#;Better Late Than Never (Queue)
serickswrites · 5 months
Warnings: head injury, hurt/comfort
Whumpee's world was a cacophony of sound and blinding lights. They blinked and tried to shut their eyes tight against the light, but still the light burst through, stabbing through their skull. And the sounds they were everywhere all at once, but also nowhere. They couldn't make any sense of it.
There were hands touching them. Touching them all over. What was happening? What had happened? They needed to get up.
A cool hand touched their cheek gently. A face loomed in and out of focus above them. Whumpee could see their lips moving, the sound slowly fading in above the other noise.
"You.....took.....a.....tumble. Lie.......still." The stranger's words sounded as though they were underwater. Perhaps they were underwater.
"Wha--?" the words didn't fully form. They had to sit up.
The stranger leaned closer, their hand never leaving Whumpee's face. "'m......Caretaker.......can......you....tell.....me.....your.......name?"
What was their name? Whumpee. Their name was Whumpee.
Caretaker smiled. "Nice.....to.......meet.....you.......Whumpee."
Had they said that outloud? They must have. Caretaker couldn't read their mind. Or at least they hoped not. It was so bright and so loud. Caretaker turned away from Whumpee and the world suddenly dimmed.
"Better?" Caretaker's voice sounded closer.
"Mmmmm," Whumpee managed.
"Stay..down. Help...is..on..the way."
And though Whumpee realized that something really bad must have happened to them, they felt safe with Caretaker. And so they let themself drift a bit, knowing that help was coming and that Caretaker would watch over them.
Tags: @wollemi-whump
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Otis got back to the falls today on wet bear Wednesday ❤️
Yes yessss yeeesssssssss he has returned
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niftukkun · 9 days
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HAPPY belated oops 9TH ANNIVERSARY UNDERTALE!!! heres to another year of great times!!!
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dy3rs3v3 · 9 months
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Metallica playing Sound Storm in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 14.12.23
Pics by Brett Murray
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helium-stims · 6 months
Gonna put a picture of a bug below the cut. Can anyone identify what type it is so I can tag it in an upcoming gifset? (It will also be tagged with bugs & bugs tw but i also just want to tag whatever type of bug it is)
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sassyandclassy94 · 5 months
I brought Michaiah over the Austin Butler side. Mission: Accomplished.
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My work here is done. @fictional-at-heart
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breezypunk · 1 year
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Pictured: Two smart outlaws who have done nothing wrong in their entire lives.
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"V, I don't think you are suppose to be here.."
"Don't worry, we can Bonnie and Clyde our way outta here."
"I don't think you know how that story ends, V...."
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kaikaykoa · 2 years
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anyway thank you again @incorrect-ninokuni for the banger secret santa management this year !!!! and to my monita holmes221B on discord !!!! I HAVENT PLAYED DND IN YEARS i hope i did something you liked !!! SORRY SORRY IT'S LATE AGAIN I hope everyone had a nice holiday and to this new year !!!
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vilcade · 2 years
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The Vampire Etiquette Breacher ~ Manabu >> Episode 9 | "The Left Hand of Iron Is Kind of Boring"
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missggullet · 1 year
mun made a fun satire playlist further taking the piss of miss gullet having her butt frozen, singing her heart out about being left alone for years to gather dust in miss cackle's office and bitchless since agatha likely recycled herself into a cheap aldi toilet brush 🪠
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everybody's welcome to come check it out 💜
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taintedtowers · 2 years
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Danger! Darkness rising!
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serickswrites · 5 months
Penny For Your Thoughts
Warnings: captivity, restraints, torture, defiant whumpee
"If you just answer my questions, Whumpee, this can all stop." Whumper said for the fifth time that day. They leaned on the bat they had been threatening Whumpee with for the last hour.
Whumpee stared up at Whumper, unable to shift too much to really glare at Whumper. They were restrained at the wrist, chest, and ankles in the low chair and they could only crane their neck so far. "I keep telling you the same thing, Whumper," Whumpee smirked, their bruised and swollen lips pulling painfully tight. "I can do this all night."
Whumper raised the bat, rage contorting their features horrifically. "So can I." And they brought the bat down on Whumpee's knee.
Tags: @wollemi-whump
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yeenyeet · 3 months
gonna meet a gp tomorrow to get a referral to a gender clinic and I'm like both super nervous and super excited
I can't really believe I've finally gotten around to taking the step!!!
but man does it feel like super awkward having to talk about my dysphoria and stuff, especially bottom dysphoria
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edenfenixblogs · 25 days
On the status of my “The Antisemitism Experiment” tag:
So, when something is a straight up experience that someone had, I reblog it and add it to the queue.
