#<- akk reference
spicyvampire · 4 months
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Dee's favorite little boxer guy [insp.]
WANDEE GOODDAY (2024) EP. 1 + EP. 2
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iguessitsjustme · 2 years
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When the quiet student speaks up and starts fighting. When he’s no longer scared to be anything other than neutral. When the head of the class finds his voice and his courage, he can do so much more with his voice than anyone else.
When he finally releases all of the tension he has been feeling during the protests. All of the emotions he has buried down deep. He finally gets his sigh of relief. He finally gets to breathe again.
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six-eyed-samurai · 3 months
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A collaboration with the creative @cutelittleriot ! PART I
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Sanemi as Zangoose, simply because both of them look pissed all the time and the red marks on Zangoose kinda of match Sanemi's scars in a zigzag-y sort of way. Also the white colour scheme
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The Hantengu clones have been rethought and as per Riot's suggestion Karaku is a Shiftry - we've got the fans, we got the colour
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I suggested a Dragon-like Pokemon as a reference to the tree monster thing Zohakuten created, so Riot came up with Hydrapple!
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Urogi as a Ho-Oh because bird.
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Sekido as a shiny Rotom, simply because of their electricity and similar enough colour scheme (I bet he's getting bullied for being the smallest Pokemon)
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Because of Tengen's flashy jewelry and things, we've got a Kommo-O for him. Honestly the sheer size too played a factor...
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Genya as a Lycanroc, because of the Mohawk looking...thing. (Thankfully this Pokemon doesn't carry a gun however)
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Once again sheer size plays a factor, but Gyomei and Rhyperior both share that stone thingy. Plus there's that stone thing on the Rhyperior's tail that resembles Gyomei's flail.
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Giyuu as a Samurott! Both blue and uses a sword (you get the point)
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Kaigaku as Luxray. Originally he was a Pikachu but Riot came up with a better match for his colour scheme and I dunno about you but Kaigaku has no cuteness factor unlike Pikachu
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Glaceon as the Tokito twins, because colour scheme, ice-mist relation and as Riot pointed out, the bangs
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Weavile as Douma because fans and ice. Nothing else to be said.
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Kokushibo as Ceruledge, mainly because they got this Mega monster vibes and colour scheme and swords.
A/N: Whew, that's a lot covered, and my right hand is tired from doing akk tge work egile i eat a Subway cookie ajd i probably dhould be sleeping goodnight yall. if you have sny moer ideas ill be glad to hear them!
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bl-bracket · 4 months
forgive me, I know I could do this myself but I am both incredibly lazy and incredibly curious -- you have a detailed list of which Vice Versa universe each gmmtv show is in? Could we... have a peek? if not that's all right haha
*cracks knuckles* ok so it's probably not fully complete (it's been a bit since I last watched and I apparently didn't note everything down) and I've also included some other shows too but here's what I have
Vice Versa:
Universe 1 (the starting universe): Theory of Love is a show and Gun is specifically mentioned as being a real person, Tay Tawan is also a real person/actor in this universe
Universe 2 (the one where we spend the most time in): Theory of Love is just regular reality with all the characters being real people in it, Akk and Theo from Enchante are also just regular real people in it, Tay Tawan has a slightly different name and is a delivery driver not an actor, there's a vet named Mix played by Mix Sahaphap who is a vet irl
Conclusion: most gmmtv shows exist as shows in the first Vice Versa universe, while the shows are real life in the other, except for shows starring Tay Tawan or Mix since they're regular people in that universe. This also seems to set the idea that the shows in one universe are reality in the other.
But Vice Versa isn't the most complicated one. No, it's trying to untangle the web of what My School President establishes that's tricky
My School President
Bad Buddy is a tv show in their universe and Ohm, Nanon, and Mark are all referenced to be real people in their universe, however almost the entire main cast of My School President had minor or supporting roles in Bad Buddy so there's a lot of doppelganger stuff going on here
P'Aof makes a cameo as a different person (Tutor Nop) and references ATOTS with A Tale of Thousand Scores, but P'Aof directed Bad Buddy which is a show here so another doppelganger
Gun auditions at GMMTV records so they exist here
Now the special Our Skyy 2 episode takes place in an alternate universe and there they make references to Bad Buddy, A Tale of Thousand Stars, and He's Coming to Me
In the Bad Buddy and ATOTS Our Skyy episodes, they reveal that they take place in the same universe. I posit that this gives weight to the idea that He's Coming to Me also takes place in this universe.
BACK TO MSP, I saw a post that shows that there is like background easter eggs that show that MSP and The Eclipse also share a universe.
