#that doubt in your head is a lying liar who lies
romanyeva · 1 year
Just had to talk a friend down from a two cakes crisis. Her cakes - meaning her fic - are absolutely fine, but she felt a little down and checked out the rest of the dessert table. She got caught up in the whole comparison thing. "Oh man, this fic is way better than mine 😞."
And hoo boy, have I ever been there. When I was writing prolifically, I just wouldn't read. I couldn't because I knew I'd go into that fic measuring mindset and declare myself the loser, have to step away from the keyboard and stare out the window a while. And if I had an exchange deadline? Absolute worst timing.
Not everyone goes through that of course, but it's more common than you think, even with so-called established writers. I've seen people delete wips or even their whole account over that burden of doubt. So here are some possible tips to crawl out from under that burden:
Table it. You're done for the day. You've been staring at that cursor for too long. You have no perspective on your work anymore. Go do something else: play with your dog/cat/fish, go for a walk, eat something, go to bed if it's late.
Re-engage with the source material. Watch an episode, read a chapter, listen to that podcast, whatever it is. Find that voice in your head that sings in harmony with the source.
Read positive comments left on your previous work. Trust what they've told you. Because the liar here is your doubt, not your readers.
Hit up that friend you trust and ask them to tell you your strengths. Even if you don't believe it right now, you have strengths as a writer. Maybe it's worldbuilding, maybe it's dialogue; your friend will give you concrete examples. You don't need a beta right now, that will come later.
You're not alone. This is a community. Even if it's a rarepair or gen fic in a niche fandom - and especially then! - someone will be so happy that you brought that cake to the table.
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mae-gi-writes · 5 months
Finders Keepers | Gally [TMR] - Part 6
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In which Gally gets soft for one of the boys in the Glade, only…is it a boy? alternatively; In which Mai disguises herself into a boy to fit in the Glade, only to be suspected by the keen eyes of the Builder's Keeper.
taglist: @edynmeyer1 @ss28 @kurowvie @vaugarkel @marikittt @angelfrombeneth @undeniableadrenaline @persiar9 @ss28
Also available on Wattpad.
"She needs to be banished."
"I say we banish her!"
"She doesn't belong here!"
"She's a liar!"
The Homestead is filled with angry shouts and protests as Mai sits fingering the hem of her shirt nervously. There's no doubt that there is outrage at the prospect of her lying, but it's definitely the fact that she's a girl that's getting her into this big mess. But what could she have done when the voices in her head are so strong that she has no choice but to obey?
Last night had been terrible. She had nightmares, flashbacks of the night before, the look of Henry's face plaguing her mind until she woke up with a heaving chest. So fearful she'd been that she'd crawled from her mattress to the edge of Gally's bed, wishing to feel him close at her side.
Gally, who had still been sleepy when his eyes had blinked open at her, merely grunted before flipping his blanket open for her. The girl took this chance to burrow herself into his side. She hadn't cared about personal space or about the fact that the Builder would make fun of her for this. She'd only wanted to feel safe, and it's with Gally that she could have a peace of mind.
Which is how she found herself cooped up into Gally's arms in the morning, opening her eyes to see none other than his peaceful features. She'd spent some time admiring him alright, tracing them with her eyes and realizing that Gally looked years younger when he didn't have that permanent frown on his face. And when the Builder had slowly come out of sleep, the girl had quickly squeezed her eyes shut in an attempt to feign sleep.
She'd felt him take a surprised breath, the arm around her waist tensing underneath her, before he'd gently tugged his limb out and moved away from the bed with the kind of surprising gentleness that she hadn't suspected he had. What he hadn't known however, was the way Mai's heart had been beating erratically against her chest this entire time she'd forced herself to stay still.
If she closes her eyes now, she can almost feel the sensation of his hands along her waist. It makes her shiver.
"Alright everyone calm down!" Alby's voice booms through the room and there's instant silence that prevails, leaving only suspicious eyes and reluctant looks at the Leader of the glade.
"Nobody is getting banished for anything," Alby continues despite the flurry of protests at his words. He raises his voice so that it booms across the room, "Mai is one of ours. She's a Glader just like the rest of you."
"She shuckin' lied to us!" One of the gladers spit out.
"And did that hurt you? No? Exactly," Alby points out, "as far as I know, she hasn't hurt anybody around here."
"I agree with him," Minho says from his spot, arms crossed and looking over at Mai with a wink, "if anything, she's the one that's helping to fees your stomachs, you stupid slintheads."
"But she still lied. Does that not count for anything?" another glader asks.
The choral of debates pick up and Mai can't help but cover her ears out of instinct. They're all too loud, so loud they make her ears hurt and she has half a mind to walk out of the room before Alby finally yells out for silence.
The noise ceases and everyone listens.
"Right," his voice rings out with authority, "this is what we're gonna do. It's true that Mai broke the rules by lying to us, but that does not mean she gets banished. She didn't hurt anyone. She's the one who almost got hurt." he turns to her then, a flash of sympathy swimming in his eyes. But she gives him a quiet nod, as if in understanding, "so one night in the Slammer is your punishment."
Mai will take it. It's not the best, but she'll survive.
So she doesn't protest or fight when Newt and Minho flank her sides, accompanying her to one of the Slammer cages. They help her inside before closing the door behind her with apologetic looks on their faces.
"Sorry Greenie," Newt says, "we'll get you out of here first thing in the morning."
"I'll come and slip you food," Minho reassures.
"Thanks," Mai's voice is weak and tiny as it echoes out of the cage. She doesn't say anything else as she settles down onto the hard muddy floor. Great, and now she'll have even more dirty clothes to wash.
The hours go by and time seems to lose meaning. Mai tries to occupy herself by counting how many roots she can find sticking out from the opposite mud wall but soon loses interest when the light of the sun slowly disappears and turns to a blanket of darkness. Soon, all the bustling and the clinking of tools, the shouts and the buzz of conversation still to a stop once the light of the day starts going out. And that's when the fear starts to crawl over her spine.
She tries not to think about what had happened with Henry but it's almost impossible to close her eyes without seeing all of him in display before her. Mai clenches her teeth together, arms wrapping protectively around her knees as she allows her face to bury into the small nook of comfort that it creates.
Crunch. The sound of footsteps cause Mai to jerk up, eyes flitting towards the black sky. Her breath catches in her throat as she waits, muscles tense. She's had enough adventure to last herself a lifetime and is in no need of more boys like Henry around. Especially right now.
But then, a voice slips through the silence and causes her to sigh out in relief.
"Hey Greenie."
And there comes his face between the caged bars, frowning is usual frown as if everything displeases him. The familiar sight is one that is welcome by the said girl, whose chest fills with emotion upon seeing his figure standing a few meters away. She's never felt so safe with anyone but Gally and that simple fact brings back memories of them cooped up together in his bed. Heat flushes through her cheeks at the thought and she's glad it's night time, so that Gally doesn't have to see the embarrassment flooding her face.
"Hi Gally," she croaks out weakly.
He lets out a sigh. She hears him move about until she spots his figure as he takes a seat perched right atop the cage.
"Thought you'd be hungry," he proceeds to toss her a wrapped sandwich that Mai grabs without hesitation.
She unwraps it with barely restrained hunger and the first bite is amazing, flavours exploding onto her tongue and causing her to groan in delight. She hasn't eaten since morning and her stomach is practically growling itself to death at this point.
"You'll have to stay the night," Gally's voice echoes through the cell wall.
Mai bites down onto her lower lip, "I know." Her eyes flutter up to his. She's surprised by the gentleness she finds there. It's not something she's used to, "I'll be fine."
Gally doesn't respond for a while. Mai busies herself with the food in hopes that the awkward atmosphere will somehow dissipate. She's not quite sure how Gally takes it; the news about her being a girl. They haven't spoken about it since and something in her heart squeezes at the thought that he doesn't want anything else to do with her now that he knows her secret.
But then again, he wouldn't be here providing her with food right?
That is why she's surprised when he says:
"I'm sorry."
Mai blinks up, surprised.
"Why?" The words fall out of her mouth before she can stop them, "it's not your fault. If anything, it's mine."  The last few words trail off into a whisper, as though saying them aloud might bring back the memory of last night.
He takes a breath, exhales it out as one hand rubs at his hair. He has a very bad habit of doing that when something's on his mind.
"Gally," Mai calls out once she's done with her food and crumpled the wrapping paper up into a ball. When his blue orbs meet hers, dancing with the light of the lamp, she gives him a small smile, "thank you. For saving me."
He grunts as if to say you're welcome, and she swear she spots a blush crawling up his face. Grinning to herself, Mai settles back against the wall as she hears the soft chants of the cicadas signaling that the night will be long.
"You don't have to stay here with me, you know." she says suddenly, only to find Gally already looking back down with furrowed brows. The look on his face is somewhat endearing. She's learnt to love it, his grouchiness.
"It's either that or you're all alone, greenie."
"I can take care of myself."
"That's not what you said last night."
Mai flushes at his words. Well, he's not the greatest at softening blows now, is he? "Well, that was--it was just last night..." her words end in a mumble, causing a soft snicker from the said Builder.
"Try and get some sleep, Greenie." He settles himself more comfortably against the top so that he's lounging onto the edge, visible enough for Mai to see him without having to crane her neck or look about, "I don't need you being all cranky tomorrow morning. And--" he peers down at her with what looks to be a smirk, "--don't think I'll let you off the hook so easily just 'cause you're a girl."
"Slinthead," Mai mutters under her breath, but loud enough for him to hear as she nestles her head against the wall and curls up her legs underneath, "night Gally."
"Goodnight Greenie."
The next few days are weird.
Weird, because Gally now has to re-train his brain into thinking that Mai's indeed, a girl, and that it's not just something that he's come up with as a theoretical explanation. No, she's actually a girl and she looks like one, even.
It's not just the fact that she's tiny and pale and looks like she could snap in two with just a huge gust of wind. It's not just the fact that she's always in the kitchens and is now able to tie her hair back with a bandana to keep it away from her face -- something that she'd avoided because it would make people talk back then -- not just the fact that Mai, he realizes, has soft and fine, delicate features akin to a doll, a complete contrast to the rough hands and the hardened faces of the boys in the Glade.
No. It's the fact that despite all of what he's just described as above, despite everything that he's listed out like a reason for him to blame upon, it's Mai's brown eyes -- those big, beautiful eyes framed by lashes and always looking at him like she's in a permanent state of surprise -- that has his heart skipping and his chest tightening for god knows what reason.
Maybe he's coming down with something. He surely is. He feels hot and cold and hot all at once, and that's proven to be signs of sickness.
But it's a harder face to ignore than most. Suddenly, Mai is the center of attention and all boys are basking, begging to be part of her circle. Some gladers are giving her a helping hand when carrying stuff to and from the kitchen, some are chatting her up whenever they find her alone and free, others are always asking whether she needs anything; someone to walk with her, someone to guard her showers, someone to help her pick up branches for firewood.
Gally's not too sure how he feels about that. So he decidedly puts a stop to all his feelings. And plus, the Greenie is now fine with everyone and seems to be getting along quite well. She doesn't look in need of his help any longer.
Nevertheless, a few days go by and finally it's time for the box to come up. They all crowd around it nervously, knowing exactly at what precise time the metal hinges will scream with effort as the box is dragged upwards. Gally is busy frowning down at the metal-clad hole in the ground with such intensity that he almost misses the soft tap on his shoulder.
He turns, eyes flickering over Mai's features as something in his heart tugs. A cold, he thinks to himself, he really needs to get himself checked out by the Med-Jacks.
"Gally," her eyes light up when she smiles. She has a pretty smile. How had he not noticed that before when she'd claimed to be a guy?
He nods to her, frown still in place as he turns back to the hole, "Greenie."
"I'm not going to be a Greenie anymore," Mai reminds him, "we'll get a new one today."
