#;The Fly // Millard
dragonsdendoodles · 10 months
Concept: a MPHFPC Pokémon game where Miss Peregrine’s house just happens to be the first gym in the region and all the kids are desperately trying not to let you know they have peculiarities to varying degrees of success (Millard) and you’re just over here like “I just want a gym badge man”
Totally not a needlessly dialogue-heavy Word document I’ve been sporadically working on for like six months what do you mean I would never
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mysticstronomy · 10 months
Wednesday, November 29th, 2023
Welcome back,
Over the years, scientists have managed to unveil the existence of quite a few intriguing particles, pushing the entire field of physics forward with each discovery. There's the "God Particle" for instance, aka the Higgs Boson that grants all other particles their masses. There's also the so-called "Oh My God!" particle, an unimaginably energetic cosmic ray.
named the "sun goddess" particle  —  and is fittingly extraordinary.
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This particle has an energy level one million times greater than what can be generated in even humanity’s most powerful particle accelerators; it appears to have fallen to Earth in a shower of other, less energetic particles. Like the "Oh My God!" particle, these bits come from faraway regions of space and are known as cosmic rays. The particle has been dubbed "Amaterasu" after Amaterasu Ōmikami, the goddess of the sun and the universe in Japanese mythology, whose name means "shining in heaven."
And just as its mythological namesake is shrouded in mystery, so too is the Amaterasu particle.
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Its discoverers, including Osaka Metropolitan University researcher Toshihiro Fujii, don’t know where the particle came from or indeed what it is. They also still aren't sure what kind of violent and powerful process could have given rise to something as energetic as Amaterasu.
"This is the most energetic charged particle ever detected by the Telescope Array experiment," Fujii told Space.com.
The hope is that, just as Amaterasu is credited with the creation of Japan according to the Shinto tradition, the Amaterasu particle can help create an entirely new branch of high-energy astrophysics.
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High-energy cosmic rays are extremely rare to begin with, but Fujii said the Amaterasu particle has an energy level not seen in a staggering 30 years of cosmic ray detections.
In fact, when the researchers spotted Amaterasu with the Telescope Array experiment — involving 507 detectors spread across 270 square miles (699 square kilometers) of the high desert of Millard County, Utah —they initially thought the detection must be some kind of mistake.
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"I thought it would be my mistake or bug, and then after checking the details of the event, I was excited to find it was not an error," Fujii said.
First spotted by the Telescope Array experiment on May 27, 2021, the Amaterasu particle exhibits an energy of 224 exa-electron volts (EeV). For contest, one EeV is equivalent to 10¹⁸ electron volts. This puts Amaterasu on a similar energy level to the most energetic cosmic ray ever discovered — yes, that's the "Oh My God!" particle, which was detected in Oct. 1991 by the Fly’s Eye camera in Dugway Proving Ground, Utah. The latter had an energy of 320 EeV.
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"The Amaterasu particle should be an important messenger from the universe about extremely energetic phenomena, but we need to disentangle the origin of this mysterious particle," Fujii explained.
There isn’t an astrophysical object, or any cosmic event for that matter, in the direction from which the sun goddess particle appears to have come from. That's why scientists are pretty unclear on what led to its creation.
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But, while the origins of the Amaterasu particle may be currently unknown, Fujii does have some avenues of investigation to follow up on. Importantly, some of these ideas could extend beyond the Standard Model of particle physics, which is the best outline we have of the universe’s particle zoo and how each of those particles interact with one another.
Originally published on www.space.com
(Saturday, December 2nd, 2023)
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marygih · 4 months
Do you have any new headcanons? I found the ones in your pin very interesting!
Firstly: forgive me for the delay in responding, I started collecting my new headcanons and ended up forgetting to come back here to show them.
Anyway, my new headcanons:
1. Olive's tiara/crown is also made from a heavy material to help her stay on the ground and not fly away. It's extra weight to give her more comfort on the ground.
2. The council of ymbrynes never learned that Bentham accidentally created the hollowgasts. If they had known, Bentham would probably have been arrested. Even if he didn't create the hollows on purpose, he definitely planned a small genocide. This is probably considered a crime by the council.
3. Peculiar souls are not acidic, ambrosia was only acidic because the Wights wanted it, they made it that way. An addictive and corrosive liquid. It was their way of harming their peculiar "allies".
4. Caul always knew that Miss Peregrine was the successor of one of the 12 great ymbrynes who sealed Abaton and this probably made him hate her even more.
5. Nothing bad happened with the old Enoch loop, he probably just didn't suit the place and asked to change loops and ended up in Cairnholm,As grumpy as Enoch is, he likes living there, if he didn't like it he would have asked to change loops at the first opportunity.
6. Every time Abe visited Emma after the war he always went with the intention of ending everything with her, but personally he couldn't, he never had the courage to break her heart personally. Ending everything by letter was easier for him and more painful for her.
7. Claire is very young, she was probably found by Miss Peregrine when she was still very little and Ymbryne adopted her, that's why Claire is so attached to Miss P, she's the closest thing Claire has ever known to a mother.
8.Just like Olive and Noor, Claire is also a peculiar "Infant" she was born with a second mouth on the back of her head and her story must be quite sad.
9. When Victor's body was brought to the island, Enoch was the one who sewed up the entire body, he was the only one who had the courage to do this for his friend.
10. Millard has never feared being forgotten by Miss Peregrine, and probably enjoys being in her presence because she never fails to notice him. She feels his peculiarity, it's as if she sees him. Even though she doesn't really see him, she feels him, she always knows where he is, he will never be forgotten by her, she is the only one who notices his presence all the time.
11. Horace's dreams are completely meaningless, sometimes he manages to interpret and avoid the bad future, and sometimes he cannot understand what he dreamed but tries to explain and everything comes out confused and meaningless.
12. During the entire time that Fiona was missing, she was recovering from the injuries caused by her fall and the violence of the wights.
13. When Miss Peregrine saved Abe she probably didn't know what his peculiarity was, he was too young to be able to kill a hollow, he probably only discovered his gift when he was older and managed to survive an attack by hollowgasts. After all, there is no way for him to discover his power without having met Hollow in person.
14. Hugh has a whole routine organized for his bees so that their life in his stomach is as comfortable as if they lived in a normal hive.
15. There was probably a burial for Caul, and for all the current wights, after all, before they discovered what they had become, they were all presumed dead.
16. The constant transformations of ymbrynes into their respective birds harm their bone health. Their bones keep changing size and becoming hollow, their joints are also damaged, which is why they develop bone and joint problems early. Like Miss Peregrine's arthritis and how Miss Avocet became a wheelchair user.
