#<- idk if anyone blocks this tag but. there ya go
fountainpenguin · 2 months
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"My mind is twisted up and you're to blame... Are you aware of how you say my name? I've tried so hard to push you away..." (x)
New Dog's Life chapter today! ~ 3rd Life series fan-season
Chapter 33 - “Cinders (Etho)”
❤️ Read on AO3
💛 Start from Chapter 1
💚 More Pixels Imperfect fics
"But for real, the most beautiful thing Lizzie did was treating me like a stranger. She didn't see him." Sniff sounds like he's floating, eyes like glaciers. "I'm never going to stop being 'Joel 2.0' to you. Am I?"
Etho finally tells SnifferMyFeet what happened between him and Joel post-Double Life. Sometimes people slip right through your fingers... It's just weird it happened twice.
#smalletho - Etho/Sniff tension followed by several flashbacks about Etho's past with Joel (bed sharing, cuddling, teasing, discussing Joel's kids (Hermes & Tiny Tom), and Etho trying to learn Joel's boundaries, which Joel avoids defining)
(First 1,000 words under the cut)
Yeah, we allogrooming (chewing on each other's code strings and pulling them with mouths to straighten them); keep scrolling
Etho - Fox
Status: Keep 'em guessing
Self-taught programmer, full-time hero
💙  🧡  💚
It's familiar, but not in the way you think. It's familiar because the universe speaks to itself (to his soul) each time it checks he's doing okay. Especially on full moon nights. When the moon reaches down its light, Etho adjusts his footing and licks his lips, then chews its fingers and nuzzles back.
Give yourself a shake. Fluff up your fur. It's the arctic fox way. Then you run off to do exactly what you're meant to do, because you're born of the universe and were given conscious thought so you could love your role. The mobs play their part. You play yours. Beneath silver moonlight, we meet and make merry, for tomorrow we're AFK for weeks or months on end. You're born in the code. You live forever. And that's just the way of things.
Which is to say that snuggling up next to Sniff, one hand pressed to the back of his shoulders to hold him down against the mattress, is one of those wild things that's new and familiar at the exact same time. You remember all those tools we were gonna clean his code with? Yeah, those are beginner's toys. This is how it's done right.
It's a work of teeth and tongue: nipping code beneath his skin with glowing teeth and pulling it to straighten strings. It's goopy, thick, and messy. It's the way of the world; song as old as time.
Sniff keeps very quiet, his hands stretched out in front of him. He kneads the pillow. They don't speak. Not now. Etho keeps his hand firm, bearing weight on Sniff through a blanket so their pixels won't blend together, as he makes his way around cheek, neck, shoulder, and back. Sniff's filled with stagnant energy. It doesn't move fast - doesn't carry the parts that need attention towards Etho's mouth the way it should - but his tongue's doing the job the activator whisk should do. It ripples through his code. It stirs the stuff awake. That'll get him moving. Sniff gives a big, silent yawn that splays his fingertips and flicks his tongue. Then he turns his head away. His wings flex like a butterfly's and slowly fold against his back.
Etho keeps working. The mask's been dropped aside for this- It's just easier than letting it dangle at his neck. He nips with his teeth, catching strings, and fixes everything he can. There's only so much you can do with stagnant code. Most species don't eat it, but a fox can. Like the phantoms, they scavenge.
Etho takes the stuff Sniff doesn't need. He doesn't need scratches and aching muscles. He doesn't need chipped nails and dirty feet. He doesn't need the callus on his writing finger, the ink stains, or the ache between the V of two fingers. These are little add-ons (just wrinkles in the code). Etho pulls them free of soul and skin. They slip between his teeth.
Sniff drags Etho's other hand forward. Etho shifts, keeping balance. His hand's pretty neat and tidy after the week-long experience of Sniff cycling his code. Sniff nibbles at it anyway. The bits in his system that are ruffled prickle to attention and swish the messy bits forward so Sniff can gnaw the tangles away. Yeah, that's the spot. Etho thumps his tail against the bed.
Unlocking advancements feels like this. And the universe loves them, and it gave them thought without breaking the ecosystem, because it wanted them to know they're loved.
If there's an advancement for allogrooming, it's one he achieved a long, long time ago. Probably when he was just a kit. Not a lot of memories from the early days still stick with him, but he does remember Rhetoric chewing on his ear. He had fox ears back then. They used to wrestle with each other, but growing up is complicated. Sometimes you do the best you can every day of your life… and for what? Your mother will still pick you up by the scruff and drop you on the doorstep of a dragon she thinks could use you more.
He and Bdubs have that in common. Bdubs just refuses to admit it.
Oh yeah… We can't let the Slime Dragon see Sniff. She'll wanna kill him so he respawns at his mom's nest. Etho yawns. He stops messing with the code. Instead, he nestles his chin against the back of Sniff's neck. What time is it? Feels like they've been here for a thousand ticks, but it's such a blur that it could easily be half as much. It probably isn't. It can't be that long… He hasn't been called to Dog's Life yet.
Sniff chews at his fingers for a little longer, but his teeth slow too. He rests his cheek against his knuckles. Etho sweeps his tail sideways, brushing it across Sniff's back. He's warm. And without the nips and pulls, consistent collision isn't going to last. Pixels prickle. His chin starts to sink straight through.
It's familiar. But not the way you think. He never groomed Joel like this, with his mouth, except one time he had to re-open some rumpled bite marks that had sealed themselves in ridges across his shoulders. Long story there… but it's familiar because the universe told him this feels right tonight.
And it does feel right tonight. He's not gonna leave the mask off for long. Or the bandana, for that matter. He's way too exposed like this, raised blue scar curling over his eye and across his lips (all of it on display). Sniff probably feels the same way. He's still got both his shirts off. The curve of his spine's marked with a stripe. When you're this close, you can see the tiny zigzag marks where skin meshes like it's stitched. His giant scar - that big, white X - pulses with a dim, hazy glow.
Etho removes his head before he can sink any lower. He noses Sniff's cheek, then his chin. Once they're upturned, he gets back to work. A little more clipping here. A little trimming there. Making his way around. Sniff makes one soft noise like he's debating whether to squirm away. He keeps his eyes shut though, arms relaxed, and his wings stay folded up- lazy and content. Etho adds a few licks, keeping them light so he can seal the tiny gashes left behind by his teeth without startling Sniff enough to ask questions about 'what they are' again.
Funny. Last week, we did this the other way around. But he doesn't go as far as Sniff did. Tonight's about grooming, not feeding. Etho chews a knot from the back of Sniff's neck, then draws back. "Hey, Sniff, you-"
"My full name, Etho," he mumbles, not opening his eyes. "I only have one rule."
Right. Etho rasps his tongue around his lips and starts again. "SnifferMyFeet, I want to ask something."
"I know we said we wouldn't be 'serious' right now. I've just been wondering if maybe, after I do recordings and Hermitcraft clean-up… If you'd want to eat my soul again?"