He glances back at her over his shoulder, "the name suits you."
She pouts and this particular expression on hers throws him off guard, heart suddenly clamoring in his chest and his hands suddenly aching to reach out and pinch her cheeks. God she's cute when she wants to be.
The familiar clanging of metal and the whirring of cogs steals his attention away. All Gladers turn to it expectantly as the box slowly crawls up to their level before finally coming to a stop with a screeching halt.
"Open it up!" Alby shouts as him and Newt grab both sides of the box. Gally leans over to help and they tug it out of the way to reveal a young, pudge-faced boy that looks no older than twelve.
"It's a boy!" one of the Gladers shout out in what sounds to be happiness and Mai can't help but scoff.
Since Mai is the greenie right before him, she has the responsibility of introducing the boy to the Glade. He's young and has a cherubic face, and almost bursts into tears the moment he is lifted from the box. Alby had had to calm him down and explain to him how the Glade works in the privacy of the Homestead as everyone resumed their work for the day, and after that the young boy was introduced to Mai as Chuck.
Chuck is nice and friendly once he gets comfortable with Mai's presence, and the two seem to hit it off once they get past the pleasantries of the Glade. He seems already a bit homesick and Mai is quick to reassure him that the Glade already feels like home to her.
"Don't worry," Mai says as she helps him tie up his hammock next to hers. Gally had previously forced her to move her hammock as close to his hut as possible in case of any inappropriate behavior from the boys now that her identity was out in the open, so she was now placed on the very edge of the Hammock space, right in front of the said Builder's front door. It's not a problem in the grand scheme of things. But it is an issue when Gally just has to glance at the new kid to make his eyes water.
"He's not that bad you know," Mai explains to Chuck as the younger boy settles himself into his hammock, "he's a bit grouchy sometimes. But he's got a good heart."
"Are you sure we're talking about the same dude?" Chuck asks, fingering the hem of the new t-shirt he's received from one of the Gladers.
Mai can't help but laugh, "yes, we are. I swear to you. His heart's in the right place," she pauses, hesitant to say the words that come next, "He was actually really sweet to me throughout my first month at the glade."
Chuck's eyes are gazing upon her with a childlike curiosity that has her squirming in place and Mai feels the heat of embarrassment crawling up her cheeks as she tries to blow out some air. That's when he drops the bomb:
"You like him?"
Her heart stops, head whipping up to his, "what?" she stammers out, "what do you mean?"
"You know," Chuck says with the calmness of her mature person despite the fact that he's two feet shorter than she is, "like when people like each other. Not just as friends. As something more. Do you like him that way?"
"I--" Mai's heart is pumping so loud she's surprised Chuck can't hear it. But if it's not her heart, it's her face flushing red that gives her away. She doesn't need to answer, for Chuck seems to have read it straight from her expression.
His face explodes into a mischievous grin, "you do like him!"
"No, I--"
"Yes you do. Look at your face, it's written all over it!"
"No no, not like that--"
"You do! You like him!"
"Who likes who?"
Mai turns, yelping in shock as Chuck almost falls from his hammock. The Keeper of the Builders is staring him down, eyebrows raised in suspicion before his blue eyes direct themselves towards Mai's face. He repeats his question, "you like someone?"
Somehow, the darkness in his tone is impossible to ignore.
Mai is quick to dispel his thoughts for fear that her red face is going to give it all away, "no of course not, I--"
"Yes she does, and guess what Gally? She--"
Mai's hand shoots out, slapping onto Chuck's mouth before she sends Gally an innocent grin. The latter doesn't seem quite as thrilled at the new statement, gaze flickering between Mai's uneasy smile and Chuck's struggling expression.
"She what?"
"Nothing at all!" Mai throws the younger boy a glare before shoving him back into his hammock and turning to Gally with a smile so huge it looks like it hurts, "what you up to, Gal?"
If he's noticed the nickname, he decides to ignore it in favor of crossing his arms and cocking his head at her. There's a ghost of a smile, just barely there, on his face, "I wanted to show you somethin'. " He then turns to walk away, glancing back at her over his shoulder expectantly like he wants her to follow him.
So Mai throws Chuck one last glance of disapproval, "don't go anywhere alone. I'll finish the tour this afternoon." before she's off skipping in Gally's direction all while whistling a soft tune under her breath.
They make their way to the Builder's section, looking more like a garden with an array of tools scattered about the place while others are poised dangerously over overgrown tree roots. Gally calls out for the mess to be cleaned up and Mai's stomach clenches with sudden admiration. It's not something she'd say out loud but seeing Gally in his natural element makes her insides turn to mush.
He ducks into a small hut designed to keep his floorplans and blueprints. Mai follows, only to stop dead in her tracks at the piece of furniture sitting at the centre of the room.
"What's that?" She cocks her head curiously.
One of his hands go up to rub the back of his neck. He seems embarrassed, eyes shying away from hers to gaze at the furniture instead.
"That's a bed," he says almost reluctantly, voice scratchy and rough and making Mai yearn for more, "I thought it might fit you."
Surprise flits across her face, "thank you, that's—really kind of you." She shakes her head then, "but I'm not sure I have space to fit that in the Homestead—"
But the words get stuck in her throat when the Builder turns to gaze her head-on, those cerulean eyes like aquamarine storms of emotions flickering across his pupils like words that he can't seem to find.
"It's yours. Alby and I— well," he hesitates, "we thought you might want a Hut."
Mai stares at him. A hut? Just for her?
Her heart skips a beat and suddenly the air around her feels warm. Surely he didn't do that just for her right?
"But that's not fair is it?" She murmurs out, "all the other gladers—"
"Have eyes on you," he cuts her off with a firm stare, "it's better if you have a place of your own."
"But my hammock's right next to your hut. Makes it safe enough doesn't it?"
"I'm not always gonna be there Mai, I—" he swallows thickly, as if he'd stopped himself from saying anything else in case he might say too much. Pressing his lips together instead, Gally continues in a grumble, "it's better this way Greenie."
"I'm not a greenie anymore."
A semblance of a smile ghosts past his lips, "I know. It still fits you though."
Mai can't help but grin before she shoves him playfully. Although Gally barely budges. He's built like a brick wall after all. It's impossible to move him.
"Well, thank you Gally," she looks back towards the bed, "I'll take care of it."
"Right you do, Greenie."
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When We Were Young
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pairing: frankie morales x f!reader
rating: M (breakups, seeing your ex, a lil angsty with a happy ending, a douchey/aggressive male interaction, alcohol consumption, language)
wc: 2.5k
frankie masterlist
Time froze. As cliche as it sounded, it was also accurate. You sat there gawking like a deer caught in headlights, your blood rushing from your head to pour into the crater-sized hole in your heart in the shape of him. It was like seeing the ghost of a loved one, desperate for it to make contact and fearful of it all at once. To see him, the man you’d loved and lost five years ago, here in the flesh, laughing with a group of people you didn’t recognize, reminded you that whatever life you had shared with him in the past was just that—the past. But even still, you couldn’t help but hope there was a moment for the two of you here in the present, and perhaps if the fates were kind enough, in the future.
“Everything okay?” Your eyes wandered back to the man in front of you—your date, you had to remind yourself.
“Yeah,” you managed, nodding your head as if it helped make your lie believable. “Just saw someone I used to know.”
“Oh, why don’t you go say hi?” he asked, taking a sip of his beer.
If only it were that simple.
“I’d rather stay here,” you replied, lying again. Is that what you were forced to become? Nothing but a liar? A half-lover? Someone frozen in the past?
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Across the bar he spots you, smiling at some dark haired man that looks too old for you, or perhaps that’s just his jealousy talking.
You look good, healthier than he last saw you. You’d gained some weight, filling out your sunken cheeks that remained seared in his memory from the night he left you. The night that haunted him, a dark cloud of regret and shame that rained the taste of your tears over him to remind him of the hurt he caused you.
You only ever asked him to love you, but like the immature child he was—the child he still feared lived deep within—he made you feel like you were asking for too much.
As he sat there watching you giggle, your fingers stirring the black straw in your glass—a gin and tonic like always, no doubt—he wondered if you spotted him as well. He figured it didn’t matter even if you did. He couldn’t imagine a universe in which you could forgive him for what he did—or for what he couldn’t do.
“Frankie!” A whine coming from the girl he’d been seeing casually the last few weeks pulled his eyes from watching you, his head turning in the direction of the woman who didn’t know him well enough to know what darkness lied within him. “I want another drink.”
“Okay,” he replied, awaiting an explanation for how this concerned him.
“Can you go get me one?” she snapped, drunken and slurred. Frankie exhaled softly and nodded, the bottle of beer in his hand empty and needing replacing anyways.
He stood to walk to the bar, his eyes finding you no matter how hard he tried to keep them occupied. As he passed your table, he overheard the man you were with talking about his job—finance, it seemed. Was that really the kind of man you were into these days? Back in the day the two of you would’ve made fun of a guy like him. What could you possibly have in common with such a…stiff? He supposed it didn’t matter—shouldn’t matter.
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How could you listen to anything this man was saying when you could feel Frankie’s eyes on you, when you could smell him walking by? He still wore that same cologne, still donned that same red flannel you gifted him for Christmas. So much had stayed the same about him on the outside, it seemed. Could the same be said for the inside? Did you want it to?
“Hey, I’m gonna go use the restroom,” your date announced and you nodded, watching him as he walked off through the crowded pub.
You weren’t sure what compelled you to stand, but before you could talk yourself out of it, you were already standing beside your ex at the bar, his head turned in the opposite direction as he waited for the bartender to make his way to him.
“You look the same,” you spoke over the chatter and music filling the room, causing his head to whip over in your direction. He looked wide eyed, the color draining from his face. For a minute, you worried you’d offended him by simply speaking, but the soft curl of his lips quickly soothed that fear.
“You look…good,” he managed, his eyes frantic as they studied your face, seemingly taking in all the changes you cursed your body for making. “I, uh, I saw you, but…I don’t know. Didn’t want to interrupt your date.”
“Not much of a date,” you shrugged. “Not anymore at least.”
Frankie smiled more genuinely and it was as if you were thrown back in time, seeing that dimple come out for the first time. You longed to reach out for him, to touch him to make sure he was actually there, but refrained.
“You here with anyone?” you asked, unsure of what overcame you. You had no right to pry that way, but couldn’t help yourself. Had he moved on? Was it better that way? The sinking feeling in your gut as his eyes flickered over to the singular woman sitting at his table told you no, it wasn’t.
“It’s…casual,” he shrugged, pursing his lips. “Haven’t really been able to jump into anything after…after us.”
You swallowed the lump in your throat, batting away the childish tears born of jealousy. You felt the immature little girl you used to be clawing at the back of your throat begging to scream “he’s mine, he’s mine, don’t touch what’s mine!”. You lifted your drink to wash down the burn.
“Yeah, it’s been hard for me too,” you admitted, though the word “hard” felt like nothing more than a watered-down truth.
“God, sorry about that. The line was so long.” Your date appeared with a smile, his eyes flickering to the man beside you at the bar. “Hey.”
Frankie nodded at him but remained silent.
“Well,” your date exhaled as he turned back to you. “You wanna get out of here? Maybe go back to my place?”
Your eyes flickered to Frankie, watching his profile as he tried not to appear like he was eavesdropping on the conversation, but the clench of his jaw gave him away.
“I think I’m just gonna go home for the night,” you finally answered, turning to your date to give him an apologetic frown. He chuckled and looked towards Frankie, pointing his finger at him.
“You mean you’re going to go home with this fucker?”
Frankie’s body turned fully to your date, his brows laced as he looked down at the man at least five inches shorter than him.
“What was that?” Frankie asked, the dominance in his voice foreign and familiar at the same time.
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“How’s it fair that I have to pair for all her fucking drinks and you’re the one who gets to take her home?” he replied, crossing his arms over his chest. “I got her drunk, so I get the reward.”
