#<1984 reference. i love that book
parchmentknight · 5 months
currently in an art slump where i hate my art and think it sucks major ass but i remind myself that younger me, even me a year ago, would think my art is epic and swag and cool
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the-cimmerians · 8 months
It's 2024. I have been participating in fandom for 40 years. This is a ramble commemorating some history I've experienced along the way.
In 1984, I attended my first convention, and made a beeline for the one long row of covered tables in the Dealer's Room that was, according to the whispered lore of my friends, 'the one'. "um", I said, very suavely and coherently, except for how it was totally the opposite of those things, "I'm here for the... for the, uh. For-"
"Come around here," the man behind the table said with exhausted ennui, so I went around, and he lifted up the table skirt next to him and pointed to rows and rows of boxes underneath the line of tables. "It's all under here."
It was all under there. Along with about five older ladies with glasses, graying hair, cardigans. Flipping through slash zines and chatting in whispered voices like old friends (which of course they were). I noticed one of them had the good sense to be wearing kneepads. I was still too young and ablebodied to need kneepads when crawling on a carpeted floor, but I immediately found her preparedness skills to be both impressive and hot. "You're new," one of the ladies whispered to me--a bit warily, which made sense. "Are you sure you're in the right place?"
In the faint light (the kneepads lady had also come prepared with a flashlight, additional practicality hotness points for her) I grabbed a comb-bound book with a heavy line art piece on the cover, featuring a musclebound Captain Kirk getting righteously and enthusiastically plowed by a stern-yet-ebullient Spock. "This," I said, pointing helpfully at the cover, like I was trying to make myself understood in a language I had only the vaguest knowledge of. "I'm here for this."
Outside at the convention, most of the attendees were wearing large homemade circular pins that shrieked 'K/S is BS!!!'1. But underneath the table, we reveled in the forbidden.
In 1985, I fell very hard for Starsky & Hutch fandom. Which was simply referred to at the time as 'the other fandom', because there were only two. We were upstarts. Many fannish elders predicted that it was just a phase.
The 'circulating library' was a massive stack of barely-legible pages that smelled strongly of mimeograph ink. When you were on the list, you would write stories while you waited for your turn, and when the big box was mailed to you, you would read everything (new finds, old favorites), add your own sloppily-typed or hastily-mimeographed stories, and then mail the whole thing to the next person. For me, at the time, it was an extremely expensive indulgence--but my favorite one.
By 1990, slash fandom had grown enough that I no longer knew everyone in it, which was both thrilling and a bit daunting. A young woman at a convention waited for me after a panel I was part of (I think it was 'writing impactful smut' or something like that), and said she had a question she didn't want to ask in a group setting. I'd heard that before. I said that's fine, go ahead and ask; and she came out with: "Why do you have to be gay?"
I blinked. "Is... that a problem?"
She looked annoyed. "Yes, because your stories are on all the recommendation lists and in all the top zines, but if you're gay and I read something you wrote and I get hot from it that makes me gay, and I'm not gay."
"Wow." I grinned, I couldn't help it. It probably made me look very predatory-dyke-about-to-score-a-toaster. Whatever, it was enough to make her back away from me fast.
When I thought about it later that night, I wondered what it would be like not to be the only queer person in slash fandom.
By 1997, slash started appearing on the internet. Many fannish elders claimed it was the death knell of slash fandom, or dismissed it as 'just a phase'.
Anyway, I wrote all this for myself as a commemoration of sorts, but if you took the time to read it--thank you. Love you, fandom. I always will.
1 In those days, m/m fandom was known as 'slash', which grew from the fannish shorthand where 'K&S' meant a story of Kirk and Spock having adventures or tribulations or what have you, and 'K/S' meant a story of Kirk and Spock getting it on (Kirk divided by Spock or Spock into Kirk--it was mathy fannish humor and I was into it then and I still am now). Slash was decidedly unpopular in the fannish world in 1984, and there was a concerted effort to force slash authors, artists, and fans out of 'mainstream' fannish public life. Hence, under the table.
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emptyjunior · 6 months
It looks like with the movies taking off, everyone is on the Dune train now!! Which is very exciting, I’m glad a bunch of new people are discovering this media and reading the books, but can I recommend you the David Lynch, Dune (1984) movie.
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First of all, if you are invested in the lore of the books and the deeper messaging of the story, you’re going to need to turn that part of your brain Off. If you love kick ass shit and are willing to be slightly tipsy while you watch and have a great goddamn afternoon, this is the flick for you.
Now first fun fact I’m going to share with you. David Lynch (twin peaks, eraserhead director, celebrated surrealist) turned down the opportunity to direct Return of the Jedi for this film. A film that was devastatingly slow to make, changed hands multiple times, had a pricy VFX budget of $40 million and then made barely $31 million, David Lynch turned down Star Wars to work on it. And he did this when he had never read the novel, and did not even like or engage with sci fi media. THAT’S how you know we’re really in for something.
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Now this film has some big names in it! We’ve got a young Kyle MacLachlan who is rocking some Devastating outfits:
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We’ve got Sir Patrick Stewert as our Gurney and Sting, lead singer of the police, playing the 15 year old Feyd Rautha! If you wanted to see a grown man, sprayed orange, basically naked playing a free wheeling maniac you are in for a treat! And another fun fact, David Lynch also did not know who these actors were, he made a mistake and thought Patrick Stewert was someone else and when Sting said he was in the police he assumed he was in an organization of lawmen.
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Now these characters are familiar to you, but let me get into the unfamiliar. Lynch made some directorial executive decisions throughout this film, for I suppose the ease of the viewer? I mean an adaptation is supposed to adapt so he went let me change some stuff up👏👏👏.
Those who paid attention to Jessica’s backstory may know about the Weirding Way. This is a martial arts style created by the Bene Gesserit, and practiced by Paul. It is more than just a fighting style but also an important philosophical concept, like Aikido or how Kung Fu has foundations in Buddhism.
You may also be familiar with the quote “My name is a killing word.” This inner monologue of Paul’s refers to how his title Muad’dub will be used to spur a holy war. A simple name is what people will die and bleed for, it will be what they scream as they cut down enemies.
Dark! Intense! That’s Dune, anyways in the novel it’s easy to take your time exploring these concepts. Introducing the audience to the religious ramifications of a simple name and fighting practice and how these things can have rippling repercussions upon a society like the Freman.
Now David Lynch didn’t have time for that! He had the belief (that may be right🤷‍♂️!) That watching a bunch of people kick each other on top of a sand dune would be Lame😭😭
So he made the choice for his film that “My name is a killing word” was to be taken Absolutely Literally and invented a device where if the freman said the name Muad-dib, shit would explode.
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If they said Paul’s name, they could Explode Stuff. Let it sink in how rad that is. Hell yeah man, hell yeah. Imagine me interpreting religious text that way, imagine if I made a bible movie and the moral I took from a parable is that when Jesus asked for food and everyone donated fish, I concluded that Jesus was a mutant who had fish powers and could immediately conjure fish with magic and gave him fish death rays that shot out of his hands.
So that’s what you can expect from this interpretation, the weirding way now means everyone has Lasers its rad as hell.
Some other incredible choices made! This is a spoiler, but in the novels and the new films you can see the Freman collecting every scrap of water they can. Dr Liet-Kynes, the planetologist, reveals to us it’s because they have a long, multiple generation spanding plan to fix the planet. By introducing this water back they hope to reset the ecosystem over centuries of work. The reason they have been unable to do this is because a green planet would obviously not have worms and sand who produce spice, the most coveted drug in the empire, so imperial and harkonnen forces have been stopping this from ever happening. They want to be free from oppression so that they can start to work on slowly fixing their world, a project that plays out in Paul’s adult life and has its own dramas and complexities.
In Dune 1984??? The moment, the Moment Paul lays out his cousin and throws the final punch, it begins to rain in Arrakis. As if they were all under a magical curse and were just waiting for a teenager to come fight another teenager and then the water will come back. It’s so good, it’s so funny.
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Also Pugs! House Atreides official Pugs! Paul has pugs in his lap!!
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This is honestly an adaptation choice that I really really like! Paul is the result of centuries of selective breeding, this practice is an artform to the Bene Gesserit and a skill that they monitor closely. It produces bizarre and sometimes terrifying results and is the reason for Paul’s existence.
I think having an animal that was also created through selective breeding, was engineered from a wolf into an animal that can hardly breathe is an incredible metaphor! A smart and identifiable symbol for the audience, I think it’s a slam dunk and the new movies should have done it to.
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Anyways can not recommend this film enough.
-The body suits the bad guys wear are made out of real body bags, that actually had been used.
-David Lynch to this day hates it.
-The original cut was four hours.
-The cast and crew were sick the Entire shoot with something they called Montezuma's Revenge, which was probably just food poisoning, side effects from the constant smog because they shot the whole thing on backup generators, illness from the cockroach infestation and terrible morale.
-Frank Herbert saw it multiple times and said he absolutely loved it.
-When they ride the worms, sick rock jams play.
If you love electric guitar, lasers, worms and will forgive me for not including all the trigger warnings cause Yes this film will gross you out, then go watch this movie.
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somehow-a-human · 6 months
Whose POV is it anyway?
An Introduction
Cracking down on the storytelling of Good Omens season 2 through the lens of a changing narrator.
If you haven't read this interview with Good Omens cinematographer Gavin Finney, and you're interested in the fantastic dedication and detail that went into this TV show, definitely give it a read. Not only is it lovely, but Neil also posted the article with a caption mentioning that it's got so many secrets in it. Obviously that made me take a closer look.
I have already gone into a fair bit of detail about the different Lens Filters that Finney mentions in the article in a separate post and I will be referring to them quite a bit so if you aren't familiar with them I would suggest reading that first!
This first post is going to cover the basics of changing narrator/POV's and I'll be writing additional posts for separate episodes/minisodes/scenes since there's obviously way too much to cover in a single go. So shall we take our first look?
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It's no secret that something's a *bit weird* with season two, and there are SO many theories about it. I love to read speculation, metas, theories, and opinions, it's definitely fun but my personal ideas align more with the idea that we're simply being shown the events of season 2 through the memories of multiple narrators, different POV's, and it slightly skews the story, sometimes within one continuous scene.
I am also a sucker for a good multiple timeline theory but that isn't this post.
Lens Filters
As I stated above, I wrote a post about each of these individual filters earlier. What I didn't go into in that post was speculation about the filters. While I think they're pretty straightforward, especially the filter for hell (Black Pro-Mist ((BPM)), I think the other two have a bit more room for speculation.
Bronze Glimmer Glass
BGG was described by Finney as being used for 'bookshop scenes', but after S2 back numerous times and paying as much attention as I could to the lighting and colouring of the scenes, I think this is generally true but not always true. There are times when bookshop scenes seem to use a different filter, and other locations also seem to be shot with the BGG filter as well. I think BGG aligns with Aziraphale's POV. Or if Not Aziraphale, an outside-of-Crowley narrator? Based on the scenes (which we'll specifically get into in other posts) which BGG seems to be used, context clues, character behavior, etc, I think BGG clues us in that we're seeing, if you will, through Aziraphale's eyes.
Black Diffusion FX
BDFX was described as being used for 'Crowley's present day storyline' and fuck me, that's not ominous or weirdly phrased at all Mr. Finney! This filter definitely aligns with Crowley. Most of the time he's separate from Aziraphale it seems that this is the filter being used, and certain scenes switch filters mid-scene when he begins to go off on snarky Crowley-centric commentary.
Catch-22 & Herzog
The books on Gabriels bookshelf, great books obviously, but I think books that are also meant to give us context about the story. Pride and Prejudice is a love story about making snap judgements on someone's character, and coming to recognize somebody might be good despite their title or appearance. The Crow Road is a story about life, death, love, morality, mystery, and God. 1984 details the tragedy of Julia and Winston's attempt at falling in love while living under in a police state. You see my point?
That's why I wanted to touch a bit more on Catch-22 and Herzog specifically when talking about the possibility of changing narrators/POV's in Good Omens 2.
Catch-22 frequently switches narrator and the events described are often not necessarily sequential. This way you're getting information about previous scenes as the story continues, so while you're reading the book you're forming a more complete image of the events as the story continues from different characters POV's and iterations of the story. Sound relevant?
