore, Levi. I-I'm so sorry...!"
She curled up on her spot on the floor and sobbed into her knees with her hands in her hair as Levi watched her, hearing her apologize over and over again through her hiccups. His anger burned out like a fire without air and carefully went over to her shaking form. When he kneeled down to her height, his arms encircled her form, making her tense as her sobs suddenly paused.
"How much...?" he asked softly.
"How much do you have saved up?"
"M-More than enough to get us past the gate a-and to get our citizenship....I've asked around...and someone told me the prices......I saved twice as much than what we needed..." she explained.
He held her closer. "I'm sorry for getting so mad. I was just worried that I would lose you just like mom. I'm still not happy that you went behind my back....but I'm happy that you and I will get to live a better life up there."
(Y/n) blinked before she smiled through her tears and hugged him back. They both stayed like that for a small while before Levi pulled back with his signature glare. "Now, I'm all dirty."
That made (Y/n) laugh.
A few weeks had passed and Levi and (Y/n) had finally settled in their new home on the surface after buying some new furniture for it. And, of course, brooms. Levi couldn't forget the brooms. While Levi spent the days cleaning and organizing their new place, (Y/n) ran a small stand in the market. She had a big surprise for Levi. As the sun was starting to set, all the other stands were closing down, meaning (Y/n) could go home and have the day off tomorrow since her boss knew of her surprise. As she quickly packed up her stuff, she ran down the familiar street she takes everyday and soon made it home. With a smile, she went inside and placed her bag in its normal spot that Levi made just for her.
"I'm home~!"
Levi peeked his head from the kitchen and hummed before walking over to her. "You seem happy. What's the occasion?"
"You'll see tomorrow. Boss gave me the day off because of it."
"Oh? Then it must be a big surprise if you get an entire day off for it."
"Mhm! You'll love it~" she smiled.
"I enjoy everything that you give me, (Y/n)" he said as he ruffled her hair, making her whine in protest. Levi only chuckled and went back to the kitchen to finish the food he was preparing.
The next day, everything went smoothly until she had suddenly finished all her cleaning early before noon and had told Levi to get ready for his surprise. With a grunt, he got up from his spot on the couch and slipped on his boots as he waited for the woman to grab whatever she needed. Once she was back, the two headed out and began to walk. When they turned down a specific street, (Y/n) went behind him and covered his eyes, making him mumble a few curse words.
"Calm down, I'll make sure you won't fall. Just trust me." she smiled.
"Alright, fine. Hurry up, though. I don't like not seeing where I'm going." he huffed.
(Y/n) only giggled and carefully led him to a specific building before uncovering his eyes. In front of him was a small tea shop. And it wasn't no ordinary tea shop either. Inside was clearly cleaned to where it shined and several different types of tea was displayed neatly behind the counter with a good few table sets were evenly spread out enough where people can walk. He noticed that no one was here so he turned to her.
"You brought me to a tea shop with no one here?"
"Nooooooo. I brought you to your tea shop! You said you've always wanted to open one so, Ta-da~!" she grinned.
Levi was flabbergasted. The tea shop is his? He looked at her before suddenly pulling her in for a sweet kiss. (Y/n) tensed and turned a dark shade of red before slowly returning the gesture as her arms found themselves around his neck with his around her waist. The kiss lasted for a minute before Levi pulled back.
"I love it. And I love you. Thank you for everything." he smiled.
"You're welcome. And I love you too, Levi."
"I'm glad. Now, let's go see what kind of tea we have."
(Y/n) laughed at this but followed him inside as their new lives have only just begun.
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marchioness-caprina · 4 years
Pairings : Reader x Bakugou
Writing Style : 1st Person and 3rd Person
Warning : A Lot of Swearing
Word Count : 3639
Y/n's POV
" I Just don't Know what To do Izuku! You're Telling Me He Likes me but he barely even takes a glance at me! The bad thing is that whenever I try approaching him... Or even expressing my Love for him... He screams bloody murder and roasts me like there's no tomorrow! " I complained as I buried my face within my palms .
I was on the verge of tears simply because of a shitty crush. I felt Izuku's Hand caress my head as He stared down at me with a sympathetic gaze.
" There, There y/n. Let it all out " He muttered making me want to cry even more but I wasn't done venting.
" I've been chasing him ever since we were in middle school! Ironic how I give nothing but love but receive pain instead... I think... I should finally Give up" I whispered the last part and Izuku's movements were put in a halt.
" Really? After everything you've been doing for him? You'll just give up?! That's not you y/n! You're the type of person who fights with everything you've got without losing hope! And that's pretty admirable! I may not be as close with Kaachan as I was before but I know for a fact that he likes you too and is just too... Errr... Umm... How do I say this? Uhh He just has a really big Ego to admit it " He tried lifting my spirit up but I was tired. My heart was tired and I just wanted to... Give up or maybe Just Rest for a couple of weeks.
" Yeah? Well you think pretty Highly of Me Izuku.... But I'm weak too you know and there are battles I must quit.... I'll just try to recollect myself and rest for a few weeks Or so, I'll have to set my Priorities straight too... Ya know... If you get what I mean and all " I chuckled trying to mask the pain and it was futile. Izuku can read me like an open book.
He gave me a solemn look before nodding. This little cinnamon roll is just too kind and understanding, he even accompanied me to this very cafe we were in when he saw me looking down coming out of the Dorms.
" I get it, People need to cool off from time to time " He gave me a small smile and I returned it with a grin.
" Hey! You know there's this Carnival That was set up last week and it's their last day today! I had two tickets and tried inviting Katsuki.... I mean Bakugou Yesterday and he almost blew these tickets away.... It would be a waste if we don't use it so why don't we start my Personal Growth and healing by having Fun!? " I exclaimed and Izuku looked genuinely as excited as me.
" Really!? Sure! I'd like to go! It's been awhile since I actually had fun because of all the Pressure and Stress! " He smiled and I grabbed his hand immediately and dragged him out of the cafe and Off to The carnival we Go!.
" Man! And Don't even get me started on the Food there! Although the Almight Mascot looked Really Weird it was still fun! " I Beamed as Izuku opened the front door.
" Yeah! And the Fireworks were awesome Too! I'm really glad we hung out today! " He bashfully stated as we simultaneously stepped inside .
" And Where have you two gone to? Maybe you shouldn't have came back if you'd show up in the middle of the damn night " Aizawa sensei suddenly appeared out of nowhere making me and Izuku flinch in shock.
" W-why... Hello there sensei " Midoriya stuttered fear ridden as he glanced down at me.
' Shit we're screwed '
" Guys! I believe it was extremely irresponsible to be gone without a word and come back at an unearthly hour! You could have atleast sent one of us a message or even answered Our calls! So we wouldn't be this anxious of your arrival! " Iida Sped walked towards me and Izuku and that's when we noticed that everyone was still up and gathered in the common room.
" We were so worried about you guys! We thought a villain took you or something! "
" Not cool dude, Aizawa Sensei almost flipped and called out a search team to look for you guys "
" You could have told us before you left "
Came the concerned comments of our classmates. It made my heart swell up with Joy and at the same time Guilt.
" We're so Sorry! " Me and Izuku yelled in Sync bowing our heads.
" It was my fault! I forgot my phone in my room! And Izuku was just accompanying me to a small cafe in town... And I invited him to go have fun at the carnival... To Distress.... I didn't think you guys would be this worried but thank you for worrying about us! " I yelled an apology and Izuku was fast to take the blame.