Frankie scoffed in disbelief and looked to you, the look of fear in your eyes igniting a protective streak in him that only seemed to light for you.
“Go home, man,” he ordered, turning back to your “date”.
“Fuck that—“ He made to grab at your arm but Frankie shoved him back before he could make contact.
“Go home.” Frankie ordered again, giving the man one last chance before he’d have to walk home with only one working eye. The man sized Frankie up for a beat before turning to you.
“You’re paying for your own fucking drinks then,” he said, as though it was a punishment. Truthfully, you were thankful not to “owe” this man—the word used loosely—anything. You watched him walk off down the bar to pay off his half of the tab, keeping your eyes glued to him to assure he didn’t come back and try something again. It seemed Frankie was doing the same.
“What a fucking prick,” he mumbled under his breath as the two of you watched him leave the bar. You turned back to Frankie and felt your lips part to speak, to apologize for your choice in man, but couldn’t manage a sound. “I’m sorry you had to deal with that,” he offered sincerely, his gentle brown eyes landing on yours. “You didn’t deserve any of his bullshit.”
“Yeah, well…when they tell you there’s tons of fish in the sea they don’t mention that those fish fucking suck.” Frankie laughed and nodded, that dimple coming out again. The bartender finally made his way over, looking at Frankie anticipatorily, but Frankie seemed hesitant. “Well, I’m gonna go pay my bill—“
“No, let me,” he intervened with his hand on your arm. “I’m honestly ready to leave, too.”
“You gonna order anything?” the bartender asked, annoyed by the delay. Frankie leaned over the bar and ordered a vodka-cranberry and then pointed over at the table his group was sitting at, the bartender nodding before walking off to prepare the drink.
“Alright, let’s go take care of the tab.” He turned back to you with a friendly but soft smile, his hand resting on your upper back as he guided you through the crowded room to the bartender set up by the till. Frankie paid for both of your bills as if it was nothing, as if anyone would have done the same thing. You couldn’t help but glance over at the girl he was with, comparing yourself to her. She was thinner, not by much but enough for you to realize it. Her hair was freshly styled, her nails polished and manicured. She seemed to be a newer and improved version of yourself, the image of someone untainted by heartbreak. Soon a pit of guilt formed in your stomach as you considered the fact that your interacting with Frankie tonight would be the first blow to her heart. Did she love him? Would that be enough to stop you?
“So…do you live at the same place you used to?” Frankie asked at the counter while he waited for change.
“I do,” you turned back to him and admitted.
“I could walk you home,” he offered with a shrug. “No funny business. I just…I guess I want a chance to talk.”
“What about your date?” you asked, a nervous chuckle slipping from your lips to cover your guilt.
“She’s with her friends, and truthfully…I think our friendship has run its course.” Perhaps in another reality you’d be strong enough to turn him down, but in this reality your heart still belonged to him. It would always belong to him.
With a nod, you accepted his offer and headed outside to wait for him as he grabbed his coat and bid his group goodbye.
You watched from the window as your replacement scolded him, her voice loud enough to cut over the music and through the glass separating the two of you. Frankie never did well with loudness, with screaming and fighting. You wondered what drew him to her in the first place.
When he finally made it outside, he let out a sigh and shook his head.
“Well,” he said, giving you a laugh. “That went well.”
“Yeah, I could see,” you pointed at the window. “I feel bad.”
“Don’t,” he commanded, shaking his head. “I’d leave anyone to have a chance at talking to you again.”
You tried not to melt at his words, tried not to put stock into them, but was it possible that five years could have changed him? Could have made him realize that you truly loved him, and that it was all you ever wanted to do?
“So,” he began as the two of you made your way through the downtown neighborhood towards your apartment complex about a mile away. “I guess I want to say sorry first and foremost.”
You turned your head to watch him, his eyes fixed forward while his hands twitched in his pocket.
“I…I was scared,” he confessed, his voice softer, more vulnerable as he glanced at you. “You loved me in a way that I’ve never been loved before, and that was scary. I never thought—I don’t know. Never thought I deserved it, so I turned myself into someone who didn’t. But, I really need you to know that I loved you, too. I just didn’t know what to do with it. Didn’t trust myself with it, I guess.”
“I did,” you replied, bumping your shoulder against his. “I trusted you with it. But I could see the fight going on inside, and I could see that I was losing. I didn’t know why I was losing. It seemed so simple to me—I love you and you love me so why can’t we just be together? Be more than these two friends who fuck?”
“Yeah—“ He swallowed, shaking his head. “I don’t know. I was…young and stupid. I wish that was a better excuse.”
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At your doorstep, you turned to him with a twisted smile, unsure of what to do next. You’d talked through the wounds you left on each other as best as you could with a few drinks in your system, but what came next?
“So…” you started, swaying a bit as you looked up at him. Frankie’s smile turned boyish as he looked down at you, a chuckle escaping his lips as he tucked his hands into his pockets.
“Would, uh…” He bit his lip as he paused to reconsider his proposition. “Would you maybe want to grab breakfast tomorrow? There’s this new diner on 32nd street—“
“Oh my god, Brownies?”
“Yeah!” He laughed, your eyes locking as the two of you wondered how many times you must’ve missed each other in this small town. “I go there every Sunday with Caro.”
Oh, how you missed his baby girl. She was only three when you’d last seen her, making her eight years old now. How time flies.
“I go every Saturday,” you admitted with a chuckle. “Would I be throwing off your schedule by making you go two days in a row?”
“No,” he assured. “Any excuse for chocolate chip waffles, I’ll take.”
You laughed and nodded, looking down at your feet.
“Well, in that case, yes. I’d love to.”
“One more thing, and feel free to say no—“
“Can you kiss me?” you interrupted, watching as his smile grew into a grin.
“You beat me to it,” he laughed.
“Is that a yes?” you asked with a girlish and flirty smile. Frankie’s hand found your jaw, cradling it gently as he leaned in slowly, the anticipation burning in your belly. When his lips met yours, you swore you’d died and gone to heaven. It was as if nothing had ever changed between the two of you, that spark that only he could light inside of you quickly turning into a flame as you melted against him, clutching at his flannel. When he pulled away, you almost whined. Frankie smiled and rested his forehead against yours.
“I’m sorry,” he whispered. “For all this lost time.”
“We can make it up,” you assured with a smile of your own. “Starting tomorrow.”
“See you then, baby.”
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sanjisboyfie · 11 months
DOMESTICITY: usopp and [name]'s conversation
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(keep safe) usopp + male reader
read the original fic where this usopp and mc are from <33 i actually love this drabble a whole lot UGHHH
for the most part, the sniper was always doubtful of his own abiltiies. wondering if he was too weak, too cowardly to even be sailing as a strawhat crew member. those feelings didn’t let up at all when [name] joined. if anything, they got worse.
comparing himself to [name] was inevitable. how high [name]’s bounty was — the fact [name] had a bounty in the first place was already bad enough. how effortlessly cool [name] was. how he could easily back up threats against enemies, considering how strong he was.
[name] was a force to be reckoned with and usopp was just a fly buzzing around him. it made usopp feel like trash.
and that attitude didn’t go unnoticed by [name] either. every day he had spent on the ship, to the last second, he had noticed how deflated usopp would become when he simply opened his mouth to speak. it was as if [name]’s words were physically harming usopp.
so one night, when the rest of the crew was sleeping and usopp was on night watch duty, [name] decided to confront him on it.
“there’s always a look of pain on your face when i step into a room,” [name] started the conversation with a simple observation.
and that itself sent usopp spiralling. he thought of how pathetic he was for being unable to even hide his emotions. how he was so simple minded as a fellow crewmate, to feel threatened by [name] so easily. how weak he was. the thoughts were going a mile a minute in usopp’s mind and all [name] could see was a struggling sniper.
“why is that, usopp?”
“i don’t anything of the sorts-”
[name] flicked the end of usopp’s nose, “liar!”
“i’m not lying!” usopp tried defending himself, but seeing the bored look on [name]’s face made him give up almost immediately, “it’s just…you’re just like sanji, and zoro, and luffy! you’re strong, alright? and i’m not! it’s plain as day, anyone can see it. if luffy had to choose who he wanted on his crew more, he’d choose you any day,”
[name] flinched at the confession, “hold on, what are you talking about? this sounds like complete bullshit.”
usopp almost laughed, “of course it does! because to you, you don’t even have to worry about this stuff. weaklings like me, i can’t help but think this. do you know how worthless it is to know that i’m just a useless asset to luffy? i can’t perform nearly as well as you three in battle,”
“usopp, you’re not an asset, some tool for luffy to use,” [name] said sternly, and this time when he spoke, he sounded genuinely mad, “you’re our crewmate. there’s no hierarchy in the crew, besides the captain of course. but luffy is special — he cares for all of us equally.”
“like i said, you obviously don’t need to worry about things like that. you’ve known him since he was a kid, of course he cares about you. you’re strong with a high bounty, of course he cares about having you in the crew…it just leaves me in the dust, right where i belong,”
usopp felt like crawling into his own being and extinguishing himself off of the ship. he sounded so pathetic right now!
[name] simply flicked him on the nose once more, “you’re stupid for thinking something like this…what goes on in that head of yours, usopp?” [name] said gently, walking around the subject carefully, “luffy treasures you, y’know? he’d be insulted to hear the way you’re talking about yourself. you’re his best friend!”
usopp looked into [name]’s eyes to try and find any sight of lies, but was only greeted by sparkling e/c pupils. he was about to interject, but [name] wasn’t finished, “you’re our only sniper, that’s a position no one but you can fill! you’re the backbone of this crew, whether you realize it or not. you balance everyone out. i wish i was as versatile as you, usopp.
at the end of the day, it doesn’t matter how high a person’s bounty is, or how “useful” they are on the battlefield. it matters how tender their heart is. and i think after luffy, you’ve got the best one of the entire crew.”
[name] poked his finger into usopp’s left chest, right where his heart was, “you’ve got a heart of gold,” and he smiled at the sniper who was stunned into silence, “your worries show that.”
usopp shook his head, refusing to take the compliment when it sounded as if it were coming from a place of pity. but [name] wasn’t having it, “you’ve got the spirit and soul of a brave sailor, usopp. it’s baffling you don’t realize it,”
he wanted to spit out how they were simply lies leaving [name]’s lips, pity comments. but he couldn’t find it within himself to shout them out. one look into [name]’s gentle eyes and he felt a part of him feel whole once again.
[name] was being genuine, he realized. and even if he didn’t completely believe the man’s words, he was swayed into silence right then and there. because when a man of [name]’s reputation and strength speaks so highly of you, it’s hard to not be convinced. when [name] spoke with such avid belief, it almost completely stopped usopp from overthinking things.
obviously, his worries didn’t go away in that one night, but he did start seeing things differently. what usopp refused to see was that [name] was completely right. where [name] lacked, usopp was there to make up for it.
how usopp’s heart and fervor made up for [name]’s often cold and brash personality. the two complimented each other more than they’d either realize.
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gdn019283 · 30 days
Arthur’s talking about Merlin in this scene (02x03, “The Nightmare Begins”)
Let me break down this scene, not real quick, because, oh my Lord.
1) The choice of words, especially Arthur’s (and I’m not adding how tender they are spoken):
A) Arthur starts his reproach by saying that, “this has to stop.” Merlin’s first reaction could hint that he’s worried Arthur found out about his magic, but I don’t think that’s the reason. “There’s no point denying it.” Arthur has no idea Merlin had been the one to help Morgana in this episode; he couldn’t have known about Merlin guiding her to the Druids’ camp; he couldn’t have known Merlin had helped her get back, because no one had seen him. And Merlin knows this, so he shouldn’t be afraid of the magic, yet he freezes. He’s not scared that Arthur believes he and Morgana are a thing, since Merlin has never showed any interest in her, especially in the second season. Merlin stops, because he thought that Arthur figured out his silly, little crush on him. So, Merlin’s response, “denying what?”, around a gulp, makes much more sense. He knows Arthur could get angry if he finds out about Merlin’s true feelings. We can see Merlin is nervous but, the moment Arthur says, “the affections for the Lady Morgana”, Merlin’s second reaction is to smile. He knows he’s safe again. The love Merlin has for Arthur is as dangerous as the secret of his magic. But Arthur is also afraid, and we know why.