When it’s something that’s full of misinformation that I need to fact check and provide sources for, I often put it in drafts until I have the emotional capacity to deal with it. I have never even used the drafts function before starting this experiment. Everything in my drafts is from the experiment.
My Queue currently has 23 items.
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My Drafts currently have 828 items.
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Not even including the amount of antisemitic stuff I’ve already posted to the queue and removed from drafts, I want all the people who have sent me inbox messages or posted about experiences or felt like I’m not including enough in my queue: I know.
I see you. The amount of insane misinformation we must combat is so unfair. The amount of grace under pressure and distress we must show in order for others to take our suffering seriously is unfair. The amount of misinformation that people uncritically take as fact is so harmful and unfair.
And that’s all JUST the stuff I think is bad enough to be queued. The amount of insane bullshit I see every day is sickening and inexplicable.
This is why we Jews are so desperately asking for IRL visible support from our friends. We know how much antisemitic bullshit is out there. And the fact that non-Jews aren’t talking about it regularly makes us wonder if it’s because you believe it and agree with it.
It’s too ever present. It’s too widespread. And if you haven’t even privately reached out to your Jewish friends to check in or acknowledge their pain proactively, you’re part of the problem. If you’ve actively distanced yourself from Jewish friends, you’ve done more damage than you’ll ever know. And it’s something that should haunt you for a lifetime. It’s something you should learn from. It’s something you need to make amends for.
It’s never too late to reach out to a Jew you care about. It’s never too late to apologize to a Jew you’ve abandoned and to do better by them. Nobody acting in good faith is asking you to stop caring about Palestinian life. All we are asking is for you to care about Jews. Because we are people too.
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cumberbangers · 2 years
So it looks like my queue is barfing out posts at random times.
But at least the posts are showing up, so there’s that.
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bamfkeeper · 1 month
Religious Differences
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RQ: 'Hiiii if you're comfortable could you write some angst/hurt/comfort where a non-religious reader finds comfort in Kurt's religion and teachings during a hard time? If that makes sense? I've never been particularly religious myself (on the fence about spirituality), but in the past I've found great comfort in friends/family and their religious beliefs when things went awry. Idk something about the mutual comfort and respect towards eachother's ideologies and just talking about different religions and ideas brings me comfort when I'm feeling down :)' - @citiirose
Warnings: GN!reader, religious themes, unedited.
A/N: I felt this rq. I am not religious, but I've had religion shoved down my throat by my parents. For a long time I resented religion, now I don't care as long as it's not pushed on me. I always thought this would be an interesting dynamic with Kurt. This was a little hard to write, but I hope I did a good job getting that comfort in there. I kept the troubles vague, so you could possibly come back and get comfort in any scenario.
WC: 1.4k
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Faith in something unseen is almost cruel.
Especially when life threw you curveballs and you had no idea how to swing back.
You never felt the need or desire to believe in teachings spewed from a book older than you could imagine, especially not with all the science and proof saying otherwise. Everything contradicted each other, and a belief in any kind of faith felt confusing. Even learning, you never felt that pull that others do, your faith in an invisible force didn't exist.
Lately, life had been hard. Events were happening that effected you in such a way that you began to feel as though you yourself were crumbling. Nothing was helping you, you felt completely and utterly alone. You were always so strong, yet...you wished you didn't have to be. Or that you had someone around that would help you through it. You were just too stubborn to reach out on your own.
The only person who could always help you feel better was Kurt. He always knew exactly what to do and say to lift your spirits. The kind-hearted Catholic was always the shoulder you needed to cry on, offering you a safe space to express your emotions. His entire presence was incredibly calming for you, wrapping you in a sense of peace and understanding. Kurt could read you like a book, intuitively sensing your needs and providing the comfort you sought. In times like these, when everything felt overwhelming, you could really use that kind of compassionate support.
As if right on queue, the blue German teleported to you with a loud BAMF and purple smoke. He looked at you, his usual charming smile displayed on his face. "Ah, liebe!" he grinned, those fangs poking out of his lips, "I thought we could..." his smile faded slightly as he took in the sight of your sad form. "Ach....what's the matter, liebling?" his voice quieted with his question and he sat down beside you.
"Talk to me, ja? What's going on?" he asked gently, his arm wrapped around your waist and he let you lean on him. His tail wrapped around you too, brushing your leg. He was always so patient with you, his presence was grounding in the swirling thoughts you were having. You almost felt like you were caught in a typhoon, and he had become the shelter you needed for safety.
