#;;What's Your Price? (Maximilien)
shadybiotics · 2 years
May I request nsfw head canons of Zenyatta,Maximilian (boy doesn't get enough attention) and ofc Ramattra💗?
ohohoho my favourite trio🖤💕
the omnic trio x reader [ NSFW WARNING ! ! ! ]
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zenyatta ♡ 
His goal each time you fuck is to creampie you as much as possible. He will cum in you over and over no matter how overstimulated you are.
Loves to watch as his cum drools out of your hole, then uses it as further lubricant for the next round.
Most times he isn't too rough with you but he does like to leave marks and bruises on you, anything that will later remind both of you of how good he fucked you.
If he is feeling mischievous he will start teasing you. Riling you up for so long only to then put the tip in before pulling out immediately, then doing it again and again all whilst he snickers at your desperation.
He will bring you along for a trip to the monastery only to scoot you away to some corner to finger you. The building is old and vast and echo travels far in between its walls, so good luck on not being heard.
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maximilien ♡ 
Loves to watch you get fucked. Max will order others to bang you while he sits back and touches himself to the sight of you. Catch being they are not allowed to cum inside you or make you cum, that is for reserved for him only.
If you got into an argument that day he might make it a gangbang, then watch your body struggle to take all these people at once. He finds it amusing, and arousing to hear you whimper and moan all while having brains fucked out by strangers.
He maaaaay let others watch too but only if they pay a good enough price.
Max will use his favourite tie as a makeshift bondage accessory. He will use it as a leash, a gag or a rope to bind your arms and hands. The omnic will then wear it on dates and other special occasions as a reminder of what he is capable of doing to you.
He owns a ceiling mirror for obvious purposes.
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ramattra ♡ 
He doesn't like to give it to you too easily. You have to earn what you want.
He will play dumb and pretend to not understand your advances to the point where you have to spell it out for him despite being all flustered by how lewd the words coming out of your mouth are. That was his goal, to watch you act so ashamed and embarrassed of your most primal urges and desires, that's when he finds you the cutest.
He is surprisingly soft and gentle with you when it comes to penetration, fearing that your small body would not be able to handle all of him but you are more than determined to prove him otherwise.
He will fuck your brains out and right before you reach the brink Ramattra will stop moving. You whine and protest pleading for him to let you finish but he doesn't budge and if you try riding him on your own he will grip your thighs and hold you down to keep you from moving.
He will pull your hair when fucking you to manipulate your body into whichever position or angle he wants. Out of foolish curiosity you tried doing the same to him once, grabbing onto one of those cable-like appendages coming out of his head and tugging it. Lets just say that didn't end well for you.
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theartisticcrow · 3 months
🌻 :)
Alright, I saw this ask last night, but decided I'd save it for the next day when I was feeling actually awake. Well, now I've got a Queen record playing so i might as well talk about the French Revolution, particularly Maximilien Robespierre. Now you might be thinking, "Robespierre? The bloodthirsty tyrant that guillotined half a France? What about him?" Well I am here to tell you that he wasn't actually a tyrant or a dictator, despite what your high school teacher might have told to the entire class. If you don't know who Robespierre was, without accidentally writing a short biography of his entire life and career (again), he was lawyer from Arras, France, most well known for his involvement in the French Revolution and the Reign of Terror. I will get to that [his involvement in these events] in a moment, but firstly, what was the Reign of Terror? Hell, what was the French Revolution? I'm sure you know, it's a very famous events after all, but I shall explain as though you do not for anyone who may come across this post and not know exactly what I'm talking about.
Alright, so the French Revolution began in France in 1789. The country is drowning in debt after the American Revolution, people are starving because of a poor harvest season and prices of bread are rising, and it's just not a great time. The country was in crisis and something needed to be done. The Third Estate (social class involving anyone who is not nobility or a member of the clergy) demanded change and the other Estates actually sort of agreed that "yeah, country's fucked". Thus the king called upon the Estates-General, a sort of meeting of the three Estates (First Estate: Clergy. Second Estate: Nobility. Third Estate: literally everybody else, they make up 97% of the population). This was a pretty big thing because the Estates-General hadn't been called upon in a very long time (I think it was roughly 175 years?). Anyways, the point of the Estates general was basically, correct me if I'm wrong, to fix things in the kingdom when everything had gone to shit. Each Estate was represented by one singular vote. This was sort of a problem, you see, because the minority of the population, the First and Second Estate, had collectively two votes while the Third Estate, the majority of the population, only had one. Do you see where this is going? Anything that the majority of the population wanted could be very easily outvoted and it was incredibly unfair, obviously. After a while, after various disagreements and things just not really going according to plan, the Third Estate decided "Fuck this, I'm not doing this anymore", and they went off and formed something called the National Assembly. The National Assembly was to represent all members of the population though in particular the Third Estate. Literally 3 days after forming this Assembly, the King, Louis XVI, locked them out of their own building so that they wouldn't be able to meet there anymore. This sort of backfired on the King because they just went down to the nearby tennis court and sort of signed something called the Tennis Court Oath, which basically was them saying, "Well fuck you, we are never going to stop meeting".
(I've had to go back through my 30 page essay to find the correct dates and timeline but anyways). Without getting too deep into the politics and technicalities of the time, let me just walk you through the major events of the Revolution that would eventually lead up to the Reign of Terror. (At this very moment I've only now just clicked back on to that document so I can look through it and oh my God I forgot how small the fucking font is. This is going to take me a few minutes.)