B) “Take some bit of advice from someone… Who—knows about women.” First of all, Arthur’s pause before deciding to use the word “knows”? It was intentional. Oh, please, this is too easy. Knows? Not, “has been with”, or “has talked to”, but knows? What, exactly, do you know, Arthur? (Barely nothing. Like I explained in my post here about why I believe Arthur isn’t attracted to women, he can’t even say “hello” to Gwen, without giggling like an imbecile, and you mean to tell me this same man knows about women? Sure). In retrospect, Merlin’s response is hilarious, since, after Arthur’s interactions with Gwen, and the failure of said interactions, Merlin definitely knows Arthur is just a laying liar who lies, (he also knows about what he’s actually lying about) and this is the best part of the scene. They’re both on common ground. Merlin is hiding his magic, and Arthur is hiding his own feelings, much like his manservant, except that Merlin believes Arthur wouldn’t reciprocate. It’s like they both know what they are actually telling each other, but can’t really say it out loud. Meanwhile, Arthur is hoping his words would make Merlin stick by his side, rather than by someone else’s.
D) “The king would have your head, if he found out.” Uther would have Arthur’s head, if he finds out about his son’s affections for Merlin, a man, in the same way Uther would have Merlin’s head, if he finds out about his magic (or his feelings for Arthur, for this matter). Therefore, Arthur is projecting everything he’s saying onto Merlin. It’s a warning to himself. Arthur’s refraining himself from doing or saying something he knows it’s impossible for him to have.
C) “Stick to girls who are more… How can I put it… On your level.” Arthur isn’t on Merlin’s level, and Merlin isn’t on Arthur’s. And they could never be. Not in this case. Arthur cannot be in a relationship with him, so they will never be on the same level as partners.
D) “She can’t be your friend… Let alone anything else.” If Arthur is really referring to Gwen here, instead of Merlin, then why does this phrase make no sense? Arthur is friend with Gwen. He knows that they truly love each other, and that one day, when he is crowned king, he will marry her. That’s the only thing Arthur has always been sure about, and maybe has doubted only once or twice. But if Arthur was, theoretically, to marry a man, who is also his friend, then his phrase makes total sense. And it changes meaning. Merlin can’t be even a close friend, let alone Arthur’s lover. In a world where queerness has to be hidden much like magic needs to be, Arthur cannot be seen being that friendly with Merlin, who, ops, happens to be a man. “I can’t really be seen buying my servant a drink.” As he says in season one, Arthur is very aware of the situation he and Merlin have been put in. So, no, she can’t be anything else, but Arthur isn’t afraid of telling Gwen of this, especially when he realises what he feels for her, so why should he feel differently now that he saw Merlin might have affections for Morgana? Arthur wants Merlin to stay alone just a bit more, much like he is alone, in a world that’s against who he actually is. He wants an ally in his loneliness and isolation.
E) “You can’t hide anything from me, Merlin.” Arthur says it in hope that his message is clear, satisfied that Merlin is going to be his just for a little longer (this man cannot, for the love of him, communicate feelings, let’s all forgive him). And Merlin responds with, “wouldn’t dream of it”, because he longs to be the only one by Arthur’s side too, but he also knows that it’s not going to be like that forever, and that his dream is going to shatter, once he’ll realise he could never be with Arthur romantically, and he has to give up his feelings for the greater good (like always).
2) The facial expressions:
These speak louder than words. Merlin’s eyes, as soon as he realises what Arthur’s talking about, flicker closed and open so many times, disbelief painting his features at how Arthur could even think that Merlin, of all people, would want to be with Morgana, when he has already sacrificed everything he is and had for Arthur and his sake. It’s almost as if Merlin’s grumpy that Arthur could think that, and Arthur watches in the distance while he speaks, as if melancholic over something that hasn’t happened yet. And before parting ways, we can see Arthur’s eyes linger over Merlin’s face, his neck, as he squeezes and pats his palm over Merlin’s shoulder, testing to see if he can actually be true to his words and not do anything else. It’s almost like Arthur is telling Merlin that they could part ways together, if only he was more courageous. But they don’t, and things stay the same. And when Arthur actually goes away, Merlin’s smile fades so quickly, we can see he wants to follow Arthur like always. It’s a metaphor of how, in this case, they would always have to keep apart.
3) Last, but not least, Arthur’s touches:
He can’t seem to let go. He watches Merlin entirely, scanning him up and down, before deciding to go with his plan and placing his palm on Merlin’s shoulder. And he does not just place it, oh no. He guides Merlin the entire time he speaks. And Merlin doesn’t move a muscle (I swear the pat on the shoulder is their mating dance). Homeboy’s touch starved, so Arthur makes sure Merlin watches him while he lingers his caress, and listens to him, and Arthur has the bit of freedom to touch him. Merlin’s body automatically turns into Arthur’s grip, without complaint, because that’s where he belongs, and the both of them are aware. Arthur crushes Merlin’s shoulder, and let himself be vulnerable, even if only for a small fraction of time, before going away with everything he has stored for so long already: Merlin, and what he harbours for him on a daily.
I think the real meaning behind the scene has been hidden like in so many other ones. Gwen could be described in the same way Merlin is often described, so that no one would question the scene further, except that I did, and I made it much more homosexual. I believe Arthur’s words were meant for Merlin and Merlin alone. And deep down, Merlin knew all along too, but didn’t act on it, on none of his feelings, incapacitated after Arthur’s so many warnings.
If Merlin’s secret to hide is his magic, then for Arthur, it’s his queerness.
Two side of the same coin and all that. *angrily shakes fist in the air*
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marigolddove · 1 year
💔Lovesick!Howdy Imagine
Request by: Anon
I know you probably want a one-shot and I absolutely will be doing a one-shot for Lovesick!howdy, this is just to have some ideas out there and to give you a taste of lovesick!howdy, haha. I'm having a bit of a block ATM and I'm still working on my Mafia Wally fic and my own personal fic on AO3 so my mind is a bit swamped (which is all my fault really cuz I have too many ideas at once).
Warnings: Obsessive/Possessive behaviors, angst, delusions, mentions of violence/aggression, unhealthy dependencies.
When Howdy first starts feeling the effects of his illness it's...different.
Like, he was already so enamoured with you every time he'd see you anyway!
When you were shopping, at events thrown by Sally or Julie, or on those days when you would offer so sweetly to help Howdy around the shop.
Oh he was already falling for you, he had no doubts about it.
But lately things have been...weird, scary even.
Here lately when he sees you he can't stop looking at you. At all. Even when part of him wants to, even when you look up and catch him and give him a soft smile that makes his breath catch and his knees weak (that smile has been getting shaky the more you've caught him but he can't tell).
He feels like he can't breathe when you look at him, it's so overwhelming; but he doesn't want you to stop! Oh no, the opposite actually.
He was certain that if you stopped looking at him for too long he would combust, his body and mind burns when you aren't around, aren't looking at him or speaking to him.
And it is so scary, for everyone not just him.
You notice first, of course, you are so sweet, so caring. Of course you would notice he wasn't himself first! You love him! He knows you must.
You have to.
Gosh, if you didn't love him...well there wouldn't be any point of sticking around would there?
Of course he could always just wait for you to fall in love with him, he'd wait forever and a day for you.
Maybe it was mighty off of him to start abandoning his duties around the shop, and okay maybe it was weird for him to peek into your windows; but it's been days since he's seen you! Everyone claims they haven't seen or heard from you, which he feels like must be a lie.
Someone as sweet and social as you wouldn't just cut everyone off, especially him!
Why are they all lying? Why are they all hiding you?! He would never hurt you!
Who were they to judge him! Who were they to keep you two apart! He needs you, now more than ever.
He needs your sweet smiles, soft and caring touches and comforting aura.
The bugdega becomes a shadow of what it once was and it affects everyone in the neighborhood.
Howdy refuses to clean it, refuses to make more orders or restock until you're back.
He admits he goes a bit overboard when he practically trashes Poppy's home on his hunt for you, Poppy is—was his friend, everyone was, but then they all lied. Liars aren't friends.
Not when their lies hurt.
He wouldn't have to be so confrontational if someone would just tell the truth! If you would just come and see him like you go off and see everyone else in secret now!
Julie says you left, that you took only what was necessary and left the neighborhood.
That was a mean lie, a hurtful one, it made him feel hurt all over.
Made his chest ache, his fuzz stand on end and his head swim, but most of all it made him see red.
Why would she say that?! Why would anyone say something so horrible; so awful?!
You wouldn't do that! Leave all your furniture and beloved knick knacks and movies and books; your collections of memories, you wouldn't just abandon all your friends.
You wouldn't abandon him.
Some things are a...blur to him after that. He isn't sure what he did, but it wasn't nice or good and it wasn't anything he should be capable of; not Howdy Pillar, friendly and kind shop keeper, beloved member of the neighborhood.
Whatever he did it was bad enough to make Barnaby hit him, shove him, why would Barnaby hurt him now? Didn't he understand he was already in so much pain? Weren't they friends?
Things are wrong when you aren't here to help him.
The rest of the neighborhood is quick to react, Wally is the man with the plan.
He tells Howdy that you're resting at Home and that he can go see you as long as he calms down.
The truth and some help, Howdy knew he could count on Wally! He's the friendliest and most helpful in the neighborhood, after all!
What Howdy doesn't know is that you really did leave, intending to come back when you received word things had calmed down or that Howdy was okay.
You couldn't stay after hearing him try to open your door while you "slept", you had stood in silent horror as you watched the door handle jiggle and the door strain from his weight.
Thankfully he hadn't tried any harder than that, since the sickness hadn't reached its true peak.
And now, as Howdy moves deeper into Home, his heart beats impossibly quick and his ears ring as he imagines your sleeping form in Wally's guest room.
Only for the front door to slam shut behind him, but he doesn't care yet.
It's only when he finds the guest room empty that he starts to feel tricked, and when he realizes that Home is entirely devoid of you or anyone else he knows he's been tricked.
Now it's too late, he's trapped in here. Without anyone, all his friends must be outside laughing at him.
And as he shouts, shakes and bangs at all exits he can find he imagines you, so radiant and enchanting that it blinds him to the horror that his life is.
Like I said I fully intend on making Howdy content this is just a taste, I love making and reading imagines like these, I hope you enjoyed this!
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toaarcan · 3 months
(please excuse my English I actually speak German) hello, huge Fiona fox fan here I have been reading lots of your rants about fiona, on how her character had lots more potential and that her relationship with scourge is heavily abusive (on which I really agree btw) and since their not many fiona fans here I just wanted to ask you since I literally have no one to talk to. In sonic the hedgehog issue 179 on page 14 sonic says a specific line dialogue that's been driving me crazy. He explains to tails that he hooked up with Fiona hoping that he would move on, but ALSO because he was still getting over Sally stating that "Fiona was there*. Which kind of feels like that even if Fiona had genuine feelings for sonic he would have been still thinking about her. Now I am really wondering could this be a reason Fiona cheated on him, since she felt again like getting burned? We never saw the process of Fiona meeting secretly with scourge, but I heavily theory that A. He could have lied to her at a lot of points and B. That just maybe he could have told her about sonic maybe not truly loving her. Either all of that is true or I'm just going crazy but what's your opinion?
Your English is better than my German, to need to apologise.
