#wolfsrainrules headcanon
wolfsrainrules · 5 years
Hi I just wanted to ask since BNHA is one of your fandom, but what are your thoughts about the All For One is Midoriya's Dad Theory, do you think its plausible or...? Personally, I'm actually hoping that its true because just think about all the drama that it will cause at the hero community but at the same time I'll feel sorry for Cinnamon Roll Izuku cuz attention will be given to him and this precious boy has suffered enough. But yeah that's my question hahaha.
OhHHH HEADCANON TIME.Okay- so my personal thought is that he completely and totally COULD be Izu’s dad. 
We already know that AfO is hundreds of years old, that he was there right when the first quirks were coming out right? And we know that humans EVOLVED to not have that toe joint that Izuku lacks right?
Well- That means that All For One Still Had It. Which means that Izuku if he were AfO’s kid would ALSO have it. Even if he had a quirk. 
We also- so far- know that no one before Izuku manifested the multiple quirks the way he did/is (And please note that I am behind on manga here, as my reading site is no longer carrying it and my translated collection is not that far ahead).
So who is to say that he DIDNT inherit a quirk like the brother but with a twist from AfO? That is- a previously unknown quirk that had to have something specific to trigger. (like the fact the brother could pass quirks down on choice but didnt HAVE a quirk before OfA to do so with)
That is- what if Izuku has the ABILITY to use multiple quirks, but before OfA DIDNT HAVE the access he would have needed TO those quirks, being unable to take them like AfO?
As for his father’s ‘fire breathing’ if it IS AfO he could literally say- and USE- any quirk he has is his quirk and no one would know any different.
Secondly: provided that Izuku DOESNT have a quirk there are two options that could still lead to AfO being his dad.
A. Being a ‘first quirk’ generation, this was back when quirks were the RARITY and thus it makes sense that his kid would be less likely to HAVE one at all.
B. He did in fact HAVE a quirk
 (look me in the eyes and tell me AfO WOULDNT look at someone with a quirk that could pull shit to them and think along the same likes as Endeavor and want a quirk like his ability to STEAL quirks but AT A DISTANCE. Like being able to take a quirk but not limited to touching like his own quirk?)
But AfO TOOK it, I always kind of assumed that since AfO could TAKE and give quirks, he would be able to….taste? them in a sense. He’d know what they were or what they could be, as soon as he laid hands on a person.
Third thing: The fact that, though he struggles with it, the way he interacts with OfA? It’s….remarkable, even compared to past users. He has interacted with the past users- they’ve saved him during the sports festival as well as his ability to manage their other quirks- or the potential to. Who’s to say that’s NOT because its the irony of OfA returning to it’s ‘parent line’? Returned to AfO’’s blood son? Ending up with Izuku?
I am all over the place, and have multiple layered reasons for why I think this could be a possible theory, but to conclude YES I think AfO could TOTALLY be Izuku’s dad.
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secret-engima · 3 years
Tagged by @ladykittenfair! Thanks!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What is your total AO3 word count?
1,303,694 (whoo boy)
3. How many fandoms have you written for and what are they? Including crossovers:
Fairy Tail
Halo (video game)
Horizon Zero Dawn
Vinland Saga (anime)
My Hero Academia
Genshin Impact
Pokemon (that one is not on my AO3 but was on FF)
KHR (again, not on my AO3 but on FF)
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
Deleantur (Erased But Not Forgotten)
Blood of My Blood (That Was Shed on the Throne)
Reunion of Hand, Shield, and King
Everything Ends (Then Begins Again)
5. Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
I try to anyway ^^;. A lot of times, if there’s a massive influx of them on a popular fic I get overwhelmed and forget to respond to them, or if there are really short ones, I’m not sure what to say. I’m always afraid I can only say “thank you!” or “glad you enjoyed!” before it sounds rote and insincere even though I mean it ever single time.
6. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
Off the top of my head? Easily Sanctioned Solitude, my Halo Reach fanfic from forever ago. I binge wrote it after finishing the game the first time and since it’s canon compliant (in what happens to the MC anyway), I’d say that’s my angstiest. Runners up are probably... the Sun Dies (Night Rise) verse in general and Blood of My Blood verse? Even if those have happy endings? Idk, I have a lot of fics that are heavy on angst, but I usually try to have hopeful/happy endings? Or at least bittersweet ones.
7. Do you ever write crossovers?
Sure! I like doing crossovers, they’re really fun, that and universe fusions where it’s more “two settings are actually in the same world and always have been” than a more straight laced “two separate fandoms meet” crossover.
8. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
A few times. I’ve been blessed with nice reviewers for the most part, but I’ve gotten a little bullying, and I’ve also had someone accuse me of supporting the use of child soldiers because of something that showed up in a fic of mine, which came out of nowhere for me because- what? That’s like saying mystery writers support murder because it’s a central part of their plot. But whatever.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Nope. I’ve written romantic pairings and I think one or two makeouts? But never out and out smut. Have no interest in ever doing so either. 
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge, but there’s always a chance I suppose, since I have so many and people can be cruel like that.
11. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Nope! Never officially. I’ve done a lot of back and forth with buddies on discord about ideas, but ultimately only one of us is the one who sits down and writes it out, so I don’t think that counts.
12. What’s your all-time favourite ship?
         I’m supposed to pick????? Idk, it depends on my mood and the fandom. I have a few OTPs for a fandom usually, and other times I’m flexible with who I ship. Luna/Noct is a pretty solid ship for me in FFXV, but I’ve also indulged in Luna/Nyx, so I don’t know if I can call either my OTP. Fairy Tail my OTP is absolutely Jellal/Erza, though there are several other ships that I suppose count, because I would literally never ship either member in the pair with anyone else.
13. What was the first fandom you wrote for?
...Depends on if you count by posted or just in general??? First fic I ever posted was for Pokemon.
14. What’s your favourite fic you’ve written?
Okay that’s. Complicated. My favorite fic I’ve ever written is one I’ve never posted, but it’s my favorite because it’s what really got me into writing and into enjoying making stories. But if we count posted fics, then my top five are probably...
1. My FFXV triad of Nox, Deleantur, and Everything Ends. I count them in a bundle, because originally it was just Everything Ends, but then as I expanded that one’s headcanons, Deleantur and Nox were formed and split off from it at roughly the same time, so they all very much have similar themes and a similar “core” for where their angst comes from.
2. A Melody of Second Chances. ngl this fic will likely never be finished, but not from lack of trying. But you don’t spend 6+ years writing a fic if you don’t love it enough to cry over it in frustration. So.
3. Blood of My Blood verse. I had the basic concept for this almost as soon as I finished the game, but at the time I thought posting something so off the wall would get me flamed. Took a lot of nerve to post it after I did finally write it, and the reception of it always makes my week.
