#<- first time using that tag on this blog o_o
dwellsinthebog · 5 months
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i may be cringe but i am free heyyyy what if labrumisu had kids
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xpao-bearx · 2 years
"Like A Virgin"
Steven Grant x Fem!Reader/Jake Lockley x Fem!Reader/Marc Spector x Fem!Reader
Read Part 1 HERE
Read Part 3 HERE
Read Part 4 HERE
NOTES: Y'ALL the way my jaw literally DROPPED when not even H A L F a minute after I posted the first part, you guys were already exploding my notifs which I wasn't expecting AT ALL I swear Oscar Isaac's really got us sluts in a chokehold O_o
THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOUUU!!! 😭❤️❤️❤️ This is truly wonderful and encourages me a lot, especially since this is my first ever Moon Knight fic AND the first time a story of mine blew up this much! This is also great cuz I've been terribly sick, but of course ✨️priorities✨️ I gotta shower our Moon Boys with some much deserved lovin' and it's just so fucking nice to see that it's paying off! \(^o^)/ I was so happy and inspired that I couldn't resist and just HAD to write this second part ASAP!
Dissociative identity disorder is also briefly mentioned here and if I made any mistakes, then I apologize and please kindly correct me. And I feel like the ending may be a bit rushed, but it's the best my tiny brain could think of!
I'll shut up now and I'm very proud and excited to present... PART 2!!! 🥳 And if you'd like to be tagged for any of the next parts, feel free to tell me!
Also Marc does something very asshole-y here oop
TAGS: @autismsupermusicalassassin @ungracefularchimedes @pimosworld @ababynova @sweatyroadcowboyjudge @anapnovo-blog @am-3-thyst @harrys-tittie @zukoisbabee @wiltedwonderland
Part 2: You made me feel I've nothing to hide
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After work, instead of heading home, you rushed straight to the nearest boutique to buy yourself a new dress for tomorrow night. The butterflies in your stomach were doing somersaults and you felt as if you could spontaneously burst into song like in those cheesy musicals your former college roommate was so obsessed with.
You knew the employees were all looking at you oddly as you constantly giggled to yourself like some lovesick schoolgirl while you perused through endless racks of the latest fashion. Of course you knew you were acting ridiculous--crazy--but wasn't that what attraction or, dare you say, love did to you?
Besides, you wanted tomorrow to go perfectly. In your eyes, Steven Grant was already perfect--perfectly imperfect or imperfectly perfect, you didn't know or care which was which. You just knew that you liked him. A lot.
And it relieved and pleased you to the moon and back that he actually felt the same! So, who cares what anyone else thought?
You just hoped that after tomorrow, Steven would like you enough to go on another date. And another. Then another...
Maybe you were looking--wishing--too far into the future, but you swore you could almost hear wedding bells chiming in the distance.
God, is this what happens after being a total virgin for twenty-something years? There was absolutely nothing wrong with being a virgin, but your insecurity bugged you. What if you weren't at all what Steven expected?
But another part of you, a positive ray of sunshine, clobbered all your doubts. For once, you were going to be brave! You were going to take a leap of faith! You were going to control your life!
Because, in the end...it was worth it. Steven was worth it. Sure, you've experienced various crushes throughout your life, but not like this. Not with Steven. This felt more...serious. Adult.
It felt as if right from the get-go crossing fates with "Steven with a V", your life was about to change--for the better.
Of course you were afraid, and yet you've also never been more sure of something in your entire existence. You've been waiting this long and you're glad you did, and now you were ready to jump head first (and head over heels) into whatever adventure was in store for you--with Steven.
You then squealed excitedly when you spotted the perfect dress, ignoring the judgmental stares other customers shot you as you hurriedly grabbed it like a child in a toy store.
Yes, tomorrow was going to be a dream come true.
You arrived at the restaurant thirty minutes early. It was totally embarrassing how eager you were, but you couldn't help yourself. Though at least with how early you were, you snagged a good table overlooking the restaurant's beautiful back garden strung with fairy lights and you can have some time to calm down before Steven came.
And you looked stunning. Your hair tumbled down in elegant waves, light makeup adoring your face and donning the contact lenses you rarely used. And the dress you bought fit like a glove; it was the shortest dress you now owned, stopping around your thighs. It was baby blue and had an off-the-shoulder style with some frills, and it hugged your figure just right.
You felt very self-conscious. You've always fancied clothes like this, but never actually had the guts to wear them--until now. Did it really suit you? But you couldn't deny that you were happy and, truly, isn't that all that mattered?
"Shall I get you started, ma'am?" A waitress snapped you back to reality and you shook your head.
"Not yet, thank you. I'm still waiting for my...date." The word made you blush furiously, as if sharing a dirty little secret.
The waitress smiled and nodded, leaving you by yourself once more as you sighed wistfully.
You took out your phone from your purse, checking the time. 6:45 p.m. Alright, not too long now. And you double checked that the address you texted Steven was correct, which it is.
You settled back in your chair, peering over the garden and giggling softly.
"I'm right here for you, Steven."
"It's about time, innit?" Steven murmured, glancing over anxiously at his wristwatch for the umpteenth time. It was already eight p.m., a whole hour past your meeting time (not to mention he arrived embarrassingly early). And he was just informed by one of the servers that the restaurant was closing in thirty minutes, to which a pitiful look was also casted to him.
"It's not 'about time', Steven. It's late." Marc gruffly pointed out, Steven seeing Marc's reflection glaring back at him from the shiny silver flower vase set in the middle of the table. "Face it: she's NOT coming."
"Don't you dare say that." Steven's voice was barely above a whisper, but there was a certain edge to it that one would normally not hear from the soft man. "Y/N would never do that. Not her. She's just running late, I'm sure. Traffic and all."
"Oh, please, we both know that even the traffic here doesn't take this long." Marc scoffed. "Stop kidding yourself, Steven. She's. NOT. Coming."
Steven frowned, and with a shaky hand he pulled out his phone. He should've called you since way earlier. It was the logical thing to do, after all. But he was...scared. Scared that, maybe, a terrifying maybe, Marc was right.
He found your number and called you, pressing his phone to his ear as it began to ring. He didn't realize he was holding his breath until you finally picked up, voice groggy.
"Y/N..." Steven heaved a relieved exhale. "Hey, uh, I'm at the restaurant. Guess you got stuck in traffic?" He chuckled halfheartedly.
A long, dreadful pause. And then:
"Fucking EXCUSE me?"
Steven's eyes widened, having never heard you swear before. He was just about to ask what was wrong when you continued without skipping a beat.
"Are you playing with me, Steven? Is this what it is?!" You definitely sounded angry, but he didn't miss the faint sniffles coming from you. Shit, were you crying? What the hell was happening?
"How can you be such a...such a DICK?!" You shouted, causing him to jerk his phone a few inches away from his ear. "I fucking waited for you like a total idiot until closing time, you prick! You never showed and you never answered my calls! What the fuck can you POSSIBLY gain from toying with me, huh?!"
"W-Wait, I don't understand!" Steven was nearly hyperventilating, all the colour draining from his face and his mind running a mile a minute. "I-I'm here! Right now! D-Didn't we agree? Friday night, seven p.m.?"
You were dead silent. Steven was going to check if the call was still connected when you beat him to it.
"Steven... It's Sunday."
Steven froze. Then his eyes landed on Marc's reflection, refusing to meet his gaze and it clicked.
"Y/N." Steven said slowly, steadily, despite feeling like crying himself. His eyes were still on Marc, cold and pissed. "Please. I promise I have an explanation. I just... God, can we meet? Y/N, please, I'll come to you."
"No need." Tears threatened to spill from Steven's despondent eyes at your flat response, before you suddenly added: "I'll come to you. You said you were at the restaurant, right? Stay there."
You ended the call, and Steven flared at Marc--no longer caring if other people perceived him as a lunatic fighting with himself.
