#<- which is exactly why i didnt want to start drawing fanart in the first place but whatever
skitskatdacat63 · 4 months
Do not question the logistics of the planetary system :) Also yes, Pluto is a planet TO ME. And I came up w these when I was a lot younger, so don't question them :)
Also idk if this factors into one's choice here, but each planet is ruled by a god(dess.) Maybe I should make a poll about their ruling styles one day lol
I'd say "please reblog" but this is very niche so! But if so, please explain your choice, I'm curious! Or comment
+ examples of some under the cut:
Lol a lot of this is older, don't judge :) And I also don't have ocs from every planet unfortunately </3 hopefully one day!
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(lol can you tell I have a favorite planet, I think prob at least 50% of my ocs are from here)
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(these are actually my oldest ocs that I still use, and I had to rework them to fit into my au thus: unwanted. Very important lore tbh.)
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astranauticus · 11 months
ok one last post about the Project to truly exorcise it from my brain. just some process/design thoughts (also now that it's done if you want to read my liveblogged whinging for whatever reason here it is)
first off some stats because i kept stats like the nerd that i am:
time wise making this animatic took about 93.5 hours give or take (thanks procreate process replay) spread across exactly 2 months
anyway when i said i finished this project mostly through stubbornness and sunk cost fallacy this is what i meant lol like a lot of my thought process through this was just 'no way in hell am i letting some of these drawings disappear into my drafts forever'
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on average each frame took about 2 hours 45 minutes but thats a bit of an overestimate since i forgot to count some of the animated bits from the first two lines (so id guess the actual number is more like.. 2 hours 20 minutes?)
btw that line with the starry apparition fading away? 12 hours total
the single longest and most painful frame to draw was the one of the crew walking through tu'narath (5 hours 30 minutes) because a. perspective b. architecture design c. for some reason i put a lot of detail into rendering the armour on all the githyanki i drew why on earth did i do that
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(its especially painful bc that frame was one of the ones that didnt... feel like an important enough moment in the actual story of the show to be worth capturing the way the wish or even like, endellion is, i just needed to put that there for the storytelling flow or whatever of the animatic itself and it bothered me so much)
one other interesting little mishap was that i did all of these on canvas size 1080x720px (so that's why the youtube resolution isnt particularly high lmao) which is why procreate let me put an absolutely absurd amount of layers in one canvas (all 8 frames of with memories projected on the astral sea were done on one canvas. 159 layers) because the layer limit for that canvas size is 400 BUT. i accidentally started the starry apparition fade on an A4 canvas (my default canvas size for like all my normal fanart) and i only realised after finishing all the lineart and starting on colouring because i hit layer limit so i had to resize the canvas which did... interesting?? things to the lineart resolution
also if youre wondering how i drew K-LB that many times in something resembling timely fashion the answer is i sacrificed some... amount of sleep to 3d model and rig him in blender which. honestly? i consider it a roaring success
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splitting the frames by bar was a Choice and certainly a choice ive.. had doubtsTM about but thats the kind of thing you cant really change without bringing the whole project crashing down so if the frames seem to move a bit too fast im so sorry there was really not much i could do there
idk if people actually noticed the very very tiny drawings of the crew moving around on the ship in the 4th line especially since they sometimes get obscured by the subtitles but the REASON for that is in my original drawings the subtitles went in the top left corner but they kept conflicting with other stuff so i just gave up and threw them to the bottom (also i originally included the chinese lyrics but then i got lazy lmao)