You're right about that, while Sonic says his primary motivation for getting together with Fiona was his terrible plan to help Tails, it's also pretty apparent that Fiona is a rebound girl for him. The timing of when the relationship started is much too obvious for that: He and Fiona start their relationship in Issue 155, the same one where Sally's forced marriage to Patch is announced. I have no doubt that this information stirred up all of Sonic's hurt feelings from Issue 134 and drove him toward the course of action he took.
Now, that doesn't justify what he did, what he did is still an awful thing to do to someone, but it does explain it a little better.
I don't think Fiona knew what was going on in Sonic's head during their relationship. If she did, she almost certainly would've brought that up as a point against him, instead of only referring to her traumatic backstory.
(Sidenote: I think her betrayal makes a lot more sense if you reorder some of the stories in the 170s so that Eggman's attack on Knothole comes first, and reopens all of her old wounds. Then it makes total sense for her to snap and accuse Sonic of being too weak- instead of a dumb "I think being good is weak and being evil is strong!" logic that so many shallow villains have, she actually has a point, and an obvious example, that after everything Eggman did to them, a repeat of what Robotnik did to her, the FF still let him go when they easily could've captured or killed him)
That said, I think it's likely that Fiona realised she was a rebound and this pushed her closer to accepting Scourge's advances.
I think Scourge lying to her should be taken as given. Probably about Sonic, definitely about himself. However, I don't think he knew for sure how Sonic felt, simply because Scourge doesn't understand Sonic at all, ironically enough. We can see as much from his attempt at a "One bad day" speech, he fully believes that Sonic is only a bad day away from turning out like Scourge himself did, but Sonic has arguably had a rougher life than Scourge ever did. We've seen him have plenty of bad days and never once has he turned into Scourge.
Scourge thinks everyone is worse than they actually are, in essence. I have no doubt that he presents his flawed perception of everyone to Fiona, why else would she, a character who owes her whole life to the support she's received from other people (first Nic, then the FF) suddenly turn around and declare that "You can't count on anybody?"
It's an idea that fits so little with what we know of her character and history that it more than likely came from someone else, like the known liar and manipulator she's suddenly 'romantically' entangled with.
That said, him not knowing about how Sonic felt doesn't mean he can't tell Fiona that Sonic doesn't love her. He is, after all, a liar, and likely playing to Fiona's fears and anxieties. If he realises that Fiona believes Sonic is using her as a rebound, he would absolutely have agreed with the notion despite not knowing whether it was true or not.
This is part of what frustrates me with Fiona's character: There's the pieces here to make something absolutely fantastic with her, and Archie just... didn't do that. Her existence pre-155 is largely an afterthought, from 155-171 she's "Sonic's shady girlfriend" and then post-172 she's "Scourge's girlfriend", and that's all she's allowed to be. Even her one outing as an independent villain (with her own team, because of course the character who believes you can't trust anyone has immediately gone and gotten herself another team) turns out to be setup for her getting Scourge back.
Whether you prefer her as a hero, villain, or somewhere in the middle, Fiona has enormous potential as a character, and Archie never used it.
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mins-fins · 1 year
caramel mocha? — sung hanbin
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hanbin, calm and collected overconfident hanbin is freaking out at one in the morning over something so small.
tags :: sung hanbin x m!reader , i love night imagines omg , his inner barista comes out , reader is older than hanbin , i swear this is important , that awkward moment when your in love with your groupmate 🤣 , so silly , tension!!! , hehe , i'm so in love with this man
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"you have got to be kidding me".
y/n, being the insomniac he is, jolted up at one in the morning for absolutely no reason and now could no longer go back to sleep. he decided water was his only escape.
so you can imagine his shock when he catches sung hanbin, the same sung hanbin who drilled into gunwook and yujin's head that they should go to sleep early and set alarms at the exactly correct time, awake in the kitchen aggressively stirring a cup of coffee.
y/n sighs, is this what he signed up for when he became a member of this group?
"hi y/n" he greets with his signature smile, but his expression doesn't match his actions, as he now begins stirring faster, and even more aggressively.
"why won't it—"
"hanbin why are you awake?" y/n immediately asks, skipping all the small talk they were supposed to have or something. he rubs his eyes, seriously sleep deprived.
"it's nothing bad" hanbin responds, a bold faced lie. "i just wanted coffee, that's all".
"first of all, coffee at one in the morning and at all is pretty unhealthy for you" y/n points out, grabbing a glass so he could get his water. "and second of all, your a horrible liar".
"don't say that" hanbin spits back. "your making me doubt my own lying skills" his voice suddenly lowers, as if he's actually upset.
"you didn't answer my question".
"i did".
"no you didn't, you lied".
y/n is right, and hanbin knows that, he just knows him too well.
"how would you know?"
"because it's so obvious" y/n sighs, placing his now empty glass in the sink. "tell me the truth".
hanbin looks like he wants to, then he hesitates, then he looks like he wants to again. "i— it's embarrassing, i don't wanna say".
"i think whatever your about to say, i've probably heard much worse" y/n states, clearing his throat.
still, hanbin feels embarrassed, he looks back down towards his cup of coffee and sighs. "i feel nervous, about the showcase tomorrow and, god— it's embarrassing why am i even talking about this".
"embarrassing?" y/n inquires, and hanbin wants to punch him because of how casually he asks that. "trust and believe, hanbin, there's definitely been much worse, it took me almost two hours to get gyuvin to go to sleep".
hanbin remembers, that wasn't that long ago, gyuvin was complaining about not wanting to go to sleep at 9 pm, but as soon as y/n brought up the debut showcase, specifically a certain part of their debut song, gyuvin ran to his room and was asleep in seconds.
manipulation at it's finest.
hanbin smiles as he remembers that thought, but his smile fades when he hears y/n laugh, instead feeling his face go completely red.
"your nervous about debuting?"
"i guess" hanbin mutters, staring at the cup of coffee before him. "i mean— i usually don't feel like this at all, but for some reason since it's the night before now i feel even more nervous than i'm supposed to so—"
and then hanbin begins rambling, he doesn't remember the last time he ever rambled like this, not even to matthew, and y/n simply listens to every single thing he says.
it's like he's not missing a word, with the way he's staring at hanbin, so intensely but also not. his eyes are simply so pretty, hanbin thinks.
hanbin originally thinks that the room is just hot, they're in july! it's hot! that's why his face is heating up at this rapid rate, not because of y/n and how hard he's staring at him.
"oh god" hanbin covers his face with his hands, face getting even redder. "i was rambling wasn't i? i'm sorry, you know, it's the night before debut and i honestly just feel super overwhelmed—"
"you don't have to apologize" y/n cuts into his sentence, giving a small smile which makes hanbin's heart melt.
"i know.." he mumbles. "i just feel like i have to".
y/n gives a soft chuckle, shaking his head. "your stupid".
"hey!" hanbin yells, though softly due to mostly everyone being asleep. "don't call me stupid, i'm your leader".
"your still younger" the older says. "i don't care, i can tell you what to do".
"oh screw you y/n".
somehow, hanbin is still continuing with his coffee making, and he looks to y/n for a moment. "y/n what flavor should i make?"
"tell me what flavor i should make" hanbin repeats, but this time he isn't asking. "caramel or mocha?"
"your seriously asking me about coffee flavors at one in the morning when we debut in four hours?"
"yes y/n, now tell me which flavor".
y/n blinks, rolling his eyes at how demanding hanbin had gotten in the span of a second. "just do caramel".
"but it doesn't taste that good at one am".
"so why did you ask me then?" y/n grits his teeth, annoyed by how dumb hanbin was acting.
"to get an opinion".
y/n scoffs, muttering a small "stupid.." under his breath, though a soft smile comes to his face. he hears hanbin give a small giggle, stirring his coffee even harder.
"y/n try this for me".
"i'm sorry?" he responds, and hanbin looks at him like he's crazy. "you want me to try your coffee?"
"i don't like coffee".
hanbin rolls his eyes. "just try it, y/n, it's not like i'm forcing you to drink it or anything".
y/n narrows his eyes at the younger, whose simply playing with his spoon. he sighs and moves closer, pausing when he sees hanbin holding the spoon.
"what? are you gonna feed it to me?"
"you mean you don't want me to?" hanbin questions, a small smile coming to his face as he sees y/n's still deadpanned expression. "i'm doing you a favor".
"do you think i can't pick up a spoon?"
"will you let me feed you or not?" he retorts, now getting annoyed by y/n's constant questions. he just wants y/n to try the coffee, not because he totally wants to feed him or anything, of course not!
y/n sighs, inching closer. hanbin stares for a moment, feeling his face heat up as he notices how close he is.
his aggressive thoughts don't mirror his actions, fortunately, as he slides the spoon into y/n's mouth, he watches as he blinks, scrunching his nose at what he's tasting.
hanbin feels his breath get caught in his throat. he's going crazy in his head right now, he doesn't know how he keeps himself together.
or why he continues staring at y/n's lips..
"it's.." y/n begins, blinking as he scours his mind for the correct word to describe the taste. "okay".
"i told you, i don't like coffee" y/n states, shrugging as he's completely oblivious to how much hanbin is freaking out inside. "that should be considered a compliment".
hanbin narrows his eyes, but he laughs. y/n is simply so.. casual, hanbin loves him it for some reason, y/n laughs again.
he has such a pretty smile..hanbin thinks in his sleep deprived mind, staring at y/n with crazily enamored eyes.
"alright leader-nim" y/n begins teasingly, he's been calling hanbin that ever since his actual announcement as leader, but he never says it seriously. "it's time to go to sleep".
"no it's not".
y/n's face immediately drops, and he rolls his eyes. he doesn't care, he immediately grabs hanbin's arm and begins dragging him away from the kitchen, making the younger yelp at the sudden action.
"y/n! i don't want to go to sleep, i still have to drink my coffee".
"you are not drinking coffee at one am when you have a debut showcase at five am".
hanbin feels like a little kid being dragged back to bed by his mother, he doesn't want to sleep, because he can't, but he knows y/n is tired.
"hanbin! your going to sleep! end of story!" y/n yells, staring at hanbin with that same deadpanned gaze.
"i'm not letting you be sleep deprived, i care about you, stupid.." y/n mutters the last part under his breath, not knowing hanbin caught it, and not knowing how red his face is.
"fine, i'll go to sleep, but—"
hanbin eyes flicker down to the floor, and his face goes even more red. "can i sleep in your room?"
y/n gives a small chuckle. "did you have to ask?"
"yes, cause then you'd make fun of me".
"just let me take you to sleep, stupid".
hanbin gladly let him.
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AUTHORS NOTE — i died then was resurrected then died again whilst writing this 😭 this is a filler because i still need to finish the matthew imagine that's been in my drafts for days my lord.. TY TO THE ZUMBLR DISCORD FOR ENCOURAGING ME TO FINISH THIS ILY ALL!!!
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archiveikemen · 2 years
Harrison Gray Main Story: Preview
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This is a fan-made translation solely for entertainment purposes with no guaranteed perfection. I do not own any of the original content. Please support CYBIRD by buying their stories and playing their games. Reblogs appreciated.
❥・• Warnings and FAQ
My sin is — wait, what was it?
On the night I went on my first mission as a fairytale writer, the air around me smelled like mint when he put a gun to my head.
Harrison: That’s right. You were lied to.
Harrison: I could kill you right this instant if I want to.
Kate: Why…
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Harrison: “Why”? We’ve only just met a few hours ago. What made you think you could trust me?
Harrison: I could’ve used you as a decoy, or a human shield. And at this very moment—
Harrison: A bullet might get shot right through your skull. Did any of that ever cross your mind even once?
Harrison: Kate.
Harrison: That's the kind of evil world you walked into.
— Harrison Gray. A man full of lies and carried the curse of a fox.
Harrison: I can tell whether a person is lying, just by looking into their eyes. This is the special ability my curse gave me.
