#<--- i actually dont know if there are spoilers in this meta but im tagging in case
rosemirmir · 9 months
Gotchard Spoilers and Theories in a stream of consciousness under the cut
Getting feral over reading the rising fighter English lyrics and connecting potential dots in my head.
The uses of both fire, tomorrow and future, in the lyrics makes me very 👀 since daybreak gotchard is now in the show and looks to be a prominent part of this arc.
Some snippets that have really got my attention:
I was born into this world for a reason When you’re alive you can get the good and the bad Go beyond yesterday Go change the world Ready, go push your heart forward Stand up and take action Move on and look forward Going on until it burns out, let's go Don't stop, it's not over yet No one is truly alone Now is the time to fight
I think the entire opening chorus is worth mentioning, since I feel it describes Hotaro's overall attitude pretty well.
How he's willing to keep on going for his dreams, what he would call his "gotcha!", and pushing through and never giving up along the way. As well as fighting alongside those beside him.
Get it on Gotchard Gotchard Gotchard Burning Fire Gotchard Gotchard Gotchard Shining Future
This part of the chorus really is interesting to look at now given the existence of Gotchard Daybreak looking at this has me thinking as I've been listening to this on repeat since the full version dropped:
Gotchard Daybreak might be Hotaro from the future?
Either that, or some other alchemist from the future. (And there's a lot of possibilities there if it's not a future!Hotaro.)
But even if he is or not, given his one quote about Hotaro grasping the future into his own hands, my guess I he might have come from a future and is trying to make Hotaro change something that must have happened from his time period.
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Whoever this is, he has come to steer Hotaro to the right course and help him overcome whatever weaknesses he is still currently dealing with, and finding himself more in general.
He's stronger than he was at the start of the show, but Hotaro definitely still has much more growing he needs to do. Which was also shown in this episode.
Something I've been taking note of is a general theme in Gotchard that looks to be shaping up thus far is: Taking charge of your own future, with your own hands.
Which we can also see parts of this theme present in how Rinne's arc looks to be shaping up. I think even Spanner might potentially get a taste of this theme too...
(Though it's still a bit too soon for me to say with any confidence. We're only now beginning to get more looks into him since his mentor is now part of the picture.)
And I think the lyrics in this song really reflect that theme of grasping the future too.
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mishy-mashy · 4 months
Quotation marks on names because those names are aliases. Different Resistance fics (OCs) focus on,
"Ray" - The direness of what Japan is like back then. Not meant to make you feel good or have fun when you read it
Feat. Ability drawbacks do exist, being forced to earn survival, and it's impossible to survive in Japan alone.
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Himura - The discrimination of Meta Humans (treated as sub-normal) and being left behind over and over
Feat. Metas are called monsters, Bruce intervenes in the transportation for a Meta Human trading ring, and abandonment issues
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"Boss" - A safe space and a kind hand can be everything to someone
Feat. Kudo breaks down after the sewer incident, an "If you have any respect for me" moment, and lots of boba.
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Shiki - The whole package of the aboves, and what the Resistance was like, both on-duty and in moments of calm. Lots of ugly humanity whenever pressure starts to come down.
Feat. The first Three (+ OC) get to meme, Yoichi is the prettiest bastard in the world, Kudo is a snarky bitch obsessed with Disney, and Bruce is the parent of the Resistance. Reality will hit like a truck at times and the humor will be nowhere in sight then.
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"Batman" - The irony of having a cliche, aesthetic Meta Ability, and no one (including the wielder) even realizing it exists for over half the story.
Feat. Dressing like a cool, hip vampire, Yoichi calling OC "Batman" unironically (much to Bruce's delight), and iron deficiencies.