Sniff's fingers still against the sheets. They alternate whose turn it is to breathe, like they used to at night on The Relation or when they were testing how far they could swim without coming up for air. Spoilers: Oxygen does not transfer from one soulmate's body to another.
Then Sniff blinks himself back to full awareness. He sits up on his knees. The covers slide down his back. Hands still braced, but no longer looking cozy. The guy reaches to pinch his brow and take his folded tank top at the same time. "You… want to use my vessel? Fluff, I dunno. Can I say that? I think I can."
[Full chapter on AO3 - Link at top]
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spirngakawening · 6 months
Sometimes when reblogging I think "it's been a while since I've posted anything Spring Awakening-related, people might be surprised to see it on my blog" then I remember what my blog name is
#part of it is like. i hope ppl don't get the wrong idea 'cause yeah i love this musical but i also hate it#like i am highly critical of it i just keep those discussions to the dead discord server#but yeah if anyone was gonna like. block me for liking it they'd just have to look at my username asdfghjkl#for anyone with no context this prolly sounds bad like why would someone block me for liking a musical#idk man ppl have strong opinions sometimes.it could happen#ik i myself am a lil weary of the fandom 💀#if you're a casual spring awakening enjoyer that's fine. power to ya. but. agh. this fecking musical#it's my blog name bc it kickstarted my second & ongoing musical phase. like my starter musicals were heathers & bmc but this one Got Me#it was prolly my most intense fixation since.. since hetalia 💀 WHICH WAS MY FIRST EVER FANDOM#i was out here learning songs in ASL because of this musical WE DON'T EVEN USE ASL HERE (although i did go on to take Auslan classes)#i.. this musical had an impact on my life and that's all i can really say. boy oh boy...#spring awakening#braindumping in the tumblr tags#don't go watch this musical. but maybe do go read the play it's based on idk#i have many thoughts and feelings about this#shoutout to everyone who's said they felt like they were having a stroke reading my username#probably not the most sensitive way to describe it but i do perfectly understand what you mean#kinda the intended effect. jumbling the letters like that#rly it's just swapping two letters in each word. but it's effective#hm i just got a poll idea
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raiderlucy · 2 years
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So I’ve kinda been in shock for about a week or two since hitting this milestone... mainly because it happened way way wayyyy quicker than I anticipated, I was only doing my 2.5k a celebration a little over 2 months ago (for the record the time between my 2k celebration and my 2.5k celebration was like a year...so yeah wtf!?!) I know it’s partly due to the twitter migration, and i also know there’s probably still some bots lurking that i haven’t blocked, but hey ho.
So as per usual I wanna take the opportunity to thank my followers new and old, thanks for sticking with me during my hyper fixations that either last a week or forever (you know the ones i hyper fixate over the most by now i’m sure lol), thanks to everyone who interacts we me and like the gifs i make, it really does motivate me to continue creating, and thanks for somehow keeping up with my multi-fandom mess of a blog.
So for the celebration I’m going to be doing some gif requests again (which are always open btw i just never talk about it 😅) So i’ve spent some time thinking about some new ideas, but it’s mostly gonna be the usual requests i think, maybe by my next celebration i’ll be organised enough to get you guys to vote on something, who knows?
So if you wanna take part send me somethings (you’re not limited to one btw I always need inspiration for gif making):
🌈 + a colour palette + character/ship/show/whatever i post about (ex: here & here)
🎨 + 2 colours + character/ship/show/whatever i post about (ex: here & here)
🌵 + 2 things and make me choose between them - mix it up doesn’t have to be characters, could be outfits etc. (ex: here & here)
⏰ + show ep/movie and i’ll blindly pick scene from them for a gifset (ex: here)
🎵 + a character/ship/show/whatever + some some lyrics or a quote, or you can pick a song from my gif inspo playlist (ex: here & here)
✨ + other general gif requests maybe? something specific or some parallels or general character gifsets? idk i’m running out of ideas here lol
want some ideas? here’s some old celebration stuff here and here
gonna tag some mutuals new and old in no particular order under the cut, you should definitely check them out if you haven’t already, they have awesome gifs, writing and all that good stuff (if i missed anyone i’m sorry, there’s certain mutuals i’m always either to nervous to tag in or it’s me being a complete scatter brain or it might even be because i haven't seen ya on my dash in a while, or all of the above or any number of reasons... sorry i’m rambling now... i’m gonna go crawl back into my hole in the ground now )😘💜😎🖤
@himbohohoharringtxn @ne8ula @lengthofropes @achingly-shy @emziess @reysorigins @deanncastiel @aubrcy-plaza @greatcometcas @ofalltheginjoints @sam-ried @stevieclaus @finalgalnancy @santasteve @padme-amidala @heroeddiemunson @mistletoesteve @robiin-buckley @alivedean @babygirlspector @achillestiel @bebecas @babyboymunson 
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finniestoncrane · 10 months
I would love a blind date for two please finnie (idk why i can never resist these things)
Lemme see, I have a big curly brown and pink mop and I like to let the bangs sit over my eyes a bit. I like to dress a bit ecclectic and mix patterns when I can but I think it disappoints people when I don't seem very approachable.
I have a very social job that requires a lot of eye for detail so outside of my work I tend to be reserved and quiet in person. The only exception being if you get me started on some of my favorite topics including jewish studies, history and cooking, but the best topic is all three combined. I also know I can seem like a tightwad, I'll fully admit to it but I also don't hate people taking me out of my comfort zone. I might still fuss but I'm just slow to new ideas.
💜 blind date 💜 the kitchen is now closed! 🔞minors dni🔞 • masterlist • kofi link • tag: finnie1500 (to follow or to block) a/n: i've been excited about this one since you sent it in ngl 💚
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"Hi! Welcome to the Vill-Inn. I think I know who you're here for, and let me just say: as unpredictable as she might seem, she's absolutely adorable and I've never been more jealous."
It feels like the wait staff were suggesting that 'unpredictable' might be a negative personality trait, but as you approach the table and your date squeals and jumps up, you realise that they just mean 'loud and fun'.
"Oh my god! I'm Harley! I love your hair!"
She's teasing out strands of pink and admiring it when she realises she might be a bit too forward, so she curtsies with her puffy, short skirt, and sits back down.
"Sorry, I can get a lil' bit carried away. I'm just so excited to meet ya!"
She thumps her elbows down on the table and rests her chin in her hands, batting her eyelashes up at you.
"I like your outfit too. You look spectacular. I gotta go shopping with you sometime!"
You look at her clothes and realise you're clashing, but somehow matching. A mish mash of patterns and colours, bright, garish and exciting. There's no need to worry about seeming unapproachable with Harley. She's bold enough to take on anyone, and judging from the way she keeps smiling at you with her big, wide eyes, she's not about to let you slip away.
You both order your starters and mains, and once the wait staff have taken your order, harley leans in.
"Listen, the dessert here is probably good, but I know a place that does amazing raspberry hamantashcen, and I refuse to let anyone leave a date with me without trying 'em."