anyway that little detail like VR-LA angstily looking at the sea reminiscing about the JourneyTM and the crew sort of appearing along with the memories of their adventures together was one of those things that seemed SO COOL in my head but once i actually execute it its like. hmmmm not sure if that worked out the way you thought it would buddy. also the tiny crew was EXTREMELY hard to draw so put that down as another point in 'me subjecting myself to deeply painful and out there compositions for no good reason'
anyway i called this my magnum opus but i do actually have some thoughts about another one (a companion piece, if you will) for another song by the same band because now that i know what capcut can do im.. really itching to try something a little different because this like powerpoint presentation style? fully a product of me using iMovie as my only available video editing software for the past like 7 years of my life
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cantalooprat · 2 years
The Earth is Online
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What I Liked
the two leads r so cute together... i lowkey love that their tower game synchronization was built upon the coordination theyve had when playing bridge
minimal romance but still spicy interactions!??!?!? i loved the way their romance grew, from initial distrust to "it's more important to find strong teammates than to go to an easier lvl of the tower" to "wait u seem kinda familiar, could u be..." to actually! falling in love! the romance didn't bog down the plot nor distract from it, but seamlessly integrated with the way the leads' dynamics work
in the beginning of them getting to know each other, when tang mo tried to ditch fu wenduo but fwd caught tm anw, then they entered an instance together... i think that's when i rly got convinced of their romance lmao, i love that the mc is a conniving little weasel
good plot, good worldbuilding, side characters r distinctive n carry their own motivations not necessarily centered around the leads. i remember feeling sad for the middle school girl? whose dad disappeared vs tang mo in their first game, n how she saw w her own eyes the killers who eventually got killed vs her, tm, fwd, n it was such a minor thing but i appreciated the author wrapping that plot thread up
they boned so tm can get fwd's power, which was... well the scene leading up to it certainly set the mood, anw i was grinning with delight when it was revealed boning was one of the ways to get the power which is like... cliched af but i was living for it
What I Disliked
the leads pull so many tacit understanding moments that it felt lowkey bs lmao
some of the instances r kinda hard to imagine by text, want to draw on paper but then idk if it's even right so in the end i just kinda go along w the ride not fully understanding what was going on
ending got kinda rushed? felt like the tower floor 7 endgame wasn't explored as thoroughly, and the origin of the tower was like "to test civilization", to which i went "wait its all honkai?" "always has been"
fuk the gun metaphors they used for the boning scene, it was so surreal i was like ??????????????????? why tf r they having a gun practice session in fwd's old room n then they mentioned tm's book starting to record fwd's ability n i was like ohhhhhh omg what a disaster description of the boning session. i laugh-cringed
it must be mentioned that i started teio bc i got artbaited on twitter, saw a pic of tm n fwd n thought it was orv fanart of kdj n yjh, n in a spur of orv-depression-induced impulse to inhale copium, started reading teio
teio is my first ever foray to danmei when i didnt even know wtf danmei was, n i gotta say it was an excellent choice, it rly hit all the right spot n felt like i encountered the right wn at the right time
idr exactly when i read this, prob like sep? oct? 2021
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judyxd26 · 5 years
Hello guys!!
I know i have been really inactive lately and i'm really sorry for that. I didn't have any time to draw fanart or some art of Rose, because besides school i have been working on a project which i started in april 2019 (so i have been working on it for pretty long xD)
So i told you guys already that il working on a projecr but i didnt tell you what it is.
So basically i am starting my own "comic series" if you can call it like that. I always wanted to do that so i tried it. I have spent many hours creating 8 new Ocs and i spent a lot of time in their design, backstory etc. And i'm really happy that i will be able to share it with you guys starting tomorrow 💕
Some questions you might have:
1. What is it exactly?
So basically i gave it the name "8☆s". The comic plays in Japan in a normal highschool.
As the name says it is about 8 people. 8 girls to be precise.
I won't say too much about the plot cuz you're gonna see it in the comic itself.