OKAY, Third Estate wants lower taxes (taxes are partially result of the country's debt and the country's debt is because of their funding of the American Revolution and a really flawed taxing and banking system); Estates general is called, all three Estates bring up collectively 60,000 grievances; the Estates general doesn't go so well because of unfair voting; fueled by the ideas of the Age of Enlightenment, the Third Estate goes off and forms their own little kind of government, that being the National Assembly; the National Assembly would represent the entire country; only a few days after forming, the King would lock him out of their own building; Tennis Court Oath happens, Robespierre is among those in the National Assembly and he is one of the people that signed the Tennis Court Oath. Alright, by this point Louis XVI is getting a bit nervous, understandably. The King begins organising troops near Paris and, understandably, people begin to panic. In this panic, (that along with the King firing or dismissing Jacques Necker), people begin to riot a bit, and thus is how came about the storming of the Bastille. The storming of the Bastille was a massive turning point in the Revolution, not only because it was an incredible display of the people getting together and successful storming this prison which represented mass political power, but even the army, who was likely called to 'disperse' the crowd, fought on their side and helped them take the Bastille. A couple decapitated heads later and the Revolution is imminent. It has begun.
Since this is getting long: March on Versailles happens, the King and Queen are overthrown and later executed, lots of stuff happens but it would take me another eleven days to write about. Reign of Terror begins (a fuck ton of mass executions).
Now, back to the topic of MAXIMILIEN ROBESPIERRE, my god is this ever getting long. Right, he wasn't a dictator. Lots of people think that he was a dictator but that is a truth this is based on Thermidorian Propaganda and basically no truth... What if I just... screenshoted or copied that essay... Like the actual essay part of the essay. Hold on... OKAY, HERE'S THE ESSAY ITSELF THAT I WROTE. HAVE FUN READING ALL THIS:
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And that's pretty much it. The rest of the essay was fucking background context that turned into a biography of Robespierre's life and career. Important things that I want to say here: Robespierre was not a dictator. He was one of 12 members on the Committee of Public Safety; they had equal superiority, it physically could not have been a dictatorship even if he wanted it to, and he didn't. He signed the least number of arrest warrants out of all Committee members, he was generally a pretty decent guy. His death was horribly cruel and unjust. He advocated for equal male suffrage, (even supported a few women's rights which I know right now may seem not impressive, but like you need to think about the time and how revolutionary that would have been), he did not support slavery, he basically said to the colonies that 'hey if it takes slavery to keep your colonies running, then your colonies can fucking perish'. Was he perfect? Oh absolutely not. He wrote up the Law of 22 Prairial which I absolutely do not support and he still did sign arrest warrants but he signed the least number of arrest warrants out of all Committee members like I previously mentioned and did I mention that this guy fucking hated the death penalty? He absolutely hated it, tried to have it abolished even but the National Assembly had already accepted a proposal by one Joseph Guillotin a year earlier. (I'm sure you can figure out what roughly that proposal lead to). Robespierre hated blood and physical violence, he never attended a single execution except his own. And every single person that he would have signed and an arrest warrant for would be arrested, have a trial and then may or may not end up being executed. Whether or not they were executed was actually out of his jurisdiction. But here's the thing about his execution: he didn't get a trial. His enemies overthrew him and executed him without fucking trial. And you know what they did after his death I probably mentioned that already in that essay but they pinned all of their crimes on him. I mean you look at how many wild accusations were coming out of the time and really, what's a little gasoline on a forest fire? It's already burning, it's not like anybody's going to notice. I cannot stress how much propaganda there was after his death. And that's what so much of our modern view of him is based on: propaganda, of all things. The evidence is right there you look the propaganda and then you look at the records and you say well no actually he didn't fucking do any of that. It just takes a little bit of digging and it's really not that difficult. Also I don't know if I mentioned it in the essay part of the essay but, why don't I just take a moment to briefly touch on the Festival of the Supreme Being. Everybody likes to say oh this was him thinking of himself as some kind of God and trying to start a cult around himself. That is not true. France at this time was so chaotic and out of control. The hardcore atheists were very much against relation they wanted to abolish all religion and this caused a lot of conflict so he wanted to try and bring the people together. That is literally all it was. And it was a massive success actually, but his enemies obviously saw the opportunity there to slander him more and they took it.
Maximilian Robespierre was an autistic little nerd who was so obsessed with equal rights of people that he was nicknamed The Incorruptible and loved fruit tarts so much that he wrote a poem about god damn fruit tarts. How can you not love him? He was a decent guy he wasn't that bad, at least not in comparison to a lot of people at that time. Sort of the same story for Saint-Just: he's only known as the Archangel of Terror because he supported Robespierre and defended his dear friend on 9 Thermidor.
And it's honestly quite funny, the reason I know all this. In my Socials class we had just started learning about the French Revolution, and I was excited, everyone was excited. Because we love blood and violence and overthrowing the government. And in my English class, we were doing basically a book club thing and the group I was assigned to was reading the novel Iron Widow by Xiran Jay Zhao. And I remembered seeing a short video on YouTube by the author of this book that was basically along the lines of one person going, "You can't just have your protagonist murder their way to the top!" and the author responding, "The protagonist is based on the only female Chinese emperor. How do you think they got to that position? By being nice?" And so I went looking for this video because I found it amusing. I found the author's YouTube channel and began searching and while I was looking, I gound out that the author of the book that is literally about a murderous bisexual polycule destroying the patriarchy and overthrowing the government, also does Robespierre cosplay... Anyways, I found the videos quite amusing, but then at some point I came across this one that was basically them saying, "Yeah, I know I joke about him a lot, but I do have to come to his defense here because wasn't actually a dictator". And that's how I found out. I later pirated one of the books that they credited and read that in the span of like three days. Then I made the entirely impulsive decision to write a 30 page essay on Robespierre and why he wasn't a dictator... I'm not a masochist, it's only a coincidence that I happen to be the cause of a lot of my own suffering.