The Eclipse is then a tv show in Wandee Goodday, meaning that MSP is probably also a show in Wandee Goodday's universe
CONCLUSION: The characters of My School President are real people in the Universe 1 of Vice Versa and are characters in Universe 2. This is because of the existence of gmmtv and recognition of the actors and whatnot. This also means that the characters in The Eclipse are real people in universe 1 and characters in universe 2. Which means Bad Buddy, A Tale of Thousand Stars, He's Coming to Me, and Wandee Goodday would take place in universe 2 (which might be why we Mix as just a vet instead of an actor because his characters are real people), and Wandee Goodday would be a tv show in the MSP/The Eclipse universe.
Also, gay marriage is legal in Thailand in Universe 2. Tian and Phupha get engaged in the Our Skyy 2 special and I jsut saw that Fluke said that Oyei and Cher are married in Wandee Goodday, which also adds water to this theory!
Am I overthinking this and none of this was actually intentional by the people at GMMTV? Absolutely! But it's fun to think about and as long as you allow for the existence of doppelgangers (and ignore that the changes Vice Versa established as being true in Universe 2 doesn't appear at all in the shows that supposedly take place there) it doesn't completely contradict itself!
Now don't ask me if Midnight Museum fits into this because I have no idea where to begin with their multiverse
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tokidokitokyo · 1 year
Japanese Prefectures: Kantō - Ibaraki
都道府県 (とどうふけん) - Prefectures of Japan
Learning the kanji and a little bit about each of Japan’s 47 prefectures!
茨 いばら、かや、くさぶき、シ、ジ briar, thorn
城 しろ、き、ジョウ castle
県 ケン prefecture
関東 かんとう Kanto, region consisting of Tokyo and surrounding prefectures
Prefectural Capital (県庁所在地) : Mito (水戸市)
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Amidst sprawling fields of beautiful flowers, Ibaraki also hosts Tsukuba Science City, Japan's premier research center and the home of Japan's space agency and numerous museums. Ibaraki is known historically for being the home of the Mito branch of the Tokugawa clan during the Edo Period and has long been associated with notable events in Japanese history. The first Nuclear Energy Research Institute was founded here in 1956. You can see space exhibits, actual space craft, and simulations at Tsukuba Space Center.
Outside of the major cities there are many natural areas to explore in the Suigo-Tsukuba Quasi-national Park. Hitachi Seaside Park is famous in the spring for its carpets of blooming blue nemophila. Kairaku-en is one of the Three Great Gardens of Japan. Mt. Tsukuba is a famous night view spot with a view of the Kanto Plain, including Tokyo Tower and the Tokyo Sky Tree, with a ropeway for convenient access. Ibaraki is also a major producer of natto.
Recommended Tourist Spot・おすすめ観光スポット
Fukuroda Falls (Fukuroda no Taki) - 袋田の滝
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Photo by Own work, CC BY 3.0, Link
One of the three most beautiful waterfalls in Japan, Fukuroda Falls is a 120-meter tall cascading waterfall in northwestern Ibaraki Prefecture in the remote hills of the town of Daigo. It is also on the registered list of the Top 100 Waterfalls of Japan (determined by the Ministry of Environment). These falls are also called the Yodo Falls (Yodo no Taki) because the water stream falls on four large rock faces. It is also said that the renowned monk Saigyo Hoshi greatly praised the falls by saying that you should view the different beauty of the falls in all four (yo) seasons.
They are particularly attractive in early November with the peak autumn foliage as well as peak water flow. There are several different views of the waterfall, and you cannot view it in its entirety all at the same time. Within the Fukuroda Waterfall complex there are neon tunnels and elevators to take you to different levels and viewing platforms. It is said that you will be successful in love if you find a heart in the waterfall. There are also numerous hot springs nearby.
Regional Cuisine - 郷土料理
Monkfish Hot Pot - あんこう鍋
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Photo by yosshi / CC BY-SA 2.0
The monkfish (also referred to as angler fish, goosefish, depending on the source I found) is a prized delicacy of Ibaraki and is best eaten fresh. Because these fish are too soft and slimy to cut up on a chopping board, they are prepared using the traditional tsurushi-giri technique, which involves cutting up the fish while suspended from a hook. In Japan, almost all parts of the monkfish are eaten, including fins, skin, gills, liver, stomach, ovaries and flesh—referred to as the “seven tools of the monkfish” in Japanese. The steamed liver is called ankimo and is considered a delicacy that may be eaten alone, or added to the hotpot soup for extra flavor. Anko nabe (monkfish hot pot) is a seasonal favorite consisting of monkfish, vegetables, and flavored broth.
Ibaraki Dialect・Ibaraki-ben・茨城弁
りんごあっけ? ringo akke?
Standard Japanese: りんごありますか? (ringo arimasu ka?) English: Do you have any apples?