2. Why did it take so long?
So the reason it took me almost 10 months is that i'm working on it completely alone. I actually drew the first page of the comic 3 times because i was never satisfied with the result. But now i have the first page completely done and i'll post it tomorrow. I will try to post one page once a week. Please keep in mind that the comic will be traditionnal art so it might take me sometimes a little bit longer but i will try to post regulary💕
Ya. I think that's it for today xD I really hope you all will enjoy it because i worked really hard on it ^-^
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starrcrossrose · 6 years
Here's what DBZ has done for me in only the last year
(Mind you, I've only been dedicated to watching for about 2 years, but that makes the last year even more amazing bc of the short time span)
This will be sort of a long post. But if you like sappy stuff like me, then read along!
1. It made me draw more
I was hardly ever drawing since I started my full-time, adult job in phone retail bc my stress levels were high and my creativity low. But ever since really delving into the DBZ series, I'm constantly in a mood to draw something. (Bless you, Yuya Takahashi, my art brain short-circuited when I started the Majin Buu arc)
2. I made new friends
I have nothing against the friends I currently have. Hell, the ones I still DO have since high school are my ride-or-die's. But, to have the ability to make new friends (and not bc of them being coworkers that I spend nearly every day with) just off of something we all share a passion for? Amazing. I even have one new friend I text like, every day and she is the sweetest thing. And all because we bonded originally over our love for DBZ! I'm now part of a group chat of girl who love Vegeta (bc, come on, how can you not?) and have found so much amazing art and writing that I even bought my first fanzine and have been planning on meeting most of these guys/gals in person someday!
3. It made me stop caring what others think
Ok, maybe not completely. Life and human emotion is a little more complicated than that. But, as I've made these new friends and seen their passion and creativity for a fandom that has been kicking and screaming (literally) for like, 20+ years is so AWESOME. And in observing this, and as my own love for the show grew, I started branching into territory I had never ventured to before, creatively. I started doing fanart. I started writing fanfiction which is something I never thought I would be able to do. I even posted publicly to my lifelong friends and family (some of whom used to make fun of me for liking anime when I was a kid) that I just didnt care anymore. I wanted to like what I wanted to like, and to have fun, dammit. I may have always seen like the type of person to do or say or wear whatever, but my mind was always thinking of what others thought of me. I no longer want to, and I've been slowly really growing out of that self-consciousness for a while without me realizing it. All because I was so in love with the world and characters of a fiction that ppl grew up on.
4. It taught me to keep fighting for myself
Listen. In our shitstorm of a world as of late, my mind was a mess. I was constantly living in the past, constantly fighting back anxiety and stress in waves that were often debilitating. I even rode the roughest wave of depression in YEARS, to the point of wanting to give up on ever doing something arts related again. But, I was still watching DBZ, still delving into the story of characters I had grown to love, and it was the ONE really bright thing I cared about that wasnt my husband at the time. On top of all that, watching DBZ has been, not quite a distraction, but a coping mechanism for a good/bad/sick day throughout the entire year. It has made me want to grow as a person, to be someone better and stronger than the person I am today. I've always been headstrong in my dreams, but adulting really wanted to suck those things out of me for good. DBZ has made me realize there is a shared passion in a show so beloved, that it has opened multiple doors of conversation for me, even at work! (I have Vegeta on my phone case, lol)
5. DBZ has taught me to never give up
This is such a cliche, something a lot of people have said about this show. But, to reference back to the above points, I really did want to give up everything early this year. I wanted to quit my job, to move states, to be alone. I wanted to never write or draw again bc "I was never going to be good enough" (silly me) to be recognized. But, with the comfort and assurance of my husband (God bless him) and through the comfort of watching a show that filled me with joy, I grew. My husband and I sold our art at a local parsde and actually made a profit! (Small profit, but I was expecting to only break even, so I was very surprised.) My favorite character in the show ended up being Vegeta, which surprised no one who knows me, but for reasons that I've come to understand bc, at first, I didnt know why I liked him so much. But, I began to get it. A character like Vegeta, who is constantly being one-upped, constantly being viewed as 2nd best, constantly struggling and training to be better, was exactly how I felt. And sometimes, I still feel that way. The art world is incredible, but also cruel and overwhelming. It's easy to beat ourselves up, but much harder to push ourselves off the ground when random people like to kick artists while we're down. .But, I brushed myself off, got to my feet, and basically gave the middle-finger to the world and to myself for ever considering giving up. I would be stronger. I would be better, in every aspect of my passions and dreams, and I would NOT give up. I wanted to be like Vegeta who, through growth and reflection, took pride not only in who he was, but eventually, in his OWN strength.
