#;clea strange | mcu - 616 | canon
sineala · 1 year
So, Tony’s marrying Emma Frost now? I feel like Tony’s the only character that toss around like this, in that sense. What number wife will this be?
Uh... one, assuming it happens? Tony has never been canonically married before in 616.
He has had one retconned engagement to a woman named Joanna Nivena, who left him when he decided to be Iron Man. He was serious enough about Rumiko Fujikawa to want to marry her, IIRC, but he never had the chance to propose to her before she was killed. He proposed to Patsy and she said no. As far as I know, that's it. He's dated a lot of characters and he's generally very serious about them and I wouldn't be surprised if canon had said he had seriously considered marrying at least a few others that I can't name off the top of my head, but, yeah, he's only been engaged once.
(Across the multiverse, he's clearly been in serious relationships at least a few other times and famously engaged to Natasha in Ults, but the only non-MCU universe I can think of right now where canon has focused on him being married to anyone is the one where he's married to... Steve.)
Also, this shouldn't really be a surprise to anyone? We have known Tony and Emma have had a Friends With Benefits thing going, as was established in Civil War, like, fifteen years ago. We have specifically known for the past four years that the wedding was coming, ever since History of the Marvel Universe came out in 2019, and made several prophetic statements about the future, including this:
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This is not coming out of nowhere; we have had four years of lead time. So far I think about half the things on that page have come true. Maybe more? I haven't checked in a while. So honestly for the past four years of comics I have been saying that I was still waiting for the Tony/Emma wedding, as the prophecy foretold, and that it seemed likely to be some kind of politically-motivated marriage for mutant/human relations especially given that Tony is canonically a member of the Hellfire Club, which has also been true for years, and that seems to be exactly how this is playing out, judging by today's announcement. As I was expecting.
I really like how Duggan has been writing Tony, and how he's been writing Tony and Emma, and I've always thought it would be interesting to see more Tony/Emma in canon, so I think this is gonna be a lot of fun while it happens and maybe there will be more Tony/Emma fic because the few I have read have been great. Tony in relationships with telepaths has been something I've thought was interesting for a while and I don't think we're ever getting Marianne Rodgers back, so Emma it is.
Given Marvel's track record with their characters' marriages I feel that there's no way this is lasting more than six months assuming the marriage happens at all (as the prophecy only foretells a wedding) and honestly I'm hoping no one sells them to Mephisto because seriously, he already also collected Strange and Clea's marriage for a bit in addition to Peter/MJ. I don't know why that dude wants marriages so much.
Honestly, if you want to talk about weird and unexpected canonical relationships involving Emma Frost, I am STILL not over the part where it appears to be canon right now that (1) Steve and Sharon have been in an open relationship for a while, (2) Steve and Emma slept together at the last Hellfire Gala, and (3) it was mommy kink. Because I assure you I absolutely didn't see that coming.
So basically I am intrigued now that the time of Tony/Emma is upon us as foretold in the prophecy. Also I hope fandom brings me some It's Complicated Steve/Tony/Emma because I can't believe we're really just going to leave the canon Steve/Emma thing alone, fandom, and oh my God it is all SO MUCH. Comics. Comics are so Very Comics sometimes.
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lovingpromise · 8 months
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**Goal is for everyone to have their own little info post, but it's slow goings. OCs will always have one before I put them on here though.
Agatha Danbury | Canon | Low Activity | FC: Adjoa Andoh Benedict Bridgerton | Canon | Low Activity | FC: Luke Thompson Edmund Bridgerton | Canon | Low Activity | FC: Rupert Evans Simon Basset | Canon | Low Activity | FC: Regé-Jean Page Violet Bridgerton | Canon | Low Activity | FC: Ruth Gemmell
Lae'zel | Canon | Low Activity | FC: Lesley-Ann Brandt Withers | Canon | Low Activity | FC: ???
Crystal Palace | Netflix's DBD Canon | Low Activity | FC: Kassius Nelson
Leo Manfred | Canon | Medium Activity | FC: Aaron Paul Markus | Canon | Low Activity | FC: Jesse Williams
Alice Liddell | Canon | Low Activity | FC: Elle Fanning Beast / Prince Adam | Canon | Low Activity | FC: Chris Pine
9th Doctor | Canon | Medium Activity | FC: Christopher Eccleston
Alistair | Canon | Low Activity | FC: ??? Fenris | Canon | Low Activity | FC: ???