Your ears prick up, and harley can tell she's hit a sweet spot. A look of shared knowledge passes between you and she's suddenly grabbing at your arms and hands, excitedly discussing her favourite traditional Jewish foods and lamenting the lack of family owned deli's in Gotham. But there's a lot more to it than that, because she moves the topic to more cultural discussions, her family, some history, your family, sharing recipes. You can tell you've really struck a chord with her, something deep down.
"I don't get to talk about this stuff much, it's nice to find someone you can share the important things with, huh, puddin'?"
It's very safe to say that this date has pulled you out of your comfort zone, and even if you weren't coming willingly, Harley might have dragged you kicking and screaming. There's absolutely no way that you're getting the chance to leave her company. You're her sidekick now. She's already daydreaming about making breakfast with you in the morning.
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lady-of-imladris · 8 months
Trope rating game
rules: How much do these tropes affect your decision to click on a fic? -10 -> very dissuaded  0 -> don’t care either way  +10 -> very enticed  nope -> if it’s a hard no and you’d never click on a fic with that tag or you even have the tag blocked or you’d insta click out of the fic if it wasn’t tagged. Bonus points for explaining the rating and whether it’s conditional.
Thank you so much for tagging me @thesolarangel <3 I'm sorry it took me so long! Answers under the cut!
Age gap: +10 I'm a dilf lover. I'm a fantasy reader. YES age gap!
Codependency: -5 Meh. Not my thing
Obsession/Possessiveness, jealousy: +5 Yes Possessiveness (IN FICTION), no to obsession and jealousy (ESPECIALLY jealousy)
Opposites (grumpy/sunshine etc): 0 I don't really care much for this trope, I think it's a bit overdone
Enemies to lovers, Enemies with benefits: +10 YES. THE SPICY SPICE OF THE FORBIDDEN!!! THE DAGGER TO THE THROAT. This is what I always go for when I feel bad. Semester is over and I am so burnt out I don't have the energy to do anything? Enemies to lovers.
Friends with benefits: 0 I don't care either way
Sex to feelings: +5 There's something satisfying when it was just supposed to be a quickie because they were both drunk but then the author hits you with the italicized oh and it just happens.
Fake dating/relationship: +6 y e s. Especially if it is a very elaborate scheme
Friends to lovers: -4 Idk why, it's just a no for me.
Found Family: +3 I think it's a bit overdone? But it's always a good one (looking at you Six of Crows)
Love Triangle: -2 SO OVERDONE!!! 2014 YA novels called, they want their tropes back (no hate to anyone who likes this!!!)
Poly, open relationships: 0 I don't think I have read anything with polyamoury or open relationships yet? RECS???
Mistaken/hidden identity: +4 ESPECIALLY if they are secretly enemies (and one of them doesn't know it and they fall for each other asjkfdakljghal)
Monsterfucking: +8 vampires? YES. Daddy Cullen, Astarion. YES
Pregnancy: -8 okay if it just is part of the story (I'm currently writing a fic where the couple canonically has a kid, so I HAD to include the pregnancy) and if it's not overly detailed then I am 100% fine with it, but if it's friends with benefits and then OH NO someone is pregnant, now we have a huge fight but then they confess their feelings and... UGH. not my thing
Second Chance: -10 NOPE. If one of you besties EVER sees me even THINKING about giving someone a second chance, SPRAY ME WITH WATER LIKE A NAUGHTY CAT!!!!! Not even in fiction
Slowburn: +7 When executed nicely, this is T H E B E S T. But the wait needs to pay off if you catch my drift
Soulmates: 0 I REALLY don't care, but that might just be because I don't believe in love
No pressure tagging @marimosalad @pursuitseternal @fictionalmenjusthitdifferent @starlady66 @queenmeriadoc <3 and open tags! But if you do it you must tag me so I see it!!!
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godsofthecatz · 9 months
Excuse me if I come off as rude (I don't mean to be!) though I'm curious...
How do you get by the LMK fandom when you're a plumsynoodles shipper? A lot of people or either ships that or PeachyNoodles usually gets the door slammed on them? Do you not go through that? Or do you?
I mean, i dont think you're coming off as rude!-
I personally haven't gotten too much of it? (I was called a proshipper once, but that was also from me trying to ask them for details/info they said they had about it being gross) But it could also be that probably because I'm not too popular?
And I mean, I try to stay out of the drama-...I also just straight up say when i do post something related to Plumsynoodles that if they don't like it, they can block me or just block the tag! (if they still like what I post otherwise)... because I mean- idk- it's a whole topic on its own - i can actually talk about my feelings on ships in general below if anyone wants to hear about it!
I don't post too many different ships- though I did a small request for unusual ships on Twitter and saw a few different ones-...
I don't want to get people upset or mad at me...but if people openly start trying to call me something I'm not, I don't want to get involved with that-... it's not hurting anyone and again, I'm giving them a small note that if they don't like it they can block me! But hey! I'll gladly talk about it openly with an open mind if someone like you asks about it!
Personally...I don't mind what people ship or think of other ships, as long as your not shoving it on me I'm all cool! I'm not trying to shove my ships on others as well! (ill mostly be referencing lmk)
shipping fictional characters is to me- and like....I don't care what others ship- (one ship i dont like is Mei with *just* MK... i like to see her as a sister to him! But i still like Chimerashipping...) like iv been around people shipping Iron fan with Mei or someone else, while for one with the Mei is that she is around MK's Age- and two...if people really care about it 'she's married and the only cannon ship that's in the show-...there's a lot of funky ships that can scratch the "problematic" tag... like any of the demon/human ships- ...
Some of my favorites and/or views with ships-... I also really like Jin and MK! Even though they don't interact all to much- I like to imagine the interaction! Again, it's fiction!
With Plumsynoodles...though yes- Macaque is his own is a sea of problems- I mean...to me you can personally apply that to any ship he is in- kinda the same with Wukong... but I like to use the fiction and mix it up with my brain of MK would help Macaque be a better person despite everything that has happened between them... and one popular topic that effects both of the mythical monkeys with MK- is the teacher student thing-... for me, again it's fiction...and at least MK is an adult- I also personally don't see Macaque as a teacher to MK??? It feels like a week, and sure they tease each other about it- but ya know??? And with Wukong- idk- I like to think of the 'after math'...like once MK is no longer the student- and they have both improved!...(even once saw a really cool post about someone talking about how the two stones MK/Wukong were born from are different stones! I wish I could find it- maybe I could if I remembered where to look or who it was from! It was actually really interesting)
I love shipping and hearing people's ideas on romance, or friendship! Like...regardless on what it is- to *me* as long as they are not related, and both adults/ or around the same age...I really don't care on what you ship-
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mumms-the-word · 2 months
I can’t remember who tagged me with this or if I stole it 😭
Tagging: @elspethdekarios @sorceresssundries @fantasyfictionfables @lewdisescariot and anyone else??