あしにあおなじみできちった ashi ni aonajimi dekichitta
Standard Japanese: 足に青あざができちゃった (ashi ni aoaza ga dekichatta) English: I have a bruise on my leg
ごじゃっぺなやつだ (gojyappe na yatsu da)
Standard Japanese: いい加減な人; やくにっ立たない人 (iikagen na hito; yaku ni tatanai hito) English: He's a good-for-nothing person
「行ってもいがっぺ?」 (itte mo igappe?) 「来たらいがっぺ」 (kitara igappe)
Standard Japanese: 「行ってもいいですか?」 「来てもいいですよ」 ("itte mo ii desu ka?" "kite mo ii desu yo") English: "Is it alright if I come?" "Yes please come"
あれは犬だっぺ (are wa inu dappe)
Standard Japanese: あれは犬です (are wa inu desu) English: That is a dog
いがい車だな (igai kuruma da na)
Standard Japanese: 大きい車ですね (ookii kuruma desu ne) English: That's a big car, isn't it
杖がおっちょれる (tsue ga occhoreru)
Standard Japanese: 杖が折れた (tsue ga oreta) English: The cane broke in half
カラスををおっとばす (hato o ottobasu)
Standard Japanese: カラスを追い払う (hato o oiharau) English: Drive away the crows
その日、大事? (sono hi, daiji?)
Standard Japanese: その日、大丈夫? (sono hi, daijyoubu?) English: Is that day ok for you?
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billybabear · 25 days
Some BillyBabe fanfic-writing advice needed ⊂⁠(⁠(⁠・⁠▽⁠・⁠)⁠)⁠⊃
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So I fell madly in love with the Thai BL 'The Sign'. So much so that it had a horde of plot bunnies run wild in my head.
It gave me so much inspiration that I decided to just start writing again, which makes me unbelievably happy because I definitely forgot how much I enjoyed it.
My story is a RPF about the cast of the show, specifically Babe and Billy, because I just love their relationship (other cast members are featured as well, primarily Heng and Akk).
I don't have a good summary yet, but it's roughly this:
Babe Tanatat never anticipated how much his life would change the moment he stepped onto the set of 'The Sign'. He finds incredible new friends among his co-stars, experiences things he never imagined he would and gets to be part of something truly special.
But every success has it's downsides. From mishaps to accidents to sheer bad luck, everything that can go wrong does.
And if that doesn't make his life complicated enough, Babe finds himself grappling with some unexpected yet very confusing feelings for one particular coworker.
Babe has no idea how he got himself into this mess, nor how he can get out of it.
(Seriously, trying to come up with a half-decent summary is way harder than any writing I've done so far. But I guess coming up with a title will be worse 🫠)
In my story I'm following the episodes, going through them one at a time, picking out scenes that have the potential to go wrong / be funny / etc.. I'm also using the bts-material, as well stuff they said in interviews or offhand comments in their reaction videos (I'm a sucker for details, if you can't tell 😆)
Also, it might have gotten a little out of hand. I've already written around 130k words (not edited or in the correct order, but still), before I decided it might be nice to publish it. And I'm not even halfway through the list of stuff I want for each episode.
And yes, I actually made a list. A (not so) little file for each episode, detailing what scenes and prompts I want there with bullet points for the actual plot. So basically I already have a rough concept/script, but with enough space in between for new ideas.
Since this will be the first time I ever upload a story (on AO3), I'd like to get some opinions on it first.
What do you think about the overall idea? Is it something you might be interested in?
What tense do you prefer while reading - present or past?
What is your preferred chapter length (especially in longer stories)?
What do you think about pictures at the beginning of a chapter? Since I'm following the episodes/bts, there will almost always be a specific scene tied to each chapter. I'm playing with the idea of adding a picture/gif at the start of these. For easy reference where in the storyline we are (or just because they're all cute (⁠◠⁠‿⁠・⁠)). Is that something you'd enjoy? Or do you find it more disruptive/annoying?
And I'm always open to new prompts or plot ideas (tied to specific scenes or not).
I hope some of you can share your thoughts, since I'm a complete newbie to publishing stuff. Any other tips and tricks are always greatly appreciated as well 🤗
Have a good one!
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(+ I promise my actual writing is better than whatever weird rant this is. Never done a blog post either, and I'm guessing it shows 😂)
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khaotunq · 11 months
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i'm so confused that your ask didn't appear in my inbox but instead appeared only in my notifs. wild. ANYWAY I LOVE THIS GIF I'M KISSING U ABOUT IT
EDIT ur ask didn't actually appear on my dash when i posted it so i have cunningly screenshotted
ANY-ANYWAY. Since I'm a liar who said I was going to bed and then didn't, how about AkkAyan dressing up? It's THEMATIC. Also I made that little gif for my ask to you and ended up rewatching the Our Skyy eps in the background, then remembered I wrote this!