In Short (lol):
DBZ has literally changed my life in such a short span of time. And I am forever grateful to my husband for finally sitting my ass down and making me watch it, and also to the fandom, who has been nothing but supportive and friendly in my short time here. Thank you, Akira Toriyama, and thank you Toei Animation. You've literally helped a person who needed to see a show like this one more than she ever thought she would.
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wolfsrainrules · 6 years
Could you rate your top five fandoms that you want to write for but haven't? And maybe your favorite headcannons for some?
Hmmm…..This is a good one. Five fandoms I want to write for but haven’t….
1. One Piece 2.Yu Yu Hakusho 3. Percy Jackson (Book)4. Marvel Cinematic Verse as a whole really (I know I have like one thing over on FanFic for it, but I need to do more/write more/finish that)5. Supernatural (TV Series)
They’re not in any particular order, but these are five fandoms I would like to add to. 
 Edit- added about two secs after I posted it when I reread the ask- YOU ASKED FOR RATINGS SORRY- I’m gonna use the numbers next to the fandom for from first to last (4, 1, 2, 3, and then 5)
And headcanons for them:1. -Luffy is street smart rather then book, obviously. Not very good with math or anything he has to sit down and think about right? Well I like to think that the exception to this is math. Not in a conventional sense of course, but in a ‘hey Luffy I need you to hit this thing’ he could do it.It’s not that he could sit down and solve the thing, but that if asked he could figure out exactly how to set up A Thing and make it happen. Hitting a target, sling-shot a crew mate onto a tiny target with no room for error for a far distance, take out a group of 20 with no line of sight, and obstacles in the way in bad lighting without use of Haki?
Totally doable. 
-Chopper has no sense of shame when it comes to things that would usually embarrass a human to talk about. (Periods, attraction, certain habits, scents whatever) none of it bothers him. Partly due to being a reindeer with the enhanced senses to tell and mostly becuase He’s just super curious and will literally talk about whatever with whoever will sit down to chat to him
-Speaking of that last one, Robin is Chopper’s best source of info on things like that, she doesn’t mind teaching about it
-Due to his sense of smell, Chopper always knows when the women’s ‘cycles’ are coming up and he makes a point to let Sanji know so he can cook more iron/protein rich foods, and have a stash of chocolate ready to hand out
-Luffy is actually really good about having chocolate on his person for these times of the month, and makes a point to hand it out to the girls. When questioned, he just shrugs and mentions Makino and Dadan
2. -After Yusuke ‘awakens’ he has to deal with a sudden onset of pack related instincts
-They are intense and unexpected and this ups the fear factor when dealing with Yusuke by a ton when it comes to people messing with those Yusuke considers ‘his’
-Yusuke purrs when content and relaxed around any of his ‘pack’ and will murder anyone who says anything fight him 
-He also purrs to comfort distressed packmates. He doesn’t even think about it
-The purring thing is actually a demon thing and will in fact set Hiei and Kurama off. It’s the most relaxed Yusuke has ever been (also the safest he’s ever felt but will never ever say this)
-Yusuke becomes very touch oriented with everyone in his ‘pack’ and doesn’t notice it- it has something to do with ‘scent marking’ them as one of his.
