#;Imladris' lord
cheesy-cryptid · 1 year
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Elrond and Celebrían
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tolkien-povs · 4 months
Maglor: I am a kinslayer... the worst of my kind. No song shall ever capture the misery I have wrought unto myself and hundreds of others.
Elladan and Elrohir: Sure Grandpa, let's get you to bed.
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thelien-art · 5 months
Elrond Peredhel; in Imladris
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Elrond Peredhel, in the Second age, in the newly established Imladris which stood finished in S.A. 1700 Of the Sun (1697-1700)
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unavidas · 6 months
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whenever I’m in a creative lull I go back to the classics 🌸🍂
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noirbriar · 3 months
Guardians of Imladris
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The Chief Councillor and the Captain.
*Slowly sliding in to leave this here and leave*
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Elrond: Like Maglor always says: if at first you do not succeed, then it's only attempted murder.
Glorfindel: Maglor? Maglor always said that?
Erestor, fake wiping a tear: Inspirational.
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radjerda · 10 months
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So, I did some Rivendell-based incorrect quotes doodles a while back. Presenting:
Thranduil is in town for a visit and Glorfindel happens to be showing him around.
Erestor will find a way to make an overworked Elrond listen to his advice.
A semi-newly returned Glorfindel gets ready for his day.
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braxix · 2 months
Maglor: I'm actually starting to get concerned about what Elrond brings home.
Maedhros: About time. What clues you in? The warg pup or the sixteen orcs he has befriended and folded into society?
Maglor: He came home with a baby dragon this time. Elros said no for us, don't worry.
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tarantado-si-viann · 1 year
The Elves Reacting To Their S/O Wearing Their Clothes^^
Pronouns: You mostly so it's GN^^
A/n: So, hello! I'm new here on tumblr and I just thought that a nice, maybe warm, headcannon ( is that how you spell it? ) would do good for a first start.,. I'm sorry in advanced if there are spellings that are needed to correct! Also, I was lowbat at the moment so I could only do three huhu. But either way, please enjoy<3
P.S- if you liked this one, do me a favor and reblog, won't you?
• "And what's this I see?"
• Although Legolas didn't mind lending his clothes to other people, you may be the first to amuse him in this state.
• There you were dressed in his casual, green, elven shirt with his double sized elven pants on you.
• "Why, hello there! I don't believe we've met...?" he smirks, rubbing his nose as he circles around you in curiosity. You giggled at his pretending and you played along.
• "Y'know, I haven't seen such a handsome ellon like yourself," you state and punch his arm gently. "You are?"
• For a moment, Legolas doesn't know what to say. In fact, he paces around, brewing the correct words until they lingered on the edge of his tongue.
• "The love of your life."
• You were shocked with his sudden answer and felt a trickling heat that crept onto your face in a flustered blush. You stumbled back while hovering your right palm unto your dusted cheeks in embarassment. Legolas chuckled and pulled you close into his arms.
• "Oh, melleth nin, I adore you so. However, I was truly surprised to see you in my own garmets. What made you think of this adorable nonsense?"
• "I didn't think I'd come up to this as well. You know me, full of surprises. Wait... are you perhaps cross?"
• Legolas kissed your forehead and rubbed circles on your back.
• No, Legolas wasn't cross. He was delighted by this incident that he even offered you to borrow more of his clothes next time. Why would he be cross with the person he loved the most?
• "I am not cross, my love. I am very happy and this just gave me an idea! Why don't we do this together? You wear my clothes again and I'll wear yours. Are you up? We could go surprise everyone here in Mirkwood!"
• A fond smile painted on your lips as you nodded in agreement. "Sure thing."
• "Y/n!" A needy voice echoed down the halls calling your name.
• "Huh?" you flinch on your spot, hurriedly placing king Thranduil's belongings back to where they exactly were minutes ago.
• Although you may had messed up... too much. Why, you didn't even know where to begin.
• "Where do these hangers go? How about the robes, oh! And the brushes as well!" you thought while your hands quickly picked up everything you saw. Hot damn!
