#tw techno gore
nomsfaultau · 4 months
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Old art bby! Before I actually knew how to take good photos!
just pluop that old head on good as new! Anyway I hc that Techno’s crown got smushed in and it healed funky so his crown jutted out of his skull. Cause I like me some body horror and magic healing gone wrong.
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neonisradioactive · 2 years
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inktober day 18: scrape! i always love some “techno is a child forced to fight” angst, it just feeds my soul <3
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gremmlepunk · 2 years
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I’m in the process of some more SAD-ist redraws, so that’ll probably be my next few posts lmao.
Original art and inspiration goes to the lovely SAD-ist, of course.
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dcjokerhs · 2 years
Hello, back on my bs, a LARGE WARNING for this one, it's VERY DARK, Mentions of Manipulation, Death and the purposeful breakdown of someone's mind. I'm inserting a cut here so if you don't want to read that, you can just scroll on.
Okay? Okay! Here's my latest braindump:
A fic where Semi(?)-Dark SBI is kinda canon and Dream has helped raise a dog before (though it was Drista's, not Dream's), so Tommy is quite codependent on Wilbur, Techno, Tubbo and Phil, so getting exiled makes him feel even worse. Also Tommy has fluffy wings that are covered in down [baby feathers].
Now, cc!Dream just jumped in with the punishment. He instantly framed himself as someone "bad". This Dream, however? He knows that starting with punishment after pulling Tommy away would make him look bad.
So he starts by encouraging Tommy to get angry, which scares Ghostbur away, encourages him until he wants to break his things, then holds Tommy when he ends up bursting into tears as they watch Tommy's things burn, telling him that "it is your fault, but I'm here" and holding Tommy back when Tommy realises he threw the gifts from his loved ones in.
The next day, Techno comes to taunt Tommy about Tubbo: He'd warned Tommy, Tubbo and Wilbur and that warning had been proven true.
Dream arrives and yells Techno out of the place when he sees Techno laughing and Tommy looking upset, not letting either person say anything. He waits until Techno is gone before planting the idea of Techno hating Tommy in Tommy's head.
He later goes to Techno's and shows him the burnt and resolidified remains of the gifts, telling him he'd pushed Tommy over the edge and Tommy doesn't want anything to do with him anymore. Techno doesn't question it, taking the broken and charred clump at face value.
Things continue in exile: Ghostbur returns, Tommy and Ghostbur build Logstedshire, then Dream calmly explains after a week that this isn't meant to be a holiday, it's meant to be a punishment, so Tommy can't have high-grade tools, Tommy can't leave the beach without Dream, etc, ending this with "good behaviour is rewarded, bad behaviour isn't"...
Before being as random as canon!Dream on what that means, finding out something in the process whilst taking Tommy on a trip through the Nether.
So then Tommy clings twice as tightly to Dream, which is exactly what Dream wants: in Dream's eyes, Tommy is the cause of all that's wrong, so if he controls Tommy, he can make Tommy into the way for everything to go right.
Then, once Tommy's lost enough of what's right and wrong in their relationship, Dream starts to explode Tommy's stuff and hurt him, using a countdown from five so Tommy starts to stress at the first number from Dream's lips, dissociates and opens up for Dream to use his ability to affix himself in Tommy's head.
This is when Tommy runs away, just before everything is fully fixed, just before his subconsciousness is fully under Dream's control.
This pisses Dream off, but he knows he can use this. He frames it as Tommy being Dead to Tubbo, then starts picking at Tubbo, though Quackity, Fundy and Niki are already there, ready to undo anything Dream attempts.
Tommy runs to Techno, things are awkward, they act like strangers (like in canon) because they both believe the other despises them. Tommy's so stressed he doesn't eveen have all his feathers.
Tubbo and Tommy are reunited and, after the end of L'Manburg via Tommy's family, which fully severs their ties in Tommy's head.
Tommy and Tubbo get Dream in jail, Tommy visits Dream, Dream takes the opportunity to use Tommy's death as a way to fix his control of Tommy as deeply as he has control of Ranboo, using the Act of Murder Itself. The Revival gives Tommy his full wings and Tommy hates that the white feathers that occassionally glow red act like a strong reminder of what's happened.
The SBI boys know none of this, Wilbur returns, Tommy is scared of his own shadow as he blinks and finds himself in different places or holding different things, as he sees everyone had mourned his death but have basically no feelings about his return but what seems like annoyance or disgust. He's scared, he feels alone...
And then Techno helps Dream escape.
And then Techno sees Dream let Ranboo die.
And then Techno gets home after helping Tubbo save Michael, sees the lump of melted metal and burnt pieces in their spot over the fireplace, remembers Tommy's haggard appearance, and has an "oh" moment, then hearing from Phil about Dream coming to Techno and Phil's when fleeing from Dream.
The Level of Oh Shit that Techno Feels, eyes going to the melted metal still interweaved with sand and burnt ash that was once carved wood, fabric and paint, is Huge.
But by this point, Tommy is already Gone, Wilbur stoming to the pair's abode, clutching a book: Tommy's panicked notes of the times he blinks and finds himself elsewhere, or holding something, or covered in stuff he doesn't know how he's covered in.
But then Phil maps out the places Tommy "blinks", Techno and Wilbur use the clues of people's stuff going missing to match these things up, Tubbo and Boo joining in after spending the three days trying to find any sign of him, finding out where people had seen him last.
It all triangulates around Prime Church.
So the SBI and BeeDuo go.
And it is like stepping into a more ostentatious version of the bunker, a red carpet leading through to a high af throne, where Dream is sat.
Yet there is no sign of Tommy, but they know their culprit, so they storm up, demand his return and...
And Dream laughs, high, soft and wheezy, before calmly lifting a hnd into the air...
And Tommy, eyes glowing red, a gold collar around his neck with a smiley where a tag would be on a dog's collar, flies from the shadows over the entrance and down to gracefully perch on the tall back of the throne, a full 2'/60cm between where Tommy's leather-socked feet rest against the back of the throne and the top of Dream's head.