"Why the fuck would you do that, Marc?"
"Steven..." Marc struggled to find the right words, and the asshole actually had the audacity to look ashamed. "Listen, she's nothing but a distraction--"
"You always think you know better, yeah?" Steven laughed humourlessly. "A distraction? YOU stop kidding yourself, Marc. This is not just your life, but mine. And it's about fucking time you stop being such a selfish bastard!"
"Um, sir?" Steven winced, greeted by a baffled waiter. "We'll be closing soon, so I'm gonna have to ask you to leave if you're not ordering anything."
Humiliated and repeatedly babbling apologies, Steven abruptly sprang out of his chair and dashed outside. He sighed deeply and collapsed listlessly on the ground, finally allowing the tears to fall.
He vaguely heard footsteps approaching until he saw a pair of worn bunny slippers in front of him. His eyes heavily dragged upwards, finding you staring back at him with an unreadable expression and breaths coming out in ragged pants.
"Y/N!" Steven jumped up, surprised you actually came despite the way he--the way Marc--treated you. Your bloodshot eyes and the dried tears on your cheeks only made him feel even shittier, much more fucked up than any beating he suffers on a mission.
Because at least with those, he can be confident that he and the boys would win no matter the challenge. But with you?
He had everything to lose.
Your hair was a total mess; glasses slightly crooked and you were in your pyjamas, a matching set of a purple tank top and shorts with stars and moons. The only thing you had covering you was a purple silk robe, drawing it closer to your chilly body as your eyes narrowed at Steven.
You should be mad at him, and you were. Still, despite everything, you hopped on to the first bus you saw and scrambled the rest of the way here as fast as you could.
But now that you were here...what in Khonshu's name were you going to do? You could scream at him with all the pain you haven't had the pleasure to release like you did on the phone, but you'd just be wasting your breath. Then again, he wasn't lying. He really is here. And it confused you more than anything.
And seeing him like this, looking so...sad. Well, it made you sad. Him miserably clenching onto a heart shaped chocolate box, fat globs of tears cascading down his cheeks as he gawked at you with his pretty doe brown eyes.
You raised your hand, and Steven shut his eyes as he braced himself for the slap he very much deserved--only to be met with your soft palm, wiping away his tears tenderly.
"Explain to me, Steven."
The travel to Steven's apartment was spent in deafening silence, but it brought upon a strange sort of comfort. Unconsciously, you hugged Steven's black jacket that he had offered you earlier even closer to your much smaller frame. It soothed your nerves, being completely enveloped in his smell; fresh soap with a hint of musky cologne.
Once you reached his unit, you couldn't help but smile. It was just so...Steven. It was a bit messy, but a good kind of messy. You didn't really know how to describe it, but it warmed your heart especially when you saw a giant fish tank with only one goldfish.
"Cuppa tea?" Steven asked to which you shook your head, facing him fully.
"No. I'm a 'get over it' kinda girl so whatever your explanation is, I'd rather we just nip it in the bud." You huffed before you halted, biting your lip. "Oh, uh, sorry... Of course, if you wanna have tea, you can. It's your home, after all."
Steven laughed, his first real laugh that entire day. "Are you always this nice to blokes you should be mad at?"
"Only if they are really into Egyptology and have beautiful brown eyes and gorgeous curls." You rolled your eyes though you couldn't suppress your grin before you cleared your throat, getting a hold of your stupid giddy self. "Now, explain."
Steven's demeanour instantly shifted, serious now and quite uneasy. But he nodded and gestured towards the couch. You walked over and plopped down, Steven sitting next to you and keeping a respectful couple inches between the two of you.
He looked down at the ground, carefully considering his words before meeting your gaze solemnly. "Have you ever heard of dissociative identity disorder?" You nodded, previously learning about it in Psychology class and researching about it due to personal interest. "That's...what I have. I'm an alter within a system, and there are two others--Marc Spector and Jake Lockley."
"Am I correct to assume that when you asked me out...it wasn't actually you?"
Steven blinked, rather startled that you were taking this so well. "Yes. Jake was the one who asked you out."
"Was he also the one who didn't show up for the date?"
"No, that would be Marc." He grumbled. "And listen, I'm truly sorry about him. He's a right twit. It may not have been me who didn't show up, but that absolutely doesn't excuse the hurt it caused you. I am so, so sorry, Y/N."
Your brows furrowed, mulling over this new revelation. But...you believed him, especially when it explained all those times you secretly caught Steven muttering incoherently to himself or staring at his reflection and quietly reacting to something. You were curious about more, of course, but Steven didn't have any reason to lie about such a serious matter. And if he was lying, there were plenty of other things he could say. But the way he acted, and just the look in his eyes--he knew the risks of opening up to you, but he did it anyway.
You clasped his hands in yours, sighing. "I know I look calm right now, but trust me, I'm freaking the fuck out." You chuckled, and Steven felt safe enough to join you. "But... I trust you, Steven. And I believe you. Tell me one thing, though. Are you...into me? Like, at all?"
"Of course I am!" He replied in a flash, making you both pause before erupting into easy laughter. "Why would you even have to ask that, love?"
"It's just... Well, if Jake was the one who asked me out, it made me wonder if you really did like me." You mumbled, looking away.
Steven gently grasped your chin, tipping your face back towards him. "I've liked you since the day we met, Y/N. In your pink skirt and the cute little pigtails you had." He smiled, eyes so amorous and gleaming with sincerity. "Truth is, I've wanted to ask you out since forever. I'm just not as...forward as Jake is."
"And that's fine. But hey, we gotta thank him 'cause Lord knows I'd just spiral into a panic attack if I ever made the first move." You chuckled. But it gradually died down as Steven continued to stare at you, and you never thought you would ever have someone look at you the way Steven did; as if you were precious treasure hidden within a sacred tomb.
Slowly, ever so slowly, your body started moving of its own accord. You were leaning closer, closer, closer--a mere breath away from his lips before he piped up.
"I'm also Khonshu's Avatar!"
"Say what?"
"Um, well, you see--" He stammered, mentally slapping himself.
'Don't say anything, Steven.' Marc warned, and it took all of Marc's willpower not to seize control and actually slap Steven.
But it was too late now. Steven already said too much, but he wanted to be honest with you. Utterly so. And since you wanted to nip this in the bud, now was the best time more than anything.
"Erm... You've seen the news, yeah?" He didn't grant you the chance to respond as he rambled. "Masked vigilantes... Moon Knight and Mr. Knight? They're actually...Marc and I."
"Steven, this is--"
"I'll show you, Y/N. I'll summon the suit."
"Summon the soup? What is happening--"
Steven stood up, and a split second later there was a whirl of white. And sure enough, there was none other than one half of the mysterious heroes you've been seeing a lot on the news recently; his glowing white eyes locked with yours, crisp ivory suit and batons clutched tightly in his hands.
"Look, I know this is a lot to take in--"
"Handsome..." You blurted out before you can restrain yourself.
"Huh?" Steven blushed underneath the mask, and you were the same as your cheeks tinted crimson. Then you rose from the couch, closing the gap between you two and removing his mask.
His curls stuck every which way and his eyes were as wide as the full moon, making you giggle. "You're so handsome, Steven. And yeah, this is a fucking lot to take in. To be honest, a part of me is still wondering if this is all just a dream." You reached up, caressing the side of his face sweetly and smiling. "But...thank you. Thank you for being honest with me."
His batons dropped to the floor, trembling hands hesitantly settling on your hips. You noticed his Adam's apple bob as he looked down at you, tears once again glistening in his eyes. Happiness, relief, adoration--how can so many exhilarating emotions crash over him all at once?
"Can I be more honest?" He whispered, resting his forehead against yours as he gazed deeply into your eyes. "I...want you to stay with me."
Your cheeks hurt from how impossibly wide your smile has stretched, wrapping your arms around his neck and nuzzling his nose with yours.