" No it's my fault! I turned off my phone and left without informing anyone and without thinking of the consequences! Neither me and y/n were aware of the time. We won't do it again! We're sorry guys" Izuku frowned as I placed my hand on his shoulder.
With a sigh Aizawa gave us a stern look scratching the back of his head before speaking.
" Look, this better not happen again or else you two will be in serious trouble. You're lucky tomorrow's a Sunday so No school . Just make sure to say something next time and not disappear without a trace "
" Yes sensei! " Izuku answered while I nodded my head vigorously.
As Aizawa continued his Lecture my eyes drifted towards the crowd of my classmates and what surprised me was that Bakugou was Present. He was awake. Did he actually give a fuck?... No he's probably dragged into this by Kaminari or Kirishima.
After a long 30 minutes of sermon Aizawa sensei finally let us go.
In the end everyone returned to their rooms and Before I went to mine I gave Izuku a Hug as a ' Thank you for being there for me ' and I was unaware of a pair of crimson red eyes staring at us.
The Next Day
I heard knocking on my door which forced me to wake up and open the door and to my surprise it was Izuku and Uraraka.
" Morning Guys.... What brings you here? " I yawned blinking my eyes as the two chuckled at my messy appearance.
Bed hair, oversized t shirt and drool on the corner of my lips.
" We came here to invite you for breakfast! Everyone is gathered in the common room! You're a pretty heavy sleeper! Jirou and Momo tried waking you up earlier and there was no answer " Uraraka explained but still, sleep was very much alive in my system and I just gave a lazy nod before hanging again.
" Looks like she's still Tired Uraraka, you go on ahead we'll catch up with you" Izuku offered and Uraraka was fast to jolt away a from us.
" Ok! But you better not let her go back to sleep Deku! Everyone's counting on you to wake her up! " Uraraka yelled as she headed downstairs.
I was swaying back and forth with my eyes half lidded and I had a sudden urge to sleep on the floor.
" Still sleepy? " Izuku asked and fortunately I was still awake enough to give him a nod.
" Wanna get on my back? I'll carry you down stairs so you'll have time to rest " He offered while turning his back against me and bending down.
Without hesitation I fell on his back and subconsciously wrapped my arms around his neck and my head resting on his back.
I felt his scarred hand grip my thighs and he lifted me off the ground and started walking.
Honestly I didn't know how long it took him to get to the common room but I was happy I had a really nice friend to carry me like this.
" Wow, Midoriya when we told you to get Y/n we didn't know you'd actually ' Get ' Her " The familiar Voice of Kaminari commented and I was thankfully awake or more like I forced myself to be awake.
I peeked my eyes at him and stuck my tongue out.
" Yeah you're just jealous cause Izuku is Carrying me " I retorted and Izuku's chest vibrated in a small chuckle.
" You two a Thing Now or something? " Mina grinned pointing at us with her chopsticks.
" No Mina we're not a Thing. We're People " I countered and she gave a light laugh.
" Smart move y/n. Smart move "
" Do you want me to put you down now? " Izuku asked as he looked back at me and I shook my head.
" No, I like being carried by you. You're really warm " I smirked and the poor boy's face overheated with embarrassment.
" Oo~ are you sure you two aren't a Thing? " Uraraka Teased giving me and Izuku a suggestive wink.
" So you're dumping Bakugou for Midoriya or something? " Kaminari crackled with laughter and the whole room fell into a cold silence.
As if everyone knew something I should be aware of.
" Me and Bakugou aren't Dating in the first place, I don't think we'll ever be together too " I confidently stated and I could hear gasps and the shock faces of my classmates didn't go unnoticed.
" S-She called him Bakugou and Not Katsuki! " Mineta Yelled in panic as he stared at me with wide eyes.
Suddenly a loud bang was heard from one of the tables. Specifically the Table Bakugou was on.
He had slammed his hand on the table along with his chopsticks and he was seething with so much anger and... Are my eyes lying? Is that jealousy!?.
" I ain't fucking hungry! " He yelled and stood up violently that the chair fell off.
He started stomping his way towards us. I was never afraid of Him.... Well not until Now atleast.
" Deku " He growled lowly and I could feel Izuku tremble.
Immediately, I got down from his back and when Katsuki was close enough I stepped infront of Izuku.
" Stay Back Bitch! " He hissed and I stood my ground.
" No you Stay back Asshole! What is your problem!? Why don't you mind your own fucking Business! " I snapped harshly poked his Chest with each word I uttered.
He glared at me tiny sparks popping on his palms.
What he said next was something I have never expected him to say.
" You are My goddamn Business You Little Shit! Hanging around with Deku the whole Night making me worry about your shitty ass! And now you're clinging onto him like a stupid fucking Koala! Can't you see how jealous I am!? Can't you drill it in your pretty little head that you're Fucking Mine! " His voice rang through every corner of the common room.
Everyone was silent for a few seconds. My eyes were wide and full of disbelief.
" Finally, Took Him a long time to actually confess... It was kinda getting painful to watch " Kaminari mumbled but it was loud enough for me to hear.
" Dude, it was so manly confessing to her infront of everyone. Bakugou is a true man " Came another comment from one of my classmates, Kirishima.
Katsuki was glaring at me his Chest rising and falling at a visible way clearly indicating how aggravated he was.
His crimson eyes held a lot of swirling emotions, Jealousy, Anger, Betrayal and Possessiveness.
" ..... Excuse you!? " I managed to voice out and he tried grabbing me but I was quick to evade his hand.
" No! And Just when I finally decided to give up on you. You decide to throw all this bullshit infront of me Bakugou Fucking Katsuki! No you listen here you Egotistical Haughty Son of a Bitch! I suffered through every shitty insult and pain you threw my way because I loved you and when I'm at my limit and ready to go you give me this!? all you gave me was pain and honestly I'm not a masochistic bitch to accept it with open arms how but my middle finger huh?!. Damn you and your very confusing and petty way of claiming me! That is not happening! You hear me!? So suck it up Bakuhoe and Go Fuck yourself " I actually felt proud of myself but that was the first time I actually raised my voice or even cursed infront of everyone in the first place so their dumbfounded expression didn't really surprised me.
" Wow.... Your girl's as good at Cursing as you are Bakugou " Sero was the first to comment and that pissed me off.
" I'm not his 'Girl' " I emphasized the girl part with a hint of mockery.
" Yet " Bakugou added making me glare at him.
" Fuck you " I grumbled turning around to walk away in victory thinking I had won the fight.
But before I could even take one step forward I was slung over Bakugou's Shoulder hanging upside down.
" Put me down you Fucking Asshole! " I yelled as he carried me away from the common room.
" Hey! " I grab hold of his blonde hair which was surprisingly soft and gave it a harsh tug which earned me a groan from him.
" Bitch! " He yelled slapping my butt making me gasp.
" I should get you mad more often, That was hot " He commented as if he hadn't just slapped my butt.
The nerve of this fucker.
" Put me down!" I growled as he proceeded to carry me upstairs.
" Now don't think I'm done with you just yet. I have to get my sweet revenge because you hung out with Fucking Deku and let him touch you! " He barked as I felt him tighten his hold on my fleshy thigh.
I tried everything I could, from squirming to kicking to punching his back but the guy is a Fucking wall and didn't even budge.