(You can tell which part of this I actually daydreamed, LOL)
Anyway. Dream explains that either the small family and two friends obey, or Tommy dies.
Wilbur, being the hair-triggered guy he is, says "you wouldn't", and Dream sighs and looks up.
Tommy flies up amongst the rafters, above the chandeliers, slits his own throat, and his body drops.
Techno and Phil run to catch him, but before his body even touches the ground it bursts into red flames, the boy flying out a moment later, wings glowing with that same red fire.
But Dream has already regained control.
He seems like he's won.
He seems like he's won.
But other than just "having a new deal", Dream is still just Mortal.
He can die.
And, besides, Dream lets Tommy return to the SBI+BeeTrio now he's proven his power, then the Sleepy Bench Six basically don't let him out of the house, even using Michael as a way to keep him there, an extention added just so they can add a section with a wholeass nest, a few more bedrooms and another bathroom, the par Tommy's kept in behind an iron door so he can't get out by himself...
But you do get a lot of Healing fluff at this point!!! Techno reading to Tubbo, Tommy and Michael, Wilbur singing as Phil preens Tommy's wings, cute stuff like that!!! What a nice respite!!
Phil and Techno let slip to Niki about where Dream is. Wilbur casually mentions it after getting "drunk" with Quackity.
But then Bad apparently kills Dream, leaving him for dead, cleaved in two, but Dream Doesn't Die.
Jack snipes Dream with a stalactite, watching it hit him from above, rushing down to check he's dead with Niki...
Dream Isn't Dead. In fact, a sign saying "Nice try! :)" is standing where his body would be.
And Phil Realises Something, but He Ain't Saying Shit to Tech, Tubbs, Wil or Boo.
This ends up in another battle, ending when, suddenly turning from battling Bad, Phil goes for Dream. Dream stabs Phil through the stomach with a trident, but Phil continues forwards, slitting Dream's throat as his wings are already turning to ash, holding Dream still as Techno runs his blade through Antfrost and turns to see Phil with that trident sticking out between his wings, as Tommy snaps out of it whilst fighting Jack and Sapnap, Jack trying to kill Tommy, Sapnap trying to both stop Tommy and stop Jack.
Techno's roar of loss silences the field.
Tommy swoops over, shrieking, already plucking feathers and Tech and Wil don't know what he's doing until he forces a fistful of feathers down Phil's throat, forcing Phil to bite into them...
And the pair light up red with flames, as Phil's Revived, his wings returning to their full glory.
(And then you get more healing floof, Sleepy Bench Seven (6+Michael) sat up on the hill where Tommy's dirt-shack is, watching the sunset as Wilbur plays Cat on his guitar...
And there you have it! Hope you enjoyed!!! I was a little worried about posting this one because of how dark it gets, but Tags Exist and I also put the warning, "keep reading" cut and tags, soooo... Yeah!!
Thanks for reading! ^w^
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toxicruins101 · 1 year
Sbi! Family x Male! Killer! Reader.
Tw!: Gore, torture, mentions of torture, blood, killing, depression. Etc.
you couldn't even keep count of how many days it had been since you were stuck down here.
1, 2, 3..678910..
Who knows? Yet as the faint sound of your blood dropping onto the floor making a slight consecutive sound you became aware of the passage of time around you.
The faint sound of chains rubbing with each other, making an awful sound.
Pain was the only thing you felt at the moment and you knew you weren't going to last very longer in this hell hole.
You committed a crime, a deadly one quite literally, and in exchange you got sentenced to this.
Torture and torture for days on end.
You heard the heavy metal door move and tried to look up but even that hurt.
You could try to look up with your eyes but you failed the energy to even do that.
"Hey mate.." Philza, oh your sweet father Philza, all this time he had been so hopeful and so relived when they told him you'll be able to get out instead of serving a life long sentence
Yet it pained you so much, knowing his poor heart was going to be crushed.
"Are you feeling ok? I'm guessing your asleep right now though.."
'I'm not sleeping, I'm dying' you thought as a warm feeling invaded your pain struck heart.
Your father always did care for you, he always has, as his first child you meant everything to him.
You wish you could scream out to him and tell him your fate, but were unable as your tongue had been cut out in the early days of this sentence.
You wanted to cry and sob, tell him everything that was wrong, so maybe he could save you, he could rescue you.
That maybe you'll get to see your little brothers again.
Maybe train with techno one last time, teach Wilbur guitar again, and help tommy pull pranks on the others just for one more time.
But your death seemed closer than that possibility coming true.
"Don't worry mate, just 2 more weeks and your out of here, two more weeks and you'll get to go home." Spoke your father tears welling in his eyes at the sight of your broken hanged up form.
You'd be long gone by then, your poor heart ached at the thought of your caring family having to receive the news of your death.
You all meant a lot to the other, so just thinking about it made you weep.
"I'll be taking my leave now mate, stay strong ok? We are all waiting for you back home.." his voice spoke, you tried to move towards him, yell at him to stop and speak a little more.
To null the pain and bring back the good memories, you wanted to die with a familiar voice calling out to you.
Not the treacherous screams of the other inmates in here whose fates have already been decided.
Soon after though another person came in.
"Y/n? You there?"
You were so glad, you wanted to run up and hug him so tightly both of you were out of air.
Sadly you couldn't so you slightly moved your arms making the chains jingle hoping that would give him the message you were listening to him.
"Ah good, thought you were passed out there for a sec and I got really scared.." he chuckled lightly at the end of his sentence
Don't say stuff like that...it'll only make it harder for me to die you thought
"listen, we all, really miss you ok? I know what you did was bad, but, nobody deserves this.
Come back home, ok? We all.
Really need you" spoke his grave voice as he slowly made his way outside, looking over at you again before leaving.
There were so many things you wanted to say to him.
So many
So so many.
You had missed him so much over the years it was crazy.
You didn't know if this was the gods way of having mercy on you and letting you hear your family one last time or their punishment.
Making you hear and bear that weight of sadness knowing all their hopes of you getting out of here were going to get tarnished by your inevitable death.
Guess that was it.
