#<- more is also appreciated
eggst · 6 months
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i think
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foervraengd · 2 years
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Goncharov (1973)
Oh don’t mind me im just doing some cinematography art studies of my favourite Katya moments ~
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casmick-consequences · 8 months
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literally the king of oneliners
[part 2]
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the-most-sublime-fool · 8 months
Then, too, at sea—to use a homely but expressive phrase—you miss a man so much. A dozen men are shut up together in a little bark, upon the wide, wide sea, and for months and months see no forms and hear no voices but their own, and one is taken suddenly from among them, and they miss him at every turn. It is like losing a limb. There are no new faces or new scenes to fill up the gap. There is always an empty berth in the forecastle, and one man wanting when the small night watch is mustered. There is one less to take up the wheel, and one less to lay out with you upon the yard. You miss his form, and the sound of his voice, for habit had made them almost necessary to you, and each of your senses feels the loss.
—a sailor's diary entry, on losing a shipmate, ca. 1834 (from Two Years Before the Mast by Richard Henry Dana Jr.)
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dozydawn · 1 year
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Fenton Vaseline Glass Snail, Vintage Yellow Opalescent Uranium Glass
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shepscapades · 22 days
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[Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3] [Part 4] [Part 5] [PART 6] [Part 7]
[This comic is part of my dbhc au, following the chaos and panic that ensues after Doc and Xisuma try to get Etho back online at the start of s9 after a very rough s8 finale that leaves him a little. broken. It's set to the vibes of Joywave's Destruction!]
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suncrat · 6 months
Sooooo guess who my favorite one piece character is so far🙃
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lgbtlunaverse · 2 months
"Marcille hates all of Laios' freak traits but loves them in Falin" is honestly a really good joke but... you guys do know it's a joke right?
It's such a funny one I honestly find it impossible to get mad at even when people mistake it for an actual truth about the characters but JUST TO MAKE IT CLEAR
THIS is how marcille reacts when Falin is predictably just as enthusiastic about eating monsters as her brother was.
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That is not the face of a woman who thinks this trait is lovely and endearing as long as it's exhibited by the girl she loves. That is the face of a woman who is taking 7d8 psychic damage and yet knows deep in her heart she won't like Falin any less for it.
The way young Marcille reacts to Falin eating berries Marcille can't recognize but Falin knows are safe is pretty similar to how she reacts to eating monsters years later, albeit with more fear than disgust. The difference in her relationships with Laios and Falin isn't just that she's attracted to Falin, it's because the Touden siblings, while similar, are in fact different people. Not just genderswaps of each other.
Also, I think you all already know this, but just to say it: she doesn't actually hate Laios for any of his freak tendencies either. He's one of her best friends. She's just a lot quicker to be outwardly exasperated with him while she's quieter about it with Falin.
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delicourse · 4 months
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been watching dungeon meshi...🌱
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desperatehoney · 4 months
😊💝sub tops💝😊
💝😊sub tops😊💝
You’re so cute. The way you get needy and desperate to be inside me and beg to be<333 thanking me over and over when I finally let you fuck me<3333 the way you get even more desperate when you’re close and lose yourself in fucking me and get all grabby with me while making delicious noises and moaning my name how good I feel ily ily ilyyyyyyyyy💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖
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i love the way you draw abby so much she’s the cutest little pumpkin my baby ugh i just want to hold her haggaggghgghhggagagaggagag
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She’s just a silly goober
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solarpunkani · 5 months
sometimes spite is a powerful motivator and today its motivating me to crochet
long story short I saw a cool bag on pinterest while I was looking for crochet patterns but there was no fucking pattern but one of my friends found a pattern for a similar but not quite bag so I watched an hour long video, transcribed it into text, and am now gonna make a wholeass backpack just because Sunflower Vibe
Wish me luck I guess
Also this is the bag
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macbethz · 10 months
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suburbia; or the sad, quiet horror of getting everything you ever wanted
"No Surprises," Radiohead // Safe (1995) // Kingdom Come, J.G. Ballard // Blue Velvet (1986) // "Once in a Lifetime," Talking Heads // Little Shop of Horrors (1986) // Jon Ware on I Am In Eskew // Vivarium (2019) // "His 'n' Hers," Pulp // The Truman Show (1998) // White Noise, Don DeLillo // Supergod, Warren Ellis and Garrie Gastonny // 17776, Jon Bois // photograph of 1970s Las Vegas underground Cold War bunker // Disco Elysium, ZA/UM
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egophiliac · 11 months
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redesigning my headcanon for Sebek's parents, based on important new information (SCALES)
(you can't see it but they're both wearing crocs)
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hellishgayliath · 5 months
Donnie isn't allowed to watch Mecha anime because he'd say "I can do it better"
The problem here is that he actually can do it better.
Well, it's a problem for everyone but Donnie, that is.
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How's it feel to be the funniest person rn anon
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hajihiko · 9 months
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two shorties getting along 🤭
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