No pressure friends as always and sorry for double tagging, this has sat in drafts for like days
Last book I read: For fun? I honestly can't remember. For my dissertation, Phantasmion by Sara Coleridge (and I haven't recovered, it was an acid trip of a fantasy novel)
Greatest literary inspirations: Bram Stoker (fave classic writer), Marissa Meyer (influenced my love of YA fairy tales), Ursula K. Le Guin (her style is SO GOOD)
Things in my current fandom I want to read but I don't want to write: I skim/read a lot of smut for someone who will never write it. I don't even read it that much, but occasionally something catches my eye (I appreciate you smutty, smutty people). What I'd want to read but not write is slice-of-life style shenanigans between characters, the kind that comic artists like @a2zillustration do really well. Send me recs if you know other BG3 comic artists!
Things in my current fandoms I want to write but I think nobody would be interested in them but me: my current masquerade fic I love writing stuff that is incredibly specific to my Tavs because I find it fascinating to explore different character perspectives and voices? But I know the fandom tends to enjoy generalized Tavs or "you" POVs more than specific OC characters, which is fair given the nature of the game, so I don't share as much of my Tav-specific stuff these days
You can recognise my writing by: the lack of smut...and probably an overuse of adverbs. and the fact that every chapter/oneshot is ridiculously long. I'm new to fanfic, okay, I wrote full books as a hobby before this lol
My most controversial take (current fandom): oh boy I have...many, probably...I've already gotten blocked for one hot take (I think it was a misunderstanding??) but it wasn't even my most controversial take. I think my most controversial take is that there is no One Correct Way to interpret a character, and anyone who tells you that "you're reading the game files wrong" or "that isn't what is canon" is ignoring the fact that a) that's not how interpretation works, and b) the branching nature of the game is going to necessarily mean that different people encounter different things in different orders and may not even get the dialogue that you hold so dear to your interpretation of the character, and that is okay. We shouldn't ask everyone to become an expert in every facet of their favorite character's identity because not everybody has the time or energy for that. We should just hope that people are having fun. Like I know this is a complex topic and I don't want to ramble about it here lol but that's the gist
Top three favourite tropes: in no particular order, 1) arranged/convenient marriage that leads to genuine love between characters, 2) super big tall buff scary guy (tortured past optional) is actually a total sweetheart who is a little afraid of his own strength (bonus points if he falls in love with a smol person he must protect and feels slightly unworthy of), and 3) FOUND FAMILY I love it every time
What’s your current writing mood (10 – super motivated and churning out words like crazy, 0 – in a complete rut): fic writing I'm like....idk a 6? dissertation writing, which I am actually supposed to be writing, is a solid 1.
Share a random frustration: my students keep insisting on using AI to write their assignments and it is BEYOND frustrating how much time it takes up for me to read their assignment, mark where they've used AI, and then forward it to the next tier in our "Guess what you done fucked up" system for this class
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realmyths · 3 months
What caused you to start writing? What was your key point? How do you describe writing / rp to others? What is your favorite canon muse? Who is your favorite OC? How do you create an OC? What are your steps for developing an OC? FC or story first when you develop an OC? What’s something you find weird on here? What are things that you don’t wish to see on here?
I've liked writing since a young age, and I think it was my love of reading which spurred my love of writing. But for RPing, someone was looking for someone to write Luna Lovegood from Harry Potter in an RP group on a seperate site (not Tumblr) when I was like 13. Seeing as she was my favorite character, I decided to do it. I went on to RP many many more muses on other sites before moving to Tumblr.
My favorite canon muse that I RP now is a tie between Ciri, The Thirteenth Doctor, Dany, and Arya. As for favorite muses I've RPed ever, I'd also add Clara Oswald, Luna, and Cinna from The Hunger Games to the list. I might just bring Clara back one day heheh. <3
My favorite OC is super hard to choose and changes all the time but at the moment, I'd say it's a tie between Persephone, Victoria, Alex, Hope, Farryn, and Esme. Also Aphrodite, she's just fun to play for some reason. LOL.
How I create an OC varies from muse to muse. Usually I'll think of a backstory and personality for them first, and then choose a FC. But sometimes I have a vague concept and pick a FC and then further develop the muse.
I'd say I develop my OCs just through RPing them. The more I RP them, the more I get to know them as a person. And hopefully that comes across. <3
Usually story first, or at least a vague idea of one. Then FC. But it depends on the muse TBH.
I find the focus on graphics for promos and icons weird. Like no hate to anyone who enjoys making pretty promos and icons. But it shouldn't be a requirement or that important, in my opinion. I think the writing is what really matters. And everything else is extra, you know? I also find some callouts (not the serious ones) weird, in that people will put like "ships thing I dislike" or "likes character I hate" as a serious offense, almost like it's bigotry. And I find that strange as well. If someone's being offensive in how they write a muse, by all means call that out. But just someone shipping a ship or liking a character, I don't think needs to be mentioned most of the time. (Unpopular opinion, maybe? IDK. LOL)
I don't really mind most things. But I have to say, I get somewhat annoyed when there are people who spend their time in OOC posts getting upset at other people for liking XYZ thing they don't like. I get the need to rant. I get it. There are plenty of things I dislike. But I feel like as a RPC, if someone plays a muse you dislike or ships something you don't like, just do your best to ignore it. Blacklist tags, unfollow/block people as needed. But making tons of posts about it won't change other people's minds. And might upset some RP partners who don't feel the same way. So I feel like, if someone likes something you dislike, feel free to vent about it if you need to. I'm not going to tell people what to do. But maybe keep it to a minimum, if you can.
Also, any callouts that are pretty much just the same thing. Like "don't follow this person they ship XYZ thing." or "they write this muse" or "they write XYZ problematic topic". And for the last one, I get it. There are topics I won't write. But I feel like it's each RPers job to curate their own blog. And like just don't follow people who write things you don't want to, ya know? Or if you do follow, make your boundaries clear in your rules. And if someone doesn't respect those boundaries? Block them. That, to me seems a lot healthier than calling people out for writing XYZ thing that you dislike or think is wrong. Obviously, if someone writes a muse in a way that's offensive to a marginalized group or something, and they don't listen to feedback, a callout would make sense. But let's say someone writes a ship someone thinks is unhealthy, or a muse someone thinks is a bad person (depending on what that entails, etc. Like if someone's writing a bigoted muse, it might be worth looking into etc. But it really depends on the muse and their story. At least for me.), or even writes a topic that would be wrong if it was IRL. As long as that person is not forcing anyone to write XYZ with them, I don't personally see the need for a callout in that case. But this might be an unpopular opinion as well. Personally, I prefer to focus on callouts where someone is being prejudiced or disrespecting people's boundaries, etc. rather than "they wrote icky things or things I dislike." Now if someone tries to force someone else to write things they don't want to, in that case a callout would be warranted. Like if someone made me write incest or abuse or rape in a thread. Now if I agreed to write such topics that would be a different story, but since it's in my rules that I don't, due to how triggering they can be to others, I would expect that to be respected. But if someone else WANTS to write a thread about any of those topics, while I would not personally do so, I do respect their right to write about it if and only if, everyone who's writing it with them genuinely wants to explore such dark things. In my opinion, writing should be a safe place to explore everything and anything without any people being harmed. But if people are forced to write topics they don't want to, then real people are being harmed, and I would support any callouts of that nature. I hope I'm making some kind of sense. LOL. And if anyone has any questions, feel free to ask. <3
Oh, and I forgot you on the other ask, but I also get happy when I see you on my dash, @uncxntrxllable ! <3 <3 <3
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Trope Grading Game
I do not have Six Sentences for you this Sunday, so instead I'm finally doing this trope game that the lovely @artsyunderstudy tagged me in... some time ago. And thank you to @shrekgogurt for tagging me in Six Sentence Sunday this week!