" Stop it Bitch! Save your energy for later. You're gonna need it " He muttered making me react violently. Until he had enough of it and slammed my back to the nearest wall with his strong muscular arms trapping me I'm between with his body a bit too close to mine.
His face was inches away and I visibly gulped turning my face to the side as his breathe fanned my cheek.
" Bakugou I'm warning you. I'm gonna do something YOU'RE gonna regret if you don't let me go " I had managed to say without stuttering and I mentally Pat myself on the back for my strong tone.
" Fuck it y/n. You really think I'd let you get away after Saying all that shit and defending Deku!? After you hopped onto his back like you're HIS!? Well you're Fucking Mine! You got that!? " He yelled making me groan. His voice was too loud and I think my ears are gonna bleed.
" You asked for it! " I yelled back as I prepared to kick him where the sun don't shine but I didn't even get to raise my leg halfway when he pulled me down by my leg and pressed his body against mine even more.
Right now I had no way of moving with my leg trapped against his thighs holding me in place.
" Oh? Was that your Great Fucking Move? Well it's pretty pathetic so kick and scream all you want. I'm claiming you right now " Using his hand he raked my locks down and gripped onto my hair roughly forcing me to face him and his lips had already connected with mine.
His kiss was rough, dominating with a tinge of passion and jealousy. Moving his lips at a better angle his other hand trailed down to squeeze my hips.
I ressisted. I really did but after awhile of him kissing me I melted. My hands wrapping themselves around his neck my chest squeezed with his toned chest. Both of his hands resting on my waist as I stood on my tippy toes kissing him back with the same intensity.
Opening my mouth to give him access he didn't waste a second to slip his tongue inside my claiming his new domain. His tongue wrestled with my own and soon gaining dominance as he continued the rough kiss.
It was a very angry kiss with lots of jealousy coming from him.
When we finally pulled away breathless and panting his intense crimson orbs pierced mine a smug smirk slowly rigging on the corners of his mouth.
" Still refusing me after that? After you willingly kissed me back? After clinging onto me for dear life? " He was either mocking me or teasing me but either way it pissed me off.
" Katsuki I'm gonna rip your throat off if you keep that up " I glared at him but I guess actions spoke louder than words because my neck was still wrapped around his neck and my body still pressed against his.
" Yeah right and a moment ago you called me Bakugou now look who's calling me Katsuki again " He sneered and I tried retreating my hand away from his neck to push him away but he beat me to it; grabbing my arms and using it as leverage to pull me closer towards him.
" I know I did some pretty fucked up shit. I'm not the best person at expressing these shitty feelings I have for you but I will make it up to you, I'm s-soow.... S-sooo.... Rrr... Eeyyyy " The way he forced out a ' I'm sorry ' got me laughing so hard .
He didn't appreciate that because his cheeks were tinted red form embarrassment and anger.
" You Fucking bitch! Don't laugh at me! I'm trying! " He yelled as I continued laughing.
Yeah, seeing him like that was new and hilarious.
My laughter was cut off when I felt his warm lips press a kiss on my cheek.
He looked to his side his eyes avoiding mine.
" Don't Fucking laugh cause I mean it though.... I'll make it up to you.... " He muttered the faint red color of his cheeks still present.
A smile formed on my lips as I stared at him fondly. A small pinkish tint coating my own cheeks but me being me I ruined the moment with a bitchy remark.
" Yeah why don't you practice saying Sorry first while not sounding like you were about to take the biggest shit of your life " I retorted and because of that I began laughing once again and he was raging. Screaming at me to stop laughing but I couldn't help it. He did deserve it after all.
I'm pretty sure I'll get more of my little revenge in the future....
Bonus :
" Deku.... I know you care about those two and You're a hardcore shipper but... What you did though... Was it on purpose? " Uraraka asked taking another bite of her pancakes as they listened to the two bicker.
" Who knows " Izuku answered with a contented smile on his face.
" Huh... You're a bit suicidal for doing that but I respect you man. Bakugou finally confessed it was getting pretty sad to watch him act all tough and pretending he doesn't like her " Sero chuckled.
" Hopefully those two will stay strong from now on... " Momo took a sip of her tea and everyone silently agreed with her.
" So.... Do you think they're Fucking? " Mineta suddenly brought up the topic which caused Tsu to slap him with her Tongue.
" Mineta-kun you're being a pervert again" Tsu muttered staring at the purple headed boy.
" Hahahahha! " Denki and Mina suddenly came down stairs holding a camera.
" You guys wanna see what they were doing upstairs? " Denki asked while laughing.
" Dude, invading other people's privacy is Not manly " Kirishima stated bit he couldn't help but be curious.
" .... What happened though? " Kirishima asked taking a peek at the camera.
" Oh you know, They kissed and Bakugou tried saying sorry but it was an epic fail! " Mina laughed and on cue Y/n came running down with an in raged Bakugou trailing hot on her tail.
" Come Back here! " Bakugou barked trying to grab hold of the girl.
" I was being honest when I said you need practice in saying sorry! You look like you're about to shit Bricks! " She yelled merely avoiding the hand of Bakugou that was centimeters away from holding her.
" Drama and Breakfast in the morning sure is pretty Good. But Drama, Breakfast and Comedy in the Morning is The best! " Denki chuckled watching the two interact.
" Oh boy... I have a feeling everything is going to be a lot more louder here than usual " Izuku sighed .
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boxofbadaddiction · 4 years
In a Word
Fred Weasley x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Swearing. Small depictions of PTSD. Post War.
Summary: The War changed Fred. His brush with death had an unexpected affect on the joyful young wizard and, unfortunately, created severe turmoil in his relationship with Y/n.
Prompts: 12, 15 & 20
"You're over me? When were you...under me?" // "I'm sorry. Maybe I can make it up to you by...taking you roughly in the barn." // "This can't be it./Then how come it is?"
This story is inspired from a request of my F.R.I.E.N.D.S Themed Prompt List.
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Not much was said about Fred Weasley, in fact most of the time he could be described simply in a word. He was loud. Boisterous. Confident. Some even called him Unstoppable. Those weren't the words [Y/N]'d use to describe him though.
Although, these days there were only two that came to mind when she thought of him. He was her ex. And he was afraid. Not that he would ever admit the fact.
Stubborn. That's another word for Fred Weasley.
The war had changed people. She'd seen it in the faces of friends, and family. In the eyes of strangers, and in her own reflection. Fewer people laughed while more cried. Many left hollow shells of their past self.
The same couldn't be said for Fred. He was different. The complete opposite. While others withdrew into themselves, he had never shone so bright.
If you thought he were loud before you'd be surely mistaken. These days he laughed harder, pranked more and never stopped moving. It was like he saw it as his job to single handedly bring joy back to the world. To shine light where darkness had taken root. Which isn't a bad thing, but now he had trouble on knowing when the joke needed to end.
His girlfriend suffered most as a result. She'd grown tired of feeling like the mother of a hyperactive toddler on a sugar rush. She'd attempted to talk with him on countless occasions. To have him confide his fears in her, but he never did. He did his best to never let on that he was hurting, but his best just wasn't good enough. She still saw it. Because if you looked closely enough you'd notice the way he jumped more at loud noises like he hadn't before. Notice the look in his eyes when he was with family or friends, how he seemed to try and memorise every detail of them, incase he wasn't here tomorrow to see it. It broke [Y/N]s heart to see him suffer in silence. But it didn't hurt her nearly as bad as when she had to leave him.