Maybe Wilbur and tommy didn't think you were worth their time-
"Y/n?..." Spoke a gentle voice from the other side of the space.
You slightly smiled, you wanted to cry more than ever.
You had missed him so much.
Hearing about his death in l'manburg broke you in a million pieces
Yet there he stood now, revived and well.
He only started at you and walked over.
He inspected your weak form and wanted to cry at the state of it.
In an act of anger, at seeing his brother, his blood, one of the men who raised him be hung up and treated like a punching bag he broke the chains holding up your arms, with a sword that always hanged loosely on his belt.
Guards came rushing in as you finally felt your hands in God knows how long.
You smiled at him and he smiled back at you.
Guards came in and started pushing him out
He screamed and thrashed in their hold.
his voice got cut off as he was forced out and the metal door slammed shut.
The guards looked at your weak form on the ground and scoffed as they pulled you up and tied you by your wrists.
So much for feeling your hands again
This time you didn't hear a voice, not even a peep.
Just quiet footsteps as they came closer and closer to you.
You felt gentle arms around your torso, careful as to not hurt you as sobs emitted from said person.
Tommy, the youngest out of all of you.
You looked at his dirty blonde hair and wanted to reach out and hug him so bad as he hugged and cried onto your broken skin.
His sobs filled out the room as tears fell from your eyes at the sight of your little brother in pain.
All because of you
Your family was suffering
Your friends were suffering
Everyone was suffering
Because of you
"All right, visiting times over kid, scram" spoke your torturer and you wanted to punch him faceless because of how he talked to your brother.
He only glared at the man but then took notice of the various array of weapons desplayed on his cart.
Full of blood, your blood, to be precise.
"hey, wait, no." He said as he stared.
Two more guards came out and went towards him when they realized he had no plans of leaving.
"HEY! NO! WHAT ARE YOU PLANNING ON DOING TO HIM! NO! DONT YOU DARE-" Spoke the blonde haired kid as they dragged him out, tears falling from his blue eyes.
"Something permanent" spoke your abuser as he smirked at your disheveled younger brother being forced out of the room.
You could hear your name being called and sobs from the other side.
Don't leave me please
Don't leave me to die alone please...
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lookinghalfacorpse · 1 year
I was thinking about butterflies and food. If offered, most will consume blood, waste from corpses, and other such matter. They are very opportunistic creatures, despite being so delicate. Most species are slow, but the skipper skipper butterfly can fly almost 40 mph, about 60 kph
tw for: mentions of death and corpses, insects eating corpses, graphic depictions of injury, character death (c!sam)
The pickaxe ripped through Sam's face, a waterfall of blood and teeth scattering across the floor like wet marbles. The flesh offered more resistance than Dream expected it to-- did Techno also have to deal with this carnage? He pulled the tool forward, hard, and when Sam's body dropped, it dropped towards Dream.
Heavy, limp, and still weeping with warm blood, Sam's corpse collided with Dream's torso.
Hooking an elbow beneath Sam's arm, Dream was able to catch him. With his knees failing and his bleeding head resting on Dream's collarbone, Sam seemed more like a drunken man than a dead one. How many times have they held this position, but in reverse? Blood soaked quickly into Dream's clothes, sliding down his armor and absorbing into his cloak.
But it wasn't long before Sam's weight proved to be too much, and Dream let him fall the rest of the way to the floor. He landed in a leap of limbs and metal.
Dream wasn't sure what he expected this moment to feel like. He's been planning it for a few days now, and he knows from many experiences that the actual sight of a body brings next to no personal satisfaction-- rather, the concept and theory behind the death brings its meaning. You have to think about it poetically. But poetry is hard to contemplate when you're looking at a freshly dead body (even harder as it ages), and Dream found himself feeling rather calm. At peace. Satisfied that the plan had worked, glad to see Sam on the ground before him, but far from exuberant.
He let the pickaxe drop from his grasp. It fell with a clatter, spreading more dots of blood across the floor and his boots. His breathe was deep, but steady. Sam, whose breath was usually loud behind the gas mask, was silent.
What do you do in moments like this?
The first butterfly to land on Sam was an elegant white one. Its wingspan was massive; when it perched on his cheek, right on the edge of the wound, it covered much of the injury. A new, lovely, living mask for the warden. Dream watched as her proboscis unfurled and landed on a nearby spot of blood.
More joined her. A cloud of color descended onto Sam, decorating his head and the puddle of blood that spread around him, a stark contrast to the dark lobby around them. As their wings shifted and folded, they'd obscure or present the injury. One landed on a stray tooth, her weight rolling it a bit and making a scraping sound.
His hands were shaking. More than usual, anyway. Adrenaline.
An orange one landed on Dream's forehead, stretching a wing downward and covering his right eye. 'Stop looking.'
He often forgot they could do this. Insects aren't picky eaters-- blood and gore had much of the same sugars and nutrients as they'd find in flowers. A number of butterflies descended onto Dream's armor, lapping at the blood that poured onto him when Sam rested there.
"Are we that hungry?" He asked, his voice low. "I've bled in front of you plenty of times-- you should've told me. I'd let you--" his voice cracked, and he cleared his throat, "I'd let you."
A purple butterfly landed on a rubbery-looking piece of gore. White-ish in color. Part of Sam's eye, probably.
Another landed on Dream's browbone, a white wing reaching down to cover his other eye. 'Stop looking.'
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billzoned · 4 months
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new ! intro
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vee, or anything else. im nonbinary, they/he. i'm not a minor. royale high addict. i write fanfiction, sometimes. though, my posts are very inconsistent and i rarely have any motivation to write much. tw for nsfw fics !!
!! full hiatus. will take requests, but not writing atm !!
i'm not necesarily a dream fan, nor a dream anti. i'm neutral– i don't waste my life hating on people because they've been falsely accused of grxxming, or other things. i'll still write for him, and the rest of the dteam.
wips ! 4 (7..)
anons ! 🍭
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list of people that i write for ;
(♡=fluff ! ☆=nsfw ! ⛆=angst)
c/cc! dream // ♡, ☆, ⛆
- praise - ☆
c/cc! gnf // ♡, ☆, ⛆
- intertwined - ☆
c/cc! sapnap // ♡, ☆, ⛆
- anger - ☆
c! wilbur // ♡, ⛆
c/cc! quackity // ♡, ⛆
c! techno // ♡, ⛆
- snow storm - ♡
or– any other c! dsmp // ♡, ⛆
personal favs ;coming soon.