"I'm staying whether you like it or not, Steven with a V."
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ender-shift · 4 months
Generating World... Joining World...
*Welcome to the word of Ender Shift. *Where monsters and humans encounter a new kind of soul. A soul that doesn't belong. A soul not from the overworld or underground, but a different dimension entirely. *Humans don't know what to do with someone who looks so monstrous.. so down below she fell. When they land in the underground, they're... confused. It finds itself in a place that is incredibly strange. *Follow Ciara on the journey of Ender Shift. Where they aren't alone in their journeys of the underground.
My name is Lucid and my pronouns are they/it! I've been in the Undertale fandom for a good while and this is probably the first AU/AT I've made and put full effort into to get it off the ground. Below is information and I apologise if it's too much to read. I have it sectioned up so hopefully things are a bit easier to read!
A bit of a content warning, though I doubt it's too much that the Undertale fandom can't handle. This blog will have blood, violence, substance usage(tobacco[cigarettes] and alcohol), mental disorders/disabilities, slight body mutilation(primarily to the face[eyes & mouth], not that much, probably only a few panels/frames), and swearing!
Posts will have TWs/CWs in the tag and comics will be put under a cut after written warnings. Viewer discretion is advised. Please take care of yourselves. 🤍
This is an Undertale AU blog composed of comics, videos, and stories. The comics will be combinations of drawings and Gacha-based characters, poses, and such. If you do not like it, simply don't click.
This crosses over with Minecraft - specifically focused on End and Nether, but it also includes the Deep Dark and a custom dimension/customised take on a dimension. Though, most features outside of the End won't be added until later. (:3)
This is not a Sans, Papyrus, Frisk, Chara, or Asriel centric AU/AT(though they all do get sight touch-ups on their designs). This is an OC centric AU/AT. If that isn't your cup of tea, simply don't interact with this blog. This is not to say that the characters won't show face, but they are not the main centre focus of the AU/AT.
This rolls an ask blog, a comic blog, and a fanfic blog all into one. Characters to this AU will be listed below. Please avoid making ask blogs for the characters. Parody character accounts, fanart, etc will be permitted, but there are a few cases of AUs/ATs getting ask blogs made by people who aren't even the original creator.
As more things get made, links will be added. For the time being, though, please use the "search tag" feature of Tumblr on my profile! There will be tags for asks, the storyline features, character asks, incorrect quotes, side stories, and more.
There are quite a few different things that will be explained when the story begins. In the first post of the story, I will add a cut to the post of Keep Reading for information. Please know that the AU/AT includes things that most people may or may not like - for example "gendered" Frisk(demiboy, he/they) & Chara(demigirl, she/they). There are a lot of things changed, altered, removed, and included. Look, a person's gotta take creative liberties to make something, okay?
Characters in the AU are the usual - Flowey, Toriel, Napstablook, Sans, Papyrus, Monster Kid, Grillby, Undyne, Temmie, Alphys, Mettaton, Muffet, Asgore, Asriel, and Gaster[o_O]. There are also OC characters - Ciara, Lucian, Briar, Arial, Gabriel, Altair, Audrey, Cato, and Meyrul[Malachi]. There are also reference to Minecraft characters and mobs - Steve, Alex, Herobrine, Entity 303, Endermen[Named], Wither[Weston], Ender Dragons[Everleigh & Eastmund], and Warden[Walker].
Character designs and profiles will be coming soon! The canon characters of Undertale(besides F&C) and the human(oid) characters of Minecraft aren't going to have too much of a redesign and we all know the stats, abilities, and information of the Undertale characters.
This will be updated as time goes on, so please check this post every now and again!
Comics will start roughly June 5th/6th. (Don't hold me to this, it's a rough estimate and hope.)
Updates to the storyline may be infrequent, put on hold, or take longer to make. Please don't ask too often if Ender Shift is cancelled.
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itshirohi · 3 months
𝕀𝕟𝕗𝕠 ℙ𝕠𝕤𝕥 𝕥𝕚𝕞𝕖!
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Long overdue but... hey, here it is! Anyway, here I'm going to list my socials, specific tags to help navigate the blog and other useful crap like that :> 𝐅𝐮𝐧 𝐟𝐚𝐜𝐭: 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐤𝐲 𝐩𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐨𝐬 𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐞𝐧 𝐛𝐲 𝐦𝐞 :>
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● ʜɪʀᴏ / any pronoun works, I really don't care. ● Pixel & Digital artist (hobbyist). Making pixel art since 2020 and digital since 2023 ✌(long traditional art background though). ● I tend to hyperfixate on a LOT of things, sometimes at once so please bear with me lol. ● Main hyperfixations and fandoms I'm participating heavily in: Kengan/FOTS, Baki and DMC . ● I also love Bleach, Dragon Ball, OPM and JJBA. ● I have a *lot* of OCs so expect to see some content of that too I suppose. ● These days mainly focusing on fanarts and my current favorite fandoms. ● Probably won't reply to a "hi" message. Please, please PLEASE tell me your reason for reaching out to me in your first message or my brain WILL automatically mark you as a potential bot/spam/scam </3 ● I accept doodle request and asks! Depending on how well I feel at the moment you might even get a fully rendered drawing O_O ● Sometimes I take breaks from posting/ socials in general. It's usually because of health issues. If you leave something in my inbox or chat, I'll get to you whenever I feel well enough to do so! ^_^
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(Note: some older posts might not be tagged with these, sorry for that @_@) ● # Hiro's art - all my art posts. ● #Hiro's OCs - all my OC info and art. ● # Hiro's doodle asks - the drawings made for YOUR doodle asks! (open pretty much all the time, but it might take me some time to get to making them- I'm so sorry lol). ● # Hiro's rambles - any non-art related stuff, updates, etc. ● # Hiro's Kengan edits - this where you'll find my Kengan Ashura/Omega manga edits/animations. More coming soon! ● # AU! The Devil Weeps in the West - my DMC cowboy AU. I haven't forgotten about it, just don't really have as much time as I'd like to focus on it. More content (hopefully) coming soon!
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𝕄𝕪 𝕤𝕠𝕔𝕚𝕒𝕝𝕤:
● Tumblr - (main) you're here! :D ● Twitter - (pretty much abandoned) ● Instagram - (also kinda abandoned) ● Pixilart - (pretty active) ● My commissions - idk why you'd want that, but here you are. Keep in mind I haven't done commissions in ages and might be rusty lol
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𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝔼𝕟𝕕!
Phew... This one's a long one. I hope I covered all the most important things. Aaaanyways... Congrats in getting to the end, you're a real superstar! ✮⋆˙ As a reward, grab this super rare, shiny variant of Eugene!
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knackfandomarchive · 1 year
Artists, writers, and assorted friends (alphabetical, not exhaustive alas):
Any link will just take you to my blog with the tag searched.
an0n-1o1 - One joke post about how Knack interacts with a goblin in the second game.
ari-draws-things - Several art pieces. Ohh I can't pinpoint my favorite thing, but if I look at them too long, I fear I will die. The shapes? and the style is so cute? I see lots of drawings of Gundahar, Rothari, Knack and Lucas being adorable.
at7outof10 - One post of digital art of Little Knack, along with some non-KNACK characters. And apparently, one post where they made a Knack Mii, like from the Wii?
bestbuybathroom - Shared a one-shot fic I really like, and made some image macros, jokes, and opinion posts. I like their sense of humor, but it is perhaps not for kids heheh.
bm13 - so far, a page of Little Knacks. So cute!
celiasvalley - I see an opinion post and possibly a joke.
chibifox2002 - Adorable digital art! This person has an AU and sometimes posts sibling shenanigans involving Knack, Lucas, and an OC named Penny.
chrisophur - Some screenshots of the ps4 game and I think of the sadly-discontinued Knack's Quest.
