#< --------probably not mikey guys
sharkfinn · 4 months
missed you too
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hitwiththetmnt · 5 months
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Master Leonardo has some tricks to show Casey for his first Christmas
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onionninjasstuff · 10 months
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kiingbiing · 1 year
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Splinter’s favorite
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turtleblogatlast · 3 months
Please imagine if the bros stayed the same teeny tiny size they were immediately post mutation, but were still super powerful regardless.
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tmnt-on-the-mind · 1 month
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I will never stop drawing klunk being cute you guys
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ryanthel0ser · 1 year
Leo: I was only 16 when the Kraang invaded, we didn't know what to do and it felt like the whole world was our responsibility...and it didn't take long for that to become true
Raph: we were only 16 when Donnie disappeared, it didn't take long after that for Shredder to take over and we were forced into hiding, beginning a resistance against his regime
Mikey: I wasn't even 20 yet when my family died, I went into the mountains to die after that and before then we were fighting a war with the Foot clan that felt unending and often hopeless
Donbot: ....my early 20s were WILD guys
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thepunkmuppet · 1 month
people talk about gerard people talk about frank UMMMNN SHUT UP. mikey way twink death dilf birth needs to be STUDIED
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oddly-casual · 9 months
All those people with the ‘Mikey’s gonna get bodied’ theories need to shut up bc I’m starting to believe them look at this
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Why does it always feel like he’s further away from his brothers, what does this mean, I’m gonna go all Pepe Silva if y’all don’t start chilling the f out
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I love a lot of things about rottmnt, but one of my favorites is the (based on various fics & aus I've seen) generally agreed on fact that if these guys were raised even slightly differently (or were just in the right circumstances for it) they would 100% become full comic book supervillains, no brainwashing or blackmailing required.
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sharkfinn · 3 months
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we ignore that ell already did this we ignore that ell already did this we ignore that ell already did this weOUTFIT SWAAAP!!!!
or .... a lot of things swap i dont really know
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turrondeluxe · 1 year
what's the name of the cats ronin Mikey has/had?
The only kitty Mikey was truly the owner of in the past was Ice Cream Kitty!
In the AU younger Mikey would actually help a lot of stray cat in his spare time! Unfortunately, because of the hectic life he and his family lived he was often told (by Raph and Donnie in specific, since they were the ones who knew he did that) to try his best to not really get attached to any of them, that meant not giving them names at all. Mikey would still recognize each cat no matter what though!
Ice Cream Kitty was a special case because it was Mikey's fault she got mutated in the first place and seeing as she wouldn't survive at all on her own Mikey was allowed, by a Very disappointed Splinter, to keep her.
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bettertwin1 · 11 days
I would ask Donnie, but I doubt his advice would be helpful so, how should I charm my bf so he'll forgive me for biting him when I got too happy ??
Xoxo- Anon <3
PERSONALLY, I'd dramatically apologize, roses and tears and a long heartfelt apology that'll make them laugh or roll their eyes affectionately or wtv~ WHEN FORGIVEN...YOU JUST KEEP GOING BUT SUBTLY...DOING SMALL KIND GESTURES...SNEAKING IN LIL APOLOGIES FOR THE BITING...if ur bf hates the biting maybe don't do this but I would bite him again when his guard is down for the fun of it but that's because I also bite when I get happy but no one really cares after I buttered them up so much <- but no UHHHH... don't bite ur partners if they don't wanna be bit HAHA
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josephtrohman · 2 months
genuine question do you dislike Mikey Way or just Pete/Mikey as a concept 😭 I can’t tell from your tags lmao
i have no feelings on michaelwave whatsoever. completely neutral on the man himself. potentially positive feelings i guess even since joe speaks highly of him in his book and hes friends with fob etc but i dont care about mcr in general.
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juice-boxy · 10 months
U know what would be wicked cool?
A tmnt iteration where Mikey is the leader
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Were you the one talking about an mcr song based on Gerard being afraid of Mike dying and getting that phone call? I can't remember what it's called and google has failed me 😶‍🌫️
YEAH I WAS THE ONE TALKING ABOUT IT BUT IT WASN'T AN MCR SONG. you're thinking of last week when I was going insane over the intro to the song Brother. it's from Gerard's solo album, which came out the same year that Mikey was told he should have never woken up after an overdose (iirc) and went to rehab. so the dialogue in the intro (which imo is barely audible, I had to see stuff about it online and then look it up myself to even realize) is based out of the emotions surrounding that.
the actual MCR song that's about Mikey is called Famous Last Words and you've probably also seen me scream a lot about that. Gerard wrote it while they were making The Black Parade (which like obviously is probably their most popular album) because Mikey was having a really hard time and was considering leaving the band. the bridge is actually based on the fact that, when they were doing that album they stayed at this purportedly haunted mansion or whatever (idk man the early 00s were whack) and Mikey has straight up said, on camera, that he would get scared and so would go and sleep on the floor of Gerard's room. thus the "I see you lying next to me" line in the bridge of Famous Last Words.
Gerard has also said that the song Save Yourself from Danger Days is "a cousin" a Famous Last Words, so there's a conclusion that can be reached that maybe on some level that song took a bit of inspiration from Gerard's love for Mikey as well, especially considering that within the plotline of the Danger Days music videos (which have their own plot and characters portrayed by the band), there's a scene where Gerard's character is killed and Mikey's character kinda goes ballistic about it. but that's basically speculation
and as we delve into some very murky and hypothetical areas here, my personal theory is that Surrender the Night, from Schroedinger's album Conventional Weapons*, a series of double-single releases which were mostly written between the making of TBP and Danger Days but weren't released until after Danger Days, could ALSO be about Mikey in some vague, ambiguous way as MCR's songs tend to be vague and ambiguous in general (except when they're very very starkly about love).
*(I call this Schroedinger's album because I take them all in the context of each other and would consider Conventional Weapons as an album in its own right, however it was released as EPs with two songs each so technically speaking it isn't a proper album in that way)
and that isn't even mentioning the fact that Mikey has a cameo on another song from Hesitant Alien (he says "it was really me" in Millions)
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