4. Amongst Untrodden Ways. There are other fics I’m currently writing that I’m more enthusiastic about atm, but I learned a lot writing this fic. I did with AMOSC as well, but with the Fairy Tail fandom, I felt more comfortable in expanding on my own world building instead of mix-matching fanon and canon I’d seen before. That and Wren is such a fun and unique character for me, since she is mute and has to find alternate ways of speaking. That, and I get to focus on the Raijinshu, who are some of my favorite side characters (not counting Jellal of course). How can I not add it to my top 5?
5. Worlds Unseen (Calling You and Me). This fic *still* does not get the attention I want it to, even though I understand why. It’s such a weird crossover, but I’m so proud of how I mix up the chapters and try to align the story beats.
I have no idea how many people I’m supposed to tag, but uhhhh @sparklecryptid @wolfsrainrules @a-world-in-grey have at it if you want!
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north-peach · 5 years
Awesome, thanks for confirming it was you. Knowing that, it was fairly easy to find the thread, which is amazing as I recall. I'm always up for some Bleach headcanons, if my understanding of your latest post is accurate. Anything you got for how Ichigo and the Vizard's Inner Hollows affect them in everyday situations?
Kay, let’s see.
-The thing about having an Inner Hollow is you get possessive. You’ve got your things, your places, your space and your people. Your people can be in your space, take your things and stay in your places and it’s all good. To an extent, you can tolerate someone else who isn’t yours, but they make you twitch, if not outright hostile.
-Your senses change. Not like sensing with reiatsu, not your spiritual senses, but your physical ones. Your sense of touch increases, but your sense of pain decreases. Your taste buds shift. Some things taste the same, other duller or just different.
-You always have this place inside you where you can feel all those darker aspects of your soul. You are so vividly aware of them and sometimes, when it reaches out, you reach back.
-The Vizard have had an entire century to figure out how far they’re going to go with their own understanding of their Hollows. They are Shinigami, all of them. Ichigo is different. He grew up human, with siblings. He had a normal childhood, if somewhat violent and neglectful.Some things that work for all of the Vizard, don’t cut it for Ichigo.
-Ichigo has noticed he feels relaxed when fighting. Sweeping all his opponents off their feet, watching as they look up to him, fear in their eyes is pleasing to him.He feels better after asserting his authority and strength over the small fries. Human don’t offer a challenge, especially not after fighting Zaraki Kenpatchi. It’s stress relief for him now, bonding if Chad’s there. A reminder of the old days when things were much simpler.
-Regardless of how easily the Vizard accepted him, Ichigo is entirely aware of the fact that they are different, in the terms of their inner Hollow. Ichigo has only been aware of Hollows and Shinigami for several months. He doesn’t hate them the way Shinigami do. He doesn’t fear it either. He fears what it’ll do to those he protects in his body, wearing his face, with all the memories he has.
-Strong personality traits that were once easily ignored or controlled, strengthened. Examples include Hiyori’s temper, Lisa’s apathy, Shinji’s laidback attitude, and Ichigo’s need to protect everyone, to name a few.
-The games humans play to assert dominance in the hierarchy of school take on a new meaning to Ichigo. His Inner Hollow will not allow someone weaker to stand above his King. So Ichigo learns to cut people down with words, body language and a look rather then with his fists and a sword. He’s a top student. He can’t fight other students openly in the halls. (the streets are another matter entirely)
If ya wanna add anything more.
@thefringeperson @chaosgreymistchild @aneblar
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cheshiresense · 6 years
I was wondering: are there any snippets or some further headcannon for the bleach-khr-fusion you shared a while back for aniseandspearmint? It's an interesting one, especially if Ichigo were to run into other flameactives and grow away from everyone.
Hmmm to be honest, I haven’t really thought much more of this one, but I can do a few headcanons for you (yes this time it really is a few, kind of). Also this just officially became a crossover instead of a fusion gdi send help.
Somehow this evolved to hints of UraIchiYoru pre-relationship.
Pinglist: @yoshifics@bewarethemandragora @runeofluna @selenedreamwalker @hypnos28 @verticallychallengedintrovert@fandommaniac2401 @lovingempress @cynthia-of-the-wallflowers @shadowsofmoonracer @pairp @warriorofbooks @charlottedabookworm @lyra689 @sheyrenawyrsabane @sora-the-empress @xadriannax @yumeniai @arrysa @lirial89-fanfiction @skysong246 @caiahat @grimreaper19 @arosethornbyanyothername @mtkiseki @kaminoko-x @nesskyru @tatarako @parklena42 @zibeth-a @aerdnanocte @timegrenades @healingmichiko @shiko-rae @soraofmelody @fandoms-make-the-world-go-round @north-peach @yannilicious @wolfsrainrules @anaissesteighart
- I imagine at least a few of his potential Guardians would have felt their potential bonds snap. Flames still aren’t something very common though, Ichigo’s the one who brought the concept to the Shinigami’s attention, and most of them still can’t even use them. So I think at least the Shinigami in SS who had the potential to become Ichigo’s Guardians would feel something, maybe a little like heartburn or a nagging sense of wrong, but they’d shake it off or ignore it, especially since Ichigo wouldn’t have had any reason to explain: “This is what happens when you Discord your Sky and this is what a broken Flame bond feels like, the stronger it was, the more it hurts when it snaps.” So none of them know, and they go on with their lives.
- And Shinji and the other Visored are friends (temporary allies, Ichigo knows now) but they’re a full Flame group by themselves and not potential candidates in Ichigo’s circle so they wouldn’t feel anything at all.
- It’s the same with Chad and Ichigo’s other human friends. They don’t know much about Flames either, they’re barely even Flame active, and they’re awkward around Ichigo because they still have everything Ichigo lost, and they don’t want to make him feel left out (they don’t realize they do that anyway). When the bonds disintegrate, there’s a sharp pain in their chests, but it becomes a background ache soon enough, nothing that would make them worry or even connect it to Ichigo, and they don’t realize until far too late that Ichigo has stopped trying to talk to them at all.
- Kisuke though, and Yoruichi to a lesser extent, they feel it, and they might not know exactly what it is, but they probably more than anyone else can recognize Ichigo by his Flames, partly because they’ve been curious enough to ask questions and learn about what Flames can do and what they can do, and partly because they’ve spent too much time around Ichigo, training him, fighting a war with him, and as a result getting to know him– too much time around him to not notice when that Flame sense they’ve been developing - that sense that knows what Ichigo’s Flames feel like by now - practically punches them in the chest when a gaping emptiness rips itself open inside them, in a part of their soul where Ichigo should be. The thing is, they never even realized there was a bond at all - however new - between them and Ichigo before it disintegrated to dust slipping through their fingers. And maybe, maybe they didn’t take Ichigo’s earlier explanations about Flame bonds and Skies and their Elements and Families quite as seriously as they should have. It sounded a touch too idealistic and fantastical, and easy to ignore in favour of the solid evidence of the power Flames can grant instead. It’s not like Flame bonds are necessary, plenty of people go without, as Ichigo told them, and that was as far as they thought they would need to know on that subject.