You slowly opened up and told him of what was going on. You spilled it to him, he was so easy to talk to. Kurt, being the wonderful listener he was, sat quietly and nodded along. He acknowledged everything you said, remembering bits and pieces he would ask about later. Your rant and vent made you feel so lost.
"I just...don't know what to do anymore. Or how to feel. I am...I feel as though I can't control my thoughts or help to think about what happens once everything is gone." You turned to him, "You are always so secure...how do you do it?"
Kurt smiled back, "Ah, I always find comfort in my faith. God is always there, so I am never truly alone. Sure, I cannot see him, but I can always talk to him. My faith is my light and it will always guide me through the dark." Kurt always spoke kindly about his faith, and it made sense. He had his rosary, always, and whenever he needed to, he'd fiddle with it.
You felt bitter. For some reason. Why was Kurt so secure, why weren't you? You were always so sure of things but something as unknown as faith irked you. Kurt was so sure and devoted, you were so upset with everything in your life it made you want to snap at him. You knew that wasn't right, so you held back. He didn't deserve that. But you couldn't help but feel mocked by the very thought of it.
"How are you so sure?" The sharpness in your tone was obvious, "I mean...you can't talk to him really. He doesn't respond back. And, how are you so sure he is real? The books have been rewritten thousands of times, lost in translation. How are you so sure you're even following what he wants? If you believe that." You asked him, you weren't sure how he was so devoted to something that seemed impossible. "Science explains everything the book does. How are there dinosaurs, but no people for millions of years? Or, if they did exist, how did humans survive? Humanity didn't start happening until way later in life. You can't just ignore the facts life has."
He didn't look offended by your questions, he had been asked them many times. He smiled and held his rosary, rolling the beads between his fingers. "There are ways to look around it, God's teachings can seem confusing with what science can explain. Sometimes, faith extends past what you can see with your eyes, and you have to see with your heart and soul. Then you allow it to guide you."
Your brow furrowed with confusion, you couldn't imagine doing that yourself. You just couldn't believe it, and thinking on all the stories that come with Catholicism, you just couldn't pair them with what you knew. Science was there, the stories were vague and the teachings didn't make sense to you. "I still don't get it. There are so many things that tell you the truth. Explanations that don't rely on God, who's essentially an invisible, flying orb in the sky."
Kurt nodded, "Ja, that is true, but as I said, you have to open your heart and allow it to come in to understand it." He rubbed your arm and smiled, "Not everyone can, and that's okay. I know how you feel, and how it might seem...odd. That I am so devoted to something you don't understand. I'm happy to teach you, or talk to you about it..."
You thought for a bit, looking to him and fiddling with the end of the rosary he still held. You weren't sure if you could touch it, but he hadn't moved away. "This might be a weird request but...can you tell me some?"
"Tell you some what?" Kurt tilted his head.
"Some stories. I don't know I just...I think that even if I don't believe like you do...it would help me feel better." You muttered, feeling embarrassed for asking him this, hoping he wasn't offended. He heard the hurt in your voice, he was surprised you asked this, knowing you weren't faithful like he was. Still, who was he to deny you such a simple thing? His grip on you tightened and he leaned into your hair. "Of course, liebling..." he situated you both so he was sat back on your bed, pulling you to lay on him.
After you were cozy, he rubbed your back and told you all the common stories first. Of Eden, of the Ark, the Lion's Den, the Giant, all the classic known ones. As he spoke, he told them in such detail, his voice calm and even. He spoke of the teachings, of the great splitting of the sea, he told both the kindness and power. He told of the faith and love. He was passionate without overwhelming you.
For the most part you listened, letting your eyes close as he spoke and hummed to you. But you of course had your thoughts and questions. Kurt happily answered them, glad you seemed interested. He respected your ideologies, even if you didn't believe like he did. He was still happy to teach you and tell you stories when you felt down like this. He had such understanding, he was respectful and didn't push his faith onto you.
"We are never truly alone, he watches over all of us. He protects us and provides us with comfort. He guides us, helps us through the difficult decisions we may make or is there for us when we need someone. We are of God, even with our...unique...abilities, or appearances. We are the same on the inside, and we are all loved." Kurt looked down, seeing you were close to sleep.
"That's it, liebe..." he smiled and kissed your forehead tenderly, "You will always be loved, even if you don't believe. He loves you, as do I. Rest, your troubles will fade away...I will be with you throughout them. If you don't feel like trusting in God, then trust in me." he hummed gently to your sleeping form, keeping you close and secure, his arms wrapped protectively.
He wished he could take the pain away, but what he could do was be there for you, and he would be no matter what happened.
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Thanks for reading.
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Dividers by @/adornedwithlight
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