Herzog is the other book I wanted to talk about. To be fair I haven't read Herzog in full like I have Catch-22 but I pulled out my copy to reference and flip through a bit to remind myself. Herzog unlike Catch-22 doesn't switch narrators but the narration by the main character, Herzog himself, switches between first and third person throughout. When he is narrating through his letters, you get a deeper look at his thought processes and emotions. It also relies on flashbacks to bring context to the life of Herzog.
While these books touch on other elements that are relevant to the Good Omens story, namely Yossarian's relationship and views of God in Catch-22, the way these stories are told intrigued me for this context.
Crowley's Hair
Yeah I'm gonna mention the hair, because I think the hair is linked. Crowley's shorter sideburns, trimmed mutton chops in the 1827 flashback, and shorter Job wig seem to be clearly aligned with the BDFX filter/Crowley's POV as far as I can tell. I don't know if this means it's just another way to denote POV, but it seems way too consistent not to mention it. The longer sideburns, fuller mutton chops, and longer Job wig all match up with Aziraphale's POV or the BGG filter. My thoughts here are that his hair is another hint of who may be relaying the information to us, AKA is it internal or external. I am making my best guesses though and there are still some situations that I feel less sure about. For example, when Aziraphale takes the Bentley to Edinburgh and Crowley is in the Bookshop with Jim his sideburns are long, is it because he's remembering these scenes unreliably? Is Aziraphale imagining the events? Is it because Jim is present? A brief fluttering thought I toy with from time to time is the fact that in the before-the-beginning scene they are long, and what that means in context of the rest of the season.
S2 Promo Posters
Finally this set of season 2 promo posters showing the characters thoughtfully considering scenes in their heads just gives me a lot of these POV vibes.
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I'm planning on doing individual posts for specific scenes, episodes, and minisodes that require detailed breakdowns. I'll update this list with links as the posts are finished!
POV "Your 'Something's Wrong' Voice"
POV a Trip to Hell and a 25 Lazarii Miracle
POV a Companion to Owls
POV The Dirty Donkey & I think I Found a *Clue*!
POV Bodysnatchers & Cosplaying a bookseller
POV 1941
POV The Ball
POV The End?
Whose POV is it Anyway - a Conclusion
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knitmeapony · 2 months
Pls send me your favorite songs about books -- pls read details
So Millicent, the lovely human who has taught me almost everything I know about making books and papercraft, has mentioned now in three separate classes that she wants a playlist of very diverse genres that she can put on when a class is stitching books. She'd like it to be kind of a novelty playlist; all the song titles or lyrics should reference books, libraries, bookmaking, that kind of thing. I'll start this in Youtube with my faves in a sec, but I have very specific genres in my rotation and would love more.
Other words/terms of art for suggestions: binding, folding, sewing/stitching, signature, head, foot, spine, and all the reasonable words you'd use to describe books and the parts of them -- pages, etc.
What I DON'T want -- songs about a particular book. No 1984, no Wuthering Heights, no White Rabbit. Songs about reading in general. This is about the physical object.
As it is a novelty playlist, songs with just a single lyric or title that mentions books are both welcome.
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infinityinakiss · 2 years
i see all of your "beatrice reading in bed with ava tucked in her arms, ava staring at bea like she hung the stars in the sky" headcannons and i raise you:
bea never had the choice to discover a love for learning, it was always something she was expected to do. she reads all those thick books because she thought that it was the only way to earn her parent's love. once she came to the ocs, she threw herself into research because beatrice has always known that reading was a means to an end. she doesn't read to calm her mind, she reads so that she is seen as better, as worthy.
ava, on the other hand, made a hamlet reference and has a poster of george orwell's 1984 hanging in her bedroom. she loves to read, and she grew up with people reading books to her. she fell in love with these stories that rewrote the world. they were a place of refuge, where ava's life could be something it wasn't.
(the thing about the hamlet reference is that it was directed to the other girl, even if she was looking at bea. she wanted to look at bea, so she did. bea knows ava loves to read.)
ava was the one that dragged bea to the library the first week there, even when bea said "there won't be anything of use there, ava. there's no point in looking."
bea is perusing the religious section of the library, looking for something to help them in the fight, when she feels a book drop into her hands and then another. the stack of books in her hands grows, ranging from a tale of two cities and one of the magic tree house books. by the time ava stops adding to the pile, the stack threatens to cut off beatrice's eyesight.
"This everything?"
"Alright, then."
when ava starts reading aloud in their apartment, her sweet honey voice filling the cracks in the walls, bea decides that lugging 17 books home was worth it. there was a lightness in her eyes that bea hadn't seen since the vatican and her energy seemed to settle, blanketing everything in a warm comfort. it was beautiful, angelic even. maybe she could give books another chance, if they made ava smile like that.
this was a long winded way of saying ava definitely read books aloud while bea cooked in the kitchen.
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saphire-dance · 4 days
Welcome to the Transformers Fandom
Did you just see Transformers One? It was good, wasn't it? Do you want to be fannish about it? This post is for you.
First thing to know is we use the tag maccadam. This practice dates back to when the live action movies would flood the Transformers tag with actor pics. Maccadam is where you will find the robots. It is a reference to Maccadam's Old Oil House. A bar found in some continuities. You can still use the Transformers tag
Speaking of references. Let me introduce you to your new best friend: TFWiki. The Transformers Wiki is the place to go if you want to know anything about Transformers. Shows, Movies, Comics, Books, Toys. It's all there. We're spoiled with how good this wiki is. Thanks, guys.
Now you don't have to watch more Transfomers to be a fan. If you loved the movie you're already a fan. You don't have to ever watch another thing and you are still a fan and welcome here. But I'm betting you want to see more Transfomers. Here are some other continuities and where to find them. This is not an extensive list. This is a starter pack.
The Transformers (1984) AKA Generation 1 AKA G1. The original that started it all. Dubious 80s animation and some of the greatest voice actors of all time. Available on Tubi for free.
Beast Wars AKA TFBW. If G1 started everything Beast Wars is what kept it from dying out. Absolutely bleeding edge computer animation in the 90s. It's, uh, very dated, but the story and voice acting still hold up and I recommend giving it a chance. Available on Tubi for free.
Transformers Animated AKA TFA (yes we fought the Star Wars folks over that tag) Debuted the same year as the first Live Action Movie. It is very anime influenced and shows a very different side to our favorite characters. One of the more popular shows in the fandom. Available on Tubi for free. Also on Pluto
Transformers Prime AKA TFP AKA Prime. Another very popular show with the fandom. Part of the Aligned continuity which featured books, games, and other shows. This is probably closest to Transformers One in characterization and I would recommend making this your next watch if you can. The First season is on Netflix with the rest available on Tubi. Yeah I don't know what is up with that.
Rescue Bots AKA TFRB This is a Show for Preschoolers, but don't let that scare you away. It is one of the best Transformers shows. Somehow also part of the Aligned continuity. Season one is on Netflix and it is also available on Pluto
Transformers Cyberverse AKA Cyberverse AKA TFCV. A fun Bumblebee focused show. Very few humans. Season 1 is on Hasbro's YouTube channel, Season 3 (????) is on Netflix, Also on Pluto.
Transformers EarthSpark AKA TFES. The most recent show. Lots of new characters and a new side to Megatron that I love. On Paramount+ and YouTube premium.
Live Action Movies. There are 7 live action movies the first 5 are directed by Micheal Bay and are collectively known as the Bayverse The other two movies Bumblebee and Rise of the Beasts, are also sometimes lumped in with Bayverse. It is debated if they are reboots or prequels. Personally Bumblebee is my favorite. They are all available on Paramount+
Comics. Comics have been part of Transformers from the very beginning. First with Marvel and later with other publishers. Marvel Dreamwave and IDW are the best known publishers. IDW is still very popular in fandom. Currently comics are being published by Skybound. Unfortunately finding out of print comics can be very difficult/expensive and I recommend checking TFWIKI for summaries if you can't find them.
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rankirakira · 3 months
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Aaaa I finished MGSV!
With the help of guides and walkthroughs. I finished it in 80 hours of gameplay 😭❤️🙌
I haven't done Mission 45 tho bcs I am still 8 buddy points with Quiet. I read that Quiet will leave you so I don't want that to happen.
Anyway, I understand why ppl said the story is unfinished. You can feel it in the gameplay and the ending is anti-climatic imo on Chapter 2. However, I still enjoy the story eventhough the gameplay was difficult at first, I got used to it. I enjoy the game with the story on how interesting it is overall I'm bias bcs I love my old man yaoi 😆 I wish there were more silly tapes tho and more Kaz and Ocelot 👀
Also, when I saw Eli with his conch for the first time in the game. I was like oh this is like Lord of the Flies. Then they reference Ralph and the credits show Lord of the Flies. I was like yesss a book I actually read before and I know the references same with 1984.
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I read that were deleted scenes and deleted mission 51 that u can watch on YT called Kingdon of the Flies. So I will be watching that 🙌
Aaa now I'm finished with MGSV. THE PHANTOM PAIN AFTER PLAYING IT. I'll be reading MGS fics and scrolling through fanart.
Anyway, I need to draw MGS fanart more 👀 Anyway, thank you for reading my yapping and rant.
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saintmuses · 8 months
❝𝙝𝙪𝙨𝙝, 𝙄 𝙠𝙣𝙤𝙬 𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙮 𝙨𝙖𝙞𝙙 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙚𝙣𝙙 𝙞𝙨 𝙣𝙚𝙖𝙧❞
Lenny Miller x Reader
She never got to marry, or bear children, or have a house with a white picket fence. She never got to grow old either. Even in death, she would never be able to escape from the man who loved her a little too much.
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Warning(s): Death. Implied murder. Angst. Implied toxic relationship. Age gap (10 years apart between Reader and Lenny). Major power imbalance. Dark!Lenny. Minors, dni! Note: I was trying to make this something that you would read from a non-fiction crime book which includes many characters from Anna so it does not feel personal. Reader is a Russian American in this one. Also the switch between ‘Leonard’ and ‘Lenny’ is intentional. The title is from Mirrorball because I thought it was fitting of how it refers to the end of something, therefore the end of one’s life as they know it.
Word Count: 3.3k
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"It was something I would do, but I would've never expected her to do it. She and I were very different in that sense." Anna Poliatova, her best friend from childhood days murmured softly, her accent curled around the letters as she sat down in a chair for the interview regarding the crime documentary. She had eyes that were colored like the sky, and platinum hair, straight as spineless grass in the plains.
"1990 was something for her," she then laughed. "She met someone I never even knew about, but I found out in her diary of an early 1990 entry of a man named Leonard Miller."
April 16, 1990
Dear Diary,
When you meet someone, how would you picture meeting someone? One day, they would be a stranger to you, but they could be everything but a stranger tomorrow.
I didn't expect to meet Leonard Miller yesterday, but everyone knew of him. 
I mean he is an agent handler for Central Intelligence Agency, his reputation precedes him everywhere he goes in that workplace. What attracted me to him right away was how he eluded power and raw presence. He commanded attention as soon as he walked into the room. I had to talk to him because of my job; I’ve been assigned as a secretary for the director of CIA.
The day before, you would be doing something so mundane, right up to the moment, and that was when everything changed. I haven't felt this way in a long time, like a schoolgirl's crush on a man who is very handsome, but very off-limits. There’s a workplace code set in place for something like this. My brain had to remind myself that we cannot be more than just co-workers, no fraternizing around, but my heart didn't care.
I was never supposed to be that person.
Y/N Vasilisa—Love to those close to her due to the meaning of her last name—was born in New York in 1966 to her parents Arseni Vasiliy and Janet O’Conner.
Aurora, New York was a town where families would bloom while the others faded.
Arseni Vasiliy was born in Moscow, USSR, and migrated to America when he was nineteen and met a girl from a town over, then fell in love with her. They were married in 1964, two years before Y/N was born. "She kept him on his toes, and they made the marriage work. They had good years," his friend recalled, a brief appearance. "Really good years."
Janet, her mother was very protective of Y/N, perhaps because she was the baby, the only child of the family. They were close, close as best friends could've been.
The Vasiliys were the poster child of what family should really look like. It was a small family, but it was home.