17. Mr White and his men always knew that the children were with Caul and not Miss P. He was only so worried about knowing where the Falcon was because he knew that it was his master, and he was worried that he wasn't with the children. The wights were only chasing the children to force them to look for Miss Wren faster.
18. Wights do not have complete control or trust in hollows, and they can see the creatures, but they do not trust them enough to ride hollows like Jacob does.
19. Miss Peregrine's greatest fear is losing one of her children. She's already lost many children to tragic deaths, and she definitely doesn't want to go through that again.
20. The ymbrynes of the primordial era of the peculiars were also giants. Gigantic and very wise bird-women.
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milfswriter · 2 years
Alma Peregrine/ The children in general x Reader
Request: Fluffy household headcanons
Notes: me and @queerpersonified decided to bring the Alma tag back to life cause Alma simps deserve better :)
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Alright so...We all know you're the fun, cool parent here
It gets on Alma's nerves VERY easily.
"Can we play raid the village?" "No, Mr. Nullings" "she meant yes, but don't kill anyone!".
She'd give you a glare and receives an innocent smile in return
You were a family, not just peculiars living in a loop with their headmistress and her cool wife.
You're less likely to be the one grounding any of them unless it's Enoch. the boy never ceases to get on your nerves when he raises his voice at Alma or doesn't clean his death-smelling room.
piggyback rides with claire and olive to the dining room.
Birthday parties!!. Even though it's the same day every day, you keep a calendar in the kitchen with each child's initials on their birthday. Even Alma's, though she scolds you for indulging in unnecessary celebrations like this.
"It is necessary. You turn 182 today! everyone say happy birthday miss peregrine!" you laugh as her face turns a darker shade of red than she'd like to show while the children chant the famous birthday song.
morning kisses at the breakfast table that make the children cringe
Being referee and goalkeeper at the same time while the boys play soccer, Horace tutting at them for their 'unclassy behavior'.
Alma would not touch you with a five-foot pool as she looks at your dirt-covered clothes from throwing yourself around to catch Hugh's ball.
brushing Emma's hair every morning, much to her annoyance. "I'm eighty-eight years old" "and I'm a hundred and forty-three, you're still a child".
Stifling a groan at Bronwyn's strength when she hugs you.
Telling Millard to wear clothes every time you see an object flying in the air with a box of tissues thrown at him.
laying your head on Alma's lap in the living room while she smokes her pipe every afternoon, her long nails running through your hair as you close your eyes.
Keeping Enoch from Viktor's room, sometimes even locking it.
Being the only one besides Hugh that Fiona actually talks to
Bedtime has always been your favorite, tucking all your children into bed after a compulsory bedtime story from Tales of the peculiar, Alma waiting in the doorway to go to bed together.
Late night swaying in the kitchen to a song you'd hum in your wife’s ear, your hands at Alma's waist while hers are around your neck.
@ara-a-bird @thenazwife @mistysswampmud @yelenablshop @acornacre @yourfavdummy @mmemalwa @multifandomfix
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Habit ~ E.O.
A/n: This felt the way eating something for the first time in a longen time when you are it a lot as a kid? Does that make sense? Idk I just love it
Request: “...Enoch O’Connor x Male I beg of thee” by anon
Word count: 2200+
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Jake was the most annoying person Y/n had ever met.
The problem with a boy shaking the very core of the way Miss Peregrine's Home worked, is that there was a set routine. Not just the same day, every day. Not just the same clothes. Not just the same activities and expectations, but also the same people. The same dynamics. Everything was clear and simple and predictable - as it was supposed to be. It was Enoch and Horace and Olive and Fiona and Claire and Emma and Millard and Bronwyn and Hugh and the twins and Y/n. They all had their chores, their meals, and their rooms. Wake up, do the exact same thing, reset the day, go to bed.
In some ways, Jake changing everything was nice. Emma was happier with him, and they were safer now. They'd always be safe now. Miss Peregrine didn't have to deal with her imperfect day, and they had lots of new friends.
Change was hard though, and unpredictable. Emma and Jake, and then Fiona and Hugh. And then suddenly everyone was a lot less okay with Enoch and Y/n pining for each other but never doing anything about it.
Enoch and Y/n had always been like this. They avoided each other despite everything, somehow having pulled it off for decades straight now. Anytime they did talk, the room seemed to go still. They were insatiable, starving for each other. Every look was too long, and yet too short. Every conversation saturated with so much emotion neither boy could handle it.
Being a teenager was hard.
But for decades, everyone had left it alone. At some point the distance and awkwardness and desperate yearning had become a part of the routine. Wake up, do what you did everyday, glance over the way Y/n's breath caught, a smile tugging to his face when Enoch brought something to life, ignore the way Enoch's eyes lingered when Y/n began to chat with a bird or squirrel or worm.
Even Fiona was good at it, and she was Y/n's sister. They had always been far more concerned with their own relationship as siblings. Two halves of one whole - a plant gift and an animal gift. Flora and fauna.
But now she was busy with her own crush, and without her there to fill Y/n's time, it was more and more obvious how ridiculously in love he was. Olive had met a girl in the other loop they'd joined who had wings, and the two had been having a ball flying around together - which meant Enoch was more available than normal as well.
Of course they ended up in the same space more often than they usually did.
The new kids weren't used to the pining. It wasn't routine, they hadn't learned to ignore it. And the more they pointed out that the way Enoch and Y/n acted wasn't a just-friends-and-family feelings kind of situation, the more the other kids acknowledged it too. Suddenly everyone was looking at the boys expectantly, and with all those eyes on them... it was hard to ignore their own situation even more.
This was especially hard on Y/n. He had always known he wasn't going to end up with some epic love like in the books. Even before the loop, everyone had marked him as insane and weird. His little sister could make flowers grow in the palm of her hand, and her older brother knew all the town secrets because the pets could talk to him. But after the loop? The options were so limited and he was gay - it wasn't going to happen. No way in hell that with one person he could even possibly end up with, who he liked, liked him back. That sort of thing was difficult to find even with several options. But one?
Not to mentioned he hadn't really come to terms with the fact that he wasn't straight. Everyone knew he was into Enoch, but outside of that they had no idea what was going on with his sexuality. He'd never opened up about it, and flat out denied anytime someone had asked. Even Fiona had nothing to offer in terms of information - he hadn't told her anything either. Which was weird, because they knew a lot about each other. She was his confidante.
He'd never even admitted it to himself.