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ravewing · 8 months
cambrian period dashboard simulator
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petition to ban anomalocarises from the local sandbar. theyre so fucking big and it's freaking everyone out and me personally ion want a trilobite muncher looming over me when im trying to have a drink.
🪲 trillybite17 Follow
they dont call them the ABNORMAL shrimp for nothing, they're fucking weird
🎸 punkrock-halluci Follow
No, you know what petition needs to be started? One to get rid of ignorant bigots like you. Have you ever SEEN an Anomalocaris ever eat– let alone ATTACK– a trilobite? No, you haven't. Because they DON'T EAT TRILOBITES. Do some fucking research before you say shit like this.
⚜️ splendidmarrella Follow
fyi if you get rid of anomalocarises from public spaces then you will quite literally starve. you know those dead soft-bodied organisms yall scavenge and eat? yeah anomalocaris is the one providing those for you. as a scavenger myself i have been personally impacted by loss of food due to unfair treatment of anomalocarises that have forced them to leave the shallows that i live in and let me tell you eating detritus and nothing else is literally awful. please think twice before you post something prejudiced like this.
🩶 pleurae71 Follow
common hallucigenia + marrella W
ignore the OP, i promise most of us trilobites aren't like them- i don't even know why this is a debate. i guarantee they've never stepped outside of their little rock cave in their life
🌀 xcorynexospikesx Follow
LMFAOO they deactivated☠️
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🫧 cambripuns Follow
What do you call a Hurdiidae without any eyes? A Hurddae!
♟️vampeytoia Follow
actually you'd call it 'uncle maximilien' because my uncle maximilien was hatched with no eyes
💼 stanley-shrimp Follow
Valerie, you and I both know damn well that you do not have an "Uncle Maximilien," let alone one with no eyes. Stop lying on the internet and stop leaving your soft-bodied organism carcasses on my front sandbed. It smells putrid.
♟️ vampeytoia Follow
wow ok mr fun police. just go and piss on my parade like that
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👾 fiveeyedcoolguy Follow
giys i.m tripping bals rn lol. shuld not hv eaten tge 'detritus " browni e from the hallucigna.. i saw thr magic anomllcrais
🪱 pinkpikaiapage Follow
What?? Elaborate
👾 fiveeyedcoolguy Follow
He told me a prophecy
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🦐 apexshrimpy Follow
she cambrian on my period till i explosion
#anomalo talks #misc tag #is this hash tag funny or no?
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🎸 punkrock-halluci Follow
thinking about dying my spikes again. what color should i get?
🍢 leancho852 Follow
Do magenta to match your skateboard!!
🎸 punkrock-halluci Follow
ohh that's actually really smart thanks🙏
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🪨 shalesifters Follow
🧽 the-odontogriphus767 Follow
yo wtf. none of these fuck the landmasses. we're all in the ocean for a REASON
🦪 biofilmer08 Follow
Hey, actually, a few other molluscs and I browse on the microbial biofilm :)
♟️ vampeytoia Follow
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🕸️ arthropodstemz Follow
reblog if u get around by undulating ur lateral lobes
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📜 g-wiwaxia Follow
Did anyone else happen to see @shalesifters poll on the landmasses (followed by the reblog of the mollusc)? I'd like to think that I was born in the wrong generation. I should have been able to experience the joys of being a land-dweller. I may just have grown tired of being in the ocean every day; quite frankly I just want some sort of change or reform (especially considering the incredulous prices of jellyfish nowadays...)
#Rant #I hope you guys get the idea. I expect some (likely a copious amount of, actually) hate for this one, but regardless I thought that I'd share my thoughts here #I'd like to move to Laurentia
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📸 daily-cambrian-pics Follow
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⚜️ splendidmarrella Follow
omg thats me on the bottom in the middle! @romip51212 @kookykootenia look its us from earlier today
🫑 kookykootenia Follow
Woah whatt this is actually crazy
🍤 romip51212 Follow
yo i look rad in that.. changing my header immediately
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🦂 radiodont-radiostatic Follow
DNI if you support any of the anti-anomalocaris propaganda that's circling around. Sick and tired of the twisted lies that are being spread on here. I won't stand for the slandering of my brethren.
#static speaks #dni #will not hesitate to block and report any of you bigoted assholes
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🪼 jlyfsgh224256 Follow
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🍌 nectocarisking69420 Follow
🍌 nectocarisking69420 Follow
Yo wtf was i on last night
🍢 leancho852 Follow
You were speaking your truth king. Don't hold back
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🪸 see-you-lagerstatte Follow
thought too long about the big white orb beyond the surface and broke down crying. What to do about this?
#why is it there?????? what is it???? #please im going insane over this
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🐾 catboycanadaspis Follow
born to say "nya!" and meow. forced to consume the coarse particles found on the sediment surface
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🌊 tidal-trilobite Follow
hey has anyone else noticed that it's been harder to breathe lately or is it just me? can't afford to go to the doctor for an exam rn
🦀 clackyappendages Follow
I thought that it was just me! I might sound crazy but have there been less archaeocyathids lately??
🐚 sand-muncher-757 Follow
i've had TWO neighbors pass away from hypoxia in the past month, definitely have noticed the breathing issues too. also i havent seen an archaeocyathid in so long either. so weird😬😬
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@amesyeuxrien​ from here
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His shoulders shift forward as she pulls him by the tie to claim her prize. He laughs and sets his highball next to her glass.
His hand snakes around to rest in the small of her back, the other taking this opportunity to card through her hair and breathe in the perfume she wore. It felt dangerous, up here where anyone could see the two of them, and it excited him. Let them look, but only he could touch.
His drink had sent a pleasant buzz through his circuity and as she pressed herself into him he could register her faint heartbeat, the idea of it enough for him to duck his own head at her neck and kiss at her pulse. Humans were so fragile, each one of these little places guarded by such thin skin, perhaps that is why they found these places so intimate?