Y/N met Anna Poliatovia in English class when she was a teenager. She came to America as a foreign exchange student from Soviet Union program. They were the duo that every girl was jealous of, and every guy wished they would've gotten together with.
Y/N Vasilisa was an honor student, had perfect grades all four years of high school, and became a valedictorian for her class.
Everything had changed a month before her graduation in 1984. Her parents died in a tragic car accident. Their slow but terrible deaths were caused by fire when a drunken driver of semi-truck crashed into them.
She moved to New York City after she graduated from high school, wanting to get away from the town that used to be so kind to her.
In a utopia world, no one would die. In the real world, parents weren’t supposed to bury their children. In a twisted sense, they made the natural order of death happen. Y/N had to bury them at eighteen.
She went to a community college while working for a company as a secretary during the week, and she would complete double shifts as a waitress at a restaurant on the weekends to be able to afford an apartment she lived in.
As Y/N struggled to make the ends meet, Leonard Miller was on his way to becoming an operative for CIA.
Leonard’s father was born in Europe in 1928, but his family moved to America specifically Hawaii in 1935, although it was not a part of fifty stars for another few decades. When his father was twenty-one, he met his wife at a shore, and they were married before finding a job as a constructor while his wife was a housewife and a mother of four children.
Elizabeth was the first and only daughter that was welcomed to the world in 1951, John was born two years later, then it was Leonard and Maxwell after that.
The family experienced a devastating loss when the patriarch of the family died of a heart attack at the age of fifty-three in February 1981, leaving his wife, children, and grand-children behind.
While the women of the family were soft-spoken, soft hearted; the men were stolid, hardworking, and they set their minds to succeed in America.
All men but one worked for a construction company that their father built with his partner. The company became Miller and Co. when it thrived in Pearl City, and the boys except one joined.
The third child of the family did not want to work for the construction company, opting to make a path for himself.
Leonard -Lenny for short- was born in 1956, the third child, but second boy in the family. He had dark brown hair, icy blue eyes so piercing that someone would feel like he was looking into their soul. He did almost everything first, he was not only an honor student, but he was also undeniably his parents' favorite son out of four children. He was hardworking and disciplined like his father, quiet and conservative like his mother.
John and Maxwell, his brothers were the opposite of it. They were the life of the party, the charmers who could work a room full of strangers and leave with a bunch of friends.
They were very much loved by their parents despite the differences in all of them.
To them, Leonard was the good brother. The one who could give dependable advice. To school, he was quite unattainable. Polite, friendly, only mingling when he had to, but he knew how to have fun as well.
When he was eighteen, he graduated from high school in 1974, and enlisted in military. It was there he was recruited to become an CIA operative thus moving to Washington DC to be close to Langley.
Despite being the second oldest brother, he did take over the proceedings of the patriarch after his father's death, but he refused to do anything with the construction company. His other brothers were there to run the business while he and his sister were there for their mother.
Before his father's death, he accepted a promotion to become CIA Agent Handler.
And he was thirty-four years old when he met Y/N Vasilisa.
"She was filled with life," Lenny said softly, fingers tracing the surface of the table in front of him as he stared down at the patterns, remembering the night he met her. "She was something else," he swallowed thickly before turning his head away, not without a hint of regret in his icy depths.
Y/N met the director of CIA when she moved to Washington DC after college, who recruited her to be his secretary in late 1989 and having the career that aligned the path of the position as CIA Operative Handler, it was inevitable.
"I remembered being there when they first met," Maud Lebereva, her friend and co-worker recalled. She had buzz cut brown hair and wide doe eyes, she also migrated to the states from Russia when she was a teenager. "He came in to have a meeting with the director about an upcoming mission in then-USSR, he had his eyes on her way before she noticed him. It would've been sweet if it was something else, but I saw something I knew wasn’t sweet." She murmured, shaking her head.
No one knew anything about them. They had started meeting at lunchtime, getting to know each other, it was harmless. Anyone who walked down the streets in the DC area would see them sitting outside in cafes, laughter could be heard from them, and they looked like they were friends, best of friends even.
They were friends for a few months until early summer of 1990 when the director of CIA had a gathering where every person must attend the function.
He had to walk her to her home that night, and that was when the dynamic changed for them. A soft kiss on her cheek, a pair of lips pressed against her skin slowly before withdrawing, and she had blushed viciously.
After that night, they weren't just friends. They were on their way to becoming lovers.
No one knew about them. They talked through phone calls that would be on the side tables, they emailed each other, and they would do anything discreetly.
He was still unobtainable, and she was still feeling guilty. Although, he had said he loved her in the summer of August at the Bahamas when he took her out for a vacation under the disguise of attending a seminar. Somehow, in her mind his declaration of love made everything seem alright.
It wasn't until late November when everything started to unravel around her. She met a very sweet man Alex Tchenkov through a friend and knowing there couldn't be any more than just an affair between Lenny and her, she went for it.
That was when she realized she had the idea of love wrong. Love wasn't about swearing an oath not to be seen, keeping the lines blurry between what was right and wrong, and it wasn't supposed to feel poisonous. It felt deadly, like a bitter taste of acid whenever she looked back to the months of her affair with Lenny.
Her friend, Anna was in Langley for Christmas, and Y/N took her out to a bar in Washington DC. Afterwards they sat on the concrete edge of Tidal Basin for a long time until the sun began to set over the capital, talking. The blonde woman gave Y/N an early Christmas gift, and she started to cry. 
 "She cried for a really long time," Anna said thoughtfully, nibbling on the side of her bottom lip. "I didn't know she was trapped in a wrecking affair at that time, but she was crying because she said she didn't deserve Alex," she remembered idly. "I was confused, but at that moment I knew there were so many things about her, many secrets that she hadn't told him, and she was really scared she would lose him if she was honest with him."
Eventually one person found out in February, it was Maud who had introduced her to Alex. She had sworn to keep it as a secret, and there were times when they would all meet for lunch.
"Despite my ill-feelings towards Leonard, he was a good person to people around him that I knew of. Figuring him out, and not being able to put a finger on why he gives me a bad vibe, that is where I can't stand him." Maud murmured; her eyes flickered briefly to the window. "I do remember one time I sympathized with him when it came to Y/N, it was a dinner at a really expensive restaurant, and he offered to pay." She laughed slightly, although it sounded uneasy.
The whole dinner affair was tense, it was to say with the understatement of the century. Y/N barely gave Leonard any time of the day, only cordially polite even it would make the worst of the worst dictators silently kneel to the ground.
At some point during the evening, Y/N excused herself to the ladies' room. When she was gone, Lenny had turned to Maud and asked why Y/N hated him.
"I was surprised when he asked me that," she paused, thinking back to that night. "He sounded desperate and sad, and it was that moment I felt bad for him.".
Maud tried to give him an excuse not knowing how to placate his emotional being, and she knew the sad pitiful look on Leonard’s face was caused by Y/N’s attempts to leave so she could be completely in a relationship with Alex. She did wonder if Leonard had any feelings for Y/N after all. If he did, it would be too bad.
"I mean I knew Y/N was irrecoverably in love with Alex, and I just felt bad for Leonard because he didn't stand a chance." Maud sighed, chuckling. The sound was not without a small amount of pity. "I just never knew how bad of a person he was to her. It's always the guys that can fool you easily, but not girls. However, she did fool me a bit." A grimace adorned on her face as she thought about it.
In the leading months, she and Alex got involved exclusively with fear gripping in the back of her mind that Lenny could ruin it all. Leaving her life into ashes if he ever exposed their affair to Alex.
"It was the one thing in her life she was most ashamed of," the brunette murmured, "but it wasn't her fault. I just wished she would understand that. However, he was a powerful man in Washington DC. He could easily ruin her life if he wanted to, and he did."
It was after midnight on July 5th, 1991, but there was a soft orange glow behind the curtains framing windows in the apartment. Silhouettes could be seen moving as six people roamed around the place restless. The fear had gripped them all after false-hope rationalizations failed to erase the tension Y/N had left them with.
Her other best friend had noticed something was wrong when Y/N didn't show up for dinner along with Maud.
"She didn't call to tell us she was running late, or anything really." Anna stated, her blue eyes glistening as she sniffed slightly. "I tried calling her several times, but it went straight to the voicemail." Her eyes flickered to the window as her lips turned down slightly. "I waited because she always called me back no matter what."
While they had waited for her, for the police, for some word, anything; they forced themselves to believe that she was okay, she had to be, the other option was something they didn't want to think about. 
"I remembered going through her room, finding her journal, and I thought as I stared at the slim book 'God help me that I will break her private cocoon she'd set up for her mind, but if it was to help us find her then so be it'." Anna murmured; her eyes closed briefly before opening. "I remembered there was some sort of a letter stuffed in the last page she'd written."
You asked me a long time ago after we met, 'what do you want?' in a teasing manner with a soft twinkle in your pretty eyes. What I want...is for you to be happy. I love you.
"It wasn't signed, but it didn't really have to be it was obvious, and that was when I knew Y/N had been harboring a secret for a long time." She shrugged before sighing, looking away. Her blonde hair swayed slightly. "She was definitely not perfect, but she was the best of us. Despite the flaws we harbored in ourselves, she saw the best in them, and I can see why she would look past his overbearing flaws in the beginning to see the best in him even when she shouldn't. I can't really fault her for that, she tried, and she did until it wasn't enough for her." She then hesitated, "and whatever she wrote in her last entry...I knew he’d read it because I know Y/N, she would've just thrown away the letter after reading it, not put it in her private cocoon where it would ruin her peace. The letter he put in was more of some correspondence to her journal right before everything..." she then paused; her bottom lip trembled as a gasp escaped from her mouth resonating in her lungs as a light sheen glazed over her eyes.
June 29th, 1991
Dear Diary,
There were times I questioned myself, in the beginning I could see why I wanted to be with Lenny despite all the wrong things that I have seen.
Now more than a year has passed, and I'm suffocating. The leash I didn't notice wrapped around my neck on the day we met had been becoming shorter and shorter, chipping away its inches as his control became iron-clad over time.
I had once asked him when I met him, he was the guy who had it all, and he did, but to assuage my curiosity, I had asked him "what do you want?"
And it was that particular conversation that changed everything for me.
We were doomed, entirely and truly.
I can't say it wasn't love at first, for me it was, but it wasn't for him. I had only noticed after I fell out of it was when I realized we were doomed. He was an agent with a dangerous future, and I was at a different place in life.
Being with Alex had made me see things differently, it made me realize that Lenny Miller is not the man I or everyone else thought he was. He is a narcissist, a liar who manipulated everything around him including me. He was like a rose, sweet at first until I touched the thorns and that was when he became cruel. I fell in love with the idea of him and accepted the false flaws until it got to the point where it all became too much for me to bear.
He knew I wanted the chains off my heart especially after meeting Alex. Especially when I want to be free, I need to be free, but he won't let me go. I know he will never let me go, and I'm afraid of whatever that means.
It wasn't pretty, and it wasn't love despite him saying it was.
I have to get away from him before the suffocation drives me to the grave.
"I did love her. I loved her more than anything in this world, even when she didn’t love me anymore, but I suppose no one would understand." Lenny had emphasized slightly, almost bitterly. His blue eyes were steely glinted when the light from the sun hit their depths, before the mask of indifference fell into place. "The last time I saw her was when she didn't want me to be in her life anymore." He had murmured before looking out to somewhere in the room. He had said when the sun began to set, everything fell apart around them, "and that was that." He then shrugged as if it explained it all.
Tuesday, July 21, 1992
(Photo taken at the graduation in 1984)
The body of a 26-year-old woman Y/N Vasilisa who was reported missing a year ago on the 5th of July had been found in the Loire River under the boat dock in Nantes with a bullet wound in her head.
Vasilisa’s death, according to Detective Chief Marcel Clairmont of the Nantes Prosecutor's Office, was caused by bruising around the neck which resembled strangulation before the victim was killed with a bullet wound in the forehead. The cause of death was accurate after the autopsy was completed by the Washington DC Coroner Vincent Delacour. The prime suspect for her disappearance prior to her death, former CIA agent Leonard Miller’s DNA was not found anywhere on her body, and the bullet did not match his gun serial numbers thus eliminating him from the list of suspects...[read page five for more information].