• The footsteps grew louder and louder until they finally stopped at Thranduil's room. He was annoyed, no joke.
• The door carefully opened, revealing you caught in the headlights.
• "Y—"
• Thranduil was speechless. Unlike his son, he wasn't too keen on lending his spare clothes. But this, this would have to been an exception.
• His irritation disappeared like a bubble in an instant. "Uh... I'm sorry..." you sighed and began to remove everything you had a hard time putting on. What was truly the waste was the small, leaf branch circlet thingy that took you hours to prepare.
• However, Thranduil stopped you, a shy look on his face.
• "N-no... please... ke-keep them... I mean, well, uh... I—"
• You laughed nervously. "Wait what?" He looked so sincere, so that had your mind twisted in confusion and at the same time, gave you a hard time comprehending what he just said, not to mention his stuttering.
• "No... keep them, please. As long as you're happy, my dear."
• You blinked a few times before a happy grin etched on your face. It was a sight to see for Thranduil.
• He walked closer to you and fixed the stray hairs on your face, tucking them under your ears. He hummed in satisfaction before placing a quick kiss on your lips. He then turned back to the door when he didn't notice you followed his heels. "What?" he asked you in the least of annoyance.
• You shook your head and wrapped your left arm around his right one. Giving in, he dare let you roam inside the halls with his vibes radiating off of you.
• But wait...
• Where's the circlet thing????
A/n: oof, that's my father figure^^
" Dear, Y/n! Please slow down!" Lindir called from behind you, dragging his heavy clothes along as his panting grew louder and louder across the halls.
You didn't pay mind to him as you continued to jog towards the council meeting, to which you could already see outside the door.
Lindir, who was too tired to chase after you, leaped into the air, catching you off guard, and grasped the end of your long robes. His body hit hard on the floor which made you shriek in guilt.
"Oh, Lindir! Are you hurt? Where does it hurt??" you worriedly call as you helped him sit up. The ellon wore an irritated expression on his usual bright face which made chills slither down your spine. You knew this wasn't normal, and to Lindir… well…
"Y/n! Calm down at once! My lord Elrond will not be pleased when he finds out that you have fitted once more into his fine robes! Not even the mere 'fun' I'd expect from someone as superior as you. Yet, you've decided to do it again, I mean, LOOK AT YOU!!"
This wasn't the kind of critique you had expected from your best friend. Nonetheless, it offended you when you realized you had offended him as well. This poor elf was now injured for your sake. He just didn't want you to be judged and judged so rudely. No, not like the last time you imitated Lord Elrond's attire at one feast. Damn elves.
"I'm sorry, mellon. I'd be careful next time. But… I don't want to take these off yet! Can't we make most of the hard work?" you pleaded, pulling the puppy eyes that seemed to get everyone and literally EVERYONE all of the time.
"Screw this. Be free, Y/n. You are big and old enough to make decisions of your own." he spits with concealed amusement in his tone. To this, you smile, help him stand and leave him alone in the hallways.
"Make Elrond love you hard!" you kept in mind.
The council consisted of several elves including the Sindarin, Legolas, and Elrond who was seated at the edge of the circle of chairs. Gandalf was on one side and a dwarf at the other edge. The rest was occupied by more elves, a hobbit, and two humans, leaving you a rather intentional saved spot beside the Lord of Imladris.
Everyone's eyes laid on you. You had imitated every part of Elrond— his hair, clothes, shoes, and a hand made ringlet that matched his own.
Elrond raised a brow at you, but you could tell that he was delighted with… you. "Ah, well someone's tardy today. Where have you been and what have you been up to?" he asks slyly with a smirk on his face.
"I certainly had brewed some sort of mess back in your chambers. Tut! Well, that's nothing to worry about now, meleth. We should begin this instance!" you smile cheekily, patting his arm, head resting on his shoulder. You had made yourself too comfortable before a meeting. How would you be able to focus now?
"We'll discuss this 'brewed mess' after today's meeting. For now, we will figure out ways to destroy the ring."
