#<- actually i should make that meme
coffinsister · 7 months
Jokes on you I literally love being invested in the drama of random YouTubers I don’t know - spill 👀👀👀
Anon you don't know what you just freaking unleashed onto the world
I gotta spill the freaking tea, but under read more, cuz this got hella long.
But okay, for context, this is about Minecraft Content Creators:: Dream and Tommyinnit mostly, but it's also about another Mexican YouTuber called Quackity
Basically, a super long time ago already actually, Dream announced he was making a new Minecraft server, after the DSMP tragically passed away o7 that was gonna be called the USMP (I'm pretty sure it standed for United SMP but no clue honestly.)
And the exciting new feature about this USMP was going to be this real time translator, so content creators from all over the world could play together (Side thought: I don't think the translations were actually that good either way lol they were machine translated lol)
But literally like that Same night, Quackity announced that actually he was making his own server, the QSMP that had that exact same feature
So they basically kinda fought back and forth over who actually had ownership over the idea or who ripped off who, and while the YouTubers themselves didn't really do much, beyond being way too public about it, but like honestly, what's the Minecraft sphere without incredibly levels of parasociality involved.)
The fanbase was completely deranged over it tho, because you know, Stans gotta be Stans.
A lot of people got doxed, and stalked, literally putting trackers on people's cars, a lot of racism (Hi, hello, that happened to me) just a shitshow overall.
I wanna say that even though I stopped liking Dream ages ago Dream Stans get the worst possible treatment from everybody, just idk, people feel very entitled to mistreating anybody with a ":)" on their bio.
At the end, it finally died down, and then, Tommyinnit, most annoying man on Earth.
Made an ohhh politically incorrect video that was just fake edgy and kinda boring, where at the end he called Dream, basically a crybaby manchild who was gonna get killed by Tommy's LARP Dad Philza Minecraft.
Dream found out, got passive aggressive on Twitter, Tommy doubled down, and then like a stream later, he was being whiny and sighing ,and apparently watching DNF edits of Dream's, new at the time, LP.
Which kinda gave off the message that he really sacrificed a years long friendship to try to get into an SMP that his bestie Tubbo made it into before him
And which he never will, because the QSMP is a very deeply controlled space, with almost no super young content creators, and Tommy's first DSMP video was him literally breaking the only rules of that the server had, so yeah, that's never happening.
(And then, his mom went online to defend him, like boy the way I'm immediately killing myself if that ever happens to me, plus the dream stans discussing with this woman over her son, literally most annoying people in the world.)
And today, Dream made a (In my opinion, super boring) stream just showing the USMP, and talking a bit about Tommy and Quackity.
He kinda implies that the reason the USMP will never see the light of day is because of that drama, but like, that man has never once pushed through on any of his proyects, that SMP was doomed to fail from the very beginning.
I must clarify tho, that my annoyance with Tommy isn't the fact that he dissed Dream. I just freaking don't like the guy, he literally built his entire career on being a mysoginistic lowkey lesbophobic annoying brat.
Kinda sucks that Tommy is the one making the biggest mcyt related videos at the current time, solely because he's got the resources and the connections for it, literally the best part of his channel is being a host for other content creators to be funny and shine.
I still love Quackity tho, he can hit it for free any day of the week, and that's on God
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divorcedfiddleford · 10 months
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and you may say to yourself: "my god! what have i done?" and you may tell yourself: "this is not my beautiful wife!" and you may tell yourself: "this is not my beautiful house!" and you may ask yourself: "well, how did i get here?"
time isn't holding up, time isn't after us, time is a pony ride! (images described in alt text)
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w0w0zella · 10 months
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heatherfield · 2 months
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Headless: A Sleepy Hollow Story [x]
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hamofjustice · 11 months
nemona feels like an obscure blorbo instead of the main rival character from the latest pokemon game because to get to her really good content from people who really get it, you first have to wade through the ocean of yandere pervert obsessive stalker annoying punchable bimbo amazon goddess interpretations of...
... a neurodivergent and possibly disabled high schooler who's desperately trying to make any friends or get any support from her rich neglectful family - while everyone in her school is jealous of their own imagined version of a privileged asshole version of her they made up - who deeply and platonically loves and supports the one new kid who agreed to take the time to get to know and respect her and her special interest without having to hold back her true self
unlike her, it's not great!
kinda feels like she has the same problem in our world that she does in hers.
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maypersonne · 11 months
Shang Qinghua really does think that he is unlovable huh
He really thinks that he is of no value to anyone if he isn't making himself useful he will be disposed off and that will be it
He genuinely believes no would ever want him so he manipulate and posture as a lesser so to be seen as a necessary annoyance rather than the pest he believes himself to be
He hates all the work he has to do but he prefers exhaustion to the paranoia and anxiety that eat him up when he isn't showcasing his value
He is in a constant battle just to be acceptable rather than loved so he can just be in the presence of those who are dear to him
Like damn like father like son I can see where binghe got all his issues like airplane bro stop unloading it all on your OCs look you gave the poor dear anxiety
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starryoak · 2 months
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Making memes out of my headcanons, part 3, swinging bats at hornets nests edition!
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cosmonova · 1 year
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Project moon shitposts brainstormed by me and my friend 7 (Masterpost)
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futurechancer · 2 months
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had a vision
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twildflower · 2 months
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vortexbeyondthestars · 6 months
korra: just want to say i have the biggest crush on you
asami: oh
asami: why's mako here too?
korra: he's my moral support
mako: im here for you girl
mako: do your thing
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writeronartblock · 1 day
As per what's customary with my blorbos:
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Of course I get fic ideas for them. Anyways, I really want to make this into a proper oneshot but apparently my brain doesn't want to work with me rn (wrote three lines, two of them I don't like)
So I decided to (for now) make a rough timeline of events of what would happen in the fic
Hopefully I actually write this soon or else I just spent 24 minutes of my life for nothing but this
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meteors-lotr · 2 months
So was anyone gonna tell me that we’re getting an animated lord of the rings movie about Rohan, or was I just going to find out about that when checking the upcoming movies for my local cinema
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samsara-sys · 2 months
People will be like: "hey you wanna go out this weekend" and I'll be like: "lemme ask the council if I will be conscious at that date and time"
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judasisgayriot · 2 months
sorry but I bravely refuse to pick a side in the worlds dumbest rpf slapfight, i am a top patrick AND bottom patrick enjoyer and i won't be swayed
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hesitantvampirealien · 3 months
they have 97 mental illnesses and is banned from most public spaces 💔
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