Joan Waston | Canon | Low Activity | FC: Lucy Lu
Yamano Arai | Pirate, Affiliated | Medium Activity | FC: Anna Sawai
Dr. Bruce Banner | MCU & 616 Mesh | FC: Mark Ruffalo Clea (Strange) | 616 & MCU Headcanoned | FC: Beth Riesgraf Deke Shaw | MCU Canon | FC: Jeff Ward Edwin Jarvis | MCU | FC: James D'Arcy Jennifer Walters / She-Hulk | 616 & MCU Canon Divergent | FC: Tatiana Maslany Natasha Romanoff | MCU & 616 Mesh | FC: Scarlett Johansson Sam Wilson | MCU | FC: Anthony Mackie Sarah Wilson | MCU | FC: Adepero Oduye Pietro Maximoff | MCU Canon Divergent | FC: Aaron Taylor-Johnson Vision | MCU Canon | FC: Paul Bettany
Molly Hooper | Canon | Low Activity | FC: Louise Brealey Mary Watson | Canon Divergent | Low Activity | FC: Amanda Abbington Sherrinford (Ford) Holmes | OC | Medium Activity | FC: Cillian Murphy
Joyce Byers | Canon | Medium Activity | FC: Winona Ryder Ted Wheeler | Canon | Low Activity | FC: Joe Chrest
Christa | Canon | Low Activity | FC: Dewanda Wise Clementine | Canon | High Activity | FC: Maddison Pettis Kenny | Canon | Medium Activity | FC: Nick Offerman Lee | Canon | High Activity | FC: Isaiah Mustafa Mariana | High Activity | FC: Jenna Ortega Sarah | Medium Activity | FC: Selena Gomez Sarita | High Activity | FC: Chitrangada Singh
Beth | Canon | Low Activity | FC: Elizabeth Gilles
Howl, Calcifer, & Sophie from HMC 12th Doctor Glenn, Michonne, + Rick from TWD Monk
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supremescrceress · 2 years
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This place is under my protection. I am the SORCERER SUPREME. And I am warlord-born.
independent  ☆ private  ☆ clea strange  ☆ comics/mcu based
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thebrisingamen · 3 years
Love Interests of the MCU
Bout to write some criticism of the MCU, if you don’t like, don’t read? Or do, I’m a poster not a cop. Click to read more, if you’re interested. Also, spoilers.
A problem in the MCU, to be honest. We’ll get into this here and you’ll see what I mean.
Jane Foster, MCU: An airhead, breathy absent-minded professor astrophysicist. Ok, cool, a STEAM lady.... who is constantly a damsel in distress in both movies and really adds nothing to Thor’s mythos or character. In fact, Erik Selvig is a more important character being set up in Thor to be a pawn of Loki’s for Avengers. Darcy Lewis is a more interesting character AND SHE’S SIDE CHARACTER AS WELL. (For those following MCU: SHE IS IN WANDAVISION for crying out loud)
And both Selvig and Darcy have less screen time than Jane. I don’t blame the actress, because I think Natalie Portman is very talented. But that role can only give you so much to work with when your entire personality is ‘I’m an astrophysicist and absent-minded professor trope.’ That’s it? That’s all Jane Foster is? ‘Cause that’s all I ever got from her.
Seriously you’re going to waste Natalie Portman on such a shallow role?
Comics Jane Foster: A well-trained EMT (Or Nurse, but still) who immediately runs toward danger to help people, is a damsel out of distress trope, doesn’t take crap from men, is a fan of cricket, regularly also fought with Thor’s enemies (as in comics Thor was not originally god-Thor but Donald Blake, who was worthy enough to use Thor’s hammer). Was not afraid to sass or stand up to heroes (or villains!) who harassed her after she found out Thor’s identity. Hmmm...