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i'm also a reality shifter– since late 2021. "quit" after i tried shifting on my first attempt and it didnt work, and then came running back to it a year later. shifted 0x. quite a few drs at the moment. some of them below ;
( bold = main ! italicized = finished )
- streamer dr // fem and masc
- resident evil 4 remake
- dream smp / lore
- the walking dead
- my hero academia
- jujutsu kaisen
- genshin impact
- call of duty: mw2
- ghost (band)
- creepypasta
- attack on titan
- south park
- bg3 (🫶)
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boundaries under cut. ��
I WILL NOT WRITE ; severely mental health related, sxlf hxrm, pxdophilia or ageplay, ANYTHING WITH FEET NO... roleplaying (i js cant write it), pet play type stuff, watersports, scat, anything nonconsensual– dubcon to a limit, anything nsfw with afab! reader being on their period, anything with pregnancy (js really iffy. ill write creampies n stuff but nono pregnancy), beastiality, vore, or anything against anyone's boundaries.
I WILL WRITE ; nsfw (ofc), ships, dark angst (for c! people only :'3), bdsm (to a limit, again), gore/dark content (to a limit.), oneshots or longer fics, fem/afab! reader, gn! reader
I CANT WRITE ; anything with taylor swift i'm sorry- i don't know her songs, and i can't listen to her songs like CAAAAN'T help
REQUESTS ; requests are open, and welcome!! u can even be an anon, if u want :3
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ty for reading!! xx – i had another post about me, but it was a tad bit outdated so i've now replaced it with this one :3
ps. sorry for how long this is :( i tried to make it short-ish but it didnt rlly work out :'3
reblogs > likes
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sunshine-on-marz · 1 year
Go for the heart
——— -technoblade x reader- ———
Enemies to lovers
Royal AU
Tw: blood, slight gore, weapons, fire, death, fighting
Cw: not angst but not all fluff
“Sylvee, where are we goinggg” you whined, your maid and one of your best friends had dragged you from the training grounds (where you weren’t supposed to be, as you’re brother forbid you from doing anything that could hurt you) “shhh, they don’t know you’re coming” she whispered. Puzzled, you kept following her, until you came to an opening in the trees, that’s where you saw him. Technoblade. “Sylvee, I cant talk to the enemy.” The three boys jumped and saw you. Wilbur and Tommy seemed angry at the blonde girl who was clearly leading you towards them, knowing that she had put their lives in direct danger by bringing you near them. You immediately drop the sword you where holding and bowed to the men. “Prince Thomas, Prince Wilbur, Chief Technoblade. You are in no danger as far as I can control, but I will protect myself and my maid as needed.” As you stood and saw Sylvee standing you smacked her shoulder to make her bow quickly. “Sylvee, why am I here?” You asked as you picked back up your sword. “You’re infront of the best swordsman on this side of the globe, if you want to learn, learn from him” she said before running back to your home.
Sighing you turn back to the men. “Gentlemen, I am so sorry for her behavior-“ you then notice the pink haired man kneel infront of you and hold out a hand. While it is proper, you didn’t expect a proper introduction from the commanding chief of your enemy kingdom. Placing your hand in his he kisses your coronation ring and smiles. The two princes bow. “Boys boys, don’t be so stiff. You’re not in danger.” The elder prince speaks up “actually, by interacting with you, we are.” With a sigh you walk up to him and hold out your arms for a hug. The man seems shocked before stepping closer, you wrap your arms around him and hold him for a moment before stepping back. The brunette has tears in his eyes and whispers “thank you” you nod and smile “of course. I’m here for you darlin.” All three men seem shocked. The blonde speaks “b-but that’s against the rules, and by the rules I mean the law.” You smile at him, a toothy, cheeky, excited grin. “Oh doll, the rules don’t work on me. I’ll tell my brother to fuck off and I’ll stab a bitch.” You jab the air with your sword, making the teen laugh. Proud, you sheath your sword and turn to the pinkette. “Now, how do I convince you that I’m not a threat” you smile at the man. He holds a hand out and you shake it, but he doesn’t let go. You hold eye contact. He expects you to reach for your sword, but you don’t. Your sly grin changes to a small sweet smile. His grip loosens enough that you could have moved your hand, but you didn’t. Then he completely lets go and you let your hand drop. You’d not only gained his trust, but his respect. You knew that he wouldn’t hurt you, despite the fact that he could’ve. You looked at him, to anyone else it would seem like you where sizing him up, but techno knew the look. You where trying to find out what’s wrong with him, he’d been giving you the same look. “Raised by my brother, grew up in a castle, you do the math” you say to him, he chuckles. “Fair enough” you sat yourself down on the ground and start picking at grass. Tommy sits next to you. “You can call me Tommy.” He says, you smile. “I think I’m gonna call you kiddo.” He seems gitty, happy to be accepted as a kid, not as a prince, but a kid. “Ok.” And he puts his head on your shoulder. After a while Techno grabs your sword. “Hey.” You say as you gently push the sleeping Tommy onto Wilbur’s shoulder instead of yours.
Techno swings the weapon, you catch his wrist mid swing, making him drop the blade from shock. “Woah” Wilbur whispered from behind you. You pick the sword up off the ground. “To slow.” You tease the caped man. In any other case he would’ve been pissed. “Wilbur, bring Tom inside for me” he said, the brunette nodding and doing as told. Once the younger two where gone, techno pulled you in by the hips. “How?” He asked “pattern recognition.” You say back, matter of factly. He nodds, asking for more information. “You swung upwards, you weren’t going to hit me, so you’re arm was going to swing left, to counteract your momentum, so I grabbed you before you could move” he seemed intrigued. Gently grabbing your cheek and leaning towards you. “What are you doing soldier?” You asked with a smirk. “You aren’t my king darling, I’d watch how you speak to me” you lean in a bit more “shut up and kiss me” he closes the gap, moving his hand from your shoulder to your hips, leaving one on your cheek. Once he pulled away and you opened your eyes, leaving your forehead resting on his and smiling. “So princess, may I walk you home?”