-Hiei is intensely flattered about this, not that he’d ever say, due to his heritage making him such an outcast before. This also makes him very, very protective of his little pack
-If his sister had to pick anyone to be with, he….supposed it was better to be one of the pack rather than a fool stranger. At least he knows Kuwabara would literally fight whoever he had to for her. That’s more than most of the human’s he’s ever seen
-He is also aware that Yukina would like that Kuwabara is going into the medical field 
3. (to start with very behind in this fandom. I read the first collection of books as they came out and Son of Neptune but BEHIND OTHERWISE SORRY)
-the demigods have  a habit when out in groups of friends when they want to talk to each other about ‘Camp’ stuff or otherwise things that regular humans couldn’t hear, of talking to each other in greek
-passing notes to each other when out in ‘public’ is also done in greek. It makes the looks on people’s faces when they see it really funny
-Annabeth has what is fondly referred to by Grover as ‘Percy Senses’. She always knows when Percy is doing something Stupid without her.
-After Tartarus Percy sometimes has days where he just needs fight something. Not because he wants to fight, but because these new instincts of his are too much and if he doesn’t do something with them soon he’s going to go mad.
-The gods as a whole live in fear of Sally Jackson, who has and Will Do So Again, gotten up in their faces and lectured them before.
-Poseidon has never been so proud- even when she lectured him
-Percy and Annabeth are the only people that can calm each other down from flashbacks without getting attacked for it while the other is still caught in the flashback
-Percy totally and completely has accidentally proposed to Annabeth with an apple (as far as she is aware) but Percy did in fact know the history behind the apple and tossed it to her on purpose in front of the entire camp.4. -Tony Stark is a very ‘in your face’ celebrity- everyone knows this. He makes a point to make them do so. He never says a word about the millions he donates to things like children hospitals, or the time he went around for a month and revamped a selection of orphanages entirely.
-He likes to make stops in children hospitals as Iron Man, and will take other super heroes with him whenever he can swing it. (usually without telling the hero in question that’s what he’s doing until they’ve arrived)
-Hulk is actually the children’s favorite Avenger. He’s entirely gentle with them, and will go out of his way to protect them whenever they get swept up in villain messes
-Tony has a five min video in which Hulk plays with the kids- lets them use him like a jungle gym, tosses and catches them, takes them ‘flying’ via long jumps, or lets them ride on his shoulders
-After Tony has time to calm down from the Winter Soldier Assassination thing, he begins to associate the ‘brainwash a personal assassin of our own’ thing with his capture via Ten Rings, and goes out of his way to make sure Bucky gets the help he needs (why do you think no one caught on to Bucky moving around so long on his own followed by the move to Wakanda? No matter how good he was, someone would have seen something right?)
-Tony finds he does in fact get along with Bucky surprisingly well after the help. They get into a prank war. It’s a mess. It ends when Tasha gets caught up in it and decides she’s gonna end this one way or another. While in the ‘dog house’ so to speak the two bond over burgers and milkshakes in an old fashioned diner5. -Sam knows Dean is a Nerd, despite not admitting to it, and will always get Dean some kind of fandom related present for holidays/birthdays where he can manage it
-One year, Sam managed to swing Comic Con tickets and didn’t tell Dean they were going, only that they had a ‘hunt’ in the area. Dean screamed when he saw the tickets.
Like a little girl. 
Sam has it recorded.
-Cas was brought along to this, and Dean spent the entire time geeking out and introducing Cas to as much famdom and pop culture reffs as he could fit into the entire con
-Sam spent the entire time taking pictures and recording things. Best money he’s ever spent even if their last names were faked (like hell he wasn’t letting Dean get his autographs signed to Dean)
-Sam is actually a really, really good artist and draws fanart for some of Dean’s famdoms as well as the few that he liked (Star Trek and Doctor Who were favorites of Sam’s actually) and he sells some of it for easy money where he can
-Dean has no idea that a few of the really nice pieces of fanart he’s flipped out over were done by Sam. Sam is both intensely flattered and embarrassed by this
-Cas is the one to tell Dean, since he saw Sam drawing some of them.
Dean screamed.