- So they did not expect this. Yoruichi has been busy with her clan, sorting out inheritances and heirs and all sorts of legalities now that she’s no longer a fugitive but nobody can quite decide if that means she’s the Shihouin Head again, including her. And Kisuke’s been banned from seeing Ichigo by Isshin, who insists it’s for the best that Ichigo should have a normal life again, at least until Kisuke can figure out how to give him his powers back, so Kisuke’s been working as fast as he possibly can, trying to figure out how to do exactly that. He feels more than a little guilty for turning Ichigo away whenever the boy stops by, naked hope on his face, asking to come in, just for a cup of tea, but he tells himself that it’s just a matter of time, he only needs a little more time.
- And then it happens, and Kisuke’s indigo Flames writhe with a moment of absolute agony, almost making him black out, and even when he wakes again and the pain has faded to a near unnoticeable ache, everything in him says to go to Ichigo, now.
- Yoruichi is the same, she’s in the process of getting eyestrain over paperwork that her brother has not been keeping up with as well as he should, when her purple Flames flare and lash out, taking out the far wall and then recoiling and sending her sprawling to the ground and gasping for breath, clutching at something she can no longer find. She ignores the attendants that come pouring in and instead takes off for the Human world at once.
- They both track down Ichigo, and they watch him from the rooftops, out of sight but worried. Ichigo doesn’t seem that different. Sadder, quieter, but he doesn’t look hurt, and he isn’t doing anything out of the ordinary. They decide to give it a few days, see if anything happens. They’re not quite sure what happened, not sure if they should approach him out of the blue about it either– Yoruichi says yes, the direct approach has always worked best with Ichigo; Kisuke says no, it’s a delicate matter, they should observe first, maybe work out what’s going on and at least have an idea about how to fix the problem because what if it affected Ichigo too? What if it was his Flames reacting to something Kisuke and Yoruichi were doing with their Flames? They have been experimenting and training with them after all.
“Later,” Kisuke insists, and it will be another regret he’ll have to carry.
Yoruichi doesn’t speak to him for weeks, afterwards, but she also throws herself into training until she collapses from exhaustion for the first time in centuries, because she should’ve pushed even when Kisuke didn’t, and that’s on her.
- Ichigo had been planning to sit down with all his Flame potentials and go into more detail about it once the war was over and they weren’t all constantly fighting for their lives. He just hadn’t expected everybody to ignore him and push him away the moment he no longer has his Shinigami powers. It’s not like he’s powerless; his Flames still work fine, and they’ve helped him fend off Hollows and yakuza alike for years. And yet nobody seems to think he’s capable of doing anything now that he doesn’t have a sword to swing around.
- So, fine, he doesn’t need them. And with Zangetsu and Shiro’s disappearance, there had already been an ache in his chest, in his heart, in the very depths of his soul. The broken potential bonds add to that pain, but it’s nothing knew and certainly nothing he can’t handle. He does give thanks to every god he’s ever heard of that he wasn’t fucking stupid enough to actually bond with anyone– not because he thought they would desert him the moment he lost his Shinigami heritage but because he’d wanted them to be fully informed of what Flame bonds entail and maybe feel them out a bit too about how they would feel being bonded to him, literally ’til death do they part. He doesn’t think he would’ve survived them walking away if he’d let the bonds form the way they had wanted to, so at least his caution has spared him from that.
- As it is, he gets a few random fevers the first several days, his Flames fluctuating wildly without the support they’ve gotten used to having. And the first few times he summons his Flames to fend off a Hollow or a gang of thugs, they still come out the bright orange he’s always known, but there’s also a murky tint to them that worries him for a little while. He keeps an eye on them, but when they don’t get worse, he counts his blessings and resolves to live with black-tinted Sky Flames for the foreseeable future. They’ll either fix themselves or they won’t.
- Ichigo has family. His Flames are from his mother’s side, and slipped between the pages of one of the books she left him, there are documents - birth certificate, passport, an Italian citizenship, and the contact info of his relatives. His rather infamous mafia relatives, a branch of the Quincy that broke off, disavowed their “King”, and mostly forgotten by the Quincy race as a whole even as they created a new empire for themselves. He never really thought he’d actually meet any of them in person. Masaki never exactly cut ties with them, but once her non-criminal Quincy relatives got a hold of her, and then she got involved with Shinigami, it seemed… wiser to keep the criminal side of her family quiet. She’d told them about Ichigo though, and Ichigo himself has talked to them, chatting regularly on Skype, and they’d made clear that Ichigo was welcome with them anytime if he grew up and decided to embrace his heritage. Ichigo was certain - back then - that while he didn’t begrudge his relatives for their mafia ties, he would never have a reason to join them either.
- But with a dozen broken potential Flame bonds shattered at his feet, no friends, and a family that feels more like people whom he happens to share a house with with each passing day, Ichigo has all the reason in the world to go. At the very least, it will be a fresh start, and he thinks that’s exactly what he needs right now.
- At Ichigo’s request, his cousin gets his emancipation pushed through, quickly and quietly, while Ichigo packs his bags, writes a note for an empty house, and a private jet is waiting for him when he gets to the airport. When he reaches Italy hours later, a limousine, half a dozen guards, and his cousin - sly smile and assessing eyes and all - is waiting for him.
“Ichigo! Welcome to Italy!”
Ichigo gets a hug, one that startles him but he returns it awkwardly after a few seconds. His cousin pulls back, and a plastic bag is thrust under his nose instead.
“Marshmallow?” Byakuran, the young Gesso heir, offers with a smirk even as his own Sky Flames thread carefully with Ichigo’s, lending strength and soothing the tattered edges left behind by the potential bonds.
“They’re too sweet,” Ichigo grumbles but takes one anyway.
“Nonsense,” Byakuran dismisses before slinging an arm over his shoulders and dragging him off to the limo. “Marshmallows are just the perfect amount of sweet.”
They slide into the limo, the door shuts behind Ichigo, and Byakuran’s eyes promptly narrow and frost over. He doesn’t look much like Masaki at all, and nothing like Ichigo, but with his white hair and pale eyes gone dark with anger, all previous airy cheer gone and expression sharpened to something dangerous, he could’ve passed for Ishida Ryuuken’s son.
Quincy blood has always been strong.
“Now,” Ichigo’s cousin says. “You’re going to tell me who Discorded you, and then I’m going to make them very, very sorry.” He pauses a beat. “And of course, you can help me do it.”
Ichigo rolls his eyes, but he has to suppress a smile too, and something in him relaxes for the first time since half his soul was sacrificed for the war.
He’s forgotten just how much he’s always liked this side of his family.