That wasn't good enough for Leroy and Sofie though. They were two of the kids from the other loop, and they were determined to play match maker between the two boys. It was how a harmless game night had gone so terribly wrong. They had convinced Jake to talk about all the silly, immature party games he had heard of and to "experience the culture they were missing out on" all the kids from both loops had been dragged into several different rounds of truth and dare and spin the bottle and seven minutes in heaven. Nothing happened for most of the people, who only fist bumped or took the opportunity to info dump in a space where the other person had no option to listen.
And then Enoch and Y/n got picked.
For the first ten minutes, both boys were completely composed. But Enoch had a very good understanding of time and as more than seven minutes passed, he grew agitated. "It's been long enough, let us out," he called.
When all that came back from the other side was giggling, Y/n got irritated too. Being this close to Enoch was bad enough without there being a foreseeable end in sight. "Guys. Guys!"
"Talk about your feelings!" Sofie called back, and a dozen pairs of feet could be heard on the stairs, leaving Enoch and Y/n. In a closet. Locked for who knows how long. Alone in an entire room, in the basement.
Miss Peregrine would put it together and come and get them before dinner, but... even that was a long way away.
It was quiet a long time, but eventually even Enoch couldn't handle it. He broke first.
"Are we just going to wait for Miss Peregrine?"
Y/n shrugged. "They all left, so... It's not like even if I did anything here they'd let us out."
"Did anything?" Enoch scoffed. "Did what exactly."
"I don't know," Y/n snapped. Both boys were rather hot headed and tended to interact with each other through biting remarks and snarky banter. These snippy words were familiar to them.
Enoch rolled his eyes. "I'm not just going to sit here that whole time. At least tell me what they think we need to share feelings about?"
Y/n shrugged. "Beats me."
Another king quiet and then Enoch seemed to soften. He had changed a lot since Jake too. He had been so defensive of Emma before, but now he saw the flaw in that. Emma and Jake were happy, and more than anything he... envied them. He wanted that. And he had wasted enough time keeping himself from it. If Emma could open her heart to getting broke to risk love and succeed... maybe he could too. "Y/n."
"What?" He was gorgeous. That withering look and unwavering attitude. Enoch loved that he could always keep up, matching any sass off or sarcastic comment. Often beating Enoch at what he had always considered as his own private game. A game he never lost at... until Y/n. Y/n who found his homunculus fascinating instead of disturbing and never scared at even the worst of Enoch's attempts. Y/n who was so awkward and brash with people, but so gentle and calm and caring toward animals. Y/n, who was his best self out in the woods with no shoes on and a smile on his face as he closed his eyes and listened to the wind through the trees, the birds singing, the bugs buzzing...
"Do you want to play Twenty Questions?" It was another of Jake's silly games. They had planned to play it after Seven Minutes in Heaven but, well, now they were locked in a closet.
Y/n shot him a withering look, cocking an eyebrow. "No."
Enoch's lips almost twitched into a smile. "Come on. Since when are you more of a buzz kill than I am?"
Y/n sighed. "Fine. Whatever." He looked at Enoch again and couldn't help but soften. They were both like this. Hard to touch, impossible to get close to. Rough and snappy. Except for those select few. For Enoch, it was the girls. Fiona and Claire had it the easiest; Olive had to work for it; Emma had gotten under his skin after Abe. For Y/n, there was no one who had worked their way into his good graces as well as Enoch had. He of course had softness for the kids, always taking to children who needed someone to have their back - even if they wouldn't admit it - but Enoch was still special. He always was.
Enoch swallowed a smile, matching Y/n's casual energy. They both leaned against the wall, Y/n crossing his arms over his chest and Enoch slipping his hands in his pocket. "You go first," Enoch encouraged. There was something playing in his eyes, so bright it shone even in the low lighting.
Y/n raised an eyebrow, unsure. "Okay... what's your favorite color?" It was a dumb question - he already knew - which meant that if Y/n wasn't going to try neither was Enoch.
"Triangle." He smirked, then leaned forward. "Do you like men?"
There was a long silence in the closet. It felt... horribly fitting. Suffocatingly on point. "Why do you ask?"
"That's not an answer," he shot back.
Y/n's face burned. "That's a dumb question! You've never cared once in our decades of friendship and now you do? Why?"
"Because of Jake." Y/n almost began going off about how annoying Jake was, but Enoch cut him off. "I thought everything was set in stone. He were the group we'd always been. Abe proved it to me. We can get smaller, but never bigger. But then Jake came along and left behind everything for Emma. And I realized, maybe that's what love is. Maybe it's giving up what was for what could be. Because it's worth it. And if I made a leap like that, I won't even have to give anything up. All I have to do is take the first step."
His voice was so soothing, but his words were like shots of ice through Y/n's veins. It was a startling contrast. "Enoch..." He frowned, pursing his lips. He couldn't look at the other boy. "What would you do if I asked you that? You can't expect me to-"
"I do. I like men."
Y/n's jaw dropped. He snapped it closed after a beat, eyes trained on Enoch. The other boy seemed... excited. Genuinely. "And you're telling me this... for a reason. I assume?" Enoch just nodded. He wasn't just excited; he was nervous too. To be fair, so was Y/n. "Because you like me?" He asked, even more softly.
Enoch hesitated. Then nodded. "I... have. For a long time."
Y/n sighed, head falling back against the wall. A part of him wanted to argue, wanted to fight it. Wanted to stick his head in the sand.
But a much larger part of him knew that this had been coming for a long time.
“I thought when I told you I was into men it would be scarier.” Enoch laughed at Y/n’s confession, and it was only a split second before Y/n joined him. It was completely bizarre and borderline ridiculous. They’d been denying their feelings so long it had become habit. First out of hesitation. You never know exactly how someone would react to something. And then it was friendship. They were so close, and they’d gotten into a pattern of thought. They were only friends - nothing else was possible. But as everything around them changed, pattern had no room in their life anymore. So habit had taken over.
And now…
Y/n rested his head on Enoch’s shoulder, hesitantly taking his hand. Enoch sighed, squeezing back. Reassuring him.
“I like you specifically,” Y/n piped up.
Enoch’s smile was small as he tried to fight it, but the blush across his cheeks gave him away. “I like you too.” Y/n chuckled again, and Enoch echoed him. Like their energy was bouncing off of each other, growing. Becoming simply by the existence of the other.