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noneorother · 8 months
Share your GOS2 bibliography with me
How crazy is it that season 2 has basically forced me to go back to university. I’ve done more reading and critical analysis and historical research than I have in years. I bite my thumb at you, Neil (affectionate).
And as I’m sure I’m not alone in this, I’d love to see your bibliography of all of the references or reading/watch lists. I’m sure to pick up a few good ones! I’ll go first.
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Movies + TV Arrival - Denis Villeneuve Clue - Jonathan Lynn I Know Where I'm Going - Powell & Pressburger The Ball - Magnus Dennison and Katja Roberts Every Day - Michael Sucsy About Time - Richard Curtis The Red Shoes - Powell & Pressburger The Small Back Room - Powell & Pressburger The Tales of Hoffmann - Powell & Pressburger Stairway to Heaven - Powell & Pressburger Ill Met By Moonlight - Powell & Pressburger The League of Gentlemen's Apocalypse - Steve Bendelack Monty Python's Life of Brian - Terry Jones Monty Python and the Holy Grail - Terry Gilliam & Terry Jones The Twilight zone (The Arrival) Boris Sagal The Twilight zone (The Hitch-Hiker) - Alvin Ganzer Staged (Seasons 1 and 2) - Simon Evans & Phin Glynn Books The Crow Road - Iain Banks The Bridge - Iain Banks The Scholars of Night - John M. Ford Symbols of Sacred Science - René Guénon Catch-22 - Joseph Heller A Tale of Two Cities - Charles Dickens The Colour of Magic - Terry Pratchett Night Watch (Discworld) - Terry Pratchett Parlement of Foules - Geoffrey Chaucer The language of the birds - Farid ud-Din Attar Pride & Prejudice - Jane Austen Persuasion - Jane Austen Midnight Days - Neil Gaiman Negative Burn #11 - Neil Gaiman Chivalry - Neil Gaiman Other Les contes d'Hoffamann - opera, Jacques Offenbach Don Giovanni - opera, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart The Line, the Cross and the Curve - musical, Kate Bush The book of Enoch - Ethiopian Apocryphal trs. Rev. George Schodde, PhD
I'm sure there will be more... sigh. Spoiler alert: there are more! Donnie Darko - 2001, Richard Kelly Nothing Lasts Forever - 1984, Tom Schiller The Ghosts of Berkley Square - 1947, Vernon Sewell Brazil! - 1985, Terry Gilliam No Bed for Bacon - 1941, Caryl Brahms and S. J. Simon Don't, Mr Disraeli! - 1949, Caryl Brahms and S. J. Simon Murder Mysteries - Neil Gaiman The Man Who Was Thursday - 1908, GK Chesterton Small Gods - 1992, Terry Pratchett Ipomadon - Medieval - Trs. Richard Scott-Robinson
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jo-harrington · 1 year
As Above, So Below - Series Masterlist
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Van Helsing - Kas!Eddie/Fem!OC - Soulmates
This story is told from 2nd Person POV (you/your)
Minors DNI - This fic is for 18+ readers only.
Summary: In order to undo a centuries-long curse, you travel to Hawkins to defeat a great evil and close the gates to Hell once and for all. Unfortunately, you uncover many unsettling secrets including some about your lost love, Eddie Munson.
Warnings (in no particular order): Angst, Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, Smut (Specifics Tagged in Chapters), Major and Minor Character Deaths, Violence, Gore, Body Horror, Blood, Manipulation, Transformation, Corruption, Religious Elements, Criticism of Religion, Biblical and Other Literary and Pop Culture References
This story is going to be EXTREMELY HEAVY to write, so I will not be putting out a posting schedule. Chapters will get posted as they are completed.
OC is of European/Italian-American descent on her father's side and her mother's side can be left up to interpretation. She is loosely Roman Catholic and you will see why I say loosely if you read. I will not be giving her a name, or any major physical descriptors if I can help it but her cultural identity is integral to this story.
Note: You do not need to have seen Van Helsing (2004) to understand the premise of this fic. You should, however, read the prequels.
Prequels: Heaven - Hell - Purgatory
Hymns of Heaven: A series of "additions" to the prequel timeline based on cryptid and monster requests. April 1984 Mothman - April 1984 Immortal Snail - May 1984 Splinter Cat - May 1984 Sully - June 1984 Chupacabra - July 1984 Will-o'-the-Wisp - August 1984 Manticore - August 1984 Frogman - September 1984 Fresno Nightcrawler - September 1984 Thunderbird/Horned Serpent - October 1984 The Kraken - Halloween 1984 Werewolf - December 1984 Freddy Kreuger - December 1984 The Guardians - Christmas Eve 1984 Loch Ness Monster - January 1985 Manananggal - April 1985 Oneiroi - Unknown in the UD Inner Monster - Unknown in the UD Nachzehrer
Related Blurbs: Limbo - Genesis
Gratia. - Charitas. - Solamen.
Prequel Playlist
Chapters: Prologue - Annunciation 1 - Illumination 2 - Descendió a los Infiernos 3 - Crucible 4 - Malum Malus 5 - Via Domus 6 - Revelation 7 - Exodus 8 - Miserere Mei 9 - Deus in Absentia 10 - Atonement 11 - Amor Vicit Omnia Epilogue - Ab Aeterno
Series Playlist
Reader's Guide to AASB - A collection of references and Easter eggs that are made in the story.
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Series Art All series art is commissioned by me from various fandom artists. Some art depicts the Knight (artwork varies from original character design to self insert art). If you want to keep the illusion of a faceless Knight, please do not look at the artwork noted with (*).
*Knight Character Design Sheet - by @floredaqueen *
*Eddie and the Knight on their First Date - by @boltedfruit *
*Eddie and the Knight and the Fresno Nightcrawler - by @doomcheese*
*November 5, 1984 - At the Trailer - by @boltedfruit * (TW: Blood)
Hell Eddie - V2 feat. Knight's Intervention - by @lilithapril (TW: Blood/Gore)
Purgatory Eddie - by @dance-on-the-bones (TW: Blood)
Kas!Eddie - by @nightonblogmountain
*AASB Sketch Sheet - by @toomanyacorns* (TW: Blood)
Via Domus - Eddie and the Demobats - by @hearsegrrl
*AASB Sketch Sheet 2 - by @toomanyacorns * (TW: Blood)
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The Gospel According to Mary Victoria - AASB as told from Mary Victoria’s perspective and a deep dive into her journey.
Book 1 - Book 2 - Book 3
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This fic will not be for the faint of heart. Please check the above warnings and ask yourself if you are in the correct headspace to proceed. I am happy to answer any questions via PM or Ask.
Tag List: There will be no tag list for As Above, So Below.
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spade-riddles · 5 months
Was trying to explain how I saw "But Daddy I Love Him" to be, at least in part, discussing religion/god, her upbringing/societal pressures, her fame... and that I read it as queer. That friend was pretty unbending, but that's a different convo. Anyway, the "explain this then" line ended up being the "wild boy" bit. And it reminded me of something... The Wild Boys (novel): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Wild_Boys_(novel) The Wild Boys: A Book of the Dead is a novel by William S. Burroughs. It was first published in 1971 by Grove Press. It depicts a homosexual youth movement whose objective is the downfall of western civilization, set in an apocalyptic late twentieth century. Notable impacts: Ziggy Stardust: The clothes, hair, and makeup of David Bowie's character Ziggy Stardust were based on the description of the Wild Boys in the book. Johnny, the protagonist of Patti Smith's Horses, is a reference to the homoerotic protagonist of the novel.
Duran Duran song: "The Wild Boys" is the twelfth single by English pop rock band Duran Duran, released on 26 October 1984 in the United Kingdom.
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whatsnewalycat · 1 year
Psychomanteum / Chapter 12
Pairing: Dieter Bravo x OFC Louella (2nd POV)
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Chapter 12: Ghost in the Machine
Chapter Summary: You and Dieter go on a date while grappling with the past, present, and future.
Rating: Explicit (18+ only)
Word Count: 8.7k+
Content / Warnings: alternating pov, insecurities, mirror, angst, fluff, acting career things idk, awkward/nervous speech patterns, cocaine use, past infidelity, suspicion, dissociation, argument, abuse mention
Notes: Chapter title from "Ghost in the Machine" by SZA featuring Phoebe Bridgers. Howdy! If you want the taglist, or AO3 link, head on down to the masterlist. If you want a link to the spotify playlist for this chapter, let me know and I'll send it to ya.
[ Series Masterlist ]
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Every window in the house sits ajar, welcoming a warm cross-breeze that tickles your skin. It carries an earthy scent from further up the hill, giving faint whiffs of sage and dirt. 
Dieter moseys around the house in his boxers, voyaging between his kitchen sink and potted plants, watering can in hand. He mumbles sweet little affirmations to his green dependents, checking in with each in a hushed voice, saying shit like, “Now, how are we doing here? Thirsty?” or “Looking great today,” or “Wow, someone needs a haircut.” 
From your place nestled into the couch, you alternate between watching him and studying the white wisps of steam that swirl off the surface of your coffee cup. 
This morning, while peaceful, has you feeling off-kilter. Your mind keeps wandering to the interview with DIRT. To your mom. To Dieter. 
Overnight, the dust began to settle in your mind, providing more clarity. Details started to surface shortly after you woke. Things you heard yesterday, but didn’t understand or deem important in the moment. 
Like David’s statement: “Dieter has had a lot of big changes in his personal life this past year as well, with his divorce to Anika, and the scandals surrounding it.”
Like your mother saying: “He had a problem with drugs, you know, big problem, had other women, too,“ and, “I know he has a cocaine habit, and that he cheated on his wife, does that sound like anyone else?”
Like Dieter saying: “No, I definitely deserved that.”
In each still, calm moment, they replay. Every time you look at Dieter and your heart aches with love and adoration, your memory blindsides you with this information. 
Is your mom right? Did he cheat on Anika? 
Or is she just trying to drive a wedge between you?
Wouldn’t he have told you when he had the chance?
You know you could do a web search to look into it, do your own research into the matter. Hell, you could even just fucking ask him. But the prospect makes you itch. 
Because what if she’s wrong and he thinks you don’t trust him? Or, worse, what if she’s right? 
Fuck, what if she’s right? 
Your blood starts to buzz hot and rapid through your veins. You look around for an escape hatch and see a bookshelf, then set your coffee cup down to approach it. 
Among knickknacks and a few small plants housed on the solid oak shelves, you find titles you expect to see, like 1984 by George Orwell, The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath, The Magic Mountain by Thomas Mann, and at least a dozen art reference books. You also find a few things you weren’t expecting, like Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy, half a dozen Julia Quinn novels, and, most importantly, a first edition of Betty Crocker’s Picture Cook Book. 
You pull the cookbook out and examine it, running your fingertips along the frayed corners of the faded red hardcover, then flip it open, asking, “Why do you have this?”
Dieter looks up from an unruly Monstera, “Have what?”
“This cookbook,” you answer, padding across the living room’s black and white striped rug to show him. 
He frowns as you hold it up, shaking his head, “Must’ve been Annie’s. She left some stuff behind when she moved out.” 
“My grandma had this one,” you murmur, glancing up at him, “Is—is it ok if I look through it?”
He scoffs and shrugs, “Not like she’s coming to get it,” then returns his attention to the Monstera. 
You settle into the couch, thumbing through the yellowed pages, reading recipes, tips, and instructions compiled for housewives of the 1950’s. Dieter finishes grooming his plants and plops down at your side, curling an arm around your shoulders, “Betty giving you any inspiration?”
“Fun fact: Betty Crocker isn’t an actual person,” you smirk, turn the page to the section on custard pies, and inform him, “In the 1920’s, a flour company noticed they got a lot of homemakers requesting baking advice, so they adopted the moniker Betty Crocker as a pen name for the people who answered the questions.”
“Huh,” he blinks, “Interesting.” 
“Listen to this,” you flip to a dog-eared page towards the back of the book and start reading from it, “If you’re tired from overwork, house chores you’re bound to shirk, read these pointers tried and true, and discover what to do.”
“What’s that?”
“Tips for housewives who are fucking miserable,” you tell him, then read another excerpt, “Get outdoors every day. Take a walk, do some gardening, take the children for an outing, or pay your neighbor a short visit,” and another, “Harbor pleasant thoughts while working. It will make every task lighter and pleasanter. Notice humorous and interesting incidents to relate at dinnertime, etc.”