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dashiellqvverty · 1 year
i have a headache and can NOT think clearly enough to really gather my thoughts but as much as i really did like atsv there were just. things about it that didnt work for me. and like mostly i was not big on how they did the “canon events” stuff like im not AGAINST it just at points felt like sort of redoing the moment in itsv where after aaron dies the other spiderpeople are able to comfort and relate to miles because they’ve been through similar things and this is like... that but in a technical lore way and not hitting the same emotional beat?? like obvioulsy they’re taking it somewhere different and its about like defying the story that’s laid out for you and i LIKE that but. idk. and im like yeah obviously theres stuff thats part of the spiderman origin story we KNOW this we did it already in the last movie and it was a great scene. and also like theres no way everything they referenced is 100% true for every version of spiderman, even every single one that cameos in the movie?? idk. it just Frustrated me in a way that i truly cannot put my finger on
#anyway did my Actual Getting My Thoughts Sorted in the tags. so they got long.#atsv spoilers#im on my period and my head hurty and i feel like im thinking through a fog so. thats part of the problem#also im just like yeah man fixed events in the time stream or whatever its a very standard thing#idkkkk i literally feel like im close to a thought that i cant piece together#something something what makes spider people So Special that THEY have fixed destinies that others dont idkidk#was that what the web thing was?? being a spiderperson doesnt have to do with the multiverse tho like. idk if this makes sense#i promise im not being cinemasins about the lore here#its just like. i wanna figure out what it was that didnt work for me so i gotta talk it all out#and like i realize its meta commentary on comics and retellings and stuff too and. idk#something about 'its a fixed moment in a spider persons life that a police captain has to die while saving a child' feels kind of Dumb#to watch as like a Serious Moment?? idk#like obviously its TRUE to some extent bc. they are all retellings of the same story and thats the POINT#and i get that.#but also youre CREATING some of these stories for the movie#like idk a TON about hobie in the comics altho i'd like to read more im just kind of vaguely familiar#but what i can gather he has NO cop related backstory so like. now theyve given him one :|#and i dont love that!#and its like. yeah they want something that can connect to miles' dad. and hes a cop and this is something that is. Generally Speaking.#a connection in many spiderman retellings. but. again and i dont know this for a fact#does that happen in the comics to any spiderman other than different versions of peter parker?#like saying its a Key Thing when its. largely invented for the movie. maybe?#i like the storyline for miles and im like i wish it had been arrived at in some slightly different way? idk#had a great conversation about it w my brother in the car after the movie bc we both were kind of like 'oh' abt the whole movie#like it was GREAT but had been hyped up SO much and we were like. well this doesn't surpass or elevate the first#he thought miles' parents writing didnt feel consistent w the first which. i should do a rewatch of itsv tbh#and was commenting on how much gwen sucked and fucked miles over and im like yeah man i loved that#dont be cinemasins and say its a plothole bc she made bad choices#shes a scared teenager who bought into miguel's scheme and is making decisions a scared teenager would#we both agreed the soundtrack does NOT compare to itsv
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livecharliereaction · 10 months
longer ramble (post tsumihoroboshi part 5)
enough higuing today OK: im rly liking the different protags btw meakashi shion pov and now the rena bits it works VERY WELL! But it also rly makes sense that the first 3 had to be keiichi because to understand renas/shions/rly anyone elses thoughts you have to understand some things about hinamizawa itself so making us play from the pov of a guy who just got here? its kinda the only option. I think those last tips r from the "evil rika" by the way so like demon allegations never stop with her + sonozakis. which of course makes SENSE three families n all that. i think satokos outbursts seem sort of normal for a traumatized child and as i said before; rena can do ANYTHING and ill forever just be able to brush it off with a "ohh shes a weird girl i guess :P" and now that she killed 2 people again i am not changing this statement in the slightest. She can just do that. Let her do whatever the hell she wants ETC. But clearly not a demon from three families with how she describes it all.
In shion pov she did actually call this "evil rika" a demon too so calling her that suffices for now. They do keep saying that the elderly think of rika as a reincarnation of oyashiro. i mean i dont think id be too off the mark to just call that "evil rika" oyashiro but i think its a term made up by the villagers instead of her REAL name so im just gonna call her "evil rika" until they provide me a better way to call her.
I also think that she will be the way this ties into umineko. I know a few facts... 1. theres a character with the same voice casting i dont remembr her name but u know the one who kinda looks like her anyways 2. the playing order should be higurashi first if at all and then umineko because theres characters who will refer to something that happened in higurashi/something youll understand if you have played higurashi... But like even aside from this kinda meta information i know theres a girl who looks like rika a lil too much. OH IDEA? Its just another oyashiro reincarnation 8 generations before or 8 generations after higurashi. Ok that might be jumping to conclusions a little but just something to state so itll be funny to look back at either if that happens OR its actually super false as hell
...as a matter of fact I used to think the other umineko character looked a LOT like satoko but i saw her on the tl the other day i think n i dont think so anymore. Color palettes more similar to miyo takano if i HAD to choose n that seems like a stretch too. OK but i need to mute the wtc tags though because were in peak spoiler territory i feel... Ok.