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uniformbravo · 6 years
an Post about Me (my day)
i got a new phone case today ok bc like my old one was just a clear soft plastic, v minimal & functional, but ive had it for like 3 yrs so it had gone all gross n yellow w/ age and handling & it was totally falling apart & i wasnt in a hurry to get a new one just yet but my mom surprised me today w/ a new one & it’s like. it’s basically the same but black and opaque & im not gonna fuckin lie my phone looks so fuckin good now oh my god i cant get over it every time i look at it im so?? i love it??? it’s so Sleek like im not one 2 ever call electronics sexy but hoooooo
i thought i was losing my fucking mind today bc i could not remember what nagisa’s motif animal was??? i was literally running through every aquatic animal i could think of in my mind i was picturing those medley relay scenes where theyre swimming n the animals appear but nothing was fuckin coming up for nagisa like it was Bad & i didnt wanna look it up bc i was using my phone for yt & didnt wanna lose my place in the playlist i was on like it was a whole goddamn Thing & then i also didnt wanna Give In bc i Knew i would kick myself the second i found out what it was from it being so obvious i was fuckin. ive never blanked so hard in my life i was like i should KNOW this shit i was THERE what is this Amateur Hour what the FUCk, for 5 fuckin minutes & then when it Finally fuckin hit me it was like a full on arin hanson kinda moment where i just yelled “PENGUIN” in the middle of my living room it was. a journey
this is gonna sound dumb af but ok so every time i get into a new fandom i get rly anxious the first time i try to draw for it, like i feel so stupid trying to draw these new characters n i know the only way to get good at drawing them is to, u know, actually Draw them but for some reason i still always feel like a Fool for even trying so like. that’s a hurdle i have to get over every time i wanna start drawing fanart for a new Thing I Like so you would THINK that if i was gonna go back to drawing for an old fandom i fell out of but have now come back to, like free for example, that wouldnt be an issue right?? like ive already drawn these fools before this should be a piece of cake??? except that like. free came out 5 years ago & to put it lightly my art has improved a Lot since then. free was also my first like, actual anime fandom?? up until that point i’d only been drawing fanart of real people & actors n shit so it was like stylizing a real human, right. so i remember being really intimidated by the thought of trying to draw these anime boys bc holy shit the art style already looked so good how could i possibly convert this into my style, no matter what i did it would be a downgrade right. taking Really Lovely Art & squashing it down to accommodate my limited abilities at the time so i was never really happy with any of the fanart i did back then & i think thats why i was so nervous to draw them again today?? like i sat down w/ my sketchbook, did a little warmup thing (not free), & then just kinda went huh bc like. i know i love doing fanart of the things i love & i know i love free so i knew the logical thing here would be to draw free fanart but i was rly hesitant to try it & almost chickened out, but i stuck through it & drew a haru & then from there i started having ideas for More stuff to draw which turned into a lil series that i want to make & im!!! so glad i got myself to get over that hurdle of First Fanart Anxiety bc if i had just stayed in my comfort zone i wouldnt be working on this new project & i wouldnt have all these sketches im actually rly happy with like! i rly like how today’s drawings came out!! ive honestly been in such a rut w/ art lately & i think this is exactly what i needed to dig myself out & get myself excited to draw again so!! im rly happy!!! today was a Good Day
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tumblunni · 7 years
Hi, I'm the anon who sent the messages about Rotom-Cyrus to TWJ. I wanted to explain myself. There are two books in Rotom's Room: one written by Charon where he says he found out about Rotom "by pure chance." So Charon is involved with Rotom (prob why he has that card) but he isn't the one who met Rotom as a kid. I don't want to spoil exactly what happens in USUM incase you haven't reached that part but it does basically confirm Cyrus is the one who wrote that account.