This was so dumb.
Feel free to request!
No tags at the moment^^
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imladrisweek · 4 months
Imladris Week Announcement
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After so many people expressed interest, I am glad to announce that I will be hosting an Imladris themed week this year! Imladris Week will take place September 16th to 22nd 2024, and celebrate Imladris and its residents.
Prompts, rules and other information to follow!
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doodle-pops · 6 months
Dating Glorfindel Would Include...
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ʚɞ He’s like a golden retriever, filled with boundless energy and wants to be all over you. He cannot spend five seconds without some form of physical contact, be it holding hands, kissing you, or bumping shoulders.
ʚɞ One of the simplest things he likes to do is to hold your hand during walks, showing everyone that you’re his. He’s absolutely proud to know that you chose him to be your significant other so, he does his best to show you that you chose well.
ʚɞ Your time courting him will never be dull. Every moment spent with him will be full of energy and laughter.
ʚɞ Whenever there’s a party, festival or ball, you are the first couple on the dance floor. The first time you dance at a ball, you are surprised to learn that he is an excellent dancer since you have never seen him dance when asked by others.
ʚɞ He’s an amazing singer but he’ll only sing for you. You are the only person worthy in his eyes to hear his voice.
ʚɞ He enjoys going for rides with you on his horse. Sometimes the both of you will sit together or on separate horses and race each other across the open fields. There are times when he’s in a goofy mood and he’ll sit in front of you on Asfaloth, ignoring the fact that you can’t see.
ʚɞ Wherever you may be working he will always find time during the day to visit you. If it’s to bring you a meal of food or just stop by to say hello, he will always make the time. Even when he’s not on patrol or doing any duties, he’s sparring. He takes this opportunity to spar shirtless in hopes that when you pass by, you’ll ogle at his physique.
ʚɞ Should you do pass by, he shows off a lot more flexing his muscles and fighting with more power and strength to defeat his opponent showing you how strong he is. One time he flexed his muscles too hard, and he caught a cramp. To say the least, it was embarrassing for him.
ʚɞ Know that every day you will be receiving a bouquet of flowers at your doorstep. There are times he’d be able to deliver it and other times when he’ll send a worker.
ʚɞ He knows that he’s not the best cook but he’s willing to try making most of your favourite meals and desserts. Sometimes he’d invite you over into the kitchen so that you could show him how to make your favourite meals. You also do the same by sending meals and desserts for him when he’s working very hard. He always gets over-emotional whenever you do so.
ʚɞ Speaking of him being emotional, Glorfindel is genuinely a compassionate individual and it’s truly an honour to experience firsthand his ability to extend his empathy to others in need of it. Even you are fortunate to be on the receiving end when times are tough on your end.
ʚɞ He’s a cuddle bug so once you’re in his arms there’s no escaping, you’re never leaving you just have to stay there and accept your fate. He has no shame in basking you kisses but he won’t go overboard since he is a Lord and looked upon.
ʚɞ Whenever you’re cuddling you tend to run your hands through his hair which knocks him out. He’s very flamboyant so, expect a lot of grand moments with him but not to worry he does take your reactions seriously; he knows what’s acceptable and what isn’t.
ʚɞ Depending on the age you met, you get the opportunity to hear his tales of the olden days when his fellow Lords and friends were alive. Around these moments are when he relies on a slice of comfort from you to reassure him that there’s still good in his life despite all that he’s lost.
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unavidas · 1 year
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Sketchbook snippet: Celebrían and Elrond, and little Arwen.
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amathris · 9 months
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elrond’s sons!!
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elven-sisters · 9 months
Happy New Year, Maedhros!
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Twins are really desperate to set off fireworks! 🎉 What a bad deal that elves celebrate New Year on April 6 😆 But wait... did Elrond say 'dad'?
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thestaroffeanor · 2 months
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Children of Elrond and Celebrían
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mascula-sappho · 1 month
no but really she is galadriel's daughter and we all know galadriel was one of the tallest elves soooo
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