Wat threw a costume party. That’s how it had started. That was the reason all of Ayan's friends were mad at him.
  In his defence, Wat clearly hadn’t thought through all potential permutations of a costume party for his birthday. He’d given them the prompt of old Thai movies and left them to it.
  It had surprised Ayan how little convincing it had taken to get Akk into the ridiculously tight shirt and pants that predominantly made up his costume. He'd rolled his eyes and fussed and turned his single syllable nickname into a three second groan, but he'd let Aye pick, and he'd certainly voiced no complaints when Ayan had pointed out he’d be wearing something similar, just in black.
  It also shouldn’t have been possible to look good in a ridiculous all-yellow outfit. That was part of Ayan's defence too: nobody but nobody should manage to pull off being dressed head to toe in banana yellow in lieu of gold.
  Akk could, it turned out. Akk did. Ayan was man enough to admit that at least half the reason he'd taken the black outfit was that he knew he'd be entirely unable to control himself around his boyfriend in form fitting black. Akk, at least, could usually be counted on to act appropriately.
  Anyway, it was Wat’s fault. All of it.
  It was Wat's fault they'd even heard of The End of the Red Eagle in the first place. Ayan would have never paid it any mind were it not for Akk insisting that their friendship with Wat depended on it. Ayan did sleep through most of Wat’s suggestions and although Akk ragged on him for it, he thought Akk enjoyed it when he was curled up sleeping in Akk's arms rather than awake and pointing out logical fallacies in any given film just to annoy him.
  So, Ayan had little to no real idea what the plot of Red Eagle was, but Akk hadn’t seemed overly fussed when Ayan suggested the hero and villain as their costumes.
  Ayan suspected Akk had also fallen asleep. He did it more than he'd ever admit to, because Ayan had woken up to him fast asleep under him several times while one of Wat's recommendations played on his laptop next to the bed. Akk would never admit to it, and Ayan found it too endearing to challenge: he knew Akk's phone browser was full of tabs on for various movie pages so that he could refer to them if Wat ever asked.
  By the time they arrived at Wat's, Ayan had reevaluated every choice he'd ever made that had led to that moment. He loved Akk for far more than his physical attributes, but the costume was serving as a brutal reminder of many of those attributes. He loved Akk's legs, which were normally a mile long anyway but were at that moment torturously accentuated by the bright yellow fabric clinging to them.
  Akk's body was already something Ayan was used to thinking about - and wanting - but the frankly obnoxious belt Ayan had picked out had turned his hips and waist into features specifically designed to test Ayan’s ability to keep his hands on the wheel on the drive over.
  Ayan had to unclench and clench his fists several times to get circulation flowing through them again after they’d parked up.
  Akk caught him staring a couple of times and had just laughed at him. He’d leaned in as they waited on Wat’s doorstep and reached around to check Ayan's mask was secure, using the excuse to run his fingers through his hair.
  Akk had started it. That was for sure. It was all Wat’s fault, but Akk had started it by flirting with him so openly. Ayan would have been just fine if Akk would have just kept his hands to himself.
  Whether that was true or not, nobody could prove anything.
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chinzhilla · 1 year
akk being all 'you've changed you never pay attention to me anymore :(' when i'm 1000% sure he's referring to just the last several days that aye has clearly been planning his surprise party
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firstkanaphans · 9 months
Interesting things I’ve learned from The Eclipse novel, Part 2:
The Cafe for All is actually an ice cream shop called Y Utopia (or BL Utopia)
Aye makes Akk come untouched in the school hallway before they’ve even kissed
Kan is the one who was close to Dika—not Akk
Akk was fully aware he was gay prior to the start of the novel and had even planned to come out himself until he started getting harassed for his sexuality by Master Kalakul, the PE teacher
Gender and sexuality are so inextricably linked in both Thai culture and Akk's mind that coming out as gay is synonymous with renouncing his gender as a man. You've probably heard BL characters refer to straight men as "pôo chaai jing," literally "real men." I always thought that was simply slang, but it's not. Gay people are considered part of Thailand's third gender and are therefore no longer considered "real men."
Part 1
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aprilblossomgirl · 1 year
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-- Wat. Hmm? What’s the purpose of this Thai Film Archive? It’s similar to a library, a museum, or an art gallery. It’s for storing films.
Movie reference: Akk, Ayan - Golden Eagle (1970) | Kan, Thua, Namo - Ong Bak (2003) | Wat, Sani - Behind the Painting (2001)
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inamatchamood · 2 years
I haven’t seen anyone talk about it but one thing I appreciated about the finale is their reference to Mes, Akk’s hero and telling us he had to take a year off for his depression. I appreciated this for so many reasons:
1. It verbalised that the trauma these boys underwent for generations and toll on their mental health and that it doesn’t go away even after leaving the school - the things we do and say have a rippling effect
2. It showed Akk, he wasn’t weak or alone. Even the person he looked up to suffered at the hands of the system. He was never the “issue”, he was a victim to an appalling system and coming out of that as strong as he did proves the opposite of what he used to believe - he’s an incredibly strong person
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respectthepetty · 2 years
Hello! 👋
I'm sure it's already in your drafts, but may I request some clarity on the colors in MLC?