- Back in Karakura, by the time Yoruichi snarls him into obedience and Kisuke admits defeat and they both decide once and for all to ignore Isshin’s wishes, Ichigo is long gone.
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ao3feed-khr · 6 years
Slip Up
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2KtZlHl
by northpeach, wolfsrainrules
Skull wonders sometimes, what they would think of him if they ever found out. He had lied for over 30 years to them after all. But they had never noticed. So he wonders. And then he doesn't have to wonder anymore.
Words: 10683, Chapters: 5/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling, Katekyou Hitman Reborn!
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Categories: Gen
Characters: Harry Potter, Fred Weasley, George Weasley, Bill Weasley, Fleur Delacour, Charlie Weasley, Death Eater(s), Reborn (Katekyou Hitman Reborn!), Colonnello (Katekyou Hitman Reborn!), Fon (Katekyou Hitman Reborn!), Uni | Yuni, Verde (Katekyou Hitman Reborn!), Lal Mirch, Skull (Katekyou Hitman Reborn!), Mammon | Viper, Skull IS Harry - Character, Neville Longbottom, Luna Lovegood, Blaise Zabini, A lot okay
Relationships: Almost Harry Potter/Ginny Weasley, Team as Family - Relationship, Fleur Delacour/Bill Weasley
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Not Epilogue Compliant, Harry is Skull, Skull!Harry, Arcobaleno!Harry, Cloud Flame Harry Potter, The War was worse than canon, Master of Death Harry Potter, Major character death - Freeform, BAMF Skull De Mort, BAMF Harry Potter, Team as Family, (eventually) - Freeform, Harry has PTSD and a host of issues, Child Soldiers, Abuse, Torture, Abuse of Authority, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, sheeple, Wizarding People are Ignorant and easily lead, screw them, they hid in their homes while schoolchildren fought and died for their freedom, Voldemort was a Symptom, the problem has not been fixed, all the way, there is no more werewolf register, The problem is about to find itself entirely eradicated, Do Not Touch a Cloud’s People, Cloud Flame temper, I have headcanons about Inverted Clouds okay, Inverted Cloud Harry Potter, The Arcobaleno are dysfunctional but they’re family, and they look out for their own, even when their own are trying to do stuff alone, we edited, there will be no dying like men, we aren’t men anyway, THIS IS GETTING REWRITTEN AS IT IS EDITED, so stuff is different, i am aware, No worries, northpeach is editing, all hail me, wrr-HAILED, bless her for putting up with my younger self and her mistakes, (It was horrible I could cry), np-i did cry
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2KtZlHl
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wolfsrainrules · 6 years
For Bnha HCs could you do Dadzawa, Dad Might, and Dad Mic with Bakugou?
Oooooo. SORRY this took so long, RL kinda rose up to smother me. Hope you like~
-SUPER protective of this fiery little asshole’s right to be a Hero no matter what
-Just b/c he’s protects that right viciously does NOT mean he wont then go over to Kacchan and basically be like ‘you need to chill out and get a hold of yourself’
-He’s the dad who combines between ‘subtle manipulation’ to put Kacchan in a situation to be better and being ‘super blunt’
-Aizawa actually REALLY likes Kacchan’s curry and in order to get the recipe agreed to give Kacchan the recipe for his own beef stew. 
-Dad has no idea, but he accidentally starts A Thing and gives Kacchan cooking lessons via trading recipes 
-Also unknown to dad- Kacchan frantically teaches himself stranger and stranger foods so he has something to teach Aizawa. 
-DadZawa takes careful advantage when he learns that placing his hand into Kacchan’s hair will instantly still and calm the boy. (the rest of the school is in Awe)
-Katsuki has the biggest case of Hero Worship ever seen for this man. Toshi is actually oblivious about it. Like Toshi knows he’s Kacchan’s fav, but he doesn’t realize that Kacchan listens to everything he says rather then hearing it (no matter what he acts like or says after)
-Katsuki once the whole Injury thing comes out and he finds out about the ‘no stomach’ thing with Toshi takes to making the man a collection of small meals. (The students have no idea how he fits the apparently endless bento boxes)
-Toshi likes hugs. A lot. (He’s a bit touch starved okay?) and he likes to give them out when his students do well. Katsuki will go boneless and quiet when Toshi gives them to him. (he loves them actually and always feels supper proud about earning them BUT HE WILL NEVER TELL ANYONE EVER SHUT UP DEKU)
-Toshi never really has to be blunt or subtle about correcting Kacchan when he does something wrong. He has the World’s Worst Disappointed Look. Kacchan loathes that look and will go out of his way to avoid it. Or get rid of it.
-Katsuki is smart. When he figures out that Toshi is touch starved, he goes out of his way to sit close to him during movie night (he often throws his legs over Toshi’s or ‘accidentally’ falls asleep on his shoulder
-This man does not do subtle where he can avoid it. He’s confront Kacchan straight to his face where needed.
-Katsuki actually respects the hell out of that fact, and so this method will work 9.9 times out of ten. The rest of that time, Katsuki will get into a screaming match with the man.
-Mic knows when Katsuki isn’t really listening AT ALL and resorts to screaming back at him- not like his normal yelling but just furious unbending rage- Mic will just yell random sayings in English and lets Katsuki vent via screaming back. 
-Mic uses music to calm the boy down. Whenever Kacchan is being over the top, he’ll pull his headphones off, and plop them on Kacchan’s ears and play random music from his playlists for the boy.
-Katsuki can cook really well, but he has more trouble with baking. Mic is really good at it- so he likes to teach Katsuki. 
-Mic thinks the ‘concentrating serious face’ the boy has while learning a new recipe is adorable, and he also thinks the way all the other students in 1a seem to appear from the woodwork as the scent of Baking Things spreads is hilarious. 
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wolfsrainrules · 6 years
Tsun Vs Dan Erasermight Ask
@thatnerdnamedlaura strikes again. -laughs-
-Aizawa is the Tsundere of the two of course, which makes Toshi the Dandere 
(for those who don’t know Tsundere is the ‘aloof and harsh on the outside but soft on the inside’ character vs Dandere which is the ‘shy and antisocial outside, but when befriended are generally happy/soft/joyous adorable cinnamon rolls)
-Hizashi is actually the one to introduce them accidentally. He crashes into Toshinori during lunch and causes Toshi to spill his drink all over his uniform shirt.
-Hizashi was under the impression he could get the spare UA uniform top from Aizawa and let Toshi borrow it. 
-Hizashi’s enthusiastic extrovert tendencies were too much for Toshi to deal with so unexpectedly so he doesn’t actually tell Hizashi no.