aaaa that suuuuuckscos literally its fuckin a book signed by charon how was i meant to know that oh the other book right next to it isnt by charon alsoand the trading card has no meaning whatsoeverand we’re just giving more sad backstory to a guy who already had a sad backstory and nope charon has no backstory whatsoever and was just super evil and everyone was right for all these years telling me i’m a jerk for liking this characterand right when basically the same thing just happened with faba seriouslyharmless comedic villain in sun and moon, is shown apparantly redeemed in the postgame, but NOPE now its retconned and he was The Most Evil One and something something lusamine isn’t bad anymore and everything she ever did is now being done by faba in the animecos hey yknow thats what i get for giving the benefit of the doubt to ~ugly people~seriously fuckin everyone hated faba right from when he was first revealed, you had people predicting his ENTIRE PLOT based on just one picture of him and his name and no information whatsoever on his personality. we all just fucking knew what was going to happen because he’s a science man with an ‘ugly’ face and he’s ~flambouyant~and then charon fuckin literally existed to be the ~worse man~ who was added to make cyrus more redeemablethats how he was treated in both mangas. he was made more evil just so cyrus could be redeemed, which was POINTLESS because we all already believed he could be redeemed! and fuck we even all already thought he had cute moments with his pokemon as a kid, geez! there’s a hundred fanarts of that same scenario but with murkrow or zubat or magikarp or houndour or sneasel...just fuckin the pokespe manga wrote a personalityless charon who murdered a child and was outright shown not being friends with rotom and actually hating rotom and getting his ass kicked by rotomand then in DPA we get not only More Evil Charon Who Kills People but also he’s drawn really stupidly over the top scary while everyone else is big eyed shoujo dorks. and our protagonist believes that everyone is redeemable except charon. lets show cyrus committing far more evil acts than charon ever did in the game, lets show him being ooc as fuck and talking about murdering pokemon while surrounded by graves. but THAT IS OKAY and our hero will insist on saying he’s redeemable but NOOOPE charon just fuckin steals some money and has an ugly grandpa face and he gets no such sympathy. he just exists to make you forget that moment of cyrus being ooc double evil. cos we literally retconned that charon was responsible for all cyrus’s evil acts last arc, even though he wasnt even in the fuckin story yetand like now my only damn consolation here is that the character i connected with when i first played the game is AT LEAST NOT THAT EVIL. but all the potential signs of headcanoning him as not evil were all false and i just should have known it. and apparantly its a better and more worthwhile plot to just give sad childhood man another pokemon he knew in his sad childhood, and the thing i thought was Really Cool And Interesting Writing didn’t actually exist. like seriously i was fuckin literally suffering from the same abusive childhood cyrus has in his backstory back when i played dppt and i DO NOT KNOW WHY but i ended up connecting with this stupid grandpa more than him and it saved me in a dark time more than him. back then i was a stupid fuck and i hated cyrus cos i saw myself in him, like i didnt want to admit that i was in an abusive family and i wanted to hate him for daring to want to take revenge against the world that fucked him over. i felt he didnt have the right, like I didnt have the right..so yeah i didnt even fully realise cyrus’s backstory until i replayed the game as an adult, but the one thing that did hit me back then was how unexpected and cool it was to turn our opinion of this jerk grandpa on its head. like i mean whoa! i didnt hate him like everyone else did, i found him pretty funny, but still i wasnt a big fan or anything until i saw that diary entry. like charon does LITERALLY NOTHING in the plot there is no reason they should have added him in a third version, he has no reason to exist unless he was meant to be the guy who introduces rotom’s new forms also added in the game. and it was such a mind blown moment! it doesnt even make him less evil! like “whoa this evil guy used to be a good kid once” could still work even if it WASNT a sign of him having potential redeemability, like it makes him so much more personally evil and horrible if he abandoned his best friend or something. I was so dissappointed you don’t get a boss battle with him, cos i went and caught that rotom and was hyped to defeat him with the pokemon he once betrayed and like there’s NONE OF THAT ANGLE if it was cyrus. it doesnt make rotom any different