I don't get a red rascal vibe from Jim, unless they meant something else putting him in all those reds and warm Earth tones (ha!). And Wen in blues/teals? A blue boy?
You're so good at this and I just can't wait to hear from you. 🤩 Also Infidelity Rooster the Series is fantastic so far, so thrilled that it's living up to the hype and everyone is Being So Normal about it 🤣
@abstractelysium - I’ve seen this show referred to as Gay Chicken, Infidelity Rooster, and Lunar Cock, so I love that all of y’all decided that Moonlight Chicken just wasn’t serving the juiciness we needed.
Now onto the COLORS!
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Let me apologize for the confusion. I do not think Wen and Jim are color-coded, at least not in the way many other shows code their leads. Instead, the colors are symbolic of the moon and the sun. The Eclipse and Big Dragon both incorporated the moon and the sun into the narrative of the story. Colors, in both, were used to symbolize the moon and sun.
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In my initial analysis for The Eclipse, I pinned Ayan as the moon (alone) and Akk as the sun (popular); however, Ayan was red and Akk was blue. Big Dragon did something similar by making Yai the moon and Mangkorn the sun, yet Yai’s safe spaces were during the day while Mangkorn’s were at night. These shows are demonstrating how the moon and sun need each other, and they must meet in the middle to to do so (during an eclipse or at dawn).
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The moon is represented by yin which is darkness, water, and feminine energy, and the sun is represented by yang which is light, fire, and masculine energy (ex. Ayan and Akk eating at night by the water on the blue chairs versus them fighting on the red mat). Both are opposites but compliment each other and are needed for the balance of life. We saw this to some degree as well in KinnPorsche with Kinn (water) and Porsche (fire).
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If Moonlight Chicken is doing the same, it is saying Wen is the moon and Jim is the sun, yet they exist in the opposite worlds. Wen’s apartment is full of cool tones and he wears blue in the first episode, while Jim’s house is full of warm tones and he wears red throughout the first episode.
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Even when they come together in Jim's living room, they align with their colors.
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Jim’s life is constantly full of people. Wen is alone most of the time. However, Jim naturally doesn’t start his day until much later because he works at night, while Wen has a day job. The visuals are showing us how they compliment each other. Night and Day. Dark and Light. Accessible and Isolated. Jim is not a red rascal. Jim is the sun and gives life to others through his warmth. Wen is not a blue boy. He is the moon and helps light the path for others in times of darkness.
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Heart and Li Ming also show this dynamic.
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Heart, the moon, is isolated and alone, but Li Ming’s life is full of interactions and conversations with others. Li Ming is the sun who gives Heart warmth and Heart will be the one to light Li Ming’s path during dark times.
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There will still be an exchange of colors. There always is (unless you are Sam on GAP who REFUSES to wear Mon’s pink! AHHHHHH!), but the exchange won’t be as much about feelings as it is about balance. As the pairs begin to harmonize, we will see them exchange colors (or hues of them).
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The moon only shines because it reflects the sun’s light, and the moon provides stability (the Earth would wobble without the pull of the moon, and it creates a rhythm through the tides). In order to have life, we need both the sun and the moon. We need their light. We need their love.
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ranchthoughts · 1 year
Hello everyone! I am back with another GMMTV Multiverse update, and a reorganization.
Starting a new post because the other one was getting so long and unwieldy. Also I wanted to lay things out in a way that was perhaps more readable for other people.
Shout out to @iamdarthbader @abstractelysium @algaeelegy @chalkrevelations @philologique @waitmyturtles for noticing things I had missed/adding details - it is always appreciated!
This is part of my ongoing project to calculate and organize the breath of possible universes within the GMMTV slate of shows. I am mostly focusing on BL at the moment, with an eye to expand into the other GMMTV shows (QL and not) eventually.
The previous thread can be found here, and here is the previous diagram.