The problem between them was that Fred just never spoke about the war. Whether to offer himself a reprieve, or to be that support for another. Any worries someone had would be brushed off with a joke. Even on the day [Y/N] left he had a witty retort lined up at every word she said.
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"Damn it Fred! This is serious!" She pushed herself up from the dining room table.
"Must be to have your nostils flaring like that" he laughed. [Y/N] groaned loudly in frustration. Why was he incapable of being serious? Pacing the room in anger Fred watched as his girlfriend tried desperately to calm her emotions. He swallowed thickly quickly becoming uncomfortable in the tense atmosphere.
[Y/N] tugged at the roots of her hair, ran her hands down her face, pulled them over the back of her neck. She tried anything to rid her body of these stressful feelings as her mind raced a million miles an hour.
"Why can't you just talk to me!?" She shouted, arms being thrown out pleadingly towards her boyfriend. Face begging to understand him.
"I do."
"No you don't. Not about things that matter. Not about what's on your mind or how you're feeling. Hell! Fred, it's been so long since we've had a meaningful conversation I don't even know if you love me anymore." Her eyes were stinging red as they began to glisten with tears over her words. Fighting with every bit of strength in her body to keep them from falling.
"Of course I do.' Fred's face was the most serious it had been since the War. This was the first time in months she had seen it without a smile. That sickly fake smile.
Brows furrowed as he raised from his chair he walked to his partner. Snaking his arms around her waist as she turned her face away from him.
"Hey", his hand cupped her chin making her look at him, "I do love you. I'm sorry." He pulled her into a tight hug, resting his chin on the top of her head as her hands met at his shoulder blades. His chest vibrated against her cheek as he spoke, "maybe I can make it up to you" he leant back to peer into her eyes. Looking away as if deep in thought, "by...i dunno, taking you roughly in the barn?" he began laughing. [Y/N] pushed out of his hold tears falling in anger. "Oh, come on [Y/N]"
"NO! Fred. Just...no." she snapped, her back to him. One hand came to her temple, massaging to try and dull the pain throbbing in her mind. "I can't do this anymore." Her voice were no more than a whisper, but still it carried to Fred's ears. The room fell deadly silent as he processed the words. No, he heard wrong. He had to. "What?" His breathing began to pick up in panic. "I can't do this anymore!" Hot, fat tears spilled from her eyes as she turned shouting. "I can't keep pretending everything's okay, that I'm okay. That you're going to let me in and admit you're hurting because I know. I know you're hurting too." Fred was paralysed. This wasn't happening...
[Y/N]s voice softened "I can't just carry on in denial like you're choosing to, Fred. I-" her throat seemed to close over itself. No words or air able to break through. Biting her lip as her eyes ran the room, searching for an answer that just wasn't there. She dropped her head as more tears started to fall.
Seeing the woman he loved so distraught in front of him, because of him, killed Fred. It was like being trapped under that wall all over again, and he was suffocating. He hated that feeling. The one that plagued his very existence in every waking moment. He made so many jokes these days to distract himself from feeling just that. He stayed silent to protect the people he loved, but he'd just caused more damage.
He moved towards her again, carefully as if he'd scare her if he were to move too quickly. "Hey..." his voice cracked under the pressure of it all but still he forced a smile through the pain, "I know things have been difficult lately. With work and the-the aftermath of it all but...we'll get through this. Together. We can-" "No Fred." She looked up into his pale face, seeing his eyes widen. " 'We' can't. Not this time."
"No, no-no-no-no, please!" He willed himself forwards. Clutching her hands in his own and pulling them to his chest. "Please, [Y/N], love. I'm sorry this...this can't be it." His eyes were frantically searching her face, begging her.
"Then how come it is?"
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That was nearly two years ago now. They'd seen hide nor hair of one another since. [Y/N] had been on a few dates here and there but none felt right. No one could make her feel like Fred did. It broke her heart to leave him, but she knew it was the right thing to do. Being away gave her the time she needed to heal and cope with the reality which Fred had been determined to ignore.
As [Y/N] was finishing her day at work she decided to reward herself for surviving a particularly stressful week by heading for a few drinks at the new bar that had opened up in Diagon Alley a couple months back. She'd been dying to go, all her friends say it's fantastic unfortunately she'd never had occasion to accompany them.
So, with a quick stop home to shower and change she apparated to the entrance of the Bar.
It was everything she had heard about and more. As she sat on a stool by the counter she couldn't help but marvel at the interior. The ceiling glimmered with tiny lights that reminded her of the stars (which in turn reminded her of the ceiling in the Great Hall of Hogwarts), and the floors were gorgeous hardwood with Bar to match. It was hard to believe such a classy place existed in Diagon Alley. Swivelling back around in her seat to face the bartender she ordered herself another drink.
Her hands played with the cool exterior of her glass while she starred absent-mindedly at nothing in particular. Lost in her own thoughts as she enjoyed the night to herself.
"[Y/N]?" a familiar voice called from behind her. Her eyes shot up to the mirror on the wall, behind the whiskey shelf and there she saw him. A dishevelled mop of red hair emerging from the crowd of people bustling about the dance floor. "Fred?" She spoke more to herself before turning to face him.
Standing as he approached, their mouths were both agape ever so slightly. They stared for a moment before a single laugh fell from Fred's lips, one of shock and amazement, followed closely by that signature Freddie grin.
"It's so good to see you." Before he could register his movements his arms were already tight around her body. "You too".
He let her go slowly, standing back bashfully to admire her. "What are you-" he stopped himself. He was going to ask what she was doing here but out of fear she may be on a date he decided against it. "What have you been up to?"
"Not much. You know just work mostly. Actually I was just promoted a little over a month ago so it's all been really good." Her smile was genuine as she answered him and it made his heart soar to see her so happy again. Even if it weren't with him. Fred so deeply missed that smile, he missed all of her more than he could ever put into words. "That's fantastic! I'm happy for you." He knew he was staring but he didn't care. She was still so beautiful. Seeing her, being near her after all this time, was like a cool breath of fresh air he didn't realise he needed so bad.
"How about you? How's the store, and George?" "Great. All great. We're opening a store in Hogsmead shortly. Prime real-estate in our opinion, so close to the school. Couldn't pass up the chance to drive McGonagall up the wall either." [Y/N] found herself laughing hard at his comment. He was just like she remembered, before the war. Not trying to be funny it just came naturally. He looked happy. "That's amazing. I'm glad everything's going so well for you. God! It's been so long." "Too long."
There they went staring again. Both in awe of one another.
[Y/N] was the one to realise, or perhaps Fred just didn't care, but sensing the lull in conversation she cleared her throat - glancing over the room briefly.
"George is here." Fred spoke abruptly. Desperate to keep talking with her he threw out the first thing that came to mind. "A few of us came out for drinks tonight. Would you like to join us? I mean, if you aren't expecting someone." The words left a fowl taste on his tongue and an ache in his chest, praying she weren't with anyone. "No, I'm here alone", prayers answered. "But I couldn't possibly impose." "Impose? Please! We'd be offended if you didn't." He joked "come oooon...one drink?" putting on his best puppy dog eyes, that silent beg she never could resist. She pursued her lips, pondering his request for a moment. Would it be awkward? God she hoped not. "Okay." She raised a finger in front of her face with a stern expression, "one drink." "Atta girl!" He grinned widely, taking her wrist in his hand and whisking her through the close knit crowd to a booth to the back of the room.