-Aizawa proceeds to call Mic an idiot b/c Toshi is too tall and lanky to fit properly in Aizawa’s uniform
-Mic then flips out and apologies enthusiastically and 100% serious
-Aizawa just wants Mic to shut up so he takes Toshi to get a replacement himself
-neither of them say a word the entire walk up there. Aizawa is enjoying the moment of silence. Toshi is internally panicking about if he should say anything, what it should be, and maybe he should just stay quiet since Aizawa doesnt seem the type to want to talk
-This is how it starts. After dealing with Mic and other classmates and their stupidity and lack of logic all day, Aizawa just appreciates the quiet that is Toshi  
-Toshi eventually learns to see the softer moments that Aizawa tries to hide, and learns that Aizawa isn’t really all that scary actually
-And this is where Aizawa’s Problem Begins, because as Toshi gets more comfortable he starts being adorable and Shouta hates it (except not really but SHUT UP HIZASHI) 
-The first time Aizawa actually sees Toshi smile, uninhibited and fucking adorable at him, he spills his coffee down his shirt and makes Toshi go get his spare just so he can have some space to collect himself
-Which just makes me mad because the reaction isn’t logical, Hizashi sees the entire thing and he is wheezing the entire time
-It gets to a point that Aizawa rants at Hizashi about ‘the stupid walking sunflower and his idiotic smile’ and ‘why does my chest hurt Hizashi I didn’t do anything to it this is illogical.’ and he knows his reaction doesn’t fit the situation but he cant help himself 
“Hizashi you dont understand, okay, he brought me coffee after I told him I was doing a cram session, and I panicked and knocked the entire cup all over the both of us, and then he had to come inside my house and he was petting and cuddling my cats and he looked so happy and I threw a pillow at him??”
Hizashi listens to this rant and fucking dies, He is wheezing he will never EVER let Shouta forget this as long as he lives.
-Hizashi literally thinks this is the best thing to ever happen in the history of ever and it is hilarious. He goes out of his way to create situations
-the spilling drinks all over each other becomes a bit of a running joke even though its never on purpose
-Hizashi, because he has no self preservation, makes the joke in front of both of them that ‘one of you is going to drop the champagne on the other at your wedding, and as the best man I will of course reference it in my speech.” Toshi is too busy dying to do anything but Aizawa tries to murder him with his scarf prototype. When it does in fact happen later, no one can prove that Nemuri set the situation up and Hizashi does, in fact, reference it in his speech.
-This results in Aizawa flying over the table to try and drown Mic in his champagne flute and Toshi has both buried his face in his hands blushing horribly but those close enough can also hear him laughing
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wolfsrainrules · 6 years
Hi there! I was wondering about your favorite Harry Potter headcanons? Thank you!
Oooooo….First: Sorry it took me forever to answer RL came outta left field and slammed me into a wall.NOW FOR HEADCANONS: *Trigger Warning just in case! I will be talking about the abuse Harry suffered in these*Harry Headcannons
-He’s much, much smarter then people give him credit for. We know that the hat wanted him a Snake before a Lion.  We also know that he was abused in one way or another by the Dursley family. I’ve known Abuse survivors and let me tell you they’re always clever survivors.
-Harry learned from a young age not to do better then Dudley. (and that is a VERY low standard) considering we see him have trouble counting his presents at the start when he’s so close to Harry’s age.) To dumb himself down. It was probably reinforced negatively from a very young age. Even though he’s now in Hogwarts, I feel it’s instinctive now to set himself to a standard and not exceed it. In this case it’s probably Ron. Hermione is the best, and he doesnt want that attention- so that leaves Ron. Who we know doesn’t really like to work. But he passes. So we see Harry hover at the middle of the class.
-Harry can TEACH however as covered in Fifth Year. He’s got the brains. He just doesn’t show it. 
-I like to thing that the whole ‘speaking to snakes’ thing? That wasn’t so much the Horcrux as a Right of Conquest result. He defeated Voldemort- who we know is heir to Slytherin. You cannot tell me that man was not able to speak to snakes. I feel like it was boon from that. So I like to think Harry keeps that ability later.
Ron Headcannons
-He’s clever. Oh, he’s not very bright sometimes, but he’s ambitious and clever and a strategist. He doesn’t have the best control over emotions but when he’s engaged in the thought process (see Chess) he’s able to out think most people.
-Somewhere in this boy’s blood there’s a Seer or two. I can’t remember all of the instances but there were QUITE a few where Ron would say something and he’s be foreshadowing something to happen later in the books. It’s not so much ACTIVE as in visions but he has ‘feelings’ about things.
-Ron has learned to hide/use that clever self of his. Being the second youngest in a brood of seven? With such differing personalities? Molly is stretched thin, and Arthur has the whole working thing. They all love each other, but sometimes….well sometimes its a struggle to keep track of everything and everyone isn’t it? Ron learned strategy long before he ever touched a chess board. He learned it in avoiding the twins pranks, pulling his parents attention away from the elder siblings or the only girl, he’s learned it in AVOIDING attention, blending into the group when things happen, leaned to read PEOPLE though he doesn’t use it when it’s not his own family usually. 
Hermione Headcannons
-The Cleverest Witch of her Age. She’s so very proud. But most of all, she’s just so very happy to have friends. She’d give it all up for them you know.
-She’s always known she was different, ever since she read the book Matilda when she was small and made connections between that and the odd things that happened to her
-Hermione is actually the one with the most potential for being a Dark Lady. That thirst for KNOWING? That urge to learn everything she can? The bullying and conceding attitude she faced from her peers and teachers for being a ‘know-it-all’? The fact she thirsts for being the best?Harry and Ron don’t know it, but they were the calming force Hermione needed for her brain. The ‘other thing’ to focus on. If she’d been left to her books and need to KNOW- especially after Ron opening his mouth and inserting his foot right before the troll incident…. well.. It’s a very good thing she got friends to look after her isnt it.
House Heacannons
-SlytherPuff friendships are the stuff of legends
-Do not mess with one half of the SlytherPuff Friendship the other one will M E S S  YOU UP
-Everyone assumes pissing off the Snake half of the friendship circle is the bad idea. It’s not. ITS NOT. It’s the puffs. Messing with their friends is a one way ticket to hell. You ever seen a pissed off badger guys? Don’’t do it.
-SlytherDor friendships are difficult to maintain simply due to the propaganda about the two houses and how they get along plus you have to deal with either house poking and prodding about the friendship at the two of you
-that’s why the friendships that DO survive are rock solid and DANGEROUS. Sticking someone brave enough to do just about anything with someone clever and ambitious enough to come up with the plan to DO anything is terrifying. 
-There’s this one group of friends from all four houses. They are TERRIFYING when stirred. They started as a study group that just wanted to LEARN past all the Harry Potter Stuff that was happening and they banded together in the Library. 
-SlytherClaw friendships are pretty important b.c they Claws will spend FOREVER in front of a book. Think Tony Stark in a lab. They all need Pepper’s of their own okay. Someone who is clever enough to get them out of their books who reminds them to eat, keeps them level. Who is that? It’s their snakes. Their snakes are their Peppers. 