Also last thing: that time of rena stating she wants to go back in time immediately cut to all of the guys having a nice time without a single mention of the people rena killed (ofc - keiichi pov) but in a way RIGHT NOW? its kinda out in the open if that DID happen until we get rena pov again which i find a little fun.
Oh but one thing does still bother me to no end... Renas mentions of seeing oyashiro before makes literally no sense with the information we have so far. BUT ONCE AGAIN. renas just kinda weird. Maybe thats a conclusion she made because well shes a little weird and also mentioned to be like actually mentally ill. Man how did they write a character like that where shes my absolute #1 favorite no shot but then i trust literally nothing she says??? So funny. Love her
stopping for today though i mean i want to continue but we have to have SOME self discipline left so it all doesnt end in like a week:P ok bye
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vethbrenatto · 3 years
okay, so i really, really enjoy the choice of making vex vox machina’s “leader” for as much as they can have a leader.
for one, it helps me sort out my internal struggle of who the potential leader is between percy, vex, and scanlan, who i think all contain leadership qualities and then i don’t have to make a decision.
and there’s a lot i could say about vex as a leader and why i like that they went this direction. one thing is that i really enjoy how disconnected vex is from it. vex is actually the biggest flight risk vox machina has all season (not counting pike’s journey, as pike always intended to reunite with VM). we see her bring it up to vax multiple times, even after the big battle in the finale (to which vax says he thinks they’re done with that, and i think even though vex made the potential comment, she also agreed they were done running at that point). 
but i think because of this internal struggle, the terrifying concept of getting *gags*  close to people who aren’t vax, vex has 0% idea that the others think of her as a leader. and it’s very apparent in episode 11, when VM is all trapped in the acid trap and turn to vex, who’s startled that she’s the one being turned to for direction and haphazardly shouts an order that probably went with out saying to, well, stop the acid. she doesn’t know how to be a leader yet, and she’s barely even accepted the group, but that doesn’t mean the others see her the way she sees herself.
now i could go on more about leader!vex but that wasn’t actually my point here- my point is actually about vex and scanlan. something surprising to me this season was just how much they emphasized the vex & scanlan relationship, more than i’d say they even pushed grog & scanlan, who are very obviously good friends from the campaign and have a lot more significant scenes together in c1 than vex and scanlan do.
but the choice to emphasize vex/scanlan is interesting to me. because if you’ll remember from above, scanlan was one of my potential leader options. and you know who the biggest proponent of “scanlan is the leader of vox machina” was? you guessed it. vex’ahlia. in one of the earliest interactions with tary, he asks if grog is the leader because he’s the biggest, to which vex replies:
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our leader isn’t with us right now. vex has seen scanlan as the leader for a lot of the campaign, has put him in this role of authority and in many ways looks up to him. this is made even more clear in dalen’s closet when scanlan asks“why me? i’m like the weirdest choice” when vex asks scanlan to walk her down the aisle, the position a father would usually take:
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and vex says, “but it’s really not. you’re really not.” vex has always looked up to scanlan, so much so that she asked him to walk her down the aisle in the position of a father- or as is probably much more relevant to who vex would’ve preferred walk her down an aisle, an older brother. he is someone whose opinion she respects and whose judgment she trusts.
so how does this relate to the legend of vox machina? well, with the early establishment of scanlan & vex... scanlan might be one of the only people who can make vex believe she’s a leader. considering that vex considers scanlan the leader, i think she might have to hear it from him that vox machina considers vex their leader (or at least, turns to her in times of crisis). someone whose authority vex trusts telling her that she is a decision maker, she is someone other people look to, and that she needs to embrace that role.
is all the groundwork there for that yet? absolutely not. for one, i think they vastly need to up TLOVM scanlan’s intelligence to be more in par with his campaign intelligence (and I don’t mean stat-based INT, i mean intelligence) for TLOVM vex to really consider him a leader the way that campaign vex does. but i do think there’s a lot of potential there with setting up the vex/scanlan relationship early that in times of crisis, while everyone turns to vex, vex turns to scanlan, who can then help her become the leader she’s meant to be.