Christine Palmer, MCU: A surgeon at the same place Strange works at! Who likes him, because they work together! Totally not afraid to stand up to him even though lots of people already call him out on his arrogance and egomania. Dated in the past but somehow together again, and has no personality beyond ‘surgeon’ and ‘ex-girlfriend who gives speech to remind ex that life is about [insert moral here]’
Also what a waste of Rachel McAdams talents. I mean she got THIRD BILLING AND SHE’S BARELY IN THE FUCKING MOVIE.
Clea, Comics: Princess of the Dark Dimension and Niece of Dormammu and ALSO DR. STRANGE’S IN-COMICS WIFE. She’s so well known as his love interest that at first I thought that’s what they were going to go for in his movie, esp with Rachel McAdams as the Third Billed ACTOR. But yeah, Clea, traditional love interest, super magically potent, likes earth, hates her evil uncle, just wants to learn more magic and live with Strange.
Not that the others did not take years, but Carol only showed up RIGHT around the time Christianized Wonder Woman showed up in Snyderverse...
Clea’s comics personality isn’t that different from any of these other characters, but honestly, the MCU could’ve done a lot with her and used a character far more well connected to Strange in his own fucking movie.
Nakia: Again, an ex-girlfriend who used to work for T’Challa but couldn’t due to [insert morality speech here] and now, suddenly, they are back together! Because T’Challa is doing things! Wonder what comics Nakia is like...
OH YIKES OK MOVIE IMPROVED HER, THEY IMPROVED HER SO MUCH. (Comics Nakia: 16 year old obsessive/possessive supervillain and yeeeeaaah that’s just....No. Big ol’ NOPE). Still I forget she exists. Tbh I’d forget Okoye exists either if she wasn’t HAVING MORE SCREEN TIME THAN THE LOVE INTEREST.
I’m starting to notice a trend here...
Monica Lynne, Comics: A more major love interest for Black Panther and more tied to his mythos. Arguably his most used Love Interest that isn’t Storm who is legally not allowed to be in the MCU anyway so she is unavailable for BP, which is a fucking shame. Personality wise, not much different, but Lynne isn’t as tied to Wakanda as any of the others.
Honestly I don’t know all that much about Black Panther so if anyone else does and wants to weigh in on a better love interest choice (THAT IS NOT STORM), please tag me.
Further, though, Monica could have given a deeper view into the complex experience of being a successful black woman in America to contrast with Erik’s storyline and have T’Challa hear more than just one singular experience.
But that’s just a hot take on my part.
Pepper Potts:
There’s no VS here because Virginia “Pepper” Potts is arguably the absolute closest MCU came to matching up with her comics counterpart. Fiery, intelligent, doesn’t take Tony’s shit and calls him on it, doesn’t take anyone’s shit toward her. She’s a bit more tame in the MCU and wildly OOC in Iron Man 3 so I don’t count that movie as canon, but honest to god, there’s nothing bad to say here about her character adaptation. A good job was done.
Hope Van Dyne: Again, a very good adaptation; most likely taking different characters together so because her comics counterparts are two separate entities, Hope has to be judged solely on her movie version. Her and Scott have good chemistry, she’s a good character in her own right. Only suffers from the trope of ‘Defrosting Ice Queen’ which you can tell because her hair and makeup get less severe as she ‘defrosts’
Better in the first movie than the second, where even though HER NAME WAS IN THE TITLE AS ‘THE WASP’ she was barely in it and sidelined by all the villains and side characters. For those interested, theories believe she is pulled from Nadia Pym (616 verse) and Hope Pym (982 verse)
Sif: Thor’s other in-comics and in-myth love interest/sometimes wife, absolutely side-lined, never given more than a few lines in any movie and despite having a supposedly epic backstory, we never see it. No one questions what the FUCK happened to Sif in Thor 3 because she has mysteriously vanished with Thor giving 0 fucks about where his remaining childhood friend went since she is the only one NOT KILLED OFF UNCEREMONIOUSLY (A different rant for a different problem)
So what’s there to say but why even include her as part of a love triangle if her absence is so unnotable that no one cares what happens to her
Gamora: Again, I’m not as familiar with her character, but like Pepper she seems to be a good adaptation, if made less of an anti-hero/villain in the MCU and given a bit of a softer side. Her romance with Star-Lord/Peter Quill is weak, however. Might be because of the actors but I don’t really see it? She has more emotional moments with her sister than ANYONE ELSE (Up until Infinity War with Quill and Thanos meeting)
The main problem we are running into, however, is look at this list. Look at how many female characters who are the love interest are demoted to be SOLELY THAT ROLE.
