#<<<a lying liar who lies!!!
treasure island black sails edition where it starts out with silvermadi having sad sex that's choreographed almost exactly the same as the sad flintmiranda sex
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arsenicpanda · 8 months
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chanrizard · 1 month
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shenanbinchans ( 20/? )
© zoe_lixx
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isawthismeme · 26 days
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romanyeva · 1 year
Just had to talk a friend down from a two cakes crisis. Her cakes - meaning her fic - are absolutely fine, but she felt a little down and checked out the rest of the dessert table. She got caught up in the whole comparison thing. "Oh man, this fic is way better than mine 😞."
And hoo boy, have I ever been there. When I was writing prolifically, I just wouldn't read. I couldn't because I knew I'd go into that fic measuring mindset and declare myself the loser, have to step away from the keyboard and stare out the window a while. And if I had an exchange deadline? Absolute worst timing.
Not everyone goes through that of course, but it's more common than you think, even with so-called established writers. I've seen people delete wips or even their whole account over that burden of doubt. So here are some possible tips to crawl out from under that burden:
Table it. You're done for the day. You've been staring at that cursor for too long. You have no perspective on your work anymore. Go do something else: play with your dog/cat/fish, go for a walk, eat something, go to bed if it's late.
Re-engage with the source material. Watch an episode, read a chapter, listen to that podcast, whatever it is. Find that voice in your head that sings in harmony with the source.
Read positive comments left on your previous work. Trust what they've told you. Because the liar here is your doubt, not your readers.
Hit up that friend you trust and ask them to tell you your strengths. Even if you don't believe it right now, you have strengths as a writer. Maybe it's worldbuilding, maybe it's dialogue; your friend will give you concrete examples. You don't need a beta right now, that will come later.
You're not alone. This is a community. Even if it's a rarepair or gen fic in a niche fandom - and especially then! - someone will be so happy that you brought that cake to the table.
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sher-ee · 19 days
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Fact Check. Do you see Trump Tower? The reason for the crowd is a visit from President Joe Biden! This is President Biden’s motorcade in April.
This video isn't from today. The barricaded area for Trump supporters in front of the Manhattan Courthouse was empty. So was the area in front of Trump Towers. Eric Trump is lying.
Big tip off: No sea of red hats. No Trump flags or signs. No altered American flags. No screaming weirdos.
They will lie and lie to their base.
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antiadvil · 13 days
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dduane · 7 months
I'm trying to find a passage from a Star Trek novel but can't figure out which one beyond vaguely thinking it was on of yours. It went "Vulcans never lie.", Spock lied. Does that sound familiar? I really like it an also recently saw "can Vulcans lie" discourse going around again which made me think of it.
It's not mine. ...Which is all I'm absolutely sure of. What fascinates me is that this image/scan—
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—has been used absolutely unchanged in numerous tweets and posts all over the place. And not once that I can find, after about twenty minutes' / half an hour's searching, does anyone refer to the specific book or give enough context to even hint usefully at which one it is. So, sorry not to be more helpful. (ETA: the book in question is Collision Course, which William Shatner co-wrote with Gar and Judith Reeves-Stevens. See the notes for the details.)
...But you're completely right about the discourse: I've noticed the uptick in it (with some amusement). Way too much of it seems to rest on unironic or non-contexted readings of dialogue in ST:TOS s3e2:
COMMANDER: There's a well-known saying, or is it a myth, that Vulcans are incapable of lying? SPOCK: It is no myth. COMMANDER: Then tell me truthfully now, by your honor as a Vulcan, what was your mission? SPOCK: I reserve the privilege of speaking only when it will not violate my honor as a Vulcan. COMMANDER: It is unworthy of a Vulcan to resort to subterfuge. SPOCK: You're being clever, Commander. That is unworthy of a Romulan. It is not a lie to keep the truth to oneself.
But what a lot of people invoking this scene neglect to point out—or have failed to notice—is that Spock is in fact repeatedly lying his glutei off straight through this episode. Indeed no more than a minute later in the scene you get this—
SPOCK: I am speaking the truth for the benefit of the Enterprise and the Federation. I say now and for the record, that Captain Kirk ordered the Enterprise across the Neutral Zone on his own initiative and his craving for glory.
—at which point Captain Kirk appears to flip out, and Spock administers him the "Vulcan Death Grip" (another lie, as we're informed in the clear in act 3), etc etc.
(chuckle) Anyway, canonical material has played with this trope/concept repeatedly over time. I think my favorite is the "Ahh..." one here at 0:09. :)
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odinsblog · 8 months
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Trump’s own legal team elected to have a trial without a jury. (source)
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childotkw · 4 months
Oh oh! How would Tom handle a time traveling Harry who does not go to Hogwarts but instead lives in the Forbidden Forest?