creamsodathe1st - So far, a cute digital piece of Robo Knack, aka Player 2 of KNACK 1, petting a beetle. Also some of their OCs.
crimmy10 - Super cute sketches and colored pieces! I'm noticing lots of art of Knack romantically paired with an OC.
dbnogaming-blog - One screenshot of Abominable Knack, aka Ice Knack.
deequeen1512 - No posts of her own yet, but prompts chibifox2002 about their AU or asks questions through the ask box.
discoknack - it me! I'm a chatterbox who rambles and complains a lot. Sometimes art.
doubleleaf - One drawing of Viktor propped up by one of his robots. Very technique; me gusta. Seems to be an art blog.
emmatheward - Probably one of the most ambitious pieces I've seen so far of Giant Knack's upper torso and right shoulder in meticulous detail.
frenchie-sottises - So far I've shared a post of theirs where Knack has a dinosaur tail, scales and also a bellybutton. So cool! And in full color, too.
gummiscr1bblez - Two art posts about their escapades playing the games.
hervygervy - looks like discord screenshots and memes mainly.
indoobs - One photo of a little crochet plush of Knack made as a present.
kyledahl - An animation cycle of Lucas skipping. This seems to be one of the creators, but I reblogged it on purpose because they deleted the original post and I'm under the impression they won't get notifications.
littlebomba - Uh oops, this person mentioned working at PlayStation,, Plus they shared what looks like a promotional image or poster or wallpaper of some kind, which I have reblogged. Also several more adverts which I have not. I hope they don't look in this direction O_o
thelivingrelic - I have in the queue what looks like a very old roleplay invitation that was never responded to? And the blog itself used to be an RP blog. Sadly this person seems to have deactivated, but I can occasionally find posts from deactivated users if someone still around had reblogged it.
majorpepperidge - some screenshots and cute sketches!
munchiemooz - one GIF of Knack in the trailer for KNACK 1 assembling for the first time.
mypunkpansexualtwin - shared some screenshots of Knack in a character appreciation post.
n-jay79 - Drew one very nice colorful sketchy Doctor Vargas and shared some in-game screenshots. Haven't seen any more KNACK stuff, but this person does draw other middle-aged men on the reg if that's your thing.
pepperishstudio-blog - One "warmup doodle" of Little Knack.
pit--rat - One short text post. If I say more about it I'll spoil it.
playstation - oh shit, the actual PlayStation? and not a fanblog pretending to be playstation? I may be stupid.
robertamew - Several posts of screenshots of Iron Knack, Metal Knack, however you'd like to call him. Also an art piece of Knack, and another of an OC.
sbb-thumbnails - SuperBeardBros apparently did a playthrough series and this person makes the channel's thumbnails.
sonicasura - Crossovers! Some art, mainly talk? I think they're neat, but I am not familiar with the other works being crossed with. A lot of idea stuff.
speedartist-skyliner - Drew two pieces of their version of Knack; one of him small and one of him around six-and-a-half feet tall.
stealthknack - Ugh such a cute but short-lived blog! Shared edited screenshots of the game.
totally-jammin-bridget - Shared some things on a post about how they liked Knack 2. They go by a different name now, so I'll update it soon.
thewizardlywyrm - Two (I think?) super cute digital pieces and one celebratory post about Knack 2.
woodenplankstudios - one comic about Knack, about 7 feet tall or so, breaking into the "mascot lounge" and being obnoxious for four panels. I have to admit, the art is well done.
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insectsinsects · 9 months
December is always really vivid to me. I hadn't had a memorable July till this year but winter months seem to carry everything and more about a year. Maybe to it's detriment? It's overwhelmed with thoughts and greetings and travel and metamorphosis? I wonder if those guys who don't use the Gregorian calendar are forced to feel it too. Just the majority of people worrying and smiling and maybe it's a regular Tuesday for them?
Anyway 6 Decembers ago was my first Christmas away from home. I'd spent the summer carelessly and I was tired from boarding school. I think I've always been reckless and volatile, though I feel I am perceived as a stable element. Careless summer was spent driving around my hometown with a funny girl who I knew from choir and we were twitter mutuals. The brutal semester was spent with a person who'd patiently sit down with me and share the ways in which they loved physics. And of course, my parents came down and I hadn't been 4 months separated from them but I was used to their presence after 16 years so it was actually nice.
5 Decembers ago I was unknowingly allied with a future friend's enemy O_O She'd sit on my couch in my dorm and played the role of a wise confidant, as an upperclassman. I hope nothing was ever malicious but oomf did come to hate her next semester for fine reasons so? 😭 Her birthday is tomorrow, and I've always remembered that Saggitarian... And honestly by sometime that year I had begun avoiding physics person (on brand..) and I wrote a time capsule email about it (to myself in 5 year's time!) because I didn't have a blog and because I wanted to see if I could possibly get over it (I did!!!) I was a bit afraid of spotty wifi in the Philippines, so I submitted college apps 3 weeks early LMAO Victoria was waiting on a job offer from her boss who we'd come to learn was a little terribe, but that same night she was confirmed and moved to DC a week after we came back from that trip to the motherland.
4 Decembers ago?! I had met the newest crop of friends I was going to make. New York was so fun. Everything endless and memorable. Flying back used to be tough! They only introduced nonstop flights to Oklahoma like last year😑 But I flew out early and away from my beloved suitemates, my terrible roommate, my friends on other floors, classmate-turned-oomf, and so much more.
3 Decembers ago I'd been attending a different university since NYU was being stingy😭 OU actually treated me so well omg and my classes were fun. I guess by December I was wrapping up but I took a class on film music and I would joyously write an essay about some movie music each week and my professor just littered it with happy comments. I think she was glad I read the textbook and was enthused to learn. Also two weeks later, I got my whole head bleached and my hair was pretty long (not really, but Rapunzel-like to ME and probably if you've only ever known me with a bob/wolfbob). Also (2) I was in the Gensh*n pits (I don't want it in the tags...)
2 Decembers ago! My sister and her now husband were engaged and the three of us went on a mini-roadtrip to Dallas 😭 I like Garrett, he's like if a father figure was considerate... and Kathryn's got 17 years of light parentification on her belt ☠️ Garrett and I got XL Blizzards from DQ and almost died finishing them. Oh they also saw me get my roots done :O Barber cut it way too short but maybe it was cute. Junior year was so funny and cute💖 I worked hard and I was back home pretty late due to a stats final (Bombed)
Last December I spent my last week with my last set of randomized roommates and my friends! This was a funny time of year. I did a crazy amount that last week and in many ways it was a bender (Avatar in 4D cocktail☠️) but I do know oomf (yes you!) was the last person I saw. We played Minecraft on your Xbox after I obtained a second controller over Thanksgiving. We drank tall boys? I checked into my flight easily and I went home anxiously. I wonder if I could've seriously applied to school back then (Because it was lowkey not that serious lol) [actually I should be forced to reckon with my tantrums and the many times per week I was like IT'S OVER..] but I hadn't applied to school! And I was nervous to tell my parents that though I was a big investment, I was a failure. I cut my bangs too short on December 18 and hid it under a hat for a week till it grew a little more. I felt weird having red hair in Oklahoma, though it was cool to my contemporaries? My mom was sad knowing how much grief the thoughts were causing me. She told me I should rely on her more and talk to her. It's taken me all of the ensuing year to really be good about that advice. It's just easier to fail myself. I had tunnel vision— the potential for shame was only accompanied by a sense of pity and contempt. I genuinely couldn't believe my family would continue loving me. I drank with my dad so we wouldn't talk about anything real, and I painted with my mother to divert from the chaos.
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jaxinvasion · 1 year
What a better way to kick off my new blog than with my first... Uh... Pesterlog? Fic chapter? Whatever it is, it's for my AU of Homestuck, basically Trolls on Earth and No Sburb. It's not too long, more of just an introduction, so please check it out under the cut! I'd love to hear any feedback you have. :) This isn't meant to be romantic, so I'd appreciate if you didn't tag as ship. Thank you, and enjoy!!
