#<- Maintagging. Whatever
hrokkall · 10 months
Did Sisyphus even know it was Gabriel who killed him? Had it been someone else, would he even notice the difference? A soldier is a sword is a weapon is a tool—who cares about memorizing which dog's muzzle is at your throat when it's his masters you're after
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hawkepockets · 10 months
is this a safe space to say that i’ve never understood the “don’t trust the mage” gimmick that da fans have been doing for like 10 years and are now carrying over to bg3. i think morrigan & anders are both very straightforward about the fact that they have semi-private agendas that the pc’s self-interest won’t always align with. i’ve never considered either of them having “too much” agency to be a betrayal—same with gale’s secret, which he shares in act 1 out of concern for you anyway. and what about merrill, dorian, vivienne, velanna, shadowheart, and wyll. solavellans it’s literally just your man who’s the problem 🫰
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galaghiel · 7 months
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what remnant does to a mf
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mayasaura · 27 days
It's not an accident that John is an indigenous man. It's not an accident that he's implied to be a survivor of childhood sexual assault. It's not an accident that he's clearly mentally ill, with no support network outside his colleagues who are relying on him to save the world.
John, as a character, is about how much pressure and how much suffering a person can endure before they break. He's about the weight of generational trauma. He's about having a meltdown that destroys your life, that hurts people, that you can never really come back from, and having to live with the consequences. His rage and his pain are both massive and legitimate, and if you don't engage with that you are missing the fucking point. Respectfully.
This post is not rebloggable to make sure I don't go nuke melbourne myself. Love and peace. ✌️
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shadeswift99 · 4 months
Obsessed with whatever tf Beef and Iskall have going on right now. world's most divorced couple that were never married
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soaricarus · 4 months
the scav in the steam card is carl. btw
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this is the same man
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vanivanvanilla · 1 month
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everything i do revolves around you.
sour breath, julien baker // and you wont even look at me, arceoptryx // snow and dirty rain, richard silken // romance, elaine kahn // unknown // honeybee: baggage, trista mateer // and you wont even look at me, arceoptryx // bloodsport, yves olade // bloodsport, yves olade // rotten desire, heavensghost // medusa, carol ann duffy // whether he tries to live or die he's nothing but a pest, kill him to prove your point, citrusinicake // the scars you love, ian thomas // side wounds, lena oleanderson // batman: europa // @/horrifically // psalm of scattered ashes, ashley mares // ramalama (bang bang), róisín murphy // things hidden since the foundation of the world, rene girard // h-o-t-t-o-g-o, nicofan57 // taking what's not yours, vanivanilla // batman: europa // song of achilles, madeline miller
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tubbytarchia · 3 months
Could we get more Jimmy and Doc? Or Ren and Doc... for the children
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You may... I'm struggling with the actual continuation still oops but please accept this doodle for the time being... for the children
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suenitos · 2 months
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no brain tummy hurts x filled with hate from day one
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heliianth · 9 months
new super sonic form from the dlc?
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yeah i am never drawing this shit again
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littleseasalt · 9 months
YOU like sugarduo because haha funny loud brazilian man with his antics going to scream at philza, I like sugarduo because this guy used to threaten to lock the other guy up to force him to love him, the other guy crushing his heart way too many times. But all that didn't stop them from battling to their max to try and save a kid who was in danger and the moment the kid dies, few blocks away, it's the first time he sees more about the guy than just "guy who thinks I'm his ex" and it's the first time he sees that man so devasted. The community goes through another loss - now permanently - of one of their children and the guy decides that that's enough, no one will ever have to go through that again. If you can't fight the code to save your kid and your kid could die from other accidents you may as well unite the usable to the pleasant. The guy stops everything he's doing to create a system to assure the kids safety and it's like for the first time when they look at each other's eyes they don't see "My ex" and "The guy who's obsessed with me", but instead they see each other as man who, during their time in the island, were shaped by fatherhood. The guy finally gets the ultimate rejection, but instead of completely stopping to care about the other, they open a new path. Despite all the antics of the past they both find a deep trust in each other and they can still joke around and find some remnants from the beginning of their bond. The other guy trusts him so much that he gives him access to the bunker where he keeps his kids safe - he trusts him so much to the point where you get an anarchist who voted for the guy. And despite the guy becoming president and lots of people seeing red flags, the trust is still there. So much that now the president is fully allowed to take care of his children whenever he wants to, even when the first attempt didn't seem to go well. So much that even when the president was drugged and threatened him with a gun, he never stopped trusting him, knowing that the guy he trusts is stil there somewhere. AND because haha funny loud brazilian man with his antics going to scream at philza
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revvethasmythh · 10 months
Some aspects of Laudna's behavior from the most recent ep have really started to stand out to me re: her backstory. We're told basically that after leaving Whitestone she roamed to different cities and was subsequently run out of many places by the townsfolk for being...well, a creepy undead witch. This is really all we know of thirty years of her life, we have nothing more detailed than that until Gelvaan, which is also not very detailed on what exactly she was doing there. And it's interesting because this backstory feels like it's meant to elicit a lot of sympathy on Laudna's behalf--i.e. she is being wrongly chased out of places for the crime of being/looking different. But something about the way she approached Imahara Joe's establishment--sending in the creepy whispers, specifically making a bunch of terrifying "rattling noises", and responding with a smile and saying "It works every time" when they heard a noise in response--really has me like. okay. Laudna, did you get chased out of places because you were terrorizing people in those places? because it sounds like you've done this before, potentially many times, and what's "fun scary" to one person can so very easily be "scary scary" to the people on the other end of the schtick.