Prior to Carry On, I mostly read Harry Potter fanfiction with a little bit of Percy Jackson and a little bit of Avatar: TLA thrown in there. I was pretty specific about what I liked in my fics in those days (which were primarily 10+ years ago), but the Carry On fandom has absolutely changed me. I'm not yet sure what is Carry On-specific or what applies outside the fandom because I haven't ventured back out again yet. So let's see who I am now...
Rules: How much do these tropes affect your decision to click on a fic?
-10 -> very dissuaded
0 - don’t care either way
+10 -> very enticed
nope -> if it’s a hard no and you’d never click on a fic with that tag or or you even have the tag blocked or you’d insta click out of the fic if it wasn’t tagged
Bonus points for explaining the rating and whether it’s conditional.
Age gap: -7
Would make me hesitate for sure. Depends a lot on the characters. If they're like... under 20, I'm probably not interested. If they're a little older, maybe? Idk, definitely sensitive here, but not quite a hard no.
Codependency: +3
Given how much I love Snowbaz, there's no way this is a turn off for me 😂
Obsession/Possessiveness, jealousy: +4
I'm going to quote artsyunderstudy's answer here because she already explained it perfectly,:
Complicated feelings. I'm kinda into it, so it definitely wont put me off, but jealousy as a trope can either be really fun in a story or really toxic. Like, I'm a little obsessed with Simon's jealousy in the series, because its not the kind where he gets mad at Baz, really, or lashes out at him, its very internal and about his own insecurity, but also really indicative of how very attached he is despite his assertions through wayward son that he was going to end things. I love a bit of possessiveness as long as its not the kind that hurts their partner or turns really bad to the point of me disliking the character. So, yeah, in most situations i'm a fan of exploring this, though I can't say I specifically look for it.
Opposites (grumpy/sunshine etc): +7
Yes! I do love a good grumpy/sunshine, black cat/golden retriever combo. Solangelo, anyone?
Enemies to lovers, Enemies with benefits: +10
Boy do I love me an enemies to lovers, and this has always been true (Dramione was my first non-canon ship... followed by Zutara, so. There's a theme here.) That was one of the major selling points of Carry On when my friend told me about it.
And enemies with benefits only if they end up actually having feelings for each other, ya know? If it's like... enemies that evolve to have benefits but never really have the emotional connection, meh. Though I can't say I've really run into that.
Friends with benefits: -2
Aaaand quoting artsyunderstudy here again because she nailed it, which... um... hm. I maybe am questioning certain aspects of my sexuality now... so... anyway......... 👀 Though I changed the rating to -2 because unless there's a tag telling me emotions are involved and important and leading somewhere, it's a turn off.
Ehhh is it benefits to full on love? I don't really connect with allo perspectives on sexual relationships, like I get them intellectually but I don't jive with them on an emotional level, so there has to be that emotional draw for me, that underlying romance. I mean tho, @fatalfangirl stacy is writing an excellent fic on this premise right now that I absolutely love because there are clearly feelings involved. But it also might fall more into the realm of the next trope on this list ... which is ...
Sex to feelings: -5
This one is new with Snowbaz (this was not at all a thing I read in previous fandoms. I was not ready for sexy fics back then.) It's another kind of weird one for me. I feel like it has to be accompanied by something else, but I can't tell you what off the top of my head. Like I don't know what this is missing right now... I think I just want the feelings to be there first? Idk, maybe I'll go read some fics like this and see if I can work out what I'm feeling here.
Actually I'm already having thoughts. I think the context of the sex has to be right. I'm not super into things like hookups because that sounds personally terrifying. Like... character a meets character b at a bar/event/etc and there's physical attraction and that's all they need. Just doesn't jive with me.
The only example I can think of off the top of my head that gets close, though doesn't exactly fit, is @facewithoutheart's "to do, to know, to want" with Gareth the Cherry Plucker. Except for this Sex to Feelings scenario it would need to be Baz falling for Gareth (which... HAH. I... I can't with that image.) But anyway. Context. Baz is going to Gareth for help and would then would develop feelings during/after the fact, and that would be fine. And I guess that's probably still about emotional vulnerability. Also hatefucking. That's fine too? Anyway, I'm losing my train of thought on this one.
Fake dating/relationship: +8
I quite enjoy the fake dating trope, especially when combined with enemies to lovers.
Friends to lovers: +5
Yes! Very cute. But also can have a lot of angst and I am more cautious about reading those and making sure I'm emotionally equipped to handle angst. So yes, but handled carefully.
Found Family: +10
I looooove found family stories! I love seeing people choose to care for each other even though they don't have a traditional familial or romantic bond. This is a big part of what I've loved about all of my favorite YA series. People taking care of and understanding each other in ways their families can't or won't and filling voids... I'm actually getting emotional just thinking about it ok moving on.
Hurt/Comfort: +10
As artsyunderstudy said: "It gives me the swoops." Yes. 100%.
Love Triangle: -10
I'm not sure I ever loved this trope, but I was ok with it. Now I think I am just generally over love triangles. The angst doesn't usually hit right and I end up feeling more annoyed with the character doing the choosing than anything.
Poly, open relationships: -3
I'm pretty sure this is my bias coming through. My introduction to the concept of open relationships was through some people that were... not... great... imo... I recently realized how much that first introduction colored my perspective and I'm trying to undo some of that. In addition, just the idea of my partner also being with other people makes me so incredibly jealous, which I know is also my own issue to work on. So I should probably actually read more fics in this area. Fics often help me work through these kinds of internal issues.
Mistaken/hidden identity: 0
I don't know if I've ever read a fic with this trope? Not feeling any particular way about it either.
Monsterfucking: +8
Oh, this is certainly new with Snowbaz. I remember a time when I was like "wow, no, absolutely not. I do not get it." And then Spadey came along...
Does this apply outside of Snowbaz? TBD. I so far haven't been interested in even Shepard's scandalous stories, so this may be Simon specific.
Pregnancy: -1
I am very confused. This is new with Snowbaz, which on it's own was a "?" moment for me. I was very unsure about mpreg at the start of this journey, but wanted to try it out and very quickly became fine with it. mpreg specifically is probably at a 0, maybe -1.