Please discern the difference for me, IN PERSONALITY between Christine Palmer and Jane Foster. Because aside from their professions, I don’t see any, do you? The fact that a good chunk of female characters in the MCU are the Love Interest and solely the love interest is....bad
It’s bad. It’s poor writing and it has consistently been done to more female characters than male. I just don’t see why the writers can’t do this basic thing.
1. Create/Adapt Character A as a full, three dimensional character
2. Create/Adapt Character B as a full, three dimensional character
3. Put A and B together romantically if they click
4. Do not erase character personalities but remember what made them a good romantic pairing in the first place.
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kittyilana046 · 4 years
Started: 5/28/2020
Last Updated: 6/26/2020
This list is a collection of some of my favorite posts from my favorite bloggers. This list is perfect for new fans who want a cohesive guide to understanding these characters. 
Metas/essays and comic book panels.   
This masterlist is in alphabetical order.  
I did not write nor do I own any of the works below. 
Black Panther (T'Challa and Shuri)
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Marvel CANON: Shuri and Tony are friends
MCU Shuri & Comics Shuri: The Similarities
Shuri and T’Challa: Two Sides of the Same Coin
The Politics of Wakanda Chapter Two: Wakandan Modernism
Why did Storm and Black Panther break up?
Avengers #33 - “Moon Knight vs. The Avengers” (2020)
Avengers: Back To Basics
Black Widow (Natasha Romanova/ Romanoff)
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Black Widow: Correcting Common Misconceptions About the Character 
Did Natasha cheat on the Red Guardian?  
How does being Russian affect Natasha?
What is Natasha’s age? Did she take the Super Soldier Serum?
Daredevil by Gene Colan and Tom Palmer
Natasha just sit in the damn chair you drama queen
Captain America (Steve Rogers)
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Not an Anti-hero: Why I Love Steve Rogers
Steve Rogers vs. Captain America, person vs. image
The history of Steve’s no kill rule
Avengers #21 (2019)
Captain America Annual #1 (2018)
Daredevil (Matt Murdock)
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Matt Murdock character analysis
A Daredevil Comics Introduction for MCU Fans
Cutest matt/kirsten moment?
Matt’s relationship with Stick
Daredevil #601
Daredevil Vol 4 11 
Daredevil #5 - “Know Fear V” (2019) 
Doctor Strange (Stephen Strange)
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Stephen is uncomfortable with unexpected physical affection
Stephen Strange’s personality
Analysis of Stephen Strange and Peter Parker’s relationship in the comics
Reasons to love Stephen Strange
The Creators’s deception: from the recreation of the world to Clea’s betrayal and the Ancient One’s mistake
The reason behind Stephen’s tendency to self-isolation 
Fearless #2 (2019) 
Falcon (Sam Wilson)
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All-New Captain America #1 (2014)
All-New Captain America #3 (2015)
Falcon & Winter Soldier #2 (2020) 
Captain America: Sam Wilson #7 (2016)
Generations: Sam Wilson & Steve Rogers 
Hawkeye: Freefall #1
Hawkeye (Clint Barton)
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Clint Barton character analysis
A timeline of 616 Hawkeye’s deafness
Clint and Natasha Romanoff’s  relationship
Clint and Wanda Maximoff’s relationship
Where and why did Clint and Bobbi (aka Mockingbird) break up?
Tales of Suspense #102 (2018) (part 1)
Tales of Suspense #102 (2018) (part 2)
West Coast Avengers #10 (2019)
Heroes for Hire  (Danny Rand aka Iron Fist, and Luke Cage)
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Luke Cage: Everyman Chapter 3
Marvel Divas #4
Mighty Avengers #2 (2013)
Spider-Man Vol. 2 #8
War of the Realms Strikeforce: The Land of Giants #1 (2019)
Hulk (Bruce Banner) and She Hulk (Jennifer Susan Walters)
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Bruce Banner
The Hulk exists to keep Bruce alive
Jennifer Susan Walters
The failings of Jason Aaron’s She Hulk
Spider-Man is Hulk’s FRIEND.