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wolfsrainrules · 6 years
No one is asking for them, but I’m gonna keep sharing them!!!
Okay so we all know that Aizawa doesn’t do the Merch thing right? OKAY BUT NO. LEMME TELL YOU ABOUT MY HEADCANON FOR THIS. He doesn’t have OFFICIAL merch but I like to think that his students make him stuff. 
 -hand knitted scarfs in the likeness of his capture weapon
-he wears them during winter. Even the ones that have large loops and missed stitches and look a bit like a disaster 
-these specially gone out and made them goggles (he has like an entire little display case)
-his students making themselves Eraserhead sweaters/hoodies and he dies a little inside when he sees them b.c his students went out and MADE THEM
(he has his own sets, he wears them around his house, and uses them like night shirts when he comes home and crashes after patrol)
-his students like to make him hair ornaments since he has long luxurious locks. 
-his favorite is this really stupid double pun one, that is literally like a hair elastic that had dangling chalkboard erasers on them (someone please i need you to draw this one) in tiers, Like there’s this one right on the elastic, then a small chain and another one, then a third that dangles along his ponytail, Because not only does it reference Eraserhead but also TEACHER and he enjoys that subtle nod to both his jobs
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wolfsrainrules · 6 years
I know you haven't written for one, but do you have any bnha headcannons for an Alpha-Beta-Omega verse?
Oooooo boy do I. 
I hope you don’t mind but almost all of these are for Platonic A-B-O verse stuff b/c there’s literally like NONE that aren’t focused on Mates and Heats. (though I do have some for those too. I’ll label them)
Platonic A-B-O Pack-Class 1-A considers each other pack at this point, having gone through so much together. Sure some are closer then others, but they’re each other’s at this point and no one can mess with one of them without rousing the entire class/pack.
-There’s a communal Nest in the dorm common area, tucked over to the side so it’s not in the walkways. Everyone contributes to it, so that in the event of Nesting, scented items are in reach of whoever needs them
-The Nest is also a very calming area for those in the pack whenever they need to be surrounded by scents associated with ‘pack’.
-Scent Marking is a thing that they all do. Releasing their pheromones and letting them ‘soak’ into their classmates so that the rest of the school/world knows ‘Hey. This one has a pack and we will fuck you up if you mess with Our Own’
-Aizawa is an Omega and he also scent marks the little ones. These are his cubs and he will fight you for them.
-Sometimes, after a very stressful day, Aizawa can be found in the middle of the Nest wrapped in his sleeping bag rather then zipped in so his own scent doesn’t overpower the scents of his cubs.
-Aizawa notices after the first time he sleeps in the Nest the blankets and clothes that he ended up leaving his scent on got taken. This is how he ends up bringing some of his own clothes/spare blankets down into the nest (he was not overly pleased with how happy the cubs were to find those in the nest Toshi shut up)
-Toshinori (also an Omega, not that anyone knows that) is just as guilty of Scent Marking the cubs as his own. On the job or running around in his All Might form, Toshi tended to take pheromone and scent suppressants so no one could use those All Might identified as ‘his’ against him.
-This fact helped to ensure no one ever got a scent off the Number One unless he let them. That didn’t stop him from scent marking the cubs, and once he was ‘revealed’ on television, he was more lax about taking any suppressants at all
-Midoriya (Omega) is the first to scent mark Shinsou (Alpha) and bring him into the group, even before he replaced Mineta as a student of 1-A. 
-Shinsou almost cries. Almost everyone had avoided having his scent on them, or scent marking him at all due to his Quirk. Besides blood family, Izuku is the first to go out of his way to scent mark him at all. It had taken a bit, while their friendship had grown, before Izuku had asked Shinsou if he could. Shinsou was so surprised and choked up he could only nod shakily.
-Midoriya knew why Shinsou reacted the way he did almost as soon as Shinsou had the reaction. (Sometimes, he hates his analytical mind and his talent for deductive reasoning.) Which was why he didn’t just release his pheromones but nuzzled Shinsou instead to rub his scent into his friend. He then dragged Shinsou straight to his other friends and plopped him at the table.
-Shinsou was utterly blown away at the instant acceptance of him into the group, and it didn’t take too much longer before Todoroki (Alpha), Iida (Beta), Occhako (Beta) and Tsuyu (Beta) had scent marked him as pack as well. (Its the first pack Shinsou has really built for himself aside from family, and he is viciously protective of them even before he transfers over)
-Do not degrade or otherwise say anything bad about being an ‘Omega’ to those who made it into the hero course, at all ever, but especially those that made it to class 1-a. Don’t do it. Not only will the class itself descend on you for it, but so will the Aizawa, Mic (Alpha), Toshi and Midnight (Beta).
-crying anyone in class 1-a pack sets off PROTECTIVE INSTINCTS for everyone. Like actually upset tears (so Midoriya doesn’t set them off every time, but one time he came it hunched in on himself, tear tracks down his face and tears still dripping down his face slow and silent and there was a manhunt Aizawa and Toshi helped. )
-Nest Snuggle Day (disguised as Movie Night in the common area) is every Friday after school and Aizawa and Toshi have standing invitations. Mic is also invited when he’s not doing his radio show. Everyone shows up every time (Toshi says he likes spending time with his students not in class, Aizawa says it’s to make sure none of them have done anything stupid or reckless)(Really it just soothes the mother-Omegas in them to cuddle their cubs.)
NON-Platonic A-B-O
-Omegas do not become mindlessly needy when their heat begins. There’s a shift in their scent and how they feel as a warning sign, but they are not unable to get themselves into their room. It usually takes three or so hours before the heat really kicks in and clothes become confining and abrasive against sensitive skin
-Nesting is very much A Thing for all of the designations. Omegas like to make the ‘bed’ part of the nest yes, where the heat will take place, but Alphas will come in when the Omega is done. The Alpha (and Beta) like to fortify the Nest. They like to make sure no one that shouldn’t be there can get into the Nest.
-Most often while the Omega is ‘Nesting’ inside the bedroom, making their area comfortable for themselves and their instincts, the Alpha is Nesting with the rest of the house. Making sure the windows and doors are barricaded and reinforced, the fridge is set for when they come up for food, that they have clear line of sight for the entrances and exits (Omegas that do stressful/dangerous jobs like Hero Work tend to help the Alpha with this)
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wolfsrainrules · 6 years
Could you rate your top five fandoms that you want to write for but haven't? And maybe your favorite headcannons for some?
Hmmm…..This is a good one. Five fandoms I want to write for but haven’t….
1. One Piece 2.Yu Yu Hakusho 3. Percy Jackson (Book)4. Marvel Cinematic Verse as a whole really (I know I have like one thing over on FanFic for it, but I need to do more/write more/finish that)5. Supernatural (TV Series)
They’re not in any particular order, but these are five fandoms I would like to add to. 