But pregnancy in general terrifies me. Not in the way where people are like scared of/grossed out by pregnant people. Other people being pregnant is fine. It just sounds so incredibly uncomfortable and painful that I'm like... no thanks? Don't really want to think about it for me. Very excited about it for you, though. But I haven't really read any non-mpreg fics, so I'm not sure where pregnancy as a whole falls... I'm going to go with like -1 because if it's not me it should be fine... maybe...
Second Chance: -9
artsyunderstudy again:
breakup angst wounds me deep ya'll. I hate thinking of them not together. I hate thinking of them thinking they are better off not together. I hate IT it makes me cry all of my tears.
But where she loves the coming back to each other, I just can't get past the breakup/betrayal/whatever it is that needs a second chance. It hurts too much to even finish.
Slowburn: +8
YES, but in the right mood. Sometimes I just need fluff and falling fast and I need it NOW. But otherwise, yes yes yes.
Soulmates: +6
I feel like I've missed out on this entirely. I can't think of any soulmate fics I've read? Or what qualifies as a soulmate fic as opposed to other fics with magical ties between people. So maybe I have read them? Idk. Sounds nice though.
I don't think I've seen anyone's posts for this game come across my dash aside from Ashton's, so if you've already done it... oops! My bad. Or consider this a last-minute Six Sentence Sunday tag: @onepintobean @thewholelemon @technetiumai @iamamythologicalcreature
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doublegoblin · 1 year
This or That
Thank ya @gummybugg for the tag !
It's been a while since I've done one of these and there are some different questions so I'll be answering for myself on this one.
As far as who else to tag, @asterhaze @randomstupidchaos @princessw0lf @angie-j-kay and anyone else whom'st've the desire to join in the fun!
historical or futuristic
Between the two I enjoy the aesthetic more. When it comes to futuristic I feel that sometimes the descriptions and setting can get a bit muddy and bloated with stuff. Idk just vibes too.
the opening or closing chapter
I can't really recall what I put last time and I am too lazy to double check. But, as I've been working more and more on longer WIPS I've come to really enjoy the concept of that final chapter. Putting everything in its place and tying it off with a happy little bow. Carrot on a stick kind of mentality.
light+fluffy or dark+gritty
Despite the content that I typically write, I don't typically like to engage with bummer stuff. Also in my experience, dark and gritty is usually just a shorthand for making everyone bastards. Real big oh ho ho we people are just a bad day away from tribalism like bro, gtfo with that shit. Not to say it isn't valid, just not what I want to engage with.
animal companion or found family
Both are equally good, but, just vibes?
horror or romance
Despite what I said two questions up, I do enjoy me a good spoopin'. Not too much like blood and gore, but like, the tingle at the back of your neck kind of horror. Don't put a bomb under a table and have the viscera go everywhere, tell me a bomb is under the table and then nothing else. Plus, I'm an edgy bitch who enjoys edgy monsters.
hard magic system or soft magic system
I'm a nerd who enjoys rules and regulating things. Maybe there is some neurospicyness to it, idk. Hard magic lets you have a problem and find fun ways to use those same problems and maybe come up with a unique solution. Or better yet, find some loops holes that still make it "technically" correct.
standalone or series
This was a toughy, but just once again comes down to vibes. What it came down to was me splitting some hairs. If a work follows the same storyline but just over multiple iterations (i.e. the original Percy Jackson series) I still consider it a standalone. A series takes place in the same universe but different stories are told in that same universe (think more spin offs or side stories, once again Percy Jackson). Does this actually make sense? Not really. But, these are my vibes.
one project at a time or always juggling 2+
I want it to be this way, but my WIPs disagree with me. Though I tend to only focus heavily on one for an extended time before jumping to the other (usually a chapter or so).
one award winner or one bestseller
You could make the argument that a bestseller is also an award winner, but, when it comes down to it I'd rather have my stuff reach the most amount of people who want to engage with it on its own merits rather than because it has a fancy qualifier.
For stuff I engage with, I truly don't give a shit about either. I am a slop enjoyer.
fantasy or sci-fi
Same kind of answer as the first question.
Unrelated I do have strong feelings and opinions on the color use in sci-fi. Technology with a Black/Green color scheme is NOT the same as Black/Red and I will die on this arbitrary hill.
character description or setting description
I hate writing character descriptions.
first draft or final draft
It is that primordial marble block, just begging to be sculpted into something. And with every sculpture, you don't start off with smooth features, you have to beat the rough shape out and then gentle shape it. I really enjoy the hammering.
love triangle in everything or no romantic arcs
Between the two, give me nothing. Also with a love triangle (which is hardly ever an actual triangle more of a horseshoe of conflict) you will always, and I mean ALWAYS, have people adamant the wrong choice was made.
Also another quick aside (and I know this isn't the case in every situation but I can only engage with so much media) the choices for the "triangle" are just like pallete swaps of each other. Also it seems that no matter who the center object picks, there doesn't seem to be any bad blood or long term consequences, the unpicked option usually gets a "runner up" prize anway.
constant sandstorm or rainstorm
In a perfect world where the weather doesn't matter, this 100%. Like have you seen the vibetastic photos of inside a sandstorm? The auburn hues, the occasional static discharges, the dim but still useful light? Pure vibes.
Maybe it's also because I live in an area that gets plenty of rain, and the idea of something new is exciting.
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spicy-lefaiye · 1 year
pinned post
hi this is my very cool very swag spicy sideblog, because i personally wanna keep my main blog more like. pg-15 or so i guess. idk. but i also do write spicy stuff <3
basic info about me:
they/he (transmasc)
it'd take a long fucking time to explain my orientation so just know i'm acespec and arospec and i love men <3
this is a sideblog. i will not be following from here. <3
aaaaaand i'm not gonna make a full dni b/c i'm not really into those (as in, i don't personally think they work lol), but just know i use the block button very liberally and that's just how it be. the only hard line is that absolutely Do Not interact with this blog if you're a minor, i am not kidding.
anyway just Some Things to keep in mind:
i like writing about trans characters specifically having a fun sexy time so a lot of my smut on this blog is probably gonna feature them.
however, there will be *some* cis characters. like uh.... some. we'll see.
i'm not gonna make a list of kinks or anything lmao but any writing or art i post will have content warnings as needed and also just like. tags for kinks.
this is gonna be a pretty kink-positive space. as long as no real people are getting hurt and everyone involved is a consenting adult, i genuinely do not care what you're into in the bedroom.
that being said, i do have some kinks i'm personally not comfortable with! not gonna list them here but yeah <3 i'm not going to judge you if you like them, but they're not for me.
i'm a furry lol. there will be furry porn here. if that's an issue then idk what to tell ya
i do not take requests at this time. i do, however, take commissions :) yeehaw
i write a mix of fandom content and oc content, but i most likely won't be putting any fandom content in the main tags. if anyone i don't know looks at this blog i might throw up /lh
i doubt this'll come up, but just know i don't fucking care about ship discourse. i have my personal boundaries and things i will and won't write, but i'm not interested in discourse.
okay idk what else. if i need to add anything else here i'll add it.