“I don’t want our first kiss to be in here,” Enoch sighed. The closet was too much a metaphor, but even more-
“I don’t like that everyone’s forced so much onto us,” Y/n agreed. “Thank god they did, but-“
Enoch huffed with amusement. “But I don’t want them to have everything. Some things are just for you and me?” Y/n nodded and Enoch smiled, leaning close and pressing his lips to Y/n’s forehead. Y/n sighed, content. They stayed like that until the close door was opened, several pairs of curious eyes staring in at them.
“Are you together now?”
Y/n and Enoch exchanged looks and then scrambled to their feet, both shouldering the door open and slipping out. Everyone was laughing - even the ones who tried desperately to lock the pair back in the room.
And so the boys were out of the closet.
They took each others’ hand again when they settled onto the couch together, an everyone had to agree: that could be enough.
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theducklingart · 10 months
Mphfpc Characters as animals
Jacob: literally the stupidest goofiest dog ever known to man kind
Emma: lion. I don't know she just gives off that vibe 😫
Bronywn: Bear. She likes that big ass mama bear alright that's like really sweet and shit
Millard: Cat. Not just a cat, a soaking wet cat that looks like it has seen some shit
Enoch: We all know he's a Raccoon
Horace: Peacock. Because he's all fancy and shit okay
Hugh: Bros a bee. I know bees are an insect but come on he's bee boy.
Fiona: Cow. She just gives off that majestic cow vibe 😘
Olive: Hummingbird. Because she can fly for one and she smol 💀
Clair: Fucking Chihuahua.
Noor: Some type of big cat 💀💀
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arriansarchive · 4 months
Enoch O'Connor/Horace Somnusson Drabble
They are literally so cute
Love them
Summary: Jacob sees something that seemed like it would never happen. Of course, Emma needs to get her camera.
The night was cold and long, and Horace was absolutely miserable. His hair was still a bit wet from his earlier encounter with Jacob's shower, his bed clothes were rumpled and too big even though he was almost as tall as Jacob.
And speaking of tall, he was most definitely taller than the boy he was lying on the couch with.
Horace had come down the marble stairs to hopefully find some tea bags, and a kettle to make some soothing, relaxing liquid before he returned to slumber, but he found something even more amusing.
Enoch was sitting on the couch, looking bored as he changed the channel on the television. Horace didn't know how Enoch could look at that thing without getting a headache. It was a mystery, just like him.
"Enoch?" Horace whispered, hoping Enoch could hear him from all the way by the stairs.
Enoch jumped and snapped his head toward where Horace was standing. He let out a tiny sigh of relief whenever he found it was just Horace. Horace had known that Enoch had the same insomnia problems that had plagued him all his life, so it was a nice thing to be able to talk to someone about it.
"Could you not sleep?" Enoch rolled his eyes, turning back to the television.
Horace smiled a little bit. He was happy that it was Enoch down here and not Emma as Emma had some problems with sleeping too ever since Abe had died. Always worried that a hollow would be galloping toward them, Emma was.
"Nope. Could you not either?" Horace plopped down beside Enoch.
Enoch continued to flip through the various channels of random cartoons, cooking, pets, and many others. Horace was just glad that Enoch decided to leave the volume off. Probably to not awaken the rest of the house. Hugh was a very light sleeper.
He saw Enoch yawn out of the corner of his eye and rub at his face. Horace wondered if he was tired. He never understood the reason why some people could be tired and not sleep. He was always tired but could fall asleep right away; it's only the nightmares that wake him.
"Are you tired?" Horace asked, tapping lightly at his leg.
"Do birds fly?" Enoch spat defensively.
Horace looked at him, a bit miffed that he would snap at him like that; but then again, what did he really expect out of Enoch. Just because they had been getting closer doesn't mean that Horace didn't get his dumb answers once in a while too.
"Well yes; but technically, penguins are birds, and they do not." Horace lightly chuckled under his breath as he said this.
Enoch sat the remote down on the coffee table and threw his head back in agony. "Do you have any idea on how I could possibly get to sleep, Horace, without your stupid bird facts?" He asked, "because those may be boring enough to drone Millard to sleep but not I."
Rolling his eyes, Horace replied. "It's cold down here; and usually, heat supplies a better climate to fall asleep."
Enoch snuck a glance over at Horace and grinded his teeth together for a moment, seemingly contemplating something.
Before Horace could say another attempt at a solution, Enoch wrapped a hand around his shoulder and abruptly pulled him down into a lying position beside him.
Horace gasped and cocked an eyebrow. He wasn't exactly angry, but he was definitely shocked. Enoch didn't seem exactly like the hugging type, much less the cuddling type.
"What on earth do you think your doing?" Horace sputtered.
"Sleeping." Enoch replied and closed his eyes in a finalisation.
Horace wasn't going to get out of this one.
The next day, the two were asleep on the large couch in Jacob's massive living room. Key word, Jacob's living room. So, of course Jacob was the first one up to check the living room.
His eyes widened in glee whenever he saw that the duo were cuddled up with each other next to the arm rest.
Jacob crept up quietly into Emma's room, trying not to wake anyone else up and poked her until she woke up. Though her eyes didn't open before she swiped at him with a flaming hand.
"Jesus Christ, Em!" Jacob hissed and grabbed her wrist to keep it from waving.
"Jacob?" She said sleepily.
Jacob looked out the open door to make sure Enoch and Horace hadn't woken up and giggled to himself quietly.
"I need you and your camera down stairs now."
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eleanorandphantom · 20 days
tell us a bit about your DR and your relationships with the wards!! Maybe some cool things you guys do together
(I just wrote this entire thing out on the bus and when I got off it deleted so now I have to write this for the second time 😭)
but of course!! I’m so happy you asked, brace yourself because this is gonna be LONG (if you can’t tell, I love talking about my DR, especially my lovelies🩷🩷🩷)
be warned I will get side tracked at least twice
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I’ll start with my momma, Miss Peregrine herself! 