 Edit- added about two secs after I posted it when I reread the ask- YOU ASKED FOR RATINGS SORRY- I’m gonna use the numbers next to the fandom for from first to last (4, 1, 2, 3, and then 5)
And headcanons for them:1. -Luffy is street smart rather then book, obviously. Not very good with math or anything he has to sit down and think about right? Well I like to think that the exception to this is math. Not in a conventional sense of course, but in a ‘hey Luffy I need you to hit this thing’ he could do it.It’s not that he could sit down and solve the thing, but that if asked he could figure out exactly how to set up A Thing and make it happen. Hitting a target, sling-shot a crew mate onto a tiny target with no room for error for a far distance, take out a group of 20 with no line of sight, and obstacles in the way in bad lighting without use of Haki?
Totally doable. 
-Chopper has no sense of shame when it comes to things that would usually embarrass a human to talk about. (Periods, attraction, certain habits, scents whatever) none of it bothers him. Partly due to being a reindeer with the enhanced senses to tell and mostly becuase He’s just super curious and will literally talk about whatever with whoever will sit down to chat to him
-Speaking of that last one, Robin is Chopper’s best source of info on things like that, she doesn’t mind teaching about it
-Due to his sense of smell, Chopper always knows when the women’s ‘cycles’ are coming up and he makes a point to let Sanji know so he can cook more iron/protein rich foods, and have a stash of chocolate ready to hand out
-Luffy is actually really good about having chocolate on his person for these times of the month, and makes a point to hand it out to the girls. When questioned, he just shrugs and mentions Makino and Dadan
2. -After Yusuke ‘awakens’ he has to deal with a sudden onset of pack related instincts
-They are intense and unexpected and this ups the fear factor when dealing with Yusuke by a ton when it comes to people messing with those Yusuke considers ‘his’
-Yusuke purrs when content and relaxed around any of his ‘pack’ and will murder anyone who says anything fight him 
-He also purrs to comfort distressed packmates. He doesn’t even think about it
-The purring thing is actually a demon thing and will in fact set Hiei and Kurama off. It’s the most relaxed Yusuke has ever been (also the safest he’s ever felt but will never ever say this)
-Yusuke becomes very touch oriented with everyone in his ‘pack’ and doesn’t notice it- it has something to do with ‘scent marking’ them as one of his.
-Hiei is intensely flattered about this, not that he’d ever say, due to his heritage making him such an outcast before. This also makes him very, very protective of his little pack
-If his sister had to pick anyone to be with, he….supposed it was better to be one of the pack rather than a fool stranger. At least he knows Kuwabara would literally fight whoever he had to for her. That’s more than most of the human’s he’s ever seen
-He is also aware that Yukina would like that Kuwabara is going into the medical field 
3. (to start with very behind in this fandom. I read the first collection of books as they came out and Son of Neptune but BEHIND OTHERWISE SORRY)
-the demigods have  a habit when out in groups of friends when they want to talk to each other about ‘Camp’ stuff or otherwise things that regular humans couldn’t hear, of talking to each other in greek
-passing notes to each other when out in ‘public’ is also done in greek. It makes the looks on people’s faces when they see it really funny
-Annabeth has what is fondly referred to by Grover as ‘Percy Senses’. She always knows when Percy is doing something Stupid without her.
-After Tartarus Percy sometimes has days where he just needs fight something. Not because he wants to fight, but because these new instincts of his are too much and if he doesn’t do something with them soon he’s going to go mad.
-The gods as a whole live in fear of Sally Jackson, who has and Will Do So Again, gotten up in their faces and lectured them before.
-Poseidon has never been so proud- even when she lectured him
-Percy and Annabeth are the only people that can calm each other down from flashbacks without getting attacked for it while the other is still caught in the flashback
-Percy totally and completely has accidentally proposed to Annabeth with an apple (as far as she is aware) but Percy did in fact know the history behind the apple and tossed it to her on purpose in front of the entire camp.4. -Tony Stark is a very ‘in your face’ celebrity- everyone knows this. He makes a point to make them do so. He never says a word about the millions he donates to things like children hospitals, or the time he went around for a month and revamped a selection of orphanages entirely.
-He likes to make stops in children hospitals as Iron Man, and will take other super heroes with him whenever he can swing it. (usually without telling the hero in question that’s what he’s doing until they’ve arrived)
-Hulk is actually the children’s favorite Avenger. He’s entirely gentle with them, and will go out of his way to protect them whenever they get swept up in villain messes
-Tony has a five min video in which Hulk plays with the kids- lets them use him like a jungle gym, tosses and catches them, takes them ‘flying’ via long jumps, or lets them ride on his shoulders
-After Tony has time to calm down from the Winter Soldier Assassination thing, he begins to associate the ‘brainwash a personal assassin of our own’ thing with his capture via Ten Rings, and goes out of his way to make sure Bucky gets the help he needs (why do you think no one caught on to Bucky moving around so long on his own followed by the move to Wakanda? No matter how good he was, someone would have seen something right?)
-Tony finds he does in fact get along with Bucky surprisingly well after the help. They get into a prank war. It’s a mess. It ends when Tasha gets caught up in it and decides she’s gonna end this one way or another. While in the ‘dog house’ so to speak the two bond over burgers and milkshakes in an old fashioned diner5. -Sam knows Dean is a Nerd, despite not admitting to it, and will always get Dean some kind of fandom related present for holidays/birthdays where he can manage it
-One year, Sam managed to swing Comic Con tickets and didn’t tell Dean they were going, only that they had a ‘hunt’ in the area. Dean screamed when he saw the tickets.
Like a little girl. 
Sam has it recorded.
-Cas was brought along to this, and Dean spent the entire time geeking out and introducing Cas to as much famdom and pop culture reffs as he could fit into the entire con
-Sam spent the entire time taking pictures and recording things. Best money he’s ever spent even if their last names were faked (like hell he wasn’t letting Dean get his autographs signed to Dean)
-Sam is actually a really, really good artist and draws fanart for some of Dean’s famdoms as well as the few that he liked (Star Trek and Doctor Who were favorites of Sam’s actually) and he sells some of it for easy money where he can
-Dean has no idea that a few of the really nice pieces of fanart he’s flipped out over were done by Sam. Sam is both intensely flattered and embarrassed by this
-Cas is the one to tell Dean, since he saw Sam drawing some of them.
Dean screamed.
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wolfsrainrules · 5 years
You're totally Headcanons, all the way. And I love every single one of them!
Thank you! I enjoy sharing them. I’m glad others agree and enjoy them too.
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north-peach · 5 years
Bleach headcanon if you still want them? Bleach: Ichigo is the one to teach Yuzu & Karin to cook. He started basic cooking in order to make the girls meals when Isshin was busy or at work but ended up learning fancy stuff for the girls birthdays or to cheer them up after bad days. Yuzu and Karin still know if they are having a rubbish day they can ask Ichigo to help them cook and he will drop everything and come help in the kitchen until they feel better or want to talk...
pinglist: @chaosgreymistchild @aneblar @thefringeperson @wolfsrainrules
Ichigo doesn’t learn to cook until his mother dies.