Tags for all the lovely people I got hooked on this @a-gay-little-ghost-2 @kit-is-a-weeb @lillylvjy @art3m1s-adelia
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twosomeofcuteness · 5 months
(Title Updates)
The Things We Do For Love (The JannaVerse)
This is the biggest fic project I've ever undertaken, but I'm here and thrilled to be doing it. The JannaVerse will have a few distinct parts, and I'll update this as we move along. I can officially say that Breaking Broken Hearts is the main fic and follows Jenny throughout her time at Sunnydale High.
1. Wishing Wells
Wishing Wells takes us through Janna's childhood, highlighting events that have made her into the hot mess bisexual she is by part two.
My Darling Florin (Chapters: 1/1) Jenny's mom and uncle are forced to make a difficult decision regarding her father. TW: Mental Health Issues, Mental Breakdown
The Day I'll Never Remember (And those that followed) (Chapters: 2/2) It was the best day of Janna’s life; it must have been. So why didn’t she remember any of it? TW: implied suicide
Wishing Well (Chapters: 1/1) After Janna's father dies suddenly, she pays a visit to their spot; an old wishing well on the outskirts of her family's property. Desperately missing her father, she tosses in coin, but son learns that perhaps not all wishes are meant to be granted, and those we miss don't always come back as they should. TW: heavily implied suicide, gore
Forgetting Your Love (Chapters: 3/3) In exchange for her best friend's life, Janna makes a deal with a plagiarus demon. A deal that might just affect the rest of her life. (Also fun fact this takes place 9 years before Sunnydale and Jenny's just a lil baby heading off to college at 17)
From the Diary of Janna Călinescu (Chapters: 1/1) A handful of entries from the childhood diary of Janna Călinescu, as translated by her mother, Eliadora Călinescu TW: implied suicide
Techno-What? (Chapters: 0/?) TBD
2. The Ups and Downs of Loving You
Breaking Broken Hearts is the main fic in this series and follows Jenny throughout her time at Sunnydale High. The other fics will highlight some friends and foes Jenny meets along the way.
Breaking Broken Hearts - Season 1 Chapters: 15/17 When Jenny Calendar moves to Sunnydale from Los Angeles, she discovers a town like no other. Throughout her time in Sunnydale, Jenny must manage her familial obligations, a full-time teaching career, and the relationships she builds along the way... all while keeping a suffocating number of secrets. (And trying not to get killed by the various demons she comes across along the way) Welcome to Hell, Jenny.
Tierney Tishler is Definitely, Totally Not Gay (Chapters 1/1) Tierney Tishler is definitely, unquestionably, totally not gay. Sure, she’s made out with a few girls, but that only happened when she was really drunk, so it didn’t really mean anything. She was straight... Right?
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dep0rtedt0mat0 · 2 years
*Tw: blood, slight gore, fluff*
 Techno had been on an expedition with Philza that morning to go find netherite. The journey had been long, the snowy tundra cold, and the hellish nether hot. It took them a few hours and a couple stacks of TNT, but they managed to get quite an impressive stash of ancient debris. They were walking back to the portal, gloating and comparing their stashes, when they saw a pack of piglins running towards them, angrily snorting and baring their large tusks and flashing their golden swords and crossbows. 
Techno groaned in annoyance and put his netherite stash back in his inventory, taking out his netherite sword that was glowing with power. Phil did them same, stashing his (slightly larger) stash of netherite, and unsheathing his own glowing sword. 
The piglins with swords charged first, swinging their swords wildly hoping to hit the hybrids. Techno backed up, the voices screaming for blood, and caught the enchanted sword a large piglin had swung at him. Techno yanked the sword out of its hand, before swinging around and slashing down the piglins chest. It cried in pain, before collapsing to the ground.
Another came at him quick, it’s glowing axe striking Techno’s glowing armour. He grunted in mild surprise, but swung his leg right at the piglin’s head, knocking it the the ground. He raised his sword and struck it down. 
He shouted in pain as an arrow pierced his shoulder piece, a piglin with a crossbow reloading to fire again. Techno hurled an ender pearl beside it, and teleported on its right side. His sword came down on its outstretched arm and sliced it clean off. The piglin screamed in agony, grasping the nub of his arm and scrambling away from Techno. Techno pulled out his own crossbow and shot an arrow right in between the piglin’s eyes. 
It turned to dust infront of him, and he turned around to face the next opponent. Which of course was a hoglin. “Great.” He mumbled softly as the beast charged at him, its large tusks threatening and sharp. It slammed right into his torso and pinned him against a tree. He squirmed in its hold, kicking out against its chest in an attempt to push it off, but failing. It suddenly backed up, Techno dropping to the ground, and charged him again. He raised his arms as it smashed him into the side of the warped tree. He groaned as he felt his armor creak under the pressure of the hoglin, pushing him farther into the side of the tree. 
The creature backed up again and charged again, except this time Techno pulled out his netherite hoe and slammed it into its head. A sickening crack was heard as the hoglin squealed in pain, the hoe sticking out of its head as blood gushed from the wound. Techno pushed himself up with the help of the battered tree. Watching the hoglin writhing in pain, he panted, finally able to catch his breath. He stood straighter and glanced to his side, where he watched Phil taking on a piglin brute, catching the axe it swung in his direction. “Fuck!” He heard Phil curse, a fireball colliding with his back, burning him and the piglin. 
“Poor Phil.” He grimaced, pulling out his bow and arrow and shooting at the ghast, killing it in a single shot. “Thanks mate!” Phil shouted to him, struggling against the raw power of the brute. Techno nodded in Phil’s direction and turned back to face the wounded hoglin. He lifted his bow, pulling the arrow back getting ready to fire, when the hoglin reared onto its back legs, squealing loudly, before taking off. 