“Jesus,” he mutters.
You want to tell him that the page was bookmarked. Its connection to the spine, well-creased. Referenced often. The comment lingers at the back of your throat. 
When you backtrack your place in the book, trying to resume your study on custard pies, a white index card slides from between two pages.
“Oh,” you pluck it out and furrow your brow at the ingredients, measurements, instructions printed in a precise script, “It’s a recipe for banitsa. You ever had this?” 
“I don’t think so.”
“It’s like a flaky cheese pastry… phyllo, feta, yogurt,” you murmur, then glance up at him, “What do we have going on today?”
“Reservations at 7, and Darlene’s gonna stop by later, but other than that,” he grins and shakes his head, “Nada.”
So, the two of you smoke a joint on the patio while Lincoln picks up the called-for ingredients Dieter doesn’t have on hand. After Lincoln drops them off, you sanitize the sun-drenched quartz of Dieter’s kitchen countertop, all sparkling rainbows in the light. Dieter spreads a paint-splattered drop cloth across the no-man’s land between the dining room and kitchen, sets up an easel, equips it with a canvas, then rolls a little yellow file cabinet out next to it. 
He puts on a mix of music described as roller-rink 1978. As the funky tunes play over the sound system wired throughout his house, you attach a bread hook to his matte black stand mixer and sift bread flour into its 7-qt bowl. 
Then you go to work. 
You concentrate on the task at hand in each given moment, taking it step-by-step. Measuring, mixing, and kneading. Trying not to think too long about the romance novels lining the bookshelf, or the recipe’s delicate handwriting, or the dog-eared page, or Dieter’s baited breath after he recounted why he and Anika split, or your mother saying, “I know he has a cocaine habit, and that he cheated on his wife, does that sound like anyone else?” Or David Alterman asking, “Do you worry that those patterns are bound to repeat themselves?”
Instead of these things, you try your hardest to occupy your hazy, pot-laced brain by separating the dough into equal pieces while humming along to ABBA and Elton John and Electric Light Orchestra. 
When the recipe calls for the dough to rest for an hour, you clean your workspace, throw together the banitsa filling, and wash the dishes. 
Then the timer tells you: seventeen minutes left. 
You turn your attention to Dieter. His bare feet move fluid from side-to-side, paintbrush flitting between the palette and canvas as he lip-syncs along to “Hollywood Swinging” by Kool & The Gang. A grin stretches across your face. 
They cannot be right about him. This is not the kind of man who has affairs. No fucking way. This man is an angel. 
I’ve been fooled before. 
You banish the thought with a quick shake of your head, then try to distract yourself by asking, “Do you still see ghosts?”
He looks up at you, then back at his work-in-progress with a shrug, “I don’t usually see them per se, it’s more like a, uhh… an understanding. Or a knowing, I guess. Like a picture in my head with a feeling attached to it.”
His features twitch animatedly as he talks, accenting his words, dark eyes glancing between the canvas and your face. 
“It’s like… have you ever had intrusive thoughts?” 
“Have I ever,” you snort.
“It’s like that,” he explains, “Like a flash of something. Not like that kid in the Sixth Sense, seeing them fuckin’ uhh… walking around and shit.” 
You hop up onto the kitchen counter and inquire, “Where’s the most haunted place you’ve been?” 
Dieter pauses mid-brushstroke and scrunches his face up as he thinks about this, resuming when he says, “Well, hotels are always the worst. They’re so transitive, you know, all this energy coming and going constantly. And the people stuck there… they usually went intending to have a good time, a vacation or party or whatever, and something happened to them. That, or… they went in with an intention not to come out and succeeded.”
The implication unfolds in your brain, and you nod. 
“Either way they seem to have unfinished business,” he shrugs and squints at the canvas, smudging paint with his thumb, “Usually they’re harmless, so it’s pretty easy to ignore,” he pauses here, clears his throat, then continues, “But in terms of the worst vibes I got, like, uhh… how scared it made me feel, it was definitely Ethan.”
Blood drains from your face and extremities, leaving you cold and dizzy. 
“I—I thought—wait, really?”
He squints up at the ceiling, like he’s re-evaluating his statement, then levels his eyes with yours with a nod, “Yeah. At first, at least. Like the first night I was there, I felt him and it was,” he furrows his brow and drops his gaze to the floor, “Dark. Really fucking dark. And I was already in a bad way, y’know, I went to your place straight from the airport and you were—”
“A fucking disaster?”
“A beautiful trainwreck,” he corrects with a persuasive smile. It falters as soon as he continues, “And I just had this big fight with Annie about the divorce and, uhh, stuff, and hadn’t used blow in a day or two, just… not great,” he swallows, then shakes his head, “I think maybe… he could sense that about me. It was a warning. I remember knowing that’s what it was.”
“Oh,” you breathe. Look down at your hands. Start picking at your cuticles.  
“It was hard to stay. So… I left.”
“I didn’t think it was that bad. I’m sorry. I mean, he told me that he liked you—”
“It got better, really, love. It’s fine,” he assures you, then frowns, “Wait, he told you he likes me? Did you ask him about me or something?”
“Well, yeah,” you drop your gaze to the floor, “I just wanted to—I don’t know, see if he approved, I guess.” 
His head jerks back and he blinks, “Oh.” 
“Yeah—he, um, told me that he always liked you,” you tilt your head at your dangling legs and chuckle, “Told me you were a triangle guy.” 
Dieter lets out a light puff of laughter. 
“He asked if you make me happy,” you tell him, so quiet it’s almost a whisper, then look up to study his reaction. 
He pulls his paintbrush from the canvas and stares at you, his eyes soft and searching, “And?”
A soft scoff flees your lips, and you say, “Of course you do, Dee.”
This crooked smile spreads across his face and makes your heart ache. 
“Obviously,” you chuckle, grinning in return. 
Dieter seems to think about this, pink tongue rolling along his bottom lip as his eyebrow quirks. He sets his palette down on the little yellow file cabinet, drops his paintbrush into a cup of water, then crosses the room towards you. 
The way he looks at you seems to take a physical presence on your skin, making you shiver before he even reaches you. When he does, his hands slide up your bare legs, fingertips dipping under the hem of your jean shorts. His hips nudge your knees apart. 
You hook your arms around his neck as he tugs you closer, brushing his nose against yours, “You make me happy, too.” 
He kisses you, gentle for only a moment before your tongues meet. 
It’s so soft and wet it makes you gasp. A rumble sounds from his throat and his grip tightens. You arch your back, balling his shirt in your fist
He guides your hand to the bulge in his sweatpants, “Do you feel that? How happy you make me?” 
“That’s pretty fucking happy,” you grin, wrapping your fingers around his girth, over the soft fabric. You start to work him and he tosses his head back with a moan. 
Your lips meet his again, finding depth. It’s a slow heat, the way you take your time with his cock in your grip and your tongue in his mouth. Drives him crazy. His breaths carry strained groans that tickle your throat and make your cunt throb. 
When you roll your thumb against the damp spot in his sweatpants, he gasps, “Fuck–”
You hook a finger under his waistband, “I wanna see it.” 
“Oh yeah?” he chuckles, pausing to drag his tongue against yours, earning a whimper from you, then says, “Any time, any place, he’s all yours, baby.”
And right when he starts to pull down his pants, the front door swings open. 
You both jump and look towards the noise. 
In walks Darlene, cell phone pinched between her ear and shoulder, talking to someone on the other line, “Yeah, I just got to Dieter’s house, I’m going to tell him—Yeah, I will—Ok. Ok.”
Dieter rearranges himself and meets your eyes, murmuring, “To be continued,” before turning to approach her. 
“Yep, bye,” she tosses her phone in her designer bag and sighs, looking between the two of you, “Did I interrupt something?”
Your mouth gapes open. You shake your head and hop down off the counter, “We, um–we–”
Dieter cuts in, thank fucking god, responding, “No. What's the news?” 
Darlene raises an eyebrow at him, then you. She leans back against the dining room table and crosses her arms, “Well, I raised hell at DIRT. David Alterman is on disciplinary leave. The interview will be published without the phone call tomorrow. So… we will see what happens.” 
“Oh, that’s good!” you grin, glancing at the back of Dieter’s head, then to Darlene, “Thank you so much. And—and I’m sorry, you know, you had to deal with that.”
“That’s what I’m here for,” Darlene nods, flashing you a wane smile, then looks to Dieter, “Can I steal you for a sec? I have to talk to you about something.” 
He clears his throat and nods, “Yeah,” then follows her outside. 
You release a little chuckle and smile to yourself. 
The timer goes off. 
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Dieter slides the door closed behind him, following Darlene around the centerpiece of his patio: a sprawling oak tree. He looks up into it as he trails behind, admiring all the twisted innards of the beast. When they step out of its shade and into the hot afternoon sun, he grimaces. 
She plugs a cigarette between her lips and lights it, asking him on the exhale, “What was that about?”
“Nothing,” he takes a step forward and leans against the steel railing, peaking over the edge to look down the cliffside. 
“How’s she doing since yesterday? That was a fucking mess,” Darlene leans on the railing beside him. 
Dieter scrunches his nose up, shrugging, “Kind of hard to read, I guess. She seems fine. But–but I don’t know, she’s just,” he pauses here and frowns, “I think I would be freaking out if I were her, you know? But she’s not? And I don’t know what to do about that.” 
She flicks her cigarette and raises her eyebrows, then sighs, “Actually, Dieter, that’s what I wanted to talk about with you.” 
“About what? Lua? What about her?”
“Don’t take this the wrong way, but are you serious about this girl?” 
“Jesus Christ, Darlene,” he groans, dropping his head, “Yes, I’m fucking serious. I wouldn’t be doing all this bullshit for just anyone.” 
“It just seems like there’s a lot you haven’t figured out. Maybe some things you haven’t discussed,” she takes a drag and looks him up and down, “What if I got some intel that says she’s still selling drugs?”
He plays along, inquiring, “What kind of drugs?”
“Edibles. Pot brownies, shit like that.”
“I’d say your intel is bunk. She’s straight.”
“Well, I looked into it,” she blows a plume of blue smoke out into the canyon, “She has no online presence, no license, sells out of her apartment—I mean, it fucking reeks, Dieter. How’s she able to make enough to live in that area with no marketing?”
“She doesn’t make a huge profit. I mean, this month I helped her with rent—”
“You’re fucking kidding me. So she’s using you—”
“No, she’s not. I had to beg her to let me help. It’s not like that,” he maintains, shaking his head, “I mean, who’s your source? Why are you even looking into this?” 
“I don’t trust her, Dieter! Something isn’t right, it’s not adding up.”
He pushes off the railing and pushes non-existent sleeves up his forearms, “Let’s say you’re right, and she’s selling edibles,” he stops for a beat, then scoffs, “Who fucking cares? Fucking pot brownies? Who gives a shit.”
“Movie studios care. The public cares. Doesn’t matter if it’s crack or pot, she’s a fucking drug dealer.”
“She’s not a fucking drug dealer, Darlene,” he snaps.
She stares at him. Takes a drag off her cigarette. 
He kneads his neck, shifting his weight from one foot, to the other, before throwing his hands out in exasperation, “I need you to just believe that, for once, someone loves me and is good for me. Please.” 
Darlene’s lips purse, “That’s what you said about Anika.”
“That—that’s different,” Dieter drops his gaze to the ground. 
“Is it, though?” she blinks at him, “You swore that was it, that she wasn’t a gold digger, and yet… now she’s ex-Mrs. Dieter Bravo. Walked away with almost half your estate in return for not selling your secrets. She’s a rich woman now.”
“Yep,” Dieter sighs, skidding his toes against the mahogany deckboards, “I’m just a big fuck up, you got me there.” 
“That’s not what I’m saying,” she asserts, “I just want you to really think about this before doing anything… rash.” 
“I’m not going to run away and fucking marry her the first chance I get, ok?” he sneers, “Just—chill the fuck out.” 
“Dieter, let me be perfectly honest with you,” she drops her cigarette and crushes it with the toe of her beige pump, “I worry it’s more than you just being cunt-struck again.”