About two weeks after I was born, my parents (who were both surprisingly peculiar) found me sprouting white fluffy tufts from my back(later I would discover I’m a Phoenix ymbryne) and they knew I wasn’t safe in America. They reached out to the ymbryne council and I was brought to Miss P before the loop was created. I grew up with her as my mother, and she taught me everything I know about being an ymbryne in training. She is my world, and I love her so dearly 
My favorite memory with her has to be when she started teaching me how to fly. I wasn’t the average ymbryne, I could sprout my wings without being in bird form, so I had to learn how to fly as a bird and as a human hybrid. Learning as a bird was wicked easy, as a human? Not so much. The way she taught me was using a swing set in our garden, which could swing a full 360. I would basically swing as fast as I can and have to jump and use my wings, which was very difficult when you’re 4 years old and scared of heights. It was quite amusing, but she had to hold back her hysteria to encourage me. We would go on flights together after that, it’s how we spend most of our time together
Now onto Claire! She is literally like a little sister to me, I love her so much 
(I didn’t script when each ward came, I’m leaving that to my consciousness because I suck at timeline stuff) when she arrived she was silent, she wouldn’t speak, she had the worst anxiety. I still stood by her side and showed her kindness and warmth, and she warmed up to me immediately, especially after I taught her the piano. She would follow me like a shadow and sometimes end up coming to my room after a nightmare to cuddle. After Olive arrived, she attached herself to Claire and brought out the bubbly energy into Claire, making them inseparable friends. I was so proud of Claire, she started talking a lot more and was genuinely so happy
I think my favorite memory with Claire was when we were at the beach playing chicken fight against Millard and Horace. Claire was on my shoulders and Horace was on Millard’s shoulders. At some point during the fight we got behind them and Claire nipped at Horace’s swimsuit with her back mouth and he screamed like a little girl. She started giggling and I sprouted my wings and shot us up 20ft in the air, throwing her up and catching her in my arms as we flew back down into the water, the entire time she laughed and smiled, her smile is so contagious (to say the least, Horace didn’t want to plus with us after that though)
Speaking of Horace, we grew to be great friends over our equal love of fashion. I was the seamstress of the household, making new clothes for everyone, especially for when we went to different loops, I made clothes for different timelines so we wouldn’t be caught by normals. At first we didn’t really talk since we didn’t know much about the other. Until one day he walked into my room to ask for something when he found me using my sewing machine. The look on his face was completely indescribable, but he immediately walked up to me and begged me to teach him all I know. We bonded over our love of fashion and grew super close, often hanging out or making witty jokes. 
One of my favorite memories with Horace was when it was his birthday (we have a calendar that keeps track of the days in the present so we can still celebrate events together) I ended up making him a 3 piece suit of his favorite fabric, navy blue silk velvet. I presented it to him at dinner and he bawled his eyes out, he would wear it for only special occasions and leaves it on a mannequin in his room to keep as a form of trophy. 
Onto Millard!! 
We actually immediately became friends with our love for books and reading, when he first came to us I showed him around the house and we didn’t leave the library till dinner time (we started in the morning) his favorite (fiction) books are dark mystery novels, he says they make him think more than any other kind of book, and he enjoys the suspense. He does enjoy nonfiction immensely, he loves to study maps, history, and languages. We actually study a lot of German and Russian together, it’s quite interesting 
My favorite memory with Millard was when we were out for a walk and it was quite windy out by the beach as normal. Millard (being unclothed as usual) got so much sand attached to him, we could sorta see him, he jumped into the ocean after that. It was honestly very funny, but he was so cold after that. Afterwards we all got him bundled up by the fireplace and gave him hot coco with extra marshmallows while he read us The Tales. It was truly a lovely day 
Onto Olive!!!
As I’ve stated, Olive is basically an energy filled bubbly girl in my DR. She is not afraid of much, other than hollows and being alone (oh and can’t forget, floating into the sky). She asked me to teach her piano after Claire learned, but she didn’t like the structure, so she ended up learning the pan flute instead! She’s actually pretty decent at it and it’s so sweet whenever she puts on little shows for us with Claire. She is a lot closer to Claire and Bronwyn, but we still hang out together often! 
One of my favorite memories with Olive was whenever she and Claire would ask Bronwyn and I to join their tea parties, they are always a delight. They would play with their dolls and instead of the usual Princess games, they would make them peasants in a royal kingdom and complain about the monarchy (they would do fake accents and everything, it’s adorable). It kind of reminds me of Monty Python and the Holy Grail, very satirical. 
Okay up next is Bronwyn, she’s literally like my best friend I love her so much 
She and I would often hang out together with the two girls but we mainly hang out to decompress and just chill. She loves my record player, and we like to dance together to music in my room. She also loves puzzles, especially 2000+ piece ones, I swear she finished one of those in three days, I don’t get how she can do that. Although she was more closed off after Vic died, it took her a few years to process, we stayed by her side no matter what. 
My favorite memories with Wyn are definitely our sleepovers. Her, Fiona, Emma and I would have an all older girls sleepover in my room and do a bunch of fun feminine activities like painting out nails, doing each other’s hair, etc. it was always the highlight of the week, especially if we were all stressed. We like to cuddle puddle, where we all cuddle on my bed, I’m normally up against Fiona but Bronwyn loves to cuddle with me. They all say that I’m the best cuddler, and if I’m being honest that makes me so happy 
Oh goodness where do I start. Victor, Bronwyn and I were very close family like friends. We were always together and I was always there to help him, until that fateful day he died. It absolutely destroyed me, but it was 150% worse for Bronwyn. Everyone at the home was silent for a month, some went on longer. Miss peregrine was destroyed, at night she would sleep walk into my room and cradle me in her arms. But enough of the upset, let me tell you about life before he left 
Victor, Millard, and Hugh loved the play games together, he even made games like mixcrosse, (I’ll get into that later if anyone is interested!) He has a lovely singing voice, we would often sing duets together during our theater sessions (miss P wanted us to experience different forms of literature and we all loved theater so we ended up making a theater troupe!!) if I were to describe his voice, it would be like the Flea from Monster in Paris. 
My favorite memory with Vic was the night I took him out of the loop to visit the present, just for one day. I took him flying, brought him around modern day Cairnholm, we had ice cream, he was so happy. He couldn’t stand living in a loop, so the times I would bring him outside were cherished. I miss him dearly 
Next up is Fiona!!
She hangs around me when I’m baking, and often wants to help me cook and make food. She loves my cats, Oscar and Felipe, and often begs me to let them sleep with her which of course I let her! She’s very sweet, outgoing, but also very introverted and selectively mute. She doesn’t speak much to others besides Hugh and myself. Miss P ended up teaching us all ASL so we could all communicate better, Fiona was so happy she cried. 
I think my favorite memory with Fee was when we were decorating her room. Her room has pretty high ceilings, so I came up with an idea. I held her bridal style and sprouted my wings and flew us up to the ceiling where she used her seeds and peculiarity to make vines and wisteria flowers bloom all the way down, her room is absolutely gorgeous. Fresh flowers everywhere, she keeps it warm like a green house, and even Hugh lets his bees out to roam when they are in there together. 
Speaking of Hugh, him and I are good friends too! We don’t hang out just the two of us often, mainly cuz we hang out with Fee or Millard all together, but the times we do hang out alone are always delightful. We have extremely meaningful conversations, about our insecurities, inspirations, worries, etc. he often talks about his love for Fee, which is absolutely adorable. 