Safe to say she was there a lot longer than one drink. As one turned to two, two turned to three and soon the minutes had stretched well into hours. Everything felt so safe and familiar back in the company of her old friends. Soon enough though, as was inevitable, it was just the two sat within the booth as everyone else vacated for the bar, dance floor or home.
In the comfort of each others company the two couldn't help but reminisce, on their Hogwarts days mostly. The two were in hysterics as [Y/N] recalled the time she failed to prank Snape which lead to Fred swooping to her rescue, taking the fall. "I had detention for a month after that." He laughed at the memory, "I said I was sorry!" [Y/N] was wiping tears from her eyes. "Hands were blistered to Hell by the time I'd polished all those damn trophies." As her stomach cramped [Y/N] burried her head in her hands, trying to compose herself but failing. Fred watched her, shoulders quaking in silent laughter at how adorable she looked in this moment. Finally having control of herself once again [Y/N] adjusted her posture while stretching her jaw that'd cramped from smiling so much.
Fred lifted his glass to his lips readying himself to drink, "I still remember the day you confessed your undying love for me", he threw his head back finishing the beverage. "Practically screammed it for the whole school to hear." He smirked. "Oh it was not like that!" "It most certainly was!"
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"Just tell me what's wrong!" Fred bellowed, storming after the angry girl ahead of him. Arms wide pleadingly.
"It doesn't matter! None of it matters now!" [Y/N] called over her shoulder as she rounded the corner into a quiet corridor.
"Clearly..." Fred ran to stand in front of her, hands grasping her shoulders to keep her in place, "it does." She rolled her eyes, turning her head away from him. "It doesn't matter because I am over you Fred!" She pulled out of his grip standing confidently before him. "I'm over you."
Freds face lost all emotion. They stood in silence as realisation dawned on [Y/N] slowly, rising through her spine like a chill. A hand coming to cover her mouth as the other wrapped around her stomach like she was going to be sick. "You're over me?" [Y/N] backed away from him and found herself pressed against a cold stone wall eye's wide in horror. "When-when were you...under me?" His brows furrowed, turning confused to find her on the ground now, hands tugging at the roots of her hair with knees to her chest.
An endearing sort of chuckled rolled from his throat past his lips, sounding dangerously close to a scoff. Shock subsiding slightly he shook his head while approaching his best friend. Crouching before her.
"Look at me."
[Y/N] shook her head quickly. Hiding her eyes in the palms of her hands. "No." she mumbled.
"Please, look at me"
"Oh for the love of - [Y/N]!" her arms were suddenly being pulled from her face as she was made to stand infront of him.
Embarrassed by her confession [Y/N] became defensive, "WHAT!? Okay, yes, I like you! I have for a while. I tried not to, tried to stop myself but I couldn't! I'm sorry! So go ahead. Make your jokes. Have a good laugh, I don't care anymore!" She was waving her arms frantically as she yelled. Staring directly into his eyes, which were glaring incredulously back. "You're insufferable, you know that!?" He snapped. [Y/N] scoffed, mouth falling wide at the insult. "Oh yeah? Well, you're a-"
Her next words were cut out by Freds lips on hers, hands cupping her face before one looped the small of her back to bring their bodies tight against each other. Her hands held onto his biceps. She felt herself melt into the kiss she'd been dreaming about for months, although it was under vastly different circumstances. Moaning softly at the warmth spreading through her body. Much to her dismay Fred let go of her, pulling back to catch his breath. A grin forming on his face as he looked down at her. "I'm a what?" His tone playful. [Y/N] stood breathless for a moment glancing at his lips, " You're a...really good kisser." She whined pulling him back in for another.
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Fred was doubled over in their booth from unrestrained laughter. "Okay, so maybe a few people heard. There was an awful lot of yelling." [Y/N] giggled, watching him fondly.
"LAST DRINKS!" called the bartender. Their attention shot towards them, expressions falling solemn. When had it gotten so late?
"I-I should probably get going." She kept her eyes on the bar as she mumbled the words knowing if her eyes met his she'd crumble. Freds eyes were fixed to her profile. This couldn't be it. He wasn't ready to say goodbye. "I'll walk you." He jumped from his seat, "still at the same place?" He smiled and reached his hand out for her to take. Finally her gaze met his, smiling immediately, she took his hand nodding.
The walk home was interesting, to say the least. Both were considerably drunker than they realised, stumbling about the Alley way they were relying solely on one another for the stability to remain upright. Fred was cracking jokes as [Y/N] all but hung from his arm where their elbows interlocked.
Howling laughter echoed noisely through the deserted street. Several times Fred found himself taking hold of her waist to keep her from falling. The last he decided it were safer just to keep them there. Hugging her tightly from behind they walked step-in-step, as he swayed her dramatically enjoying the giggles that erupted from her at the action. For anyone observing the scene they'd never wager the two weren't a couple.
[Y/N] was squirming under his hold as his fingers began tickling her sides. Eliciting various shrieks, squeals and 'no's from her mouth. She bent far forward trying to distance herself from his touch, Fred took advantage of the action sweeping her off her feet into a bridal style hold. "Right let's see now, where were you." He scanned the lining apartments counting to himself over the loud sound of [Y/N]s laughter. "Ah, here we are!" He exclaimed, jogging up the short flight of stairs to the door, effortlessly. "Your stop, M'lady" he bowed placing her feet firmly on the ground. "Why thank you kind Sir." She was visibly flustered from the amount of contact and laughter they had shared tonight. It just all felt so right with him.
As she rummaged her coat pocket for her keys and looked back to him the scene changed. Their faces falling sullen and the night deathly quiet. This was it wasn't it...goodbye?
"Thank you for walking me home and-and for tonight. I had fun." She swallowed the lump in her throat that formed over her awkwardness.
"Anytime" Fred shook his head, though he tried to smile it didn't last long. He felt like he could breathe again and to say goodbye meant suffocating. How could he tell her, tell her that a life without her in it wasn't worth living? How could he prove he's changed? Did she even feel the same way anymore? He searched her eyes, praying to find the answer hidden within them.
"Anyway, I should-" she gestured to the door with her keys.
"No, yeah. Of course." He smiled, but that hand that shot to rub the back of his neck gave him away. He was nervous. Even after two years she could still spot his tells a mile away. He wanted to say something and from the thundering in her chest [Y/N] could guess what it was. Because she felt it too. She was opening her mouth to speak -
"I'll see you." He was walking away. Why was he walking away?
[Y/N]s mouth fell open, watching him stride into the distance. Her mind willing her to do something. Say something. Fuck, say ANYTHING!
"FRED!" she stood at the edge of her stairs. The call of his name turning his attention back to her. Heart racing.
Her mind was fumbling over the words to say. The love of her life was there. He was right there waiting for her...
"I'm...I'm still under you." She kicked herself for how awkward that must have sounded.
Fred's head dropped in sigh. Running before his feet knew they were carrying him he leapt onto the landing beside her. Pulling her by the nape of her neck their lips crashed together. [Y/N] was smiling against his lips as tears trickled down her rosie cheeks. Fred broke his lips from hers, pushing their foreheads together as they caught their breath.
"You're insufferable, you know that?".
"I know."
There were a lot of words [Y/N] could use to describe Fred Weasley. He was passionate. Funny. Smart. Impulsive. But most importantly; he was Hers.
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The Pharaoh & His Princess
Ten |
A New Baby
"Anippe, just what are you doing?" the man yelled.