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*kicks down door a day late*
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starxscream · 2 years
Some ppl might complain Kirby games are too short but honestly I appreciate it bc I can actually finish them bc I can’t hold my attention on a game for longer than a few days
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m-feys · 6 years
one thing I find really interesting is how the most recent episodes really showcase how reigen and mob are almost the inverse of each other.
like reigen says stuff like “those people are probably just taking advantage of you” and then it ends up that mob is the one with genuine friends around him and the only people reigen knew are accusing him of taking advantage of them and he ends up alone.
you know, reigen’s the person who tries to stand out but in the end has no powers. Where mob is blending into the background with this unbelievable power under the surface.
he wears a suit everywhere and the only thing mob is known for wearing is a white t shirt
and when they both try to read speeches someone else gave them and in the end neither actually reads it. But for the exact opposite reasons. Mob just can’t speak. but reigen can’t stop from saying his own words.
and when they finally talk to each other again, its like reigen finally takes a page out of mobs book. Like he’s at a loss for words and finally stops to think about what he should be saying instead of just going on his instincts
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im sorry if this is bothering you but your opinion or analysis over Bakugo made me curious about what you think of Toya's past? i know you despise Endeavor (same here, i call him 'fire trash' rather than his hero name lol), but im honestly curious about your opinion here. do you think that if the .. thing ... didnt happen, Endeavor would allow him to go to hero course, or on the contrary (considering he forbid him to train anyway). let me know what you think pleease <3
so, i know this is a HOTLY CONTESTED THIGN which is why i generally haven't said much because i absolutely don't want to argue with folks or get salty angry anons in my inbox trying to fight me over Dabi/Touya and his backstory
but i'll give a little bit of my opinion on it
putting this under the cut and tagging it with multiple spoilers tags for folks who dont wanna read
so, Endeavor's whole thing was that he wanted the "perfect" child aka, a child with a quirk that was half hot, half cold. He did this through a quirk marriage to Rei, hoping to get what he wanted. This comes down to quirk eugenics, basically, which is incredibly fucked up. to keep having kids until you get the perfect one, and the others are rejects in his eyes. Touya, Natsuo, and Fuyumi weren't what he wanted out of kids until Shouto came along. If i remember the manga correctly, there's a heartbreaking panel of Rei looking absolutely broken and worn down when they find out Fuyumi's quirk and she realizes that she's going to have to have another child whether she wants to or not because it's what her shitty husband married her for.
so, Touya is incredibly complex and complicated because there's a lot to unpack there and many people have done so far more eloquently and with better meta that i could probably do, so i won't try.
Endeavor absolutely, at minimum, helped shape Touya into what who he is now (Dabi) and what became of him as a child. He trained and projected onto Touya to perfect his quirk, to keep going, and i'm sure endeavor wanted to see if he could produce ice or cold like he wanted. This definitely made Touya feel special and had terrible ideas behind failure and weakness. Children are incredibly impressionable and will do exactly what you tell them, possibly 10x if they think they'll be praised or receive something in return.
Touya wanted his dad to be proud of him, to be exactly what he wanted, and endeavor's constant barrage of training and no doubt palpable disappointment in what Touya couldn't do influenced him imo. This began Touya's downfall: a child wanting to please his parent by any means necessary.
but anyway, i think i'm deviating from your ask so hhhhh
do i think he would've allowed Touya into the hero course? no, i dont think so. His quirk is powerful, but we know he has Rei's constitution meaning his quirk actually hurts and burns him, cooking him from the inside out when he uses it too much. his quirk is powerful, but it has a limit, and we see this more when he's a kid and his hair starts to turn white and he's injured while training.
Endeavor would only want a kid in the hero course who he could shape into a vessel, a toy, a weapon. during the sports festival, he refers to shouto, his son, his "greatest creation". he thinks of shouto at the time solely as a vessel for his own gain and fame. Touya, with his quirk and drawbacks in the eyes of his father, isn't suitable to be in the public eye as such a vessel.
i think we could speculate all day on what path Touya would've gone down had the tragedy in the forest not happened. in all honesty, i haven't thought toooo much about it, but i think his life would've been hard either way. especially with living in the shadow of Shouto and knowing he was a rejected child in the hands of his father and he could never live up to unrealistic and cruel expectations.
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eleart · 4 years
Tagged by: good buddy @allydave
Rules: tag 9 people you’d like to get to know better (spoiler alert im too shy to tag people and allen already tagged most of the people i know so yeah)
Three ships: ah serirei my lifeblood, im having an existential crisis because i thought i shipped more things than this but i was wrong all the other things i can think of are more in the background of where i appreciate it but im not fully flung into it okay uhhh uhhhh, meta knight x his extensive sword collection, and mob x having a really good day
Last song: Smiles and Tears from Earthbound
Currently reading: this post *ba dum tiss* although yeah actually i dont do much reading other than fan fics. in that case i will say the book im reading for English class: Outliers.