Techno stood still for a second, before his eyes widened. “Heh?! Come here! GIMME MY HOE BACK!!” He screamed, chasing the fleeing hoglin. It twisted and turned through the warped forest, trying to lose the piglin hybrid chasing it. Techno was right on its tail, shouting at it to give him his hoe back, and it only ran faster. 
It broke through the tree line, sprinting along the netherack with Techno right behind it. Techno pulled out his fishing rod, swinging and hooking it onto the hoglin, pulling himself onto it’s back. It squealed and bucked wildly in a desperate attempt to get the hybrid off its back, but failing. In a last ditch effort it charged towards the edge, right to where Phil and the piglin brute were struggling to overpower one another. Techno’s eyes widen and he screamed, “PHIL WATCH OUT!!”
But it was too late.
The hoglin charged right into the piglin and Philza. Techno jumped off the hoglin just in time, as it’s heavy body fell over the edge, and the piglin followed. He quickly recovered from the fall and searched frantically for Phil, but he could see no sign of him. He felt his heart stutter, and then the feelings of guilt and pain filled his heart. He could feel his chest tighten and his eyes grow cloudy with tears. He stood and turned, looking around in a panic for Phil.
“Phil!” He shouted in a desperate attempt to find him. “PHIL! Please! Where are you?!” He could feel the panic build when he didn’t get a response, and he turned to the edge, walking over to it. 
“Techno…” he heard a weak voice call, and his eyes widened, rushing to the edge and looking over, seeing Phil holding onto his pickaxe wedged into the netherack. Techno collapsed to his knees and reached out for Phil, grabbing the front of his shirt and pulling him up into his chest. “Oh thank god.” He whispered softly into Phil’s hat, his grip on him tightening. “Techno, my ribs…” Phil whispered softly, and Techno loosened his grip, pulling away from him and inspecting the damage. 
“Phil, can you tell me where it hurts?” Phil hummed softly before speaking up.
“My ribs…one of my wings…a-and my arm…”
Techno sucked in a deep breath through his nose. “Do you have a regen potion?” He questioned Phil softly. “Mmh no, I didn’t think we’d need any.” Phil admitted quietly. Techno sighed in disappointment, but it was just a minor setback. “Can you stand?” He hesitantly asked, his arms supporting most of Philza’s weight.
“I think I can, but I’m not sure if I’ll be able to walk with my ribs like this…” He trailer off, glancing up at Techno. “That’s fine, I can help you walk, we just need to get out of here and get you a regen potion.” 
He helped Phil stand, balancing the smaller man’s weight on him, and they slowly made their way towards the nether portal, Techno picking up his forgotten sword on the way. He balanced Phil on the obsidian and jogged back over to the edge of the netherack, grabbing Philza’s pickaxe still wedged in the blood red rock. 
He trotted back to Phil’s side and helped him step through the portal. Carl nickered in greeting towards them, his tail flicking and his head bobbing, shaking out his mane. Techno and Phil stumbled over to him, Techno helping Phil slide onto Carl’s saddle. Techno himself got onto Carl’s saddle, kicking his sides with the stirrup to get him running towards the tundra. Phil was infront of him, so he wouldn’t fall off if he lost consciousness. Carl galloped through the different biomes, until the familiar tundra biome was visible, and they headed straight for their house. They both slide off once they reached the front door and Techno knocked frantically.
He heard some bustling and shuffling from the other side, and a groggy looking Y/n answered the door. He immediately perked up once he noticed both their conditions, and rushed them both inside.
He ran to a chest and opened it, searching through the many glass bottles with multicoloured liquids splashing around inside them. He let out a triumphant, “Aha!” As he found the regen potion and popped the cork off, handing it to Philza to drink. He could hear the bones rearranging themselves and snapping back into place. Phil gagged at the foul taste of the potion, but was grateful for the effects none the less. 
Y/n turned to Techno after searching through the chest a second time, and glanced at the arrow that was partially snapped, no doubt because of the fall he took when riding the hoglin. Techno huffed as he knew what was coming, and Phil took that as his sign to leave. “Thanks mate.” He smiled to Y/n. He placed his hand on Techno’s hood shoulder and nodded, before walking out the door, probably going to tie up Carl so he doesn’t run away. Y/n looked Techno in the eyes. “This is gonna hurt, like a lot.” Techno hummed in agreement before gesturing for Y/n to get it over with. 
He sighed softly and grabbed the arrow, causing Techno to squint in pain. He placed his hand in Techno’s and squeezed in reassurance. Without any warning he ripped the arrow from Techno’s shoulder, causing Techno to make a broken noise of pain and squeeze his hand, his strong legs kicking against the table. Y/n quickly rushed to bring the potion up to Techno’s lips, guiding him and helping him drink it. His wound slowly closed up and the pain was gone. Techno took a shaky breath, but his head was a mess. Voices screaming over each other demanding blood from the once who hurt Techno and Phil. They were already dead, but the voices weren’t thinking clearly. 
His hands shook and bloodlust consumed him entirely, the want for blood to be spilt growing stronger each passing second.
He felt another strong hand join his, both his hands being squeezed by Y/n, who was trying to ground him.
“You’re ok,” he hummed softly, “they can’t hurt you here. I’ve got you, I’ll protect you.” Techno’s breathing evened out, he never even noticed it had started to pick up, and looked lovingly into Y/n’s eyes. The bloodlust slipped from his mind, and he tackled Y/n in a tight hug. Y/n smiled softly and reciprocated the hug. “Thank you.” He heard Techno mumble, and he pulled away so he could bump their heads together. 
“Anything for you, my love…”
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hypixelsblade · 2 years
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𝖇𝖑𝖔𝖔𝖉 𝖋𝖔𝖗 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖇𝖑𝖔𝖔𝖉 𝖌𝖔𝖉 — general info.
c!technoblade ask/rp blog. character & mun are both adults. if i’m terribly out of character at some point, feel free to spam my inbox with “L” or something along those lines! this blog has returned to the rpverse with the utmost respect for the content creator - i hope to write c!techno with half the grace and honor that cc!technoblade did, and i ask for your forgiveness in the case that i do not do that promise justice.
if you want to keep up with what i write, i consolidate all my threads here.