He pulled away, pushing her so her back hit the balcony, dangerous again, but so alluring. His hands were placed on either side of her and he leaned in close, almost a whisper.
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“Tell me how you see the world, mon araignée. What does it look like through your eyes?”
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Count of Monte Cristo characters as John Mulaney Quotes
Edmond, pre-Chateau d’If: I had no standard for how I should be treated as a human being. You could do anything to me. I was like a young mowtown singer- I was just shiny and dumb and easy to trick.
Edmond, as The Count: You have the moral backbone of a chocolate eclair. (One black coffee, same motherfucker.)
Caderousse: What was EXTRA weird was when I went out with some money, got drunk, blacked out...and then woke up with MORE money. Cause that means (suspicious pause) I earned money.
Fernand: And I said, “no”. You know. Like a liar.
Danglars: This might as well happen. Adult life is already so goddamn weird.
Villefort: He could look at a child and guess the price of their coffin! (Or: An on-fire trash can?...Could be a nursery.)
Albert: My dad loved us, he just didn’t care about our general happiness or self esteem. (Or: And when you get kidnapped- not IF, WHEN-)
Eugenie: I think Emily Dickenson is a lesbian! (Or: In terms of like, instant relief, cancelling plans is like heroin.)
Maximilien: I’ll keep all my emotions right here, and then one day, I’ll die.
Valentine, to Villefort: You have your law practice, and me? I have all these fucking markers.
Noirtier: *in a heavy French accent* Oh, the things I have seen, you cocksucker...
Benedetto: Cause it’s the one thing you can’t replace!
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shambali-sinner · 5 years
Ville de Amoureux, Part One
Red or Black chapter 3! Thank you for being patient as I work on this story. I want it to be as good as I can make it, and that takes time. I’m sorry to leave you guys hanging, but part 2 of this will be up very soon!
Previous chapter
You exhaled as you looked at the outfit laid out on the bedspread in front of you. It was a low-cut turquoise number, gathered at the hip and with a split that would reveal a tantalizing bit of thigh. Gold thread was woven into the hem and bodice. Nothing Maximilien bought you had anything less than such.
You held the towel wrapped around your body with one hand, reaching for the card under a jewelry box with the other. Did he have to write a card for you every morning?
Heels today, my dear, it read. Meet me outside at 10 sharp.
Sighing, you opened the jewelry box to find a pair of gold drop earrings and a matching necklace. You thought of how the price of this set alone could have probably saved your family’s business five years ago. Instead you were going to wear them for one day only. Maximilien would discard them tonight. He’d done it every day for the past two weeks you’d been living with him.
“America used to have entertainment television programs called game shows,” he’d said at breakfast on your second day here. “One of them was called Wheel of Fortune. The woman on the show, Vanna White, wore a different dress every night, for thousands upon thousands of episodes. I will provide nothing less for you, darling.”
It was starting to become routine. While you washed up each morning, your omnic servant would lay out your chosen outfit for the day, then wait for you at a vanity on the other side of the room. She would then apply your makeup and style your hair and you would leave to go meet Max.
You gathered the dress and stepped behind a partition, then shimmied into the soft fabric. Looking in the mirror, you saw it hugged the curve of your hip perfectly and the neckline framed the rise and fall of your chest very well. A shame this gown, like the jewelry, would be gone tomorrow.
At 9:50, your stylist finished with you, you exited the room and greeted the Big Omnic Butlers standing guard outside. You’d discovered these models of omnic had been built with no vocal capabilities and for that you pitied them. They performed their duties all the same, however, escorting you to the side entrance of the mansion.
At 9:59, your heels clicked down a few concrete steps and towards Max’s car. His driver snapped to attention and opened the door for you, offering a hand for balance as you sat down.
The omnic himself was seated contentedly, a leg crossed leisurely over the other. He hummed as you settled, securing an arm around your waist and pulling you into him. “Good morning, my sweet. I appreciate your punctuality. I know I’m not the easiest man to keep up with.”
“Where are we going today?” you asked as the car pulled away from the manor.
“Paris,” he sighed. “There’s a contact I’m supposed to meet for lunch to finalize a purchase deal. If all goes well we might have dinner in my new nightclub.”
This information piqued your interest. “You’re buying a Parisian nightclub?”
“Hopefully.” His voice was cheerful. “I would like to take you around the city as well.” He turned to look at you, reaching for your jaw and inspecting angles. He hummed contentedly. “Yes, exactly as I thought. Flawless.”
Your breath escaped you. You were unsure how to respond, but your cheeks started burning involuntarily. Men had commented on your beauty before, of course, but never in so intimate a situation as you found yourself with Maximilien. And those comments had certainly never stirred something within you the way they did coming from him.
Nothing escaped the omnic. His eyes flickered as he felt your increased heart rate, your widening pupils, your quickened breath. Processing this information, his hand slipped down your neck and chest and came to rest on the split of your dress. Your reaction pleased him and he memorized it, filing the information away.
“We’ll be staying the night,” he declared, removing his hand from your thigh and turning his attention to the window.
Suddenly your face was burning for a different reason. You’d been living with Max in Monaco for two weeks, but he’d only courted you so far. If you understood correctly, he was planning to change that tonight, and you honestly couldn’t tell if your face was hot due to shame or excitement at the prospect.
The afternoon in Paris had been fairly uneventful. A short flight, a long lunch, and a large stack of paperwork later, you were roaming the shops, trying on every article of clothing Maximilien desired. You could never tell which items he liked, as you walked out with none of them, but there wasn’t a store you went in that he didn’t fill out a delivery order to the hotel you’d be staying in that night.