-- ghostyTrickster [GT] began pestering tentacleTherapist [TT] at 16:13 -- GT: uhh... hello? GT: are you rose lalonde? GT: this is john egbert. GT: do you remember me? you and your mom had dinner at our house. GT: our as in me and my dad. TT: Oh. TT: Just as I had begun to contemplate as to what exactly my mom could have possibly needed my chumhandle for, completely disregarding the question of how she even knows that I use it to begin with, here you have made your appearance, as if wholly manifested by slightest utterance of your satanic name. GT: satanic?? GT: uh, did i do something to make you this mad at me already?? TT: Oh, no, you didn't do anything yourself. TT: You just happen to be a hapless pawn in yet another one of my mom's duplicitous schemes to play housewife (or step-mom, as the case may be) in an attempt to, as one might say, "Get my goat." TT: While I have no business interfering with her condescending ventures, I have no will to entertain any sort of farce masquerading as a play-date. TT: It is bad enough as is that I have to live in this hapless Nowheresville of a town in a timezone 3 hours behind that of my childhood home on the other side of the country for the sake of my mom's employment. TT: So color me disinterested in fumbling for a method for resuscitating a conversation like a paramedic in denial. Especially not with someone as hammer-headed as you. GT: O_O TT: For the sake of my time, and yours, I will do us both a favor and end this little chat early. TT: Au revoir. GT: wait! TT: ? GT: i do not know what you have been going on about or why you are being such an asshole, but i can promise that your mom did not set me up to this. TT: Oh? In that case, how exactly did you get my chumhandle? GT: my dad gave me a note of it. he was the one who told me about your name, and also that we met before. TT: ... GT: oh my god. GT: our parents are totally trying to get us to be friends! they are in cahoots!! GT: and it is not like it is a secret why. everyone knows that there is something going on between him and your mom. TT: Wow. I would compliment your abnormally skillful discernment, but I would be remiss to partake in unwitting propagation of what must be tautology to a brain as secure as yours. GT: rose, that is like the tenth time you have said something that does not make any sort of sense. TT: I try my best. GT: ugh, what ever. i guess i will go if you do not want to talk. bye rose. TT: John, wait. GT: huh? what is it? TT: It has become all too clear to me that my mom has recruited an ally in her passive-aggressive crusade in patronizing me. TT: An ally in the form of Dear Old Dad. TT: If our dignity is to maintain its status as unscathed, then we will need to form an alliance, the likes of which have never been before seen. GT: wait, so now you want to be friends with me?? GT: rose, you need to make up your mind! TT: John, listen. If our parents are going to start seeing each other, we will be stuck in each other's midst whether we like it or not. They already set us up to meet on Pesterchum. Who knows what other shenanigans they will attempt to bring about? It will certainly be much worse than any harsh quips slid your way. GT: uh... okay. TT: Glad to have you aboard, John. I look forward to working with you. GT: i suddenly have a very bad feeling about all of this.
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murfeelee · 2 years
Check In Tag
Thanks @ktarsims​​ for tagging me here!
I’m still not dead--luckily, I’m in the home stretch; just two more weeks and the semester’s done! I just have about a zillion papers and exams to get through, FML, LOL.
Why did you choose your URL?
Cuz all I could think of was my frikkin name, like a baby idiot with no creativity.
How long have you been on tumblr?
Too effing long. 2023 will make 10 whole years, good grief.
Do you have a queue tag?
No, but I queue up everything anyways.
Why did you start your blog in the first place?
Cuz TSR was making me mad, and I liked the simblrs that were already here, and figured this was a great way to have some autonomy over how I simmed and shared content, without the peanut gallery yelling at me every stinking time I tried to upload something.
Why did you choose your icon/pfp?
It was part of a dumb silly little story I made for TSR back when Dragon Valley first came out, about how the gods blessed Sakura with a baby dragon. I reuploaded it on my simblr for the lulz. Don’t take it seriously, trust me, LOL.
Why did you choose your header?
It's from the same style of header/border I used way back in my TSR days.
What’s your post with the most notes?
My TS4 Rant - Still Unimpressed rant from back in 2015, jfc. It’s been HOW LONG since this wack AF mobile game in disguise was released? I can’t.
How many mutuals do you have?
How do we even tell anymore?
How many followers do you have?
A lot.
How many people do you follow?
Plenty. And I lurk even more.
Have you ever made a shitpost?
Sadly no; I’m not clever enough. U_U
How often do you use tumblr every day?
Barely at all lately; this new grad school I’m in is effing annoying; their numbers are woefully low, especially after the pandemic, so they’ve got me doing way too much work on crap that I don’t even specialize in; it’s really starting to tick me off. I didn’t come here for this crap.
Did you have a fight/argument with another blog once? who won?
I have stepped on soooooo many TS4 simmers’ toes, it’s hilarious. I’ve had EA sycophants and paywall apologists cuss me out in my PMs, IMs, reblogs, etc. I don’t engage--I post my rants for posterity, not to hash crap out with people. My beef is with EA directly.
How do you feel about ‘you need to reblog this’ posts?
My blog my rules. I reblog what i want, and post what I want, when I want.
Do you like tag games?
I lovelovelove questionnaires and games. I avoid tagging, because I’m always afraid I’ll leave someone out, and I don’t want people to think I don’t like them.
Do you like ask memes?
I don’t even wait around for people to send the asks--I always just answer all of them at once, LOL.
Which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
Tumblr famous and Simblr famous are 2 different things. I've had quite a few Simblr famous mutuals, but what even is being Tumblr famous anymore? O_o
Do you have a crush on a mutual?
No, but I am deeply in love with several simblrs’ art styles and gameplay aesthetics, in TS2, 3 AND 4. Pure chef’s kiss. So inspirational; I wish I had more time to sim, and try new things!
Thanks for reading!
I tag anyone; y’all know I can’t do this, pfft!
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princeanxious · 4 years
What art are you most proud of? And please show us a pic if you can! <3
Not gonna lie, this was actually p hard to answer. I’m honestly proud of any piece I get done, especially any full body, full color, full background pieces, and I refuse to let myself out-right hate anything that I draw in general now-a-days, unfinished or no. I draw for fun, always have, so I try not to put too much worry on how good something looks so long as it gets my idea across in a way that I like, or that I tried?? (And ik being proud of a piece doesnt have to tie into what the end result looks like, im just covering that base) I looked through all of my recent digital art on my ipad(that i’ve had what, 3-4 years at this point?) and found myself about just as happy with each finished piece-
-Except one. There is one piece that I forget about constantly but I’m honestly super proud of the amount of effort it had put in to reach the end result. It probably sees a number of glances infrequently(due to my sporatic activity on said blog) but isnt posted to this blog’s art tag.
It’s the blog banner I drew for my @thelostguardianau fic, of the(at the time) whole cast in the au. You can find the post to reblog it from here but i’m also adding it below for reference. (* and honestly I’ll mention every other art piece in this au posted to it’s blog stands at having this same proudness, as each individual characters complicated design fed into this big banner, each one having a giant set of uniquely drawn wings, complex body markings, and unique clothing and features. And I would not have been able to complete this banner without having those singular character chart pieces finished first, except for Thomas’s design, who has yet to be posted for ✨reasons✨)
Tumblr media
This fricking Banner was and still is(for now, *wink*) the most ambitious piece I’ve managed to finish. It took me so long, my wrist hated me, my ipad hated me, my ipencil hated me, medibang hated me, this piece pushed the limits of the poor app. Every time I try and open this piece up on the app it takes a solid couple seconds to open, save, and close.
From sketching to lining every single character, to having to uniquely match up Their Wing Sizes and Heights, because Guardians are fucking Tall, so Wing size and Height size was hell to calculate and portray. Why, you might ask?