My favorite memory with Hugh was when we were on our morning walk and he found 10-15 bees in the forest. He was so happy, like stimming happy. He named them all and brought them home(that was the batch of bees Henry was apart of!!), I’ve never seen Fiona giggle so much, she thought it was the cutest thing ever. Of course Miss P was fine with the newest editions to the bee community that resided in Hugh’s stomach. 
Next onto Emma!
She and I are pretty close, especially after Abe left. She fell so deep into that relationship it took everything for us to dig her out of that. But besides her romantic life, she is hella strong. Miss P gave us self defense classes and she and I were up against each other and WOAH THIS GIRL CAN FIGHT, no wonder she pulled a knife on Jacob when they first met lol 
Besides her “firey” spirit, she is actual so soft when she’s tired. She will spill everything from her heart when she’s tired, and we have the most meaningful conversations when we are by the fire place just us two. This girl has been through so much and I’m so proud of her ❤️❤️
My favorite memory with Emma has to be during the classes we had, it was just so fun to see different sides of her. Not only that but swimming with her is so funny, she’ll light her fire under water and boil small sections, like we made a hot tub once entirely ourselves, although Miss P wasn’t too sure of its safety 
Next up is Jacob!
Yes I will call him Jacob and only Jacob, it pisses me off so much in the movie that they only call him “Jake” when in the books they never called him that. Okay enough of my ranting. One thing I am changing is the amount of time Jacob spent with us while in Cairnholm, I felt like it was very rushed. But during the time we spent, I felt kinda connected to him in a brotherly fashion. We would crack jokes and he’d make 2016 humor which none of us understood but still laughed with. I didn’t quite accept his and Emma’s relationship at first because of what happened with Abe, and also the fact that I’m a bit over protective of Emma. But after getting to know him I felt a little more comfortable with them, although it sucked whenever I would see them kiss and think it was Abe and her, trust me it was something to get used to 
Most of the memories with Jake are in the plot, but one of my favorite moments was the beach before everything happened. We just spent all day all together, it felt whole again, like we weren’t missing anything. It was so nice, I still look back fondly 
Last but not least, Enoch 
Although I’m shifting to the book version, I scripted Enoch to be the movie version with Enoch from the books personality. He is 17, and still has the same backstory as the book. (I have some opinions on the movie, but I watched the movie before I even knew the books existed, I watched it during a panic attack and it instantly calmed me down, which is why I have such a strong connection. I think the movie by itself without the book in mind is phenomenal, the setting, the storyline, the acting was kinda mid and I wished the children had more lines but other than that I still enjoyed it. But I think it sucks with the book in mind, they changed too much for no reason. But I digress) Enoch came to Cairnholm and we actually grew pretty close because of how interested I was in his peculiarity and his infatuation with mine. We grew very close and later on we would end up dating, he means the world to me in ways I cannot fathom properly. 
My favorite memories with him are the nights where we spent laying on the roof of the house watching the stars, my record player on my windowsill so we have some music to listen to. As much as he is an asshole, he has a soft spot for his loved ones, especially me, and it means the world to me to be with him 
That’s all for today!! If you’d like to hear about stuff that we do all together like activities, what kind of things we learn in class, theater stuff or little adventures I’d be more than happy to share, also if you have any questions about specific people I can do my best to answer! There are things I don’t feel comfortable sharing, such as relationships (not just my own, but also Hugh and Fiona, Emma and Jacob (eventually Noor) I hope you enjoyed my ramblings !! 
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tigersullivan01 · 1 year
Mother figure Alma Peregrine x teen reader - little trouble pt3
After breakfast with my amazing face-plant Miss Peregrine puts me on a folded up towel on the kitchen table as she does the dishes. 
“You’re really not a morning person are you?  Common you need to wake up foxy, how is your forehead feeling?” She gently grabs my snout and inspects my forehead. 
“Mmmm it looks fine, you’ll probably be a little sensitive but that’s it” I slowly start to wake up as she makes a picnic lunch and packs it into a basket before gathering all the children in the hallway, I groggily jump down from the table and head to the hall and leans lazily against the door. 
“Alright everyone I expect you all to behave when we go out, stay in my sight at all times and don’t go too far out into the water”  Miss Peregrine says before opening the door and ushering everyone outside including me, I walk a bit behind everyone as I look around at the different flowers and butterflies as they fly around. I hear Miss Peregrine’s footsteps closing in as she walks beside me in an even pace. 
“Do you prefer to be a fox? You appear to often be in that state, can I accommodate you better in any way so you can be more comfortable?” Wa-?…..that’s a first I simply rock my head from side to side to give her a no. Honestly I’m to shocked to answer, why would she care about that stuff? 
We get to the beach and I feel the warm sand underneath my paws and the salty breeze coming from the ocean. I walk up to the water and testing the temperature, god it’s freezing!……….I slowly waddle out into the water and tries to not shiver, with one slightly bigger wave I’m completely soaked, I start swimming around a little as  the other children get into the water. Millard laughs and pulls me with him and Hugh further out into the ocean, the water doesn’t feel that cold anymore. Miss Peregrine comes into the water and joins us, putting a hand under my stomach so i don’t need to constantly swim to stay afloat. 
“Y/n you’re freezing” She comments and picks you up in her arms above water, staying in the water a little longer playing with the children before walking back on the beach and wrapping me up in a big towel before she sits down on her beach chair and putting me on her lap as she takes out the packed lunch. 
The children return to eat as I stay in her lap getting fed a sandwich and small pieces from the others. 
“Children Y/n isn’t a pet, eat your own food and let them eat their own” Miss Peregrine scolds lightly before taking out the fruit from the basket, grabbing a strawberry and holding it up for me. It’s really good but weird, being close to someone, getting to choose what i eat, getting touched by others voluntarily and happily. It’s a little overwhelming, so many people so close, so loud when they eat or laugh, the sun so bright you can barely see, the white towels reflecting the sun even brighter, the birds screAMING, THE WATER HITTING THE ROCKS, THE GLASSES CLICKING TOGETHER, THE PAPER AROUND THE SANDWICHES CRUMBLING, TH- 
“Y/n?…foxy it’s okay” Wha- I’m in Miss Peregrine’s arms holding me tightly, me pressed back against her abdomen, the half eaten strawberry in the sand. 
“Y/n listen to me, it’s okay you’re just overwhelmed, it’s okay” She grabs a dark towel and covers me with it, darkness, voices dampened, a hand on my back,….alone….alone with people…a strawberry? I’m not saying no to that. 