His head jerks back and he scoffs. 
She lowers her voice to a pleading tone, “Look, you’re falling headfirst into a serious relationship with this girl, she used to deal drugs, there’s all this shady stuff with her business, and… I just—I worry, are you, you know… are you ok?” 
“Am I ok?” he repeats the question, drenching it with incredulity, “What the fuck do you mean, am I ok?”
She studies his face, crossing her arms. A meaningful tilt of her head tells him everything he needs to know. 
His jaw gnashes from side-to-side and he shakes his head, “I’ve been clean for months, Darlene, because of her.” 
“Alright,” she raises her eyebrows and blinks, “Good.”
“Do you believe me?”
Darlene shrugs, “If you say you’re ok, you’re ok.” 
“I am,” he confirms, his voice firm and final. 
“Great,” she nods, then pulls out her phone and looks at the screen, “Alright, well, I’ll keep an eye on things after the interview drops and let you know how it goes.” 
She stomps past him, the click-clack of her heels echoing out behind her, and exits out the side gate. 
“Fuck,” he mutters to himself, shaking his hands out at his sides, rolling his neck as he starts towards the glass patio door.
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Dieter walks beside you as the hostess leads the way through the busy restaurant. Everything around him is white noise. It doesn’t matter at all. 
All that exists is his palm on the small of your back. His whole universe has boiled down to you, right now, draped in this white, flowing chiffon dress that Kelly picked out for tonight. You, all starry-eyed and dolled up, gawking at your surroundings because you’re just so damn excited to be at another fancy-schmancy restaurant.
Earlier today, while wrapped up in his sheets, you told him all about the menu, and haute cuisine, and French culinary history, and Escoffier. He closed his eyes and held your warm body in place next to his, content to listen to you chatter on as long as you’d allow him.
He loves that about you. How passionate you are in everything you do. How you slow to appreciate beauty in things like snowstorms, and layers in croissants, and even the subtle timbre of a cello woven into his favorite song. 
“Listen close,” you told him when you pointed it out, “It’s fucking incredible.” 
He did. 
He felt the chords vibrate through him, resolute and melodic. It gave the music new meaning, and he couldn’t believe he’d never noticed it before. He notices every time he hears it now. 
But that’s what you do. 
Everything seemed so fucking boring before you. Meaningless. You opened his eyes to what was right in front of him and gave it new life. Gave him new life. 
The hostess comes to a stop and gestures to a square table, laying a menu on either side of the white linen. You sit across from him and meet his gaze, face all lit up with that gorgeous fucking smile that makes his chest tighten. 
“Do you have a strategy in mind here?” he asks, leaning forward onto the table, rubbing his hands together, “Food, wine, dessert, the whole nine yards?”
“I love that movie,” you comment mildly, “Bruce Willis is hot.” 
He raises his eyebrows. 
“What?” you laugh.
“Bruce Willis, really?”
You study him, clearly very entertained, “Why, are you jealous?”
He scoffs at this, “No—I’m just saying, though, he’s never even been nominated for an Oscar—”
“Oh, well in that case,” you roll your eyes and let out this dramatic sigh. 
Dieter laughs and shakes his head, “Wow.”
“Ok, but really,” you turn your attention back to the menu. As you survey it, you tilt your head back and forth thoughtfully, clicking your tongue against the roof of your mouth. A mischievous smirk plays on your lips and you ask, “Did Darlene say we were allowed one glass or one bottle of wine?”
Dieter taps an index finger to his chin and grins, “I recall her saying bottle, don’t you?”
“Mmmm, yep, now that you mention it, I’m like… 99% sure she said bottle,” you agree conspiratorially. 
He smiles up at you, but his breath hitches when something behind you catches his eye. 
Or, someone, rather. 
A bright tangerine dress tight around her petite, curvy frame. Loose chestnut curls flowing down her back. Glowing brown eyes locked onto his. A small smirk plays on her plump, shiny lips. 
His spine straightens and he mutters under his breath, “You’ve gotta be fucking kidding me.” 
You frown and follow his gaze to Lilly Stokes just as she pushes her chair back and starts towards the table. 
“Dieter, hiiii,” Lilly croons, squeezing his forearm, “How are you, Pookie? It’s been a minute.” 
Dieter watches your eyes flick between Lilly’s hand on his suit jacket, and her face, and Dieter’s face. He watches the gears turn. The light bulb turns on. Your eyebrows shoot up and you meet his gaze, then immediately drop your eyes to the tablecloth. 
“Fine,” he answers and leans back in his chair, pulling his arm from her grasp.  
Lilly glances back at her table, then to Dieter, “I’m here with Jay—you remember Jay, right?” 
Dieter blinks at her, thinking, “We’ve been inside you at the same time, of fucking course I remember Jay.”
But what he says is, “Yeah.” 
“Oh, duh,” Lilly waves off the obvious, then wets the seam of her mouth, eyes dragging along Dieter’s body, “We should merge tables so we can catch up.” 
“Oh, no—” Dieter shakes his head and gestures to you, “We’re—”
Lilly finally seems to notice your presence and turns towards you, “Oh my god, Dieter, she’s so cute, are you two on a date?”
“Yeah,” he meets your eyes for a moment before telling Lilly, “This is Louella.”
“Lou-el-la,“ Lilly repeats, enunciating each syllable like she’s trying to commit it to memory, “You don’t mind, do you, beautiful?” 
You stare at her for a beat like you’re trying to figure out what she’s asking, then stammer, “Me? Wh—I’m sorry, what?”
“It’s ok if we join you?” Lilly nods, batting her false eyelashes. She asks this in a condescending way, slowing her words down like she’s asking a toddler. 
Your throat croaks as you look from her, to Dieter, who’s mentally pleading, “Please no,” then back to Lilly, “Uhh—I mean, sure?”
He deflates as Lilly calls Jay over and pulls out a chair. You mouth, “Sorry.”
Jay Blackburn, who looks like a poor man’s Alexander Skarsgård but six inches shorter, saunters over, a lopsided grin plastered on his smug face, “Bravo. Long time no see.” 
“Yeah,” Dieter responds, shifting in his seat at the reminder. 
Across the table, you gnaw away at your bottom lip, eyes downcast, your bubbling excitement replaced with this raw, nervous energy. He soaks it up like a sponge. It trickles down his backbone and seeps into his bloodstream as he wrings his hands together. 
“Who do we have here?” Jay asks, dragging his eyes along your body, drinking in your beauty with zero fucking shame. 
Dieter’s jaw clenches and cocks to one side. His leg starts to bounce. 
“I’m Louella.”
A warm smile crosses your face and you extend a hand to him. 
Jay takes it in his like a baby bird and presses a kiss into your knuckles, then releases you, “Jay Blackburn.”
“Oh—um, nice to meet you,” you say, glancing at Dieter, then at Lilly, “And you are?”
Lilly bristles at this, huffing a little before her mask of sweetness goes back up and she responds, “Lilly Stokes.” 
“So nice to meet you,” you look from her to Jay, “Are you guys actors, too?” 
“Um, no,” Lilly lets out this half-chuckle, half-scoff, “That’s so funny. No. Well, maybe someday. But for now I’m just a makeup artist, content creator, brand ambassador for Wowie Zowie Cosmetics, and model,” she counts each role on her fingers, then adds as an afterthought, “Jay is a wellness guru.”
You furrow your brow, “Wellness… guru?”
“Lifestyle coach,” Jay corrects, “Shepherding people to wellness through mindfulness, yoga, and nutrition.”
Dieter rolls his eyes. 
“Ohhh,” you nod, “Wow, you’re both, like, really popular on the internet?” 
“I have over 10 million followers,” Lilly advises, “So, yeah.”
“She didn’t know who I was, either, if that makes you feel better,” Dieter teases, casting a smirk your way. 
You wince and shrug, “Yeah, I, umm… live under a rock, I guess. Sorry.” 
“I like that,” Jay says, still eyeing you up like you’re a piece of fucking meat, “It’s refreshing. We should all be so lucky to be sheltered from the world in such a digital age.”
You raise your eyebrows, “I mean, I read the newspaper every day, so I’m very much aware of what’s going on in the world—“
“Right, but,” Jay starts.
“—Just, you know, stuff that matters.” 
A stunned sort of silence falls over the table for a moment, then laughter erupts from Dieter’s throat. You grin at him, and Jay must think you were kidding, because he joins in on the laughter. 
“You’re funny,” Lilly flashes this smile that doesn’t reach her eyes, then lets out an exasperated sigh and looks around, “Are we going to get some fucking service here or what?” 
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Throughout the meal, you remain quiet. 
You don’t share your thoughts on the cuisine, or the wine, or the world-renowned chef. Your face stays painfully neutral as Lilly and Jay dominate the conversation, going on and on in a masturbatory fashion about their busy lives. 
More than anything, Dieter wants to tell them to fuck off. He wants to tell them that neither of you fucking care about subscribers or algorithms or sponsorships. He wants to comment on the restaurant’s heavy-handed use of bear décor and kiss you and tell you he loves you. 
But Darlene’s warning to be on his best behavior rings in his head. 
Despite this, the one bottle of wine you agreed upon is easily negotiated up to two. 
After the plat principal is cleared from the table, Lilly leans towards Dieter and asks “So, what’s new with you? We haven’t heard from you in, what,” she turns to Jay for confirmation, “Months?”
“Summer, I think?” Jay supplies. 
“Yeah,” Dieter nods and looks up at you, watching the way you wiggle in your chair and look down at your lap. He shrugs, “I’ve been keeping busy.”
“I see how it is,” Lilly pouts, glancing between his eyes and mouth, “Pookie gets a girlfriend and forgets all about us.”
Heat rises to his face. Every muscle in his body clenches. A hundred violent images flash through his head. The words shut the fuck up wrestle their way up his throat. 
“How did you all meet?” you ask, plastering on this polite smile. 
Lilly combs her long fingernails through her hair, “I met Dieter at some fundraising gala last year.”
Dieter’s leg starts bouncing. He leans his elbows into the table and presses his closed fist against his lips, watching you absorb this information. But he can’t get a read on you. 
“She introduced us,” Jay nods to Lilly, “Yeah, we were at this party, it was fucking wild—”
“Lua doesn’t wanna hear about that,” Dieter cuts in, dropping a hand to the table.
“It’s fine, Dee,” you chuckle, then take a big swallow from your wine glass. Unconvincing. 
Jay ignores Dieter’s protest, “It was one of those nights where everyone got very well acquainted with one another, if you know what I mean.” 
Your fake smile twitches. 
“Sounds… hot,” you offer. You empty the remaining pinot grigio in your glass down your throat. Dieter mirrors the action, taking the wine like a shot of hard liquor. 
Lilly sips her martini and lets out this wistful little sigh, “Soooo hot.” 
“I have to go to the bathroom,” you announce as you push your chair back, then hurry away from the table before anyone else can respond. 
His blood boils. 
He glares between Jay and Lilly, well aware of the slew of insults percolating at the tip of his tongue, held back by his awareness of the public eye surrounding them.
“I’ll go talk to her,” Lilly says.
Dieter grits his teeth and warns, “Lillith—”
She waves him off and starts towards the bathroom. 
“Dieter,” Jay smirks, tilting his head, “You seem upset.” 
“What an astute observation,” Dieter mutters, crossing his arms over his chest, “Fucking incredible.“ 
“What’s wrong?” 
“Oh, fuck off.”
Jay raises his eyebrows, “So we’re touchy, ok. Is it because I told the story?” 
Dieter says nothing, just grinds his teeth together. 
“She doesn’t know about your more salacious hobbies, I take it?” 
“She sure as fuck does now,” Dieter grumbles, “Thank you for that.” 
Jay scoffs, “What, is this your first date or something?”
Jay hums and takes a sip from his cocktail. 
Dieter shakes his head. Scrubs a hand over his face. 
Then he sits up and points at your empty seat, “If she’s going to hear about that shit from anyone, it should be me. Not some fucking ghouls just trying to get a rise out of her.” 
“Then why didn’t she hear it from you?” Jay questions, pausing a beat before he sighs, “You know, you gotta own your demons, man. It’s not my fault you didn’t tell her—”
“Yeah, I fucking know, ok?” Dieter snips. He leans his elbows against the table, looking towards the women’s bathroom, “What’s taking them so goddamn long?”