Because I was limited to the proportions that would actually fit into a tumblr mobile banner. Which, funfact, is much smaller than you’d think!
I had to make sure they’d all fit, wings and all. And they didnt fcking want to. But I made it fit, because I wanted a full body + wings cast banner and goddamn it that was going to happen. And I did. And I lost a fuck-off amount of detail-space for it.
Coloring it wasn’t exactly difficult, but I will once again point back to this app hating this piece and it draining my battery because of it. I work in layers. My lineart will have 5-6 different layers in color before I combine them and set the hue to black, but I still keep my lineart seperate in that each character has their own lineart, and the background lineart is seperate.
I had their lineart, and probably still do, seperated into Seven different layers, one per character, each one w/ an extra masking layer for their wing glow. Each character got their own folder for colors, and had multiple layers for each colored section: clothing, skin, skin blush + eye whites, hair, wings, body markings, marking glow. And then there was the background layers, and the glowing affects, ect. The whole piece stands at having about 80 total layers having been used over the course of making it.
So yeah, Medibang does not like this piece when I try to open it. xD
But really, setting aside fighting and babying technology thats being pushed close to its limit, the real pride comes from the fact that this piece has Seven fully colored, near-full body characters drawn, all touching and interacting and accurate to the scale that I made. It is the most amount of characters in one piece that I’ve ever drawn, colored, and finished, and I’m pretty fricken proud of it.
Which makes it all the more daunting that said banner is going to get an upgrade, because it’s a Character Cast Banner after all, and its going to have four more fully designed and full winged characters added into it.
And by upgrade, I mean I get to redraw the whole dang thing. Because I gotta rearrange ✨everyone’s✨ positions. And at this point, the only way thats possible is by starting over.
wish me luck on that. o_o;
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Check-in tag
I got tagged by @frauhupfner, so I will also join this game.
Why did you choose your url?
It was my first Tumblr nickname I picked 12 years ago. At that time, I often was with my thoughts in my own world and drew frequently.
How long have you been on tumblr?
Since 2010 o_O
Do you have a queue tag?
No, unless I have lots of gameplay screenshots to share.
Why did you start your blog in the first place?
I revived my Tumblr to follow CC creators, but also to share some of my drawings and gameplay pics (and very occassionaly some recolors)
Why did you choose your icon/pfp?
I picked a bubble blower screenshot from my game
Why did you choose your header?
I don't have a header yet because I'm mostly on mobile or on the home feed 😅
What’s your post with the most notes?
I think the one where I compared Sims 2 Maxis eyes with early 2000s anime eyes XD
How many mutuals do you have?
I don't know.
How many followers do you have?
Not so many
How many people do you follow?
294, but a part is from the old Tumblr years
Have you ever made a shitpost?
Now and then I share my rambles here.
How often do you use tumblr each day?
Almost every day to keep up with my feed 😅
Did you have a fight/argument with another blog once? who won?
How do you feel about ‘you need to reblog this’ posts?
Doesn't do much for me
Do you like tag games?
Yes, but I don't always set the time aside for it to fill in my questions.
Do you like ask games?
Not for me.
Which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
I don't know
Do you have a crush on a mutual?
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underskiescomets · 3 years
Ask thingie
i like ask things and since this blog is dead i can do it and nobody is gonna see hehe (except LA PETITE PERSONNE......) @lapetitepersonne
1. why did you choose your url?
I had to create a new blog to bypass the age-restricted content tumblr had a few years back, and i had to think up an url on the spot so I went for an ~aesthetic~ thing... nothing very interesting here
2. any side-blogs? if you have them, name them and why you have them.
YES i have like 4, one is a vent art shit i posted 1 drawing and deleted soon after (so not used), one is a blog where I post pics of my body and outfits (and nudes) and is pretty popular ??? at least for me lol i have like 600+ followers (but barely to none interractions) and the last one is the same but not used ... AND NO i wont tag them they’re my dirty little secret........ ok i post my ass but IN SECRECY
3. how long have you been on tumblr?
woww idk .. maybe 2014 ?
4. do you have a queue tag? 
5. why did you start your blog in the first place?
i liked aesthetic things lol and for my side blog, i just wanted the attention i guess
6. why did you choose your icon/pfp?
i dont know. THIS BLOG IS DEAD ok
7. why did you choose your header?
i dont even know what my header is
8. what’s your post with the most notes?
I had a pic of my stomach (??) that reached over 1000 notes on my sideblog o_o but one day it disappeared. I guess tumblr made it vanish bc too much hubris for my stomach...
9. how many mutuals do you have? 
none ......................
10. how many followers do you have?
about 30 i think
11. how many people do you follow? 
12. have you ever made a shitpost?
NO never here but i like to shitpost on twitter and discord
13. how often do you use tumblr each day?
like 1 or 2 times a day, not over 1 or 2 hours
14. did you have a fight/argument with another blog once? who won?
15. how do you feel about “you need to reblog this” posts?
its shite
16. do you like tag games?
yes i dooooo i love the attention
17. do you like ask games?
id love for ppl to ask me things but im too afraid of nobody asking joCFIGQcsd
18. which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
me ig.........30 followers
19. do you have a crush on a mutual?
n o
20. tags?
u dare think i have ppl to tag...
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lucy-sky · 4 years
New Tag Game
Tag 5 or more people that you are thankful were in your 2020, that you’re thankful exists in a world that’s hard to live in. Whether that be through random reblogs on your posts, or people you have had full blown conversations with. Whether it’s just seeing them on your dash, or interacting with them.
Please Spread this love. 2020 has been hard for so SO many of us.
I was tagged by the lovely @hdlynn - thank you!
Actually I’ve met some really amazing people here this year:
first of all @hdlynn - this goes right back at you! You’re such a sweet romantic person, a very good writer and you’re always so nice and supportive!
@lesdoublesll - such a sunshiny person and personal French consultant xDD
@ohmyralphmacchio - we share a birthday! You provide good music in your playlists :D And support my weird crushes. Thank you for being around!!
@timothyolyphant - it’s pretty unbelievable that such a popular blog follows me back o_O You actually supported me a lot in the beginning of the year (or closer to spring?) when I felt really shitty. And you’re really cool overall :))
@ewanmcgregors - thank you for being a lovely person and for tagging me in your beautiful gifsets! 
Same goes to @stephibee :))
@rzrcrst - for some reason it feels like I follow you for much longer time than I actually do :) It’s always a joy to read your fics, and you’re amazing!
@cinebration - thank you for your constant support!
@ezraslittlebirdie - I totally support your love for Ezra and Death Note, and you’re such a nice human being!
@biobiopsy - one of the first readers of my first Ezra fic :) it was important for me!
@bonojour - we met thanks to Simon Pegg Birthday gift exchange, and I’m happy about it! Love your aesthetic! Also probably the only NOT Russian person I know who’s into Viktor Tsoi.
@like-a-million-suns - a mutual who shares not only my love for Sammy but also for Gael Garcia Bernal and I appreciate it!
@born-to-run - followed me just recently and it’s just super motivating when someone supports your love for really unpopular characters/actors xD Don’t unfollow me just yet, I might come back to mr. Whigham once I’ll have some more free time :)))
Honorable mention: @sweetfictionalworld - because I followed you since Yondu fics, but I think we became mutuals only this year (I guess??..) You’re a nice and talented person and I’m glad to know you :)
Some more llovely mutuals I’ve met in 2020: @german-lauren, @ihavetogetoffthisplanet, @catfishmorales - we don’t interact much but I’m happy to see y’all on my dash and notifications!
Also I have to mention ppl I’ve met earlier than in 2020 and who are still around, bacause I’m really happy you are here!!! @sammysdaisy, @silvusha, @lunamoon-87, @sammysdixon, @justin-hammers, @spikes-jonze, @moviestorian, @joxem, @snovyda, @niralamba, @chaostrick, @zhenja483, @cumberpegg - you’re support is priceless and I’m here for you as well!