"I'm trying to see Uncle Seto and Aunt Kisara's new baby!" the princess replies from above.
"Get down before Mahad sees you!"
Anippe pouts, "Shada, please, can I go in?"
Shada shook his head before extending his arms so Anippe could jump into them.
"Sorry princess, but the rules are clear. You cannot enter Priest Seto's chambers unless his approval or the Pharaoh's."
Anippe crosses her arms as she lets out a scoff.
"Come on now, jump," Shada says.
Anippe just stares at Shada's wide-open arms and prepares to jump from her high position before she hears the chamber doors open.
She rapidly changes her position so she can jump inside the chamber before Shada's strong arms whoop out of nowhere and grab her.
"No! Let me go! Please! I want to see the baby!" Anippe yells as she struggles against Shada's arms.
"Well with all that ruckus you're causing, I don't think I'll let you in."
Anippe stops what she's doing and turns to her Uncle.
"Seto!" she beams.
He just raises an eyebrow at her.
"Can I please please see my new cousin? Please?" Anippe begs.
Seto sighs as he pinches his nose bridge.
"Fine, you can enter. But under one condition."
Anippe glows in happiness as Shada looks at Seto, uncertainty.
"You are on your absolute best behavior. Kisara is still tired from giving birth and your cousin needs to sleep. Meaning you are silent as a cat. Understand?"
"I give you my word as princess of Egypt," Anippe replied dead serious, making both Seto and Shada speechless.
For a moment Seto just looked at her eyes and she looked back at him, firmly.
Seto's face broke into a small smile.
"Very well. Come along now."
Between Shada and Seto, Anippe quietly marched inside the chamber and took notice of Kisara's form. She was silently sitting on the bed holding the new family member in her arms.
Servants and midwives rushed out of the room while others stayed at the end of the room, silently for instructions.
Kisara perks up at Anippe's visit.
"Hello Princess, are you here to meet your new cousin?"
Anippe nodded, "Indeed I am."
Kisara gently turned the baby in her arms so Anippe could see its face. A baby boy was gently sleeping in her arms. His sleeping face, snuggled to her chest. His soft breathing and sudden coos.
"He's your new cousin, Astennu." Anippe heard Seto say.
The crowned princess could only stare at the new baby.
He had soft brown hair, just like Seto. His skin tone was a mix between Kisara's pale skin and Seto's tan skin. But, what color were his eyes?
"I see you beat me in meeting the new family member." her father's booming voice announced.
Entering Seto's chamber with a small smile, Atem nodded at his daughter before settling his attention on Seto.
"I am proud of you both. Now you will know the best gift of the gods, parenthood," he said, strolling over to his daughter's side.
"Hiya Papa," Anippe whispered with a huge smile. Atem looked down at his four-year-old summer princess.
"I thought we were going to come to visit your new cousin together." Atem pouted sarcastically.
Anippe blushed in embarrassment.
"Oops, I forgot."
Both Atem and Seto chuckled before going back to looking at Astennu.
Shada rolls his eyes, knowing Anippe was trying to look innocent. Somehow Anippe noticed Shada's little stunt which made her stick her tongue at him. Shada looked offended.
"Kisara," Anippe began, turning away from the priest so she wouldn't be scowled for her rude behavior.
"Why did you name him Astennu?"
Atem shot Seto a cheeky look whereas Seto sent him a death glare.
Kisara giggled.
"Well princess, contrary to Egypt's traditions and your parent's custom, I didn't name our son. Seto did. He'll answer that for you."
Seto coughed nervously, making Atem and Shada grin at his suffering.
Anippe turned to her uncle, intrigued at his response.
"Well you see, Astennu means god of the moon. Just like your parents named you after goddess Anuket, Astennu is named after Khons."
"Er, well."
Seto sighed before crossing his arms, and rocking them side by side like he was holding a baby.
"When you were an infant, you couldn't stop crying one night and no one was there to attend to you. So I rocked you back to sleep under Khon's gaze."
"What does that have to do with his name?" Anippe pressed but was silenced by her father.
"He's getting there, be patient. Continue."
"Well before I entered your room, I was dead set on not having kids. I lost my mother in a village fire and was abandoned by my father until reuniting with him a couple of years later. I did not have a good childhood. However I met Kisara and just like me, she had a horrible childhood. Yet, she wanted children to give them a life she didn't have. Unlike me, who was traumatized by being a failure of a parent. I was scared and unsure if I could grant Kisra that wish."
Kisara smiled tenderly at Seto.
"But when I held you, Anippe, and rocked you back to sleep, I talked to Khons."
Atem smiled softly.
"Watching you sleeping, how you held onto me, I knew what Khons was trying to tell me. That I had to let go of my fears and embrace my new life. That life with a child wouldn't be so bad."
Seto chuckled, "Here we are now, four summer years later."
Seto stopped rocking his arms and smiled at Anippe.
"That is why he is named Astennu. To honor the god who allowed me to see beyond my fears and flaws. However, I would like to thank you too. For teaching me that I can be a father."
Anippe smiled at Seto's words.
"I'm happy for you."
"So am I," Seto replied with a smile.
Suddenly a horrid sound rang across the room.
Young Astennu was wailing for immediate attention.
Anippe cringed at how his screams pierced through her ears.
Atem coughed before picking up Anippe.
"Well, we've been intruding for a while now. We'll come by again tomorrow. This time together, right Anippe?"
Anippe nodded.
"Goodbye, and thank you!" Kisara managed to say as the midwives tried calming Astennu down.
Before stepping out of the room, Atem leaned over at Shada, and whispered in his ear, "Can you bring the gift I have for them from the room next to my chambers?"
"Yes my Pharaoh!" Shada replied before sprinting out of the room.
As the Pharaoh and Princess walked down the palace's hallways, the little girl couldn't help but hear the rapid whispers of the staff. The excitement in the palace was everywhere. Everyone was thrilled with the arrival of the new baby.
Once Anippe and her father were a good distance away from them, they found Mahad and Isis in one of the spell rooms.
"Ah, I assume you met the new baby," Isis spoke with a gentle smile.
"Yeah! He was so tiny! It was super exciting too!" Anippe exclaimed eagerly.
"Everyone in the palace is excited to meet the new baby." Mahad chuckled.
Turning to her father, Anippe asked, "Was my birth this exciting Papa?"
Both Isis and Mahad became silent, watching how Atem tried keeping his face expressionless.
Anippe felt her father tense.
Isis suddenly scooped her from her father's arms.
Before Isis could begin to walk away, Atem slowly leaned over and kissed his daughter's forehead softly. Refusing to meet her curious eyes, Atem's lips turned to a small melancholy smile.
"The day you were born, is a day Egypt will never forget." is all he managed to whisper to her before Isis began to walk away.
"Come Anippe," is all Isis whispered.
Anippe turned back and frowned at the scene unfolding in the spell room.
Mahad was embracing her father as if he was trying to soothe him.
But why?
It wouldn't be till a few years that Anippe would learn the truth of the day of her birth.
In ancient Egypt, women had the full right to name their children as they carried them. This is why Kisara doesn't answer Anippe's question, as Seto named their child.
This week’s adventure was inspired by one of the artworks done by @siosiri
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nerdythebard · 3 years
#5: Amaterasu, The Shining Light
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Gods and Goddesses!