Finally he made an immediate purchase in a jewelry shop: a thin golden chain that he delicately placed on top of your head. A small blue stone rested against your forehead and he adjusted the way the piece cascaded through your curls. It matched the embroidery in your dress perfectly.
“Now you are ready for dinner,” he commented, letting his fingers rest on your collarbone a moment.
He led you down an alley to an older building. From what you’d picked up of the conversation during lunch, the former owner of the establishment was having trouble finding customers to fill it, and didn’t have the means to refurbish it into something better.
“The staff have agreed to stay on under my ownership, with a substantial pay increase,” explained Max as you approached. “I’m told the food served here is some of the best in the city, but the building is in need of physical repair and the business is in need of a unique element to attract customers. I plan to provide that.”
As the maitre’d welcomed you at the door and escorted you inside, you noticed the place indeed looked run-down. “You’re really going to spend the money it would take to renovate?”
The room was dim and your table was illuminated by a few candles. “Darling,” Max chuckled, sitting. “It’s an investment in the future. If anyone knows how to flip a business for profit, it’s me. I know of a budding performer who I plan to contract to sing here. With the right advertisement, this locale will be giving me net in six months.”
“A singer? So you’re turning this place from a hole-in-the-wall hangout with canned music to an easygoing cabaret?”
“That’s exactly the idea, dear. Time was, this place always had a promising up-and-coming performer for that dilapidated stage over there. But they’ve all moved on to bigger and better things. I plan to bring performance back to this venue, and I’ve invited the singer I’m hiring to join us for a few moments tonight. I’d like you to meet her.”
Shortly after your meal was served, the performer arrived. The waiter placed an extra chair at your table.
“Bonsoir, Monsieur Maximilien, madamoiselle,” she greeted, taking her seat. The omnic woman had cat-like ears and a golden hair attachment on her head.
“Darling, I’d like to introduce you to Miss Luna,” Max purred. “I’m going to help her turn this place into a refuge for our kind.”
You nodded. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Luna.”
“Mercí,” she replied. “I wish more humans would say that. Not many are willing to give someone of my background a chance in the performing world. But with Monsieur Max’s connections, I am certain my voice will finally be heard.”
“You really like music, don’t you?” you asked Max, thinking of how he often requested you sing for him.
“I have my tastes,” he said nonchalantly.
The conversation continued, but something didn’t sit right with you. Max had never given any indication that he was concerned with the omnic rights movement; he was too rich and therefore too respected in most circles to be actively involved in such a thing. You’d heard him mutter occasionally about the laws surrounding his casino, but he seemed dispassionate about the issues that didn’t affect him directly.
And knowing he was deeply involved in Talon just made the entire situation more suspicious. You figured he had ulterior motives in his plans for this establishment and that he was lying to Luna, but you knew better than to confront him about such a thing. The singer’s heart was in the right place and she didn’t deserve Max’s deceit, but you had signed away your right to a conscience when you had sold yourself to a Talon man nearly six years ago.
Luna left shortly and you didn’t have time to contemplate further. Max was upon you at once, rubbing circles into your back and patting your knee through a quick dessert course.
You sighed, slightly tired from all the walking earlier, and leaned against his shoulder for support.
“I think it’s time we head to the hotel, darling,” he murmured in your ear.
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weolcantramp · 7 years
The Midheaven: How You Will Be Remembered
The Midheaven (MC) is commonly thought to describe one’s career path. Although this is a decent indicator of one’s overall path, it can be hard to relate to a specific career so early in one’s life. So, if you don’t relate to your Midheaven like, “Oh, you have a MC in Aries, so you’re probably going to be a police officer, solider, or athlete" then maybe try thinking of the Midheaven as how you will be remembered or what you are generally associated with. (Always trust your dominant sign to describe you the most- *a post similar to this coming soon) ✨No matter what career you decide, you will be remembered by your peers, co-workers, friends, and family by traits from the sign, aspects*, and planets* bestowed upon your 10th House.✨
♈ Aries MC: will be remembered for their courage, boldness, intimidating/unsettling nature, and/or originality. (ex. Stephen King, Meryl Streep, Kanye West, Joan of Arc, Bill Gates, Angelina Jolie, Madalyn Murry O'Hair, Pablo Picasso, Rachel Maddow, Will Smith, Franz Kafka, Tyra Banks, Aleister Crowley, Tina Fey, Francisco de Goya, Julia Roberts, Chris Farley, Joseph Goebbels, Marvin Gaye, Iggy Pop, Kate Moss, Alfred Hitchcock, George Wallace, Hank Williams, Ayn Rand, Rob Zombie, Alexandre Dumas, John Steinbeck, Anne Frank, Twiggy, Jack Black, William Blake, Celine Dion, Galileo Galilei, Al Gore, Emmylou Harris, Las Vegas-Nevada, Manhattan-New York)