Tarot #4 (2020)
Thor vs Hulk: Champions of the Universe #4
Iron Man (Tony Stark)
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Analyzing Tony’s optimism for the future
Is Tony Stark a feminist? 
Has Tony Stark ever abused someone in comic book canon? 
Is the Stark family old money of new money? (MCU vs. Comic book canon)
Tony Stark’s relationship with his mother
Was Tony Stark a popular kid in school?
What are Steve and Tony’s biggest flaws?
What caused Tony’s alcoholism? 
Bruce Banner (aka Hulk) talking to Tony while eating cereal
Iron Man (2015) issue #3
shuri vol 1 #5, 2018
Tony being a sweetheart and hugging babies
“We’re awesome facial hair bros”
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Does comics-Loki have a blue Frost Giant form?
Loki Deaths/Rebirths 2004-2015
Loki’s sexuality 
Was Loki a good father?
What’s the difference between movie Loki and comic Loki?
Loki #2 (2019)
Moon knight (Marc Spector)
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Analyzing how writers portray Moon Knight's mental illness, also how mental health is portrayed in media (A short analysis).
Introduction to Moon Knight
“Dracula isn’t an Avenger? That lying fuck”
“Dracula where’s my goddamn money?”
“Hi. I’m Moon Knight… and I’m a sadist”
Moon Knight #190
Namor the Sub-Mariner
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How old is Namor?
The Wakandan-Atlantian War: A Retrospective View
What is Namor’s sexuality?
Why does Namorita have full atlantean looks in the Civil War? Was that make-up because they were on a tv show?
Avengers #9 - “The Defenders of the Deep” (2018)
X-Men Red “we need you to put on some damn clothes”
Quick Silver (Pietro Maximoff) and Scarlet Witch (Wanda Maximoff)
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Pietro Maximoff 
Analyzing Pietro’s position in team dynamics as well as his relationship with his sister
Introduction to Pietro Maximoff
Luna’s height: will Marvel ever age Luna up?
Wanda is not a perfect angel give Pietro a little sympathy
What color is Pietro’s hair? Does he like his hair?
Wanda Maximoff 
Analyzing Wanda’s fashion since through the decades
The Necessity of Scarlet Witch & Magneto as Father & Daughter
Wanda’s relationship with Pietro  
Why did Wanda use magic to have kids instead of adopting?
Quicksilver: No Surrender #3 (2018) 
Quicksilver: No Surrender #4 (2018) 
Quicksilver: No Surrender #4 (2018) 
X-Factor Annual 
Spider-Man (Peter Parker)
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Is Peter Parker sexist?
Mary Jane’s being out of character in Superior Spider-Man was a good thing
Peter Parker’s temper: as a teenager 
Would Mary Jane do Playboy? Would Peter be okay with it?
“Has anyone here dated Moon Knight?”
War of the Realms Strikeforce: The Land of Giants #1 (2019) 
War of the Realms Strikeforce: The Land of Giants #1 (2019) 
Storm (Ororo Munroe)
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Canonical proof that Storm can physically pick up and carry Pyro
Reasons to love Storm/Wolverine
The ruin of Ororo Munroe
Marauders #5 - “A Time to Sow” (2020)
Marauders #8 - “Furious Anger” (2020)
Storm #10 (2015)
Wolverine & the X-Men #24 - “Ain’t No Sin To Be Glad You’re Alive” (2013)
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Avengers: Season One Vol 1 1
Captain Marvel #14 (2019)
Deadpool #7 (2018)
Deadpool Annual #1(2012)
Fantastic Four #5 - “Guy’s Night Out” (2018)
The Mighty Thor #11
Thor #4 (2014-2015) 
Winter Soldier (Bucky Barnes)
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A short history of Black Widow and Winter Soldier Part 1 of 2: The late 1950s
Did Bucky date anyone before Natasha?