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pageofheartdj · 1 year
is the other person saying pro-shipping is bad because it can harm potential readers? because like, yeah but also it's kinda silly to think you can control what other people put online, especially since most people do it through a layer of anonimity.
also like, don't people control their own online experience? like yeah it absolutely sucks to see something you aren't prepared for, but if you're in such a bad headspace that accidentally seeing something like that can cause really bad panic attacks and stuff then idk isn't it more important to care for yourself than it is to go into spaces that may have things (that are usually tagged and everything?)?
also I think it's a lot better to have the spaces open for people, often victims as the other person called them, where people can vent about their own experiences because that already isn't something people are allowed to do IRL. If people have to keep that stuff to themselves then it could hinder their ability to heal, and make them feel more isolated because they don't realize that there may be other people that have similar trauma and miss out on possible community support.
like the whump community exists and you could say that it is problematic but you could also say that having people who have gone through traumatic experiences read stories where no matter what the person did they get care and understanding is a really healing thing.
like aren't people too multidimensioned to say one thing is good and bad? especially when it's all fiction and not representative of the actual person and what they do? I'd rather have to block someone for liking incest (also there are shows that have incest in them and people are perfectly fine with that until it's the wrong type of incest :/ Like "the flash" has its main ship be incest :/) than know there are people who are incest survivors that can't talk about their experiences and may get worse depression because they feel isolated and broken. Also I'm super sensitive against certain types of things so I just like, avoid it ya know?
People are cultivators of their online experiences and if you really hate what someone is posting then block and move on. The more you think about them and what they do the more impact it'll have on your life.
but also I'm like 19 and grew up when you could accidentally watch a beheading video online when you were 8 so i guess there's desensitization in play too. idk, it seems kinda disturbing that people are trying to control other people to such an extent without bothering to control themselves, ya know?
sorry if you didn't want a whole block of text alerkgm hope you and anyone reading this has a good day :]
I agree with everything you are saying.
In the past it was so much easier to accidentally stumble on distressing content yet people managed to deal with it.
Now everything is super tagged, so it's not a problem to avoid something. We need to push the tagging on everyone to avoid accidentally seeing something that upsets you.
Also yeah, people rarely come after big media, they can complain, but it's never the same amount of harassment small creators are getting for the exact same thing. Because it's not about protection, it's about control and bullying. Like in school the 'weird' kids were bullied.
But also there are actually geniune kids that are being used in this that actually believe they are helping by hurting themselves(forcing themselves to interact with content that upsets them) and hurting others for harmless fun.
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spyroforlife · 2 years
Aight I’m doing it, gonna explore some of my VERY OLD writing, the first “books” I ever wrote. Gonna use the tag ‘my old writing’ for this if ya wanna block it, but anyway it is time for me to reminisce >:) I’ll probably devote a post to each book I decide to post pics of, and I’ll likely do a format where the cover page will be in the main post, and the rest under a read more. Now without further ado…
ah yes. The label on the shoe box I kept all these in. Love how I wrote this as if it would actually stop anyone from opening it
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(it has my full name on there so I of course blotted that out lol)
Ahh gotta love that old school Microsoft Office clipart. Anyway it is time to open the box and select my first victim
OH I forgot I also used this much later on to store letters that were written to me in basic training (gently moves those aside)
…I’ve made a fatal error, this box doesn’t have my most ancient stories, it has ones from slightly later on in my childhood. NOO where is my Charmander and Torchic story!! Ah well I may have to delay this adventure until I rescue the early stories from my storage unit, but for now. This will do.
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Once upon a time (probably before 2008 but idk when exactly) my older brother made the fatal mistake of revealing to me that people will actually go on the Internet and just post weird lil stories :O Like they’ll just write something funny. And post it. And other people can read it. Wow!
Naturally, I wanted to try it, and came up with a really ridiculous idea about giant weiner (or wiener, I kept changing the spelling) dogs that ended up morphing into a multi-story saga where it turned out the giant dogs are actually ALIENS and Earth ends up destroyed, also it features me and my older brother as self-inserts which he thought was GREAT. The best thing? None of this actually made it onto the Internet but I sure did print out the whole dang story, make a cover, and then tie it all together with nice gold thread. More under the cut
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I just wanted to post the full first page so y’all can get an idea of the ridiculousness of my early writing. I was probably like. Actually I don’t think I was even 10 yet. Or maybe I was? Ehh about 10, maybe a little older but I’m relatively sure I wasn’t a teen yet. My brother helped contribute parts of this (like the strange, funky business part) but most of this was written by me.
As you can see the gross out humor is in full effect. Of course. As I was a young child who watched Nickelodeon. Moving on
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A small excerpt I just happened to enjoy. “Let’s go drink the sacred toilet water!!” is quality dialogue let’s be real here. From here on out I’m just gonna share my titles from each story
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This is the start of the second story in the series, and it heralds a running thing with me criticizing people if they happen to skip stories and read out of sequence
“if you had even bothered” TWEEN ME WITH THE SNARK
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Yeah said picture of Kibblion is actually what was on the cover page. Made in MS Paint, to everyone’s shock I’m sure
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I don’t care what anyone says, I was funny back then. My older brother said so which means it’s true
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How much do you wanna bet this one wasn’t actually the last story? Don’t bet anything, it actually was, whoa :O I had a thing back then where I liked doing Animal House style epilogues so-
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I promise there was context to all this. My self insert (Kari, of course) and the guy from the start, Joe, got to go to Kibblion and we inexplicably turned into alien weiner dogs ourselves. I think I handwaved this as “radiation”
My brother (Chris) got to be the villain who also survived Earth’s destruction and he had psychic powers just because.
the weiner dogs have a thing in their society about not eating animals unless they’re dangerous ones, hence them pulling bullshit like “oh this animal is tasty but not a threat? Oh- we’ll make it dangerous then :)”
Other names are just other random characters, mostly weiner dogs. but uhh yeah. There you go
the random shit I wrote back then. I promise I’ll dig out the truly old stuff but ohh my god looking back at this series was so funny. Maybe I could transcribe it all and post it to AO3. I already did that with some other old stories of mine which can be found here so. HmMM >:)
well lemme know what you think and I hope you enjoyed this ridiculous nostalgia trip
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honorhearted · 2 years
Knowing your partner well can potentially make writing a lot easier (Repost, do not reblog.)