Thanks everyone for being around, I hope you’re doing fine and sending you hugs! :))
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mocweepe · 3 years
tagges by @irlteddycore , tyy💚💚💚‼
1. why did you choose your url?
i am autistic n i used 2 say i was autisming (positive connotation) when i was infodumping, stimming, n jus otherwise displaying common autistic behaviors. it soumded cool n being autistic iz fucking obviously an important part of my identoty so i said. fuck it!
2. any side blogs?
SO many, like 16ish? not gonna list em all but some are:
@qpeople - current events, history, mutual aid, etc.
@bahavah - lovecore blog
@tomurasheart - BNHA
@foresightwithglasses - (‼inaccessible‼) posts i tink could be helpful 4 my future self, nonmutuals do not follow!
and dis blog iz a sideblog!
3. how long have you been on tumblr?
ER... since 6th grade sooo... 6 years????? dis accs coming up 2 only 2 years old doh, iz my second.
4. do you have a queue tag?
i don tink i do. ive already 4gotten.
5. why did you start your blog in the first place?
last acc felt too cluttered, i wanted a bajillion sideblogs 2 organize stuff. dis blog specifically was og a trendercore sb, but it was when da aes jus started n dere wasn a lot of content so it quickly jus became a "me" space (since my mains aes)
6. why did you choose your icon/pfp?
my icon was a black n white photo of a goth 4 a long time n i jus decided 2 stick w da theme when i change it bc of cross imagery
7. why did you choose your header?
i was spamton themed 4 octoberish n i haven bothered changing it yet. besides i still like da lil guy :]
8. what’s your post with the most notes?
Probably da villain4villain 1 -_-
9. how many mutuals do you have?
an Amount 4 sure. uh if i had 2 guess probably over 10 but less dan 20.
10. how many followers do you have?
none T_T /j
11. how many people do you follow?
12. have you ever made a shitpost?
13. how often do you use tumblr every day?
14. did you have a fight/argument with another blog once?
once. some1 was being a dipshit on a friends post n i argued w dem. dey jus kept saying sum dumb shit till dey blocked me
15. how do you feel about “you need to reblog this” posts?
da exact phrase "u need 2 rb dis" izn too bad depending in context but almost ne other related phrase iz so shitty. when folks say shit like "weird how no1s talking abt xyz when we were talking abt abc jus a month ago ://" and ESP "i see u not rbbing dis" make me go rabid like i will kill u.
da first iz usually some1 comparing tragedies or injustices like..... which iz jus a total slap in da face 2 da victims of da event deyre putting down, and da 2nd iz noting more dan a blatant lie dat can send ppl into paranoia!!!!!!!! like UGH dey infuriate me sm. jus make ur post w/o literally causing harm. it cannot be dat damn hard.
16. do you like tag games?
yes!!!! deyre always either questionares (LOVE talking abt myself) or picrews, both of which r usually fun. i don do all of dem (sum picrews rnt suited well 4 me or da post iz innaccessible so i jus don interact w it, and sum questionnaires jus require more effort dan i wana put in. esp shuffle song 1s cuz i can only do sm dere.)
only ting iz, i don generally tag ppl. i don like it, it makes me anxious LOL. but if ne1 Does like being tagged in dese games den let me know 👀👀 ill write ur url down n tag u from now on💚💚💚‼‼‼
17. do you like ask games?
YES 100% i love when ppl send me asks n stuff :]
18. which of your mutuals do you think is Tumblr famous?
kurt and soda i know r sort of. i have several others who've made a few popular posts, so dey might be but idk lol i don like. give a shit yk
19. do you have a crush on a mutual?
neope. a few friend 1s (as in mutuals i wana be friends w) but i don have da energy needed 4 da effort 2 make new friends rn :( hopefully soon!!!!!!
if ne1 wants 2 participate, consider urself tagged!
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5-14 · 4 years
ult group game
tagged by @coups thank you for tagging me sally!!! 💗
tagging: @kyunsies​, @3maeiri​, @xlilybebe and anyone else that wants to do this :D
for: monsta x
1. who was your first bias?
technically my first bias was minhyuk but the first person to catch my eye was shownu bc he was so cute ssjsjsjs (esp in the trespass dance practice where they’re all just running around screaming lmao)
2. who is your bias now?
still minhyuk :D but ofc i love them all so much
3. what was the first mv you watched by them?
trespass (knock knock ja deureogamnida!)
4. what’s your favourite mv?
alligator just everything about that mv is so good esp the dance during the last 30 seconds of the mv and the ending pose...!! ugh immaculate!!
i also really like the colours in follow (;_;) and x-phenomenon was fun and cute!! (they have too many good mvs i can barely pick)
5. if you could only listen to one of their songs for the rest of your life, which would it be?
this is literally the hardest question....,,, maybe if only bc even though it makes me cry i still love it so much
6. who would you want to see them collab with?
ofc WONHO 
7. what (mv) concept do you want to see them do?
if they ever have an mv for a chill song then like a daily life type of mv that were pretty popular back in 2012 where theyre just like wandering around the city doing stuff OR OR something super avante garde with wacky camera angles and distortions (idk what it would be like but it would be cool i think) or a wong kar wai 90s esque inspired concept would be cool as well
8. have you ever had a dream with any of the members in it?
yes a lot actually sjsjsjjs like the past 2 weeks i’ve been having dreams of minhyuk every other day... there was one where we were picking flowers in a field during night and saw a shooting star, and another where he was somehow a part of my high school friend group and we all hung out after volleyball practice, and another creepier one where we were on stage and a bunch of people just stared at us like O_O
9. if you could spend a day with one member, who would it be and what would you do?
maybe paint with minhyuk or go fishing with hyungwon hehe (it would be fun to go to a sea in the winter with all of them,, riding bikes or going on a picnic!!)
10. which member do you think you would get along with best?
maybe because hes my bias but minhyuk... i just feel like i would never be bored with him around even if hes just cooped up in his blanket watching science videos lol in terms of personality i feel like i’m a mix of jooheon and hyungwon and minhyuk is just so good at taking care of people and making them feel loved and we have a lot similar stances on things so yeah
11. which member do you think you would argue with?
honestly speaking probably wonho LOL but only in a fun way!! because he likes to tease people and im super gullible so it’d be like ._. (++ does anyone remember that time where he was like ya guys sorry to break to you but all posts on fancafe will be deleted after the new gen comes out its a new rule and we can’t do anything abt it :/ and everyone freaked out like bruh WHAT but then 20 mins later he was like haha sike :P got y’all didn’t i like sir...!!! making me panic and for what)
12. if you had to let one member scroll through your tumblr, who would it be
my blog is basically dedicated to spreading love for them so they can all go through it i wouldn’t mind <3
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enbies-and-felonies · 4 years
1, 4, 9, 13, 18, 21, 27, 34, 45, and 48 sorry if its a lot
1: What color are your socks?
One of them is brown with snowflakes in light blue, and the other is brown with light blue plaid :)
4: Do you believe in love at first sight?
I’m not sure... I think you can have attraction, and like, and appeal (even a squish) but I would say love has to be developed a little bit (probably why I love slowburn fics sajfkh) Love takes work, and dedication, and while I believe you can love someone as a person, or a friend or something like that at first sight, I find it hard to believe that it could happen in real life (love it in fics though) You can definitely have infatuation at first sight :)
9: Do you currently like someone?
yep!! (If you look in my tag PRETTY GIRL on my blog, you can learn more about her) I might even be starting to like another person too, but I’m not fully sure yet :)
13: What’s your favorite urban legend?
Oooo, I can’t say I have a favourite, but I love those small-town (farm country, woods, etc.) stories where you don’t look into the cornfield, and if you hear singing in the woods you don’t turn around.