I have analyzed 15 shows now:
A Boss and a Babe (ABAAB)
A Tale of a Thousand Stars (ATOTS)
Bad Buddy
Dark Blue Kiss (DBK)
Fish Upon the Sky (FUTS)
He’s Coming to Me (HCTM)
Moonlight Chicken
My School President (MSP)
Never Let Me Go (NLMG)
Not Me
Star in My Mind (SIMM)
The Eclipse
Theory of Love (TOL)
Vice Versa
A few establishing notes:
Bad Buddy and ATOTS are part of the same universe, as confirmed by the Our Skyy 2 crossover episodes
MSP and The Eclipse are part of the same universe, as pointed out by @philologique here
The show Vice Versa contains two universes - the one we start in and the alternate universe they travel to, henceforth referred to as au!Vice Versa
The universe the show MSP is set in and the universe the Our Skyy 2 MSP episodes are set in are different; the Our Skyy 2 version will henceforth be referred to as au!MSP
No other show thus far can take place in the au!Vice Versa universe as that universe doesn’t have normal paper, as irregular croissants, has marriage equality (amongst other changes) and no other GMMTV show to date shares these traits (side note: there is an au!Enchante that does share this universe, as we see Akk and Theo on their wedding day, but I’m leaving it out of the analysis)
Bad Buddy is a TV show in the MSP/The Eclipse universe, as Tiw recommends Tinn watch it. Bad Buddy, ATOTS, and HCTM are TV shows in the au!MSP universe, as the characters reenact those stories for a music video. TOL, along with 2gether and SOTUS, are TV shows in the Vice Versa universe, as famous lines from those shows are used as secret passwords. SIMM is a show in the ABAAB universe, as there is randomly an episode playing in the background of a scene in ABAAB.
@kattahj reminded me I forgot to mention - Drake exists twice in the Bad Buddy/ATOTS world (as Korn and Rang respectively), but I operate under the assumption that he is the only one who can do that in the GMMTV Multiverse ...for my own sanity. (Shout out also to @fiercynn for detailing how Nanon also exists twice in Bad Buddy, as Pran and as the singer Nanon)
In other words, I am operating under the assumption that each actor can appear once in a given universe (there are some exceptions, like Drake playing two separate characters in Bad Buddy/ATOTS and Gun playing identical twins in Not Me, but for the most part this is my definition of universe)
This is how I've chosen to identify and narrow down universes, as other markers (crossovers, mentions of other characters and stories in shows, etc) are few and far between. It also is just easier on me to have mutually exclusive categories
Who can and can’t share a universe?
Actor(s) noted in brackets are the reason the two shows cannot exist in the same universe
A Boss And A Babe (ABAAB)
Cannot be in the same universe as: Enchante (Book, Fluke Pusit, Force), TOL (Mike), SIMM (Mike)
Can be in the same universe as au!MSP, Bad Buddy/ATOTS, DBK, FUTS, HCTM, Moonlight Chicken, MSP/The Eclipse, NLMG, Not Me, Vice Versa
Bad Buddy/A Tale of a Thousand Stars (ATOTS)
*confirmed in the same universe by Our Skyy 2 crossover episodes
Cannot be in the same universe as: au!MSP (Aun, Fourth, Gemini, Lotte, Mark, Prom, Satang), Enchante (Aun, Jimmy), FUTS (Mix, Satang), HCTM (Love, Ohm), Moonlight Chicken (Earth, Fourth, Gemini, Khaotung, Mix), MSP/The Eclipse (Aun, Fourth, Gemini, Lotte, Mark, Prom, Satang), SIMM (Satang, Winny), TOL (Earth), Vice Versa (Jimmy)
Can be in the same universe as: ABAAB, DBK, NLMG, Not Me
Cannot be in the same universe as: Enchante (Gawin), FUTS (Neo, Phuwin), HCTM (Gunsmile), MSP/The Eclipse (Neo), NLMG (Phuwin), Not Me (Gawin), SIMM (Mek), Vice Versa (Neo)
Can be in the same universe as: ABAAB, au!MSP, Bad Buddy/ATOTS, Moonlight Chicken, TOL
Cannot be in the same universe as: au!MSP (Aun), ABAAB (Book, Fluke Pusit, Force), Bad Buddy/ATOTS (Aun, Jimmy), DBK (Gawin), MSP/The Eclipse (Aun), Not Me (Gawin), Vice Versa (Aou, Jimmy)
Can be in the same universe as: FUTS, HCTM, Moonlight Chicken, NLMG, SIMM, TOL