Currently watching: going on a nostalgia trip with the kirby anime and i also started the owl house
currently consuming: cheetos and the kirby series and the plastic wrap of the reigen figure box
currently craving: chocolate muffin
tagging: yeah
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stillthesunkenstars · 4 years
asfjdkg ivq when did u get into ynm? have u liked it for a while, or did u only recently discover it? also do u have any meta thöüghts on it? 👀 (i noticed u tagged it "braxcore" in one post, which is A Mood XD)
I binged the anime and manga in two days!!!! ive just discovered it (2 days ago..)and its SO to my tastes william is basically brax if hes born in a stagnant shit society with hopes of change… also going on w similarities they both wanted to make symbols out of themselves(and their own sacrifice, but im talking deindum war brax now so spoilers for benny s11) but moriarty makes his own identity a symbol and inspire change while brax wanted to become a more abstract symbol of hope? like his personal identity and his image does not matter that much in his grand scheme of things
and I love how moriarty is actually more moral than brax that he knows he shouldnt be imposing judgement and execution on others’ lives no matter what, like he isnt above others (commie shit!!!) while brax literally treats everyone including himself as pawns while he executes his plan like a chessmaster?? hes not controlled by his own morals and feelings but the grand plan so that allows him a guiltless detachment at least while he is executing his plan(no time for grieving and self reflection) and I fucking hate his stubborn convoluted ass!!!! like allow urself some humanity pls bitch
im also. lowkey sad the moriartys have a found family that trusts each other while brax fucking reveals nothing to his found family
also like professor?? PROFESSOR?????? dont mind me ill go sob in a corner
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aintzane411 · 7 years
spoilers for voltron season 4 under the cut!
Episode 1:
BOM keith!!! We knew about it but still aaaa
why is everyone being a dick to keith let him live
theyre keeping him so busy just let him take a nap
btw this is 100% not real shiro this is a clone this is wrong
i need a hairspray AU with coran as corny collins
lance had to have been a theatre kid cmon
why does kolivan’s mask have 3 eye holes? he doesnt have 3 eyes does he? 
other guy has 3 eye holes too
rip other guy
i s2g keith is gonna get back and everyone’s gonna rip into him but this poor boy just needs some oxygen and a nap jfc
coran laser noises!!!
ew ka//ura like kudos to shippers but *sigh*
keiths bom suit lowkey looks like he has boobs like i am totally here for trans!keith yes pls
kolivan insists he doesnt bind during missions bc its dangerous and that just adds to his stress levels poor bby
there are. furries in this rebellion. god damn it
“undetected” my boy keith doesnt do “undetected” guys
pls just let keith be happy omg
whyyyy are they furries??? like the artists knew what they were doing cmon
im gonna cry if this is actually shiro like i love kuron to death but please no
im so scared omg
let! keith! rest!!!
“he can finally be the leader i was unable to be” god keith ily im sorry babe
sheith hug!!!! leading into a group hug!!!!
but lets be real im terrified like keith is leaving the team what the fuck
Episode 2:
aaaa flashback!!! Katie!!!
o shit this is called Reunion we’re gonna find matt this episode!!!
ill punch this kid callin pidge a nerd fight me bro
pidge is so cute holy fucking shit
also tag yourself im matt’s “big fucking muscles”
ooh heres the scene they showed at nycc does that mean the kaltenecker scene is in the season too?
my smol smart child im love her
smol smart badass child
stop! misgendering! my! child!
pls give pideg her brother back 
“paladin pidge” how cute
plant gun!
portable xray!
o shit matt was an officer!!!
i like how matt’s “rebel officer transponder” picture is him in the galra prison gear lol
omg matt “what the garrison doesnt know wont hurt them” i love
“what dad doesnt know wont hurt him” MATT
im gonna scream if matts dead
dont you dare
theres still 9 minutes left dont you dare
please plesae please please god
its almost 3am and im glad im emotionally dead inside or else i would have cried like 4 times already
omg its just like ree’s canon holy shit lol
there he is holy shit thank god
this is. so pure.