All while laughing and acting aloof from the world, he lied to me over and over again.
He was unkind and had an unreadable personality. And yet—
The one person who held his hand out to me when I was about to be consumed by darkness was…
Harrison: I’m sure many people would be saved by that sentiment, even though it sounded more like lip service to me.
Harrison: Also… there's nothing wrong with what you’re feeling right now.
Harrison: Kate, your feelings are a part of you. No one has the right to invalidate them.
Kate: My feelings are… a part of me?
Harrison: Yes, and you should never let anyone trample on them. You must protect them well.
When I was cornered by a group of men and had to draw a gun, the first person to come to me was…
Harrison: … You look like you’re about to cry. Come on, can you stand?
Kate: I can… stand…
Harrison: Liar. Remember I said that you can never lie to me?
Kate: Did you… come looking for me?
Harrison: Nope. I just happened to find you.
Harrison: I’m here by chance, but—
Harrison: I’m glad you didn't pull “this”. And it wasn't for yourself, but to protect others…
The man protected me and accepted me for who I am was—
(It was you, Harrison.)
However, I never realized the “biggest lie” you continued to keep to yourself.
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William: What would you do if… I told you that I’m going to execute Harrison for being a traitor?
Harrison: I know I’ve told you countless lies, but I genuinely mean what I’m about to say.
Harrison: The two of us are from different worlds.
Harrison: Therefore, please… stop trying to step into mine.
(You kept me from losing myself. That’s why I want to do the same for you… I’ll never leave you alone.)
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Harrison: … Why do you look like you want to cry?
Harrison: Why have you never once doubted me…?
Harrison: Don’t you think that I’m lying, deceiving, and trying to lure everyone into a trap?
Kate: Harry, I—
Kate: I believe your lies.
Kate: Let me believe in your lies.
Harrison: …
What was that one cold and hard truth that was hidden behind those lies?
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Harrison: With you by my side, I can walk in the darkness for the rest of my life. Because… you’re my sunshine.
I still long for you till this day.
This is where — the jet black darkness and rays of the sun come together.
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ashipiko · 1 year
(dunno if this group exists but if anyone is like?? interested in Ashi lore/deep ashace lore I hope you enjoy 🫶🫶 they’re v deep i prom)
INCLUDES: art (you can see it!!!) and a long ashace lyric breakdown to liar dance 🫶
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"I stole it?"
No, I don't know what you’re talking bout
You bluff away with this charade that I can't
Figure out
(“it” refers to a show, like “steal the show”. This is all from Ace’s point of view so he refuses to agree— He doesn’t like and doesn’t understand Ashi’s habit of putting up a front, hence why he dismisses it.)
My darling
You cross your heart and then you hope to
So keep on lying to my face and see if I
(Ace going “OK BET keep slowly killing yourself and see if I stop trying to save you”. Spoiler, he doesn’t.)
"I stole it?
No, I don't know what you’re talking bout
You speak clichés and reap the praise of all the fools in doubt
My darling
Why can't you see that there's no fooling
Our love is much more of a mess than even you could be
(Again, same thing with the “steal the show” bit. Ace refers to everyone who falls for her front as a fool, and he insists that no matter what, he can’t be fooled. He’ll forever see Ashi for who she really is. Ace tries to convince her that all of the mess that they’re causing right now is way more of a mess than what she is.)
Blah, blah, blah, blah, do me a favor and
Shut up for now
You think you sound clever, but 'cause I
Know better, you sound just too loud
Try to escape and you'll see that you don't
Have a place left to hide
So speak of the devil, but know that you're
Summoning me to your side
(Ace wants her to shut up so that she can stop and be saved. He thinks that he’s the one with the superior mindset in this situation, and that Ashi should listen to what he’s saying, which is that no one will run away from her for who she really is.)
1,2... 1,2,3
Dance away, you li-i-iar
Your loving burns like fi-i-ire
Only you, only me, let's tear these vows to
And let death do us pa-a-art
(Ace refers to Ashi as a liar— It’s what she sees herself as, and what Ace sees her as (a person lying to people with her front in order to please them), but Ace just believes that it’s a faulty way of living. Only you, only me, bit refers to their relationship and special connection. It can also be seen as an attempt to comfort Ashi as well, since she’s the most comfortable with Ace. Ace promises that he’ll forever stay by Ashi’s side, no matter what.)
Poison me, you li-i-iar
Our love is old and tired
So cover your nose and swallow me away
I’ll get into your veins
And then we’ll meet our end
(I interpret this line in a way that Ace persists and continues to go “I’m gonna keep knocking down your walls, no matter what” and he hopes to finally get to Ashi’s head. He does BTW! Eventually. In the future.)
"I stole it?"
No, I don't know what you’re talking 'bout
You bluff away with this charade that I can't
Figure out
It's hidden
It’s tucked away somewhere that's safe and
I hear you loud and clear, so baby, there's no
Need to shout
(Ace once again references this charade and front which Ashi uses, but the thing that’s hidden and tucked away is her true nature. There’s no hiding that from him— It’s no use to attempt to hide it.)
"You got me!
No wait, I've got no clue, what could you
Caught you again today, again you slip away
From me
You're sinking
Digging your grave deeper and deeper down
For all your talk, I see you're nothing but a
Helpless clown
(Refers to Ashi’s slow descent into overblot! She slipped between Ace’s fingers and became distant, only to emerge as her jester, clown faced, blot. Ashi’s slow, lonely descent into madness is greatly shown through the grave line.)
Everyone and my own mother is starting to
Make fun of you
'Cause nothing about all the lies that you tell
Yourself seem to sound true
But in the end, you're the beautiful liar who's
Stolen my heart
You're just the devil, but I'm on your level
So drag me down now
(The first bit references the fact that after this is all over, everyone will know Ashi’s secret (which Ace finds a bit stupid) and that by the end of it, Ace believes that no one will really care. Everyone will accept her, and nothing will change, and that all of her doubts aren’t true. In the end, Ashi’s the one that stole Ace’s heart, and he’s willing to go through so much to save her.)
1,2... 1, 2,3
Dance with me, you li-i-ar
I'm gonna take us higher
Only you, only me, we're guilty as they come
And though our love is wro-o-ong
(Ace trying to convince Ashi that she’s not anything special— People will be empathetic towards her. He’s here with her too. The love is wrong line references the fact that Ashi thinks Ace is wrong for loving her true self.)
Now I've got you, Ii-i-ar
So look me in the ey-y-ye now
Hello, how are you?
Our punishment and crime
Will never go awa-a-ay
No, it's far too late
(Ace trying to catch Ashi’s attention and get through her blotted state. It’s too late to turn back now.)
Dance away, you li-i-iar
Your loving burns like fi-i-ire
Only you, only me, let's tear these vows to
And let death do us pa-a-art
(Let’s change gears for these repeated lines. I’ll paint a picture for you. The way that Ashi’s overblot works is that she carries a marionette doll. The doll represents her front that she puts up, and how “that Ashi” would react to this situation. And so, through the entire fight it holds a concerned and scared expression. Ace notices this, and the scene changes.)
Poison me, you li-i-iar
Our love is old and tired
So cover your nose and swallow me away
I’ll get into your veins
(He figures it out, and everything clicks. Overblotted Ashi represents her true feelings— What she wants people to love, but everyone turns for the puppet version of her. If he’s going to save her, he has to be the most straightforward he can to get through to her blotted mind.)
Dance with me, you li-i-ar
I'm gonna take us higher
Only you, only me, we're guilty as they come
And though our love is wro-o-ong
(Ace uses all of his strength that he can muster after going at this fight for a while. to jump around Ashi as she proceeds to attack everyone around her. He moves swiftly, almost in a dancing motion— He needs to destroy the marionette. Destroying it proves the point; that he doesn’t need all of this fake stuff. He needs the real Ashi, and he’ll care for her.)
Now I've got you, Ii-i-ar
So look me in the ey-y-ye now
Hello, how are you?
Our punishment and crime
Will never go awa-a-ay
(Ace finally catches Ashi’s attention and is able to talk to her. Once again, he tries to get through her head. All of the memories and journeys they’ve been through will never fade away, and all the things that Ashi believes people will hate are things that Ace will love.)
No, it's far too late
All the things that I should hate
But the moon is in the sky
So guess
This is goodbye
(Ace is able to pry the doll from Ashi’s grasp as he gets her distracted. The goodbye is the final hit, as Ace smashes her marionette to pieces, and from there, her overblot is finished.)
NOTE: I used Rachie’s lyrics, but I know for a FACT there is a line that says “turn me inside out and I look just like you”. This line is really important too (so I’m sad it’s not included here), but I think it’s a really good one because Ace and Ashi are really similar when it comes down to it. Ashi’s so scared of showing it, but in the end Ace is there, to be by her side and be the absolute worst with her.
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nextstopwonderland · 2 months
My random predictions for Bryan’s promo:
He’s gonna reveal the neck stuff was all a long con with Will to see if he had what it took to get the job done (spoiler: he ultimately didn’t)
HE is gonna say that he’s gonna do whatever it takes to get the job done
Nigel mention
BCC mention/component
“I’m gonna kick your fucking head in”
If the first doesn’t come true then idk what he’s gonna say about all that bc I seriously doubt he’s not gonna wrestle at all before Wembley but also the discourse is gonna be soooo annoying if he goes against drs orders (it’ll prob still have to be a work to some degree but ppl won’t believe that especially with it now being reported as ‘not a work’ plus at some point it makes no sense for an injury angle to keep continuing)
(I will continue to die on the hill that there are no new injuries with his neck for three reasons:
1. Brie talking about dynasty, forgetting the kayfabe angle and saying “luckily he was able to walk out of there on his own without any long lasting damage” before having to correct herself and say ‘he did hurt his neck tho that did happen’
2. I watched him whip his neck around in public laughing hysterically with no concern or limits for range of motion whatsoever
3. He’s a lying liar who lies)
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goddess-venuz · 6 days
You stared down, silent disbelief, feeling your cheat tightened, you glared at him, your features twisting with heated disbelief.
"I didn't kill Kiss."
"Shut up! Shut up! You fucking liar!! You killed her, you knew about Whisp-"
Hearing Mikey speak your name, you felt your heart nearly stop as you looked at him, eyes wide, Mikey stared at you silently, only speaking up. "Look into my eyes... Does it look like I am lying? You know I'm not lying. You just can't accept it--"
"I only knew about Whisp because she did come to your house whenever you weren't there. Takemitchy was inside when she came..... She told me about you being in the gang, no doubt to cause trouble between us. The way she spoke, I knew she was going to kill Kiss--"
Mikey was cut off with you punching his face, the male unfazed by your strike, tears prickling at the corner of your eyes as you glared down at him, "I said shut the fuck up, I don't want to hear your lies-"
"I only said I killed her to have you fight me, You were fucking leaving me! Do you know how that felt?! I would did!"
Shouting at you, Mikey's vision began to go blurred, his own emotions he had trapped in for years breaking through the barricade.
"I loved you.. I still love you.... I sometimes hate it because you left me.... You were the only one I needed whenever | fell into Dark Impulsivity."
Mikey looked up at you, droplets of tears falling on his face as he stared at your crying hunched-over figure, the gun in your grasp weakened as you tried to glare at him through your tears.
"!.. I didn't want this to happen... I had to... I had to.. I had to..." Breaking down before Mikey, the gun falling to the side as you sobbed out, Tears spilling from the corners of Mikey's eyes, his eyes glued on your sobbin! figure silently, unable to hold himself back, his body acting on its own, Hands shooting to your cheeks, the wounded male bringing you into a long-awaited kiss, feeling your body go weak by the sudden gesture, the missing piece to your soul finally fitted together within the kiss,
Your fingertips desperately clutching onto Mikey's shirt, refusing to let the male go again, not again, for years the two of you had fought one another and killed so many others over your hatred of one another.