He never knew there was a need for it. Kaa-san would always be around, right? But when she wasn’t, when Isshin wasn’t either, and his sisters were hungry, Ichigo stepped up.
He learns from his mother’s recipe box, from fuzzy memories of watch her make dinner, memories that hurt, but he soldiers though. He learns out of a desperate need, to keep his sisters safe, to keep his mother alive through something, anything to keep her close.
It doesn’t take him long to build up to more then eggs and rice.
He gets into a fight, one in which several other ganged up on him and if Tatsuki hadn’t been passing by, he doesn’t think he would have won without serious injury.
So he take his sisters and makes sure if he doesn’t come home and Isshin is absent, they won’t starve.
Karin is more physical, rambunctious and didn’t have the patience to sit still and listen for long enough to learn anything more then the basics. Ichigo taught her what was easiest to throw together and leave for a while. 
Yuzu, however, took to cooking with a zeal that Ichigo recognized. Misaki’s recipes were handled carefully, reverently and with teary eyes.
They spent hours in the kitchen, Ichigo showing her how to operate all the appliances, how to handle the utensils, which bowls, pans, pots were safe for oven, for the microwave and which ones didn’t need soap.
He taught her how to handle a knife, how to sharpen it, how to fillet fish, everything he himself did his best to learn from books, from TV, sympathetic neighbors or patients to the Kurosaki Clinic. 
There are some things he doesn’t allow them to handle, be they overly complicated or deemed to dangerous for their age and statue, but Yuzu gradually begins to take over the kitchen. 
It’s still over a couple years before Ichigo feels comfortable leaving her alone int he kitchen or by herself in the house.
At least, both Yuzu and Karin are aware that they only need to ask and if Ichigo has the time, he’ll help them with the cooking. 
(He’s the one who spends hours making them birthday cakes and it isn’t until Yuzu is almost eleven that they manage to make him a birthday cake. It’s the most delicious cake he’s ever eaten and he makes sure they know it.)
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north-peach · 5 years
Oops I just realised that you were asking what headcanons of yours we wanted to know about. I thought you were asking for other people's headcanons. Please ignore the last ask I sent if you want (sorry!) Instead can I ask how you think Mukuro's reincarnation memories affect him or how Chrome & Mukuro sharing bodies would affect them identity-wise?
pinglist: @chaosgreymistchild @aneblar @thefringeperson @wolfsrainrules 
-Sometimes, Chrome is not all there, but she isn’t all not there. There’s only a little bit of Mukuro-sama. Enough to shift her perspective, enough that it feels as if Mukuro-sama is pressing so tightly against her, but not quite managing to slip into all that places she exists.She’s colder, stands straighter and doesn’t hesitate to look people in the eye (and wonder how easily she would be able to take them apart if need be-) and though her voice isn’t loud, it is strong.
-Sometimes it’s only a little bit of Chrome that peeks out from Mukuro’s eyes. That little bit will offer mercy, bring up the nearly forgotten warmth of mercy, of compassion and there are times when this is enough to stay the older Mist’s hands.
-Mukuro is male, Chrome is female. When beaten down and hidden in the dark like a dirty little secret, Mukuro rose up, laughter spilling from his lips, flames pouring from his eye, burning in the spaces around him and brought hell to earth, slaughtering all that tormented him (and granted peace to those too far gone-).Chrome went down, learning to be quiet, silent and invisible, obeying every order, causing no trouble, hardly daring to move if not given permission. Her flames were creeping things, twining about ankles and brushing against someone’s neck. Mukuro left a trail of bodies, Chrome barely left a paper trail. One you will see coming, the other is already there.
-Chrome-and-Mukuro can be both she and he. Inwardly. Outwardly, one is always one or the other. Mukuro-and-Chrome can be both together and separate. 
-Two beings in one body- one is awake, aware and driving their flesh forward. The other sleeps, distant, but alert and watchful. Nothing happens that the other doesn’t not know, but there are walls, when they are separate, or together.They are always Chrome or Mukuro, and even if they bleed and blend into each other, they will always return to how they began.
-But sometimes, Mukuro isn’t Mukuro. Sometimes he is someone else that lived and died long ago and Mukuro is lost in the flames and the pain, the blood and the death. That is when they are Chrome and he sleeps while she stays awake, in the world of the living. 
-In fighting, there is chance of an injury- especially when fighting a Mist- that bits and pieces of each other will get lost in the vastness that is both and when they become one, both will have gained and lost in equal measures.Such things are uncommon, rare if not nonexistent. But Mukuro has always been a little special and Chrome resonates deeply enough with him that such things are bound to happen, if they aren’t careful.
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north-peach · 5 years
*sudden cackle* startled cats doing the poofing up thing! Vampires! *cackles*
All of y’all are terrible people. Sending in these asks as anonymous because I have no idea who I found follow and chat with.
I’ve got that headcanons for dragons and it didn’t occur to me to use it for vampires. 
But now, that you put that idea in my head, it’s never gonna leave. The hissing thing, the growling in the throat thing, all the cat things. 
When @wolfsrainrules and I post the next chapter, just you see, there’s going to be so much of this.
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wolfsrainrules · 6 years
Protective Tsuna?
-Most people don’t really see it coming. Like they know Tsuna is protective of his people. He says it often enough.
-But people don’t expect it to be as intense/serious as it is when Tsuna does get protective.
-The fact that all of Tsuna’s people are BAMFs of their own mean that a lot of the time (excepting the children) Tsuna doesn’t have to do any protecting really- they can do it themselves
-Just because Tsuna’s Own can protect themselves, doesn’t mean Tsuna won’t respond to whatever it was that threatened/hurt his Own
-Live in FEAR of the times Tsuna really gets involved. He can switch from being a clever beast who will systematically destroy everything and anything you loved, draining accounts, ruining everything you’re involved in 
To direct assault, will match in an leave fire in his footsteps. Crush you all in a fight, destroy the mansion/warehouse whatever base was in use, walk Either way he always, always leaves an impression 
-Just because some of his own are Arcobaleno and don’t need Tsuna to intervene doesn’t mean he won’t.
-In fact, for the Arcobaleno or the Varia, those that have claimed a title of ‘world’s best’ or a reputation of ‘untouchable’, Tsuna is MORE likely to step in on their behalf, b/c they don’t expect it. 
-Usually whenever Tsuna’s Protective Instincts (it deserves that capitalization) kick in, everyone knows, b.c the temperature plummets. Frost edges outwards from his feet, his eyes glow, and the smile on his face in entirely pleasant but THE MOST threatening thing ever seen.
-He actually learned that smile from his mother. Nana is Queen at appearing innocent and actually being pretty dangerous
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