Like Tom, to stay fit or something, regularly works out every morning since he was seven. (Maybe in a misguided attempt to be adopted if he was physically appealing) and saw Harry fishing at the lake right by the forest while on his daily run.
He looks eleven, too, but Tom can't remember him from the sorting. The camper waved at him and hurried back into the forest before Tom could get too close, yanking his giant set up tent into a backpack that could not have been possible without magic.
For years, Tom asks about the boy in the woods, but no one believes him because no one has seen this boy, least of all in the Forbidden Forest of all places. Tom decides to prove his real and gets distracted from his bloodline.
Meanwhile, Harry is happy being a Forbidden Forest Hermit.
cryptid!Harry lurking in the woods and becoming an urban legend that only Tom has ever actually seen? Hilarious!
Now, the important thing to understand is that Harry never meant to end up in the Forbidden Forest. It wasn’t on his to-do list.
(Not that Harry’s to-do lists were ever that well thought out, more momentous tasks distilled down into: ‘stop voldemort???’ or ‘figure out why Death is such a bitch’. But hey - at least he has a to-do list. That’s better than most people he’s met.)
Waking up as a tiny, underfed eleven year old in the middle of the fucking Forbidden Forest the year Tom Riddle was set to arrive at Hogwarts? Not explicitly in his plans but Harry can adapt. Harry excels at adapting to whatever bullshit situation he’s thrown into. Death thinks this little temporal hiccup will stop Harry from separating them completely and reversing the MoD stuff? ha. Fat chance.
Harry had always nursed childish fantasies of running away from the Dursleys and living in the wildness, and he’s got a year living on the run in a tent under his belt. He knows how to survive.
(He’s always known how to survive. Some days, it’s the only thing Harry thinks he can do anymore. Survive survive survive - he’s doing it so well nothing would ever kill him again)
So, setting up in the Forbidden Forest is nothing. It’s safe to live in (if you know where to go and what to avoid), and it’s protected (thanks to it’s horrific reputation), and there’s plenty of food (so long as you ask the plants before plucking their fruits and only go after non-sapients - which, honestly, is just an awful term, Harry hates it, humanity was a mistake).
Does he mean to let a baby!Tom Riddle spot him on the boy’s morning run one day? Well…’no’ sounds like a lie but it’s not the truth either. Harry was curious, okay? He’s allowed to be curious about the kid who will grow up to ruin so many lives. He’s allowed to mess with Riddle a little after all the shit he put Harry through.
It’s karma.
But. See. Harry’s not a planner (note: his to-do lists). Harry doesn’t think years and decades in advance. It’s just not how his brain works.
How was he supposed to know that the handful of times he dangled his presence in front of Tom Riddle would kick-off a small obsession in the boy?
How was he to know that Tom Riddle, tenacious bastard that he was, would take Harry’s existence as a taunt?
How was he to know that Tom Riddle would spend hours and hours thinking about him, and that the one time Harry actually got close enough for a conversation - they were both fifteen, by the way, and maybe he wanted to see if he could curb the imminent patricide, sue him - that it would ignite that small obsession into a wildfire that would burn them both?
It’s hardly Harry’s fault. He can’t be blamed. He’s the victim here!
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trexalicious · 26 days
The UnSussexfulls can say whatever they want, there is no lost check! All companies incorporated in the State of Delaware are required to file an Annual Report along with a filing fee of $25. The letter clearly states they need to file their 990 annual report AND a check so they submitted nothing for 2022. The 990 reports are a pain if you have a lot of contributors and/or outgoing distributions (donations out)* but Archwell doesn't. They could have used a 990N or 990EZ form that shouldn't have taken more than an hour or two to complete...but they have NO staff to compile it. If the Delaware Secretary of State functions like most states, they received a delinquency letter every quarter. Additionally, Delaware requires a yearly Franchise Tax Payment ($250-$300 depending on if it's an LLC or Corp). If all of these conditions are not met within two years, the company is automatically dissolved. I think they are hoping it will be shut down and that they can move away from the failure that is Archwell (like how they have archwell.com redirect to the new sussex.com). I truly believe that Rachel stupidly thinks if Archwell shuts down, they can just roll the remaining $$$ out but that's not how it works. If she can't even get a simple annual report filed, how on earth is she going to handle sales tax for all of her online product sales as required?
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*I spent 13 years compiling 990 reports for, at that time, the largest Super PAC in my state.
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clopinasworld · 6 months
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"You ever dealt with deviants before?" (LIE) "No... This is the first time."
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chanrizard · 11 months
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he just. plopped down in his lap
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isawthismeme · 27 days
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centurion-art · 1 year
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Some CR3 ladies I found in my sketchbook (click for better quality)
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sher-ee · 16 days
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Everything about Trump comes down to size.
And how to lie about it.
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