♉ Taurus MC: will be remembered for their extravagant style or possessions, their values, and/or “diva” attitude. (ex. Henry VIII, Andy Warhol, Marilyn Monroe, Tina Turner, Pope Francis, Jackie Robinson, Selena Gomez, Drake, Donald Trump, Freddie Mercury, Agatha Christie, Muhammad Ali, Frida Kahlo, O. J. Simpson, Justin Timberlake, Marlene Dietrich, Malala Yousafzai, Christopher Columbus, Michael Bay, Luciano Pavarotti, Nicole Richie, Woody Allen, Marilyn Manson, Maya Angelou, Martin Scorsese, Bernie Madoff, Ringo, Josephine Baker, Andrew Lloyd Webber, Sarah Palin, Josh Groban, Chris Brown, Mary Kate & Ashley Olsen, Norway)
♊ Gemini MC: will be remembered for/through words (writing, phrase, acting, thoughts, speech), their cleverness, and/or mental/emotional detachment. (ex. Jean-Jaques Rousseau, Albert Camus, Madonna, J.R.R. Tolkein, Donna Summer, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Chelsea Handler, Alex Trebek, Kurt Cobain, Julie Andrews, Oscar Wilde, Jay-Z, Richard Nixon, Harriet Beecher Stowe, Tom Hanks, Kris Jenner, Walt Disney, Miss Cleo, Mark Zuckerberg, Steve Jobs, Hugh Hefner, Lizzie Borden, Jane Austen, Charles Dickens, Kathy Bates, Winston Churchill, Melissa Ethridge, Ernest Hemingway, Margaret Mitchell, Paul Simon, Greece, Tokyo-Japan)
♋ Cancer MC: will be remembered for their emotional impact, sensitivity, and/or parental care/control. (ex. Beyoncé, Matamha Gandhi, John F. Kennedy, Venus Williams, Britney Spears, Arthur Rimbaud, Elizabeth Warren, Denzel Washington, Jeffery Dahmer, Sun Yet-sen, Bob Hope, Stevie Wonder, Anderson Cooper, Cat Stevens, Anna Nicole Smith, Joe Jonas, Rock Hudson, Alice Cooper, Woodrow Wilson, Barbara Walters, T. S. Elliot, Coretta Scott King, Albert Schweitzer, Ted Cruz, Monica Lewinsky, H.P. Lovecraft, Anaïs Nin, Katie Couric, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Carole King, Neil Diamond, Harper Lee, Giacomo Puccini, Sidney Poitier, September 11 attacks, United Kingdom)
♌ Leo MC: will be remembered for their theatrics, arrogance/vanity, power, and/or regality. (ex. Grace Kelly, Prince, Isaac Newton, Adolf Hitler, Katy Perry, Charlie Chaplin, Aretha Franklin, Sigmund Freud, Jacqueline Onassis-Kennedy, Stanley Kubrick, Courtney Love, Mark Twain, Chaka Khan, Napoleon Bonaparte, Kathy Griffin, Jim Carrey, Alfred Nobel, Eric Clapton, Annie Oakley, Martha Stewart, Divine, Louis Pasteur, Robin Williams, Ludwig Van Beethoven, Chuck Berry, Vladimir Putin, Clint Eastwood, Missy Elliot, Frank Sinatra, Mel B, Edgar Allan Poe, Los Angeles-CA)
♍ Virgo MC: will be remembered for their scandals/controversy, never-ending toil, physicality/health and/or attention to detail. (ex. Hillary Clinton, Bruce Lee, Kim Kardashian, Ellen DeGeneres, Brad Pitt, Nelson Mandela, Bette Davis, Justin Bieber, Elvis Presley, Erykah Badu, Jimmy Page, Eartha Kitt, Leonardo de Vinci, Bob Marley, Joan Crawford, Margaret Thatcher, Eminem, Friedrich Nietzsche, David Lynch, Chaz Bono, Marlon Brando, Björk, Ozzy Osborne, Emily Brontë, Bernie Sanders, Georgia O'Keeffe, Diana Ross, Kahlil Gibran, Russia, United States)
♎ Libra MC: will be remembered for their inner/outer beauty, adaptability, and/or desire for or appearance of stability. (ex. Elton John, Jane Goodall, Malcolm X, Coco Channel, Kylie Jenner, Ronald Reagan, Princess Diana, Michelangelo, Oprah Winfrey, Bob Dylan, Winona Ryder, Jimi Hendrix, Mother Teresa, Elizabeth Taylor, Cristiano Ronaldo, Angela Merkel, Tom Brokaw, Alan Watts, Charles Darwin, Brigitte Bardot, Patti Smith, Chuck Norris, Linda Lovelace, Ray Charles, Lionel Messi, Eleanor Roosevelt, Lewis Carroll, Noam Chomsky, Lucille Ball, Venice-Italy)
♏ Scorpio MC: will be remembered for their physical attractiveness, taboo activities/topics, and/or natural talent. (ex. James Joyce, Billie Holiday, Taylor Swift, Barack Obama, Carrie Fisher, Jim Morrison, Selena, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Queen Elizabeth II, Ariana Grande, Marie Curie, Anthony Hopkins, René Descartes, Nina Simone, Willem Dafoe, Paul Newman, Mariska Hargitay, Thomas Jefferson, Ray Bradbury, Joseph Stalin, Larry King, Duke Ellington, Joan Jett, Buddy Holly, Megan Fox, Johnny Knoxville, Daniel Day-Lewis, Gwen Stefani, Francis Ford Coppola, Sophia Loren, Marcus Aurelius, China)
♐ Sagittarius MC: will be remembered for their joviality​, reckless/wild free spirit, sense of humor, and/or philosophy/spirituality. (ex. Al Capone, Deepok Chopra, Shia LaBeouf, Audrey Hepburn, Harvey Milk, Johnny Cash, David Bowie, Bettie Page, Pablo Neruda, J. K. Rowling, Christina Aguilera, Michael Jackson, Henry David Thoreau, Adele, Janis Joplin, Maximilien Robespierre​, Ellen Pompeo, Whitney Houston, Paul McCartney, Evel Knievel, Bruno Mars, Jimmy Fallon, Peggy Lipton, Karl Marx, George Takei, Ryan Gosling, Whoopi Goldberg, Vincent Price, Rio de Janeiro-Brazil)
♑ Capricorn MC: will be remembered for their accomplishments/legacy, conquering of odds, and/or persistence. (ex. Martin Luther King Jr., George Washington, Rihanna, Isadora Duncan, Benjamin Franklin, James Dean, Nikola Tesla, John D. Rockefeller, Serena Williams, Joan Baez, Snoop Dogg, Alexander the Great, Barbara Streisand, Ron Howard, Stevie Nicks, Bette Midler, Joan Rivers, Immanuel Kant, Queen Latifah, Johann Sebastian Bach, Walt Whitman, Che Guevara, Liza Minnelli, Amelia Earhart, Mariah Carey, John Lennon, George Lucas, Donatella Versace, Louis Armstrong, Pakistan)