18: Would you rather stay in or go out?
right now? definitely go out with friends :)
21: Have you ever snuck out?
Yes actually, I couldn’t sleep so I went outside for a bit and walked aorund
27: Would you like to live in another country?
I used to live in Japan, but I was really little then, so I’d like to maybe try living there again for a short time, and I really want to just,,,, travel around countries :)
34: Do you have trouble sleeping at night?
Yes. If I fall asleep before 12 its a miracle, but if I fall asleep past 3 that’s a norm :/ (my trick? listen to music and make up stories)
45: What do you think people think of you?
oop- O_O I think that they think I’m annoying but just funny enough to keep around, that I’m too loud or too quiet (I KNOW this one, bc of my parents), that I’m lazy and that I’m apathetic about other people and that I don’t listen  OR they think I’m sweet and kinda witty (even though I’m not)
48: Do you like yourself?
My anxiety sure doesn’t. XD
In a more serious tone... I think I know that I should, but somehow I just can’t manage it. I can like certain things sometimes, but the whole of me... I just can’t. I constantly want to change things about me because I feel like I’m always failing or hurting someone or not enough, and that’s just emotionally, not to mention how I feel about my appearance :0
so,,,, I guess I don’t
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cecechiro · 4 years
the extra long tag game ;)
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tagged by @yawnjunie​ thank you friend ;u; ily blu~
tagging @meiiyue​ @dulcaet​ @lordseochangbin​ (y’all don’t have to do it, i didn’t really know who to tag since my moots circle is small ;w; but i’d like to get to know you all more c: )
tell me the first song that made you stan your current fave group and why did your faves attract you so much?
firstly, i stan so many amazing groups. but, i’ll do the two i’ve been listening to frequently, or months, i should say.
for stray kids...hellevator was a piece that moved me a lot. i could feel their emotions, hardships, and experience through the lyrics :( the song really means a lot to me. i didn’t really get into them when they had the survival show, but i knew of their predebut show and their debut song. the time i finally got into them for real was last year, somewhere in august. it was during side effects era when i learned more about them. i didn’t really settle into their music yet since i was insistent on learning about who they were first. so, i got to know them before listening to the rest of their music :) my faves are changbin and chan :3
for ateez...their whole discography are bangers and i’ve never skipped any of their songs when i first listened to it D; but if i had to pick a song, it’s either twilight or utopia. i saw them during kcon 2019, but i wasn’t into them yet!! i got into ateez the beginning of this year actually. i saw their performance video for answer, and whoosh, i fell in love with the music and everything. i really love their music styles, especially the slower and softer songs? their dancing is insane too, all of them O_O i can’t fathom how much passion and energy they put into dancing, especially that ‘part’ in hala hala. my faves are san and seonghwa. fun fact: they were the ones that caught my attention first when i saw that ateez performance video that got me into them
rule: answer the ten questions and write your own!
what’s your unrealistic goal for life?
to have different career goals? i get sticking to one career you would choose for life, but, i’m a person who has an aspiration for arts and crafts/visual and performing arts. i’ve tried everything. ceramics, drawing, graphic design, photography, dance ;)
if you had known that we would be in a global pandemic, what’s one thing that you would’ve done before things shut down (if they have for you)?
well, i’m a home-body...so maybe go to the beach or mall with friends or cousins
what’s an unconventional thing that you carry around with you when you go out?
chapstick, i guess. i carry it in my jean pocket and it’s just lodged there looking pretty.
favourite type of plushies and why?
the huggable ones where i can use to comfort myself or just to hold :)
favourite song right now?
stay gold by bts
something that you’ve always wanted to learn?
how to make/compose music, the korean language, dance~ (pretty similar to blu’s lol)
tell a funny story about yourself (or just something that you’ve witnessed)
i was running upstairs to the second floor where my room was and one of my brothers was coming up as well. he was catching up to me fast so i speed ran upstairs and zoomed over to my other brother’s bathroom. i was wearing socks, so right when i stepped foot onto that bathroom floor, i slipped and landed on the ground.
headphones or speakers? why?
headphones to listen to music at night or for videos and speakers for computer games and etc :)
craving any food right now? what are you craving?
fettuccine alfredo
which music streaming platform do you prefer? why?
i’ve been using spotify. which is kind of ironic bc i didn’t get the point of why my friend uses spotify and pays for it. but look at me now haha. i prefer it over apple though, but i don’t particularly know why.
my questions to you:
1. what is your favorite scent?
2. what makes you laugh the most?
3. proudest accomplishment?
4. dream vacation spot?
5. favorite food to eat during breakfast?
6. any pet peeves?
7. do you collect anything?
8. what song describes you?
9. most interesting thing you ever saw?
10. animal that describes you best.
rule: bold the statements that apply to you, italicize your aspirations, then tag nine people.
AIR ༉⋆͙̈
i have small hands / i love the night sky / i watch animals and birds when i pass them by / i drink herbal tea / i wake to see the dawn / the smell of dust is comforting / i’m valued for being wise / i prefer books to music / i meditate / i find joy in learning new truths from the world around me
FIRE ༉⋆͙̈
i don’t have straight hair / i like to wear ripped jeans and overalls / i play an organized sport / i love dogs / i am not afraid of adventure / i love to talk to strangers / i always try new foods / i enjoy road trips / summer is my favorite season / my radio is always playing
WATER ༉⋆͙̈
i wear bracelets on my wrists / i love the bustle of the city / i have more than one set of piercings / i read poetry / i love the sound of a thunderstorm / i want to travel the world / i sleep past midday most days / i love simply lit dinners and fluorescent signs / i rewatch kids shows out of nostalgia / i see emotions in colors not words
EARTH ༉⋆͙̈
i wear glasses or contacts / i enjoy doing the laundry / i am a vegetarian or vegan / i have an excellent sense of time / my humor is very cheerful / i am a valued advisor to my friends / i believe in true love / i love this chill of mountain air / i’m always listening to music / i am highly trusted by the people in my life
i go without makeup in my daily life / i make my own artwork / i keep on track of my tasks and time / i always know true north / i see beauty in everything / i can always smell flowers / i smile at everyone i pass by / i always fear history repeating itself / i have recovered from a mental disorder / i can love unconditionally
name: candace
nickname: ace
birthday: nov 3
zodiac: scorpio
nationality: american
languages: english, hmong, & a little bit of french and korean
gender: female
sexuality: bi
height: about 163cm
inspiration for muse: stray kids, ateez, various groups
meaning behind my url: supposed to be a word play of my nickname and the french word for aesthetic(s), which is esthétique. so, ace + esthétique = acethetiques
blog established: June 2013
followers: 1,014
favourite animals: dogs, cats, wolves, dolphins
favourite books: sounder..i forgot the author’s name :(
favourite colour: blue, black, and white :)
favourite fictional characters: kamado tanjiro and maquia
favourite flower: cherry blossoms and hydrangeas 
favourite scent: the scent of rain falling on the grass and ground
favourite season: autumn
average hours of sleep: 4-9
cats or dogs: both
coffee, tea or hot chocolate: tea
current time: 8:42pm
dream trip: laos, thailand, uk, japan, south korea, china, france
dream job: graphic designer? interior design? i’m not sure.
hobbies: eating, piano, sleeping, baking, playing games (i’m a gamer c’:)
hogwarts house: huffepuff
last movie watched: railroad tigers
last song listened to: highway to heaven english version by nct 127
no. of blankets you sleep with: 1
random fact(s): i used to have 100 urls...it’s down to 30 i believe. i changed my url a lot, hence the old age. groups that got me into kpop was boyfriend and vixx.
10 things I can’t stop listening to
easy - stray kids
inception - ateez
love shot - exo
epiphany - bts
maria - hwasa
starry night - mamamoo
destiny - mamamoo
100 ways - jackson wang
can’t you see me - txt
love scenario - ikon
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