Cannot be in the same universe as: au!MSP (Satang, Winny), Bad Buddy/ATOTS (Mix, Satang, Winny), DBK (Neo), HCTM (AJ), Moonlight Chicken (Papang), MSP/The Eclipse (AJ, Louis, Neo, Satang, Winny), NLMG (Phuwin, Pond) Not Me (Papang), SIMM (Satang, Winny), Vice Versa (Neo)
Can be in the same universe as: ABAAB, Enchante, TOL
Cannot be in the same universe as: Bad Buddy/ATOTS (Love, Ohm), DBK (Gunsmile), FUTS (AJ), NLMG (Chimon), Not Me (Sing)
Can be in the same universe as: au!MSP, ABAAB, Enchante, Moonlight Chicken, MSP/The Eclipse, SIMM, TOL, Vice Versa
Moonlight Chicken
Cannot be in the same universe as: au!MSP (Fourth, Gemini), Bad Buddy/ATOTS (Earth, Fourth, Gemini, Khaotung, Mix), MSP/The Eclipse (First, Fourth, Gemini, Khaotung), Not Me (First, Papang), TOL (Earth), Vice Versa (Aou)
Could be in the same universe as: ABAAB, DBK, Enchante, FUTS, HCTM, NLMG, SIMM
MSP/The Eclipse
*confirmed in the same universe by this post
Cannot be in the same universe as: au!MSP (Aun, Fourth, Gemini, Lotte, Mark, Prom, Satang, Winny), Bad Buddy/ATOTS (Aun, Fourth, Gemini, Khaotung, Lotte, Mark, Satang, Winny), DBK (Neo), Enchante (Aun), FUTS (AJ, Neo, Satang, Winny), HCTM (AJ), Moonlight Chicken (First, Fourth, Gemini, Khaotung), NLMG (Pawin), Not Me (First), SIMM (Satang, Winny), Vice Versa (Neo)
Can be in the same universe as: ABAAB, TOL
Cannot be in the same universe as: DBK (Phuwin), FUTS (Phuwin, Pond), HCTM (Chimon), MSP/The Eclipse (Pawin), SIMM (Pawin)
Can be in the same universe as: ABAAB, au!MSP, Bad Buddy/ATOTS, Enchante, Moonlight Chicken, Not Me, TOL, Vice Versa
Not Me
Cannot be in the same universe as: DBK (Gawin), Enchante (Gawin), FUTS (Papang), HCTM (Sing), Moonlight Chicken (First, Papang), MSP/The Eclipse (First), TOL (Gun, Off)
Can be in the same universe as: ABAAB, au!MSP, Bad Buddy/ATOTS, NLMG, SIMM, Vice Versa
Cannot be in the same universe as: ABAAB (Mike), au!MSP (Satang, Winny), Bad Buddy/ATOTS (Satang), DBK (Mek), FUTS (Satang, Winny), MSP/The Eclipse (Pawin, Satang, Winny), NLMG (Pawin), TOL (Mike)
Can be in the same universe as: Enchante, HCTM, Moonlight Chicken, Not Me, Vice Versa
Cannot be in the same universe as: ABAAB (Mike), Bad Buddy/ATOTS (Earth), Moonlight Chicken (Earth), Not Me (Gun, Off), SIMM (Mike), Vice Versa (exists as a show there)
Can be in the same universe as: au!MSP, DBK, Enchante, FUTS, HCTM, MSP/The Eclipse (as long as Vice Versa is not), NLMG
Vice Versa
Cannot be in the same universe as: Bad Buddy/ATOTS (Jimmy), DBK (Neo), Enchante (Jimmy), FUTS (Neo), TOL (exists as a show)
Can be in the same universe as: au!MSP, HCTM, Moonlight Chicken, MSP/The Eclipse (as long as TOL is not), NLMG, Not Me, SIMM
I will do another breakdown of the possible universe iterations later, but for now I wanted to get the data out there!
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gunsatthaphan · 2 years
just saw a comment on twitter saying that akk telling aye “I’m not like you” refers less to him not being queer/into guys/etc. but rather to him not being able to express his emotions as carelessly as aye due to his position, his feelings of duty and being stuck in the system and like,,,,,,yes. absolutely yes. 
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kexing · 9 months
Hi MJ! I'm here asking for a little help from your ForceBook brain archive ✨
I'm doing a concept art project as my final project for my illustration degree, and is based on, you guessed it, The Little Prince and the queer allegory hidden behind it.
Therefore, Enchanté is among the references I make in my project's report and presentation. Now this is where I need your help: is being a while since I watched the series, so my memory is a little hazy.
I know that visually we get references to The Little Prince with Akk holding the fox plushie and him taking care of The Rose (whom I think was there as well for their kiss during the movie...? I have terrible memory). So that makes two important characters of The Little Prince being visually represented on screen, checked.