Happily munching on a strawberry as Miss Peregrine slowly lifts the towel up and looks down at me. 
“Feeling better?……you seem to like strawberries, the children left the rest for you. Look you have a hole bowl of them” she says encouragingly and holds up another one for me before she chuckles slightly and grabs a tissue wiping off my snout. 
“Someone has a little pink beard and mustache” happily munching on the fruit as I watch the other children play in the water, it’s quite peaceful like this.
pt3! Finally, apologize for the wait / Tiger
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fiona-frauenfell · 1 year
MPHFPC character’s godly parents
because the release date for the PJO show was announced yesterday!
Jacob, son of Hermes
I’m going to be honest, I don’t have a real reason as to why I put Jacob here; it just feels right. It might be the fact that Hermes is made to be the catchall cabin, and that for some time, Jacob doesn’t know his peculiarity. I think it’s be cool if he was “unclaimed” until the end of the first book.
Emma, daughter of Ares
Ares is a rather aggressive and rash god, similar to Emma. She is known to snap from time to time and sometimes lets her emotions get the best of her. Where do fire powers come into this? One word; spite. I think I’d be funny if Ares somehow gave a child of his for powers to spite his girlfriend’s husband (though I know this is practically impossible.)
Millard, son of Athena
Millard is very intelligent; he’s the brains of the operation who always has a plan. I think this puts him perfectly in Athena cabin! Also, Annabeth got a hat that makes her invisible from Athena, and Millard is invisible, so…
Bronwyn, daughter of Tyr
Bronwyn feels like the child of a war god to me, but Ares/Mars didn’t feel right, so Tyr is what I decided. One of the things children of Tyr can do (or I guess can’t do) is never refuse a challenge. In book one Emma claims that Bronwyn “could not forgo a competition of any kind,” This makes it seem like Bronwyn would fit in fine with other children of this war god.
Hugh, son of Mars
Mars is a god who will never fight without a reason, and I see a lot of that in Hugh. On numerous occasions he’s seen fighting with people to defend those he cares about. He’s also the god of agriculture, which is quite compatible with Hugh’s peculiarity.
Fiona, daughter of Demeter
Do I really need to explain this one? For those who don’t know, Demeter is the goddess of plants and her children have the ability to manipulate all types of vegetation. That’s also a pretty accurate description of Fiona’s peculiarity.
Horace, son of Somnus
His last name is Somnusson; Somnus son, like son of Somnus, Roman god of sleep. Children of Somnus also have the ability to control dreams (even if they don’t have prophetic ones.)
Enoch, son of Apollo
Yes, Hades is an obvious option for Enoch, but I think Apollo could work, as well. I really like this idea because Enoch’s peculiarity is a lot more anatomical than Hades children, since he physically has to put the hearts in their bodies. And with Apollo being the god of medicine, this could be categorized as healing? Maybe?
Olive, daughter of Frigg
Frigg is the norse sky goddess, and she’s the goddess of family. Similarly, Olive is a very welcoming character who can become friends with almost anyone, and make anyone feel like family. She also can float, which is similar to a power many demigods of the sky gods possess; flying.
Claire, daughter of Freya
Freya is also a Norse goddess; specifically one of love and beauty. Claire is described as being a pretty girl who looks almost doll-like. But just like Freya (who is also the goddess of war), Claire has a vicious side when she uses her back mouth. The duality of this goddess works perfect for this equally dual character.
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lesbianjackies · 1 year
𝒔𝒑𝒆𝒂𝒌 𝒏𝒐𝒘 (𝒎𝒆𝒓’𝒔 𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒔𝒊𝒐𝒏)
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hiiii so in honor of speak now (taylor’s version) releasing, i wanted to do a little writing event!! i’m going to write a fic for each song, and you get to choose which characters/ships i write them about!! send me an ask to “claim” a song, and let me know which character/ship you’d like me to write it for — it can be anything bolded on my character list or my ship list. have fun!!
my request guidelines still apply to requesting these fics.
only send one request — a limited number of fics will be written and i want as many people as possible to have a chance to send something in.
once a song has been “claimed”, you cannot request a fic for it!
no specifics for the fics besides song & character/ship (and the reader’s pronouns if you’re requesting a character) — i want to have the freedom to come up with the rest on my own.
you can request a fic for a character/ship i’m already writing a fic for!
as always, you can request the fic be platonic or familial rather than romantic! just please specify in your request.
once a song has been “claimed”, the name of the character/ship will be added beside it. fics will be linked here when they’ve been completed. you may request for any song that doesn’t have a name beside it!
mine (taylor’s version): percy jackson (requested by @juneberrie)
sparks fly (taylor’s version): aaron warner (requested by @ifthiswasamovie1989)
back to december (taylor’s version): applebeauty (requested by @goosetheluce)
speak now (taylor’s version): nikolai lantsov (requested by anon)
dear john (taylor’s version): open!
mean (taylor’s version): open!
the story of us (taylor’s version): open!
never grow up (taylor’s version): nikolai lantsov (requested by @ell0ra-br3kk3r)
enchanted (taylor’s version): tom riddle (requested by @pxgeturner)
better than revenge (taylor’s version): cameron james (requested by @luvmarsbars)
innocent (taylor’s version): regulily (requested by @wewillbeinfrance)
haunted (taylor’s version): millard nullings (requested by @cherriesfromeden)
last kiss (taylor’s version): kat stratford (requested by @whenjasfallsinlove)
long live (taylor’s version): finnick odair (requested by anon)
ours (taylor’s version): marylily (requested by anon)
superman (taylor’s version): dizzie (requested by @rebelcharmings)
electric touch (taylor’s version): regumary (requested by @arakhnee)
when emma falls in love (taylor’s version): marylily (requested by @readerboss)
i can see you (taylor’s version): regumary (requested by @inkluvs)
castles crumbling (taylor’s version): alina starkov (requested by @rusalkascave)
foolish one (taylor’s version): percy jackson (requested by anon)
timeless (taylor’s version): remus lupin (requested by @whennyxfallsinlove)
tagging some mutuals under the cut:
@whenjasfallsinlove @whennyxfallsinlove @ell0ra-br3kk3r @rusalkascave @ravensraven @inkluvs @ifthiswasamovie1989 @odairsangel @on-my-contrarian-sh1t @authorofemotion @arakhnee @definitelynotttheo @goosetheluce @juneberrie @justpjostufff @katsu28 @zvdvdlvr @cherriesfromeden
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Hugh headcanons
like I said in the Fiona head canons, Hugh sends bees to keep her company he wears sunglasses all the time
him and Fiona wanna run a plant shop someday (I rlly wanna write a one shot abt this but I have no motivation for writing rn)
has like 10 shirts with "bee" memes on them ("I wanna 'bee' urs" "bee mine" etc.)