Laudna clearly loves people, but I do have to wonder if she experiences a certain amount of dissonance about the effects that her actions cause. She very much has this Manic Demon Nightmare Girl persona thing going on, and that delighted, manic energy mixed with her penchant for the macabre, often directed at other people where she enjoys their freaked out reactions? I think, perhaps, there were reasons she kept getting run out of places that we have not, uh, unpacked as of yet.
To go deeper with this, Laudna is a character who rarely feels like she's in charge of her own destiny. Some of this is intentional, like the repeated puppet imagery re: Delilah. But I wonder if, perhaps, Laudna is someone who has had so many things--bad things, terrible things--happen to her that she had learned to erase her own role in her life. There was nothing she could do when the Briarwoods took over Whitestone, there was nothing she could do when she was murdered by Delilah, and there was nothing she could do when she was resurrected as the undead creachure that she is today. But there are thing she could have done in the intervening thirty years to change her situation. She could have pursued threads about getting rid of Delilah for thirty years, long before meeting Imogen. She could have (somewhat) altered her behavior so she wasn't freaking people out wherever she went and maybe she could have stayed somewhere. She could have been proactive in making changes and pursuing things in her life and I just wonder if she has forgotten that she can do that for herself and that the things she does do have consequences. In ep 49, she told Imogen, "The gods have never kept us from our ability to have a choice." But she only says this to Imogen. When does Laudna finally make an active choice? When does she realized that her behavior and the consequences of the behavior are in her control? When does Laudna decide that it's time to stop being a spectator in her own story, a person that things happen to? Soon, I hope. She should be the main character of her own story, and right now she simply isn't
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onesidedradiostatic · 2 months
Personally I think they're both huffing a bit of copium about one another (Vox and Alastor) but Alastor is better at hiding it/maintaing his cool. We know that at least Valentino feels confident enough to goad Vox into taking the bait, that Alastor "almost" beat him last time. It's an interesting attitude compared to Vox's. Even Velvette doesn't seem all that concerned with Alastor, both her and Valentino are confident in the Vees current status and it's only Vox's personal insecurities that prevent him from sharing that mindset.
Vox's medium IS the victor in the grand scheme of things, he (along with the other Vees) ARE more relevant than Alastor/radio. And Vox is also capable of upgrading/improving himself over time in a way Alastor (from what we've seen) is not. It's so interesting seeing Vox unable to fully realize his strength/power - he can say it all he wants, but I don't think he really believes it. We the audience, however, know that visual media is king... case in point we are watching this series as a show on screens. Vox's hypnotism and electric powers are also pretty OP, he's got a good deck of cards (even though we haven't seen the full extent of how he can really leverage these yet).
And let's not forget Alasor BOOKED IT across town to get back at Vox during Stayed Gone. I think Alasor is (and should be) somewhat nervous (maybe "cautiously aware" is a better term) about the influence Vox and the Vees have regarding the future of media. He doesn't crack easily, as we've seen, but he cares enough to engage with Vox which he doesn't bother doing with outright "lessers".
In this way the dynamic is more even (in my opinion) than many give it credit for, which I personally prefer, but to each their own... for me, if it's not more equally matched, I struggle to see how the Vees will be worthwhile antagonists in the next season and that would be such a shame for characters that have so much potential. I just love the Vees!
(prev ask)
ehh I mean I do feel that they are on more equal level than some of the fandom may make them out to be but I still don't feel like they're exactly on the same level. like every time I see takes about mutual stuff between them I still can't fully agree cause to me, it's still on some level imbalanced. I do think they are of roughly equal power yes, but I think alastor being able to keep his cool is in fact a point towards him having the upperhand. it's the fact that vox is literally incapable of keeping his cool when it comes to alastor that spells more of his weakness when it comes to him I think. but yeah I mean how the vees, or rather vox will be a proper antagonist when he's so easily defeated by alastor is what I've been asking for a while LMAO.
and the thing is, we've seen instances like alastor being somewhat scared when zestial pops up, his mask slipping when starting stupid beef with lucifer (his eye is literally twitching the moment lucifer steps into the hotel LMAO), and of course with his fight with adam. we don't see any of that when it comes to the vees/vox, alastor waves them off as "nobody important" when niffty asks, easily tramples vox in stayed gone (and yes, he did immediately go back to his radio tower to bite back, but I don't think that's necessarily out of fear, could've easily just been he saw he was being insulted on live tv and HAD to bite back because he's a petty bitch), and gloated to him about having to "try harder than that" after failing to spy on him.
in my view, he doesn't see the vees or vox as a serious threat. HOWEVER, I do think that could easily be a point against alastor. his cockiness and not taking them seriously could very well come bite him in the back (JUUUUST like with adam!)
but when it comes to his current season 1 dynamic with vox, I do think he has the upperhand because of their different attitudes. if vox was able to keep his cool like alastor he wouldn't have caused a city-wide blackout over stayed gone LMAO. they're definitely more leveled power-wise though I think, the difference comes in their attitudes. if vox won the idgaf war a bit more they'd be more leveled, but he has chosen to obsess over him 24/7 so here we are.
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smultronviol · 3 months
Honestly I think the most unforgivable crime comitted by the new ATLA adaptation is bringing back the fucking kataang/zutara discourse🥰
Like, I can forgive a lot, but I can't forgive the fact that my own eyes, in the year of our lord 2024, have to be subjected to takes I first saw on 2011 DeviantArt
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frogatz · 5 months
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wind waker save me
wind waker
save me wind waker
(last page is frommmm march 2023 when my friends first played thw forest haven. the consensus on it has not changed)
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heavenpierceher · 1 year
very glad everyone is having fun with mirage/noah fanart but you guys have got to color noah's skin tone correctly because i keep seeing it lightened and/or desaturated and there really are no excuses at this point. anthony ramos is a real life adult man who appears frequently in photography. Reference it
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