However, are there any moments in the series where Theo is visually represented as the Prince? 'Cause I can't think of one on the top of my head right now 😣
Thank you in advance!
omg hiiiii!!!! i hope i can be of help!
aaaaaaaaa i love the little prince!!!! and queer allegories!! and enchanté!!!! and forcebook!!! akdkskkdkskd
that’s a fantastic idea!!!!! omgggg p’film and forcebook would be very happy to know you’re referencing enchanté in your final project!!!!!!! 🥺🥺🥺🥰🥰🥰
yes, you are correct! the rose is the witness for their first kiss alskaksksk
so as far as i remember, there are two moments where baby theo is visually represented as the little prince
ep 1, part 2 baby theo and akk are playing as the little prince and the fox
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here akk asks if he can be the little prince for once and theo gives him the airplane pen saying he can be the pilot first (another reference to the book)
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and ep 2 part 3 where they’re both reading the book out loud and theo is reading the little prince’s lines and akk is reading the fox’s lines
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i couldn’t find a visual representation for grown up theo tho. he’s still very much the little prince in his thematic, being helped by akk the fox, going back to france in the end, but there’s nothing too direct? now baby theo was the visual embodiment of the little prince. he’s obviously the one that read the book first and felt represented by the character
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let me know if there’s anything else i can do for you!
and good luck with your project 🧡
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absolutebl · 2 years
Ai’ with Aye & Akk - The Eclipse & Thai honorifics
hazmatilda asked: (and tumblr ate it so I’m reposting)
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So I went down quite a rabbit hole with your bl linguistics Tag (thanks for that, 3 hours of reading when I should have been sleeping or working on my masters thesis for Wednesday :/ ), and I am riveted. I started watching Thai BLs with bad buddy when it was airing, and have watched most of the ones that have aired since then and now working on the backlog. I love linguistics, and have been noticing the different personal pronouns etc in Thai especially, so it was really cool to see that all laid out in your posts! The third person one is particular is quite special to me, and I wish it existed more in English and German. It's very frustrating being a genderqueer person living in Germany because non gendered pronouns don't really exist, and when they do it's quite niche and hard to get others to use :/
I couldn't agree more. I've grown to have real affection and love for Thailand's pronouns.
I also adore the way in many Asian languages we can just say our own name for the "I" pronoun. So much harder to forget someone's name and ALSO  you're consistently reminded of what it is and how it shoudl be pronounced.
Just so you don't have to deal with my terrible (and hugely erratic) tagging system, I do have a language post meta guide (master post round up) just in case you want to rabbit hole some more: 
BL Language & Culture Master Post (mostly Thai) 
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Back to your question... 
Anyway, my question is, I noticed in The Eclipse the Ai' prefix (particle?) used between the boys, which you mentioned is not really used in BLs often, and I wanted your more detailed take on the way that Akk changes in his address of Aye in this regard, especially over the last couple of episodes. Is he being particularly rude?
Ai is an honorific originally used between peer/age mates/equals. (Like Phi or Nong.)
But now, depending on the stress/emphasis it carries different connotations including affection (Akk & Aye), insult (Ae & Pond in Love By Chance), annoyance/exasperation (Leo in Don't Say No), or pleading/whining (Fiat in Don't Say No).
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Is he being particularly rude?
Yes but also, no. He's being... rudely affectionate? He's changing the boundaries of their relationship with, what amounts to, what I'd call an “insult honorific or mode of address.” (Common within peer groups, particularly marginalized ones. See gay & masculine identified use of "bitch" in late 90s early 2000s queer culture, particularly in North American coastal cities.)
So amongst some of my queer friends, regardless of gender or orientation someone will often yell, "Hey Biiitchesss!" Technically an insulting term, in this context, a friends honorific among peers and a way of identifying oneself and ones friends as different from the surrounding social morays.
Back to Ai'.
It seems mostly used for relationship emphasis these days (friendly intimacy, of a jocular/teasing nature), and almost always among peers. I think of it occasionally as an insult honorific.
In California the word "dude" is often used for this. "Seriously, dude!?" when someone cuts you off on the FWY. "Hey, Dude" to a friend you meet for lunch. "Awe, Dude, that's rough" affection/sympathy. And so forth.
I haven't watched Eclipse in a while so I can't speak to the bit your actually referring to. So there may be an additional use pattern in play, but Ai is an interesting honorific, in that it's one of those that isn’t always, or even often, entirely honoring. So to speak.
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I do talk about Ai quite a bit in this post: 
Why Ai'Hia was so funny in Cutie Pie
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Never let me go also seems to be playing with the formality a lot, due to the class differences, which is cool to see. I'm sure the changing register and formality will play into PalmNuengs speech as the show progresses hehe.
Sorry for the ramble! 🧡🧡🧡
No apologies for rambling needed here, since I’m ruler of rambletown. 
Yes it’s very very fun to see. You also get this a little with RainPhayu in Oh My Sunshine night (young high class seme + older servant uke), and a TON with Ae & Pete in Love By Chance. 
If you haven’t watched it, I would highly recommend that one. Pete talks almsot entirely in high formal register and Ae in low. It’s a great way to train your ear for the two different registers. There’s no spoiled prince dynamic, so it’s an entirely different play on a class difference than NLMG. They are one of my all time favorite pairs for many reasons. Language is one.
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All the best and I hope you keep enjoying yourself with BL and the linguistics! 
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