ofc matt has a bounty on his head jfc
“lets show this guy what the holts are made of” god fucking bless
ok now you guys gotta find sam too cmon
niceeee good work guys damn
Episode 3:
okay pidge has her brotehr now lets get my boys back in the right lions kthx
ok so after rewatching s3 i think haggar and zarkon are possessed by these creatures
omg. omg matt is straight for allura wtf this is the Last Thing I Expected
shatt hug!!
technically kuratt hug but shhhhhhhh
omg lance calm down
oh boy here comes super zombie zarkon rip
“wayward son” omg
milkshake reference yes
wait please give me langst and have lance feel like hes being replaced by matt please i need more langst in my life
omfg kaltenecker scene!!!!
its even better than the clip omfg
i want lotor to come to the good side i want him to be a good guy let him have mommy issues with keith
yessss bls tell hunk how much of a genius he is thank
oh nooooo i bet pidge normally plays the game with lance but shes busy with matt aaaaa D:
i changed my mind i dont want langst
second ship??? oh boy
third??? OH BOY
matt needs to wash his hair
smelly boy
shoutout to ree and matt
i need more info on shiro/kuron omfg please
omg omg matt is gonna pilot green holy shit
damn rip narti there goes our main physically disabled character besides shiro ugh
omg i think lotor is gonna end up on team voltron whoa
Episode 4:
“besides playing keith is really easy, just act moody” dont call me out like this
ok lance was 100% a theater kid but always an ensemble member never a lead, for which he was bitter about and made up for the fact by being way too over the top as an ensemble
is. is coran gonna do drugs?????? what the fuck????
omg corans room is adorable
ewewewewew brain bug omfg ew
space mall!!
omfg his fucking accent jfc
hunk “well it rhymes so its gotta be true” ily hunk
please never use any of this advice for real theater stuff smh
stick alien!
omfg an “on ice” performance holy shit
fuckin stick alien zarkon and haggar holy shit
careful guys you might break an arm
like i did smh
“loverboy lance” beautiful
even tho its not shiro but shhhhh
stop! throwing! hunk! under! the! bus!!!
the fact that no one is questinoing coran’s personality just proves that none of them would notice the subtle changes between shiro and kuron so the theory still stands
jesus christ fucking meta “except for you shiro youre the most popular character ill never get rid of you” fuck you writers
varkon! mermaids!
i miss keith :(
ep 4 moral of the story: dont do drugs kids
let! bibobi! live!!!!
Episode 5:
yesss give me keith!!!!!
omg voltron and bom and rebels are all doing a big mission together yes
me: suddenly remembers the “and lance dies so theres that” interview also me: panics
different VA??? not norman reedus i think???
hunk! being! badass! yes!!!!
im still v suspicious of this shiro smh
shes pretty oh no
why tf does there gotta be furries in the rebellion
oh fuck i almost thought matt died jfc
this commander looks like a steven universe diamond
bby im proud of you for training with the bom but im so glad youre back aaaaaaaa
babe there he is aaaa!!!!!! im love keith!!!!!
now give me the real shiro jfc
and get lance back in the blue lion jfc
i s2g if matt dies
i s2g if lance dies
eyyy hell yeah go acxa
eyyy hell yeah go keith
this is going too well something is gonna happen im so scared
im really scared damn
Episode 6:
hhhhhh im terrified oh boy here we go
this one is called a new defender oh fuck
white lion?!?!?!
will keith be the white paladin?!!?!?!?!!
i just really want everyone back in their original spots bls
wait wtf is going on i zoned out for a bit its 4am
its gonna be those alternate reality being things again istnt it
lance “what are those” nice meme reference
shiro now is not the time to stay behind and analyze fuckin get ur team out of there god damn it now theres a force field around the planet fucking hell
this isnt good. this isnt good at all. and the music sounds so ominous oh god
im so scared
lance i s2g you better not do anything stupid
lance i s2g you better not do antyhing stupid
bls no a//urance
lance i s2g you better not do anything stupid
shoutout to coran for just having to hang back while all of his loved ones risk their lives
lance i s2g
im so scared holy shit
w h o a
shoutout to coran for just accepting that alluras telling him to leave when everyon ehe loves could very well die
im love keith and his new leadership skills he learned in the bom but DONT YOU DARE DIE HOLY FUCK
no one is allowed to die
keith dont you dare
keith dont you dare
holy fuck oh my god hes ok hes ok holy fucking shit
o shit
o shit lotor is gonna join the coalition i fucking called it!!!
holy fuck that was a lot of emotions and where the fuck is shiro fuck you writers fuck you
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