Lover to Enemies... Enemies to Lovers.
Feeling Mikey's lips moved against yours in a needing
passionate matter, his thumbs wiping over your soaked cheeks, his fingers tangling into your highlighted locks, pulling your face closer to his,
"M.Mikey..." Breaking the kiss slightly, feeling your chest tightened up with anticipation, Years of not being within his touch, his presence..
Your body was unable to let the other who was once again in your grasp be let go.
"(Y/n), I can't...l'm not letting you go. Not now.. not anymore."
"Your shoulder-" Capturing your lips once again, interlocking your lips into a heated passionate kiss, his white locks tickling against your face, his tongue roaming against yours, the gentle taste of metallic falling against your tastebuds,
You could care less at this moment, your minds...emotions... Was only clouded with Mikey.
Fingers fumbling with his ripped shirt, curling your fingers gently against the rip, you pulled at the torn shirt, the sound of the fabric ripping against your grip, Mikey tilted his head up letting the neckline of his black shirt be ripped at your hands,
Letting the torn fabric fall into your hands, breaking the kiss for a mere moment, Mikey letting his hands drop to your waist, his eyes falling on your hands, watching you wrap the torn shirt over his shoulder firmly, his eyebrows twisting gently in the hint of pain,
"I should probably clean it up."
"Later. Right now I'm not focusing on a bullet wound." His hand pulling up your oversize hoodie over your head, Mikey nearly felt his heart leap from his chest seeing your torso covered with tattoos, although one still stood out from the others, You still had the spot of your yin cleared,
"I know I don't really have a lot of tattoos-"
"It's good... It doesn't take away from the beauty of your body."
Brushing his fingertips against your chest, you felt goosebumps erupt across your skin, your back arching gently, feeling his fingertips being replaced by his lips, kissing the yin between your breasts, it
only drove the leader to want to fulfill years of pent-up sexual tension.
Mikey's hand moving from the curve of your waist, down to the hem of your jogging pants, you patted his nonwounded shoulder halting his movement, snapping his irises up to you, the leader feeling your heartbeat against his lips.
"!..l have a bedroom.. Connected."
Mentioning a bit flustered at his longing touch, Mikey nods gently, moving his hands to underneath your thighs, he hoists himself up with you, wrapping your legs around his waist,
Carrying you to the newly furnished connected bedroom, placing you on the bed, Mikey gazed down at you with a heated passionate gaze,
Feeling his tightened at the sight of you, wanting to pinch himself to make sure this all wasn't a dream. If it was, he didn't want to wake up,
Beginning to undress you then himself, each touch he made against your flesh sent a tingling sensation lingers,
The way his lips worked against your skin, tatted areas: and untouched areas, the feeling of you being in his grasp once again made Mikey feel his heart thumping inside his eardrums,
Not wasting a single spot among your body, years of being away from you. Nights of sleeping alone, mornings he would wish to wake up with you beside him.
You were finally in his arms again.
He wasn't going to ever let you go again.
Head tilted to the side, Mikey's lips marking among the tatted nape, the tip of his cock rubbed needily against your soaked slit, his hips bucking gently as you rolled your hips to aid more pressure between the two of you,
Mikey's fingers tangling within your bedsheets as yours were entangled with his dyed white locks, both feeling sensing the dire sexual tension before you, hearts beating wildly with anticipation, your leg wrapped around Mikey's waist, trying to pull the other closer.
Lifting his head, his lips moving just inches above yours, Mikey's black irises staring down at you, feeling your heart swelling once your gaze met his, your fingers that moved within his locks stopped,
"I...l love you.. I love you so much... It hurts like hell whenever you are not around... I need to know how you feel. Is this what you want?" Chest rising and falling at gentle pace, you swallowed thickly feeling your heart being clutched at Mikey's words.
"Yes... I love you, I felt empty over the years I wasn't near you... It pained me to just wake up and not be with you."
Unable to hold back a slight smile, feeling his emotions washing over him, blinking away the tears of relief that blurred his gaze, slowly moving his lips onto yours, the two of you shared a passionate kiss.
Your fingers gripping his locks feeling his cock slip between your folds, inhaling sharply into the kiss, Mikey's eyebrows twisted with a sudden amount of pleasure shooting through him,
'Even after all these years... she still feels so damn right.'
Thrusting his hips at a gentle pace, the more Mikey continued to roll his hips, your walls adjusting around his length, your body welcoming the other years after.
Your breasts bouncing gently at his thrusts that began to quicken, a gasped moan escapes your swollen lips, your fingers dropping from his shoulders to his shoulders,
Retreating your hands once hearing a low hiss from Mikey's interlocked lips, hands dropping tirelessly to the sides of your head,
Mikey's lips parted from yours, his lips agape slightly, panting, breathlessly moans rolled off his tongue, feeling his cock stroking against the walls of your pussy,
Back arching feeling the tip of his cock prodding constantly over your cervix, eyelids closing gently as your lips hung agape, a moan erupting from your lungs.
"Manjiro~... This.ah.l don't want it to stop." you moaned airily, passionately, "P. Please..."
Your thighs cinch around his waist as his hands support you beneath the curve of your ass.
Titling your hips upwards slightly, sheathing his cock deeper within your walls, his fingers kneading deeply into your flesh,
He releases a gentle chuckle, moving his lips against your chin he muttered. "Just hearing your moans... Is enough to drive me.....l wanted so long for this."
He rocks in, pubic bones flush against you, and swivels circles on your clit, making your walls flutter, he groans.
''Then... Don't stop, I don't care... No matter what just keep going."
At that, he's more confident. Palming your ass, he lifts you and drives in with unspeakable pummeling strength. The closeness of your body has his pulsing veins hitting your clit with such force it made a pleasurable sensation.
He's hitting that spot, gentle yet smooth thrusts with a tilt so his tip mashes it, rawing over until it expands that bubble tight in your gut.
Unable to hold yourself back, you curve your hips, rocking them as your fingers curled gently with the unexpected amount of pleasure coursing through you, head tilted back, your eyes glued onto the ceiling above the two of you.
Toes curling gently, fingers twitching, Mikey feeling himself reaching his high, his chest heaved as another breathless moan erupts from his throat, a hand moving from your curve, up to your arms gently until his fingers interlocked with yours shakily,
His thrusts began to become sloppily yet still firm, panting out heavily, he spoke, "I want to hear you say it... You're mine... You're mine and you will never leave me again."
"I am yours--ah~I will never leave you again Manjiro!"
Moaning out, your back arching feeling your high finally at his peeked, feeling your cum coating his cock, only drove the man to his own edge, breathlessly whispering out your name on a chant as he felt his urge finally being released,
Mikey's mouth fell agape, his chest making sharp heaving motion, his fingers tightening their grip around your fingers, vision nearly turning white with pleasure feeling his veins among his cock pulsing as his cock twitched letting wild spurts of cum coating your insides deeply,
Moaning out lowly, the two of you falling silent as you come down from your highs, chests heaving at a steady pace, sweat glistening over your nude bodies, mixing with the dry blood that littered your bodies,
Pulling out from your slit, A low exhale falls from Mikey's lins. the male falling limn to the empty spot beside you, the two of you staring at the ceiling with a stunned daze.
"We're both fucked up in the head."
"No doubt."
"But we are perfect for one another.... Did you mean what you said. about loving me."
"Yeah. You're mine...and I'm yours... I don't want to be with anyone else and I don't want to see you with anyone else."
Wrapping his arms around your waist, pulling you close to his body, resting your head on his chest, placing a hand beside your head as you sighed out gently,
"Michi is getting married soon... Emma and Draken are engaged..... It feels as if we are the only ones left behind."
"It's never too late to change that."
Lifting your head to gaze at Mikey who looked at you, the male staring down at you with a small smile, brushing your locks over your eyes, smiling gently at him. You nodded
"Never too late.. Huh."
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anthonybialy · 5 months
Lying Down the Line
I hope they’re lying.  Anti-architects who claim their devastation will properly order civilization have lost the benefit of the doubt from their casualties.  A kind perspective is as tough as affording anything not shoplifted.  Looking at perpetually woeful results makes it tough to think perpetrators could be anything but liars.  Annotating falsehoods is the only truth about them.
Presuming our nation was founded in order to oppress some of the people in it requires ignoring that whole document dedicated to limiting government, which is also part of charmingly lunatic revisionist philosophy.  The search for oppression no matter how thoroughly it’s hidden is sadly typified by the 1619 Project, a project with 1619 lies.  Seeing racism everywhere is part of a commitment to grievances.  A problem in search of a solution offers a tidy summary of liberalism.  Like the cops they think are masochistic bigots, they’re the source of trouble.
Using science as a shield is how its biggest zealots show their love for it.  Aspiring autocrats can’t embrace anything like conclusions.  Getting every last virus assertion wrong sure doesn’t seem like a cure.  Shuttering society didn’t prevent its spread any more than breathing through cotton.  The logical feat of announcing the shot must work because vaccines do is like pretending Joe Biden must be a good president because George Washington was.
Trying to keep panic simmering is so you get used to feeling alert.  A lack of panic means the next emergency will send your adrenaline levels to uncomfortable highs.  It’s better to freak out constantly.  Controlling an illness by controlling people just happens to further their policy goals, so please ignore connections your brain makes about mocking liberties and rampaging viruses.  The only way to make exploiting misery more despicable is their proclivity for exacerbating it.  One could nearly call it a talent.
The gender shift fad works about as well as getting rich by printing money.  Indulging the confused is scientifically dismissed, which I figured would be appreciated by those who claim to believe in it.  Allegedly advanced times are alarmingly deluded and depressing.  You can be certain of having absolute truth on your side if you suddenly decided that an accommodation nobody could have even conceived of a decade ago is the moral issue of our times.
Anyone capable of experiencing reality can’t possibly see men and women dressing up as vice versa and believe telling those engaged in gender cosplay that they pulled it off deserves a pat on the head.  The gesture would be less condescending than they are to their playthings.
Absolute truth is mean.  The only change is in perception of what’s happening.  A grotesque violation of something kindergarteners don’t need explained to them infects legal adults.
Pretending to help is their brand.  Actually harming is their result.  Vilifying double takes is a violation of biology and an affront to true respect.  The woefully misguided attitude is something to actually change that would work.
Proper science offers a reflection of compassion.  Of course, it’s not in the way ironically intolerant goons figure.  Humans can’t change chromosomes, but we can offer assistance to those struggling to identify their anatomy.  Contrary to preening, willful ignorance harms both subjects and the world they inhabit.  Celebrating delusions while pretending they’re real isn’t compassionate any more than ignoring sonograms.
Legal theft helps victims, according to thieves.  Getting the government’s permission 
era where shoplifting is not merely tolerated but encouraged as a way to survive in an economy that’s grown mean for some reason.  We really do depend on each other.  Of course and as usual, it’s not in the way liberals think.  Fiends with more money would hire workers or buy stuff if only they weren’t punished for pleasing customers.
Those with misdirected imaginations can’t imagine any other way for life to occur than through their vigorous intervention.  This White House already despises the notion of compensation for provided products.  Their inherent bias leads them to presume the economy needs planning, which is the closest they come to following logic.  If true, it wouldn’t need the guidance of people so amazing at productivity that they don’t need to go out and create proof.
Keep confiscating income and watch conditions get worse.  Clearly, there’s not enough taken.  The notion of buying a house is as foreign as working in order to buy things.  Nobody can afford anything, anyway, so go ahead and take another mental health day.
They don’t truly believe these things, do they?  Determining if professional masochists inflicting the present woeful circumstances are lying to themselves or everyone else.  There’s certainly no truth involved.  Attempting to demotivate is as evident as working to berate.  You can feel the joy.
The ends justify the means except for how both blow.  Our royals must fib in order to impose decline.  Except for how they make life worse, they make life better.  We embrace the best of both worlds otherwise.  Berating dissidents who notice the results of their novel takes on life is their only option.  It’s not like they’re about to start being good at things, much less stop pretending they’re anything other than bad. 