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Behind the roar of the flushing toilet, you hear the bathroom door open, followed by the sharp click of stilettos against ceramic tile. You open the stall door to find Lilly leaned up against the marble slab countertop, pulling a tiny silver canister from her clutch. 
She looks up at the mirror and makes eye contact with you, “Hey, girl.” 
“Hi,” you smile politely and approach the sink. 
While you wash your hands, you watch Lilly through the mirror as she cuts two thin lines of coke right on the countertop. She fishes a short straw out of her purse and holds it out to you, “Do you want any?”
The ghost of cocaine’s allure sends your heart racing. It’s tempting, but you decline. She shrugs and leans over the counter. You look away and hear the two deep, short breaths through the straw. You swear you can feel the rush vicariously. 
She sits up straight and keeps one nostril plugged closed, taking a few sharp inhales, making sure she got it all to the brain. Her eyes flutter and throat hums with contentment, “Fuck, that’s good. You sure you don’t want any? 
“I’m fine,” you assure her, but don’t go to leave. You lean one hip against the sink and cross your arms, “Did you and Dieter, like… date?” 
Lilly releases a chuckle, a sniffle, then rubs a fingertip against the white marble countertop where her blow was cut, “Oh, no. We fucked, like, a lot. But no, we never dated per se. It was more of a fuck buddy arrangement. No biggie.” 
She scrubs her finger against her gums, then turns to the mirror to assess her appearance. 
“Was that while he was still with Anika?” 
“Well, yeah, that’s how it started. He asked if I could be their third,” she sniffles a few times as she examines her nostrils, “I know Kate Ridley was seeing them for a while, but that must’ve fallen through. Anyway, we all fucked around and it was fun. I brought Jay with a few times. Then Anika got turned off or something, she didn’t wanna get together anymore. Jealous I think, probably. He reached out to me for some one-on-one time.” 
The information hits you like a slap in the face. A kick in the gut. A fist closed around your windpipe, squeezing tighter and tighter.  
You can’t breathe. 
“And of course I said yes. It doesn’t hurt to cozy up to a guy like him, with his connections and all. Good career move. Plus, he’s so good in bed. Fucks like an animal,” Lilly giggles, “Not that I have to tell you, right?”
Your face heats and lips part to respond, but she continues without regard. 
“If you ever wanted a third, I’d be happy to step in. Jay, too, I’m sure of it. He was checking you out. You’re hot, you know, in a non-traditional kind of way. How long have the two of you been going out?”
She stares at you, waiting. Your throat croaks and you hear yourself say, “A few months, officially.”
“Oh, are you two, like, serious?” 
You bring your hand to your throat and nod, “Yeah.”
“Weird,” she murmurs, “After what happened with Anika, I thought he was done trying to pretend he was like that.”
“Like what?”
“Like… monogamous, you know. He told me he’s a free spirit, doesn’t want to be tied down by one person ever again, all that. Then he disappears and re-emerges in a supposedly serious relationship, no offense, but it’s just confusing.” 
“Oh,” you breathe, frowning down at the floor, “Well, maybe he changed?” 
“The man is almost 50, I doubt that,” she scoffs, checking herself out in the mirror, then glances over at you, “Or, I mean, maybe? Hopefully?” 
You nod solemnly and swallow the knot in your throat, “Should we go back?” 
“Sure,” she shrugs, then leads the way out of the bathroom, into the dining room. 
When you meet Dieter’s eyes, his annoyed expression goes slack. You lay one hand flat, palm facing the ceiling, balling the other into a thumbs up on top, and raise both hands. The signal he taught you back in your apartment before this clusterfuck started: Help. 
Once seated, you keep your eyes low, trying to keep the steady hum in your chest from amplifying. Everything seems fuzzy and out-of-focus.
It’s too much. Too much noise. Too much information. Too much change at one time. You want off this fucking ride. You want to be home in bed, hidden under the covers where no one can reach you. 
“We should go,” Dieter announces from far away. 
Your body is cement. Limbs frozen. Lilly’s words play on repeat at a deafening volume: 
I thought he was done trying to pretend he was like that.
He’s a free spirit, doesn’t want to be tied down by one person ever again. 
“Oh, come on, Pookie–”
“Stop fucking calling me that,” he growls, then softer, in your direction, “Are you ready, love?”
You nod, then look from Lilly to Jay, your smile wavering, “It was nice to meet you both.”
Dieter leads you past blurry tables of shiny, well-to-do patrons, his hand at the small of your back, burning through your dress. You can feel his gaze glued to your profile, trying to assess the damage. You can hear the words queued up behind his closed lips. 
A restaurant employee holds the door open for you. The cool night air kisses your heated, buzzing skin. 
“Hey, are you ok?” Dieter asks, his thumb working against your spine. 
You look down at the sidewalk and open your mouth to tell him, but it’s all a jumbled mess at the base of your tongue. Fire rises up your throat and tingles behind your eyes. You just shake your head and smother the sob in your chest. 
Tears bloom in your eyes and drop to the cement. You croak out, “I’m fine.”
He scoffs. 
The valet rolls up in Dieter’s cartoonish, pea soup-colored two-seater and tosses him the keys. 
Once inside, you clasp the seatbelt. Grip the leather upholstery. Stare out the side window as the landscape starts to move. 
“Louella” he coos, glancing between you and the road. 
The car clunks a little as he shifts gears. You grip the seat tighter. Watch the city lights fly by. 
He tries every once and a while to talk to you, but you can’t make yourself respond. 
You’ve been here before. 
You know what happens if you make a sound. If you vocalize the protest in your lungs.
What happens next is acceleration. 
Car horns. 
Those vacant black eyes. 
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The second the car pulls into Dieter’s garage, you’re unfastening the seat belt. 
When he shifts to park, you yank on the door handle and scramble from the vehicle. 
The entryway door slams in Dieter’s face as you kick off the stupid high heels you never would have picked out for yourself. 
“What the fuck is your problem?” his voice booms through the house when he opens the door. 
By now, you’re halfway down the hall, making a beeline to his en suite bathroom, leaving a trail of jewelry behind you like breadcrumbs: the left earring, the right earring, bracelets, a necklace. All these brilliant ornaments Kelly loaned you to make you look more refined.
Dieter’s footsteps sound from a few paces behind as you turn into his bedroom. 
“Louella, come on. Why won’t you talk to me?”
The edge his words carry make your heart jump and your feet move faster. You hurry into the bathroom, closing and locking the door behind you.  
He jiggles the handle, “What the fuck is this? Are you fucking kidding me?” 
“Why didn’t you tell me?” you ask. 
“That I slept with Lilly and Jay?“ he scoffs, “I didn’t think it mattered who I fucked before you—”
“That’s not what I mean. You know that’s not what I mean,” you press your forehead against the door and squeeze your eyes closed, “When I asked you what happened with you and Anika, you said the two of you grew apart. That—that she was resentful—like it was her fault–”
“Open the door so we can talk about this,” he says in a low voice, “Please, baby.”
You shake your head, whimpering, “Why didn’t you tell me?” 
The door handle jiggles again, “Come on, Lua, open the door.”
“I can’t.”
“Yes, you can, just unlock it—”
“Answer me.”
A hard thud shakes the doorframe. 
You jump back and yelp. 
“This is so fucking stupid,” he seethes, “Lock yourself in my fucking bathroom instead of talking to me. You realize how fucking stupid that is, right?” 
He hits the door again. You scramble away from it, watching the doorknob rattle. 
“Stop it, Dieter,” you cry out, backing yourself up to the wall, “You’re scaring me.”
“I’m scaring you?” he scoffs, his words still steeped in red, “Do you really think I would fucking hurt you?”
You slide down the wall and collapse into a pile, covering your head. All you can hear are your own shattered breaths. 
A few quiet moments go by. 
When his voice comes again, it’s a plea. 
“Fuck, I’m sorry.”
You look up at the door and sniffle, wiping your eyes. 
“I—I wanted to tell you. I mean, I was going to tell you. I swear to god. It’s just,” there’s a soft thump against the door, and you can picture him on the other side, forehead pressed up against it, “Do you know how hard it is to admit that you’re a piece of shit?”
You don’t say anything, just watch his still shadow beneath the door. 
“Do you know how hard it is for me to willingly show you that? I mean, fuck. How–how are you supposed to trust me now?” 
What follows is silence. Broken up by occasional sniffles and wet, labored breaths. Your chest aches.
Slowly, you rise to your feet and pad across the cool tile floor. 
When you reach the door, you don’t say anything, just press your palm against the barrier where you think his heart is. And you swear, if you concentrate hard enough, you can feel its steady rhythm.
“How are you supposed to love me now?” he whispers, “You won’t even look at me, Louella.”
Your eyelids clamp shut and you take a deep breath. Then you step back and turn the doorknob, pulling the door open. 
And there he is. 
Dieter Bravo. The man you love. 
His eyes all puffed-up and red-rimmed, cheeks streaked with tears. Every handsome feature laced with remorse. 
You wrap your arms around him, burying your face in his suit jacket. He envelops you in a warm embrace and squeezes you tight. 
“I’m–I’m sorry for yelling,” he tells you in a hoarse whisper, petting your hair, “I’m so sorry. I don’t know what happened, I lost it.”
You swallow hard and rub his back, a silent kind of reassurance. 
“I would never hurt you, Lua,” his voice cracks, “I’m not him. I’m not him.”
Instantly, tears flood your eyes. 
“I know, love,” you croak out, pulling him closer, “I know.”
Dieter kisses the crown of your head with reverence. Then your forehead. He tilts your chin to face him dead on, grazing his nose against yours, “Wanna talk about this more in the bath?”
You nod and weave your fingers through the curls at the back of his head. His lips meet yours, lingering for a tender moment before he pulls back and makes his way over to the soaking tub. 
While you wash the makeup off your face, he fiddles with the water temperature and crumbles a magenta bubble bar in the stream. The sweet scent of blackcurrant fills the air. You glance up in the mirror and see him shucking off his suit jacket, eyes trailing down your spine. His breath heats the nape of your neck when he draws close and unzips your dress, his movements gentle and slow as he slides it off your shoulders. 
The dress falls at your feet. You turn to face him, murmuring, “Look up.”
He does, and you set to work on his shirt buttons. When you’re halfway down his chest, he asks, “Will you tell me what she said?”
“She, um,” you pause to bite down on your bottom lip, then sigh, “She told me you and Anika would fuck around with her and sometimes Jay. Then, you know, just her.”
He hums in acknowledgment. 
You reach the end of his button-down, then spread the shirt apart. As he takes over tugging it off, you ask, “Was that something that you wanted, or…?”
“We both wanted to try it,” he shrugs. Your hands move to his belt buckle and you unfasten it. He continues, “Thought it would reignite that passion. It was fucking stupid because it just made us both jealous.”
He pauses to kick off his slacks, then ushers you face the mirror again. You watch him unclasp your bra and toss it aside, glancing up when you recount, “She said you didn’t want to be tied down by one person ever again.“
He nods, diverting his gaze, “Yeah. Well, that’s true. I didn’t,” then his eyes return to yours, “But then you came along. Fucked up all my big plans to be lonely and miserable forever.” 
You can’t help but grin. 
He casts a backwards glance at the tub, “I think it’s ready.” 
Dieter gets in first, groaning as he lowers himself into the bubbles. You sit on the opposite side and tip your face to the ceiling, stretching your legs across him, then sink down to your shoulders. 
The water burns your skin a little, but you like it. It feels real. 
“Hey,” Dieter rumbles. 
You swivel your head down to look at him, but can only see bubbles.
“Holy shit,” you giggle, then sit up and meet his eyes, “What?”
“Come here, doll,” he reaches out to you.
You slide your feet under the water and crawl over to him, closing your eyes as you lay your cheek on his shoulder and relax against his body. He wraps his arms around your waist, snuggling you like you’re his favorite teddy bear. 
One of your hands occupies itself by absentmindedly tracing the edges of his jaw. The shell of his ear. That one silver hoop earring he refuses to part with. Your nails work into his hairline and play with his damp curls. 
“Were there others?” you ask him. 
His tongue clicks against the roof of his mouth, then he admits, “Yeah. A few. Just hookups, really. Lilly was the most consistent, and that was still, you know…”
“No strings attached?” you smirk. 