he had a fear of heights but Fiona helped him overcome it by having them spend time in the trees
he cries when any of his bees die :(
every kind of insects love him (butterfly, fireflies, dragonflies, etc) • once he had like 10 butterflies all over him and he didn't even notice until he sat down at diner and everyone was starting at him lol
he's besties with Millard and Horace
they play soccer (or football depending on where u live) together
he's slightly color blind and the only color he can perfectly is yellow
his bees love olive bc they both can fly (or float in olives case)
hugh won't admit it but he loves olive like a sister
also a remember that Hugh has a kill count of 6 :)
he has so much yellow clothes
his personality is literally one of a bee. Like he's calm and happy 99% of the time but if u annoy him or mess with his friends he'll get mad
Hugh: never shuts up. fiona: listens
but he didn't talk until he was with miss peregrine bc everytime he opened his mouth to talk a bee would come out (took this head canons from someone else and added onto it)
him and Enoch are actually rlly good friends when enoch isn't being a prick and when they're not arguing
they probably dated at some point ngl (enoch has literally dated everyone *except olive, Claire and miss p ofc* more on that later)
modern au were hugh is a bee keeper and Fiona owns a Flowershop (djsndns they're so cute)
hugh steals millards hats all the time lol
Why are head canons so easy to write and then I try and write a one shot and it's like "wot r werds" lol
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so im gonna write my first fic since i got back and idk which character to write this for
it's based on the song 'kiss her you fool' by kids that fly and it's abt the character being rlly whipped for the reader who's also whipped for them and their both completely oblivious to each other's feelings and one of their friends just screams out 'kiss her you fool' and then they confess and stuff
so my character options areeeee
eddie kasbrak, millard nullings, or will solace
rn im leaning towards eddie but what do u think????
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robynsscarf · 2 years
Here's a list of good video essays no one asked for
In praise of subtle performance by Thomas Flight
The Power of abandoned places by hello future me
The original lesbian // Sappho of lesbos by Jessica kellgren-fozard
Shutter island-notice the details by Tyler Mowery
The last of us and what's worth surviving for by StoryStreet
Horror films using happy music is... Terrifying. Midsommar (2019) by Charles Cornell
The owl house is great and here's why by film freak
Amphibia is also great by film freak
How nope tricks your ears by Thomas flight
Why do we love hostile worlds? By Adam Millard- The architect of games
The urge to jump by aperture
Death by aperture
Arcane is a masterpiece and here's why by sarcastic chorus
Why Spencer (and Kristen Stewart) is a masterpiece by film speak
The unmistakeable humanity of the last of us: part II by Artorr
Jinx: how arcane wrote psychosis by flying walrus
Male vs female gaze: how media profits from your gender by internet impact
The One problem with modern monsters in film and tv by nerdstalgic
Tenet - a misunderstood masterpiece by Ben from canada
+ anything from philosophy tube
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milfswriter · 2 years
So i heard you want alma peregrine requests -well ASK AND YOU SHALL RECEIVE!!
fem!reader doing ALL alma's work for her so she can get a day/s off. pls mommy bird NEEDS it.
Prompt, fluff; “i want to spend the day with you doing nothing.”
Alma is my baby. I'll never not write for her, reading the books hurt me so bad cause her brothers are fucking dicks :(
Day Off
Alma Peregrine x Telekinetic!reader
Summary: Alma is taking the day off, according to you.
Notes and warnings: this takes place before jake comes into the loop.
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You woke up unnaturally early that day, stretching your arms before seeing Alma sleeping soundly next to you. She looked so exhausted as you watched her face contort as a result of whatever dream she was having.
You sneaked out of bed, quickly did your morning routine, and went downstairs to start breakfast. You took out the pans and the cutting board and used your powers to make the scrambled eggs and cut the salad while you set up the table.
You saw a book flying in the air, approaching the living room, and sighed. "Millard, Clothes. now!" you ordered and saw the book fall.
"Miss Y/n? Why are you up so early? this is my reading hour" he asked, you couldn't see where he was at this point.
You told him about giving Alma a break and that he should wake the others now for breakfast. He gave you a hum and you heard his footsteps as he walked away.
In turn, you followed him after making sure everything was set up and went to your and Alma's shared bedroom. You approached her slowly, placing a hand on her shoulder to gently wake her up.
The Ymbrine stirred before opening her eyes to see you smiling down at her. "Hm?..did I sleep too long? are the children okay?" you nodded.
"Everyone is okay, it's actually pretty early. I made breakfast" She raised a skeptical eyebrow at you before getting out of bed and checking her pocket watch.
You let her get dressed before going back downstairs to see the children sitting at the dining table sleepily.
"What's this about?" Enoch asked grumpily and you turned to face him with a questioning look.
"It's earlier than usual..what happened?" You shrugged, "nothing happened. Miss Peregrine needs the day off..I want each and every one of you to behave yourself today. And Enoch, if I see you in Victor's room again, I won't be answerable for my actions"
You felt soft hands on your waist with a tutting voice. "Threatening the children now, are we?" Your wife husked in your ear with a chuckle.
"more like warning them" you pulled out her chair for her and let her before sitting next to her and eating.
After they all finished eating, you asked Emma and Bronwyn to clean up and took Alma's hand before she went to the kitchen.
"No work for you today, Birdie" you crossed your arms as you sat her on the big couch, levitating her favorite book to her and lighting up her pipe.
She raised a brow. "Darling? what's up with you today? you woke us up early and now I can't do anything?"
You hummed in agreement. "Even ymbrines need some time off, no?" she was going to fight you off but decided that you were right.
She took your hand in hers, kissing it softly in gratitude. "I want to spend the day with you doing nothing. Which I know you'll be struggling to do but try not to worry about anything until reset" she gave in and nodded, knowing nothing will change your mind when it comes to her rest.
You laid next to her with your head in her lap, her fingers running through your hair as you looked up at her with a smile as she read her book.
Later, you were called to the garden by Millard to referee while they played and help the children with their daily work. Getting the ball from the tree every time Hugh kicks it too hard.
Little did you know, Alma was watching you from the window with a smile as you tackled Hugh playfully for cheating with his bees. "
@ara-a-bird @mmemalwa @multifandomfix
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ledenews · 7 months
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