We step into a brand new pantheon, opening it with Amaterasu! She is a central figure in Shinto, the firstborn and the only daughter of the primordial creator deities (Izanami and Izanagi), and to this day believed to be the direct ancestor of Japanese emperors. Let's see what can this great leader bring to the D&D table!
As always, let's see what we need to make the Sun rise again for us:
High Mobility: Amaterasu has an Aura which increases Movement Speed (and gives additional healing and power) and she has a Dash which silences enemies
High Area Damage: Amaterasu's Passive aura weakens foes, her Mirror charges up a long-range blast, and her Ultimate is three quick and powerful slices slowing and stunning enemies on top of dealing damage
The Imperial Regalia of Japan: It's only fitting to incorporate Amaterasu's symbols of power: the Yasaka-no-Magatama jewel, the Yata-no-Kagami mirror, and the Kusanagi-no-Tsurugi sword.
Starting with Amaterasu's race, I cannot think of anything else than Protector Aasimar. With the spark of divinity inside us, we get a +2 Charisma and +1 Wisdom, 60 feet of Darkvision, and resistance to radiant and necrotic damage. We get the Healing Hands feature, which lets us restore s number of Hit Points equal to our level (for a creature we touch, or for ourselves), and the Light Bearer feature gives us the Light cantrip (fitting, since Amaterasu is the Sun Goddess). We can speak, read, and write Common and Celestial, and starting at 3rd level we get the Radiant Soul feature; for 1 minute we transform into a celestial form that gives us flying speed of 30 feet and, once per turn, we can deal extra radiant damage when attacking or casting a spell (the amount of damage is equal to our overall level).
Amaterasu is the chief kami (god-like spirit) of Shinto, so making her a Noble sounds like a solid choice. We gain proficiency in History and Persuasion skills, and with one type of gaming set (plus we can pick another language). This background gives us the Position of Privilege feature, which could be used to infiltrate the upper-class layers of society. Ensuring a meeting with the local higher-ups due to our status is always a good option to keep in our back pocket.
We'll start with Dexterity on this one - Amaterasu's mobility and quick strikes make her a more nimble type of fighter. Follow that up with Charisma, which is going to be our spellcasting ability (and as a measure of Amaterasu's leadership). Constitution is next, we might be wearing what appears to be at least a half-plate in the artwork, but we cannot ignore the Hit Points.
We go with Wisdom next, Amaterasu's tactics and benevolence comes from millennia of good leadership. Intelligence is a little lower than I wish it was, but we just need other abilities more. Finally, we'll dump Strength – we weren't able to stop a horse being thrown at us by our brother (your time will come, Susano'o).
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This will be another pure build. I've tried a few options with Amaterasu, but the only one that seems to be working best for what we want to achieve is going Paladin start-to-finish.
As a Paladin, our Hit Dice is a d10 and we begin with 10 + our CON mod amount of Hit Points. We gain proficiency in light armour, medium armour, heavy armour, shields, simple weapons, and martial weapons. As stated before, I would suggest to go for the half-plate and longsword combo, with a shield to represent both the Kusanagi sword and the Yata mirror. Paladins also get a holy symbol, so that takes care of the Yasaka jewel, as well. We don't get any tool proficiencies, our saving throws are Wisdom and Charisma, and we get to pick two class skills; let's get Insight and Religion.
Level 1: Starting our Paladin journey, we get Divine Sense. This special kind of perception informs us of any celestials, fiends, or undead within 60 feet from us. We can also detect consecrated or desecrated places and objects.
We also get Lay on Hands, which is another useful quick-healing ability. We have a pool of [our Paladin level x5] healing points, which we can distribute how we see fit; alternatively, we can spend 5 points to remove one disease or poison from the target's body. This feature doesn't work on constructs and the undead, and we replenish all lost points after finishing a long rest.
Level 2: Beginning at this level, we expand our divine capabilities with Divine Smite, one of the many flavours of SMITE (heh heh) we get as a Paladin. Whenever we hit a target with our melee weapon, we can burn a spell slot to deal extra 2d8 radiant damage for a 1st-level spell slot, with the damage increasing by 1d8 for each slot level (to a maximum of 5d8). Fiends and the undead get extra 1d8 damage (to a maximum of 6d8).
Here, we also get to pick our Fighting Style that defines our warrior. For Amaterasu I feel like Interception from Tasha's Cauldron of Everything works great here. When a target within 5 feet from us gets attacked by a creature we can see, we can use our reaction to reduce the damage by 1d10 + our proficiency bonus (to a minimum of 0 damage). We have to have a shield or a simple/martial weapon equipped for this to work.
Level 2 is also where we get our Paladin Spellcasting, with Charisma as our casting ability. Paladins don't get any cantrips, and can prepare a [Charisma modifier + half of Paladin level] number of spells; in our case, it means four spells with two 1st-level spell slots:
Divine Favour is a bonus action spell that empowers your weapon with an additional 1d4 radiant damage on a hit for 1 minute (concentration).
Protection from Evil and Good is a fantastic defence buff. A willing creature we touch is protected against aberrations, celestials, elementals, fey, fiends, and undead for 10 minutes (concentration). All creature types mentioned above have disadvantage on attacks against the target, and the target cannot be charmed, frightened, or possessed by them.
Searing Smite channels the power of the Sun to our weapon strikes. As a bonus action, for the next minute (concentration) each successful melee attack deals additional 1d6 fire damage and lights the target on fire (Constitution saving throw at the beginning of each turn or another 1d6 fire damage).
Shield of Faith is a useful AC boost, especially when joined by a half-plate and a shield. The spell lasts for 10 minutes (concentration) and gives us +2 AC.
Level 3: Our brand new Divine Health feature makes us completely immune to disease.
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It's also at this level that we pick our subclass – the Sacred Oath – and I'll be honest, I had a dilemma here. Flavour-wise, Oath of the Crown would've worked great here; it represents a protector of their people, somebody who carries the spirit of the nation on their shoulders. Unfortunately, there is another Oath that has more things that we need. Oath of Glory is usually taken by Paladins who believe they are destined for greatness and therefore they train diligently every day waiting for fate to call them to adventure. At this
When we take this Oath, we gain access to some more spells. We always have them prepared and they don't count against the max. number of spells we can have. Guiding Bolt deals 4d6 radiant damage on a successful hit, and the next attack against the target before our next turn has an advantage. Heroism makes one willing creature we touch immune to being frightened for 1 minute (concentration) and grants it Temporary Hit Points equal to our spellcasting ability modifier.
We also gain access to the Channel Divinity feature. We get only one CD per short or long rest, but we have two options right from the start:
Peerless Athlete enhances our physical abilities, giving us advantage on Athletics and Acrobatics checks and enhancing our capacity to carry, push, lift, and drag objects. Our jump distance also increases by 10 feet.
Inspiring Smite can be used immediately after we deal extra damage with the Divine Smite feature. As a bonus action, we can pick a number of creatures within 30 feet from us and distribute [2d8 + our Paladin level] Temporary Hit Points between them.
Level 4: We get our first Ability Score Improvement! If our DM allows to take feats instead of raising abilities, that's good news for us; the Resilient feat gives us a +1 to an ability of our choice (let's go for Constitution for better Hit Point) and lets us become proficient in one saving throw. One again, let's select Constitution for better chance of keeping our concentration.
At this level, we can also get a new 1st-level spell: Command forces one target to make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, we can issue a simple one-word command that the target must execute on its next turn. If the target is an undead, cannot understand our language, or we order them to harm themselves, the spell fails.