Let’s talk about Bucky Barnes and Prisoners of War
Falcon & Winter Soldier #2 (2020) 
Is Bucky moonlighting as a model?  
Winter Soldier #1 (2018)
Winter Soldier #5 
With our baby – AU (Fragments of Earth 616) Created by -HeroSkatman
Stony marvel meme
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mianmimi · 5 years
About Wanda/Stephen happening in DS2: I'm 95% sure it won't happen. The other 5% is my lack of faith in Marvel Studios after Endgame, which I didn't enjoy and not just 'cause it suffered from a severe lack of Stephen and Wong. btw, am I the only loving their outfits for the funeral? My Wonrange brain convinced me it was their wedding outfits. After/before the funeral they sling-ringed themselves to Vegas and got married. Our Benny Boys(tm) are so fucking hot istg
Anyway, back to Wanda/Stephen, with all due respect to the people who ship it... Jericho/Wanda is where it's at. They've been an item in a few comics and he's so good to Wanda in the comics and she's so good to him. I kinda hardcore ship it, and the fact that Jericho's casting call is looking for a younger actor tells me that Jericho will be close to Wanda's age range for a reason. A romantic reason <3
 "The age gap between Wanda and Stephen coupled with the mentor thing is too much of a combo for me. He’s old enough to be her dad and it’s in the yikes zone for me."
btw, I know this is heresy in the DS fandom, more so in the 616 side, but... you just described why I've never liked Stephen/Clea. I like Clea, mostly because she's based on Stevie Nicks and I love Stevie Nicks lol But no, really, I do like her. It's just that their relationship isn't good at all. Stephen neglects her as a lover so fucking much it's pretty much a running gag. She constantly wonders and suffers over whether he loves her or not. That ain't healthy. And of course Stephen is supposed to be superior to her in the mystic arts, as if Clea isn't half Faltine. The only reason why Clea isn't the better sorcerer and is always portrayed as such is that comics are sexist, getting better, but still sexist.
Stephen acknowledged in the comics that his relationship with Clea was doomed from the start because he'd been her teacher. He literally says he wishes he hadn't been her teacher at all and had been just her lover.
“Perhaps I should never have made Clea my disciple. The duality of our relationship was always an impediment to our love. Perhaps… if I had not been the master, and she the disciple… we might still be lovers.”
Doctor Strange, vol. 2, #54 (August 1982) Because in this house we do research lol
I love Stephen, but Clea deserves a better man (OR WOMAN HELLO). They aren't good for each other. It's like Christine/Stephen. I love them separately, but together... NOPE!
And on the subject of Clea... if they cast a white actress for Clea I'll be pissed! The DS supporting cast needs more PoC! I'm half Desi so I've always pictured Clea as Desi, especially in recent comics where she's drawn and colored ambiguously brown. Ambiguously Brown = Definitely not a white woman with a tan but fuck if we know her ethnic background.
You know what gets me about Stephen’s relationships? They can all do much better than him. Even beyond canon and into the various ships, his love interests could all do better. It’s a blessing and a curse I think. He’s got all these amazing people who love him but he can’t sustain a healthy relationship with any of them :(
I do hope that with the changes they made for the MCU, that they’ll also remove the whole Clea as Stephen’s student aspect. Just like they removed Wong’s role of being a manservant. I’d love to see the roles reversed where she’s the one who’s stronger and ends up teaching him. I really like seeing Stephen as a student, and hopefully that won’t disppear with the sequels.
Seeing Jericho on screen is gonna be so much fun! Though with a young casting call I have to assume that Daniel and Jericho aren’t twins. I’d like to see Wanda finding some happiness and love again after Vision’s passing. And hopefully she can find that in Jericho.
As for Clea casting, I’m really hoping for a person of color as well. I already got my fancast but I know it’ll never happen lol. I’m Filipina so I wanted someone from that background to be Clea. My headcanon is Angel Aquino. She can kick ass and she’s age appropriate for Stephen. She’s actually older than Benedict if you can believe that. Natural beauty and grace.
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It’s really fun to have fancasts! Especially since nothing is confirmed yet and we can enjoy seeing our favs as the picks. With that said guys, feel free to share your fancast!
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