𝖘𝖐𝖚𝖑𝖑𝖘 𝖋𝖔𝖗 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖘𝖐𝖚𝖑𝖑 𝖙𝖍𝖗𝖔𝖓𝖊 — tags.
#technotalks: general talky tag. all answered asks & in-character posts will be under this. #technoeyes: draws tag/in character pictures. art done by @cheruim​ #voice [anon name/emoji]: for named anons! wanted to distinguish them from regular anons. #ooctalks: mun talky tag! if i have an announcement to make, then it’ll be under this. #afterdark: if you send me something vaguely nsfw, then it’ll be under this. i plan on keeping this blog sfw for the most part but i recognize that the character itself has nsfw elements (violence, gore, etc.) so i figured this tag would be necessary. #tw: [insert trigger]: if an ask discusses anything triggering, i’ll tag it under this. simple & clean, babey.
𝖞𝖔𝖚'𝖗𝖊 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖛𝖔𝖎𝖈𝖊𝖘 𝖎𝖓 𝖒𝖞 𝖍𝖊𝖆𝖉 — anons.
dots, 🦑, odysseus, 🌲, promidas, random potato
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ao3feed-crimeboys · 2 years
Last Track (And Then He Was Gone)
by Cocoa_Cacao
Wilbur laughed as his brother squealed, running with the flower crown Techno created for Wilbur.
Wilbur ran down the hill with Tommy. Screaming for his flower crown back. He almost didn't see the-
((TW: Details of gore and blood. Screams and disturbing sounds))
Words: 456, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 3 of Last Stop Series
Fandoms: Dream SMP
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Categories: F/M, Gen
Characters: Wilbur Soot, Technoblade (Video Blogging RPF), Phil Watson | Philza, TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF)
Relationships: Kristin Rosales Watson/Phil Watson, Wilbur Soot & Phil Watson, Wilbur Soot & Technoblade & TommyInnit & Phil Watson, Wilbur Soot & TommyInnit
Additional Tags: Temporary Character Death
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/40720836
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Tw: gore and death
There is something behind him. It has been in the walls and now it is behind him, breathing against his neck and sending goosebumps down Tommy's arms. Years of being a soldier has made him wiser to the sudden changes in a room. This Thing wanted needed to kill him.
It hadn't before, atleast not like now. It was only watching Tommy until now. It brought a horrid stench when it was close, like decay and rot. Sometimes it would leave (probably for supplies, food, maybe to watch others) and other times, whatever room Tommy was in smelled entirely of dead meat like it's dragged eveything its killed with it. The odor always lingered slightly when it was gone.
It is in Tommy's home.
It is behind him.
It is a Thing of
malice and hate and it needs him
Tommy has not looked up from the sink yet. There is a mirror above the sink and he must not give away that he knows yet. A glance could risk looking at the thing. A twitch, a breath, a misstep. He is washing the dishes from yesterday. (He never liked doing the dishes, usually because of the smell. Puffy suggested he switch to disposable.) All Tommy can smell is death.
Tommy is almost done and it is still behind him. He is reaching for the dirty knife (Tubbo's. It was left in the sink from when they had dinner.) and the thing is still behind him. (It wants to kill him. It needs Tommy
Tommy will not
(never his time to die.)
He does not die easily now.
He is steadier then before. (before prison, exile, pogtopia.)
Water trickles over his hands. It's louder than the thing's breathings but just quiet enough to listen. There is a knife in Tommy's hands (not a sword. His sword is in his room next to his bed.) He runs it under the water, adjusting his grip (facing away from his chest, like Techno showed him.) There is a hitch from behind and Tommy glances to the mirror.
He can not
Tommy wirls and slashes the thing across it's eyes. Blood freckles his cheek and he pulls back only to lunge forward, knife gripped in one hand. He digs his nails into Dream's arm, right below his wrist, with the other. He holds its arm away and plunges the knife deep into its stomach and
Tommy slides the knife only to stab again. It's on its knees. (It is speaking but Tommy can not hear it.) There is crunching and something snaps. There is a wetness on Tommy's hands but he can not feel it, only anger (and that strange nothingness that has followed since he died.)
He died.
Was killed.
It would die now. Tommy would
kill it.
Over and over and over again. Tommy stabbed until it stopped screaming, crying, moving.
And he laughed.
For a long time he laughed until he cried and started coughing. Then he went back to laughing again for a bit until he drag himself away from the body to throw up from coughing. (The smell didn't bother him.
Not anymore.)
Dream was dead now.
It was
Tommy stayed there next to its body a moment (what was left of it. An arm was barely hanging on and something squishy and grey and very very bloody was hanging from its belly.)
And hour later, (was it an hour? He wasn't sure.) he called Tubbo again. They would burn it and nuke whatever was left. Nothing to bring back.