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name :  Feel free to ask! I grew up during the “st.ranger da.nger” era, so I don’t give out my name unless it’s to friends. Yeah, I’m overly cautious, I know lol.
pronouns :  she / her
preference  of  communication :  DMs on this site, and occasionally d.iscord.
name  of  muse(s) :  B.enjamin T.allmadge -- I have some OCs too, but I don’t give them out unless asked since I’m (more or less) private on that page.
experience / how  long  ( months / years ? ) :  *snorts* Let’s see, I started around 2003, give or take, so a LONG-ASS TIME. I know I first started on LJ and A.IM with C.owboy B.ebop, and I was about 14 or 15 back then. Idk how I discovered RPing, but I’m so glad I did!
best  experience :  All the friends I’ve made over the years! I met one woman in the early 2000s, and we’re STILL in touch/will send each other Ch.ristmas cards. I finally met her in person for the first time last year.
rp  pet  peeves / deal  breakers : It doesn’t happen too often, but I really dislike being badgered for replies, especially since it’s in my rules not to do so. I also hate ship drama (but who doesn’t? lol). I experience this way more often on male muses -- I can’t recall anyone ever fighting over me on a female muse lol -- but it’s no fun either way. I’ve had to block ppl over this before, so please just remain respectful!
plots or memes : Depends on the mood! When I’m first approaching someone, I always try to have a plot in mind, cuz I know how annoying it is to get the dreaded, “RP?” message, only to have the other participant not have ANY idea in mind, whatsoever. So yeah, plots for new partners, and memes for all the rest! Kind of hard to start with a meme without prior interaction.
preferences  fluff,  angst,  or  s.mut :  Another mood preference! Angst tends to be my constant go-to (sorry, everyone), and then s.mut, and then fluff. I’m getting better about writing fluff, seeing how Ben can be a “fluffy boi,” but it’s definitely not my default mindset.
best  time  to  write : The evenings! I’m off work and decompressing, so things tend to flow much better when I’m uninterrupted.
tagged by: @defectivexfragmented -- thank ya! <3 tagging: whoever wants to do this! <3
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thenexuscollective · 5 months
Hey uh, we just wanted to offer some support to y'all.
We struggled a bit with that vent post (both with understanding exactly what you meant and also having feelings about it) but because of that we did just... scroll past.
I think what's important is that we are all against bigotry and for inclusion and liberation of ALL plurals, and like... it can be hard in a community when there's so much focus on the cruelty (whether it's coming from inside or outside the community), even if the focus on it is for the purpose of fighting it.
You're allowed to have big feelings about it, you're allowed to struggle to articulate them (idk if you feel like that's what's going on, just adding it in case since it's often something we need to hear), and you're allowed to express it in ways that aren't always perfect and may be messy.
We're still not sure we fully understand the vent post, but we don't have to in order to support you. Our inbox is open (well, not sure what the settings are, but send us an ask if you wanna talk and we can message you in any case) and if you want a nonjudgmental ear to vent to, we're here.
You're welcome to publish this OR answer it privately OR not answer it at all, we just wanted to offer some reassurance since like, it seems like you're having a hard time and could use some support.
We hope things get easier. <2
(Also I hope we worded this well, we're very worried about unintentionally coming off like an asshole despite trying our hardest not to because tone in text is really freaking hard! 😅)
umh. dang we entirely missed that ask. when did ya send it? also do you have us blocked?? because we can't access your account at all./gen srs info gq nm just confused
also for the record, that vent post was NOT supposed to get that much traction, or be seen at all. the only reason we tagged this as syscourse was for people to be able to block the negativity since that/these specific topic(s) are often triggering for a lot of people in the community, ironically including ourselves./srs
so like, frankly, no offense, none of us really cares what feelings that brought to anyone. it wasn't supposed to be a MESSAGE to anyone, let alone be perceived that much (although in hindsight, we don't regret it that it was). and we don't know if the feelings you're talking about are good or bad (we can't really understand your tone here, plus you left out some context/info), but regardless this was NOT the goal of that post. that post frankly wasn't meant for anything else than for one or some of us letting some thoughts out at i-dont-know-how-late in the morning while being sick and bottled up feelings rose from the pressure of outerbody life events and personal issues affecting many individuals within the system. so if you saw this post and got feelings from it (especially if neg), we're sincerely sorry/gen, since that was not what it was meant for/, but that is on you./srs
Also thanks for the kind gesture (if it was one?), but we have no way to contact you since your account is probably either deactivated or have us blocked(?). Honestly this is far from the first time with us dealing with anything related to that, we've been in (distant) contact with the community since years and way before officially joining tumblr. So these are thoughts, opinions, and emotions cumulated from a lot of experiences (often neg in context of syscourse). But we appreciate positivity whenever we see it <3 /gen
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Info On The Blog
Well hello there! Welcome to this blog.
This blog is basically just a place for me to ramble on about and post content for anything Pokemon related. It also features my Pokemon OCs.
I will be posting art, writing, comics, and various head canons and information on my stories. Just whatever kind of stuff I want as long as it relates to my OCs/Pokemon universe
The basic DNI rules apply, I don't want racists, transphobes, homophobes, ace/bi/pan exclusionists, etc. Basically if u don't support EVRERY LGBT+ person then get out! Neopronoun and poly peeps are also important, I support y'all too!
Most of my characters are nuerodivergent or queer, so if that isn't your thing than i probably don't want you here anyway.
This is a side blog so don't expect a TON of content. It will most likely be large waves of content and then silence for a while. Want to see more posts? Interact! Send an ask, leave nice tags, whatever you wanna do. It gives me the dopamine tm which means i'm more likely to spend more time making content for this blog.
The extended universe of all my OCs is different from the canon of all the games technically. Some games are more heavily changed than others. IF I SAY THINGS THAT CONTRADICT CANON, IT'S CUZ I CHANGED CANON. I HAVE UNLIMITED POWER
Now, I also entertain alternate universes on occasion, so feel free to ask "what if?" If it's pokemon related i'll take it.
You can find my main at @leaky-pen, I also run @daily-pokemon-screenshots if ya wanna see more pokemon nonsense.
Oh wait I should maybe also do an introduction on me? I mean if you wanna ask me something you may need my name or pronouns. Well, uh, I'm Ink. Syntax or Pen also work. Nicknames are fine as well. I also don't mind being called by just the name of this or my main blog. My pronouns are yes. Ok, ok, jokes aside i'm fine with literally anything. Yes, even neopronouns. If you really can't pick then just use your pronoun(s) for me. I also don't mind any gendered terms or titles. If you wanna know more about me or my interests than just go check out my main.
Oh also this is a completely SFW blog. I don't really care for suggestive stuff in general and some of my characters are underage. Plus I wan't this blog to be accessible for anyone. BUT, there may be swearing on occasion. I don't swear often and I try to tag posts that include it.
If you ever need me to tag certain content/topics lemme know and i gotchu. I'll never judge what it is and i'll make sure to tag it going forward. Usually i try to tag potential triggers as #trigger #tw trigger or #trigger tw. With the word trigger being replaced by the actual thing. I use all three cuz idk what's some people are going to have blocked.
Oh and on last thing(I'm a rambler, sorry!) I have a pretty horrible memory on average. And my eyesight isn't great. Basically I'm a 90 year old trapped in a young persons body. Anyway, the point is i often misremember plot points or misinterpret character designs. Feel free to correct me on stuff like that.
(Also, every image I MYSELF post will have an ID in the alt text)
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