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crossdressingdeath · 10 months
durge questions for kyvir: 3, 6, 14, 17, 20, 27. is this too many. i dont even know i just Love Him. -@veilkeeper
(Durge asks!)
No such thing as too many, I love talking about Kyvir. I answered 20 here, but as for the others:
3. What would your Dark Urge consider to be their greatest skill? Is this accurate? His ability to pass completely beneath the radar. When he was younger (and more foolish) he hated how small and pretty and innocent he looked, but as he got older and grew out of that teenage need to puff himself up and look and act tough he realized that not only was he a lot happier leaning into the soft and pretty thing, it meant that even on the rare occasions when suspicion fell on him he was usually dismissed immediately as a suspect. Similarly, when he's on the hunt for prey or trying to charm someone into giving him something they always underestimate him. And it's not that he doesn't stand out! It's just that he comes off as... y'know, your standard pretty, foppish, somewhat overconfident bard. Not a killer. There are other skills that you could argue are greater than that, but he's not wrong in his assessment.
6. How does your Dark Urge react to waking up with memory loss? He's freaked out. He spends the whole nautiloid with a feeling like when you're going down a staircase and miss the last step, and that feeling never really goes away. He's still determined to get his memories back at the end of the game; the fact that it's supposedly impossible is a minor inconvenience. He's already an impossible existence, a drop of Bhaal's divine gore that broke divine cosmology to free himself from his father's power. Why shouldn't he be able to undo his memory loss?
14. How good of a liar is your Dark Urge? How do they feel about lying? Oh, he's a phenomenal liar. He's a bard and an assassin; lying is like 80% of his job! And he loves it, too. It's an absolute joy, watching people fall for every lie he tells for no other reason than because he's the one who told it. Also, it's funny to tell really obvious lies and watch people trying to decide whether or not to call him on something that he clearly doesn't believe but is still saying with absolute confidence (this is where things like him claiming to be seven feet tall while very obviously being 5'6 come in).
17. What is your Dark Urge’s greatest regret? Pre-amnesia, it was murdering the woman who taught him music (I. haven't figured out a name for her yet but shh). She caught him mid-kill when he was around eleven or twelve, but instead of turning him in to the Fist made a deal with him: she'd teach him the skills of a bard, and in exchange he'd play her little spy and saboteur, stealing from, spying on and humiliating her rivals. She could be a little cold at times and wasn't above holding the fact that he was a murderer and she could have him arrested at any time over his head (when she learned he didn't have a name she straight up called him Atonement) and she never hid the fact that she was using him from him, but he never doubted that she cared for him despite that; she was combination older sister and mother to him, and he loved her with all his heart. So naturally when he was sixteen and he'd learned all she had to teach him Bhaal forced him to kill her. Post-amnesia—and more specifically post-game—it's failing to save Gortash, of course.
27. How does your Dark Urge feel about giving and receiving orders? He's used to giving orders, and he's good at it. He has the sort of charm and confidence that makes people want to listen to him, and the experience to know exactly how to take charge of a situation. While he doesn't remember being High Primate of Bhaal's temple, it turns out that if you can wrangle a gaggle of Bhaalists and draw out their loyalty you can manage a whole lot of leadership situations. However, while he knows he's got the leadership skills to manage he doesn't trust himself; whenever he's in charge he's worrying about whether he'll lose control and lead the people who are relying on him into a terrible situation specifically to get them all killed. So he's good at giving orders and tends to take charge automatically, but he finds it exhausting to do for any length of time. He keeps taking charge automatically and then stopping to think "Oh gods, why have I done this to myself again?" In terms of receiving orders, it depends? With most people he takes it extremely badly. He might not trust himself to lead well, but he definitely doesn't trust other people! And besides, he's a damn demigod. Why should he take orders from some random mortal? But once someone's earned his respect and trust, he'd much rather take orders from them than give orders himself. He'll still play at fighting them for control, of course! It would go against his nature (and more importantly his father's will) to do otherwise! But he'll fold pretty quick once they fight back if he's decided he can trust them. The trouble is that people who win this level of trust for him tend to be... morally flexible at best? Generally not the sort of people you'd want having power over a demigod.
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hansreviewsstuff · 2 years
Liar liar
Over the years I have collected a vast selection of books with "lie" or a variation of it in the title, so I decided to read them all. Here are my reviews of We Were Liars, Lies Like Poison, The Supreme Lie and One Of Us Is Lying. Janus Sanders would be proud!
We Were Liars by E. Lockhart
Booktok book, oh no! To be honest, I can see why it is popular. It's main theme of familial/generational trauma is expressed incredibly well, and even me, who's experience in that subject only stretches to watching Encanto, could really see the reality of the terrible Sinclair family, and how it affects those who are a part of it. I didn't go into the book expecting a story about that (the perils of no blurb) but it was interesting to read about anyway, and I feel those who relate more closely to the subject would enjoy it even more. Now. The plot twist. I try my best to do spoiler-free reviews, so I won't reveal it, but. The plot twist, the overall "answer to the underlying question throughout the book", was a simple solution. A bobs your uncle, here's how it actually is, done, solution. Shocking, no doubt, and I will enjoy reading the book again in the future and spotting all the things that reveal it, but nothing to uncurl. Not sure if I liked it. As a fan of murder mysteries which have complicated solutions that you have to get your head around, it wasn't exactly my piece of cake. And finally. The metaphors. I have seen other people on TikTok comment on this, so I'm not alone. They were a bit too good. So much so that I didn't know whether our main character actually got "shot" or whether it was just a metaphor. This happened all throughout the book and I got very confused!
Favourite Character: Johnny
Would I recommend this book: Mm. Depends. As I said, if you are interested in familial trauma and it's effects, and are ready for a frankly devastating plot twist, go ahead. Just be prepared.
I feel like past me may of slandered this book a bit too much. I skim read it a bit, I think. It's very good, I promise!
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1(4? my handwriting)/11/2022
Lies Like Poison by Chelsea Pitcher
I really enjoyed This Lie Will Kill You by Pitcher, so I had high hopes for this book, but I'm sad to say that it let me down. There were almost two books in one, the murder mystery story and a story about the main characters' journeys and emotions, discovering things together and apart. The latter could of existed without the former perfectly, with some tweaks. I guessed the murderer and the story behind that pretty quickly, and if it was just that, without the beautiful description of emotions, then this book would be a 1/5! (Sorry). Two books in one. Focus on one thing please! Sufficient gay and trans people though.
Favourite character: Lily
Would I recommend this book: Sorry, no. Read This Lie Will Kill You!
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The Supreme Lie by Geraldine McCaughrean
I think past me may have been a little bit too nice to this book, giving it the same rating as We Were Liars.
Halfway into this story I discovered that McCaughrean was quite an established author, writing popular novels which were mainly for people younger than me. It definitely gave that vibe, of a story a children's author has been building in her head for a while, wanting to finally write it down to produce something different than her usual novels. I say this because it was an incredibly well designed world, meticulous and, frankly, very creative. Many stories could be told in that one world. I did have to keep referring to the very useful map! The twist villain didn't really work for me because, to put it simply, I wasn't paying attention when it was said who he was! Oops. Slow start, and also alternating chapters. Listen, I have nothing against alternating chapters! Me with a short attention span sometimes likes two stories going on at once, and I especially like when they cross over beautifully. But the second, not main story in The Supreme Lie about some boy and his dog, I really didn't care about. At one point I was tempted to skip every other chapter. Sorry! I think I said this book wasn't a complete failure because 1) the characters were quite loveable, and 2) the end was quite good with the tension. But the rest of the book dragged!
Favourite character: Kovet (I have completely forgotten who this is)
Would I recommend this book: Maybe for people younger than me. I only bought it because of the cover and the blurb, and because it was in buy one get one half price, but I don't completely regret it. Read other people's reviews of this book, maybe. This review, I realize, is not very helpful! (Basically, the book is about a country plagued with endless rain, and after the leader dies, a simple serving girl must pretend to be the leader as not to send the country into complete dismay. I probably should have mentioned that!)
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One Of Us Is Lying by Karen M. McManus
Dammit, this book could of been a 5! All throughout reading it I was like this is really good, really good, this could be a 5. But then I guessed the murderer. And it was, frankly, a really disappointing solution. The kind of solution you jokingly guess. Devastating, but I enjoy classic whodunnits where you, well, catch whodunnit. I've heard that the TV show has a better, more surprising and thought out solution, and it's a shame the book doesn't as well. I guess that's why they changed it! Nonetheless, the book was still really good. Different character POV chapters were nice and refreshing, (another reason why the ending was disappointing- I wanted one of the seemingly truth telling character POVs to be lying!) and I liked the whole omniscient-edgy-tumblr-poster-seemingly-murderer making fun of everyone struggling to find them. And again, sufficient and realistic gay people. I was genuinely engrossed in all the characters stories, and even, for once, the romance. Good book.
Favourite character: Kris
Would I recommend this book: Let's be honest, you've read it.
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Sorry if the last review was a bit spoilery. But, as I said, you have most definitely either watched it or read it. Hope you enjoyed these reviews!
Books I still have left to post: ↪ The Song Of Achillies ↪ How To Kill Your Family ↪ House Of Hollow ↪ Afterlove ↪ A Whole New World ↪ Splinters Of Sunshine And I want to do a Glass Onion/ Knives out post. Goddammt, I have just realized you press shift new line to make a new line without a huge space. Ughhhhh. Expect better formatting next time, then.
See you, Hans :)
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aqueenpriestess · 2 years
{Justice, Cursing and What I've Learned}
●•.A Curse to bring my abuser to justice.•●
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Many practioners have the idea that cursing is evil and that cursing is the sign of an immature magical practioner. I have found this to be wildly toxic positivity and have been re-educated to under stand that these feelings I have, the anger, the need for justice, is a normal natural part of the world and those who look down upon it are abusing themselves by not allowing healthy anger caused by one's abuse.
Today I am personally bringing myself justice by cursing my ex step mother.
This woman mentally, emotionally and it some ways physically abused me for 12+ years. She married my then father when I was 13 and after his death 3 years later she became an evil narcissistic monster who, by the end of my time there, had nearly starved me to death while actively lying to everyone in my life about it. I was painted as the abuser despite the fact I was a child and everyone believed her because she lied that I had been diagnosed as a compulsive liar but I wasn't. She invited her sister over, a child therapist, and said "she shows signs of it right?" And her sister said, without knowing me mind you she's going off the lies my step mother told her. She says "yeah sure she does"
That was all it took and she lied all the way to the bank and the idiots around me all believed her.
I was a child. At every level of my life this bitch abused, lied, and again NEARLY STARVED ME TO DEATH.
And so my curse:
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"Your wealth and money are always bleeding with no bandage in sight. Misfortune is married to your evil vile soul. Sickness is your only friend. Chains of pain hold you down and bring you to justice."
"Before the Lady Goddess Nemisis I lay my heart and all its wounds. My shame, my doubt and all of my pain. She protects me from you and those who would interfere with my justice. She protects me from curses thrown back at me and returns them to the wretches from whence they came."
"The stars shall turn their gaze and ignore your pain. Death will not take you, for it has no pity or mercy for you. No one can or will protect you, for if they do, Lady Nemisis shall be their punishment."
So I have said it, so shall it be. Thank you stars above for turning your heads to allow justice for my heart and soul. Thank you death who has loved and cherished me for turning your gaze so that I may see justice done. Thank you Lady Nemesis for her justice and love. For your protection and strength.
I offer up all of my pain, all of my doubts, all off my sorrows and shame. These things that have hurt me shall now set me free with all love and gratitude to the Goddesses, Spirits and Stars above.
So I have spoken so now does this end.
Blessings and love.
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