Never again
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yumekei-collective · 2 years
This is gonna be a full tag list of all 183 (Minus littles, we aren’t comfortable with littles tagging posts) of us. I started this while waiting for dinner and yeah here it is:
Oliver: 💜he/ghost/wisteria/sae
Spiderlily: 🎋he/demon
Eli: 🌹he/gore
Yukari: 🍀any pronouns
Kinoko: 🍄he/him
Yishu: 🎨he/they/art
Kagome: 💗he/him
Xephyr: 🐋he/ocean neos (Might also tag with “Whale Boi” or “🐋🐋🐋”)
Miko: ☀️he/fae
Fever: 🌑any pronouns
Manami: 🍧he/him
Nyx: 🦄he/him
Nemu: ⌨️he/him (Will also tag with “tw typing quirk”)
Sylva: 🦑he/him
Una: 👑he/him
Sena: ⚜️any pronouns
Asami: ☄️he/him
Niko: 🍦he/they
Aisuru: ❣️he/him
Tama: 🤍he/they
Skellia: ☠️she/he/fae
Silent: ▪️any pronouns
Eun-yu: 🌼any pronouns
Ruru: 🏝any pronouns
Harakiri: 🍩any pronouns
Hanami: 🐬she/he
Emi: 💝she/he/vo
Himitsu: 🍭my name
Kirino: ⚠️he/glitch
Kazari: 🎶she/he/luo
Hotaru: ☔any pronouns
Kuroe: 🌐he/they
Mikuni: 🎵any pronouns
Nanami: 🌱she/he
Mami: 🟡she/he/flower
Xie: ⚫he/they
Yuzheng: ⚪he/him
Red: 🐇he/she
Frost: ❄️he/she
Shai: 🗨️any pronouns
Goth: 🛍️any pronouns
Tsu: 📓She/he/red
Shika: ✉️she/they/he/death
Elise: 🦌she/he/witch
Kazuha: 🍁he/him
Kaedehara: 🏮he/they
Gorou: 🐕he/him
Childe: ⚔️he/him
Sara: 🗾she/he/they
Hu Tao: 🩸he/him
Kuki: 🏯he/him
Kokomi: 🐠she/he/they
Yun Jin: 💟she/he/they
Tomo: 🍙he/him
Scaramouche: ⚡he/him
Kunikuzushi: 🎐he/they
Kuni: 🀄he/him
Scara: 🔆he/him
Owari: 🚫he/him
Shenhe: ⭕she/he/they
Yae Miko: ⛩she/he/they
Kitsune Saiguu: 👘she/he/they
Chiyo: 🍣she/he/they
Xiao: 🌀he/yaksha/adeptus
Ganyu: 🔘any pronouns
Maple: 🧧he/autumn
Chihayafuru: 🎏he/him
Makoto: 🍜any pronouns
Ei: 🍡any pronouns
Zhongli: 🟨he/him
Akuma: ♥️he/they
Qingxin: 💮any pronouns
Alatus: 🌸he/him
Yaksha: 🔴he/him
Fischl: 💐any pronouns
Sucrose: 🌪️any pronouns
Venti: 🍃he/him
Seishin: 💕he/lust/💕/💜
Onagi: 🦊he/him
Hiroto: ⛓️he/they
Virgil: 📖he/they
Yumi: 👹he/him
Kuroki: 🍶he/him
Kosuzu: 🧸he/him
Reishou: 🐉he/him
Kuru: 🏳️‍🌈he/him
Tsukiya: 🔪he/him
Katsumi: 🎬he/him
Mirei: 🎲he/him
Zei: 📼he/him
Tsunami: 🌊he/him
Kiro: ♨️he/him
Ene: 🐾any pronouns
Shion: 🎮he/him
Elliot: 🕸he/him
Haru: 🐰he/him
Kai: 💾he/him
Circe: 🍬he/she
Yuu: ☯️he/him
Kurasi: 🔻he/him
Tsumi: 💿he/him
Ranboo: 🔳he/ender
Wilbur: 🧨he/him
Techno: 🗡️he/blade
Sam: 💚he/they
Philza: 🕊️he/elytra
Tommy: 🟥he/him
Simpbur: 🎸he/song
Dream: 🎭he/him
Eret: 💖any pronouns
Nihachu: 🐟any pronouns
Bad: 🧁he/him
Skeppy: 🔷he/him
Sapnap: 🔥he/him
Gogy: 👓he/him
Tech: 🎆he/him
Daydream: 💠he/fae/vir/nem/ae/smile
Dreamtech: 💎he/him
Night: ✴️he/him
Mystery: 📹he/him
Wil: 💣he/him
Ghostbur: 💙he/him
Boo: 🖤he/him
DreamXD: 💛he/him
Bird: 🟪he/him
Ender Lethe: ♣️he/him
Origin: 🔱he/him
Phantom: 🏚️he/him
Scott: 🌌he/him
Aeor: 🌨️he/gold
Anti: ❌he/him
Ariea: 🌙any pronouns
Florine: ✏️any pronouns
Ophina: 🔵any pronouns
Pasolo: 🩹any pronouns
Pact: 🌺any pronouns
Connolly: 🪐any pronouns
Fleur: 🔧any pronouns
Nightmare: 🌘he/him
Halo: ⭐️any pronouns
Midnight: 🚀any pronouns
Fell: 💔he/they
Killer: ‼️he/they
Ink: 🖌️he/him
Cross: ✖️he/him
Madoka: 💞any pronouns
Alina: 🖼️any pronouns
Yuna: 🌩️any pronouns
Miyuri: 🛼he/they
Nayuta: 📚she/he
Izumi: 🍔any pronouns
Aris: 🕐any pronouns
Hina: 🍱he/him
Abel: ♠️any pronouns
Delta: ♦️he/they
Onyx: 💤any pronouns
Katsuki: 💥he/him
Deku: 🟩he/him
Shoto: 🧊he/him
Tokoyami: 🦢any pronouns
Seele: ▫️any pronouns
Phyllis: 🤎he/they
EJ: 📘he/him
Toby: 🪓he/they
Glamrock Freddy: 🌟any pronouns
Strawberry: 🍓any pronouns
Hanako-Kun: 🎃he/they
Verosika: 🥀any pronouns
Hyun-su: 💉he/him
Corpse: 💀he/him
Sophie: 💌any pronouns
Celestia: 🎴any pronouns
So-mun: 🐚any pronouns
Littles tag: ░little poster
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axe-of-ender-moved · 3 years
one of many little details from SAD-ist's "Hog Hunt"
TW: blood, injury, mild gore
One of the many details I noticed from SAD-ist's animation:
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Techno, as he's regenerating from the Totem of Undying, jumps out of the cage. But, he's still coming back together, and his arm is still re-forming-- it re-forms around the bars.
So he has to tear his arm out.
He then falls to the ground, the screen blurring to indicate pain, most likely.
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But it refocuses and he stands up when he sees Carl with Dream.
This bit of the animation takes up only a few seconds but it's so incredibly detailed I had to share--
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flowery-king · 3 years
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Imagine finding a baby while you're out scavenging haha can't relate
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