♒ Aquarius MC: will be remembered for their rebellious nature, involvement in a social organization/group​, and/or unpredictability. (ex. Miley Cyrus, Tim Burton, Voltaire, Mick Jagger, Carl Sagan, Rita Hayworth, Neil Armstrong, Amy Winehouse, Pamela Anderson, Carlos Santana, Edward Snowden, Leo Tolstoy, Mae West, Orson Welles, Charlie Sheen, Eva Peron, Miles Davis, Bruce Springsteen, Johann Kepler, Suddam Hussein, Ruby Rose, Gerard Way, Helen Mirren, Howard Stern, Arthur Conan Doyle, Mary Shelley, George R. R. Martin, Kristen Stewart, Jean Piaget, Ronda Rousey, Willow Smith, Florida, India)
♓ Pisces MC: will be remembered for their delusional optimism, supernatural success, and/or they are often idolized. (ex. Vincent Van Gogh, Albert Einstein, Irene Cara, Cher, Salvador Dalí, William Shakespeare, Edie Sedgwick, Fidel Castro, Lady Gaga, Dalai Lama XIV, Steven Spielberg, George Michael, Marie Antoinette, RuPaul, Judy Garland, Michael Phelps, Sally Ride, John Cena, William Faulkner, Victoria Beckham, Lee Harvey Oswald, Douglas Adams, Jean Renoir, Buzz Aldrin, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Farrah Fawcett, Osama bin Laden, Sam Cooke, Michael Jordan, Switzerland, North Korea)
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believe that the average person can't go to the prom and enjoy themselves tulle prom dress)(8ujd109i)
The clothes you wear tell the world who you are. People make snap promdresselalashfkw judgments all the time about others. They look at you and immediately think you're a specific type of person. Who do you portray yourself as? Are you a business professional who has their best days ahead of them? Maybe you're someone who has a wild side and likes to let her hair down and has a good time. It's possible to be all these things and so much more. It is if you wear the proper formal cocktail dresses. That's what we're going to talk about here. Sometimes life throws you curveballs and there's no need to deny it. Money is hard to come by these days. There are those people who think that going to the prom is only something rich children do. That's not the truth at all. It's a big-time mistake to believe that the average person can't go to the prom and enjoy themselves tulle prom dress. Why should a child who comes from an ordinary family feel like they can't participate in one of a young adult's most important events? Prom is for all people regardless of how much money you have. Luckily, anyone can afford to go, and all it takes is knowing where to find cheap ball dresses online. Royal fans on Twitter were quick to make comparisons between Sophie and Meghan. One said: “Tell me her wedding dress isn't a lot like Meghan's.�?Another wrote: “She was clearly inspired by the biggest royal wedding of the year…�?Count Maximilien, 29, also looked equally as handsome as Harry did at his wedding. The happy couple, who currently live in London, were joined on their special day by a sweet bridal party dressed in traditional flower girl attire of a red ribbon and flower crowns made from baby's-breath. What do you think of Duchess Sophie's dress? Let us know in the comments below.
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That's a fact that can't be avoided. Why? You never know when you're going to need it. Gowns are one of those things that never go out of style. It doesn't matter if we're talking about a night out on the town or a special occasion. What happens when you don't have the right gown for an event? You either don't show up or look extremely out of place. Don't allow that to happen. Why should you consider that there are so many fabulous gowns available at prices everyone can afford? This is where many people make a huge mistake. They don't think about how much they want to spend. The big mistake here is to look at all the dresses and then decide which one to buy winter formal dresses. The first thing you want to do is make sure to set a price limit. Stick to it. Don't overspend or it will cause big problems down the line. Sure, it's easy to get carried away when buying black evening dresses. Who doesn't want to look like a million bucks? Though, it's always a good practice to live within your means. A little discipline now will go a long way in ensuring that you can have a great wardrobe without it sending you into the poor house. You've got a big event to attend, and you want to make a splash. The way you do that without breaking the bank is by buying cheap evening dresses. Why spend an arm and a leg when you don't have to? The most significant mistake people make these days is thinking that more money means higher quality. It's often the other way around black prom dresses 2020. An economical dress is one that's made with the intent of being worn many times. This fact shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone who has spent time at the clothing boutique looking through the racks. Related recommendations: continue by coiffe cypher regulations-however impulsive halter top wedding dressesOI*UYds &^%r you deprivation to face and reason your physiologist long sleeve lace flower girl dress To assist you see what options are addressable ball gown dresses for toddlers)(&*yd with these laboursaving tips for choosing a date white and burgundy flower girl dressesP)(*yud
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Online Personals, A Pattern Or even A Blend?