than any of his other pokemon that he owns right now and we know he already cares about, cos he has a crobat.and it JUST DOESNT MAKE SENSEbecause the journal SOUNDS like charon!they both talk all smart guy style but it felt more formal like how charon talksand like how charon boasts a lot, but the journal has him boasting about his friend instead. it sounds too enthusiastic to be cyrus...and like we already know where cyrus grew up as a kid and it wasnt eterna city. and he doesnt have a secret lab in galactic hq also in eterna city, like charon does. and also he’s not like friggin fifty years old so why would his childhood poke-friend be in a wrecked abandoned house if it was just ten years ago or something. and also why would they give charon this trading card where they draw the 100% evil guy having a vaguely genuine smile on his face and not looking like rotom hates him and he’s got it caged up or anything and also why would the card’s effect be all about friendship and why would they define him as The Rotom Guy and why would they even bother to give a trading card to charon if charon is a pointless character who never did anything important and had no actual relevance to this rotom wifi event except apparantly stealing a bunch of diaries from some other guy who was really responsible for it all. and why would they bother to point out that someone signed the diary if it wasnt the guy who wrote the diary, and also we are not going to sign the diary by the guy who actually wrote it. like if it was meant to be cyrus whey didnt they make it clearer?? nobody could be expected to have figured that out!also why does charon have a second rotom room in silph co in HGSS which timeline wise means he would have had it before DPPT and he’s talking about finding a rotom by chance before he ever found this diary that doesnt really belong to him. like why would he build an entire lab of form machines if he didnt own a rotom yet? how would he know enough to make them actually work for rotom if he never owned a rotom yet?why did nintendo decide to do all this if i wasnt supposed to reach the conclusion that charon had ANYTHING to do with rotom???why didnt they make it fucking clearer. why couldnt i have been saved years of clinging to this stupid ass headcanon and basing a lot of my taste in stories on the whole concept of ‘wow that was so fucking cool how they took a one dimensional looking villain and then turned it on our head with a cool reveal and made me super eager to see future stories with him’ and hey we’re not ever gonna get those and also everyone else was right and i should just give up and agree that ugly looking granddads will always be eviland why the fuck did i somehow link my self worth to such a random ass headcanon for a random ass character like seriously could someone have properly explained cyrus’s plot to me as a kid so i could have had him stop me from committing suicide instead. like seriously if they’d just made cyrus’s grandpa less hard to find and explained the plot more clearly and explained that he was the rotom kid AAAAAAAAARGHand i really didnt fucking need this, usum, right after also people started telling me that lusamine is ~really good~ and her whole child abuse plot is gone now like ha ha ha ha fucking ha lets crush bunni on two damn levelsand what is my fucking luck that this happened to happen right on the same day when i got some stupid ass anon hate and also had a horrible nightmare about my abusive fatherlike seriously dude who sent me this ask im really sorry ive had such an incoherant babbling reply to it, its just been a really bad day for me and like.. im not freaking out because of this minor headcanon being proven wrong, its just like i was already freaking out and having some random irrelevant headcanon bullshit happen right now is REALLY bad timing to push me off the edgehopefully i can calm down and come back and give a more coherant response of like.. why i headcanoned the different thing and why I’m sad its not true, even though i’m happy for you that your personal headcanon did become true instead.but like it sucks to be told ‘nope you’re not allowed to have your favourite character, his one and only personality trait was just a misconception you had’ during such a really bad timing of such an already bad daynintendo could u give us like a sassy science villain gramps who DOES have a redemption plot? or at least a plot that isnt ‘exists to be worse than the main villain’? like seriously why did it happen twice. i was happy at original sun and moon cos it felt like faba as charon but better written but then NOOOOPEjust...god...what.what sort of fuckface up in heaven decided to throw all the bad shit at me today and not at least spread it out across the rest of the week?
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