“Why did you do it?” 
Your spine arches as he draws a big breath in, then releases it, “All the reasons I said it didn’t work. That was true, you know. I was gone a lot. Filming, meetings, press stuff. A few days here, a week there. There was one stretch where I was gone for two months. I’m not drowning in work or anything, but it adds up. I don’t think she realized that being with me meant being away from me that often. And. Yeah. 
“At first, it upset me a lot. I thought she would be supportive and loving. Compassionate, you know. But she turned so cold when she was mad. Completely ignored me. Acted like I didn’t exist. Even when I begged for her reassurance, for her to show me she still cared and noticed me, but she wouldn’t react. I felt like a ghost. It-it kind of reminded me—”
He pauses here for a moment, holding his breath, then releases a soft, sad chuckle. His Adam’s apple bobs. When he starts again, his voice is watery. 
“It reminded me of what it was like for me growing up. If I didn’t please my dad, he would ignore me completely. I would act out, be loud, push him until he exploded. Because then… then at least I knew he could see me. It was something, you know?”
You blindly cup his cheek and graze your thumb against his beard to let him know you’re listening. He nuzzles into the touch, a small rumble sounding from his throat. 
“Maybe I was acting out with Annie? Or maybe just trying to… fill that emptiness, loneliness. Or numb out. Forget that my wife didn’t love me anymore. I don’t know. I guess it doesn’t matter. I started using again. Heroin, oxy, bars, morphine, adderall, booze. Whatever I could get my hands on, really. But blow has always been my favorite. It makes me feel…”
“Yeah,” he says, “Yeah. Powerful. And with other people I actually felt… desired. Plus, they were both a rush. I felt alive. When I was home I was hollow. I stopped groveling for her affection when I started fucking around. Neither of us wanted to work on the hard things. The whole fucking thing, you know, it metastasized. And—and our relationship died.” 
“Fuck,” you grimace. 
Dieter cranes his neck to look at you, “Too bleak?”
“No, it’s not that,” you tell him, “It’s just… familiar.”
Adrenaline spikes your bloodstream. Your mouth opens to say more, then you close it and hold your breath. 
He rests his cheek on your head. Squeezes you a little tighter. Like he’s prodding you so say more. 
“Do I make you happy?” you ask him. 
“Do you make me happy?” he repeats, disbelief raising his voice an octave. 
You nod.
“I told you earlier,” he kisses your hairline, “You make me so happy, Louella.” 
“But will you feel the same tomorrow?” 
“Obviously,” he lets out a little snort of laughter like he thinks you’re kidding. Silence settles. His body seems to tense and he adds, “Really, love, I mean it.”
Your teeth catch your bottom lip. Brows lace together. Then you ask, “What about a month from now?”
“Don’t do that, come on—”
“A year from now? Or—or longer, even—”
“Lua,” he huffs, then pulls you up to face him. His eyes are soft and pleading. He brushes his knuckles against your cheek, “Look, we won’t be happy every second of every day. You know why?”
A sharp pain radiates across your chest. You wince and shake your head. 
He tilts your chin up to meet his eyes and says, “Because it’s fucking impossible. If we do this thing right, which I fully intend to, sometimes we’re going to be scared, and frustrated, and–and we might want to take an easy way out. But I’m telling you that I will not do that. Because I love you.” 
You search his face and only find sincerity. Your stomach flips in a freefall so violent it makes you gasp, “Fuck, I love you.”
He smirks, gaze flicking between your eyes and lips, “And I’m going to love you tomorrow.” 
Your heart skips. Heat creeps up your neck. 
He cups your cheeks and locks his eyes onto yours, “And the next day, and ten years from now, and all the way until my next fucking life, ok?” 
“Ok,” you nod. Tension liquifies and drains from your body. The corners of your mouth upturn and you ask, “What then?” 
“What then?” he snorts, shaking his head with amusement, “What do you think? Hmm?”
You grin and shrug, pressing the tip of your tongue to your front teeth. 
His eyes drop to your mouth and he pulls you in for a kiss. When you part, he murmurs, “I’ll fucking find you in the next life and fall in love with you all over again.”
The words electrify you. You hook your hands behind his head and press your forehead against his, “Promise?” 
“Cross my heart,” he murmurs, and kisses you again.
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From "The Creeping Man" (Sherlock Holmes (1984))
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From "The Adventure of the Retired Colourman" (The Case-Book of Sherlock Holmes)
In Granada Holmes, they didn't make an episode about "The Adventure of the Retired Colourman" but they chose to use Holmes' last words (of the book, thus of the canon) in another episode, that is "The Creeping Man".
I think that they knew the real meaning behind those words and that's the reason why they wanted Holmes to say them.
Holmes is apparently referring to the fact that he was the one who had solved the mystery, but it doesn't make much sense. In fact, the readers of Watson's stories already knew that Holmes had solved many cases for which the police took the credit. I mean, Watson wrote and published the stories; it wasn't a secret!
Therefore, what's Holmes really talking about? What's the "true story"/"entire truth" that Watson couldn't write about in those years?
I think we all know very well what it was.
Today, we can and we must talk about their love. We owe it to them. We owe it to Doyle. We owe it to all the people who had to hide their love.
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mlobsters · 3 months
rewatching dune (1984) which i've seen a handful of times, fallen asleep during the desert scenes more than once, and have a fondness for but also haven't watched it in at least a decade. i want to watch the new movies but wanted to refresh my memory on this movie again first
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something very brazil (1985) about this
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talking giant brain creature has a vulva mouth, how could i forget
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the shields and the slow knife live rent free in my head
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let 👏 characters 👏 sweat👏
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uh oh paul's gotta fight the spiky dick
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paul's dad gave me willem dafoe double take
i think what was so effective for me in this movie was how memeable it was. i read the book and for some reason it was a slog for me, but that plus the movie really drilled these phrases into my daily thoughts. the sleeper must awaken, arrakis dune desert planet, fear is the mind killer, the spice must flow etc.
so i wonder if one of the main issues with this movie that people have is how much it relies on voiceover. i don't know about the complaints, just that it's generally not liked
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"you are so beautiful, my baron. your skin, love to me. your diseases lovingly cared for, for all eternity." and they say romance is dead
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i remember the heart plug pull vividly but the implied sexual assault while he's bleeding out by the baron, not so much. the gays are evil, guys
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i feel like jessica and rachael from blade runner (1982) occupy the same place in my brain. another movie that put me to sleep a lot, with that afternoon sun and the smoke. knocks me right out
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pulsating, then squirting for spacetime folding, got it 📝
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is this not what hentai jizz looks like?
3 squirts and we made it to arrakis, dune, desert planet
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i genuinely like how they do the shield effects
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i had to go find clips of dean stockwell as al in quantum leap because i was so sure his voice was so much lower in that compared to this. and yes, it is! good job, brain
duke: "damn the spice!" *gasp*
you know, it's been a long ass time since i watched this. and the constant voiceover of characters voicing their thoughts is really getting heavy handed. show not tell, amirite 🤪 maybe it's because i know the story already, but for the most part i feel like the voiceover specifically to the character thoughts wasn't even explaining anything that wasn't already expressed in the scene anyway most of the time
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the effects were nice having the sand blowing off, really helped give it scale
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and now paul's gotta deal with the itty bitty flying dick of death!
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so they make the bad guy fat with visible illness on his face, a murdering gay rapist and he wears nail polish. oh, and red hair. really hitting it out of the park
i think about this poison gas tooth thing on the regular
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captain picard shouting "long live duke leto" while holding the pug and rushing into battle, i started cackling
womp womp with the poison tooth fail ;(
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jack nance as nefud / bill smitrovich in life goes on (1989-1993)
i keep thinking he's the dad from life goes on
for whatever reason, the thumpers are what always captured my imagination. i think i just like the sounds.
paul: "Remember, walk without rhythm and we won't attract a worm. It will go to the thumper."
anyway, walk without rhythm and it won't attract the worm how did i not realize until this very moment that song was a reference to dune! haha. walk without rhythm is such a strange turn of phrase
tell me of your home world, usul!
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also forgot the lusting after his nephew, sting. they really went all out making the harkonnens the most grotesque
baron: "A poison has been introduced into your body, Thufir Hawat. By milking this, this smooth little cat's body, you receive your antidote. It must be done each day."
i think this must be past the point when i usually fell asleep watching this. i know i've seen it all the way through more than once but apparently milking a cat???? didn't leave an impression. also this just never comes up again. but bro made it to the end of the movie so i guess he was successful in milking it
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the truly unfortunate green screening is consistently the worst effect, a shame
reverend mother: "There is a place… terrifying to us, to women." paul: "This is the place they cannot look. Traveling without moving."
lol what. silly girls are afraid of teleportation 😔
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pacing is all over the place. it was going okay but then paul's making out with chani, his sister is born and is like 8 years old now (heyo baby alicia witt), we gotta zoom through 2 years of war and boop boop now paul's drinking the blue water and going where no woman can go while they all bleed from their face parts
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space cigarettes, no problem. but then they gotta go try to make this glowing golden thing and it's terrible
would be remiss to not include the dick shaped harkonnen ships but i ran out of images ;<
this big showdown with the emperor etc i am hanging on by a thread to not fall asleep/close :p truly lost the plot. way too much worm action, way too long of boring repetitive action sequences
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using my image last slot for having the baby kill the baron/send him on his way to become a worm snack
LOL the pug is in this big fremen gathering! captain picard managed to survive and keep the dog alive! good god will this ever end. now we're gonna have the world's slowest knife fight with sting
and now it's raining somehow. sure
oh my god. that took forever. ok well, i can see why this movie has put me to sleep more than once and panned. and there's some really memorable and interesting things about it, and i think it goes fairly strong (with some issues like excessive voiceover) for the first 2/3 or so. but oof. i definitely liked it more 20 years ago :p anyway, i'm glad i watched it again so i could take off the rose tinted glasses before watching the new movies
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sweetfirebird · 3 days
After reading at least two (original) fics where the authors made angels/the christian canon real, and clearly did absolutely no further thinking about how that would relate to or imply anything about colonialism and non-European cultures, I just really want to tell you how amazing it is that you put so much thought into the Beings universe and those subjects in that universe. It’s just really nice to see someone being thoughtful about the implications of their worldbuilding
oh wow. I wonder about that kind of thing even when I am watching like, an old Buzzfeed Unsolved and Ryan starts talking about "demons" and never clarifies what he means by it but presumably the Christian idea of demons. And he's clearly never thought about like... any other views about such things.
And that's just me watching the silly ghosthunting show! So authors who do that in fiction and don't even consider the implications even a little bit???? Baffling to me.
(sidenote: consider the implications makes me thinks of It's Always Sunny. every time)
You don't have to do a lot, authors! And if you do... well even Tolkien with all his worldbuilding sometimes just sort... handwaved it. Building a whole universe is hard!
Ghostbusters! the 1984 comedy movie! about busting ghosts! even thinks about this a little bit by having a Catholic bishop? archbishop? cardinal? be there!! Anyway HE gets asked about all the ghosts and the implications of them, and his answer is a joke but clearly it occurred to the writers as something someone ought to think about a little if ghosts and aliens? alt dimensional beings! and Sumerian gods are real.
This is similar to the issue I had with that urban fantasy m/m I was reading the other night. *If* that world was one in which the fae are actually the ones in charge (I say if because the author didn't make it super clear) then why... would the world be almost exactly the same as it is now? Colonialism, capitalism, America's history (presumably, from the references) all the same??? Not even a little change except I guess it was queer normative now (except still sexist so you figure it out)
I know it's fun to say oh what if magical creatures were real and very gay and they fall in love all the time. Or what if omegaverse genders and heats were real in the modern world. But then like... things would be different. Not necessarily better, but different.
If you don't stop to think about that for a second, you get something like the book I just read, or you know, the Harry Potter universe. Where powerful beings existed who could have stopped many horrible things from happening... but just didn't for some reason. And yet we are expected to like these creatures and find them sympathetic.
(Though this author also kept putting weird magical species-racism in the story and never examined that either. So. Perhaps I'm expecting too much.)
Anyway. A rant. I'm so sorry. :) Thank you! :):):)
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