Level 5: We unlock 2nd-level spell slots here. We also get two more spells, thanks to our subclass: Enhance Ability lets us touch one willing creature and enhance one of its ability scores for 1 hour (concentration). Magic Weapon gives a weapon we touch a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls for 1 hour (concentration) and also makes the weapon magical for the purpose of overcoming resistances.
Here, we also get Extra Attack feature, which lets us attack twice during one Action.
Level 6: At this level, we gain our first Aura ability. Aura of Protection extends 10 feet from us (30 feet when we hit level 18) and gives an automatic bonus of [our Charisma modifier] to us or any friendly creature within range that has to make a saving throw.
We can also pick our first 2nd-level spell. Aid gives up to three creatures within 30 feet of us extra 5 Hit Points, and also increases Maximum Hit Points by 5 for 8 hours.
Level 7: From our subclass we get another Aura ability. Aura of Alacrity increases our walking speed by 10 feet. Additionally, if we're not incapacitated, all allies that stand within 5 feet of us at the beginning of their turn gain +10 feet of walking speed until the end of their turn.
Level 8: We get another ASI. For this one, let's raise our Dexterity and Constitution by 1.
We also get another 2nd-level spell: Warding Bond links us with another willing creature via two matching rings for 1 hour. While our target is within 60 feet of us, they gain +1 to AC and saving throws, as well as resistance to all forms of damage. However, each time the target takes damage, we take the same amount of damage.
Level 9: At this level we get no class features, but we do unlock 3rd-level spell slots and get two new spells from our subclass:
Haste doubles the speed of one willing creature within 30 feet of us, as well as provides it with +2 AC, additional Action on each of its turn, and disadvantage on Dexterity saving throw for 1 minute (concentration). After the spell wears off, the target can't move or take actions until its next turn.
Protection from Energy grants a willing creature we touch resistance to one of the following types of damage – acid, cold, fire, lightning, or thunder – for 1 hour (concentration).
Level 10: Halfway through this build and we get Aura of Courage, which gives us and friendly creatures within 10 feet of us immunity to being frightened. At level 18, the Aura extends to 30 feet.
We get our first 3rd-level spell: Blinding Smite gives our next successful strike additional 3d8 radiant damage; the target has to make a Constitution saving throw or be blinded until the spell ends (1 minute, concentration).
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Level 11: We get a little upgrade with Improved Divine Smite, which is now permanently active. On a successful hit, the target receives extra 1d8 radiant damage. In my personal ruling, we can still burn spell slots to add extra d8s of radiant damage, as per usual Divine Smite.
Level 12: Another ASI; let's put one point into Constitution and one into Wisdom.
For this level's spell, Daylight create a sphere of natural sunlight at a point of our choice within 60 feet from us. It overcomes any magical darkness created by a spell of 3rd level or lower, and can be used to put some weakness to vampires. The spell can also be used on an object that isn't being worn or carried to make it glow.
Level 13: Here, we unlock 4th-level spell slots and gain two more spells from our subclass:
Compulsion targets a creature we can see within 30 feet that can hear us. It has to make a Wisdom saving throw (automatic success if it can't be charmed) or be forced to use its entire movement speed to go in the direction of our choice horizontal to us. It cannot be compelled to walk into hazard, but this triggers attacks of opportunity when leaving melee range.
Freedom of Movement gives a willing target protection from paralysis, being restrained, and allows them to move freely through difficult terrain for 1 hour.
Level 14: At this level, we receive the Cleansing Touch feature. Using an action, we can end the effect of one spell on ourselves or another target. That means we can now break paralysis, poisoning, sleep, fear, charm, etc.
For our first 4th-level spell, we get Death Ward. For 8 hours, a creature we touch is given a moderate protection from death. If the creature is reduced to 0 Hit Points, it comes back to life with 1 HP and the spell ends. It can also stop a spell which results in an instant death, such as the 9th-level Power Word: Kill.
Level 15: We get another subclass upgrade with Glorious Defence. Whenever we (or a creature within 10 feet of us) are hit, we can use our reaction to get a bonus AC equal to our Charisma modifier. If the attack against us misses, we can use the same reaction to make a counter-attack, provided the enemy is within our weapon's range.
Level 16: Time for another ASI. Let's get +2 to our Constitution to make us an even better tank.
We get another 4th-level spell: Aura of Purity gives all non-hostile creatures within 30 feet of us (including us) immunity to disease, resistance to poison damage, and advantage on saving throws against the following effects – blinded, charmed, deafened, frightened, paralysed, poisoned, and stunned – for 10 minutes (concentration).
Level 17: Here, we unlock 5th-level spell slots and receive the last two subclass spells:
Commune is a ritual that allows us to get in contact with some higher power and ask up to three question that could be answered by either 'yes' or 'no'.
Flame Strike calls a column of fire to rain from above on the location we select within 60 feet from us. Creatures in 10-foot-radius, 40-foot-high cylinder has to make a Dexterity saving throw or take 4d6 fire damage and 4d6 radiant damage (half damage on a successful save).
Level 18: We get our Auras juiced up with Aura Improvement. Every Aura we get from our class (besides Aura spells we have to use slots for) is now getting an increased radius to 30 feet.
Time for 5th-level spells. Holy Weapon gives our weapon divine properties for 1 hour (concentration); it emits bright light for 30 feet (and a dim light for another 30), the weapon becomes magical, and each successful strike deals additional 2d8 radiant damage on a hit. As a bonus action, we can dismiss the spell earlier and make it burst into a flash of divine radiance. Each creature of our choice within 30 feet must make a Constitution saving throw, or take 4d6 radiant damage and be blinded for 1 minute (half damage and no blindness on a successful save).
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Level 19: For the final ASI of this build, let's get a +2 for our Dexterity. We don't have any new spells here, so we have to be satisfied with this.
Level 20: Our capstone is also our final subclass feature. With Living Legend we can get a significant power-up from the sheer hype being told about us.
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As a bonus action, we get the following benefits for 1 minute:
Advantage on Charisma checks;
If we miss out melee attack, we can make it hit (on each of our turns);
If we fail a saving throw, we can use our reaction to re-roll it. We must use the new roll.
We can use this feature once per long rest, unless we burn a 5th-level spell slot to use it again.
We also get our final spell for this build: with Destructive Wave we strike the ground to cause a divine shockwave. Each creature of our choice within 30 feet of us mus make a Constitution saving throw or take 5d6 thunder damage and 5d6 radiant or necrotic damage (our choice, let's go for radiant) and be knocked prone (half damage and no knockdown on a successful save).
Alright, that was Amaterasu. Let's see what we have:
Well, first of all, we're a great vanguard. This build focuses on our positioning, supporting our allies with Auras, making sure we're within range for Interception of damage. We also have a very nice AC (14 without armour, 19 with half-plate and shield, to a maximum of 21 with Glorious Defence and Shield of Faith) and 185 Hit Points on average, with possibility of crossing 200 if the math shapes of destiny are in our favour.
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We also have a plethora of SMITE flavours to support our weapon strikes.
Unfortunately, most of our spells require concentration. We managed to mitigate the risk a little bit with the Resilient feat and proficiency with Con saving throws, but there is still a risk of wasting a spell.
Our basic sword strikes are also not great because of our -1 to Strength.
Anyway, that's it for Amaterasu. I hope you guys enjoyed this ride, and I'll see you next time!
- Nerdy out!
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