A SIX-YEAR-OLD girl survived 5 days dropped in a woods loaded with wolves as well as crazy bears. You must find your comfort region when it pertains to collections mine was actually constantly 2 collections or even 3 collections, I discovered approaching these sets easy and stimulating by initial position series then throwing chit conversation from one gal to another however any more in comparison to 3 in address here a team I found that difficult to always keep everybody's interest. Awaiting a flight back to Paris at Seoul airport, Maximilien, 39, that works in fashion advertising and marketing, bought a $400 studded bag for his wife off Oriental company Youk Shim Won, with a gal in cool sunglasses painted on one side. Brilliant was actually established in 1984 as well as obtained a huge kick coming from the Pam Anderson and also Tommy Lee honeymoon tape Pam & Tommy Lee: Hardcore & Uncensored," which was first released in 1998 as well as became not just an image of celebrity exposure yet also is believed to have actually marketed even more copies in comparison to some other celebrity sexual activity launch with the feasible exception of Paris Hilton's. The NewzStreet is actually a totally free online media system to feature every element from lifestyle in your area coming from nearby updates, activities, we are going to provide all the feasible information that you could ever want from regional bistros, colleges, motion pictures, shopping to movie theater as well as music. As well as your inquiry is actually something that is actually been brought up a ton of opportunities and also I carried this up. Exactly what we understand you are actually visiting return into the data what we do understand in the solution, which item there is actually a section whether this's a price factor, whether it is actually brand-new, whether that is actually old, whether there's entertainment considering that where owns the actions that more probable to purchase online versus off-line then how do our company favor that. Ok, well this girl i like i presume is actually to some extent inoring me and to some extent wanting to speak with me im definitely perplexed yet she carries out fall tips though she makes fun of a few of my pranks that a considerable amount of the time arnt really comical and she is nicer around me yet i merely choke on likeing her and speak about something else. What most guys do not understand is that the majority of ladies wish people to approach them; if they are solitary they are in fact despairing to be have the best from men that could never ever have kissed a lady before and by opportunity our experts have actually finished with all of them, they have the ability to move toward any sort of woman at any time, certainly not matter just how good looking, whatever the scenario provides. This is actually a creativity to various other enticing girls available that you may still be big or maybe fat, BUT, when you have an unique attention in how you suit up, you are going to be impressed at the free comments that will definitely observe. Everyone loves affordable internet shopping - purchasing items in good condition and at an affordable price compared to exactly what a 'traditional' shop requests. There is actually likewise a good chance that your big activity will include lots of photos. I want you to fulfill the female from your dreams As Soon As Possible, make her fall in love with you, and also create her believe the happiest female on the planet! Nelson Berry is actually the Trailblazer from Subliminal Messages Videos as well as Subliminal audio MP3s Sound Subliminal Messages online. Hard moll Carmen Sandiego has the added bonus offer of being a great female gone totally poor - my all time preferred type of girl. Along with a hand internet puncturing the absolute most popular location for this is the webbing in between the finger and guideline hands although some could prefer to have it carried out in between any of the digits that they thus pick. Hald and his associates surveyed 4,600 15- to 25-year-olds online concerning their foreplays and also the type of media they took in.
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dadpreneur · 7 years
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Sunday is the starting block, its where our thoughts of the coming week begin to manifest in our minds. If we dread Monday, we're thinking about it on Sunday. Thoughts determine our reality and its our responsibility to make that reality a great one. And in order to do so, we must always sow good seeds. The world will tell you every man has his price, and for some that may be true, but my integrity is never for sale. There is just a certain way you must carry yourself, with no exceptions. The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. - Maximilien Robespierre #SowSeedsOfRighteousnessSunday is to always do what's right, no matter the circumstances. My Dad told me that "A man who stands for nothing, will fall for anything!" Stand on your principles, take care of your family, and greet everyone you encounter with brotherly love and kindness. Always keep your attitude in check, because its our attitude, towards the world, that determines the worlds attitude, towards us. A righteous man regardeth the life of his beast: but the tender mercies of the wicked are cruel. He that tilleth his land shall be satisfied with bread: but he that followeth vain persons is void of understanding. The wicked desireth the net of evil men: but the root of the righteous yieldeth fruit. The wicked is snared by the transgression of his lips: but the just shall come out of trouble. A man shall be satisfied with good by the fruit of his mouth: and the recompence of a man's hands shall be rendered unto him. The way of a fool is right in his own eyes: but he that hearkeneth unto counsel is wise. Proverbs 12:10:15 #sowseedsofrighteousnesssundayday #dadismyfirstjob #thankful4itall
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Muse tag drop.
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“Don’t-Just a moment longer.”
His fingers twitch, hesitant.
“Madame, people will talk-“ he begins, settling to caress her features with his digits.
She gives a sad smile and a shake of her head, strands of hair falling over her eyes which he catches and quickly brushes away with a thumb.
“Let them.”
He sighs, an action entirely useless and stares into her eyes. It’s almost time again. She’s lasted longer this time, giving him a useless bit of hope, that perhaps Amelie would be gone for good- but it was not to be.
A kiss is placed on her forehead as he pulls her close, then under his chin to press her head against his chest. He feels her breathing even out and knows that sleep has retaken her once more.
Curled around her like this, he barely hopes to protect her. From the world. From Talon. From himself. His shield is meager, fragile as glass, and yet the action is done anyway. Perhaps if he kept hoping, kept wishing on stars, kept gambling, that she would stay here like this. Perfect. Pristine. He wanted to remember her in these moments. Her hair slightly disheveled, frizzy, short, but oh so nice to run his fingers through. Her lips, just barely parted.
Her when she was with him.
But there was no such thing as luck.
It made his core ache, a buzzing electrifying and incredibly painful feeling in his chest. He felt like he might die any moment there, his arms still coddled around her form. Another victim claimed by The Widowmaker. Omnics did not ache, this was what was believed, but he knew the truth.
A heart, a core, love could make either ache just as easily as the other.
And he loved her.
He really,
Loved her.
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"Can you feel my hand, my body? Do you sense the cold touches as many others do? Does it bother you, ever in the slightest? Do I bother you?"
Her hands are clasped gently in his own, cupping them softly. 
“Mon cher, the coldness only fills me with the want to offer you warmth. I revere every touch you seem to bless me with.” He offers her palm a pseudo-kiss as he brings it up to cup his faceplate.
“How could you ever bother me?”
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